#jca paco
wei-smiler · 8 months
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Maybe I'm obsessed with hair. I'm really not good at drawing baldness. It would be strange not to draw hairline pictures.(≡Д≡;)
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puellaphantasia · 2 months
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Updated looks for the main/recurring S1 characters in my fanfic
Jackie Chan Adventures ↺
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disorganizedkitten · 6 months
Something is wrong in the Brazilian forests. Paco Ramos recruits Jade Chan to investigate. Harry Potter isn't a horcrux anymore, but he is still a parselmouth. He figures it's about time he embraces it; and Brazil has a lot of snakes.
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protagonistheavy · 1 year
Realizing now that what JCA loses throughout its run is an emotional emphasis and character arcs focused on Jade. The first season was much better about teaching Jade lessons and having those lessons be relevant to the plot, whether it be learning patience, learning when not to fight, etc. When Jade is at the center of learning lessons, it highlights the best aspects of every other character around her, especially Jackie, who gets to play the role of mentor rather than just being the Action Guy that always tells Jade to stay here.
Without any development for Jade, everything else feels stagnant -- perhaps an intentional choice from the production team, to have the series constantly return to the status quo, so that continuity doesn't interfere with reruns. But it wouldn't even require strict continuity, it would just mean thinking of Jade as like... an actual character lol and not just a mascot sidekick. I'm glad modern cartoons are a little bit better about this, more consciously thinking of what an episode means versus just shitting out one more episode to fill in a block.
If it were up to me, Jade would've had a much more interesting arc. The first season sees her as she is, mischievous and curious, spunky, wants to get stronger and wiser -- and sees the talismans as shortcuts to get there. When the talismans lose their powers, there would have been more emphasis on Jade training under Jackie -- maybe using Section 13 tech a little more -- and utilizing empathy with people/animals, as that is the plot that season. I can then see Jade having some sort of understudy of her own (...Paco? idk) or otherwise in a position of having to teach what she learned previously; she could be learning magic from Tohru and Uncle much more seriously. Ultimately this would lead to a season where Jade is much more capable, and also has a lot more responsibility, a season where she has to step in for Jackie more frequently and prove her maturity, likely building up to a climactic 2v1 fight with Jackie and Jade vs the big bad.
I'd also be smart enough to not kick the Dark Hand out of the plot lol. Keeping them involved is just so much better for the show, and it would have been lovely to give them more serious episodes too. I love the idea of the Dark Hand being these normal criminals that are in way over their heads with demon shit, I would have loved to learn more about Valmont and how he's introduced to Shendu... GOD the lore of this show could have been so great.
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flowerpetalprincess · 3 years
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Request || Paco
GoodGuyforever18 requested;Paco the Mexican boy from Jackie Chan adventures
Really trying to push myself by drawing new things. This is part of the reason I'm doing requests. So worked hard to make an interesting background. I hope you enjoy :)
Also known as: People using 'requests open' as an excuse to try and get me to draw feet pics and lewd content. Please don't do that. Or at least pay me first.
Canon requests are currently closed Paco belongs to Jackie Chan Adventures, and Sony Pictures.
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fangirlingpuggle · 6 years
Funny Jade Dragon AU oneshot
“Jade do not make you destroy you for this” he threatened eyes glowing red hand raised, body tense ready to strike.
He never thought their disagreement had come to this, but he had to this could not happen
She started at him raising an eyebrow looking entirely unimpressed “you cannot be serious right now”
“I am entirely serious” he glared darkly back “now put the Moose down”
Jade stared at him still kneeled on the floor in front of their son (which was still so weird to think about because suddenly coming back from a mission with a half demon child biologically both of theirs and created by magic had not been how he saw this month going) holding out the abomination towards him
The Moose
Shendu despised the Moose
Honestly it was the one thing the 2 of them disagreed on, Shendu wanted to burn down all traces the creature and Jade was still for some unknown reason enamoured with it (Jade thinks he’s still mad about the initial incident with the sheep talisman, Shendu doesn’t know what she’s talking about he’s pretty sure that he has entirely suppressed the incident). The fact that Jade always insists on bringing the accursed thing to life with his beloved rat talisman is the ultimate incident, especially because she refuses to let him burn the thing (also it’s a plush toy please Jade we can find something more useful if I hear that thing say antler action one more time I may try to kill you all again).
