#jaune x Emerald
brokentrafficknight · 3 months
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juanarc-thethird · 4 months
I think Emerald could work for a "I promise we are just going to cuddle" story
We're just going to cuddle, I promise. (Emerald)
Jaune: *Sleeping*
Emerald: Hey Jaune...
Jaune: *Still sleeping*
Emerald: Jaaaaaune...
Jaune: *Still in dreamland*
Emerald: Jaune!
Jaune: *Jumps in place* What?! What happen?!
Emerald: Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up like that.
Jaune wanted to get angry but notices that Emerald looks trouble.
Jaune: It's ok, but why did you wake me up?
Emerald: I had a bad dream.
Jaune: A bad dream? About what?
Emerald: I'd rather not talk about it. But I want to ask you a favor.
Jaune: Oh, what is it?
Emerald: Could I sleep with you? Just for today! If you do not mind. I don't want to sleep alone.
Jaune: Um… I'd like to help you but I don't think it's a good idea. Why don't you ask Nora or Ruby? I think they would be willing to share their bed with you. I mean, a guy and a girl sharing a bed is... well.
Emerald: I understand you, and believe me, I would ask one of them if I could. But the only person I can trust right now is you.
Jaune thinks for a moment.
Jaune: *Sighs* Ok, fine, you can sleep in my bed.
He lifts the covers and Emerald enters. After she covers herself, Jaune turns around. Turning his back on her.
Jaune: Goodnight.
Emerald: Um… Jaune?
Jaune: Hm?
Emerald: Is it possible that you can hug me while we sleep?
Jaune: I'm sorry?
Emerald: We're just going to cuddle, I promise! But it would help me a lot.
Emerald: Please...
Jaune turns around and hugs Emerald. She is surprised for a few seconds, but then she returns the hug.
Jaune: Don't tell anyone we did this.
Emerald: I will.
Jaune: Good.
Emerald: And Jaune...
Jaune: Yes?
Emerald: Would it be okay if I ask you one more thing?
Jaune: Just say it, at this point I don't think it's any more embarrassing than this.
Emerald: Well...
10 minutes later...
Emerald is lying face down biting the pillow hard. Jaune is on top of her, fucking her while he bounces on her big ass.
Emerald: Fuck~!💕 God, you're so deep~!!💕 Don't stop!!
Jaune: Oh fuck!~💕 Your pussy feels so good~
Jaune puts his hands on Emerald's back for better balance and begins to fucks her hard.
Emerald: OH FUCK!!!~💕 (I pretended to have a nightmare so I could get in his pants, but at this rate I'll become addicted to his cock!!💕) OH GOD!!~💕
Jaune: Fuck!💕 Emerald, I'm about to cum!
Emerald: (*Gasp!* I need to stop him!) Yes, cum inside me!!💕 Fill me up!!💕 (NO! That's not what I wanted to say! If he cums inside I will surely become addicted!)
Jaune: Oh God!! I'm... I'm cumming!!!
Emerald: YEEESSSSS!!!💕 (NOOOOO!!)
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rocknroll7575 · 4 months
*Officer walking in with Jade who's all wet*
Jaune: Oh thank god! Where was she!?
Officer: We found your daughter swimming with the Alligators
Jade: I am the lizard queen!
Emerald: Oh my god...
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arc-misadventures · 3 months
MFK with Jaune: Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, and Selina Kyle
Jaune: MFK XII
Nora: Oh Jaune-Jaune~?
Jaune: No, you can’t have your grenades back.
Nora: But, that’s not…?!
Jaune: You aren’t allowed to test peoples bone density with your war hammer.
Nora: But, it’s only, Cardin… Wait! No, that’s not what I want…??
Jaune: You can’t have another, McSchneer Lumberjack Burger. They banned you after you demanded more maple syrup bacon strips, and subsequently destroyed the counter when they said no.
Nora: That’s not what I wanted to ask!
Jaune: It’s not; Then what is it?
Nora: MFK~!
Jaune: Naww fuck…
Nora: Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, or Selina Kyle~?
Jaune: The ladies of, Batman’s Rouge Gallery? Why them?
Nora: Why not them?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Fair enough… Okay… I would kill, Poison Ivy.
