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Requests are OPEN - She/her - Hangman Adam Page Stan - fan fiction writer - 30 years old
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cowboywritersworld · 1 hour ago
Hi miss Italy, do you have a strong accent?
Hiii ( ˘ ³˘)♥ I think so? Years ago I went to Spain and a taxi driver told me I seem Spanish, if it wasn't for my Italian accent.
In Germany they mostly think I am German, but realise my Italian accent.
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cowboywritersworld · 1 hour ago
Get To Know Me Uncomfortably Well
1. What is you middle name? 2. How old are you? 3. When is your birthday? 4. What is your zodiac sign? 5. What is your favorite color? 6. What’s your lucky number? 7. Do you have any pets? 8. Where are you from? 9. How tall are you? 10. What shoe size are you? 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 12. What was your last dream about? 13. What talents do you have? 14. Are you psychic in any way? 15. Favorite song? 16. Favorite movie? 17. Who would be your ideal partner? 18. Do you want children? 19. Do you want a church wedding? 20. Are you religious? 21. Have you ever been to the hospital? 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? 23. Have you ever met any celebrities? 24. Baths or showers? 25. What color socks are you wearing? 26. Have you ever been famous? 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? 28. What type of music do you like? 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? 30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 31. What position do you usually sleep in? 32. How big is your house? 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? 34. Have you ever fired a gun? 35. Have you ever tried archery? 36. Favorite clean word? 37. Favorite swear word? 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 39. Do you have any scars? 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? 41. Are you a good liar? 42. Are you a good judge of character? 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? 44. Do you have a strong accent? 45. What is your favorite accent? 46. What is your personality type? 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? 48. Can you curl your tongue? 49. Are you an innie or an outie? 50. Left or right handed? 51. Are you scared of spiders? 52. Favorite food? 53. Favorite foreign food? 54. Are you a clean or messy person? 55. Most used phrased? 56. Most used word? 57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 58. Do you have much of an ego? 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? 60. Do you talk to yourself? 61. Do you sing to yourself? 62. Are you a good singer? 63. Biggest Fear? 64. Are you a gossip? 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? 66. Do you like long or short hair? 67. Can you name all 50 states of America? 68. Favorite school subject? 69. Extrovert or Introvert? 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? 71. What makes you nervous? 72. Are you scared of the dark? 73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? 74. Are you ticklish? 75. Have you ever started a rumor? 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? 77. Have you ever drank underage? 78. Have you ever done drugs? 79. Who was your first real crush? 80. How many piercings do you have? 81. Can you roll your Rs?“ 82. How fast can you type? 83. How fast can you run? 84. What color is your hair? 85. What color is your eyes? 86. What are you allergic to? 87. Do you keep a journal? 88. What do your parents do? 89. Do you like your age? 90. What makes you angry? 91. Do you like your own name? 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? 93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? 94. What are you strengths? 95. What are your weaknesses? 96. How did you get your name? 97. Were your ancestors royalty? 98. Do you have any scars? 99. Color of your bedspread? 100. Color of your room?
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cowboywritersworld · 5 days ago
😍😍😍 that's the angst I definitely needed today. 😍 would die for Jay to touch me like that, tbh... Of course tag me in all future Jay fics pls!
Screwed // Part 2
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Read Part 1 here
Pairings: Jay White X fem reader, El Phantasmo (Riley) x fem reader
Warnings: language, implied sexual content, angst!!!, violence. No use of Y/N, or any descriptors for the narrator. I try to leave it as open to interpretation as possible for you the reader to imagine whoever you’d like. I tried to keep it gender neutral as well, but I did end up saying the narrator is a woman for storyline purposes.
I could kill him. A week. He had let a whole week go by. Riley hadn’t told Jay yet. He apparently was going to tell him that first day, but when he finally came face to face with Jay, he panicked. He promised me he just wanted to collect himself and his thoughts to figure out how to start the hard conversation. Riley told me he would talk to Jay tomorrow. And then six more tomorrows came and went. Now, here we are a week later, and I swear when Jay does finally find out, someone is going to have to bury both Riley and I because I’ll be dead from guilt if Jay doesn’t kill me first.
It was hard to be around Jay the first couple days after. I was struggling to act normal, and Jay could tell something was up with me. He’s a straight up, no bullshit kind of guy. But thankfully, Jay’s respectful enough to not push me on the subject since I clearly wasn’t ready to talk about it. By the third day, I had managed to swallow the guilt and act like nothing had happened. I could still see the curiosity in his eyes, but he was waiting for me to bring up the subject. And I was waiting for Riley to get the balls to talk to Jay.
I knew the more time that passed, the more angry Jay would be when he finally knew. It was bad enough that it happened, but the fact that neither Riley, nor myself, spoke to him about it will just make it worse. By the second day I had considered just telling Jay myself. And when I said that to Riley, he swore up and down that he would. Now, I feel like I let it go too long for me to talk to him.
“Is that what you’re wearing to the ring?” The accent I’d come to love, and dread, broke me from my thoughts.
Giving myself a once over in the mirror, I caught his eye in the reflection. Confused, I asked, “yeah, what’s wrong with it?”
“Aren’t you missing something?”
I studied my outfit. Tonight I’d chosen to wear one of my own Bullet Club shirts. I’d cut it to be a crop top, and to show off some cleavage. I paired the black shirt with white jean shorts, fish nets, and my trusty doc martens. For a moment, I questioned if I had forgotten a bra or panties and somehow Jay knew. I squinted at myself before Jay laid his jacket over my shoulders.
“If you’re not going to wear my shirt, you have to have some other thing of mine.”
“In my defense, you usually give me your jacket after we make our entrance.”
“Usually you’re wearing one of my shirts to begin with.” His hands wrapped around my waist to spin me around, blatantly looking me up and down. “Though I do admit, your new shirt is cool and the way you cut it up,” he cut himself off to smirk at me.
I smirked back before giving him a gentle shove away. “No one else is going to wear my shirts so I gotta get these babies selling somehow.”
“Don’t worry, once the fans get the view I’m getting right now, they’ll sell out.” Jay winked at me, and I couldn’t contain my eye roll.
As I turned away from him to head towards my bag, I caught Riley’s stare. The emotions were clear as day on his face: the envy, the sadness, and the guilt. I gave him a small smile before quickly checking the time.
“All right boys, time to go.”
Jay was pissed. The club had lost tonight. Tama and Tanga had lost their tag match, Jay lost his G1 match, and Kenta had lost his singles match. On top of the losses, I had taken a nasty bump during the tag match that definitely could’ve been avoided had I not chosen the wrong time to get involved.
I was standing with Jay as he was filming his after match thoughts. He was irate, yelling about the refs being against Bullet Club as usual. My head was pounding, and all I wanted was to change and head back to the hotel for the night.
I wasn’t paying attention to anything Jay was screaming about, until I heard my name. “Get her some fucking ice! Can’t you see she’s fucking hurting?”
A young lion rushed forward to hand Jay a bag of ice, and Jay was quick to rip it from his hands and shove the boy back. “Not for me you fucking, dumbass. Her!” Jay turned to me, putting the ice to my head before continuing on his rant.
Thankfully, Jay finished up not long after. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and practically dragged me away, yelling how this was still the Jay-1 Climax and he would turn things around. Once we were far enough that we were out of sights of the cameras, he dropped his voice. “Well, tonight was fucking shit.” He glanced at me before continuing. “You’re an idiot too.”
I glared at him, ripping myself away from his arm. “I was trying to help.”
“Yeah and how’d that work out for you?”
“Fuck you, Jay. I’m not in the mood for your fucking bitch fit.” And that’s how we walked into the locker room. Yelling at each other like a married couple. None of the guys looked up at us as this was usual for us on nights where the club took one too many losses.
I was shoving my things into my bag as Jay was going on and on about how everyone fucked up tonight. Usually, I’d just sit calmly and let him get his rage out before we’d all decide what we were doing for the night. But like I told Jay, I’m not in the mood. So the minute I was sure I had everything packed, without even bothering to change, I grabbed my shit and headed for the door.
Unfortunately for me, Jay being Jay, decided to block my way by leaning against my exit to freedom. “And just where in the fuck do you think you’re going?”
“As I said Jay, I’m not in the mood.” I exasperated.
“Oh, well I’m sorry. You’re not in the mood.” Jay said sarcastically, putting his hand to his chest.
“Seriously,” I snapped. “My head is fucking pounding. Losses happen. For once in your fucking life, get over it. You know better than anyone that the club will bounce back from this. So get out of my way so I can go back to the hotel and sleep this shit off.”
