sweetpeach-69 · 5 years
New Chapter Of Surrender is up along with a separate Stranger Things fanfic that I wrote!
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heavenlydreamerblog · 5 years
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In Too Deep (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/CtjfKz65KU Meet Lexy. She's heading for a new life in LA, hoping to leave behind traumatic family memories in Louisiana. What she doesn't bargain for is a double Leto whammy in the City of Angels. Lexy wants the ultimate escape from small town life. What she doesn't expect is the ultimate journey of sexual discovery. But at what expense?
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Imagine Jared taking a day off for you
Your alarm just goes off and you already know that it’s gonna be a hard day. Just like those before : work is doing verry hard, your family is too complainant, and , the cherry on the cake , your best friend , the one you know for more than 10 years , the one you share everything with , the one that was your bridesmaid and the one you always trust , betrayed you. It’s a bad feeling you never had and it hurt you more than excepted. The only good thing in your life at this moment is Jared. He give you so much , you don’t know how you’ll be right now without his support and love . But in fact , in that moment : he’s not in bed with you. He is already working , as usual. You’re not mad at all with him because of this : you know he had to.
So you woke up, trying to stay positive and know that there is verry worst situation : you’re healthy, you got a home , a job ( even if it’s verry hard those day) , a family ( even if yours is not always perfect , Jared’s mother and brother are so supporting) and most important, a husband that love and help you no matter what.
You put your clothes for the days on , little touch of make up and you go for your breakfast in the kitchen. You make your tea thinking about how you gonna manage that day without be in a bad mood. You hate this . You probably was thinking too much because you didn’t hear Jared coming from the Lab and you jump when you feel his arm around your waist.
«Morning babe...  Did I scared you ? » he told you with a sweet smile and a kiss on your hair.
You smiled him back « kinda . I did not expect see you right now . But please , feel free to scared me like this all day long! I’m happy to see you no matter if you scared me or not ! »
« I’m sorry I don’t wake up you this morning... I really had to work in the lab with Jamie and Stevie... and you was sleeping so deep... and I ... I know you need rest those days so ... you’re not mad right ? »
« Should I ? » then look at him without talking and turn around so you can face him and keep his arm around you. He was about to talk when you cut him « of course I’m not mad Jared » you smile en put a light kiss on his lips. « You are the only one I’m not mad at by the way so relax baby » . You laugh but it was more a nervous laugh than a real one.
« Hey ... look at me » Jared take your face between his hand « you’re not the bad one in all this ... craziness happing to you ok ? I’ll be mad too if I was you ... actually I’m mad for you ! But don’t me bad with yourself ok ? » « I know Jared ... I know you’re right ... but I can’t help ... I’m like ok ... all of this is happening and I’m not able to control myself ... » you instantly feel tears coming « ... see ! Just the fact to talk about it and I cry like a baby ... I shouldn’t ! » « Y/N it’s ok to cry ... important is just to not get lost with anger and sadness... I’m sure it’s gonna be ok with anger but ... I feel you sad... and I don’t know how to help. ». His words make you cry even more « please Jared don’t ! You do everything perfectly ! You’re my rock. If you wasn’t here, I’ll probably still in bed all day long listening sad music , in the dark , eating a all Nutella jar , then complaining about the fact that I eat it, not working so probably being in trouble ... but thanks to you I still standing ! But , I feel guilty know because you feel guilty... ». He smile to you and give you the warmest hug you never get in your life « I don’t know if you just compare me to a Nutella Jar but ... it’s verry sweet » « come on Leto you perfectly get the point » you answer with a smile. « I get it ... » he smile you back and kiss you with all of his love. At this moment you hear your phone bell, and know that it will ruine the moment . Jared and you look each other knowing too. You take the phone , it was your best friend. Or at least , ex best friend. When you see the name on the screen you look at Jared that immediately take your free hand. You take a deep breathe and take the call .
The talk was verry animated and verry hurting. You was crying during the all conversation .But it was definitely clear : your friendship was over. Too much hurt, too much lies , too much mistake.
« Look Y/F/N I have to end the call ... I’m gonna be late at work and I don’t think I should ... especially because of you and all the thing that happen between you and me so... » it was too much for you. You was about to sob, your eyes was bloody red, your makeup ruined and you was feeling totally empty. You was about to finish your sentence when Jared take your phone and talk to her : « it’s Jared ... listen, your issue is not of my business, but it’s my wife ... and you and this conversation make her sick... » his voice was calm but cold. « So now I’m gonna end the call. If you have Y/N stuffs, I’ll send you an assistant then you can give her back. If she get some of your stuffs , my assistant will give it back to you don’t worry about it... » you can help but put your face on Jared chest and keep crying , holding him with all the force than you still have. Jared instinctively put his arm around you. He end the call and put your phone on the table close to both of you.
