jared-leto-imagines · 10 years
Imagine.. Going On Holiday With 30 Seconds To Mars
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"Jared, seriously, I'm not going to ask you again.." You say as you put all of the bags into the corner of the room. "Jared!" You say as you try to stifle a laugh, you could never be serious with him. Jared turned onto his back in the bed and opened one eye. 
"5 more minutes?" He said is a deep, sleepy voice which made your heart melt. You walked over to the side of the bed, standing over him.
"No! We're already 10 minutes late leaving.. We'll miss our flight at this rate-" Jared quickly grabbed your hand and pulled you on top of him. The stifled laughter came out in little burst in between kisses.
"Just 5 more minutes.. Please.." He said as both of your noses touched. 
"No!" You say again feeling his chest vibrate as he laughed.
"Okay.. One more kiss and I'll get up.." Before you could protest Jared cupped your cheeks and pulled you into him.
The door opened.
"Guys I've been calling you for-" Shannon fully opened the door and covered his face with his arm. "Oh for.. Guys, really?" 
Jared looked embarrassed as he pushed himself up in the bed as his face flushed slightly.
"Oh yeah - we do it fully clothed that's right Shan." He said as he started to get out of the bed.
"Well, who knows what creepy stuff you're into Jared.." Shannon said with a smirk as he began to grab all the bags near the door. Jared gave him an angry look as he pulled on his grey sweatpants, red shirt and blue converse. 
"Well.. Tomo, Mel and Alice are waiting downstairs anyway. Lets get going please!" Shannon sang harmonically as he left the room and began descending the stairs. 
You turned you attention back to Jared who loaded his backpack onto his back as he slid his arm around your waist. 
"I'm more of a morning person when I wake up next to you." He said with almost a serious tone.
"Well - I'm worried about how hard you find it to wake up when I'm not here." You say with a smile.
"Most of the time.. I don't want to." Jared said as he planted a kiss on your forehead. 
"How long until we land?" Jared asked Tomo with a hushed voice, aware that you were sleeping on his shoulder.
"About half an hour.. Is she okay?" Tomo spoke equally as quietly.
"Yeah she's fine, I told her to sleep and she would feel better." Jared said as you felt him stroke your back with his thumb. 
Slowly you blinked awake.
"Hey.. How are you feeling?" Jared said as he grabbed hold of your hand.
"Better thank you, I don't know what it was.. Maybe I ate something bad yesterday.." You say brushing off something which didn't seem big. Jared's concerned eyes stayed on yours for a few seconds. 
"Where are we flying over now, Tomo?" You say, observing the bright blue skies and buildings dotted below you.
"We're just about to fly into Phuket.. We're nearly there!" Tomo said, getting excited himself. 
The plane slowly came to a halt as everybody started to stretch their legs. After a long flight, you had finally landed in Phuket in Thailand for your first holiday with Jared, Shannon, Tomo, Mel and Alice. The boys had just finished the Love, Lust, Faith + Dreams tour and couldn't wait to go and unwind. It was coming up to a year since you and Jared had first gotten together and a long time being 'friends' and the last 2 weeks spent in his company had made you the happiest you had ever been. 
"Okay, first we go to the hotel and put down all of our bags," Tomo scanned the disgruntled faces of everybody. "Well - there's no way we can carry everything to the beach!" Luckily, the hotel was only a fifteen minute walk from the airport and in the weather that Phuket offered, you really didn't mind one bit.
"I don't think you've stopped smiling since we came to London a 2 weeks ago.." Jared said as he offered to take your bag off of your hands to which you shook your head. You smiled so wide that your cheeks pushed up your sunglasses.
"I mean.. Why wouldn't I.. I have amazing friends.." You say as you looked in front of you to see Tomo and Alice walking together, discussing something that they couldn't stop laughing about and seeing Mel and Shannon walking, for the first time, together and they slowly spoke about something you couldn't quite hear. "I've just finished my first year in university.." You think back to how hard you worked in the year to get your finals up to scratch and it had definitely payed off. "I'm in an amazing country that I've never been to before.." You scanned the area around you that was drenched in golden sunlight and the temperature was so hot you could practically feel yourself tanning. "And I have the best boyfriend in the whole world.." You finished as you pushed yourself onto you tip toes to kiss Jared. Even then, he had to lean over a bit. 
"And your fabulous, wonderful boyfriend is finally spending time with you.." He smiled. "Miracles really do happen, right?" You weren't sure because of his sunglasses but you would have put a bet on that he winked.
"There it is.. Just to the right!" Tomo announced as your neared a very grand hotel which had a fountain at the front. In no time at all you were in your air conditioned room putting all your bags down as fast as you could when all of sudden, you froze. You hadn't had time to really look around the room as everybody was in a rush to get to the beach so when you finally looked up and saw the view from your balcony you were speechless. The beach. The sunset. The waves. It was beautiful. 
"You ready?" Jared called from the bathroom. When you didn't reply, he walked through.
"Oh, wow." He slowly walked over and laced his arms around your waist without breaking site of the view. He looked down at your awe-struck face and smiled softly. "Now you see what I see every time I look at you.." He whispered as he kissed the top of your hair. This comment pulled at your heart and you had to blink back the tears. 
"Okay, let's go." You said, clearing your throat. 
It was nearing 8PM after you had finished your meal and had taken your time walking to the beach. The sand was getting colder and the waves getting quieter as you all slowly walked into the area. You sat up with Jared on top of a huge rock which overlooked the sea. Alice and Tomo sat further up on the sand talking loudly. Mel and Shannon walked on the shore talking quietly. 
Jared slowly sighed and pulled you tighter into him. 
"What I said earlier.." He began, not facing you. "I mean it, you know?" 
You bit your lip hard. 
"Whenever I look at you I see everything I want to be. I see somebody who inspires me. Who keeps me grounded but reminds me to never give up. Somebody who tolerates all the crappy things I put her through. Somebody who I love and somebody who I actually thinks loves me." He said slowly. 
"You don't have to think it." You splutter, trying hard to keep your emotions in check. "You have to know it. I love you no matter what. You have to believe it because it's true." You say grabbing his hand like he did on the flight earlier. His smile said more than any of his words ever could. 
"And what you said about not wanting to wake up when I'm not there.." You say, getting more choked up than before. You only managed a nod to which Jared nodded and he understood.
Everybody in life deserves somebody who understands the things we don't say. 
"I swear to God Jared I'm going to kill you by the time this trip's over with.." You say putting all of the diving kits into your huge bag. "Get up!" This time you couldn't help but laugh because you had thrown every items of clothing you were wearing in the evening at him to try and wake him up but instead of getting up he decided to try and put on your bra. Your laughter got louder and louder until you felt something making its way up from your stomach. 
Quickly, you ran to the toilet. You managed to get the vomit into the toilet without getting it on the floor. 
You hard heavy footsteps run quickly from the bedroom into the bathroom as Jared began to move your hair out of your face and rub your back.
"Oh God.. It's okay.." He slowly repeated as you continued to be sick. 
"I'm so sorry.." You say as you begin to unravel some toilet roll and wipe your mouth. Jared stepped away from you to give you some space and lent with one arm above his head on the door frame. 
"Oh dear.." You say trying to laugh it off but Jared new how much you hated being sick so his concerning eyes didn't lift. "You'd swear I'm preg-" You cut your voice off short. Suddenly, something you wanted to be a joke looked like a realistic possibility. Yours and Jared's eyes shot open wide. 
"..Do you.. Do you think.." Jared voice wavered as he scrambled desperately for words. 
"No," You said quickly. "Well.. I mean.. I don't think so.." Jared covered his face with his hand and scratched the back of his neck. 
"That's.." Jared's voice started to get higher in pitch.
"Don't." You snapped. 
"Let's go guys.. We're leaving.." You hear Mel calling from outside your door.
"Okay, I don't know about you guys, but this is what I've been looking forward to most of all.." Shannon said happily as you all walked down to the diving area of the beach. Mel smiled happily as he spoke. Something told you they didn't sleep on their own last night.
"Well we've got everything.. Snorkels.. Goggles.. Jared, did you bring the flippers?" Tomo said as he looked through the bag he had in his hand. You looked to Jared who wore his worried expression and looked a million miles away from here. 
"Jared?" You whispered, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. 
Suddenly, his shook his head and came back. His smile seemed to convince everybody else but you knew that smile when you saw it. 
"Yes, of course we have. Are you ready for this?" Jared said with a voice that tried to convince itself. Shannon piped up once again.
"So bloody ready!" Shannon announced as he busied himself talking to Mel once again. 
As you approached the pier like structure sitting above the water, Jared took off his black t-shirt to leave just his black swimming trunks and Shannon didn't even wear a t-shirt, just his red trunks. You looked at Tomo as the boys got their flippers and goggles on.
"You wouldn't catch me in there in a million years!" He laughed.
"Just not his scene, right?" Alice said as if to finish Tomo's sentence.
"Right." He said with a smile that looked at Alice more than anybody else looked at Alice.
"Let's do this thing!" Shannon shouted as he pushed himself up onto his tip toes and then dived into the water. Jared dived in quickly after and splashed the water so it hit you in the lap. 
"Come on then you.." He said with a smile that you believe. "Come on in!" He shouted as you did a cannon-ball like jump into the water which covered him in water.
"Thanks!" He chuckled as he wrapped your arms around your waist more gently then he had ever done before. You couldn't help but smile, as could Jared. 
"You're missing you Tomo!" Jared shouted as Tomo waved him off. 
"He's really not!" Alice shouted as she turned and kissed him hard on the lips which made Tomo nearly fall off the wall they were sitting on. Yours and Jared's eyes met as you both had your mouths open. Shannon surfaced at that point and laughed loudly. Mel surfaced shortly after.
"For God's sake, are we all just in relationships but the people who were together to start with didn't know?!" Jared said with a laugh. Tomo and Alice nodded simultaneously. Shannon and Mel shrugged. "Oh God.." Jared chuckled as everybody erupted into laughter.
One by one everybody went and did their own thing: Tomo and Alice sat on the wall bathing in the sun and rubbing the back of each other's hands, Mel and Shannon kept diving underwater, deeper and deeper every time. As before, you and Jared splashed, swam and spoke quietly. 
"I'm sorry about earlier.." Jared spoke quickly, out of nowhere.
"You've been thinking about that all day, haven't you?" You say as you scan Jared's face. He nods sheepishly. "What for?" You ask.
"How I reacted.. God, I was a dick. I didn't mean to be so.. unenthusiastic. I mean I was just.." 
"Shocked." You finished. "Yeah, so was I." You say, stroking his cheek. 
"Whatever happens.." He began stroking yours. "We're in this together. Nos adversus mundi. Always." You smiled under his hand as he slowly rested his lips on yours.
As the sun started to settle in the sky, you all decided it was time to go back to the hotel and get ready to have something to eat in the evening. You and Jared hung back as the group walked.
"We're just going to go to the shops quickly," Jared announced as he continued to squeeze your hand tight. "We'll meet you back at the hotel." The others simply nodded and walked ahead as you began to walk to a pharmacy. In 20 minutes you had bought the pregnancy test and with trembling hands you both stood in the bathroom. 
"How long do you have to wait with this thing?" Jared bounced his leg nervously as he sat on the side of the bath.
"2 minutes.." You whisper. The minutes dragged on until under your hand that covered the dial - was your answer. You gripped the test hard so neither of you could see. You stood up and quickly Jared came and stood right next to you. 
"Whatever happens.." He whispered.
You uncovered your hand and you both held on to each other for fear the world would drift away. 
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jared-leto-imagines · 11 years
Imagine.. Being There For Jared Leto
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"So then I was just like.. I just wanted some water!" 
You, Tomo, Shannon, Alice and Mel all erupted into laughter. Tomo's stories about tour always made you laugh - regardless of what they were. You pushed your hand across the table and grasped Jared's who was presenting a fake smile as he too remembered the water incident. 
"You okay?" You mouthed silently as the others chatted away.
In reply, he squeezed your hand tightly. 
This was the first night that you'd had out with Jared in months. A mix of over-working, stress, rumours, the death of somebody who had been a key part of the making of This Is War, being away from you and over thinking made the person who was sat in front of you today. He had lost a lot of weight. He was wearing long sleeves for the first time in a long while. He was wearing that smile again. 
"I'll go get some drinks - what does everybody want?" You say, slowly standing up. 
"2 lagers, 2 vodka oranges and whatever you guys want please!" Tomo piped up, clearly a little drunk and very enthusiastic. 
"Do you want anything?" Your eyes meet Jared's. 
"I'm fine, thank you." His eyes darted away. 
You knew things were bad when Shannon contacted you mid-way through their Scandinavian tour. You remember the answer phone message Shannon left now:
"Hey, kiddo. Just wanted to let you know we're taking a break in the tour and we're probably not going to be able to visit in London. I'll pay for yours and Mel's flights over here. I'll tell you more at some point but don't worry - everything's okay. See you soon." 
You try to shake this from your memory as you approached the bar and ordered your drinks. This bar in downtown Los Angeles was packed although the atmosphere seemed strange and almost tense in this area of the room. 
"Hi there lovely - what's your name?" An averaged height, muscular man said as he rested his hand against your shoulder. "Mine's Jim. Are you here with anybody tonight?" His hand slowly stroked the back of your shoulder.
"Excuse me, can you get your hand off of me please?" You say as you jolt away, leaving his hand to fall limp by his side. Drunk men, nothing you hadn't encountered a hundred times before. Before you had time to realise what had happened, Jared had pushed Jim away from you and was pushing his face right into his.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Touching girls in bars? You fucking pervert. How dare you.." He got closer and closer to Jim as his voice became more and more sinister. 
"Jared!" Shannon called from the table. He quickly rushed over and became the bollard between them. "Everything okay here?" Shannon proceeded to grab both of Jared's shoulder and quickly push him away from the situation.
"No, he started to touch-"
"Rhetorical, Jared." Shannon interrupted. 