Jay stared blankly at me for a moment. If my head wasn’t throbbing so bad, I’d probably be a little nervous. Jay wasn’t the kind of guy that hides his emotions. And I couldn’t read him at the moment. Yeah, definitely a scary thought when you don’t know what Jay White is thinking.
“You should get checked out.” He said calmly, crossing his arms over his chest. Now that, I wasn’t expecting. And of course he could tell he took me by surprise.
“If your head is hurting that bad, you should get checked for a concussion.”
If my back wasn’t to the guys, I’d see them all sitting on the edge of their seats. This was very out of character for Jay. Not the caring about my wellbeing, he always checks on me when something happens. But him stopping one of his yelling fits, that’s odd.
I sighed. “I’m fine. It’s not a concussion. Just a bad fall and your yelling isn’t helping.” And now out of character for me, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and ask him to move. “Now, can I please get out of here?”
“And you know it’s not a concussion how? Are you a doctor now?” Jay was poking a bear he did not want to fight right now. When I’m irritated, the last thing anyone should do is press my buttons. Of course, I say this as if I’m not talking to the king of pressing the big red ‘DO NOT PRESS’ button that everyone has.
“I’ve had my fair share of concussions. I just need to sleep it off. I already asked you nicely, I’m not going to a second time. Get out of my way, Jay.”
See, the mistake I made here was giving him my usual attitude when we’re arguing. I should’ve brought out the crocodile tears and maybe he would’ve pitied me enough to let me leave. But that would’ve been too out of character for me. I can’t help that sometimes Jay can bring out the worst in me.
So Jay in his Jay fashion, smirked at me. That big obnoxious ‘I’m about to push you to your absolute fucking limit’ smirk. Thank god, before Jay could piss me off anymore than he already has, Fale spoke up.
“Alright, enough you two. Everyone get your shit, we’re going for drinks. On me. We all need it.” The big man gave everyone a look to show there was no arguing with him. But I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try the puppy dog eyes on him. Benefits of being the only girl in the group, and Fale secretly being a giant teddy bear.
“Fale, I’m,” he’s quick to cut me off though.
“No, we’re going out. You included. You’re in the club, are you not?” He got me there. He always knew how to sucker me into going out with them. Even when I absolutely didn’t want to.
I sighed in defeat. “Fine, but I’m not driving. I’ll be waiting outside.”
Turning back to the door, I caught the blue eyes that were still smirking back at me as if he won the argument we didn’t even get to finish. I didn’t say a word to him. I just stared blankly at him as I motioned with a wave of my hand for him to move. Thankfully, he did without argument. As I scooted by him, I had no choice but to brush against him as he’d barely stepped a foot away from the door. He took advantage as he placed a hand on my shoulder to halt me in my tracks, leaning in to press his lips to my ear.
“This isn’t over though, darling. You and I will finish this later.” Jay whispered in my ear. And if I wasn’t already still heated from the argument, I was sure as hell hot and bothered now.
I was quick to take my leave now given the chance. I knew the guys were going to take at least twenty minutes for all of them to shower, change and pack up. I was relishing in the thought of the short lived peace and quiet I was about to have before things were to get crazy as they usually do on nights we go out. I could only hope nothing as bad as last week happens again.
I got not even five minutes of my quiet time before there were footsteps approaching me. My first thought was that it’d be Fale, since he was the one that suggested the outing and would be the most eager to get going. But to my surprise, and maybe a little dismay, it was Riley.
Regardless of both of us trying, things had been weird. Truthfully, I blamed it on us having this dirty little secret. I’d like to hope and believe that had we come clean and told Jay right away, we could’ve moved past this and been back to our normal selves. Instead, any time we were alone we were either arguing about telling Jay, or in an awkward silence. Neither of which I felt like dealing with right now.
“I’m going to tell him tonight.” Now that, I was not expecting. What is with these two men and shocking me tonight?
I turned to him, giving him my full attention. “And what in your right mind makes you think tonight, of all nights, is the best time to tell him?”
Riley ignored me. “You’re telling me you’ve been pestering me about telling him and now that I want to, you don’t want me to?”
“It’s not that I don’t want you to tell him. I’ve wanted to tell him for the past week! But he’s already pissed after all the matches tonight. Why would you think it’s a good idea to tell him when he’s already mad?” I crossed my arms over my chest, and tapped my foot impatiently. I couldn’t believe the audacity of this boy.
“Well, for one, I’m actually hoping his anger will be more directed to those issues than this. And second, once Fale gets a couple drinks in him, he’ll loosen up and will handle it better.”
“You’re kidding me, right?”
“You know I’m right. Once he has a few drinks in him, his anger will dissipate. You and him will go to your normal flirting. He’ll get into a good mood. Then I’ll take him outside for some air and break the news. Problem solved.”
“You’re an absolute moron. That is quite possibly the dumbest plan I’ve ever heard. You know the second you tell him what happened, all the anger will return, and will be multiplied by all the shit tonight and the alcohol added into the mix.”
“So you don’t want me to tell him?” For a second, I questioned if this was his actual plan. Force me to decide not to tell him so he doesn’t feel guilty about keeping it a secret for another day.
I groaned, massaging my temples in hopes of alleviating my ever growing headache. “Riley, he’s already pissed. As much as I’ve wanted to tell him for the past week, I really think tonight is not the best night.”
“Tell me what?” And there it was. Shit hitting the fan. Apparently, it was possible for this night to be worse than last week.
Jay stopped dead in his tracks. His bag was hanging loosely by his side, almost hitting the ground from how slack his grip was. His eyes snapped back and forth between me and Riley. He didn’t let a minute pass before he asked again. “Tell me what?” I could see and hear the frustration in him growing again.
Thankfully, there was some distance between Riley and I. Otherwise, I’m sure Jay would’ve been able to make an assumption about what was going on. He’s a smart guy. I can’t imagine he hasn’t noticed that Riley and I have been off this past week. Not teasing each other the way we normally do. Going almost out of our way to not sit near each other.
Jay took a deep breath before dropping his bag onto the ground. He waved his hands between the two of us as the anger swept over his face. “If one of you don’t tell me what the fuck is going on.”
I glanced at Riley, who looked like he was shitting bricks. In that brief second, I decided he wouldn’t be able to tell Jay. Not when he was caught so off guard and Jay was already irate. I think Riley genuinely believed that he could catch Jay at a ‘good’ time and Jay wouldn’t absolutely rip him to shreds.
To my surprise again, Riley beat me to the punch. Though, I wish he had thought more before he just blurted out, “We slept together.”
My breath caught in my throat, and I was sure my heart stopped beating. If I thought my heart fell to my ass when Riley told me he had a crush on me, I was sure my heart fell out of my ass as Jay stared the two of us down.
I expected a big blowout. For Jay to go beat red in the face, steam to come out of his ears and him to scream at us until we were both deaf. But he didn’t say a word. And a quiet Jay was much scarier than a yelling Jay.
I didn’t dare take my eyes off Jay. I wanted to catch the first signs of whatever reaction would come from him. Of course, I’m expecting him to be seething with rage. And I should’ve expected his reaction, but he still managed to catch me off guard. Because in the blink of an eye, he closed the gap between himself and Riley, giving Riley a hard right hand to the jaw that knocked him to the ground. He didn’t hesitate to get on top of Riley and start pummeling him.
“Jay!” I yelled at him. Riley did his best to block his face, but Jay, who I could only imagine was seeing red, managed to still land the punches.
Jay was yelling at Riley so loud and fast, I couldn’t make out what he was saying. It may as well have been gibberish for all I cared. He was so incoherent, I wondered if even he knew what he was saying.
I was used to having to break up fights between the boys. But never as physical as this. Nowhere near. The closest I had ever seen was Tama and Jay butting heads and going chest to chest. But even then I managed to squeeze in between the two to separate them. And by the next day, they had both cooled down and moved on. I knew I wouldn’t be so lucky this time.
Springing into action, I wrapped both hands around Jay’s right bicep, successfully stopping his next punch to Riley. Riley was busted open. He hadn’t even attempted to throw a hit back at Jay. He just laid there and took whatever hit Jay got past his attempts at blocking.
