#jca mafia au
disorganizedkitten · 7 months
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Links may be finicky, in the meantime, if something looks interesting ask me about it!
Coldest Girl In Coldtown
And I Loved You So Much I Turned Around
Behind Borrowed Blood
Bloody Phosphenes
By Definition, We’re Not Insane Yet
If Home Is Where The Heart Is, Where Do The Heartless Rest?
Infected Pearl au
No Pandemic Au
Pearl Bach And The Horrible Terrible No Good Very Bad (88) Days
Thorns and Tombstones
Time Loop
"1800s" au
Harry Potter
A Conspiracy Of Errors
A Week In A Day
And Salt The Earth Behind You
Antithesis / Charlie's Demons
Arial Anarchy
Cobra Lily
Dark As Dried Blood
Dark Magic For Dummies
Emotional Support Cookies
Gentle As Flaking Blood
Harry Potter Does Not Exist (A Presentation)
I'm Gonna Kill Santa Claus (But Uno Reverse)
It’s Only Right As A Math Problem
Judge My Carmine Fingertips (It Won't Make Them Clean)
No Rest For The Wicked
Not Every Open Wound (Is Simply Healed By Time)
Not (Our Parents’) Children 
Nothing Like A Trail Of Blood To Lead You Home
Seven Months Away
Swing a Scepter, Wear A Crown
The Potter-Riddle foundation for abandoned children
The Soul Feels Like The Universe / I Feel As Though I've Been On This Earth Before
There Is Magic In Every Living Thing
Three War Orphans In A Magic Castle
War Crimes Verse
Win Come Late
You Held My Heart In Your Hands
Miraculous Ladybug
A Bug To Bee Talk
A Day In The Life Of - Mafia Au
A Miraculous Mix Up
A Study In Friendship
Be Still My Undead Heart
Bursting Bubbles of Bad Luck
Chronicles of Ladybug and Baset
Climbing the Louvre
Depth of Cold
Four is Quantic but five is too
G-day: a celebration of Girlfriends and Glitter
Going outside (for more than the view)
Is It Really Safe?
It's in the blood
I’m Literally Right Here
Luck of the claws
Miracle Fighters
Moving Places
My Safety Isn’t The Concern
No Longer A Villian
Paper Lanterns
Plume Reign
Red’s the Color Of Your Heart
Scarlet Swords
Shades of Warmth
Sharing is Caring
Skipped a Step
Sunshine and Roses
The Marinette Lucky Charm
These Hopeless Helpless Miraculous-Wielding Romantics
We Recover Only To Be Broken Again
You’ll Survive
Crossover Fics
Carrying capacity
Circus au / Into The Mixing Bowl
Closer Than Friends
Exchange of blades
Feathers and Shells
Geronimo Weasley
Gifts Between Girls
How To Live (When You've Long Been Dead)
Immortal Children
Ivory Shadows
Jaded eyes, stolen stories (Jaded eyes, poached prophecies)
Jagged Leaves
Life goes on
Location Soulmate au
Marinette's Guide To Adopting The Local Vigilante
Power he knows not
Princess Mara au
Queen, Devil, Champion
Recruiting Red
Robbery chatfic
Seven Faces over Seven Continents
Switching and Swapping
Tales of the Tacticional Twins
Talon mindshare
Tim Drake-Wayne vs Albus Dumbledore
Trained Together
Two Can Keep A Secret If One Of Them Is Dead
Wine Aunts Salt au
Wishes Fishes
My Hero Academia
Hold Your Bloody Head Up High
How Long Can Someone Be Lost
Lost In Translation
They Call Them Feral
We're All Dead Here
Eldritch Doos au 
Gang Soulmate au
Summer camp au
The one where Dagur is a good brother
The one where Dragon Riders are their own tribe | Feral Hiccup au #1
The One where Dragons are actually Aliens
The one where everyone is secretly friends
The one where Heather and Mala pop in during HTTYD1
The one where Hiccup and his brother kill the red death before realizing they’re brothers | Feral Hiccup au #4
The one where Hiccup Gets Hurt in the ring
The one where Hiccup Runs Away (and meets the wingmaidens) | Feral Hiccup au #2
The One Where Stoick Suffers Despite His Best Efforts | Feral Hiccup au #5
The one with the human sacrifice except Dagur is a faithful husband and very offended | Feral Hiccup au #3
Danny Phantom
Age Swap Au
Three Feet To The Left
Walk Beside My Corpse (It's the memory that decays)
Welfare Check
In The Vacuum You Left Behind
Keep Me In Balance
The Fuzzy Duckling
The Name of Frankenstein
The Paris Fic
We Dared Open The Door
Some fics did not make the list. Considering how many I have, that’s not a surprise. They can live in the docs for a little while longer.
