#jasmine julien
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basicallyjaywalker · 7 months ago
What kind of complicated feelings does Jasmine have with Nya and Jay?
And in what ways does she damage her relationships with Jay and Nya?
Excellent question! So
Jasmine, after befriending them post S4, ends up developing feelings for Nya. Like a hardcore crush. Unfortunately, Nya and Jay are in a relationship, so she basically represses the shit out of it
Jasmine is an expert at repression, it's how she deals with all emotional problems! Unfortunately, she also has a habit of, while repressing, projecting those negative emotions onto other people. So she projects the resentment that she feels and being unable to express her affection for Nya onto Jay.
This sucks. Because post S6 she starts crushing on him too. Whoops! Bisexuals lose!!
So now she's repressing TWO crushes and growing to resent both her affection for them while also resenting THEM
The best solution (and one reserved for AUs) is that they all have two hands. But that requires actually fucking talking. So instead
She forces herself to distance more from each of them and the friendships just fizzle out because she keeps dodging them trying to talk to her. They both pick up on her being weird. And eventually their friendships just kinda implode between S10 and S11 when Nya confronts her at the finale of a fanseason I have planned, and she keeps deflecting. They keep their distance from each other after that, which is made easier by the fact that Jasmine starts drawing away from the Ninja and her own team as a whole, but that's a story for another time!
So yeah. This is also a pattern for Jasmine (she was in a romantic relationship with Roxie prior to them becoming Twyla's students which fell apart for similar reasons. The main reason she and Roxie are still close is because Roxie is super reluctant to cut anyone off and she also doesn't realize that Jasmine is still kind of in love with her too. Plus their breakup was less explosive and more Roxie drawing a line and saying she can't be with Jasmine if she won't talk about her feelings. Shoutout a queen who can put up at least one boundary)
tl;dr communicate your feelings/learn to process them healthily. don't project that shit onto people you love and care about or else you might lose two good friends, which is what Jasmine learned the hard way
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basicallyjaywalker · 9 days ago
Jasmine and Roxie are technically exes but also still best friends! Formerly roommates as well. they provide a good complement to each others energies and demeanors and are very right/left brain coded iykwim. jasmine is usually the more logical and coolheaded of the too, a planner and a thinker, while roxie is a spontaneous actor who works more off her emotions.
Nataly and Kyle are also best friends! they have the dynamic of the two friends of the main character in a high school movie. nataly is highly energetic and chaotic and kyle is enabling her or reining her in depending on what the situation calls for. they've gone on more than one midnight snacking excursion together before
Jasmine and Jonathan are coworkers and friends! well. complexity i don't have time to get into the dr stuff rn. whereas in her friendship w roxie jasmine is the coolheaded one with jonathan she's more rash, often leading him into shenanigans rather than the other way around. Jonathan has a lot of admiration for her and is prone to letting himself get dragged.
And ofc, the entire team is friends and friendly w each other. Jackie and Jasmine have been known to have one v one video game tournaments, jonathan and kyle often get left alone as the "two guys" to do bro things (read: watch romcoms), roxie and jackie often have sitcom style fashion shows where they just pull everything out the closet and make outfits, etc
Forget ships. Which ocs are friends
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stillness-eats-me-alive · 2 months ago
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102 days until I see Katie and Lucy!!!!
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spammingloveletters · 2 months ago
the boys, maxine, becca mancari, e.r. and jasmine's band at sound city studio in L.A. for Jasmine's album via _eobr
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astrangetorpedo · 5 months ago
jasmine.4.t Recording You Are The Morning 💕 dogs and bitches 🐶🐶 (x)
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basicallyjaywalker · 11 months ago
Nataly: entertainer and/or archivist, as of DRS1 is a caretaker of young children
Roxie: fashion designer and seamstress, as of DR is also a caretaker of young children
Jasmine: biomedical engineer, worked as a robotics expert and engineer at Borg Industries and as of DRS1 works for Dr. LaRow
Jackie: historian/curator and teacher. As of DRS1 is technically a teacher
Hannah: local musician and songwriter. As of DRS1 is unemployed
Kyle: dancer. worked at Chen's as a waiter post-S4 (thank you Skylor) and as of DRS1 is unemployed
Luna: comic book artist and writer. Worked as a clerk at Doomsday Comix prior to S8 and as of DRS1 is unemployed
Ivy: be so rich she never has to work again. If she had to though? Maybe an artist. Worked as a thief with Ronin and as of DRS1... Can you count haunting places as a job?
Jonathan: Successful CEO of Borg Industries. Worked as a robotics expert and engineer there prior to Crystallized, worked temporarily with Dr. LaRow after the Merge, and as of DRS1 is. Bodyguard? he is guarding the underworld, basically. Human Cerberus
Willow: her only job has ever been trying to maintain the balance, until the Merge happened and now she's got a new gig with a less lively crowd
Twyla: archivist for the EMs. Currently works as a teacher and is kind of an archivist, taking down notes and keeping journals as best she can to maintain a record
Another ninjago oc question for my friends out there with ninjago ocs. Shoutout Ninjago oc makers. What is your ocs dream job, and what is the job they have now? If they aren’t the same.
Toni wants very bad to be a reporter. He’d kill to get paid doing what he already risks his life to do. But nobody will hire her. What Toni actually does is works at Chen’s noodles as a waiter. They’re not allowed in the kitchen (will set it on fire)
Charlie would have loved doing graphic design in another life. But she never got that chance. She doesn’t have a set job, she hops jobs any chance she gets, and stays until her employer is about to find out she lied about her name her address and everything about her identity.
Kit wanted so badly to be a biologist. Hence the biology degree. But they work at a plant nursery instead.
