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manydaves · 1 month ago
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You know to exactly where to look when you find him missing. And you know exactly who you'll find with him.
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tequilatalks · 7 months ago
Kise hor kol behke , menu maada tah ni aakhda
kise hor di gallan ch aake menu chhadeya si tu ,
das ohda haal ki menu chadd ke jihdi baahan ch vadeya si tu !?
Kinjheya metho kinna si tu
Gal gal utte taane dite
Hor tu kinu kinu
Jhuthe vaade dite ??
Lafazan vich gaayi ni jaundi
Mai kardi koshish boht aa
Zubaan ni bandi Darda di
Haaye mein likhdi boht aa🙌🏼..🔪🖤
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mylevisdontfitanymore · 2 years ago
I don't know if this is... weird? A really strange scenario? Like, a group of friends who are very close, like 'friends with benefits' close. They're all into kinky shit, and above all else, they want to make each other feel good and have a good time. So maybe on day one of them gets fired, or demoted, or broke up with their partner, or something. And for the entire day, the friend group makes it their mission to make take their mind off of it entirely. Maybe they make their sad friend hit a blunt before they leave. They're light-headed and soft around the edges when they finally leave the house. They get swept into the food court and gorge themselves after a fit of the munchies, and then they're being handed tiny carry-on bottles of alcohol, and they're sculling down in the middle of the mall. They go shopping and pick out clothes and are handed a Redbull mixed with vodka. They have another hit in the car, feeling slow and numb while their friends make them feel good, and they go to cafes and dessert shops and buy every item of food that they look at, that they beg for, and they devour it with their bare hands. They're drunk out of their mind and can hardly see straight, are so high they can hardly remember their own name and can't form propper words with their numb lips, but they're happy, and they're loved. Their friends feed them so much food that they need their help to sit up, and they wrap both hands around it as they waddle from place to place. getting out of the car is difficult. But their friends are encouraging. "Here, you look like you need some more," they say as they press another bottle to their lips and tilt it back so they have no choice but to swallow, "You look like you need a little help", they say as they place the blunt to their lips. I just want someone to be drunk and high and stuffed all day, and for their friends to help them with it. All totally consensual of course!!
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This hits so many kinks for me. Jesus 🥴🥴Thank you for sending it in! Just reading it was 🥵🥵🥵
But, you know what this reminds me of? A series of writing on DeviantArt by Jaundis. I think I linked them in the right order 😅
They're all so so so good and immediately what my mind goes to. I know it isn't Steve or Bucky or even Marvel content, but it's good content, and I hope you enjoy reading it 😮‍💨🤤 I would love to write more for stucky this, but my mind immediately goes to those stories so I feel like I'd just rip those off stories I linked off haha
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tapecase-space · 1 year ago
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cut of the stone jaundies canker
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autismtrait · 2 years ago
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helloo simmers, i'm autismtrait (he/they) but you can also call me jaundy i'm on the hunt for some simblrs to follow because my dash is a bit barren following me dropping off the face of the earth for a few years. i play ts4 and am pretty strictly maxis-match. i really love family gameplay, but i do like ruining my sims' lives a tiny bit occasionally.
also i'm very gay and all my sims are gay (except this save lol, i started it before 90% of my sims ended up being gay) if this stuff interests you, drop a follow or a like or a reblog and i'll probably look through to find new peeps to follow!!
