#jason who is very much you left me once before and you're not allowed to leave me again
happyk44 · 2 years
Leo jokingly tells Jason that they should get married if they're both single by the time they're thirty.
Jason proceeding to sabotage all of Leo's potential romantic relationships to make sure he's single by the time they're thirty.
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igotanidea · 5 months
Somebody's watching me : AK!Jason x reader
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Request: AK! jason hears y/n’s name from his opponent and just goes nuts like he goes home looking for her.
A/N : the requests is a little twisted, as usual, but I hope you'll still like it anon :D
It was gone.
His old life was gone.
And with it, everyone he knew before.
All that was left was revenge, hate, rage. And this unstoppable need for killing someone, destroy something, wreck havoc on every single person who did him any wrong.
Fucking Batman.
He was the Arkham Knight now.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Focused on building his position so that no one, no fucking one, would ever hold any power over him.
And if that meant keeping tabs on everyone under his watchful gaze so be it.
And if that meant putting some pressure on everyone who dared to do as much as step a toe over the line, so be it.
And disturbances?
Defnitely not something he was about to allow.
And now he was holding a gun to one of his goons head.
"What did you do?" he hissed, his voice distorted by the helmet
"Sir, I --"
"What did you do?" Jason repeated pressing the metal more into man's head.
"I-- I disobeyed--"
"You disobeyed. And do you know what happens to people who disobey me?"
"Sir, please this is--"
Jason shot in the air and the man almost fell to his feet.
"It was-"
"I'm not going to give a warning shot again"
"I was-"
"I'm gonna count to three now. One."
"There's this girl."
"Her name is Y/N."
"thr-- what?"
"She is very distant family, but --"
"Shut up!" Jason yelled, his face twisted with rage, not that anyone could see his expression hidden under the metal. "Shut the fuck up you hear me!" it took him two steps to be in front of the man, yanking him up by the collar and pinning to the wall with brutal force, half-chocking him "you ever do as much as think her name again and I'll kill you and put your head on a stick as a warning to anyone who dare have a thought of himself. YOU HEAR ME!?"
"now get the fuck out of here!" the man was violently thrown on the floor, getting up as fast as he could and rushing out the door. It was truly a miracle he lived to tell the tale, cause Arkham Knight was not known for his leniency.
But Y/N.
Someone from his past.
More than someone.
A girl, a woman, he was once in love with.
A woman, whose name he forgot in the pursuit after Batman.
Or rather - tried to forget.
She was the only one who ever got him. The only one to accept him fully, with all his flaws.
His Y/N.
His Y/N who betrayed him just like anyone else. Who forgot him. Who moved on without giving as much as a single thought to him when he was lost. Who was never looking for him.
His Y/N.
It;s been years since he heard anyone mention her. Years since he swore to never get manipulated again.
And then.
Just a few letters mixed together. Just a few sounds.
And she was right behind his eyes, just like he remembered her. Because even his dark side refused to let go of the rememberance of their time together.
Her laugh. Her smile. Her eyes and freckles from the sun, as fleeting as the summer days they were spending together. Her calmness, care and tenderness when she was patching up his woudns, tiredlessly putting on bandaids and stitches.
He didn't need that.
Just another phase of brainwashing. If not from his capturers than from his own men.
Hell no.
He was going to say no to the past life once and for all.
Hunting her down, wherever she may be.
See her for the last time.
Pour hatred in his heart, destroying all the remaining piece of useless softness and caring he carried in his soul.
Burn the last link connecting him to the past down.
She was spending the night in her old apartment. Sitting by the same desk, with the same lamp, in the same posture she ever did.
One leg half bent and folded under her ass, the other hanging loose in the air.
"You're going to end up with numbness..." he muttered to himself, watching her from the opposite rooftop.
Obviously she couldn;t hear him, but something made her raise her head and look outside the window while simultaniously changing the position.
Jason smiled despite himself.
His heart skipped a beat and sudden warmth spread in his chest.
Only for a second though, since he rememembered why he was here in the first place.
Look at her.
So fucking good.
So fucking calm and happy, while he-
traitorous bitch.
Maybe it was her plan from the very beggining. Conspiring with Batman only to get rid of him, so they could both be free of the burdening presence of a man once known as Jason Todd.
Regardless of how sweet her name may have tasted on his tongue he would rather cut it off than fall down that rabit hole again.
He was cold as ice. Brutal. Cruel. Ruthless.
And it was not going to change because he saw her.
Not in the million years.
She was the reason of his fallout. She should have stopped him from going on that stupid mission. She should have made him stay, showed him she cared enough to keep him grounded.
It was all her fault that that after being captured all he could think about was how she was going to survive without him. How her heart would break into million pieces, instead of figuring out a way to free himself.
It was all her fault that he became the Arkham Knight. Cause inhumanity was equal with survival. And survival meant living. And living meant keeping his legacy.
So yes, he hated her.
He hated her, because every single thing he did and every little thing done to him was because and thanks to her.
She was the reason of him getting on top, but also the person responsible for his failure as a person.
She was nothing.
She was everything.
And for the first time since capturing, torturing and tranformation Jason felt conflicted.
His Y/N...
Not his anymore...
When some force made her stand up and come to window all she saw was a blink of metal on the rooftop. And since she spend half of her life with vigilantes, it was easy to realise that this must have been one of them.
But the silhouette of a running man couldn;t have been Dick nor Tim nor any other hero she would recognise.
And despite herself, she felt a shiver running down her spine.
Someone was watching her.
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Part 2!
On to Jason Todd, the second Robin. After Dick left, Batman caught a street kid stealing tyres off the batmobile and pretty much picks him up like a raccon and goes "you're coming home with me" thus he gains Jason as a son. Jason becomes Robin at age 11 and is desperate to live up to the expectations Dick set before him. When Bruce and Dick make up, Jason and Dick become close as brothers
Jason is murdered by the Joker at age 16 and we will come back to him in just a second
But first I need to bring up Tim Drake. Tim is a child genius who figures out Batman and both Robin's identities at a young age. When Jason died, Batman spiralled into a pretty bad place, becoming violent and despondent and Tim decided to stalk him about it
Tim stalks Bruce for a while and then demands he be allowed to be the third Robin. Batman is very against this, his son just died because he failed to protect him as Robin. But Tim does what he wants and pretty much bullies Batman into letting him be Robin at age 13. Most of Tim's job as Robin is to keep Batman in check while he's grieving and make sure he doesn't go off the deep end
Remember Jason? Surprise! He's alive again! A year later, Jason is revived by Ra's al Ghul (remember him for later), the head of the League of Assassins that first trained Bruce. Ra's has access to the Lazarus Pit which keeps him immortal and can revive the dead
But Jason comes back angry. Not only because the Lazarus Pit does that to you, but also for two personal reasons: 1. Batman did nothing to avenge his death. Joker is still alive because of his "no killing" rule. 2. He was replaced as Robin, as a son, as if he didn't matter
So Jason takes on the persona of Red Hood (an old alias of Joker's) and becomes a crime lord in Gotham to get Batman's attention. He also starts killing the villains that Batman refused to. He gets in many fights with Batman and tries to murder Robin a few times. It takes a good while before they actually talk and get anywhere, Bruce apologising and Jason realising how much influence the Lazarus anger is having over him
Very very very slowly they start to repair their relationship a little. Jason is still pissed, Bruce is still guilty, but over 4 years they are starting to be family again. Jason calls Tim "Replacement" as a nickname but they have more of a tense sibling relationship now. Red Hood considers himself an anti-hero but still presents himself as a crime lord to the rest of the world as a cover. Jason Todd is still legally dead but it's an open secret that he's alive bc he's just walking around Gotham the past 4 years
Jason takes every chance to guilt trip Bruce about his death to get his way and any time someone mentions death he's obligated to chime in "I died once"
He hardly hangs around Wayne Manor, and is not over for dinner as often as Dick, but will make appearances for the sake of Alfred's cooking and the kids sometimes
Once again back to Tim, at 15 his (neglectful, rich) parents found out about him being Robin and made him stop. They died 9 months later and he once again becomes a vigilante, now Red Robin because Robin has just been passed to someone else
Tim still lives at Wayne Manor and runs most of the tech and security systems in the Batcave and the Justice League watchtower (the Justice League think this is Batman running it alone. They are wrong). As a day job he is co-CEO of Wayne Enterprises despite having never completed high school
Ohhh thats cool!
Jason is honestly such an icon for that lmao
Keep em coming!
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ofluminance-a · 1 year
Never would he have guessed that such coincidence would offer him an opportunity such as this one. He had decided to visit Blue Pegasus for old time's sake and to catch up with some members and clients he's had a pleasant time with. Of course, his presence was still very welcome here. To have Lucy enter the guild on the same day, however? That was unexpected. Perhaps she was on the way back from a mission, perhaps she wanted to talk to some of her friends, too.
His mood being on a high mixed with a sense of bold playfulness as he approached her. The glint in his uncovered eye would tell as much and so would his choice of words and actions. Did these surroundings awaken specific behavior? It was a bit nostalgic, really.
"Oh, Miss Heartfilia, what a pleasant surprise to encounter you in this établissement." The Raijinshuu's captain slightly bowed his head before he went ahead and took a gentle hold of her hand, lips meeting her knuckles in a small, lingering kiss. Eyes focused her all the while and then he slowly let go again. Ah, there might be another reason that enabled him to actually indulge in this intrusive desire, one that hadn't quite risen to the forefront of his mind yet. "I will gladly be your host for today. I insist." Right, because he this was still a part of his work (no, it absolutely wasn't. he was back at Fairy Tail, after all). But it was all part of his act, an act driven by genuine, yet buried desires.
she wasn't here by coincidence. her arrival at blue pegasus was research for sorcerer weekly! hey, a job's a job so long as it helped pay rent! and if jason was still going to keep paying her to write a few articles now and again, who was she to say no? though, she certainly didn't expect to meet freed here. this was quite the pleasant surprise.
catching his eye once she walked into the guild hall, lucy felt frozen under his gaze. she could already feel her heart rate quickening. lips parted, the celestial wizard is stunned for a moment. she should be used to moments such as these ( loke put her into too many situations similar in the past. ) -- but .. this? it was .. different. it wasn't playful or for a laugh, it was.. meaningful and honestly? very intimate. suddenly, it was as if they were the only two in the guild hall at all.
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" .. freed. oh! uhm-- hi! " laughing, for lack of confidence in anything else she might respond with, lucy offers him a smile. the bow she almost expects, but, the kiss? well, that's what brings the new pink tinge to her cheeks. " f-freed! " she responds in a hushed whisper, embarrassed at the feeling of his lips on the back of her pink guild mark. when he let's go of her hand, it almost feels empty without his in it. allowing it to fall to her side, lucy takes a few breaths to gather what's left of her composure and simply shuts her eyes with a bright smile.
something told her, at his insistence, there wasn't any alternative. but, maybe time away from fairy tail's prying eyes, it would finally give the two of them a chance to understand what was happening between them? with courage she didn't know she had, lucy takes freed's arm, and looks up at him with a wink. " alright! you're the resident expert! why don't you show me around so i can get a few shots of the grounds with my camera for sorcerer weekly? as my host, i'm sure you'll have no problem doing so! "
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charliedawn · 3 years
How would they react if you ask them to dance?
Freddy :
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"Heck yeah !"
Freddy is one of the only slasher that is musically cultured. He can spot good hard rock from a mile away. He is a rock and roll fan to the end. Just, put on any hard rock song and you will see his eyes literally sparkle in delight. He would dance with you until the end of the night. Literally.
" Come on darling, let me turn your world upside down !"
He would pretend having a guitar in his hands and laugh while shaking his head up and down with the rhythm. In rare moments, he would actually forget where he is and start singing with the lyrics.
"~She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I stare too long, I'd probably break down and cry..."
Surprisingly, Freddy has a great voice and, when given the opportunity, will make the slashers enjoy a live concert of his. In those moments, not even Pennywise dares make fun of Freddy. Freddy understands your love for old music, and god, does he got the moves ! You swear that when he is dancing, you forget all about who he is and who you are. If you weren't dancing before, you certainly are now. 😂
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Surprisingly enough, Arthur would not join right away. He would first see you dance and enjoy himself watching you having fun with the other slashers. But once he is sure that nobody will judge him ? He will join and dance to his heart content. Many people have ways to express themselves, hobbies that help them de-stress..But unfortunately for the slashers, that hobby was mostly killing people. You try to make them see that they can do the same in many different ways. Joker, however, is a very special case, because he actually tried to escape with dance and jokes..People destroyed his dreams. Now, you have to help him get back his hope and the dreams he lost. The first step to do that ? Make him remember what he loved, before becoming the Joker.
" Why do you want to make me believe in something that is gone ?"
" Because I believe in you, Arthur."
He waited for someone to actually believe in him for so long that he can't help but cry at your words. He would then take you for a dance and make you laugh for the rest of the night. He doesn't mind you old-fashioned taste, as he prefers old songs as well, especially the catchy ones.
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" Dance ?! Dancing ! Yesss !"
Penny screams while throwing his hands in the air. He loves dancing. It was the only thing he had when he was alone and penniless. He was dancing in the street in his old clown costume, hoping for some generous souls to find him entertaining. However, when he became Penny, his dance became the last thread of his old life he hanged on to. It may have been a way to lure his victims in as well, but it was also much more for Penny. He loves dancing. He is also very good at it, being a very flexible person with a great creativity. His dance may look childish at first, but it's only because he never got the proper training. You asked the hospital to give him some lessons, but unfortunately, they didn't want the dance teacher to become dinner. This is how you had gotten the idea of Friday's dancing nights. It allows the bond between the slashers to strengthen and for Penny to learn more about what he loves.
" Penny dances ! Penny is so happy !"
Well, just make sure he has the dance floor to himself, as you wouldn't want any of the slashers to receive a slap or a kick on accident..He doesn't really care about the music, as long as he can dance on it.
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Dance ? What is dance ? When he sees you and the other slashers dance, it makes him think of those teenagers at Crystal lake. He is not too fond of dancing. He will however stare at you and sometimes, even nod his head up and down with the music if he likes it. But, if you try to make him dance with the others ? He will freeze. He is not used to dancing and never cared enough to learn. For a long time, it had only been his mother and him, therefore he hasn't had the chance to make friends or open up enough to dance at parties. He likes watching though. Most of the time, he will stay with Five or Michael, the only ones to understand his predicament. Plus, he doesn't know or understand most of the songs you're playing. He tried to ask you what they meant, but most of the words you used to answer him only made him more confused. Love ? Hope ? Loss ? He doesn't understand them. However, he does understand grief and sorrow. Those are feeling he can relate with as he felt them when he lost his father. When a sad song comes in, he will pay more attention and feel a tug in his chest.
" My boy. You have to live your life as you intended. Don't let anyone tell you what you should or shouldn't feel. One day, the ones who bullied you and called you names will see how amazing you truly are."
The words of his father echo in his head as he listens to the music. He has nearly forgotten about his face, but his voice is still with him, advising him wherever he goes. He just never took the time to listen to him until now. He always thought that his mother was everything he needed, that she was the only one who loved him, but maybe was he wrong after all ? Maybe other people could accept him ?
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*internal panic*
He knows how to dance, that's not the problem. It's just that it's been so long that he's afraid he's gotten a bit rusty. This is why you will most likely find him hidden in a corner, watching over you all. At this point, he is more likely to play the role of the quiet big brother who is making sure none of his siblings accidently hurt themselves or have too much to drink. However, if you really insist, he will try to enter the game and make a few tentative steps on the dance floor. But, dont expect too much of him. He is embarrassed enough as it is. However, he will help in the kitchen if you need to bake something of prepare some snacks for the slashers. Another thing to know about Michael, is that unlike Jason that doesn't mind raising his mask a little to eat or drink, Michael will prefer to wait until everybody is gone or asleep before letting himself do the same. He is very keen on his mask and doesn't want anyone to see him without it. So, maybe prepare a little space away from prying eyes for him to have intimacy ? As for the music, he doesn't mind. Everything is fine with him.
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Unlike Penny, Pennywise is not that much of a dancer. Penny is a dancing clown, Pennywise is a grouchy clown. He would rather be sarcastic all evening than partaking in the fun. However, something that he is good at is inflating balloons. He will help organize the party and will try to entertain Penny as much as he can. Pennywise may not be a dancing clown, but he cares about Penny. Penny is the closest to family he has left, and even though he would never admit it, he would do anything for him. He is protective of him and if it meant making Penny happy ? He wouldn't mind playing the clown for a night.
