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freshthoughts2020 · 5 days ago
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johnnyartx · 6 years ago
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“My Doomsday Book” Poem with drum accompaniment. #pojaz #poejazz #jazzpoetry #jazzpoet #johnnyart #johnnyx #johnnyonx #johnnyuncovered #improviseddrums #johnnyartpavlou #greekpoetry #freeform #doomsdaybook https://www.instagram.com/p/B0kDSdVni5s/?igshid=8cdhy62qbamm
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musicwithwords · 6 years ago
tucking them safely inside of my head
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philajazzproject · 4 years ago
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BLAST FROM THE PAST: Message To The Messengers by Lamont Dixon - Celebrating the work of Gil Scot-Heron as part of the Who Got The Jazz concert series at World Cafe Live back in 2014. See The Video: https://youtu.be/jtQHLQ3spcU #PhillyJazz #WhoGotTheJazz #JazzPoetry #JazzPoet #LamontDixon #GilScotHeron #NimrodSpeaks #LukeCarlosOReilly #KharyAbdulShaheed #VeteranFreshman (at World Cafe Live) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRMF_lgDEo4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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poetponyofmidgard · 6 years ago
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Gilbert Scott-Heron, one of the most important progenitors of rap. #wespeakyourname #gilscottheron #birthday #rip #jazzpoet #bluesologist #funk #songwriter #nonukes #spokenword #whiteyonthemoon compositions, #TheRevolutionWillNotBeTelevised #ArtistsUnitedAgainstApartheid #musichistory https://www.instagram.com/p/BvuaFU_nbX7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jfn2e51e0hks
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freddiefoxuk · 6 years ago
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Been sat in the studio blasting Gil Scott-Heron. Pastels and Charcoal✌️ . . . . . . #gilscottheron #illustration #drawing #art #musicart #pasteldrawing #jazzpoet #souljazz #jazzrap #therevolutionwillnotbetelevised #thebottle #winterinamerica #holdontoyourdreams #isthatjazz https://www.instagram.com/p/BslxaOMnvsy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4fdvd2bax9i7
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sarahjamesjazz · 5 years ago
BLACK SUMMER SLEEP Video Poem from Sarah James
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greatthingking · 5 years ago
Join author and recording artist JazzPoet Michael Van Tull and Missionary Hattie Humphrey and the Sunday Morning Team. Co-host LaToya Sanders, Political Analyst Henrietta Ivey and Lifestyle Editor Kimberly Batchelor Davis every Sunday Morning from 9-10 on BlogTalkRadio.com. News, weather, authorized Coronavirus updates in coordination with the State of Michigan, local guests and topics live from our Michigan Ocean S.E. Michigan Studios (call in and listen 563.999.3557) 9-10 am Sunday Morning blogtalkradio.com (key words ndweekly, the michael van tull show)
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rafaselase · 6 years ago
Good Morning! Here is a short Clip from My Journey of Faith To The African Slave Coast: Reconciling A Past Not So Long Ago #kindlebooks #kindle #christianpoetry #christianliving #livinginfaith #rafaselase #newbooks #newbook #musicismylife #musicandart #artmusicpoetry #nonfictionbooks #booksaboutafrica #ados #barracoon #spokenwordartist #artistofinstagram #hiphopart #jazzpoet #christianartist #godisfaithful https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw2CgJ-Bp-j/?igshid=1l5vaw8n5w3cf
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littlegoldboat · 7 years ago
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Sing it, Langston. “Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.” #langstonhughes #larain #jazzpoet #poetryquotes #rainquotes #rainmusic #beyondbaroquevenice
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hope-louise-wright · 8 years ago
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The Godfather of Hip Hop By Hope Elle When one ask the question, “Where did Hip Hop originate from?” Likely, there may be numerous answers. However, if the question is, “Who founded Hip Hop?” You're guaranteed to here this named uttered, in the topic of discussion, Gil Scott-Heron. Although, viewed in the music genres of American Jazz, particularly Jazz Poetry, Jazz-Funk,Soul and Proto-Rap. Scott-Heron has been recognized throughout the industry as a spoken word artist, mainly in the 1970’s and 1980’s. His collaborative efforts with Brian Jackson, set the tone for a brilliant and ingenious musical fusion. Resulted in the engendered and creation of political rap, Hip Hop, Neo Soul and thus being labeled the Godfather of Rap. Gil Scott-Heron’s career had expanded nearly 42 years, before his untimely death in 2011. And is most noted for his spoken word album Pieces of A Man. Which featured the hit urban political rap “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.” According to Wikipedia.com, “the lyrical content concerning social and political issues of the time, delivered in both rapping and melismatic vocal styles by Scott-Heron. His own term for himself was "bluesologist", which he defined as "a scientist who is concerned with the origin of the blues". To more read of this article visit https://hopeelle.com #gilscottheron #jazzpoet #urbanpoetry #hiphop #musichistory #blues #soul #politics #influencer #vinyl #vintage #timeless #unsung #relevant #blackhistory #classic
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philajazzproject · 3 years ago
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Continuing our celebration of the legendary bandleader & philosopher Sun Ra, we've got 5 new mixtapes for our Sun Ra Mixtape Series. This makes a total of 17 in the series. These FREE and inventive recordings illuminate the enduring influence of Sun Ra and feature music by such powerful vocalists as @kevinlvalentine @nardpics & @vshaynef. Learn More & Get FREE Download Here: https://bit.ly/3bO5WI7 #PhillyJazz #SunRa #JazzMixtape #Mixtape #FreeMusic #FreeDownload #SatellitesAreSpinning #JazzSinger #SingPhillySing #JazzPoets #Poets #KevinValentine #BernardCollins VShayneFrederick (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgS3rKhj3Hm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sarahjamesjazz · 8 years ago
"keep dancing" VideoPoem by Sarah James from her CD "everywhere, eve...
