#jaune is salem's descendant au
howlingday · 6 months
Jaune: Uh, hi? I don't want to make things awkward, but... You kinda murdered my grandma.
Salem: I murdered a lot of people.
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Do you... go by any other names?
Salem: Oh, sure! Mother of Grimm, Queen Witch, Remnant's Bane, Hellmouth... That last one was a stage name for an act that was banned in three kingdoms.
Jaune: ...
Jaune: How do you know Nicholas Schnee?
Salem: Oh. Him. Well, he tried to be my friend, but I was too busy making goo-goo eyes at Nicholas Arc.
Jaune: ...
Jaune: I'm... gonna go. Try not to kill anyone.
Salem: (Giggles) Okay! I'll try! No promises~!
Jaune: ...
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howi99 · 7 months
Grimm au
Salem called ozpin!? God how did that go? Like with a grimm or by phone?
Ooohh bigger question is Salem with the times she knows what a phone and tv is? Or is she behind the times?
Ozpin: Salem, so good to see you. You really should get more outside, you look grimmly pale.
Salem: Ozpin, my dear, how goes your aching back? We both know you shouldn't strain yourself too much at your age!
Mama arc: I accepted to use my home for this meeting. If both of you don't stop being passive aggressive right now, i'm going to kick both your raggedy ass out of the house.
Ozpin: ... Sorry Nicole.
Salem: We will... Try being less... Antagonistic.
Mama arc (aka Nicole): Good. Now i heard from Salem that one of her henchmen did something to my baby boy. Now, i hope it's either not something that will cause irreversible damage to Jaune or make anything?
Salem: *sigh* Don't worry dear, he isn't in any danger. In fact he might be the only human truly out of danger from the grimms.
Ozpin: *nods* I could see during the initiation that the creatures of grimm weren't attracted to Jaune as much as to the other students.
Nicole: i heard he got some physical mutations... If my boy becomes a grimm/human hybrid, i swear to god.
Salem: There's no risk for him to... Well, to turn like me, if that's your concern. The "parasite" is more symbiote and needs the host to be at his best. Both physically and mentally. I technically could take partial control over him but i won't ever hurt my descendent... Not like high and mighty over there.
Ozpin: His behavior didn't drastically change, though i did notice a lack of... Awareness?
Nicole: let me guess, he doesn't see any hint from a girl that likes him?
Ozpin: the apple didn't fall far from the tree.
Nicole: *sigh* so, aside from my boy turning into a weregrimm, you both agree to the ceasefire, correct?
Ozpin: I read the document Salem sent to me, yes. *Turning to Salem* I'm still surprised you have a working scroll and an internet connection.
Salem: I also need entertainment Ozpin. What else am i supposed to do? Look at a window all day?
Ozpin: I meant i was surprised you have access to the cct tower from that far away.
Salem: ... I know a guy.
Nicole: Hey, focus you two!
Ozpin: Sorry. I do agree with your terms, a truce until the end of his education, your pawn at my school are not to be armed and you will help me save the fall maiden. Did i miss anything?
Salem: No. Those are the terms.
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falleri-salvatore · 8 months
RWBY AU Prompt:
--There are Four Foundational Families (one in each: Vale, Mistral, Mantle/Atlas and Vacuo) that can be considered Primarchical Royal Families (that is to say: they are Ozlem descendants. This fact is VERY hidden knowledge; so hidden in fact that neither Salem nor Ozpin knew until later on). --The Four Foundational Families share the following characteristics: Incredibly powerful and versatile (as well as hereditary) Semblances, immensely potent and dense Aura (not always vast, this depends on the individual), incredible life force (that is to say, they age slowly, seldom get ill and have much larger than average lifespan), and recessive yet highly persistent Silver Eyes AND Black Blood genes (rarely, some descendants are born with either one or both of these traits being dominant at random). The Schnee and Pendragon (now Arc) families are two confirmed families out of the four. --The Schnee and the Arc families have a longtime friendship with each other (which leads to the Schneeblings and the Arc Siblings being childhood friends). --Cinder was found and adopted by Qrow. Because of the series of events that unfolded prior to this, Qrow was ALMOST persona-non-grata in Atlas (Ironwood, Willow and Ozpin had to call in on a LOT of favors for the "Almost" part). --Weiss (and by extension Winter and Whitley) are childhood friends with Jaune (and his sisters). However, whereas Weiss enrolled in Atlas Prep to follow her sister's footsteps, Jaune studied in Shade Academy, where he met and befriended Pyrrha Nikos (and became her first and best friend, as well as her first love and her friendliest rival). --Saphron, Winter, Cinder and Terra studied in Beacon (Saphron, Winter and Terra came from Atlas Prep, where as Cinder came from Signal) and were on the same team (Team ASBT/Asbestos). Saphron was the leader, Saphron and Terra were partners while Winter and Cinder were partnered. --Winter and Cinder got along like cat-and-dog/ice-and-fire, with Cinder goading and taunting Winter every chance she could and Winter inevitably losing her temper (think of Qrow and Winter's canon dynamic). Cinder disdained Winter (at first) because she thought of her as a spoiled Atlesian princess (and Cinder hated anything to do with Atlas) while Winter detested being compared to a vapid socialite that was common for an Atlesian lady of her age (it was the reason she chose to come to Beacon after all, with Ironwood's endorsement no less, to get away from it all).
--Saphron Arc was pretty much the "Summer Rose/Glynda Goodwitch/Pyrrha Nikos" of her generation; that is to say, she was an unparalleled prodigy among her peers (shame that she, along with Terra, retire from being huntsmen early on). --Because of the different circumstances, Cinder Branwen was made the Fall Maiden instead of Amber (originally, Saphron was the one planned to be made the maiden; however, she declined). Amber, instead, is one of Cinder's bodyguards. --During their time in Beacon: Weiss and Pyrrha are fierce rivals in both love (over Jaune) and combat, and every time they fight, they never fail to destroy the arena. It has gotten to the point that Glynda prohibits them from fighting each other during Combat Class because she dreads having to clean up the mess. --Ozpin and Qrow can't help but reminisce over the fact that Pyrrha's and Weiss' rivalry was like a mix between Summer's and Raven's (fighting over Tai), and Winter's and Cinder's (fundamentally so very very similar that they can't help BUT clash).