Jared balled his hands into fists in anger and was noticeably shaking. Maybe coming out tonight had been too much for him. 
"Jared and I are going to go home. Mel, are you okay to drive Alice, Tomo and Shannon back when you're all done?" You asked as you slowly took grip of Jared's hand extremely tightly.
"Yeah that's fine.." Mel smiled. "Is everything okay?" She mouthed silently to you.
"I don't know.." You mouth silently back. 
The drive home was silent and tense. You tried not to notice Jared getting upset to the right of you as you drove as talking to him about everything could not happen in a car. When you got home, you allowed Jared to walk into the lounge and sit on the sofa first before you slowly closed the front door. 
You sat down next to him. All you could see was a shell of what he once was. 
He sat rigid, staring into nothing and holding his hands tightly together. 
Slowly, you uncovered one from his grasp and cradled it in yours. 
"I.." He started suddenly which made your eyes dart to his face which was angled towards yours whilst his eyes traced over his sleeve that had ridden up. Spilt paint on a canvas of dents. Both of your eyes caught hold of each others and his blue seemed darker than before. His eyes began to sink as tears silently began to fall from them, dotting both of your hands with wet droplets. He seemed so fragile. His very thin exterior, the patterns of parallel lines, the hollow eyes, the fake smile.. 
"I'm sorry." He choked. He couldn't bring his eyes to focus on yours. You could see him slipping away, back into his mind, your biggest fear was never being able to get him back again. 
"I don't think I can do this anymore." The words sliced through the layers of your skin. 
You pushed yourself closer to him on the sofa and guided his head into the your shoulder as you stroked his hair and rubbed his back. You felt him collapse into you as he shook with exhaustion as he cried and cried. Suddenly, this strong man who never let anything phase him had become lost, broken and torn. But you loved him just as much as you did the first day he gave you his cheeky smile. 
"Now listen," You started. A firm voice with no break is what you aspired to have. 
"Believe me when I say this, I love you. You are not weak. You have not failed anybody. Not Shannon, not Tomo, not the fans, not me, not anybody. This is all in your head which does not make it any less real but it means that everything you think is untrue. You are needed, you are wanted, you are loved and you are the reason that a lot of people are still here.." He continued to cry as your words crashed into him. "Like me.." You took a few seconds to compose yourself. 
"A little red water down the plug hole doesn't change the colour of the sea, does it?" You whispered. 
Slowly, Jared lifted his head to face yours. It felt like you were the only two people in the world right now. 
"We're going to get through this," You ensured. "Okay? First - we're going to stop this. We're going to make sure you never get to the point where this," You dart your eyes down to his hands. "Happens ever again, okay? You can do this. We can do this." Jared nodded.
"Is nos adversus mundi appropriate right now?" He sighed with a tired smile that reminded you of the first day you met. 
You pulled him back into your arms. You sighed out in relief. 
"It always is." You whisper. 
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jared-leto-imagines · 11 years
Imagine.. Jared Leto Protecting You From An Ex Part 2
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This is a continuation of this imagine!
"Come here you stupid bitch.." A slurred voice spoke. "I'm going to fucking kill you.." The voice got louder and more unsettling. "I'm going to get you - you are fucked.." Something loomed out to grab you when you shook yourself out of sleep and sat bolt upright. 
This time it wasn't Jack. It was Jared. 
You sat up in your bed disorientated. You couldn't remember walking to bed but as you slowly started to blink yourself awake you came to the assumption that Shannon and Tomo had carried you upstairs but if you had learnt anything tonight - it's not to trust your assumptions.. And it felt like you couldn't trust one of the only people you had ever trusted before either. You felt cold and uncomfortable as you realised you had thrown your duvet onto the floor as you struggle to separate yourself from your dream world. Your face gave a dull ache and all of the reality of the past few hours came flooding back. You really wished Shannon and Tomo hadn't of taken you to bed - you wished they had stayed with you downstairs to make sure nobody came in. You now felt extremely unsafe in your dark room in London to the point in which you didn't want to get your duvet from the floor let alone go and check on the boys. You sat there freezing cold with your arms around your waist and your thoughts all over the place when you heard the door open slightly. You cut off your breathe straight away and tried to not move in the darkness in hope it was a breeze because you really didn't want to be with or without anyone at this moment.
"Hey.." You heard a quiet voice say from in between the door and the frame. You heard them walk in and quietly close the door and stand with their back on it. For a few seconds: neither of you moved. Tentatively they picked up your duvet and pushed it back onto your bed and only when they were close did you realise those eyes and that voice belonged to a nervous Jared. 
"I heard you wake up.." He began whilst he went to sit on the bed whilst you pushed yourself away from him, unsure about what to do. You had just seen what he had done to Jack and even to his own brother.. You still hadn't explained what had happened and why Jack was even in the house so you were too scared he was still angry. Too scared he would do something to you. Too scared he would leave. He shadowed what you did and pushed himself away too - seemingly more cautiously. "I'm so sorry." The words came off the walls and hit you hard. 
"Jared.." You began, still not making eye contact. 
"I don't know what happened. I just.. He was.." Jared whispered.
The silence became more comfortable now you weren't alone. You felt Jared's cold hands wrap around yours: his knuckles were bruised and swollen and there were cuts all over his hands. 
"He's just not worth it.." You say making circular motion on Jared's cuts with your finger which made him wince.
"But you are." He snapped. His tone dropped and his eyes watched yours. 
"What I did tonight was right, he deserved it. I don't regret what I did I just regret doing it in front of you." His eyes continued to stare right into yours. You couldn't believe what he was saying and you couldn't believe how much he had let Jack get to him. 
"How can you say that?" Anger had started to spread through you. Everything Jared had stood for had gone completely out of the window because of Jack. "How can you condone what you did?" 
"What I did?!" His eyes became wild. "It almost sounds like you're defending him! What I did?!" 
Jared stood up with his fists clenched. 
"I'm not defending him - I know this isn't you. This isn't who you are. Rise above it you always used to say. You always used to get so pissed off when I got angry at somebody.." Of course you weren't defending that animal. However, Jared seemed different. 
"And?" His tone scared you.
"It's just what you think has changed.. You used to not let things like that get to you.. And now you've let it get to you you've hurt Shannon and yourself! Jack's not worth that! I'm not worth that!" You tried as much as possible not to raise your voice but Jared's loud uncontrollable breathing made that seem impossible.
"Oh okay.. I've changed. Well maybe that's what falling in love does to you." 
Silence filled the room. This time it was anything but comfortable. 
Jared slowly slumped against the wall and allowed himself to slide down and sit on the floor where he brought his knees up to his chest and allowed his eyes to close as he tried to steady his breathing. One thing that hadn't changed about him was that when he did ever get angry at anything: he found it so hard to stop. Anything could bring those emotions back incredibly quickly. 
You were angry. At Jack. At Jared. But most of all at yourself. 
Slowly and tentatively you pushed yourself up from the bed and knelt beside Jared. He opened one of his arms and you sat on his lap as he, as gently as he could, wrapped his arms around your waist. You felt him exhale deeply. 
"Promise me.. Nothing stupid now right?" You began, an assertive tone filling the cold air.
"Hmm?" He spoke into your hair. 
"You know what I mean." You spoke. Jared pulled you in tighter and that offered a type of stability you couldn't fault right now. 
A pale light began to paint your bedroom walls. You slowly opened your eyes when you found yourself in your bed with your duvet on. You lowered your arm to try and find the arm that always drapes across the right side of your waist when you sleep. Nothing. Panic spread right across you as you began to remember what had happened last night. Jared didn't seem calm even after you had spoken to him. You pushed the duvet onto the floor and walked down the stairs. 
"Hey," A voice said calmly as you reached the foot of the stairs. He was watching you from the sofa. "Good sleep?" 
"Yeah it was fine thanks.." You began. "Have you seen Jared?" 
Shannon's eyes lit up and a smile slowly formed on his face. 
"I came and checked on you in the night and I saw Jared lying down with you in bed. I didn't want to wake either of you because he actually seemed calm. He actually seemed okay for once." Shannon's words confused you. If Jared had carried you into bed after sitting on the floor.. Where was he now? 
"What time did you check on us?" You say slowly. 
"About 4AM? I couldn't sleep and I wanted to make sure you were okay. I went to bed after that." Shannon clicked the home button on his iPhone and displayed it to you: no messages or missed calls, just a lock screen of him and Jared at the Oscars. This made both of you smile. 
"That's weird.. Where do you think he's gone?" You walked and sat on the sofa opposite Shannon. He sat in his grey sweatpants and his tight red t-shirt with bed hair causing strands of hair to stick out all over his head.
"I'm not sure," Shannon sighed as he ran his hand along the back of his neck where bruises littered his skin. "Probably for a walk. He does that. He's just not been having a great time lately. He's been finding things hard, you know? Probably why he snapped last night. I wouldn't blame him for what happened." Each word pounded more guilt into you. Jared had been going through a difficult time recently which you were well aware of. He said that spending time with you made everything much easier and made him feel less like he would do something stupid. You had never thought that this is why he went mad last night. 
"Are you worried about him?" Shannon questioned which snapped you out of your thoughts.
Of course you were worried about him. Whenever Jared was like this he wasn't Jared. Sometimes something would bring it on but sometimes he would just drift away from everything for no reason to anybody's knowledge. This is when you were most scared.
"Yes," You sighed. "I think it's just a matter of getting him through whatever he's going through in his head. Although we don't know what's going on, he does. Just get him through this and he'll be back to normal." 
"Yeah.." You could hear Shannon trying to convince himself. "Yeah maybe you're right. You normally are." They eye contact you shared displayed a level of understanding which settled you. 
"Maybe you should go and check if his phone is still here.." Shannon suggested. "He takes it if-"
"-He's got business and doesn't if he's out walking. Got it." You finished with a smile. 
You walked a little more calmly back up to your room and started to look around for Jared's phone. It wasn't on his bedside table, or in his coat or in his drawer. You decided to call it from your phone. When it started to vibrate from underneath the bed, you knew something was wrong. You slowly retrieved it and unlocked the home screen to reveal the very last thing Jared had looked at. 
It was a message from an unknown number. 
"Couldn't even do it yourself, lover boy? Had to get your animal of a brother to do your dirty work? Well - you can't stay home with the slut forever.. Your shitty little band will have to go on tour one day and I wonder what will happen to her then. 10 days and counting unless.. Well, you already know. It's you or her, cunt." 
You dropped his phone which bounced and took the place in which you found it under the bed once again.
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jared-leto-imagines · 11 years
Imagine.. Jared Leto Being There For You *Trigger Warning*
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*THIS IS A TRIGGER WARNING. If you are likely to be triggered by reading this then I advice you greatly to do something else. Go and listen to Mars, read another imagine or just google pictures of cats in baths. I only write things like this when I'm going through a bad time so I greatly advice you not to read if you feel the same way. Thank you and I am always here if you need to talk*
"I can't believe I'm telling you this but.. Rachael.. She's dead.." 
You sat bolt upright in bed. For a couple of seconds: everything seemed to be distant. Nothing was on your mind. As you started to adjusted to your surroundings the realisation became flooding back.
Rachael, your best friend, had died last night. 
You were meant to have gone out last night. It was Friday and all of your friends were going out drinking. You had been ill all week and still felt that way so you decided to stay home. The drinking had turned excessive and before anybody knew it, Rachael had walked up to a balcony and had fallen and hit her head. She died on impact. Gone. 
You glanced at your alarm clock and it was 3AM. It hadn't actually hit you that she had gone until now: you felt your whole body go weak, your breathing rate increase and your strength dissolving away. Rachael was the one who introduced you to all the different possibilities of life and most importantly: she was the one that introduced you to Jared by working on the set of Dallas Buyers Club. Without her working there, you wouldn't have met Jared. Without her helping you through the bad times, you wouldn't be here. Now she was gone. 
The tears ran down your face as you couldn't help the screams coming out of your mouth. How had you been so stupid and not gone and looked out for her? How could you have not been there like she had been there for you? How were you going to cope without her? You wanted to ring Jared. To tell him everything that had happened and how you were getting worse. When reaching for your phone, you stopped yourself. You remembered the argument you had had with him two nights ago. 
"I hope you're not too drunk.." You said with a laugh in your voice.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Jared snapped harshly. 
"I was only joking.." You spoke slowly trying to calm him. "Just have a little fun, yeah?" 
"Oh, you think I don't have enough 'fun'? Am I not 'fun' enough for you now?" He continued.
"Jared I didn't-" You were interrupted. 
"No, no don't even go there. Every time you call me now we always end up fighting. This is fucking ridiculous! Jesus Christ.. Don't bother calling next time. Bye." 
Although he'd drunk that night - you could tell he wasn't that drunk. Every phone call you had with him just got worse and worse. The problem was you hadn't seen each other in so long that you missed each other and started to worry that the other person was liking somebody else. You more than ever. 
You recoiled your hand from your bedside table. The thought that the only two people you've ever been able to turn to had left made your stomach tie into knots. With your parents living in Sweden, the fact it was 3am and your inability to hold yourself together: you buckled. Finally the university work had become too much, the stress of not having Jared or your parents close and the loss of your best friend had made continuing life seem completely impossible. There really is not any point of me being alive anymore you thought. 
Slowly, you moved your hand to the bottle of sleeping pills to your left and all you wanted to do was sleep. And sleep. And sleep. By the time no more pills were left in the bottle: it seemed that was the only thing you would be doing from now on. 
"She's starting to wake up, no sudden movements please."
The beeping was consistent and rhythmic which relaxed you as you slowly blinked yourself awake. You expected to wake up in your bed with your bedside table to your right and your door to your left. However, when you opened your eyes all you could see was white. And a man. 
"Hello there. How are you?" He spoke.
Confusion shot right through you. Why were you here? Once again, like the night before, the realisation crept back to you, however this time you felt numb. Disjointed. Gone. 
"It seems you took a few too many sleeping tablets last night. Was this intentional?" 
You couldn't seem to find the right words. Nothing seemed right. 
