#jaskier x asexual!reader
undercoveravenger · 3 years
Terms and Conditions
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Pairing: Jaskier x GN!Reader
Requested: Yes
Request: “could you write a fic about an ace non binary/gender neutral reader meeting Jaskier and having adventures together + slow burn and best friends to lovers sorta thing? I think it’d be really cute if the reader was scared of telling Jaskier how they feel because they’ve never been in love/dated anyone before (speaking from experience lol) but when they finally confess Jaskier’s just like “why the fuck didn’t you say so sooner, I’ve been in love with you from day one” and he gets all flustered and cute when the reader flirts with him/shows him affection❤️”
As a witcher, you were no stranger to late nights and early mornings, but that didn’t mean you’d ever really be accustomed to your best friend waking you up at some god-awful hour of the morning.
“Come on, come on, come on,” Jaskier exclaimed frantically as he burst into your room at the inn the two of you had chosen to stop at, hurriedly crossing the room to shove at your shoulder. “We need to leave immediately!”
He relented when a groggy groan escaped you and you sat up, moving instead to gather your things into your pack and bring your boots to your bedside for you.
“What’s wrong this time, Jask?” you asked blearily, rubbing sleep from your eyes as you pulled on your boots.
Jaskier looked up from where he was crouched by your bag, “You know that woman I was with last night?” When you nodded he continued with his story, “Well, her husband came back and, needless to say, he was less than pleased to see me. So we should go very quickly because he was right behind me.”
You huffed out a laugh, ignoring the sharp stab of hurt at the thought of Jaskier with someone else. “Have you ever considered that your life would be in substantially less danger if you chose to stop sleeping with married people and settled down with someone?”
He gave a sarcastic laugh, though he grinned a little when you pushed yourself to your feet and slung your bag over your shoulder anyway. “Yes, well, that would be far easier if the only person I’ve had genuine feelings for shared that interest.”
You raised an eyebrow curiously, though Jaskier ignored your probing questions as he led you cautiously down to the main floor of the inn to return your keys and then out to the stables for your horses. “Have you told this person how you feel about them?” “Of course not,” he said, finally giving in to your questioning. He gave you an odd look as he pulled himself up onto his horse. “I am… decidedly not their type.”
You remained quiet as you mounted your horse, lost in thought as you considered who exactly might be the unknowing bearer of your friend’s heart. Certainly none of the lords or ladies he’d fucked his way through throughout the time you’d been traveling together; he never spoke of any of them after spending the night with them and hardly ever remembered their names. Really, the only person he’d ever spoken fondly to you about had been…
Well now, that really made too much sense. You nodded to yourself, now certain that the bard was in love with his former traveling companion; a white-haired witcher by the name of Geralt. You’d heard the dozens of songs that Jaskier had written about the witcher and his adventures, and he’d told you enough stories that his fondness was easy to see. And with what you’d heard about Geralt’s exploits with a mage named Yennefer and the women of the towns they passed through, you could understand why Jaskier didn’t think he was the witcher’s type. With all that in mind, you understood why he wouldn’t want to say anything.
Hell, you couldn’t judge; it wasn’t like you were planning on saying anything to Jaskier about your own feelings anytime soon.
Eventually you pulled your horse to a stop when you judged that the two of you were far enough from town to be safe from slighted husbands, and Jaskier followed suit. You opened your mouth to say something, but stopped when the faint sound of bells chiming caught your ears. Your brows furrowed and you slid down from your horse, tying off your reins to the branches of a nearby tree before turning and making your way into the treeline.
You could hear Jaskier scrambling noisily through the brush behind you, though your attention remained focused on the small figure sitting crouched at the bank of the murky lake ahead of you, partially obscured by the trees.Your hand fell to the hilt of your sword and you noiselessly drew it from its sheath as you approached the child.
“You’re quite far from home,” you said, eyes locked on the creature as you stopped, gaze not wavering even as Jaskier came crashing into the clearing behind you. “And I suspect you’ve caused a lot of trouble for a great many people.”
The young girl turned to look at you, blond curls tumbling over her shoulder with the movement. She cocked her head as she noticed the blade leveled on her, “I suppose you mean to make me go home?”
“I do,” you replied firmly, “Though I’d prefer it be by your choice rather than force.”
Jaskier puts a hand on your shoulder, leaning forward to speak softly to you, “She’s just a little girl, is the sword really necessary?”
A wry smile crossed your features and your grip tightened on the hilt of your sword until your knuckles went white, “Except it isn’t a little girl, is it?”
