#jaw doctor near me
tofiqbohra11 · 3 days
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maxillsurgery · 4 months
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humansofnewyork · 3 months
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“My first end-of-life patient was a 97-year-old man. He had a much younger girlfriend; she was seventy-four. But they loved each other so much. Back when their spouses were still alive, the four of them had been great friends. They would double date together. And when their spouses passed away, the two of them became a thing. Every day she would come over for lunch. I’d always cook a little meal for them. I’d prepare the table; I’d lay out my little candles and my little flowers. As soon as she arrived I’d put on music and dim the lights, then I’d leave the room and go wait in the bedroom. They would cuddle and snuggle. And the beauty of it was, even though he couldn’t control his fluids at that point, she never minded the smell. Her love for him was so great that they would still kiss and all that good stuff. When the doctors said that it was time for him to go to hospice, he said he didn’t want to go. He told them that he wanted to come back home and die with me. I was with him in the end. My patients never die alone. Never, ever. One week after his passing I was hired by his girlfriend’s family. She had terminal Alzheimer’s, and I ended up staying with her for seven years. I fell in love with her. We were family, just family. She used to be a tap dancer. We’d sing together. And if she didn’t feel like singing, I’d sing. Even near the end, she always knew when something was wrong with me. When I wasn’t being the Gabby that she knew, she would always know. When the doctors said it was time for her to go to hospice, her children said: ‘We want her to die with Gabby.’ In the final days she wouldn’t eat, she’d lock her jaw. But she would always eat for me. One night I could see the fright in her eyes, and I knew it was time. My patients never die alone. Never, ever. So I climbed under the covers with her. And she passed away in my arms.”
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shotmrmiller · 5 months
im thinking of you, who's a doctor that's been taken hostage by some bandits under the pretense of needing you for a house call for their elderly family member. they had paid for your services preemptively as well.
it's my ma, see. she's got a real bad cough and says her chest hurts somethin' fierce.
you clumsily hop on their horse and let them take you to where she supposedly is, except instead of a quaint, little home they take you to some delapilated wooden shack. before you even get to ask any sort of question, there's the barrel of a gun pressed firmly against your spine.
you heal the man inside, and if he dies, so do you.
this is the only time that you fully regret going to school for medicine, instead of marrying that sheltered rich man like how your father had originally wanted for you.
after searching your coat pockets for the money they had given you earlier, they harshly nudge you toward the roughly hewn wooden door that's barely hanging onto the frame by the hinges.
only to come face to face with a broken, bloody man. and what's worse is that you've seen him before on wanted posters. he's an infamous gunslinger, one so dangerous not even the police want him captured alive, simply dealt with. he's got a hefty $1000 bounty on his masked head. his name is said like a curse among lawmen and the general population alike and he's been evading the hand of justice for years, in and out of sight like a phantom. ghost.
he sat tied to a chair, coarse rope so tight around his body you could see it biting into his bruised skin. blood ran in rivulets down his painfully obvious broken nose, his thin split lip swollen and raw. bruises bloomed on his dirt-streaked cheeks, blonde stubble stained crimson. his breath left him in ragged, wet gasps. your purpose here is clear.
their torture has done nothing to break the man in front of you, so they want you to keep him alive until he does.
his sunken, dark eyes follow your every move— as you shrug off your coat, roll up your sleeves, and reach into your medical briefcase for gloves.
your hands tremble with fear and urgency as they reach for the blood-soaked tattered remains of his shirt and pull it up to assess the damage.
"how unfortunate for you and for me that it doesn't seem like you were hit near anything vital." he remains silent and unresistant as you get to work; breath hitching and jaw clenching only when you dabbed a wet, clean rag on his open wounds. you can feel his gaze on your sweat-slick skin, unwavering.
god only knows how long you're to be kept here, captive, just like him.
(his gang comes to save him eventually, and because you were so useful simon tells price that you're a doctor, and a damn good one. "her talents could come to use in the future." price looks at you sparingly, hardened blue eyes resembling ice. he gives him the go-ahead, and now you're taken captive. again. and what's worse, simon simply hog-ties you and stows you in the back of his horse, like a hunter does the pelts of his game.)
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reiderwriter · 8 months
Okay but, flirty reader majority pointed at Reid, and the scene where he has to get hosed down and says "I'mma bout to get naked, I don't think you wanna see that" and reader's just like raising her hand and says "don't worry I'll stay". And after she walks out to go to the hospital and sees everyone and with an open mouth and wide eyes just goes " woah" cause big dick energy
A/N: Hi, thank you so much for your request! I've been a bit sick lately, so I haven't had a chance to write much, but this was fun and quick to write! I might do a part 2 with the actual smut in the future, so if that's something people would want let me know in the comments!!
Warnings: suggestive content, public dirty talk?
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“I really want to see that.” 
You heard the words but weren't sure where they'd come from for the longest time. It had been a confusing morning, with a high alert for anthrax and your coworker trapping himself inside a contaminated lab to save you from dying a presumably very painful death, you couldn't be blamed for not realizing that you'd said the words in question. 
He'd meant the words sarcastically, of course, and they'd warned Morgan off immediately with a chuckle and a “You better survive this, kid,” but you'd stood rooted to the earth until he'd repeated them again. 
“Y/N, they're going to strip me down. You don't want to see that.” 
“I really do, though.” Your eyes unabashedly trailed down the contours of his body, soaked from the hoses currently decontaminating him. You could've sworn that he was moving in slow motion as his hand pushed back his hair and cleared his face of water. 
If there weren't this many CDC agents around, you'd have likely joined him in his impromptu shower to feel your way along the lines of his clothing, checking to see what was outline and what was the thick layers of shirt and pants that unfortunately still obstructed your view. 
Another minute of you ogling him went by before your eyes finally returned to anywhere near his, and you realized that your desire for the man could no longer pass for camaraderie. 
“You better not die, Spencer. Not before I can enjoy the meal I'm about to sample.” 
His doctors were either ignoring the conversation completely or were busy focusing on other things, and luckily, they didn't react to your words. Other than to take Spencer's temperature one more time when he flushed bright red, and stared at you slack-jawed. 
“We're going to have to speed this along, Doctor Reid. Please start unbuttoning your shirt,” one of the hazmatted men said to him, but his eyes were fixed on you. 
“Yes, please do, Spencer. It's for your own good. And mine.” 
You expected him to blush and fawn again, but his day had been as long and confusing as your own, so you were unsurprised when he looked you directly in the eye and began unbuttoning his shirt. You watched his descent, and your breath faltered, seeing the water drip down his bare skin now. 
“I'm not sure which of us is wetter right now,” you tried to joke in earnest, but you felt a sharp jolt of lust in your gut as soon as his hands reached his belt. 
“Y/N, you need to leave now. Before you make this any harder for everyone here.” The innuendo in his words were clear, but you were thankful again for the considerate and/or oblivious doctors either side of him bagging up his discarded shirt and jacket. 
“Only if you promise I can make your life as hard as I want to when you're in the clear.” You smiled again, hoping the full force of your lust would reach him. Spencer was always oblivious to genuine flirtation, you'd observed enough women throwing themselves on him (had discouraged a few too many with a hand on his arm and a finger playing with the abandoned curls at the back of his neck, too) to know that for sure. 
You needed to make your need for him explicit. 
“I mean it, Spencer. I really mean it.” 
His eyes locked with yours for the last time ad you made to turn around, doing your best to convince him without becoming distractedly horny. 
“I know. I'll see you at the hospital.” 
“At the hospital? Risky, I like it.” You winked and turned away, leaving him calling back after you as you walked over to the car Derek had pulled around the front of the property. 
“Wait, not the hospital! Those beds aren’t comfortable. Y/N! Y/N, really!” 
You giggled as you sat down in the car, but you bubbled with anticipation still. 
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alluralater · 3 months
one time i got hit on by my urgent care doctor for like 15-20 minutes straight like between her checking me out (medically) and she ended up mentioning that she was gay and that she wished she’d met me somewhere else. i’m thinking about her now and listen— she was married and she was probably 15 to 20 years older than me (maybe more?) and i can’t stop thinking about all the things she said and especially ESPECIALLY when she had her hand on my jaw and had me say ahh to check my throat (cause i was coming off a cold) and she rubs my lower lip with her thumb and she kinda pulled my chin up so i was looking up at her and she’s like “mmm very good” THEN tells me i have very pretty eyes. i understand how it’s not okay like professionally to do this stuff because oooOoo what if i wasn’t into it, but you’re hilarious if you think i wasn’t into it. she was gorgeous and tall and my best friend was literally IN THE ROOM the entire time, so it’s not like she was doing it privately and in some creepy way. it was insanely hot and i had to ask my best friend if i blacked out and dreamt all of that because i had never been flirted with so intensely by a woman over twice my age and my best friend was like what the fuck that was insane she was hitting on you like the entire time. i’ve never felt so subby in all my life because she had SUCH a dominant vibe like i cannot explain it (i can but i don’t wanna ramble about this forever) and the way she spoke i almost wanted to give her my number but it felt like inappropriate but now im realizing she probably was wanting ME to give her MY number because her asking for it would possibly be illegal. i told her what bars i go to a lot and where i usually hang out and if she ever saw me to please come say hi and she was super into that but oh my god the sound of slight disappointment in her voice— you couldn’t pay me a million dollars to purposefully disappoint a woman i’m attracted to. i want her so bad. she did a LOT of touching me all over and it was hella unnecessary but i was really into it and it was incredibly hot. im not saying i have a total kink about this but im sorry, i have absolutely done doctor roleplay before with people. it was NOWHERE near as hot as what this woman was doing. i’m sick over this and the fact that it went nowhere. “you’re going to pride? maybe we’ll see each other and we can hang out afterwards” YEAH WELL WE DIDNT AND I STILL WANT YOU SO BAD. anyways
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
Heard a cracking sound and was confused until i realized that was my dad's shitty jaw popping bc he was trying to eat a 3 day old piece of bread 💀
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marysfics · 22 days
Breathing You In
Amid the sterile hospital environment, your girlfriend's tender embrace and soothing presence bring a profound sense of peace and closeness.
The sterile scent of antiseptic burned your nose, the dull, rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor filling the silence of the hospital room. You stared at the ceiling, your mind fuzzy from the meds. The past few days had been a whirlwind of tests, doctors, and the overwhelming uncertainty of what came next. You’d lost track of time, though you knew it had been a while since you last saw the outside world.
It wasn’t supposed to be this way.
The tears that had pooled at the corners of your eyes threatened to fall, but you blinked them away, refusing to give in to the fear coiling tightly in your chest. You didn’t want to think about what was happening, about the diagnosis that lingered over you like a dark cloud. The reality of your condition hit hard, every day a reminder of how fragile life could be.
But today wasn’t about that. Today was about Alexia.
Your mind immediately softened as you thought of her — her strength, her determination, her unwavering love. She had been with you through it all, holding your hand when the doctors delivered news that shook you to your core. You remembered the quiet tears that slipped down her cheeks, how she had clutched your hand tightly, refusing to let go even when everything felt like it was falling apart.
The door creaked open, and there she was — Alexia, looking as breathtaking as ever. Her dark blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders, her eyes, soft but determined, searched for yours as she stepped into the room. She was dressed casually, but there was something about the way she carried herself that made it impossible to look away. Her presence filled the space, making it feel less cold, less lonely.
“Hey, cariño,” she whispered, her voice gentle as she approached the bed.
You tried to smile, but it faltered. “Hey.”
Alexia sat beside you, her hand instantly finding yours. She intertwined your fingers, her thumb stroking softly over the back of your hand in soothing circles. Her touch was warm, grounding you in the moment when everything else felt uncertain.
“Sorry I couldn’t get here earlier,” she murmured, her brows furrowed in concern. “Training ran a little late.”
You shook your head, not wanting her to feel guilty. “It’s okay. You don’t have to apologize.”
She tilted her head, her eyes searching yours. “I do,” she insisted, her voice steady but tender. “I want to be here. I want to be with you, always.”
A lump formed in your throat, the weight of her words hitting you hard. You had tried so hard to be strong for her, to not let her see how scared you really were. But Alexia saw through you, always did. And now, as she looked at you with such raw love and vulnerability, it was impossible to hide the cracks in your façade.
“I’m scared,” you finally admitted, your voice trembling as the words slipped out.
Alexia’s expression softened, her hand squeezing yours gently. “I know, mi amor. But we’re going to get through this. Together.”
Tears welled in your eyes, this time impossible to stop. “What if… what if we don’t?”
Alexia’s gaze hardened, her jaw tightening as she leaned closer. “We will,” she said, her voice firm, leaving no room for doubt. “You’re the strongest person I know. We’re going to fight this. And I’m not going anywhere, understand?”
Her conviction was undeniable, but it still felt like a weight sat on your chest, pressing down on your breath. The what-ifs, the unknowns—they gnawed at the edges of your mind, despite her reassurance.
“I’m tired,” you confessed, your voice barely a whisper.
Alexia’s eyes softened, and she cupped your face with her free hand, her thumb brushing away the tears that fell. “I know, baby. I know,” she whispered, leaning forward to press her forehead against yours. “But you don’t have to do this alone. Let me carry some of the weight.”
Her breath was warm against your skin, the nearness of her making everything else fade away for a moment. You closed your eyes, breathing her in, letting the comfort of her presence wash over you. Her lips brushed against your temple, a gentle, tender kiss that made your heart flutter despite everything.
“Alexia…” you breathed, opening your eyes to find her so close, her gaze locked onto yours with such intensity it made your pulse quicken.
She kissed you softly, her lips capturing yours in a way that felt like she was pouring every ounce of love and reassurance into the touch. You sighed into the kiss, the softness of her lips against yours melting away some of the fear that had gripped you so tightly. Her hand slid to the back of your neck, fingers tangling in your hair as she deepened the kiss, slow but deliberate, as if savoring every second.
When she finally pulled back, her forehead resting against yours again, you felt lighter, the tension in your chest easing just a little.
“I love you,” she whispered, her breath mingling with yours.
“I love you too,” you replied, your voice soft but sure.
Alexia smiled, that heart-stopping, gentle smile that always made everything feel just a little bit brighter. She shifted slightly, her body moving closer to yours as she climbed carefully onto the bed beside you. It was a tight fit, but neither of you cared. You nestled into her arms, your head resting against her chest, listening to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat beneath your ear.
Her hand stroked lazily up and down your arm, the warmth of her body wrapped around you in a way that made you feel safe, protected. You let out a slow breath, your body relaxing into her hold, the exhaustion that had weighed you down starting to ebb away.
Alexia’s fingers trailed down to your waist, her touch gentle but comforting. “I miss holding you like this,” she murmured softly, her voice warm and full of emotion.