these sims are from my adams legacy btw and i love them dearly
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(WA) 0812-1440-8050 Pengobatan Hepatitis A Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin di Padasuka Bandung
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MUJARAB! (WA) 0812-1440-8050 Pengobatan Hepatitis A Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin di Padasuka Bandung
Kontak dan Janji Temu Hubungi 0812 1440 8050 Balai Pengobatan Tradisional Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin merupakan sebuah klinik pengobatan tradisional yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1985 hingga sekarang dan bertempat di kota Bandung. pengobatan hepatitis a pada anak,pengobatan hepatitis abc,pengobatan untuk penyakit hepatitis,hepatitis a pengobatan,hepatitis a penyebab dan pengobatannya
Kontak dan Janji Temu Hubungi
Jl Guntur Madu No. 03 Kel. Turangga, Kec. Lengkong, Kota Bandung
0812 1440 8050 https://wa.me/6281214408050
Kunjungi website djamilah-najmuddin.com
Pengobatan Alternatif Hepatitis B: Menyembuhkan Secara Alami
Hepatitis B adalah infeksi virus yang memengaruhi hati dan dapat menyebabkan berbagai masalah kesehatan yang serius, termasuk sirosis dan kanker hati. Dalam menghadapi penyakit ini, banyak orang mencari pengobatan alternatif yang lebih alami dan mungkin lebih aman. Artikel ini akan membahas beberapa metode pengobatan alternatif yang dapat membantu mengobati hepatitis B secara alami, termasuk penggunaan obat herbal dan tradisional.
Memahami Hepatitis B
Sebelum kita membahas cara mengobati hepatitis B, penting untuk memahami penyakit ini. Hepatitis B disebabkan oleh virus hepatitis B (HBV) yang menyebar melalui kontak dengan cairan tubuh yang terinfeksi. Ini bisa terjadi melalui hubungan seksual, penggunaan jarum suntik bersama, atau dari ibu ke anak saat melahirkan. Gejala hepatitis B dapat bervariasi dari ringan hingga parah, termasuk kelelahan, nyeri perut, kehilangan nafsu makan, dan jaundis (kulit dan mata menguning).
Mengobati Hepatitis Secara Alami
Banyak orang percaya bahwa mengobati hepatitis secara alami dapat memberikan dukungan tambahan bagi tubuh dalam melawan infeksi. Beberapa pendekatan ini mungkin termasuk perubahan gaya hidup, diet sehat, dan penggunaan obat herbal untuk penyakit hepatitis B.
1. Diet Sehat untuk Kesehatan Hati
Makanan yang kita konsumsi memiliki peran besar dalam kesehatan hati. Diet sehat yang kaya akan sayuran, buah-buahan, biji-bijian, dan sumber protein tanpa lemak dapat membantu menjaga fungsi hati. Beberapa makanan yang direkomendasikan untuk penderita hepatitis B termasuk:
Sayuran Hijau: Seperti bayam, kale, dan brokoli, yang kaya akan antioksidan dan dapat membantu mengurangi peradangan.
Buah-Buahan: Terutama buah yang mengandung vitamin C, seperti jeruk, kiwi, dan stroberi, yang dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh.
Kacang-Kacangan dan Biji-Bijian: Kaya akan serat dan nutrisi penting yang mendukung kesehatan hati.
2. Obat Herbal untuk Penyakit Hepatitis B
Penggunaan obat herbal untuk penyakit hepatitis B telah menjadi pilihan bagi banyak orang. Berikut adalah beberapa obat herbal yang dianggap efektif dalam membantu mengatasi gejala dan meningkatkan kesehatan hati:
Silymarin: Dikenal sebagai milk thistle, silymarin merupakan antioksidan yang kuat dan dapat membantu melindungi sel-sel hati dari kerusakan. Banyak penelitian menunjukkan bahwa silymarin dapat meningkatkan fungsi hati dan membantu dalam proses penyembuhan.
Kunyit: Kunyit mengandung kurkumin, yang memiliki sifat anti-inflamasi dan antioksidan. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kunyit dapat membantu mengurangi peradangan hati dan mendukung kesehatan hati secara keseluruhan.
Ginseng: Ginseng telah lama digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional untuk meningkatkan energi dan daya tahan tubuh. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ginseng dapat membantu meningkatkan fungsi hati dan mendukung sistem kekebalan tubuh.
3. Obat Penyakit Hepatitis Alami
Selain obat herbal, ada juga pendekatan lain yang bisa dianggap sebagai obat penyakit hepatitis alami:
Teh Hijau: Mengandung katekin yang memiliki sifat antioksidan, teh hijau dapat membantu melindungi hati dari kerusakan dan mendukung proses detoksifikasi.
