#jared leto imagine smut
cherrycocaineee · 2 months
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41. Happy Birthday, Slut - Joker
*Synopsis: It’s Athena’s 19th birthday, it’s also been a complete year since she ran away with the Joker after he killed her abusive father. The Joker wants to make the day special for Athena, wants her to have a good birthday since it’s been awhile. And her birthday present…he’s got something special planned for that.*
*Warning: nsfw, 18+, dumbification, degradation, praising, rough sex, choking, restraints, legal age gap, daddy kink, semi-public sex, whatever else you wanna consider a warning lol.*
*A/N: just a reminder that I’ve changed the character name to Athena bc I had my daughter five months ago and named her Paisley.*
*Athena’s p.o.v*
Rays of sunlight pierced through a crack in the black curtains that covered the large panel glass windows in the room. I groaned, stretching my bed over the black, silk sheets. The Joker wasn’t lying beside me but that was normal most days, he was probably down in his study or something. I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes before throwing my legs over the side of the bed. I flinched when I touched the cold floor. The floor was always so cold, I really needed to get some slippers.
   I push myself up and head to the master bathroom, turning the light on. I turned on the hot water before slipping out of my silk nightgown. It slipped off my body with ease, then I took off my underwear and climbed inside. Hot water cascaded down my small frame, soaking my hair as I rinsed off. I grabbed my loofah and washed my body, then moved on to washing my hair. After my shower, I turned off the water and grabbed my towel, dried off then wrapped it around me before grabbing another towel to dry my hair.
As I walked out, I noticed the bed was remade and there was an outfit sitting out on the comforter. I looked around the room but didn’t see anyone. Either Mister J or one of his henchmen, Frost, did this. I walked over to the outfit and looked at it. It was a short sleeve, red dress with white polka dots and a low v-neck; it was also thigh high and I was sure if I bent over it would live zero to the imagination. There were a pair of white platform pumps that were absolutely gorgeous, a pair of ruby red earrings, and a small white handbag. It was a lovely outfit. I threw it on before going back into the bathroom where I straightened my hair and did my makeup.
   My heels clicked against the marbled floor of the house as I walked down the stairs and headed towards Mister J’s study. Frost was just coming out when I arrived.
 “Good morning, Frost.”
He looked at me and smiled. “Good morning, Athena.”
  “Is Mister J in?”
He nodded his head before opening the door and letting me inside. I thanked him as he closed the door. Sitting behind his desk, Mister J was scribbling some stuff down on some papers; he looked up when he heard my heels. A grin stretched across his painted red lips.
  “Ah, good morning, darling.”
  He stood up from his chair and approached me, his tattooed hands immediately finding my hips. I smiled at him.
 “Good morning, Mister J.”
Mister J leaned down and pressed a sweet kiss against my lips.
 “Happy birthday,” he added against my lips.
 My eyes widened, I couldn’t believe I had forgotten my own birthday. I giggled and touched his chest, my fingertips grazing over the opening of his blood red, button up shirt as well as the ink on his pale skin. He watched me.
  “I’d completely forgotten,” I laughed.
  Mister J laughed too, his fingers touching my face before his fingers gripped my chin and he crammed his lips onto mine. He kissed me for what felt like forever but when he pulled away it felt like the kiss had barely been there.
  “Have you had breakfast yet, birthday girl?”
 I shook my head “no.” He took my hand in his and led me out of the study down to the kitchen. I smiled as he looked at me.
 “You look stunning in your new outfit, darling.” Mister J said.
 “Thank you.”
In the kitchen, Mister J gestured for me to sit down on the barstool before he started making me breakfast. I watched him cook, it was rare for him to be in the kitchen making our own meals. He’d normally tell one of the cooks to do it.
  “Well, aren’t I special,” I giggled
  “You are special, darlin’.” He grinned.
When breakfast was cooked, Mister J placed my plate in front of me and stood behind me with his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder. The food looked amazing. He had made me waffles with fresh blueberries and strawberries on them, scrambled eggs because he knows I hate runny yolk, and some breakfast sausage. It was absolutely perfect.
 “You aren’t going to eat?” I asked him, shoving a bite of egg in my mouth.
He grinned and shook his head, “no, I’ll be saving my appetite for later this evening.”
I was about to ask him what he meant but then his hands squeezed my exposed thighs. I knew exactly what he wanted, it’s what I’ve been wanting too. Mister J and I hadn’t had sex the entire time we were together and that was because he had been so busy with so many things that he was tired. That and I was a virgin, so the thought of having sex immediately after we just got together didn’t seem appealing to me. I had been afraid that after I gave him what he wanted, he’d leave. But after awhile, I longed for him to touch every part of my body, to feel his cock inside my cunt, and the sounds he would make while he was fucking me.
  Mister J tapped on my head. I hadn’t realized I had froze in deep thought.
“What’s running through that pretty, little head of yours, Athena?” He grinned.
I chewed the remainder of the egg in my mouth before swallowing it. I turned and looked at him, our blue eyes staring into each other. God, he was handsome, no one could convince me otherwise.
  “Do you think that we could…uhm…” God this was embarrassing to ask for.
Mister J watched me intently, waiting for me to say what I was gonna say. I gulped, feeling my cheeks turn red.
  “Come on, sweetheart,” Mister J teased, “Can’t give you what you want if you don’t use those pretty words of yours.”
A tease. He was a ginormous tease. He knew exactly what I wanted.
  “Can we…can we please…please don’t make me say it.”
 “Oh, well then you must not really want it.”
Mister J kissed my neck and I shivered as I felt him move along my neck. His hands squeezed my thighs and I moaned. He chuckled.
 “Mister J,” I whimpered, “I need you.”
 “Need me to what, darlin’?”
 “N-need you to fuck me.”
He grinned wider than I have ever seen. He was waiting for this day just as much as I was. I bit my bottom lip and he stared longingly. He chuckled and looked at me.
 “I sure can, but you’ll have to wait for tonight after all the fun birthday things we do. Now eat your breakfast, you’ll need the energy for what I have in store for you.”
  Mister J walked away from me and headed off probably back to his office. I huffed. He was really making me wait until the end of the day, that was totally rude. I sighed and started finishing my breakfast. After I was done eating, I cleaned my dishes even though the cook insisted that she would do it. I shooed her away, telling her she does enough for me already. When I was finished cleaning my dishes, I headed to a different part of the house but was stopped by Frost.
 “Miss Athena,” he said, “Mister J has asked me to tell you to go out to the car, he’ll be waiting for you there.”
 “Oh? Are we going to his club?” I asked.
 “No, he has something different planned.”
  Frost didn’t say another word to me, he just walked away. I tilted my head and went outside to find Mister J waiting in his purple lamborghini. I approached the car, Mister J pushed the passenger’s side open for me like normal and I climbed in, closing the door.
 “Ready, princess?”
 “Where are we going?” I asked, curiously.
 “Thought you might like to go shopping, get yourself whatever you want. You don’t really spend a lot of my money, so I figured this might be a treat. I’ll go with you so I can make sure you’re actually spending a lot.”
 “You want me to spend a lot?” I asked, with wide eyes.
 “Sweetheart, if it doesn’t say you spent the length of a phone number, I’ll be quite annoyed.”
My eyes widened. He wanted me to spend that much money. I did the math in my head and gasped.
 “But the size of a phone number is like a billion dollars.”
  Mister J started driving towards Gotham. He asked which store I’d like to go to first. I looked down at my phone wondering how the hell I was going to spend a billion dollars or if he was just exaggerating and I didn’t actually have to spend a billion. I perked up. This phone was the same phone I had since I moved to Gotham, Frost had picked it up when he went to get my belongings and kidnap my dad.
 “I would like a new phone, if that’s okay.”
 “‘Course it’s okay!” He laughed before driving me to a phone store.
People in Gotham didn’t really pay any attention to anyone unless they were being robbed or some other criminal act was being performed, mainly violence. So I wasn’t shocked when Mister J walked around the phone store with me, our hands clasped together, and no one jumped to call the police. I was looking at all the phones that they had on the floor while the Joker watched me. Finally I picked an Iphone 13 in a pink color. The Joker paid for it and we headed back to his lamborghini. For the remainder of the day, Mister J took me shopping at various different stores before taking me out to dinner later that evening. The restaurant he took me to was absolutely stunning. There was a chandelier directly above the entire restaurant that illuminated a soft glow over all the tables. Mister J and I were escorted to a VIP section so that neither one of us could be bothered. I was staring at all of the beautifully, expensive art that hung on the walls, the mahogany brown color that mixed with the egg shell white. The restaurant was gorgeous. We sat down and the waitress came in to take our order. Mister J ordered himself a large steak and I ordered myself a grilled chicken salad. I looked at Mister J.
 “Thank you, for all of this today.”
 “You’re welcome but the day’s not over and I’ve got one more thing for you.”
  He had a mischievous grin on his face and I felt my heart rate speed up. He knew what he was doing, that asshole. Our food came and we started eating while chatting about random things. I couldn’t keep my eyes from staring at him. He was handsome. From his green hair, to his ruby red lips, to his tattoos, and his muscular body. God, he wasn’t just handsome, he was sexy. I slowly chewed my food, it tasted good but I didn’t want it right now. Mister J looked up from his steak.
 “You alright, darling?” He asked, grinning.
 I didn’t answer him, I just stood up and walked over to him. I climbed into his lap and he looked at me, a grin stretched across his ruby red lips. I smiled back.
 “Someone couldn’t wait, hm? Impatient little thing.”
“How can I wait when you’re sitting across from me looking so good,” I point out.
 “Well who can argue there, doll?” He laughed, his hands moving to my hips, rubbing small circles against my exposed skin, “I can’t keep my eyes off you either.”
