#jd vance sucks
chuck-glisson · 22 days
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Look what JD Vance "Did", he must have REALLY got his "Rock's Off" THAT NIGHT!
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godisarepublican · 25 days
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time4hemp · 16 days
FOFLMAO -This speaks volumes! The Entire Family Of Kamala's Vice President Just ENDORSED TRUMP. Please share this.
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mcfriggingonagall · 10 days
They're replaying the handshake and it's Kamala who had to initiate the handshake. She walked nearly all the way over to his podium. Trump is to much of an ass to be respectful and a good sportsman
Trump is to much of an egomaniac to not get off topic and get heated. She for sure bated him multiple times, but he didn't have to take the bate.
Also, is it just me, or does the democratic VP pick remind anyone else of the Pillsbury dough boy ? Not in an insulting way. It's just the first thing that came to mind.
Come on JD Vance! Of course a national abortion ban is a possibility. Lots of Republicans are making their religious beliefs apart of their policy making. It's not to much of a leap to say that there could be a national abortion ban
God Trump really picked a VP whose just like him. He wouldn't shut up when the interviewer was trying to ask him a question
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willfrominternet · 2 months
jd vance is young enough that i see him as that jackass older neighborhood kid who was always getting into trouble and picking on other kids, but sucked up to enough of the right people to not get punished for it. any of the kids who knew better would call him out, and then vance would go running toward the nearest sympathetic adult crying, and that adult would yell at the kids who knew better for bullying him. and then vance would open one eye and give a snotty smirk at the other kids, and he would go back to fake-crying as soon as the adult looked down at him.
jd vance doesn't get a popsicle. jd vance doesn't get any sympathy. he's a smarmy shitbag of a manchild who wrote a book about how much he hated where he lived, got out of there as quick as possible, and now wants to punish, control, and tax the fuck out of the very working class people he derided throughout his life. not to mention his beliefs on women's, lgbtqia+, bipoc rights etc. the dude is a fucking chump among chumps.
not that i need to say this to you. you already know this. and you also know that he's next in line for the presidency if trump can't perform for whatever reason. think about that for a while and then vote democratic, because i'll be damned if that asshole jd from down the street is gonna become president after he kicked my dog and called me fat. motherfucker.
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vintageseawitch · 19 days
the most consistent stance jd "okay, good couch lover" vance had been consistent on is his sheer loathing of women, specifically those without children (that some have the "right" bits to carry a fetus but are infertile for whatever reason means nothing to him except they're not "real" women to him i'm sure). to all of us paying attention it's clear he has some serious mommy issues that he should go to therapy for instead of gaining unearned political power (since they will try to cheat to win). i think it goes further than that: i think he not only hates his mother but he has womb envy.
he talks shit about single, childless women, living their lives & being "miserable in their careers" or some such nonsense... but that's exactly what his wife was doing before they got married. then she bore him several children. oh, he freaking HATES that!! he wasn't the one who gave them life, it was a someone who was born with the right equipment & he was sadly not one of them!
between the pics of him in drag thay have been unearthed (maybe he was in costume, who knows), him admitting he once thought he was gay as a child (granted, this was in his book, so take this with a grain of salt... but still), & his relentless messages that he doubles down on with insulting women who are simply living their lives without a man when they could totally be having children right now!! why AREN'T they???? can't you see how miserable they all are???? & that they want us ALL to be miserable, too????
bruh. serious projection there. it's all a confession to me. you're big mad because you want to be the one that gives life so badly but you weren't born with the right bits to do this & since the cosmic odds have made it so billions of other people are born with it instead of him he's now making it everyone's problem. he hates us all for existing & instead of getting psychiatric help with his issues he's instead wanting a repeat of the rise of the Third Reich & all it took was selling whatever bits of a soul he had left for $15 million to a European, gay billionaire who while being married to a man himself ALSO loathes gay people so, you know, like attracts like.
jd vance is stupid, insipid, evil, stands up for nothing so will fall for anything, & weird. he once stated that he's "never been a trump guy" & that trump is "America's Hitler" & instead of standing with the rest of us who are seeing just how horrifying it is, he's on the side to make sure he wins.
trump is clearly falling apart before our very eyes. he's got some serious decline going on there. i think at this point they're expecting him to die & with vance as his vp he will then become president. you think trump was bad, who is only out for himself & saving his own hide, but vance? in deep with the Heritage Foundation & the likes of peter thiel (he looks like the ghoul he truly is) & curtis yarvin (he thinks that people who don't work - & this includes people who simply can't - should be turned into biofuel. he was "just joking" of of course. all sociopathic fascists are when faced like this)? this uncooked weenie of a person who is also really fucking evil will be our president instead. as pathetic as he is he should still be taken seriously. in the end, womb-envy vance is our real problem. his spine is the puppet strings the fascist elite hold him up by. he will sell out his wife & children if it will make his rich daddies happy.
they're evil & they can't win. we need to fucking stop them. please vote!! NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT PROJECT 2025 OR AGENDA 47. THEY'RE THE SAME PLAN. trump is a fucking liar. he doesn't talk about policy because Project 2025 IS his policy. fuck outta here. check your registration status often especially in blue states. let's fucking do this 💙
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inb4denn · 2 months
To any of my aspiring writers out there, if J.D. Vance can do it then it's not nearly as hard as you think it is.