The creature let out a delighted laugh and its glamour fell away; fair skin fading to a dark ash gray and brilliant green eyes being consumed by the darkness of the pupils until there was nothing but black left. The curl of the hair straightened and silvered, falling as easily as snow on a winter’s morning. “You’ve good instincts, witcher. He’d have been dead without you,” it said, gesturing at Jaskier.
“You’ve a decent glamour, fae,” you acknowledged, sheathing your sword. It’s visible amusement had you convinced that you weren’t actively in danger. “However, I still cannot allow you to remain.”
It nodded thoughtfully, “I would not be opposed to returning to my court, though I will not do so without payment.”
“What would you deem adequate?” you asked, knowing you’d have to make an iron-clad agreement to lock in a faerie.
It made a thoughtful noise, tapping its too-long fingers together, “You’ve caught me in a good mood, so I will agree to return home to my court and leave this town undisturbed for the foreseeable future in exchange for some…” Its eyes flickered between you and Jaskier once more and a sly grin formed across its lips, “Entertainment. A secret will do.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in disbelief; everything you’d ever heard told you that the fae would rake you across the coals in any deal they made, but a secret? It sounded too easy. “Just a secret, huh?”
“Yes,” it confirmed with a nod, “I quite wonder what a witcher such as yourself might value as much as your most private secret.” Their eyes locked onto Jaskier once more, and their grin grew predatory, “Tell me, how do you truly feel about your companion?”
The faerie’s question had you blanching, tensing under the weight of Jaskier’s baffled stare. You were half tempted to lie, to say he meant nothing more to you than a brother might, but you knew that would void the terms of your deal. You steeled yourself, closing your eyes as you forced yourself to speak. “I’m in love with him.”
Jaskier’s shocked gasp echoed through the clearing behind you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to turn and look at him, instead keeping your gaze fixed on the faerie and its smug smile as it vanished into thin air.
Twigs and leaves crunched under Jaskier’s boots as he moved to stand in front of you. “You… love me?”
You couldn’t meet his gaze, instead keeping your eyes fixed on the far bank of the lake as you nodded.
“Oh, thank fuck,” he said, not even giving you a chance to respond before he was taking your face in his hands and surging forward to kiss you. He pulled away after a moment, smiling brightly at you, “Why the hell didn’t you say something sooner? I’ve been in love with you since literally the first time I met you!”
For a long moment you struggled to process what you’d just heard, but as it set in an embarrassed flush spread over your cheeks, much to Jaskier’s amusement. “I didn’t think that- You seemed interested in anyone but me!”
“I didn’t want you to break my heart!” Jaskier huffed, stealing another quick kiss.
You rolled your eyes at the very thought, but you couldn’t help but smile at the thought that this would now be a regular occurrence. You supposed that every now and then a faerie’s deal could have good results.
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antique-traveler · 3 years
introduction/masterlist/request rules
hello! my name's bucky, i'm a 21 year old nb trans man, and i use he/they pronouns.
i'm an author/artist and i use this blog to post all of my fandom stuff. you can find me on ao3 as bbuckyy, most of my fics are there except for requests. you can also scroll through the tags "my fic", "my art", or "request" to find more of those!
speaking of requests, here's what you need to know before sending one in!
what i will write:
x reader or ship
any gender reader (i'll default to gender neutral if you don't specify)
trans reader
sensitive subjects (homophobia, violence, mental illness, etc.)
some au's, depending on how familiar i am with them/how detailed the request is
what i won't write:
smut. i'm asexual, and writing excessive/explicit sexual content makes me uncomfortable
suicide/self harm
who i'll write for:
matt murdock
foggy nelson
michael kinsella
geralt of rivia
masterlists are below the cut!
request masterlist
the witcher:
wrozka on ao3 - 2.6k, G, geraskier
jaskier has a secret, and geralt is trying to figure out what it is
so long we'd become the flowers on ao3 - 3.5k, T, geraskier
After losing a medallion, Jaskier begins to undergo changes and unearth forgotten details of his past.
your hand in my hand, so still and discreet on ao3 - 3.6k, G, geraskier
jaskier wakes one morning to find that he isn't quite himself. throughout the day, he learns about who he was before becoming a bard, before meeting geralt, before he saw his mother taken from him.
sequel to so long we'd become the flowers
hang your head over, hear the wind blow on ao3 - 1.4k, G, geraskier
geralt has trouble sleeping, echoes of stones and slurs rattling through his head. jaskier takes notice and offers him solace the only way he knows how: a lullaby.
just hidden - 6.7k, T, geraskier
Jaskier is changing. Rapidly. Painfully. Bloodily. Geralt has no choice but to bring him to Yennefer to try and stop whatever has begun to mutilate and deform the man he loves.