 “Then why are we waiting?” I whispered seductively in his ear.
Mister J ran his hands down my hips to my exposed thighs. I shivered from his touch, my eyes wandering down his exposed chest. He always wore his shirts slightly unbuttoned, giving me a perfect view of his pretty, tattooed chest. I was getting so tired of fantasizing about him fucking his cock into me while I touched myself, I needed it. I ran my fingers down his chest before I started unbuttoning his shirt exposing more of his skin. I sighed softly as I leaned down and peppered his tattooed chest with kisses, leaving behind a trail of dusky rose lipstick against his pale skin. Mister J groaned. That sent a shiver up my spine. I loved how deep his groans were even if I’ve only ever heard them when he was frustrated with his work or someone was pissing him off. This was different, this was a groan of pleasure that I was giving him.
 “Like that?” I asked, my eyelashes fluttering as I looked up at him.
 His hand went to my throat while his other stayed on my thigh. I grin as he moves closer to me.
 “You know I do, doll.”
His grip on my thigh and my throat tighten just a little bit; not enough to hurt me but enough so he was holding me tight. I could feel my cunt practically drooling. Mister J slammed his lips against mine and we kissed feverishly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I moaned, his tongue running over my bottom lip before slipping it into my mouth. He tasted like steak, obviously, but I could also taste expensive scotch, smoke from his cigars, and just…him. I moaned as I grinded my hips against him, my aching cunt desperate for some type of friction. I was sure I was leaving behind a wet spot on his pants but he didn’t seem to mind. He moved his lips from mine and started kissing and sucking on my neck. I moaned again, my movements becoming rougher as I felt his hard cock through his pants.
  “So pretty,” he whispered before he lifted my dress revealing my black, lacy panties. He grinned softly. “Look at you. All ready, wrapping yourself all pretty for me.”
 I moaned at his words. He grinned and pushed my dress up more until it was completely off of my body. My black, lacy bra being revealed. He growled, his eyes darkening in desire and lust. He pulled me closer to him, his lips attaching to my own. His tongue ran over my mouth and he groaned. I gasped as he squeezed my breast, my eyes rolling back as I filled his bulge pressed against my cunt.
 “Mister J…”
 “Ah,” he interrupted, “what’s my name?”
 “Daddy,” I corrected; his grin stretching further across his face.
 “What can daddy do for you?”
 “Fuck me.”
A low chuckle rumbles from his chest as he grips my breast again and I moan. He held me close to his body, his piercing blue eyes staring into my lust filled eyes.
  “Such a dirty slut wanting me to fuck you in this restaurant,” he grinned, “you like the idea of the waiter coming back in here seeing me stuff your sweet little pussy, huh?”
 His words made my cunt even more wet. I moaned and nodded my head. Whatever got me railed sooner. Mister J pulled me off his lap, making me stand up. He got to his feet too, unclipping my bra with one hand, my breast fully exposed as he tied my wrist behind me back with my bra. The fabric was tight against my skin but I liked it. Once my hands were secured behind my back, Mister J pushed me down to my knees. His shirt was still unbuttoned, but not completely off; he unbuckles his belt and pulls it off before setting it down on his seat. I watched him with doe eyes as he undoes his pants and pulls out his cock. It’s already hard and standing at attention, the tip of his cock already leaking with precum. Drool slips past my lips and he grins.
  “Open wide for daddy, baby.”
  I don’t even hesitate or think about it, I just open my mouth. He guides his cock into my mouth and I moan as he fills my mouth. He moves his hips slowly, his cock moving in and out of my mouth each thrust getting rougher and rougher as the tip of his cock hits the back of my throat. Mister J groans as he grabs my head pushing himself deeper into my mouth. I felt tears prick at the corner of my eyes, my hands struggling in the restraints he had me in. It was my bra so you’d think the fabric would be easily tearable but not for me. Mister J growled.
 “That’s it, baby, suck daddy’s cock.”
 The back of my throat made squelching noises as he fucked my face. I felt tears stream down my face but I was enjoying every moment of it. I ran my tongue over every inch of his cock, groaning as I felt every vein that decorated his cock.
  “Fuck, you’re so good at this.”
I moaned around him. Mister J grunted before pulling me off his dick, I started gasping for air. He turns me around and pushes the food onto the floor before pushing me down on the table, my back facing him but my ass out. He grabs the fabric of my panties and rips them off, tearing the fabric easily. I moan. He kneeled down and pulled my ass cheeks apart, my eyes rolling back as he gave himself a perfect view of both my cunt and my asshole. Mister J spits on my pussy before devouring it, his tongue and mouth slurping and licking at my soaked cunt. I moaned, pressing my head against the table as he ate me out. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as he nipped my clit.
 “Oh fucking god,” I moan out, I grip the side of the table.
  Mister J keeps eating me out, his tongue pushing into my cunt. I tighten around his tongue and he growls. I try to move my hands but can’t. My legs started shaking and I knew I was about to cum.
 “Daddy,” I moaned out, “I’m gonna c-cum.”
 Mister J moved his mouth from my cunt, his chin dripping with my juices. He rubbed my clit harshly, the sound of my arousal echoing in the room mixing with both our heavy breathing. I moaned more as he looked up at me, grinning.
  “Come on, baby, cum for daddy.”
 “Oh fuck, cumming, daddy.”
  My knees buckled as I came hard, my eyes rolling back as a silent scream left my lungs. When I was done cumming, Mister J stood up and picked me up and placed me on the table, spreading my legs. I was still panting from the previous orgasm. Mister J spit on his cock before rubbing it over it and positioning himself in front of my pussy. I propped myself up the best I could so I could see him shove his cock inside me. I moaned as he pushed himself inside me, his cock stretching me out to his width. Mister J groaned.
  “Such a tight, fucking pussy, doll.”
 “Yeah, daddy?” I moan, he nods his head as he starts moving his hips faster and harder. I groan as he pounds into my cunt. Mister J reached his hand up and grabbed my throat and squeezed tightly as he fucked me. His hips moved at an animalistic speed, the table shaking back and forth, his hand on my throat was the only thing that kept me on the table.
 “Holy shit,” I moaned, “you’re so f-fucking deep.”
 Mister J grinned as he continued to fuck himself into me. I fall back on the table, my hands still secured behind my back. With each thrust, my breast bounced. Mister J leaned down and sucked on one of my nipples, the speed of his hips never faltering.
“Such a stupid whore,” Mister J growled roughly, sweat collecting on his body. My own body glistened with a small film of sweat. Mister J grabbed one of my legs and threw it over his shoulder allowing him to go deeper. My eyes rolled back and drool started spilling from my lips and collecting on the table I was one. Mister J watched me, a grin on his face as he continued to move his hips roughly. My heart was hammering inside my chest as adrenaline and pleasure soaked every inch of my nerves. I couldn’t focus on anything else, just the way he cock stretched me out and the sounds coming from my wet cunt each time he drilled himself into me.
  “Look at that,” Mister J grinned, “now we’re getting somewhere.”
 My entire body was buzzing and I was approaching my climax once again. I moaned and arched my back the best I could with my hands behind my back. The fabric of my bra rubbed my wrist raw but I didn’t care.
 “G-gonna cum,” I managed to pant out.
 “Panting?” The Joker laughed, “like a bitch in heat. You wanna cum, doll, beg me for it.”
  His words were so lewd, it was only gonna get more intense from here. I moaned and looked up at Mister J the best I could through teary eyes. I wasn’t crying from pain, but from pleasure.
 “Please, daddy, wanna cum.” I whimper.
He laughs. “You can do better than that, baby. Beg daddy and I’ll let you make a pretty mess on my cock.”
  “Daddy!” I moaned louder as he rubbed my clit at the same time as he fucked me, “f-fuck, please, please let me cum. Need it, need it so fucking bad. Wanna cum, please, please.” I didn’t care if the words made sense or anything, I just needed to cum. Mister J reached down and grabbed by my neck with his free hand and yanked me closer to him, his cock still working its magic. I moaned again.
 “Cum.” It was an order. Either I cum now or not at all. So I came hard all over his cock, my legs shaking and my eyes rolling back. I might have looked like the main character from the exorcist. A scream was ripped from my lungs as my juices coated every inch of his cock, my pussy squeezing around him. He groaned too but didn’t stop. Instead, he pulled me up and sat down on his seat.
  “Ride me.”
  “Don’t think so, doll, you wanted to be an impatient brat, ride me.”
I moved myself up and down on his cock. His hands were on my hips as I bounced up and down. My hair bounced with the movement. My sweaty skin caused some strands to stick to me.
 “That’s it. Ride daddy.”
 “L-legs getting tired, daddy.”
  Mister J looked up at me and smacked my face, not enough to physically cause me pain but enough to tell me that he didn’t care. He was right, I wanted this now and was too impatient to wait when I got home. There was a knock on the door and I covered my mouth. Mister J laughed and pulled my hand down.
 “What is it?” He laughed.
The door opened and the waiter walked in. His eyes practically popped out of his head when he saw me riding the Joker’s cock. Mister J pulled me off of him and bent me over the table.
  “W-was just coming to check on you two,” the waiter stuttered out, I could see the growing tent in his pants.
 “Hold on a second, kid,” Mister J said, he removed one of his golden chains and wrapped it around my neck before pulling on it. Not tight but enough for the cool metal to dig into my hot skin. He slammed himself in from behind and I moaned out again. By now I knew, without actually seeing, that I was completely fucked out. The waiter’s eyes met mine, which were teary eyed and my eyeliner and mascara probably smudged to hell. 
  “See that, kid. This dumb whore likes that you’re watching her get fucked. Her pussy is practically suffocating my cock.”
 The waiter couldn’t move or say anything, he just stood there and watched; his mouth slightly open.