« Listen baby ... I don’t know if you are able to go to work today... look at you ... » « No ! No Jared ! I can’t do this » you already push him away and take a tissue and fixing your makeup as much you can. « I have to go to work . First they need me, especially those days , and I need to keep my brain concentrate on something » « baby I know you’re strong but you just need a little bit rest ... because you’re human and we all get those moment ! It’s ok! » « you’re verry funny Jared ... really ... who continue to work whatever he is sick or tired or piss even at 2 in the morning ? Who wake up every day even if he sleep 3 hours by night ? Who tour the world with an infection ? Me ? » « babe ... » « no ! I’ll go to work ! I’m not sick ! » « you’re tired ! » « thank you for the compliment ... anyway ...» Jared was about to answer you when you cut him with a quick kiss then you run into the bathroom trying to fix the mess you look like as quick as you can because you really don’t want to be late at work. You go back in the kitchen for grabbing your phone before leaving . Jared was still there , a sad look on his face.
« Come one Jared please ... don’t make it worst... I wasn’t angry because of you , you know it baby ... it’s just ... you know how it feel to need to work... and I know I look tired so I wasn’t really mad ... come one ... give me a smile Hubby ». He stand up from the chair he was sitting on and look at you. He give you a smile but there was something strange on it. He takes your hand and put a kiss on it. Still not talking . « What ?! » You ask him « you... you got a text ... and ... I read it. » « come one it’s ok you can read my text I don’t care relax » you say rolling your eyes «  I didn’t mean to read it , it was just on screen you know and... » « it’s ok Jared . Really . I understand » you answer him with a smile taking your phone at the same time, about to read the text he was talking about « it’s a text from your mother ... she ... » you read the text at the same time that he talk  « she say they will not come for my birthday...» you say cutting him in his sentence.
This was too much. Your family is not perfect , but you still love your family. You still love your mother, father , sister , brothers ... you’re not always agreed with them but they still your family. Since you decide to leave Europe and get married with Jared , they became a little bit distant with you , thinking that you wanted running from them . But it wasn’t the case at all. That’s why you invited them all for your birthday in California. You send them the plane tickets and explain them how much you was missing them. In the moment they thank you and told you that they’ll be there with pleasure but today, 3 days before your birthday, they decline. This was too much for you.
You don’t know really why, you just put the phone back on the table and decide to sit on the floor instead of the chair. You push your bag away and take your face between your hands . Too tired for crying. You just still here in silence. You don’t even notice Jared who was now sitting behind you, his strong arms on around your waist, his face resting on your shoulder. He was silent too. When you notice him , you turn your face to him and try to talk but you don’t even know what to say.
« Shhhhh... it’s ok baby ... it’s ok ... you’re not alone . I’m here... and let me be clear , nobody gonna ruined your birthday. I know you wanted to make a big dinner with your family... but guess what , this is exactly what gonna happen ... you gonna celebrate it with me, my mom and my brother ... because we are your family too and we’ll never let you down. Do you hear me ? » he say in an whisper. His words make you cry the last tears your body was able to made, you turn around and don’t know how you manage , but now , both of you was laying on the floor of your kitchen, you on the top of Jared body and Jared slowly caressing your head and back. After a moment you let out a sight and say « shit ... I’m definitely late ... ».
Jared sit up not letting you go and say « yeah ... I think it’s the good moment for calling your boss and telling him that you’re not gonna come to work today . If you don’t do it I’ll call him... do you hear me. ». You was about to protest but he was right. If you go to work today, it will be a hell . You’re not able to do anything today.
« Ok ... you win ... I take a day off ... » you told him and instinctively put your face on his neck.
« Good girl ... » he hold you and manage for making you both standing up. He give you your phone so you can call your boss. You did it.
Your boss wasn’t really happy about it , but he get it and told you that it was ok. When you end the call you saw Jared put his own phone in a box, then take your phone, make it in silence mode and put it in the same box.
« What the hell are you doing Jared ? » « this is the rule for today : no phone. » « what?! I know I’m crying a lot but it doesn’t mean I’m a teenager give me my phone back ! » « No way ! If you keep your phone you gonna call your mom, your ex best friend , your boss ... I don’t want it ... » « and what if I need something ?! » « you get everything you need at home! » « what if need help ?! » « who say you gonna be alone ? » « no, no , no ... I’m ok to take a day off but there is no way that one of your assistant gonna stay with me all day long .. they’re all verry sweet but ... I’m not in a mood sorry ! And what if I want to send you something or just talking to you ?! » « my god babe can you stop just one second ! » he answer you with a sight then a smile. He take your hand so you can following him and go to the bathroom with the box.