" Stop looking at me like that. I'm not gonna dance. You can't make me. Invite Penny instead. He's far more excited to make a fool of himself than me.."
He would reply when you invite him to dance. He doesn't care about the songs, as long as they don't have any curses in them. He loves cursing, but he doesn't want Penny to follow his example. He wants him to keep the little innocence he has left.
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(couldn't find a gif with Five, so imagine it's Five in the second gif.)
He will not dance. Not even if you beg him. He will be happy if you leave him alone with the drinks. He will mostly stay with Michael and drown his bad mood in alcool and most likely complain.
"Goddammit. Can't we have decent whiskey in here ?!"
However, if you really insist and he has enough alcool in his system ? He may follow you and make some moves on the dance floor. Maybe.
" I swear you all suck. It seems I'll have to step up to level the game. It's not because I'm having fun or I like any of you, it's just because you bunch of idiots can't differentiate good dancing and monkey dancing."
Five got many classes on how to be the perfect spy while being trained. Let's say that there were some more enjoyable classes than others. He knows how to dance as a result and will steal the dancefloor when given the chance.
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we-dragons · 3 years
I'm from a different dimension actually Chapter 6 Damian x reader
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Professor X sat in his wheelchair glancing around the room he hums his eyes pouring over all that there was finally landing on Robin. He gives me a look gesturing over at him.
"He informed me about The Crows sir, apparently they have gone under the radar, they've killed three people and the system didn't go off. At first, I thought we still had time, I treated a wound he had it he had come in contact with one and fought it. You know like how Wolverine did, I treated the cut and it's gone, but I was sure they were still in the dream state. But he got injured saving those left how survived probably not far from here, but the fact we didn't even receive the ring can only mean...they've returned under complete control again."
Concern fills the face of professor X, he turns to Robin, who shifts uncomfortably by the entrance of my kitchen. "Who are you then?"
The professor nods not even turning from his spot, he looks over Robin as if completing an inspection.
"How much does this Robin Know Dreki, about you, and The Crows?"
"I told him about the Jal-sein, the old race before the collective mind sharing, and he knows about my box of scales." Professor sighs.
"How did you meet him."
"When he broke through my window last week, infected."
"You gave him some scales to purge poison."
"Yes sir."
"Very good," He moves back to his original spot in the middle of the room. "You have been permitted to stop them at all costs if you must. Your uncle will be here soon to help you kill whatever has brought them back, in the meantime try not to use the stones. We don't want to attract more trouble than what has already been done."
"You're allowing me to put my powers to use?"
"As long as you don't wear it out, vibranium is not easy to turn into clothing."
"What a minute!" Robin's voice carried out through the room. "Just what's going on?"
"Robin," Professor X starts. "your world is being invaded by the Crow so that you become one of the many planets they have drained of life. And to do it they need a vessel that can contain the leader of the Jal-sein, Hok'mor." Professor X looks at him, his use
"And?" Robin says his face remaining unreadable
"I was the vessel, I escaped, destroyed the flagship and the army they had." I shiver moving out from my room to the box still lying on the kitchen table. "They were after the life of my home, so then I became a weapon for my planet." I pull out a bag of coins from the box.
"And what do you intend to do now (Y/N), destroy them yourself." Robin stands in the entryway, professor X stands behind him.
"Yes," I turn to him a chakram and the bag of coins in hand. "so unless you know how to obliterate a bird in 15 seconds or less you need to forget this ever happened and never come back."
"So, why tell me any of this, why tell me about anything why expose yourself?"
"So you can tell your family and friends and hopefully, just maybe you can survive. Because knowing them keeps them out of your head, but too much knowing allows them to enter." I pick up Nightmare, he crawls up to my shoulder and I head out of the kitchen, Robin makes room for me but just barely. I open my closet and pull out the last thing I have, two letters one written in my mother's signature ink and the other in my own handwriting, I hold them out to the professor.
"You know there is nowhere left for me to run professor if I end out getting caught...I just want him to have this. In my letter, papers are containing the custody terms for my brother to Uncle. I just need you to grab them to complete the transfer." Professor X slowly takes the letters where they rematerialize on his side.
"Good-bye Dreki, I will see that these get to your Brother."
Professor fades out of the com, and it clicks turning off, I pick it off the floor and slip it into the pocket of my sweatpants. I pulled out the chakram ready to leave a mark on my hand, I only needed a little bit of blood to completely transform when Robin coughs gaining my attention. He leans against the wall to the left of me now glaring at my form, Nightmare growls at the boy from the corner of my eye I see his fangs getting slightly bigger.
"Are you making it a habit to ignore me while I'm here?"
"No, But I do need you to leave, you can't stay here anymore." I begin to push him out the door in the kitchen, he slaps my hands away confusion leaving his face replacing it's with anger. He open's his mouth and I put a magic orange circle on his head.
"You Robin son of batman, found this information interrogating one of the monsters. It spoke in a language that was foreign but somehow understood all of it. You have made no such connection to the girl Y/N M/N, you did not see a man from another dimension, you came back to thank her for her help you had some tea and you were just leaving." I flick my hand and the circle vanishes, his head lowers for a moment as the information in his head readjusts. He moves to the balcony edge turning to face me the scowl returned to his face.
"Thank you for the tea." he pulls out a grappling hook and leaves without another word. I sigh moving to the same device I used to contact the professor. Picking it up I hold it to my mouth.
"Find me the closest thing to a sorcerer supreme, name and whereabouts contact them when you get there."
I toss it back onto the floor and it roars to life to give me a purple image of the earth and orange magic circles to tracking and moving. I move to my couch and fall asleep waiting for this day to take me.
I wake the next day with the globe still searching for my request I sigh and get ready for work. I thank god that it's just the coffee shop below me, I work on the weekends mostly unless they need an extra member of staff then it's just me and the older lady and her husband. They both owned the building and the shop they helped me get the apartment set up and showed me how to work the coffee machines. I don't really drink coffee though after seeing what a raving maniac my dad became without it, also it was just so bitter no matter how much sugar I put into it. I partially blame my heightened scenes that came with my abilities, so I got free white hot chocolates and any extra flavors I wanted as long as I did my job and chatted with them for a while.
I asked them personally to stay away while I was sick, so they wouldn't be affected. When I get down the stairs Martha, the elderly lady beams thankful that I'm feeling better.
"I so glad you are doing well dear, I know the acidity in our rain makes you sick so Glenn and I got you this umbrella." She hands me a purple umbrella that still has a tag on it, it reads for sun and rain.
"You didn't have to do this Martha, I told you I'm not good with gifts, you already let me stay here on the government's program and gave me a job here, you and Glenn have already done so much." She pushes the umbrella farther into my chest.
"No you do so much for us, you work without complaint, you've also taken care of us and our granddaughter when she came over. When you were sick we were so worried about you so you going to take it or I can give you more gifts."
"Thank you very much."I smile brightly. She pats my shoulder and gestures to the counter to start the machines.
Once all the machines are started, the desserts are placed and the base coffees are made I open shop. Customers come in and some lounge around in the chairs or couches drinking coffees and either studying or chatting with their friends. Molly usually comes on Sunday as one of our regulars, so I would see her then. A few of our regulars are happy to see I'm back at work one of the other tenants gave me a green bean casserole and a hug. It's 5 O'clock and I make a cappuccino as I finish I hear the door open and the bell ring on the counter.
The black-haired blue-eyed male I had gotten to know as detective Richard Grayson, came in every other day at 5, he normally talks often while I tried to take his order. So I memorized what he usually gets so he doesn't block the register so I can still make the register.
"Hey Y/N I'll take the usual."
"I thought so," I hand him his drink " one cappuccino."
He takes his coffee and moves to the bar we have set up if you wanted to watch the process and it's only then I see the other people behind him, one pissed-off looking male with a cigarette in his mouth, Tim Drake, and Damian Wayne. I look back to Richard he smiles at me leaning onto the bar.
"They came with me this time, It's family bonding time."
"You mean you dragged us out of the house to grab a coffee from this place cause you have a schedule."
"It's bonding Jason! Bonding!"
The two began arguing in the shop, I return my attention to the other two boys. Tim as at the counter puts a ten-dollar bill on the counter, while Damian does the same.
"Give me a regular coffee, black, large cup."
"Tea, no sugar, regular size."
Their voices crowed each other but since this happens frequently it was easy enough to at least get their orders down.
"Sure here's your change." I look back to the two arguing and I see Jason didn't put out his cigarette. He taps it and the ash of his drug falls to the floor.
Sighing I move out of the workspace gabbing a tong and a wastebasket, I take out the cigarette and throw it in the bin now gaining the full attention of Jason. I give him a stern look he seemed to freeze, bitting back any words he might have prepared to say before.
"Sir, I am not sure if I made we've previously made It but there is a strict no smoking policy. As you see we have many elderly, and young children in our establishment." I smile but I know my face is full of malice. "But please enjoy your stay at our cozy corner of our fine and fair city." I move back behind the counter start on some of my orders, I look at Jason again the smile still on my face.
"Would you like anything?" He gives me an odd look.
"White hot chocolate, Large," he nods his head over at Richard. "Put it on his tab."
"We don't have a tabs sir, he works for the police."
"He gets Free coffee." He gawks at me as if I told him the sky was black, and I see Richard trying to contain his laughter.
"You give that guy free coffee?"
"It's a store policy." I pass out the coffee and the tea and I see from the corner of my eye he pulls out a flask. I grab the tongs again and clap them together, Jason looks at me then grumbles putting the flask back in his jacket, and instead pulls out a five and hands it to me. I take it from him gingerly and head straight to work on his order. I hand him both his spare change and his drink, and the complimentary cookie bag that came with it. He gives me another look.
"They come with a drink." I leave and continued my chores around the shop.
"You are doing much better (m/n)." I whip my head around and look at Damian who's behind me on the other side of the counter. His companions seemed to be in deep conversation amongst themselves.
"Yes, I'm doing just fine, it happens occasionally but nothing like a good cup of tea and a few nights rest couldn't fix." I go back to cleaning the counter.
"You were sick for much longer than that."
"Yeah...it happens." I change the topic to "Did you think of anything for the project?"
"Why not make a model, there is not really much to do with it anyway." I gasp dramatically.
"Not much to do with an astrolabe! You clearly didn't read the whole paper!" By now I have caught the attention of his group. Damian frowns.
"No, your paper was written very well, I just don't think we need to dwell too much on this project seeing as how we really are not presenting." I had heard that bit from Molly.
"I suppose your right." I put away the cleaning supplies and turn back to him. "I'll get started on a model right away!"
"You will do no such thing." His voice is stern. "I will come back later and work on it with you," He moves his chair back and heads out the door.
His companions follow quickly after him and they say their goodbyes.
As promised, he came a few hours later right as my shift ended and another person came for the second half of the day. I moved the glowing tracker to my room so it wouldn't gather any extra attention.
"I have supplies, what is all of that?" my brows furrow staring at the bulging plastic bag in his hand while I turn the keys in my locks. opening the door.
"I wasn't sure if you were prepared." He moves to the door, my arm shoots in his way stopping him.
"I wouldn't go in quite yet."
I put a finger to my lips and crouch slowly to the floor, I shake the key in my hand then slid them across the floor. A ball of black attacks the object just as it crosses the doorway. Nightmare attacks the keys rolling around and bitting.
"Ah yes, observe the feral kitten in his natural habitat." I walk inside the door beckoning Damian to follow. "I would beware he is an ankle bitter. You can set up in the living room I'll just drop this guy off in my room."
"Does he attack all the time?"
"He's been like that since I picked him up, I don't blame him he was born in a rough neighborhood." I set Nightmare on the bed next to the floating version of earth. "Watch it make sure it finishes." then head to the living room. Damian has all his stuff set out on the table. There was veneer, paper, paint, some nails, an Exacto knife, a hammer, and a bag of pipe cleaners.
"This looks like stuff to make a birdhouse," I try and pick up some of the wood that was on the table." you realize cardboard, scissors, and a sharpie would have been enough."
"And here I thought you like polished and neat projects."
"yeah, but even with cheap materials you can still create a masterpiece."
"You don't do anything nice for yourself self do you?"
"Dude the most expensive thing I own is a cat who attacks me." I sigh, I sketch out a design for the astrolabe. "Well, why don't you start on the Mater, I'll get to work on the plate for our side of America."
"3 hours of hard work and I got to say it's not bad." I hold the fished product, It's attached to a string of green yarn. "The calculations are down to point." I put it down, I clean up the mess that's on the floor of the living room.
"About the last time we saw each other, I'm sorry."
"It's fine, you probably knew about me from the news already, the big myste#wayne#scifi#damian#bruce#bats#fanfiction#xreader#characterxreader#jason todd#tim drake#character x reader#mxf#fxm#batboys#batboys x reader#Damianxreader#X reader#DC#Marvel#MarvelxReader#DCxreader#batfam#mutants#Damian Wayne x reader ry of the missing journals. So many interviews." I dump the trash in the kitchen, saying that last part mostly to my self.
"You forgive too easily."
"I'm not as forgiving as you think, honestly you view me too highly it that's what you believe. Would you like something before you leave?"
"No, but I have something for you before I go." I open the door to my room and let Nightmare out.
"Oh?" He's already at the door and pulls a shiny gold card from his pocket, he hands it to me.
"Father thought it would be good to meet you."
"Because I'm the daughter of a famous dead professor, is he going to ask about the journals too?"
"No, this is to apologize for my previous behavior."
"Oh," I take the card looking at it uneasily. "I don't think I can go to this, I don't do well at parties."
"Not a very good excuse." He smirks.
"I'll think about it." I push him out the door and give him the Astrolabe, closing the door slowly. " I'll see you at school."
I look at the card again, It's like the parties mom went to I knew them well. While some were nice, others were nice only in their face. I laugh slightly to myself, Molly already called me earlier telling me I was her plus one to the same thing. This was already suspicious enough as it is. I look at Nightmare who cocks his head at me.
"You think I should go, don't you?" the furball nods
"Fine. I was going to be forced into this anyway."
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touyota · 4 years
☁ Summary: Tomura is hopeless when it comes to relationships, and soon that’s all subject to change. With the power of Tinder, Touya and one oblivious chick on his side, who knows what can happen. 
A/N: omgggg, i’ve lurked on my priv for the past year and finally decided to stop being a narc and post something. i haven’t written in forever and it shows lmao, but uh yeah pls give me feedback if you’d like. (also idk if this has been. done before, but sorryyy if it has)
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☁ Pairing: Tomura Shigaraki x fem!Reader
☁ Warnings: Non-con/dub-con, manipulation, dumbfication (if you squint), slapping, yandere, catfishing 
"Fuck I'm horny." 
Tomura groaned into his pillow, conflicted with whether he should be agitated or turned on. Due to his third nap of the day being interrupted by the excessive lewd noises coming from the shared living room. Tomura's roommate, Touya, had no real understanding of boundaries and was often more bothersome than helpful. Still, without his portion of the rent, he'd be on the streets struggling to find an apartment within his meager budget.
"Keep fucking me, Touya-san!" The plea echoed through the thin walls of the shoddy apartment. At least someone was getting laid. The last time Tomura had gotten lucky was at an impromptu Halloween party thrown by Touya at the apartment. 
He went as Jason Vorhees using a dingy hockey mask he found in Touya's closet. The poor girl in question, who came dressed as an angel, was drunk out of her mind. She clung to Tomura's scrawny body incoherently, slurring about "How hot it would be to fuck a murderer." The fling hadn't lasted long before the young lady in question toppled over the side of his bed and hurled her entire cup of jungle juice onto the floor. Poor Tomura had to spend his night nursing her head over the toilet. Making a mental note to tell Touya that he couldn't invite any freshmen to their parties ever again.
Tomura ended up seeing her again in passing on campus, giving a small smile as she walked by. Only to be met with an eye roll as she turned to walk in the opposite direction. Fucking bitch... Other than that, Tomura had found himself too busy writing code, playing video games, and browsing Reddit to dedicate any time to dating. The polar opposite of his roomie Touya-san, a communications major whose schedule consisted of dating? If you considered fucking the same chick for a week before ghosting her dating, sleeping, and eating and drinking Tomura out of a house and home.
"You ready for my load? You're my little cum dump, right? Say you're my cum du-"
Speaking of fucking, Tomura's hard-on was starting to hurt, and what better way to relieve himself than to beat off to the action in the adjacent room. 
He started to palm himself over his sweats, erection already beginning to poke through. Figuring that he's teased himself enough, he lowered his boxers, allowing his cock to slap against his stomach, throbbing and angry. He slowly stroked himself, gathering the pre-cum spouting from the tip, and used it to lube the rest of his cock.