Jay’s head whipped up to look at me. He ripped his arm out of my grip, stepping over Riley to go chest to chest with me. Forcing me to step back, but never letting me get any space between us. Now, I knew Jay would never do anything to hurt me. But the look on his face. He’s been angry with me before. Like I said, when he gets into his bitch fits, we tend to argue. But his anger has never really been caused by me. Like him, I would push his buttons to further his anger. But I had never, that I could recall, been a direct cause of all of his anger. I’m ashamed to admit that I was scared.
“And you! Are you fucking kidding me? My best fucking friend? You fucking know how I feel about you!” I didn’t get a chance to respond, before Riley jumped up and pushed Jay out of my face.
Jay was heaving. I could tell he was about to have another go at Riley, so I was quick to put myself in between the two of them. Jay glanced down at me for a second, before snapping his attention to Riley. Riley tried to move me out of the way gently, but I shook him off, not letting either of them get a step closer to each other.
“Don’t yell at her like that! Jay, it was a fucking mistake, alright? We were both drunk.” Riley screamed at Jay.
Jay scoffed in return. “Oh yeah, it was a real fucking mistake when you’ve wanted to fuck for her as long as I’ve known you. You were just waiting for your chance to make your move.”
I looked to Riley and could see the emotions running over his face. I knew he was about to say something that would only piss Jay off further. I tried to cut in, to put in my two cents but Riley spoke over me.
“Real rich coming from the guy who’s had plenty of fucking opportunities to make a move but didn’t! Maybe if you weren’t such a pussy, it would’ve been your name she was screaming last week.”
Jay ran his hands through his hair as he panted. He took two steps forward but I was quick to put out my hands to stop him from getting any closer to Riley. He pressed his chest against my palms, though he didn’t push any further.
“Well, unlike you, I was trying to be a good friend and respect your feelings but clearly shit like that doesn’t matter to you!”
“Oh please, you never respected how I felt about her. You flirted with her from the moment you met her! And don’t give me the bullshit that that’s just how you are. The minute she was introduced into Bullet Club onscreen, you pranced her around like she’s your fucking property. You made her wear anything with your fucking name on it, and kept your arms around her like they were attached to her.”
“I’m the fucking leader! It’s only natural that the only girl in the group belongs to the one running the fucking show.”
“Hey!” I cut them both off. “I don’t belong to anyone. You of all people know the last thing I ever wanted when I joined was to be seen as just your girl.”
“And yet,” he smirked at me, “you wore whatever I gave you without any argument. No matter how much you claim you didn’t want to just be my piece of ass, that’s exactly what you are. And you enjoy it too! I could ask you to get on your knees for me and you would, no hesitation. Just like you did for Riley.”
The slap echoed throughout the almost empty parking lot. His head snapped to the side, and he slowly turned his glare back to me. Over his shoulder, I could see the rest of the guys making their way over to us. It was clear they had walked out just in time to catch me slap Jay. They hadn’t realized how serious the situation was, until they got closer and saw the tension, and the aftermath on Riley’s face.
“What the hell is going on?” I wasn’t sure who asked, my focus was zeroed in on Jay. Jay’s eyes were flickering back and forth between me and Riley.
I was so furious with him. And speechless. I couldn’t muster up anything to say to him. I was so upset, I felt like I might cry any second. And I wouldn’t know if the tears would’ve been from sadness, or frustration.
“I would tell you both to go fuck yourselves, but clearly you’d rather do each other.” And just like that, Jay turned away. He grabbed his bag off the ground, and walked off.
Part of me wanted to chase after him. To beg his forgiveness. To tell him how sorry I was. How I never meant to sleep with Riley and it was all a drunken mistake. Part of me wanted to yell at him. For speaking so lowly of me. As if I meant nothing to him.
We all watched Jay walk off. No one made a move to follow him, all knowing better than to face more of his wrath. I was frozen in shame. Not only, did I certainly not want Jay to find out like that, but I definitely didn’t want the guys to know what had went down. I felt like a slut. And for a moment, I wondered if all this time, I had been acting like one.
“Hey,” a hand laid gently on my shoulder. The last person I wanted touching me right now.
All of the rage I was feeling right now: from Jay’s reaction, for myself for stupidly getting into this shitshow, and for Riley being the other half of the issue, I directed towards the person that was trying to comfort me.
I ripped my shoulder out of his grip, swinging around to face him. Riley stepped back in surprise. Not sure if it was from my reaction, or from the anger on my face.
“Don’t. Fucking do not. I don’t want to hear it right now, Riley.”
“You can’t seriously be mad at me after what Jay said.”
“We wouldn’t be in this fucking situation if it wasn’t for you, Riley! You yourself told me you had enough fucking clear thought going through your head that night to consider stopping it and you didn’t! And even if I look past that, and I blame it on the alcohol, you promised me you were going to tell him! And you fucking didn’t! You let a whole week go by and decided the night that he’s already fucking irate was the best night to tell him, and you tell me your stupid fucking plan as if Jay couldn’t walk out here at any given moment. And let’s not even talk about the fact that had you fucking been a man and told your best friend that it was okay for him to go after the girl you had a crush on since, as you told me, you can’t control your feelings, this,” I motioned between the two of us. “Would’ve never fucking happened! All this time, Jay and I could’ve fucking been together but regardless of what you think, he did fucking respect the fact that you had feelings first and he never let us get any further than kissing. You can’t even begin to understand the emotional turmoil I have put myself through questioning whether or not I was fucking crazy thinking Jay liked me. But you had to be fucking selfish and delusional holding on to some false fucking hope that you would live in your fucking fantasy world and get the girl in the end. Well newsflash, Riley, that was never going to happen!”
My heart was beating out of my chest. I swore if you listened close enough, you could hear it thumping. Had I not been absolutely blinded by rage, I would’ve felt unbelievably guilty watching Riley’s face drop in the most heartbroken expression I’d ever seen.
He was quick to wipe it away though. He swept his hands over his face before giving me a blank stare. “You know what, you’re right.” He paused for a moment, but I didn’t let my guard down. “I never stood a chance against Jay because you and him are made for each other. You both will go to whatever lengths you need to make the people around you feel the pain you’re feeling so you don’t have to feel alone in it.” And then Riley walked off, just like Jay had.
I let out the breath I didn’t even know I was holding. I was so overwhelmed with so many emotions, I was frozen in place. I didn’t know where to begin to process what I was feeling. All I could do, was turn to the rest of the group and ask, “Can you drop me at the hotel, please?”
Author’s Note: As I’ve been writing this mini series, I’ve realized how I could absolutely cook someone in an argument if I didn’t have crippling anxiety that makes me immediately want to cry when any confrontation happens 😂
Part 3 will be out in a few days. I’m thinking I may hold off till Wednesday to post it. Thankfully it is written. I just have to finish up Part 4. Part 4 will be the final part but it feels like a bonus chapter? Only because the way Part 3 ends I could stop, but there are some things left open I need to give closure to.
Tag List (just for this mini series): @madhatterbri @cowboywritersworld @smallestsnarkestgirl
If you’d liked to be tagged in all future Jay fics, let me know! :)
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cowboywritersworld · 6 days ago
Ooh I like it! Glad that you found courage to write about Jay thanks to me and Bri 🥰 can't wait to read the other parts!
This was so good and as full of angst as I love it! Very well done.
Screwed // Part 1
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Pairings: Jay White X fem reader, El Phantasmo (Riley) x fem reader
Warnings: language, implied sexual content, angst, some fluff (sorta??). No use of Y/N, or any descriptors for the narrator. I try to leave it as open to interpretation as possible for you the reader to imagine whoever you’d like. I tried to keep it gender neutral as well, but I did end up saying the narrator is a woman for storyline purposes.
Author’s Note: The dynamic the reader has with Bullet Club is very heavily inspired by a two part imagine on Wattpad by babyface2216. Not sure if they have a tumblr, but I’ll link the story here.
This story was also almost solely inspired by a dream I had that I decided to turn into this. I want to thank @madhatterbri and @cowboywritersworld for writing Jay fics recently and giving me motivation to write for him lol. So this, my first Jay fic, is dedicated to you both 🫶
I never knew it was possible to feel so guilty. And I shouldn’t feel like this. We were drunk, shit happens. But god, out of everyone I could’ve possibly slept with, it had to be his best friend? Him and I aren’t even official. I mean sure, everyone knows how we feel about it each other. We’ve made out a few times, some might say we’ve gone on a few dates but we never called it that, it was just us hanging out.
Don’t get me wrong, I want to be with him. But something always gets in the way: the guys interrupt, one of us has a meeting, wrong place, wrong time. What bothers me the most is when he pulls back. I can’t even begin to count how many times I thought we were finally going to do something and he pulled back. Of course he would never tell me why. Always played it off like he didn’t just put a stop to it for no reason.