If you wanna chat; ask box is always open, and otherwise there’s the shared discord (mostly HP but I WILL eventually get us an entire CGIC area).
 If you’re interested in other topics! Nino Lahiffe Appreciation Squad Discord - Ethereal Grimoire Discord - Maribat Insanity II (link upon request)
 Otherwise, a wild DK may be spotted but I don’t have rights to those links and I’d rather catch you by the throat from behind. ^~^
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ask-jackie-chan · 6 years
Jackie Chan Adventures Mafia Part V
It’s been a very long time since I’ve said anything about this AU, haven’t I? It has been sitting in my drafts for so long bc I didn’t know what else to add to it.
So now we’ve went through all the Demons, the top list of people in the mafia cast. Now onto the next people in the mafia cast; the Mages. The Mages altogether are the biggest group of mafia out there and are one of the hardest for a Norm or a Civil to enlist. To join, one must spend many years dedicating themselves to learning the magic, making them a Trainer Mage. When a Trainer Mage graduates to a full Mage, they get a ring and a magical item along with. With the ring, it can summon their magical items at will. The Mage’s magical item is almost like the ring’s construct.
The leader of the Mages were actually co-leaders; Lü Dongbin and Daolon Wong. Both were very close to each other; Daolon being an older brother/mentor to Lü. Lü was the better ‘brother’ while Wong was the rebellious brother. He was envious of the Demons and their powers, go far as to secretly help Dragon on some of his missions. When Lü discovered what Daolon was up to, he confronted his friend and the two had a one-on-one fight from there. It was a great and dangerous battle ending with Lü being victorius. Daolon left with a loss and with his eyesight in his left eye taken. Their battle had broken their bond from here.
After defeating Daolon, Lü went on to pursue Dragon and the rest of the Chinese Sorcerors with his own group: the Immortals. Each member arrested Dragon and his brethren in prison. However, they didn’t stay long. Daolon came back with a vengence by not only freeing the Chinese Sorcerors, but gathering an army of wizards on his side. They were the Dark Mages. The rest of the wizards who refused Daolon’s offer stayed on the side of the Immortals were the Light Mage. The many battles the good and bad mages fought were called The Divorces. Here, many Mages that were friends with one another had to break apart, mainly because of which side of the Mages they chose. The Divorces ended in a stalemate, as neither side could get the upperhand.
After many years of the Divorces happening, Lü and Daolon decided to make a truce with one another. Both of them agreed to sign a decree that would seperate the Mages into Light and Dark. Since Daolon wasn’t able to trust Dragon or any other Demons for that matter, he did his own business away from the other mafias, As for Lü and the Light Mages, the best thing for them to do was to help the police arrest other wrong-doer mafias. At first the police weren’t too sure to trust the Mages, but that thought quickly disappeared as more of the wanted mafia members had been brought to justice.
As time went on, the bond between the Lights and the police became stronger with every case and arrested mafia people. When Daolon and Lü became old with age, they passed down the leader mantle to the next member worthy of such position. Daolon passed his title to Kuniko Kasahara and Lü Dongbin passed his to Lo Pei. Therefore, Lo Pei and Kuniko Kasahara created subgroups within their ranks: Magisters, Psychic, Muntabs, Dark Warriors, Persians, Monks, Immortals, etc.
( I don’t know how exactly to describe the powers of the Mages. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to make a comment. )
Now let’s cut to the chase of the Picnic because... it wasn’t even a picnic.
