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▪️Kay ▪️26▪️She/They ▪️ Current Hyperfixation: Haikyuu AGAIN
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kayoticworld · 16 days ago
"I just need something! I'll be quick about it! I promise!"
And that is how you managed to drag him into a drug store with you...
HAIKYUU!! Headcanons - Shopping Edition
He loves shopping and you needing something, taking your sweet time to decide gave him some time to explore. When you don't see him for a few moments you decide to look for him.
Where do you find him? Right. Shampoo isle.
"Y/N-chan! Smell these for me! Which one do you like better?~"
He chose Mango-Pineapple.
As much as he likes you, shopping is not his favorite part. Caring your bags? Easy work out. Loves it very much. But the walking around, screaming about things, randomly pointing at stuff and being questioned about his opinion in random stores he'd never go to? Yeah, it's for you.
He doesn't leave your side tho. Always right next to you and secretly loves when you ask him for his opinion.
"Are you... done?"
"Just this mascara... But I can't decide which one I like better!"
"Pick the brown one. Makes your eyes stand out more."
He doesn't mind shopping with you, but prefers different type of dates. The ones without much stress.
Also he's watching you trying to chose between three types of nail polish that you claim have different colors.
"I cant decide!", you whine, only for him to lean closer with the most devious smug smile.
"Get the color of my tip. I whip it out if you want to color match."
You left quickly after that. No nail polish was purchased that day.
Actually enjoys spending the time with you. While you try out new makeup products on the back of your hand, he always watches in silent amazement.
"What do you think of that Eyeliner, Eita?"
"It's... Dark blue, sparkly... I like it! Would look great on you!"
"Yeah? You know it would look amazing on your eyes too! Rockstars always wear a little makeup."
Oh, that's how you got him. He had always wanted to try it, but didn't know if you'd make fun of him. So you two bought some products for him too!
Yeah, not minding how embarrassing that is for you, he just wants to get out of the store as quickly as possible and while he's at it, might let other people know he's getting laid.
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kayoticworld · 17 days ago
Haikyuu!! Headcanons - Hair
Fluffy, nice smelling hair, that makes everyone jealous since it's so nice. No heat as ever reached those luxurious strands. Only high end hair stylists get to handle it.
OIKAWA, Yamaguchi, Akaashi, Suna, Semi, Mattsun
Yeah, no. DIY DYE it is. Might have gone good, sometimes those little experiments have backfired... Like really backfired.
ATSUMU, OSAMU, Kenma, Kuroo, Bokuto
Also Team DIY CUT. Like these guys will literally use nail clippers or kitchen scissors to cut that shi-
Goshiki, Tendou, Kyotani
Has a friend/sibling Hair stylist who has to handle ALL the hair things. (they don't get paid)
Tanaka, Nishinoya, Hinata
It's just hair? Like... Wash it, brush it, what's so difficult about it? Get a 10$ hair cut once in a while?
Daichi, Shirabu, Tsukishima, Ushijima, Kageyama
Hates his hair because it is difficult to manage and never works how he wants it to.
Iwaizumi, SAKUSA, Aone
Manbun, just a simple guy. Although he'd like to try more different styles but is afraid the others might make fun of him:
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kayoticworld · 23 days ago
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"Aghhh~ Rin-", you moaned.
Your back was facing towards the middle blocker as you were currently on all fours on the couch taking his dick like a good little bitch.
"Fuck, just like that."
As you turned your head to look at him, you see the flash of his phone. He's filming you taking it, taking it so damn good.
"Rin. Put the phone down."
He gave you a hard thrust, knowing damn well it was going to hit the perfect spot.
"Keep moaning like that. Come for me sweet thing.", he teased, slowly biting your ear.
Of course he fucked you silly. You came undone so nicely, all over him and he loved every fucking second of it.
"Sunarin, you really need to stop filming me when we..."
"When we do it like that? You always get shy when I film you in missionary or-"
"Entire thing needs to stop."
"Why? I have an a game far, far away from you next week and if you're not there to take care of me, I gotta DIY it. And I'd rather do it to the best fucking view."
He leaned closer, giving you a sweet little kiss on the cheek.
"Besides... We both know how much it turns you on."
Maybe he wasn't wrong with that...
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kayoticworld · 1 month ago
When you messaged Suna to ask if he could send you a video of Atsumu for a friend, the side of his lip lifted in a little scowl. He considered it for a second before sending you a video of Atsumu sneezing into his towel at a volleyball game, before handing it to Osamu for him to unknowingly rub his face with it.