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pilot-boi · 1 year
What is up with Jaune Arc?
So I have a theory about why Jaune flinched from Ruby's eyes and several other mysteries about our favorite banana noodle
So I was a strong proponent of the Jaune is a descendant of Salem theory a while back during volume 6, it just made sense. It explained the flinching, Tyrians weird interest, and even why Ozpin allowed an untrained nobody to enter Beacon when he saw Pyrrha unlock his aura during initiation
(Seriously, why does no one bring that up!? Every betrayal fic, expulsion au, and complaints about Jaune sneaking into Beacon seem to forget that Ozpin straight up saw Jaune unlock his aura. Like Bruh...)
Anyways once that theory was said to be false by the show writers I was stumped
Why can a boy with no training and having his aura unlocked 5 minutes ago be able to hold back a fully grown deathstalker with one arm and have the aura control to walk away from a 100ft drop with barely a bruise?
How is his able to at least be passible for weeks with no proper training during the Jaundice arc? How is it that he is able to catch up to warriors who have been training for years in a matter of months? Why did Tyrian have such an interest in him during volume 4?
I assumed that these were just plot holes that I would never get a good answer to. Until volume 9 that is
We now know that Jaune Arc is the Rusted Knight, a storybook character who in the very least predates the Great War and is known across Remnant. This means for all of Jaune’s existence upon Remnant he has simultaneously existed in the Ever After. Which means that the minute Jaune was born, he had already been a fully fledged combatant for decades, if not centuries
My theory is that the reason Jaune is so "special" is because of his paradoxal nature
Jaune Arc knows the basics of combat and how to fight off of muscle memory that isn't his yet. His aura control is stellar upon being unlocked since he's been using his semblance for years now. His aura size is so large because he now literally has double the amount a normal person should have because there are two of him. He is a being who shares a soul with another, himself in a world parallel to Remnant
Tyrian is interested in him beacause he can see somethings weird about his aura. A popular headcanon about Tyrian is that he has poor eyesight like real scorpions but can see aura just fine
So when he takes a close look at Jaune he can see a faint overlay of something, or someone else. A much older, stronger aura than this novice huntsman should possibly have
Its why Jaune flinched during Rubys silver eye blast at Haven. For a brief moment he was exposed to the pure essence of a being from the Ever After, the essence of the God of Light. And during that brief moment, the two parallel worlds were bridged, and the Rusted Knight and Jaune Arc felt each other for the first time
A tiny jolt, one that was soon brushed off but a feeling of suddenly not being alone in your very soul coming and going like a flash would cause anyone to flinch. Makes me wonder how Rusted Jaune felt during that moment
I know this is a long shot but notice that the only times Jaunes aura has broken was after being slapped by a mech while boosting Nora, on the bridge during his fight with Cinder, and in the Ever After from the Curious Cat. One of those times was after he pulled off a truly absurd feat, and the other two both happened above and within the other world, where the rest of his soul resided
Coming out of the Ever After Jaune might no longer have absurdly large aura, since he now is whole once more and only has as much as one person should have
Sorry for the long post but this has been bugging me for awhile and I thought this might be a good theory for why Jaune is the way he is.
TLDR; Jaune Arc is connected Rusted Jaune and both share a soul causing weird things about Jaune
Formatted for ease of reading
Okay but this is a BRILLIANT freaking theory about all the nonsense going on with Jaune, and it would honestly make a lot of stuff make sense
Why was Tyrian interested in him? He has more Aura than any one person should be able to hold
Why did Jaune flinch at the silver eyes when no one else did? He very briefly was connected to the version of him in the Ever After
Why did his Aura break so quickly on the bridges when before it took being bitchslapped by a mile high mech AND boosting Nora? Now he was “in” the Ever After and only able to draw on one pool of Aura
It even explains pretty mundane stuff like how he was able to catch up to his friends after only a year or two of training. It’s the same reason Oscar was able to, he’s pulling on “someone else’s” muscle memory
Even his symbol! TWO arcs, not one, TWO Jaune Arcs, not one
God this is a really cool theory, I REALLY love this idea. Thank you for sharing
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the-wayward-arc · 1 year
Mor Primarch au facts
Konrad Curze is not allowed on Remnant after what he did to numerous Whitefang hold outs.
Another reason why The relics were separated because Jaune learned that they can call the brothers back.
Salem's followers were hunted down and most were killed. Watts however managed to negotiate himself off Remnant in the service of a far off noble house.
Cinder has vanished off world, but she is relentlessly hunted by Remnant Knights and Thousand sons. Her maiden powers however were taken back from her in due part to a Ritual Magnus did. She has yet to be found.
Emerald was given a pardon due to her being crucial in Salem's downfall. As such, she has had her records cleared and given a new identity.
Mercury was taken to be trained by the Officio Assassinorum due to his skills. He didn't willfully go.
The white Fang extremists are gone. Every member killed or imprisoned by the enforcers of the Primarch's laws. Fulgrim himself led such a strike against them while Konrad Simply mopped what remained.
The academies are now strictly a place of learning, due to the need for hunters no longer required per the Emperor's orders. Mostly Due to their Pysker powers.
Jaune still has hunters trained however, despite his father's wishes. Hunters are the specialized units within the Remnant Military that only answer to the Primarch and Legion alone. Plus, Grimm are still a thing while not as prominent are still a nuisance.
The Thousand sons have an abundance of libraries and academies on Remnant while Remnant does the same on Prospero. A type of culture exchange
A grand library was created by Jaune, Magnus, Perturabo, and Fulgrim. Here all the knowledge gathered from conquered worlds is kept, copied, and cataloged for future generations. It was kept on Prospero, it was named the Library of Wonders.
Jaune had plans for after the Crusade, to create a garden world filled with every known flower, a gift to Pyrrha and place for their descendents to enjoy.
Remnant is a trading power house due in thanks to Weiss and her family. However, despite her protests, Jaune has regulated all trading onto a planet outside their the cosmic cloud barrier that surrounds Remnant.
