bdk1902 · 1 day
When they got their bodies back, it’ll be so awkward.
(Unspecific circumstances cause Ruby and Yang to swap bodies)
Ruby(in Yang's body): Okay, you wait here and I'll try to explain to Weiss what happened. Until we get this figured out, don't let anyone know what's going on.
Yang(in Ruby's body): Got it.
Ruby(in Yang's body): (leaves) Oh, excuse me, Penny.
Penny: (walks in) Oh, Ruby~ It's Tuesday.
Yang(in Ruby's body): ... okay?
Penny: (activates ten metallic tendrils from her back) By my estimate, we have an extra two hours to add to our usual eight tonight! Now, bend over~
Yang(in Ruby's body): ... mommy...
Penny: Oooh! New kink unlocked! I will add that to my database!
Blake: Hello, Yang.
Ruby: (Yang's body) ...
Blake: ...Yang?
Ruby: ...Oh, wait, right, that's me. Uh, what's up, uh, Blake?
Blake: Yang, you're acting strange. Is everything okay?
Ruby: Uh, yup, everything is fine! Uh, listen, I need to go... talk to Weiss.
Blake: About what?
Ruby: Uh, something... Something.
Blake: Yang, are you hiding things from me?
Ruby: What?! No! No, it's- it's nothing like that!
Blake: (Takes Yang's hand) Yang, we're partners. We don't anything from each other, remember?
Ruby: Yeah, yeah, right, right...
Blake: Yang... Please...
Ruby: I... Look, I really need to talk to Weiss, and, if you want, you can come along, t-
Ruby: MMPH?! (Falls into closet)
Blake: (Shuts door, Rips off clothes)
Jaune: Where's the rest of your team?
Weiss: I have no clue. Knowing them, though, they're probably making out with their girlfriends.
Nora: Jealous~?
Weiss: Shut up.
Ren: So, what do we do now?
Oscar: Should we start the brief without them?
Jaune: I don't see what else we can do.
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bdk1902 · 1 day
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bdk1902 · 5 days
If you use skill swap, then yeah.
Ruby: Hey Miss Schnee! Want a Pokemon battle?
Willow: Well ... It's been a long time for me ... But I don't see why not! Just, please go easy on such an old trainer, Hmm?
Ruby: No promises! What's the point if you don't get into it completely!
Willow: Very well then. I won't be holding back either. Doubles or Singles?
Ruby: Singles! Grill! I choose you!
Quilava: Quill!
Yang: Heck Yeah Rubes! Shatter that Ice Type Trainer!
Weiss: My Mother's not an Ice specialist?
Willow: Hmm~ Well then I think I shall go with ...
Yang: What is she then? Her Ace is that Aurorus!
Weiss: Well, the Schnee Dust Company Is a mining company, and you know what you can find while digging?
Willow: Rachus! Spread your wings my fair flyer, and use Stone Edge!
Archeops: AwwwAAA!
Weiss: Fossil Pokemon Specialist~
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bdk1902 · 5 days
Archeops? Ah hell no, that Quilava is down for the count.
To those who are not Pokemon fans, Quilava is a gen 2 pure fire-type starter, while Archeops is a fully evolved rock-flying Pokemon. It has insane speed, attack of both physical and special so it hits very very hard. The downside is that it was defeatist as a shitty signature ability where it halves your attack and speed statswhen HP is below half.
Ruby: Hey Miss Schnee! Want a Pokemon battle?
Willow: Well ... It's been a long time for me ... But I don't see why not! Just, please go easy on such an old trainer, Hmm?
Ruby: No promises! What's the point if you don't get into it completely!
Willow: Very well then. I won't be holding back either. Doubles or Singles?
Ruby: Singles! Grill! I choose you!
Quilava: Quill!
Yang: Heck Yeah Rubes! Shatter that Ice Type Trainer!
Weiss: My Mother's not an Ice specialist?
Willow: Hmm~ Well then I think I shall go with ...
Yang: What is she then? Her Ace is that Aurorus!
Weiss: Well, the Schnee Dust Company Is a mining company, and you know what you can find while digging?
Willow: Rachus! Spread your wings my fair flyer, and use Stone Edge!
Archeops: AwwwAAA!
Weiss: Fossil Pokemon Specialist~
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bdk1902 · 6 days
Pyrrha: … I think it was kinda hot.
