#male!reader x jaskier
mlm-writer · 10 months
Old Friend (Geralt x GN!Reader)
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Pairing:  Show!Geralt of Rivia x Gender Neutral Reader (can be interpreted as platonic or romantic) Rating: Mature Words: 1670 POV: Second Summary: The Big Tober Day 21 - “I did what I had to do to protect those I love… I had no choice!” Note: Don't @ me for still posting things that were supposed to come out in October. Tags: angst, mention of Ciri & Yennefer, ft. Jaskier & Milva, murder and dark magic
Everyone would agree that Ciri was an unlucky girl with a life tainted by tragedy. Every time you spoke with her about her past, you felt a little pang in your heart. However, sometimes you envied her. The way Geralt reserved his warmest of smiles for his charge, the way the most powerful sorceress spent her time teaching Ciri and the power Ciri possessed sometimes made you feel like she was, in some way, a very lucky girl. 
You spent life on the run with Ciri, Geralt and Yennefer. Most of the time you felt like you were family, sometimes you felt like an extra, an unnecessary weight, but no one told you to leave. You had nothing to teach Ciri that Geralt and Yennefer couldn’t. They had it covered from sword to spells to alchemy. 
Then things kept going to shit and before you knew it, Geralt was flirting with death and Ciri was missing. You wanted to go find her, but Yennefer insisted you stayed with Geralt. “You can heal anything!” Geralt exclaimed as you exhausted yourself once more. He was capable of loud verbal abuse. You should’ve counted that as a win, but it was hard to, when Geralt was still bed-bound. 
“I’m doing everything I can!” You yelled back. Milva entered, her hand landing on your shoulder. It has been the same song over and over again ever since Jaskier revealed Ciri was on her way to Nilfgaard. Geralt proceeded to demand more of you. Milva forced you out. Jaskier was waiting for you with a brew of herbs that would help you recover your strength. “I’m really doing everything I can,” you sobbed by the fire. 
Jaskier put his arm around you, comforting you the best he could. “I know. He knows. He is just… Geralt.” You leaned against the bard, letting his body’s warmth seep into yours. You sat by the fire until it got dark. Jaskier eventually let you be to mull over your thoughts in peace. When you had the strength you used your magic on those that did appreciate it. You were weak, but even a little was for many enough to pull their foot out of the grave. 
Exhaustion gnawed at your bones. Your muscles felt like they were weighed down by the state of the world. You took a stroll out of the camp, trying to avoid Jaskier and Milva. They meant well, but their words were not enough to distract you from the power you lacked. 
When the lights of the camp were far behind you, you stopped walking. You couldn’t hold yourself up anymore, knees colliding with the muddy ground of the forest. From a secret pocket sewn into the coat you’ve had for over two decades, you procured an amulet you haven’t worn since you met Geralt all those years ago. The deep red gem reflected the light of the moon onto your eyes. Deep within the stone you could see an old friend. You promised Geralt you’d throw this trinket away; you promised you would never give in to temptation again, but despair had forced you quite literally to your knees. You clenched the charm tightly in your fist. “All is fair in love and war,” you whispered as you stared down at your fist, noticing how red light seeped between your fingers. “These are times of war and… I love him.”
Those words spoken aloud strengthened your resolve. You closed your eyes as you put the thin golden chain over your head, letting the amulet fall right where your heart was. As soon as that metal hit your chest, you felt an old friend occupying your mind once more. “I always knew you’d come back,” it told you. It gave you visions of how to help Geralt. The methods dancing on the grey moral spectrum, but led by these visions, you made your way back to the camp. You entered the tents of the sleeping patients you had helped earlier. You touched those that you didn’t think would make it to the morning. Their life force entered through your fingertips. They breathed their final breath. You felt the weak energy pooling together. One tent, two, three, you passed though the whole camp, taking what you needed from those that were not likely to hold onto it for long anyway. Each time you took, darkness rose to your skin, revealing your deeds in the night. 
Your veins had turned black by the time you entered the final tent. Geralt was fast asleep as well, too injured to even hear you entering, too unwell to open his eyes and ask you what you were doing there. A black tear rolled down your cheek as you placed your hand on his chest and let go of all the energy you had collected. The life energy of the people that died that night flowed from your chest down to your fingertips. In his sleep, Geralt inhaled deeply as the energy filled him. It only took a moment, but it felt like an eternity as you felt the weight of the lives you took to save the one most dear to you. 
When you were devoid of all the energy but your own, you collapsed on the ground, legs too tired to keep you up. You took deep breaths, trying to avoid looking at your hands. However, in the end you just needed to know how bad things were. You raised your palms, the sight - though expected - still horrifying. Your skin had blackened from the dark magic. Your hands felt fine though. “You did well. This is only the beginning of what we can achieve. You’re meant to take what you please,” the old friend’s voice echoed through your skull. The words were reassuring, but you knew all too well where things could lead. You reached for the amulet, ready to rip it off you. “You need me. Without me you’re useless. You can’t protect the ones you love.” 
Geralt had you once believe otherwise, but it only took one glance towards him to show you where his faith in you had led him to. Even the great White Wolf could be wrong sometimes. Defeated, you slowly let go of the amulet, allowing it to occupy its old spot. “Everything will be fine. You will be fine,” the being spoke through the amulet to you. You had heard those words a million times from Jaskier, but only now did they actually soothe you. 
The next morning you woke up from stirring on the bed. You hadn’t dared to leave the tent and slept on a chair. “Geralt,” you whispered, aware of your surroundings the moment your ears picked up on the rustling of blankets. You forgot what you looked like, immediately rising from the chair and joining Geralt at his side. You inspected the wound on his leg, but it was not there anymore, a new scar adorning his skin. 
Your eyes didn’t meet Geralt’s until he sat up on his own. “What did you do?” His voice dripped of venom. You lifted your head to meet his yellow eyes, darkened by the deeply furrowed eyebrows. Your throat felt tight, so tight that not a single syllable could make it through to the cold space between you and the Witcher. He called your name and reached out. You were frozen in place as his calloused fingers traced the black marks on your face. “What did you do?” He repeated the question, emphasising each word with urgency. 
Black tears pooled in your eyes, the first few already rolling down your cheeks by the time you found your voice once more. “I did what I had to do to protect those I love…” You swallowed a lump in your throat. “I had no choice.” Your voice trembled, each word shaking more than the previous one. 
Geralt was visibly seething as he grabbed your arm, his grip tight. “What did you do?” He demanded, voice booming in the small space. You tried to free yourself. 
“Geralt, please, you’re hurting me!” “Say it!” 
He knew you. He knew you from the moment he met you. He knew the person you could be once you gave up on your ‘old friend’. He knew what you did then and he knew what you did last night. He knew, but he didn’t want to. He wanted to be wrong. He wanted to have mistaken that familiar amulet around your neck. However, things were exactly as it seemed and just like things never changed, Jaskier and Milva came in right on que. 