the umbrella academy:
you're gonna be here for it on ao3 - 2.7k, T, five & diego
when five first jumps to the apocalypse, he sees his siblings as he expected they'd be at 30. all except one, that is.
five comes to terms with missing diego's coming out and transition
the gravities of terrestrial life - 2.0k, T, five & klaus
Klaus comes to terms with being older and younger than his twin brother.
out of the black and into the blue - 11.2, T, charles x hank
When Hank realizes that his serum is no longer effective and must stop taking it completely, it takes Charles's help and almost two years for him to finally heal. In the end, it's not just his body that's changed.
we've changed so much i barely recognize our formative lives on ao3 - 2.4k, T, mattfoggy
matt asks foggy what he looks like, and is forced to come to some unsurprising realizations
over all these virtues (put on love) on ao3 - 8.8k, T, mattfoggy
Elektra is dead for the second time, hopefully for good. Matt has to decide if he ever really loved her, if he ever really loved women at all.
eight minutes on ao3 - 3k, T, mattfoggy
So here’s the thing: Matt, like, really liked physical contact. Foggy had been collecting evidence for weeks now, and he was absolutely sure of this conclusion. Holding Foggy’s hand as they walked home drunk, melting beneath Foggy’s hands on his shoulders, the way Matt leaned into him whenever they sat close enough; he clearly loved to be touched. Foggy wasn’t sure why, maybe living in a catholic orphanage for seven years just did that to a person. Regardless, if Matt needed to be touched that bad, then god dammit, Foggy was going to touch him. Platonically. Without getting a boner, hopefully.
epitaph, elegy on ao3 - 3.4k, T, mattfoggy
Jack is in Matt's living room. Jack is living and breathing and just as confused as Matt is. He doesn't know why, he doesn't know for how long, but Matt does know one thing: he has to tell his father everything.
reeling with the feeling on ao3 - 1.6k, T, mattfoggy
from the prompt: Oh uhhh I'd die for something that involves Matt and Foggy at some hot spring or alternatively a warm bath because: sensory stuff half or completely underwater, water, your loved one in super warm funky floaty place.
snips and snails on ao3 - 1.5k, G, nb!matt/ftm!foggy
from the prompt: Something something Matt being wholesome to Foggy about their dysphoria. Bonus if Matt is nonbinary because what the heck is gender i can't see it anyway
a magical place where it never rained - 7.9k, T, mattfoggy, autistic!matt
Matt's got some... quirks. He waves his hands and he can't stand loud noises and holy shit does he know a lot about Thurgood Marshall. Foggy puts the pieces together and convinces Matt to do the same.
How to Be in Love with Your Best Friend: A Step-by-Step Tutorial on ao3 - 13.2k, T, mattfoggy
Matt and Foggy have been through the wringer. They've won and lost and cried and fought and died and come back and now... now it's time for Foggy to take a chance.
and then they do that more on ao3 - 4.6k, T, mattfoggy
Matt's overjoyed by the way his friendship with Foggy has been revived. They're even closer than they'd been before Midland Circle; now they say "I love you" every chance they get, and they hold hands when they walk together, and Foggy greets him with light kisses. He's so happy that Foggy's his best friend.
the shape of his smile - 2.2k, T, trans!matt x reader
There's never a time when you don't feel lucky to witness how Matt becomes himself.
the walk home - 3.8k, T, matt x transmasc!reader
On the walk home, you get mugged. Fucking of course you do.
just a little team-up - 8k, T, team red, established mattfoggy
At first, Matt really does not want to team up with Spider-Man, but, bit by bit, they start to learn more about each other.
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railroad-migraine · 3 years
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Ask: I was wondering if I could have an overly fluffy Jaskier x reader where the reader is asexual and he wants to know why, the reader kinda hints to what happened and then later on her sees the one who did it to her? Jaskier goes absolutely APE and then comforts the reader? Maybe have a love confession since I am a SUCKER for those xD
This ask was incredibly personal to the requester, and I wanted to keep the topic respectful and honest while not graphic. I hope you enjoy.
TW// implied past s*xual ab*se, but very minor
~ Poet
Jaskier, ever since the day he met you, has been in an awe-like state. Your friendship was fast, becoming travelling companions after you swooped in and saved his hide from a drowner - he'd strayed a little bit too far from Geralt's camp and everything had escalated from there.
And while on the road, and in a bard and a witcher's company, the broad topic of lovers eventually came up - be it related to true love, destiny, djinns, witches, or casual dalliances, a lot was overshared during a night of heavy drinking.