Forever fall accident
Nora: *looking at the sap from the tree slowly filling her jar* Soon, soon you will be mine~
Ren: *sigh* Nora, the sap is not for you. It's for the professors. Please don't drink another jar... Again.
Nora: *cheekily* I can't promise~
Pyrrha: *looking around* Did anyone see Jaune?
Nora: *looking up to Pyrrha* Maybe the call of nature got the best of him?
Ren: *sigh even louder* Nora, i don't think Jaune would just leave without saying a word just to go to the bathroom.
Pyrrha: He probably was lost in his own head. He does that a lot, we should try finding him.
Jaune: *looking at team CRDL* Now that i helped you with getting more sap, do you need anything else?
Cardin: *smiling* Jauney boy, you've been such a good help today. So much so that me and my team decided to finally move on from you.
Jaune: ... What do you mean?
Cardin: *taking one of the jar* See, whatever we do to you, you seem to not mind. And frankly, it's booooriiiiing. So, instead of trying to get a reaction from you, we thought "what if we tried on someone else?"
Jaune: ...
Cardin: Now, we both know how much of a pushover you are, soooo *put the jar back in Jaune's hand* We want YOU to throw that bottle at Pyrrha.
Jaune: ... Excuse me?
Sky: *with a box in his hands* We got a rapier wasp nest, and they love sap!
Cardin: *spitting on the ground* She keeps beating us up because we are a bit rowdy with you. And we want to teach her a lesson. And you *poke Jaune chest* will help us.
Jaune: ... *Sigh* Cardin, i give you 10 seconds after I finish speaking to reconsider your actions.
Cardin: *laugh* You think you can threaten me? We all saw how bad you were during practice.
The jar breaks in Jaune's hand
Jaune: *coldly staring at cardin* The only reason i don't do well in class is because if i actually tried, i might kill people. Now, i will ask you again to rethink your decision, Cardin.
Cardin: *a bit less sure* You might be good at bluffing, but i still know that you wouldn't be able to fight the 4 of us by yourself! I- *get punch in the guts. Then, while trying to catch his breath, Jaune caught him by the throat* Ack!
Dove, Sky and Russel: *ready their weapons*
Jaune: 10 seconds. *Sigh* i let you walk all over me, pushed me and sent me into dangerous situations but i didn't care because you weren't trying to hurt anyone that was important, just me. *Bringing Cardin to eye level, not even flinching when Cardin desperately tried to punch him to get released* But you had to try going for the ones that matter. Now this is your last warning Cardin; Forget your plan, and i won't break your neck like a twig. *Jaune's grip tightens even more, breaking Cardin aura*
Sky: *screaming* URSA! WE GOT URSA!
Jaune: *finally look around him, seeing the Ursa's encircling the group* Hm... *Release Cardin* Get out. All of you.
Dove: H-how!? There's no exit!
Jaune: *smiling* You make yourself a path. *Goes in front of one of the Ursa* Like this! *Use his spear to behead the ursa in one swing*
Sky and Russel: *help Cardin getting back up*
Dove: *looking at Jaune smiling after killing the grimm* You freak...
Jaune: *turning to Dove* Yes, i am.
Pyrrha: Jaune! Where are you!
Nora: Fearless leader, we got sap for your dessert! We know you love making them!
Ren: ... Nora, i highly doubt he will-
Jaune: *coming out from the trees* More sap? Nice, my jars are broken!
Pyrrha: Jaune! *Goes to him* Thanks the gods you are okay and- *look at the broken lance* What happened!?
Jaune: Oh, you know, a little grimm ambush. *Smile* Nothing to worry about.
Ren: We were supposed to tell Glynda for any sighting of grimm.
Jaune: Don't worry, their's none left. *Turning to Nora* And you won't need to break Cardin's legs, i don't think he will try anything else against us.
Nora: Ohoh!~ You kicked his ass?
Jaune: *scratching the back of his head* Not necessarily. But i don't think he will want to try anything else.
Team RWBY is walking back to the bullhead
Yang: ... He was laughing.
Blake: ... Yeah.
Weiss: he dismembered those grimm like if they were made out of paper.
Ruby: *sigh* and the way he talked to Cardin...
Blake: Can't say he hadn't it coming.
Yang: ...
Ruby: *looking at Yang* Hey, i know what it looks like, but i'm sure we can talk with him about it, right?