No Imperial is allowed on Remnant, only those from Legion homeworlds are allowed and even some of those are banned.
The citizens that are from the homeworlds of Leman Russ, Konrad Curze, Ferrus Manus, Lorgar, Angron, and Mortarion are banned due to various reasons and incidents that Have almost resulted in loss of life.
Nobles have tried to strong arm their way onto Remnant due to the status of it being a civilized world and almost considered a paradise world where the humans don't have to worry about much. Plus the "exotic beauties" on the world.
None have succeeded, the last one nearly killed by Jaune himself.
Jaune has tasked a special science division to find a way to not only close existing routes within the cosmic cloud at will but to effectively control it defensively.
Jaune is somewhat paranoid, another reason for the creation of the Iron Dragons was so they could combat the space wolves due to what happened to the 2nd primarch as Russ's hands. Infact, Jaune has started to ensure his marines can fight against other marines effectively. Though this is simply considered an unconfirmed rumor.
Jaune does the war games between legions not only to hopefully foster good relationships but to learn each Legions tactics. Even memorizing various battle plans and strategies used by the others. This hasn't gone unnoticed by Horus or Guilliman.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
What are those AU, you know I find it pretty ironic that Jaune is a dragon Faunus but is still training to be a knight, because in fairy tales it’s always the knight that slays the big bad dragon, but since Jaune is both it makes me wonder just what kind of big bad Jaune will need to overcome.
It’s Just His Nature
The Grimm Lands.
Salems castle was under attack by a combined force of Hunters from across the world along with the might of the, Atlas Army along with several high ranking, and highly skilled members of the, White Fang.
They were here to finish the centuries long shadow war between the witch, and the wizard, and upon this day the war would finally come to an end.
Just not how any of them expected it to end.
Ozpin: Come on! We’ve nearly won this war!
Dozens hunters,and soldiers ran to doors leading to, Salem’s throne room, but before they entered, Headmaster Ozpin of Beacon Academy stood before them all to given them a final speech before the upcoming battle.
Ozpin: We are here, just beyond these doors lay our dreaded foe! From here on out we will fight out enemy, and we will…?!
: Oh shut up will ya!
The fellow who interrupted, Ozpin’s little speech stared at, Ozpin with a highly annoyed glare with his sharp deep blue eyes. His gold hair was flanked by a matching pair off-white horns that ran up the side of his head, peaking into a crown of three points that bore a golden hue. Giving this rather extraordinary faunas his own natural golden crown.
For he was a king. For before, Ozpin stood, King Jaune Arc, Dragon King of the Faunas. And, he was not amused.
Jaune: You’ve given over a dozen speeches for every five meters we’ve manage to take. If I have to listen to one more long winded speech I’m going to take my forces, and leave you here. But, not before I cut up your face to the point that it makes an, Apathy look handsome!
Jaune flexed his hand letting his claws flash threatening before, Ozpin’s face. With a threatening glint in his eyes as he dared anyone to face him.
It had been years since, Jaune graduated from, Beacon Academy, and even longer since he was inducted into, Ozpin’s little cabal. He had long since lost his willings to deal with, Ozpin, and his bullshit as a result of it.
And, all, Ozpin could do was gulp nervously as a series of eyes belonging to the, King’s Guard agree with their, King, and glared dangerously at the old man.
Ozpin: …
Ozpin: Okay then…
The doors to, Salem’s throne room exploded open as several individuals came rushing in to find the Queen of the Grimm sitting upon her throne looking at the intruders as if they had just come in, and served her cold tea.
Salem: Ozma… I see you’ve finally grown a spine, and decided to take the battle to my door step. How kind of you…
Ozpin: Enough, Salem! You reign of tyranny ends now! Surrender, or face our wrath!
Salem laughed hauntingly echoed throughout the hall as she rose to her feet, and descended from her throne crystal throne. Her blood red eyes stared at, Ozpin’s as an amused smile spread across her face.
Salem: And, how do you plan to do that? You know I’m immortal; You can decapitate me, crush me, incinerate me, and so many other colourful ways you could kill a person, and I would simply shrug it off as a mild inconvenience. So, what could you possibly do to stop me?
Ozpin: I will trap you in a hell that you fear more than any other.
Salem: I’m a immortal who has lived for thousands of years; I have lived through a hell unlike any other! What kind of hell do you possibly think could be worse than the life I was forced to endure?!
Ozpin: Back to where I should have left you… Back to your cage in the high tower!
Salem’s eyes widened in pure fear. A emotion that she had not yet felt in millennia. Ozpin’s threat was one that struck at the heart of her. For how better to wound her more than she already was, but to be trapped in the cage she longed to be freed from, by the very man who once set her free. And, that thought stroked the flames of rage within, Salem unlike ever before felt.
Salem: You dare…? You dare…?! You dare to threaten me! Threaten me to lock me in a tower away for all time, and eternity?!! You will die a thousand deaths, this world would burn a thousand times over before I let you imprison me once again!!! I swear you will, Ozma!!!!
Ozpin: Bring it you foul fiend for I will…?!
Jaune: Hold up! Hold up now… Before we begin I have some questions I’d like some answers too.
The Dragon king walked between the quarrying couple with his hands out stretched in a non-threatening posture as he addressed the pair.
Ozpin: Mr. Arc?! What the hell are you doing?!
Jaune: You shut up, or I’ll gouge out your eyes.
Jaune glared threateningly at, Ozpin before he turned to address, Salem.
Jaune: Okay, Ozpin told me about your past relationship. Of which I blame, Ozpin, and the Gods for most of your problems…
Ozpin: E-Excuse me?!
Jaune: But: ‘Locked away in a tower?’ What is that all about? Ozpin told me most of the world’s fairytales were made by him, so would that mean that you are, ‘The Princess in the High Tower?’ Or, ‘The Girl in the High Tower,’ which ever title you prefer. The fairytale is a title of a difference.
Salem rage faded just ever so slightly as she gazed at the rather curious looking faunas before her.
Salem: Yes… Yes I am… Was! I was, ‘The Princess of the High Tower.’ Why does that matter? Who I was back then no longer matters; that life has long since been dead, and buried. It doesn’t matter anymore…
Jaune: I can gather that, but, Ozpin… Ozpin, was the knight who saved you from the tower…?