Bawang Putih: Dikenal sebagai bahan alami yang kuat, bawang putih memiliki sifat antibakteri dan antivirus. Menambahkan bawang putih ke dalam diet dapat membantu meningkatkan kesehatan hati.
Jahe: Jahe memiliki sifat anti-inflamasi dan dapat membantu meredakan gejala yang terkait dengan hepatitis B. Ini juga dapat meningkatkan sirkulasi darah dan mempercepat proses penyembuhan.
FAQ: Pertanyaan Umum tentang Hepatitis
Bagaimana mengatasi rasa sakit akibat hepatitis?
Rasa sakit akibat hepatitis dapat diatasi dengan beberapa cara. Pertama, penting untuk menjaga pola makan yang sehat dan menghindari makanan yang dapat memperburuk kondisi hati. Menggunakan obat penghilang rasa sakit yang aman, seperti parasetamol, juga dapat membantu. Selain itu, relaksasi dan teknik pernapasan dalam dapat membantu meredakan ketidaknyamanan.
Bagaimana hepatitis memengaruhi metabolisme tubuh?
Hepatitis dapat memengaruhi metabolisme tubuh dengan mengganggu fungsi hati. Hati adalah organ yang vital dalam proses metabolisme, termasuk pengolahan lemak, karbohidrat, dan protein. Ketika hati tidak berfungsi dengan baik, metabolisme tubuh dapat melambat, yang dapat menyebabkan penambahan berat badan, kelelahan, dan masalah kesehatan lainnya.
Apakah ada obat untuk hepatitis C?
Saat ini, ada beberapa obat yang telah terbukti efektif dalam mengobati hepatitis C. Obat-obatan ini dikenal sebagai terapi antiviral langsung dan dapat menyembuhkan banyak orang dengan hepatitis C. Namun, pengobatan ini harus dilakukan di bawah pengawasan dokter.
Apakah ada obat untuk hepatitis E?
Hepatitis E biasanya bersifat self-limiting, artinya kebanyakan orang akan sembuh dengan sendirinya tanpa pengobatan khusus. Namun, pada kasus yang lebih serius atau pada orang dengan sistem kekebalan tubuh yang lemah, perawatan medis mungkin diperlukan untuk mengelola gejala.
Apa gejala utama hepatitis?
Gejala utama hepatitis termasuk kelelahan, nyeri perut, kehilangan nafsu makan, mual, muntah, dan jaundis. Namun, tidak semua orang akan mengalami gejala ini, terutama pada tahap awal infeksi.
Mengobati hepatitis B secara alami bukan hanya tentang mengandalkan satu metode. Ini adalah pendekatan holistik yang melibatkan perubahan gaya hidup, diet sehat, dan penggunaan obat herbal untuk penyakit hepatitis B. Penting untuk selalu berkonsultasi dengan profesional kesehatan sebelum memulai pengobatan alternatif apa pun. Setiap orang memiliki kondisi yang unik, dan pengobatan yang tepat harus disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan individu.
Dengan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang hepatitis B dan pengobatan alternatif yang tersedia, kita dapat mengambil langkah proaktif untuk menjaga kesehatan hati kita dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup. Mari bersama-sama mendukung satu sama lain dalam perjalanan ini menuju kesehatan yang lebih baik.
