#jay papasan
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Dentro di noi lottano due lupi.
Uno è la paura.
Porta ansia, preoccupazione, incertezza, esitazione, indecisione e inazione.
L'altro è la fede.
Porta calma, convinzione, fiducia, entusiasmo, determinazione, esaltazione e azione.
"Quale dei due lupi vince?"
"Quello cui dai da mangiare."
Gary Keller con Jay Papasan
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Book Recommendations 📚📒
Business and Leadership:
"Good to Great" by Jim Collins
"The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries
"Zero to One" by Peter Thiel
"Leaders Eat Last" by Simon Sinek
"Outliers: The Story of Success" by Malcolm Gladwell
Success and Personal Development:
"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey
"Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol S. Dweck
"Atomic Habits" by James Clear
"Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance" by Angela Duckworth
"The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg
Mental Health and Well-being:
"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle
"Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy" by David D. Burns
"The Gifts of Imperfection" by Brené Brown
"The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook" by Edmund J. Bourne
"The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook" by Matthew McKay, Jeffrey C. Wood, and Jeffrey Brantley
Goal Setting and Achievement:
"Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want—Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible" by Brian Tracy
"The 12 Week Year" by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington
"Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" by Daniel H. Pink
"The One Thing" by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
"Smarter Faster Better" by Charles Duhigg
Relationships and Communication:
"How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie
"The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman
"Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High" by Al Switzler, Joseph Grenny, and Ron McMillan
"Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life" by Marshall B. Rosenberg
"Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" by John Gray
Self-Help and Personal Growth:
"The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson
"Daring Greatly" by Brené Brown
"Awaken the Giant Within" by Tony Robbins
"The Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod
"You Are a Badass" by Jen Sincero
Science and Popular Science:
"Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" by Yuval Noah Harari
"The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot
"Cosmos" by Carl Sagan
"A Short History of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson
"The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins
Health and Nutrition:
"The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell II
"In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan
"Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker
"Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall
"The Omnivore's Dilemma" by Michael Pollan
Fiction and Literature:
"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
"1984" by George Orwell
"The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
"The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger
"Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen
#books#books and reading#reading#goodreads#bookshelf#bookish#readersofinstagram#reading list#personal improvement#personal development#life advice#advice
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4. Don't fear failure
It's as much a part of our journey to extraordinary results as success. Adopt a growth mindset, and don't be afraid of where it can take you.
Extraordinary results aren't built solely on extraordinary results. They're built on failure too.
In fact, it would be accurate to say that we fail our way to success.
The one thing, Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
#book quotes#dead poets society#movie quotes#poets corner#spilled ink#quoteoftheday#poetry#one thing#successmindset
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Putaran yang berulang
Bagi sebagian orang kehidupan merupakan tempat berkreasi, banyak bertabur peluang dan kemungkinan, berkerlip menawarkan keindahan. Namun bagi sebagian yang lain kehidupan merupakan ruang rutinitas yang berulang dan membosankan.
Fenomena sekarang bahwa life freedom yang bermakna terbebas dari rutinitas harian dan memiliki warna baru setiap hari untuk dinikmati merupakan hal yang banyak diimpikan orang, terutama di kawala muda. Namun sayang, seringkali seseorang yang merasa terkekang dengan rutinitas harian ataupun pekanan yang sebenarnya ia ingin lari darinya dan meninggalkan semua itu di belakang sehingga tak pernah tertoleh lagi tak kunjung terealisasi. Entah karena takut dengan ketidakpastian, atau karena belum sanggup mendengarkan kritikan orang. Sehingga hari-harinya terselimuti awan mendung kegelisahan yang menurunkan hujan kesedihan.
Namun dalam kehidupan ini benarkah seseorang bisa terlepas sepenuhnya dari rutinitas, dan benarkah memiliki keterikatan dengan sebuah rutinitas harian yang harus dijalankan dan senantiasa terulang merupakan cara hidup yang patut untuk dihindari?