« Jared ... I’m crazy but your definitely more crazy than me ... what are you doing ?! »
« of course I’m ! ... look ... You’ll not need your phone today ... because ... you’ll not be alone. I take a day off too. »
« What ?! No. No . You can’t . There is too much things you have to manage and... » « wait you don’t wanna share a day off with me ? » « of course I want !! » you told him taking his face in your hands. « So what’s the problem ? » « I just don’t wanna be a trouble maker Jared ... I know that your team is waiting for you ... ». Jared take your hand and kiss them « not anymore ... I told them I was off today because I have to take care of you , they totally understand... so... » he show you the box « no more phone for today. Same for me. Day OFF » . He put the box on the floor then put a towel on the top of it. « Like this ... imagine they just disappear for today ... Magic ! ». You was tired and sad because of all the things that happened in less than an hour but he make you smile and laugh, as usual. « Ok. I get it . No phone. Day off... » you kiss him passionately and thanks him for everything he do for you.
« So Hubby ... what’s the next step for our day off ? » you ask with a smile
« Well ... I think a good day off alway begins with an extra time in bed ... what do you think ? »
« I think it’s a perfect idea » you answer him.
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caroline18mars · 6 years
Oh Yes definitely tonight!! Did I keep you waiting too long?
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allicatimagines · 6 years
I will be coming home this afternoon and adding most of my stories back here on Tumblr because I noticed a lot of you have been asking for them to be placed back here. So for future reference stories will be posted here and on Wattpad that way you all can see them. Thanks!
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obsessing-stressing · 7 years
would I be able to get the links to fun house?
You can also view all my Fics on my account. I hope you enjoy. 
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a-missing-memory · 8 years
Anything For His Pleasure
A multi part “One Shot” Ha ha..
PT 3 Continued
She followed behind him towards the 2 huge windows, and as they got closer to them, her vision cleared a bit in the near-dark, and she saw 6 large stainless steel rings embedded into the wall, with leather cuffs attached. The lowest set of rings had a chain attached to one and the other had a pole or bar item attached to it. Jess had done some reading over the 6 months since they'd first played, and she had a fairly clear idea of what she was viewing and the knowledge sent a huge shiver down her spine.
Jared glanced back at her, knowing she'd be able to see what was attached to the wall, with the assistance of being closer to the source of the moonlight that flowed in brighter since they were right beside the windows. She'd been totally Vanilla that night she'd been his waitress and he'd propositioned her and brought her back for some very light play. Tonight he'd taken her a step deeper by gagging her AND removing her sense of being able to hear his movements and actions, by adding the headset. She'd done fine, so he decided he was going to push Jessie. Although he'd taken his pleasures with 4 or 5 other subs since that first night, he'd thought of her from time to time over the last 6 months, and had done some comparing and contemplating and had decided he favored her over all the others he was currently playing with, and had high hopes she would progress well tonight, through his intensified bondage and discipline. If so, he'd have her sleep over, make love to her and in the morning, discuss the possibility of taking her as his only play toy for awhile.
“So, Jessie, this is my spreader bar and wrist cuffs. I have some of my most ENJOYABLE times right here against this wall. When I secure you in little pet, you will feel VERY constrained. Are you up for this experience with me in order to earn a night upstairs in my bedroom?”
Jess was nervous. Hell, she was BEYOND nervous about the looming possibility of being so restrained. She looked long and hard at his face, his eyes-those lips that sang the music she so loved. This Man- he was DEEP. He had some serious fetishes she never would have imagined that night she'd waited on him, when he was solo dining in Malibu. When he'd propositioned her, she'd just thought they were going to have sex. They most certainly didn't that night.. and now.. well.. she knew if she could make it through this challenge, he was definitely offering her sex, if she spent the night. Couldn't she do this BDDS play for him?
“Jess-I need an answer now Girl.”
“Y-yes Jared. I can do this.”
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sweetpeach-69 · 5 years
New chapter of ‘Surrender’ posted!
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heavenlydreamerblog · 5 years
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In Too Deep (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/KhYHmV4yEU 
So chuffed that this has had more than 3,000 reads on Wattpad. I’ve loved every moment of writing about Jared, Lexy and Shannon. Thanks to all of you who read, comment and bother to vote because it means so much to all writers. I won’t mention names but thanks to all who’ve supported me xoxoxo
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caroline18mars · 6 years
Come on, writer’s block
Just leave, let my creative juices flow again *frustrated* I know what I want to write so won’t you let me?
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allicatimagines · 6 years
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wait what ?  -  you guys are absolutely amazing. 
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This Beautiful Life - Chapter Five.
Jared’s POV
“You know, whatever it is that has you in such a bad mood is working really well for me,” Lisa-Marie says as she takes pictures of me sitting shirtless at one of the big windows here in hers and Adrian’s home. I know I said no more work to my assistant last week but this isn’t really my work, it’s hers. I photograph very well and she likes to use that to her advantage, namely that she gets a good looking guy whose happy to have his picture taken and doesn’t have to pay him for his time.