Nora: Aww… but, I thought you liked us red heads~?
Jaune: I do, but it’s more of personality/mind set kind of thing. I understand why she wants to save the environment, and all that. But, considering her powers she could make plants that absorb the pollution, and cleanse the environment like nature currently does. I mean, we’ve got algae springing up the can digest plastics, and there are mushrooms capable of absorbing nuclear radiation. I mean come on! Poison Ivy could easily do that, and make something ten times better at doing that! But, no let’s kill all the corrupt businessmen, politicians, and everyone on the whole god damn planet to save the environment! That’s sounds lovely~!
Nora: Okay… that sounded personal…
Jaune: Sorry, but environmentalists annoy the hell out of me! I mean come on! Let’s stop using all fossil fuels, and natural gas to prevent the world from ending in the next five years, a notion that they have said a dozen times in the last three decades! Not to mention that idea would kill millions in a matter of weeks if implemented?!
Nora: …?!
Nora: So…
Nora: Who ya gonna fuck…?
Jaune: Harely Quinn.
Nora: Oh really, you got a thing for clowns~?
Jaune: No. I have to pick, and of the two I would like to sleep with, Harely Quinn. I’m curious about how flexible she would be, among other things…
Nora: Nice~!
Jaune: And, lastly I would marry, Selina Kyle.
Nora: Why her?
Jaune: Admittedly I like, Catwoman the most out of the trio. I like her mature elegance, that femme fatale, and saucy air about her. Plus, I read the comics, she a romantic at heart with, Bruce Wayne. Granted unless written as so, Selina never overcomes, Bruce’s obsession with being, Batman. But, in the stories they do get together, they form a strong lasting pair who grow up to have a loving family together with.
Jaune: I want that too…
Jaune: You happy, Nora, have you got your answer.
Nora: I’m ecstatic, Fearless Leader~! I’ll see you later~!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Somethings off with that smile of hers… I don’t like it…
Nora: Alright ladies, have you made your decision?
Cinder: Perfectly! I will be going as, Catwoman. I already have a catsuit that I know, Jaune will absolutely drool all over~!
Nora: Oh, nice! It really shows of your phat ass! He better give that a nice hard slap when he sees it!
Cinder: I’ll give him plenty of reasons to do just that~! Now, Neo will be using her semblance to dress as, Harley Quinn. She is also flexible enough to play the part~!
Nora: I’m sure, Jaune will love that~! Don’t pull a muscle out there , Neo!
Neo: 😁
Nora: No, I’m being serious, he will pull some muscles when he’s done with you!
Neo: 🤕🥴
Nora: Oh~? Kinky, I like it~!
Cinder: And, lastly, Emerald will be using her semblance to appear as, Poison Ivy!
Emerald: Are you sure this will work? He hates, Poison Ivy.
Nora: That means he’ll hate fuck you to get rid of that pent up rage~!
Emerald: Oh…? Oh~? Oh that sounds like fun~!
Cinder: Alright girl, let’s head out! Let’s show, Jaune what’s it’s like to be embrace by a trio of femme fetale’s~!
Emerald: Thanks, Nora, we really appreciate your help!
Nora: No problem ladies! And, good luck!
Nora: Cause… you’ll need it… oh boy you’ll need it…
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waltat04-kevinknight · 4 months
Jaune: Hey Emerald, how's it going
Emerald: Eh, not bad still not used to the Vacuo sand though
Jaune: you could say that again.
Emerald: ...
Jaune: ...
Emerald: Wanna fuck?
Jaune: Let's go, but fair warning I've haven't had a female touch in years
A few moments later, Emerald was pinning to a bed with her ass in the air and her face against the bed hugging a pillow with her arms.
Emerald: Fuckkkkkkk~! Use that ass baby~! Shit you're being too roug-h~!
Jaune: I warned you didn't I? Now slam that thick chocolate ass on this dick move and prove you truly are worthy of the Arc rod!
Emerald moans as she matches his thrusts by slamming her plump ass against his dick causing her ass to ripple.
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rachetmath · 7 months
Emerald: Ruby? Weiss? May I talk to both of you for one minute?
Ruby: Emerald? You want to talk?