Suna watched from across the cafeteria as you frowned, leaning away from your phone screen in disgust as you watched the video. It made a small laugh huff between his lips as he tried to hold back the satisfied smile.
From y/n: I can’t send this to her?? she’s head over heels for that piss-head
From Suna: oh it’s actually for your friend
With an ungraceful sound of realisation that you were in fact asking for a friend and not just using it as a cheeky excuse, Suna glanced at Atsumu who was currently stuffing his face with onigiri, his cheeks covered in stray rice as he talked while chewing.
From Suna: he doesn’t have any good angles tho, you’re on your own
And he thrived in the way you found his eyes across the room to hit him with a glare because at least you weren’t the one crushing on the twin. Even if you were, his video planted enough doubt in the Miya genes to last until he finally asked you out. Crisis averted.
I've fallen ill and will be taking a bit longer on the requests for my event, so have this drabble in the meantime<3
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kayoticworld · 1 month ago
I need to remind u all that this tweet exists (I once made a post abt it, but I can't find it now ☠️)
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kayoticworld · 1 month ago
Haikyuu!! Headcanons - Your Period
For those of you that are suffering from it rn :)
Has your period saved in their phone to be as prepared as possible and help you deal with cramps. They got pain meds, steak to cook for you on the first day, some chocolate, flowers & a heatable plushie for your stomach.
Sugawara, Oikawa, Kita, Akaashi
Hinata, Nishinoya, Asahi, YAMAGUCHI (he'd freak out so much)
Has Sister(s) so they know the drill. They mean well although they are not leaving your side at all. Like... They are glued to you. And won't let you do anything yourself.
Might even claim you two share the pain.
"You alright, babe?"
They don't really know what to do but mean well. But get ready to be teased. Like "Remember when I had that injury? I didn't cry like that." but they'd do mean well. Cuddles, blankets and lots of jokes.
Suna, Iwaizumi, KUROO, Tendou
Means well, absolutely clusless on how to support you. Like he might ghost you because you said you needed some space. How long does this even last? And why are there different pad sizes? Ends up buying the puppy training pads out of confusion.
KAGEYAMA, Ushijima
"Text me when you're not in Carrie Mode anymore ✌🏻"
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kayoticworld · 1 month ago
Ohh no, how did those dirty, dirty thoughts escape?
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Have. You. Seen. His. Thighs.
That man knows you think they are attractive. It makes him feel so damn wanted, so damn needed.
So he ALWAYS has you ride his thigh. Always.
But don't think he just leans back & enjoys you getting off on him.
No, no, no. He does that. Sometimes.
But he grabs your hips, makes you ride him really good. Really nice.
Like low key force you to squirm underneath his grip around your hips and your cute little cunt on his muscles.
Just when you're almost there, squirming, wet, begging for it. Then the actual foreplay starts.
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kayoticworld · 1 month ago
So what's your favorite?
Complains about you having a song on repeat, because it gets stuck in their head and they end up humming it mid training.
TSUKISHIMA, Kageyama, Iwaizumi, Daichi, Shirabu, Atsumu
Always happy to discover new music with you, because then they have something they connect with you. So they send you so so many songs + lyrics.
Suga, Asahi, YAMAGUCHI, Mattsukawa, Goshiki
Has that ONE specific song that just sounds like... You. The one that gives them a warm fuzzy feeling and butterflies in their stomach.
SEMI, Oikawa, Kenma, Yaku, SUNA, Kita
Will dedicate entire Playlists to you.
Hinata, NISHINOYA, TANAKA, Kuroo, Tendou
Your favorite song? Also his from now on.
Ushijima, Hanamaki, Ennoshita, Atsumu
In another life...
Bokuto & Akaashi
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kayoticworld · 1 month ago
Sakusa is the type of guy to actually have a hair routine.
I mean... You really expect those luscious black curls to just exist without any help? No, no, no.
He has to INVEST in his hair.
So when there is a game or anything really that requires him to travel, he has to make a list to make sure he brings ALL his products!
Also he relies on you to help him go over that list multiple times!
Can't forget anything...
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kayoticworld · 1 month ago
Bokuto - Headache
Imagine being out all day with Bokuto. He's loud, he's funny and he's in a very good mood.
But then you got a headache.
At first you tried to ignore it, but then it got really painful. So you went home.
Immediately Bokuto went into a very silent mode. He tried to keep his distance from you.