Jaskier called out for Geralt, tried to calm him. He immediately commented on how he seemed to be better, proceeded to ask how. Meanwhile, Milva freed you of Geralt’s grip. A crowd had formed at the entrance, but you couldn’t see anyone in the room but Geralt. “How many have died tonight?” Geralt demanded to know, Jaskier and Milva now in between you two. They tried to calm him. “How many?” He roared. 
His fury eventually ripped the answer out of you. “I don’t know! I only took from those that were not likely to make it to the morning anyway.” 
“Jaskier…” Geralt’s voice was quieter now he got his answer from you. He turned to the bard. “How many people died tonight?” Jaskier turned to Milva, hoping she held the answer. 
“42,” she spoke with surprising steadiness. She then looked at you, shaming you with her eyes alone. She was not the only one who despised your existence after that night. Jaskier pleaded for your life, then left with Geralt to find Ciri. You had to go your own way, fend for yourself once more. If it wasn’t for your aching heart, it was like you never met the Witcher at all. He never wanted to see you again, but even as you walked with your backs facing each other, you felt like you would see him again. It was a funny thing… destiny. 
Likes do not help exposure!A comment in tags or replies can sustain a writer for months!
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
Quiet on the Path (Male!Witcher x Jaskier)
Hello! can i request a jaskier x witcher male reader?
tw injury mention
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"Is he... going to keep following us?"
The bard had dared to hope that Geralt was an outlier when it came to general chattiness among witchers, but apparently he was among the more talky of the breed.
Being nearly speared through the gut by the branches of a leshen had not improved Geralt's dour demeanor. Luckily Geralt was aware they were skirting the general territory of another witcher.
He had not spoken a single word, this other witcher. At first Jaskier assumed they spoke in magic ways, but soon realized the signs they used were not the typical Witcher signs.
Jaskier had found himself thrown bodily from the little cabin this witcher had resided in while he healed Geralt with concoctions and herbal remedies.
Jaskier never thought he'd miss Geralt's gruff and blunt stoicism, but it was better than completely being stonewalled.
In any case, they had left when Geralt was well enough to travel, although he had spotted the silent witcher following them.
"He's an old nanny goat, worse than Vesemir." Geralt rolled his eyes. "He didn't think I was better enough to ride yet. He'll follow us for another fortnight, at least."
"First off, only you could try and make such a giant of a man seem less intimidating by calling him a nanny goat. Second, how in the living hell did you get all that? He hasn't said a word since we arrived!"
Geralt's face bordered on disappointment, and Jaskier felt an unfamiliar twinge of shame. "I thought a bard would be the first to know that words are only one way to communicate ideas."
That week is the most frustrating of Jaskier's life. There are no words spoken, but the conversation, for once, is one that the bard cannot follow. Geralt and his silent companion move their hands almost too quickly to be seen, clearly using a language of signs that Jaskier cannot hope to decipher.
Geralt is more animated than ever, laughing his deep raspy laugh and leaning back in contentment, and Jaskier practically growls at not having the secret of how to get Geralt in this mood revealed to him.
He keeps attempting to catch the silent witcher off guard, to trick him into speaking. He knows he's not deaf, because there was a smirk when he asked a whispered question to Geralt, asking if this witcher was one of his brothers.
But nothing happens, not until Geralt has gone off hunting, and the silent one is left alone with Jaskier as they make camp.
Jaskier can barely abide silence, so he talks as much as he can. He asks questions but doesn't even leave space for answers.
To be honest, it sounds almost as if he's on the verge of a panic attack by the time the witcher's massive hand clamps over his mouth, stifling the flow of words.
"Are you done?" the witcher smirks, and Jaskier shudders at the sound of the voice.
He nods, unable to get any words out.
"I tend not to speak. I use my hands instead. But your... interest. It is... intriguing."
When Geralt returns to camp after the hunt, he's not entirely surprised to find Jaskier pinned down flat as the witcher kisses him.
"Well, that's one way to shut him up." Geralt laughs. The witcher sits up, still straddling Jaskier, placing a hand back over the bard's mouth despite a protest.
I like him. I'm keeping him. he signed.
Geralt only chuckled.
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Okay but I’m gonna need a sudden influx of Jaskier x Reader fics I’m being serious
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Don’t make me write them myself, I promise you all you won’t like the result-
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fantasyqueen502 · 1 year
"I am a husband now, a father, and damn good one."
A/N: Jaskier x male Y/N who is a Cyclops. Story idea that most likely has grammatical errors. Let me know. Feel free to comment, like, and enjoy.
Summary: Jaskier's time after the fight and separation with Geralt.
Rated: PG-13
Fighting, blood, swearing, injury and mentions of sex.
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A hooded man carries barrels of ale on his shoulders like nothing. "Bout time. It’s a full 'ouse, and we’re running low!'' a very short and greasy man rants.
"Forgive me." comes from the pitch-black hole in place of his face shielded within the hood. Stocking the barrels onto the rack with each thundering step.
"Forgiveness," the small man scoffs.
"This is a bar, not Sunday school," he corrects. Scurrying out of the way as the large man walks to his horse with a cart of more barrels of his finest ale, whiskey, and wine "Brew too good for royalty". If only. This was the only bar that paid him; it was below any other winery, but he didn’t have the choice of getting what he deserved.
"Do you know how many others beg for me to do business?" he inquires. That was a lie. "I just might take up on their offers if you disappoint me again," he threatens.
"Won’t happen again." The man grits his teeth, trying his hardest not to growl, imagining wringing his hand around the small man’s throat and giving him some peace. Hoisting two barrels onto each shoulder, whimpers sound, catching the small man’s ear.
"You brought that runt again," he groans. "All it does is wail and squeal, causing my patrons to leave because they can’t even hear themselves think. "Thing sounds like it’s dying. Half the--" the man chokes as the large man punches his arm clean through the barrel of ale. A stream pours from it as he fills a mug.
"This shipment is on me," he whispers, extending the mug into the small man’s trembling hands. "Ale’s on the house!" he bellows, the crowd cheering and rushing over to fill their pints. "I’ll stock the basement in peace if you don’t mind," he continues darkly.
"D-Don’t take too long," he tries to threaten.
"Wouldn’t dream of it,"
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With the party going on above, the soft whimpers turn into loud cries. As the large man rolls his neck and shoulder.
"Shhhhhhhhhh," The hooded man says, taking off his cloak and looking over his shoulder at the red-faced babe. Balling her small fists into his back as she wailed. Loosening the sash and cradling her in his arms. "What’s the matter, Tola?" he calmly wondered.
Tracing the horrific scars that stretched across the left side of her face, he smiled as her cry stalled, taking his finger in her fist. The scars were even on her entire left arm. "I wish I could take the pain away." He holds her close. Resting his forehead against hers. She had thick lashes and a doe-brown eye looking up at him. A song starts, and she calms. He is in bewilderment as she seems to smile crookedly, tilting her head towards the strumming of a lute.
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Walking up the steps, he looks at the stage and finds a man who is a personified peacock. Strutting about while belting out notes with so much passion, he hears a muffled coo from Tola under his cloak. He chuckles, feeling her snuggle her chubby face between his shoulder blades. Taking a seat in the back. She needed a good nap, and he needed a moment of peace. Folding his arms one over the other and resting his head on them.