The Demons were getting tired of having their men getting arrested and captured by the police and the Lights, so the Oni and the CS/Chinese Sorcerors conspired together to ambush them. They set up flyers around San Francisco about an upcoming 4th of July picnic to celebrate the good deeds of the Lights working with the police force. Civilians, Lights Mages, and police all went to the city park to celebrate. The picnic went into the night so the fireworks could be activated.
The trick was that when the firework go off at a specific time, the Darks attack the police looking like the Lights to frame them. However, the fireworks got delayed, thanks to Dragon/Shen Du. Dragon got selfish cold feet at the last minute and wanted to pull out the deal at the last minute because he didn’t want to risk getting arrested. Smurf/Ikazuki found out, they fought and Dragon got a scar on his right eye. When Tarakudo heard about this from Smurf, this prompted himself to break the deal the Oni and Demons made. If Dragon could become untrustworthy at the last minute, so could the rest of them.
Overall, the Picnic was a disaster. The Oni and CS became rivals. The Lights were blamed for backstabbing the police and putting civilians in danger. The San Francisco mayor made a rule saying all members of the mafia would be arrested, not matter if they were on the side of good or not.
I guess that’s all I can think of now for this AU. I feel like there’s more I wanted to add, but I ended up forgetting about it. If I have any other information, I’ll be sure to make a post about it.
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ask-jackie-chan · 7 years
Jackie Chan Adventures Mafia Part IV
[[It’s been a while since I’ve released information on this AU, so I decided to go ahead and drop this one.]]
Besides the Chinese Sorcerors are the Oni, another powerful group of Demons. The Chinese Sorcerors and the Oni have been at odds with each other since... forever. It’s hard to exactly pinpoint when, why and where their feud began. Unlike the Chinese Sorcerors, the Oni do not have a base of headquarters for each other. Wherever they meet is their temporary HQ until they can find someplace better.
Tarakudo/Tanaka “Daimyo” Koremori is the head of all Oni branches, all Shadowkhan and is their leader, something the Chinese Sorceror’s lack. He is one of the chillest Demon mafia members to be with and is shown to be quite... endearing at times. While he doesn’t mess with the Mages, Norms or Civils too much, he does watch out to see who could be eligible to join the Oni. He’s not that discriminatory and exclusive, like the Chinese Sorcerors. Daimyo’s ring is silver with the red and white head of a Japanese Oni demon. His weakness is being blinded. Out of all the Oni, Tarakudo despises onions the most and refuses to eat any food with the suspect of smelling it in his meal.  With it, Daimyo can use telepathy, telekinesis, travel in shadow and turn into an oni demon. When the eyes on Daimyo’s ring glow yellow and Daimyo turns into an oni demon, you better book it outta there.
Ikazuki/Itsutsuji “Smurf” Ujisue is second-in-command to Daimyo and has his own gang of Shadowkhan to run called the Samurai. Of all the Demon gang member’s, Smurf hates his name and prefers to just be called “Itsutsuji”. He is fierce and very loyal to fellow Oni and Daimyo. Smurf’s ring is silver with green eyes, the face of a blue Japanese Oni in samurai headgear at the top. The center is blue topaz, which glows whenever Smurf uses his chi. His weakness is Japanese cherry blossoms, as he is very allergic to them. With this, Smurf has telepathy, swordmanship, hand-to-hand combat skills, can travel in shadow and can turn into an oni demon.
Shinjou “Ninja” , one of the most prominent Oni heads out there mainly because of Dragon, running his gang called Ninjen . Ninja is a pretty laidback character. If something goes wrong, he can fix it right away. As long as his mess isn’t too big, Ninja’s cool, but ruthless. Ninja run his gang of Shadowkhan called Ninjas. His weakness is Japanese steel, so he watches his back for Razor very closely so he doesn’t get weakened. Because of this, he carries a scar just under his eyebrow. His ring is a burgundy colored Oni mask with green hair, red eyes and two yellow horns. He can shapeshift, split into up to ten shadow clones, ninjutsu skills, can travel through shadow, telepathy and can turn into an oni demon.