Leaning into Jaskier's side in the tavern booth, you managed to find your voice and revealed your experiences haven't been as fortunate - the sexual aspects of relationships don't appeal to you, and your view is only reinforced by a past incident.
Grimacing at the sudden sour taste in your mouth, and the now sobered look on Jaskier's face, you briefly explained how someone you once trusted threw it back in your face with a bitter encounter. The travelling minstrel at your side let you speak as little or as much as you liked, eyebrows cinched and leaving a crease between them as he listened intently.
That night, he promised that as he lived and breathed, he wouldn't dare let anyone do something like that to you again. His sincere expression and voice softened the table's tone, and he rested his hand on top of yours, giving a reassuring squeeze.
Not even a month later, breezing through a village on the way to one of Geralt's monster contracts, you stopped dead in your tracks at the sight of an unwelcome ghost from your past, just walking about and living a normal life without consequences. Words failed you when Jaskier asked what was wrong, and all you could do was give a pointed look, his gaze following your to the individual across the street.
A moment passed. Then two. Then, without any warning, the bard at your side rolled up his sleeves, and stepped forward to give a ''stern talking to.'' What happened next was fast, short lived and nasty. Jaskier ended up receiving a bruised jaw and a broken lute, but he came out of that brawl unscathed in comparison to his opponent.
Dabbing a damp cloth to his face in your bedroom back at the inn, you asked him why he'd do such a reckless thing, chastising but grateful - he merely stilled your hand by gently holding your wrist and pressing his lips to your palm, so tenderly it made your heart melt. Few words were said after that, but everything slotted into place from there.
"My darling, could you love a reckless man such as myself?"
He has never pressured you into anything you're not comfortable with. The thought has never crossed his mind - there is so much more to life than sexual intimacy. He appreciates the domestic aspects of the relationship you form together - simply sharing a meal, strumming his (new) lute to your voice, and joining in with local festivities during celebrations are some of the moments he loves most in the world. The Continent is home to you and him, and the life you've made together; not just gloom and pain, but hope and eventual healing <3
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meangirlsx · 4 years
Tagged by: @fangirling-allday – thank you so much!
Name: Sam
Gender: Female
Height: Somewhere between 4′11 and 5′0
Sexuality: Biromantic asexual
Favorite Animal: Honestly I lose my mind at like any animal. Faves would maybe be dogs, cats, lions, otters?
Average hours of sleep: Lol it totally depends on the day, can be anywhere from 3-9
Dog or cat: I love both with my whole heart and I’ve always considered myself a dog person but I’ve recently accepted that I’m actually a cat person and I just don’t care enough that I’m allergic
Current time: 11:43 am
Dream job: I would absolutely love to be an author, and I’ve wanted to be a Broadway stage manager for a long time but I really don’t know what I’ll want coming out of all of this, you know? And my current job has actually sort of become my dream job but I don’t know how long they can keep me on
When I made this blog: I just checked when I created my email for the account and it looks like I started it in June of 2018 and then posted my first fic that July
Why I made this blog: I had another account that some friends from school followed me on, so I wanted a blog that was separate where I could interact with fandoms and possibly start writing fanfiction 
Reason for url: Lol I thought it was clever at the time, since I was starting it to write fanfiction for Mean Girls on Broadway, and I thought ending it with the X sounded cool and was like a play on “Mean Girls x reader” and at this point I haven’t changed it because I know I get confused when people change theirs
Tagging: @walkingonshunshine @jaskiers-sweetkiss @marinettepotterandplagg @julie-and-thehimbos @oozing-chemistry @crybabyddl
As always, if you’ve already been tagged or just don’t feel up to this, no worries at all! :)
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Here you’ll find a guide of the types of request I do in this blog. Please make sure to read the rules before requesting, and also check the list of fandoms and characters I write for. If you have any question, don’t be afraid to ask!
Happy requesting :)
Ficlets / drabbles / one shots
A ficlet is a short story of about 1000 words, though it might be shorter or longer depending on my inspiration. It is similar to a drabble, though this one is usually shorter and around 100 words. A one shot is basically a short story, but longer than drabbles and ficlets and can be very detailed.
How many characters: one or more, but please specify which characters you want and from which fandoms
POV: second if it’s reader x character ; third if it’s character x character or oc x character
To request a ficlet/drabble/one shot you’ll need to tell me: character(s) + fandom(s) +  idea/scenario + ficlet
Example: I’d like to request a ficlet of Bucky Barnes learning that female reader is in love with them while they’re fighting on opposite sides of a battle.
Gif imagines
A gif imagine is a piece of writing that usually starts with a gif and in which the character reacts to a certain imagined situation that was requested. They are usually not very long, but can be detailed.