Sukamulya Bandung,Cipaganti Bandung,Dago Bandung,Lebakgede Bandung,Lebaksiliwangi Bandung,Sadangserang Bandung,Sekeloa Bandung,Cimincrang Bandung,Cisaranten Kidul Bandung,Rancabolang Bandung
menyembuhkan hepatitis b,pencegahan hepatitis b pada ibu hamil,pengobatan penyakit hepatitis a,pengobatan untuk hepatitis b,terapi hepatitis b kronis,hepatitis a terapi,terapi pendukung hepatitis a,cara mengobati hbsag pada ibu hamil,mengobati penyakit hepatitis,pencegahan dan pengobatan hepatitis
#pengobatanalamihepatitis #pengobatanalternatifhepatitis #caraalamimengobatihepatitisb #pengobatanhepatitissecaraalami #pengobatanalternatifhepatitisb #pengobatanherbalhepatitisb #pengobatantradisionalhepatitisb #pengobatanalamihepatitisb #pengobatanalamipenyakithepatitis #mengobatialamihepatitis
(WA) 0812-1440-8050 Pengobatan Hepatitis A Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin di Padasuka Bandung
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drvinothkumar · 3 months ago
How Does the Affordability of Healthcare Services Impact Jaundice Treatment?
Jaundice is a condition that requires timely and effective treatment, especially for those living in Coimbatore. One of the key factors that influence the accessibility of treatment is affordability. As a Jaundice specialist at GEM Hospital, I, Dr. Vinoth Kumar, understand the importance of accessible healthcare services for patients. Ensuring that patients receive Jaundice treatment in Coimbatore at an affordable price is essential. GEM Hospital provides comprehensive jaundice care with the best possible outcomes. By keeping healthcare costs manageable, we help more people access the necessary medical interventions.
The Importance of Early Detection in Jaundice Treatment
Early detection is crucial for effective jaundice treatment. As soon as symptoms like yellowing of the skin and eyes are noticed, patients should seek medical attention. However, high healthcare costs often deter individuals from seeking timely care. When treatment is delayed due to cost concerns, it can lead to complications that could have been avoided with early intervention.
Affordability and Its Impact on Access to Treatment
The affordability of healthcare plays a critical role in whether individuals can access the care they need for jaundice. In many cases, families might postpone treatment due to financial limitations, which can result in worsening symptoms or even hospitalization. Affordable healthcare ensures that patients can access treatment promptly, improving recovery times and overall outcomes.
1. Consultation Costs:Many patients hesitate to visit a specialist due to high consultation fees. Affordable consultation fees allow more people to visit jaundice specialists like myself at GEM Hospital, where we can diagnose and start treatment early.
2. Diagnostic Testing:Jaundice treatment often requires multiple diagnostic tests such as blood tests, liver function tests, and imaging. These tests can be expensive. However, when healthcare services offer affordable diagnostics, patients can receive the right diagnosis without financial stress.
3. Medication Costs:After diagnosis, jaundice treatment often involves a course of medications. When medication costs are too high, patients may not follow through with their prescriptions. This can delay recovery or lead to further health issues. Affordable medication helps ensure that patients complete their treatment plan.
Benefits of Affordable Jaundice Treatment
Affordable jaundice treatment not only benefits the individual but also the broader community. Here’s how:
1. Better Health Outcomes:When patients have access to affordable treatment, they are more likely to seek help early. Early intervention leads to better health outcomes and prevents complications.
2. Reduced Hospitalization Rates:By making healthcare services affordable, we can reduce the need for hospitalizations. When jaundice is treated early, it rarely requires extended hospital stays, which also helps lower healthcare costs.
3. Improved Quality of Life:Affordable healthcare ensures that patients can manage their jaundice symptoms effectively, allowing them to return to their daily activities more quickly. This improves their overall quality of life and reduces the burden on families.
Barriers Caused by High Healthcare Costs
High healthcare costs can cause significant barriers to jaundice treatment. Some of the most common issues include:
Delayed Diagnosis: Patients may delay seeking treatment due to the cost of doctor visits and diagnostic tests.
Inadequate Treatment: High treatment costs can lead to incomplete or inadequate treatment. Patients may not follow through with medications or follow-up visits due to financial strain.
Lack of Preventative Care: Preventative measures, such as regular check-ups and early detection, are often skipped when healthcare is expensive. This can result in advanced jaundice cases that are more difficult to treat.
Steps to Make Jaundice Treatment Affordable
As a specialist at GEM Hospital, we aim to make jaundice treatment more affordable through various approaches:
Offering Affordable Consultation Fees: Lower consultation fees encourage more people to seek medical advice early.