Senikmat dan seindah apapun kehidupan jika dijalankan dengan ritme yang sama maka suatu waktu pasti mendatangkan kejenuhan. Pemandangan terindah jika terus dipandang akan menaruh kesan 'biasa' di benak suatu waktu nanti. Hal tersebut merupakan sebuah watak yang telah ditanamkan dalam diri manusia, tidak pernah puas, selayaknya ketamakan akan harta. Sebagaimana yang dijelaskan oleh baginda Nabi ﷺ:
لَوْ كانَ لاِبْنِ آدَمَ وادِيانِ مِن مالٍ لابْتَغَى وادِيًا ثالِثًا، ولا يَمْلأُ جَوْفَ ابْنِ آدَمَ إلَّا التُّرابُ، ويَتُوبُ اللَّهُ علَى مَن تابَ.
“Seandainya seseorang memiliki dua lembah harta maka ia pasti menginginkan lembah ketiga, dan tidak ada yang dapat memenuhi perut anak Adam melainkan tanah (kematian)”. (HR. Imam Muslim No. 1048).
Kemudian kita dapati bahwa konsekuensi sebagai umat muslim dalam rangka meraih keridhaan Allah ﷻ sebuah jiwa harus mau tunduk terhadap kewajiban-kewajiban yang telah Ia gariskan, di antaranya berupa amalan harian yang senantiasa harus dilaksanakan, pada waktu dan dengan cara yang telah ditentukan; seperti halnya shalat lima waktu. Sebagaimana yang difirmankan:
إِنَّ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ كَانَتْ عَلَى ٱلْمُؤْمِنِينَ كِتَٰبًا مَّوْقُوتًا
"Sesungguhnya shalat itu adalah fardhu yang ditentukan waktunya atas orang-orang yang beriman”. (Qs. An-Nisa: 103).
Sehingga kita dapati agama yang mulia ini melatih jiwa seseorang untuk bertahan di atas sebuah rutinitas baik yang ia yakini dapat membawa kebahagiaan dunia dan akhiratnya. Secara implisit bahwa jiwa yang telah tahan dalam alur dan rutinitas baik merupakan jiwa yang telah sampai pada level yang lebih tinggi. Senada dengan hal tersebut Nabi ﷺ bersabda:
أَحَبُّ الْأَعْمَالِ إِلَى اللَّهِ تَعَالَى أَدْوَمُهَا وَإِنْ قَلَّ
“Amalan yang paling dicintai oleh Allah adalah yang paling konsisten meskipun sedikit”. (HR. Imam Bukhori no 6464 dan Imam Muslim no 783 ).
Imam Nawawi rahimahullah mengatakan, “Maksudnya mampu untuk konsisten dalam melakasanakan tanpa terbebani. Di dalamnya ada dalil anjuran untuk menjaga dalam beribadah, menjauhi berlebih-lebihan. Hadits tidak khusus dalam shalat, bahkan ia umum mencakup semua amalan kebaikan”. (Syarah Nawawi ‘ala Muslim, [6/ 70-71]).
Kalau kita menilik kepada dunia barat, jauh-jauh hari mereka telah mengakui bahwa pengulangan terhadap prioritas yang tepat merupakan tangga utama menuju kesuksesan dunia, sebagaimana yang di jelaskan oleh Charles Duhigg dalam bukunya The Power of Habit dan Gary Keller beserta Jay Papasan dalam buku mereka The One Thing.
Sehingga pada akhirnya sebuah rutinitas baik merupakan bekal seseorang untuk mendapat kemuliaan dunia dan akhirat. Hanya kesadaran yang perlu senantiasa untuk diarahkan kepada sisi positif sehingga dapat kembali melihat nilai baik dari rutinitas tersebut. Tanpa harus merubah haluan yang telah diarungi selama ini hanya disebabkan oleh rasa jenuh atau termakan kata-kata kebebasan.
(Arfat Ardi S)
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The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results (Authors: Gary Keller, With Jay Papasan)
Small Talk 1: If you don’t think BIG you put a cap on what you can achieve
Prioritize your to-do list. All items are not equally important. The Pareto principle states- 80% of the defects comes from 20% of the flaws.
Ask FOCUS questions
The secret to getting ahead is to getting started.
The secret to getting started is knowing what to do and focus on
What’s the ONE thing you can do such that by doing it everything else becomes easy or unnecessary.
Find the direction and choose the action.
Small Talk 2: The secret to a disciplined life is sequential habit forming.
Use discipline selectively to form enduring good habits.