Jade’s love of creature was torture enough
But now she was trying to infect Drago.
(he’d already seen the Mighty Moose onesie and it’s only through sheer luck Drago is not currently wearing it instead in a one patterned like flames)
Drago is half him and he can hope that he will inherit his dislike for the creature…but he’s also half Jade.
Which is why he is trying to stop her pass the plush toy to their child. Luckily Drago seems far more interested on trying to eat his own tail.
“Shendu for fuuuu” she trailed off glancing at Drago before correcting herself “hecks sake”
“it’s an abomination Jade”
His partner ruffles in offence “Mighty Moose is a superhero”
He leaned forward onto the balls of his feet ready to lunge forward “put.the.moose.down!”
Jade glared back at him
Neither breaking eye contact as she moved the toy towards Drago
“Seriously Jackie?” Viper questioned present under her arm “Shendu and Jade now have a kid! Shendu and Jade! A kid” she gestured wildly with one arm “how are you not freaking out?”
El Toro nodded in agreement at the sentiment and Jackie just shook his head “it was surprising” he said an understatement completely “ but Jade and Shendu are adults they are responsible, I mean they run section 13 I am sure they will be great parents”
Viper and El Toro both opened their mouths to begin speaking but a sudden crash cut them off
Turning the corner the 3 saw the door to the room open Paco leaning against it half black and white luchador mask in place as he smiled shaking his head before walking in
Approaching the 3 started in to see Shendu and Jade currently wrestling on the floor Jade trying to push Shendu away trying to hold a mighty moose plushie other her head as the demon tried to keep grabbing it the 2 screaming at each other
Drago sat their happily blinking at them while chewing on his tail, smiling widely as Paco picked him up “Hey nino” Paco grinned back “hate to tell you but your parents they are loco”
Jackie just stared do.wn at the 2 captains of section 13 rolling around on the floor fighting over a mighty moose plushie
“oh god they’re parent”  he whispered in horror
Thanks for reading =)
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puellaphantasia · 1 month
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Oddity found this JCA meme on Deviantart, time to cringe like it's 2010. Elaborations on some of the questions under the cut
2). It would literally be easier to list the characters I don't like than my favorites, I do genuinely love most of the cast, they're all really fun and bounce off each other so well.
3). I appreciate that the Ice Crew has fans, but I just couldn't stand them, they were poor replacements for the Enforcers.
Oddity and I both are both of the opinion that the Ben-Shui monks are kinda creepy, not sure I can elaborate they just...ew
I don't remember liking Paco when I watched this as a kid, he didn't grow on me on a rewatch as an adult, and I'm not sure I'll learn to like him in my reboot fanfic- but my god I'm going to try.
Viper...I genuinely forgot she existed. Even when I did a second rewatch with Oddity there was a whole episode that I remembered seeing in my initial rewatch that I completely forgot Viper was in. I wish I liked her more than I do, but she's just really boring.
4) Again, it'd be much easier to list characters I don't like than ones I do. I would have put Tarakudo on the favorites list, because I remember really liking him as a kid, but when I did my rewatch he didn't hold up as well as I remembered so he didn't quite make it to the favorites list even though I still like him.