"We're going to keep you under observation for the next few hours and then we've arranged for some friends to pick you up. You'll be staying with them for a few nights and then we will get you some appointments with somebody who will help you." The man edged closer and rested his hand on your shoulder. "I promise - you're not alone." He smile and then swiftly left the room. 
What friends you thought. 
"So this is your medication for the next 2 weeks. One in the morning and one at night. Your first session of help is tomorrow afternoon." The man handed you many sheets of paper and pills whilst you watched as the world seemed to effortlessly move around you as you were guided down a corridor. "Until then, you're going to stay with your friends. We are always a phone call away." The doctor smiled and slowly opened the door to the reception where you saw him. 
Shannon walked over. 
"Thank you." He said as the doctor squeezed your shoulder and walked back through the double doors. You didn't even make eye contact with Shannon until you got into the car. Shannon slowly opened the door for you and guided you into the passenger seat as he got into his. He placed his hands on his lap and looked at you.
"How are you feeling?" He said in a slow voice. 
You smiled. That felt wrong too. 
Shannon reached over and grasped your hand. His eyes could not bring themselves to make contact with yours. 
"I've been where you are. In your position. So if you need to know anything it's that I understand and I'm always here for you.." He struggled to keep his voice at one definite tone. "I thought you'd really gone you know.." Swiftly Shannon grabbed his sunglasses from beside him and put them on. Clearing his throat, he pulled out of the car park and began driving you back to your house. 
Night had fallen by the time you were being guided by a strong arm around your back into the door of your house. Shannon opened the door to Tomo sat on the sofa facing you. His smile was just like yours. He slowly stood up and hugged onto you tightly. You couldn't feel anything. It felt like he was a million miles away from you. 
"Hey," He said in a whisper as he squeezed tighter. "It's so good to see you." 
You could see Shannon as he lifted his eyebrows toward Tomo. In response, Tomo let go. 
"I'm going to take her upstairs to her room. The doctor said for her to sleep or at least rest." Tomo nodded in response as Shannon quickly took your arm and ushered you up the stairs, into your room and into bed. Your bed felt wrong. It was as if you had never been in this bed, room, house.. 
"Are you feeling up to talking at all? It's okay if you're not.." Shannon caught your eye line as he waited for a response. When none came, he turned the lamp light on and smiled. 
"Things aren't that bad in the light, are they?" He said with a smile as he slowly closed the door. 
You sat in the bed not feeling anything. Sadness, anger, grief.. They had all become intertwined in the numb.
That was until your door pushed open. 
Wearing black skinny jeans, an oversized grey jumper and more bracelets that usual: Jared slowly and quietly closed the door behind him. He kept his eyes completely focused on the floor as he shuffled in and sat tentatively at the foot of your bed. 
He began to trace with his fingers the circle patterns that were dotted all over your quilt cover. You watched as his eyes focused on the points as he ran his finger over them slowly. One by one. Only when he reached the final circle did he stop. His eyes got to your hands and stayed there. 
"How-" He began to say with a smile before it broke. 
"Did-" He tried again but his voice cut short. 
You hadn't quite witnessed anything like it. His eyes met yours and it's as if both of your worlds were completely falling apart and all you both could do was blankly stare at it and watch. 
"Why?" He finally choked. He tried so hard to stay strong. To stop from dissolving and crumbling. His eye brow became deeper and he bit his lip as his empty eyes started to fill. He went to reach for yours hand which caught hold of his and he winced. Although he was in pain, he grabbed onto yours as tightly as he could as if it was the only thing keeping him together. 
"I thought you'd left me.." This time he couldn't help it as the tears stained his white cheeks. He hadn't eaten or slept in a few days. You could tell. He broke his grip on yours hands as he dug his fingers into the back of his neck. 
This was wrong. How he was acting. How he was. All completely wrong. 
"The promise.." You whispered. Your eyes met each other and they both seemed hollow. Almost like empty shells of past people. Once so very much in love and happy.
"I broke.. The promise.." The words spilled out of your mouth as Jared's eyes became desperate. Your breathing became unsteady as realisation started to sink in. 
"Don't even.. That doesn't matter.." He tried to get the words out quickly but stuttered on all of them. "Look at me." He spoke sharply. 
"I cannot cope without you being here," He blinked after nearly every word as his vision become obscured with tears. "I'm a mess. But not with you. You can't leave. Not without me going with you. That's why we're both going to stay. We're going to get through this together. For Rachel. And for us. Okay?" His hands wiped away the tears that began to pool under your eyes. 
"You know when you.. You just feel so alone? Like the world would be no.. Different if you weren't here? Like you're too.. Fat and repulsive for anybody to love you? Like the things keeping you going to the next day.. Aren't there anymore? Did you feel like that?" You managed to speak through the tears. Jared nodded at every word. 
"You're beautiful and loved and needed and-" He had lost his grasp of strength as his tears overcame his voice. The sadness choked you both as all you could do is hold onto Jared's hand as tight as you could as you waited for everything to feel stable again. 
"It's like I just can't feel anything anymore.." You couldn't stop the words. They had built up for so long as you thought you had nobody to talk to. Who understood. Who cared. 
Jared responded by wrapping his arms around your waist as you could do little but wrap your arms around his neck and wait for the storm to pass.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you.." He whispered. 
"Nos adversus-" You began. 
Neither of you could finish your phrase. All you both could do is hold on. Because maybe, one day, that would be enough. 
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jared-leto-imagines · 11 years
Imagine.. Getting Trapped In A Lift With Jared Leto
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*Big thank you to defending-punk-rock for going on a walk with me and discussing ideas for this imagine - it wouldn't have been possible without her input! I love you buddy! ^u^*
________________________________________________________ "Look at the def! It looks awesome! Oh and the surdo! What do you think about that?" Shannon's eyes lit up as he pointed to various different types of drums on your computer screen. 
"Well we have a def downstairs.. And I could print out some information about how to play it.." You say as you create a word document of the essential information. 
"Yes," Shannon began as he quickly scanned over all the information. "That's awesome! Thank you!" 
"Don't mention it." You said with a smile as you pushed away from the desk and started walking towards the door.
Unfortunately, something was blocking it.
"Can you move out of the way please?" You say in a harsh tone to Jared who had his legs across the doorway on another chair. Without raising his head, he laughs. 
"Oh I'm sorry princess I didn't know I was in your precious little way.." Jared said mockingly as he didn't move at all. 
"For fuck sake-" You whisper under your breathe before Shannon cuts you off. 
"Jared. Move. Now." He says. Jared slowly swings his legs out of the way and smiles at you immaturely. 
"Thank you," You say as you walk out of the room. "Jerk." 
You had now been working at 30 Seconds To Mars' lab for over 8 months and you had never enjoyed a job as much as this. It began through working on setting up the drum kit when 30 Seconds To Mars had been touring and after becoming close friends with Shannon: you were now working in the lab and visiting often. Unfortunately, that meant spending excessive amounts of time with Jared Leto. To you, he was the biggest idiot in the music industry. Arrogant, persuasive and apparently inferior to everybody else in the whole world. It had become a bit of a running joke between you and everybody how much you both hated each other. 
As you walked down the long corridor towards the stairs, Tomo interrupted your thoughts. 
"Hey! I was wondering - if you're running downstairs could you pick up the paper work I've just printed out? I've left it late again and I need it kinda urgently." His eyes adopted the puppy dog state and there is no way you could say no to somebody who was always so lovely and helpful to you.
"Sure! I'll be 5 minutes!" Before you could continue walking down the corridor Tomo grabbed your arm. 
"Sorry you can't go down the stairs at the moment. Jared is having his new piano brought up.." 
"Pretentious-" You begin to whisper before Tomo brushed it off with a laugh. 
"Yeah - he's not letting anybody near it until it's in his room. It would be better if you'd take the lift." He said. 
As soon as the words had left Tomo's mouth you felt instantly sick. The lift. You couldn't remember being in one since you'd first began to fear the small space, dark corners and the ominous feeling of falling. You had made sure you'd made everybody at the lab completely unaware of this. 
"I would say wait until the stairs are clear but I know Shannon really wants to start work and I have to get that paper work filled in and I'm halfway through learning something so if you could.." Tomo slowly walked you in the direction of the lift which meant you could do nothing but go with it. 
"Tomo I-" Before you could start trying to justify your reasons a stern voice barked from inside the lift. 
"I'm gonna close the door in 3.. 2.. 1.." Jared spoke in annoyance. 
"Jared don't be a-" Tomo began.
"A jerk? Oh no don't worry - I've been that already apparently." His eyes shot to you and pierced straight through. "Just get in." He barked once again. 
"Hopefully 3 minutes will be too short of a time for them to kill each other.." Tomo whispered as he walked away and you stood in the lift next to Jared. 
Jared hit the ground button before he even offered you the choice and the lift doors slowly enveloped you and him.
"You can move closer - I don't bite for Christ's sake." He spoke gruffly. 
You were pushed up against the back corner as if to try and expand the lift as much as you could. Going from the 6th floor to the ground should take just over 3 minutes and only 20 seconds in your were struggling. Your breathing began to become more rapid but you were just about managing to contain it. 
All of a sudden a piercing beeping began to occur.
"Oh for fucks sake.." Jared said as he walked over to the controls and looked puzzled. "Are you serious?!" His voice got more aggressive as the lift came to a shuddering halt. Jared began to press a lot of different buttons which had no effect. The anger in him was building as the anxiety in you began to do the same.
"Jared.. Is there nothing you can do..?" You managed to get out without your breathing becoming too obvious. 
"Don't you think I'm fucking trying?" He said harshly which hurt. Although you had always despised each other, he had never been as condescending and harsh as he had been today. He had snapped at Tomo and Shannon numerous times and you were getting the worst of it. Finally, Jared located the help button which should lead to a phone line. He pressed it numerous times but nothing happened. No reply. No acknowledgement. No help.
"For fucks sake!" He shouted as he kicked the side of the machine and slowly all the lights beaming out from the buttons cut off one by one. And then the far left light. Then the middle. And the the right which is right above you. Slowly, the darkness flooded over both of you and your anxiety hit a high. 
"Fuck!" He screamed louder than you'd ever heard him scream before - even when he was recording. You could hear him back away from the buttons, hit the wall and sink to the floor. But now, Jared was no concern of yours. You could barely breathe and the darkness made you feel like you were more contained than ever. 
"We're fucking trapped.. And nobody even fucking knows we are because the fucking help button doesn't even fucking work!" He kicked the buttons again which made it more apparent how small this space really was. It was out of your control now. Your breathing got more rapid and shallow and it felt like you were filling up inside. You balanced on your knees and tried to rub your chest but nothing relieved the panic that was bubbling up and choking you.
"Fucking hell what's wrong with you now?!" He barked loudly as he sighed. Your breathing was getting worse to the point where you couldn't feel any air coming in but the wheezing sounds kept protruding from your mouth.
You could see Jared watching you out of the corner of his eye. 
"Hold on - are you okay?" Jared's voice become panicked as he adjusted how he was sitting to be facing you. By now you couldn't even reply to tell him. Slumping to the side, the feeling of passing out started to overwhelm you. 
As soon as Jared realized your body position, he instantly stood up and backed away. 
"Do you want me to give you some space? Or come over? Can I do anything?" He said, panicked and concerned. You couldn't stop the tears escaping from your eyes which made your throat constrict even more which made you feel more scared.
Suddenly, the right side of the lift jolted down more than the left. Something had snapped above you. Both of your heads shot to look upwards and now you really were petrified. 
"What can I do?" He said as his eyes were wild and almost visible in the darkness. You could see Jared drop his hands and take a deep breathe. He slowly got down onto his knees and shuffled over next to you and hesitantly waited for your response. Truthfully, the only thing that ever helped was when your back was rubbed. You slowly nodded and Jared placed his large hand onto your back and started to rub it in a circular motion as he put the other hand on your right shoulder. 
"Do you want me to talk? Distract you? Shut up?" As he continued to rub your back you were genuinely shocked at how he was treating you and his genuine concern for how you were. 
"Distract.." You managed to get out. You were starting to loose sensation in your hands due to your rapid breathing. Jared grasped your right hand tightly and rubbed that too. 
"Distract you.. Okay.. What's green and goes up and down?" He whispered slowly.
There was a long silence.
"A pea in a elevator.." He let out a slow laugh. "Okay then let's talk about something else." 
He pushed your legs out straight in front of you so you didn't cut off your circulation from balancing on them for so long. He pushed your head on his shoulder so you were in a more comfortable position. All of this struck a chord deep inside you. 
"Lets talk about the fact that I.. Hate somebody that I love and.. Love somebody that I should.. Hate." He spoke as he struggled to move his body to make you more comfortable. All the time he hadn't stopped rubbing your back and slowly you could feel the air drifting back into you. You were trying your best to calm down but at least your breathing was returning a little more normal. 
"Emilia?" You whispered. 
Jared's head slowly dropped to rest onto yours that was resting on his shoulder. He let out a sigh as the force of the rubbing subsided a little. 
"She cheated on me." He whispered. Your face shot up in shock and looked at his which stared into space for a long while. You couldn't believe that the woman he had been with for the past 7 months had cheated on him. You knew how much he loved her. How his lock screen was a drawing that she had drew for him on Valentine's day. How he would miss her so much on every single tour you ever went on with him. How he would always be the last to hang up when they called. How he'd always text her goodnight even if they'd had a fight. You didn't know love until you saw Jared's love for Emilia. 
"I'm.. Sorry.." You spoke. You felt terrible for how you had reacted to his taunts today. It is obvious he hadn't told Shannon or Tomo and he was finding it hard to cope with it. This added to your anxiety which made your breathing rate shoot up again. Jared noticed this and applied more pressure to your back.
"For the past 4 months! I found out today.. She liked somebody else the whole time.. How could I have been so stupid?.. Don't worry.. It's not like I.. Loved her or anything you know.." There was a long pause.
"It's probably the way I look I mean.. Look at me.." He laughed it off but you could see him slowly dissolving into realization and getting worse again. Jared hated commitment and now you could see why. 
