#jared padelecki characters
ninii-winchester · 19 days
Slumber party
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Pairing: Sam Winchester X Reader
Word count: 600 words
Warnings : none just fluff.
A/n: totally unplanned, i couldn’t sleep so this is just from the top of my head.
It was late at night, the motel room was a bit crowded as Sam and Dean sat at the small table placed in the room, Y/n was on one bed while Castiel was on the other. This case was very different from what they’ve encountered before. A series of bizarre deaths that seem to defy the laws of physics, such as a man whose heart literally bursts out of his chest like in a cartoon.
“Alright I’m gonna call it a night.” Dean said closing the journal. “Cas you’re gonna book a room or what?” He asked the angel who was oh so casually looking through Dean’s stuff. It was not unusual that the trio shared a room on hunts, Dean took one bed while Sam shared the other with his girlfriend, Y/n as long as they promised no funny business.
“Nah I’ll stay here.” Cas replied and Y/n snickered at his nonchalance and Dean’s annoyance.
“Yeah right, we’re gonna have a slumber party, braid Sam’s hair.” Dean said sarcastically which made Sam smirk but his smirk faltered as he made eye contact with Y/n, who looked back with a mischievous look on her eyes. “Where are you gonna slee-“
“Oh my god” Y/n interrupted Dean who gave her a questioning look. “That sounds so much fun. Why didn’t I think of it before?” She grinned at the men in the room . “Baby come here.” She called Sam over and gestured to the space between her legs.
Sam gave Dean his typical bitch face to which Dean just shrugged. The younger Winchester walked over to his girlfriend and settled between her legs, facing away from her.
“Hey i need my four hours so get it somewhere else.” Dean commented as Y/n focused on french braiding Sam’s hair. He winched as she pulled particularly harsh unintentionally.
“Cas teleport him somewhere.” Y/n said without removing her eyes from Sam’s hair. Her tongue poking out as she concentrated. Cas stood up from his place to do it but Dean glared at him, and he sat back down on the bed.
“Take it easy on the hair, gorgeous.” Sam said holding his head as she pulled again.
“Yeah I know you love your hair more than me.” She replied as she was done with one side of his head.
“That’s not true. I love you more than anything in this world.” Sam replied and Y/n awed at his declaration of love.
“I didn’t sign up for this.” Dean groaned.
“Don’t groan grandpa we’re almost done.” Y/n said tying the other braid as well. After she was done she made Sam look in the mirror. He smiled at his own reflection as he saw the two french braids.
“It’s lovely, Y/n. Thank you sweetheart.” Sam pecked her lips.
“You’re welcome,, honey. You look so pretty.” Y/n smiled. She then grabbed a pillow from Dean’s bed and threw it at Dean who was slumped at the table. “Pillow fight.”
“Why the fuck did I say slumber party.” Dean groaned to himself, throwing the pillow back. Sam laughed at his brother’s misery, but pulled Y/n into his embrace before the pillow could hit her.
“Humans.” Castiel rolled his eyes sassily before going back to dig into Dean’s things.
@spnfamily-j2 @galway-girlatwork @deangirl96 @queensilber
@s0urw00lf @monkey-d-hoshizora98 @deans-baby-momma @fullbelieverheart
@riah1606 @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @hobby27
@starkleila @suckitands33 @m3ntally-unstable @kanekilovelove-blog @candy-coated-misery0731
@blackcherrywhiskey @ladysparkles78 @goest-and-fuckest-thyself-blog @graywrites5567
@enamoredwithbella @winchesterwild78 @myuhh8
@ohsc (I’m tagging you because you’re a sam girl tho lmk if you don’t want to be tagged)
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yourlilkaiju · 3 months
Here is the Reason Why I Am Not A Destiel Fan Anymore:
And the reasons I refuse to go back to being one:
So in retrospect, the SuperWhoLock fandom has been by and large a pretty big fandom that has been running a good while. I don't think it's stopped. I have always loved Doctor Who, as that- alongside the works of Mr.Henson and the brilliant creations from his creature shop, were my first introductions to all things weird and other worldly. Horror was another story. I will be more than happy to talk about that another day. So as time went on, in abouts the late summer/early fall of 2005, right before I turned 13, I was introduced to Supernatural. Starring Jared Padelecki and Jensen Ackles. The person I was watching it with was bouncing up and down, all excited because "Oh my gosh, it's so nice to see you watching something other than anime." (The cow.), and because it was nearing Halloween time and it was both of our favorite time of year for two very different reasons. This would end up being the start of my enjoyment of a long running series that had a good premise, but a very confusing story line after season five. (Sorry but it felt...skewed after that point. But I stayed loyal.) In any case, I eventually started shipping Destiel because of the constant queer baiting. Which didn't exactly, idk help the situation? And with that I ended up being a shipper for a good seven and a half, I repeat, SEVEN AND A HALF FUCKING YEARS. Hardly anyone sticks with a shop that long. (But being autistic you kind of stick with a lot of things for a long ass time. *Mumbles something about a certain one winged angel from the nineties*.)