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son-of-drogo · 2 months
In case you weren't already voting for Biden to keep Trump out of office, Trump's running mate is JD Vance, a horrible piece of shit.
I'll level with you, Biden sucks ass but if Trump gets back into office, every single marginalized person will be in danger. This election could literally be life or death.
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intheholler · 2 months
what the fuck is up denny's <3
i've been awol due to birthday things and bipolar brain but i just got flipped into a righteous fury seeing jd vance was selected as 45's running mate so now i'm back
my best friend is a librarian and patrons of their library system (they live in a fairly big city) are ALREADY putting themselves on wait lists for hillbilly elegy and the libraries are ordering more copies
i really did feel like perceptions were beginning to tip toward the positive, but its always one forward, two back i reckon.
appalachia, we have to keep being really fuckin loud. theres about to be so many more voices to scream over top of.
and if yall were still reluctant on actually getting out to vote before this, at the very least allow this be the small push that makes yall just suck it up n do it
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chuck-glisson · 1 month
In Reference to Tim Walz, and his "Retirement" from the Army National Guard, "People", ESPECIALLY MAGA Keep "Leaving Out" the "Part", where he had to TURN IN the paperwork for his retirement SIX MONTHS TO A YEAR IN ADVANCE!
This is DIFFERENT from a "Civilian" job.
You DON'T GIVE the UNITED STATES MILITARY a "2-Week Notice", like you "Do" at BOEING or WALMART.
But your TYPICAL MAGA PIECE OF $HIT "Wouldn't Know This", because
[2] MAGA ALWAYS "Talks $hit" about "Things" that THEY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT!
This information has just been supplied TO YOU by a RETIRED CAREER UNITED STATES MILITARY MAN with 20 YEARS of MILITARY SERVICE,
"Namely" ME!
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godisarepublican · 29 days
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9w1ft · 9 days
i'm SO SO happy about the endorsement and don't mean to focus on the menial, negative details... but i felt "childless cat lady" in my heart a little bit💔. it's so unimportant; i'm firm in my beliefs. so if she's fine with saying it, why should it bother me?
but it still feels a little- 🫠. idk if it was supposed to sort of combat the toned post? maybe it goes with the whole taylor swift tm thing? 🤔 it just threw me off guard! 🤷🏼
the way i understand it is this:
JD Vance infamously said back in 2021 that the democratic party was run by a bunch of childless cat ladies, and this comment resurfaced when he became the vice presidential nominee. Kamala Harris herself has been weirdly criticized by republicans (including jd himself) as not having kids of her own. so taylor signing off her call of support for kamala harris by calling herself a childless cat lady was a shot fired directly at him and the republicans party, delivered right after dismissing trump. she said trump’s debate sucked and i hate all you republicans too. and also, because jd vance specifically called democrats childless cat ladies, it underscores the fact that taylor’s a democrat. it’s also a kind of call to arms to everyone out there in her fanbase and otherwise who was offended by the comment.
so i thought it was a clever, strategic jab :)
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hotvampireadjacent · 3 days
JD Vance sucks for a lot of reasons but at least stick up for your wife come on man……..
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jones-friend · 2 months
So this sucks
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I try not to talk politics because I’m not a news source. I’m some dude online posting dragons, gators, and other nonsense. But this one specifically hit home for me.
GOP VP pick JD Vance was on a podcast talking about the call he received to be the pick. He talks about telling his son “shut the hell up for 30 seconds about pikachu”.
I’ve been making jokes and whatnot but like. This sucks. I’m gonna make the good faith call that he wasn’t trying to dunk on his kids and was instead trying to be relatable about “how sometimes your kids don’t shut the hell up” and give you a moment’s peace.
And im also gonna make the good faith call that his child doesn’t watch the news and doesn’t know that this is being discussed in such a widespread manner that I’m some rando from Illinois talking about it.
But this sucks. My family was often casually dismissive of my interests like this and if JD Vance is interested in his kid’s hobbies this isn’t the right set of words to use. It also certainly isn’t the right thing to brag about online. This isn’t the relatable W he thinks it is.
I can say for myself this led me to develop better emotional bonds outside my own family. When people took interest in my hobbies it made me excited and I developed deeper emotional bonds with friends because to try again with my family would be another emotional risk for just myself. And after all that why would I put myself up for another emotional risk?
I dont know JD Vance. I dont know if this is indicative of his family life. Maybe the uncertainty of the VP pick got to him because that’s genuinely a high stress sense of anticipation. All I have is slices of the man in what he’s presented to me. From what he’s presented to me he may find out you can still have children and end up a childless cat lady.
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