Emerald: Yes.
Weiss: With us?
Emerald: Yes. Do you both have the time or not?
Weiss: Um… sure.
Ruby: This is rare so I am curious about how this conversation will go.
Emerald: Okay, good. Now, if you don’t feel comfortable, we can drop this. Alright?
Ruby: Okay.
Weiss: Absolutely.
Emerald: Good. So… which one of you is going to give it up to Jaune?
Weiss: WHAT THE-
Emerald: I’m just saying. When are any of you going to give the man something for his efforts?
Weiss: There is no way this is happening. Especially not from you.
Ruby: *looks around*
Emerald: Ruby what are you doing?
Ruby: Checking for cameras and microphones at the very least. But mainly to see if Nora or Blake are hiding anywhere. This is something straight out of their book. 
Emerald: Look, I’m just asking a simple question. Now Ruby I understand considering-
Ruby: No. Stop.
Emerald: I mean-
Ruby: Shut up.
Emerald: Fine. But you Weiss, I don’t understand.
Weiss: Alright look. I somewhat am impressed with Jaune, but I don’t like him like that. We’re just friends.
Ruby: Yeah and so are we!
Emerald: So after everything he’s done for both of you, you don’t think of him as anything other than a friend?
Ruby and Weiss: Yes.
Emerald: Even though he helps both of you. Saves both of you. And kept both your sisters alive.
Ruby: Um…
Weiss: I mean… yeah.
Emerald: Mhmm. Disappointing.
Ruby: Excuse me?
Emerald: I’m just saying I met no one besides Hazel and Mercury who would go that far for me. If I were you girls I try to keep that around.
Weiss: What are you trying to say?
Me: Cinder and Neo may have had a point. You two don’t deserve shit. Ungrateful bitches.
Weiss: Look, Emerald, Ruby and I care about Jaune. Plus, you make it sound like we don’t stand a chance now to get with him.
Emerald: Because you don’t. Especially when you had Jessica ahead of you both.  And she’s not from this universe.
Ruby: How do you know about Jessica?
Emerald: Jaune told me and he didn’t skip the details. 
Ruby: … … um…
Emerald: And he’s older now.
Weiss: But not as mature.
Emerald: How so? I mean, he cares about others. And he’s responsible. How does that not count as being mature?
Weiss: Well he yelled at Ruby.
Emerald: Did he have a reason?
Ruby: He was always angry and frustrated.
Emerald: Again did he have a reason?
Ruby and Weiss: Yes.
Emerald: Okay, look, if you girls don’t want him fine. Just don’t be mad when another woman decides to claim him. 
Ruby: Pfft like who?
Emerald: I don’t know. Maybe just any girl willing to put up with him. Help him. And unlike Pyrrha would take any opportunity to seal the deal. Maybe Winter. Elm. Me. Harriet. Possibly any one better.
Ruby: Hold on what you say.
Emerald: I said what I said.
Weiss: Emerald, you are no older than us. 
Emerald: I mean I can wait and if it doesn’t work out I’ll find someone new. But again… what about you Schnee cause I believe your chances are slim.
Weiss: What? 
Emerald: Because you are basic.
Weiss: Basic? Oh, I will show you ‘basic’.
Ruby: No, Weiss. Calm down. No.
Weiss: Let me go, Ruby. 
Emerald: Well I am going to take my leave. Later losers.
Weiss: I KILL YOU!!
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bdk1902 · 2 months
Emerald: My ass is better!
Blake: No! Mine is!
Jaune walks in, staring at them fighting.
Jaune: why are they fighting?
Yang: They’re comparing which ass is better. Obviously, I’m on Blake’s.
Ruby: But Em has more bounce to it.
Weiss: This is such childish behavior.
Yang: Is it because you have no curves on both sides?
Weiss: Shush!!
Jaune: Ladies. Ladies. I know how to handle this. *Jaune walks up to the bootiful beauties*
Emerald: And another thing! Y-Jaune what are you doing?
Blake: Please stay out of this.
Jaune grabbed both of their hands, and guide them to his butt, make them squeeze each cheek, and left with just one sentence.
Jaune: I win.
That left many girls speechless, including Blake and Emerald who just felt like they have touched the Holy Grail.