My enjoyment of the ship came to a close when I was at a fantasy convention the spring of 2016. I was at one of the Double tree locations with an ex of mine and dressed up as a fae queen, laughing, having a good time and just having good conversations with the people at our table. I was with a troupe that my ex and I had started and we were initially responsible for acting out as "hosts" for the opening and closing for these events, and even "opening the portals to the realms" 🙄. When out of character we were still expected to be gracious hosts....well, more like I was. The man could get away with spilling a punch bowl over his head while mooning an entire audience, yet still somehow do no wrong. If I complained, or made a peep in my defense, the whole world would come crashing down. Even with some of the people we spent time with. And some of the people we spent time with were Destiel shippers who liked to bring strangers into our space without asking, or without any given warning or invitation. At that time, it'd been Supernatural fans who were not only Destiel shippers....but also Cockles fans.
[I am going to pause for a moment here because I feel the need to emphasize that shipping is fine. Shipping is a great way to escape reality for a period of time and even let loose the pent up need for some sort of intimacy in ones life, regardless of the type that is needed. But to allow it to interfere with reality, to force real people into seeing each other and actually make it so that it can't be left alone for years after? That's where there is an issue. And people who can't see that need to re-evaluate themselves and get some fucking help.]
There were few things that my ex and I agreed on, and one of them had been that uninvited guests had been a nono. However, the rules at play prevented me from saying anything while in costume. He had to dismiss the person. He had to tell them it was time to go and that "appreciated the travellers journey, however it was time for the court to take it's respite." . And yet he didn't. So as these people went on, our troupe laughed and carried on with the conversation. I did my best to segue into a different topic, and tried my hardest not to show discomfort. Because to do so would be breaking the rules. The uninvited guests went on....and on...and on. They ignored my attempts and ignored the fact that I had requested two glasses of wine and a white Russian. They carried on about how Destiel was technically canon, and how Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins were secretly dating behind the scenes. I looked for any reason I could to get the hell out of dodge. And I found my salvation when I found a friend of mine standing over by the bar.
"Pardon me, my dear..." I said, with a soft lilt in my voice. "As compelling as this conversation has been, I find that I have urgent business with a friend of the forest." As bewildered as my poor guest was, I immediately left before they could say anything more. I hated the conversation. I hated feeling trapped. It felt draining and honestly, going to my friend was the best decision I felt that I could make. And when I got to him, he mentioned that I looked like I needed help. And for a man like my ex to not say anything, he was a little disappointed.
Over the next few years, I ran into several more of these shippers at events that I'd helped run. I insisted that the rules be changed, and while he did not like it, he knew that I would not back down on the issue. The same people tried joining our gathering by one of our troupe members behest, and without warning. Upon recognizing me, they grew excited and hoped to continue the conversation from the last time they'd seen me.
"Why don't we talk about something else?" I groaned. I recalled the unpleasant experience I had with them last time as they hardly allowed a word in edgewise.
There was a long pause.
As if summoning a great storm, I was suddenly accused of being homophobic and told that I only played a queen because I whined and sobbed my way into it. And I stood there, allowing the insults to continue until they couldn't anymore. I figured it was just best to let them kick dirt at a statue and smile at them exhausting themselves.