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With a yawn, he readies his horse, which whinnies and pulls away from him. "What’s wrong, girl?" he asks, stroking her snout. Following her line of sight, hearing pained grunts. Following them to a dark alley. Two men stand beside a man throwing up on all fours in the mud.
"Serves ya’ right!" one shouts, spitting on the man.
"Fucking! Cocksucker!" the other screams, winding up his foot and kicking the man in the stomach. Crawling onto his knees.
"I'm all for presentation and the art of building up suspense, but for my sake." He sways forward, stumbling back and looking up at the men. Groaning as his head pounded, he was sure his brains were knocked loose. "Get the fuck on with it!" He hissed. Tilting his head back to laugh. His teeth were stained pink from the blood that flooded his mouth. "Just… I'm begging you." His breath hitches, and his lips tremble into a frown. "Put me out of my misery." He sobs. "Just kill me." He begs, holding up his hands in prayer. The men snickered, exchanging looks with sick glee. Socking the bard in the face and laying him out flat on his back "Since you asked so nicely." Unsheathing a Buck knife, the cloaked man grabs the man by the back of the neck. The man yelps, striking his knife into the dark figure's shoulder to the hilt. He seethes, throwing the man into the brick wall, his head painting it red. The movement caused his hood to fall. The cloaked man grunts, yanking the knife from his shoulder and turning to face the second man, who trembles. He roars at the burn of his wound, causing the man to run away as fast as he could in fear. Calming his breath, he hears the bard's groan.
"I should have known." The man rants, struggling to his feet and holding his arms out to his sides for balance. "You don't have the balls to—" he trails off, trailing his eyes up from the worn boots. Meeting the giant that loomed over him in the moonlight. Jaskier gawks as he meets the giant man's eyes—well, one big eye in the middle of his face. "A cyclops." He gulps, his eyes widening in horror. The man grunts, waiting for the man to either run away screaming like humans normally do or lunge at him to attack. But the bard was just full of surprises. His eyes rolled back along with his body, which fell to the ground once more.
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The bard groans as his hand goes to hold his head. Slowly sitting up from the couch he laid on. A warm fire; it was night, and he gasped at a steaming bowl and cup of water. Scooping the warmed potatoes and meat into his mouth.
"Didn't think you'd wake up."
He freezes, staring into the corner of the room, trying to make out the figure in the shadows. He gulps, tumbling as the stranger steps into the light, poking the fire.
"A-are you going to kill me? Use my meat for stew and my bones for bread."
"You're thinking of Giants." He corrects. "I'm a Cyclops."
"Oh." The bard sounds
"Humans are too gamy anyway." He chuckles at the bard's horrified eyes. The bard laughed awkwardly, not knowing if the one-eyed man was joking or not.
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Following the squealing cries up the stairs, pushing open a cracked door to a nursery. Peering over to see a screeching infant. The bard couldn't help but coo, his brows furrowing with concern. Half of her face was scarred.
"You want your daddy?" He asks. "He should be back soon." He hushes. "How 'bout a lullaby? Works on all the ladies." He swings his lute from his back to his front. Strumming a tune.
"If you're happy and ya know it, clap your hands." He sings and claps his hands. "If you're happy and ya know it, clap your hands." He does so, making a face and causing the infant's cries to soften just a bit. "If you're happy and ya know it and you really wanna show it, If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands." He finishes looking at the babe to see her quietly whimpering. Poking her bottom lip, her big brown eye with her thick lashes soaked with tears. The moment is interrupted by thundering footsteps.
"What are you doing?" He demands in a growl.
"I heard her crying and you weren't around," he tries to explain being shoved as the father inspects the babe, who resumes crying.
Trying to console her as she screams louder than before. Looking at the fallen lute, he picks it up, shoving it into the bard's unsuspecting arms.
The bard couldn't hear the father over the piercing wails, but he could easily read the desperation in his eyes. He cleared his throat, strumming his strands to find everything in tune.
"If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands." He sings with an ear-to-ear grin, and the small babe's screams soften. Her big doe eye watched him with curiosity. Ending the silly children's song, her heavy eyelid closed as she fell asleep with a crooked smile.
---Years later---
Downing the remnants of his drink and passing the glass off to a barkeep. The last of the drunken parents now vacated the pub that was with life moments ago.
"Bard." causes him to whip his head, and a scoff leaves his lips. "Witch."
"What are you doing here?" he sneers. "And what fresh hell did you just crawl out of?" he gestures to her disheveled appearance. Damp hair and dirt smudged her face and apparel.
"Sewer," she answers plainly, taking the first step. "What’s your excuse?" she jabs back, quickly closing the space between the two.
"A sewer," he cackles. Never in a million eons did he find himself in better standing than the witch that terrified him. He took his chance. "I always knew you were a blood sucking, joyless—" he bites his tongue as her tiny frame pulls him in for a hug.
"--hugger?" he states in confusion. "Hugging. We are hugging," he announces, trying to convince himself that what was happening was indeed happening.
"Oh, gods," he sighs, holding him at arm's length. "I missed the days when my biggest problem was an ever-present sing-songy twit," she smiles.
"Uh, drink? I’m gonna drink," he stammered, squirming out of her grip. "I’m not having this conversation unless I’m drinking." He makes his way around and behind the bar. Placing two pints onto the counter, looking to the witch who takes a seat.
"You’re the Sandpiper."
"What? No. Yes. No," he yelps, frantically trying to play it off. "How do you know that name?"
"You pick up a thing or two when you’re in hiding."
"You’re in hiding?" He snorts, his brows quickly shooting to the skies. "Because you’re part elf… Yennefer, I completely forgot. I’m so sorry," he says genuinely. "I would not wish that fate on my worst enemy, and, yes, you are…" he searched for the right words. "Firmly lodged in that category, it has to be said, but… What they’ve done to you and your people is… Unspeakable."
"But some people are speaking."
"There are anonymous benefactors working behind the scenes, helping me, helping us, helping us make this right. I was at the great oak, Bleobheris, when it was raided. The Seat of Friendship, as the druids called it. Where every free thinker was welcome, no matter their race, their creed…they come for the elves, Yennefer. They’ll come for the dwarves. And sooner or later, they will come for everyone." He stares off, swallowing thickly. "Anyone that they deem the "other," so… Eventually… No artist is safe."
"Why help? What’s in it for you?"
Opening his mouth to answer the creak of the front door. The bard's face lights up at the sight of who stepped through. Yennerfer turns to see a small child. In a powder pink shoulder cloak. Hood up as she took each concentrated step.
"My heart." He smiles, kneeling before the child, who lifts her hands high to be picked up. He does so resting her on his hip. "Where's daddy?" He asks, pushing her wild bangs from her eye. She coos, snuggling into his neck and playing with the lace of his blouse. She points to a far window as Jaskier nods. "Want. Coin. Want. Coin," She babbles.
"Whose this?" Yennerfer couldn't help, but smile.