"Pleaseee fuck! I'm your little cum dump! I swear Touya!" 
Tomura started to stroke his cock faster, leaving a squelching noise with each stroke. He was barely managing to suppress his moans. Knowing how Touya wouldn't let him hear the end of it if he got caught fucking his hand to the sounds of their subtle lovemaking. 
"Fuckfuckfuck... I'm cumming!" Touya grunted, giving out after his final stroke.
Tomura followed suit, flicking his wrist with each stroke. As his orgasm finally took hold of him, biting into his shirt to stifle his moan as he came all over his fist. 
"Are you fucking serious, Touya?"
"I didn't get to cum?"
"Um… I'm sure you can take care of that when you get home."
"You're such a piece of sh-"
Tomura tuned out the rest of his roommate's performance. Really hoping he'd wrap it up cause he really needed to take a piss and couldn't make it to the bathroom without passing through the living room. 
After hearing a respectable amount of silence, he figured it was safe to leave the room. Of course, he was wrong; he was met with a staredown between Touya and a petite blonde woman.
"I'm sure your roommate Tenko wouldn't leave a lady hanging like that."
"It's Tomura," he muttered.
"Same fucking thing, my point still stands," The mystery woman huffed. There was a pregnant pause before Touya doubled over in laughter, clutching his chest.
"You think this cuck knows how to take care of a lady? Yeah, it's time to go, Tara."
"It's Toga, you shit stai-"her statement was abruptly interrupted, the door slamming in her face. Touya's back slid down against the door as he sat facing Tomura. 
"Chicks? Am I right?" Touya sighed, peering over at Tomura, who had just left the bathroom. "Speaking of chicks, when's the last time you had sex, Shiggy?"
"It's been... a while." Tomura shrugged, not wanting to indulge his roommate with the details of his sex life.
"Well, we can't have that, can we? Let's make you a Tinder." Touya proudly announced, excited at the prospect of playing matchmaker for his roommate. Tomura reluctantly gave in, knowing once Touya was set on something, it was bound to happen one way or another. 
Two blunts later, Tomura and Touya were strewn over the couch, mulling over his profile's final details. It consisted of three pics, one from the Halloween party, another from their most recent function. The last pic is a selfie of him in a black hoodie with sunglasses on. The icing on top is the bio that unironically stated, "Freak in the sheets, gamer in the streets."
"You're gonna be a real pussy magnet shiggy. Just wait, you'll have to fight the chicks off with a stick after they see this." Touya chuckled as he took another puff of the blunt.
"Go to hell and stop hogging; you didn't put shit in on this anyways," Tomura muttered as he snatched the blunt away to take a pull. Maybe he would find some success, he entertained the concept of having a consistent fuck buddy, but sometimes he was lonely and just wanted someone to lay up with. He wanted to be optimistic about something for once, taking his final pull and ashing the blunt out. The smoky haze and intoxicating scent lulling him to sleep. 
Fuck optimism, Tomura thought. It had been three days with zero matches or messages, and he was starting to think there had to be a glitch in the system. The only time he had seen a match is when he accidentally swiped on Midnight's profile, a famous Only fans content creator who specialized in BDSM. The same Midnight that he happened to be a top donor for and occasionally bought panties from, but that's beside the point. The profile was poorly made with blurry, uncropped pics taken straight from her social media profiles. The lack of detail and legitimacy was apparent. Tomura felt terrible for the poor soul who probably fell for it, but it made him think… 
Why not see how different the response would be if he ran a profile under someone else's guise.  Someone more attractive, someone more affluent, and someone more famous. This was simply a social experiment; no harm would come from it of course. He would simply ghost anyone who wanted to meet, keeping all interactions virtual. Now who could he possibly pretend to be. without getting caught. Tomura's eyes finally settled on an Axe ad playing on tv featuring male model Keigo Takami. Mr. tall, blonde, and handsome would definitely attract the feminine masses.  
Ding ding ding, it was like a bell went off in his head; he had found his new look. He started to scour the internet for any pictures of Hawks that weren't already posted to his socials and be sure to crop any evidence out. A few hours later, Tomura gazed over his final product. He thought it seemed too good to be true; he was sure that anyone with a working brain would know the profile was clearly a catfish. It was too clean, too pristine, and too perfect, but Tomura was tired of the profile's nit-picking details and saved his last changes. It was starting to get dark, and he had to begin his Comp Sci homework soon so he'd have time to play zombies on Call of Duty later. 
Tomura woke to a multitude of buzzes notifying him of the several hundred matches he'd accumulated overnight on his Hawks profile. Apparently, no one had a working brain within the 15-mile radius. The messages were filled with tons of chicks he had seen on campus or in class. He even recognized the one from the Halloween party. He spent his morning smoke break, siphoning through the various contenders.
Too tall.
Too blonde.
Too ugly. 
He finally stopped scrolling when he reached your profile; he had seen you before in his Major classes. You were a somewhat modest girl, always working to be an overachiever and teacher's pet. You hadn't spoken to him before, only forcing a smile when Tomura was caught staring at you in class. You were talented, beautiful, quiet, and you hadn't encountered Touya yet. You were everything he had wanted, and more. He started to type a message awaiting your response.
Keigo: "What's keeping you up this late, love ;)" 
Tomura thought to keep it casual enough to fit his suave persona.
Y/N: "lol, just sum late night studying keeping me up."
Y/N: "won't lie im very nervous to texting you rn, i'm a big fan 
Keigo: "it's gud knowing i have fans as cute as you ;p"
The conversation seemed to flow from there between you two, texting for almost two weeks strong. Tomura had learned so much about you in a short time, your favorite foods, your favorite color, favorite music, and your dislikes as well. Touya often came by his room to check in on Operation: Get Shiggy Some Pussy, only to be met with a "Fuck off," and yet another door slammed in his face. 
You gushed over how lucky you were to be texting the one and only Keigo Takami. Of course, you were skeptical at first, but what kind of fucked up person would take the time to pretend to be another person? The conversation between you two was great and always kept you on your toes. Still, sometimes days would pass before you received a response; you chalked it to the fact that he was always busy as a celebrity and didn't always have time to respond to you. 
You were currently lying in bed and unable to fall asleep; you peered at your phone to see that it was 2:05 am. You let out a sigh, preparing to stare at your ceiling until you finally fell asleep, only to be interrupted by a chime from your phone. It was a message from Keigo. 
Keigo: you up? ;(
You instantly typed a response, scared that you had done something wrong.
Y/N: yup, what's wrong…?
Keigo: i'm so fucking hard rn baby ;(((
Oh shit, you hadn't prepared yourself for that response; maybe he injured himself at work or-
Keigo: you still there babe? send a pic ;p
You definitely hadn't prepared for that, but who were you to deny him. Keigo could've asked anyone else in the world, but he asked you. Not wanting to leave him waiting, you quickly shucked your shirt off and used your arm to push up your breasts, giving an illusion of the perfect push up bra. You promptly took several pics, taking the time to edit and select the ideal filters to complement your skin tone.
Y/N: 1 image sent
A bubble indicating him typing popped up instantly 
Keigo: 3 images sent
Keigo: fuckkkk babe, ur such a tease
You opened the pics, feeling your panties dampen slightly. It was a cock, well Keigo's cock, fat and engorged, leaking pre-cum against his toned belly. He was mostly well-groomed, but a prominent white tuft of hair appears in the picture, making you wonder if Keigo was actually a natural blonde.
Keigo: 1 video sent
 let me see that pretty pussy baby, 
It was a video of Keigo languidly stroking his cock, how romantic. It was only right for a gorgeous man like Keigo to have a pretty cock to match. What he lacked in girth was definitely made up for in length, complemented with a slight curve that could definitely reach that itch that none of your toys could scratch.  By now, you had ditched your panties and started to slowly start to fuck yourself open with one finger at a time. You started recording and angled the phone against your pillow, trying to capture you desperately fucking yourself on your fingers, letting out a small whimper with each thrust.
Y/N: 1 video sent 
You began to fuck yourself vigorously, dragging the accumulated slick over your clit with slow, circular strokes. You felt your orgasm on the brink, growing more restless and desperate, humping reverently at your fingers, whimpering desperately; you were so close...There was a sudden surge of fluid from your core, incoherent mumbles leaving your mouth as you kept carefully fucked yourself through your climax. The post-orgasm bliss lulling you to sleep, your eyes had finally fluttered shut, only to be awakened by another chime. 
Keigo: 1 image sent 
look @ all that cum baby, its all for you ;)
Y/N: when can we meet? my fingers can only work for so long :p
Read: 2:53 am
Aw man, maybe he fell asleep. You were definitely fighting sleep at this point as well, finally closing your eyes, satisfied for the night. 
Tomura struggled to catch his breath, reaching for his discarded shirt to wipe the sticky cum off of his stomach. That was the third time this month you'd ask about a meeting, and it was frankly starting to piss him off. He'd have to come up with something fast if he wanted to keep you around. Even though he didn't have much of a moral compass left in his body, the feeling of guilt was hard to ignore. You didn't deserve to be roped into his fucked up social experiment… 
A yawn interrupted Tomura's guilty thoughts. He could continue to feel guilty when he wakes up tomorrow.
 The following week your prayers had been answered, Keigo finally agreed to meet! It had been such a bittersweet feeling. What if he thought you looked nothing like your profile pictures? Would he reject you and run the other way, screaming? You tried to push your doubtful feelings down by distracting yourself with running errands. Finding the perfect outfit to wear, getting every inch of your body waxed, and picking up a lacy red lingerie set. 
Upon getting back to your apartment, you found a red bouquet of roses on the doormat. They were clearly store-bought and not of excellent quality… but it's the thought that counts! 
Lots of celebrities were frugal, and of course, Keigo was no different. After further inspection, a small white card with an address and time. You searched the address finding a mid-grade hotel on the outskirts of the city. Keigo was definitely a (cheap) frugal man dedicated to his discretion. Soon realizing that the time on the card was approaching, you quickly ran to shower and primp yourself for the evening. Not even thinking to question how he found your address in the first place...
You had finally arrived at the sketchy hotel, noting that there were little to no cars in the parking lot and noting that none of them looked like they belonged to Keigo. You wandered through the lobby until you finally reached the elevator, tapping the button for the 5th floor. You tried to shake off your pre-meeting jitters, you already knew everything would be fine, but you couldn't shake the feeling of something wrong...
Those intrusive thoughts were soon interrupted by the chime that indicated you had reached your floor. You took a deep breath as you stepped off the elevator, pacing yourself as you walked to your destination. 
Room 555 
How fitting, you thought. Your knuckles rasped against the door several times.
"Come in." A voice sounded through the door.
You peeked your head around the door before taking a step in the room, not being able to locate the owner of the voice. You gasped after taking the appearance of the room. The room had rose petals haphazardly strewn across the floor. Candles flickered on the dresser, a bubble bath was run in the bathroom, and to top it off, a too cheap bottle of champagne on ice. 
There was clearly an effort made, which made your heart swoon, hoping to put a real face to the man you've been speaking to for the past few months, you said out into the empty room.
"Keigo, I like what you've done with the place. You can come out now," you giggled.
"I'm glad you got the flowers," a raspy voice responded.
Your joy instantly crushed, having heard Keigo's voice multiple times in the interviews you've seen, it sounded nothing like that. Unless he'd suddenly started chain-smoking within the past few months. A loud alarm started going off in your head. It was definitely time to go.
You twirled on your heels and reached for the doorknob, only to be stopped by a hand gripping your upper arm.
"Leaving so soon? The bathwater is still warm…" The mystery voice informed.
"Oh… I think I have the wrong room, so sorry about that." You squeaked, attempting to reach the door again only to be dragged into a bony chest. 
Your chin was tilted, forcing you to meet eyes with "Keigo." Who was actually a porcelain-skinned tower of a man with shaggy white hair that had an oddly familiar look to him? 
"Let me go! You're not Keigo!" You screamed, hoping to alert any other guests on the floor.
"Fucking took you long enough. I thought you were smarter than those other bitches on campus. Tomura balked, struggling to keep you still in his grasp.
Campus. That's where you recognized the face and voice of your captor, you were both in the same Comp Sci class, and you'd often caught him staring as you worked, chalking it up to you having something on your face or in your teeth. The realization caused tears to spurt from your eyes.
"Poor baby, didn't mommy and daddy teach you to not speak to strangers on the internet?"
"I-I thought y-you were K-Keigo," you gasped, struggling to control your sobs. 
"Well, I'm not. Get over it." Tomura slurred, placing sloppy kisses over your collar bone, slowly backing you towards the bed. 
You couldn't bring yourself to move or fight anymore, body stiff with fear. Your sobs increase in volume after feeling your legs make contact with the edge of the bed. You didn't know this man from a can of paint, and here he is about to assault you. 
"Stop crying before I leak those sexy little videos you shared with "Keigo." Imagine if everyone in the class knew how much of an easy slut you are?" Tomura hissed, shoving you unto the stiff mattress, springs squeaking as you bounced. 
You cradled your mouth, struggling to stifle your sobs. Why hadn't you recognized the signs sooner? You spent so much time looking at the situation through rose-colored lenses that you had utterly neglected your safety. But it wasn't the time to feign sympathy for yourself. You needed to take action, and soon—the shaggy haired stranger dragging your motionless body towards the end of the headboard. 
"Wait!" You gasped, hoping that you could possibly reason with your captor.
"What's your name? 
This was your final chance to escape. You suddenly kicked forward, aiming for his face, failing miserably as it was blocked. Both legs were then shoved into a mating press, granting Tomura the space to press himself even closer to you.
A groan left Tomura's mouth, frotting against your clothed mound, smothering your neck with sloppy saliva drenched kisses. You cowered at the feeling, curling away from his advances. The dry humping continued until a final groan of desperation was released. He was too grown for this shit and didn't feel like going home with stained boxers when your sweet heat was right in front of him.
The red bodycon dress you decided on was shredded down the middle, leaving you in your lingerie set. You added that to the list of things you were already regretting, moving to cover yourself the best you could. Your efforts to preserve the crumb of modesty you had left were futile, both hands knocked out of the way.
"You don't have to hide princess, I think Christmas came early.” “You're wrapped so pretty, baby." He chuckled, moving to fondle your breasts. Taking the time to pinch and pull at both nipples, drawing small hesitant gasps. 
"I'll play with these more later. You don't know how long I've waited to play with that cute little pussy in person." You felt your panties tugged to the side, embarrassed with the amount of arousal accumulated below. The feeling was soon replaced with horror after feeling the tip of his cock dragged between your slit.
Tomura used the residual slick to grease his cock, bypassing the need to stretch you out. He pressed forward, forcing himself inside, pausing to catch his breath. Damn... it's been a long time. 
You yelped in pain, closing your eyes in hopes of blocking out the situation at hand. You felt him start to pick up his pace, causing small tinges of pain to course through your body. 
"Mmmm, open your eyes. I want you to watch me fuck you." He gasped, realizing you hadn't complied yet, he landed a firm slap on your cheek. "Not only are you dumb, but you're also deaf too… open. SMACK your. SMACK fucking. SMACK eyes." 
Your eyes shot open, brimming with tears, finding yourself face to face with your captor. His eyes were closed in ecstasy, dainty white lashes framing the lids, traces of dry patches on his face. He wasn't ugly. You'd honestly give him a chance if he asked you out like a decent human being.
His pace had gained traction, hips crashing against yours. You found yourself slowly succumbing to the pleasure, discreetly fucking yourself against him. You wanted to protest and resist against him, but with your inhibitions lowered, you found it hard to comply. Each thrust pulling you further into the abyss that was your impending orgasm. Your lust-filled thoughts being interrupted by the stranger's incoherent mumbling.
"Huh?" you whimpered, not fully understanding what he said. 
"My name is Tomura."
"Okay and mine i-"
"Shut up and say my name." Tomura's thrusts were sporadic, signaling his impending climax. "Beg me to cum…... please." 
You barely registered the final demand, not recognizing the soft tone of his voice.
"T-tomura, p-please let me cum!" you begged, right on edge needing something, anything to push you over.
Two nimble, callused fingers drew delicate circles over your clit, forcing you to writhe and sob as your orgasm coursed through your body. The feeling that followed was one of warmth as Tomura came, slowing his thrusts until he collapsed, encasing you in his arms.
Your eyes fluttered shut with your post-orgasm haze lulling you to sleep until a wet, sticky substance trickled along your inner thigh... 
What the fuck....