6) Seasons 2-4 are the whole reason to watch JCA, honestly. S1 was a good foundation, but it didn't really start to shine until s2, but even then, I have to admit the Demon Sorcerers arc got pretty reputative and the non plot episodes sort of dragged on. There's very few episodes outside of s5 I didn't like, so I wouldn't say skip 'em but I think they could have been interlaced in the Demon arc a little better
S3 gets a bad rep in the fandom, and I get the complaint of it just being the Talisman Hunt 2.0 but honestly the character interactions are at their best in this season, several of the Nobel animals themselves have such fun personalities. I wish that s3 had it's own Mcguffin to collect that I could buy replicas of on Etsy, but it's not a big complaint to me compared to just how fun s3 is
S4 had the best individual episodes. I think more could have been done with Tarakudo interacting with the other characters, he was a little passive until the final episode and that's why he didn't make the favorites list, but the new types of Shadow Khan, their powers and the different situations the masks created were some of the best scenarios in the whole series.
8) Mei Xing and a cast of other OCs will be appearing in my fanfic Jackie Chan Adventures ↺ -wink wink-
9) I didn't actually create Mei Xing to ship with Tso Lan, it's just something that ended up happening while I was planning out her part in the story. It's just really funny to me that after I decided this aspect I looked to see if there was other Tso Lan/OC pairings, and saw two others who were also named Mei- I swear this wasn't done on purpose.
10) Just for the record, I also considered drawing the scene where Daolon and Uncle froze each other while Big Jade was fighting the Ogre, that scene just sticks out to me as one of the funniest in the show because of how they were both that stupid. I love them. They need to kiss.
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fangirlingpuggle · 6 years
JADE DRAGON AU: JCA Canon divergent AU Extra Episodes
Sorry I completely forget I hadn’t uploaded this ages ago so yeah this is SUPER late, sorry!
So since they’re are lot’s of random filler episodes I haven't been able to rewatch all of them, so in this post I’m going to cover the major ones Demon world and the J2 episodes.I will also do a quick post on other fillers later but if anyone wants to know about any specific episode in more detail at all please just send me an ask and I'll do get back to you (soon not in another  5 months...sorry again)
This is part of the Jade dragon AU I've do ne posts for all of the relevant seasons 2, 3, 4 and 5. This is an AU where Shendu possess Jade rather than Valmont in season 2, I'd recommend you read the other posts first as this will reference events in them that do not happen in canon. (Apologies for spelling and grammar errors will be updating old posts next weekend).
Also this is very long and rambley, sorry.
1) So first up are the 2 episodes ‘Demon World’ (here it’s 3 parts), this happens in season 3 not season 2 as Shendu is not stuck in the demon world and would not possess Jackie, as Shendu is now on the Chan Clan’s side. Instead theses episodes happen at the end of season 3, after Shendu has his own body. Daolon Wong is given a small boost of power from the demons with a pact to rewrite the book of time, (this foreshadowing what will happen with Zhen in season 5). As soon as the team hear he’s heading to Australia Shendu realises instantly and is just like ‘Bad Day!’ because he knows what they’re trying. The group, with J-team included because they need more episodes head to Australia like before there is a struggle, but here both Shendu and Jade grab the page (because of everything they share a page now). The Demon World happens Jade wakes up same place as in canon and alone but Shendu wakes up in demon form with servants and the 2 just like ‘REALLY BAD DAY OH NO’ (Wong wrote the demons won he didn’t have time to write anything about Shendu, he instead wrote he was the worlds greatest chi wizard) the demons are planning to kill Shendu or just torture him forever (but they don't realises Shendu remembers anything). Jade still sneaks into the castle Shendu is pretending to still be evil but internally is just like ‘WHAT DO I DO???’, Jade see’s him and she trust him and calls out and these a giant reunion hug with Giant Demon Shendu and tiny Jade, the 2 recruit Jackie and Uncle who are just so confused and terrified and Shendu is super awkward ‘ please stop bowing’ and ‘NO I am not going to eat you!!’.
There is still the road trip around the world only we actually see the demons cities and we see the demons planning to stop them after the first 2 siblings are sealed, the group can’t actually seal all the demons they do in canon because they catch on much quicker though they’re able to free the J-team but not seal the demons (Also Captain Black is there maybe a leader of a resistance group because he is  member of the team and should be in the episode), the group are attacked by ultimate chi wizard Daolon Wong (who is 100% trying to kill Uncle and has gone pretty mad with power) they have to retreat, they realise they just need to get to the book and then they can fix everything, the demons and Wong figure this out to.