How many characters: one or more, but please specify which characters you want and from which fandoms
POV: second
To request a gif imagine you’ll need to tell me: character(s) + fandom(s) +  idea/scenario + gif imagine
Example: I’d like to request a gif imagine of Thomas Shelby meeting a long lost friend during the war.
Headcanons / would include
Headcanons and ‘would include’ scenarios are short lists made up of my ideas and thoughts about a certain situation/about how a character acts in a certain situation. They’re usually short and written in bullet points.
How many characters: one or more, but please specify which characters you want and from which fandoms
POV: second or third
To request a headcanon/would include you’ll need to tell me: character(s) + fandom(s) +  idea/scenario + headcanon/would include
Example: I’d like to request some headcanons for Geralt of Rivia listening to Jaskier singing in the shower while he’s trying to sleep. Or: I’d like to request a ‘Dating Yennefer from the Witcher would include’
Preferences / scenarios
Preferences are scenarios of multiple characters reacting to the same situation or that explore what the characters would do in a certain situation. They might come with a gif for each character followed by a paragraph about how each character reacts to the given scenario.
How many characters: various (can be from the same fandom or from different fandoms), but please no more than 7
POV: second or third
To request a preference you’ll need to tell me: character(s) + fandom(s) +  idea/scenario + preference
Example: I’d like to request a preference of the Umbrella Academy siblings (Allison, Luke, Vanya, Five, Diego, Klaus, Ben) meeting and befriending a new kid (male reader) at the house.
Promts are short stories that I write and in which I must include lines (the prompts) that you’ve taken from the prompt list. You can also request prompts that are not on my list and/or that you’ve created. Prompts can be long and detailed.
You can send up to 3 prompts max.
How many characters: one or more, but please specify which characters you want and from which fandoms
POV: second if it’s reader x character ; third if it’s character x character or oc x character
To request a prompt you’ll need to tell me: character(s) + fandom(s) + dialogue line(s) + prompt
Example: I’d like to request prompts #1 “I love you” and #2 “stop tickling me” with Even and Isak from SKAM. Or: I’d like to request prompt “I can’t hear you over the sound of my own heart” with reader and Raven from The 100.
Song requests
Song requests are when you give me a specific song or specific lyrics from a song and I have to create a scenario or story based on or inspired by them. You can also send me your specific ideas and scenarios about the song/lyrics, though this is optional.
How many characters: one or more, but please specify which characters you want and from which fandoms
POV: second if it’s reader x character ; third if it’s character x character or oc x character
To request a song imagine you’ll need to tell me: character(s) + fandom(s) + song/specific lyrics + optional ideas/scenario
Example: I’d like to request an imagine with the song “Heaven” by The Neighbourhood, specifically the lyrics “You got me shaking like a seizure, no mistaking that I need ya”. With Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter! Or: I’d like to request a ficlet inspired by the song “Meet me on the battlefield” by SVRCINA and in which the DC heroes fight the villains.
Ships / Match-ups
Ships or match-ups are when you give me detailed information about yourself and I pair you up with a character that I think goes well with you. I do all kinds of pairings, so if you want a specific gender or sexual orientation please specify. Also, always specify the fandom you want to be shipped in (it can be up to 3).
How many characters: one for each fandom (up to 3)
POV: second
To request a ship/match-up you’ll need to tell me: fandom(s) you want the character to be from + detailed information about yourself + ship/match-up
Example: I’d like to request a ship for Hunger Games, Hobbit and Percy Jackson. I’m an asexual biromantic girl who loves to travel, playing videogames and make people laugh. I’m always up for a challenge and I’m most happy when I’m with my friends or cooking. I love animals and nature and I’d love to become a vet. I’d prefer to be shipped with girls!
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som3thingcr3ative · 5 years
Long-awaited, but it’s finally here! Hopefully this will make it easier for people to find my work!
18+ please! I write for fandoms that deal with varying topics but mostly all of my fics include some sexual themes, violence and swearing. 
I will attempt to update this as I go! My plan is to post more of my work on here, even if it is unfinished :)
The Witcher
Geralt x Jaskier x OC
And I am Wanting-  part - one - two - three - four Multi chapter, future poly relationship
synopsis: She's a lady from a town plagued by a monster: a Witcher is called, but the town has its own vigilante who has been successful so far, yet no one knows who he is. 
When Geralt comes into town, he is hosted by her father and sees her at the table. She's beautiful, but he can see that her eyes hold secrets. Those secrets will forever change the lives of one Geralt of Rivia and Jaskier the bard. 