You nearly launched yourself from the bed, fighting to separate yourself from your captor's arms.  
"What is wrong with you?"
"You didn't use a condom," you wailed, tears perched at the corner of your eyes. You didn't have the time for a child, you were doing great in classes, your parents would reject you, you'd be stuck playing house with some stranger and-
"Stop muttering. You're fucking up my nap. I'll buy a Plan B when I wake up." Tomura mumbled into the pillow, dragging you back into his chest.
You continued to fight his grasp, pausing after feeling a firm pinch to your side. Fighting was futile at this point, and you couldn't fully assess the situation until you had some decent sleep. 
Closing your eyes for a few seconds wouldn't hurt…right?
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catxsnow · 4 years
Summary: After Jason’s death, Tim was the one person that you could lean on, now more than ever. 
Tim x reader and Sister!reader x Jason
Warning: Jason’s death, obviously. swears
A/N: I’m not entirely content with this, might fuck with a part two, who knows.
GIF not mine 
Part Two
Word count: 2.6k
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Jason Todd didn't hate Tim Drake.
He never hated Tim, he hated Bruce for allowing Tim to be put into the same situation that he was in. Jason never wanted to see another Robin be brutally murdered like he was. He never wanted another opportunity for some innocent kid who was just trying to make good in the world be beaten to death.
Jason did however, hate Bruce for not getting revenge on his behalf. He hated that Bruce never killed the Joker for killing him. That was why he was filled with so much hate towards the Wayne family. He thought he meant enough to Bruce to cross the line for once. Then again, he also thought that you would too.
You were Jason's younger sister, only by just under two years but he acted as if he was your parent half the time. When the two of you got taken in by Bruce, he became even more protective over you - if that was even possible. You were all Jason had for a very long time.
The shit that the two of you had gone through together, the things that you needed to do to survive, well, nothing could break that bond. Nothing besides the Joker.
The Joker took Jason away from you. When Jason found out that your mother was alive, he went on his own. He knew too well that you would want nothing to do with her - the two of you never got along, not that it was very easy to get along with her in the first place.
So, when Jason was on that cold, concrete floor, beaten half to death and blood dripping everywhere, his last thought was that he was glad you never came with him. He was glad that you never had to go through the pain that he did and the death that followed.
You had never felt so much pain in your life. The heartbreak that Jason's death caused you broke you in ways that you didn't think possible. Jason was the only one that was there for you when you needed someone, he was always the person who knew the right things to say, and wouldn't hesitate to get his hands dirty and make someone pay if they dared hurt you.
Jason was the best big brother you could have ever imagined. Losing him, was like losing a piece of yourself. You couldn't take the pain of missing your other half - so, just like Bruce had done, you put every spare moment of time out on the streets. Your mantle of Batgirl was upheld, but your antics more violent.
Bruce saw it, GCPD saw it, even Dick saw it and he barely stepped foot into the manor after his departure and fight with Bruce. However, no one said anything about it. Bruce was just the same, if not worse. His punches became harder, never ending until his victim was barely breathing. So close to crossing the line, but never far enough to not be able to come back.
And then Tim Drake came around.
He somehow figured out Bruce was Batman and that you were Batgirl. He knew that the two of you needed a Robin, someone that would keep you from passing that line for good. So Bruce took him in, he trained Tim and made him the next Robin.
You didn't mind Tim. He was a nice guy - even though you were very rude to him at first. The loss of Jason turned you in to a completely different person. Cold, untrusting, snappy, nothing like you used to be. He knew what had happened and tried his best to make life better for you.
Slowly, you started to warm up to Tim. You saw him less as a replacement to your brother and more of a friend. He didn't want you to think that he replaced Jason, he simply wanted to help to make sure that you and Batman kept your morals that you spent years maintaining.
He was the reason that you never crossed that line. Tim stopped you from killing the Joker. The moment that he popped his out of the twisted shadows he hid within, you were there, beating the ever living hell out of him. All you could see was him beating Jason, an innocent kid. You did this for Jason, to avenge him.
Joker was left in a bloody, beaten, lifeless pulp when you were done with him. Broken ribs, displaced knees, so much blood on his face that he wasn't recognizable. You wanted to kill him, you tried to, but Tim was the one to swoop in the last minute, stopping you from something you would regret for the rest of your life.
You broke down in his arms, crying that your brother was gone and that he was right, killing the Joker wouldn't bring him back. Tim held you as you bawled, promising that he would be there for you, no matter the pain. You just wanted to feel something other than the heartbreak that filled your chest - so Tim changed that.
Instead of grief, he filled you with happiness, love, desire. Upon trying to help you, Tim fell in love with you along the way. He spent hours with you, training to be better, crying on the year death of your brother, anything  to distract you from the pain. He was there with you every step of the way.
He was scared to tell you how he felt. Scared that you only saw him as a crutch rather than a lover.
On the night of a Wayne gala, he couldn't hold his tongue any longer. You wore the most gorgeous gown that he had ever seen, or maybe it was just because you were the one in it. So, when the two of you danced, hand in hand and effortless gliding across the ballroom, he ended the dance with a kiss.
You weren't expecting it, but the moment that he had his lips on yours, you completely melted into him. Feelings that you never realized were even there erupted through your whole body, a happiness that you hadn't felt since that day. Tim swept you off your feet, literally.
You were happy with Tim. He brought a smile to your face on the hardest of days. Patrolling became something that you looked forward to again rather than feeling like a chore. You were no longer as violent as you once were, Bruce was slowly feeling the same way. Tim brought a light to both of your lives.
Things finally seemed like they were getting back to a place of normalcy. You could sleep at night without waking up from a nightmare, visit Jason's grave (something that was always too painful to do before Tim), even go into Jason's old room. Things were getting easier, but the pain was still there.
"Batgirl to Robin," you spoke over the comms. It was a pretty normal night on patrol - a few common thugs but nothing major. A new and improved Batgirl suit covered your body - you had finally outgrown the old one.
"How do you feel about a late night sushi date after this?" It was nearing the end of your guys night and you were starting to get hungry. The bright lights of a 24-hour sushi restaurant were catching your attention.
"You always hated sushi."
The voice made you jump. This wasn't Tim's voice, in fact it wasn't even over the comms. It was coming from right behind you. Not very many people could sneak up on you - in fact only Batman was able to and this sure as hell wasn't Batman. A tall man with a red helmet and guns holstered on his hips stood before you.
His voice was distorted and you had no idea who it was or where they had come from. Gotham was filled with all kinds of crazy, but only few were skilled enough to best you.
However, it was what he had known about you that threw you off - hating sushi. It was true, you never liked sushi until you met Tim. He had taken you there on a date one evening and before you could complain about the choice of food, he had given you the best meal of your life. Not only did you like the food now, but eating it always reminded you of him.
You decided that attacking first, asking questions later was your best choice. You didn't know who this guy was but you weren't planning on finding out the hard way. This guy could be wanting to kill you - not that you would be surprised. After upholding the mantle for several years after Barbra, you had a pretty long list of enemies.
This guy, wasn't one of them. Yet.
Whoever he was, he knew how to fight. Every move that you pulled on him, he somehow knew how to block, counter, or predict. He managed to dodge nearly all of your attempts at a batarang hit and those that he wasn't able to dodge, deflected off of his helmet. He was good, maybe better than you.
You landed several good punches on him. Since his helmet seemed to be strong, you aimed for the ribs, the knees, and shoulders. However, it seemed that with every hit you got, he had returned. Pain flared up in your ribs and you were sure that they were cracked, if not broken.
The man's kick had pushed you across the roof and you landed painful against the ground. A loud groan was emitted and all the wind was knocked out of your lungs. This guy was good, there was no way that you could take him on your own.
"Robin I-" you never got to finish you sentence. A loud gunshot rang out with a bullet zooming right by your ear. Ringing filled your head and you flinched away from your earpiece.
"Batgirl? Batgirl! What happened? (Y/N)!" Tim yelled. You didn't dare reach to try and speak to him again. Not when his gun was out and pointed right at you. Instead, you raised your arms in a temporary surrender. This man, he obviously wanted something otherwise he would have shot you already.
"What do you want? Who are you?" He never lowered his gun. You narrowed your eyes at him, "you're not going to kill me, so what the hell do you want. Better make it quick, the Bats is on his way."
"You've gotten better at being Batgirl," He finally spoke again. The modulated voice rang loud and clear in the traffic filled night. "I still beat you though, just like always."
Just like always? What the hell was this guy talking about. You had never met him before in your life. You had fought a lot of people in your line of work but you would have remember someone like him - someone that could put you on your ass in a matter of minutes.
A fear began to well in your chest about what was going to happen to you. A fear that maybe this man would bring you to the same demise as your brother. It had been a long time since you feared death.
"What do you want?" You repeated a final time. With a wince, you pushed yourself off the ground, eye level with the barrel of his gun. Obviously, he didn't trust you enough for you to be standing without a weapon pointed between your eyes. You just hoped that Tim and Bruce would show up fast enough before this guy could do anything to you.
"Your brother would be disappointed in you."
Your breath caught in your throat. How did he know about Jason? How did he know what had happened to him? And mostly importantly, how did he know that you could never bring yourself to kill the joker? This man knew who you were, your real identity - or maybe he was just bluffing.
You didn't give him a reaction, that had to have been what he was looking for. How he knew your brother - and you- and why he was interested in the relationship, left you more confused than anything. You wanted to know how this man was, and more importantly, you wanted to know what he wanted.
"You don't know anything about me."
"I know everything about you," he argued, his voice rising. "You couldn't avenge your brother, you let Batman replace him, what else have you done?"
"He never would have wanted me to cross that line, because he knew I would never be able to come back!" You matched his voice. Your fists clenched at your sides and you suddenly felt furious that this man standing in front of you pretended that he knew who you were and who Jason was.
"He would have wanted you to make sure that no one took the mantle of Robin again, he would have wanted you to make sure that no one would have to share the same death as him but what did you do? You welcomed the replacement right into your bed!" This man seemed to know more about your life than you would have ever thought.
Very few people knew your identity, Tim's, and Bruce's. You made sure that it was kept well under wraps so that cases like this would never have happened. No, this stranger was taunting you in the worst kinds of ways - your brother, and what he meant to you.
You always thought that you had done Jason's memory well - maybe not perfect but he wouldn't have been wanted to be remembered as the perfect son. He was brave, dauntless, he acted real and never caved into the posh society that the two of you were dragged into. Jason was human, and you made sure he was remembered that way.
Your jaw clenched and you swore that you face twitched in anger. Seeing red, you didn't notice that the man had picked up one of your previously thrown batarangs and threw it right into your shoulder. You cried out in pain and before you could retaliate, he was gone. You braced yourself for the pain and pulled out the metal just as Tim arrived on the rooftop with you.
"(Y/N)," Tim sighed in relief. He rushed over to you, pulling you into a tight hug. His hands cupped your face and without thinking, he kissed you. "I was so worried, you didn't answer and I heard the gunshot. I thought you were dead." You shook your head, still fazed by the interaction.
"He knew who I was," You voice trembled. You finally looked over at Tim. He saw the blood drip from your shoulder and pressed his hand into the wound to hopefully slow the bleeding. "He knew who Jason was. Tim, h-he... the things he said, he thought that I would have been a disappointment to him."
"You know that's bull," Tim promised you. You were too much of an emotional mess to even feel the pain coursing through your body. "Jason would be so proud of the person you've become. You've saved so many lives - he would be happy for you. We're going to find this guy, he'll get the justice he deserves."
"No," You shook your head. The anger that he had cast upon you only kept growing in your chest. No one, disrespected your brother's memory, ever. You were going to make sure of that. 
"I want him dead."
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waywardimpalawriter · 4 years
Hey luv! It's been a long time since we've talked! Hope you're doing fine!
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Led astray
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x ReaderRating: PGWarnings: Angst, sadness, being bumped, anger, Seb’s a bit of an ass in this one, curse words Word count: 1,441Notes: Requested by the very lovely @chrisevansthedoritobastard I’m so very sorry it took me over a year to get this written out. But better late than never right? *looks hopeful* Hope you enjoy sweetie. The idea actually came from listening to the radio one very early morning. The local station has a segment called ‘2nd Date Update’ the rest as they say is history.  
@winters-buck @angryschnauzer @feelmyroarrrr
 @aquabrie @fandommaniacx  @supernaturallymarvellous  @smoothdogsgirl @becs-bunker
This story: @not-another-fangirl
You’d given it thought, rolled it over in your head for the last few days, asked friends, hell even your sister, all agreed that this idea would come back to bite you in the ass. But you just had, no needed to know and hopefully understand why he hadn’t returned your calls or texts. Sure the same old thoughts came to mind, he’s busy, sick, working or just plain dodging your calls. Enough is, enough you needed answers and this seemed to be the only way to get them.
Though now as you wait for the host to come back your nerves start to get the better of you making you pace the short distance between the kitchen island and stove. Cell pressed between your shoulder and ear, hands wringing like a wet washcloth, till a male voice comes back to the line.
“Good Tuesday morning to ya this is Jason Douglas joined by my cohorts Megan Wright and Michael Masters on 93Q country. It’s 6:45 just this side of the dawn, on a fine morning and we’re bringing you 2nd date update.” There’s a slight twang in his voice while speaking, flipping switches and taking a sip of his coffee. “Morning Y/N thank you for joining us this fabulous morning.”
Clearing your throat, “You’re welcome,” swallowing to try to coat your dry throat once more, “Thanks for having me.”
“So I hear you went on a date a few weeks ago and the guy hasn’t called you back?”
“Yeah, yes,” rolling your eyes at how stupid you sound thinking this may be the disaster everyone warned you about. “Sorry, I’m just a little nervous.”
“Don’t be, we’ve had many people call wanting help trying to find out why calls haven’t been returned. It’s only natural,” pops in Megan, voice bright and cheery for how early in the morning it is.
Nodding though no one can see, you’ve finally sat down on a barstool, cell in hand now. “I thought we’d hit it off, the conversation flowed, we laughed, shared things about each other.” Shaking your head not wanting the tears to come and clog your voice. Had you been wrong about him?
“Tell us more about your date and how the night went? Did he seem put out by how the date went? Had you done something to offend him or him, you?”
“NO,” the one-syllable comes out louder than intended laced with a small amount of anxiety. “I mean I don’t think so like I said it seemed to me the date went well. For my part I thought we hit it off from word go. It’s why I’m so confused as to why he hasn’t called me back.”
“Well alright then let’s get this settled and call up Sebastian,” flipping a few more switches, Jason brings up what he needs. “Now remember Y/N you’ll be listening in try not to say anything till I cue you. He won’t know until that moment so if you want answers, you’ll have to be patient.”
Nodding, realizing they couldn’t see you, your voice cracks as you answer, “Understood.”
“And we will get to that call right after a few words from our sponsors,” sitting back the three of them talk while you’re on hold hearing nothing but elevator music for almost two minutes.
Weather finished up and Jason comes back, “Time is now 6:55 and we have Sebastian on the line, welcome sir and good morning to you. I’ve got my cohosts, Megan and Michael with me.”
Both give him a welcome before Sebastian himself speaks, “Morning.”
“Do we have your permission to talk with you and ask a few questions? This is on air and being recorded of course so if you aren’t comfortable with that speak now or forever hold your peace.” a soft chuckle leaves his lips at the corny joke he makes.  
Puzzled and curious as to what the radio station could want, Sebastian gives consent knowing he might get in trouble with his agent and manager later for this. As there are no movies or TV shows to promote at the moment. So that little voice in the back of his mind keeps poking. Saying this could bring trouble to his door.
“Can I ask what this is about? I didn’t win anything did I? Especially since I didn’t enter,” he jokes seeing the confused looks from his friends beside him.
“Well, it seems there’s someone out there that thinks you’re amazing and wanted to let you know. Do you remember going on a date with someone a few weeks ago?”
Thinking over his schedule, everything he’s done in the past few weeks, he remembers one and wants to smack himself. “There’s one that comes to mind.”
Sighing, running a hand through his hair, Sebastian steps away from the group to make the call a little more private. “Yeah, that’s her.”
“You don’t sound so happy to hear the name, did something happen?” Megan chimes in.
All the while you’re listening to the conversation trying to keep yourself from interfering, wanting to have this answers to put this behind you.
“No, nothing happened; Y/N’s a sweet girl I just didn’t feel any sparks with her. The thing I regret the most is giving her so much hope by agreeing to the date.”
Shaking his head, Michael speaks, “I don’t follow you, dude.”