“Oh?” I reply quietly, looking out of the window.
“You work moody motherfucker very well, hon. It makes my life really easy taking your picture. Turn to me. Yikes, that face couldn’t get more pissed off looking. What gives?” she asks.
“Just work stuff bugging me.” I lie, thinking on the real reason and feeling myself getting wound up about it again. I suppose there are a few factors contributing to my current bad mood, it isn’t just one although the subject remains the same. Sienna. I’ll list what I’m angry about, in the order I’m angry. Firstly, she says she isn’t happy but does nothing to change her circumstances and I’m pissed off that it’s even bothered me. Why the fuck should I care, really what am I expecting here, for her to come running back to me after seeing her twice, five years after we split up just because I’m still in love with her? Fucking ridiculous. Secondly I’m angry that I kissed her and she ran away too, not just because she ran but because I kissed her in the first place. I shouldn’t have done that, all it did was throw a shit tonne of head fuckery in there for both of us. Ahh, crap. I’ve been back in her company a grand total of two times and her words are starting to rub off on me again. Fuck. Thirdly I’m annoyed because that was likely to be the last time I’ll see her again now, unless I run into her randomly again and how it was all left, well it was a mess. I didn’t want that.
Can I have a fourth too? I think I need a fourth. My inner fury is working itself into overdrive because all last night did was make me want her back even more, knowing how much better I treated her than that self-important son of a bitch she’s married to. He doesn’t even realise how lucky he is to have a wife like her by the sound of it. What he said to her last night, it made me want to punch him straight in the face. I know, I’m far from pleasant when I’m pissed off about something.
“Not to sound like an insensitive bitch but I’m kind of glad of it, you know. You’re even more gorgeous when you’re angry,” Lisa-Marie says, actually making me smile for the first time today. “Stop that, where’s my brooding, pissed off model gone?”
“Is this better?” I ask, furrowing my eyebrows again.
“Gorgeous. Just know if I wasn’t married, I’d be on your dick about now,” she replies, clicking away.
“If you want me to look moody you gotta stop making me laugh!” I exclaim. I love Lisa-Marie’s humour. She’s brash, blunt and unapologetic about it.
“The photographer in me wants you to look angry but what can I say? The friend in me wants to cheer her buddy up. Okay I think I have enough to go do the female equivalent of jerking off over later, thank you so much.” Again she has me laughing, forgetting the black cloud of anger hanging over my head for now. She’s a fucking awesome photographer and whenever I’m in town I’m more than happy to sit for her. Her work is mostly atmospheric and edgy, it’s what she preferred after a decade of doing high fashion photography she now refers to as ‘sterile and bland’ in comparison with what she’s doing now. To be honest I needed the distraction too, I couldn’t concentrate on anything with how bad my mood was. It still is I suppose, but I know that Lisa-Marie can and will keep on making me laugh until Adrian arrives back here and then I’ll have the two of them keeping me entertained. Anything to stop me thinking about my ex-girlfriend right now is a welcome distraction.
“What the fuck are you doing walking around my home in a state of undress?” the man himself asks ten minutes later when he walks in and I’m just putting my shirt back on.
“Banging your wife,” I reply, Lisa-Marie nodding vigorously.
“He was, had me right there on the couch, he did,” she jokes, kissing Adrian and throwing “I’m going to tinker with photo stuff, see you in a few hours!” over her shoulder as she heads over towards her office. That’s twice now even the vaguest mention of sex has made my mind revert back to remembering how it was with Sienna. Fucking wild, that’s how it was. Damn. Pissed off again.
“By that look on your face it kinda looks like you could do with getting laid, you know. That wasn’t an offer to let you have free rein with Lisa-Marie, by the way,” he says, walking over to the kitchen area and opening the fridge, pointing at a can of soda with a questioning look. I nod and have one thrown over to me I catch one handed, leaving it to calm down before opening it.
“Selfish bastard,” I snort, making him laugh. “Nah, I’m cool. I can get a woman whenever I want one, just got work stuff on my mind.” Yeah that sounds arrogant, but it’s true. There are at least four woman who are in the city at any given time who I can call up if I want someone to fuck, trouble is I don’t particularly want any of them right now. I just want one. This is why I don’t open myself up emotionally to women, or rather why I haven’t since Sienna. Seeing her again means she’s got her hooks freshly back into my heart, even if she isn’t aware she’s done such.