 “Oh my fucking…” I couldn’t even finish my sentence.
 “What a dumb slut,” Mister J laughed, “gonna cum on my dick again in front of this man?”
 “Yes daddy.”
 “Then let’s see it baby. Give this man a show.”
I moaned louder this time as I came hard on his cock for the second time, this being a total of three orgasms in I don’t know how long. Were we here for an hour, two, maybe it was closing time and that’s why the waiter came to check on us. Mister J rubbed my clit quickly and I felt a different type of pressure before I released and ended up squirting for the first time.
 “Ohhh, fuck,” I cry out.
  In front of me, the waiter now had a wet spot on his pants meaning he probably came too. Mister J smacked my ass roughly before grabbing it and continued to fuck himself into me.
 “Gonna breed this cunt, baby, ready?”
 I nod vigorously, still moaning and panting. Mister J fucked himself into my cunt a few more times before he growled and released his cum into my pussy. My eyes rolled back as I felt his entire seed push all the way inside me, deep. Mister J rutted against me, groaning as he watched my greedy pussy take all his cum before he pulled out. He zips himself back up and looks at the waiter.
 “Bring the check.”
 “Y-yes sir.” The waiter ran off and Mister J helped me to my feet.
He untied my hands from my bra and grinned down at me.
  “Get dressed doll, sorry about your panties and bra. Looks like you’ll have to walk out of here with my cum running down your leg.”
 He wasn’t actually sorry but I didn’t mind. In fact, I moaned at the thought. He wrapped his arms around me.
 “Happy birthday, sweetheart. Let’s get home so I can rough you up some more.”
 I giggled and nodded as I got dressed. Mister J paid for the food that we didn’t eat, the waiter refused to make eye contact with either one of us, and we left. I was excited to see what more he had in store for me when we got home.
Tags: @w4nt-h1s-d1ck
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Joker Masterlist
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Disclaimer: stories are fictitious and should not be taken literally, the behavior is entirely imaginative and the content may be inappropriate
Updated & repaired: 16/07/2023 (if a story won't load or something else, please message me and let me know)
Fluff🌺  Angst 🌩️ Smut❤️‍🔥
Speak In Flowers 🌺 Flowers speak their own words and show their actions. And your man loves to speak it out loud.
Visiting Your Hometown 🌺 how would your boy act when you drag him along to your hometown
Helping You To Accept Your Stretch Marks 🌺your boy helps you accept your beautiful stretch marks as they are...pure perfection
Explaining To Your Man Kdramas🌺I (V) wrote small drabbles that paired my favorite men and dramas that I absolutely love
Dating A Tattoo Artist 🌺 being a tattoo artist and your boyfriend being part of it
When Tough Times Occur 🌺Life itself can be a pain and with its obstacles, it can seem impossible to overcome it but that’s what makes us stronger as people.
Someone Rubs You The Wrong Way With... 🌺 how would your man protect you when someone doesn’t mind your business
Having A Shower ❤️‍🔥having a shower with your man sounds like heaven right?!
One Thing He Loves About You (Physically Or Mentally)🌺 the title spoils the ending a bit
No Nut November ❤️‍🔥in the glory of No Nut November, you make a bet with your liver saying if they fail you cuff them and use them to your liking but if you lose they get to fulfil one of their fantasies. And you are keen on it to make them lose, by any means.
Taking Off Their S/O's Makeup 🌺(Could you do Duncan Vizla,the Joker and whoever else you’d like.)taking off their s/o makeup after they come from a nightout because they are too drunk to do it themselves 💛
Stress Test 🌺can i request Duncan Vizla, the Joker, Victor Creed and what would they do if they see their s/o down because they're stressed due exams?
Leaving Legacy 🌩️the Joker is captured by Batman. Leaving Y/n, his girlfriend to hold up his legacy but what happens when a woman nudges herself between the criminal and the good girl turned mafia leader?
You Just Wrote Your Death Wish 🌺Y/n is taken by the Penguin and Joker is ready to collect
Lipstick Kisses🌺
Living On The Edge 🌺Dating the Joker had its ups and downs, some would say more downs...
Waves 🌩️ J doesn't like waves
Surrounded In Gold🌩️🌺
The Queen Of Gotham🌺
Purple Coat🌺
Joker stealing the world’s rarest and most expensive diamonds as a surprise for you🌺
Joker Looking At You🌺
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allicatimagines · 4 days
would it be insane if I started writing here again? i miss jared....and bts....
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raewritesfiction · 1 year
It’s All Gucci - Chapter 5
A/N: started with a mini imagine. Time to pad it out.
Plot: from an ask:
“You’re modelling at your first Gucci show and Jared is performing but you’re so nervous and thinking about backing out last minute you don’t realise when he’s behind you. You bump into him and say you’re sorry and start looking around for an exit because you don’t think you be able to be as good as all the other girls. But he seems to know and starts talking to you.”
Pairing: Jared X Reader
Warnings: strong language. Unprotected P-in-V, body fluids.
“Madame… I would very much like to see what that lingerie I recommended looks like on you. May I please take a peak?”
I chuckle and look down at myself in the very sheer lingerie “Okay….gimme a sec here…”
Jared’s face softens “I’m sure you look amazing in it. Honestly. In all seriousness, if you’re not comfortable, it’s okay. You don’t have too.”
I smile “It’s okay...I’m not gonna lie, I’m pretty sure last night’s dream was probably about you.” stepping out from behind the screen and pulling my best supermodel pose. “Well, what do you think?”
Jared stands with a slack jaw and lets his eyes wander over me “Wow! You look amazing..” he openly stares at me as he walks over, his bare feet silent on the carpet. “I dare say I chose well.”
“Maybe you know something about fashion afterall, Mr Leto.”
Jared offers me his hand which I happily take, he directs me to spin a full 360 in front of him to get a good view of every angle. His free hand slips around my waist as I come to face him again. “Now, I know you just put this on, but I wonder if it would look much better on this bedroom floor.”
I pout and huff again “You mean I have to take it off again?” Jared is just slightly taller than me so pulling puppy-dog eyes is easy, sticking out my lower lip to finish the look.
“Well… maybe not completely.” he smirks and walks me back against the set of drawers just to the left of the screen, his hand still in mine while the other remains on my waist. Jared doesn’t take his eyes off me and licks his lips slowly as my ass presses against the drawers, “Maybe we can just work around them..” he smirks and runs his hands over my skin as I steady myself on the drawers. His palms feel hot against me and he makes sure they glide everywhere while his lips begin to follow.
I drop my head back to fully bare my neck to Jared and he takes full advantage, light kisses turn to nips turn to heavier bites; though never enough to leave any marks on my skin. Teasingly slow, Jared sinks down to his knees and trails his lips over all the bare skin he could reach while his hands steadied me further and parted my legs for his face.
Gently, Jared lifts my leg over his shoulder and kisses along my inner thigh until he reaches the panties which barely cover me. He runs his nose against me and then licks along the same path making me shiver “I think I chose very well…”, his voice is low as he speaks then he continues to suck at me through the thin, barely there material until my panties were soaking through. Finally he slips them off to one side so he could make full contact with me. The scruff of his unshaven face sent more shivers through me and I’m quickly panting his name like a mantra while his tongue works circles on me, fleetingly dipping inside me and making me mewl his name.
All too soon I’m worked up and ready to tip over the edge but Jared isn’t done teasing and pulls away slowly, much to my protestations. He grins up at me and turns me to face the set of draws instead and stands behind me. His hands glide up my back and over my shoulders where he lets them trail down over my breasts; taking the cups of the bra with him. Once freed, he massages over me and pinches lightly at my nipples until they’re hard against his fingertips. I keep my hands splayed on the top of the drawers and close my eyes, relishing in his touch and desperately wanting him to move lower.
As if Jared can read my mind he wraps an arm around my waist and brings his other hand to my ass then between my legs. I spread them further once again and push my ass back to him while his fingers took over from where his mouth had left off. He spreads me and slowly draws his fingers through my folds with a low moan “Fuck you’re so wet…”
I swallow thickly and roll my hips to his fingers; they find my swollen clit easily and rub circles over me until I’m a whining mess begging Jared to not stop; my legs are shaking and I finally find my release over his fingers with a breathless moan of his name.
Jared’s arm around my waist moves, his hand tilts my head back against his shoulder and he brings his slick fingers to my mouth “clean me up like a good girl…” I lap over his digits, sucking them into my mouth until I can no longer taste myself. He takes his time removing them and I lean back, panting lightly with my head against his shoulder still, “very good girl” Jared coos and I feel him moving his pants behind me, they hit the floor and he steps out of them swiftly.
“Bend forward for me..” his voice is rough and it’s somewhere between a request and a command that I have no problem carrying out for him.
I feel the head of his cock pressed against me as he jerks himself, his breathing is heavier and I hear a barely audible moan before he pushes into my wet pussy with ease. His thick length stretches my walls like nothing I’ve felt before and I let out a sharp gasp when he settles deep into me. His hands rest on my hips and for a few moments we stay like that; savouring the feeling before he starts moving and sets a deep pace with rough thrusts causing me to moan instantly.
His cock touches places I’d never dreamed off with every thrust and roll of his hips. I move a hand to the wall and use the leverage to push back against him; pulling a low groan from his chest as the angle changes ever so slightly. The set of drawers rattles and rocks against the wall with the force of his thrusts into me and I wonder what the next room must think.
Jared’s rough groans become louder in my ear, his panting quick against my skin and with no warning he lifts my knee onto the drawers pushing himself deeper than I thought possible. The discomfort gives way to exquisite pleasure and pain mixed together and I find my head swimming, light. I give up trying to push back and instead give into his deep strokes, calling out loudly into the empty room and dropping my head forward.