You slowly rested your head back onto his shoulder and he placed his on top of yours. 
"What about you and Shannon then?" As soon as Jared said his name a memory of Shannon laughing flashed into your head. You had thought about it but nothing had ever happened and since Shannon was getting so close to Tomo's friend Alice - you thought it was better to leave it. 
"No.." You whispered. "Absolutely nothing.." The sincerity of your words shocked Jared. 
"Really? Could of fooled me. I thought you really liked him!" You could hear the shock creep into his voice. 
Suddenly, the back of the lift jolted and the whole lift seemed to be tipping in your direction. 
"Oh God.." Jared spoke: the uneasiness so prominent in his whispering voice. Every few seconds the lift would jolt down lower until you could feel it beginning to sway slightly. You now could not control your fear. 
"When I was younger.." You began. "The cave.. The water.. I couldn't.. Breathe.." Memories of being 9 years old and trapped underwater in a cave flooded back into your mind and took you under. You were on the verge of passing out when Jared rubbed your back as hard as he could without hurting you and he slowly started to rock you. 
"It's okay.." He said rhythmically and calmly. "It's all going to be okay.." 
Unfortunately, you couldn't hold on anymore. The sense of oblivion took hold and dragged you down until you went limp in Jared's arms. 
"Okay we're going to open the door on 3.. 1.. 2.. 3!" You heard many different voices shouting in unison. Your eyes shot open in disorientation and fear. You found yourself being held in Jared's arms as he sat on his knees with his eyes fixed on the door which was slowly being teased open. 
"Jared?" You spoke. 
"It's okay," He whispered. "Just hold on, got it?" You nodded, breathing still rapid but somewhat calmer in your current state. 
A fire fighter stood tall in the doorway and ushered Jared to stand.
"Okay now nice and slowly.. Stand up," Jared did so. "Walk with very tiny strides.. That's it.." It didn't take long before Jared was at the door and the lift jerked violently behind you. 
"Okay - I'll take her now thank you." One fire fighter said with his arms outstretched. 
"No - I want to take her and make sure she's okay. Thank you for getting us out." Jared said gruffly. You could see Tomo, Shannon and everybody else in the building watching in awe as Jared carried you down the hallway into his room. 
"I didn't kill her guys.. If that's what you're thinking.." He shouted before he slammed his door with his foot. 
"Lets talk about the fact that I.. Hate somebody that I love and.. Love somebody that I should.. Hate." 
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jared-leto-imagines · 11 years
Imagine.. Spending Valentine's Day With Jared Leto
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"OK this one is a joke.. I promise.." Your Mum shot a look to your sister who was already sneering in her chair.  
Today it was February 13th and your 24th birthday. Your parents had come over to visit you along with your sister, brother and some of your closest friends. You watched your sister skeptically for a minute before starting to peel off the wrapping paper. As soon as you grabbed a handle of a mug and ripped the paper to reveal Jared's face you were laughing. 
"Very funny guys.." You say as you pulled off the wrapping paper completely revealing a china mug with a topless Jared Leto showing himself on it. "I'm guessing this was your doing?" You say as your eyes meet your sisters.
"Maybe.." This makes all of you start laughing. "Seeing as he couldn't be here we thought we'd bring something of him to you." Her tone returned to a serious one which made you snap back into reality. Jared had been on tour for a while and had been doing a lot of promotion for Dallas Buyers Club which required him travelling all over the world which meant you hadn't seen him for 4 months and it had been hard on both of you. It was soon to be your year anniversary of being with him and you'd never felt so distant. Neither of you could help how much you missed each other and wished things were different. 
"Anyway," Your Mum beings as she sees you starting to over think the situation once again. "You better go get ready - we're booked for Revenir in an hour!" 
"Blue or red?" Your sister said as she hovered in your doorway. 
Examining the two dresses in her hand, you get up and start to examine the material. 
"Red. You always look so lovely in that dress!" You say as she smiles and hooks the two dresses to the door handle and hugs you. 
"What's this for?" You say as you are squeezed tighter.
"I know how hard this must be," You didn't want to say anything because you knew she knew what she was talking about. Her boyfriend is in the army and regularly leaves home for months at a time. "I know how you feel. I'm always here if you need to talk. Okay?" 
There was a long pause as you buried your face into her hair.
"Okay." You finally spoke. 
"Let's go then - this is one of the nicest restaurants in London.. Believe me!" She said smiling. 
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.." 
The people around the table consisted of your Mum, Dad, younger sister, older brother and your friends Mel and Fleur. The meal at the restaurant Revenir had been wonderful and now your Mum had started the choir of very out of tune people singing. The restaurant was very small and so their loud voices made the people sat having their meals all turn and look with a smile on their face. All of a sudden there was a voice from behind you. 
"Happy birthday dear Malfoy.."
At this point your head snapped around to look behind you because there was only one person who called you that and could sing in such melodic tones. Ever since you'd seen the last Harry Potter they had started calling you it because your hair colour was almost exactly the same as Malfoy's and you'd always had an intense love for the house Slytherin. 
"Happy birthday to you." Jared spoke with a cake balanced on one hand, a balloon in the other and a huge smile on his face. 
Before you had time to examine everybody's reaction or read the writing on the cake or examine the pattern on the balloon your arms were around a suit collar as you squeezed Jared the tightest you ever had. Your Mum got up from the table and slowly relieved Jared of an unsteady cake and a fluttering balloon as she leaned in close to your ear.
"Happy birthday." She whispered with a smile. 
You couldn't believe Jared was here for you as he had so many tour dates and so many commitments that were causing him stress and taking up all of his time. You couldn't believe he hadn't called or that your Mum and Dad hadn't told you. Most of all: you couldn't believe how much you had missed him. 
"I hate you." You said with a laugh as Jared pulled away and looked at you.
"I love you, too." He said with a smile as he planted a kiss on your forehead. 
A waiter had brought over a chair for Jared at the end of the table and as you took your seat Jared broke his grasp on your hand. Before he sat down he gave your sister a kiss on the cheek and your brother a hand shake as he had met your parents numerous times but never your siblings. He spent the next 5 minutes introducing himself and complimenting the woman's dresses and the boys' hair as everyone smiled and spoke.
This was the first time the people you loved most had been in the same room and the first time you had been completely whole in a while. 
"So I'm just sat there and in walks Dennis Dixon and I'm just like.. Do you even dash?" Jared says as your brother erupts into laughter. Everyone had bonded with Jared over the end of meal coffee which included your brother who he couldn't stop talking to. 
"You know I think it would of taken him exactly 4.58 seconds to punch you.." Your brother said as Jared and your Dad dissolved into uncontrollable laughter. 
"Okay.. I do have one last present for the birthday girl.." Jared said as he finished chuckling. The whole table apart from your Mum and Dad watched in awe as Jared put his hand into his suit pocket and rummaged around. Your Mum and Dad sat with a huge smiles on their faces and their hands gripped tightly. After a couple of seconds of looking: Jared pulled out a long, thin envelope. 
"Happy birthday." He said as he handed you the envelope. 
Everyone sat on the edge of their seat as you began to open it. Slowly, you pulled out 2 plane tickets. 
"Lyon in France?" You say speculatively. 
"Appropriate for the restaurant, right?" He said with a cheeky smile. 
A smile grew massively over your face. He had planned all of this so well and without anybody knowing except for your Mum and Dad. 
"We're spending Valentine's day in France?" You say, your smile growing wider and wider as you speak. You see your sister in the corner of your eye staring in complete awe at Jared. 
"We'll be spending it with a few of my friends, too. Our spontaneous trip begins in an hour if you accept." He said with a wink. 
"Your bag is all packed," Your Mum added which releaved Jared of the 7 pairs of eyes that had been locked on him since the word go. "It's in Jared's car. It's all been arranged." Jared's eyes met your Mum's.
"Thank you for that, Annie." He said as he smiled at her.
"It's my pleasure." She said, going slightly red. 
"Let's go on an adventure." You whisper as you kiss the side of Jared's head.
You had finished saying your goodbyes to everyone as they all wished you well. As you were saying goodbye to your sister, you could see Jared and your Dad having a very long conversation that Jared had asked to have with him which finished with a handshake and a hug. You were now sat on the plane and travelling to Lyon. You spent the whole 2 hour flight holding Jared's hand and catching up with him about what you had both been doing. Soon enough it was 2am and you were flying into the twinkling city of Lyon.
"And this.. Is our room.." Jared said as he slowly opened the door. Jared had booked a room in the 5 star hotel Villa Florentine which was the most luxurious hotel you had ever been in. The bedroom was huge and was decorated with swirling patterns all over the ceilings and walls with an en suite and artwork everywhere. You were in complete awe of the room as Jared slowly rested his hands on your waist and whispered in your ear. 
"We better go to bed - we've got a big day tomorrow."
You slowly wrapped your arm around  Jared who had been awake for the past half an hour watching you sleep. 
"Good morning chick.." He whispered as you slowly opened your eyes and smiled. 
"Happy Valentine's day." You say as you run your fingers through through his short, brown hair. 
"Happy Valentine's day to you too." He said. All of a sudden you realized the room seemed different and was showered in a different shade of red. Sitting up in your bed you noticed that in the night Jared had put balloons all of the room, hung hearts from the ceiling and scattered petals all of the bed. 
"I know it's cheesy and stuff but.. It's our first Valentines and-" You stopped him with a kiss that said thank you. 
"I don't have your presents because I wasn't aware of this trip until last minute and most of them would of been too big but.." You put your arm down to the right hand side of the bed and rummage for a small gift wrapped in red tissue paper under the bed. "Here is one of them." 
Jared's eyes became bright as he opened this present slowly and then held it up. His eyes became wide and looked like they were going to fill. Jared had lost his triad necklace a few months ago when he was crowd surfing at a show in Russia and he admitted that was the one thing that he loved most that he owned. 
"Turn it around.." You spoke with a smile. 
Slowly Jared span the triad necklace to display that down the right hand side length was the word 'SHANNON', to the left hand side was the word 'TOMO' and on the very bottom length said the word 'JARED'. This time Jared really had to bite his lip so he didn't fill up. 
"Thank you so much," His eyes met yours. "I love you." 
"I love you too." Your lips met and Jared rubbed his hand along your jaw line. 
"Hold on 2 seconds.." Jared hopped out of bed and went to the desk in the corner of the room where he got a scalpel from the draw and started doing something to the triad. 
"What are you doing?" You say as you try and move to see his hand movements as he turned his back and blocked your view further.
"Nothing - go and get ready. Our day begins in an hour!" 
The day consisted of visits to various places in Lyon, a meal in Archange and a long walk hand in hand as you looked in various shops. Just spending chilled out time with Jared made you the happiest person you had ever been. Around 4 o'clock Jared kept looking at his watch. 
"What's wrong?" You say back in your hotel room as you finish opening the presents Jared had bought for you. 
"I have to go." Jared's eyes became wild as he started to pick up his jacket and put on his shoes. 
"Where?" Confusion has started to spread over you because it looked like something was wrong. 
"Trust me. There will be a car to pick you up at 6:30." He was about to put his hand on the door handle when you grabbed his arm.
"Jared!" You said sternly before he escaped through the door. "What's going on?" 
"Do you trust me enough to let me leave?" His mouth moved into a side smile. 
"Along as your promise to come back." You reply, a little unsure. 
"As I always have." He said before he kissed your forehead and raced out of the door.
At dead on 6:30 there was 2 beeps from a car outside. Wearing your black skinny jeans, red t-shirt, leather jacket and red converse you bound down the stairs and knock the the car window which winds down. 
"A lift for the girlfriend of Jared Leto?" Says a taxi driver. You smile and get into the car as you are whisked away somewhere different. After about 15 minutes of driving, the taxi driver pulls up in front of a huge building which is flooded with people. 
"Ah.. Halle Tony Garnier! What a fabulous place." He spoke in his French accent. Indeed, it was fabulous and huge. After a minute of wondering you remembered that this was where 30 Seconds To Mars were playing tonight. You smiled.
"Thank you for the lift." You say as you get out of the car.
"Enjoy it!" The driver said with a wink. 
Whenever you had been to a 30 Seconds To Mars gig before, unless Jared has specifically asked you to go to the side of stage area, you had loved being on the floor. This time was no exception. 
"One life.. One love.. Live!"
The concert was now in full swing and City Of Angels had been a huge success with the crowd. All of a sudden, the music got quiet at the end of the song.
"Well.. How are you feelings guys?" Jared spoke as he took a drink from a bottle of water.
Infinite, you thought. 
"So today is Valentine's day - right?" The response to this was a mix of cheers and awkward recognition of loneliness. "Who wants to be my Valentine?" He said with a smile. The cheers from the crowd got louder and louder. Although you had gotten to the concert 30 minutes late, for some reason all of the crowd seemed to let you get very close to the front and a few of them even recognized you. Jared's laugh got louder.
"I'm only kidding guys, but you are all beautiful and wonderful. Where is my Valentine?" He said, scanning the horizon. Everyone started clapping and a few starting pointing to you. "There she is - come on up here!" Various security guards help you over the barricade and up to the stage where Jared draped his arm around your shoulder and the whole crowd went wild. 
"Okay so um.." Jared pushed hair hair up and the crowd's noise didn't subside until he ushered them to hush. "It's Valentine's day and I love you. Everything about you. The way you make me a better person, the way you've made me interested in things like Harry Potter and Doctor Who and all that weird and awesome stuff and the way you.." He stifled a choke as he tried hard to breathe normally. "They way you saved my life." The whole crowd went dead silent as you did. He had done exactly the same to you but you'd never thought you'd done it for him. 
"So.. I want to say something. Well, they do.." 
All of a sudden Jared dropped onto his knee and looked at the crowd with a huge smile and beckoned a response mouthing the words 'as we practised' towards them. Without any hesitation, different sections of the crowd started to shout a different word. 
"Will.." Shouted the far left section. 
"You.." Shouted the middle section.