“You need to stick to your word and actually have the three months you promised yourself away from it all.” He’s right, or at least he is in so much that I’m replacing the name ‘Sienna’ with the word ‘work’, which makes me think that perhaps I should fly out to LA and spend my three months of downtime there. Problem is though that’s where I truly will be tempted by taking on real work and not having the time off I so sorely need, hence my decision to come to New York in the first place. I can’t fucking win. I might just go to some random place and forget about everything until we’re back out on tour. For the rest of the time I’m here Adrian manages to keep me entertained and keep my mind off a certain blonde, but when I’m walking back down the street trying to locate a cab it’s the sudden appearance of another one that reminds me of her all over again, namely because she happens to be the best friend of the woman I can’t get out of my head.
“Hey, you big, bearded freak. Walk straight past me, why don’t you?” I hear Claire boom loud and clear, although I have to say when I turn around I’m not surprised I didn’t recognise her. She used to dye her hair dark brown when I knew her and also be a railing with tits (as I often referred to her as in joke) so the fact she’s now back to her natural light blonde colour and also has a huge baby bump are the reasons why I didn’t immediately notice it was her.
“Holy shit, I didn’t even recognise you!” I exclaim, dodging people to walk over and give her a hug she returns, grabbing two handfuls of my hair and giving it a shake.
“Fucking hippy,” she begins, laughing. “How you been? Sie mentioned she’s bumped into you last week, said you were going to her art show too. How was that? I’m really pissed off I couldn’t go but it was my mother’s sixtieth. Actually do you fancy having a catch up over a drink? I need to sit somewhere cool and drink something with a lot of ice in it. Being pregnant sucks in the heat, I need to stop and fan myself every two minutes, or sit down if there’s a seat.”
“Come on, let’s get you to the nearest bar. Unless that is being in the same vicinity as alcohol without being able to drink it is going to tip you over the edge and send you on a murderous rampage? I remember you used to be bad enough when you got sick and any medicine that you couldn’t drink on made you so angry people would genuinely run for cover,” I say, Claire giving me a warning look that turns into a smile.
“He knows me too fucking well, but since it’s the closest place and predictably I need to pee too, lead the damn way.” Walking to the next block we enter the bar, Claire going straight to the restroom while I go to the bar and order a large juice with a pile of ice for her and a coffee for me, locating the table right under the air con and sitting down to wait for her.
“Thanks for this. So what the fuck is with that beard then? With all the hair you look like a damn hobo,” Claire says after lowering herself slowly into a seat. I feel for you women out there who’ve had babies, I really do. Carrying them can’t be fun at all.
“What do you mean, what’s with it? I periodically grew one back when we saw a lot more of each other. Also if you think this is something then you should have seen it a few months ago, I trimmed this up so I wouldn’t look so homeless for the Oscar’s,” I reply, sipping my coffee and realising that it’s still way too scalding to drink. I need caffeine where I can get it. I didn’t sleep well last night again thanks to her best friend.
“Pffft! You had designer stubble at best,” she laughs. See this is the way we always were together, the ball busting banter was always a part of it. She’s a great girl, Claire. I’ve always admired her straight up attitude and determination.
“I did not! Anyway, I believe you were asking me how things were as well as how Sienna’s show went. I can give you the same answer for both, they’re going and went great,” I reply, Claire raising her eyebrow at me.
“Oh, would it kill you to embellish a little? I haven’t fucking seen you for five fucking years!” I swear, I’ve never met anyone who punctuates their sentences with the words ‘fucking’ or ‘fuck’ as much as her before in my life. My brother comes a close second and that’s only usually when he’s worked up about something. I give her a run down on how things have been and what I’ve been up to, Claire listening attentively and asking questions here and there before I tell her about the art show. I don’t quite know here whether to mention the Richard incident or not, unsure over whether it’s my place to say such.
“Wait, Richard was actually there? Wow, wonders never cease. I really like that guy but the only thing that bugs me about him is the fact he doesn’t take her art seriously.” Hmmm, do I say anything here or don’t I? I know Claire can be discreet but still, shouldn’t this come from Sienna? “Stop holding out on me. I can practically hear your brain ticking over there, Leto. Spill, what do you know?” Yeah, procrastination around someone as sharp as the iron lady of Wall Street will never work well for anyone.
“They had a fight because he left after fifteen minutes. He had to go back to the office, she was really upset,” I reply, Claire nodding knowingly.
“That kinda doesn’t surprise me. Richard is a great guy but sadly work always comes first to him. I admire his work ethic but not when it comes at the expense of Sienna’s happiness. He should have stayed, if not for the duration then at least longer than fifteen fucking minutes. That was a faux pas on his part. Was she okay?” she asks, taking another sip of her drink.