Salem: He was the one who saved me.
Jaune: I see…
A devious smile spread across, Jaune’s face as something, some deep unknown switch in his mind was flipped on.
Ozpin: Mr. Arc… Why are you smiling about…?
Jaune: Oh… Just realizing how many many stereotypes I tend to inhabit… Seemingly out of nature, and desire than anything else. Hmmph… Ain’t that a weird thought?
Ozpin: W-What are you talking about?
Jaune: Well, since I can’t be the knight who saves the princess, I’ll just be the dragon who steals the princess instead~!
Ozpin: What the hell are you talking about?!
Jaune: This~!
Ozpin: OH GODS?!!
Salem: Ohhh… His next reincarnation is going to feel that~!
After, Jaune’s swift, and incapacitating kick to, Ozpins nuts, in the blink of an eye, Jaune ran over, and picked up, Salem who gave a startled shriek as, Jaune ran for the door.
Salem: W-What?! Hey! Put me done this instant!
Jaune: She’s mine! She mine: She minnnne~!
As, Jaune bolted out the door, his royal guard quickly followed after him, throwing a smoke grenade behind the to hide their presence as they disappeared. By the time Ozpin, and his combined forces could give chase, Jaune’s forces had sabotaged all of their aircraft engines, and made their escape.
And, as, Ozpin watched, Jaune Arc, and his forces make their escape with the, Queen of the Grimm, he made the one thought on his mind vocal for all to hear.
Ozpin: …
Ozpin: What the fuck just happened…?
One Year Later.
In the hills of, Menagerie, over looking the town of, Kuo Kuana, lay the castle, Ásgeirr, home of the Dragon King, and his brood.
And, the one place in all of, Remnant, Ozpin so desperately wanted to get into. But, considering the ever so watchful guards, Ozpin had not been able to get close in the slightest. And, fear from an uprising of the faunas population across the four kingdoms, Ozpin couldn’t persuade them for an all out attack. And, many of his students tended to come from, Menagire, and benefited greatly from the, Dragon King’s rule so it was impossible for him to have his students help him. So, he would have to brave this alone. And, this time, this time he would get into Arc’s castle!
And, he would!
Only he was bound, sorely beaten, dragged into the castle.
It wasn’t how he would have preferred to get into the castle, but it worked.
He was dragged up to a balcony that over looked the city of, Kuo Kuana. Standing on the edge was the, Dragon King looking over his domain. He stood there for a moment before looking down at the intruder that dared threaten his kingdom, and his family with his shear presence.
Jaune: You know… If you wanted to see me, you could have just scheduled an appointment. That would have been far easier to do compared to everything else you have been trying to do.
Ozpin: How could I trust you to let me in?! The last time I saw you, you kicked me in the balls, picked up, Salem, and ran away with her. I fail to see how, asking you politely if I could come in to see you would have worked!
Jaune: Mmm… Fair, fair. Sometimes I just lose my mind when what one would see as a dragon stereotypes comes into play.
Ozpin: And, that’s why you kidnapped, Salem?
Jaune: The Princess, and the Dragon tropes; Yeah, that’s pretty much why I did it.
Ozpin: And, then you refused to let anyone see her! Much less know what you did with her! Do you think that helped you win any battles!
Jaune: Well, actually she didn’t want to see you, or anyone else for that matter. And, she likes her privacy, so why should I tell you what we’ve been up to. Besides I was keeping you safe by keeping you away from her.
Ozpin: I can handle her, you didn’t need to concern yourself with that!
Jaune: No, I was keeping you safe from me.
Ozpin: Safe from you? Why?!
Jaune: I’ll put it to you simply; You so much as breath on her, and I will hunt your reincarnations down for the rest of my life. And, the only thing I would ever regret is that no matter how many times I could kill you, you would eventually get away, because you would outlive me.
Ozpin: What are you talking about?
Jaune nodded his head behind him, and Ozpin’s turned, and saw Salem resting comfortably in a fainting couch. A cool drink lay in her hand as she basked in the warm sun, and the cool sea breeze. She smile softly as she waved to, Ozpin. Her smile only growing as she saw his eyes widen in shock as he noticed the noticeable bump on her stomach.
Ozpin: Salem?! You’re pregnant?!
Salem: Quite an astute observation from you, Ozma. I’m impressed.
Ozpin: W-What… But, how?!
Jaune: Considering you were a father multiple times, Ozpin, one would think you would understand how it works.
Ozpin: Not that. How did you two get together?
Jaune: Well, while the urge to grab her, and run like hell was certainly something dragon faunas related, unlike you I knew what, Salem’s greatest pain was.
Ozpin: Her greatest pain.
Jaune: Yes. Salem’s greatest pain she ever had to endure : Loneliness.
Ozpin: Loneliness…?
Jaune: Yes, loneliness.
Salem: A pain that I never even fully knew I suffered under. Until my darling King pointed it out to me.
Ozpin: Why was that your greatest pain?
Jaune: Think, Ozpin think! She was trapped all alone in that towers for years. Then one day she is freed from her life of solitude, then you died, and she was all alone again. She fought the gods to have you back, but they refused, then they cursed her to live forever, alone. Years passed, and you finally came back, only to betray her, and leave her all alone once more. Salem’s life has been one of sadness born of loneliness, rage born from betrayal, and unjust punishment. And, pain from unobtainable dreams through no fault of her own. And, now I will right the wrongs that, Salem has been forced to endure. Not because I believe I must do so for the good of the world, or some other bullshit like that. But, because I love her, and I want her to be happy.
Salem shed a few tears of joy as her beloved husband came over, and gave her a passionate kiss filled with love, and compassion for such a broken soul.
Ozpin: But, she is still her, Grimmified version of herself! What is to stop her from becoming evil once more!
Jaune: Her family.
Ozpin: Family…?
Jaune: Me, my sisters, my mother, and my father. My many wives, and their children, and the child that grows within her. Salem will have a family that loves her, and even if I die before her, she will never be left alone ever again.
Salem: Oh, Jaune…
Jaune: My Queen.