I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong. Maybe he doesn’t have feelings for me like I thought. Maybe he feels guilty knowing how I feel and he’s just trying to get his dick wet. Which, he’s never done with me as I said. But I don’t think any of that is the case. I’m not blind, I see the way he looks at me. I’ve felt the way he plays with my hair when he thinks I fell asleep during the movie. I’ve felt him press a gentle kiss to my forehead just before he left my room. I’ve seen the smile he gives to me and no one else. I get to see the soft side to him no one else gets to see. So why does he pull away?
The bed stirred behind me, and the arm around my waist tightened. I am royally screwed.
“Mm, good morning.”
I groaned. Throwing the sheets off me, I reached down and grabbed the closest piece of clothing I could find. Unfortunately for me, it was his shirt. But knowing I needed to cover up and get out of here as fast as possible, I took what I could get.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He sat up, still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. I scrambled around the room, trying to collect my clothes and gather my thoughts. I still couldn’t wrap my mind around what we did. Being drunk isn’t enough of an excuse for me.
“Hey,” he grabbed my wrist, putting a halt to my escape. When I finally mustered the strength to turn around and look at him, I felt more guilt. His brows are furrowed, clearly confused as to why I’m reacting so bad, but he also looks a little hurt. I don’t blame him. I am acting pretty bitchy but I don’t know what to do.
“What’s going on in your head?” He stared into my eyes, waiting for an answer I couldn’t give him.
I took two steps back from him and ran my hands through my hair. Not only am I feeling guilty, I don’t think I’ve ever felt so awkward. We’re close friends, but I never saw him in a way I thought would end up with us drunkenly hooking up.
He sighed, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Thankfully, in the time I’d been gathering myself, he at least had the decency to pull on some boxers. “Look, this doesn’t have to be weird.”
“You’re kidding right?” I glared at him. How could he possibly think this isn’t weird?
“Alright, so it’s a little weird. But it doesn’t mean we have to make it weird. It was fun, right?” Though he was smirking at me, I could see some doubt in his eyes. He was genuinely asking me how I felt about last night. If the guilt hadn’t already hit me like a ton of bricks, it sure did now. I could barely remember anything from last night. All I knew was we were the last two at the bar, the rest of the guys surprisingly decided to call it an early night. He wanted to make sure I got back to my room okay. I don’t know what was going through either of our heads that led to me inviting him in, and us hooking up.
I sighed and sat next to him. I ran my hands over my face and through my hair again. “To be honest, I don’t remember much from last night.”
We sat in silence for a few minutes. A comfortable silence we’d sat in so many times before, yet this one was different. I gladly accepted it though considering the situation we were dealing with.
“Last night,” he started, as he turned to me, finding me already looking back. I cut him off before he could continue.
“Was a mistake. I mean, obviously, but,” I paused for a moment. Standing up, I started to pace as I felt like I was going stir crazy.
“God, I don’t know what to do. Do we tell him? I mean, we have to tell him. Right? We’d be horrible people if we kept it a secret.” He scoffed, interrupting my rambling. I whipped around to find him glaring at me.
“Us fucking doesn’t make us horrible people. We were both drunk, shit happens.”
“Yeah but,”
“But nothing! You guys aren’t even dating!” I had never seen him so tense. Actually, I don’t think I’d ever seen him so frustrated. Or, I guess I’d never seen him so frustrated with me. We’d always had the teasing kind of friendship. The kind where if a stranger listened in they’d think we were bullying each other. But we took each other’s words with a grain of salt.
“You know how I feel about him. I-“ he cuts me off again. Standing up to put more distance between us. I’m over by the window, hugging myself as if it’d protect me from this argument I was dying to get out of.
“Yes. Everyone fucking knows you’re in love with Jay. And yet, here you are waking up in bed with me.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Riley?”
He laughed incredulously. “What do you think I mean? You’re so in love with Jay, yet you left with me last night. You invited me in.”
“Oh fuck off! You say it as if you and I weren’t the last two there. You insisted you wanted to make sure I got back safe.”
Riley laughs at me again. “You invited me in.”
“Would you stop fucking saying that!”
“Doesn’t make it any less true.”
“God, Riley, I was drunk off my ass. I don’t actually remember a time I was that fucking drunk. I literally have no recollection of what the fuck was going through my head.”
“Yeah, so? What, are you going to tell me you were so out of it you thought I was Jay? Or maybe you were picturing him since he doesn’t seem to want you.”
His face fell, in the same way I imagine mine did. I could see the regret wash over his face instantly. It didn’t make his words hurt any less.
I bit my lip, and rapidly tried to blink away the tears. I didn’t want to give Riley the satisfaction of hurting me the way he wanted to a moment ago. “Fuck you.”
Walking over to the desk, I made quick work of throwing my phone and wallet into my bag. Just barely catching site of my key card, I ripped my bag off the desk and brushed past him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Riley make a move to grab my arm, but I was faster and managed to get by.
Just before I could open the door, Riley spoke again. “Where are you going? This is your room.”
“I just need to be as far away from you as I can be right now.”
He sighed. “Look, I’m sorry. That was a shit thing to say.”
I couldn’t look at him again. Partially because a few tears had managed to escape. And partially because I was too ashamed to let him see the doubt that was eating away at me. I couldn’t leave though. Riley‘s words had more weight to them. Like he knew something I didn’t. I pressed my forehead into the door, unwilling to turn around and face him.
“Does he?” I whispered. I didn’t think he heard me. I spoke so quietly and he sat on my question for a moment before responding with his own.
“Does he what?”
“Does he not want me? Does he not feel the same way?” I turned around, leaning back against the door. I feared if something wasn’t supporting my weight, I’d collapse in my self pity and shame. “Jay has had so many chances. And I know I’ve made it so disgustingly obvious how I feel about him. When we’re on screen he does everything he can to imply that I belong to him. Makes me wear his jacket, his shirts, keeps an arm around me, glares at anyone that could possibly be giving me the eye. But the minute we’re alone, fully alone where nothing can stop us from finally moving forward, he does. He pulls back. Why?”
I can’t bring myself to look up at Riley. I always held my head up high, like I was so strong that nothing could bother me. I’d never let any of the guys see me cry, let alone doubt myself. It’s hard being the only girl in Bullet Club. I didn’t wanna be seen as fragile. I wanted the guys to treat me like an equal. Sure, I did things the guys couldn’t do. Distracted their opponents by batting my lashes at them and maybe, just maybe wear something a little too revealing in matches I thought my boys needed the extra upper hand in. But all the more, that made me have to carry myself in a way that everyone knew I wasn’t just some piece of ass the Bullet Club drags around with them. I can’t tell you how many bumps I’d taken for my boys.
Riley sighed. Catching my attention for a brief second before I looked away again. He sat down again. I could tell he was having an inner battle with himself.
“Look, I just said what I said to hurt you. I’m sorry. Jay, he,” Riley pauses for a moment. I finally bring myself to look him in the eyes, but he’s staring at the ceiling.
“You know Jay’s reputation, yeah? Before you came into the picture I mean?” He glanced at me for a second, then quickly looked away when he saw me staring back.
“Yeah. Everyone knows Switchblade’s reputation. That’s why when we first met, I brushed off his flirting. I didn’t wanna be another notch in his belt. No less as I was introduced as the first female to join Bullet Club. I didn’t want it to seem like I was just his fuck toy.”
“And yet somewhere along the way you fell for it.”
“Are you saying he doesn’t have any feelings towards me?”
“No. No, not at all. I’ve never seen Jay with a girl the way he is with you. Do you remember that first night you came out with us?”
I thought for a second. The first night I went out for one of the infamous Bullet Club outings. I’d been part of the club for only a month at that point. The guys had tried convincing me to go out with them many times, but I’d never given in until then. I always thought I’d be intruding on some boys’ night type of shit. But I was finally starting to feel like I belonged. Not that the guys ever gave me the cold shoulder. Trust me, no one joins Bullet Club that they don’t want. I finally felt comfortable in the dynamic that had been set. Sure, it sort of felt like I was the mom of the group. Constantly making sure the guys were on time where they needed to be, and stopping fights when needed. But it had taken me some time to be okay with taking on that role, and to see they were okay with it too.
They had dragged me out to some bar, that was so lively it borderline felt like a nightclub. We had gotten what was apparently their usual booth, and a round of shots to “initiate” me into the club. It was a great night. One of my favorites actually.