“She was after the director of the gallery told her he wanted to display two of her paintings and she sold a further seven. She cheered up after that, my friends and I took her out for drinks to celebrate afterward too and she was fine. That is, until Richard called her.” Raising her eyebrows she then makes a gesture with her hand indicating I should continue. “The term she used for what the call constituted was ‘more assholery’, so there you go. Claire, I’m a little worried about her. She’s not the girl I remember, she doesn’t seem happy.” I want to see what her best friend thinks of all this, see if she’s noticed it too or had Sienna mention anything.
“Don’t worry about her, she is happy. Granted, she isn’t as happy as she could have been had circumstances been different but she’s not depressed or anything like that. Her and Richard, they usually get along great, they have a very solid marriage apart from one aspect he needs to make a little more effort in so really, there’s no reason to be concerned,” she tells me, reaching out to give my arm a little rub. What Sienna told me conflicts massively with this though and I guess it shows in the facial expression I can’t help but pull. Also, if she really was that happy then why did she kiss me back twice when I kissed her? “What, what’s with that face?” Claire then asks, of course picking up on it. She’s like a fucking hawk, this woman. No little detail escapes her eye.
“I don’t want to betray her trust,” I say, holding my hand up in indication that I’m not about to share what Sienna told me.
“Bullshit, this is me you’re talking to, not some random person who hardly knows her. Sienna is like family to me and if there’s something wrong, I need to know about it.” Oh man. Imagine a rock, a hard place and me wedged right in the damn middle. There’s no way I’m going to be able to get myself out of this one without telling Claire what I know. She’s like a Doberman with a chew toy with information she feels she should be privy to, she won’t leave it alone until she’s got exactly what she wants. “Jared! Tell me what you know.” She then barks at me, making me jump. I’m so not ashamed to admit that this woman terrifies me a little. Seriously, she’s a force to be reckoned with. Why the fuck did I open my goddamn mouth in the first place? Shit.
“She doesn’t love him, Claire. She married him to keep her parents sweet and that’s it. She likes him and freely admitted to me that he treats her well but from her point of view, she isn’t in love with him in a way a wife should love her husband and as for her life? She’s not as happy as she’d have you believe. She confessed all to me and then…then I kissed her. Twice. She kissed me back too, so what does that tell you? She isn’t happy.”
“You did what?” Claire asks incredulously, looking at me thunderously before whack, her hand connects with the back of my head.
“Ow! Fuck sake, Claire!” I exclaim at being slapped upside the head.
“What the fuck did you fucking do that for?” she shouts.
“Because I still love her!” I yell back, a few people turning around to look while Claire’s face drops.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have whacked you,” she then begins, softening a little. “I’m just a little hurt that she never told me any of this, had me, her best fucking friend believe she was okay and then when you told me you kissed her I can only imagine the emotional tailspin that must have sent her into because of what I happen to know and now have no choice but to tell you. This thing is messy enough as it is but you deserve to know. She still loves you too. She told me after she’d ran into you last week. Oh god, where the fuck do I begin in even trying to process all of this?” Where does she begin processing all this? Where the hell do I begin knowing what she just told me, that Sienna is still in love with me? Well, isn’t my fucking day going along swimmingly! Claire and I just stare at each other blankly for a few moments before she reaches over and gives me a hug.
“This has ceased to have anything to do with me now, my involvement in this isn’t going to bring about any kind of resolve. This is why I’m calling her and getting her to meet me down here, without telling her you’re here. I’ll then leave and you two can talk it out, come to some kind of decision about how you’re both going to move on from this,” she replies, taking her cell out of her pocket.
“Claire, please don’t,” I begin, really not wanting her to do this but at the same time seeing the sense in what she says. The reason I don’t really want her to? I doubt knowing I still love her would change anything for Sienna. She’d still be too scared to leave the life that makes her unhappy and come back to me and to be honest, I’ve started to doubt whether I actually want her back or not because of that. She doesn’t have anything to be scared of, sometimes I think she’s just making excuses. It’s all escalating so fucking fast I’m not even sure what the hell to think though, truth be known. I’ve seen her twice, twice and this is where I’m at now.
“It’s the only way you can both move forward here, whether that’s going your separate ways or whatever the hell the other courses of action are here. Now hush, it’s ringing. Sie, hey babe! I’m about ten minutes from your place at Bar Two Eighty Three. Come meet me for a drink? Okay great, I’ll see you in a bit. She’s on her way.” I feel my heart jump into my throat at hearing her say that Sienna is on her way here. I suppose this means I have to deal with it all whether I want to or not.
“I’ve been back in your company for a grand total of a half hour and already, you’ve annoyed me. Bitch,” I tell Claire, only half joking.
“Glad to be of service!” she chimes sarcastically, shaking her head. I think she’s still a little pissed off that I knew something she didn’t about Sienna. “Again, sorry. I’m just annoyed you’ve been back in her life for five minutes and she opens up to you about something she knows she could have told me about.”