Kawada “Razor” Razor is the head of the Razor Khan. He is a hyperactive bloodthirsty mafia man, always wanting to do something. When he gets bored, he goes to his Daimyo to bother him for “work” to do to keep him occupied. Unfortunately, he can leave too much a mess behind. Razor’s weakness is silk because while pretty, he ruins it easily. Razor’s ring is a purple faced Oni with two blue horns on top and red eyes. With Razor’s ring, he can turn his hands into metal weapons, has telepathy, can travel via shadow and can turn into an oni demon.
Kudo “Gargoyle” is the head of this Oni branch called the Batmen. Gargoyle has a rather dry sense of humor and plays around a little too much. He and Tails have constant rivalries over who rules the skies by having constant races and such. Gargoyle’s weakness is rice. He loves rice, so it’s hard for him to resist. Gargoyle’s ring is yellow faced Oni with two dark yellow horns with two wings sticking from the sides and red eyes. His ring enables Gargoyle to fly with wings, telepathy, travelling through shadows and turning into an oni demon.
Ichibashi “Sumo” Sumo is quite the loud roughhouser, carrying noise wherever he goes. If the room is too silent, you can count on him to be the party maker. With him and Gargoyle, there arise a lot of wrestling and fights. Sumo has his group called the Sumos. He is also very competitive, becoming a petty figure when losing. Sumo’s weakness is seaweed, in fact, any plant water related. In a race with Gargoyle once, he almost drowned. Sumo’s ring is a green faced Oni with orange hair and purple eyes. He can travel via shadows, turn himself into a ball, use telepathy, super-strength.
Nakagawa “Snake” is very clever, but uses it against his own teammates sometimes. Snake is the most intelligent of the Oni’s though, having his branch of Oni called Serpents. He is an excellent potions master, making his own kind of venom. When bitten, one has an hour before paralysis and then death. Snake only bites when necessary, so you shouldn’t worry. Snake and Poseidon would quarrel over ownership of the oceans. Snake’s weakness is octopus. When he was eating out with his fellow mafia, he was mid-laughter when he began to choke on a octopus tentacle. After that Octopus incident, he swore never to eat or look at it again. Snake’s ring is a orange faced Oni with red eyes and purple hair. He can turn into a snake, has telepathy, can breathe underwater, travel by the shadows and turn into an oni demon.
Yagyuu “Crab” is a cynical man, cracking sarcasm at nearly every whim. He can be very stubborn, finding an argument with his teammates. Even though he has a pretty hard shell on the outside, he is a caring person on the inside. It’s rare instances where you see him act like this though. Crab hates monkeys. He got attacked by one on a trip to the zoo and hates them afterwards. this is why he is very bitter about Jester Crab’s ring is dark gray faced Oni with orange-reddish eyes. He can shape-shift into a crab, uses telepathy, travel through shadow, can scale surfaces and turn into oni demon.
Kumigaya “Mini” is arguably the most polite Oni in the Oni besides Daimyo. He does not talk much and is very observant, as he is the second-oldest, Daimyo being the first. He likes to stay to himself and sleep, but he is very loyal to his brethren. There have been multiple examples of bravery from Mini sacrificing himself for his fellow Oni to live. He is the main muscle when Daimyo needs him behind Smurf. Oni is in charge of the Minis. Mini’s weakness is fish. He hates its’ look, the smell, the taste and everything else about it so don’t bother trying to bring it up. Mini’s ring is dark yellow faced Oni with orange eyebrows, light yellow eyes and a horn atop the head. He has super-strength, can shrink himself in size, travelling by shadow and turning into an oni demon.
Akita “Mantis” is the youngest of the Oni, but has lived up to his potential. He owns his gang called the Manti. He used to be underestimated a lot, but the Cookout has stepped up his game immensely. Mantis likes planning things out, but sometimes lets his ego, compliments and other things get to his head and distract him from his work. Above all things, Mantis loves his Oni mafia and would never give it up for anything, even if it seems like the drama is overwhelming at times. Mantis’ weakness is Japanese leaves Mantis’ ring is a red faced Oni with bushy eyebrows and red eyes. He can turn into a praying mantis, super jump, travel via shadow and turning into an oni demon.