You felt the heat of her body pressed close against yours, the simple contact filling you with a sense of peace that you hadn’t felt in days. “I miss it too,” you whispered, your voice barely audible.
Her lips found your neck, not with urgency but with tenderness, brushing soft kisses along your skin. Each touch sent a wave of warmth through you, not overwhelming, just steady and soothing. You tilted your head slightly, allowing her more space, and let out a soft sigh as her hand slipped beneath the hem of your shirt, her fingers brushing over your bare skin—not to ignite passion, but to remind you she was there. Grounding you.
“Alexia…” you breathed, your heart beating steadily now, drawn to the calm and comfort of her presence.
She hummed in response, her lips brushing your jaw before pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. It was slow, tender, as if she was pouring every bit of love into that simple touch. Her hand rested lightly on your side, her thumb moving in soothing circles, the rhythm lulling you into a sense of security.
You turned toward her, needing to be closer, to feel the safety of her arms wrapped around you. She responded instantly, her embrace tightening as she pulled you against her, the heat of her body melting into yours. The kiss softened, and soon it was just you, resting in the quiet comfort of being close to her.
The outside world faded, the worries and fears dimming, leaving only the feeling of Alexia holding you tight, her heartbeat steady against your chest. Her touch, her presence—so full of love—made everything feel bearable again.
When she pulled back slightly, her forehead resting against yours, you both took a breath together. “I’ve got you,” she whispered, her voice raw but soft. “Always.”
You nodded, her words sinking deep into your heart, and for the first time in days, the weight in your chest eased. You believed her.
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tofiqbohra11 · 3 months
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maxillsurgery · 4 months
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diaryofanidiot · 1 year
The Experiments
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
Chapter list: Prologue, 1, <2> ,3 ,4 ,5
Cw: Swearing; torture; blood; medical experiments; panic attacks; malnourishment
Summary: For over a year, Y/N was held in a soviet experimentation facility. Forced to fight and claw her way to live, she managed to stay alive. When the 141 rescues her, they get way more intel than bargained for.
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Chapter Two
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The blades of the evac chopper beat against my ears painfully as I was escorted into it. A headset was placed over my ears to muffle the sound as I looked up to see Soap faintly smiling down at me.
It wasn't connected to the other's comm sets so once they spoke during take off, I couldn't hear a thing. All I could do was wonder if I really trusted these people. I glanced to Ghost as I did, a faint sense of faith settling in my gut. Him rescuing me from that hellhole was enough for that primal connection to click in my brain.
Yes. If I could trust him, I could trust them. They all seemed close anyway. Hard won battles sealing their connection to each other.
The next few hours were agonizing as the chopper landed, and I was brought on to the compound. From ID photos to a full body scan for any tracking devices on my person; it seemed they weren't taking any risks with me.
Gaz and Soap would often give me a sympathetic glance as I was pushed around to each check-in task in a wheel chair as I was still too weak to walk fully.
"We're gonna have you looked at in the med bay, then we will need you to recount some info for us. That alright with you?" Asked Gaz. I nodded, appreciative that he made it seem like I even had a choice.
I sighed heavily, ready for it all to be over. The adrenaline had worn off just enough to make me realize how sleep deprived I really was.
Machines beeped, and faint chatter could be heard throughout the medical building of the compound. I underestimated how stressful the environment would be. My fingernails dug into the arms of the wheelchair as Gaz steered it.
Soap was beside me, Price and Ghost having left to recount the mission and write a report of some sorts, he seemed to notice my fear.
"None's gonna hurt ya, Lass." He assured me as I was wheeled over to a hospital cot. Him and Gaz lifted me onto it as I looked around wide eyed.
"No.." I coughed out, my voice raspy and once again dry. "No.. Doctors..." I strained, trying to move. They both held me in place, Gaz giving me a stern look.
"They're just going to look over your injuries. We will be right here the entire time." He tried to assure me.
I shook my head rapidly. Ghost... I wanted Ghost here. I didn't have time to wonder why my thoughts went to him, I just needed to get free. I struggled against their hold as a woman in a clean white coat pulled back the curtain around my cot.
My breathing grew heavy and the room seemed to spin. My nails dug small crescents into my palms as I tried frantically to break free. I heard voices and felt a hand on my back but the sounds felt like they were underwater.
I saw a white lab coat flash in front of my vision and I bared my fangs, my lips trembling fearfully.
Gotta run...
Can't run.
No... yes. Fuck
I felt a sharp prick in my neck and turned my head rapidly, biting towards the hand near my face. I heard someone hiss in pain as my teeth broke flesh.
My hair was grabbed, along with my jaw, until I released my hold. My vision blurred and muscles twitched as I struggled.
It all went dark after that.
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My dreams melted with reality as I woke and tried to shift in bed. A frown appeared on my lips as I realized I couldn't move my limbs. Fuck.
My eyes flew open as I tried to sit up, the restraints clanging against the metal bars of the cot.
"Easy." My attention flew toward the source of the voice to see none other than Ghost sitting beside me.
I gave him a quizzical "what the fuck" look and his eyes focused on mine sternly through the mask.
"You had a panic attack. Flew off the handle. Hence, the restraints." He sat back in the chair, never once taking his eyes away from me. "Those fangs of yours can really do some damage. Gaz won't be able to throw a good punch with that hand for bout a week."
I swallowed thickly, realizing what I did as he spoke. A faint leftover metallic taste of blood lingered in my mouth. I looked down with guilt.
"Nobody blames you." He huffed. "Hell, not even Gaz. Traumas a bitch."
He paused before continuing. "They had to sedate and restrain you for your safety. Once you're cleared, they can be removed."
I thew my head back with a sigh. I couldn't lie. It genuinely sucked to be moved from one set of restraints to another.
"Look at me."
I turned my head.
"I'm gonna bring the doctor back in here. She's friendlier than I am, promise. Think you can manage?"
I bit my lip in contemplation, my fangs drawing a small dab of blood from my lip as I did.
"Don't worry. I'm staying here."
I took a deep breath and nodded before Ghost peered out the curtain. "She's ready." I heard him say.
There was some shuffling before the doctor walked in. Her eyes showed no fear as if she were used to similar reactions like mine.
"My name is Harriet." She began, holding a clipboard to her chest. "I'm the doctor that's been assigned to you. We did a small checkup while you were sedated, I hope that's okay."
I nodded slowly, trying to keep my breaths steady.
"The Lieutenant informed me on where you came from, so I understand your anxiety around me. You've been put on an IV for the time being to replenish your nutrients until we can be sure you can handle an actual meal."
It was then I noticed the needle in my arm. I frowned at it, but the sight didn't bother me as much as this place. Ghost seemed to be keeping an eye on me, likely to ensure any more freak outs didn't ensue.
"I need to take a look at your throat real quick, do you mind?" She approached me calmly. I flinched but eventually agreed, opening my mouth in response. I watched as she shined a light down my throat, a compressor holding down my tongue.
She scribbled something on her clipboard. "I've been informed on your... alterations. Do you have any other abilities we need to be aware of?"
I thought for a moment and nodded my head slowly, holding up a single finger. She pursed her lips and grabbed a pen and paper.
"You can write, I assume?" She made a motion toward Ghist who unlocked my right arm, leaving the rest of the restraints on.
"Easy, girl. Behave." He said. It seemed like a slight hint of a joke. I took the pen and wrote sloppily on the paper.
Her eyes widened slightly as she read. "I'm assuming this relates to your altered vocal chords?"
I nodded, averting my gaze to the white flooring.
"Well." She clicked her tongue, putting the clipboard back to her chest. "The good news is that with time, your ability to speak should clear up. It's mostly from dehydration and lack of use; the former being taken care of via IV. You have several infected cuts and a slight fever, along with those infected raw spots on your neck, but those will heal up just fine as well."
I took a breath of relief.
"With enough physical therapy, you should be able to walk just fine. Now the bad news.... we can't reverse the changes made to your vocal chords. If you like, the fangs can be dulled by a dentist, but that one is entirely your choice as neither alterations threaten your livelihood."
As I frowned in thought, Ghost stopped me. "You can decide that later."
I looked back to the doctor who gave me a small sympathetic smile. "One last thing, then I'll let you get some more rest. Do you remember your name? It isn't on the file that was brought with you."
I watched as I was given the pen once more. I closed my eyes and dug through my memory, searching for any remnants of who I was over a year prior.
A woman's voice echoed through my head. No, not a woman. A mother. My mother. She called out to me in agony.
My breath quickened as the memory played like hazy snapshots. Her hand grasping at my shirt. Being dragged away. Her hold on me failing. A gun to her head.
Everything was blurry. Everything was muffled.
I took the pen and wrote a name on the paper. The same name that echoed through my mind over and over.
A scalding tear fell down my cheek as the doctor nodded.
"It's nice to meet you, (y/n)."
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A/n: sorry bout the tendons in your hand, Gaz. 🫡 had to be done.
I'm sorry this one is so short but I was fairly busy today. I'll make it up with the next one, promise ^-^
Taglist: @warenai @linoskitten11 @jamesrifftapes @justmare @hk-4ever @thriving-n-jiving @katelouis98 @tayaisback @josieguts @btszn @lemmyyy0606 @msecho19 @cory-viv @cybercl0ne @randomhumans-blog @vinithechocolatevampire @embermdk @itsryuken @neothewitch @undercover-smutlover
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queenshelby · 9 months
Business As Usual (Part Six)
Pairing: Dark!Thomas Shelby x Wife!Reader
Warning: Arranged Marriage, Angst, Cheating
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During the drive, you distracted yourself from the pain by discussing what happened and why. You wanted to know whether your family was working against you and Shelby Company Limited and, much to your surprise, your husband admitted that certain members of your family strayed from the original agreement between your respective families. They had put you and Tommy's family into grave danger and Tommy told you that he would not stand for it.
Then, after a short drive, you arrived at the hospital. The building was a maze of corridors and staircases, filled with medical staff bustling about their duties. Despite the circumstances, you found solace in the familiar smell of disinfectant that hung heavy in the air.
The doctor attending to you was a woman named Dr. Miller. She was kind and compassionate, offering small smiles of encouragement throughout the procedure. You winced as she removed the bullet from your arm, but her soothing voice kept you grounded, helping you endure the excruciating pain with Tommy by your side.
His presence brought comfort, yet it heightened the sense of betrayal that lingered between you, and you were unsure by this point as to whom you could trust. 
He was there, yet he seemed miles away; distant, detached. You noticed that in his posture, his voice, his mannerisms—even his scent, masked by the sterile hospital environment.
"Considering the circumstances and the fact that you are currently with child, I recommend that you stay here for the night, Mrs Shelby," Dr. Miller suggested gently but you hesitated and shook your head.
"No, please, I want to go home," you insisted, your voice quivering with the weight of the events that had taken place. With everything that had transpired, you did not feel safe at a public place like this, but Tommy reassured you that he would arrange for appropriate security, even if you were to decide to stay at the hospital. 
"You should stay here Love. You need to rest, and you most certainly need proper medical care, eh," he insisted, running a tender finger up and down your arm, a light touch that sent chills down your spine. His sudden tenderness surprised you as, ever since you were forced to marry one another, he had been rather cold towards you, and yet, you shook your head and pulled your arm away from him. 
"As I said Thomas, I want to go home," you repeated, this time more sternly and with a glare thrown in his direction. "You either drive me back to Arrow House or I will make alternate arrangements," you said while watching as the muscles in Tommy's jaw visibly tensed and clenched, a sure sign that he was annoyed by your obstinacy.
"Fine," he grumbled reluctantly, casting a brief glance at the nurse stationed near the entrance to your room. "I'll take you home. But you must promise me to rest, eh?" Tommy demanded and you hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement.
"Mr Shelby, with respect, I strongly advise that your wife stays overnight for observation," Dr. Miller reiterated her suggestion, a firm conviction echoing in her voice but Tommy explained to her that you were determined to leave.
"I will arrange for her to be monitored at home by one of your nurses," he told her before producing a bundle of cash from his pocket and placing it discreetly on the counter.
Dr. Miller casted a questioning glance at Tommy and then at her nurse, silently communicating the unspoken agreement.
"Very well, Mr Shelby," she conceded reluctantly while accepting the payment without batting an eyelid. "I will send Nurse Dawson over to administer medication and monitor your wife's condition. Please remember that she needs complete rest and should avoid stress at all costs."
"Thank you, Doctor," Tommy responded curtly before guiding you out of the ward.
You glanced back at the enigmatic doctor, who gave you a warm smile and a nod, wishing you a speedy recovery. Once you were seated in the car, Tommy fastened your seatbelt carefully, his expression softening as he studied your face. "Are you alright, Love?" he asked softly, concern evident in his voice.
You swallowed thickly, fighting back the tears welling up in your eyes. "I am fine," you croaked, raising a weak hand to wipe away the stinging wetness accumulating near your right eye.
You'd always been tough, steeling yourself against whatever life threw at you, but the relentless strain of recent months had worn you thin.
A gentle nod was your only response, the understanding in Thomas's eyes mirroring the pain in yours. It was difficult to believe that just hours earlier, you'd been embroiled in a dangerous standoff, armed with pistols and ready to strike down your enemies. Now, as you sat quietly in the passenger seat, your thoughts drifted back to the turbulent three months that had transformed your life irrevocably.
The car accelerated smoothly through the foggy streets of Birmingham, weaving effortlessly through patches of damp road. You stole a sideways glance at Tommy, only to find him gazing out onto the rain-slicked pavement, lost in his musings.
The tension between you was palpable, the air thick with unsaid words and pent-up emotions. A single tear trickled down your cheek, mingling with the sweat on your skin. You reached up and wiped it away with the back of your hand, hoping desperately that Tommy wouldn't notice your distress.
You wanted to seem strong and unbreakable, uncaring about what he had done to you, but holding up this kind of facade had become increasingly difficult. 
Every time you blinked, you could see his betrayal staring back at you like a slap in the face. He slept with the enemy, cheating on you and you wished for things to go back to the way they used to be before you were thrown into this life. When the first few weeks had passed after your marriage, you thought that maybe things would change some day, but you had been foolish to think that someone like Tommy Shelby could ever change. 
Just like you, he pretended to be invincible. The veneer that protected him from real feelings seemed cracked now though, and underneath lay raw nerves. His eyes flashed, and he gripped the steering wheel harder. The Bentley purred along the roads of Birmingham, cutting through the misty weather like a hot knife through butter. In the dim light, his profile was illuminated by the dashboard lights, showing a man wrestling with inner demons.
Then, suddenly, he pulled over at quiet intersection, near an abandoned estate before parking the Bentley under a tree.