“Of course I do.”
“So, you remember that blonde that was ballsy enough to send a drink to the table for you?”
There was this hot guy, he’d been eyeing me since he’d walked into the bar with his friends. The boys found it hilarious that here I was, the sole woman at a table of muscly men, and this lanky blonde had the balls to send me a drink. They couldn’t believe he had the nerve to pull such a move. Especially since Jay had his arm wrapped around my shoulder. And that was before him and I were anywhere close to where we are now. I had barely stopped rolling my eyes at his incessant flirting and started flirting back.
“What about the blonde?”
“You remember when Jay bought us a round of drinks?”
“Riley, get to the point, please.”
“Jay never bought the rounds on nights he won big. He went to buy the rounds because the blonde was at the bar. He didn’t plan on saying anything. You know Jay, he’s good at reading situations and getting the upper hand. Well, he overheard the guy tell his friends that he didn’t care about us surrounding you. He was going to make a move. He knew you wanted him too. Jay got jealous, and Jay never gets jealous. Or at least, at that point he didn’t. Everyone knows how full of himself he is. He has no reason to be jealous of anyone. Especially since you had just started returning his advances. But you had passed some comment about the blonde being your type and so Jay was threatened. I don’t know what exactly he said, but whatever he did, Jay scared him and his friends out of the club. I think that was the first moment I realized Jay had actual feelings for you.”
“So, why hasn’t he,”
“Because he knew I had a crush on you.”
I swore my heart dropped down to my ass. If I hadn’t been leaning against the door, I’m sure I would’ve dropped from the shock that had just smacked me in the face.
Riley has a crush on me? Riley, the dork that constantly bullies me. Oh shit, I’m a fucking idiot. Sure, I’ve had the teasing sort of friendship that I have with Riley with other guys. It’s just the kind of person I am, that if you didn’t know we were friends, you’d probably think I’m just down right mean. I blame it on the fact that I’ve always made friends with guys more so than girls. But as I think more about it, more how Riley is with me, he wasn’t just teasing me. It was Riley’s way of flirting with me. A sort of bantering way. I had always been so focused on Jay that I just never saw it.
I could feel his eyes on me. I don’t know if he’s waiting for me to say something, or if he was trying to get a read on me. Either way, I knew he wasn’t going to get an answer he liked.
I sighed. “Riley, I,” he cuts me off again.
“I know. Okay, I know, you’re in love with Jay. And I’m sorry that he’s held back with you because of me. He knew I had a crush on you long before you joined the club. I got really excited when the guys gave you the invitation. I thought maybe I’d have a chance. Of course, Jay being Jay, he flirts. He’s a flirtatious guy. And obviously, he’s not blind to how gorgeous you are. Somewhere along the way as we all got to know you, Jay fell for you. At the beginning, when he was just flirting with you and you were brushing him off, he insisted he wouldn’t make a move on you. Said he just couldn’t help himself around a pretty girl. And as time went on, you started flirting back more and more. You two got close and it became clear to everyone that you guys had feelings for each other. Sure, you and I are close, but not like you and Jay. To be honest, I can always tell when you guys have had moments. Because Jay always looks so guilt ridden when he catches my eye. I know Jay is too prideful to ask me if I’m okay with him making a move. And to be honest, I could never bring myself to tell him to go for it. Because I always held on to this delirious hope that somewhere, deep down, you’d feel the same way about me. So last night, when I walked you back to your room, and you invited me in, it was innocent at first. Just our usual antics, fucking with each other. Pushing each other around. I was trying to help you get your makeup off and get clothes out for you to change. But you just had so much energy still. Kept pushing me away, telling me you wanted to go back out and just do random shit until sunrise. I jokingly wrestled you to the bed and we rolled around for awhile until I was on top of you. We kinda stopped laughing, and I had a moment that I just got to look into your eyes and the alcohol gave me the courage to kiss you.”
I couldn’t stand anymore. Riley was giving me too much information too fast. I couldn’t begin to process everything. I dragged myself back to the bed to sit next to him. I sighed, staring a hole in the wall. I didn’t know what to say. But Riley continued.
“You kissed back after a second. I wasn’t expecting it. And things just kind of escalated. I knew I should’ve stopped it. I knew you didn’t feel the same. You were just drunk, and honestly probably just horny since I knew you weren’t getting anything from Jay because of me. But I don’t know, I guess I was drunk enough to just let it happen and figured I’d deal with it today. I’m sorry.”
I remained quiet. I didn’t know how much time had passed. Hell, I wasn’t even sure what time we’d finally woken up. I didn’t know what to say. I mean, I knew what I was thinking. I was pissed at him. Pissed at the fact he let last night happen, let alone him making the first move. Pissed at him being the reason that Jay had held back for so long. Pissed at him for being the reason I’ve been so self conscious because of the way Jay could be so hot and cold with me. Pissed at him for being selfish enough to know Jay was almost waiting for Riley to give permission to make things official with me but still not doing it.
But I couldn’t bring myself to say any of that to him. Because at the end of the day, I loved Riley. Just not in the way he wanted me to. He already knows that, and I didn’t feel like I need to hurt him anymore than I already have. “So, how do we move forward from here?” I asked.
Riley sighed. “Well, for starters, I’ll tell Jay. Everything that’s happened is my fault. I hope you can forgive me, and we can still be friends.”
I tried to catch Riley’s eye, but he was staring a hole into the floor. I hesitantly reached over and intertwined my fingers with his. He looked down at them, before giving my hand a squeeze.
“Riley, I’m sorry. I never knew how you felt about me. I feel like I’ve sort of thrown it in your face how I felt about Jay. I never meant to hurt you. And I’m sorry if last night I gave you the impression that there might’ve been a chance.”
He finally looked at me. A sad smile on his face that I’d never seen from him. I felt awful. “Trust me, it’s not your fault.” He shrugged. “You can’t help who you fall for.” Riley looked forward for a minute before looking back at me. “Like I said, I’ll talk to Jay. I think it should come from me. Him and I are long overdue for this talk anyway.”
A part of me was glad he wanted to be the one to tell Jay. And the smart part of me worried. I knew how hot headed Jay could be. I feared that this wouldn’t end well, for Riley at least. And I’d be devastated if I fucked up their friendship.
“Are you sure? I know you two need to have your guys’ chat but, maybe I should tell him. Jay is different with me. And honestly, Riley, I’m afraid he’s going to kill you.”
Riley laughed. “Oh, he probably will.” I gave him a look, but that just made him laugh more. “We both know how Jay is. He’s going to be pissed. I don’t expect this to start off well. But, I’m hoping he’ll give me a chance to tell him I’m okay with you guys before he fully kills me.”
“Maybe I should be there at least? Might lighten the mood a little bit.”
“Oh yeah. You being there as I tell Jay we fucked last night will definitely blow over well with him.”
“Well, at least I can pull him back.”
“Honestly, I don’t think that’d be the best thing. I know for a fact Jay will be beyond furious with me. But I don’t know how he’s going to feel towards you. Might not make him feel any better seeing us show up together just before I tell him what happened.”
“Riley,” he cuts me off again, giving my hand a squeeze.
“It’ll be fine. I have to do this, for you, for Jay, and for me.”
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cowboywritersworld · 12 days ago
Anonymously ask me anything you want.
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cowboywritersworld · 12 days ago
I literally said I would die just because of this match AND THEY DELIVERED so much
Jay in all white?
Claudio in a mask?
Cope ripping off Claudio's shirt?
We were all fed.
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cowboywritersworld · 13 days ago
Ah, I wasn't expecting to be on this list. Thank you so much! ☺
Fic. Recommendations 2025 ~ Wrestlers
Just my personal library of my favourite writers & stories for wrestlers.
Please mind their tags & warnings if you check them out.
If you any recommendations, please send them my way, and I will check them out.
Masterlist - @madhatterbri
Masterlist - @eringobragh420
Masterlist - @katries
Masterlist - @terrortwinunicorn
Masterlist - @omg-im-such-a-masochist
Masterlist - @bullet-clubs-bitch
Masterlist - @surdelcielo
Masterlist - @himbos-hotline
Masterlist - @theworldofotps
@mrsarcherofinfamy (couldn't find a Masterlist, but check out their work. Great stories)
Masterlist - @cowboywritersworld
Masterlist - @im-just-a-mississippi-girl
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cowboywritersworld · 14 days ago
Love itttt
Feelings | A.S.
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Summary: Old feelings come to light.