Channel all of your discipline into ONE habit that will anchor you.
Once you establish one habit, move onto another.
Build positive habits by selectively applying discipline.
Small Talk 3: Multi-talking is inefficient. Pick ONE thing.
Humans can’t focus on two things at once
Task switching enacts a time penalty. Every time you stop, you have to remember where you were and what you were doing.
Small Talk 4: Your will-power is like a fuel tank. Choose carefully where you use it.
Willpower drains throughout the day, depending on what activities you engage in.
When you focus attention, suppress emotion- depletes your emotion.
For examples- did you know research shows judges much more likely to give "no parole "to offenders at the end of a long work day at court? With energy is depleted- people are more likely to follow the path of least resistance.
Small Talk 5: Saying No to unimportant tasks is vital to focus on important one
Say NO to low priority requests.
Take a page from Apple's book- they went from 350 products to just 10.
Focusing is about saying NO.
Put in systems to cut down on the requests you get.
Small Talk 6: Living with purpose and visualizing goals sets you on the path to success.
Must have concrete goals to work towards to be able to know what you’re doing, why, directing your actions
Visualize each step.
What’s the ONE thing you want to do and achieve in life
Small Talk 7: Never compromise your personal life for professional goals, prioritize your work-time ruthlessly
Work is made of rubber- the others are make up glass.
Prioritize work time to focus on professional goals.
Small Talk 8- To focus on ONE thing you need time management strategies. And to embrace some chaos.
Chaos always builds but keep focus on your ONE thing.
Schedule blocks of time to work on your ONE thing and ruthlessly defend those blocks.
#the one thing#personal development#productivity#self help#self improvement#self care#psychology#book blog#book summaries#entale#small talk#small talk summary
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The One Thing : Résumé du Secret de la Réussite
Découvrez les enseignements du livre the one thing et devenez super FOCUS sur l'essentiel !
As-tu lu “The One Thing: Passez à l’essentiel” ou souhaites-tu découvrir le résumé de ce livre qui a bousculé ma perception de l’organisation ? En effet, le succès est-il synonyme de surcharge mentale, de journées interminables à jongler entre mille tâches ? Gary Keller et Jay Papasan, dans leur livre “The One Thing”, nous délivrent une vérité percutante : NON ! Car la clé de la réussite n’est…
#améliorer sa relation à l&039;argent#entreprendre au féminin#investir au féminin#La Liberté Financière#lancer ton business#Oser#Se libérer
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I was tagged by @spaceydragons ! Thanks Jay! This was so fun to put together!
Tagging anyone who wants to do this!
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Algebraic Preaching: The Importance of Pre-Christian Preaching
“If disproportionate results come from one activity, then you must give that one activity disproportionate time.” — The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller, Jay Papasan Here’s a recent video of Stephen Meyer who gives an inspiring defense of the Creation Order vs. Evolution. I have also found the following podcasts to be very helpful: The…
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A única coisa: A verdade surpreendentemente simples por trás de resultados extraordinários por Gary Keller e Jay Papasan | LIVRO PDF
Este livro A única coisa: A verdade surpreendentemente simples por trás de resultados extraordinários é um guia prático que ensina como alcançar grandes resultados focando em uma única coisa. Escrito por Gary Keller e Jay Papasan, o livro aborda a importância de reduzir distrações e concentrar-se no que realmente importa para alcançar produtividade máxima e qualidade de vida. Você Quer…
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“Many people tend to spread themselves too thin, resulting in their failure to achieve. If you want to make long-term life changes, choose one thing and then focus your energy on being phenomenal there.”
Excellent results depend on how narrow your focus is. ~ Gary Keller, Jay Papasan
Be like a postage stamp; stick to one thing until you get there. ~ Josh Billings
If you ever wondered how successful people use the same 24 hours daily and seem to get more done, you’ve found your answer. The one thing is the main thing, a person, a passion, or a skill that is a deal-breaker in getting what you want.
“Deleting the things that do not matter at a particular time to make room for the things that do will narrow your focus, and the one thing will become crystal clear: your aim.
You can achieve significant business, spiritual, or marriage goals, but you only get results if you find your top priority and follow through.”