"Marry.." Shouted the far right section.
"Me?" Jared spoke. Silence fell in the room. 
You inhaled sharply. 
"Yes." You spoke before you dissolved into tears as did Jared and the crowd went wild. Shannon and Tomo walked forward clapping and smiling and the whole place was erupting with happiness.
Jared pulled you close as you both cried with happiness. All of a sudden, you noticed Jared's necklace. On the middle of the triad, the length holding all points together..
Jared had engraved your name. 
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jared-leto-imagines · 11 years
Imagine.. Falling For Shannon Leto
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"So I'm just standing there with this huge platter in my hands whilst this chef is trying to wrestle this crab out of the tank when it manages to catch his nose! I wish you had been there to see it!" 
You both erupted into laughter and didn't stop for a good few minutes. You had been face timing Shannon for over an hour just generally talking about your week and what you had been doing. Whilst you had been meeting friends and going to university, he had been playing on stage and watching crabs and humans fight. Your laugh was so loud your room mate Mel came over, looked at your phone and smiled. His laugh was so loud it attracted  the attention of Tomo and Jared.
"Still just friends are we Shannon?" Jared spoke as Shannon's face grew cold. Shannon angled his phone so that you could see Jared sat on the sofa with Emilia Clarke sat on his lap with his arms around her waist. They met at the SAG awards a few months ago and had recently gotten together. You had met her once in person and she was so lovely: you were so happy Jared had found someone like her. "Quit it!" Jared said as he pulled Emilia closer as to conceal both their faces as they both giggled together. 
Shannon shook his head. "You'd swear there were conjoined twins.. Eurgh!" He whispered as you both laughed a little. 
"Jared's right!" Tomo pushed his chair with wheels backwards so he was just visible in the top left side of your iPhone screen. 
"Will you shut it?" Shannon hissed very seriously which made Tomo, as always, laugh. 
"Only if I get to be best man!" Tomo said as he pushed himself back out the screen.
"And I get to be maid of honour!" Shouted Jared from the other side. You couldn't help but laugh at how they all were whilst Shannon took a bit of convincing. 
"I miss being with you guys a lot." You whisper, not wanting anymore taunting to come Shannon's way.
"I miss you more. Tomorrow morning we'll be waiting at the airport for you, right? And I'll be wanting the biggest hug in the world off of you, OK?" Shannon spoke, smiling.
"And more if you're offering!" Tomo shouts in again. 
"Oh, Shannon.. Oh.. Oh Shannon.. Yes!" Jared taunted from the other side of the room which made Tomo and Emilia erupt into fits of laughter. You tried your best not to laugh yourself but eventually you became a mess of restrained giggles. 
"Before this gets any worse - I'll see you tomorrow, shorty." Shannon said with a smile. 
"See you tomorrow, muscles." You replied.
For a while you did what you normally did at the end of a face time with Shannon. You'd both just sit there for a couple of seconds in silence just looking at each other. As if your minds spoke what your mouths did not. 
Your flight left at 2AM from London Heathrow Airport and you were to fly to LA for just over a week to spend sometime with Shannon and the others. You had been looking forward to this more than anything as you loved Los Angeles so much and you loved seeing them more. As your got into your seat for the 10 hour flight ahead of you, you reached into your pocket for your iPod. Shannon knew that you didn't like flying much so he'd always make a play list for you to listen to and filled it with songs you loved, he loved and you both loved. He'd always title the play list differently, too. 
'10 hours.. Then that hug.' It read. This filled you with butterflies. 
You never got to see the songs before you listened to them as Shannon made sure you didn't see them. You put the play list on shuffle and the first song that came on was one of both your favourites: A Daydream Away - All Time Low. 
"you're just a daydream away, I wouldn't know what to say if I had you.." 
Half an hour before arriving, you got a text from Mel.
'Hey - Have a lovely time with the boyfriend, wont you? Don't feel too guilty leaving me.. I give you enough teasing so this makes up for it ;-) Ring me when you arrive! I love you (as does Shan) <3'
You turned to face out of the plane window where all you could see were fluffy clouds and buildings scattered all below you. You'd met Jared on the set of Dallas Buyers Club as you'd done a training course helping out certain scenes of filming and you had just gotten talking and became good friends. Over the next few weeks you became very close with Jared and would spend weekends with the rest of 30 Seconds To Mars and a few of their friends. Nothing ever happened between you and Jared although it could have. For some reason, it never did, but there was always something. That was until you first saw Shannon one weekend that Jared had bought you home. He stood just over 5'9 (which towered over your 5'5 - hence the nickname 'shorty' he gave to you the first time you ever met) with swept up hair and his deep hazel eyes that differed so much from Jared's. Something instantly clicked between the two of you and between joking insults and fake fights: you realised that Shannon was different from any other guy you had ever met. You had only ever had one previous boyfriend about 2 years ago for just over 6 months but nothing could compare to this. You felt a brick in the walls you had made around yourself be removed and a smiling face with hazel eyes beaming at you through it. 
You loved the gentle flirting and the joking insults more than the real thing. 
Finally, you arrived in LA.
Walking through the doors of arrival - you saw five people awaiting you. Tomo - smiling and happy as always. Alice - a friend you'd made on the Dallas Buyers Club set and  friend of Tomo's and yours. Jared - looking as good as always with the beautiful Emilia in his arms who was beaming at you already. And Shannon. He wore tight blue jeans with black boots and a red t-shirt with a leather jacket on top. He took off his sunglasses and raced over to you. 
"As promised." You say but before you had time to wrap your arms around him, his was already around you and you were off the floor. He exhaled and you could feel him smiling into your hair. 
"Why do you have to live so far away?" Shannon said in a deep, husky voice. It was 12PM and it was obvious he hadn't been up for long. 
"Well for the next week or so I won't be - I'll be right here." You say as his grip tightens which starts to hurt as he is unaware of his own strength. 
"That's exactly where I've needed you." He spoke. 
"Muscles.. I need to breathe.." You chuckle as he quickly loosens his grip and places you on the floor. 
"Sorry shorty!" He said as he ruffled your hair. 
He put his hand on the bottom of your lower back and slowly guided you over to the others.
"Hey there kiddo - long time no see!" Tomo said as he gave you a quick embrace. 
"Nice to see you! It's been weird not having you around! We've missed you." Jared said as he gave you a kiss on the cheek and smiled.
"It's so good to meet you again, you know, not including the face time chats.." Emilia winked at you and gave you a hug. 
"Hey!", Alice said as she hugged you. "Can you just move to LA please? I've missed you!" 
It was so nice to feel accepted in this group of friends. It was so lovely to have friends both in the UK and LA although it is hard to keep both of the bonds as tight as they can be. 
"Let's go then guys - Shannon's driving!" Tomo shouted as everyone started laughing. Shannon always got so aggressive and angry when he was driving so since he nearly punched someone when they pulled out in front of him - he was not allowed anywhere near the steering wheel. Slowly everyone started to dissipate and go to the exit whereas Shannon held onto your arm so you were both at the back. He turned to you when everyone had left and put his arms around your waist as you put yours around his shoulders. 
Neither of you said anything for a few seconds as you both just looked at each other. Shannon slowly pressed his forehead against yours and then kissed it. 
"This is all I've wanted since the minute I said goodbye to you." He spoke. Never one for sentimentality - you couldn't help but get a bit choked up. 
"I've never missed anyone as much as you." You whispered back. Your smile was evident in your voice as was his. Once again you both hugged and rocked gently. 
"Shannon I think she'll want her lungs by the end of this visit.. Get a room!" Tomo shouted. Shannon's muscles tensed as he stood up and returned his right hand to your back and guided you to them. 
"As if they get it.." Shannon whispered which made you both start chuckling. 
You got back to the house just after 12:30 and you hadn't slept much on the flight and jet-lag had already starting to show it's head. You had just over 4 hours before you had to start getting ready for a meal with Shannon's Mum Constance and the everybody else. The next week was packed with visits to the beach and various places in LA to see various things however - today was dedicated to spending time with the people you hadn't seen in months. Emilia had only arrived the day before so Jared was desperate to spend more time with her and equally with you and Shannon. The weather had started to cloud over somewhat anyway so you all decided to get some food and drink and sit in the huge living room together. 
"Catching Fire? I  need to go and see that movie! Number one was awesome!" Tomo spoke with enthusiasm with Alice. They were the ones mainly doing the talking with the group as Jared and Emilia sat on the sofa with her on his lap and them holding hands talking quietly and laughing every so often to the right of you. To the left, Tomo sat on a beanbag on the floor and Alice cross-legged on the sofa. Which left you and Shannon in the middle. Without saying anything: Shannon wrapped his huge arms around your waist and pulled you to the side of him as he told you to rest your head on his shoulder. The next 2 hours or so consisted of all 6 of you talking about everything that had happened recently and laughing a lot which made you feel like you'd never really been away at all. Jared and Emilia had been at a party until the late hours of the morning last night so they both fell asleep on the sofa they both lay on together. Tomo and Alice continued to talk about films until eventually Tomo took her to see the huge movie collection that he owned. Shannon turned your head to look up to his. 
"You can go to sleep you know - you look really tired." He whispered.
"Oh thanks Muscles," You laughed as you stretched. "I do want to be awake to meet Constance later." Shannon instantly lay down across the sofa and pulled you on top of him so your head was on his chest and his arms were draped around your waist. You fell asleep to the sound of his steady breathing.
You heard the footsteps of Tomo and Alice returning. 
"Light weights." Tomo chuckled. 
"Lets watch Borat next door.." Alice said as she began going through the DVD's. 
"Only if we get to watch Iron Man after!" Tomo spoke in a hushed tone if not to wake everyone. 
"Shannon," You called, struggling in front of the mirror. "Can you help me with my zip please?" Shannon came in tightening the knot in his tie as he dropped his hands to help you pull up the zipper on your dark blue dress. You then turned to look at him. 
"Wow.. You look.." Shannon was transfixed by what you were wearing. 
"Put your eyes back in their sockets, Shan!" Jared taunted as he walked past the door. "You look beautiful." Jared said slowly. 
"You honestly look amazing." Shannon continued walking over and taking your hands as you smiled. 
"Do you think she'll like me?" That's what you had been worrying about for so long. You had never met Constance before and you were so nervous. 
"Like?!" Shannon began. "She'll love every last bit of you." He pulled you in for a hug. "As do I.." He whispered. 
"What did you say?" You heard exactly what he had said and it had made you panic with the seriousness of what he had just said. 
"Nothing aha.. Let's go, we don't want to be late!" 
Tomo drove with Alice in the passenger seat and you and Shannon in the back whilst Jared drove Emilia to pick up Constance. The whole car ride consisted of Shannon's hand feeling very heavy on your shoulder as worry and nervousness started to creep into you with the reality of what was about to happen and the sincerity of what he had just which started to become very real. 
"Mum!" Shannon called as Constance got out of the car with Jared and Shannon walked over to greet her. She wore a dark pink dress which she looked lovely in and she wore a smile and eyes that looked so similar to the boys that it was scary. She slowly started walking over to you. 
"It is so lovely to meet you.." You began saying before she threw her arms around you for a hug.
"Hello honey - you look so pretty. It's lovely to meet you too." She was so sweet and gentle that it made you smile so much. 
At the dinner table: Jared and Emilia sat to your left with Tomo and Alice in front of them. Constance sat next to Alice opposite you and Shannon sat beside you. You spoke for a good half an hour whilst drinking wine until Constance began talking about Jared and Emilia. 
"It's so lovely to see you two so happy.." This made Emilia blush as Jared looked at her and smiled. "I've not seen Jared this happy in a long while.." Jared kissed Emilia which made her blush even more. "And you two!" Constance directed her look to you and Shannon. Fear and nervousness rushed into you and you felt completely out of your depth. "It's so lovely to see you two are together.. You seemed to have been up in the air for so long!" Jared chuckled at this reference before it all went dead silent and everybody looked at you. You felt panicked. You didn't think you were properly together and you didn't know what to do. You could feel yourself getting hotter and more pressure pushing down on you before you said:
"No, we're not together. Nothing's going on. We're just friends. We're not interested in each other at all - are we Shan?" 
You looked at Shannon with a smile and as soon as the words had finished protruding from your mouth you instantly regretted them. Shannon's face turned cold and he removed his hand from your arm immediately as Constance looked as confused as the rest of the table.
"Obviously not. Excuse me." Shannon pushed his chair away and walked outside. Everyone's eyes shot back to you. The only one who didn't seem that phased was Jared. 
"Go and talk to him!" Constance snapped at Jared before looking back at you and smiling. "Don't worry about this dear - maybe I said the wrong thing." This made you feel even more guilty than before. 
"What? It's how she feels! If she's not interested - she's not interested." Jared spoke. Even Emilia looked at him with a shocked expression. "What?" He repeated. 
"I'll go." Tomo said as he pushed away his chair and walked towards the door whilst giving the dirtiest look to Jared. 
"I don't understand what I did wrong.." Jared looked genuinely confused and kept trying to meet everyone's gaze as if waiting for an answer.
Deep down, you knew exactly what you should of said, which was the truth that you had only just realised. That he was the only one you wanted. The one of you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. The one you loved. 
As soon as the meal finished Jared and Emilia drove Constance home after exchanging kisses goodbye with you and wishing you the best until she sees you again which she insisted she would and saying she loved you lots. You all agreed you would go out to a bar for some drinks tonight and that plan was still to go ahead. 
In the bar, Jared and Emilia spoke a little more but laughed a little less. Tomo and Alice still spoke about movies in between drinks of wine and vodka. Shannon sat to your left silently. He was hurt: it was evident in his cold face as he repeatedly ran his finger over the side of his glass of whiskey. 
"Shannon.." You began. He looked up at you and smiled before looking back down and continuing to circle his glass. 
"What's up - shorty.." He said in a deep, angry tone. This scared you more than anything.
"Can we talk?" You whispered. He didn't as much as look up. "Please? Outside for 5 minutes?" He got up and placed some money into Tomo's palm.