Yang: *sigh* Yeah... Probably.
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bdk1902 · 6 days
This is slowly from family history talk to freedom talk.
Since Sharks have literally existed on Earth longer than trees, does that mean the Arc family has some stupid-long family history recorded somewhere to bore visitors?
Ruby: Hey Jaune, You're family's been around a long time, yeah?
Jaune: Yep! The latest of our history is me and my sisters, With my parents, Specifically my mom, who inherited a large amount of farmland east of Vale ...
Jaune: ... And That's why Mom Decided to stop being a huntress, and settle down with my dad.
Ruby, extremely out of it: ... Huh.
Jaune: Of course, to really understand why, You'd need to understand why and how My grandfather and Nicholas Schnee had a falling out...
~~Much Later~~
Jaune: .. So now you can see why Grandfather fled Solitas, but to understand why My Great-Grandpa even put him in that situation...
~~Much, MUCH later~~
Jaune: ... And That's why the shield becomes a Sheath!
Ruby, asleep: ..............
Jaune: Although to understand why it's a short-sword, instead of a more traditional Faunus armament, I need to tell you how my family was involved in the Great war, and the creation of Menagerie ...
~~Some Large Amount of Time Later~~
Various Faunus Students: *Calls and cries of Revolution*
Ruby, walking into the room with a plate of dinner: ... What did I miss?
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bdk1902 · 6 days
Jaune as a sushi chef: *using his saw head to cut the big fishes off*
Yang, sitting next to him: How is he doing that without hurting us?
Weiss: I don't know.
Fun fact: They feed on fish, striking and cutting their prey with their saws, but are harmless to humans.
Ruby: Hey, guys? You know how Jaune's a shark faunus, right?
Yang: Yeah?
Ruby: Well, what kind of shark is he?
Weiss: ...Blake?
Blake: It's... an interesting question. I'm a cat faunus, and so is my mother, but my father is a panther faunus, so I could have been like him, too. What specific species Jaune is, though...
1. Thresher
Weiss: Thank you for your help, Jaune.
Jaune: No problem, Weiss! I'm always happy to help!
Pyrrha: Jaune? Could you come here for a moment?
Jaune: (Turns around) Sure thing, Pyrrha!
Weiss: (On the ground, Dazed)
Fun Fact: Threshers have the longest tails compared to body size of any shark, about three meters (9ft) long. In fact, there is an old myth that they would hunt whales together with swordfish.
2. Hammerhead
Ruby: Whoa! You aced all of your classes, Jaune!
Jaune: Oh, it was nothing...
Velvet: Let me get your picture, Jaune!
Nora: OOH! Get one with all of us!
Jaune: (Covers face) No! Please don't!
Fun Fact: Hammerheads are the youngest and most advanced in the shark evolutionary timeline, which may account for their higher social interactions than any other sharks. They are also extremely shy.
3. Great White
Pyrrha: Jaune, could you do this?
Jaune: Yes, ma'am.
Yang: Hey, Jaune! You up for a spar?
Jaune: Uh, n-not really, but if you really need me to.
Nora: Jaune, I need you to do this thing!
Jaune: (Sighs) Yes, ma'am...
Fun Fact: Great Whites, despite being the largest of the predatory sharks, are conflict-avoidant, and the males are often dominated by the females.
4. Mako
Blake: Mm, fish- Huh?! How did you get here so fast?!
Jaune: (On his third plate) I ran here, just like you did.
Blake: (Grumbles, Sits next to him)
Jaune: Uh, Blake-?
Blake: I'm sitting next to.
Jaune: Uh, okay?
Blake: (Thinking) How is he always so warm?
Fun Fact: Makos are the fastest sharks in the world, capable of swimming up to 25mph, bursting at 60mph. They also have specialized blood vessels that allow them to have a higher body temperature.
5. Bull
Jaune: Hm? What's up, Ruby?
Nora: I'm not Ruby. I'm Nora!
Jaune: Oh! Uh, m-my bad... So, uh, what did you and Pyrrha need my help with?
Ren: Ren
Jaune: Oh...
Fun Fact: Bulls have small eyes, resulting in poor eyesight. This is commonly attributed to their poor reputation of attacking humans more often than other sharks, along with their ability to live in both sea and fresh water.