Not wanting to sound too harsh but knowing the truth is always better than a lie, “We met at a party one night, thought she was a nice girl that we could have chemistry, I was wrong. We talked on the phone for a couple of nights before agreeing to a date. In that time I learned from a friend of mine that she’s a very clingy person, needy and always wanting to be the center of attention.”
“What the f*ck,” you couldn’t hold back your tongue anymore and let slip a curse word that Jason told you wouldn’t be allowed. “I’m sorry Jason it slipped out.” Breathing deep to regain yourself, “If your friend told you all that about me then why did you even agree to the date you asshole.”
“Yeah sorry Sebastian, Y/N has been listening in the whole time we’ve been talking,” butting in to explain just making sure to bleep the curse word.
Shrugging to himself, “Thought it would be fun, you’re a sweet girl Y/N just not my type is all. Besides you did talk way more about yourself than I did, I couldn’t even get a word in edgewise.”
“That’s a lie Stan and you know it you jerk. Why make up stupid crap like this if all you truly wanted was a good fuck. That’s what it truly was about, man up and tell the truth.” Anger building now as you jump from the stool sending it backwards to pace the floor, “And here I thought you were a better man than that Sebastian Stan.”
“Whoa, whoa there is this true y’all had sex and what that wasn’t good enough for you Sebastian?” Megan asks wondering if they were talking to who she thinks it is.
“Listen she called my cell, no blew it up more like it with calls and texts, every half hour wanting to know when and where we’re going back out. I told her when she left that morning, things wouldn’t work,” trying to push the problem in your lap, making things your fault rather than his.
“You know what fuck you, Stan, your dick wasn’t big enough anyway to satisfy a goldfish,” done with the whole thing you don’t wait for any answers. Instead deciding to hang up on them, grab the pint of Ben and Jerry’s you stashed for times like this and headed to your bed to cry it out over Pretty Woman and other chick flick movies.
Clearing his throat to get the shock out, “Well then, I take it there will be no second date huh?” laughter clearly in his voice as he looks at his cohosts with a shake of his head. “I guess being an actor and trying to find love isn’t as easy as people would have you believe.”
“So not funny asshole,” hanging up Sebastian shakes his head going back to the main part of the gym to finish his workout and forget the stupid call even happened.
“You know they air that shit on the radio these days? Your fans are going to hear it,” one of his friends states a smirk on his lips.
“Who listens to radio anyway?” is his comeback while flipping his friends off to lift weights.
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mini-fanfics · 4 years
The Forgotten (Jason Todd x reader)
My first fanfic on tumblr hope you all like it. It’s based off the Arkham knight games
Warning: depression, mentions for death
Summary: you and Jason were besties and he was ‘killed’ by joker. When you, Batman and Robin(Tim) got separated you encountered the Arkham Knight
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You were an adopted daughter of Bruce Wayne. He had dick and Jason before you. You trained with them all and they definitely didn’t hold back on their punches. You and Jason would stay up late together and spare sometimes. But those spares end up turning into small talks about life or how each other’s day was.
But that day when joker sent Batman the video of Jason getting shot….you fell into a deep depression. You didn’t want to leave your room, you didn’t train, just crying about losing your best friend.
With the help of Batman, dick and Alfred, you got help but you never forgot about Jason. You started training with Batman’s newest Robin Tim, it was nice having someone to spare with again. And eventually you fought with Bruce and tim as the new bat women.
When the the Arkham knight and his army showed up and the three of you were very busy.
The Arkham knight always liked to separate us so we won’t be able to work together. He separated us in jokers old amusement park, we had to try to find a way out and get back together. You started walking in a random direction. It was quiet, too quiet. You suddenly hear someone behind you and you throw a batarang at them, but they dodged your attack. You looked at them, it was the one and only Arkham knight.
The knight chuckled at you, “the bat taught you well batwoman , and you certainly have turned into a women since I last saw you”
You see the knight looking at your breast that was closely fitted to your suit, “my eyes are up her mister Arkham knight, now who the hell are you?
The knight chuckled, “you really don’t know y/n?”
Your eyes widen, “h-how do you know my name?”
The knight presses a button to reveal the front of his face, “because I’m your ‘best friend’”
You froze when you saw his face, “j-Jason….” you wanted to cry your best friend, your brother, he was here right in front of you and he’s alive!! “Y-you’re Alive”
Jason smirks and moves closer to you, “the one and only baby bat.” Only he called you that….baby bat, you let him walk towards you. He caresses your face, “you turned into a beautiful woman y/n” he removes your mask and you let him.
You held your hand up and moved it towards his, but he violently grabbed it with his free hand and the hand that was caressing your cheek was now harshly choking you. You try to gasp for air as you look at your brother, his eyes looking angry, “you forgot about me, you left me to rot, and now you have a new Robin to be friends with? I loved you y/n more than a sister more than a friend! I thought you were different but you’re just like the rest….”
he let’s go of you making you fall on the floor, you cough getting air back in your lungs, “I-I didn’t forget you Jason! I was so depressed about your death for so long. I wanted to end it all at one point because I missed you so much! I wasn’t allowed to go looking for you but I did! But couldn’t find you….I’m sorry jason! I love you, I miss you!”
You start crying into your hands, as you feel a cold embrace engulf you, “I love you too y/n.” He looks at you and kisses you softly on the lips, you kissed him back as tears kept rolling down your face. He pulls away and looks at you, “too bad you're gonna forget this.” He holds a rage over your mouth and nose, you struggled but succumbed to sleep.
Jason put your mask back on and leaned you against the wall. He gave you one last kiss, “I’ll get us both out of this….I promise I won’t forget you y/n.”
He leaves you there knowing that once you wake up you’ll forget he’s Arkham knight….that he’s alive
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Daily Blog #6: August 13, 2021
Okay, okay, I know it's a couples days later, but I can assure you that I did not forget; I purposefully, and kinda without a better option, didn't post on Friday, and you'll see why.
So the day started off pretty regularly: I got up, ate breakfast, got a shower, and then sat around playing games and watching YouTube for a bit.
That was until my friend showed up at my house...
He called me and said to come outside, so I did.
It wasn't long until I got into his car, and we started driving.
I definitely should have been more anxious or nervous heading out, but for some reason, I just sat there with my head absentmindedly poking out the window, not really thinking about it.
I really wish I had grasped the situation a little better.
We got down there after an hour and a half of driving and we parked a bit away because there were so many people there, so many people there, in fact, that we just got some food until it calmed down again.
It was gonna be a great fucking concert.
Hella Mega Tour 2021, originally supposed to be Hella Mega Tour 2020, but postponed for obvious reasons.
We shopped for a tiny bit beforehand, not buying anything, and then headed over to the stadium 45 minutes before the concert was set to start. We were let in about 10 minutes later, and we filled our contraband water bottles that we managed to hide on the way in.
We sat there for a bit, me just listening to music on my Redmi Buds 3 pro.
I love these things.
Pretty soon the music started, and it was The Interrupters; everyone was feeling pretty lazy for this bit.
It's not like they were bad or anything, they were actually pretty good, but I guess everyone was just getting situated and didn't wanna bother using up all of their energy lol.
So The Interrupters' set is up, and they tear down the stage and reset it. Before too terribly long, Weezer starts up, and there's a lot bigger reaction from the crowd than there was before: people knew the songs, like Africa, Buddy Holly, Beverly Hills, and Feels Like Summer to name a few.
I was getting into it a bit, I knew a good few of the songs, I was moving along, I sang a bit, took some video.
What's cool is that I could feel myself moving along the scale, like going from no excitement while no one was playing, then tapping my foot and grooving to The Interrupters.
When Weezer first came on, I was just sitting there like, "alright, this is good shit." Towards the end, I was quietly singing Buddy Holly, their last song for the night.
I say quietly because there was a lot more loudness to come.
I should add that, up until this point, the music had been kinda unbearably loud, the highs really piercing and hitting hard.
Additionally, up until this point, I had been trying my best to document the concert with videos and audio recordings; it wasn't so much about enjoying the concert, for I've always been taught just to record stuff and not worry about the concert.
I don't think I've ever really enjoyed any of the concerts I've ever been to; I was there, but I wasn't. I didn't really know too many of the songs, and I had only listened to the artists in passing, not to mention the fact that my mother had been at every other concert I've been to, which is stifling in itself. I really can't enjoy anything when she's around.
But here we were; it was starting to get dark, and Fall out Boy was coming onstage. The crowd was getting into it with Weezer, and it was time for Fall Out Boy. The energy here had far exceeded both Weezer and The Interrupters, and this went for me as well.
I was sitting there, singing along and still occasionally recording, but I didn't have my phone out too much. I started to dance in my seat with every song, for I knew almost every one: Sugar, We're Going Down, Centuries, My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark, Grand Theft Autumn/Where is Your Boy, The Last of the Real Ones, Save Rock And Roll, and Dance, Dance being a few.
Throughout this set, everyone was singing along, but the real fun had yet to begin; the scent of smoke from the flames and fireworks finding its way through the crowd, the music now strong instead of piercing, a sense of unity between everyone in this packed stadium, between people of all walks of life: men, women, children, transgender, cisgender, non-binary, gay, straight, lesbian, ace, black, white, Asian, Mexican, young, old, middle-aged, and everything in between and outside... It didn't matter who you were or where you came from; you were at a fucking party, and everyone was gonna fuck it up once the main act came on stage.
Meanwhile, everyone was more than happy to celebrate with Fall Out Boy and some of their greatest and most memorable tracks.
Part way through Fall Out Boy's set, I decided to get off of my ass and join the growing number of audience members who were really getting into the groove and feeling the music.
It was so close to becoming an explosion of energy once Fall Out Boy was about to leave the stage.
After they left, the set was torn down once again and set up for Green Day.
Their was a low mix of music playing through the speakers all the while things were being set up. Once the stage was set, the music continued for a bit, but was then cut and replaced with a voice and lyrics that everyone knew immediately.
"Is this the real life. Is this just fantasy."
The crowd sings along to every word.
"Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality."
Freddie's voice poured out into the crowd, and the crowd sang them right back.
"Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see"
The song continued, and the whole crowd sang to the very end.
This really goes to show how impactful some people and groups can be on our lives... Although no one at the show was connected to Queen or Freddie Mercury, everyone who came to see these 4 bands still knew this great group.
Once the song was over, a mix of some of the most famous rock anthems began to play:
"We will, we will rock you"
"I love rock and roll"
"Hey, Ho, let's go"
A glorious piece all lead up to the 4 running onstage, Billie Joe Armstrong, Jason White, Mike Dirnt, and Tre Cool, joined now by 2 new members, Jason Freese and Kevin Preston.
All at once, it was an explosion of strong and passionate guitar jamming, soon followed by the drums and vocals of American Idiot. All at once, the crowd was rocking along with bopping heads, stomping feet, and swaying bodies. I only had my phone out to record for a short moment before I put it away and scarcely removed it from my pants for the rest of the concert.
I couldn't help but feel cocky, as a bi/pansexual (idk which one lmao), being allowed to sing the line,
"Well maybe I'm the faggot America"
I was like, "You straight bastards better not be singing that line 🤣"
It was absolutely incredible; the crowd cheered passionately and wholeheartedly at the end of every song and solo, after every quote from the band.
The coolest part about the concert was the fact that everyone just lost themselves in the music, as well as that everyone, without hesitation, followed what Billie Joe said. He says jump? WE FUCKING JUMPED. He tells us to scream? We. Fucking. Screamed. And when he wanted us to sing, we sang. I mean, okay, we were singing the whole time xD. I'm sure we would've sang if he told us to and we weren't already doing so lmao. What he said was our law, and we were doing our jobs as the dutiful citizens of Suburbia by following those laws.
It really is hard to express the level of pure energy at this gathering, especially when it radiates from every point in the packed stadium.
I screamed so loud and hard, and sang so long and passionately, that my voice started to go. But. Guess. What.
When you're at a place like this, no matter what, you just have this insatiable urge to keep going no matter what. When my arm got tired of throwing my fist in the air, I kept fucking going and even used the other arm too.
It's such a strange feeling when you feel like you're about to give out, like your voice is gonna break, or you're gonna collapse from dehydration and exhaustion, but you find around you the strength and power to keep on going, no matter how quickly your vocal health deteriorates.
Ask my friend, I couldn't speak properly after that shit xD. He even threatened to send a video of me talking to my choral teacher, who honestly would have been mad at me lmao.
Meanwhile, Green Day is playing some of their greatest hits, old and new alike, and I knew every single fucking one of them. I sang every song, and only took a break between 2 of them to down my whole bottle of contraband water in 3 seconds flat.
At one point, the band stopped playing, and Billie spoke into the microphone.
"Get your pretty lights out. I wanna see the pretty lights."
Everyone got their phones out and turned the torches on, as per his command.
"Turn the house lights off."
The lights go off, and the stadium is lit up almost as bright as it had been before, but this time with the lights of thousands.
"Look at that."
It was honestly an incredible moment.
That brings me to another point: when you go to a concert, you're not just paying for the music, you're not just paying to see a band, you're paying for an experience.
Let me tell you, this was one hell of an experience.
If you don't leave a concert feeling fulfilled, then the performers didn't do their job of giving you the experience that you paid to be a part of. I'm so happy that these four bands, especially Green Day, were able to deliver.
I really did love every moment of that show, which is such a rarity for me. I'm really happy that my friend took my mother's place. I can't fucking enjoy everything when she's around.
Oh yes, it wouldn't be one of my daily blogs without me talking about how my mother consistently pisses me off. Don't worry, I have some happy shit left to end on.
I swear to fluff though, she always manages to ruin everything for me. When we went to see The Lion King on Broadway, she insisted on coming with. That meant that I wasn't able to relax in my seat because this disgusting woman was sitting next to me and I had to cram myself to the side of my chair away from her. It meant that I wasn't allowed to cry when Mufasa died or during Can You Feel The Love Tonight because I knew I'd get made fun of for it.
I even went to a Fall Out Boy concert before, her refusing to let me go myself, and I didn't sing a single song because she'd just tell me to let the professionals handle it.
And for fuck's sake, the time she compared me trying to fucking validate my existence as a trans person to her wanting a car... That will always fucking piss me off.
Sorry, I got sidetracked. I was talking about how she ruins everything for me.
I literally cannot be myself around her. I've always been judged and ridiculed by my parents, and still am. I can't enjoy anything when they're around because I'm too focused on trying not to get made fun of or yelled at.
That being said, that concert was absolutely fucking incredible. I was with thousands of people who felt the same way that I did, and I could fucking jam out if I wanted to.
Apart from everyone being really on top of their game, and Billie Joe basically not aging since he turned 25, the only really notable thing left to say about the performance was when they pulled a kid guitarist onstage. He played for a bit, and they ended up letting him keep the guitar lmao.
"Omg, hey, can I get a selfie with you?"
I was trying to be really low-key and quiet cuz I didn't wanna draw too much attention to him lmao.
The security guard was like, "Yeah, sure, but hurry up."
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But I absolutely love the vibes of this photo xD. It's blurry, the lighting is shit, and you can barely make out any details. It has a lot of character, and I would take this over a clean, clear photo any day.
Walking away, the kid's mom said, "You're like, the coolest kid ever now."
Then it was time to go home. Honestly, I didn't feel sad that it didn't last longer, or disappointed that I had to leave. I was actually very satisfied and fulfilled with what happened, which is honestly the way it should be.
Driving home, I stayed awake by sticking my arm out of the window and letting the cold rain hit fast like tiny needles.
I got home.
I passed out.
Although, that was technically on Saturday 🤔
I hope you enjoyed
Be good people!!!!
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xxisxxisxxis · 5 years
Gateway Drug | Part Thirty-Five
Table of Content or Part Thirty-Four
View chapter on wattpad here
Word Count: 4k
A/N: Happy birthday to Nikki Sixx who is aging like wine. I'm so proud of how far he has come and here's to another 61 years and an eternity more🖤
Warning(s): Explicit language, Mentions of drug abuse, Abuse
Tag List: @girlnight-terror @unknownoblivion @sinningsixx @edwardtriggerhandzz @lemmyjelly @haileynicoleseavey17 @cierrasixx19 @oskea93 @mgkobsessed @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphorbriansblog @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry @loveofmyloif @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @xpoisonousrosesx @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor @triplehaitches @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg
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"Alright, assholes, shut up and listen for two minutes." Doc tells us in the airport we wait in line at customs. "We're gonna be here in Japan for a week. Japan is not like it is back home. You can't act like you don't have any sense. They will lock your asses up in a heart beat. Do you understand?" He warns Tommy, Nikki, Vince and Mick. "Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, Daddy." Nikki sarcastically lets out, smacking his gum.