Game Of Thrones 
Daenerys / OC
Khaleesi - multi chapter, future asexual relationship, marriage for royal stability.
synopsis:  It started at a party one fall night. Everything can be traced to this fateful day- the time travel, the wizard, the magic, the dragons… even the government involvement. It all started here. Rhaegar Shade has never truly known what it is to be normal: he’s never looked normal, he’s never acted normal, and he sure as hell doesn’t have normal pets. He has tried to fit in, but he never truly found a place where he belonged- until the Mage George R. R. Martin decides it’s time. D&D aren’t taking GoT seriously on screen. Up until now, they were showing what needed to be shown- but GRRM knows exactly what will happen if they remain in control, so he does the only thing he can about it. He adds a pawn to the board, one who was removed from play long ago, if only to keep him alive. 
Platonic!Eddie / reader, symbiote x reader:
Fairytale Symbiosis
Multi chapter, featured on themaskedwriter
synopsis:  Y/N has always hated the entitled, world-destroying, no-soul types- and Carlton Drake fits that description perfectly. Naturally she sneaks into his lab intending to do some damage, but gets much more than she bargained for. This isn’t a war she can sit out of, not when world domination is at stake, so helping Eddie and Venom is the natural choice…for her. Her symbiote, however, may have other ideas.
Ivar the boneless
By Her Blood - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 multi chapter, angst/ future fluff, possible smut. 
synopsis: A halloween party with your parents’ friends’ kids seemed harmless- but your parents were archaeologists, and so were their friends, and the party was held in a crypt in a land once called Frankia. So what could go wrong? A bunch of teenagers raised on history, whose parents taught them many dead languages, who knew -and respected- those historical figures. To a point, that is. You see, most of your friends were highly superstitious, and all hallow’s eve being the day during which the living and the dead were closest, it went without saying that more than one person tried to summon a spirit.
Voluspa (prophecy) - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4- Part 5- Part 6 - Part 7 multi chapter, slow burn. any themes in the show apply to this fic. 
synopsis:  Astrid, a girl born in the year 2000, has never fit in. Raised by a Norse family with her twin brother, she grew up among people who feared her. And then her archaeologist twin finds something that links her to the tenth century- the rest, as they say, is history.
Kylo Ren
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In Aeternum Et Semper multi chapter, external link (AO3). Pre-existing relationship, all tags on AO3
Synopsis:  Darth Astra is a Sith Lord. She’s married in secret to the one and only Kylo Ren. Their marriage is a happy one, and its the only thing keeping Astra tethered to the Dark Side. She’s determined to run away- even knows where she’s going and how to get there. The girl’s got plans. But nothing ever goes her way. So when Kylo is suddenly gravely injured, she has to make a decision. Be there when her husband wakes up, and face sure damnation in the eyes of the Resistance’s justice system. Or, Run away. Erase her own memory, and face the uncertainty of a new life on D'Qar, far away from any contact except her adolescent dragon, Aragon. Its kill or be killed, and she’s not planning on being the prey. Not to the First Order, Not to the Resistance, And sure as hell not to Snoke.
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Warren x OC
Shadow’s End multi chapter, posted on AO3
synopsis:  Shadow is a class five mutant with the ability to absorb other’s mutations through touch. She’s a crime-fighting vigilante who flies solo, eliminating rapists, animal abusers, child abusers/molesters and other criminals. But even she has her two times; the marks everyone bears. One is how old you are when you first meet your soulmate, and the other is how long you will be with them. Warren Worthington the third also has his times- and one of them matches Shadow’s. When America demands Shadow’s blood, Angel may be her last hope. Can she make a new life for herself with the X-Men? Is it possible for her to get over her past? Can these two mutants in desperate need of a redemption arc find their fate in the other?
Siren’s call 
this one’s just gay. so gay. Synopsis: Carissa is a seventeen-year-old Siren. She faces relationship problems, but those are easily solved when she catches sight of a boy whose date just left him for some other guy. The pier party bores him, and he’s looking for some adventure when he spots her- and the rest, as they say, is history. 
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randomfandomimagine · 6 years
Headcanon Masterlist Part 2
Check out all the headcanons with the headcanon tag!
Part 1 of this masterlist!