"Another round please - we'll be two minutes." Shannon said as he walked outside as you followed him. 
The air was bitterly cold as it was nearing 12AM and the wind started to bite at your bare arms. Shannon wore a suit with skinny black trousers which made him look amazing in the moonlight. 
"OK - what?" Shannon's voice was harsh and short. 
You looked to the ground which made him exhale deeply.
He looked at you before saying: "Look, I just don't understand. I thought I did get what was going on between us but obviously - I don't. Please just explain to me what's going on because I-" 
"Love you." You finished for him. "I love you." You felt the words wash out of your mouth. 
"I was just scared and panicked because I had never ever felt like this before.. but now I really do know. I love you, Shannon." 
The cold look in Shannon's eyes vanished and they became wild and transfixed by yours once again.
"I love you too." He said. 
He took one step towards you and placed his hands around your waist and lent down and slowly, you both kissed. He ran his hands up your arms and to your cheeks and pulled away and looked at you. Whereas before the words were only said in your minds, this time it was out loud. 
"I love you." You both said simultaneously as Shannon pulled you in for a hug. As you rested your head on his shoulder, Shannon's eyes previous to the kiss weren't the only ones that looked cold and broken in the moonlight. 
A pair of eyes crumbled as he stood in the doorway watching you.
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jared-leto-imagines · 11 years
Imagine.. Jared Leto Helping You Back To Sleep
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The sunlight had just started to creep through your opaque blinds when you decide it's finally time to get up. The double bed you've slept in seems larger to you than usual due to Jared being back on tour. Even though you'd been together 7 months it was still no easier when he left: if anything it got worse and worse. Pulling on your blue hoodie, you walk downstairs and get a bowl of cereal. It was about 10AM and your phone was still upstairs and as you didn't need to do or be anywhere or anything today you decided to sit and watch the TV for the morning. 
You had recorded an episode of the IT Crowd the previous night as you'd fallen asleep early so you decided you'd watch that after checking the morning news.
A short, stout man sat and delivered the news on your TV as it neared to the next section of the news bulletin. 
"Actor and singer Jared Leto, 42, has been killed after being rushed to the hospital after an airplane crash."
Everything stopped.
Before you knew it: your cereal had dissipated over the floor that he had walked on, your arms had wrapped around the waist that his had only a few days ago however no tears ran down the cheeks he had wiped dry all the times before. You couldn't cry. You couldn't do anything. 
All of a sudden, a new sensation started to overcome your numbness: drowning. It felt like the tears that weren't evident on your outside were building up on your inside. Slowly, it worked it's way up from your stomach to your chest and to your throat to the point where you couldn't breathe. You lay on the floor choking whilst the TV became louder and louder repeating the same words over and over: 
"Jared Leto.. has been killed.." 
"Jared Leto.. has been killed.." 
"Jared Leto.. has been killed.." 
"Hey, hey, wake up.." You could hear something faintly in the background that grew louder and louder and less muffled. "It's OK, wake up.." Quickly, your eyes snapped open. You were unaware of your surroundings and anyone who occupied a space within them. You didn't realize you were screaming until you closed your mouth. You cornered yourself in the top right hand side of the bed, eyes wild and lost. Your eyes slowly adjusted to the dark and noticed something: a pair of striking blue eyes that were as wild as yours. 
"It was only a dream.." He whispered. 
You couldn't do anything but dissolve into tears. You pushed your knees up to your chest and clasped your arms around them. You felt Jared's arm push around your back and pull you closer to him on the bed before he enveloped you and you grabbed onto his shirt as hard as you could in fear that you'd loose him again. He took to rubbing your back as you struggled to catch your breath.
"It's OK.. It's OK.." He continued repeating.
"It felt so-" You were barely audible through your tears. "..real.." His eyes darkened. "The airplane.. The crash.." You couldn't speak anymore so Jared took your place in the silence. 
"But it wasn't, was it?" He continued to whisper which made you cry even harder as the reality that he really was here and hadn't been killed and left hit you. "Hey, hey it's OK.." 
"Please don't leave tomorrow" You say abruptly, causing Jared's muscles to tense. "I'd be nowhere-" You choke, "without you to protect me.." One thing he couldn't save you from was that he had to leave to go to Italy and you had to stay to go to university. He couldn't save you from the fact that in 7 hours he wouldn't be here to make sure you were OK.
"I have to," He chokes, his voice shaky. "But I'll be back before you know it, right?" You felt disbelief as whenever he went away it felt like a lifetime before he returned.
"I've always come back to you, haven't I? Do you want to know why?" Jared's voice had turned slightly more serious and he turned you around to look straight into him. You nodded.
"Because I'd have nowhere else to go." The 2am darkness seemed to be bring out the sincerity.
"I don't want to be anywhere else but here, OK? You have to believe me when I say that, right? You jump, I jump, remember?" These words resonated right through you as he pulled you in tighter. 
"I love you more than I've ever loved anyone or anything and I can promise you this: I'm not going anywhere." He spoke into your ear. 
"I love you" You managed to get out without your voice breaking. 
"Jared started to re-arrange the bed and moved your pillow back to it's original position although when he lay back down you stayed as you were with your hands on his shirt and your legs wrapped around his. 
"They say if you slow your breathing.." Even Jared starting laughing quietly at this reference which made him embarrassed. "Shall I try another one?" You lay with your body intertwined with his as he spoke in a quiet tone. 
"Let's go somewhere.." He started. 
Although exhaustion had started to replace your consciousness you replied, "Where to?" 
Jared's arm reached up and pointed out of the window that was to both of your right which was speckled with glittering openings in the sky. 
"To the stars.." 
The next day you woke up with your body aching and your throat dry. The similar feeling of a vast bed unsettled you as you clambered for your phone in worry. 
"Didn't want to wake you - you looked shattered. I've arrived safe and sound, as I promised. I guess we'll go to the stars when I get back. 6 days and counting.. Always. - J x 
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jared-leto-imagines · 11 years
Imagine.. Going To The Golden Globe Awards With Shannon & Jared Leto *one off special*
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"Jared..?" You woke with a start as you found the space next to you empty. You had gotten to know Jared through helping your brother to direct the film Dallas Buyers Club. You weren't 'together' but Jared hated putting a label on what you had. All you knew was that you had spent a lot of nights around his house and a few kisses had been exchanged. You cared for each other and that's all that mattered. 
You got out of bed wearing your bed shorts and Jared's old large t-shirt which seemed appropriate for the hot LA nights which you were starting to become used to. It was 2:34AM. 15 hours until the Golden Globe Awards ceremony. 
"Jared?" You repeated as you walked into the bathroom where you could hear mumbling. You stood in the doorway as you watched Jared carefully mumbling words to himself, completely oblivious to you for a few seconds. When he did realize you were there he let out a sigh but did not break his view of his Que cards that he held in his hands.
"I'm not going to win it." He began as he lent back against the bath as he sat on the floor. He looked tired and you were pretty sure he haden't gone to sleep since you both got into bed about 2 hours ago. He opened up his legs and allowed you to sit in between them as he wrapped his arms around your waist. 
"I believe in you," you whispered as you took the Que cards from his hands and placed them gently on the floor. "You've worked too hard for this to turn up to the awards tomorrow with huge bags under your eyes, OK?" You turned around and stroked his stubbled face. "Lets go to bed." You whisper.
"Before you say something real?" Jared replied in a mimicking tone to a song by The Vaccines that you loved but he hated.
"Not funny," You said pulling him up from the floor and guiding him under the covers. "You're so not funny."
You spent the next 6 hours or so hours drifting in and out of sleep whilst keeping a tight grip of Jared's arm so he wouldn't go wondering and wouldn't make any more terrible jokes.
"Time?" You hear Jared calling to you from the bedroom as you finish putting eye-liner on your left eye in the bathroom.
"Three-thirty, we still have an hour and a half Jared.." You reply in a slightly irritated tone as this was about the fifth time he had asked.
"Only an hour actually - we have to be on the red carpet earlier." He said in a panicked tone. 
"Well, I'm going to go downstairs and wait there. I don't want to stress you out anymore." You began as you walked out of the bathroom and Jared's strong hand caught you before you began to descend down the stairs. 
"Hey - you know I didn't mean that," He whispered as he ran his hand up your arm to your shoulder. "You're the only thing that has kept me sane today, OK?" You smiled and he kissed you on the forehead before disappearing into the bathroom. 
The day had consisted of you preparing your outfit for tonight: a long blue dress with dark purple shoes and Jared not talking very much at all. You didn't think he'd be that nervous about tonight but the look on his face at all times of the day suggested otherwise. You'd been waiting for Shannon to come and make Jared more relaxed. 
Walking down the stairs, you realized that Shannon had just closed the door in the house that you and Jared had rented in LA for a while. Your face almost hit the floor when you saw what Shannon looked like: his short hair styled perfectly with a black suit and black tie. You couldn't get over how dapper he looked. 
"You look.. Wow." He said before you even had the chance to open your mouth. He took off his sunglasses and stood before you with complete admiration which made you blush. 
"Could say the same about you - you scrub up well." You joked. You walked over to Shannon and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek which made him go red and stutter.
"What was that for?" He said with a slight smirk.
"For being you," You couldn't really stop these words escaping as they had been building up for a long time. "For looking after Jared when I couldn't be there. For supporting and believing in him always. For being so accepting of me and making me feel welcome. For being such an idiot sometimes but always for the right reasons. Just.. Thank you." You could see his smile getting wider and wider as his face got redder and redder. 
"Your past has been my pleasure and your future will be my privilege," He choked and laughed at how serious that sounded. "What I mean to say is - it's my pleasure. Thank you for everything." His words made you feel unstable on your feet as they hit you completely by surprise. Shannon grabbed your arm and looked straight into your eyes. His eyes were less piercing than Jared's: more relaxed. More unpredictable. You could feel his breathe on your face. 
"Where's Jared?" He said abruptly as he pulled away and straightened his tie. 
"Upstairs," You stutter. "Been a nightmare keeping him anywhere for more than 5 minutes." You laugh. Shannon smiled in response and bounds up the winding staircase. 
"OK Shannon I want a picture for Instagram - can you handle not breaking the camera on this phone?" Jared's friend Jamie says as he holds up the iPhone to Shannon's cleanly shaven face. Without needing to adjust any expression - he has his photo taken and you realize how photogenic Shannon really is.
"So - are you excited, Jared?" Jamie says as he looks expectantly to Jared's stone face. He nods quickly and puts a tighter grip on your hand as the cab pulls up outside the venue. 
"Time to do or die, brother." Shannon says in a rehearsed tone as they step out of the cab and the cameras start flashing immediately.
As you had been helping direct the film with your brother - you were granted a ticket to the awards. As a nominee - Jared instantly gained a ticket and one more which he decided to give to Shannon. 
You allow the two boys to walk on to the carpet first as the photographers snap away happily at this new pair of celebrities. About 10 seconds into the pictures, Jared looks your way with a confused look. 
"Get over here!" He says reaching out for your hand. "You're too beautiful not to be in these photos!" You join in the middle of the two brothers as Jared puts his arm around your waist and Shannon puts his arm around your shoulders. When you had walked further on the red carpet to the doors of the official venue, Jared stops walking and turns to you. 
"You really are absolutely beautiful, you know that?" He says, planting a kiss of your forehead. "I really don't deserve someone like you." He says before trying to walk off to which you hold his hand, stopping his movements.
"I guess I've just got a thing for transsexual drugs addicts." You whisper in his ear as you pull him forward to carry on walking. 
The whole night had been perfect so far. The food and drink had been absolutely amazing and the awards had been given out without a problem. 
"The next award is.. Best supporting actor!" On the table sat various directors and producers of Dallas Buyers Club, you, Shannon and Jared. The whole table seem to tense. 
"Nominated for this award is Barkhad Abdi for his role in 'Captain Phillips'," There was a collective applause from all over the room. "..Daniel Bruhl for his role in 'Rush'.." There was another round of applause which was slightly louder this time. "..Bradley Cooper for his role in 'American Hustle'.." Now the applause had really began. The whole table new it would be difficult to win against Bradley Cooper. "..Michael Fassbender for his role in '12 Years A Slave'.." there was a short pause until he said, "..And finally Jared Leto for his role in 'Dallas Buyers Club'." This was the moment that the whole room applauded louder than for any of the other nominees.
The whole room hushed and became silent. 
Jared's hand gripped yours tighter and tighter as the seconds dragged on.
"And the winner is.." You bit your lip as did everybody else on the table.
"Jared Leto for his role in Dallas Buyers Club!" 
Shannon stood up before anybody else had the chance and looked at Jared with wild eyes. Jared stood to his feet and was enveloped by Shannon as he kept repeating "You did it!" As his smile grew larger. 
"No, we did it. I couldn't have done it without you, brother." This made Shannon hug him even tighter as Jared slowly turned to you. 
"Thank you for believing it me," He whispered as he planted a kiss on your forehead. "Especially when I couldn't believe in myself." This last words cut right through you like a knife and you tried hard to stop the tears from falling as these words were so precious and genuine. 
"I love you," He mouthed.
"I love you too." You mouthed back. 
You two weren't together but this is more than you had ever meant to anyone before. 
The rest of the night was an oblivion of happiness and relief. Jared, Shannon and you among multiple other people had gone to an after party in which Jared had been invited. Everyone had had a lot to drink and the night was getting on into around two in the morning. 
"What a difference 24 hours can make to a person, right?" Jared said in a slurred voice. "I'm just going to get some water-" He turned around to see co-workers walking over to him. "Oh hey guys!"
It was so relieving to see Jared so busy with people congratulating him. You couldn't think of anyone who deserved it more.
The room had gotten very clammy so you decided to go outside to cool down. 
"Hey," You heard a slurred voice say as you walked out of the door. "Looking for me?" Shannon had gotten drunk and seemed to have had the same idea as you. He still seemed to make sense although his words were slow and slurred. 
"Someone is a little bit drunk.." You say as you grabbed Shannon's right arm as he was unsteady on his feet.