The pair shared another kiss before, Jaune turned to face the dumbstruck, Ozpin as he stared, at the, Dragon King, and one of his many beloved wives, The Grimm Queen.
Jaune: So, Ozpin. Now that you’ve seen her, what will you do now?
Ozpin eyes fell to the floor, his mind lost deep in thought until he let loose a deep sigh before addressing the happy couple.
Ozpin: It appears I was never a good husband, much less a good father was I?
Salem: Considering what happened to our first born. You… No. We… We were not good parents. But, this time, this time I will be better, but can the same be said of you, Ozma?
Ozpin: Only time will tell. May I have your permission to leave your, Grace? I have much work to do back at, Beacon.
Jaune: You have my permission.
Ozpin:Thank you, your Grace. Goodbye, Salem. I wish you well.
Salem: Goodbye, Ozpin. It was… interesting seeing you again.
Ozpin smiled as he, and his guard detail took him away from the loving couple. The only words they heard from him, was him complaining that the were restraints still necessary.
Salem: You know… I never thought I would experience such joy as I do now. I am at peace with, Ozpin. And, I have a chance to have a new life with my family. This is perfect. Thank you, my King.
Jaune: Anything for you, my Queen.
Salem: Oh really? In that case, I want to break mom’s record of how many kids she had…
Jaune: Why does everyone want to do that?
Salem: And, the next time we do it: Can we have someone else join us? My hip’s can’t handle you all on my own.
Jaune: Ha… That would be my extreme pleasure, my dear~!
While there is a chronological order to my stories. This was just one I couldn’t pass up on.
I’m just going to mark it differently on the, Master Post.
Do Enjoy~!
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knave-of-clubs · 1 year
Random Story Ideas I'll probably write Soon #3
Literally the best au, A Monster from Shadows, aka the Grimm!Blake au. I think I was half-asleep and kinda dreaming when this popped into my head? I can't remember, only that the basic premise was "Hey, what if Blake was a Grimm? And she was Salem's daughter, kinda?" and then it got insane-
Basically all of Team RWBY (And Cardin and Jaune, for shits and giggles) are kind of related? The Schnee family had interactions with Salem several many years ago, Yang and Blake are basically gods with direct (but not really familial) connections to the Brothers, and all silver-eyed bloodlines (including best friend Ruby's) descend from Oz, so that's great!
Also, world-building including religion, holidays, gay and Faunus rights movements, and elaboration on Salem and Ozma's ancient kingdom!
And Bees' Schnees as a treat-
Plus, as of the release of V9, I'm updating the au to fit with some of the new lore drops there
Stay tuned for more of this one, I guess-
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jagerknight08 · 5 years
Tumblr media
"Face me, father. It is time to end this."
(I'm probably going to go back and redo the entire thing later on.)
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laserdog10 · 6 years
Different, yet the same: Part 2
*3 weeks after the final battle with Salem, everyone has returned to Argus, only to be surprised that one of their friends isn't what he used to be*
WBYNRSN, Oscar, Qrow, Raven, Saphron, and Terra: *Watching silently as Jaune violently scarfs down a slice of cake with his hand, in front of a table of a bowl of spaghetti, vegetable soup, a plate of cookies, and several pieces of fried chicken and fish filets.*
Ruby: *peacefully eating two cookies and humming to herself while wiggling in her seat next to Jaune at how delicious the cookies are* Weiss: *irritated* AHEM!
Ruby/Jaune: *look up, wide eyed*
Jaune: *spitting out some of the food in his mouth on accident* Wharb?!
Jaune: *swallows all his food* Look, I'm honestly surprised as you all are right now, but it's no big deal. Let's all just enjoy the food my sister made.
Ruby: *"Mmm!" 's in agreement*
Weiss: Excuse me?!
Yang: I'm pretty sure my baby sister sleeping on a roided out body builder monster of her sleeping friend when we found you isn't enough to warrant a "no big deal," Vomit Boy.
Blake: Seriously, she looked like a infant compared to you...
Ren: Guess our fearless leader is living up to his title now, huh Nora?
Nora:...please don't make me eat my words Renny...
Ruby: Well, I guess it can be closely summarized to coming back by sheer willpower!
Jaune: *slyly* And love. *nudges Ruby, causing her to blush heavily*
Sun/Neptune: Smooth.
Raven: *trying to restrain Yang from lunging at Jaune* Is there any more stops between now and the point?!
Jaune: The point is, I'm still me and that's all that matters.
Ruby: Yeah! And not without benefits, too! * she said as she jumped up and clung to his back, Jaune not being phased in the slightest by the sudden weight on him*
Saphron: What am I gonna tell the rest of the family...?
Terra: The truth?
Saphron: And do you think they'd believe me?!
Qrow: I believe a lot of things, but all of...that *gestures to Jaune*, is very farfetched...
Jaune: Wow, rude...
Yang: *now thoroughly calmed down* So, you gonna do anything about your horns, eye, and hair?
Jaune: Hmm? Oh! One sec. *He closed his and took a deep breath. His more Grimm features began to slowly disappear, his hair gradually turning back to its natural blonde color, his horns retracting back into his head, followed by a sickening series of cracks and crunches, and his left eyelid became more clenched than his right. After all that he was back to normal, though his left eye was now a carmine red and vertically slit, and was still left unnaturally muscular.*
Sun/Neptune: ...Metal...
Oscar: Is...all this permanent, now...???
Ruby: I guess so...but as long as Vomit Boy here is okay with it, so am I! *hugs and nuzzles into his neck*
Jaune: Thanks Crater Face.
*Everyone somewhat collectively awww'd and Adrien giggled at the scene, before all went silent by a knock at the door*
Qrow: I got it. *opens the door to see-*
Qrow/Weiss: Ice Queen/Winter?!
Winter: Good evening everyone. I hope you all are enjoying yourselves wonderfully.
Weiss: We are but, why are you here? *She said as Ruby and Jaune simultaneously poked their heads out from the kitchen doorway, Jaune munching a piece of chicken and slurping up a filet in break neck speed.*
Winter: For a *checks her scroll* Mr. Jaune Arc?
Blake: *suspiciously* Why???