"My heart, Tola." The bard smiles. "My daughter."
"Pleasure to meet you, Tola." She extends her hand as the small girl takes it. "I'm Yennerfer." She smiles.
"She's usually quite shy," he comments, somewhat impressed.
"Children are great judges of character."
"Coin!" She continues.
"Again?" He asks with an overdramatic expression, holding her high above his head. She nods adorably.
"Toss a Coin to your Witcher." He smiles as she giggles. "O’ valley a plenty."
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Seated in a jail cell after a failed transport and an interrogation with a man wielding fire. Escape with Yennerfer only to be caught and interrogated again by guards.
He now stood before the Witcher himself, who tore out his soul and left him on a mountain, asking for his help.
"Jaskier---" the brute grumbles.
"No, Geralt!" He cuts off, surprised to see the white-haired man meekly biting his tongue. "I am a husband now, a father, and a damn good one!"
Walking out of the jailhouse, taking cover through alleyways. Geralt stops, and the hairs on his neck stand on end.
"What's the matter?" Jaskier asks.
"Quiet!" He hisses, throwing the bard behind himself and readying his sword as a familiar figure steps from the shadows. The figure roars, charging.
"Ger---" Jaskier reaches, but the Witcher bellows and charges. "NO! STOP! STOP!" he shouts, his heartbeat in his ears, as Geralt swung his sword, and the figure dodges and knocks the sword away with sparks from his metal bracers on his forearms. Lifting his arm, Jaskier holds it back.
"Fuck off, Jaskier!" he growls, shoving him onto his ass. The dark figure looks at the fallen bard with concern. Taking the opening, the Witcher drives his sword into the beast's shoulder. With an exclamation of pain, Jaskier scrambles to his feet. Geralt yanks back his sword, lifting his sword high for the finishing blow. Swinging it, he stops. The Witcher's sword nicked the bard’s neck, standing between him and the beast. He swallows, and fear holds him stiff.
"If you want to kill my husband, you'd have to go through me."
His yellow eyes narrowed. Gritting his teeth Jaskier slowly raises his hand, moving the sword away.
The Witcher growls, sheathing his blade.
"Y/N, Geralt, Geralt, the love of my life." He smiles as the pet name dampens the flame of seeing the bard’s teeth stained pink and the scabbed-over cuts on his lips and brow.
The men both grunted their greeting.
"I do have a type, don’t I?" He mumbles to himself.
At home, Jaskier demands that Geralt watch their daughter. The cyclops growls at the thought of his precious gift in the hands of a Butcher. "I trust him." He assures him with a hand on his chest. "He's a right softy with children."
Running a bath, the bard returns with an armful of rags and a bottle of alcohol. Assisting his husband with his cloak and shirt, his eyes watered at the grunt of pain from lifting his arm. "I'm so sorry," he mumbles, holding the alcohol-soaked rag to the wound. The hisses and guttural groans from his chest "This is my fault," he croaks.
"My dandelion." He coos, holding his cheek, forcing him to look into his eye. Reading the bard like a book. "Who do I have to make suffer?" He growls. His bruised temple and stained smears of dry blood around his nostrils.
"I'm fine." He assuredly swatted away his husband's hands, going to test the temperature of the bath. Hissing as he shakes his injured hand that touched the warm water. Stepping out of his trousers into the bath, Y/N takes his hand and ignores his recoil, finding it covered in red blisters and giving each finger a tender kiss.
"Little Tola won't have nightly lute lullabies." He sighs.
"Your voice is music enough." He assures.
"Must you always shower me with compliments?" He breathes. Y/N chuckles, locking his strong arms around his waist and forcing him into the bath, joining him fully clothed in the water. Jaskier exclaims, but laughs, sighing with content eyes flickering from his husband's eye to his lips.
"What of me, my dandelion?" He whispers huskily. The bard rests his total weight on him.
"Hmmm." He hums in thought, running his nose along the scruff of his jaw. Looking with big eyes. "Make me forget." He pleads.
Sitting up and holding him close.
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Geralt stoically sits in the living room. Slowly closing his eyes to block out the sound of squeals from the bard and rhythmic banging. Spending his fair share of nights at brothels and whorehouses that seemed not to be so loud. Water begins to drip from the floorboards.
Feeling a tug at his pants and looking down to see the small, one-eyed girl. Black hair in a messy bob. Staring up at the ceiling as the bard's pleas for God rode the air.
"Suppa'. Suppa'." She babbles.
He stares at her.
She stares back.
He stares at her.
She stares back.
He stares back.
She points to her open mouth, causing the Witcher to exhale through his nose. Walking into the kitchen with the girl holding onto his leg. Giggling, he makes her a simple loaf of bread with butter. Handing it to her with hesitation. She gingerly takes small bites, hopping happily in place.
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thatspookyagent · 1 year
Being Jaskier's S/O (Bard!Male!Reader) would include...
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Warnings: None!
a/n: These headcanons are sadly shorter than most that I write up (probably because I’m not writing and describing a whole relationship from very first meet up to finish lmao) but I hope that y’all enjoy this nonetheless. I am open to writing up more headcanons that are Witcher based in the future. And since Jaskier is lacking in some departments (Male!Reader & Black!Reader wise), I’ve decided to start with him first. Anyways y’all know the drill, if ya liked what ya read, REBLOG IT!