"Someone is right.." He said with a chuckle that made you laugh. He regained his posture and towered over you. 
Before you knew it, his lips had crashed onto you..
And this time - it wasn't on your cheek. 
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jared-leto-imagines · 11 years
Imagine.. Jared Leto Protecting You From An Ex (Featuring Shannon Leto and Tomo Milicevic)
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"Jared come on, we're going to be late!" You hear Tomo shouting from downstairs. You and Jared were in your bedroom as he got dressed ready to go out. Wearing a leather jacket, blue shirt, black skinny jeans and black boots, he turned to look at you.
 "How do I look?" He says with a slight smirk. 
"You look absolutely amazing," You said getting up and kissing him. "As always." 
"You know, maybe I shouldn't go out tonight.." He said laughing. 
"Jared!" You hear Tomo shout again as Jared's face dropped. 
"Or not." He left your grip and grabbed his Blackberry from the bed. 
Downstairs, you could see Tomo and Shannon stood eagerly near the door. 
"OK, we'll be back at about twelve or one-ish. Depending. Please try to sleep just in case we come back later than expected," He knew you always hated going to sleep before he was back if he had come to visit, something unnerved you about it. "I'll call you at some point just to let you know how things are going.." He said flitting about in the kitchen, making sure he had everything.
"Jared we really have to go," Tomo started, his hand resting on the door handle. "Sorry about this!" He directed to you that made you smile. Tomo was always so thoughtful toward you and it always made you so happy and accepted. 
"OK, OK.. Let's go." Jared planted a kiss on your forehead and looked into your eyes.
"One thing goes wrong - what happens?" He said in a rehearsed tone. 
"I call," You whispered as his eyes widened. "..Straight away" you continued. This made a smile from on Jared's lips and he kissed you again. 
"Jared you can do this later.." Tomo said, laughing. 
"OK!" Jared finally walked out the door, followed by Shannon and Tomo turned to you shaking his head and he winked. 
"Catch you later kid." He said smiling as he closed the door gently behind him. 
Jared had been starting to come back a lot more regularly to visit now in between tours and you'd loved it. Although you'd only been with Jared 6 months, you knew this was it. You knew this because you didn't know the feeling that came to you whenever you weren't with him.
Tonight Jared, Shannon and Tomo were to meet up with a few people that had helped them make Love, Lust, Faith + Dreams and start some talks over a possible new album. They were due to meet for the first time in nearly 9 months and have a meal and a catch up. Jared wasn't as excited for the whole catch-up, he was excited for talks over the new album. He'd already rehearsed lots of ideas with you. 
"It needs to have a lot more meaning this time, you know?" He said as you lay with your head on his chest one night when your eyes were tired but his were eager. "This time - we wont loose what Thirty Seconds To Mars are about."
Whilst reminiscing late night conversations, you decide it's time to go and get changed. 
It was now 1:15am and you were now well into your Sherlock complete box set as you sat on your laptop finishing your psychology essay whilst logging on to Tumblr every so often. Work had began to thin at university and you now finally had time to meet up with friends and go out a lot more but you tried to keep the weekends where Jared was home free and he tried the same which is why he got so angry when the meeting had been arranged for this weekend. But where the next album is concerned - there was not a lot he could do. You couldn't sleep - or rather you didn't want to and hadn't tried to.
All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door. 
You couldn't remember any of the boys picking up their keys to the small house you and Jared shared until you both could find a better place. It was small - but when Jared wasn't there you didn't really need anymore space. With all this in mind, you presumed it was them and you cautiously opened the door to a tall figure with none of Jared's features..
It was Jack, your ex. He was drunk and looked angry. 
"Hello there," He spoke with a slurred tone. "Long time no see, baby." 
He stood a lot taller than Jared - maybe 6ft 4 or so. He had dark brown hair styled with a little swishy fringe at the front. He had slightly bigger muscles than Jared and he was now standing right over you. 
"I have a few problems with you..." This had been the first time you had spoken since you found out he cheated on you, and you broke up with him. You had been together a year previously and things had been amazing and then you walked in on him and his ex.. Your relationship was finished. "First problem.." He had walked in so far that he had pushed you against a wall and you could feel his hot, drunk breathe against your forehead. "Is that you never returned my calls, clothes or my fucking TV.." 
It was true - you never picked up when he called, you had nothing to say to the man that broke your heart. 
The second was also true  - you had thrown all the clothes and things out that even vaguely reminded you of the disgusting human that now loomed over you. 
The last was not true - you recalled him pulling the TV without unplugging it and therefore taking the socket with it the day you broke up. 
"OK I didn't return your calls and I did throw out your clothes - but you took your crappy TV.." You said through gritted teeth. 
"Don't fucking lie to me!" He said, punching the wall very close to your head which made you jump. "You haven't changed.. Have you?" He took his hand and grasped your chin very hard. "Still a slut. Currently fucking Jared Leto I hear!" He said laughing. This made you feel sick with anger. "How's he treating you.. Like another one of his slut-girls?" You can't believe how much he had changed. Granted, he was drunk, but he never used to be this vile. This repulsive. This fearsome. 
"Fuck you-" You tried to push him off you but he had a tight grasp of the wall and switched his grab to your waist and pushed you hard against the wall. Now, you were trapped. His tight grip and dominating push meant you had no way to escape. 
"Can't resist me can you?" He said moving his head to beside you ear and whispering. His grab was beginning to cut into your skin and you couldn't help the tears escaping from your eyes. You tried kicking his legs but nothing shifted him. "Bet he's not as good as me- is he?" You felt sick with what he was saying. You wanted to shout for Jared but before you could his lips smashed against yours and he starting to harshly bite against your lips. You couldn't move, or speak, or protest - you just stood there unable to as much as breathe. He moved one of his hands to his belt. 
There was a click at the door. 
"Hey - sorry we were a bit late, Shannon and Tomo are still looking for a parking sp-" Jared had now fully walked in and was now staring at this animal pushing you against the wall.
For the smallest second, you could imagine what Jared was thinking. That's it, she's finally found someone better. She's finally found someone who won't leave her all the time and will be a constant in her life. You saw Jared shake his head and dismiss that thought as he finally realized, this was Jack. This was your ex. This was the man who broke the heart of the girl he loves. His eyes met yours and recognized the desperation and how he was holding you and biting your mouth. 
Before you knew it - Jared has ripped Jack off you and had thrown him onto the floor. You couldn't do anything but wrap your arms around yourself in complete shock and violation. Jared stood over Jack with his fists clenched as Jack could do little but look up into him.
"You messed with the wrong fucking guy." Jared spoke through gritted teeth. His fist then met the side of Jack's face and hit him harder than you'd ever seen anyone be hit before. You wanted to stop him, to say you were fine although you could feel your face was bleeding. All you could do was stand there as Jared hit him repeatedly over and over again. 
"We finally found a place Jared - you're probably going to kill us when we tell you where.." Tomo said and he placed his bag at the side of the door and looked up to see the three of you. His eyes narrowed as he stood there in complete shock. Shannon followed him in just after. They both stood there and didn't react.
"Not before he kills him first!" Shannon said in desperation as he peeled Jared off of Jack and held his arms behind him. 
"Get the fuck off of me!" Jared shouted as Jack slowly started to blink and get up. 
Tomo's eyes met yours and saw that you were crying and bleeding. 
"OK - what the hell is going on here?!" Tomo shouted which made everyone go quiet. 
"This fucking rat-" Jared shouted louder, trying hard to push himself out of his brother's grip with little luck due to Shannon's huge arms. "-tried to rape her! Shannon get off!"
  "And she fucking deserved it.." Jack choked. "She was practically gagging for a good fuck.."
This almost acted like like a key to a lock as Shannon's grip loosened and allowed Jared to resume the reconfiguration of Jack's face.  
Tomo's eyes widened in disbelief at Shannon. "Shannon - stop him! Shannon!" With anger in his eyes, Shannon once again grabbed Jared's arm and pulled him up and grabbed Jack's neck with the other. Everyone's eyes darted to Shannon. 
"I'm just going to take this guy outside," He said with prominent anger in his voice that he controlled to a very disturbing tone. "Won't be long." Shannon threw his sunglasses onto the floor as Jared finished kicking Jack's side and dragged out the bleeding and pleading animal and slammed the door. The next 10 seconds or so consisted of all three of you facing the door with no movement. It sounded as if someone was smashing a huge bag of flour against the floor. Soon, Jack's pleads silenced and Shannon stopped. You heard Shannon prop him up against the wall. 
"If you ever-" Although the walls muffled his words, the screams were still audible. "Come anywhere near her again - I'll kill you. Got it? I will kill you." You heard Shannon walk away whilst dragging Jack and you heard a bang come from the outside of the side of the house. 
Shannon walked back into the house to Jared trying to get out of the door and thrashing out until Shannon grabbed both of his wrists and he was unable to move. 
"Shannon - take Jared upstairs. He can't be down here until he calms down." Tomo spoke slowly as he tried to diffuse the tension but Jared was having none of it as kept kicking out trying to get out of Shannon's dominating grip with his teeth clenched and his eyes wild. Shannon turned Jared and grabbed the collar of his jacket and pushed him up in the stairs until he got him into the bedroom and slammed the door. You could still heard Jared kicking and screaming even then. 
Tomo quickly pulled you in and hugged you tight as you finally dissolved into tears as the shock had worn off and now it was just the harsh realization of what had just happened. Jack's dominance. Jared's anger. Shannon's violence. You couldn't help but cry hard into Tomo's shoulder as he stroked your back. 
"OK - let's get you cleaned up, alright?" He grabbed your shoulders gently and sat you down on the floor as he sat next to you with a wet tissue as he dabbed your cuts. You'd never really noticed Tomo's dark grey-ish eyes as he gently dabbed some of the teeth marks that were embedded into your skin around your lips. "That's probably all you can do for your lips - I'll get some plasters for your neck." When Jack had grabbed your neck he had pulled off a lot of skin. Tomo is so used to looking after Shannon and Jared when he was here he knew where everything was. He sat beside you again and gently applied a plaster to your bleeding neck. 
"Thank you." You spoke with tears escaping from your eyes once again. 
"Hey-hey come on.." He said, standing you up and pulling you in again. "It's OK, he's gone.. He might be dead but he's gone.." He said chuckling which forced you into a laugh which made you cry more. You were completely overwhelmed with how much Shannon and Tomo cared for you. All they had done tonight was to make sure you were OK and safe. 
"Shouldn't you go upstairs-" You choked. "Make sure he's OK? I'm fine, really I am." You said trying to mute any shaking in your voice. 
"No," He spoke quickly. "You're more important. Besides - I couldn't hold him down. You haven't seen him like this before, in fact, I haven't for a while. But, when he gets like this, there is no way anyway can hold him down beside Shannon. Even he struggles and he's huge. Jared kicks up a fight and it's kinda scary. There is no way I'm letting him see you right now." 
Tomo stood up and slowly guided you onto the sofa and he sat down beside you with his arm around your back. You sat in a comfortable silence listening to the clock rhythmically tick. 
A little while later, there was a noise than made you both jump. 
"Tomo-" Shannon shouted from upstairs. "Can you come here a sec?" Tomo's eyes met yours as if to ask if you'll be OK to which you nodded. He squeezed your shoulder and pushed the latch down on the door as he walked upstairs. 
"Can you go down please?" You could hear Tomo whisper to Shannon as he passed him in the bedroom doorway. "I don't want her to be on her own."
"Sure." Shannon spoke and bounded downstairs. As soon as he walked downstairs you could see the scratches and bruises already beginning to form on his forearms which shocked you. Shannon sat down beside you and wrapped one arm around your waist and pulled tightly. 
"You OK?" He whispered as you smiled and nodded. "See, I'm not like Tomo. He's more of the talker. That's kinda my job - I restrain, he talks, Jared fights. Of course you're not OK." He pulled you in tighter. 
All of a sudden there was a bang upstairs which made Shannon lift up his head and his muscles go rigid. 
"Jared - stop!" You heard Tomo shout as footsteps came quickly downstairs. As soon as Jared appeared in the living room, Shannon shot up and held his wrists straight away. 
"I'm fine- just let go for fuck sake!" You could see Jared had not calmed down anymore and was getting more and more aggravated. 
"We've spoken about this before, remember.." You heard Shannon whisper to Jared through gritted teeth. "It's understandable you're-" He was struggling to contain Jared. "angry but-" He pushed him backwards a little, "it's not good you seeing her right now." This was scaring you so much seeing Jared this way. It reminded you of the way Jack acted earlier and you had never been more scared. Shannon must of realized this or something must of clicked in his head as he quickly pushed Jared against the wall and attempted to turn him back around.
"You're as much of a threat to her right now as that animal!"
These words cut right through you and you know they did the same to Jared as you saw his arms go limp which allowed Shannon to push him back up the stairs as he threw Jared in the room and slammed the door.
"Under control- was it?!" Shannon said in a desperate whisper to Tomo outside the bedroom door. "He won't come back downstairs tonight, I can garauntee. Just come downstairs now." You felt bad for Tomo as you knew he did his best to try and talk to Jared but, as he said, he wasn't strong enough. They both walked slowly downstairs and Shannon sat beside you and Tomo sat near the foot of the stairs for a while.
"You really do pick them, don't you?" Shannon chuckled. "Tomo and I are here, OK? We're not going anywhere, right?" You nodded and allowed him to return his arm around your waist. 
"You're safe now." Tomo said as he pushed his head around the door and squeezed your shoulder.
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charlaughsloudly · 11 years
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Imagine.. Cycling Around LA With Jared Leto (part 1)
You sat back down on your bed looking at all the bags you had spent the whole evening packing. 
"You've packed my leather jacket, right? I haven't seen that in weeks.." 
You and Jared had only been living together for less than a month and you had both loved it so much. Being the gentlemen he was, Jared insisted on sleeping on the sofa until you felt ready to both sleep in the double bed as you were still a little bit cautious. In the strangest possible way, you still both weren't the definition of "in a relationship" but you were.. Something.