Author's Note: My husband got me a cameo of this man for Valentine's Day. Like, sir, you ate with this gift so much. 😭
Happy Valentine's Day and Friday Night Smackdown, babes. ❤️
Alex Shelley Masterlist
WWE Masterlist
Taglist: @smallestsnarkestgirl @hodgepodge-musings @cowboywritersworld @magicalbuttertarts @letsgivethisonemoreshot @tahiri-veyla
"If you don't have any feelings for her, you wouldn't mind if I ask her out, would you?"
Months. It had been months since you and Alex Shelley broke up during your tenure with TNA. The feelings should have all been gone. The moment you two locked eyes at the WWE Headquarters, familiar feelings washed over him. Had you always had that sparkle in your eye? Have you always had that cute smile?
Alex couldn't tell the other wrestler that he wasn't quite over you. He couldn't tell him that since coming back to WWE, he reached out in his bed at home for you. The countless times he scrolled through his contacts and stared at your name. Shit. He was still in love with you.
"Nah, man, you are free to go. No feelings here whatsoever."
It's not like you would say yes, right? Your hugs felt a little long when the two of you connected. Your stares lingered on him when he left the room just as he did on you. There was no way you would say....
"Yes! She said yes!" The younger wrestler exclaimed five minutes later. He ran his fingers through his hair. "I can't believe it. Thanks again, man. You have been really cool about this."
That night, you lay in your bed deep in thought. When he first walked up to you, you almost thought it would be for Alex. The two men had seemed to strike up a friendship. Maybe your ex wanted to give the two of you one more shot. When his friend asked, you were so in your thoughts about Shelley that you told him yes.
Your fingers brushed against the skull and bones plushie he gave you one night after a fight. He always teased you about liking his ass and that night, you called him one. Alex went to the arcade to give some space. After the two of you made up, he presented you with the gift.
You hadn't been able to convince yourself to give away the one thing that gave you so much comfort. His presence and smell were still attached to this thing. Throwing it away would be the worst thing for you, but maybe it was time.
This would be the last night you ever cuddled with it you decided. You pulled Skulley closer to you. Your nose buried deeply in it to get even a hint of Alex's scent. Your eyes slowly closed after a brief battle with sleep. A single tear rolled on the skull.
Alex's friend was nervous about the date. He just didn't know where to take you. The thought of asking Alex seemed insane but then he remembered his best friend told him this was all okay. After their match, he asked him where to take you out.
Alex stood in place like his feet were rooted to the ground. Any thoughts in his mind were long gone. The smile he wore on his face faded. The easiest question to answer was now his hardest.
Movies and dinners were out of the question. You could never sit still. Your leg would bounce in an itch to do something. One night he found you in the mini arcade at the theater. Originally, he thought you ditched him. That's when Alex started to try different dates with you.
You liked arcades. Your eyes shined like the flashing lights whenever you were in one. Escape rooms were one of your favorites. The way you would boast about your brain power when you figured out a clue. Your competitive streak would sneak out when it looked like you wouldn't get out in time. A picnic date after the two of you hiked a nature trail made you smile wider than the Mississippi River.
His personal favorite would be when the two of you would sit on the couch. Her head rested against his chest to listen to his heartbeat. Head close enough so that he could lean down and kiss the top of your head. They were either reading their own books, playing on their switches, or he was studying for another certification.
"Arcade, man, she likes the arcade. Her eyes will shine like the machines if you take her there," he finally answered.
"What was that last part?"
"Nothing. Just take her to the arcade. She'll love it,"
His friend talked to you that night after Smackdown. He noted that he didn't think Alex was being himself lately. You nearly tripped over yourself at the news.
"He and I really don't talk much about what he feels. I wouldn't know much,"
But God did you want to. You found yourself wanting to talk to him and text him. Some nights you missed that your phone didn't light up with his name anymore. All the nights that he would text you good night and that he loved you. All the messages were still saved on your phone.
"I will try to get it out of him. See you tomorrow night."
You managed to place Skulley in the guest room. No matter how many times you tried to get rid of it, you didn't want to. It was like your child. Skulley was there for everything, and you needed him. As hard as you tried to be, you knew Skulley would be back in your bed by the end of the night.
"I'm coming!" You announced when you heard a knock at your front door. Tonight was the date night and you expected your date to be early. Briefly, you checked yourself in the mirror before you turned the knob. Your mouth dropped at what you saw.
Your date was standing at the door next to your ex-boyfriend, Alex. The licensed clinician looked ashamed. He looked down at the ground. His hands fiddled with the zipper of his leather jacket nervously.
"You idiots are still in love with each other. I thought Alex would try to stop me when I asked if I could take you out. I thought you would stop when I asked you out. You both are a mess. Talk to each other."
You blushed at the scene. It was like a cringy Hollywood film where the kids had to stop fighting in school or be grounded. Now they were forced in a room to talk out their feelings.
"I'm sorry," you muttered to him.
He smiled briefly at you. "Get inside and tell her how you feel. I will be waiting in the car."
Alex nervously walked inside. His hand played with his ear. You closed the door behind him. The alert on your ring showed that his friend wasn't going anywhere. He made himself comfortable on the bench on the porch. If one of you wanted to run away, it would have to be through the backyard.
"We can go sit in the living room," you offered.
"That'd probably be great," he agreed.
The two of you walked in an uncomfortable silence until he saw Skulley on the couch. You had been cuddling with him one last time before the date. His mood suddenly perked up. Maybe his friend was right. There was hope for them.
"You... You kept Skulley?" He asked.
You looked at Skulley and nodded. Your face burned brightly as you reached out to grab him. The ex-boyfriend was never supposed to know about him. "I couldn't get rid of him. I just kind of hoped we would find each other again one day. When I saw you at Headquarters, all the love I still had for you kind of came rushing back to me."
"Me too," Alex confessed. A feeling of relief washed over him. He looked at you and told you something he should have told you five minutes after he broke up with you. "I don't want to be broken up with you anymore. I'm sorry that I did it. We were just fighting all the time and I thought we needed a break, but we just suck at communicating."
"Well, he won't let us leave until we fix things," you chuckled and showed him the camera on your phone. His friend was sitting on the bench with his arms crossed. "So let's talk."
That night, you laid in bed with your head on Shelley's chest. The sound of his heartbeat lulled you to sleep. Skulley was cuddled with in your arms.
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cowboywritersworld · 14 days ago
😍😍😍 so cute! Thanksss
Home | E.P.
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Summary: "For the two of us, home isn't a place. It is a person. And we are finally home." with El Phantasmo pls? 🥰
Taken from @magicalbuttertarts Valentine's Day Prompts
Requested by: @cowboywritersworld
El Phantasmo Masterlist
NJPW Masterlist
Taglist: @smallestsnarkestgirl @magicalbuttertarts
"What's it like being able to go home?"
The question the interviewer asked still burned in El Phantasmo's mind. Home? As a professional wrestler, home was a foreign concept. The cities blurred together, hotel rooms felt similar, and the roar of the crowd was the same from city to city. There was only one constant that reminded him of home. His mind suddenly drifted to you.
The way you laughed when his jokes didn't land right. Your presence and care when you attended to him after a tough match. Your hand always managed to find his even in a crowded room. The ease it seemed to be for you when you saw the real man past the light up sunglasses.
His light eyes peered at you. The two of you were sitting in an airplane flying towards home. The physical home that the two of you shared after announcing the engagement last year. He still couldn't believe you wanted to marry him.
"For the two of us, home isn't a place," he answered.
The interviewer looked at him in confusion, so El Phantasmo decided to elaborate a little more.
"It's a person," he spoke with confidence and said your name. "And we are finally home."
El Phantasmo saw the tears in your eyes as he spoke about you being his home. She paused the video and hugged him. He kissed the top of your head. The two of you fell asleep in your seats, cuddling each other.
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cowboywritersworld · 14 days ago
Will you be my Valentine?
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General Masterlist | AEW Masterlist | Jay White Masterlist
Characters: Jay White, Reader, reader's daughter
Plot: Valentine is around the corner and Jay asks reader to be his Valentine, after a little talk with her daughter.
AN: @madhatterbri @5secondsofmoxley little Valentine gift for both of you! Hope you'll like it!
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"You and mama, Valentine?" Leonie asks Jay, while he is helping her draw a heart for Your/N.
Jay puts down the marker they are using, looking confused at the little girl. How does she even know what Valentine is? "Do you know what kind of day it is, Leonie?" He asks gently, with a smile.