Emerald/Blake: Dibs on sleeping with him! No! I said it first! Race you to there! Jinx! Double Jinx! *both dash to where Jaune headed*
Yang: …What the fuck just happened?
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superiorsturgeon · 22 days
Pyrrha: Okay…! My first mission back in the field! Meet me tonight at my house so we can go over the details. Jaune is working late so I have to put my son to bed.
Emerald: All right! The Invincible Girl rides again! It’s about time!
Later, at Arkos house…
Pyrrha: *singing a silly lullaby to Jamie Nikos-Arc, who is clutching a little stuffed bunny* 🥰
Oscar: Aww…!
Emerald: …Oscar, we have to keep Pyrrha away from this mission!
Oscar: What? But earlier you said-
Emerald: I know, I know…! But it just sank in that Pyrrha has a kid! I grew up without parents, and it sucks! I don’t want to see the same thing happen to Jamie! 😫
Oscar: …I mean, he would still have a dad- 🤔
Emerald: Come on! We’ve got to finish this mission quickly before Pyrrha is in danger!
Pyrrha: *corners Emerald* What are you doing trying to cut me out of the mission, Emerald?
Emerald: I was just, uh…? 😅
Pyrrha: *steps close and looms over Emerald* Who am I? 😠
Emerald: The…the Invincible Girl…
Pyrrha: And what does the Invincible Girl do?! 😠
Emerald: Takes every precaution to ensure her safety…? 😅
Emerald: …takes bad guys down and bad girls to bed…
Pyrrha: That’s right! Except now the Invincible Girl is happily married to a wonderful man and too tired for sex, so her main indulgence is full-fat yogurt parfait! 😤
Glynda: So how did Miss Nikos do on her first mission back?
Pyrrha: *strangling three bad guys at once, one headlocked under each arm and a third under her boot* I left one for you guys! 😁
Emerald/Oscar: *holding the last terrified bad guy at gunpoint* 😦
Emerald: Pyrrha, I just want you to know that I’m not scared for you anymore… 😔
Emerald: …OF you, a lot…! 😰
Pyrrha: Aw, thanks Emerald! 😊
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smh0217 · 6 months
Jaune: I found out today that Emerald is getting released from prison early.
Yang: Oh, for good behavior?
Jaune: Nah, overcrowding.
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velveteen-art · 1 year
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Emerald suddenly regrets switching sides.
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reashot · 8 months
Have you ever thought about an au where Jaune is a wolf faunus and Ruby is a dog faunus?
When I look back, Jaune may have the appearance of a dog, but acts more like a wolf. I mean, he's the only one in the group who goes for a kill blow when an enemy is down.
Ruby has the appearance of a wolf, but she acts more like a dog. Being a silver eyed warrior, she is meant to preserve life. The worst she's done to a person was cut off Tyrian's tail.
If you did make this AU, I can see the relationship being that Ruby playfully dominates Jaune.
The Pupper and Woofy.
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Wolf Jaune: I'm on a hunt. I'm hunter, a proud warrior like my father and his before me and I have my prey on sight...
Sheep Cruz: Baaaa..... (Oh no. 💕I hope no handsome blonde wolf attack and ravish me from behind. That would be so bad if it happens. *giggle*😋)
Jaune: Target located, ready to pounce and... Strike.
Cruz: Oh No!!! I'm about to be eaten by the big bad dic..... I mean wolf! Whatever should I do? 🤤
Dog Ruby: Have no fear for I am here! Get to safety you dumb sheep I will gladly put myself in harm's way to safe you! Go ahead wolf. Eat me but please leave the dirty sheep alone!
Cruz: Tsch! (Get a clue you dumb bitch!)
Jaune: Ehh.... What is happening?
Ruby: You heard me. Eat me. Ravish me, devour me (sexually) with your mouth... (Then your dick afterward.)
Jaune: I think I better go...
Ruby: Oh no you don't! Get back here and finish me! Mama wanted her climax!!!
Jaune: *runs away*
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Cruz: No!!!!
Ruby: My Wolf D!!!!
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brokentrafficknight · 4 months
Emerald: So~! What brings you to me?