“Don’t stop!” I manage to call out between moans and mewls of pleasure.
“Cum for me… cum around my cock… let me feel you let go!” He pants and grunts roughly and I can tell he’s close too; pulling me back onto his thrusts which have quickly lost rhythm.
I let myself fall forward to lean as best as I could; my body reacting instinctively to his touch. I can feel my wetness on my thighs with each stroke and scratch at the wall as my body does let go; I soak his cock, squeeze it tight with every pulse of my walls as my body flushes and ascends with pleasure, babbling his name incoherently until I feel him release inside me a few strokes later, his body stiffening against me for a few seconds before collapsing against my back.
We hold each other up against the drawers, unable to trust our legs to hold us up and move us anywhere yet. Jared presses kisses across my back and hums quietly, “You’re amazing…” he whispers and carefully lowers my leg back down to the floor. “Do you feel okay?” His hand strokes down my sides and he keeps his voice soft. I manage to nod and look over my shoulder “feeling very okay…” smirking a little.
~~ fin ~~
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some-j-imagines · 2 years
Hey! I know ive been on and off for like, ever, but i finally have found motivation to at least revisit my Heart Of The Red Lotus fic and see what i can update! Also, I will be publishing the story both here and on Wattpad as I’m going to try to expand my writing once again.
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theaawalker · 7 months
Fandoms I'll Write For
Marvel (not Iron Man, Starlord, Loki, Thor, Doctor Strange, or Hawkeye, Drax, Victor Creed, Antman, Adam Warlocke, AG's Spiderman, or Cyclops)
DCEU (not Peacemaker, Killer Croc, JL's Joker, RP's Batman, or anyone from Gotham except Jerome/Jeremiah Valeska)
Scream Queens (not Chad Radwell or Pete Martinez)
American Horror Story (only Murder House, 1984, Freakshow, and Cult)
Hunger Games (not Gale, Maymitch, President Snow, or Cato)
The Maze Runner (not Ava Paige, Jorge, or Janson)
My Little Pony
Once Upon A Time (not Hook, David, Rumple, Neal, Peter Pan, or Zelena)
Pacific Rim (not the sequel)
Twilight (not Seth, Edward, Carlyle, or Jasper)
Stranger Things (not Will Byers, Billy Hargrove, or Jim Hopper)
IT (2017, 2019, and tv series) (not Henry Bowers or Pennywise)
Jurassic Park/World (not Owen Grady or Ian Malcolm)
Jumanji (1997 & 2017)
Zathura (not the dad or robot)
Stand By Me (not Ace Merrill)
Girl, Interrupted (not Jared Leto's character)
The Black Phone (not the Grabber or Mr. Blake)
Teen Wolf (the film & series)
Equestria Girls
Teen Wolf (not Peter, Jackson, Theo, or Derek)
The Office (not Jim, Ryan, or Dwight)
Now You See Me (not Dylan Rhodes or Merritt McKinney)
Descendants (not Chad, Harry, Ben, Jay, or Carlos)
Sky High (not Zach or Speed)
Percy Jackson films (not Luke Castellan)
The Umbrella Academy (not Five)
TMNT (live action ver. only)
Dance Moms (not the final season)
Ender's Game
Wednesday (not Xavier, Tyler, or the Dean)
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse (not Mentor Peter Parker)
Unbreakable (not Hedwig or Dennis)
Big Hero 6
The Black Mirror
Dynasty (not Culhane, Adam, or Blake)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Spy Kids
Sharkboy & Lavagirl
Clue, Knives Out, & Glass Onion
Back to the Future (not Biff), Breakfast Club (not Bender), Sandlot, Stand By Me (not Ace Merrill), Mighty Ducks, The Outsiders (not Dally, Two-Bit, Randy, Bob, Steve, or Darry)
I’m willing to write imagines for underage characters so long as there's no romance (examples: hang out with the Losers Club at the barrens; go shopping with Eleven and Max; play baseball with Finney and Bruce). I’m allowed to deny any request and the longest I should take ever to write one is about 2 weeks. I’ll write smut, fluff, angst, poly relationships, LGBTQ+, etc. Generally most of my x readers are female unless stated otherwise.
What I won’t write-
I won’t write anything to do with rape, bestiality, necrophilia, incest, romance with anyone younger than 18, gun play, anything about poo(sexually), anything about urine(squirting is fine considering it’s not technically urine), age gaps. See guidelines for more details.
Thanks for reading❤️
A.A. Walker
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mediocre-quill-ink · 1 year
Hihihi I'd like to request some Ralph pls :} He's so cute smh I'm crazy about him. I'd really like a smut fic that also focuses on him being a more possessive and jealous type, with the reader loving it and encouraging him acting that way. And the same common femdom reader shenanigans 😈 (I feel like that's %90 of the simp audience for this man tbh)
Plastic Flowers
Summary: You go to a friend's wedding with Ralph as a plus one. While there, you bump into your high school friend. while catching up, Ralph gets a little possessive.
Content: smut (duh), you and Ralph are at a wedding party, reference to the movie Alexander (2004), TW mention of Jared Leto, gets a little angsty, slight blood mention, car sex, bouquet as sex toy? Kinda? Ralph is insecure :(
An: I feel so bad making Ralph feel jealous, help. I tried my best encouraging it but I felt guilty and gave in. I'm so sorry 😭
I let out a heavy sigh, looking around the room.
I was standing next to a long table decorated with lace and various treats. cake, salad, sandwiches, punch, champagne, all wafting at my senses. It was my friend's wedding after party and I was just as excited as I was exhausted.
"None of these flowers are real!" Ralph whisper yelled at me, gesturing to another vase of red and purple pastic hydrangeas. All evening, he's been trying to find a good vase or pot of pretty plants to admire, only to come to the realization they were fake. I smiled and patted his back. "I'm sorry, sweet heart." I mumbled back, reaching for a sandwich. "Why have flowers if they aren't real? The smell is a part of the experience!" I pulled the sandwich in, "I know." I sighed, taking a bite. And taking a step towards the plastic flowers, touching them. "Maybe, I'll buy you some tomorrow, hm?" he stared at the colorful mass on my finger tips, sighing "ralph would like that." he then flenched as some one passed us by, grabbing for my arm.
the entire time we've been here its made ralph stressed. i'm the only human ralph trusts and even then he's still jumpy time to time because of something i did. but being surrounded by them must have caused stress i cant imagine he's experienced in a while. honestly, i insisted he should stay home while i went to the party but hes grown more and more possessive of me every day. fallows me around like a stray dog. not that i mind, i honestly find it very sweet. but in situations like this it makes me worry.
i used my spare arm to gently pet one of his squeezing hands, using my thumb to rub the white plastic knuckles. "its alright." i whispered, leaning into him while looking around the room. clusters of people talking, laughing, some dancing, tables scattered here and there with the occasional person sitting and eating. "ralph does not like being here. ralph wants to leave." he groaned. "i know." i replied "i'm proud you've made it this far though. we'll stay a few more minutes and then we can leave alright?" he nodded, still holding a ferm grasp. as we stood there i finished my sandwich, still looking around the room when i spotted someone.
he was average height, a brown mop of hair, and green eyes. dressed in simi formal suit, clearly threw it on last minute. he was fidgiting with silver piercing's on the shell of his ear while he was standing by the far end of the snack table. clearly trying to decide between two drinks.
"oh. my. god." i spoke, a smile slowly creeping on my face. "what?" ralph asked back, almost alarmed. "thats Glenn! hes a friend from highschool." i explained, while fireworks of excitement bubbled in my chest.
"hey, Glenn!" i shouted. suddenly his long hair whipped around as he turned to look at me, a smile spredding on his face. "y/n?" he asked, his feet shifting away from the table to make his way twords me.
raplh suddenly squeezed harder at my arm, i could feel the plastic shell boring into my skin, finger nails surely leaving dents. i barely winced, it was a feeling i was used to but still hurt when i wasn't expecting it.
"Glenn, I'm so happy to see you here." I beamed. my brain raced with high school memories. most consisting of me hanging out with him while he caused trouble around school or the neighborhood. I usually didn't have the courage to cause chaos, but i loved to watch. Eventually we lost contact a few years ago after he got arrested for breaking and entering and vandalism. "i am, too! oh my god, how are you doing?" he asked, planting fists onto his hips, black nail polish shining. it looks like he's grown a beard since the last time I saw him. it suits him well. "I'm doing great, you?" he sucked in a deep breath, looking to his side, his smile still beaming. "I'm doing pretty good though I have recently found out the person I've been talking to on MeetU was really just trying to scam me." he mumbled. I could feel ralph shifting next to me, shuffling to get behind me. "How did you find out?" i gasped, trying to keep my focus on Glenn. "Well, I kept trying to set up irl dates, and they kept asking for money instead." he sighed. "god, I'm so stupid. i should have picked up on it sooner." I laughed, "no, you would have been stupid if you gave them the money. I'm sure you'll find someone. I know it." Glenn's smile softened, rubbing his hand behind his neck "thanks I appreciate it."
his eyes finally shifted behind me, curiosity shing though his eyes. "so whos this?" he asked, gesturing to ralph. ralph squeezed harder, I could feel his body stiffening behind me. "this is Ralph, he doesn't really like strangers." I replied, squeezing his hand again, but it didn't seem to calm his nerves. "its nice to meet you ralph." Glenn greeted, nodding at Ralph. he still didn't budge. "don't take it personally. he doesn't trust most people." I whispered. Glenn just nodded in response. "lets go." ralph whispered, tugging at me slightly.