So there a big chase/fight bit in the last episode where the J-team are using the demons ego and powers against them (also Shendu used the spell willingly to take talismans out so they can actually fight, he knows he can not take on his siblings especially not a lot at once) Wong and Uncle fight and Uncle is able to win, at which he states true chi magic comes from oneself not using the power of others (Which will sound familiar to all who have read the season 5 post, yeah that shows Wong’s character growth because in the end he actually does take this to heart)
In the end the group are bale to put the page back and everything is reset and Wong is put back into jail, which of course leads into season 4.
2a) The first J2 episode I have already gone over in part 3 of this AU my post on season 4, quick recap Drago is Jade and Shendu’s kid, he is a member of section 13 and a good guy (Jade and Shendu relationship is 100% platonic Drago is the result of grown up Shendu and Jade (when they’re co captains of section 13) finding an ancient artefact that kind of magics up a baby)
So this takes place in season 4, Shendu has his own body the group are following uncle looking for weird chi when Shendu shows up, Uncle and Jackie are immediately  ‘AH DEMON!!’ and Drago is just like ‘oh..sh@*’. He menanges to get hold off the 2 when another portal opens and a dark chi blast heads towards Jade and Shendu, Drago immediately just grabs them and nopes out because  he likes existing thank you very much. While running he tells the 2 he’s a section 13 agent from the future and that he’s been sent back in time to stop Zhen (Daolon Wong’s apprentice) from stealing the dragons teeth for a super dangerous ritual. They don't buy it 100% but then he starts telling them stuff (because he knows old family stories and of course every member of the J-team ( mostly Paco) would tell embarrassing stories about Jade and Shendu)
They end up beliving him and the 3 work together, Drago uses his fire demon Cchi but plays it off as ‘OH YOU KNOW YOU TAUGHT ME MAGIC FUTURE MAGIC YEP DEFINITELY DO NOT THINK TO MUCH INTO IT OR THAT I AM OBVIOUSLY HALF DEMON’, he also introduced himself as ‘drago cha,... DRAGO just drago’ and has been like ‘ok moooo move Jade’ and ‘Daaa dragon man Shendu ha ha ha...’ and ‘Unclll isn’t with you Jackie?’ but he just calls Uncle Uncle and when they question he’s just like ‘...I don’t know what else to call him’ which they’re all like yeah that makes sense.
They trick Zhen into destroying the teeth but it causes a magic backlash and with her covered in old magic the time portal won't let her through so she’s stuck in the past, Drago leaves telling them that ‘your the greatest people I know trust me you guys really are the best’, the audience hear the byre mum and dad see you in the future but the time portal is closed for the others so they don't know.
2b) The second J2 episode, so this happens in season 4 and is actually the penultimate episode that leads into the finale, so the episode starts with Jade and Shendu in school and Jade does defend Jimmy from bullies and he is very grateful to her but runs away when Shendu comes over the 2 shrug it off and head back to Uncle’s Thoru is working on a spell to seal the demon chi away...maybe he and Uncle have been looking into a lot of books and different ways with no luck, Thoru thinks he’s translated this one and it is a spell to send it away but is a little hesitant to finish or test it without uncle present. As he leaves the doorbell rings the 2 go through to answer it but when Jimmy see’s them he just shoves a card into Jades hands and runs outside, the 2 are again like ok..that’s weird the card is saying thank you to Jade and how she’s amazing and Jade is just confused like ok I mean he already said thanks. The 2 shrug if off but as they’re walking into the back room the lean against the desk with causes the final ingredient to fall into the potion, a portal instantly opens up and the 2 are sucked in, they fall out in a super high-tech section 13.