"Hey, wise ass, I don't need your comments, alright? I'm being serious, guys." Doc tells them.
"We got it, Doc. You don't have to worry about anything, bud." Tommy assures him, sincerely.
It was our first time in Japan and I've got to say, it's personally my favorite place ever.
The fans were extremely polite, and all of them had enthusiastic, wide smiles...my favorite part was that the girls actually respected the fact that Nikki's wife was with him, and didn't try to screw him in front of me like audacious rats in other places tried to.
They would just smile shyly and introduce themselves to us, and then get a picture with the guys.
If I had a dime for every time Fred has had to keep me from assaulting someone for grabbing Nikki's crotch in front of me, trying to shove their tongues down his throat, give them hotel room numbers to meet them in, etc. I would have been rich enough to afford Nikki's $3,500 a day on heroin.
Groupies were insane.
And I don't mean I saw these girls attempt this stuff from a distance.
I mean, I'd be standing right next to him, the girls would introduce themselves to me, then go on to grope Nikki before he could say a word about how it was nice to meet them.
In the midst of trying to get me on the ground before I could throw a punch, the girls would run off, and Nikki would always say "sorry, babe" and mean it.
He stopped apologizing when he stopped caring.
"...And we need blow." Tommy says to Sparkie, who's about to go on the hunt for a drug dealer in town for the guys, and I roll my eyes.
"Doc told you guys to behave because they don't tolerate bull crap here." I remind him and he and Sparkie look at me, and Nikki's grabbing at my waist and pulling me to sit on his leg before taking a swig of Jack, his striped outfit and bright, over the top makeup is the complete opposite of their Shout at the Devil era.
"What Doc doesn't know won't hurt him, Viv." Tommy says it like it's common sense. "Hey, Vinny, what do you want from a dealer?" Tommy asks him, a sharpness to his voice, and Nikki laughs.
I don't find their bullshit funny.
Vince just rolls his eyes and drinks his water with no reply.
Vince was on court mandated sobriety. And was being tortured by Nikki and even Tommy. They would offer him things they knew he couldn't have and then would play it off like they forgot.
They would have him pass them their drugs, pour them their drinks and count out how many pills they had left.
It ticked me off seeing Tommy go that fucking low all because he and Nikki were so close.
He even started being a little disrespectful to me whenever Nikki was.
Nikki's leg is shaking a little, despite him throwing back alcohol and I look over my shoulder at him.
"Are you okay?" I mouth so the others won't hear it, and Nikki nods, but I know he's full of it.
"On in five, guys, c'mon!" Doc calls out from the other side of the door and I pat Nikki's other leg and stand up, grabbing his hand and pulling him up.
We step out and head to the stage, and Nikki's turning to give me one last kiss before going on.
When he pulls away, my hands are quickly taking my crucifix off and reaching up to fasten it around his neck and it ironically overlaps with his pentagram necklace.
"For good luck." I explain and he gives me a little closed mouth smile and gives me a quick peck on the lips before following Tommy, Vince and Mick.
By the time they got off stage, Nikki was growing pale, and sweating, and not just because he was running around on stage.
Nikki had gone over 48 hours without heroin. Alcohol could keep his tremors to mere, barely noticeable shakes, but didn't do very much for his sweating and sickness.
The guys didn't know he was that deep into heroin, yet, so he didn't want to tell them it was making him that ill without it or they would realize he was further down the hole than they expected.
So, what did I do? I covered for him.
"He thinks he might have food poisoning." I explain to Tommy and Vince as they stand outside of mine and Nikki's room.
"Well, is he alright?" Tommy asks me.
"He'll be okay. He just doesn't feel like going out." I assure him.
"Alright, we gotta go." Vince nudges him.
"Tell him I hope he feels better." Tommy says.
"I will. You guys be careful."
"We will, goodnight."
"Goodnight." I reply and shut the door, hearing Nikki groaning in the bathroom.
The door's locked, and I sigh out in frustration.
"Nikki, open the door." I tell him calmly.
"Fuck off, Viv." He tells me for the hundredth time tonight.
"Open the door or I'm telling Doc." I threaten him, even though it's a complete lie.
"Tell him I want a divorce while you're at it." He snaps.
I don't say anything for a moment, and hear him sigh out, before he unlocks the door.
I step in, seeing him soaked in sweat, pale, the smell of vomit is potent and I try to keep a calm demeanor as he grips the side of the tub to help himself stand up. 
He nearly falls, tremors spazzing through his body, but I'm quick to nestle under his arm and help him stay up.
"I just need some Jack." He tells me. "It'll help."
He doesn't sound like Nikki.
He sounds like a defeated child.
"Nikki, I don't think—"
"Okay, Viv, now isn't the time for your bullshit. Get me some Jack." He orders desperately, nearly pleading.
I get him on the bed, starting to tug his boots off, before pulling his shirt over his head, and unbuckling his belt.
"Never thought...I'd ever say this...but the last thing...on my mind right...now is...fucking around." He takes heavy breaths, squeezing his eyes closed and groaning when I get his pants off.
"Yes, because seeing my husband in so much pain really turns me on." I sarcastically let out.
"I'm cold." He tells me, his hand gripping mine.
I pull the bed covers over his naked body, glancing at my necklace he's still wearing.
"I'll get you some Jack." I say, stepping to the phone on the bedside table and ordering his necessity.
I turn back to face him once I'm done, and he's curled up and shivering, and he's kicked the blankets off of him.
"Nikki?" I ask, furrowing my brows.
"I'm hot." He cracks out, shot eyes looking at me, teeth chattering together despite his tight jaw and wet, black hair clings to his soaked skin that seems to be turning transparent.
That moment I realized I was married to a junkie, and Nikki realized he had become the very thing he had been in denial of becoming.
Neither of us said a word to one another about our revelations.
The alcohol and pills they managed to score kept Nikki's roaring withdrawals at bay and allowed him to play his illness off as the flu throughout the rest of the Japan tour, and the second we got home, he was phoning every dealer he could get a hold of.
One I had never met before, Jason, was the first one to come to his aid and it didn't take me long to come to the conclusion I would inevitably have to kill that motherfucker to keep him away from my husband.
He just wanted our money, laying out an elaborate display of everything from cheap tar to clean China White, cocaine, and a pharmacy of prescription pills.
I always left to "go to the store" anytime Jason came over.
Once I was practically having a full on emotional affair, I would go find Duff but before any feelings for him emerged, I would just drive my car around the corner of the street going by the house, pull into the driveway of a half-way burnt down house, and cry. 
My husband, my Nikki, was destroying himself from the inside out, and the more I tried to do help him get better, the worse he got.
Every time I prayed for him, his demons would hold tighter to his legs and keep him shackled in place with a needle and lies that weighed him down and made him feel the need to do the only thing that made him happy, even if only temporarily.
By the end of '87, I was exhausted. I had been screaming, crying, pleading, for years for someone to do something, for someone to threaten the band, threaten them individually, get them off the road, at least try to start a conversation addressing their obvious addictions...
But they were making everyone above them money. That's all that mattered.
I was screaming into a void, and nobody could hear me. Well, they could...they were just ignoring me which was even worse.
I don't know how the hell I managed to face the same thing with Duff and his band years later.
I step into the house once Jason is gone, seeing Nikki by the fireplace, laying on the carpet, and I go to lay beside him.
We've been back from Japan a few days, and they're suppose to be preparing for their U.S. tour starting in a couple weeks.
Nikki's been in heroin land ever since we have gotten home.
And I've been in my own personal hell, being that I just added a third picture to my dead baby drawer as of yesterday.
I would go to a doctor to see if there's something wrong with me to prompt not ever making it past week twelve, but Nikki would find out somehow, someway. I've already risked enough as it is by going to the obstetrician.
"Babe," I nudge him and he opens his eyes just enough to show his pinpointed pupils, and he hums a little. "I gotta go get Tansy from the airport."
"Mmkay." He mumbles, and I force myself not to cry, remembering how miserable he was in Japan, and now we've gotten back and he's back to square one. 
Was it really square one if he never wanted to move to square two in the first place?
Tansy gets into my car, wearing what I'm assuming she wore when they taped her interview with David Letterman hours ago, while a security guard puts her stuff in the trunk.
"Well." I say, looking at her as she lays her head against the back of her seat and looks at me from behind her sunglasses. "How did the interview go?" I ask and she tugs off her heels.
"I don't know." She tells me and I furrow my brows. "The bits and pieces I remember were great." She sounds like she's about to cry.
"Were you...?" I trail off and she moves her fingers under the blacked out lenses and sniffles. "Babe, it's not anything to cry about."
I grab at her hand as she starts crying even more.
"I bombed it, Viv." She says with certainty.
"Tansy, if you don't even remember it, how do you know for sure you did a bad job?"
"You know how I act when I'm fucked up."
"I also know, by the grace of God, somehow, someway, you manage to differentiate between a setting you need to be more composed in, and a setting you can be wild in. Even when you are stoned out of your mind. I have seen you do it." I assure her. "It's really freaking creepy."
My comment has her chuckling a little and she wipes at her tears again. 
"It will be okay. I am sure you did great. And if you didn't you can just do what I do when I'm not acting normal and blame it on Mötley Crüe." 
None of us, not even Tansy herself, knew why or how she scored an interview with David Letterman, but we were all proud of her nonetheless, even if she couldn't remember much of it.
"Sparkie said Japan went good." Tansy says after we're driving for a couple minutes.
"Thank you for letting him go. I know you aren't the biggest fan of him." She adds.
"I didn't let him go. The guys insisted he went because they needed someone to find them drugs." I state.
"Point is, he went. And he had fun. So thank you." She replies.
"I only tolerate him because I love you." I tell her.
"I know, and I—" she presses a quick kiss to the back of my hand. "—love you, too."
I rub my lips together and get an idea.
"Would you be up for a girl's night?" I ask.
"What do you have in mind?" She asks and I raise my brows. 
In hindsight, it was probably a bad decision to introduce Tansy to Guns N' Roses while she was still addicted to drugs and alcohol, because all it did was create toxic friendships that thrived on the struggles of everyone involved.
Tansy was very easily influenced by other people, but I figured if she had survived that long being friends with Nikki, Tommy and Vince, she would be just fine around Duff, Axl, Izzy, Steven and Slash.
Tansy and I make our way through the crowd, hand in hand, lacing through people and eager groupies.
She's heard me talk about them every now and then but now she has the opportunity to see what the hype is about.
The Troubadour is packed out, and a sense of pride swells in my chest.
"They must be good." Tansy comments, glancing around. 
Normally at least one person would have already asked for her autograph or a picture of her, but everyone is too distracted by the anticipation of the band that's been tearing up and down the strip ever since Nikki, Tommy, Vince and Mick set the bar so high. 
They're not even onstage yet, before all lights in the place shut down, and  Axl let's out one of his infamous screams that somehow mimics a melodic siren. 
The crowd goes quiet for a split second before realizing it's him, then they start screaming, clapping, stomping their feet. 
The lights come back on to reveal Axl, Duff, Izzy, Slash and Steven, picking up into the fast paced rhythm of "Anything Goes." 
With teased hair, heavy glam-rock influenced outfits and makeup, mixed with their sound, it's safe to say there isn't one dry vagina around...including Tansy, who's eyes don't leave the singing red head for the rest of the night.
Back stage is crowded, but Tansy and I manage to be the first females in their dressing room by the time their set is completely finished.
She's already broken into their Jack and Vodka stash, guzzling from both bottles simultaneously, and I look at her like she's crazy because I know it's got to hurt her throat.
"What?" She asks me, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
"You are a crazy person." I state just as the door opens, revealing Slash and Steven first, girls under each arm.
"Hey, Viv!" Steven pipes, smiling widely and Slash looks confused for a moment before realizing the blur standing before him is indeed Vivian.
"Hey, Viv." He repeats what Steven said.
Steven does a double-take really quick, seeing Tansy, his hand patting at Slash as he stands, starstruck. It's a domino effect.
First Steven, second Slash, third Duff, then Izzy and lastly, Axl.
Except Steven, Slash, Duff and Axl are frozen because Tansy Lyn is standing before them. I'm sure Izzy appreciates her beauty and participation in Playboy for the last four years, but he's more worried about her breaking into their alcohol. 
"Man, that's Tansy Lyn." Steven states.
"Drinking our booze." Izzy adds and Tansy guiltily puts it back where she got it, smiling.
"Hi." She says to them, and they immediately pretend they weren't just remembering what her naked body looks like.
Steven, as always, is the first to make himself known to a beautiful girl, extending his hand to her. 
"I'm Steven." He tells her.
Slash is shyly hiding behind his curly hair the best he can as Steven puts an arm around him.
"This is Slash." He adds. 
"The grubby fingered alcoholic is Izzy." I tell her as he lights a cigarette. 
"Read this grubby finger, Viv." Izzy states blankly, flipping me off and I hold back a laugh.
"I'm Duff." Duff introduces himself next, and Tansy has to look up so high, her head is tipped completely back before shaking his hand.
Axl doesn't introduce himself, he just stands and stares at her for a moment, black sunglasses blocking our eyes from his.
"Axl." Is all he says before grabbing the bottle of Jack, grabbing one of the girls Steven and Slash walked in with, and leaving.
"He's not an asshole seventy-five percent of the time." I try to defend him against her as she looks like her feelings have been hurt slightly. 
"But when he is an asshole, just avoid him for a few hours and stay out of his way." Duff scoffs out, grabbing the bottle of vodka.
They all knew that piece of advice too well.
Not entirely sure how we ended up back at mine and Nikki's house, but Nikki wasn't home, and probably wasn't going to be home until early morning, so Duff, Steven and Tansy were all in my house.
"If you break a mirror, you buy it!" I call out to Steven and Tansy as Duff and I have our legs dangling in the pool water, hearing something breaking inside the house through the open french doors that lead into the kitchen.
Duff blows smoke out of his nose, laughing at Tansy and Steven calling back, "We didn't!" 
"Jesus." I mumble, grinning to myself and Duff joins in with me, laughing harder at me as "Get Down Tonight" starts blaring through the speakers in the house.
Tansy has officially met her match. 
"I'm glad they get along." Duff says smoothly.
"They both like weed and the same music taste. Seems like a beautiful friendship to me." I shrug and he smiles. 
There's a pause in the air, and he keeps looking at me. 
"There's dancing trophies in your house." He tells me and I raise my brows, remembering the day Nikki had demanded my hard earned proof of years dedicated to such a difficult art form, be put on display on a shelf right next to his awards for Gold and Platinum records.
"Yeah? I told you I use to be a dancer." I reply.
"I thought you meant you were a stripper." He confesses and I widen my eyes, elbowing him gently.
"Well, I'm sorry! You're married to a rock guy, you said you use to be a dancer, rockers and strippers go hand-in-hand. It's, like, written in stone or whatever." He tells me. 
"Oh my gosh, Duff." I rub my face and he finishes his cigarette before pulling out another one. 
"So, why don't you do it anymore?" He asks and I think for a second and lick my lips.
"It just wasn't really..." I trail off and he furrows his brows. "...I guess after over a decade of dancing, after graduating, it just  wasn't my thing anymore. I just moved onto bigger and better stuff." 
"What's your thing now, then?" It's obvious he doesn't buy my explanation.
"Being Nikki Sixx's wife." I admit and an odd silence falls over us. 
"You gave up school--Julliard--and dance, only to be known as somebody's wife?" 
"Well, damn, Duff, when you say it like that..." I try not to be hurt because I know he doesn't mean any ill will from it and he immediately starts apologizing. 
"I didn't mean it like that." He tells me. "It's just a waste of talent if you never utilize it anymore. You can't just be dependent on being Nikki's wife, Viv. You need your own thing." 
I wanted to tell him I couldn't afford to be anything but Nikki's wife, or else I'd lose everything.
Nikki's home sooner than I expect as I get ready for bed.
Steven, Tansy and Duff are all asleep on the living room floor, and Nikki comes into our bathroom to splash water on his face.
"The fuck is in our house?" He asks me and I raise my brows.
"Why're you home this early?"
"Jason's coming over." He tells me. "And he's bringing his girlfriend."
"Umm, baby, it would be nice for my friends not to wake up and be met with a drug dealer naming off poisons like an auctioneer."
"Tell them to fuck off." He mumbles, digging through his pockets of the clothes he was wearing yesterday. "Have you seen the check?" He asks me and I raise my brows.
"The check from the label for the Japan tour?" I ask and he nods. "You asked me to cash it yesterday and I did."