You were startled, and your eyes widened as the engine cut off. You could feel the awkward silence filling the air between you. The wind whistled loudly, causing the trees to sway.
"We need to talk," Tommy said, his voice breaking the uncomfortable silence. He opened the car door and helped you step out. He guided you towards an old wooden bench sitting under the shelter of a sturdy oak tree.
The bench creaked under your weight as you sat down gingerly, wincing from the residual pain in your arm.
You glanced sideways at Tommy, noticing his troubled expression.
"What exactly did you mean by 'we need to talk'?" you asked cautiously, sensing the seriousness of the conversation to come. "And why here?" you wondered, and Tommy's shoulders stiffened visibly, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he gathered his thoughts.
"Because I feel as though someone is listening to us, in my own fucking house," Tommy growled before offering you a cigarette, an offer which you declined. "Love, I know I have made mistakes..." he then trailed off, his voice cracking under the weight of his guilt.
"You have. You betrayed me and you cheated on me," you interrupted bluntly, refusing to sugarcoat the truth.
Your tone was accusatory, carrying the weight of a betrayed spouse. The words tasted bitter on your tongue, but you refused to shy away from confronting the issue head-on.
Tommy flinched noticeably, his grip tightening on the armrest. He looked down, avoiding direct eye contact. "I know," he murmured quietly, shame coloring his cheeks. "I was...confused. Things got complicated and I..." he began to say before inhaling sharply. "You were forced to marry me, and I tried to honor our arrangement after the night we shared, but in order to protect you from your own fucking family, I couldn't. I had to ensure that you were not involved in any of my business deals knowing that you were pregnant with my child, and you hated me for that. So, tell me Y/N, how could you have possibly expected us to be anything other than fucking acquaintances, eh? You don't love me. You were forced to be with me and I was not going to live to honor my vows with a woman who shows no fucking interest in me and no fucking respect either," Tommy explained, his voice heavy with resentment, though his words carried a certain amount of justified bitterness. He had done everything he could to protect you from your own family's devious schemes. They were planning to sacrifice you for personal gain and screwing over the gang in which you were now involved. What more could you have possibly expected from him?
"As soon as I figured out your uncle's plan, I realized that you were a liability to me, and that fact alone made me distance myself from you, not out of hatred, but because I wanted to protect our child," Tommy continued, his voice softer now.
"So why did you sleep with Laura Manning then? What did she have to do with protecting our child?" you countered, still unconvinced that his intentions were pure. There was no denying that Tommy was a complex individual, capable of displaying immense kindness and compassion while simultaneously engaging in brutal acts of violence. You couldn't quite wrap your head around his motives, and it frustrated you to no end.
Tommy hesitated, his brow furrowed in concentration. "For the same reason I sleep with whores Y/N," he confessed, his voice strained and laden with regret. "To get some fucking release, after a long day of handling business" he added, before taking a deep breath and, immediately, you slapped him across the face. 
The sound of flesh connecting with flesh echoed loudly in the chilly night air. He flinched, surprised by your sudden reaction but not entirely unprepared. The sting of your palm burned against yours, the intensity of your anger shocking even you but, what you did next, came more of a surprise to him than anything before.
"You are being selfish Thomas, seeking release outside your marriage after all you did to me," you told him while reaching for his belt buckle, you undid it swiftly, and then slid his zipper down, before he could utter a word. 
"Fuck!" he gasped, his eyes wide in shock as you slid your hand beneath his briefs.
You leaned forward, wrapping your hands around his shaft and squeezing firmly. His cock throbbed in your grasp, swelling larger under your skilled fingers.
"What the fuck are you doing?" he stammered, struggling to form coherent sentences while being confused by your actions while trying to stop you. 
"Quiet!" you snapped, squeezing him tighter. "I am your wife and I need you to remember exactly that," you spoke swiftly while his eyes went wide as saucers, mouth hanging open, but he bit down hard on his lip to suppress an audible groan when you stroked him expertly. Each stroke of your fingers teased his erection, causing it to grow thicker and longer. You knew how to handle a man, how to manipulate him, and how to please him in ways he hadn't experienced before.
"No more whores!" you shouted, grabbing Tommy's erection even tighter. "No more fucking other women!" you snarled, pumping his cock faster. "I'm it, Tommy! Only me!" you told him before adjusting your position in order to take off your undergarments.
"I am your fucking wife and I expect you to treat and respect me as such," you said angrily before reaching beneath your skirt and slipping your panties off. 
You straddled Tommy, your knees pressing against his thighs and your moist pussy brushing against the head of his cock.
"Y/N," he protested feebly, his voice hoarse and trembling and, before he could say anything else, you pressed your index finger onto his lips.
"Ssh," you cooed seductively, grinding your hips against his groin, but Tommy would not relent. 
"Please, Y/N," he pleaded weakly, trying to push you away. "You're too delicate to handle me right now. You are injured and traumatized," he reminded you calmly, but you shook your head. 
"That's just it, Tommy," you purred, gripping his erection tightly before guiding it to your entrance. "I'm not delicate. Not anymore," you whispered, your voice barely audible above the rustling leaves overhead.
 "I know what you want, Tommy. What you need," you told him, your voice husky with desire. You felt him squirm beneath you, his cock growing impossibly harder against your sensitive flesh.
"And I'm going to give it to you at my discretion," you moaned, grinding your pussy against his swollen member. "Understand?" you asked while Tommy whimpered softly, arching his neck to lick your lips hungrily, but you pulled away, leaving him wanting more.
"Y/N," he whispered, his voice thick with lust and pleading. "Please..." he begged but you shook your head, teasing him with your eyes.
"You've got to prove yourself to me, Tommy," you smirked wickedly, rubbing your pelvis against his throbbing erection. "Show me that you're worth my time, effort, and affection."
He frowned, his brows knitting together in frustration. "How?" he asked, desperate for a way to appease you.
"Well," you purred, cupping his cheek. "First of all, you will give me authority to handle the liquor export division. I want you to give me full control over it and not interfere unless absolutely necessary."
Tommy stared at you in disbelief before heaving a sigh. "I'll consider it," he agreed reluctantly, following which he asked what else it was that you wanted. 
The air between you crackled with tension, the scent of sex and desperation mingling to create an intoxicating blend. You knew that you had him hooked, and now it was time to reel him in.
"Secondly," you continued, leaning closer to his ear. "If, what you told me is true, I want you to help me get rid of my uncle and his acquaintances. They pose a threat to our family, and I won't tolerate it. Understand?" you asked, seeing that it was them who put you into harm's way and, without giving it a second thought, Tommy nodded. "Agreed," he muttered gruffly, his voice barely audible.
He was caught in your web, ensnared by your demands and desires and you licked your lips, savoring the taste of power and dominance before making your final demand.
"Finally, I want you to stop sleeping around," you stated bluntly. "From now on, you're mine and only mine. Agreed?" you asked and Tommy pursed his lips, contemplating your request.
After a few moments of silent deliberation, he nodded slowly. "Agreed," he said softly, his voice cracking slightly. "No more whores," he muttered, and you smiled triumphantly, feeling empowered by your newfound control over him.
"Good boy," you cooed, planting a fleeting kiss on his lips before, finally, lowering yourself on to his hardness. 
"Oh, God, yes," he moaned, closing his eyes and tilting his head back. "I'm...I'm yours, Love," he gasped, his voice hoarse and broken as he felt your flesh surrounding his hardness.
You chuckled softly, feeling satisfied with your victory. "Yes, you are," you purred before you began to ride him.
You took his cock inside you with agonizing slowness, relishing the sensation of being filled by him. You let out a soft cry of pleasure as your walls tightened around his thickness.
"You feel so fucking good," Tommy moaned, thrusting his hips upward to meet each of your downward strokes. You reveled in the sensation of being impaled by him, his erection pulsating within you.
Each movement drove you wild, your juices flowing freely, lubricating your passage. You wrapped your arms around his neck, anchoring yourself as you bounced on top of him.
"You see, you could have had this all along, Thomas" you panted, your voice ragged and hoarse. 
Tommy's eyes narrowed, his breathing becoming labored. "I promise to make it up to you Love," he murmured, his voice shaking slightly.
"We shall see," you replied coolly, your gaze locked on his.
With each stroke, you grew more confident, knowing that you held the reins.
"I am close," Tommy muttered, his voice strained and breathless.
You smirked, enjoying the power you wielded over him as, suddenly, you pulled away and slid off his lap.
"Well," you drawled, standing up and dusting off your skirt nonchalantly and picking up your panties from the dirty floor. "Maybe I will let you have your release later, if you behave yourself."
Your words hit him like a punch in the gut, and you saw the hunger in his eyes intensify tenfold.
Tommy simply sighed, his gaze fixated on your every move. You knew that you had him where you wanted him. His cock twitched impatiently, yearning for release, but you decided to tease him further.
"Get up," you command, and he does so immediately, his movements swift and obedient. "When we get back to Arrow House, you will call Boston and introduce me as the new export liaison. Then, after that, we will go to OUR bedroom and you will fuck me like a good husband fucks his wife. Understood?" you asked him, your voice low and seductive.
"Yes, Love," he breathed, his heart thumping wildly in his chest and you arched an eyebrow, your lips quirking upwards mischievously. "Do you?" you challenged, stepping closer to him.
The scent of your perfume wafted towards him, intoxicating and alluring.
"Let's go home, Tommy," you murmured, reaching out to trace your fingertips down his arm and he shivered, goosebumps erupting on his skin.
He had never seen you like this - commanding, dominant, and utterly fearless. You had somehow managed to turn your situation around, seizing control and positioning yourself as the puppet master. And he was your willing marionette, dancing to your tune.
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Protector pt. 2
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Paring: Simon Ghost Riley x f!reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, protective Ghost, smut 18+ mdni (nothing hardcore. I’m not good at writing it)
Words: 16.5k
Synopsis: Ghost will always protect you...
Part 1
A/N: there are literally no words for me to describe how appreciative and happy it makes me that so many of you guys liked the first part. I wanted to reply to all of you but it would’ve been too much so I hope that this second part will be enough as thanks ❤️ this is for my 1000 followers.
Thank you guys for being so patient with how long this took. I’m so sorry for the wait.
A sob followed by fast breathing made Ghost's eyes snap open immediately.
His heart pounded against his chest as he searched frantically around the room for you. Memories, flashes of your beaten body in front of him begging for mercy, crying and screaming out for somebody to help you, for Ghost to help you and he couldn’t.
Ghost failed you. He let you get hurt again, he shouldn’t have fallen asleep even though it had felt so peaceful with you sleeping beside him. He should’ve been awake to make sure that you were okay, to make sure that the doctor and nurses had been on time to give you more medicine so you didn't have to relive those awful memories again.
It made him panic. He had to help you, he had to make sure you were safe.
He couldn’t think straight, the medicine had worn off and the pain clouded his mind while the sleep was wearing off, and he forgot where you were.
The medicine had worn off for both of you, but you didn’t know that it was safe. You were confused and the pain didn’t help especially when you couldn’t move, it only made panic set in, which made you feel even worse.
“Ghost…” You sobbed and he gripped the edge of his bed so tight the scabs on his knuckles reopened.
“I’m here.” He pushed off the bed to try to get to you and nearly fell when stepped down with his injured leg. He clenched his jaw so tight and forced himself to stand up by using the bed for support. “You’re okay.”
The machines tugged him back and he nearly yelled with anger before he ripped everything off him, the EKG screaming out a beep from being disconnected. He didn’t pay attention to it, his eyes locked onto you as he tried to move forward but collapsed against the wall in pain. Hot pain flushed from his leg and when he looked down he could see red staining the bandages that covered the bullet wound.
“I’m here-” He went dizzy from the sounds and the pain, unable to keep himself upright as he fought so hard to just get to your bed.
You were crying, there were tears running down your face as you writhed in pain and near hyperventilating. He wanted nothing more than to grab you and pull you into him, to wrap his arms around you and hope that it would be enough to make you feel safe again.
How could he let this happen? Was he really that cold hearted, that cruel to make you suffer like this? You didn’t deserve this, you were too good for pain like this.
Ghost didn’t even notice the rushing nurses and doctor until he felt someone grab his arm tightly, causing him to jump and look down to see a nurse looking panicked.
“Why are you out of bed?” She asked incredulously and he ripped his arm out of her hold, glaring at her.
“Help her.” He demanded harshly and she took a few steps back. “She’s in pain, do something!”
“They’re helping her now, you need to get back in bed.”
Ghost groaned, his fists tightened before he looked back at you to see the doctor and the other nurses quickly trying to administer medicine again.
His vision got worse and he stumbled forward. He felt the nurse grab him again and tried to pull him back to his bed but he fought against her, not wanting to go back until he knew for sure that you were going to be okay and that this wasn’t serious, that you had just woken up out of a panic and that you weren’t about to code.
The nurse barked something in his ear but he wasn’t paying attention. He watched your face contort into pain, your chest heave from heavy breaths and your tears roll down your cheeks.
He hated it. He hated to see you like this.
“Sedate him and I’ll fix his stitches.” He managed to hear the doctor order and before he had any time to react, he felt the nurse stick something into his arm.
It must’ve been a powerful sedative or he had exhausted himself out as his vision went dark almost immediately, the last thing he remembered was being put back onto his bed.
Ghost jolted awake a few hours later. He had been lucky that his induced sleep was dreamless though he was still exhausted.
He blinked the drowsiness from his eyes and stared up at the ceiling. The bed was a lot less comfortable now that the pain meds were wearing off again and he struggled to keep himself still as the hard mattress dug into his sore thigh. It made him huff and he rubbed his eyes with irritation as he tried his best to ignore it before he glanced towards you.
His eyes widened ever so slightly when they connected with your drowsy open ones. They were hazy, a sign that the pain meds given to you were working and that they had calmed you down from before.
You had been staring at him. There was a soft look on your face, one that couldn’t be achieved by the medicine, when he had turned to look at you. A look that should’ve been reserved for watching someone less rugged and violent than him especially after what he had done to get you here.
It locked him into his place on the bed. He couldn’t move as your eyes raked lazily over his face, taking in every detail that had once been a mystery to you.
You were looking at him as if there was something good to see. You were drinking up the scars, new and old, that peppered his skin like he was a beautiful piece of art made of soft paint rather than blood and gunpowder.
Why were you looking at him like that? It had to be the drugs, your mind was taken over by substances that made your thinking unreliable. You wouldn’t normally give him such a softness if it weren’t that.
Ghost had to tell himself that or else he would have to come to terms that he liked the way you were looking at him now. He wanted you to always look at him like that despite being undeserving of it especially after what he had put you through.
A smile, weak but warm, stretched across your face and he felt his heart skip a beat.