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ask-jackie-chan · 7 years
Jackie Chan Adventures Mafia Part III
Drago/ Zi Long “Junior” Huo’s HQ is in San Francisco. He runs the small muscle car dealership, Thunder Limited. He wasn’t allowed to form his own section of the Chinese Sorcerors mafia until he was 18 you know Junior was pissed about this because the family prohibited him from doing so. Now, he’s 21. Once Junior was old enough, he quickly gathered as many useful henchmen as he could to build his name and reputation. The only problem is that Junior has too many run-ins with the authority, which causes him to lie low a lot. Junior’s ring is silver with a golden dragon around it. In its mouth, there’s a small diamond that glows when its power is used. He, like his father,  has the power of pyrokinesis, firebending, making colored flames and other fire-based attacks
Ice Crew/ “DJ”, “Ice” and “Cobra” are Junior’s most trusted men, mechanics and salesmen at Thunder Limited. While they do have the habit of goofing off a lot, they clean up quite nicely and know how to get their job done. They used to be Civils, but their martial arts impressed Junior enough for him to think they were Norms. With persistent and annoying permission by Junior, Dragon permitted him to let the Ice Crew by his second-in-commands in the Chinese Sorceror’s mafia as Demons. The Ice Crew are Junior’s muscle, bodyguard and back-up all in one. DJ has a blue ring, Ice has a white ring and Cobra has a red ring, all decorated in Chinese dragons that show their loyalty to Junior. DJ has super strength and the power to melt anything with his hands, Cobra has super speed and the ability to shoot eye beams, and Ice has the power of pyrokinesis. All three of them together pose a very strong threat.
Jiangshi/Song “Zombie” Xinyi is head of the Chi Brotherhood and his headquarters is the Imperial Resort, the hotel he owns. He is blind, but his other senses, such as sense of smell, is always at its peak. Legend has it that the sunlight took his eyes away, that’s why he sleeps in the daytime and comes out at night. While the Imperial Resort is a hotel, it remains vacant. The rumors that once someone sleeps there, they were never to return. Zombie is the one Demon member no one messes with, whether they are another fellow Demon or not. Zombie’s ring is small and silver. In the middle, it has a design of a demon in black. With the ring, Zombie has telepathy, flight and chi absorption.
Monkey King/Sun “Jester” Wukong is Dragon’s second-in-command and does not have his gang. He loves to be funny, telling jokes and pulling pranks quite a lot on Junior and the Ice Crew to Dragon’s delight. Besides Dragon, Jester loves to hang out with Tails and Tornado, who are the perfect trio of tricksters. Jester has a knee brace on his right leg from Cookout incident. His martial arts does make up for it, so it’s best not to try and mess with him. Jester’s ring is silver and the head is carved out to look like a monkey, as monkeys are Jester’s favorite animals. With Jester’s ring, he can turn it into a staff to shape-shift and shoot chi beams.
Acalan “Ehecatl”’s base is in Campeche City, Mexico. He is one of the most famous mafia in the country because of his Robinhood mentality. He steals from the bad politicians of Mexico and in return, he gives the stolen goods to those in need. Ehecatl is very intelligent, always ten steps ahead of his enemy. That’s why he’s never caught with any wrongdoing--he’s already got it covered! Ehecatl keeps to himself however and prefers to not to be seen too much. His favorite color is yellow, like the sun. Ehecatl has a green thumb, which he uses to grow plants and farm. Ehecatl’s ring is silver with a two-headed serpent wrapped around the ring. Underneath is a turquoise cabochon that glows when Ehecatl uses his ring’s power. With his ring Ehecatl has the power to grow wings to fly and make any fire-based attacks.
Jack “Spring-Heel” Rand is a mischievous man whose HQ is mainly in London and a small part of Liverpool. He has two sides to him; one that is gentlemanlike and nice and the other that’s rude and likes to play pranks. He’d prefer playing pranks than being nice however. Spring-Heel was a rising poet before deciding to be in the mafia. He has a very strong sense of smell, which is why he doesn’t like salt. He can’t smell it and he hates salt’s taste. Spring-Heel’s enemy is the Magus Family, mainly Simon Magus, for getting him arrested multiple times. Spring-Heel’s ring is a thin gold ring with indisciperable writing on the outside. Spring-Heel can high jump and have super-strength with his ring.