If you want to be tagged in any of my content, don’t be afraid to tell me via my ask box or through messages! Just remember to be clear about what specific kinds of content, characters, and fandoms you want me to tag you in or if you want to be put on my general tag list! I’m always looking to add more people and I’d be more than happy to add you (if you wish)! :3
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Being a bard and Jaskier’s boyfriend means ultimately being both his muse and best friend
Would confide in you about his newest songs ideas and you’d always be the first to hear them whenever he performs a sample of it for you
You both first met in a bar, were you held an open challenge to see if anyone could out sing you or earn more applause than you while performing
Since you out played him significantly, he's been entranced by your skills ever since and decided to strike up a relationship with you, friends first but gradually lovers next
Takes your opinions personally and with utmost seriousness since you’re not only his partner but also a bard yourself
Gladly will always be there in order to lend you an ear or piece of advice as you would the same for him
Loves to discuss how different lutes sound and which ones look aesthetically the best with you because you can actually understand his excitement towards sexy lutes
Also you're the only one willing to make a ranking of best and worst materials to make lutes from with him
Speaking of lutes, he names the lute that he was carrying when he first met you after you
Will not let anyone but you use it or even touch it because it’s just that sentimental to him
If you name the lute that you were carrying when you first met Jaskier after him, he’ll probably have a good cry about that one later
And Jaskier will absolutely lose his mind (affectionately) if you carve his initials into your favorite lute
Enjoys talking and swapping stories with you while polishing each other's instruments around a campfire
A campfire is actually where you first confessed your affection for Jaskier, it was within a love song about two male bards just trying making their mark on the world through song alongside a white haired Witcher and his steed
From then on singing and laughing around campfires has been one of your top ways of bonding with the other male
Other ways you’ve expressed your love to Jaskier is by making and singing duets with him
Y’all are actually quite well known for singing together specifically ballads but also really romantic songs that touch just about everyone’s heart deepy
If Jaskier becomes your muse and you open up to him about this, he’ll also confess that you’re his muse as well
The two of you truly haven’t written and sung as many songs as y’all have now until you met one another
You’d also never been invited to perform at a ball before but since you and Jaskier became so popular, both of your voices have now had the honors of gracing many halls of kings and queens alike
It reflects with the amount of coin increasing in your pockets and fancy hand tailored matching outfits that both you and him adorn
If you’re not one for crowds particularly royal crowds, both you and your coin tossing boyfriend frequent many bars while traveling with Geralt, and are known on a more humble and local level than noble and global
The poor and hopeless citizens of many kingdoms, look to both you and Jaskier to entertain them, and distract them from their everyday worries
Either way, you’re both the ultimate bard power couple in any lands that y’all happen to be in
Now when it comes to specifically being a companion of Geralt’s, he enjoys having two bards at his side more than he likes to let on
While yes both and you Jaskier can be rather dramatic (and also noisy) as well as pretty much target practice when it comes to how useful the two of you are in battle, Geralt needs company beyond that of a horse from time to time whether he openly admits this or not
Not to mention you and the babbling brown haired nuisance named Jaskier, help to spread the word of Geralt and his deeds in a good light
Your penchants for being able to talk people’s ears off and distract them, can at times help the Witcher out whenever he’s in a pinch or when brute force isn’t really an option 
Also Geralt can use both of you to look after Roach in various ways especially whenever he’s not around or doesn’t have the time to
You and Jaskier like to run your songs in progress by Roach who always proves to be a tough customer in that regard similar to her Witcher owner
After long days of walking, wailing, and song writing, a much needed rest is in order with your brown haired accomplice
Ways in which you and Jaskier wind down include taking baths together or preparing a bath for the other
Since there’s never really a silent moment between the two of you, reflecting on how both of your days went to each other is a recurring topic of conversation
At times that can drift off into convos about music or musical instruments but moments like this are for you and the other male to check in with and dote on one another
Which means that there’s quite a bit of pampering and more gentle laughter being shared as well as forgetting about all the other people that there are in the world
As far as you and Jaskier are concerned, you’re the main characters, it’s your shared story, and everybody else are just background characters
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issdisgrace · 1 year
I updated my request info. I added Carmy from The Bear and Wesker, Carlos, and Leon from Resident Evil. So feel free to request stuff with them.
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cuddly-dean-baby · 10 months
I saw your need for requests, and I come bearing a request! Could you write a Geralt/Male!Reader in which Geralt comes home super dirty and very tired but his boyfriend takes care of him ( I.e. bathes him, bushes his teeth/hair etc. pretty much whatever you feel like writing 😂); And then brings him to bed and tucks him in? Just anything super sweet and fluffy because he deserves all of that and more! Plus I’m a sucker for reverse comfort fics. Hopefully more requests come your way and you can get back into your writing groove! 💖💗
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Pairing: Geralt x M!Reader Words: 337 A/N: So I decided to merge these two together since they’re kinda similar and I went off the top of my head, I don't know what I did
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With his boots shuffling against the floorboards, he toes them off, noting in mind to clean the mud and blood off of them later on as he can’t be bothered right now. 
As he lifts his head up, he sees steam come out of the bathtub, knowing that his husband ran it for him. 
Geralt knows not to deny your love languages for him, so he strips out of his armour and clothes as he walks over to the bathtub. He eases his body into it, groaning in satisfaction as the heated water relaxes his muscles. He feels his eyes become droopy, so he closes them and rests.
He wakes up moments later to feel you brush his hair. Moaning a bit, he tilts his head to the side, feeling the plush of your thigh against his cheek as he closes his eyes again.
You smile, tying his white hair into a ponytail. “Food’s waiting for you.”
Geralt groans tiredly, meaning that he doesn’t want to move. “I’ve gotta clean my boots, clothes, and armour.”
“Already done, out on the line.”
He lifts his head off your thigh to look over at his said clothes and armour near the fire on a line, his boots clean of mud and blood. He opens his mouth to say something, but Jaskier runs in, going on about something.
“Jaskier!” Geralt growls out, making the bard shut up.
“Oh, sorry, coming back later.” Jaskier is out of your sight within seconds.
Geralt plops his face back against your leg, not liking how he got disturbed. He groans in disagreement as he feels you move out from the back of him. “Bed, now. I’ll bring you some food.”
As he’s about to say something again, you interrupt him. “Roach is fed and brushed.”
He finally gets out of the bathtub, feeling you dry his body with a warm towel. “Mm.” He leans his body against you, pushing his face against your neck.
“The scary Witcher going soft for his husband.”
“Shut up.”
Henry Cavill + Characters Tags @enchantedbytomandhenry
The Witcher Tags @justreadingficsdontmindme @chrisevansangel
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shinyasahalo · 5 months
Top 100 AO3 Ships (All) May 1, 2024
(M/M) Castiel/Dean Winchester (Supernatural TV) 116,578 fics
(M/M) Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf TV) 73,560 fics
(M/M) Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (Sherlock TV) 72,435 fics
(M/M) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (Harry Potter) 70,893 fics
(M/M) James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (Captain America/Marvel) 66,307 fics
(GQ/GQ) Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens TV) 64,542 fics
(M/M) Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (Marauders/Harry Potter) 51,400 fics
(M/M) Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (Avengers/Marvel) 47,536 fics
(M/M) Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku (My Hero Academia) 45,551 fics
(M/M) Harry Stiles/Louis Tomlinson (One Direction) 44,633 fics
(M/M) Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji/Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian (Modao Zushi) 42,229 fics