I'm sure some of you may think me a horrible person fo this. I am sure some of you are thinking "why are you telling us this? There's no point."
Because some of you need to know the extent of how some fandoms and their shippers behave.
Back then Destiel and Cockles were as bad as LDS's. Now...well they're still just as bad. But twice as aggressive. And while I was one, I don't think I ever went that far. I would often ask things like "Aren't those two married?" When it came to the Cockles fans. Or say "I'm from way south Alabama and experienced ISA, please stop." To the Wincest shippers. Every single time I would say something like this, some would try to come directly for my throat. Literally. Hell, someone grabbed me by the hair once. All because I dared to disagree.
It's a fucking series.
With fictional characters.
Played by actors.
And all the special effects are done by the crew.
But some people can't seem to grasp that.
I refuse to entangle myself back in that sticky little web and I would rather watch it burn itself out. I would prefer to see it go up in flames as it gets rejected by the fandoms it tries to infect, JUST because it is politely disagreed with.
Because it doesn't leave people alone after being told no or receiving the sense that, maybe, a person is uncomfortable.
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urne-buriall · 6 months
dreamt last night that the supernatural reboot followed Claire (riding off Kathryn Newton's Lisa Frankenstein success) getting time-travelled back to season 1 of Supernatural and messing with the timeline. current Jensen Ackles played Season 1 Dean and we all just ignored that he's 20 years older. they couldn't get Jared Padelecki back to play Sam so I wondered if they were going to cleverly omit his character, but instead they recast him with my step-brother who IS the right age and height for s1 Sam but who, in my dream, IS NOT a very good actor
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jaredpadelckibae · 1 year
Pairing- jared padelecki x fem!reader
Summary- who knew a night on the rooftop would lead to finally confessing they're feeling for one another.
Warnings- pure fluff, crap writing 💀
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Jared and yn had known eachother for years. They were inseparable, they met through the show supernatural as yn's character happened to be sam and deans bestfriend. Throughout these times much laughter, secrets, and adventures had only maken they're bond stronger.
But there was something more between them, something neither were willing to admit, it wasn't the same friendship she had with jensen and misha, no, she was falling for him, but it was something neither was going to admit.
It was a warm summer night as the two found themselves on the rooftopnof Jared's apartment building, gazing out at the starts, talking about the show before falling into a comfortable silence.
The city lights painted the night sky on a soft romantic glow, making yn decide it was now or never.
She broke the silence by saying jared name as he looked over to her smiling a little.
"Jared, do you ever wonder what it would be like if we weren't just best friends?" she avoided eye contact as jared took a minute to go over what she said.
His heart was pounding out of his chest as he looked at her, coughing a little he spoke up, "whattdya mean."
He wanted to know what she meant before jumping to conclusions and getting his hopes up to high that the girl he had loved since he met her liked him back.
Her eyes twinkled on the moonlight, as she still avoided eye contact as much as she could, already regretting her decision.
But nether the less she continued " I mean, what if there's something more between us, something we've been too afraid to explore".
Yn sighed as she finished, about to walk away but before she could jared grabbed ahold of her arm bringing her into him and kindling a soft kiss on her lips.
He pulled away a soft smile planted on his face as he looked over at the girl in his arms, and took in the way she smiled when he pulled away.
"I've thought about the same thing" he spoke quietly, almost a whisper as he kissed her again, this time she kissed back.
The kiss was filled with love and passion, as he held her face in his hands, never wanting to let go.
Ad they pulled away again she rested her head against his chest, looking out at the stars again.
She was content in his arms where she knew she was never going to be alone again.
First post, kinda hate it and didn't edit or proofread whatsoever so don't judge to harshly.
Also why is it that there's absolutely slim to none fits about jared on here.
Anyways, love y'all and always be kind.
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witchstone · 1 year
i know i've said this before, but the fact that sam winchester would have been a character formulated in a lab especially for me but then gets played by jared padelecki makes me want to bite
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demon-animatronic · 1 year
Found this Supernatural ask meme by funnycas or whoever they may be now cause god knows how old this is.
Also I’m bored as fuck at work at 4:25 AM.