“It’s okay. Really though, she probably didn’t tell you because I think she’s been trying to convince herself that what she has is perfectly acceptable. It probably makes what happened five years ago easier for her to deal with, so don’t take it personally.” I reply, Claire smiling at me and seeing I’m not just fobbing her off with fabricated reason with the sole purpose of making her feel better. It probably is what Sienna has been doing. Ten minutes pass and at just gone 6pm she walks into the bar behind a crowd of people, looking around. When she sees me sitting next to Claire immediately she has a look of ‘what the fuck?’ on her face. She shakes her head slightly and then smiles as she approaches, more at Claire than me.
“What are you two doing here together?” she asks, leaning to give Claire a kiss.
“I ran into him a little earlier so we came here for a catch up chat. Turns out that chat covered quite a wide base of topics, but you were the recurring theme. He told me about last night and what you said to him and then what happened. Don’t be mad at him for it either. We’ll deal with why you didn’t tell me what you told him another time, I’m not important here. What is kinda imperative right now is that you two sit down and talk, so I’m leaving. Call me later, love you.” Getting up Claire gives her a hug and kiss on the cheek before walking around the table, squeezing my shoulder on her way past. As soon as she’s left, Sienna and I just stare blankly at each other for a few seconds.
“If we’re going to talk I’d rather do it somewhere else than here. Richard sometimes comes in after work with his colleagues,” she says, jerking her head back toward the door. We walk out and down the street in silence, getting into a cab a few minutes later which I tell to head to the West Village. No one knows her on my turf other than Gavin and Ben so she can’t chicken out of heading there. I wouldn’t put it past her to try and think of an excuse.
“Why did you go and tell Claire what I told you?” she asks me a little tersely around twenty minutes into our journey after a so far very atmospheric silence.
“She got it out of me, you know how good she is at doing that,” I reply, Sienna snapping at me in an instant.
“Don’t fucking blame her just because you can’t keep your mouth shut!”
“I’m not, I’m giving you a reason over why I told her. Why the hell are you so pissed off about her knowing? She’s meant to be your best friend and to be honest, I think she’s hurt you’ve been keeping the truth from her as well,” I explain.
“Because I have my reasons!” she shouts.
“Sienna, why the fuck are you getting so angry with me for?” I ask, trying to keep a hold on my temper. I don’t appreciate being yelled at for no reason.
“Because in you come back into my life like a fucking tornado everything gets messed up! I was fine a week ago!”
“You weren’t though, were you? You told me as much last night. Also, how have I messed everything up?”
“By kissing me last night and then telling Claire all about it!”
“You kissed me back, isn’t like you didn’t want me to.”
“Why did you even do it?”
“Do I really need to spell it out? Because I still love you. There, now you know!” Okay, after that back and forth of her continuing to yell at me, I couldn’t help but finally lose it a little right back.
“Can you pull over here, please?” she asks the driver, taking a few notes from her purse and giving them to him before getting out and walking away at speed.
“Was Claire telling me the truth when she told me you still love me too?” I ask, following her and having to jog to keep up when she starts to run. “Stop fucking running away from me!” I yell when I catch up with her, blocking her way and holding onto her shoulders firmly, forcing her to look at me.
“Yes,” she says, looking like she’s about to cry.
“Then why do you keep running away from me rather than to me. We’re still in love with each other, don’t you think we owe to ourselves to stop fucking denying it and do something about it?” I ask in semi-exasperated tones.
“Because I’m married! It’s such a big fucking mess, Jared and I’m scared, I’m scared of everything!” Turning from me she runs, nearly giving me a heart attack when she bolts straight into the street and narrowly avoids a car just as a shower begins to plummet down out of the sky. Thinking about running after her I make a start to and then stop. If she really wanted to be anywhere near me she’d stop running away. It’s with this thought burning through my brain that I turn around and walk the three blocks it takes for me to get to my apartment, becoming soaked to the skin from the rain. You could wring me out by the time I get home and throw off my shirt, hurling it into the kitchen sink for lack of a better place to put it. Yes, the weather today has been much like my life I suppose. It was nice and sunny and then when Sienna came back into it, down the rain began to pour.
I hope it’s still being enjoyed by my wonderful readers! I adore sharing my stuff with you guys, I get so excited to see your comments and likes! It makes the time and effort worth it :) 
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jared-leto-imagines · 10 years
Imagine.. Jared Leto Helping You Back To Sleep
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The sunlight had just started to creep through your opaque blinds when you decide it's finally time to get up. The double bed you've slept in seems larger to you than usual due to Jared being back on tour. Even though you'd been together 7 months it was still no easier when he left: if anything it got worse and worse. Pulling on your blue hoodie, you walk downstairs and get a bowl of cereal. It was about 10AM and your phone was still upstairs and as you didn't need to do or be anywhere or anything today you decided to sit and watch the TV for the morning. 