(M/M) Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V (Bangtan Boys/K-Pop) 39,019 fics
(M/M) Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin TV/Arthurian Mythology) 37,813 fics
(F/M) Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) 36,839 fics
(M/M) Keith/Lance (Voltron) 34,994 fics
(M/M) Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester (Supernatural TV) 34,574 fics
(M/M) Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou (My Hero Academia) 32,707 fics
(M/M) Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) 32,625 fics
(M/M) Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood (Shadowhunters TV) 32,313 fics
(M/M) Will Graham/Hannibal Lector (Hannibal TV) 30,944 fics
(F/M) Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (Sequel Trilogy/Star Wars) 30,449 fics
(F/M) Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter) 30,410 fics
(M&M) Peter Parker & Tony Stark (Avengers/Marvel) 30,368 fics
(M/M) Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin (Bangtan Boys/K-Pop) 30,137 fics
(F/M) Original Female Character/Original Male Character (All Fandoms) 29,256 fics
(M/M) Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin (Bangtan Boys/K-Pop) 29,163 fics
(M/M) Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (Yuuri On Ice) 27,963 fics
(F/M) James Potter/Lily Evans Potter (Marauders/Harry Potter) 27,505 fics
(M/M) Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson (Stranger Things TV) 27,249 fics
(M/M) Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) 25,676 fics
(M/M) Original Male Character/Original Male Character (All Fandoms) 25,438 fics
(M/M) Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto (My Hero Academia) 24,637 fics
(M/M) Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin (Bangtan Boys/K-Pop) 23,837 fics
(M/M) Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF) 23,714 fics
(M/M) Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic (My Hero Academia) 23,690 fics
(F/M) Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (Iron Man/Marvel) 23,633 fics
(M&M) Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF) 22,378 fics
(M/M) Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion (The Witcher TV) 22,138 fics
(F/M) Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley (Harry Potter) 22,024 fics
(F/F) Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supergirl TV/DCU) 21,423 fics
(M/M) James T. Kirk/Spock (Original Series/Star Trek) 21,144 fics
(M/M) Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru (Haikyuu!) 21,062 fics
(M&M) Sherlock Holmes & John Watson (Sherlock TV) 21,018 fics
(M/M) Hinata Shouya/Kageyamo Tobio (Haikyuu!) 19,681 fics
(M/M) Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet (Our Flag Means Death TV) 19,581 fics
(M/M) Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel (Glee TV) 19,279 fics
(GQ&GQ) Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens TV) 18,515 fics
(F/M) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter) 18,466 fics
(M&M) Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuki (My Hero Academia) 18,433 fics
(M/M) Levi Ackerman/Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan) 18,426 fics
(M/M) Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga (Bangtan Boys/K-Pop) 18,380 fics
(M/M) Harry Potter/Severus Snape (Harry Potter) 18,170 fics
(M/M) Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier (X-Men/Marvel) 18,106 fics
(M/M) Dan Howell/Phil Lester (Video Blogging RPF) 17,899 fics
(M/M) Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou (Haikyuu!) 17,719 fics
(F/F) Original Female Character/Original Female Character (All Fandoms) 17,339 fics
(F/N) The Doctor/Rose Tyler (Doctor Who TV) 17,153 fics
(M/M) Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (Sequel Trilogy) 17,086 fics
(M/R) James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader (Marvel) 16,982 fics
(M/M) Keith/Shiro (Voltron) 16,928 fics
(M/M) Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich (Shameless TV) 16,592 fics
(M&M) Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester (Supernatural TV) 16,235 fics
(F/F) Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time TV) 16,177 fics
(M/M) Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minha | Lee Know (Stray Kids/K-Pop) 15,998 fics
(M/M) Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier (IT Movies) 15,991 fics
(M/M) Kim Taehyung/Park Jimin (Bangtan Boys/K-Pop) 15,888 fics
(M&M) Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF) 15,665 fics
(M/M) Jenson Ackles/Jared Padalecki (Actor RPF) 15,635 fics
(M/M) Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto (Naruto) 15,460 fics
(M/M) Loki/Thor (Thor Movies/Marvel) 15,430 fics
(M/M) Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga (Bangtan Boys/K-Pop) 15,334 fics
(M/M) Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli (Genshin Impact) 15,178 fics
(M/M) Rodney McKay/John Sheppard (Stargate Atlantis TV) 15,145 fics
(M/M) Gabriel/Sam Winchester (Supernatural TV) 14,916 fics
(F/M) Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin (The 100 TV) 14,907 fics
(F/M) Fox Mulder/Dana Scully (The X-Files TV) 14,787 fics
(F/M) Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson TV) 14,420 fics
(M/M) Regulus Black/James Potter (Marauders/Harry Potter) 14,398 fics
(M/M) Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen) 13,993 fics
(M&M) Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF) 13,727 fics
(M/M) Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort (Harry Potter) 13,682 fics
(M/M) Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade (Sherlock Holmes TV) 13,515 fics
(M/M) Levi Ackerman/Erwin Smith (Attack on Titan) 13,359 fics
(M/M) Frank Iero/Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance) 13,310 fics
(M&M) Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku (My Hero Academia) 13,303 fics
(M/M) Miya Atsumo/Sakusa Kiyoomi (Haikyuu!) 13,207 fics
(F/F) Clarke Griffin/Lexa (The 100 TV) 13,194 fics
(M/M) Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones (Torchwood TV/Doctor Who) 13,111 fics
(M&M) James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers (Captain America/Marvel) 13,073 fics
(M/M) Steve McGarret/Danny "Danno" Williams (Hawaii Five-O TV) 13,064 fics
(F/M) Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov (Avengers/Marvel) 13,052 fics
(M/M) Enjolras/Grantaire (Les Miserables) 12,829 fics
(M/M) Loki/Tony Stark (Avengers/Marvel) 12,808 fics
(M/M) Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit) 12,773 fics
(M&M) Castiel & Dean Winchester (Supernatural TV) 12,751 fics
(F/M) Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak (Arrow TV/DCU) 12,721 fics
(F/F) Amity Blight/Luz Noceda (The Owl House) 12,526 fics
(M/M) Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto (My Hero Academia) 12,376 fics
(M/M) Nico di Angelo/Will Solace (Percy Jackson TV) 12,334 fics
(M/M) Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks (My Hero Academia) 12,318 fics
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goldenfoxe · 1 year
Rules and masterlist
I will write gore, but I will not write children being hurt
I won't write anything with kids in general, FTK
Basically I'll write anything as long as kids aren't involved.
my witcher ramblings (mainly season three commentary as I watch it)
I write the following as far as requests go (requests are open!!)
x trans! male reader
x trans! female reader
x nb reader
x male reader
x female reader
who I currently write for
Austin Theory
Cody Rhodes
Damien Priest
Dominik Mysterio
Finn Balor
Roman Reigns
Call of Duty
John "Soap" MacTavish
Simon "Ghost" Riley
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia
Junker Queen
Soldier: 76
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mlm-writer · 1 year
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bigfan-fanfic · 2 years
A Captive Bard (Male!Reader x Geralt x Jaskier)
Requested by @capturingthecountryside Can we get more ? Perhaps a scene in season 2 where Jaskier is shirtless in the pond in his tight breaches and riding boots.. perhaps Geralt ties him up for some kink play ;-) or vice versa please leave the tight pants and riding boots on this time :-)
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"Honestly, Geralt, you ought to take better care of your rescuees. I nearly got impaled on those swords of yours."
Geralt growls. "You're the only person I know who complains about being rescued."
"Who asked for your help? I would have gotten out of there on my own. Probably."
Geralt lets out another huff. "Then I won't bother rescuing you the next time your mouth lands you in trouble."
"Now, I didn't say that. Goodness, you're sensitive."
"Jaskier." Geralt snaps. "Do you EVER stop talking?"
The bard doesn't miss a beat. "No."
He whips off his red longcoat, to the witcher's surprise. Jaskier strides into the lake, pulling off his shirt as he goes, and for a moment, Geralt is stunned, just looking at the bard's surprising physique. And an idea starts to form.
He's no idiot. It's been clear that Jaskier talks a big game and flirts with everything that moves, but hasn't been taken care of for far too long. He needs a bit of punishment.
Geralt grabs a coil of thin black rope that you gifted him with after he insisted you teach him how to bind captives in your special ways. Now, when you tied him, he had been willing, and Jaskier might not take too well to this, but oh well.