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bdk1902 · 6 days
Blake: *hesitant on eating Fugu sushi got from a licensed and trained chef*
Jaune: *noms five different types of fugu with no hesitation*
Yang: *struggles with one drop of the ghost reaper sauce*
Also Jaune: *chugs it down like water*
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Isn't that fucking convenient.
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bdk1902 · 6 days
Years later:
Jaune: …
Nicholas: …
Jaune: Well if it isn't the sperm donor?
Nicholas: Son I-
Jaune: Don’t you ‘son’ me! You've lost that privilege ever since you gave me to Lil Miss and eat my friend!
Nicholas: it was just a-
Jaune: I could have had a good and simple childhood, but instead you tried to make me become a man-killing shark. Tried to turn me into something I never wanted. Yet you failed, and look where it got to now. Your precious ‘son’, dead by my hands. But I didn't threw the first punch. He hit me first, I tried to be polite and just talk. But he had other plans.
Nicholas: Jaune I had to. You weren't ready to see the truth yet.
Jaune: Then why didn't you just say it to me before instead of ripping away my innocence? Face it, Nicholas. You are a despicable being, you don't deserve to be with mom, my sisters, or be a father at all. And I hope you'll be in Hell suffering. Fuck you. Farewell.
Cold-Blooded Killers
Many moons ago...
Jaune: (Playing with a puppy) Friend~! Friend, Papa~! Friend~!
Papa Arc: I don't like this, Bella.
Mama Arc: Oh, come on, Nicky. It's cute.
Papa Arc: Cute?! My son is supposed to grow up to represent all sea-faunus kind in the future Survival Wars! It is my duty as a member of the Tooth and Claws Allegiance that I cannot enter wars any longer! And yet, despite my giving this boy the needed attributes to survive such games, I look at him now and all I see is SOFT!
Jaune: Haha! Mama! Papa! Look~!
Mama Arc: Give him time, Nicholas. In the meantime, why not leave Jaune alone to get better acquainted with his new friend?
Papa Arc: No. There is no time for patience or pleasure. ...I've made my decision, Lil Miss.
Mama Arc: Lil Miss? Lil Miss Malachite? Wh-Why are you talking to that awful woman? (Sees bullhead approach) Nicholas, what did you do?!
Jaune: (Watches Lil Miss approach) M-Mama? Papa?
Lil Miss: Hello Jaune. We're going for a ride.
Jaune: (Carried off by Lil Miss) NO! MAMA! PAPA! NO!
Papa Arc: (Holding his wife) Don't fight this, Isabella. This is for everyone's benefit.
Lil Miss: Don't you worry, Mister Arc. When I'm done with this one, he'll be everything you want him to be.
Lil Miss: He'll be just like me.
Jaune: (Screaming from the bullhead) MAMA! PAPA! FRIEND!
Mama Arc: (Sobbing) Why, Nicholas... Why...
Papa Arc: Because he needs to understand that his life is above all else, a game of survival. (Glares at barking dog) Kill or be killed. (Grabs dog by the collar, Opens wide)
Jaune: Papa... No...
Papa Arc: ...There is no room for friends.
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bdk1902 · 6 days
Saphron: Not literally!
Shark Jaune: You know the worst part about have two dick is cumming too early because my girlfriend wanted me to stick them in both holes at once.
Jaune: I mean seriously, it happens like every time.
Saphron: ...Okay?
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bdk1902 · 6 days
Willow: Oh hi Jaune. Long time no see.
Jaune: Willie. You changed.
Willow: and you haven’t at all. Still no lover yet?
Jaune: Still playing match-making, I see?
Willow: I couldn't resist. Say, remember what I said 30 years ago?
Jaune: It's been so long, I forgot.
Willow: That when I grow up, if you don't have any lover yet, I'll be dating you~. And seems to me~ *Willow glides her fingers* You’re on the market~.
Young at Heart?
Jaune: Hello, Willow.
Weiss: Huh? How do you know my mother's name?
Jaune: Oh, you're Willow's daughter? Sorry! You look just like her.
Weiss: Answer my question, Arc.
Jaune: I used to babysit her. (Chuckles) She'd always try to one-up me in our history lessons.
Ruby: Wait. I thought you were a teenager?
Jaune: I am!
Blake: How... old are you?
Jaune: I'm sixty-eight!
Yang: (Pulls Ruby closer)
Fun Fact! Greenland sharks have an extremely long life-span, with the oldest of the species, "Gandalf" estimated to be as old as 560~ years old, though other adults have been estimated to be around three hundred years old.