Favorite male character - Crowley my beloved
Favorite female character - Jody
Favorite actor - Mark Sheppard, Jared Padelecki and Jensen Ackles
Favorite actress - her name escapes me but its Jody’s actress.
Favorite episode - All the monster of the weeks from seasons 1-11. Plus season 8 finale and episode before the S8 finale.
Favorite quote - “No one in the history of torture will be tortured with the torture you’ll be tortured with.” Or however that line goes. Deleted wise: “Even when I lose, I win.”
Favorite season - 1-5 plus 8
OTP - Crobby and Crowleyxmyself
NOTP - Sam and Becky
BROTP - Dean and Benny + Dean and Crowley
Favorite demon - My main babe Crowley
Favorite angel - Cas and Gabe
Favorite monster - Does Garth count considering…
How did I discovered Supernatural? - Netflix suggested it to me ages ago when season 8 either was still airing or just finished.
Have I ever been to a con? - Yep in Pittsburgh!
Make me choose between two characters - Crowley or anyone? Who do you think?
Make me choose between two ships - No.
Top 5 characters - Crowley, Sam, Dean, Cas, Bobby
Top 5 ships - I don’t have that many ships for the show
Top 5 angels - Cas, Gabe, Balthazar, Gadreel, and the douchebag Metatron.
Top 5 demons - Crowley, Crowley, Crowley, Crowley, and Crowley. I genuinely don’t care about other demons except maybe Meg 2.0
EDIT: How the fuck did I forget my boy Cain?! Especially when I talk about Psych too lol
Top 5 monsters - Ghosts, Werewolves, demons, shapeshifters, and changelings were freaky
Favorite fanfic - ….no.
Most hated character - Casifer
Favorite villain - Crowley in season 8. Lucifer in the early seasons
Character I think I’m more alike - probably Sam and Charlie
Dream crossover - Supernatural and Psych even though it makes zero sense and different channels and all.
Character death that I’m not over yet - Crowley :(
Most layered character - Crowley
Character I have a crush on - Crowley
Actor/Actress I have a crush on - Mark Sheppard
Scariest moment - Dunno off the top of my head.
Favorite moment - Crowley being hugged and thanked for once in his sad demon life. And Dean telling him family doesn’t end with blood or however that scene went.
Funniest moment - Dunno
Saddest moment - I think we all know the saddest moment for me
Most beautiful scene - when Bobby got to go to heaven
Unanswered questions: Literally anything about Crowley before season 5
Couple I’d like to become canon - None tbh
Actor/Actress I’d like to see on the show - can’t answer it’s over now
Do I own anything related to the show? - a bunch of shit I have laying around.
Do I have any tattoos related to the show? - no
Most boring plotline? - the Leviathans and season 12 as a whole
My less favorite season - 12-15
Most well done character death - Jo & Ellen
Most well done character development - Dean’s
Character I wish I could bring back - Kevin Tran
One thing I really hope to happen - Nothing since it’s over
Favorite relationship - None
Top 3 crack ships - *Shrugs*
Characters I wish they’ve met - Crowley and Charlie. Actually Crowley and anyone he hadn’t met yet.
Demon!Dean or MoC!Dean? - MoC!Dean
Soulless!Sam or BoyKing!Sam? - BoyKing
Jimmy Novak or Emmanuel? - Jimmy
Godstiel or Casifer? - Godstiel. Fuck Casifer and what he did to my husband.
Crowley or Lucifer? - Crowley
Did I joined tumblr because of the show? - No
Did I watched the show because of tumblr? - No
What characters from other shows I’d like to see on Supernatural? - Psych. Be weird with Cain and Zachariah being Lassie and Woody
Do I still like the show? - Absolutely. Even though I was done with it for several years after the season 12 finale. My recent reoccurring dreams of Crowley brought me back to it.
Did Supernatural really ruined my social life? - Did I even have one to begin with?
Is my blog just about Supernatural? - My blog literally changes with my latest obsessions.
Do I have cast members I don’t really like? - Not really
Characters that deserved better - Crowley
Am I excited for the new season? - ….
Early seasons or the recent ones? - 1-5 plus 8-10
Top 10 Supernatural blogs on tumblr that I really love - I think they are all dead.