The bard had been chattering incessantly, deliberately pivoting so that the witcher would have a good view of his flexing muscles.
He dunks his shirt into the water, the splash concealing the sound of Geralt slipping into the lake behind him.
Jaskier glances onto the shore, registering for just an instant that Geralt has disappeared, before rope falls across his vision and Geralt yanks it tense, pulling Jaskier's arms against his torso with no small amount of force.
"Geralt, what the hell are you doing?" Jaskier protests, as Geralt plants a knee on his back as he pulls Jaskier's arms behind him, using more rope to draw his elbows as close together as possible before adding another knot.
Jaskier grunts with discomfort as Geralt binds his wrists, his arms bound harshly behind his back, preventing much shifting.
"If you're not grateful for my rescue, then you can just be my prisoner instead."
Jaskier makes a noise, not of distress, but of interest, when Geralt yanks his arms up, forcing him to bend forward, the tips of his hair dipping into the water. He wiggles his rear against Geralt's crotch as the witcher forces him to walk like this out of the lake, and he swears he feels a hardening sign of interest before Geralt spanks him.
Jaskier yelps. "Geralt, Geralt, wait."
"What?" Geralt growls simply.
"Are you really mad, or is this for... am I going to be played with?"
Geralt growls again. Jaskier shudders.
"You're mine now, Jaskier, and I'm taking you away to my prince."
Jaskier shudders, then futilely attempts to struggle. "You'll never get away with this, you brute! I have a witcher who will rescue me!"
Geralt rolls his eyes and shoves Jaskier's wet shirt in his mouth and takes a leather strap from Roach's saddlebags to secure it with. Jaskier moans in protest as Geralt takes another coil of rope to wind around his torso and arms, pulling his arms almost painfully against his torso, ensuring he wouldn't be able to move anything independently.
When Geralt gently rubs his hands, checking for circulation, it occurs to the bard that the witcher definitely knows what he's doing, and it sends bloodflow straight to his crotch. Which Geralt pays absolutely no mind to as he lifts Jaskier over Roach's back, lashing him down like cargo.
"MMMMMPH!" Jaskier does yell this time when Geralt folds his legs, crossing his ankles before tying them together, and attaching them to his wrists and back. He's nothing more than a helpless parcel, and with this position, his rear, clad in his tight leather pants, pushed into the air, any movement makes him feel precariously placed. He feels like nothing more than another set of saddlebags.
Geralt simply packs up Jaskier's things and coat, and grabs a bolt of silk cloth to wrap around the bard's eyes, concealing his face and blocking his vision.
Giving into temptation, Geralt twists in the saddle to rest his hand on the swell of Jaskier's rear, making the bard whine eagerly, trying to get any semblance of stimulation. Geralt simply spanks him again before urging Roach on.
He definitely wonders how Jaskier will respond to any passing travelers, seeing a handsome, well-muscled shirtless prisoner struggling in a tightly packaged bundle - and then he grins at the idea of Jaskier covered in rope marks that the witcher put there.
And then the idea of being bound WITH Jaskier occurs to him, and he eagerly spurs Roach on faster.
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redskull199987 · 11 months
Show Masterlist
the Masterlist for all the shows/Series that I write fo
BBC Sherlock :
-Sherlock x fem!reader
Dr. Who:
-11th Doctor x fem!reader
-nothing yet
Warehouse 13:
-nothing yet
-Castiel x fem!reader
-Jack Kline x fem!reader
Criminal Minds:
-nothing yet
Good Omens:
-nothing yet
The Sandman:
-Morpheus x fem!reader
Takin' over the Asylum:
-Morpheus x male!reader
Dead Boy Detectives
-nothing yet
-nothing yet
Umbrella Academy:
-Umbrella Academy x gn!reader
The Witcher:
-Cahir x gn!reader
-Cahir x fem!Witcher!reader
-Jaskier x fem!reader
-Eskel x fem!Witcher!reader
Young Royals
-nothing yet
Cobra Kai
-Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso x male!reader general Dating Headcanons
-nothing yet
The walking Dead
-Carl Grimes x fem!reader
I am not okay with this:
-nothing yet
American Horror Story:
-nothing yet
Peaky Blinders:
-nothing yet
The artful Dodger :
-nothing yet
-nothing yet
The Queens Gambit:
-nothing yet
Stranger Things:
-Eddie Munson x fem!reader
The Boys
-nothing yet
Gen V:
-nothing yet
-nothing yet
-Ivar the Boneless x gn!reader Part 1
Ivar the Boneless x gn!reader Part 2
-Ivar the Boneless x fem!reader Part 1
Ivar the Boneless x fem!reader Part 2
-Ivar the Boneless x fem!reader
-Ivar the Boneless x gn!reader
-Lagertha x fem!reader
-Ragnar x Lagertha x fem!reader
-Silco x gn!reader
-Viktor x gn!reader
-Viktor x gn!reader
Mech Cadets:
-nothing yet
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss:
-nothing yet
The crowded Room
-nothing yet
One Piece live Action
-nothing yet
Paradise City:
-nothing yet
MacGyver (2016):
-nothing yet
Hannibal (2013):
-nothing yet
Avatar:The last Airbender Live Action:
-nothing yet
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derelictlovefool · 1 month
Author: Achilles, he/him & they/them pronouns
Status: Hobbyist, low writing activity
Writing: OC x Canon, Reader Insert, Original Fiction
Requests/Suggestions: Open
note: i'm a full time student so any requests I get will be done when and if I have time and they spark my interest!
Active in regards to fandoms & characters simply means most enthused about and interested in writing, inactive means least interested in writing but still willing if the idea sparks my creativity.