Success does not happen all of a sudden; it is not magic. ~ Gary Keller, Jay Papasan
“Six lies might stand between you and success. These lies are:
Everything matters equally”
Neither of them gets your maximum attention when you do two things simultaneously. Multitasking leads to limited productivity and distractions, making accomplishing your goals much more challenging. The principle of the one thing does not thrive amidst such conditions.
“3. A disciplined life
While discipline is needed, a positive habit is more important. When faced with a task, you don’t always need discipline. So instead of focusing on it solely, you can channel your efforts into picking and cultivating relevant habits.
Willpower is not always on will-call
Willpower is delicate, and you should treat it with as much care as possible. It is a critical part of success and a determinant of many decisions you will make on your journey to your dreams. It is not infinite, though. Everyone has a limited willpower supply, so it is necessary to recharge it constantly.
A balanced life
Balance is a myth. It means staying safe in the center, and we all know nothing exciting happens there. The big things occur at the extremes. An extraordinary life is a counterbalancing act. Make your priorities very clear to make follow-through easier. Choose your focus, and abandon the rest.
Big is bad
When you automatically label big things as bad, you are less likely to make progress or shatter any glass ceilings. Don’t limit yourself to only making small steps. Big success starts with big thinking.
“Here are some truths that will help you achieve more with less effort:
The focusing question
Tasks can look insurmountable when you see them at first glance. The trick to making them easier is to break them down into smaller bits. That way, you only need to begin with the first and work your way down until you’ve completed everything.
You only need one focusing question to put everything in perspective: “What is the one small and specific thing that can make all the rest unnecessary or done with less effort?”
Your choices and decisions determine what kind of results you get. The focusing question throws all the light on your one thing and brings the essential to the fore.
Success is not about setting your life on fire. It’s about doing a few things really well. ~ Gary Keller, Jay Papasan
“Here are some steps to get great results and bring the one thing to the fore of your life:
Get acquainted with the idea of the one thing and ensure you fully understand it. Trust that this principle can change your life.
Put the focusing question to use every day; ensure you consciously ask yourself about the one thing that will make everything easier.
Form a habit of asking yourself the focusing question. Stick with it and practice daily until it becomes an integral part of you.
Leverage reminders everywhere around you. Set alarms, phone wallpapers, or create wall stickers, so that you can get constant reminders.
Recruit support from others. Tell them about the one thing and share your plan so they can help when it seems like you need a pick-me-up.
Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. ~ Will Rogers
“But to find great answers, you must ask big and specific questions. Instead of asking, “How do I get the promotion?” include a challenge and a deadline in your question: “How do I achieve my KPIs and sign three new contracts in four months?”
To find a great answer to a great question, explore the possibilities that do not just lie around. Do the research and put in extra effort to get the extraordinary results you seek.
Your life must have a purpose if you want to be successful. ~ Gary Keller, Jay Papasan
“Dr. Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology, distinguishes five elements that create our happiness:
Positive emotions and pleasure
According to his ideas, engagement and meaning are the most significant. Doing more things that bring sense to your life is a way to true happiness.
“The purpose is what keeps you going when it feels like you’ve come to the end of the road. It fuels your one thing and aligns everything in the direction that points to success. Ask yourself what the one thing is that you want the most. Above everything else, what do you want your life to be about? That is your purpose.
If you want to finish your to-do lists, try the time-blocking technique. The only thing you have to do is block out the hours that you need to spend on the one thing. You can also block hours daily or weekly to create a habit. Another important step here is to make sure you reserve some time off. You’ll need this time to rest and take a break from the one thing so you can return stronger and with more energy.
The secret of achievement is not working more hours but working more effectively during the ones you already have. ~ Gary Keller, Jay Papasan
“Time-block the one thing — a minimum of four hours each day — for you to concentrate on the thing you’ve decided is the most important to you. Also, block your planning time — the time you spend going back to the drawing board to strategize and brainstorm.
Even when you time-block everything, there are bound to be distractions from the one thing. Here are a few ways to deal with them:
Build a bunker, a space where you can’t be disturbed.
Store provisions close to you so you don’t have to take long breaks to get what you want.
Sweep for “mines” — any possible distractions. Dedicate 100% attention to your one thing.
Enlist support from people around you who will push you to do better.