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ask-jackie-chan · 7 years
Jackie Chan Adventures Mafia Part II
The Chinese Sorcerors (C.S.) are a very powerful group. They are known all over the world for their work. They are the kind of people bad guys admire, but would be too scared to work with. The C.S.’s are each from different backgrounds, yet have come so close together many call them family.
The C.S. mafia’s main domains reigns in Boston, Spain, Italy, Los Angeles, Japan, Egypt, Mexico, Hong Kong and San Francisco. In those countries (or state), this is where you can find the C.S.’s chilling at most of the time.
Tso Lan/Zuo “Moon” Lan’s HQ is in Alexandria, Egypt. Moon runs one the biggest and most successful banks in Egypt; Aegis Financial Inc/AFI. Moon has a degree in business management, which helps him do so. This makes Moon the richest of the Chinese Sorcerers, with Fuji tying in a close second. If there was a leader for the Chinese Sorcerers it would be Moon, being arrested only once and always being many steps ahead of everyone. Moon is allergic to lotus pods and gets a red rash when he touches it. Moon’s ring is a thin, simple iron ring with a moonstone on top. Moon’s ring give him the power of gravity and telekinesis. 
Po Kong/Jo “Fuji“ Kondo’s HQ is Tokyo, Japan. She actually has 3 personal HQ’s: a Buddhist temple, a Shinto shrine and a sushi bar called Pink Orchard. The Buddhist temple has fake Buddhist monks protecting the place who are actually part of her mafia. The Shinto shrine is nearby to keep her possessions private. The Pink Orchard sushi bar was a business passed down from her mother. Fuji is a mixed Chinese-Japanese woman, mother from China, father from Japan, and Fuji fluent in Mandarin and Japanese. Her father ran a small mining company near the sea of Japan. Her mother was a top yakuza member, an assassin. When Fuji announced that she wanted to work in the Chinese mafia her parents weren’t happy, but still loved her enough to pass The Pink Orchard on to her. Fuji’s ring is gold and in the middle, it’s a mountain with silver on its peak as snow. Fuji doesn’t like the drum. With Fuji’s ring, she has incredible strength, can climb to incredible heights with no trouble, and lava bending. Arguably Fuji has the one of the most powerful rings in existence. However, Fuji only uses it for emergency situations otherwise the chi used for lava bending would tire her out. 
Tchang Zu/Chang “Thunder” Zhu’s HQ is in Los Angeles, California. Thunder runs a casino, like Rocky, called The Harmony. Thunder and Rocky are very close in the Chinese Sorcerers mafia, almost like they were meant to be brothers. Thunder used to be a technician and once he discovered the life of crime, he quit. With his power, he used this to help his company grow to impressive heights. Before his Chi Ring ceremony, the only problem with his casino was the lights, which ran off customers. Now, with the power to conduct and control electricity, Thunder only has problems when angry or if his ring is in the hands of another. While on a mission, Thunder, Tails, Fuji and Rocky had to pretend to be a mariachi band. Thunder was stuck with playing the castanets. Thunder has a golden ring in the shape of the head of a stallion. The stallion’s eyes is a diamond that glows when Thunder uses his powers. Thunder can create lightning balls, manipulate lightning, consume and such. I couldn’t really think of any other thunder powers so let me know if you have any ideas 
Bai Tza/Bao “Poseidon” Tsai’s HQ is in Rome, Italy. She is near the Fregene Beach and runs a nightclub called Atlantica. Poseidon used to be an Olympic swimmer before giving that up for a life of crime. She still loves to swim and marine animals. It’s rumored that Poseidon swam with the sharks and whales multiple times unharmed. At a beach party once, she bit down on a gourd thinking it was edible don’t try it. Poseidon’s ring is silver with a oval sized topaz in the middle. With her ring, she can swim to incredible depths, breathe underwater, heal with water, walk and surf on water and many other water-based attacks. 