"attention everyone! the bride is getting ready to throw the bouquet!" I couldn't help but jump in excitement, causing another flinch from ralph. "oh my god, I have to join!" I exclaimed, "ralph, you stay right here, I wanna see if I can catch it!" ralph loosened his grip on my arm enough for me to pull away from him, and I ran into the crowd of giggling girls, I could hear Glenn's thumping footsteps fallowing after me.
the bride climbed up onto a stool and turned away, placing the bouquet in front of her. "Okay! one," she lifted her arms slowly. "Two," her arms rose higher, now above her head. "Three!" she exclaimed, finally hurling the flowers behind her.
my heart raced, suddenly feeling the mass of brides to be swarming together and knocking me around. i reached my arms up, fingers spreading into the air while i focused on the bundle of flowers making its way down. thats when my heart skipped a beat, i realized it was heading straight for me. a smile spread across my face as i wached it suddenly in slow motion make its way right above my head. i jumped and felt the tickling sensation of pettles in my hands.
i jumped up and down. "i caught the flowers!" i exclaimed, a sudden surge of excitement causing my heart to pump against my rib cage. "yessss!" cried a familiar voice, glenn rushing at me, his arms wide open. before i could react to the charging figure, he scooped me up into a big hug and spun me around. i smiled, tossing my arms around him and began to think about ralph. a good fortune. a successful relationship. i could feel a blush rush to my cheeks as he set me down. "Congrats." Glenn whispered. "Whoever your dating is lucky." My heart thumped in my chest." Thank you. i am, too." he smiled, placing a hand on my shoulder "ooooh who is it?" he practically squealed. "It's actually Ralph! the android I'm with." i explained, still blushing. i ran my finger's through the soft petals, real petals. i gasped at the realization and pulled the flowers in to smell. they were sweet and bitter. "The one with the scar?" he asked, mimicking dragging claws across his face. i nodded. "Of course, which other android was i with?" i joked. "Just checking. but no, that's great. i don't know anything about him, but he looks badass. so good on you for that." he mused. "You have no idea. Let's just say he's skilled with the knife." i half joked, looking behind Glenn's shoulder, to the corner where i left ralph and my heart sunk. he wasn't there. my smile dropped, and Glenn immediately noticed.
"Is everything alright?" he asked, looking behind his shoulder. "He's gone." i muttered. "ralph?" Glenn asked. "Yes." i replied, shoving past him a sudden surge of adrenaline rushing through me. where did he go? did something happen? he wouldn't just walk off in a place like this. "Where did ralph go?" i asked, knowing Glenn wouldn't have an answer. he was about to respond, but i cut him off. "You look around inside the venue. if you see him, don't approach him, just tell me. I'll look outside, okay?" i didn't even let him respond. My feet began to march their way to the double doors outside.
I pushed open the doors and looked around. It was dark, the sun set long ago. Crickets rang in the cold air. My eyes were having a hard time adjusting to the darkness after standing around a bright gymnasium. "Ralph?" I yelled. I used my memory to walk around, eyes not yet adjusted to the darkness. I placed a hand against the wall of the building, fingers tracing against the rough brick and turned the corner, walking down the stone path. "Ralph? It's y/n." My heart raced, worry boiling. What could have caused him to run away? Did someone try to hurt him? I stumbled, foot caught on a stone tile before continuing. I let my hand off the wall and followed the path of stone tiles in the grass, my eyes finally settling a little bit.
The area was mostly barren. Dry St Augustine grass crunching below my feet, the occasional small roughed up shrub sticking out of the ground. It wasn't until I rounded a tree saw a glowing red led. "Ralph?" I ask.
"Hi." He whispered back softly. "I was so worried about you." I cooed."What are you doing out here?" He ran his finger against the crevices of the bark, jaw clenching,"Ralph became upset. Ralph had to leave before he did anything he regretted." His voice was wavering as he spoke, his eyes fallowing his finger as it trailed down the tree. I sighed, tilting my head slightly "what got you so upset?" I asked gently, leaning against the tree. He stiffened for a moment. "It was-"
"y/n!" I whiped around to see Glenn rounding the building, walking down the same stone tile path I was, he was looking around blindly and stumbling over tiles like a lost dog. "I'm over here!" I called, waving my hand as if he could see it. He quickly adjusted his route and made his way twords my voice.
Ralph recoiled, squaring his shoulders. "I couldn't find him. I even asked around." He leaned over, pressing his palms against his knees and panted like he was catching his breath. Did he really run around the entire venue?" It's alright, I found him. Thank you for helping out." Glenn nodded, standing up straight. "It's no problem." He gasped, wiping the sweat from his brow. It made me laugh. "Do you still have my number?" I asked, patting for the phone in my pocket. "I do. I've been meaning to text you for a while now but I can never figure out how to start a conversion after all this time." He replied, fidgeting with his earrings again. "It's cool. I get that completely. But text me soon alright? I wanna catch up." I continued to pat my pockets, checking that I still had everything I came here with. "I will."
After spouting goodbyes to friends and long hugs to the bride and groom, Ralph and I finally made our way into our car. The drive was long back to the city scape of Detroit, and Ralph was surprisingly quiet.
I began to fidget with my hands when I realized I still had the bouquet in my hand, now a bit wilty. "Oh, Ralph. I caught this." I muttered, lifting up the soft flowers. He looked at them and nodded once, " ralph saw." He replied dryly. "But look," I whispered, reaching his hand. For a moment, he flinched, hand withdrawing further onto his lap before softening and slowly offering his hand into my fingers. I gently lifted his hand and placed the bouquet in his palm. "They are real!" I beamed. He lifted the flowers up, observing and used his other hand to feel the petals. Then he smelled them. A smile grew on his face for a moment before dissolving again. My chest ached. "What's wrong?" I asked softly. He removed one of the flowers from the bouquet, setting the rest on his lap and twirled it in his fingers. "Ralph does not like your friend." He stated. "Why?" I asked, heart skipping a beat.
His Adam's Apple bobbed. "Ralph does not like him." He stated again. his gaze was hard as he observed the flower.
My brows knit with confusion, trying to decipher Ralph's statement. It's not like he did anything wrong, he was nice through and through. He was always smiling, he was funny, he wasn't even mean in a joking manor. Then it hit me. Getting lifted up my Glenn, I was blushing. Did he think...
At first I was sad. The thought of Ralph thinking I would even consider leaving him hurt but then came... a giddy feeling. I even suppressed a smile at the realization. Ralph was jealous. Jealous because of me.
"Ralph. why don't like him?" I stated calmly. Blush rushed to my cheeks the more I thought about it. I knew Ralph was clingy but I've never had someone be jealous.
"Ralph doesn't like he looks at you." He mumbled, observing the snipped end of the stem, running a thumb over it. Then, a fire sparked in my chest. a sense of pride. "Looks at me?" I hummed. "Yes. He looks at you with so much... focus. He must be thinking things about you." At that, my heart jumped.
I knew Ralph didn't know him but trust me, he wouldn't. Glenn had a very funny coming out moment when he showed me Alexander. A movie from 2004 about Alexander the great. It was bad but entertaining. Glenn let it slip that this movie was his gay awakening when he was a kid, while the scene of Jared Leto dieing of an infection in his balls played. I had a good laugh at the timing.
I suppressed a laugh. "Oh? And how can you tell if he's thinking things about me?" Ralph's chest tightened, bending the stem barely. "Ralph just knows it. Anybody would."
I tilted my head slightly "anybody?"
"You're to pretty. Everyone must be thinking about you. Ralph doesn't like people thinking about you like how Ralph does." My cheeks burned.
"Really?" Was all I could muster out, trying to keep my voice low.
"Ralph didn't like the way he touched you either. Only Ralph should hold you like that." He picked a petal off the flower. "Ralph saw the way you smiled. Ralph saw the way you blushed. You feel that way about him too."
I wanted to reassure Ralph I had no feelings twords Gelnn. He was just a friend. Nothing more. but my lust for this new attitude was to powerful. I wanted to hear more.
Suddenly, my phone pinged. I looked down to see Glenn sent me a text. My heart skipped a beat, and I opened it. He sent me a meme followed by "wanna hang out sometime?" In the corner of my vision, I could see Ralph turning his head to look at my phone.
"Absolutely." I reply, hitting send. Then turn my phone back off, setting it on my lap. The air suddenly thickened, I could feel Ralph's eyes burning into me.
"You do not want Ralph?" He asked, voice suddenly cracking. For a moment, my heart dropped. I heard my phone ping again but I didn't answer. I let the sound fill in whatever jealousy I want him to feel as I spoke. "Sweet heart, I'll always want you." I replied softly, offering my hand to his leg. He didn't pull back, so I placed my hand on his knee, rubbing it with my thumb. "You're lying to Ralph. You Want Glenn. Don't lie to Ralph."
"I've never lied to you before. Why would I lie now?" I offered. My heart swelled at how upset he became. I felt terrible honesty, but I was enjoying this to much. "Because Ralph is bad! Ralph is not Glenn!" He suddenly snapped the stem of the flower. For a moment, regret shown in his eyes, looking at the now torn flower. He twirled the two pieces In his hands, his led glowing red.
I squeezed his knee softly. "I don't want you to be Glenn." I whispered. He finally met my eyes. They were sad, angry, frustrated. "I want you." I added, then looked down at the boquet in his lap, reaching for a rose. The thorns pricked at my fingers, I could feel the blood trickle down my finger, but I didn't mind. "You don't mean that." He whispered firmly.
"I can prove it to you." I whispered, slowly moving my hand up his thigh. He tensed but didn't pull away. "How?" He asked, his voice breathy as he stared at my hand. "Pull over." I ordered, just after, the self driving car pulled off the road. It was empty, complete silence aside from crickets chirping in the distance. "Get to the back seat, Ralph." Or ordered softly. His led swirled yellow, then blue, then back to yellow. Without speaking, he set aside the bouquet and crawled into the back seat, sitting uncomfortably.