"For people in love!" She explains chirping, clapping her hands.
"Yes, that's right little bean." He can't help, but keep smiling.
"You not love my mama?" She asks in an innocent tone, smiling brightly.
"I..." Jay blushed at that question: he has never asked her out, but knows he likes her. "Maybe."
They go back to drawing, Leonie already forgetting about all of that, while Jay keeps thinking about that. He bites his lower lip as they finish to color the heart, huffing when the little girl jumps at him, happy.
"Perfect! Thanks Daddy!" She kisses him sloppily on the cheek.
"You're welcome, little bean." Being called Daddy surely sounds strange to him, but he digs it. "What does mommy like?" He asks suddenly, while they put her things in her little backpack.
"ocoate! Roses!" She claps her hands, running to the door when it gets opened and Y/N is standing there waiting for her. "Hi mommy!"
"Hi little one." Y/N smiles lovingly, kissing her forehead. "Have you been a good girl?"
"She is always an angel, Y/N. There is a little gift for you in the backpack. We had so much fun today." Jay answers for the little girl, crossing his hands to his chest.
"Yes! Fun!" Leonie chuckled.
"Good, I am glad. Now we better get back to the hotel. You need to sleep, little miss. I am done for the evening." Y/N looks at Jay and smiles. "Thank you for taking care of her."
"You know I do it gladly. Have a good sleep, little bean. Same to you, Y/N."
Leonie's words are still in his mind, he can't forget about them. Maybe he should try to ask her out for Valentine. He is worried about a possible no though. What if she isn't interested in him? What if she didn't want a relationship after what happened with her dead husband?
"Uh, sorry Y/N." Cope's voice resonates in the room, as he almost bumped in her and her daughter.
"Everything is fine, Cope. Have a good rest of the show." Y/N is done for the evening, while they still have a segment to do.
"Yeah, Jay it's almost time for us to get out there."
Jay can't help but look at Y/N disappearing in the hallway, nodding at Cope, before following him. His mind still wanders to her while they wait to go out to the ring, but when Cope's music hits his focus is back on the work they have to do.
When they are finally done with the segment, he is the first to go backstage, taking his things and getting then into the rental car, driving to the hotel.
Trying to ask her out is his idea, in hope that she'll agree to it. He parks and enters the hotel taking the stairs until he is at the second floor.
"220... 222... 224!" He stops in front of the right room and takes a deep breath: his heart threatens to jump out of his chest and he has to calm down.
- 31 years old and you act like this is your crush, Switchblade... Pathetic. -
He knocks lightly on the door, to avoid waking the little girl up, in case she is already asleep.
Y/N is laying down next to her sleepy girl, television on at minimum volume, watching a movie she has seen over and over. She startles when she hears the faint knocking on the door, not expecting anyone. It takes her a moment to sit and then stand up, to go get the door.
"Jay?" She asks, confused, once she notices him. "Is everything okay?" She questions in a low voice, looking at him from head to toe.
"I wanted... I wanted to ask you something, Y/N. I'm doing fine. The segment was perfect." He doesn't know why he is talking about that, he is confused.
"I would invite you inside, but Leonie is sleeping... Sure, tell me." Y/N smiles brightly and Jay is left without a word for a moment.
"Ehm..." He coughs slightly to clear his throat. "I want to ask you out on Valentine's day? I know it's normally for couples, but I would love to grab something to eat with you." The blush which formed on Y/N's cheeks makes her look so cute to his eyes.
"M-me?" She is the only one there, so it's a dumb question, but she can't believe it. "If... If Leonie told you something, know that you don't need to do that. I am glad you have such a bond with her, but don't feel forced to have something particular with me." She has already lost her husband, she doesn't want to suffer anymore.
"Hey, look at me, Y/N." He gently raises her chin with a finger, forcing her to look into his beautiful eyes. She can swear her heartbeat stopped for a moment. "If I am here, asking you this, it's because I want to. I would love for you to say yes, but you can think about it."
Y/N turns slightly around, looking at her sleeping daughter: she is aware of having a crush on that man and maybe that is the best for their life? "Okay..." She murmurs, before turning fully towards him. "I'll be your Valentine. I'll find someone to take care of Leonie and we can then go a date together."
"What would you like to eat?" He asks, so that he can find a place.
"We'll be in Australia and I've never been there, so somewhere with typical food."
"Mommy, you look so beautiful!" Leonie kicks her feet happy and ready to go spend some time with Renee.
"Thank you little one. I'll come get you in Renee's room. You should sleep when she tells her to." She tells her very gently, getting a nod from her daughter.
"Mommy...?" Leonie starts to ask, looking up at her with puppy eyes. "Can Jay be Daddy?"
"Leonie..." Y/N walks up to her, hugging her. "We'll see. It's not so easy, Jay should love me and be ready to get in a relationship with me." Y/N stands back up and gets the door, smiling at Renee. "Thank you for taking care of her."
"Don't worry! Me and Jon will celebrate when we are back in the States, so it's a pleasure to spend the evening with her." Renee smiles at the little girl. "Who is ready for auntie time?"
"Meeee!" Leonie screeches and runs to her after getting off the bed.
"Take your time at the date. We got her. You look perfect, you'll kill him. Bye."
Renee goes away hand in hand with Leonie, chuckling to herself. Y/N goes back inside to apply some make-up, humming happily at the result. It's not long after that she hears another knock at the door and when she opens it she can only see a bouquet of roses in front of her.
"Jay?" She asks confused, smelling her favorite flowers.
"Happy Valentine, Y/N!" He finally lowers the flowers, smiling at her, while holding a huge heart-shaped box of chocolate. "These are both for you. You look stunning." He grins, noticing the blush on her cheeks.
"T-thanks." She takes the flowers and box gently, putting them on the desk. "You look stunning as well, Jay."
They go to his car and he opens the door for her kindly, driving them for about 20 minutes before they reach a sea side restaurant, with some tables directly on the sand.
Dinner goes insanely well, they talk the whole time, have fun, laugh together. Food is very delicious and the sunset makes everything even more romantic.
Jay pays for both, not wanting to let her do it, thus being a gentleman and, after dinner, they walk on the seashore, the water wetting their bare feet.
"I feel like I don't want this moment to end." Jay admits suddenly, his hand searching for hers.
"Me too. I am having so much fun. It's been awhile since I was so carefree." Y/N turns to look at him, smiling brightly.
"I think I might have fallen in love with you, Y/N." Jay finds the guts to tell her, in her beautiful eyes. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He is bold, but hopes she says yes.
"Are you sure, Jay?" She asks, giving him a chance to think it back. When he nods, her heart threatens to jump out of her chest.
"This date made me realise how I feel around you, what I want to do in the future. I love you, Y/N." He kisses her gently on the lips, on instinct.
"I love you too, Jay. Thanks for this date, you are so sweet." She finally kisses him as well, putting her arms around his neck..
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cowboywritersworld · 19 days ago
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Thanks for giving me a chance ❤
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cowboywritersworld · 20 days ago
Oooouuucchhhhh 🥲🥲🥲
𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 / 𝐣𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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(gif credit)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 — it's the end of the line for you and your boyfriend, jay 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 — pain, heartache, breakups, oh my! 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 — 912 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 — jay white x reader (anon request!) 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 — angst 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 — this is loosely inspired by the demi lovato song because i was struggling with an idea initially until twitter reminded me of the song and it finally clicked what i needed to do. i also listened to the song on a loop while writing so hey background noise to the pain ig 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 — @glamourwrites @reebs-luvs-rhodes-and-wrestling | if you want to be added to my taglist, then let me know!
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Everyone warned you not to get involved with him. Friends. Co-workers. Hell, even your own mother had warned you.
“He’s gonna break your heart.”
“You’re not the first and you won’t be the last.”
“You think you’re special, huh? He’ll dump you just like the rest.”
The words echoed in your ears like ‘I told you so’s’, yet you still held on to the glimmer of hope that he’d change his mind, that he was joking and this breakup was all some fucked up prank. The ache in your chest, let alone your whole body, said otherwise. The two of you were so close to making it to two years before it all fell apart after a random episode of Collision, a screaming match between the two of you that the fans exiting the arena could probably hear despite the thick walls of the arena.
It was a pattern that was becoming more and more prominent in your relationship to your detriment and it was exhausting. Jay was always on the road for work and it left you in an empty house majority of the week and anytime he was home it felt like you spent the whole time arguing until he left for work again. It was a draining routine that was affecting you more than you’d like to admit, and you had been dancing around the idea of cutting things off for good.