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greatthingking · 5 years ago
The national Detroit version of The Michael Van Tull Show is NOW AN INTERNET RADIO PROGRAM on the nations largest online radio network. Click on the photo icon below. Join the 'live' podcast Sundays at 9am. Or simply dial in and listen at 563.999.3557. Brought to you by Combined Insurance life/accident/sickness/disability call Geri Anderson 248.760.1532, Kyles & Kyles Plumbing and Home Repairs 313.412.7064 and The Warrior Lawyer Johnny Hawkins 248.567.9990 PLUS THE SUNDAY MORNING TEAM 1. CO HOST LA TOYA SANDERS 2. POLITICAL ANALYST HENRIETTA IVEY 3. LIFESTYLE EDITOR KIMBERLY BATCHELOR DAVIS, 4. FOUNDER MISSIONARY HATTIE HUMPHREY AND 5. HOST JAZZPOET MICHAEL VAN TULL
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nielsfez-blog-blog · 14 years ago
Jazzpoethouse møder indieguitar
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Jeg praler gerne af at være blottet for nostalgi. Jeg nægter at ende som generationerne før mig, der bliver ved med at tale om "dengang i 60'erne" eller hænger fast i den musik, de (vi) hørte i de formative år.
Men (mindst) en ting kan få mig ned ad nostalgiens gustne spor: Pianobreaks, der lyder som 1980'ernes tidlige houseplader. Hallelujah!
Hvis man kombinerer dén feeling med skramlede rytmebokse og Gil Scott-Herons overjordiske jazzpoesi, er jeg solgt. Derfor spiller jeg lige nu "I'll Take Care Of You" på repeat. Det er en skæring fra sidste års "I'm New Here"-album, men i et nyt remix lavet af Jamie xx fra indiebandet xx.
Scott-Heron taler/synger med sin rustne, dybe stemme, og Jamie bygger et lydlandskab, der trækker sig ind og ud af højttaleren. Som bølger mod stranden. Og i glimt får man den skønne lyd af piano, der får sangen til at swinge, som var den indspillet på DJ International i en garage i Chicago i 1986.
Hør selv:
Jamie xx har faktisk remixet hele Gil Scott-Herons album fra sidste år. Nu hedder det "We're New Here", og det stemningsfuldt med masser af de lyriske guitarer og det tilbageholdte åndedræt, mange faldt for hos xx.
Men det bedste er selvfølgelig, at projektet liv i Gil Scott-Heron. Han fortjener det. Den seje mf'er. Manden bag "The Bottle", "Winter In Johannesburg" og "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised". Det sidste fik han ikke ret i, men det er stadig en sublim sang.
Han spillede den desværre ikke ved koncerten i Lille Vega i København sidste år. Men det var ok. Det var stort bare at høre hans mørke stemme runge ud i lokalet og få muligheden for at opleve ham i god form igen. Han har ellers slidt hårdt på sig selv. Mange års misbrug og selvdestruktion har sat sine spor, og mindet om kuldsejlede koncerter på Loppen og i Montmartre sad i baghovedet inden showet.
Men så begyndte han at tale.Han trak kasketten godt ned i panden, kløede sig i det grå fuldskæg og snakkede. Han grinede hjerteligt, mens han fortalte om sine oplevelser med at læse anmeldelserne af "I'm New Here".
”Der stod, at jeg havde været forsvundet. Det passer altså ikke, men hvor ville det være fedt, hvis man kunne forsvinde. Er kæresten kedelig? Bum, så er jeg væk. Jeg kunne også prøve det i aften. Koncerten ville blive kort, men I ville få noget at snakke om,” klukkede han og satte sig til rette ved sit Fender Rhodes.
Se ham her i ren version med titelsangen fra "I'm New Here":
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philajazzproject · 3 years ago
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Celebrating Sun Ra's Arrival Day, which was May 22nd, we've got 5 new mixtapes for our Sun Ra Mixtape Series. This makes a total of 17 in the series. These FREE and inventive mixtapes illuminate the enduring influence of Sun Ra and feature music by such innovative poets as @yolandawisher, @halonzojennings & the late Lamont Dixon. Learn More & Get FREE Download Here: https://bit.ly/3bO5WI7 #PhillyJazz #SunRa #JazzMixtape #Mixtape #FreeMusic #FreeDownload #SatellitesAreSpinning #YolandaWisher #AlonzoJennings #LamontDixon #JazzPoets #Poets #SpokenWord (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeJWPDZuCGH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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