I picked up the bouquet, admiring it for a final time. The wilted flowers leaning against my hands, purple and red petals fluttering to the floor of the car. Beautiful. made my way to the back of the car, "undress for me." I ordered. His face tinged blue but didn't object, white and peach fingers undoing his suit. The tie, the buttons, the coat until he was completely naked. Patches of skin worn off from past abuse, dents, and scratches littered across his body. He was beautiful. "Good boy." I whispered. "Now lay down." He did as told without hesitation, though he still looked tense, shoulders square. "Ralph, do you really think I don't love you?" I placed my hand back onto his worn knee, feeling the rough scratched plastic. He must have fallen hard in the past. "Sometimes Ralph worries he's not good enough." he mumbled, hands playing with the fabric of the car seats. he was subconsciously chewing on his lip, eyes wondering across my body. "not good enough?" I asked, moving my hand up his thigh "why?"
"well," he started, bringing his hands together, picking at his finger nails. "ralph is bad. he is damaged." his jaw clenched, "ralph can not control himself. ralph is annoying..." he trailed off, led flashing between yellow and red.
"ralph." I stated, squeezing his leg "you are to harsh on yourself. you're great, and I'm proud to have you as a partner." I lifted the bouquet in my other hand, "you don't have to love yourself, not right now but i want you be nicer to who you are." I let the bouquet hover above his synthetic skin, the petals tickling at his thigh.
he let out a soft gasp, biting his lip. "now, will you be a good boy and do as i say?" he nodded eagerly squeezing his fingers. "good."
I trailed the flowers up his thighs, the soft petals leading up to his cock. teasing it with the feathery sensation. he let out another soft gasp, mouth slightly opening. "does that feel good?" I hummed, making a small circle. he nodded in reply, rolling his hips into the petals, some falling onto his lap. I smiled at this reaction and continued to tease his member, watching it grow into a hard on. he was above average with a nice curve, subtle veins, his tip already shiny with pre. I teased the tip, wisteria stimulating the swollen head. he let a soft moan escape his lips. "please." he whispered. jutting into the flowers. I tisked, pressing his hips back onto the cushions. "Don't be too eager. I don't want these to lose its petals too quickly." he let out a frustrated sigh in response, still rolling his hips into the flora.
the flowers trailed up and down his cock for a final time before leading up his stomach, skin streching as he arched his back at the sensation, a small whimper escaping his lips. "no." he breathed, hips trying to fallow the flowers but i held him firm, continuing to move up to his expanding chest, faux muscles streching with soft heaves. "stay still for me, hm?" he whined in response, turning his head to the side and chewing on his nail, his led glowing a beautiful amber and blue mix. "hey, look at me." i ordered softly, moving the flowers to one of his nipples, swirling the soft foliage. he let out another pant and turned his head back to look at me, eyes desprate. "please." he breathed again, eyes going foggy for a moment. "please what?" i lulled.
he pressed his head against the seat, brows flexing. "please. touch Ralph." i hummed in response, moving the bouquet to the other nipple, making soft stroking motions "oh but, you've been so mean to yourself today. I don't think you deserve it~" he whined in response, again attempting too jut his hips into nothing. "this isnt fair!" he cried. "ill give you what you want if you say something nice about yourself." i offered, now trailing the flowers slowly up his throat causing him to shiver. a low moan escaped his lips, head rolling back slightly. "thats mean." he whined.
i tisked, trailing the flowers back down his chest before removing them from his body completely. "thats fine. i guess we can just go home then." i sighed, pretending to play with the flowers. they were now slightly damp with pre in patches. i guess they helped work him up more than i thought. "No. no, no, I'll be good. Ralph can be good. don't leave him like this." i looked back at him, his cock was swollen, face flushed, eyes pleading with desperation. i raised an eyebrow and dangled the bouquet above him again but not letting it touch him. "then say something nice about yourself." he layed still for a moment, led swirling wildly, brows knit together deep in focus.
come one. say something. i thought
After a long silence, "ralph cant think of anything." he whispered. my heart stung, sucking in a deep breath i tried to keep in character. "do you remember all the complements i give you?" i ask softly, using my hand holding down his hips to stroke against his skin with care. he nodded silently. "say one of those like you mean it."
he took another moment to think before finally stating "Ralph has pretty eyes." i let a smile appeer on my lips, finally lowering the flowers onto his stomach and ceressing his skin, using my other hand to wrap around his cock, making slow strokes. "good boy~" i whispered.
He let out a pathetic moan, jutting his hips into my hand as I stroked his length "what else?" I asked, running my thumb across his slit and continued to stroke. "Um-" he stammered, eyes loosing focus for a moment. "R-ralphs hair is soft..." He gasped. The sound of his internal fans kicked in. It was a quiet sound, nothing more than subtle background noise but helped when his systems began to overheat.
"Good~" I cooed.
The soft sounds of his wet length being stroked filled the car, whiny gasps, and moans breaking up the lewd sounds. He squirmed beneath my hand, just a little. He always tried to be a good boy, but he's just a little sensitive by nature.
"What else, darling?" I whispered. A sharp whine escaping his mouth, I could feel him twitching in my hand "I- I uh..." He gulped hard. "Ralph is- is pretty." His hand was now resting on his forehead, his cheeks flushed blue. I picked up the rythem, squeezing just a little harder. He choked out an almost pornographic moan. "The prettiest." I cooed, leaning over to place a kiss on his whimpering mouth. He was rough and needy, soft lips greedy for intimacy. I dropped the bouquet on the floor of the car, using my now free hand to play with his nylon hair. It really was soft. A distinctly artificial feel but not in a bad way.
The blonde locks tangled between my fingers as he pulled me deeper into the kiss, tongue reaching into my mouth, which I abliged to, allowing him to deepen the kiss. How cute. He's so sweet and obedient.
I slowly pulled away, taking time to catch my breath to the disappointment of Ralph. "R-ralph is getting close." He moaned, led glowing yellow. I continued to stroke his length, his cock twitching more frequently in my hand. His voice Bagan ro waver as he neared his end, moans become more erratic. "Tell me one more good thing about yourself and ill let you cum." I coaxed. He stammered, trying to find words but his mind became to foggy. "R-ralph dosnt know." He breathed desperately, humping into my hand. "Hmm. That's a shame." I teased, making a show of slowing down my fist. "N-no!" He cried, trying to keep the friction going. I kept my slowed pace ordering "just one little thing. It's all it takes." He groaned as he thought, rummaging around his circuit board for something.
"Ralph is a good boy." He stated, not with the most confidence but he sounded like me meant it. At least enough.
I smiled in response, continuing my previous pace and he came to his climax quickly. Twitching and gasping underneath my touch. "The best boy." I whispered, running my hand up his heaving body. Internal fans running high in his overheating body.
"How are you feeling?" I whispered, coming close to cradle his face in my chest. He leaned into my touch without hesitation, panting "good."
I let him settle from his high until his breathing settled back normal, the air was once again quiet except for the chirping of crickets in the distance. "I'm sorry I was so mean to you earlier about Glenn. I just want you to know he is just a friend. Nothing more and never was." Ralph didn't respond, just let out a sigh as he played with his fingers. His nails looked a little chewed sense the last time i saw them. "Ralph, he's gay." I finally stated. This time he glanced up at me, confusion laced in his expression. I couldn't help but laugh. "It's true!" I giggled, "I'm sorry I lead you on earlier, seeing you get jealous really did something to me" I stated, running my hand through his hair again, a twinge of regret looming inside of me. "I'll try not to be so harsh next time, but I have to admit I enjoy your possessiveness." I smiled, admiring his beautiful features.
"Ralph is okay?" He whispered, sad hope peaking through his tone. I smiled "more than okay. I wouldn't have anybody else." Leaning in to give him a soft kiss.
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faunafanfic · 2 years
Hey guys, requests are now open! Let me know your requests and i'll get writing some new fics. i write quite a variation: head conons, smut, imagines, fluff, dark!fics, series and more!
(if i dont feel comfortable writing for a specific request ill let you know.)
Who i write for:
Loki Laufeyson
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Tony Stark
Stephen Strange
Wanda Maximoff
Sylvie Laufeydottir
Crimson Peak:
Thomas Sharpe
Lucille Sharpe
Stranger things:
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Jim Hopper
Peter Ballard/001
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley
Arthur Fleck!Joker
Jared Leto!Joker
Geralt of Rivia
Chris Motionless
Ricky Horror
Vinny Muaro
Josh Balz
Ryan Sitzkowski
But if theres anyone in particular your want me to write for let me know :)
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his domination ~ the joker;dceu
word count: 1660
request?: yes!
“Can you write a Joker/Reader fic where the reader is the only person allowed to dominate the Joker? Very smutty please.”
description: in which gotham’s most feared villain prefers to be dominated by his beautiful girlfriend
pairing: joker x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut, mentions of violence
masterlist (one, two)
it wasn’t specified which joker was wanted for the imagine so i wrote the one i knew best...but like...the good version of it
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There was something about watching Joker being so dominant with others that turned you on, especially knowing that the roles would be reversed when you two finally got some privacy.
There was some sad sack down on his knees, begging Joker for forgiveness. For what reason, you couldn’t remember. There were too many people who were afraid of him to keep track of all the reasons why. Whatever the case, Joker was merely laughing in this face of this man, who was now weeping at Joker’s feet.
“Oh, how I love to hear them beg,” Joker said to you over his shoulder.
You smirked at him in response as he raised his gun and shot the man right between the eyes. He watched as the man’s body fell before turning back to you and wrapping an arm around your waist. He began kissing you deeply, ignoring the two of his men that were standing nearby, waiting for an order. If there was one thing that turned Joker on, it was exercising the power he had over the people of Gotham.