“Why do you always walk away when I try to talk to you?” You were the one to break the silence, not even questioning the fact the car ride was silent until now.
“Because you just want to yell about the same shit and accuse me of stuff I didn’t do instead of actually having a conversation.” Jay responded with a hint of malice in his voice, eyes locked on the road.
“That’s not fair. You don’t get to do that.” You shifted in the passenger seat to face him, eyes starting to get hot.
“Then what the fuck would be fair to you?” His words stung and all you could do was swallow your tears. You had cried too many times over Jay and the relationship and at this point you were convinced the man didn’t care whether you stayed or left, and that was enough confirmation for you.
The rest of the drive home was quiet, neither of you wanting to break the silence or be within the same vicinity as each other. It was when the car pulled into the driveway that you finally felt like you could breathe, as being in the car with your soon to be ex-boyfriend had become suffocating in the blink of an eye. Silence continued as the two of you grabbed your bags and headed into the house.
You knew that once Jay was out of your line of sight that the old routine would kick in again, that you’d wake up in your bed alone because he took the couch and he’d be gone before you even made your morning coffee. Enough was enough.
“I’m done.” Your tone was flat when you spoke. Jay didn’t even look your direction, opting to pour himself a glass of water. “We’re done.”
It was the first time he’d paid attention to you all night.
“What do you mean ‘we’re done’?” His voice and demeanor were softer compared to half an hour ago in the car, but you remained expressionless as you tried to keep your composure.
“It means we’re breaking up, Jay.” You looked him in the eyes as you spoke. “I’m tired of the fights and it’s obvious we’re becoming strangers. I don’t want to keep fighting for this if you don’t want to make an effort.”
“Aw, don’t give me that.” He scoffed, setting the glass down on the counter as he ran a hand through his hair, trying to register if you were truly serious. “You knew what you were getting into when we started dating, now all of a sudden it’s a problem?”
“It is, actually.” You crossed your arms across your chest, praying that your emotions wouldn’t betray you and let the tears fall. “I was in this because I genuinely loved you. I didn’t sign up for all this fighting and barely talking to or seeing each other when you’re home. You’re better off back on the road if that’s the case.”
“I’m trying my hardest here, okay?” Jay’s voice raises slightly but pauses when he notices you jump slightly. “I’ve been busting my ass for months to make sure we’re good, but am I not allowed to be tired? Am I not allowed alone time to decompress?”
“That’s not the- Jay, I don’t wanna keep fighting. I don’t wanna keep going back and forth.” You threw your hands up in defeat before letting them fall to your sides, knowing the frustration will grow if you continue to look at him. “If your job comes first, your job comes first. I’ll be gone before you’re home from tapings next week.”
It’s not like you really expected him to follow you as you walked away, but the fact that he stood unmoving from his spot in the kitchen solidified, at least for you, that this was the right decision. It wasn’t until you reached the shared bedroom — well, as of a month ago it became solely your room once you stopped sleeping in the same bed — that you finally let the tears fall.
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cowboywritersworld · 22 days ago
I follow you because you the best, Miss Italy ❤️
Do you want to make me cry??? You are the best too 😘😘❤❤❤
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cowboywritersworld · 23 days ago
Reblog if you want one of these in your ask box:
•A compliment
•A story
•Why you follow me
•A cute message
•One thing you want to tell me
•One thing you want to know about me
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cowboywritersworld · 23 days ago
😻 I very much like ittttt 😻😻😻
Dispatch | W.O.
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Summary: So if you may, a WW2 story with our man, Will Ospreay. He is training in England of course, but he is also a dispatch rider. One day, while taking his bike out he accidentally hits a woman and send her to the hospital, only with a broken arm. He is so upset about hurting an innocent bystander that he visits her in the hospital. They have an instant connection & they start an unlikely friendship. Him, eating dinner with her family, spending time together, slowly falling in love. Then, one day, he is shipped out, but he writes her and returns home to her, marrying her.
Requested by: @magicalbuttertarts
Will Ospreay Masterlist
AEW Masterlist
Taglist: @theworldofotps @smallestsnarkestgirl @hodgepodge-musings @magicalbuttertarts @99hook @cowboywritersworld
"I don't know how you do it, man, a dispatch rider by day and a wrestler at night? You have to be tired."
Tired was an understatement. The Englishman was exhausted. Long days sending letters and wrestlers were certainly catching up to him. Some nights he was lucky enough to get three hours of sleep. He constantly looked like a mess, but at least he had a job and was building towards his future.
One day in particular he felt more tired than usual. The boys decided to go out to the pub the night before. One of his commanding officers ordered him to send a package about twenty minutes from their current location. He grabbed the package and went on his way.
Will's eyes were heavy as he zipped through traffic. A couple of times, he almost ran into someone. He waved it off as the other driver was the problem. He turned to shoot him the bird. When he turned, back around an accident struck. He didn't see her in time. The poor woman was simply walking across the street before she was hit by his bike and fell to the ground.
The soldier jumped off his bike immediately and rushed to her side. He was panicking. Her arm was clearly broken as she held it close to her chest. Another woman ran out to help her up. Will continuously apologized to her. He couldn't believe he had been so careless. The injured woman looked at him sadly as she was led to a car to get to the hospital.
Guilt ate at Will. The soldier dropped the package off and quickly rushed to the hospital. Any time he blinked, he saw the sad look on the woman's face. He had to make things right with her. Apologize one more time for being an absolute idiot.
When he arrived, the woman was lying in a hospital bed. Her arm was wrapped up and placed in a sling. She talked to her friend from earlier but stopped when Will walked in.
He nodded, feeling a wave of shame as he watched her pain. "I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to… I just... I never saw you."
"You? You are the one that hit my best friend, Y/N, and you dare to come in here and..." Her friend started in on him but stopped when the patient started to speak.
"You’re the one who hit me, right?" she asked softly. Y/N moved to sit up slowly. She grits her teeth as the pain seared through her body.
She moved her noninjured arm to raise her hand to stop him from talking. "It’s okay. Accidents happen."
Something happened between them at that moment. Will visited her every day while she recovered, bringing her books, flowers, and anything to brighten her day. They talked regularly. Their similar interests cause them to become unlikely friends.
As the weeks went by, he spent more time with her. He joined her family for dinners, where her parents were warm and welcoming, despite the events leading up to their eventual meeting. Slowly, their friendship started to blossom into more.
One evening, they sat together under the stars. Will laughed at one of the jokes she had heard during her day at work. When he looked at her, he smiled with a sudden realization. He realized that he wasn’t just her friend anymore. He was falling in love with her. That night their love was sealed with a sweet, innocent kiss.
But soon, the soldier was called for duty. He received orders that he would be shipped out. They cried together at the train station. The unknown of when he would come home or if he would ever come home ate at them. The distance between them was grueling. Many nights were spent clutching the picture of the other. Silent prayers whispered into their pillows as they hoped to see the other again one day.
Months passed, and their connection to each other never wavered. And then, one day, when his orders were complete, he surprised her by appearing at her doorstep. They were inseparable once again. One day, he popped the most important question a man could ask a woman. With no hesitation, she immediately said yes. They married soon after in a small ceremony surrounded by family and friends.
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cowboywritersworld · 25 days ago
Hehehe 🤭🤭🤭
Less Stress | M.J.
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Summary: Y/N helps Matt feel less stressed about meeting her parents. 18+.
Author's Note: This was posted the other day, and I was kind of embarrassed, but I don't want it to go to waste. 😂 So let's just read this and be cool. K? K. I need to remember what's scheduled and what's not.
Matthew Jackson Masterlist
AEW Masterlist
Taglist: @smallestsnarkestgirl @magicalbuttertarts @bullet-clubs-bitch @cowboywritersworld
"Jesus, baby," Matt panted and put his fingers through her hair. "Look at me,"
Y/N looked up. Her innocence looks a sharp contrast to his dick in her mouth. He rocked his hips forward to push himself deeper inside of her. He brought his head back and moaned.
"God, you take such good care of me. I am going to cum in your mouth if you don't stop," he warned. When she didn't move away from him, he felt like he was going to burst right then and there.
"Fuck," he grunted and stilled inside of her. Strings of cum filled her mouth. She swallowed what he gave her.
"Less stressed about meeting my parents?" She asked after he pulled his swim trunks up. He gulped and nodded, although he wondered if now his mind would be brought back to this moment.
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cowboywritersworld · 1 month ago
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