“Hey.” You barely spoke above a whisper but he heard you through your hoarse voice. “Never seen you sleep, kinda weird.”
“How do you feel?” He knew the answer to the question but it was difficult for him to think of anything else to say when you looked at him like that.
“Like I’m high off so many drugs.”
You let out a breathless chuckle and sluggishly rubbed your eyes, taking a moment to look away from him.
Ghost quickly pulled his mask on, finding the courage to do it when you were looking away from him. It wasn’t that he didn’t want you to see his face, quite the opposite if he was being honest, but right now it was too much for him. He felt safer with his feelings under the mask.
You let out a short sigh, your sides spasming as you found it difficult to take a deep breath. The pain was gone for the moment but your body still understood it was damaged and Ghost knew what the pain was going to feel like when they wore off.
When you looked back at him, your face fell with disappointment. He swallowed thickly and averted his eyes to look somewhere else on your body, opting to look at your bandaged fingers that mimicked his due to your similar injuries.
“I like your face.” You blurted out which caused his eyebrows to knit together as he looked back at you. “Should've guessed you were blond from your eyelashes.”
“Used to be blonder when I was younger.” He said and watched another smile pull at your lips when you thought of a young Ghost.
“Bet it was platinum.”
“Close to it.”
Ghost indulged in your normal conversation. He didn’t want to speak about what happened to you right now, not when you were the most conscious he had seen you since before you both had been captured. He wanted to give you a moment's reprieve, to understand that right now you were safe from harm both within your mind and outside of it.
Your body would hopefully heal without many complications but your mind would take time, a lot longer than what you would want and what he wished for you.
He would be there for you though. He always would and he hoped you knew that. Even if he wasn’t sure how he would help you, rarely even able to help himself in a way that made him feel better, but he would try for you.
He also selfishly enjoyed this, the normal conversation distracted him from all the horrible thoughts he could be thinking about. Having you talk to him this way was something he always enjoyed and he liked that even now you were still doing it.
“Are you okay?” You asked him so softly yet his eyes narrowed as if you had accused him of something.
He barely gave you a chance to continue when he sat up. Pain flushed over him, more than ever since he hadn’t moved his body for a few hours. The stiffness in his muscles turned to soreness which made his entire body ache as he swung his legs off the edge of the bed. His wounded leg screamed with pain and he was careful to not rip the stitches open this time as he pressed his foot on the cold ground, suppressing a shiver and any outward sign that he was in pain.
No one would’ve been able to tell he was injured if it weren't for the fact that he was getting out of a hospital bed. He stood tall and completely unbothered with the same tired eyes as always, hidden beneath his mask.
He was a beast afterall, as Soap put it. He could’ve had more injuries sustained from the capture and he still would’ve carried you out of there. The soreness he was feeling now was nothing compared to previous injuries he’s had in the past. They were an inconvenience now, one that he wished he could get rid of but unfortunately he was still human and that meant he would have to wait.
Even so, that wasn’t going to stop him from doing as he pleased and focusing on you.
He huffed when the machines connected to him made it difficult to move. Without a second thought he ripped the wires off him and unplugged the machine before it started to alert the nurses again, causing you to gasp.
“Ghost!” You scolded him but he just ignored you and grabbed the glass of water Soap left.
You watched him intently, noting the way he had a slight limp as he walked over to you. You tried to sit up on your elbows, but you were far too weak to even get your shoulders off the bed.
Ghost wrapped an arm around your shoulders and very carefully pulled into his side when he sat on the edge of your bed. He held onto you to keep you sitting up straight and let you lean on him for support, nearly sighing with relief when he finally felt your weight on him again.
You were like glass in his arms, fragile and handled with immense care as if you would break if even an ounce of pressure was placed on you. He raised the water up to your lips to let you drink it and you managed to tilt your head back as he tipped the glass forward.
He made sure to tip it slowly so as to not spill any of it on you. He watched your eyes flutter shut with relief when you began to drink the water and he subconsciously began to rub circles into your arm with his thumb.
When you finished he went to refill the glass but you managed to have enough strength to grab onto his shirt.
“Stay.” You were breathless, having exerted all of your energy to sit up on the bed. “Please?”
You needed him. A sense of safety had washed over you when had pulled you into his warmth and when he had moved to leave, your stomach dropped. You knew that he wasn’t going to leave you and that he would come back but you didn’t want him to leave at all, not right now.
Ghost stared down into your exhausted eyes that begged him to stay put for just a little longer and his chest tightened. He couldn’t say anything, the words lost to him again as he fought the urge to lean down and place a kiss anywhere that you would allow him to. An attempt to tell you all the comforting things he wished he could say, to take away the pain with a simple touch against your skin and let you rest as if the world outside of this moment didn’t exist.
Instead, he nodded and set the glass down. He kept his arm around you and when you rested your head on his chest he stiffened for only a moment. When he realized that he liked having you against him like that, he dared to pull you just a little closer.
He listened to you soft wheezing and was reminded of how much worse it had been before. It made him glare up at the ceiling and regret that he had killed the weapons dealers already.
If he hadn’t been trying to get you out of there and it had just been him, he would’ve left them so he could find them again. He would’ve spent little time finding them and would’ve made them suffer ten times worse than you had for even thinking about putting a hand on you.
Ghost wished he could take your pain and inflict on himself so you wouldn’t have to suffer so much. You didn’t deserve to be punished for him doing his job, for keeping his mouth shut, for being too tight-lipped about worthless information. He should’ve just told them what they wanted and broken out before they killed you both so you didn’t have to go through this now.
How were you not repulsed by seeing him? How were you resting your head on his chest like this, acting as if he wasn’t the reason you couldn’t breathe, the reason why you were going to lose sleep?
The guilt festered in his stomach and boiled into his throat. He wanted to push you off of him despite how desperate he was to have you against him.
He felt you weakly tug on his shirt. His eyes softened ever so slightly when he stared down at your heavy lidded eyes. He could tell you were getting drowsy which prompted him to hesitantly place a hand on your waist so he could move you back into bed.
You hummed, your eyes falling shut for a moment and pressed your face into his chest more. You took a deep breath and your muscles loosened, your arms hanging by your side unmoving.
“Thank you.” You whispered with the intent to show gratitude but all it did was make him feel worse.
He couldn’t accept it. He didn’t deserve it, not when you could barely stay awake for more than thirty minutes. Not when you couldn’t move on your own and certainly not when you had to be pumped full of meds to even speak without feeling like you were dying. There was no reason for you to thank him for anything that he did.
“You should sleep.” He kept a steady and soft voice as he wrapped his arms around you. “Doctor will be back soon. Probably run some tests.”
Ghost moved you with ease. It was as if you weighed nothing to him, even when his muscles were sore, as he laid you down back in bed. He treated you so gently, like you were a porcelain doll being put away as he pulled the blanket up to your chest.
He stared down at you with narrowed eyes that concerned you yet you were too tired to say anything. He moved your arms over your stomach before he moved his hand to hold onto your wrist, his finger pressing into your pulse to feel it go steady, a much better feeling than when it had been weak.
Your eyes fluttered shut at the contact and you placed your smaller hand over his, your thumb sluggishly caressing his scarred knuckles.
“Sleep.” He repeated, causing you to hum.
He moved his hand away from your wrist and limped back to his bed. He kept every wince in, feeling that his pain was nothing compared to yours, that he had the audacity to even express that he was hurting around you.
He sat on the edge of his bed. He didn’t care to hook himself back up to the machine or to plug it back in as he stared at your now unconscious form. He gripped the bed tightly under him and clenched his jaw as he watched you sleep.
Ghost wasn’t sure how long he sat there for, staring at you completely enamored by you again yet his heart hurt a lot more than normal. He wondered if this would be the last time you would get actual sleep and doubted that a few days from now you’d be able to stay on the meds. He dreaded the moment he would have to hear your pained cries again, just the memory of it making him feel sick.
A sigh left his chest as he heard approaching footsteps that brought him out of his thoughts.
More tests, more pain, and nothing he could do to help you.
You weren’t sure how to react when you felt your lieutenant’s stare on your back as you walked into the training room.
On one hand, you didn’t mind having him watching you.
It was Ghost, you had worked with and known him for a few years now. You knew his mannerisms, his little ticks and what he was feeling when you watched him, finding out that he was actually very expressive for someone who hid their face as much as he did. You had managed to befriend him over the years and though he would never openly call you his friend, you both had some sort of connection between you.
That connection ran deep, into the way you both found solitude together in both quiet and loud moments. On missions you two talked to keep each other in check, to understand what mindset you both were in and if it was one you could work with.
Jokes, little things done for each other whether the other person asked for it or not, and on the rare occasion talking about what was really wrong with you both is what kept you both close.
It shouldn’t have been as much of a surprise to you as it had been when you found out you were in love with your lieutenant, it was obvious when you thought back on it. To the moments where you would practically confess your love to him through your eyes, the little touches you gave him so you could just have a tiny taste of the warmth that radiated off his body, the need to be there for him and to listen to him when he gave you the honor of opening up.
You wanted to believe that the moments you spent with Ghost were that of friends, of co-workers because that’s who you’re supposed to be. But to you it was much more than that now.
So you were happy to feel his eyes on you as you wrapped your hands in preparation for a sparring match. You liked when he watched over you because you knew that you were safe when he did.
On the other hand, this was a stare that wasn’t exactly kind.
In reality, Ghost was glaring at you. His eyes were narrowed, pointed on you as he watched every movement you took, every twitch in your muscles. He was almost like a predator waiting for its prey to drop its guard to attack.
He was pissed and you noticed it the moment your eyes met when you walked into the training room. He wasn’t trying to hide it either, especially when you offered a smile and a wave, he just stood there glaring at you.
You knew why.
It had been a month. A month since he had carried you to safety and a week or so since you had been discharged from the infirmary. You were still healing, your ribs hadn’t fully healed and you got frequent headaches from your concussion still. Most of the cuts had been stitched back, leaving scars across your skin, the most prominent one being a nasty gash that stretched from your left temple to eyelid.
You weren’t supposed to be super active, the doctor ordering you to take walks instead of train until you were back to full health, but you were going a little crazy. The walks weren’t enough to keep your stiffness or the restlessness away and you were desperate to get back into your old routine.
Today was a good day, with barely any bad thoughts and no panic attacks or crying spells. You were lucky to still have those good days and every day day you had made you more grateful for when you were okay.
You glanced back at Ghost.
He was still glaring at you. You wanted to tell him to stop and that you were fine but ever since you both got back, he seemed to believe that you were still in constant pain. More like soreness but he was insistent that you followed doctors orders and made sure you didn’t do anything at all, almost making it so you could even go on your doctor ordered walks.
However you would take the glare instead of the pitiful look he gave you most of the time.
“You could spar with me if you’re that worried.” You offered, which made his eyes narrow at you even more.
“I want you to leave.” He demanded and you had to suppress a laugh.
“You can’t force me to sit in my room all day.”
“I can.”
You gave him a look but he didn’t falter which made you shake your head.
Ghost was in a particularly bad mood today which meant he was more stubborn than usual. Usually his bad moods helped fuel him to get through missions with precision and efficiency since it was a good way to get it out of his system. He rarely ever let himself get into a bad mood and was able to control his emotions pretty well, but recently his patience had run thin.
You wondered if he was going through what happened too, it only made sense. He had been beaten to shit too.
“I know my limits. This is just going to be a warm up.” You explained to him but he shook his head.
“If you knew your limits you wouldn’t be here.” He argued. “You haven’t given your ribs enough time to heal.”
“Did you give your leg enough time to heal?”
You gave him an expectant look but he only stared back at you. While he was busy watching you all of the time it gave you the chance to watch him as well and you noticed that he still had a slight limp. You also noticed the way he would flex the hand he broke, most likely trying to get the stiffness to go away.
You could only assume the reason why they were still acting up was because he had walked out of the infirmary a week before you which had not nearly been enough time to heal his wounds.
It was a little hypocritical in your mind and made you just a little annoyed. You appreciated that he was looking out for you and honestly it made your chest warm a lot more than it should've, but you were starting to feel smothered.
You were still strong.
“I’m a big girl.” You said and you saw him fight an eye roll. “I’ll be fine.”
You didn’t give him the chance to argue further as you walked towards the sparring mats. You eyed a lot of the rookies who were training today under Soap’s supervision with curiosity, noting that many of them were being sloppy in their forms.
You almost wanted to point that out to Ghost since if they were being this bad at sparring, it would be a walk in the park. You’d be surprised if you broke a sweat.
“How the fuck did any of ya get here?” Soap yelled being the most annoyed you had seen him in a long time.
“Rough day.” You commented and he groaned, causing you to give him a small smile.
“Price must have it out for me, I’m losin’ my head here.”
You chuckled and found that your attention stayed on him rather than the rookies in front of you. You found that looking at your fellow sergeant was a lot more calm than watching the sparring matches in front of you. Now that you were up closer, you could see that even though the rookies were sloppy with their moves, they were still being rough as they normally would be.
Soap kept you calm despite the fact that often he was the one who had the most energy. Usually you would feed off of it, but lately you hadn’t felt well enough to keep up with him. Now anytime you were with him he seemed to be more on the lowkey side which made you wonder if he was doing that on purpose or not.
“L.t. know you’re here?” Soap wondered and you hummed.
“Yeah, he knows.” You muttered, not looking back because you knew he was still watching you judging by the fact you could still feel his eyes on you.
“And he let you stay?”
You sent him a look but he only looked worried at you. It made you shift uncomfortably in your spot and you wanted to look away from him but there was nowhere else for you to look.
You didn’t know how to react to everyone’s extreme worry for you. It wasn;t a surprise that they cared for you but with the amount that they expressed you wondered if maybe they believed you were never good enough for this job in the first place.
So what if you had been tortured? It’s a rare occurrence for everyone who works in this field but it did happen and it wasn’t like you were the first person to get beat to shit. It made you feel like maybe you would always be this way, that there was no way you were going to recover.
“He wants to kick me out.” You said and Soap let out an amused huff.
“You gonna let him?” He wondered and you gave him a small smile.
A rookie slammed another rookie on the sparring mat and you flinched. Your heart rate picked up as they wrestled with each other and you crossed your arms to hide the slight shakiness in your hands, finding it hard to continue watching them. Instead, you tried to direct your attention to someone else, only to find that any sight of sparring was making you nauseous.
You felt exposed, like everyone was staring at you, like everyone could see adrenaline running through your veins and you wanted to hide.
An image of a dirty room, the smell of copper stuck in your nose, the sound of your struggling breaths and the body of the one you loved bound to a chair spitting out blood.
Approaching footsteps, terror, the scramble to try to escape but not getting anywhere, the pleas for it to stop.