When he finally pulled away from you, he regarded his men with a simple wave of his hand towards the lifeless body in front of them. His men began to approach the body while Joker took you in his arms and began to lead you towards his car. He didn’t even wait to take you somewhere more private as he opened the backdoor to his car and shoved you back onto the seat. His men were quick to dispose of the body so they could leave the scene, knowing to give Joker as space when he wanted alone time with you.
The cramped space of the backseat gave Joker more opportunity to be close to you, to touch your body all over and to attack your neck in kisses and bites. Your eyes were rolling back in your head with pleasure as you arched your back against his body.
You peaked out through the front windshield to see that Joker’s henchmen had cleared away the body and drove off in record time, leaving the two of you alone. In one swift movement, you wrapped your legs around Joker and flipped the two of you over so you were on top. You started to mimic his earlier actions by kissing down his neck, your hands roughly pulling at his clothes so you could continue to kiss down his naked body.
Joker’s big secret that stayed strictly between the two of you was that he only allowed one person to be dominant over him, and that person was you. It had shocked you at first when Joker let you be the dominant one in the bedroom. You thought it was just a one time thing, or maybe he was feeling generous. But then he was asking for it the next time you had sex, then he started using dominant pet names for you and would beg you to let him be inside of you.
It made you feel powerful to be the one that left Gotham’s most feared villain a begging mess beneath you.
You pulled his shirt off and began unbuttoning his pants, palming his growing erection in your hand as you kissed him through his boxers. His hand weaved its way through your hair as you began to kiss him through his boxers, just lightly enough that he could feel it and tease him even more.
“Up,” you told him as your hands found their way to the waistline of his boxers. He moved his hips so you could slip his underwear down and discarded them to the front seat somewhere.
Joker whimpered as you began to kitten lick the tip of his hard dick. It was taking everything in his power not to push your head down, as he knew you would stop if he tried, but he wanted you so bad. He was so painfully erect he felt like he could burst at any moment, even from your limited touch.
You could feel his restraint as his hand tightened in your hair. You couldn’t help but smirk to yourself as you looked up at him from your position. “What do you want, baby?”
“I want to feel your mouth around me,” he breathed, his hips inadvertently bucking as you licked him again.
“Ask me nicely then, baby.”
“Please can you put my dick in your mouth?”
You rested his tip against your lips, kissing it to tease him even more. “You’re missing something there.”
“Pretty please, my queen?”
You smiled and took him deep into your throat. He let out a moan as his head lulled back. You began to bob your head at a steady pace, placing your tongue under his length as you did so so that he could feel it on every inch that it could reach. Every now and then you’d stop to swirl your tongue around the head, which earned you more moans and whimpers.
Although the pleasure was starting to build up inside of him, Joker knew better than to finish in your mouth. He knew how much you loved to feel him inside of you, to feel him coating your walls with his seed as he twitched and convulsed inside of you. But your mouth felt so good around him that it was getting hard to hold back.
“Fuck my queen, please slow down,” he begged. “I’m going to cum at this rate.”
You pulled his dick from your mouth, a line of spit trailing from the tip to your mouth as you did so. He wiped it with his thumb before you began to crawl up his body, leaving wet kisses and red marks that would become hickies within a few hours up his body. You kissed him passionately, letting him taste himself on your tongue.
“Do you want me to ride you, baby?” you asked against his lips. “You wanna feel me wrapped around that hard dick as I ride you?”
He nodded, trying to find the words to ask but feeling them caught in his throat. You smirked as you took hold of his face, squeezing it just a little.
“Use your words.”
“Yes, my queen. I want you to ride me.”
“Ask me nicely then.”
“Fuck, can you pretty pretty please ride me, my queen?. Use me to get whatever pleasure you want, I promise I’ll wait till you’re finished if I have to.”
You smirked at his question. His dick was still glistening with your spit, leaving it perfectly lubed for you as you lined his tip up with your entrance and lowered yourself on to him. His face twisted with pleasure as you took him in very slowly, allowing him to feel you around every inch of him. You moaned as well, feeling him easily hitting your G spot once he was fully in.
You started rocking your hips against his, pleasure building up in you almost immediately. Joker’s head was back against the headrest as his fingers dug into your hips. You leaned forward to kiss him as your movements became quicker. Soon enough, you were bouncing on his lap, your skin making a loud slapping noise every time you came down on him. His car was shaking and the windows were fogged over so you could barley see anyone outside. Not that either of you really cared if you were caught. That was the thrill of fucking in public.
You wrapped a hand around Joker’s throat, choking him just enough to make him feel lightheaded. You almost giggled at the sight of his eyes being crossed and rolling back into his head at the action. You could feel him twitching inside of you, an indication that he was nearing his climax.
“Are you close?” you asked him, letting go of his neck long enough to allow him to breathe to respond.
“I’m so close,” he said. “Fuck, can I cum my queen?”
“Hold it for a few more seconds,” you told him. “I’m close, too. When you feel me cumming around you, you can let go then.”
You managed to stay true to your word, and a few seconds later you threw your head back and cried out in pleasure. Near moments after that, you felt Joker’s warmth filling you as he also groaned at the release.
You both sat there, sweating and panting. Joker wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close so he could rest his head on your breasts. You ran your fingers through his dyed green hair, noticing that his brown roots were starting to grow out. You made a mental note to point that out to him when you finally detached from one another.
You rolled down the window slightly to let some cool air in just as Joker’s phone rang. He groaned in annoyance as he raised the phone to his ear.
“What the fuck do you want?”
You giggled as you finally got up from his lap. It always amazed you how quickly he could switch from being a submissive mess to the dominant criminal that everyone knew him as.
“Thanks for the heads up. I’ll call you when we arrive to our next location,” he said, then hung up. “Apparently someone heard the gunshot and called the cops. They’re on their way here now. Figure we got maybe five minutes before we’re surrounded, less than that until the Bat appears.”
You passed him his discarded clothes and fixed your own disheveled appearance. “Neither one is a real concern. The cops are incompetent and Bats would never throw you in jail again. He needs someone to play with so he seems like a hero to these people.”
Joker smiled at you and kissed you hard again. “Regardless, wanna go for a joyride, baby?”
You smirked at him and leaned into the front seat to pull your gun from the glove compartment. “Always, my love.”
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cherrycocaineee · 8 months
I’ll b changing the name of the mc in my Joker fics! On Nov. 5th my daughter was born and Paisley was the name I went with! It just doesn’t seem right to use that name anymore! From now on, the mc will b known as Athena.
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Jared Leto Masterlist
Accessible through the hashtag DDDmasterlistsJaredLeto
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By Lust be Driven - Part One Part Two
Yes, Master
3Some - Part One Part Two
LA Connection - Part One Part Two
“Us” Time
Punished by Professor Leto
A Road to Recovery - Part One Part Two
While the Kids are Away
The most wonderful time of the Year
And the Award goes To
Green Eyed Monster
My Own Way
After Party for Two
This Beautiful Life
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Jared/Joker Works
The Crime and the Punishment
Hard Candy
Both Cherries
Play to Win
Part One - Inferno
Part Two - Purgatorio
Part Three - Paradiso
Part Four - The Divine Comedy
Part Five - La Vita Nuova
This is War - Sequel to Play to Win
Chapter One - And so it Begins
Chapter Two - Payback’s a Bitch
Chapter Three - Know your Enemy
Chapter Four - Upping the Ante
Chapter Five - Leverage
Chapter Six - Damage
Chapter Seven - Simple Pleasures
Chapter Eight - Click, click, bang, bang, we in da Murda Bizness
Chapter Nine - Choked Up
Chapter Ten - Anger at the West
Chapter Eleven - I Hate you More
Chapter Twelve - Since you’ve been Gone
Chapter Thirteen - You’re Everything
Chapter Fourteen - Natural Born Killers
Chapter Fifteen - Widening the Net
Chapter Sixteen - She loves the Nightlife
Chapter Seventeen - I’ve got you under my Skin
Chapter Eighteen - I got trouble, trouble, trouble, always knocking at my Door
Chapter Nineteen - I am Zero’s Smirking Revenge
Chapter Twenty - Vulgar display of Power
Chapter Twenty One - Come Together
Chapter Twenty Two - Closer
Chapter Twenty Three - Strategies
Chapter Twenty four - Snare
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IDKW but after not reading fan fiction for a while, I start missing my favorite characters as if they were real people 😬... Anyone else? Hahaha
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raewritesfiction · 1 year
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A/N: started with a mini imagine. Time to pad it out.
Plot: from an ask: “You’re modelling at your first Gucci show and Jared is performing but you’re so nervous and thinking about backing out last minute you don’t realise when he’s behind you. You bump into him and say you’re sorry and start looking around for an exit because you don’t think you be able to be as good as all the other girls. But he seems to know and starts talking to you.”
Pairing: Jared Leto X Female!Reader
Warnings: Language and Smut in the last chapter (P in V. Unprotected. Body fluids.)
Tag List: @jaseminedenise @nikkitasevoli @ohh-la-la-leto @iraniq @snewsome756 @vikki-rogue @amelia-in-w0nderland @pandaliciouz @crispyimagines17 @marie-is-blogging @bonniebird @nutinanutshell @opalowlsposts @louise-buchan @Amandalynngraves @amy8220 @lostinletoland @phoenix-is-closer-to-the-edge
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - smut
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forevermoreale · 5 years
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theaawalker · 3 months
Quick query do you have a list of who and what you write for?