Shen Du/Shenlong “Dragon” Huo’s HQ is in Kowloon, Hong Kong. Dragon runs a construction company called Ridge Enterprises in Hong Kong. Dragon was reluctant towards owning a cover-up business, but decided that he wanted to make as much money as the rest of his family did. He has a 21 year old son, Zi Long “Junior” Huo, whom he has a strained relationship with. He is why Dragon stays in Hong Kong, away from confrontation with his son. Dragon doesn’t mess with swords, or any other metal pointed weapon for that matter. Across his right eye lies a slash mark from Smurf/Ikazuki from the events of The Picnic. Dragon’s ring is golden and in the shape of a dragon head with emerald eyes that glows when its power is being used. Dragon has the power of pyrokinesis, fire bending, and other fire-based attacks. 
Xiao Fēng/Xavior “Tornado” Feng’s HQ is in Peubla, Mexico. Tornado runs a wrestling federation, gaining him a lot of popularity in his country. Tornado used to be a wrestler himself before giving in to the life of crime. Tails and Tornado have quite the connection, being that their chi rings have similar powers. Ironically, Tornado is not much of a hand fan guy. He was until he was beaten in a battle in which his opponent used a Chinese war fan against him. Nowadays, he is wary of it. Tornado’s chi ring is gold with a topaz ring on top. With it, he can create wind, control wind current, give him air-based powers from a small gust to a full-blown tornado. If Tornado had ever summoned a tornado, it would only be for 10 minutes before passing out from exhaustion. 
Dai Gui/Dan “Rocky” Guo’s HQ is in Pamplona, Spain. While he is one of the strongest, he isn’t the smartest he’s also the one who’s been arrest the most of the Demons but who’s counting. He owns The Boulevard, a famous casino in Spain. Every year, he is in charge of the ‘Running of the Bulls’ ceremony, which he loves to take part of. Rocky is very allergic to flowers. When he’s around or smells some, his eyes become red and his earth powers become a little uncontrollable. Rocky’s ring is a thick black ring with bits of rubies sticking from it. With his ring, Rocky can surround himself in rock armor, turn pieces of earth into a weapon, create earthquakes and his own form of earth-bending. 
Hsi Wu/Seymour “Tails” Wu’s HQ is in Boston, Massachusetts. He’s the youngest of the Demons, so none of the other Demon mafias take him as seriously as the rest of his brethren. Tails used to work at a sports stadium as a cashier before quickly switching to the life of a Chinese Sorcerer. He now owns the small, but lively club Nightingale. Everyone who works there does their mafia work in the day and switch to the club at night. Tails is quite the lazy player much to everyone’s annoyance, but still gets his work done somehow. Tails hates the flute. He used to play it in middle and high school and hated every second of it. Once he graduated, he dumped the musical instrument quite literally. The sound just irritates his soul to this day. His ring is a small, silver ring with feathers around the ring. The jewel of the ring is a small oval piece of turquoise. This ring grants Tails the power of flight with wings included.
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ask-jackie-chan · 7 years
Jackie Chan Adventures Mafia AU Part I
Alright, so I have everything perfectly sorted out for this JCA Mafia AU. It’ll involve a lot of JCA characters almost the entire cast from the fillers and plot episodes and such. 
The only issue is that this AU will take me some intense thinking and piece-togethering. It’s more complicated to explain in words, so I won’t be able to release new information about this AU so quickly. Hopefully there won’t be a lot of confusion but if there is, I’m always open to questions.
Behold, the Jackie Chan Adventures Mafia AU Part I!
So there are 4 classes of people in the modern world. You have the Demons, Mage, Norms and Civils. The first three are mafias and the Civils are the regular people of the world.
The Demons, Mages and Norms are the names for the different classes of mafias that exist, like Chinese Sorcerors, Oni, Dark Hand etc.
The Demon syndicates is the highest and the most exclusive crime syndicate of all. All of the different sections of the Demon mafia used to be close. Ever since The Picnic, the sections don’t trust each other and do their best to avoid anyone not like them. They usually do business with other Demons and try not to associate with someone outside of their syndicate, lest the person be an impressive exception. The Demons are the best at covering their tracks when it comes to legal trouble. If you’re one to step up against them, you better hope you’ll be able to make it out alive. Many people have stood up against the Demons, very few lived to tell the tale. 