active | inactive | semi active
Far Cry 5 | Supernatural | The Last of Us | Marvel | DC | Doctor Who | Sweeney Todd | The Witcher | Dying Light 2 | Z Nation | Inkheart | Bridgerton | Slashers | Outlast | Resident Evil | Overwatch | Undertale/Deltarune | Ib | Motor Crush | The Arcana
active | inactive | semi active
Faith Seed | John Seed | Joseph Seed | Jacob Seed | Sharky Boshaw | Hurk Drubman Jr | Adelaide Drubman | Jerome Jeffries | Mary May Fairgrave | Eli Palmer | Grace Amestrong | Joey Hudson | Staci Pratt
Dean Winchester | Sam Winchester | Castiel | Charlie Bradbury ||| Joel | Tess ||| Wade Wilson | Tony Stark | Pepper Potts | Bucky Barnes | Steve Rodgers | Thor Odinson | Bruce Banner | Natasha Romanoff | Clint Barton ||| Harley Quinn
The Doctor (4, 9-15) | Jack Harkness | Rose Tyler | Donna Noble ||| Sweeney Todd | Mrs Lovett ||| Geralt of Rivera | Jaskier/Dandelion | Yennefer of Vennenberg ||| Hakon | Aiden | Lawan | Frank ||| Alvin Murphy | Roberta Warren | Addison Carver | Cassandra | Sarge | George St Claire
Mo | Dustfinger ||| Penelope Featherington | Benedict Bridgerton | Anthony Bridgerton | Colin Bridgerton | Eloise Bridgerton | Violet Bridgerton | Kate Sharma | Edwina Sharma ||| Jason Voorhees | Michael Myers | Bubba Sawyer | Brahms Heelshire | Thomas Hewitt
Eddie Gluskin ||| Ethan Winters | Karl Heisenberg | Alcina Dimitrescu | Donna Benniviento | Slavator Monreau | Mia Winters | Chris Redfield | Leon Kennedy | Ada Wong | Claire Redfield
Jack Morrison | Gabriel Reyes | Cole Cassidy | Genji Shimada | Hanzo Shimada | Mei ||| Sans | Papyrus | Asgore | Undyne | Mettaton | Queen ||| Gary ||| Calax Gothard | Domino Swift | Lola Del Carmen | Sonoya Vernilion ||| Asra | Nadia | Dorian | Portia | Muriel
OC's: David Thorn (Slasher), Z (God Symbiote), Xander (Robot)
Tropes I enjoy writing:
Variations of the Enemies to Lovers/Friends to Lovers | Childhood Friends | Neighbour across the hall/street | Mutual Pining | Devotion and Obsession | Making each other worse | Making each other better | Romance in Violence | Ride or Die Friends | Royal Guard/Gardener x Royalty | Crime Boss x Bodyguard | Dog Coded x Cat Coded | Fuck Love Triangles Make it Poly | Fake Dating | Meet Cute and more!
❝​🇼​​🇮​​🇱​​🇱​ ​🇩​​🇴​❝
— male/trans/enby/gn!reader (I'm here for the guys and gays)
— oc x canon, oc x oc, canon x canon, reader x canon, reader x oc
— sfw & nsfw
— platonic, queer-platonic, romantic, familial, etc.
— headcannons, one-shots, multi-parts
— AU's, crossovers
— gore, violence, toxic relationships, death/angst
❝​🇼​​🇴​​🇳​❜​🇹​ ​🇩​​🇴​❝
— fem!reader (There's thousands out there already y'know)
— genderbends
— pregnancy related topics
— self harm topics
— incest, paedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia and any of that nasty crap
— non-con
— infidelity
— Characters I really don't know or care about </3
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metalgearwitcher · 1 year
What I WILL write: Fluff Angst Hurt/Comfort Gender Neutral reader Fem Reader Male Reader MLM, MLW WLW Platonic (all underage characters are auto-platonic) Smut Pregnancy dark topics (suicide, murder, death, sh etc) canon typical violence ( there is a lot of it in these franchises, they are anti war stories afterall maybe not depicting some of the things that happen in canon it but I can still reference them )
Will Not Write Non-con Yandere Underage "disturbing" kinks (usually meaning involving noncon partners, violence or bodily functions, mostly) feel free to ask if your kink is ok or not) Character x Character AUs ( sorry not my thing)
I will not judge you at all for any kinks or personal interests - do not be afraid to message me with any questions you have
will some detail with the requests like a prompt, but not so much that I'm just writing your OC
am a slow writer. I might take a while to finish a request
If there is a character that isn't on the following lists, ask about them to see if I write for them
character list below the RM
Metal Gear
I'm not familiar enough with metal gear rising to write for those characters but most of the others are fair game
MGS character list
Solid Snake
Big Boss or Naked Snake
Revolver Ocelot
Meryl Silverburgh
Johnny Sasaki
Sniper Wolf
Kazuhira Miller
Venom Snake
The Witcher Iv only gone through the Witcher 3 so I'm not familiar with the previous games, so I will do research to write for some of the more popular characters like Vernon Roche and Iorveth
This is based on the game version the characters not the tv show. I still like the show I just think there should be more content for the game characters ( though I might make an exemption for Jaskier I love him too much to exclude)
I'm not finished with the book series yet but I may included details from it and reference book only stuff or use characterization if there isn't enough detail for them in the games, I will probably add more characters when I'm finished with the books, like Milva
Witcher character list Ciri
Geralt of Rivia
Jaskier (TV)
Triss Merigold
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Vernon Roche
Cerys an Craite
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alina-dixon · 2 years
Fandoms I write For: (Part 2)
(I only write for x male readers!)
(smut is allowed!)
The Witcher 3:
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- Geralt
- Avallac’h
- Jaskier
- Jamie Campbell Bower
- Joseph Quinn
- Mads Mikkelsen
The Mortal Instruments (City of Bones):
- Jace Wayland
Sweeney Todd:
- Anthony Hope
Green Day:
- Billie Joe Armstrong
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- Cardinal Copia/Tobias Forge
- Terzo/Papa III
- Mountain
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fantasyqueen502 · 1 year
Imagines and Miscellaneous Drabbles
 (Feel free to re-blog and comment)
G: General audiences (All ages admitted)
PG: Parental guidance suggested – Some material may not be suitable for children. 
PG-13: Parents strongly cautioned – Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. (mild depictions of blood or violence, minor mentions of sex, and language) 
R: Restricted – Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian. (Graphic/explicit depictions of blood, sex, violence, and strong language.)
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Elsa’s Masquerade- Elsa x Female reader (Rated: G)
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Ineffable gift- (Rated: PG-13)
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Dragon and his keeper- Aemond Targaryen x male reader (Rated: PG-13)
Lady Strong- Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader (Rated: PG-13)
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Mrs. Miller (Rated: PG)
Mrs. Miller: Chapter 2 (Rated: PG)
Mrs. Miller: Chapter 3 (Rated: PG, R in the last third)
Mrs. Miller: Chapter 4 (Rated: PG)
Mrs. Miller: Chapter 5 (Rated: PG)
Apple Pie- Joel Miller x Reader/Y/N (Gender neutral) (Rated: PG)
Dog Lady-(Rated: PG-13)
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Wrong (Rated: PG-13)
Spider Samurai (Rated: PG-13)
Who are you? (Rated: PG)
Chili Mango Run- (Rated: PG)
Not a Robot- (Rated: PG-13)
Lunch- (Rated: G)
Officer O'Hara- (Rated: PG)
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At Peace- Jedi! Female reader/OC x Poe Dameron (Rated: PG-13)
Dinner first- Poe Dameron x (gender neutral) reader (Rated: PG-13)
Kiss of Life: (PG-13)
Sam the Samaritan- Poe Dameron x male alien (Rated: PG)
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Happenstance- Daryl Dixon x unnamed male OC (Rated: PG-13)
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Lazy Day- Jack Russell x Oc (Rated: PG)
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"If life could give me one blessing, it would be to take you off my hands!"- Jaskier x female reader (Rated: PG-13)
I am a husband now, a father, and damn good one- Jaskier X male reader (Rated: PG-13)
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Three- Kane x (female unnamed) OC (Rated: PG-13)
Violet- Kane x female OC (Rated: PG-13)
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Fourteen- Duke Leto x (female) reader (Rated: PG-13)
In Sickness and in Health- (Rated: PG-13)
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Madam Persephone- (Rated: R)
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Jessamy- (Rated: PG-13)
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