"Bo, what's wrong?"
"Babe, I know something is wrong."
"Did I give you a headache?", he asked with tears in his eyes.
You blinked in surprise.
"What? NO! BOKUTO!"
He's a loud person and people usually can't stand him for longer than necessary. So Bo worried that he might be too much for you and you'd be done with him.
"Bo, come here!", you spread out your arms to pull him into your embrace.
Slowly you brushed over the frosted tips of his hair, as he looked at you like puppy.
"I just got a headache because I didn't drink enough today. But you are here to make me feel better... I could never get enough of you, okay?"
"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Bo."
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kayoticworld · 1 month ago
How the Haikyuu Boys would react to you (not so calmly) asking them to kill a spider Pt. 3
Pt. 3 - Noya, Hinata, Tanaka, Tendou, Daichi
This chaotic boy heard you scream.
He tries to be your hero.
"Don't worry Y/N! I'll be your knight in shining armor! I'll safe you!"
But honestly? He has NO clue.
He tries to grab the spider, to carry it outside.
Accidently rips one of his legs off and it falls on the floor.
Decides to get the Nerf-gun and kill it.
Literally will take him 20 minutes. But once he's done, he'll sit right next to you, expecting to be praised.
He'd be as scared as you, but he'd do everything he can to protect you.
Grabs the next heavy object to squish it
Doesn't matter whether it is your book, a laptop, a CHAIR...
Will literally hit the poor thing with full force
Didn't expect the clean up
Also wants praise.
Cutie would be so lost.
He doesn't want to hurt the spider but seeing you this stressed makes him think
He could help you overcome your fear!
Grabs a cup & a sheet of paper to capture it
Tells you to take a look, because "It's just little, it won't do any harm!"
"That's what other volleyball teams thought about you too, Shoyo! And look at you now!"
Okay, he gets it.
Carries it outside immediately.
He just *yoinks* it.
Looks at you with a devious spark in his eyes
"Don't you fucking d-"
Runs after you with the thing in hand
Might decide to keep it as a pet.
Only stops when you really freaked out & started crying
Apologizes profusely
Spider got lost again somewhere, while he comforted you
He's dead.
No, but fr tho
The only sane one.
Even if you tell him to "Shot it with his gun"
Carries it outside in a glass or depending on the placement vaccums it
When it crawls out of the vaccum once, he swears it was going to murder him
Pretty chill, but is equally as disgusted as you are
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kayoticworld · 2 months ago
So ehh we're back in the Haikyuu rabbit hole ✨
If you're in the mood, drop me some characters & I'll drop you some headcanons to brighten your day ✌🏻
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kayoticworld · 2 months ago
He's pretty insecure when it comes to his freckles, but he loves when you trace patterns over them.
Once you started complimenting him for them, he wore them with pride.
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kayoticworld · 2 years ago
Ghost 👻 - CoD MW2
Random Post:
He had a firm grip. A fist full of hair, while the other was pushing your upper half down on the mat.
Suddenly he gave your hair a hard pull.
"What do you do when someone has you in this position?", Ghost asked in his rough british accent.
"Usually I enjoy it and ask them to slap my butt too."
You couldn't tell whether he liked that response, thought it was funny or something else. The masked man just glared down at you.
"Stop being cocky. And think."
"Figured we weren't thinking the same..."
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kayoticworld · 2 years ago
Me: I’m playing Pokemon Violet for the plot.
The plot:
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kayoticworld · 2 years ago
POOOOOGGGG 💛 Lucy Kaneshiro 🦁
Finally did my her! Ahhh I'm absolutely obsessed!
If you're into NijisanjiEN (especially Luxiem) HMU PLS! I need more mutuals! 🥺
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kayoticworld · 3 years ago
Kakucho Itto x Reader
Alcohol & Frustration - SMUT!
Idk what y'all expected but the title gives it away.
Warnings: Sex (obviously?), Fem!Reader (sry), Violence, Language, Swearing, TW! Short mention of Rape (Mentioned! Not happening!)
"Fucking damn it!", he screamed, kicking his chair so hard it went flying all across the room.
"Calm down. Please..."
Kakucho and you blew a mission. You didn't blew it. You two full on failed getting the job done.
Now not only you were angry but all the other Bonten executives including the big boss himself. Mikey didn't blame you during the meeting.
How could he? It was your first mission after all. No. He blamed Kakucho for everything.
Killing a guy. Easy enough for Bontens number 3. Or at least so he thought.