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emergingghost · 5 months ago
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boygenius with jasmine.4.t and phoenix rousiamanis! [x]
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robodove · 1 year ago
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IDC how cringe fankids are IM FREE.
Zane and Cole's daughter out on a mission with Kai's son!
They have... different relationships with their parents... Though to be fair one of them was born and raised into it while the other just found out he was the son of the red ninja.
(Jazz, short for Jazmine, is the second child of the three kids the glacier pair decided to have! She was born via surrogate mother and is bio related to Cole! Because of this everyone assumed she'd be the next master of earth which culminated in an accident where she lost her arm... because.. she wasn't.)
(Hero, I can't decide on a name for him ever, is Kai's only kid. His mother was a big fan of Kai and after a date turned into.. y'know. He was born! He's with Kai while his mother does uhhmmm. Something. It's fairly awkward, but hey! They're adjusting n warming up! He's gotten in with the wrong crowds a few times and still has to bond a lot with Kai.)
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sendme-2hell · 2 years ago
At this point I think Lucy may just be making music videos to make out with her friends
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basicallyjaywalker · 11 months ago
Fuck yeah more questions
Nataly: snakes. She's biased.
Roxie: butterflies. They're so gorgeous and gentle
Jasmine: crows. They're smart and crafty
Jackie: rats. We're rats. We're the rats. Quick, smart, and misunderstood.
Hannah: koi fish. Could watch a pond of them for hours
Kyle: bees. Bzzzzz
Luna: cats! She used to feed the strays in the alley
Ivy: whales. She used to watch for them on the doc when they migrated, hoping they would pass by Stiix
Jonathan: ants. Hecking cool guys make cool structures
Willow: all of them, but has a soft spot for dragonflies
Master Twyla: horses. They're majestic
more oc questions!!
what's their favorite animal (fictional or real) ?
Lotus's is probably a snake
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basicallyjaywalker · 7 months ago
In those au's where Jasmine and Jay and Nya do talk about their feelings.
What would their relationship be like?
How would Jasmine act with them when dating Nya and Jay?
Sorry for all these questions I am just in a mood where I wanna read some posts on others oc x canon and I wanna see what their relationships with them would be and how they would act with them
Please don't apologize!! I love answering questions about my OCs
A polyamorous relationship with Nya, Jay, and Jasmine would be... dramatic to say the least. Jaya by themselves are already pretty dramatic, I think. Match each others freak etc etc etc, and I hc similar things for Jasmine in monogamous relationships with either (there's an old post floating around my blog where I say I think Jasmine and Nya would show affection by arguing what random part is better to use for a project they're working on). At the same time, they're all kinda ride or die for each other. If one is in trouble the other two are raising hell and highwater (the last one literally, in Nya's case) to save them, meanwhile that person is causing trouble for whatever poor, dumb villain or grunt is about to get their ass kicked
Jasmine I think would definitely be louder with them than she normally is. Jay and Nya are both LOUD people. They would end up in the TV room of the Monastery having a debate over some TV show that none of them are actually that invested in, they just like to bicker. It's like enrichment in their enclosure. Honestly, they'd help her open up more (considering the three of them getting into a relationship in the first place would necessitate Jasmine having to communicate in some way her feelings to them and have a conversation about it) and I think be really good for her and also the worst influences ever. She's gonna become so insufferable /aff
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basicallyjaywalker · 11 months ago
I can give rough ideas for this sure! Some specifics are subject to the timeline I have to finish hashing out but basically:
Nataly: got some basic education from Twyla and studies in the Serpentine's collective library in her free time once that's up and running
Roxie: got her GED and some community college courses done, but was interrupted by the whole world almost ending... Multiple times
Jasmine: associate's in Engineering and Computer Science, sponsored by Borg Industries. Incomplete Bachelor's in the same subjects
Jackie: basic education in Luné, completed her GED and is looking to get a bachelor's and then master's in history post-Crystallized
Hannah: uhhh does being trained to fight in the Tournament count? Warrior training from Chen, some reading/writing from Kyle while they were still on the island, and then completed basic education with Twyla
Kyle: basic education from Clouse and some extras on Ninjago history and fighting. Completed his GED in Ninjago
Luna: basic education from Rufus after he took her in, got her GED and was applying to community colleges when Garmadon returned
Ivy: basics in reading, writing, math, and engineering from Ronin. No degrees
Jonathan: associate's in Engineering and Computer Science and possibly a Bachelor's in the same subjects
Willow: can read and write ninjargon and it's parent language, excellent understanding of biology and zoology, no official degrees
Y’all know what time it is (ninjago oc question time) what is their education like?
Toni graduated high school, but just barely. She was failing badly bc she spent a lot of time skipping class.
Charlie did not go to high school at all, nobody knew she was even alive at that point.
Kit has a bachelors in biology.
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guycourtheoux · 10 months ago
Le Tigre Bleu de l'Euphrate à La Colline
Alexandre le Grand est un personnage historique et mythique, le texte poétique de Laurent Gaudé nous permet d’applaudir un comédien exceptionnel : Emmanuel Schwartz La chambre est blanche. Du sol au plafond, tout est Blanc. Le lit qui est au centre de cette pièce, est recouvert de draps immaculés et froissés. Un homme nous parle d’une voix caverneuse. Il est emmailloté dans un drap, ou est-ce un…
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stillness-eats-me-alive · 2 months ago
i've been watching videos from the Historian and Home Video tours (thank you @lucyhistorian, i owe you the world) to emotionally prepare for finally seeing Lucy live. i'm never going to recover from witnessing this, will i?
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spammingloveletters · 2 months ago
close enough, welcome back boygenius!!!
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astrangetorpedo · 5 months ago
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cutie pies! 📸 via jasmine.4.t on insta (x)
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