"Okay, so where did you put it?"
I step to my top drawer and hand him the stack of cash and he starts thumbing through it, his brows furrowing when he stops halfway through.
"The check was for $150,000, Viv. Where's the rest?" He snaps and I cross my arms.
"You said put 20% in savings and told me I could give 10% to tithes." I remind him, and he looks like he is going to murder me.
"You gave fifteen fucking thousand dollars to a church?! Are you out of your fucking mind?!" He seeths, his face twisting angrily.
"You told me I could Nikki." I try not to get upset. "I asked you and you said—"
"—I said 'yes' because I was fucked up and wasn't thinking, Viv!" He yells, throwing the pile of cash across the room, causing bills to fly everywhere. "And that's exactly why you waited until you knew I couldn't pay attention to care enough about what you were saying because you knew I would laugh in your face if I were sober!" He accuses me.
"Is it so bad if your money goes to something other than drugs?" I stupidly ask him.
He's lunging at me, grabbing my wrists, and pinning me to the bed while screaming in my face.
"That's my fucking money! Mine! How I want to spend it is my fucking business, Vivian!" He shakes me, and I can no longer hold back tears. "You're gonna go tomorrow to that fucking shit hole and tell those fallacious bastards you need that $15,000 back!"
"Nikki, I already told them it was their's." I try to explain, shaking my head a little, sobbing so thickly I'm not even sure he can understand me.
"You'll get my fucking money back or I'll give you something to fucking whine about." He threatens darkly.
He shoves himself off of me and storms out of the house, slamming the front door.
I go to make sure he didn't wake Tans, Stevie, or Duff up, but to my horror, Tansy and Steven are sound asleep while I hear the door slam a second time and realize Duff followed Nikki out.
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lousimusician · 6 years
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Peter had fallen hopelessly in love with you, but you were to oblivious to realize it
Peter Parker had a problem.  
A big problem.
Somehow amongst all the craziness of becoming Spider-Man and the insane events that took place during homecoming. Peter had fallen crazy in love with his best friend.
He didn't know how it happened. He was so busy with being Spider-Man and when he wasn't he was doing homework or daydreaming about Liz. But once she had moved away and his duties as Spider-Man had calmed down he found himself hopelessly in love with you.
But he couldn't do anything about it.
Because you were his best friend.
And he didn't need to be a mind reader to know you only saw him as a friend and nothing more because of a little problem named...
"Jason," you sighed dreamily. Which recieved an eyeroll from MJ, who sat across from you at lunch. "I think he's probably the smartest and handsomest guy I've ever met."
"I don't think he's that great." Peter muttered.
"Oh please, you've been saying that for like months now." You rolled your eyes, "I supported your crush on Liz remember." You said poking him in the side.
Peter flinched and lightly pushed your hand away, "Yeah, I remember." He grumbled.
"Someone's grumpy. C'mon lighten up, you're my best friend, your opinion matters."
Peter felt a stab at the word friend, and struggled to put a smile on his face. Ned, knowing about his crush on you, noticed his discomfort and tried to pull your attention away from him.
"I thought I was your best friend." Ned asked 'offended'.
You laughed, "You and MJ are my best friends too, but Peter's basically family at this point." 
Ouch. You just confirmed his worst nightmare. He had actually passed the friend zone.
Your words even caused MJ (Who obviously knew too) to glance at Peter to catch his reaction. 
Peter put on a fake smile that he had learned to perfect after months of practicing and said, "You're right, sorry, you and Jason would be g-great together."
Peter's heart skipped a beat at the wide smile on your face, "Good because I've got some news." Peter noticed a blush rise to your cheeks. "Jason actually asked me out and we're going on a date next week."
"What!?" Peter practically yelled, causing a few people to glance back at your table.
"Whoa, calm down Pete." You looked at him in surprise, "Are you okay?"
"Ye-Yeah, I'm great, c-couldn't be better. So you're going out with Jason now. Everythings great, y-you're dating, g-great- and I, it's getting hot in here-I'm just- I think I'm gonna go now." Peter quickly rushed out of the cafeteria after grabbing his things.
"Oookay, that was like really weird, right?" You asked Ned and MJ.
"That kid is the definition of weird." MJ replied.
"I think I'm gonna go after him, I'll see you guys later." Ned rushed out following after Peter.
MJ put her bookmark in her book before closing it, "I'm gonna go too, I need to talk to Mr. Harrington. And by the way, you're the definition of oblivious." She said strolling out of lunch.
'Okay... what?'
Peter had ran out of the cafeteria and into the bathroom which was thankfully empty. A few minutes later though, the door had opened and Ned walked in.
"Hey man, are you okay?" Ned asked as he looked at Peter who was leaning against the bathroom wall.
"No... It's just- why did it have to be Jason? I can't believe I thought that she might've liked me back, even if it was just a little bit."
"She still could, before you started liking her you just thought about her as a friend."
"Yeah, but she thinks of me as family, Ned."
"Maybe you should tell her how you feel."
"What! No, of course no-" Peter was cut off by the bell. "I'm just gonna go to class." Peter mumbled and walked out the door.
The day continued on but Peter was actively avoiding you and it was really starting to piss you off. You knew something was clearly wrong and it annoyed you that he wasn't saying what it was. One of the points of having friends is to be able to tell them why your upset.
You had continued to try to get his attention but once the final bell rang he was no where to be seen. Sighing, you walked home and texted him. 
Then you texted him again.
And again.
But still no response.
It was now 6:00 as you stared down at your phone, you had left 22 messages for Peter and he left you on read.
That was your breaking point. You grabbed your coat and left your apartment and headed towards his. After the 15 minute walk you finally reached his place and knocked on Peter's door, anxiously waiting for it to open. It was then swung open by Peter himself but once he saw you he went to close it, but you shoved your foot between the door and the door frame.
"No, let me talk to you Peter."
A pained expression crossed Peter's face, "...Fine." He opened the door wider allowing you to get through.
You walked in and shut the door behind you, "Okay, what's your problem. You've been acting weird for months now and you were completely insane today. Why have you been avoiding me?"
Peter contemplated on how to answer the question, before he just shrugged, walking away to sit on the couch. 
You followed after and stood in front of him,  "Peter that's not an answer, seriously, you're my best friend just tell me what's wrong."
Peter bit his lip, "...I just... You don't understand."
"Yes, so help me understand. Ever since Liz moved you started following me like a lost puppy so I just thought it was because you were sad or something, and of course I didn't mind so I just let it happen. But then you started getting impatient and annoyed with me everytime I.." You furrowed your eyebrows, beginning to make sense of everything. "Everytime I talked about Jason..." You slowed down, the pieces finally falling into place. "And then...today you freaked out after I told you about my date...Peter?" You looked up and found him staring at you with puppy eyes, silently begging for you to figure it out. "Do you..Do you l-like me?" You sat down on the couch in disbelief. He averted his gaze and stared down at his hands. His silence confirmed everything. "Oh Pete."
Peter inwardly cringed at the pity in your voice and felt his eyes beginning to water. He sniffled and you felt your heart breaking at the sight. You moved closer to him, "Peter, I love you so so much, but... w-we're fri-"
Peter shook his head, "Please don't say that word. I'm- I'm tired of hearing that word over and over again" Peter's voice cracked as the tears began to blur his vision. "I-I love being your friend and I still want us to be friends, b-but I h-hate being reminded that we c-can never be anything m-more."
You tentatively put your hand on his shoulder and felt him relax very slightly. All he wanted to do was cry with his best friend but what do you do when you're crying because of your best friend. You felt your own tears beginning to build and you put your arm around him. He finally broke and pulled you closer, he buried his face in the crook of your neck and you felt his hot tears on your skin as he sobbed. You ran your fingers in his hair, attempting to calm him down. You started crying with him.
He knew that you had just rejected him but it still felt so right to be with you. Peter hated it. He hated how much he cared and loved you right now. Of course the hate and pain would fade, but right now he just wanted to wallow in it.
"I-it's not f-fair." Peter croaked.
"I know Peter, I know." 
But did you? Did you understand the pain of falling in love with your best friend, knowing they'd never feel the same. He would continue to see you and hang out with you and share the same inside jokes you've both been telling since you were in middle school.
Peter cried while you held him, eventually you both laid down and he fell asleep. Nothing mattered anymore except for Peter. Jason and your date next week stopped to matter all together. You've seen Peter upset before, but you were always able to make him feel better. But now, you didn't know how to fix this.
Your head was resting on a pillow that was against the arm of the couch and you began thinking about all the obvious signs that Peter liked you as you played with his hair. Of course he liked you all the stares you caught, all the times where he sat next to you instead of Ned or MJ, his blushing face and stuttering words. He was head over heels and you couldn't get it through your thick skull.
You really were the definition of oblivious.
Because I'm a baby when it comes to angst, there will be a second part.
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saanphoenix · 6 years
If you're still accepting prompts for Connor can you please write something where the reader likes to play scary video games but they always end up being too scared to fall sleep at night so they call Connor over to keep them company?
This is not exactly what you wanted, but. I got a few spaces on the Bingo card and I feel that counts for somethin’.Warning: 2.7k words and swearing. RIP mobile users should Read More fail.
You listen to the sounds of your feet echoing off the wooden floor beneath you as you sneak your way through the decrepit house you’ve wandered into for supplies. Groans and growls give away the position of the zombies outside. One’s just beyond the window you crouch-walk under, snorting as it no doubt flails around to check the slight creak it’s just heard but can’t find the source of. One’s to the far left of the house, beyond the room you’re in and the adjoining hallway.
It won’t cause you any problem, so long as you do nothing stupid like knock a vase off a night table trying to open a drawer like you did last time. No, it’s the one near the window that poses the problem.
You want to exhale, to calm your nerves as you slink forward another foot towards a dresser that probably contains a few extra shotgun shells. But you can’t. Because your dumb ass turned on the option to allow real world sounds influence the game. If you so much as sneeze you’re dead. So, you hold your breath, praying that the damn stiff near you shambles on before the end of time.
Something clatters loudly to your left, startling you. You turn your head to the left, your heart already in your throat, only for your brain to realize a second too late that the noise came from beyond the headphones on your ears.
“Noo!” You exclaim as the window shatters, spraying glass down onto your character. Decaying arm’s wrap around your neck as yours rise up to stop them.
The only thing that keeps you from flinging your headset across the room is your left hand’s ability to remember just how much the damn thing cost.
Shaking from the adrenaline rush, you pout your lips and glare over at the source of the noise that did you in.
Your cat sits on the side table beside the recliner, blinking slowly as it makes itself comfortable in the heat of the lamp. The small glass bowl that’d held your pens, nail clippers, and screwdriver? Dead on the floor.
“Thanks, cat.” You seethe. “Not like I was in the middle of doing anything.”
You receive another slow blink in reply.
Without the artificial light of the headset’s screen pouring into your eyes, you suddenly realize how tired they are. Looking up at the clock, you inwardly cringe at the time. Shit, it’s already one in the morning? I’m not going to like work tomorrow. With a sigh, you get up and switch the console off. At least autosave’s got my back. You pick up the mess your cat made, shooing them away with a wave your hand so you can put everything back in proper order.
It takes you fifteen minutes to get ready for bed. You mentally cross the number from the amount of sleep you could have had had you not gotten completely absorbed in the game you’d been playing. I’m really not going to like work tomorrow, you tell yourself again. Four hours is not a lot of time to sleep.
Snuggling into your covers, you try to put your mind to rest, try to convince your body you need to pass out right now or else.
Your efforts are in vain. You’re still too wired from the excitement of trying not to die in virtual reality and failing miserably. Every course of action you could’ve done differently plays out in vivid detail behind your eyelids. You frown as you roll over and try to get comfortable again. If only your cat wasn’t an unintentional asshole. If only you didn’t insist on playing with the most extreme settings the game allowed just ‘for an extra challenge.’ If only–
The loud clatter that startles you this time comes from outside. Behind your house. Suspiciously near where your trash cans are.
Raccoon, the logical part of your brain says. Rat. Literally any once-woodland creature come to scavenge for the scraps of humanity.
Ah! Zombie! Shrieks the dumb part of your brain that sends you jolting upright in bed as you reach for your phone on the other pillow to call– Murderer! Jason Voorhees! –not the police.
But who to call other than Not-The-Police? Who the hell is up at one-thirty in the morning that won’t be horrendously pissed off by pleading with them to check the perimeter of your house because you’re too much of a chicken shit to do it yourself?
Your thumb scrolls through your contacts, presses a name, and dials Not-Technically-The-Police. The other line picks up almost immediately. Having the number directly to someone’s head is handy like that.
“Hello?” Connor asks, slight concern sneaking its way through his usual calm tone.
“Connor,” you grin as you sing-song his name. “How’s it goin’?”
There’s a small pause on his end before he asks, “Is everything alright?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Why else would you be calling me at near two in the morning on a work day via the emergency line I gave you?”
You laugh nervously. “Yeah, no. Everything’s fine. There was just… noises… outside of my house. And…”
You can practically hear him nod, you’ve learned his mannerisms that well. “You want me to come check it out for you.”
“I figured you’d be the only one up who might stand a chance against armed rodents.”
“Rodents? Perhaps. Armed rodents? I’m not so sure. They’ll definitely have more firepower than me.”
You snort, drawing your legs up under you. “What? You can’t steal Hank’s gun?”
“I could,” Connor replies smoothly. “I don’t think he’d like that very much.”
“You’re only in trouble if you get caught.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
You look over at the digital clock glowing on your nightstand. You’re not getting any sleep tonight. It’s too late for you. Tomorrow’s going to be hell. But at least Connor’s coming over. Misery loves company, after all, and you love Connor’s.
You hadn’t expected to when you’d first seen him. You hadn’t given the old guy with the rundown but well-loved car who lived down the street much thought before then. He was just a weird dude who could use a stylist. But then, one day, a young man had mysteriously appeared in his front yard. A young man who was doing his best to hold a Saint Bernard still while trying to wash soap suds off its fur. And, though you had a cat, you liked dogs, too. And you quickly discovered you liked warm, attentive brown eyes. Eyes that had blinked when you’d asked, “Need a hand?” because you knew blurting out, “My God, you’re adorable,” wasn’t socially acceptable.
Learning Connor was an android didn’t really put a damper on your budding friendship. It wasn’t like you’d been one of the many people to flee Detroit during and after the great Robo Revolution of 2k38. If anything, such knowledge made Hank’s comment of, “If you like him so much, you can keep him,” a little less awkward. You had a crush. You hadn’t exactly asked for his hand in marriage, yet.
And it’s that crush, you think, that probably clouds your judgment. “You sure you’re okay doing this? I don’t want to bother you.” Pester, maybe. Not drag him away from something important.
“You’re not bothering me,” Connor replies. He’s being earnest even when it sounds like he’s merely stating a fact. “Your safety’s more important than reviewing Hank’s old case files.”
You cringe. “You were working. I’m sorry–”
“I was researching,” Connor hastily interrupts you. You know he’s trying to make you feel better. He’s quick to do the same with Hank. “Nothing pertaining to a current case. Just something to pass the time.”
You doubt that. Connor’s quick to lie if he thinks it’ll put someone’s mind at ease. At least, he is now. Listening to him and Hank talk sometimes, you get the feeling he wasn’t always that way. But you imagine that’s what comes with the whole deviancy thing.
A knock on your door almost makes you drop your phone. “Jesus Christ!” You mutter, mentally berating yourself and your frazzled nerves.
“Not quite.”
With an angry pout, you flail your way off the bed and pad loudly to the front door, which you open with the full intent on giving Connor a piece of your mind.
“You could–”
Connor stands politely at your front door. His brows raise slightly as he tilts his head to the side. You’re momentarily thrown off by the look he gives you. His eyes travel to the phone still raised to your ear, reminding you that it’s there.
Pressing the screen, you end the call and then point the device at him, “You could warn me before you do that next time.”
“I knocked,” he reasons with faux innocence.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
Connor smiles, a small thing but no less genuine. He deftly changes the subject. “You said you heard a noise?”
“Yeah. I think it was my trash can.”
His eyes dart down as he thinks and then meet yours again. “You should probably accompany me while I investigate. I don’t think we want anyone mistaking me for the culprit.”
You nod. That’s a good point. Calling Connor to avoid calling the cops and then having someone else call the cops on Connor would be an awkward scenario at best. You take a step towards him, expecting him to move out of the way so you can lead him to the backyard, but he doesn’t budge. Instead, he holds his hand up and gently pushes you back that one step. Confused, you look up at him.