Follow these three measures to stay committed to your one thing:
Pursue the path of mastery: Remember that it’s a constant process, not a destination. The journey to mastery never ends; there’s always a new level to unlock. The more time you invest in your one thing, the more self-confident and competent you become.
Move from entrepreneurial to purposeful : Move from the zone of limits to a limitless one. It implies pushing yourself beyond the ordinary and exploring the potential available to you.
Live the accountability cycle: You won’t get things right every time. Taking responsibility for your wins and your losses is a good way to maintain accountability. Accountable people (who you want to be) acknowledge reality.
“If you have noticed that you are not getting maximum productivity in any area of your life, check that you do not have a problem with the following:
Inability to say no: Different people and situations demand our attention at various times every day, and it sometimes seems impossible to say no and concentrate on the one thing. Learning to say no makes you more focused on your goal and ensures you get the most work done.
Fear of chaos: Life goes on even when you remain focused on your one thing. And since you still exist in this world, you’re not exempt from what happens in it. The hard pill to swallow is that other tasks will most likely not get done when you concentrate on your one thing. But remain focused on your priority, and don’t let anything steal you entirely from what matters most.
Poor health habits: You must take care of yourself. Eat at the right time and rest adequately. You won’t achieve much if you don’t feel well.
Your environment is not conducive to achieving goals: Ensure the people around you support your goals and give you all the positive energy you need to focus on the one thing. Don’t be distracted by your surroundings. The environment you find yourself in must keep your productivity high.
The journey to success begins with going the extra mile to find your one thing. ~ Gary Keller, Jay Papasan
“The first step to greatness is the one thing. Multiply your current income by a number that will produce what you want your income to be - do you want to double it, triple it or even quadruple it? Does your current lifestyle allow you to achieve it? If so, use a higher number and repeat until you find the point where your current effort is not enough. Go back to the drawing board and start making plans to achieve the new goal.
You alone get to determine if you will succeed or not. It might change, but there is something that will matter more than everything else. And when that one thing aligns with your priorities and purpose, life becomes productive.
“Ask yourself how you can best perform but expect to meet a few roadblocks on your path; as with every good thing, progress takes time and a lot of commitment. So, keep going even when you struggle. Everyone fails at different times; what is important is getting your act together and coming up with a new plan to get things done. If you strive to have everything, you might end up with nothing.
“Concentrating on one thing will get you what you want. There should always be one thing in your life that is in harmony with your purpose and a top priority. It will be the most effective thing that will help you fulfill your potential. Whatever you do, do not lose sight of your one thing.
“Write down the one thing you can do this week to improve your self-confidence. Then, write the one thing that matters most in your business and personal areas.
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How to Arrive at the Success You Seek
“Extraordinary results require you to go small.” —Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, authors of The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth about Extraordinary Results Whenever I visit Portland, I try to find time to wander through an older neighborhood full of homes with long-ago planted gardens containing trees and shrubs lovingly cared for and now demonstrating the full potential of their…
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Fully Fueled
“The brain makes up 1/50th of our body mass but consumes a staggering 1/5th of the calories we burn for energy.” I read that this morning in the book, The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, and I’ve been thinking about it since. I’m not sure there’s a better argument for eating well and for managing your blood sugar. Continue reading Untitled
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024 Unearthing Your One Thing
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-ikshv-151b47b Title: Unearthing The One Thing Host: Kimberly Design Love Key Takeaways:🚀 Discover the power of finding your “One Thing” — that singular purpose that propels your life forward. 📖 Gain insights from thought leaders, exploring wisdom from books like “The One Thing” by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Ikegai: The Japanese Secret to a Long & Happy…
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11 Must-Read Books for Real Estate Investors in 2023
“The Book on Rental Property Investing” by Brandon Turner
Brandon Turner, an experienced real estate investor and co-host of the BiggerPockets podcast, shares his expertise in “The Book on Rental Property Investing.” This comprehensive guide covers everything from property selection and financing to tenant management and wealth-building strategies. It’s a must-read for investors looking to build a profitable rental property portfolio and achieve financial independence through real estate.
“The ABCs of Real Estate Investing” by Ken McElroy
Ken McElroy, a seasoned real estate expert and Rich Dad Advisor, offers valuable insights in “The ABCs of Real Estate Investing.” The book breaks down essential concepts, including property analysis, financing, and property management. It provides practical advice and real-world examples to help investors make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of real estate investing.