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bdk1902 · 8 days
Pyrrha: Jaune has better bod!
Weiss: Sun has better abs!
Blake: Yang has better ass!
Jaune: *In a Onsen, relaxing* Ah~ This is the life! Good food, Good Drinks, Good company!
Yang: *Along side him* Few things in life get as good as This! Our girlfriends being here could make it better though.
Sun: *Wearing his open shirt in the water* Yeah, but you know Weiss likes the Ice.
Jaune: And Pyrrha gets frisky if her drinks have even a drop of alcohol. We'd be out of here faster than Blake dragging you to bed.
Yang: Yeah. Blake would kill to see this though.
J+S: Mm-Hmm.
Jaune: ... you think they're doing alright?
~~~~~ Pyrrha, Blake, and Weiss: *Fighting over who has the hottest blond*
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bdk1902 · 8 days
Jaune:… My pelvis is in danger.
MFK with Jaune: Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, and Selina Kyle
Jaune: MFK XII
Nora: Oh Jaune-Jaune~?
Jaune: No, you can’t have your grenades back.
Nora: But, that’s not…?!
Jaune: You aren’t allowed to test peoples bone density with your war hammer.
Nora: But, it’s only, Cardin… Wait! No, that’s not what I want…??
Jaune: You can’t have another, McSchneer Lumberjack Burger. They banned you after you demanded more maple syrup bacon strips, and subsequently destroyed the counter when they said no.
Nora: That’s not what I wanted to ask!
Jaune: It’s not; Then what is it?
Nora: MFK~!
Jaune: Naww fuck…
Nora: Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, or Selina Kyle~?
Jaune: The ladies of, Batman’s Rouge Gallery? Why them?
Nora: Why not them?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Fair enough… Okay… I would kill, Poison Ivy.
Nora: Aww… but, I thought you liked us red heads~?
Jaune: I do, but it’s more of personality/mind set kind of thing. I understand why she wants to save the environment, and all that. But, considering her powers she could make plants that absorb the pollution, and cleanse the environment like nature currently does. I mean, we’ve got algae springing up the can digest plastics, and there are mushrooms capable of absorbing nuclear radiation. I mean come on! Poison Ivy could easily do that, and make something ten times better at doing that! But, no let’s kill all the corrupt businessmen, politicians, and everyone on the whole god damn planet to save the environment! That’s sounds lovely~!
Nora: Okay… that sounded personal…
Jaune: Sorry, but environmentalists annoy the hell out of me! I mean come on! Let’s stop using all fossil fuels, and natural gas to prevent the world from ending in the next five years, a notion that they have said a dozen times in the last three decades! Not to mention that idea would kill millions in a matter of weeks if implemented?!
Nora: …?!
Nora: So…
Nora: Who ya gonna fuck…?
Jaune: Harely Quinn.
Nora: Oh really, you got a thing for clowns~?
Jaune: No. I have to pick, and of the two I would like to sleep with, Harely Quinn. I’m curious about how flexible she would be, among other things…
Nora: Nice~!
Jaune: And, lastly I would marry, Selina Kyle.
Nora: Why her?
Jaune: Admittedly I like, Catwoman the most out of the trio. I like her mature elegance, that femme fatale, and saucy air about her. Plus, I read the comics, she a romantic at heart with, Bruce Wayne. Granted unless written as so, Selina never overcomes, Bruce’s obsession with being, Batman. But, in the stories they do get together, they form a strong lasting pair who grow up to have a loving family together with.
Jaune: I want that too…
Jaune: You happy, Nora, have you got your answer.
Nora: I’m ecstatic, Fearless Leader~! I’ll see you later~!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Somethings off with that smile of hers… I don’t like it…
Nora: Alright ladies, have you made your decision?
Cinder: Perfectly! I will be going as, Catwoman. I already have a catsuit that I know, Jaune will absolutely drool all over~!
Nora: Oh, nice! It really shows of your phat ass! He better give that a nice hard slap when he sees it!
Cinder: I’ll give him plenty of reasons to do just that~! Now, Neo will be using her semblance to dress as, Harley Quinn. She is also flexible enough to play the part~!
Nora: I’m sure, Jaune will love that~! Don’t pull a muscle out there , Neo!
Neo: 😁
Nora: No, I’m being serious, he will pull some muscles when he’s done with you!