Qrow: Probably because some big wigs are getting pissy about some kid who was forcefully thrown into a pool of Grimm puke and came back some supersoldier the Atlesian military want to exploit for their own gain or because he's some "big threat" to watch out for and study?
Raven: Wow, I honestly couldn't have said it better myself...
Winter: *annoyed* Anyway, this is the Arc place of residence? If so, where is he?
Saphron: You just missed him! He uh, left a few hours ago!
Nora: *cutting in* So you don't have to come back ever aga-! *CREEEEAAAAK*
*The world stood still as everyone ceased talking, only for the silence to be broken by the blonde knight's and red reaper's loud whispering*
Jaune: Dammit, Saph said she got this floorboard replaced weeks ago!
Ruby: Go faster, maybe she'll think it was something else!!!
Ren: *sighs* The jig's up guys, come on out...
*They awkwardly walk out into the living room, Winter speechless at the sight of Jaune's imposing stature*
Ruby: Heeeyyy, Ms. Winter...
Jaune: Yoooo...
Winter: Qrow?
Qrow: Winter?
Winter: What do you call this again, "getting too old for this shit?"
Qrow: Hehehe, that sounds about right!
*Jaune sat on the couch uncomfortably with Adrien on his lap, the latter looking up at him confused. For right now, Jaune's hands could very well crush his nephew like a bug if he tried.*
Jaune: Heyyyy little buddy. It's me, your Uncle Jaune!
Adrien: *hesitant baby noises*
Jaune: *sighs in defeat* I knew this was a long shot...
Adrien: *Sudden happy giggling and reaches for Jaune's face*
Saphron: I guess he recognized you by your change in attitude!
Jaune: Does that mean something about me...???
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dragynkeep · 3 years
When exactly did that whole - Jaune is Salem's descendant' - thing start up anyway?
Right now, it's kicked back up because of the new RWBY: Fairytales show coming out that shows Salem as a human, and the emblem behind her is Jaune's emblem with a diamond over it. Before that? I think it started with Tyrian's interest in Jaune in V4, but picked up when we saw Salem in The Lost Fable, where that same emblem was behind her.
Either way, fun AU for people to do if they want, I won't bash them for that, but I absolutely do not want it in canon.
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strqyr · 3 years
So if the Branwens are descended from Salem, I can't imagine what that would do to either of their psyches. Actually, what if Raven and/or Salem already know? Also this ties into the theory I have that the Schnees are: A. one of Salem's attempts to make more magical children, or B. Descendants of a surviving Ozma+Salem child. There's even theories that Jaune might be a descendant from one of the children (which would make WhiteKnight awkward XD) but what do you think?
i'm 50/50 whether raven knows, but i feel like salem probably knows, based on how she seems to want to keep two of them alive.
(plus the thought of ozpin unlocking the twins abilities made salem go "guess what i can do to your kids" and started grimmifying silver eyed warriors is funny to me.)
my earlier post is basically just the foundation for this theory, there's a few more things, like for example:
did you know that in one of the versions of rapunzel, she gives birth to twins, a boy and a girl?
(this stuff basically writes itself. doesn't mean it's what they're going for, but boi is there au material for days.)
i've heard of the other theories as well – though one variant of the schnee theory i've also seen is that one of the maidens (one not related to ozma or salem) was part of the family at one point and that cause the schnee semblance to be what it is today – and i can definitely see the reasoning behind the schnee one especially... but they were just in atlas with salem there and nothing really came out of it, so i don't know.
maybe they are saving it for later since atlas arc was filled with lots of other stuff already, but it definitely put a damper on my theorizing for that theory.
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howlingday · 6 months
Jaune: Hey, who's your favorite grandchild? It's me, isn't it?
Salem: Oh, honey, of course you are...
Jaune: (Smiling)
Salem: ...my sweet, little Saphron~!
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howi99 · 7 months
Grimm arc Au: Did Watts ever make fun of Jaune because he knew it would make Cinder mad not knowing he insulting Salem desnscent or talk about he wanted to study maybe even dissect him making Salem really mad.
Watts: ... So that's it? That's because of this... This... IDIOT that our plans are being stopped!?
Salem: This "idiot" is my descendant and you will give him the respect he deserves!
Watts: Well, excuse me if i find it stupid that he tried to become a huntsman without training and accepted medication from Tyrian of all people!
Tyrian: Everything for my queen.
Watts: Yes yes, but that doesn't change that i already made the virus and we already began to rally up the White Fang! What shall we do with all of this!?
Salem: *exasperated* If you really want to take your revenge on Atlas that much, i give you free card to use the assets as you please to attack Atlas.
Watts: Oh? Don't mind me then! *Leave*
Tyrian: ...
Salem: *sigh* You can help him Tyrian, i won't stop you
Tyrian: *leave*
Salem: ... I wonder if i should call Lionheart and tell him to stop killing the huntsman?
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RWBY but Oz is a shape-shifting cat
The Oz cat AU that has been a long time coming and everyone talking about otters reminded me of it so here it is.
So essentially, in this AU. Salem fell in love with a handsome man named Ozma. But you see, Ozma was no man he was a cat who’s semblance allowed him to become a person (kinda like a kitsune or a siren) For you see in V1 said any living thing can have an aura and if you got aura you can have a semblance. 
Salem found his out and wanted Ozma to become fully human and the brothers had there argument which left poor ol Ozma stuck as a human full time. He’s still cursed and all that but over the centuries he was able to regain his cat form and switch as he pleased. 
And by cat I do in fact mean a big ol chubby tabby cat with bright green eyes. Oz can change his form to be as large as a lion (a big cat if you will) but he prefers to be a smol cat (so he is always huggable.
"What is Ozpin hiding from us?"
"... Meow"
Oscar hearing "nya" in his head and being like the heck.
Also Blake instantly knows, from the moment they met. Every Faunus can sense each other but they find in Oz that it's faint leading them to believe he is a descendant from Faunus with no traits. But somehow Blake figures it out.
Just "Professor Ozpin..." "Yes, Miss Belladonna" "Are you a cat?" ".... Glynda get the car, there onto us!" *swan dives outta the window*
Raven and Qrow used to turn into there birb forms exclusively so they could sit on cat Oz's head.