“The Millionaire Real Estate Investor” by Gary Keller, Dave Jenks, and Jay Papasan
In this bestseller, Gary Keller and co-authors delve into the strategies used by successful real estate investors to amass wealth. “The Millionaire Real Estate Investor” emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals, implementing sound investment models, and building a strong network. The book offers a roadmap to becoming a millionaire through real estate investing.
“The Book on Flipping Houses” by J Scott
Flipping houses can be a lucrative venture, but it comes with its share of risks. J Scott’s “The Book on Flipping Houses” provides a step-by-step guide to successful house flipping. From finding deals and renovating properties to selling for a profit, this book equips investors with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the world of house flipping.
“The Due Diligence Handbook For Commercial Real Estate” by Brian Hennessey
For those venturing into commercial real estate, “The Due Diligence Handbook For Commercial Real Estate” by Brian Hennessey is an indispensable resource. The book covers essential aspects of commercial property analysis, including financial modeling, property inspections, and tenant analysis. Investors will learn how to conduct thorough due diligence to make informed investment decisions.
“What Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know About Cash Flow… And 36 Other Key Financial Measures” by Frank Gallinelli
Understanding financial metrics is crucial for real estate investors. In this book, Frank Gallinelli explains 37 key financial measures that every investor should know. “What Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know About Cash Flow” covers topics like cap rates, net operating income, and cash-on-cash return. It’s a valuable resource for analyzing potential investment properties and assessing their profitability.
“The Real Estate Game” by William Poorvu
“The Real Estate Game” by William Poorvu is a classic in real estate literature. Poorvu, a Harvard Business School professor, draws on his decades of experience to offer practical advice on various real estate investment scenarios. He explores different property types and strategies, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the real estate market.
“The Art of Commercial Real Estate Leasing” by R. Craig Coppola
Commercial real estate leasing is an essential aspect of the industry, and R. Craig Coppola’s “The Art of Commercial Real Estate Leasing” is a must-read for investors involved in this sector. The book offers insights into the leasing process, negotiation techniques, and creating win-win deals. It’s an invaluable guide for those seeking to maximize the potential of their commercial properties.
“Emerging Real Estate Markets: How to Find and Profit from Up-and-Coming Areas” by David Lindahl
David Lindahl’s “Emerging Real Estate Markets” takes readers on a journey to discover untapped opportunities in emerging markets. The book identifies indicators of growth and potential in up-and-coming areas, empowering investors to spot lucrative investment prospects before they become mainstream.
“Crushing It in Apartments and Commercial Real Estate” by Brian H. Murray
In “Crushing It in Apartments and Commercial Real Estate,” Brian H. Murray shares his insights on building wealth through multifamily and commercial real estate investments. Murray discusses various strategies, including syndications, joint ventures, and property management techniques. The book provides a blueprint for investors looking to scale their portfolio and achieve long-term financial success.
“The Book on Negotiating Real Estate” by J Scott, Mark Ferguson, and Carol Scott
Negotiation is a critical skill in real estate investing, and “The Book on Negotiating Real Estate” offers practical guidance on mastering this art. Co-authored by J Scott, Mark Ferguson, and Carol Scott, this book covers negotiation strategies, handling difficult situations, and creating win-win outcomes for all parties involved.
Real estate investing requires continuous learning and adaptation to remain successful in a constantly changing market. The books listed above offer valuable insights, strategies, and knowledge shared by seasoned investors and industry experts. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned pro, these must-read books for real estate investors in 2023 will undoubtedly enrich your understanding of the industry and enhance your investment endeavors. So, grab a book, expand your horizons, and embark on a journey of real estate success! originally posted on https://southafricanrealestateinvestor.com/
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List of 7 Best Time Management Books to Read on Kindle Unlimited
Looking for best Time Management books to Read? Time management is a crucial process of planning and organizing the amount of time allocated for various activities to optimize productivity and achieve desired objectives.
So here is the list of top 7 Time Management Books on Kindle Limited –
“Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity” by David Allen
“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change” by Stephen R. Covey
“Eat That Frog!” by Brian Tracy
“Atomic Habits” by James Clear
“The ONE Thing” by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
Click here to read full article...
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