The pain. The searing hot pain that made you want it all to end.
Ghost’s voice was right next to and pulled you out of the horrendous images, leaving you clammy and your heart nearly beating out of your chest.
You blinked a few times and when you moved to look at him, you could feel the tension in your muscles slowly dissipate as you remembered where you were.
There was a soft look in his eyes that made your heart slow down. He extended his hand hesitantly and brushed his knuckles against your arm so lightly that if it weren’t for the tingling sensation that was left behind from his warmth, you would’ve thought he hadn’t touched you at all.
It was the most comfort you assumed you could be given by him, whether that be because you both were in public or because he couldn’t give you anymore, but it was enough to make you realize that you were safe.
No matter what happened to you, you would be safe because of Ghost. He would do anything to keep you safe and you knew it, the fact that he had completely ignored his injuries to carry you said more about that than any words could.
You let out a deep breath and some of the panic went with it.
There went the good day.
Ghost had that pity look in his eyes and everything went sour. Even with the mask on you could see it, you could see the way his eyebrows tensed together as he wondered about the poor state you were in.
You were fine.
Your eyes narrowed and you looked back at the sparring mats, determined to find someone who was waiting for their next match. Not only could you prove to Ghost and anyone else who must’ve thought the same way that you were capable, this would be a good way to take your mind off of what just happened.
Your eyes landed on a rookie who was drinking some water.
He was much taller than you and a little bigger, but that didn’t mean he would be any better than you. In fact, judging by the way his shoulders slumped he seemed to have a shy demeanor.
“Rookie!” You called out to him and he looked up at you with surprise. “Want another round?”
“Sure.” He set down his water and made his way onto a free space in the mats.
You went to meet him before a firm hand grabbed your arm, causing you to clench your jaw when you looked back at Ghost.
“Sergeant.” His tone was as much of a warning as his hardened eyes were. You were one bad experience away from being thrown out of the training room and he made sure you understood that.
You didn’t falter and you knew you were playing a dangerous game by defying your lieutenant. It was almost a shock to you at how insubordinate you were but then again he hadn’t ordered you to get out yet, all he had done was give you warnings or concerns from a place of friendship rather than a place of work.
“You sure you want to fight ‘em?” Soap eyed you with concern causing you to groan. “I don’t think-“
“Will you two stop it?” You ripped your arm from Ghost. “I’m fine.”
You glared at them both and as much as you wanted to tell them off, to yell at them so they would get the point and to get your frustration out but you couldn’t. There was no point in that, it wouldn’t solve anything in fact you were sure it would make things worse by pushing them away for both you and them.
You had to tell yourself they were trying to help, even when they were being this overbearing.
Instead, you let out a huff and sent them a short glare to get them to back off before you made your way to the rookie.
“Go easy, yeah?” Soap called out to you both but you didn’t say anything.
You stood in front of the rookie with a smile in an attempt to shake the thoughts from your head and to ignore the stares you were getting from the sidelines. You took a deep breath when he returned the smile and shook out any of the nerves that you still had.
The rookie seemed friendly, especially when you directed him to take a stance in front of you and fixed his form for him.
“Let’s not do anything rough.” You told him because despite the fact that you wanted to prove yourself, you did know your limits.
“Yes ma’am.”
You snorted and shook your head, finding it almost sweet that the rookie would be that respectful to you, before you threw a punch towards him. You almost laughed at the expression on his face when it connected with his chest, the light punch being barely a tap, before you went to hit him again.
The rookie tried to dodge but wasn’t fast enough. Every punch you threw landed and with each movement you felt yourself slowly start to feel back to normal.
Each dodge from the rookie's fist made you feel alive again, you were breathing heavily but it felt good, there was barely any pain and the rush from being untouchable made you confident. It was almost as if nothing had happened and that made you feel so much better about yourself than a month's worth of recovery had.
The rookie got sloppy the longer you went. He seemed to be worn out with how quick you were, being unable to catch a break from your relentless punches. If this was a normal spar, one where you weren’t pulling your punches and going easier, he would’ve been out already and that fed your ego more than it should’ve.
His eyebrows were knitted in concentration and a flash of determined annoyance across his face. He seemed to change his entire demeanor as he got tired of you playing with him and he suddenly turned serious. His punches held weight to them that yours didn’t and he had managed to throw them at a faster speed that you were having trouble keeping up with.
You managed to hit him one more time without getting hit yourself and it must’ve set him off, causing him to throw out a punch far too quick for you to dodge.
His fist slammed into your side and your vision went white.
You couldn’t breathe and your abdomen spasmed from the hot, burning sensation prickled up from your lungs to your chest making it tighten. Your eyes watered as you tried to gasp for air and you clutched your side unable to hide the fact that you were in immense pain.
You collapsed onto your knees and your head connected with the mat as you keeled over in pain, rendered completely paralyzed with pain.
Panic rose in your chest the longer it took to breathe. The only thoughts that ran through your mind to keep you from falling into panic attack were you’re safe, Ghost is here, you’re safe.
The rookie knelt down in front of you and you flinched away from his touch when he rested a hand on your shoulder.
“Are you okay-”
“Get away from her!” Ghost demanded, his voice laced with anger only someone with fear could have.
You managed to lift your head off the mat to see him and Soap rushing towards you.
Ghost grabbed the rookie’s shirt and yanked him back with enough strength to throw him across the mat with ease. He sent a bone chilling glare towards the terrified man now as he created a protective barrier with his body as he stepped between you and the rookie.
His heart raced and he stood there as if to challenge the rookie to even think about trying to help you.
He clenched his fists tight, too tight as his newly healed hand ached painfully before he let Soap take care of the rookie. He kneeled in front of you and grabbed your shoulders to keep you steady.
You blinked the tears away and took a deep breath, letting lungs fill with air as you heaved from the sudden release of tightness in your abdomen. The air burned and felt warm in your throat and though you could finally breathe once more, the pain in your chest wouldn’t go away. The rookie had somehow managed to hit you in one of your more sores on your side and though he could’ve hit you a lot harder than he had, it was enough to make you feel like your ribs were stabbing into your lung every time you took a breath.
Ghost looked into your eyes with that pity look behind the anger. He was shaky, you could feel it in his hands and see him trying to control it as he narrowed his eyes. They bounced around your face and he quickly cupped your cheek with his large hand as your head dropped forward.
“I’m okay.” You rasped out to try to get him to stop worrying and to get rid of the look he had. “I’m fine.”
“Then get up.”
His voice sounded sharp and almost indifferent to how much pain you were in but you knew better. You could hear the worry deep within it especially with the way he was looking at you as you tried to gather strength to stand. He wanted you to get up, he wanted you to walk it off because if that were the case then you were okay.
You tried to. You tried to push yourself off the mat to walk it off like you used to do with any injury you may have gotten but you felt too heavy, like you couldn’t even support your own weight.
The strength you had wasn’t enough. You couldn’t push past the tightness or the stabbing in your lung that made it difficult to take long breaths. The pain spread everywhere and was too unbearable to even let you move on your own.
You were hurt. You were broken just like Ghost had thought.
You shut your eyes and your head hung with defeat.
“I can’t.”
You sat on the edge of a hospital bed in the infirmary with an ice pack pressed against the spot the rookie had punched. You were hunched over since it was the only comfortable position you could be in at the moment, even though there was still a dull ache left in your abdomen. The ice pack helped deter some of it along with some high dosage over the counter pain meds given to you by a nurse.
It had been hours since you had arrived in the infirmary. Ghost had to carry you to it and when you arrived they immediately began to check to see if your ribs had been broken again or had gotten worse. The tests took hours and spanned well into the early evening, making you miss out most of the day.
The tests had come back half an hour ago and you were lucky that your ribs weren’t broken again, only bruised just a little more. Unfortunately, that meant that more time was added to your leave which you had the luxury of being told when Price scolded you after he heard about what happened.
You were exhausted. Everything that happened today had taken it out of you and you were just ready to go to bed in the hopes that you could get some uninterrupted sleep after this. You doubted you would, you had come close to two panic attacks today and horrible flashbacks that you were sure you were going to be plagued by nightmares tonight.
You really had no one to blame but yourself for this. You could’ve listened to Ghost when he told you to get out, to go back to your room to rest but you were too stubborn to do that. Now you were dealing with the consequences of that.
He had been right that you hadn’t given yourself enough time, though that didn’t make him any less of a hypocrite in your book, but it definitely worsened your mood a lot more than what you wanted.
You didn’t really want to believe that you were that broken but you were. You couldn’t train without having a near panic attack or getting messed up by one punch. You could barely even do the mundane things in your life without feeling out of breath or sore in most places. There was nothing you could do without being reminded that you were practically below the average soldier in your job at the moment.
A huff left your mouth as you waited for the doctor to come back to release you from the infirmary. You were sure why it was taking so long but you hoped things would move along faster soon so you wouldn’t stew in your own thoughts anymore.
You heard footsteps approaching and you glanced up to see Ghost heading your way with a water bottle in his hand. You ignored the narrowed look in his eyes as they landed on you and instead you stared at the floor.
“Here.” He offered the bottle and you took it from him, taking a few sips of the cold liquid with a nod. “Still in pain?”
“Just sore.” You screwed the cap on and rubbed the spot on your ribs with your fingers.
“What’s the damage?”
You glanced up at him to see him still staring at you. You chewed on your inner lip when you made eye contact with him again and for a moment you saw his anger falter. His eyes turned soft and you watched as they bounced around your face.
You wondered what exactly his face looked like at the moment, whether his eyebrows were pulled together or if he had a scowl. His eyes were always expressive and you would never want that to change yet after you had seen his face, though it was hard to remember many details since you weren’t exactly sober, you wanted to always see it. Especially now when it was hard to tell if he wanted to chew you out for insubordination or to make sure you were okay.
Truthfully, all you wanted was for him to show his face. There was something about seeing him without the mask that made you feel infinitely better. Maybe it was the fact that you had looked at it while he carried you to safety or that he let you see it without a care, you weren’t sure, but you knew that right now you would feel a lot less tense if you saw him again.
“Bruised, not too bad but enough to extend my leave.” You explained and he nodded.
“Gives you more time to take care of yourself.” He said and though he wasn’t wrong it still made your eyes narrow.
“More like rubs it in my face that I’m fucking useless.”
You weren’t looking for pity, in fact you hadn’t meant to let that slip out but you were extremely frustrated with yourself. It made you cringe but that was taken away when Ghost’s eyes fell that pity look and all of the frustration built up inside of you burst out of you like a broken pipe.
“Can you stop looking at me like that?” You snapped and caught him off guard. “I don’t need your pity on top of everything else.”
“Pity?” He stared back at you offended and you rolled your eyes with a scoff.
“Yeah, you don’t hide it as well as you do with everything else.”
You glared at him and watched as he stared at you incredulously, the look setting off more anger in you. It was one thing for him to express it blatantly through the way he looked at you but it was another to lie to your face when you called him out on it.
He could at least own up to it. It still wouldn’t make things better in your mind, but he was usually an honest and direct person. This kind of behavior was unlike him and at the moment it bothered you more than it worried you, being too clouded by your own frustration to think anything different.
“You were hurt and you expect me not to care?” He snapped back, his voice raising ever so slightly as he loomed over you.
“I don’t want you to treat me like I’m dead weight!” You weren’t intimidated by him as you hopped onto the floor, completely disregarding any soreness you felt as you did so.
“After all that happened, you think I think of you as dead weight?”
Ghost scoffed and rolled his eyes, causing you to clench your jaw tightly. He glared down at you, the comforting dark void that were his eyes now turned to coldness as he tensed up. His body was rigid as if it pained him to even stand there and argue with you yet he looked as if he was angry enough to forget about that.
You were waiting for his emotions to take control of him, for him to yell at you to stop berating him but he still seemed to choose his words carefully.
It made you almost jealous how he rarely ever lost control when you were a mess of emotions bottled up that could explode with just a minor inconvenience. Even when he did lose control, it seemed he always put his anger towards something else rather than picking fights like you were doing right now.
What you didn’t know is that Ghost would hate himself more if he lost control of himself like he had in the base. He hated to argue with you, he hated to argue with anyone if he were being honest, but sometimes it couldn’t be avoided. What could be avoided was letting himself make the mistake of letting his anger speak for him.
That anger wasn’t him, he didn’t like it, not even when he killed the weapons dealers, and you didn’t deserve to have it directed towards you.
Ghost took a deep breath and though the anger didn’t leave his eyes some of the tension in his body did. He looked you straight in the eyes with his narrowed one and made sure that he was the only thing that had your attention.
“I don’t pity you.” He stated firmly as if that would end the argument once it was said.
As irritated as you were, you still had enough sense to see that he was telling the truth. You could see it in the way he never once looked away from you as he said it and when you let the words sink in, some of the anger slipped away. However, as you continued to stare at him it only left one question in your mind as you thought back to every moment he looked at you that way.
“Then what is it?” You huffed and still sent him a slight glare.
You wanted answers and frankly you deserved them. If he was going to say he wasn’t pitying you but he was going to act so protective over you then you had to know. You couldn’t keep letting this happen unless you figured out what exactly was making him act so strange.
He didn’t say anything, he only stared at you and to anyone else they wouldn’t have seen the nervousness that flashed in his eye for a split second but you caught it. You caught onto every little nervous tick he had; the way he would square his shoulders to make himself look bigger, stronger and intimidate whoever was making him feel that way to go away. His muscles would tense and his eyes would go alert as if he were waiting for something to attack him.
You were worried now. Why would it make him so nervous if he hadn’t been trying to hide it in the first place? He had told you the truth just now but when you wanted to know the real answer, he was suddenly back to keeping it from you.
If it wasn’t pity then what else could it be? He had only begun to look at you that way when you woke up in the hospital bed for the second time and despite the meds you could remember how his eyes went sad as he told you to go to sleep. You knew that he had been worried for you but at the time and even now you knew it was more than that.
You stared at him and looked deep into his eyes, noticing the way the nervousness grew worse when his eyes landed on the scar you had. That’s when it hit you.
It wasn't pity.
It was guilt.
Your chest tightened and you nearly felt tears begin to form as you looked at him with a kind of anguish you didn’t think you could feel. You scolded yourself for even thinking that he pitied you when really he was most likely putting himself through hell because of the guilt he had.
It made you want to cry because how could he ever blame himself for your pain when he never hurt you? He had saved you, you were alive standing in front of him. Never once did you ever think to place the blame on him for what happened and yet he was the one carrying that burden when it should be the weapons dealers who were rotting six feet under.
“You don’t…blame yourself for what happened, do you?” You hoped that maybe you were wrong and that it had been something else entirely.