Oz fighting Hazel as cat form with long memory in his mouth and it throws the guy off completely.
Oscar being so good with animals and it translating to understanding Oz better and helping him.
In Volume 6 Oscar leaves... And by leaves he hides under a sofa.
Jaune:... Oscar... Can you please come out..?
*tiny lil kitty head pops out*
Jaune: would you, like to go clothes shopping?
Oscar vs Leo being a literal cat fight.
Oscar's training in Volume 7 is just
Oscar: Ozpin, hey we got hot coco
Ozpin: *peaks out*
Oscar: pspspsps, Oz look
Ozpin: *slowly lurks forward and drinks hot coco*
Oscar: *pets his hair*
Ozpin: *runs off once he's done*
Oscar: 😊 progress
Oz in Volume 8 is just a tiny lil kitty and Oscar's just protective of him. Just Oz vanishes in Volume 6 and Oscars like quick I need some hot chocolate, a blanket and a book of fairy tales stat!
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good-rwbyaus · 4 years
AU where the entire war between Ozma and Salem is just one big chess game with the Huntsmen and the Grimm/Inner Circle as pieces. Bonus points if this is a RWBY Chibi skit. Even more bonus points if there are 20-sided dice rolls to simulate unpredictable elements.
#The Vytal Campaign - RWBY as a DnD Campaign - mod lilac [ Beginning: Ruby Rose]  [ Spot Check: Jaune ] [ Critifail ] [ Reveal of the Mysterious Narrator ]
Salem and Ozpin play out an abbreviated version of the Lost Fable. 
Salem and the Gods - Before the Vytal Campaign
An Ultraman figure, covered in a blanket, laid in a makeshift bed. Beside it, a blonde barbie doll knelt beside him, hands tied together in prayer. On the edges of the table are multiple chess pieces, mostly pawns and bishops, and some other dolls and action figures.
Salem: Oh gods. I pray to thee for Divine Intervention to save my Ozma.
Ozpin, amused: I’m pretty sure you don’t ask for Divine Intervention like that.
Salem, snappily: Hey. I wasn’t the one who wanted to spice things up by getting sick and ended up rolling two 1′s in a row when he tried to get better. Only you can make your character die in the epilogue of all things: now do you want Ozma to survive or not?
Ozpin held up his hands in surrender.
Ozpin: Yeesh, alright, you’re more invested in my characters than I am. Okay so Salem - also still don’t get why you insist on using real names or variants of.- beseeches the gods. Which of the gods do you want to ask? 
Salem, pursing her lips:  Guess God of Light first, I mean Ozma was a Paladin, right? He’s gotta favor you.
Ozpin: Let’s see what the dice say.
Salem tosses the dice. Clatter clatter.
Salem: ...
Ozpin: ...You rolle-
Salem, growling: Shut it.  
The twenty-sided die Salem rolled proudly displayed a 1.
Ozpin: The God of Light doesn’t even bother descending in person. His voice just apologetically echoes. “I understand your pain, but you demand of me that which I cannot make so. Life and death are part of a delicate bal-”
Salem: Screw it. I pray to the God of Fucking Darkness. -tosses the die.-
Ozpin: I’m pretty sure you don’t want to do th-
Clatter clatter.
Salem: Ha. I rolled a sixteen! 
Ozpin eyes the poor Ultraman figure on the table before dismantling it joint from joint. He then starts putting the legs where the shoulders go.
Salem: What are you doing?! 
Ozpin, sardonically: You prayed to the god of destruction for my revival. Of course I come back wrong. 
Salem, flustered. : Well. Well. I-I TELL HIM TO STOP. In fact, I insist! I roll to cast Greater Suggestion.
Salem tosses the dice. Her eyes bug out at the result.
Salem: Are these dice rigged or something? This is the fourth 1 we’ve rolled this session.
Ozpin: No rigged dice here. That’s just how they fall. -sigh.- Well, I guess the God of Darkness gets pissed o- No, you know what. Just to celebrate our 4th critical failure in the past thirty minutes. 
Salem: Oz. No.
Ozpin, grandly: The God of Light is affronted by your attempt to influence his brother. He too appears in person. As his brother shakes off your Suggestion, he helpfully tells his brother that Salem went to him first. Cause he’s helpful like that. Out of jealousy, the God of Darkness roars and waves a hand at the poor, sad abomination he created. Salem catches a glimpse of Ozma turning his head 360 degrees to her, eyes wide and saying “My wi-” before disintegrating into nothingness.
Salem, glaring: Why do you insist on your characters dying pathetically sad deaths?
Ozpin shrugs and sips his hot cocoa.
Salem: You know what. This game’s gone FUBAR at this point. 
Salem, dramatically: I swear vengeance against the gods. I swear to drag you all out of your stupid little pedestals and make you taste the cold hard ground.
Ozpin, affronted: Are you seriously pulling a Raven? 
Salem, yelling: - smacks the table.- I tell the God of Light he fights like a dairy farmer and the God of Darkness that he fights like a cow! 
Ozpin, amused: They’re gods. They’re perturbed by your insults but overall they don’t think much about your angry rant.
Salem: Uh huh, so you’re really saying that you made the god of Darkness go out of character then.
Ozpin: Well no. He’s just a bit of a special case. In the lore, he has an inferiority complex when it comes to his brother.
Salem, smiling: ...Really now?
Ozpin opens his mouth to speak.
Salem: Hey! God of Darkness, how does it feel being second best to your brother all the time? I mean, he created all the humans and animals and stuff, and what do you make? Some shitty ass Grimm. I guess it’s kinda fitting, given the rest of humanity thinks of you as a pathetic shadow of your brother. 
Salem, whiningly: Oh look at me. I’m God of Darkness. Even my name makes me feel like I’M CRAWLING IN MY SKIN. I’m so hideous that my own brother locks me in a tiny little continent inside Remnant. At least I have a tiny pool of death and destruction where I can do unspeakable things to the bestial creatures I make.  
Ozpin pauses in shock. 