Kat & Reader Having Class Together (request)
Spending Halloween On Spectre (request)
Tadashi’s Famous Singer S/O (request)
Jake Finding Out Amy Is Pregnant (request)
Jake And A Plus Size Detective Reader (request)
Jake Defending Trans Reader (request)
Jake Worried When Reader Goes Undercover (request)
Jake & Amy’s Future Child’s Name 
Spike Proposing To Reader (request)
Buffy, Willow, Xander & Spike Reuniting With Reader (request)
Cloud & Steve Being Reunited Old Friends (request) [FFVII & Marvel]
Avengers In Midgard (request) [Marvel & God Of War]
Kratos vs Wolverine (request) [X-Men & God Of War]
Chocobros + Rampion Crew (request) [Final  Fantasy XV & The Lunar Chonicles]
Four Watching His Male Crush Get Killed (request) 
Babysitters (request)
Being Four’s Sibling & Leaving Abnegation (request)
Connor Reacts To Reader’s Glitched Records (request)
Connor In Halloween (request)
Daniel & Human Reader (request)
Falling In Love With Chloe (request)
Connor Comforting Reader During Panic Attack (request)
Gavin & Pro-Android S/O (request)
Connor & Markus’ Kind S/O (request)
Connor’s Deviant Android S/O (request)
Reno And S/O Cuddling (request)
Genesis On Halloween (request)
Cloud Being Protective Of His S/O (request)
Helping Cloud Fix His Motorbike (request)
Genesis Meeting S/O (request)
Domestic Reno (request)
Reader Wearing Cloud’s Clothes (request)
Genesis Looking After Sick S/O (request)
Jealous Genesis (request)
Chocobros And Reader Under The Mistletoe (request)
Ignis Comforting Reader With Suicidal Thoughts (request)
Prompto Cheering His S/O Up On Their Birthday (request)
Domestic Gladio & Reader (request)
S/O & Ticklish Ignis (request)
Prompto’s Insecure Chubby S/O (request)
Gladio & Prompto Waking Up Their S/O (request)
Gladio & Prompto’s S/O’s Heartbeat (request)
Affectionate Ignis (request)
Ignis’ S/O When He’s Stressed (request)
Chocobros’ Confident Curvy S/O (request)
Roy And Olivier’s Depressed S/O (request)
Holiday With Alphonse (request)
Alphonse And S/O Trick Or Treating (request)
Alphonse’s Anxious/Depressed S/O (request)
Spending Time With Olivier (request)
Stranded With Alphonse (request)
Jean Havoc Having a Crush On Mustang Reader (request)
Playfighting With Alphonse (request)
Alphonse Meeting His S/O’s Parents (request)
Alphonse And S/O Cleaning His Armor (request)
Alphonse’s S/O Meeting Winry (request)
Mustang Reader Dating Edward (request)
Deadly Wounded (request)
GOW Hogwarts Houses (request)
Sindri And Halloween (request)
Sindri Confessing To His S/O (request)
Sindri And Brok’s Jobs In Modern Days (request)
Sindri’s S/O Having Nightmares (request)
Date With Sindri (request)
Cuddling With Kratos (request)
Kratos With Traveler Reader (request)
Kratos Finding A Lost Child (request)
Kratos & Shy Reader (request)
Kratos and Egyptian Goddess of Death S/O (request)
Kratos and Co Reacting To Modern Reader (request)
Half Giant Reader Meeting Kratos & Atreus (request)
Baldur Reacting To Reader Getting Hurt (request)
Kratos’ Twin Brother Reader (request)
Reactions To Atreus’ Brother Powers (request)
Atreus & Baldur’s Reactions To Kratos’ Mute S/O (request)
Kratos & Androgynous Reader (request)
Atreus’ Twin Brother Helping Freya (request)
Asexual Reader Being Friends With Crowley & Aziraphale (request)
Baking Them ‘Devil Food Cake’ & ‘Angel Food Cake’ (request)
Kenickie’s Shy S/O (request)
Marauder’s Superstitious Muggleborn S/O (request)
Dorm Boys’ Favorite TV Shows (request)
First Date With Bill Weasley (request)
Single Valentine’s Day (request)
John’s House
Sora Reacting to Keyblade Master Reader Fangirling (request)
College Sora With Reader (request)
Sora Comforting Lonely Reader (request)
Sora & S/O’s Affectionate Gestures (request)
Sora’s Jealous S/O (request)
Celebrating Halloween With Sora (request)
Winter With Sora (request)
Cuddling Boromir (request)
Tending To Boromir’s Wounds (request)
Bucky And Steve’s Short S/O (request)
Jealousy Bucky (request)
Avengers Hogwarts Houses
Steve’s Artist S/O (request)
Loki’s Autistic S/O (request)
Tony Stuck In A Closet (request)
Avengers Reacting To British Shield Agent (request)