Ghost’s eyes widened slightly and he shifted away from you. He finally broke eye contact from you and though he stayed silent his actions said a lot more than any words ever could.
Your face fell and you placed a hand on his arm to try to comfort him.
“Alright, sergeant.” The doctor called out as she walked up to you while looking at the papers in her hands. “Sorry for the wait.”
Ghost took it as an opportunity to leave and pulled away from your touch. He didn’t say anything to you as he made his way out of the infirmary, his usual long stride making it easier for him to disappear from your view too quickly for you to say anything.
There were no words you could say that would help the situation at the moment. You could hardly pay attention to the doctor as you stared at the doors, foolishly hoping that he would come back just because you wanted him to when you knew he most likely was in his room by now, hidden from everyone including you.
When you were finally able to leave the infirmary, you went to your room instead of going to his. You knew better than to pressure him into talking about something he didn’t want to, especially when he was worked up. It would get you nowhere and make things worse for you both.
Instead, you took the time to take a long shower. It would give you enough time to gather your thoughts for when you went to go talk to him and to give him enough time to be by himself.
The hot water running off your skin pulled you deep in thought. It was clear that Ghost didn’t want to talk about this to anyone but most certainly not to you and that had to do with the fact that he rarely ever talked about his issues with anyone, but you wondered if maybe there was another reason too.
Was he afraid that you blamed him? Did he think that you resented him for what happened?
The mere thought of that made you feel sick. You couldn’t let him think that you hated him when that was far from the truth. You hoped that you hadn’t done anything to make him think that, but if he already believed it then that was the case. However, you were determined to at least clear the air with him. You weren’t going to let the pain inflicted on you ruin your life even more by pushing you both away from each other.
You got out of the shower and dried yourself off, making sure to put on comfier clothes since you knew you weren’t going anywhere else tonight, and made your way to his room.
Ghost’s room was far from everyone else’s. It was no surprise to anyone that this was the case since he was a private man but it did mean that it was out of the way when you wanted to visit him. That never really stopped you, but you had only been to his room a handful of times before this moment since both of you were often together that you rarely ever went there to see him.
You stopped in front of his door and hesitated to knock. There was still a chance that he wouldn’t want to talk about it and for a split second you wondered if it would be better to wait until tomorrow before you shook your head. You wanted to clear the air now.
You knocked softly but loud enough for him to hear. You held your hands close to you as you fidgeted with them, your eyes glued to the door as you waited for a response.
“Ghost.” You called out after a long period of silence.
There was no response but you heard him approach the door and you took a small step back. The door opened and you looked up at Ghost to see him wearing more comfortable clothes as well along with his black balaclava, an outfit you liked almost more than what he wore on missions.
His eyes softened when he looked at you, they bounced around your face and his shoulders relaxed as he gave you a small nod. He seemed to be in a better mood than he had been the entire day and you judged by the way he looked at you, he wanted you to be with him at the moment.
“What do you need, sergeant?” He wondered and you bit the inside of your lip.
“Can we talk?”
Ghost gave another short nod and he stepped out of the way to let you in, his eyes never leaving as you entered his room. He closed the door behind you and stood in front of you expectantly without saying anything.
You opened your mouth to say something before you closed it. You were still playing with your hands as you tried to come up with the right words to say. It seemed like everything you had thought of in the shower had disappeared the moment you had laid eyes on him.
The silence between you both made your stomach churn ever so slightly and that never happened. Clearly something was going on since you never had an issue with being in silence with him before.
“I’m sorry about snapping at you earlier.” You decided to try to ease into the conversation in hopes that it would make it easier for him.
“Get to the point.” Ghost disregarded the question and you sent him a look.
Now he wanted to be direct.
“Why do you blame yourself for what happened?”
Ghost’s shoulders tense up again but he stayed put. He took a deep breath and this time you couldn’t see nervousness when you looked into his eyes, instead you saw his professional, cold stare he used often on the battlefield.
“As your lieutant, it’s my job to keep my team safe and I fucked up.” He said and your eyebrows knitted together. “And now you’re paying the consequences for my mistake.”
“We both fucked up.” You reminded him.
“Doesn’t matter. It was my responsibility and I failed.”
You felt your heartache as you saw the guilt creep into the anger he had. You watched his hands ball up into fists and watched how he began to breathe just a little heavier than before. It hurt you to see him beat himself up so harshly for something that wasn’t his fault, especially when he had suffered through the same torture as you.
You carefully placed your hand on his wrist and watched for any sign of discomfort in his eyes when you did.
His eyes neither softened nor did they show that he hated the contact, instead he watched your every move, every microexpression across your face as you slid your hand down.
You managed to slip your fingers through the fist he made, your soft skin gliding over his palm in an attempt to open his hand without you asking him to do it. When he let go of the fist he had made, you held his hand and caressed his scarred knuckles with your thumb while you stared up at him.
There was something else he was hiding and he was using the mask to keep it secret. You knew that it was a security blanket for him, not only to keep himself safe and to keep the persona he created for himself but also to create a barrier for vulnerable moments like these. It made him feel safe but it also pushed him down, drowning him in his pain and causing him to bottle it up until it was released on the battlefield. Now it was being used to block you from trying to ease his mind from the pain that your near death caused.
You placed your hands on his shoulders and stepped just a little closer, making sure to check if he was okay with you getting in his space. You felt him place his hands on your hips, his fingers gripping them ever so slightly as he pulled you almost into his chest.
Your fingers found the edge of his mask and you ran them along the hem of the fabric without looking away from his eyes.
“Can I see you?” Your voice was soft as if he would be scared away if you spoke any louder.
Ghost hummed an approval and watched as you rolled the fabric up in your hands before you slowly pulled it off his face, giving him enough time to change his mind if he truly did not want you to look at him.
When the mask was finally off of his face, your chest tightened even more when you could fully see the sadness that was etched into the scowl he wore on his face. Every scar, old and new, that peppered his face weighed him down more as he stared at you with eyes that were determined to keep hold of the anger he felt.
But it quickly disappeared when you gently place your hands on his face. Stubble scratched your fingers and you watched as his eyes widened ever so slightly from the sudden contact before they softened so much you thought you saw a few tears well up in them. Your thumb traced a new scar on his cheekbone and you caressed his cheek as you moved your hand to the nape of his neck. You ran your fingers through his messy hair and watched as his eyes fluttered shut.
Simon let out a long breath and leaned into you, holding you by your hips. For a moment you didn’t want to break the silence as you also found peace within it. You liked the way his hair felt on your fingers and you liked being this close to him, especially when his thumbs were rubbing small circles into your hips. You liked that in this moment you both were able to enjoy touching each other in softer ways than what either of you were used to.
You had to break it however. You couldn’t let him stay in pain.
“I never blamed you.” Your voice was still soft and he opened his eyes to look at you. “I would never in my entire life blame you for this.”
Simon’s eyebrows knitted together and he shook his head. He nearly pulled away from you but didn’t let go of his face. When he tried to look away from you, hurt and anger flashing across his face, you made sure to keep his attention as you continued to play with his hair.
“It’s not your fault, Simon.”
He stared into your eyes, searching for a hint of something that would tell him that you were lying but you were being the most honest he had ever seen you before. You were so sure in believing that he wasn’t at fault for what happened to you that he nearly believed it himself.
This time you did notice how his eyes got misty and you were prepared to watch a few tears fall but they never came.
Instead, Simon pulled you into him and wrapped his arms around you, careful to not put pressure against your ribs as he did so. He leaned his head down and rested his forehead against yours, looking deep into your eyes as he waited for you to reject him.
When you locked your arms around his neck and kept him as close to you as possible, he sighed with relief. He didn’t hesitate to turn his head to the side and press his lips against yours.
They were rough just like he was but he kissed you with a gentleness you didn’t know he was capable of. Each time your lips moved against his, your breath was stolen from you as he pressed you against him as much as he could, almost like he wanted to absorb every part of you into his body.
You melted into him, your arms locking behind his neck as you pulled him against you to get more of him if it was even possible. You shuddered when his warm hands ran up your back, his fingers tracing the curve of your spine with the ghost of touch through your shirt. The feeling set a fire in your stomach and even when his hands moved back down to your hips you could still feel the remnants of his touch.
Simon broke the kiss and snaked his arm under your knees. He picked you up with ease and held you close to him as he quietly caught his breath, his face slightly flushed while his dazed eyes stared deep into yours.
There was a deep desire within them heated by the weight of you in his arms. He could hold you like this forever if he wanted to and if you would let him. It made him feel strong enough to take the brunt of anything physical that dared to try to reach you without even flinching. It fueled the fire in him, it made him want you in ways that he only let himself think about when he was alone in the confines of his room with the image of you behind his eyes.
You felt the same way having his strong arms hold you up steadily with confidence. You weren’t worried he’d drop you, even when you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and leaned closer to place a kiss on his lips again. You hummed when he held onto you tighter and he let out a soft grunt as you took his lips into your.
He could carry you wherever he pleased and do whatever he pleased to you this way which made you dig your fingers into the nape of his neck.
He deepened the kiss. He held you almost the same way he had when he carried you to safety, protective and full of comfort that you would never be able to get from anyone else but that was okay but you didn’t want to get it from anyone else. You only wanted it from him, you only wanted him.
Simon moved towards his bed where he laid you down on top of it. He didn’t break the kiss as he climbed on top of you, pushing his leg between yours and slipping his tongue inside of your mouth. He tasted like tea with the faintest hint of cigarette smoke that made you hungry for more of him.
You let out a soft moan when his hand roamed down your side, his fingers leaving a tingling sensation across your skin when he moved it underneath your shirt. You arched your back into his warmth when he palmed your breast, his thumb rubbing across your nipple. You gripped his shirt tightly to keep him close to you and pressed your body into his, your mind already muddled from the minimal contact as he trailed kisses from your mouth to the underside of your jaw.
Your skin flushed with heat when he sucked the spot gently, earning another moan from your throat. You gasped when he bit your skin, a whine leaving your mouth when you felt a slight sting that was remedied by the swipe of his tongue over the spot.
You felt crushed underneath his weight in the best way possible, especially as he pinched your nipple between his fingers, his large hand squeezing and playing with the plump flesh as he pleased but it wasn’t enough. You could feel yourself ache for him to touch you in other places, you need more than just his hand on your breast, you needed both of them to hold you, to feel you in a place you only dreamed of before this moment.
You rolled your hips along his thigh to get some kind of friction, the snag from his pants against your aching cunt gave you enough to make you sigh with relief.
Simon grabbed the hem of your pants, stopping you from moving your hips as he gave them a tug. You didn’t hesitate to slip them off with his help and a moan escaped your mouth when he palmed you through your underwear which was already damp from your slick.
“Fuck.” He grunted in your ear before he began to leave more marks on your neck.
His fingers rubbed your clit through your underwear, making it more soaked as you moaned from the friction. Your hips moved up to meet his hand, small moans leaving your mouth as he put the right amount of pressure against you.
He grabbed your hips and pushed his leg on you more. He left kisses on your neck before he sat up to look down at you and you whined with a slight pout from the absence of his hot breath against your skin. However, that was quickly pushed away when he gently guided your hips along his thigh, the friction becoming more intense because of the removed layer. You rolled your hips along with his movements, the feeling of his pants against your clit through your underwear making you a noisy mess.
Simon watched you fuck yourself on his thigh with dark eyes full of desire. Each moan and gasp you made had him pushing you down on his thigh to add more pressure so you could get to your climax. His chest heaved up and down as an almost primal need to make you feel good overtook him.
You could see it in his eyes and it made you ride him harder, the familiar tug of pleasure building up. You chased it, your underwear now soaked and spreading to his pants as you gripped his arm for extra support. Your eyes were lidded as you stared up at Simon and you clenched around nothing as you saw just how much he liked seeing you come undone like this, how much he liked that you were using him for something good.
A tightening pain began to creep in your sides and you clenched your jaw. You were starting to get breathless but not in the way that you wanted to be. Your sides were spasming from the exertion and the spot where the rookie punched you stabbed into your lungs, making your chest heave. You were determined to keep going as you fought for the pleasure you felt against the pain in your lungs.
However, a particular bad stab against your lungs made you wince and stop. Heat flushed your face as you shut your eyes, placing a hand over them in an attempt to hide yourself as you huff with frustration.
“Fuck…I’m sorry.” You shook your head as your throat tightened.
“It’s alright.” Simon shushed you and pulled your hand away from your eyes, placing soft kisses against your lips. “You’re okay.”
He positioned himself overtop of you so he could keep kissing you as he began to move your hips on his thigh again. He went slow at first, giving you time to catch your breath as the pleasure began to build again. His grip was more gentle this time but he kept the same pressure against your cunt, nearly identical to the way you had been doing it before.
You were still tense, the soreness in your side still there as he moved your hips for you. You were struggling to hold onto the pleasure while trying to ignore the fact that you had given up, your body so tense you felt like a rock.
“Let go.” His voice was soft against your ear as he placed slow kisses on the marks he made on your neck. “I’ve got you.”
Those words, he had repeated to you over and over again when he had held you in his arms. They had been reassuring for him in the moment, to tell himself that he was strong enough to save you but now they had a different meaning. Those three words were to let you know that he was there for you, that he would always be there for you especially when you were damaged like you were. He could be strong for you, he could help you, he wanted to help you and he wanted you to accept it because he wanted to be there even when you were better.
They sunk into you and you slowly let go of the tension in your muscles, slowly stopped focusing on the pain and instead focused on the pleasure that he was giving to you.
You fell into his warmth and the friction against your clit began to cloud your mind again to the point you couldn’t control the sounds you were making. Your moans were like a song to Simon and he sighed deeply as he left another mark on your neck.
You were close and he could feel it. Your thighs began to twitch and your breaths were short as you grabbed his shirt tightly. You managed to get back enough strength to move your hips along with his hands again. Your eyes began to flutter shut and he kept a steady pace.
“That’s it, just like that.” He cooed in your ear when the band in your stomach finally snapped and your body tense as your orgasm washed over you.
The comforting praise from him made you feel more warm as you were out of breath again. You were still coming off of your high but you were still aching for him, you wanted more of him.
Dazed, you ran your fingers through his hair, giving him an impatient tug that made him leave a kiss on your shoulder, a way to tell you to wait for you to catch your breath.
“It’s okay, ‘m not going anywhere.” Simon assured you as he massaged his fingertips into your thighs.
You nodded, unable to say anything as you played with his hair, your fingers shaky from exertion and from your orgasm. It took a moment for you to start breathing normally and when you finally caught your breath he hovered over you.
Simon looked down at you with soft eyes still full of desire but there was something more within them. They bounced around your face as he brought his hand up to your cheek, brushing his knuckles across your heated skin so softly like you would fall apart from his touch.