Oscar: ...Was that really neces-
Salem: You know what the rest of humanity thinks of you as? Your brother’s whipping boy. Always second best. The Luigi to a Mario. A Shadow the Hedgehog to a Sonic. A limp dick who can’t put one foot out of line in fear of his older brother. Because you don’t have the guts. For a God of Destruction, you sure are pathetically meek. When humanity finally rises up, your ass will be the first to get beat. 
Salem tosses the dice.
Salem: HA! I rolled a 20! 
Ozpin: ...Epic levels in Speechcraft, right?
Salem, proudly: Yeah. You know, the same epic skill that made my father, the King, trap me in that stupid fairytale tower - and I still managed to get all those heroes to kill themselves trying to save me. 
Ozpin sighs before folding up his world-building notes. He then dramatically sweeps all the toys and chess pieces onto the floor. 
Salem, confused: Oz! What are y-
Ozpin, loudly: The God of Light, seeing his brother quiver in anger, only has a chance to give out a dismayed yell before the God of Darkness screams in rage.
Ozpin, suddenly: ARGGGGGGGH!
Salem jumps at Ozpin’s sudden scream before glaring.
Ozpin: A shockwave of purple magic detonates around the God of Darkness. The hut they were in collapses. The pulse of magic extends past the forests, past the mountains, past the seas, and into the cities. It spares the stone and mortar but for the men and women it touched, it renders them into dust. 
Salem stiffens, eyes wide.
Ozpin: The forest critters, dust. The sea creatures, dust. All that lives which touch the Cursed Wave, dust. Before long, the only living things on Remnant are two Gods and a human named Salem. 
Salem, jaw slackening: Did I just cau- Wait, isn’t that a bit extre-
Ozpin, smirking: Nope. The God of Darkness has always been able to casually wipe out life on Remnant. Congratulations, you’ve pissed off a god so much that he wiped out Humanity and everything else.
Salem: ...We never tell Raven about this. 
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the-wayward-arc · 4 years
Jaune and the whitefang play a game part 1 (Jaune is Salem's descendant AU so he has magic)
Jaune: *captured by Whitefang and being transported to a prison in a flying transport* Bored.
Whitefang grunt 1: Did-Did he speak?
Whitefang Grunt 2: I-I Think he did?
Jaune: BORED.
Whitefang grunt 3: We are not to interact with the prisoner.
Jaune: Interact with me, Cowards!
Whitefang Grunt 2: Quiet Human, we are only 2 hours away from your new home.
Jaune: I have sat here in this damn plane or whatever for longer than you all deserve to live. *white light flairs a bit around him*
Whitefang Grunt 1: Well this transport's security has been officially compromised, please advise!
Whitefang Grunt 3: Gods, I told you not to interact!
Whitefang grunt 2: Wait! We gotta distract him, keep him amused; idiot human game number 3?
Whitefang grunt 1: You mean spot the Faunus trait?
Whitefang grunt 2: No! The question one.
Whitefang Grunt 1: If you insist?
Whitefang grunt 2: Human! I offer you a challenge-
Jaune: Wrestle my arm and your arm will explode.
Whitefang grunt 2: I-what? Ew! No! I wish to play a human game with you-
Jaune: Your organization deserves only death.
Whitefang grunt 2: I um let me tell you the rules.
Jaune: *silently listening*
Whitefang grunt 2: *clears throat* Think of something, anything your tiny human brain can think of. We shall ask you yes or no questions, one at a time, until we figure out what the thing is.
Jaune: .....Really?...FINE... this game commences now!
Whitefang grunt 2: Oh? Have you already thought of something?
Jaune: Yes.
Whitefang grunt 2: *surprised* Great! This is faster than I expected. Is it a human?
Jaune: No.
Whitefang grunt 2: Excellent, that's masses trash gone in well fell swoop! Lucian, your turn.
Lucian: Great...is it an object?
Jaune: No.
Whitefang Grunt 2: *surprised* So it's not a lifeform or not an object? Maybe some sort of abstract thought from de-
Jaune: *slams foot down* hold your snake tongue, scaley! Just give me more questions!
Whitefang grunt 2: Uh ummm... Deery your turn.
Deery: uh...my turn? Is it...uh *coughs uncomfortably*...an emotion?
Jaune: No.
Whitefang grunt 2: *coughs slightly* N-No?
Jaune: Do you need the word carved into your eyes?
Lucian: *coughing* I-Its your turn *coughing* Den.
Den: ugh egh *coughing and hacking* Is it getting-*coughs* Hard to breathe?
Jaune: Yes.
Den: No *hacking* wasn't the question *coughing and choking*
Deery: ITS GETTING HARD *coughing and hacking* TO breath!
Lucian: Are we....passing through some gas cloud?? *coughing*
Jaune: *unphased* you better keep guessing.
Den: *choking and coughing badly* FineFineFine.... is-Is it a-artificial?
Jaune: Yes.
Den: G-Getting R-really *wheezing coughs* hard to breath....
Lucian: Wait *wheezing* is...it-it *coughing* a weapon?
Jaune: Myes.
Den: What-wHght? Its *wheezing* a weapon but.....*coughs violently* not an object?
Deery: *through wheezing and coughing* I KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING.
Jaune: Mmmm-hmmm?
Deery: Is it *wheezing* A GAS?
Jaune: YES.
Den: *barely able to breath* IS IT CHOKE GAS?
Jaune: YES! *magic ends*
*all three Faunus gasps for the clean air now entering their lungs*
Jaune: Nice Job. You won. You had me stop thinking about the word.
Den: Wha? WHAT?! WHAT THE JUST HAPPENED? how did this horrible thing happen to our throats?
Lucian: He-he uses magic! Like from the old tales! How?!
Jaune: I used to play this with my sisters. I hated it. I was always the one guessing. The vile words they came up with were always worming their way into reality. I had to guess before they fully materialized or else it would be bad.
*the three Faunus look at him terrified*
Jaune: But now? I'm the one with the answers. And we shall play again.
*all three Faunus groan in dissatisfaction of the decision*
Jaune: We shall commence now! Before I fall asleep.
Den: H-How about no?
Jaune: You have no choice in the matter. I already thought of another word, so hurry now. If you cherish your legs.
Den: F-Fuck!
(Inspired by the Lates Vox-log Episode featuring Leman Russ cx)
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