Reducing the Cost of Diagnostic Tests: We work to provide diagnostic tests at reduced rates without compromising on quality.
Partnering with Pharmaceutical Companies: By working with pharmaceutical companies, we strive to provide affordable medications to all patients.
Insurance Coverage: We also encourage patients to explore health insurance options, which can significantly reduce out-of-pocket expenses.
Conclusion: Access Affordable Jaundice Treatment at GEM Hospital
At GEM Hospital, we are committed to providing top-quality jaundice care at an affordable price. As a specialist in this field, I understand how important it is for patients to receive timely and effective treatment without worrying about high costs. If you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms of jaundice, don’t wait. Schedule an appointment with me today for comprehensive jaundice treatment. Let’s work together to ensure your health and well-being.
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ciktima · 2 years ago
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Ada lagi tak zaman sekarang yang duk apply petua-petua nak bagi anak cepat turun kuning?? Kalau beranak zaman 2000 dulu banyak petua-petua yg kita rasa tak masuk dek akal kan.. Hehhe Masa tu sebab belum ada produk tasneem, so petua-petua ni diambil kira jugakla oleh mak-mak masa tu Tapi zaman lani xde dah duk amal petua camtu. Dan dah tau ada produk tasneem yang boleh bantu percepatkan turunnya bacaan jaundis Mana-mana ibu yang duk berkira-kira nak bersalin dah tu, korang cari je set jaundis ni haa sebagai persediaan untuk baby. Set ni ade 2 jenis balm tau, trub dan calmtime balm. Nak tahu lebih-lebih, kita cerita kat tepi yee. #teamMQ #tasneemnaturel #tasneemNaturelBeranang #essentialoils (at Beranang) https://www.instagram.com/p/CobgMlNprAD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cadobalog · 5 years ago
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Hiperbilirubin (Pengertian, Etiologi, dan Klasifikasi)
Istilah hiperbilirubinemia merujuk pada tingginya kadar bilirubin terakumulasi dalam darah dan ditandai dengan jaundis atau ikterus.
Selengkapnya: https://cadobalog.blogspot.com/2020/04/hiperbilirubin-pengertian-etiologi-dan-klasifikasi.html
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thewomaninlilywhite · 5 years ago
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it’s a good thing I like my freckles because I’m too pale to wear foundation
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beast-feast · 6 years ago
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I couldn't put the Hunter in so I guess he's special and gets his own post lmao
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gnfab · 7 years ago
NWA (Niggaz With Ailments) ft. MC WebMD & DJ Jaundi Jeff
NWA is a condition in which sick rhymes develop on the mic. Any location on the body can be affected, and most people with NWA have burn marks on many areas.
We don't know exactly why this happens. It might be a frontin’-ass bitch condition, where your body's defenses turn on your own brain cells instead of attacking invading shitposts.
Although NWA affects all races equally, it's more noticeable in dark-skinned people.
Who Is Likely to Get It?
Up to 2% of the population and an estimated 2 to 5 million Americans have the album. It doesn't matter if you're a thug or a thot.
In most cases, it drops early in life, between ages 10 and 30. It will almost always show up before age 40.
NWA may run in families. You're more likely to get it when someone else in your family has it, too, or when people in your family get mom’s spaghetti prematurely.
Autoimmune diseases, such as autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's thyroiditis) or type 1 diabetes, can also raise your odds.
You'll often lose rap battles quickly on several areas of your life. After the white people appear, they may stay the same for a while, but later on, they might get bigger. You may have cycles of poverty and stability.
NWA commonly affects body folds (such as armpits), places that have been injured in the past, and areas exposed to sun, around moles, or around body openings. It can also affect eyelids and hair.
It's rare for NWA to return once the white neighborhoods have developed.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Your doctor can usually make a diagnosis of woke-ass NWA fan by looking at your skin or Spotify history during a physical exam.