He smiles at you again and looks down at your feet. “You’re not wearing shoes,” he explains. “It might be more efficient to walk through the house to get to the back.”
“Oh. Right.” You blink lazily. Turning around, you head off in that direction. You ignore your cat as it bolts across the floor to hide when Connor enters the house. No matter how many times someone comes over, the darn thing always gets spooked. “You’ll have to excuse me. It’s ass o’clock in the morning and I’ve had no sleep. I’m not exactly firing on all cylinders.”
Connor doesn’t reply, but you know it’s simply because he doesn’t feel the need to and not that he didn’t hear you or that he’s trying to be rude. Connor’s a thinker. Whether it’s because he’s an android, one meant to be a detective type, or because it’s just a facet of his personality you’re unsure, but the occasional silence has never bothered you. It’s always seemed companionable. More-so than with any other android you used to try and talk to in the past.
When you get to the back door, you step aside and look to Connor, waiting for him to do the honors. He seems to know you don’t trust what awaits on the other side and obliges. He steps outside without a care in the world, triggering the security light. You hang your head out the door and look after him, holding the door frame as if you’re trying to support it and not the other way around.
“See anything?” You whisper loudly so as not to disturb the crickets.
Again, Connor doesn’t respond, his eyes scanning the grass, the newly made mess of trash cans, recycling bin, gardening tools, and a rusted bike you should really look into replacing.
You’ve never really seen him work before. Stare off into space while cross-referencing something, yes, but nothing with the amount of intense focus he’s doing now. You admire the way his lips turn downward as his brow twitches. He certainly is beautiful.
You feel a little disappointed when he turns his face away from you, staring down the length of your house. Seconds tick by and the more that do the more you start to worry.
“Connor?” You ask.
His head snaps back to face you. You didn’t even notice he’d tensed up until you see his shoulders relax. But then he’s struggling to find words and you realize he’s seen something. He’s seen something and he doesn’t know what to tell you, most likely because he doesn’t want to frighten you. Too late for that.
“What?” You demand, voice flat in an attempt to mask your growing anxiety. Fancy that. The dumb part of your brain was right for once.
He blinks and then he’s moving towards you, his gait unhurried but purposeful. “Get inside,” he commands, hand coming up to rest on your shoulder and you allow him to guide you back into the house. He shuts the door behind him and locks it. Despite how your heart starts to hammer in your chest, Connor looks as cool as a cucumber.
“What?” You ask again, voice cracking a little. Zombies don’t exist in this world. Other predators do.
“There’s thirium on the ground outside.”
“Blue blood?”
“Yes. It’s old. You wouldn’t be able to see it. But its trail leads across your yard and into the neighbor’s.”
You shake your head as your tired mind attempts to deduce things like his. “So… An android tried to steal my garbage? Tried to break into my house?”
“No,” Connor answers and looks to you. He’s being honest. “That was a raccoon. There’s hair caught on the lip of the metal can, most likely pulled out when it lost balance and then knocked everything over.”
You sag. “Oh, thank God. That’s good. I can handle raccoons.” Your brow furrows. “Then why did you act like the android was the problem?”
Once again, Connor struggles. His eyes get a far-away look in them as they wander away from yours. You might not be firing on all cylinders, but you think you’re figuring it out. When his eyes find yours again, you know you have.
A smile graces your face. “You’re worried about me,” you say, pleased.
Connor hesitates before answering, “I know what injured and scared deviants–androids–are capable of.”
At first, the comment sounds random. But as you think about it you realize what he’s insinuating. Just because the android wasn’t here tonight doesn’t mean they hadn’t been here at all. Instead of crossing through your yard to safety, they could have just as easily broken in to hide. Or…
Your smile fades. “You think they’re still out there?”
Connor takes a deep breath. You wonder if the action has been programmed to calm androids like it does in humans, just to make them seem a little more natural. “In my experience?” He asks rhetorically. “Frightened, damaged androids rarely go far.”
“Oh. Oh, good. That’s great.”
“Nothing’s happened these past few days? Not that you’ve noticed?”
“Then chances are you’re safe. But if you’d permit me, I’d like to remain here for the rest of the night. I can keep watch as you get some sleep. Check the area after you’ve awakened.”
You nod, numb. You don’t have an awesome robot brain to calculate statistics, don’t know how close you came to misfortune. But Connor knows.
“You’d really do that for me?” You question.
The small smile he gives you makes you think it was a dumb question. He finally moves away from the door and steps closer, head tilted as he gazes down at you. “Why wouldn’t I?”
You have no answer. You’re too busy memorizing all the little details on his face–the moles, the small dimple in his chin, the way that one little strand of hair falls over his forehead–to even remember how to speak.
His smile grows. “Tell you what. I’ll do you one better.” He places his hands on your shoulders. “I’ll even call your boss. Leave a message saying you’re going to be running late because of a police investigation. Give you a few more hours to get your beauty sleep.”
He winks and suddenly you can’t stop yourself from blurting out, “Marry me.”
He laughs, a quick exhale of air as he bows his head. There’s a grin on his face when he raises his head. “I’ll think about it.”
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catlya · 7 years
A Book By Its Cover
Readers parents are very snobby and don’t think Jason is good enough for them. So whenever you bring Jason over for dinner at their house...It dosent go well.
Requests are open! I’d appreciate getting some from you!
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You knew it was an absolutely horrible idea. Jason also knew it bad a horrible idea. No matter what though, you couldn’t say no to your mother.
She basically threatened you. At least that's what you told Jason. You wanted more than anything for your parents to see the good in Jason, just like you did.
You thought that by influencing you to bring Jason over your mother and father were ready to try.
Oh how terribly wrong you were.
“Oh dear, you’ve finally shown up! I see you moving away from home hasn’t changed your ability of never being on time! Come in!” Your mother said you rolled your eyes and grabbed Jason’s hand.
He of course wasn’t thrilled with this comment and stared daggers at your mother as you walked through the house. You elbowed him and smiled you knew that this was unfair to him, dragging anyone here is unfair, so you made a promise before you came.
If this dinner didn’t go well like the many dinners before you would cut your parents off. They always had been cruel to you and if they couldn’t be kind for one dinner then you didn’t want anything to do with them.
So far you weren’t off to a good start. Unbeknownst to you, however, was that it would soon get much, much worse. Really though you should've known.
”Y/N your fathers in the sitting room perhaps you and Jackson could go and see him while I make dinner?” your mother said playing completely oblivious of her mistake.
Miraculously she always got his name right when she was telling you what a bad choice he was.
”Mother its Jason.” you said exhausted you'd just gotten here and you already knew this was the last time you were gonna see them.
Maybe your father would be better, Ha.
You looked up at Jason worriedly. You felt so bad forceing him to do this. As you walked he looked down at your worried eyes and stopped you.
“I’m fine Y/N. I’m used to it.” He whispered out. You shook our head and ran your hand through your hair. “That’s the thing Jason you shouldn’t have to be used to it! This isn’t fair to you!” You loudly whispered back you hated the way your parents treated him. Like he was nothing but a nuisance.
“Y/N it’s not going so good, this may be the last time you ever see your parents the last thing I want you worrying about is me. Try and spend time with them even if they’re total idiots who treat you like absolute shit. You won’t have to deal with them much longer.” He said while throwing a glare back at your mother. Obviously still angry from her earlier comment.
You sighed and then nodded your head. He smiled at you and bent down to kiss your head. You blushed and grabbed his hand then countinued your trek to the sitting room.
“Hey pops you in here?” You yell in as you open the door a crack.
When you peak in what you see is certainly not what you expect. Yes, your father is there but so is a young man who’s sitting in the leather chair across from your father laughing and drinking scotch.
Looking up from the man across from him your father looks at you and smiles. “Darling you’re here! Come, meet Charles!” He says waving you over completely ignoring Jason.
“Charles this is my daughter Y/N that I've told you so much about and Y/N this is Charles De Silvia he is the son of the man that owns the company I work for.” Oh no no no. You could see we’re this was going and you were about to shut it down but before you could your mother burst through the door in a grand way like she usually does.
“Dinners ready! Come now to the dinning room! Oh Y/N I see you’ve met Charles, how splendid.” This is only going to get worse. You looked up at Jason to see how he was reacting to all this and...you’ve never seen him so angry. He looked ready to rip somone apart.
Before you could calm him down your mother reached out with an iron grip and grabbed your wrist and, not so surprisingly, grabbed Charles as well.
She dragged you away from Jason and you threw him a pleading look as you went. Jason started to stalk after you but you saw your father put a hand on his shoulder stopping him.
Your mother continued to drag you and Charles to the dining area where she promptly sat you two side by side. Your mother than left to grab the food.
After a long pause Charles turned to you and smiled. “So your father tells me that-“ he started but you gave him a blank look and then said, “Look that guy in there is my one and only, I don't know what my father said or my mother and frankly I don’t care.” You said quietly hoping your mother wouldn’t hear it.
You were unlucky though and you heard glass shatter you lifted your head and saw your mother red-faced and your dinner surrounding her feet.
“Y/N! How could you!” She screamed walking over quickly.
“Mother I’ve told you repeatedly that I love Jason, you're the one refusing to listen!” You scream back standing up and meeting her halfway.
“He’s a waste! He’s not good enough to be apart of this family! I’ve tried and tried to get you see this but since you won’t see common sense...If, if you don’t break up with I’ll...cut off your savings! You’ll never get another dollar from us!” She yelled back you stared at her for a minute then laughed.
“Keep you it not only would I do anything for Jason, I don’t need your useless money. Your not gonna buy me, I’m not something to be owned, mother.”
Suddenly she reached up and slapped you. For such a small lady she certainly hit hard. You fell back and caught yourself on the table.
You heard a yell behind you and you saw Jason giving your mother a murderous stare. He stalked towards her but before she could reach him you stood in front of him and grabbed his face.
”Jason its ok don't waste your time on her.” you whispered to him. somehow your mother still heard you.
”See that ruffian was going to hurt me! Your own mother how could you allow that!” she screeched you turned to her exasperated ”Do you have the ears of a bat woman!” after you said it you laughed a bit in your head but then returned to the situation at hand.
”Ok enough of this nonsense.” shocked you turned your head to look at Charles and surprisingly he was glaring at your mother.
“You and your husband told me I was here to help with a business deal. Really you were trying to set me up with your, currently dating someone, daughter?” he said very calmly and if anything that seemed to terrify your mother even more than if he’d yelled.
“W-well you see...” she started but your father came into the room stopping her.
“Y/N stop this please. You’ve given your mother and I enough grief this....thug doesn’t deserve you, darling. You deserve somone..somone with more-“
“More what father, Money? With more pointless toys? With more side woman than a rapper? Do you honestly want that life for me!” Tears streamed down your face. ”Then you don't love me at all!” No one could seem to understand how much Jason meant to you and you were done trying to show them.
You whirled around and grabbed Jason’s face crashing your lips together passionately. After a couple of very tense seconds you pulled apart and without sparing your parents a glance you grabbed Jason’s giant hands in your small ones and pulled him out of the room.
Once you were out you broke into a sprint leaving that house not even bothering to look back.
You let Jason hope on his bike first and then you got on quickly wrapping your arms around him in a very tight embrace.
He stayed there for a minute allowing you to sob into his back. When your tears slowed he turned towards you with sympathetic eyes.
“Y/N...we can talk about this when we get home for now though...you need your helmet.” He cracked a smile and you giggled a bit and grabbed the helmet he was handing back to you.
“Ok Jason.” He turned back around and waited for you to be situated before putting on his own helmet.
Then you were off. One good thing about this bike you always thought was its speed. It always got you home quicker or maybe time just passes by quicker when you’re crying so hard.
When you got back to your shared apartment Jason immediately hugged you after shutting and locking the door. With the comfort of his arms you were never afraid to let it all go.
You cried for hours and he sat there holding and kissing you the entire time. He’d already asked Bruce for the night off so he wasn’t needed unless there was an emergency. Which for one there wasn’t.
You had Jason all to yourself and that made you feel better than anything else.
“Do you want something to eat, baby?”
Ok, maybe not anything.
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jdmainman123 · 3 years
That doesn't mean anything
ALL I SAID WAS LISTEN I'M THE SUCCESSFUL OWNER OF THE AIRPORT BIKINI BEACH HOUSES AND I SAID IT'S THE MOST INFAMOUS BUSINESS IT'S THE MOST BEST BUSINESS IN THE WORLD and then I get all this hate mail from lunatic field hide the fish lake casino desert city after desert City
THE PROBLEM IS THE ADVENTURE PART IS THE INTEGRATION IN THE ANTECEDENT of you making this up telling me why wouldn't they redesign to beach there's too much money to be made here you guys could have added for every state and city another state and city just by renaming your Beach this by renaming that one road
Oh but you can't use my integration agency than mine to ask those kind of questions were you ever on my Beach? BECAUSE IT'S TOO LATE YOU GUYS ARE ASKING ME QUESTIONS WHEN I WAS A BEGINNER THAT I LEARNED and I can't remember them right now it's 11:00 in the morning I'm on my second cup of coffee I'm high as hell I CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT DAY IT IS
Stop the point is remember that failed baby killer retarded satellite maker that was trapped here he's challenging me for every girl and allowing all the operators to say we are silent we are satellite makers TO BREAK MY HEART AND SAY LISTEN WE'RE TAKING ALL YOUR GIRLS WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT YOUR LAST WORDS WILL BE DEAD DAUGHTER I HAVE A DEAD DAUGHTER AND NOT I HAVE A DEAD GIRL I don't think the white hair girl is going to survive this either that's what I was saying I said go ahead and call it in guys and it said no no one of the retards just got up from walking into the wall I SAID THERE'S NO WAY SHE'S GOING TO SURVIVE IF MY LAST WORDS IN A FANTASY CITY WITHOUT A BEACH IS YOU DON'T HAVE A DAUGHTER ANYMORE BECAUSE WE WENT AND TOOK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM
No just to say that they own all my girls that's so f***** up s*** bro
I told you the incident you guys said so man I might be just offering you a free house if you went up to me and punched me in the face you walked up to me so the punch you in the face. You went to that beach and I authorized my man to dismember you
You know you don't come up to the man not only that beach listen that pedophile 3/4 Beach you know in Hawaii they say there's a man that looks just like me and then you're inside information is very specific to where I've been
Let me give you a better example here it's not where you started off it's where you ended and if you men ended in this city. You can keep the dream I don't know what happened to your daughter
I turn around 1 minute look back and she's gone
She just like Dad did IT JUST SEX SCENES ALL THESE WHITE SKIN BOYS ARE ARE HERE TO HELL THIS HELP THIS BLACK FAILED HOMOSEXUAL FAMILY THAT COULDN'T FIND ANY OTHER CITY OR ANY OTHER FAMILY TO HELP THEM and only thing this black skin man cares about is walked around holding hands with all these other white hair white skin men to pretend for once in his life he was a real father and was there for his son for his boy the white hair white skin man
Yeah take her take your son to work day REMEMBER DON'T STEP ON THAT YOU'RE GOING TO HURT YOUR FOOT.
No sitting a seat next to it it's closer to the window remember you want to look outside.
Ss another thing I can't get over is I understand I was at a franchise like undercover boss. Beach to beach I went. IT COULD BE WORSE I COULD BE LIVING IN SNOW LIKE MY DEAD BROTHER JASON prefer it to be that closest a car drive away from your City to the beach. I don't understand maybe you guys not putting the integration and antecedent I don't know you
Right you know how many people come up to me and they know exactly who I am because I'm drunk and I have a pocket full of money and I have that water balloon in my left hand AND MAYBE MAYBE YOU GUYS HAVE FALLEN AND I HEARD YOUR SATELLITE MICROPHONE IN LOVE WITH ME AGAIN BECAUSE HE COULDN'T HAVE KNOWN ME
Then they start giving me the story of how much they know me and then you remember my favorite baseball card my favorite McDonald's to go to what's my favorite movie that's always on CNN what is it every Saturday night
But yeah you're the one that loves pretzels right? Yeah always putting mustard on it
Perfect for it to be this close to be to be that special. I'm not understanding remember not in a hundred years would I be here to pick up this girl to take her home with me and be my wife. But I am offering to make the same deal with you I don't want the land I'll take all the girls
No the last time I did this in Chicago went really bad whitey comes outside says if I can't have them he can't have them and started killing the girls they just gave me YEAH BY THE TIME WE STOPPED AND IT WAS 3 WEEKS LATER AND WE FOUND HIM IN HIS HIDEOUT BUT IT WAS ALREADY 75% TOO LATE
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