Notable members: Dai Gui, Shendu, Tso Lan, Xiao Fung, Hsi Wu, Tchang Zu. Po Kong, Bai Tza, Drago, Tarakudo, Oni Generals, Jiangshi, Spring-Heeled Jack, Quetzalcoatl, Monkey King, StrikeMaster Ice, MC Cobra, DJ Fist, Shadowkhan, etc
The Mages come next. They are seperated into two parts; Light and Dark. Altogether, this makes the Mages the biggest of the three classes of mafias. They used to be one, but the main leaders of both groups disagreed with one another. This caused a series of fights that seperated the Mages called The Divorce Courts, the result ending in a stalemate. Afterwards, the Light aligned themselves with the police for a while to help them with arresting mafia members and their organizations. After the Cookout, police are ordered arrest all mafia members, good or bad. 
Notable members: Magister, Lo Pei, Uncle, Tohru, Simon Magus, Simone Magus, Daolon Wong, Gan, Ren, Chui, Zhen, Bartholomew Chang, Ms. Kimber, Chi Master Fong, High Mystic, Mohajah, Monks, Muntabs, Cao Guojiu, Han Xiangzi, He Xiangu, Lan Caihe, Li Tieguai, Lü Dongbin, Zhang Guo Lao, Zhongli Quan, Kuniko Kasahara, Kai Ching, Xu Lin, etc
Then comes the Norms, as in ‘Normal Mafia’. They are those mafia members who don’t deal with magic. This is either because of their hatred for magic or they don’t care for it. This makes them the weakest of mafias, but they still know their own ways of striking fear into Civil hearts. Because Demons and Mages rely most of their power on magic, a Norm has a high chance of winning in a no-magic fair fight against a Demon or a Mage. If a Demon or Wizard becomes interested in a Norm, they must go through many tests to see if they are truly worthy or not. If yes, the Norm is upgraded. If not, a Norm stays a Norm. 
Notable members: Finn, Ratso, Chow, Hak Foo, Valmont, Dark Hand, Helga Sorenson, Tommy Chung, Bob Halfcock, Philip Crane, Dr. Weber, Mr. Jumba, Vanessa Barone, Portia Martindale, Peter Bailey, Karl Nivor, etc
Last but not least, Civils. Civils are mainly left out the syndicate drama. Once one is in a mafia’s drama, it’s hard to get out. Still, people manage to get swept up in mafia activities and can get hurt or get themselves arrested. There’s that or they can find ways to get a personalized ring for themselves to build their own Demon/Mage/Norm syndicate. Out of the Civils, you have the government organizations and police working to stop all mafia from existing. While police and government don’t always see eye-to-eye, they are happy to take down the things scaring other Civils. 
Notable members: Jackie, Jade, Captain Black, Section 13, El Toro, Viper, Mama Tohru, Wing, Ms. Hartman, Drew, Paco, Agent Tag etc.
When the time comes, a mafia member gets a personalized ring in a Ring Ceremony. For a Demon or a Mage, it’s a Chi Ring Ceremony. In A Chi Ring Ceremony, a Demon/Mage and their chi bind with their ring to give them power. This gives the wearer more energy throughtout the day. To hide or reveal in public, the magic words are ‘conceal’ and ‘reveal’. Now of course, if a Demon/Mage is banished/leaves the mafia for whatever reason, their chi can be unjoined with their ring to unpower it. With their chi, a Demon/Mage can find out if their ring’s power is being used by someone else. If a Demon/Mage is not careful, their ring can get them into a lot of trouble.
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ask-jackie-chan · 8 years
[[ Now that I’m officially done with the Jackie Chan Adventures High School AU, I can officially take a well-deserved break. 
I just remembered that I made up another JCA AU before I even thought about the High School AU. It’s called the JCA Mafia, but that’s a little messy and scattered because I’m trying to put all the pieces together on this one.
I got the idea from @orangecatgutz (since they were the ones who started it), but I didn’t really think aboutit all too much until now. my mind is so wierd it chooses to help me be creative at the wierdest of times. 
I will make the headcanons later on, as I don’t want to overwhelm myself with stress. If I don’t, it’ll just collect in my head and explode ]]
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