He cupped your face, using his thumb to caress your soft skin with calloused hands that have committed violent acts yet he touched you as if he were someone completely different. He took you in, your hair slightly damp from sweat and your lips plush from being kissed, and thought that this is what heaven looked like. He looked at you as if you were the most important thing in his life, like you were something that needed to be worshiped beyond what he could provide, a divine figure worthy of everything good in life.
You leaned into his touch and reached out to caress his face as well. Before you had always wondered what his face looked like, making up random features to put a face to the rough man you worked with everyday, but you were happy that nothing of what you thought had been right.
He was beautiful beyond anything that could be thought of. You were sure he’d disagree, even if he joked that he was handsome, saying that the scars made him ugly but you could never agree with him on that.
Simon leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on your temple. He kissed your scar down to your eyelid and placed one on top of it. He moved to the rest of your face, peppering slow kisses all over it while he continued to caress your cheek with his thumb.
Your chest warmed and you wrapped your arms around him, holding him close in a hug that warmed your chest. You ached even more for him, the affection making you roll your hips up into him causing you to gasp when you felt his erection through his pants.
“Needy.” He grunted and gently squeezed your cheeks with his hand.
“Please.” You begged barely above a whisper as you rolled your hips against him again.
His eyes darkened and he locked you into another passionate kiss where he let his hands roam down to your shirt. He grabbed the hem and caressed your skin with his fingers before he pulled your shirt off you, tossing it on the floor somewhere far from the bed. He ran his hands over your breasts tweaking your nipples as he placed kisses down your chest, biting and licking to mark you.
“Can’t say no to you.”
Simon kissed a few more times before he leaned back to get a good look at you but he froze.
You were covered in bruises. Most of them had faded and were almost gone from your skin, but there were a few that still held that unhealed darker shade to them. The spot where the rookie had hit you had already formed a fresh bruise that was the size of his fist. It was just the bruises either, it was the cut marks and the burns that were forever etched into your skin.
You had looked at them before this moment a few times, not dwelling on them for very long since you would like to keep your indifference to them in tact.
You looked up at Simon with concern as you noticed the guilt creep back into his eyes. It made your heart ache but you reached out and placed a hand on his cheek making him look back at you with those sad eyes of his.
A soft reassuring smile spread across your face as you caressed his face in an attempt to give him some sort of comfort.
“It looks worse than it is.” You said but he didn’t look convinced.
You took one of his hands and placed it over your new bruise, watching as he looked at you hesitantly, almost as if he were begging you to not make him touch it, but you didn’t listen. You gently pressed his hand on it, the pressure only making your eye twitch as most of the soreness seemed to only come when you were moving.
Simon spread his fingers across your skin, barely touching it with a ghost-like touch that nearly made you squirm. He stared at your bruise for a few more moments before he leaned down and tentatively placed a kiss on top of him. He moved to the others, giving them all a soft kiss as if it would make them disappear.
He rubbed his hands over your sides down to your thighs. The petting and the kissing warmed your skin again and you moved your hips up to meet his again, a satisfied hum leaving you when you felt that he was still hard even after he saw your marks.
He hummed deep in his chest before he held your hips down, continuing to leave kisses all over you. His stubble scratched a certain spot on your stomach and you couldn’t suppress the shudder that went through your body before a soft giggle left your mouth.
You felt him smile, a very small one, as he looked up at you and your face flushed hot.
“I’m ticklish…” You admitted and watched as a mischievous look flashed in his eyes that made your eyes widened.
“Noted.” He pressed more kisses as he trailed down to your underwear, taking the time to occasionally rub his chin in spots that made you squirm.
“Don’t you dare.”
“‘nother time, love.”
You blinked at the pet name and how easily he seemed to say it that you almost looked past the fact that he just threatened to tickle you. You were about to scold him for it when he dragged his hot tongue over your soaked underwear, taking away any words that you may have said.
A whimper left you as he licked you through the piece of clothing again, his eyes never leaving your face which contorted with pleasure the more he drenched them with his mouth.
Simon played with you like this as you let out soft mewls and whimpers, fueled by the way you squirmed underneath him until the taste of you through your underwear wasn’t enough. He pulled them off of you, not wanting to waste anymore time before he swiped his tongue slowly over your soaked cunt.
He groaned. It was loud and from his chest, as if it had been ripped out of him without a chance for him to even keep it in. He laid your legs over his shoulders and held onto your hips to keep you in place as he shut his eyes to taste you, letting out another groan as he did so. He started out slow but it didn’t last long because as soon as he got the taste of you in his mouth, on his tongue along with the beautiful sounds of your moans, he was lost in the primal need to have you.
He licked you as if he had been starved of this, as if this was the only time he’d ever get the chance to taste you again. His tongue worked on your clit, circling it until it was puffy from the overstimulation and made you whine. He sucked it while his tongue lapped of the juices and he opened his eyes to watch you fall apart so easily from his mouth.
The west sounds from his mouth and from your cunt were sinful, almost pornographic as he added a finger inside of you. Your heart was in your ears as you watched you eat you out with the determined ambition he had when he was on missions. The serious look in his eyes that was so full of desire it made you throw your head back onto his pillow and gripped his sheets so tight your fingers went sore. Your moans were loud no matter how hard you tried to restrain them and you wondered if maybe he was doing that on purpose.
You were already close to your second orgasm again by the time he added another finger. Your thigh squeezed his head as the pleasure tightened in your lower stomach but he didn’t move away, in fact it seemed to make him eat you out faster.
You came in his mouth as a loud moan ripped through your throat. Your back arched off the bed as your eyes rolled the back of your head, your muscles spasming from the intense orgasm and from the continued licks from Simon. He helped you ride it out and you expected him to let you catch your breath but you were wrong.
He didn’t stop once, not as you orgasmed or it left you, causing you to whimper and whine. His eyes were locked onto you as he pushed his nose against your clit while he fucked your hole with his tongue.
You were breathless. It felt like all of the air was being squeezed out of you as your moans became uncontrollable. You didn’t care if anyone else in the base heard you as the pleasure you felt was enough to make you feel like your entire body was floating. You were at his mercy as you writhed underneath him and he was relentless, only taking a millisecond to catch his breath before he was back to eating you out like a wild animal.
Your next orgasm hit you so quickly that your vision went out. Nothing left your mouth as your mouth was open in a silent scream as your body shook and lifted off the bed. You gripped the sheets for dear life, them being the only thing that was keeping you grounded as your mind went completely blank. You couldn’t even tell if you were breathing or not as he continued to lick your overstimulated cunt.
Simon didn’t stop until you were twitching and trying to move your hips away from him, your whimpers and whines sounding too pained for his liking. He sat back, panting heavily as he stared at your limp form, feeling a little too proud of himself as he placed kisses on your inner thighs.
He removed his clothes down to briefs, throwing them away as if they were something undesirable, before he climbed on top of you and trapped you underneath him.
You tasted yourself on his tongue when he locked you into a kiss. You moaned into his mouth as your hands ran down his back, tracing any scars you came across while he played with your raw nipples.
Despite the throbbing soreness you felt in your cunt, you still wanted more of him. You wanted to feel all of him and to have him buried deep inside of you until you couldn’t feel anything anymore. It made your stomach flip as you tugged on the band of his briefs, wondering what he could do with his cock if he could make you fall apart so easily with his mouth.
“After all that you still want my cock inside you?” He huffed a laugh in your ear as he went back to attacking your neck. “Dirty thing.”
You nodded, unable to say anything as he rolled his hips into you, his hard cock rubbing against your puffy clit which made you whimper. He held you by the chin and forced you to look at him, his eyes hooded and as he shook his head.
“Use your words.” His other hand pinched your nipple and you whined.
“Please.” You pleaded as you pulled his briefs down his hips. “I want your cock inside me, please.”
“Anything for you.”
Simon pushed your hands away before you pulled his underwear off, his cock finally springing free from its confines. It was red and puffy, the tips leaking beads of precum that you would’ve licked away if you weren’t so needy to have him inside of you. You weren’t surprised by his size. Someone who was as big as Simon Riley had to be packing something as big as his cock was and it only made you want him inside of you more. You were ready to feel all of him, to feel full even if you couldn’t take all of him.
He took his cock in his hand and pumped it a few times before he rubbed the tip on your clit, spreading precum all over you and getting your juices on him. You both hissed at the contact and you arched your back into him in order to feel more of him. You were breathing heavily with anticipation as he pressed the tip of his cock at your entrance.
You gasped and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. Your fingernails dug into his skin as he held you close to him before he slowly began to push himself inside of you. You moaned as his cock stretched you wider than you ever had been before and even with how wet you were it wasn’t enough to take away the pain. You blinked away any tears as you felt Simon rub comforting circles into your hips with his thumb while he kissed your shoulder.
He let you get used to him before he pushed more of him inside of you, letting out a few grunts of his own as your walls stretched to fit him. Every time he moved, he made sure to leave kisses on your skin and to rub his thumb into your hip to keep you relaxed as you adjusted to his size. Before long, he bottomed out leaving you both breathless as you held onto each other.
You hugged him close to you and he wrapped his arms around you protectively. You both stayed like that for a moment, the full and heavy feeling of his cock inside of you enough to have you flutter around him. You wrapped your legs around his hips and kissed his neck, leaving a few marks of your own which made him shudder.
It wasn’t until the pain had subsided to a dull ache that you rolled your hips into his at a slow pace. Soft whimpers left your mouth as you buried your face in his neck, the sensation almost too much for you to handle.
Simon whispered encouraging words in your ear, rubbing circles into your shoulder blades and back as you set the pace. He was breathing heavily in your ear, letting out soft grunts as he left hot kisses on your shoulder. He kept you in a secure hold with his arms wrapped around you, the warmth from his body being the only other thing you could feel.
Eventually your body betrayed you and you felt the all too familiar stabbing pain in your ribs, but where you left off, Simon picked up. He rolled his hips into you at a steady but gentle pace. He focused on the way you reacted, the small gasps and moans you let out as he moved against you, making sure to keep himself in the right angle so you could feel every good feeling he wanted you too.
The pace made you breathless and had you whimpering, slowly building the pleasure again but it wasn’t enough. You knew that he was capable of more than what he was doing but he was holding back. He didn’t want to hurt you and though you didn’t want him to be too rough, there was another time for that, you could handle more than what he was doing right now. As much as you liked how caring he was being, you wanted him to ruin you in the best way possible, to open you up like no one else has before and make you his.
“Simon,” You moaned and his breath hitched as he looked down at you. “Harder, please.”
He kissed you and though he was being gentle with you, you could tell he wanted to go harder, faster than he was so he could chase both of your highs. It was sickeningly sweet how a man who seemed so cold could be this kind to you, even when you both wanted more. His control was impressive though he seemed to have too much of it at the moment.
“I can handle it.” You assured him and he pressed his lips together. “Please, I need you. I need to feel you.”
“Fucking hell.” He groaned and stopped moving, causing you to whine.
Simon ran his hands up your thighs and held you behind your knees. His fingers gripped your skin firmly and you looked up at him expectantly. He had a serious look in his eyes as he stared at you before he pressed his forehead against yours, his eyes going slightly soft as he sighed deeply.
“You have to tell me to stop if it gets too much.” He warned and you nodded as your stomach flipped.
“Promise.” You kissed him tenderly and rolled your hips into his, causing him to groan.
Simon kissed you back just as passionate before he moved against you. He started out slow again, letting you get used to it before he picked up the pace. His cock slid in and out of you with ease as he nearly pulled himself out all of the way only to slam back into you. He kept your legs in place as he watched your breasts bounce from the force, somehow getting harder at the sight.
You threw your head back and dug your nails into his shoulders as he set a brutal pace hitting the most sensitive spots inside of you. Every thrust knocked the wind out of you and you became a writhing mess underneath him as he didn’t relent for anything. The sounds of your moans mixed with the wet sounds of his cock slamming inside of you and your mind went completely blank. You couldn’t even think to move your hips along with his, so drunk off his cock already that all you could do was lay there and take it.
His cock hit the spot inside of your walls that made you open up for him to go deeper and you begged him to keep going. You lifted yourself up from the bed to feel more of him and nearly cried when the head of his cock kissed your cervix. It felt like he was inside of your stomach and you couldn’t breathe again as your walls clenched so tight around him he let out a moan.
He would’ve laughed at how close you were already but it only made him feel pride in himself that he was the one making you feel this good. He was the only one who got to see you come apart like this, he was the only one who could make you orgasm like this.
“C’mon.” He grunted as he moved to hold your hips, holding you down. “Give it to me.”
He hit that spot on your walls over and over again, even when your legs began to shake. Your vision went blurry from tears and you gripped his arms so tight you were sure you left marks on them as your moans went high pitched. The pleasure became so much that when the orgasm hit you saw stars as your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your body shook uncontrollably. You went completely limp as you moaned, whimpered and cried out with pleasure that a few tears rolled down your cheeks.
Simon didn’t stop and helped you ride out your orgasm before he smashed his lips against yours. He bit your lip as you cried, licking away your salty tears as he chased his own high that was now starting to build up inside of him as well. He was breathing heavily and you writhed underneath him from overstimulation but he wasn’t going to stop, not when he could feel another build up inside you.
You wondered how long he could go for before he hit that spot again, taking out any thoughts you had as you fell back onto the bed. You were reduced to nothing but cries of pleasure again as he pounded into you.
You were so vulnerable, so beautiful and crying the way you should be crying, out of pleasure, from something good and not from something out of fear. Not only was he keeping you safe he was making you feel better, he was making you feel good. So good that you had already cummed on him four times already.
“No one’s ever gonna touch you again.” He grunted under his breath before he latched his mouth on your neck, sucking your bruised flesh. “Never letting you get hurt again.”
“Simon.” You sobbed and he thrust into you harder.
“I’m here, love.”
His thrust began to turn erratic as he felt himself close to the edge. He was pushed further towards it when you clenched around him again and he found the spot that made you a mess, using it to chase his own high as well. His breath was ragged and he couldn’t help the groans that escaped him when he felt you shake underneath him.
“That’s it, one more. Just one more.” He slurred his words as you clung to him for dear life.
Another orgasm hit you and this one completely ripped through you. It was as if you had an out of body experience, you were floating in the sticky air, gone from Simon’s room as his voice sounded so far away from you as he repeated your name like a mantra.
He thrust into you a few more times before you felt him release hot, sticky liquid inside of you. He gripped the sheets beside your head as he pushed all of his cum into you before he went still, his chest pressing against yours as you both panted like you had run a marathon.