Thor & Loki’s Self-Conscious S/O (request)
Avengers Reacting To Reader With Anxiety (request)
Avengers Reacting To Badass Reader (request)
Loki’s Genderfluid S/O (request)
Reader With Powers Creating Scary Creatures (request)
Loki Falling For Artist Reader (request)
Stephen Strange’s Sweet S/O (request)
Merlin Looking After Magical Child (request)
Merlin Hogwarts Houses
Gwaine’s Shy S/O (request)
Percival Rescuing Reader (request)
Nathan Dating Shy Male Reader (request)
The Boys As Halloween Creatures (request)
Victor Reacting To MC Dating Gavin (request)
Gavin Taking Care Of Sick MC (request)
Gavin Reacting To MC Blushing (request)
Gavin Asking You Out On A Date (request)
Kiro Reacting To Sharing A Birthday With MC (request)
They Realize They’re In Love (request)
How They Act When They’re In Love (request)
MC Looking After Anxious Gavin (request) 
Minor Realizing Gavin Has A Crush On MC (request) 
Minor Realizing Gavin Has A Crush On MC In High School (request)
Gavin Reacting To MC Telling Him She Loves Him (request)
Gavin Reacting To MC Sleepily Confessing (request) 
Victor And MC Reacting To Gender Swap (request)
They React To Social Reader (request)
Victor & Artistic S/O (request)
Gavin & Mistletoe
Boys With A Fainting S/O (request)
S/O Distracting Lucien From Work (request)
Victor’s S/O With Bad Self-Esteem (request)
Gavin Reacting To MC Under Anesthesia Effect (request)
Gavin & Drunk MC (request)
Gavin’s S/O With Healing Evol (request)
Gavin’s S/O With Anxiety/PTSD (request)
Gamer S/O (request)
Jealous Kirof (request)
Boys Babysitting Their Children (request)
Argument Over Jealousy (request)
S/O With A Shadow Quirk (request)
Bakugo’s S/O Captured By Villains (request)
Jealous Bakugo (request)
Couple Halloween Costumes (request)
Reactions To Reader With Stretching Quirk (request)
Jack Sparrow And Davy Jones’ Daughter (request)
Pirates Hogwarts Houses
Jealous Bingley (request)
Leon Helping His S/O With Anxiety (request) [TRIGGER WARNING]
Leon & S/O In A Power Outage (request)
Clark & Jimmy Kissing Reader (request)
Lex & Reader Taking Care Of Each Other (request)
Lex & Reader Reuniting (request)
Clark, Oliver & Lex Comforting Reader (request)
Peter’s Flying Shapeshifter Superhero Partner (request)
Hogwarts Houses
Poe & Reader Childhood Friends to Enemies To Lovers (request)
Teenagers Hogwarts Houses
Kids Hogwarts Houses
Panic Attack (request)
S/O Coming Out As Bisexual (request) // Part 2 (request)
Reader Saved By Castiel (request)
Reader Rescued By Winchesters & Healed By Jack (request)
Eugene Realizing He’s Gay (request)
Lesbian Daughter Reader (request)
Tributes Hogwarts Houses (request)
Cato & Marvel’s Shy S/O (request)
Iko Crushing On A Curvy Girl (request)
Cinder And Cress As Friends (request)
Scarlet And Farm Hand Reader (request)
Cinder And Thorne (request)
Insecure S/O
Dating Jacin & Thorne (request)
Napoleon’s Bartender Girlfriend (request)
Napoleon & Illya Flirting With Reader (request)
Jealous Illya (request)
Illya’s Chubby Girlfriend (request)
Reader Being Andy Bernard’s Daughter (request)
Dally & S/O Sleepy Cuddles (request)
Reactions To Reader Jumped By Socs (request)
Gang Protective Of Reader With Asperger (request)
Gang Comforting Crying Reader (request)
Geralt Frenemies With Witch!Reader (request)
First Kiss With Jaskier (request)
Reader Flirting With Geralt (request)
Reader Soft For Jaskier (request)
Geralt Being Jaskier’s Wingman (request)
Jaskier Comforting Reader (request)
Jaskier & Paintress S/O (request)
Jaskier & Shy S/O (request)
Reader Comforting Jaskier (request)
Reader Reminiscing With Geralt & Jaskier (request)
Jaskier & Reader’s Rivalry (request)
Jaskier & S/O’s First Big Fight (request)
Jaskier’s Trans Male S/O Being insecure (request)
Jaskier’s Strong S/O (request)
Geralt & Reader Arguing (request)
Jaskier Seeing Reader Getting Hurt (request)
Geralt & Reader Wanting Privacy (request)
Geralt & Jaskier As Parents (request)
Cahir Falling For Reader (request)
Long Distance Relationship With Dan (request) [Phandom]
Dan’s Tall S/O (request) [Phandom]
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