5 things I love most about (insert character’s name here) Crowley: Hot, Charming, his accent, his beard in later seasons, He’d kill for you if you’re his friend
Human!Cas or Angel!Cas? - Angel with his wings
Who I’d like to play human!impala? - god damn I wish this happened.
Did Supernatural changed my life in any way? - Not really.
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whatbigteeth · 11 months
nate my mutual nate, what are some of your favorite movies
IM SO GLAD U ASKED. im not a very big movie fanatic but the ones i love, i really love em!!!
a lot of these r like. v popular critically acclaimed masterpieces but im going to talk like youve never seen any of them just in case
but im a cheerleader movie abt two teenage girls who meet in conversion therapy and fall in love!!! really campy and fun and not super serious, also rupaul is there as a homophobic christian. visually very pretty and stunning, the color grading is so nice!!! technicolor i miss u i love u
ferris bueller’s day off movie i named my cat after!!!! its just a little fun slice of life, growing up kind of thing. good and accurate teeangers!!!!! they dont pull any riverdale bullshit. the main character (ferris) is a little shit. very cat aligned
heavenly creatures teen girl codependence movie of all time. this movie IS based on real people and a real death that took place, but its not like the recent netflix docuseries i wont name on a certain cannibal. no one involved in the incident feels any sort of negativity towards the movie at all. visually its so pretty and dynamic and does a good job balancing the fictionalized plot of the movie and what really happened
house of wax horror movie that honestly is not the greatest, but has a place in my heart because i loved watching it with some friends :3 has one of the guys from supernatural in it, jared padelecki i think. also paris hilton. very fun to make fun of, i recommend watching it ppl u love and bullying it with them. it’s extremely 2005
jennifer’s body a staple of weird emo band monster enthusiast tumblr, so im sure uve at least heard of her. idk what to say except she’s so campy and fun. bi women who get sacrificed incorrectly and turn into freaky demons who eat boys to survive. cinema peaked here. also fun fact pete wentz was originally considered for a roll in this movie
repo! the genetic opera gothic movie musical that is SO BAD. paris hilton is also here because she was everywhere in horror in the 00’s. it only has one song thats even good but its SO fun please watch it. also it’s a dystopia kinda type deal :3
reading back, a lot of these aren’t very light movies :( so um. my final message, watch mean girls
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what-if-nct · 1 year
hi hi hi today's reminder is a (non exhaustive) list of films I've never actually seen but somehow they've gotten into my personality through osmosis or some shit: mamma mia, legally blonde, all but like four Ghibli movies, just about every horror film apart from the Conjuring, gone girl
(i do one day plan on watching all of them except the horror stuff i scare way too easy)
bonus, trash that i wish would leave my system but it seems it's there to stay: the vampire diaries, the 2.5 seasons of Riverdale i managed to sit through, one tree hill, supernatural… there's a pattern here and i guess i should be glad that network went bankrupt or whatever happened to them
Hii, wait I also have never watched mamma mia, I know a lot of the songs cause of Abba but never watched it. I've also only seen four studio Ghibli movies my favorites are Kiki's Delivery service and howls moving castle. And every scary movie I've watched aside from the grudge 2 was against my will. I spent two whole scary movies once in my friends lap so I can hide from the TV. I also scare easily but I'm not allowed to choose movies with my friends. My best friend got so mad when I chose Heathers once, to be fair I settled cause i couldn't find The Craft and I was just as underwhelmed, like that's a cult classic? gosh I'd rather watch Jawbreaker with Rose McGowan, they did high school mean girls way better, may I even say better than Mean Girls. Speaking of I just know you'll love legally blonde, it's so good one of my favorites.