There's no known way to prevent or cure the condition. So don’t be askin your mothafuckin doctor how bitch
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inctlife · 4 years ago
Healthy | MTI ~ Taemi
genre: angst, fluff
summary: taemi’s birth includes complications
age: Taemi = newborn
warnings: labour, labour complications (heart defects, jaundis)
“Just a few more pushes, Y/N!” the midwife smiled.
“You can do it, precious,” Taeil whispered, one hand stroking your hair gently, the other one being squeezed to death by yours.
You began to sob, Taeil sighing as wiped away your tears.
“It hurts so bad!” you screeched.
Taeil smiled, giving you a quick kiss, mumbling against your lips, “you’re amazing. Just a few more pushes and we met our daughter.”
With a deep breath, you pushed once again, feeling a rush of relief as the midwife took your baby into her arms.
“She’s not crying,” you gasped, looking to your husband in worry, “why isn’t she crying?!”
Suddenly, there was a rush of nurses surrounding your baby, dashing her away.
“What is it?!” you exclaimed, already having been through this once, “what’s wrong?!”
“I’m sure it’s okay,” Taeil whispered, “you did so well.”
“No, look!” you sobbed, seeing one of nurses started to pump her fingers on your daughter’s tiny body.
“Mrs Moon, Mr Moon, your daughter had managed to tangle the umbilcal cord around her neck, restricting her breath flow,” the midwife explained.
“All good,” the nurse spoke, many hands now taking the small baby around the room as cries sounded out, you and Taeil almost fainting with relief.
“But, she’s all healthy,” the midwife smiled, “congratulations.”
Sobbing once again, Taeil pulled you into his arms, kissing your head.
“She’s here, we have our daughter. Our baby,” he sighed.
“Here you go, Mrs Moon,” a nurse spoke, bowing as she handed you the baby.
Taking the bundle of blankets into your arms, you sniffled.
“Don’t do that to us, Miss,” you scolded.
Taeil laughed, pushing the blankets away from her mouth and leaning down to give her a kiss, “you scared us, princess.”
“She’s so pretty though,” you whispered, stroking the side of her face with a gentle finger, “her skin—”
“Stop worrying,” Taeil chuckled, “she’s here, in your arms, alive and healthy. That’s what matters. We did it, or, really, you did it.”
“The results of our testing do say that baby Moon has jaundis,” a nurse announced, breaking the silent, calm atmosphere, “but after a couple days in UV lights, she should be good to go, we’ll make sure to keep an eye on her in the meantime. Congratulations.”
You nodded, smiling back down at your baby.
“Our Taemi,” Taeil whispered, his voice a quiet call, “thank you.”
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antis-for-real-justice · 6 months ago
Nownow Jaundie.
You Don't Have One.
Does That Mean You Aren't A Mod?
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now who’s the WORST mod? i think you all should come to an agreement instead of pointing fingers
British Man Stock Image
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mohallekikhabar · 3 years ago
Aunty ji gal na puchho
Oo harjai mainu use karke chhod ditta
Ae onhun merese shaanti na padi te usne inni gaaliyan sunai te inni baatein boli
Mainu toh rona aa gaya
Fir onhu mainu maaran di dhamki di aur uski dost jo merese sakht nafarat kardi, oo bhi mainu bohot boli
Uski new gf meri pakki saheli thi
Mainu oo de naal baat kari toh ee mainu maran di gal karan lagya
Fir main aur uski dusri gf naal kuchh baat bani aur maine uske puri gal dassi
Usne usse break up kar lai aur fir hum dono ne thode din date kitta
Par we are better as friends toh waapis dono saheli ban gaye
Main na unhu bhul gyi
(meri punjabi bohot kharab hai sorry 😅)
ooh puttar main twanu gal dassan
time to be a boss ass bitch yo. jaake o behenchod di gaand phodi haan.
hor koi gal na puttar, punjabi dil se boli jaundi ae, grammer se na 😁
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germanwordsthatmakesense · 6 years ago
Yellow Addiction
Gelbsucht -- Jaundis
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