Jaune: I was hoping you could help me with something.
Emerald: *Stepping closer and smiling as Jaune cups her chin* And that would be~?
Jaune: I want to learn to climb the way you do.
Emerald:*Pulling away, clearly annoyed* Oh!
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juanarc-thethird · 8 months
Surprised this hasn't been done yet. Valentine's Card with Emerald. Big Booty Thief.
Valentine's Day letters. (Emerald)
Jaune: Huh… I didn't think Emerald made Valentine's Day letters. It doesn't seem like her style.
He opens the letter and says:
"I used to be a thief, I no longer do crime. But I would steal from you, just like you did with my heart."
Jaune: *Red* Damn, she's good.
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rocknroll7575 · 2 months
Too good to be true...
Emerald: *Laughing at her scroll only to hear Jaune's scroll buzzing* Jaune, you're scrolls buzzing!
Jaune: I'm doing the dishes right now, do you, uh, mind checking it for me?
Emerald: *shocked* You... You want me to check you're phone for you?
Jaune: Uh, yeah, the passcode is 0229
Emerald: *Still shocked*
Jaune: Who was it?
Emerald: *Still shocked*
Jaune: Um... Em? Who texted?
Emerald: *picking up the scroll, unlocking it, and sees its a text from Ren* It's Ren, he was asking if you were free this weekend to hang out
Jaune: Uh, tell him I'm busy, tell him I'm hanging out with you
Emerald: Wait what?
Jaune: Tell him, uh, tell him we're going apple picking this weekend, to get fresh apples for apple pie
Emerald: ....ok
Jaune: Alright, dishes are done!
Emerald: What kind of wicked game is this...?
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arc-misadventures · 8 months
Dark Meat
Jaune: …
Emerald: …
Jaune: …
Emerald: …
Emerald: Uhh…? Do you need something, Jaune?
Jaune: You know… I always did prefer dark meat.
Emerald: Excuse me what?
Emerald was lying in her bed, her hair was a frizzled mess, her body bare except for the blanket that cover her modesty. Her neck covered in darkening spots as she comprehended the fact of what her partner had just put her through.
Emerald: Oh… so that’s what he meant…
She would have said more, but her rampaging mind that struggled to put the past hours events into words she could comprehend was brought to a swift end. For she felt a pair of arms around her as partner of the night went, and tenderly bit her neck, then whispered hotly into her ear.
Jaune: Ready for round two?
And then, Emerald realized something profound as she pressed her sizeable rear against his stiff member.
She preferred white meat.
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Pyrrha and Jaune help out Emerald a lot during her pregnancy so they’re the first to get to see the baby.
Pyrrha instantly notices the baby has blonde hair and blue eyes.
Jaune starts sweating bullets but Emerald just grins thinking back to that night 9 months ago
Emerald smiled as she watched one of her guests, Pyrrha, play with her daughter. The tiny girl giggling and cooing as she made on of her toys fly around. Her other guest, Jaune, sat with her at the table, motionless like a statue as he watched his wife. Sweat pouring down his face
"Hey, Emerald.." Pyrrha called out, "can I ask you a question?"
The former thief smiled, "By all means" she replied, her gaze transfixed on the blonde across from her.
"I couldn't help but notice, little Esmeralda here has the same blonde hair and blue eyes just like Jaune?"
The man in question said nothing, mouth agape. Like he wanted to say something, but couldn't find the words. Emerald on the other, continues to smile and closed her eyes thoughtfully.
9 months ago:
Emerald held back a cackle as she watched Jaune hammering into his warm moist cunt. Grunting and moan as his his collided against her thick, moka cheeks.
"Fuck, Pyrrha, you feel tighter than usual" he grunted, making Emerald laugh.
Hours ago, she stole Pyrrha's scroll, sent him an inviting text, activated her semblance, hallucinations, and waited patiently for the blonde to arrive. That was four hours ago, yet he didn't stop filling her over-stuffed cunt full of thick life giving seed.
"Fuck I swear your ass got bigger too"
Back n the present:
"Oh, must be a coincidence" she lied. Smirking as her hand slowly jerking Jaune's dick under the table. "In fact, I might try giving her a sibling soon~"
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