The fact theyre all CW shows, I totally feel that. I was forced to watch supernatural against my will cause it was always on the living room TV. I just stayed to watch cause of Jared Padelecki. Same with the Gilmore girls. I actually really love Gilmore girls, every fall I make pumpkin treats and watch the Gilmore girls that network did one thing right. I made a pumpkin loaf the other day and put this sugar free caramel syrup I found on top of it and it was good. Also the Gilmore girls theme is the best theme song along with the clueless show theme song. I miss theme songs, what happened to theme songs? I could not finish a single episode of vampire diaries and, how did Riverdale last so long. I liked Cheryl as a character okay I had a crush on Cheryl\Madeline Petsch. But seriously what was that show even about? I never understood anything that was going on even before the whole cult witch thing. I still think original 90s Sabrina The Teenage Witch is the only good Archie comic tv adaptation. It's still my favorite TV show and you know how some shows you watched as a kid you struggle to watch it as an adult Sabrina and Dharma & Greg are the only ones I don't feel that with also Frasier. Pretty much any show I was too young to watch as a child I can watch as an adult. Children shouldn't have unsupervised access to things.
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funkyness · 2 years
Sorry to inflict supernatural knowledge on you but there are in fact TWO other supernatural guys who aren't the mishapocalypse one (and yes, jared padelecki is one). He's the other main character that wasn't fucking the mishapocalypse guy and is therefore often forgotten about
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i always forget that there's more than 2 supernatural guys but yeah adncfj i just remembered. based on the gifs I've seen on tumblr, this is the extent of my supernatural knowledge:
it's about two brothers with a very shitty dad (dead mum i presume. killed by monsters question mark). they're human, they drive an old car, and hunt "supernaturals" that are just hot people with contact lenses. there's a groundhog day episode where wednesday repeats itself. Misha is a guardian angel (? who joined later in the series and is in gay love with the homophobic brother. also he slapped him or smth and now the homophobe has a handprint of misha on him. misha went to hell bc he had feelings :( love fucking loses of course
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ao3feed-j2 · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/WfVQSLl
by Lady_Red8
Alpha Jensen the jealousy is raging wild as he see his best friend, his roommate, the lovely Omega Jared get ready for his next date, I can’t believe the shit Alpha Jensen said to himself “he was just in bed another guy last night, unfortunately these walls are thin and I overheard Jared getting fucked through the mattress with him moaning and pleading for the man dick, made his skin crawl. I want to be the only dick that Jared pleads for…
Words: 2539, Chapters: 6/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padelecki, Other Females, other males
Relationships: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padelecki, Jensen Ackles/Other Females, Jared Padelecki/Other Males
Additional Tags: ABO verse, Alpha Jensen, Omega Jared, Top Jensen, Bottom Jared, Barebacking, Explicit Sex Scenes & Language, sexual activity, Porn Without Plot, Knotting, non-traditional abo
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/WfVQSLl
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borhapparker · 2 years
i am hosting a writing/sleepover weekend and i'm letting you guys choose which character it's going to be around! (: i will also be leaving a space open if you guys want it to be all the characters mentioned above!
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femslashspuffy · 2 months
Every day I watch supernatural and remember that Jared Padelecki was forever the top billed cast member on tv's supernatural and every day I watch the show and say WHYYYYYYYY. He's literally not the main character
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lanadane1 · 1 year
So I added some OC’s into the ST universe for About You and I thought I’d share them a bit.  
Darren: Heath Ledger   Donnie:  Dana Ashbrook Mrs. Woodhouse: Meryl Streep Dina: Salma Hayek Mabel: Alicia Silverstone Andy: Rob Lowe Denis: Jared Padelecki (re-casted) Tammy: Sheryl Lee
All these characters are like the young versions of them like Mabel is Alicia like Clueless era obliviously and like Jared Padalecki is like early Gilmore Girls era. I re casted Tammy because I’ve been watching Twin Peaks and I just watched Fire Walk With Me and I feel like Sheryl Lee (Laura Palmer) could be a really good like bitchy girl fit for Tammy.  
And the title About You is inspired by the song by the 1975.  That song has been on my spotify repeat playlist for like months now and I can’t get enough of it.  I listen to it all the time and daydream about this story line. Maladaptive daydreamers unite. 
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snackles-maniacals · 3 years
Life is supernatural and I am the random demon who gets thrown into the wall, stabbed, beaten down, and get shattered by the alter of the Winchesters and of course the gay angel
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smartypantsspence · 3 years
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It’a the way how I will never love someone else the way I love Sam Winchester
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dogmotifs · 4 years
watching new spn really is just going “who r these people??” and then turning the episode off
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