The 2 are awestruck and hear voices they see and older captain black walking on an overhead ramp talking to 2 people about Iso and the security risk and I know you 2 are more than capable of taking care of yourselves but he’s been after you so many times i’m just saying that’ and trails off. The 2 are just standing there when they see green scales and  a really worried half demon sneaking behind captain Black and the other people ‘DRAGO?’
Poor Drago just looks down see’s his younger parents in the future and OH GOD HE IS NOT GOING TO EXIST, he just jumps down and shoves the 2 into a random room and is about to have a panic attack as he askes WHY and HOW they are here? the 2 tell them about the demon chi spell and Zhen, Drago is incredibly guilty about what Zhen’s done because he should have brought her back to the future or found another way to catch her. He tells them he’ll try to figure out a way to get them back but they can’t let people see them because he’s pretty sure that’s how time breaks, they also overhear about Iso again and Drago explains that he’s a villain using high tech gear and some chi spells who has been targeting his paren..HE MEANS THE CO CAPTAINS!! they’re future selves.
A lot of funny moments happen with Drago trying to keep them hidden and in the dark about the fact they are his parents. They also run into future Jimmy a section 13 agent he is talking to Thoru very polite and asking about magic but he is basically silent when Drago comes in and leaves quickly (all 3 are like ‘Weird’ at that, they see him with Jade and is super enthusiastic though Jade is just very professional and polite and also talking to a lot of other agents.
They eventually realises Iso is Jimmy though matching his writing on paper seals for remote chi spells and Jades letter. 
Iso is basically a creeper who is super into Jade and trying to get rid of Shendu because he thinks the 2 are together (great moments 1 where Drago and the younger 2 are confronting him and 2) where he is going after future Jade and Shendu where he is ranting about this and both times both of them just echo ‘EW NO IT’S PLATONIC’, Jade tells him she just doesn't like him and when he tries to attack her she and Shendu just go full out (Future Jade is a badass she also has large red dragon tattoo like the talisman all the way up her arm and uses the talisman as naturally as breathing).
When they initially confront him Drago is just in murder mode eyes glowing breathing fire because how dare this person attack his parents and talk about his mum like that (Jade and Shendu are also in murder mode to) Iso is also going to reveal Drago as their Kid when Jackie and Co burst in because they overheard and HELL NO ISO YOU CREEPER.
The group catch Iso and Thoru is able to create a portal spell telling them that they will most likely loose their memories going back h 2 say they won't and say they’ll try to stop Jimmy from turning into Iso (Future Jade and Shendu just sign they know time travel doesn't work like that)
The 2 loose their memories and wake up lying on the floor at uncles with Thoru rushing in saying he heard a bang the 2 just look confused and guess the potion just knocked them down and that it doesn't work Thoru sighs and goes back to researching and the 2 head off to section 13 together.
There is also the end credit scene showing that all the stuff with Zhen happened in the original time line and that this is they're future (it’s in the part 4 of the AU).
So that’s all for now, any questions just send me an ask 
Thanks for reading :)
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ask-jackie-chan · 7 years
Jackie Chan Adventures Mafia AU Part I
Alright, so I have everything perfectly sorted out for this JCA Mafia AU. It’ll involve a lot of JCA characters almost the entire cast from the fillers and plot episodes and such. 
The only issue is that this AU will take me some intense thinking and piece-togethering. It’s more complicated to explain in words, so I won’t be able to release new information about this AU so quickly. Hopefully there won’t be a lot of confusion but if there is, I’m always open to questions.
Behold, the Jackie Chan Adventures Mafia AU Part I!
So there are 4 classes of people in the modern world. You have the Demons, Mage, Norms and Civils. The first three are mafias and the Civils are the regular people of the world.
The Demons, Mages and Norms are the names for the different classes of mafias that exist, like Chinese Sorcerors, Oni, Dark Hand etc.