"I packed that first, I had to was it after you got back from tour, remember?" You were sat on the edge of the double bed watching him looking through your shared wardrobe, biting his lip. Jared was understandably stressed: you were due to leave for LA in a few hours time and he wanted to make sure everything was perfect as it was your first trip away together to somewhere that Jared cherished.
"Yeah.. Sorry.. I guess I'm just tired. I just really really want you to have a good time, you know? I'm really excited, I know you're going to love it.." He said trailing off into the bathroom to collect his toothbrush. 
"I know I will, I want you to as well." You said, trying to reassure Jared. 
He walked from the bathroom and packed his toothbrush into a small brown bag that looked overused and nearly in tatters and he sat down on the bed next to you. 
"If you're there, I could enjoy hell." He said, eyes locked on you like the first time you'd met in the coffee shop. "
"Maybe you should call Shan and Tomo before we leave.. Just to let them know we might not reply to them for a bit?" Whenever you were just with Jared, you always felt a strong urge just to make sure Tomo and Shannon were okay as well as they didn't spend that much time away from each other anymore. 
"Yeah maybe.. I'll do it later.. I think I better go and sleep first.." Jared went to stand up but your hand held onto his tightly which stopped him from standing up. He looked at you and raised an eyebrow before sitting back down and holding both of your hands. His tired eyes looking darker from the lack of light in the room. 
"I think I'd rather lay next to you tonight." You say, feeling a little embarrassed.
Jared smiled and kissed the top of your head before walking to the left side of the bed and lying down. 
"How do you.." You started, feeling confused. 
"Know you sleep on the right side?" Jared started, "When I do sleep here, I barely sleep at all. Not just because the sofa is the lumpiest thing in the world, I just want to know you're okay so I just sort of.. Watch you sleep. You're beautiful when you sleep." He said, without looking at you. 
You walked over to your side of the bed and lay down next to Jared and rested your head on his chest with his arm around your shoulders. 
"Good night Jared." You yawned. 
"Nos adversus mundi" He whispered before closing his eyes. 
*Part 2 up soon - My other Imagine Jared Leto's are here -> http://www.wattpad.com/user/imaginejaredleto *
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charlaughsloudly · 11 years
Imagine A Late Night Call With Jared Leto
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You had been up for hours. Your bed creaked every time you went to turn over and try and find another position that would remind you of Jared being there. You missed him. A lot. Jared was back on tour and was in New York at the moment, whilst you were still in London, working your way through university. The distance was very real this time and you hated it. It had only been a few months but you missed him more than you'd ever missed someone before. 
You'd play back the memories of time spent with him over and over in your head. 
You finally rolled over to face the table that you had rested your phone on and click the lock button to a light that blinded you. 
No missed calls or texts. 
You let out a sigh that contained the hope that he might of texted you or rang you whilst you'd been shuffling in your bed. You did recall him saying once that he tried his hardest to understand the time zones between you and him and that you had work to do that took concentration so you needed your sleep. He respected that. You wish he didn't. 
You walked out of your bedroom and down to the kitchen that was littered with pictures of you and him that you had taken whilst it had been snowing in England. You still remembered his face lighting up as he rarely saw it. This made you feel like something was missing. You opened the fridge, took out a bottle of squash you'd made up earlier and walked back up into your room. Laying back into your bed, you realized turning off your phone would be a good idea since Jared was obviously busy or sleeping so there was no point tiring yourself out anymore.
 You clicked the lock screen. 
*Jared Leto New Message*
You typed in your password which was the date you met as quickly as you could to reveal 7 words.
"Do you know how hard this is?" 
You blinked. Instead of thinking how to reply, you decided to call him. You hated calling or being called by anyone and to this day you did not know why, but you felt you needed to. 
No longer was unlocking your phone and seeing his name in your contacts enough. 
You quickly pressed call and waited as it rang. And rang. Until finally someone picked up. 
And for a little while, there you both were. Not speaking, but listening to each others steady breathing down the phone. Jared didn't say anything because you think he understood the whole anxiety with talking down the phone. You heard him click the phone onto speaker and place it on a pillow next to him as you did the same. 
You didn't know what time it was in New York.. In fact you didn't know what time it was in the UK. All you knew was that the distance didn't seem so far right now and that he didn't seem so far. 
He said nothing, you said nothing. But it was the kind of nothing that meant everything. 
After a while you placed your head next to the pillow and started to feel sleepy when you heard a whisper coming from your phone that you could hear just well enough to recognize it was Jared's hushed tone.
"When I get back.. I'll give you a hand with your psychology work even though I wont have a fricking clue what it's about and then I'll smile because you'll already know,"
"When I get back.. I'll let you talk to me for hours about all those British YouTubers you like so much.. And that Swedish guy too.. Even though I sometimes don't have a clue what they're on about,"
"When I get back.. I'll check the bedroom before you come in for any spiders and I'll get rid of all the ones that try to eat you.." You hear him have a very slight, whispered chuckle.
"When I get back.. You won't feel alone anymore." 
You hear him put the phone next to the pillow again and start to breathe slowly as you did.
The silence filled the space where there were no words left to be said as you slowly fell asleep properly for the first time in months. 
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charlaughsloudly · 11 years
Imagine A Late Night Call With Jared Leto
I wrote a new Imagine Jared Leto! I finally started writing again after this damn writers block. Give it a read if you'd like! :3
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charlaughsloudly · 11 years
Imagine Meeting Jared Leto For The First Time
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It had been raining for what seemed like hours. You had gone out to meet a friend in the coffee shop just on the outskirts of London, but just as you're about to walk in out of the rain, your phone flashes; 
"Hiya, sorry chick can't make it. Maybe another time? Sorry x x x" 
The rain had sodden you through and your hair was as wet as the pavements outside. You were sure you knew the way to the coffee shop, before you actually walked there. The streets wound into lanes that seemed to contort into one big journey that you had never travelled before. To make matters worse, it had started to rain 15 minutes into said journey. But finally, even without Laura to meet you there, you had arrived. The coffee shop was small and warm, it emitted a friendly atmosphere and it was quiet. Quiet enough that people would go there to read, study or just to generally take a break from the ruckus that was living in London. You walk in and are instantly greeted by a friendly man at the counter, beaming at you with a small sense of pity. 
"The rain not let up anymore then?" He said, looking you up and down. "I suppose you're going to be wanting something warm? Can I tempt you with any of the 'Warm Up Winter' range?" 
As it was now mid November the wind did now have a certain chill to it and you wanted some sort of comfort that the rain had obviously not brought. 
"I'll have the mint hot chocolate please," You say smiling at the young man standing before you. "And no.. The rain certainly hasen't let up." He smiles, he understands. 
"Coming right up. Take a seat and I'll bring it over." 
Today the coffee shop seemed quiet; there was only you and what seemed like only one other woman in there. You sit down in a seat near the back of the shop, hidden away in the darkness. Warm, tranquil, perfect. The seat pulled you in and instantly made you feel comfortable. Looking around, you see the woman reading something in the paper the must of been interesting as she was mouthing every word to herself. Only 2 members of staff seem to be on due to the lack of customers. You're about to look for you phone when you see someone sitting to your left. He seems to be tall as his legs stretch out under the opposite side of the table to his chair, about 5'8 give or take. He was wearing a dark coat that stretched almost to his knees and his hair looked almost as wet as yours. It was curly and a chocolate brown which was broken by his striking blue eyes that were pinpointed in this distance in front of him. 
"Here you go madam, one mint hot chocolate." The short sales assistant announced, breaking your concentration from the man in the corner. You smile, only to return to your thoughts. 
The explosion from the short man's mouth broke not only your concentration but whatever the tall man was focusing on in the distance. He looked over at the sales assistant and then at you and then back to him. 
"I'll take another of mine please," He ushered in a very low, quiet voice. "And the price of whatever yours was. The rain seems persistent today and it looks like you've been caught right in a hurricane." His eyes almost pierce right into your soul. The light that reflected from the dim lamps scattered around the shop sparked more blues and cyans to come spilling out from his eyes that were soaked up by yours. He was perfect. 
"You don't have to it's fine I was waiting for-" 
"I want to" He interrupted. He had dominance over you in a second. 
"OK so that's 1 more espresso and the bill for the lady.. Coming right up!" 
The man hurried away and your eyes were still locked with the mans. You recognised him somehow; his long curly hair, his beautiful blue eyes, his deep voice..
"Oh my god! You're Jared Leto aren't you?" It hit you like a ton of bricks. It was the lead singer of 30 Seconds to Mars. 
Jared almost looked disappointed. He sat back in his chair and broke eye contact with you which felt strange; as if he had been looking into yours for hours. He let out a little smile and brushed the hair that had escaped from behind his ear back to it's original position. 
"Yes, I am. I don't suppose you've heard much of 30 Seconds to Mars?" He almost said in a tone that you couldn't quite understand. Did he genuinely want to know? Was he tired of people asking? 
"Uhh.. Yeah! Loads! Love them!" You weren't exactly lying, but you haden't listened to them in a while. You had heard that they were about to release their 4th album but you haden't heard much of them since This Is War. 
"Don't lie," He chuckled. "It's alright. We haven't done anything in 4 years, people are bound to take a break from us. As long as you're not listening to One Direction on replay, I guess I can let you off." He chuckled once again, which made you instantly smile as he returned to his original position; sat back deep into the chair and staring forward with a small smile still etched onto his face. Although you were 24 and in university, you still remember why you used to love 30 Seconds to Mars so much when you were younger. Mainly, because of Jared. 
"So what are you doing in London at the moment?" You finally plucked up the courage to ask. "Are you touring?" 
He looked at you for a second and then gestured toward the sofa seat beside you. 
"May I?" He said with a cheeky smile. You nodded and he stood up, stretching a little. When he sat down next to you, you could smell a mix of coffee and some sort of aftershave which smelt faded. You could feel the heat radiating from him and you felt much smaller and more protected when he was sat next to you. 
"I'm out here with my brother Shannon. We have been touring in Germany for the past few weeks but I decided we all needed a break and I love London. It feels so different from so many places and if you go to the right ones, it's quiet. You're rarely noticed. It's peaceful." He says slowly, watching the rain pour as he talks. 
"I'm sorry for disturbing you, I didn't know you were on a break.." You trail off, feeling terrible for disturbing him whilst he was trying to not get noticed. 
"Don't be. It's still so lovely to meet people who know your name around here," He turned and was looking straight at you. His mouth seemed to move but his eyes kept you totally calm. "Especially someone like you. Sorry, how rude of me, what's your name?"
"Jess," You spluttered. "My name's Jess."
"Well.. Jess.. It's lovely to meet you, I'm Jared." 
He held out his hand for a handshake and when you took his, it almost felt dorky but it felt like the right thing to do as you both laughed and moved a little closer to one another, both still watching the rain. 
"Tell me a bit about yourself Jess.. You enjoying your British weather?" He said laughing nervously. You were used to seeing him in interviews before where he was quiet, more reserved. He was obviously trying very hard to keep the conversation going. 
"Well, I've lived in London almost all of my life, I moved here from Stockholm when I was 8. I'm studying psychology at University... I love owls... And right now I look like the biggest drowned, cold rat you've probably ever seen." You trailed off not really knowing what to say, here you were talking to a lead singer of a band, looking as you did. 
"I've seen worse." He said with a half smile. He pulled off each sleeve of his coat and slowly draped it around your shoulders, it hung like a huge blanket around you. It smelt perfect. 
He sat down only wearing a short sleeved T-Shirt which was wet as well. He didn't seem to care about his own body temperature, he sat smiling and looking at you. It didn't feel awkward like with any other person you had met. You're naturally shy, you'd never really had someone. Not in the way everyone is waiting for their someone... In the way, you've always preferred being on your own  as people made you nervous. Around Jared, you felt better. Still panicky because of who he was but just... Better. 
"You know you're very confusing, don't you?" He spoke softly, almost in a tone more hushed than usual. You couldn't help but go very red, and feel confused yourself. "No, you know, in a good way. In the way that you intrigue people. Draw them in. Look I was wander-" His phone flashed and began to vibrate, he quickly picked it up. 
"Hello? Oh hey man... Right... Oh OK... The coffee shop, you know, down next to the market?... Yeah that one... Now?... OK, I'll be right there..." He ended the call and quickly got up and planted a ten pound note on the counter.
"Look, I've got to run, I'm late for something," He turned to face you. "What's your number?" 
You fumbled looking for a pen and paper.
"Just write it on my hand, I'll put it in my phone then"
You carefully wrote each individual didgit down, making sure to trace each one very lightly on his soft skin. 
"Thanks. See you around, stranger." 
"What about your jacket?"
"Keep it. Looks better on you anyway."
As quickly as he came into your life, he was gone. The cold rushed in through the suddenly opened door and slowly dissipated evenly around the room within seconds. You watched him walk past the window, look in and smile. He left, walking down the street. It all had happened so quickly, but it felt like much longer than that. 
"Here's your mint hot chocolate and.. Is he coming back?" The man looked puzzled, holding up the drink and the money. 
"No, he had to go. Sit it here, I'll look after it." You reply, smiling. 
You set your hot chocolate next to where you were sitting and place the coffee where Jared was sitting. You trace the coffee with your finger and smile, safe and secure in this huge jacket that had enveloped you. You're about to take a drink when your phone flashes;
"Hey, drink my coffee for me would you? In my right pocket you will find some information about where we are staying.. Got about a million of the stupid hotel fliers. Try not to get to wet walking home. See you around, stranger. J x" 
The rain had sodden you through and your hair was as wet as the pavement outside. But somehow, you didn't mind. You pushed yourself in further to the chair and pulled the coat further around your face, slowly smelling the warm scent that still lingered on his collar whilst watching the rain patter along the window. 
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charlaughsloudly · 11 years
Imagine.. Going on a Roller Coaster with Jared Leto :3
My new Imagine Jared Leto.. Hope you enjoy! ^-^
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