You had recorded an episode of the IT Crowd the previous night as you'd fallen asleep early so you decided you'd watch that after checking the morning news.
A short, stout man sat and delivered the news on your TV as it neared to the next section of the news bulletin. 
"Actor and singer Jared Leto, 42, has been killed after being rushed to the hospital after an airplane crash."
Everything stopped.
Before you knew it: your cereal had dissipated over the floor that he had walked on, your arms had wrapped around the waist that his had only a few days ago however no tears ran down the cheeks he had wiped dry all the times before. You couldn't cry. You couldn't do anything. 
All of a sudden, a new sensation started to overcome your numbness: drowning. It felt like the tears that weren't evident on your outside were building up on your inside. Slowly, it worked it's way up from your stomach to your chest and to your throat to the point where you couldn't breathe. You lay on the floor choking whilst the TV became louder and louder repeating the same words over and over: 
"Jared Leto.. has been killed.." 
"Jared Leto.. has been killed.." 
"Jared Leto.. has been killed.." 
"Hey, hey, wake up.." You could hear something faintly in the background that grew louder and louder and less muffled. "It's OK, wake up.." Quickly, your eyes snapped open. You were unaware of your surroundings and anyone who occupied a space within them. You didn't realize you were screaming until you closed your mouth. You cornered yourself in the top right hand side of the bed, eyes wild and lost. Your eyes slowly adjusted to the dark and noticed something: a pair of striking blue eyes that were as wild as yours. 
"It was only a dream.." He whispered. 
You couldn't do anything but dissolve into tears. You pushed your knees up to your chest and clasped your arms around them. You felt Jared's arm push around your back and pull you closer to him on the bed before he enveloped you and you grabbed onto his shirt as hard as you could in fear that you'd loose him again. He took to rubbing your back as you struggled to catch your breath.
"It's OK.. It's OK.." He continued repeating.
"It felt so-" You were barely audible through your tears. "..real.." His eyes darkened. "The airplane.. The crash.." You couldn't speak anymore so Jared took your place in the silence. 
"But it wasn't, was it?" He continued to whisper which made you cry even harder as the reality that he really was here and hadn't been killed and left hit you. "Hey, hey it's OK.." 
"Please don't leave tomorrow" You say abruptly, causing Jared's muscles to tense. "I'd be nowhere-" You choke, "without you to protect me.." One thing he couldn't save you from was that he had to leave to go to Italy and you had to stay to go to university. He couldn't save you from the fact that in 7 hours he wouldn't be here to make sure you were OK.
"I have to," He chokes, his voice shaky. "But I'll be back before you know it, right?" You felt disbelief as whenever he went away it felt like a lifetime before he returned.
"I've always come back to you, haven't I? Do you want to know why?" Jared's voice had turned slightly more serious and he turned you around to look straight into him. You nodded.
"Because I'd have nowhere else to go." The 2am darkness seemed to be bring out the sincerity.
"I don't want to be anywhere else but here, OK? You have to believe me when I say that, right? You jump, I jump, remember?" These words resonated right through you as he pulled you in tighter. 
"I love you more than I've ever loved anyone or anything and I can promise you this: I'm not going anywhere." He spoke into your ear. 
"I love you" You managed to get out without your voice breaking. 
"Jared started to re-arrange the bed and moved your pillow back to it's original position although when he lay back down you stayed as you were with your hands on his shirt and your legs wrapped around his. 
"They say if you slow your breathing.." Even Jared starting laughing quietly at this reference which made him embarrassed. "Shall I try another one?" You lay with your body intertwined with his as he spoke in a quiet tone. 
"Let's go somewhere.." He started. 
Although exhaustion had started to replace your consciousness you replied, "Where to?" 
Jared's arm reached up and pointed out of the window that was to both of your right which was speckled with glittering openings in the sky. 
"To the stars.." 
The next day you woke up with your body aching and your throat dry. The similar feeling of a vast bed unsettled you as you clambered for your phone in worry. 
"Didn't want to wake you - you looked shattered. I've arrived safe and sound, as I promised. I guess we'll go to the stars when I get back. 6 days and counting.. Always. - J x 
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sweetpeach-69 · 5 years
It’s been a while, but a new chapter of Surrender is up!
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heavenlydreamerblog · 5 years
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❤️❤️❤️❤️ Lovely to read this reworked version of Save Me ❤️❤️❤️
Save Me (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/hmKjMRpHOT
Working for the International Red Cross as an Assets Coordinator kept Vivie Abbott busy. A transplant from Michigan, Vivie loved living in Los Angeles but missed her family and tried to be there for as much as she could. When her niece Kenzie, who was turning thirteen, told her all she wanted was to see the band Thirty Seconds to Mars in con…
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