The Demon syndicates is the highest and the most exclusive crime syndicate of all. All of the different sections of the Demon mafia used to be close. Ever since The Picnic, the sections don’t trust each other and do their best to avoid anyone not like them. They usually do business with other Demons and try not to associate with someone outside of their syndicate, lest the person be an impressive exception. The Demons are the best at covering their tracks when it comes to legal trouble. If you’re one to step up against them, you better hope you’ll be able to make it out alive. Many people have stood up against the Demons, very few lived to tell the tale. 
Notable members: Dai Gui, Shendu, Tso Lan, Xiao Fung, Hsi Wu, Tchang Zu. Po Kong, Bai Tza, Drago, Tarakudo, Oni Generals, Jiangshi, Spring-Heeled Jack, Quetzalcoatl, Monkey King, StrikeMaster Ice, MC Cobra, DJ Fist, Shadowkhan, etc
The Mages come next. They are seperated into two parts; Light and Dark. Altogether, this makes the Mages the biggest of the three classes of mafias. They used to be one, but the main leaders of both groups disagreed with one another. This caused a series of fights that seperated the Mages called The Divorce Courts, the result ending in a stalemate. Afterwards, the Light aligned themselves with the police for a while to help them with arresting mafia members and their organizations. After the Cookout, police are ordered arrest all mafia members, good or bad. 
Notable members: Magister, Lo Pei, Uncle, Tohru, Simon Magus, Simone Magus, Daolon Wong, Gan, Ren, Chui, Zhen, Bartholomew Chang, Ms. Kimber, Chi Master Fong, High Mystic, Mohajah, Monks, Muntabs, Cao Guojiu, Han Xiangzi, He Xiangu, Lan Caihe, Li Tieguai, Lü Dongbin, Zhang Guo Lao, Zhongli Quan, Kuniko Kasahara, Kai Ching, Xu Lin, etc
Then comes the Norms, as in ‘Normal Mafia’. They are those mafia members who don’t deal with magic. This is either because of their hatred for magic or they don’t care for it. This makes them the weakest of mafias, but they still know their own ways of striking fear into Civil hearts. Because Demons and Mages rely most of their power on magic, a Norm has a high chance of winning in a no-magic fair fight against a Demon or a Mage. If a Demon or Wizard becomes interested in a Norm, they must go through many tests to see if they are truly worthy or not. If yes, the Norm is upgraded. If not, a Norm stays a Norm. 
Notable members: Finn, Ratso, Chow, Hak Foo, Valmont, Dark Hand, Helga Sorenson, Tommy Chung, Bob Halfcock, Philip Crane, Dr. Weber, Mr. Jumba, Vanessa Barone, Portia Martindale, Peter Bailey, Karl Nivor, etc
Last but not least, Civils. Civils are mainly left out the syndicate drama. Once one is in a mafia’s drama, it’s hard to get out. Still, people manage to get swept up in mafia activities and can get hurt or get themselves arrested. There’s that or they can find ways to get a personalized ring for themselves to build their own Demon/Mage/Norm syndicate. Out of the Civils, you have the government organizations and police working to stop all mafia from existing. While police and government don’t always see eye-to-eye, they are happy to take down the things scaring other Civils. 
Notable members: Jackie, Jade, Captain Black, Section 13, El Toro, Viper, Mama Tohru, Wing, Ms. Hartman, Drew, Paco, Agent Tag etc.
When the time comes, a mafia member gets a personalized ring in a Ring Ceremony. For a Demon or a Mage, it’s a Chi Ring Ceremony. In A Chi Ring Ceremony, a Demon/Mage and their chi bind with their ring to give them power. This gives the wearer more energy throughtout the day. To hide or reveal in public, the magic words are ‘conceal’ and ‘reveal’. Now of course, if a Demon/Mage is banished/leaves the mafia for whatever reason, their chi can be unjoined with their ring to unpower it. With their chi, a Demon/Mage can find out if their ring’s power is being used by someone else. If a Demon/Mage is not careful, their ring can get them into a lot of trouble.
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