For a moment, you both laid there in each other's arms in silence. Your skin was hot and sticky from your sweat and from Simon’s, but you didn’t mind. You were content with burning your face into the crook of his neck and falling asleep this way as exhaustion caught up to you again. You managed to wrap your arms around him to pull him into a hug that he returned immediately.
Simon regained his breath a lot quicker than you. He pushed himself off you and looked down at you, his eyes going soft as he saw the exhaustion in your eyes. He worried that he went too hard before you gave him a smile. He placed his hand on your cheek and kissed you one last time before he slowly pulled out of you.
You whimpered from the movement and you were left feeling empty without him.
You watched him get up from the bed and walk towards the bathroom with heavy eyelids. You shut your eyes when you heard the sink run, finding that his bed was actually pretty comfortable compared to yours, though without him beside you, the chill from the air against your damp skin made you shiver. Time seemed to go by slowly as you waited for him to come back yet when you heard him return you didn’t have any energy to open your eyes until he placed a gentle hand on your thigh.
When you opened them, you saw him use a towel to wipe up the mess between your thighs, causing you to wince from the contact and him to rub his fingers into your skin.
He got up to leave again and you scooted over on his bed to make room for him. The bed was small and you weren’t sure how comfortable either of you would be if you slept together, but you didn’t want to go back to your room. When he came back he laid down on the bed beside you and pulled the blankets over you both before he pulled you into his chest, maneuvering you in a way that your head rested on his chest.
You placed a hand on his chest and he wrapped an arm around your waist.
“I’m going to be okay.” You said after a long period of silence. You looked up at him and he stared down at you with certainty. “Eventually.”
“Still doesn’t mean I won’t worry.” He sighed and you felt him flex his broken hand on your waist.
“You can worry, I just want you to know I’ll be okay.”
You took his hand in yours and pressed your fingers into his palm. You massaged the places between his knuckles, his fingers and anywhere else that might be stiff, working in firm circles to make sure that the job would get done while he watched you with tired eyes.
Simon placed a soft kiss on your forehead and pulled you closer.
Long after you fell asleep, Simon laid there watching your chest rise and fall in the darkness. He held onto you to keep you close to him as studied how relaxed your face looked as you slept peacefully beside him. This wasn’t the first time he had committed the image to memory but after tonight, this would always be burned into his mind until the day he died.
He never expected to sleep with you but he didn’t regret it. Not when you looked at him like you loved him and not when he felt his heart pour so many emotions into the way he had made love to you. He hoped that when you woke up or in the future he could share more moments like this with you, moments where he could lay down beside you and be there for you whenever you had a nightmare. There was so much more he wanted to show you, so many feelings he still had to tell you without saying a word but you need to sleep.
Simon would always carry some guilt inside of him for what happened to you, but knowing that you never blamed him helped him move on from a lot of the self hatred he had towards himself. If you didn’t blame him, then maybe it was okay if he didn’t blame himself.
He dared to place a hand on your cheek, loving the way that your skin felt against his before he placed one last kiss to your forehead.
He let his eyes flutter shut as he listened to your soft breathing, something that he could always fall asleep to but never really had a chance to until now and maybe in the future if you kept him around.
It didn’t matter if you didn’t or not.
Simon would always be there to protect you.
Tag list: @lainphotography @littlezarp @simplybellasblog @gills-lounge @simonsdoll @d4z01 @madsothree @illyanam1011 @msecho19 @crazyfandomist @emrzennn @horror102 @maxi-ride @daniquehavinga @alilstressyandlotdepressy
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elsblunt · 9 months
hurt reader in the hospital. doctor!abby
you had been trying to cook the whole day, trying to prepare a good meal for abby and you. you felt as if you didn’t do enough you should’ve, like you weren’t contributing.
the oven was at a very high temperature as you took out the roasted foods, smiling at the sight of it. but of course you had to screw it up. bumping your arm onto one of the hottest pieces of metal, you yelped. “fuck!”
that’s what got you sitting in one of the burn units, bandage wrapped around your arm. “that was a bad burn, could’ve gotten bad if you didn’t show up. let me go grab the stuff you gotta take home, okay?” the nurse walked out.
while the lady in scrubs walked around and grabbed a tiny bottle of medicine and some wrap, she saw abby in her office. the nurse peeked in, “hey, your girls in the burn unit. room 302, if you wanted to know.”
abby didn’t care to hear if it was horrible or not at that moment, she was just afraid of her girlfriend being hurt. she rushed down to the unit, bursting through the door. praying you weren’t laying on the bed with like— burns around your body or anything.
“my god! what were you doing?” the blonde scoffed and grabbed your arm, scanning over the bandage that was wrapped around the skin. she was relieved it wasn’t severe, but also not.
you laughed slightly at her protectiveness. “just trying to cook us dinner. it looks really good! i packed it up before i left—“ she cut you off, looking at her girl with furrowed brows.
“thank you, but god you’re not allowed near the kitchen again.” your jaw dropped in offense. “hey! i just.. lightly grazed my arm against the oven.”
“yeah, look what that earned you, a fuckin’ fourth degree burn. gosh..” you laughed at her over dramatic statement.
“it’s actually second but—“
“shut up.”
if u have sent a request i’m probably working on it! i’m so sorry for not posting guys ill get to it soon, im just really busy. also inspired by zombholic!
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drvirgus · 4 months
Can we get a !idol mingi who is secretly dating a deaf/hard of hearing person. Like no one in her group knows because she wants to protect her. And dispatch catches them on a date and dealing with the fallout 🌟
hopefully you like it 🥰🥰 loved this request
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Becoming Deaf
Idol! Minji X fem! Reader
Warnings: none
wc: 1.8k
A/n: i wrote it from my own experience but with lesser "What?" or "Huh?" since then the whole text would be like "hdbjdh" 😅😂😂😂
One Shot:
With a small smile on my face, I stood in the kitchen staring at the pot in front of me, its water already boiling. With one hand, I grabbed the pack of spaghetti and opened it, tossing the pasta into the pot shortly after. My eyes were fixed on the pot.
I jumped in surprise when I felt hands around my waist and someone resting their chin on my shoulder. My eyes widened as I turned to see the person hugging me from behind. "Minji!" I exclaimed in shock, clutching my chest and exhaling in relief.
Minji smiled and pulled me closer. Her lips were near my ear. "I missed you so much," I heard Minji say softly, which immediately relaxed me. I smiled to myself and let myself sink into her arms. "How was Paris?" I asked, placing my hand on hers, my eyes back on the pot.
Minji sighed a bit. "It was great. I saw a lot, but next time I wish you could come with me," Minji replied, though I only partially understood because a loud ringing suddenly filled my ear and it felt blocked. Annoyed, I sighed and stuck my finger in my ear, wiggling it until my ear popped open. Unfortunately, it quickly blocked again, so I pinched my nose and did a pressure release, which unblocked my ear again.
Minji looked at me with concern, releasing my waist and standing in front of me. "The doctor said you should stop doing that. You're only making your ears worse," Minji said, taking my hands in hers and looking me seriously in the eyes, her forehead furrowed.
Sighing, my shoulders slumped. "My ears are almost just for show... Only my left ear still somewhat works," I said, rolling my eyes as I moved closer to the pot and took out a noodle with a fork. "Try this. Are they done?" I asked, holding the fork out to Minji.
The taller woman looked at me dissatisfied but opened her mouth and tried the noodle. "A little longer," she replied, and I nodded. Minji leaned against one of the counters, crossing her arms over her chest, her eyes fixed on me, making me sigh again.
"What did the doctor say?" Minji asked, making me freeze. My eyes shifted from her face back to the pot, and I quickly grabbed the pot and moved to the sink. My jaw tightened as I pretended not to have heard my girlfriend.
I didn't want to talk about it...
Minji watched me closely as I poured out the water and then tipped the noodles onto the plates. I wasn't in the mood to cook today, so I just made spaghetti with butter. My eyes fell on Minji. "Take your plate and sit in the living room," I said, and her eyes immediately narrowed.
I looked seriously at the slightly younger woman, which made Minji fall silent. Sighing, she just nodded and grabbed both plates before disappearing into the living room. I ran a hand through my hair, frustration evident on my face as I sighed again.
I regretted it myself...
Why hadn't I changed my doctor sooner?
With a smile on my face, I went into the living room and sat next to my girlfriend. Minji already had the remote in her hand and looked at me. "I want to talk about it... What did the doctor say?" Minji asked again, making me hesitate.
Sighing, I clasped my hands together and rubbed them. "I might go completely deaf in the next few years," I admitted, causing Minji's eyes to widen immediately. She set the remote aside and turned her whole body towards me.
"What?" she asked incredulously, staring at me in shock. Nervously, I bit my lip and hung my head lower.
"I had hearing aids in both ears... The reason the volume never really worked for me was that my left ear was average. The hearing aids damaged my left ear," I began quietly, and Minji nodded with a furrowed brow. She didn't say anything, just let me continue.
"It seems I had an ear infection as a child that wasn't treated..." I added, and Minji shook her head. "That can't be. You had an appointment every four months," Minji replied, visibly annoyed, shaking her head in disbelief and exhaling several times.
I let out a humorless laugh, which made Minji fall silent. "Isn't there anything they can do?" she asked, biting her lip. Her eyes looked sadder as she sighed heavily. "You love... hearing my voice," she murmured softly, which made me smile gently. I took her hands in mine, my thumb stroking the back of her hand.
"I love everything about you," I began quietly, laughing a bit. My teeth caught my lower lip as I felt... kind of sad...
A beeping sound rang in my ears for the second time, and a sigh escaped my throat. My eyes immediately fell on my girlfriend in front of me, who was animatedly telling me about what happened in her last dance class. A small, sad smile appeared on my lips as I propped my chin on my hand. "Baby... my hearing aids are out of battery," I said softly, causing Minji to tilt her head slightly. Her eyebrows raised as she started to laugh a little. "Do you have the batteries with you?" she asked, but I shook my head.
My eyebrows raised almost in shock as I felt the hearing aids switch off. It felt like my ears were completely blocked or like an emptiness formed inside me. My thoughts became louder in my head as the world around me fell almost completely silent.
"Baby, baby," my eyes focused on Minji in front of me, which immediately made me smile again. I quickly removed my hearing aids and gently placed them in their case, which I then put in my bag. "Sorry... I never forget my batteries," I murmured as I leaned forward a bit more.
Minji smiled and seemed to say something. I heard the sound, but I couldn't understand the words...
Minji probably repeated herself, but I only tilted my head more. An embarrassed laugh escaped my throat. "Haha, really?" I asked, hoping it was just the story she was telling me earlier. Minji furrowed her brow briefly but then giggled into her hand and leaned forward a bit.
She took my hands in hers and looked straight into my eyes. "I asked if you wanted something to drink," Minji said with a smile, making me laugh again. My cheeks heated up automatically. "Sorry. But yes, I'd love a hot chocolate," I said, looking at her through my lashes.
Minji smirked as she brought my fingers to her lips and kissed them. "Coming right up," she said with a smile, getting up to go to the counter to order our drinks. My eyes immediately looked out the large window. I frowned a bit as I noticed a car on the other side of the street driving away almost frantically.
"Here you go."
My eyes turned back to my beautiful girlfriend. "Thanks," I said with a broad smile and took the cup. "Careful, it’s h-" Minji started, but I immediately burned my tongue as I tried to take a small sip. Panicking, I set the cup down on the table and fanned my tongue with my hand.
Minji laughed amusedly, shaking her head. "I’d love to kiss it better," she said, intertwining our hands again. "But we're in public," she sighed, rolling her eyes, which made me smile immediately.
"We should probably head home soon then," I replied, causing Minji to blush slightly. She looked straight into my eyes while taking a sip from her straw, grinning at me. "We probably should."
"Minji," I said quietly as I looked at the article on my phone. My eyes immediately filled with tears as goosebumps spread across my body. Dispatch had caught us... right when Minji kissed my fingers. My face was censored, but it was clearly Minji.
Panicking, I tapped on my phone and dialed my girlfriend’s number. It rang for a while before a voice answered, but it wasn’t Minji. My eyes widened immediately.
"Oh my god. Are you Minji’s girlfriend?" I heard from the phone. "Oh, how sweet. Minji has you saved as 'Love of life'," they laughed. My face relaxed as I nervously chewed my lip. My mouth opened, but my entire face turned red at the same time.
"Hello? Are you still there?" I heard another voice say. "If you want Minji, she’s with the CEO right now."
"Is- Is everything okay?" I asked quietly into the phone. There was silence for a moment until multiple voices erupted almost simultaneously. Overwhelmed, my eyes widened. "Is... Minji okay?" I asked again, making some of them say, "Awww." I swallowed. "Can I... come over?"
With a small smile on my face, I now sat on the bench at the dance studio where Minji and her members always practiced their songs and choreographies. Minji was right next to me, with an arm around me, trying to pull me even closer, though it was almost impossible as I was already practically sitting on her. Her eyes were seriously focused, observing every little movement her members made.
"Why do we have to hear from Dispatch that you’re in a relationship?" Hanni asked, clutching her chest playfully. Hyein nodded enthusiastically beside her. Danielle leaned forward a bit to get a good look at my face, making me visibly nervous, so I started to laugh. Danielle smirked and poked my cheek with her finger.
"Hands off," Minji growled, trying to pull me even closer. Surprised, I turned to Minji. "Don’t be so mean," I said, gently tapping her thigh. Minji's expression softened as she looked at me. She exhaled but didn’t respond.
"So? Why did I have to hear from Di-," Hanni began, but I just stared at her. Hanni blinked. "Why is she staring like that?" she asked, looking at the others before looking back at me. "Oh, sorry. I’m... a bit deaf," I said, pointing to my right ear.
Hanni nodded understandingly, and none of them made a big deal out of it. My body relaxed immediately. "Is that why we didn’t know?" Haerin asked, looking at Minji. Minji sighed again. "You’re all crazy," she replied, making Hyein and Hanni laugh and nod.
"I’m hungry," Danielle said, and Hyein nodded vigorously. "Let’s go to the dorm. Y/N can eat with us. Let’s have a movie marathon," Hyein said excitedly, clapping her hands and bouncing in place. I smirked.
"No way," Minji replied almost venomously. "She’s mine," she added, pulling my leg over hers. My eyebrows raised. My hand rested on her arm while the others immediately complained. "That would be fun. Plus, I’d get to know the others better," I said, smiling. "Can we?" I asked, making Minji swallow.
"Okay," Minji replied softly, her hand on my thigh, gently stroking over my pants. "Will you sleep with me too?" she asked hopefully, looking at me with big eyes.
"That’s sweet."
"I’m going to puke."
"Hopefully they won’t be like this when we watch the movie."
"Oh god. I’ve got vomit in my mouth."
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tofiqbohra11 · 3 months
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