Now the Haitani Brothers had to go and finish what you two obviously fucked up.
"I'm sorry.", you mumbled. "We screwed up because of-"
"Don't say that. I don't want to hear it. It was my fault. My responsibility."
You were too stunned to say something.
Whereas Kaku was pouring himself a glass of whiskey, which he chugged down immediately just to pour himself another one, then he sat down on the couch in the middle of his office.
Like an innocent little lamb you still just stood there, playing with the hem of your black sparkly dress.
Maybe this was the wrong time to make a move on Kakucho, or maybe it was just the feeling of needing to make it up to him.
You had a couple of drinks at that club. More than enough. Bonten used you as a bait to lure a rivaling drug producer out.
It worked great until, his man almost got their will with you and Kakucho had to give up on killing the bastard. He saved you.
"Y/N... You can leave now. I don't really need company now. I'll let you know when Ran and Rindou are back."
You bit your lip at the sight of him. The city lights made him seem so dark and mysterious. His scar was almost glowing.
The bruised skin was showing underneath his dress shirt, as he already unbuttoned half of it.
He was stunning. Memorizing.
Kakucho just had this aura around him, something that seemed to pull you in.
Like it had a mind on its own, your body moved towards him. For a brief moment you took all strength that was left in you and sat down on his lap, placing both your hands on his shoulders.
"What are you doing Y/N?!", he asked, but didn't move you.
"Shh. Hush now. Let me make it up to you."
And with that you pressed your lips on his.
He didn't react for a moment, but then he decided to kiss you too with the same passion you had for him.
Maybe it wasn't passion, maybe it was just the mixture of alcohol and frustration, that made him shove his tounge in your mouth, but the sensation made your mind go blank.
His tounge swirling around yours. His taste. The expensive whiskey. His smell. The smell of even more expensive cologne.
You let your hands wander over his chest, feeling all the muscles tense underneath your touch, when you suddenly heard the sound of breaking glass.
Mindlessly Kakucho had thrown the glass to the ground, as he went on to grab your hips with both his hands.
You had in fact been moving them, grinding on Bontens number 3 without even realizing it, without any shame. But it was you that made his pants feel thight.
That thought alone was what send you over the edge. You wanted him. Now.
You softly bit down on his bottom lip, tugging it between your teeth, as your hands were busy removing Kakuchos belt.
"Wait. You don't-"
Whatever he had to say, it didn't matter.
Once the belt and pants were out of the way, you held his erection in your hand. Giving it a few hard strokes before positioning yourself right over him.
The entire time, this making out session had you dripping wet. You needed him.
Both of you looked into each others eyes as you guided his dick right to your entrance.
"Fuck! Y/N!", he moaned as you sank down on him.
The sudden feeling of being fully stuffed made you moan so prettily. It felt like his dick belonged inside you.
"Still want me to stop, Kakucho?", you whispered sensually.
"Fuck. Show me what you got pretty girl."
The praising alone was almost enough to send you over the edge, but when you experimentally rolled your hips and he moaned in your ear... That was the high you were after. Something Sanzu and his drugs could never give you.
As he gripped your hips to make you move just perfectly on top of him, your moans started to fill the room.
He was licking, kissing, marking the side of your neck in order to keep his moans hidden. Or maybe to show the other Bonten members who you belonged to.
You picked up more speed as you bounced right on his hard one. The feeling, the sensation, Kakucho...
Never had a man made you feel so full. His tip almost seemed to kiss the inside of your womb everytime you sank down on him. Yet the pain made it feel so much more pleasurable.
Especially when he directed your movements. His strong grip on your hips gave you the hold you needed to let go.
You were dripping wet. Sure the noise could be heard outside the office, but why would you care?
There was Bontens number 3 thrusting right into you from underneath. Moaning hard because you're thight and he adores your every movement.
Again. Again. Again.
You two connected. Chasing the high.
"Ahhh! Kaku- I'm... Ahhh!"
"I'm close, baby girl. Hold on."
Another thrust, was enough to send you over the edge and as you came loudly, Kakucho released right into you. Your walls literally milked him dry.
Both of you covered in sweat, heavily panting, looked each other in the eyes.
Right then and there the door opened. It was no one else than Sanzu Motherfucking Haruchiyo.
"Kakucho, I just wanted to tell you that- WOAH! What the fuck?! Disgusting, man."
"What is it, Sanzu?"
"Ran and Rindou are back."
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