Neo: 🤕🥴
Nora: Oh~? Kinky, I like it~!
Cinder: And, lastly, Emerald will be using her semblance to appear as, Poison Ivy!
Emerald: Are you sure this will work? He hates, Poison Ivy.
Nora: That means he’ll hate fuck you to get rid of that pent up rage~!
Emerald: Oh…? Oh~? Oh that sounds like fun~!
Cinder: Alright girl, let’s head out! Let’s show, Jaune what’s it’s like to be embrace by a trio of femme fetale’s~!
Emerald: Thanks, Nora, we really appreciate your help!
Nora: No problem ladies! And, good luck!
Nora: Cause… you’ll need it… oh boy you’ll need it…
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bdk1902 · 8 days
Emerald: in fact… *she kabedon’d him on the wall* You describe me very well~. *She teasingly glide her finger on his neck to his face*
Jaune: I like my partners Like I like my Coffee!
Emerald: ... Go On.
Jaune: Filling my chest with warmth, helping me get ready for the day, Decently sweet and Strong enough to bend me over their knee!
Emerald: Oh. Okay.
Jaune: What? I say something wrong?
Emerald: No no, I think you said exactly the right thing!
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bdk1902 · 8 days
what about sugar baby weiss? i just think its hilarious, shes definitley much richer than her partner(s) yet she desperately wants to play the fantasy
Jaune: ... I'm sorry, What?
Weiss: I want you to be sugar Baby! Findom me!
Jaune: ... You are literally the richest person in the world.
Weiss: I know- It's just fantasy! C'mon! Make me beg for spending cash on something!
Jaune: Okay, Fine.
Jaune: *Clearing Throat* I"m sorry Sweetheart, What did you want to get? I might need you to "clear your Debt" Before we get it~
Weiss: What's Debt?
Jaune: ... Uh. It's like ... Uhm. Money you owe someone! Like taxes to the government!
Weiss: ... What's a taxes?
Jaune: Have you- Do you not know what taxes are? How have you been paying them!
Weiss: Uh ... No? If I don't know what taxes are then how can I pay them!
Jaune: ... Oh boy.
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bdk1902 · 10 days
Great. Now I am imagining Ruby and her tanned daughter wants to bone DILF Jaune. Thanks.
Amethyst and Ruby doing the Oyakadon position.
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bdk1902 · 11 days
If Jaune’s Tinder date is Willow Schnee:
A message ping up on Jaune’s Scroll, he picked up and what he saw made his jaw dropped.
It was a picture of Willow with a very small bikini that barely hold on for its dear life, revealing her massive tits, thicc ass, and a curvy body. With her mouth and hand doing a blowjob motion.
“I’ll be waiting for you~.”
Jaune: I can’t believe I actually have a date!
Ren: Yes, how,,, good for you *Nervously looking over to Pyrrha*
Pyrrha: How *Grits Teeth* great for you.
Jaune: It’s weird though, she wants to meet up now? Don’t you usually take a day or two to plan things out… Also what does DTF mean?
Pyrrha: OH HELL NO!!!
Ren: Jaune, where did you meet this girl?
Jaune: Meet? No, no no, I’m using this dating app think Cardin showed me, it’s called Tinder?
Ren: Oh gods…
Jaune: Huh Bleiss, where are you going?
Bleiss: Heading over to Bitchchester to pay him a beating.
Jaune: Don’t you mean meeting?
Bleiss: *Sneers* No, no I do fucking not.
Jaune: Pyrrha! He have to stop her!
Pyrrha: Understood-
Jaune: Oh Thank Go-
Pyrrha: I’ll Help…
Jaune: WHY!?
Crap Jaune! Think Think!
Jaune: Ruby! I Need Your Help!
Ruby: Huh? What’s wrong Jaune?
Jaune: Bleiss and Pyrrha are gonna kill Cardin!
Ruby:… Hm, I guess he doesn’t count as a villain, so I should help… Right?
Ren: That fact that you asked that is very concerning.
Bleiss: Bitchchester put  Darling up on Tinder.
Ruby:… *Cocks Crescent Rose* I’ll support from the rooftop, tell me when to take the shot.
Jaune: RUBY NO!!!
Jaune: Maybe if I tell-
Ren: *Grabs Jaune’s shoulder* Stop Your Only Making It Worse!
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