Fandoms I'll Write For
Marvel (not Iron Man, Starlord, Loki, Thor, Doctor Strange, or Hawkeye, Drax, Victor Creed, Antman, Adam Warlocke, AG's Spiderman, or Cyclops)
DCEU (not Peacemaker, Killer Croc, JL's Joker, RP's Batman, or anyone from Gotham except Jerome/Jeremiah Valeska)
Scream Queens (not Chad Radwell or Pete Martinez)
American Horror Story (only Murder House, 1984, Freakshow, and Cult)
Hunger Games (not Gale, Maymitch, President Snow, or Cato)
The Maze Runner (not Ava Paige, Jorge, or Janson)
My Little Pony
Once Upon A Time (not Hook, David, Rumple, Neal, Peter Pan, or Zelena)
Pacific Rim (not the sequel)
Twilight (not Seth, Edward, Carlyle, or Jasper)
Stranger Things (not Will Byers, Billy Hargrove, or Jim Hopper)
IT (2017, 2019, and tv series) (not Henry Bowers or Pennywise)
Jurassic Park/World (not Owen Grady or Ian Malcolm)
Jumanji (1997 & 2017)
Zathura (not the dad or robot)
Stand By Me (not Ace Merrill)
Girl, Interrupted (not Jared Leto's character)
The Black Phone (not the Grabber or Mr. Blake)
Teen Wolf (the film & series)
Equestria Girls
Teen Wolf (not Peter, Jackson, Theo, or Derek)
The Office (not Jim, Ryan, or Dwight)
Now You See Me (not Dylan Rhodes or Merritt McKinney)
Descendants (not Chad, Harry, Ben, Jay, or Carlos)
Sky High (not Zach or Speed)
Percy Jackson films (not Luke Castellan)
The Umbrella Academy (not Five)
TMNT (live action ver. only)
Dance Moms (not the final season)
Ender's Game
Wednesday (not Xavier, Tyler, or the Dean)
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse (not Mentor Peter Parker)
Unbreakable (not Hedwig or Dennis)
Big Hero 6
The Black Mirror
Dynasty (not Culhane, Adam, or Blake)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Spy Kids
Sharkboy & Lavagirl
Clue, Knives Out, & Glass Onion
Back to the Future (not Biff), Breakfast Club (not Bender), Sandlot, Stand By Me (not Ace Merrill), Mighty Ducks, The Outsiders (not Dally, Two-Bit, Randy, Bob, Steve, or Darry)
I’m willing to write imagines for underage characters so long as there's no romance (examples: hang out with the Losers Club at the barrens; go shopping with Eleven and Max; play baseball with Finney and Bruce). I’m allowed to deny any request and the longest I should take ever to write one is about 2 weeks. I’ll write smut, fluff, angst, poly relationships, LGBTQ+, etc. Generally most of my x readers are female unless stated otherwise.
What I won’t write-
I won’t write anything to do with rape, bestiality, necrophilia, incest, romance with anyone younger than 18, gun play, anything about poo(sexually), anything about urine(squirting is fine considering it’s not technically urine), age gaps. See guidelines for more details.
Thanks for reading❤️
-A.A. Walker
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some-j-imagines · 5 years
whiskey nights
GUYS guess who actually got off her ass and wrote something :D ! me ! yall know the only way to break out of a 3-something-year hiatus is with some smuttttttttttttt
also just a side note, when I used to write all this I was a virgin? And now im not? honestly writing smut as a virgin is a lot easier in my opinion LOL 
I felt the light sting of morning sunlight on my eyes, breaking through the obviously not dark enough purple curtains that hung on the window opposite of my side of the bed. As I fidgeted around a bit, my entire body felt tight, and sore, and the events of the night before started to come back in short flashes.
The joker had gotten back late from a heist, dripping in fancy new threads, jewelry, and an obnoxiously classic gold crown complete with a royal looking set of jewels.
I had no choice but to snort at the sight of everything once he walked in the room, setting down my cup of coffee on the table in front of me. "What'd you do tonight? Rob the queen of england?" As nonchalantly as possible, I attempted to 'fix up' the silk robe I had been lounging in to drape off the best parts of me in a suggestive way. But my hands continued to fumble, and I realized I may have put a bit more whiskey in my coffee than I had originally thought. And as if that weren't bad enough, my body had the audacity to let out an obnoxious hiccup.
The jokers face curled into a smile as he cozied up on the couch next to me, however so careful as to not let his skin touch mine. He knew how much I had been craving it. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Steadily, he extended his hand out to smooth some hair behind my ear, and I'm sure he could feel the heat radiating off my flushed face. This was both a symptom of the alcohol, and just his presence in general. But he wasn't stupid. "Looks like someone got bored, huh?" His eyes leered into mine, and while I knew from his body language he was acting playfully, I still feel like I'm getting caught for something. The unnerving way about his sharp features and attitude reduces me to feeling like a child getting caught taking sweets before dinner.
I attempted to smile as I avoided his eyes, looking meek as I tried to relax my back against the plush couch. He only seemed to move with me, not helping to alleviate my nerves at all. "Well," I trailed off, trying my best to play the innocent act, "you were gone for such a long time this heist." Looking up through my eyelashes, I saw that I had been playing this situation correctly. There was an unmistakable look of desire pooling in his eyes, but I knew him better than to just let this go. "I figured one drink couldn't hurt." His figure was hard to focus on in a steady way considering I had been feeling the room spin for quite some time now, but his features were hard to pull away from. He honestly was so beautiful.
A small chuckle escaped his lips as he tore his eyes away from my own, and onto the glass bottle on the table in front of us. Reaching for the intricately designed and delicate neck, he seemed to be looking over the rather small quantity I had left inside. His eyes made their way back onto mine, full of mischief and each word dripping with something not too dissimilar from amusement. "Have you been drinking daddy's whiskey?" I opened my mouth to say something, but was hushed by one of his rather course fingers halting my words by placing itself across my lips. "You know this is one of my favorite ones." "I know," you started enthusiastically, hiccupping in between breaths, "you were the one who showed me how to mix it in with my coffee!" I exclaimed, fondly remembering the other night we had spent together. The entire week had seemed to be something on the more depressing side, and I found myself sulking around the place more than usual. And while I didn't drink much, the joker had took it upon himself to teach me one of his favorite tricks. "It's so sweet this way." Another hiccup escaped my body, rather violently this time, and to steady myself I instinctively grabbed onto his shirt. "It tastes just like creamer!"
His smirk grew as he looked down at my hands, encasing them in his own, causing myself to press down harder onto his chest. "Baby," he said, almost rolling his eyes, "we both know you're not capable of having just one cup of coffee."
"So I might have had a few more than one." I shrugged, hitting his arm in the process of flaining my limbs I had almost no control over. Maybe I had poured one too many. "But, we were out of creamer."
His figure sat calmly in front of me, taking in my words while aimlessly fooling around with my hands. The feeling of his skin against mine was so warm and comforting. Pulling my hands up to his face, he looked up at me through a gaze as I felt his breath on my hands. "I suppose I have a minion to fire then, no?" His voice was in a low hush, and I felt his breath on my skin as he began to leave small kisses across the back of my hand, and down my fingers. I felt a light twinge in the pit just below my stomach, and had to fidget around in my seat to keep my composure. Obviously seeing my reaction, he chuckled a bit, and laid himself back onto the couch as well, pulling my hands down to rest seemingly low on his waist. "Everyone around here knows you drink the stuff more than water, we should have creamer in our fridge stocked up the ass. At all times." He sighed, looking up the ceiling for a moment before closing his eyes, and massaging his temple. He must have another one of his headaches. "Besides, if I don't kill a man every now and then, they start to forget who they're working for."
"Do you," hiccup, "have one of your headaches?" I leaned forward, forgetting about my current dearth of motor skills and depth perception. Basically falling forward into his lap, I felt his chest vibrate softly once again.
"No, sweetheart. I'm fine. Daddy's just had a very long day." Though I still climbed clumsily over him, steadying myself by grabbing his broad shoulder with my free hand, while the other trailed even further down south.
His eyes widened playfully as he let me continue. "Well if there's anything," I said, hooking my fingertips in the elastic band of his boxers, "I can do to help, just let me know."
Without missing a beat, he grabs my head by my hair, pulling my face closer to his while pushing my other hand down lower inch by inch. "You know, you get pretty bold when you're drunk." His eyes were so close to mine I could see the veins just under his skin, so blue they almost complimented his eyes. "And the smell of whiskey on your breath makes it that much sexier."
And he's right, too. Typically, while I'm no stranger to the sheets, my actions were always more reserved, waiting to be dominated. But as of right now, he was playing a game that I seemed to have no patience left for. "Is that right?" My whispers were plagued with these damn hiccups, so my voice would raise a few octaves every slip, but I continued to run my hand lower, finally feeling the brush of his trail start to begin. It caused a fire in the pit of my stomach and I closed my eyes. God how I longed for his rough touch.
Finally it had seemed like I had reached his breaking point, as he grabbed my wrist with a fierce grip and stopped me in my tracks. "You know I can't handle seeing you make faces like that." The low rumble of his voice resonated within my drunken body like music, and I began to feel the excitement of anticipation bubble up inside me. "Who says you get to have all the fun?" When he yanked my body forward I immediately gave into the motion, letting myself fall into his strong figure and be enveloped by his arms. I even gave a small moan as his hands brushed across my chest as he began to try and sit me up. "Don't get me started before we even make it to the bedroom, ____."
But I couldn't resist him. I had waited so long for him to return, thinking about his sharp cheekbones, and his strong hands rubbing themselves along my skin. Holding me down. Making me submit.
He was the only person in the world who had this effect on me, reducing me to a pile of lust and desire. I managed to throw my leg over his lap and straddle him, and as I lay myself over his chest and feel his hands steady me from the back, I rested my chin along his collarbone and spoke into his ear softly. "Why not, baby? What's wrong with right here?" Knowing that my window of control was closing quickly, I only had a few more minutes at best with the scale of power tipped in my favor. I reached back, unhooking the bra I had wanted to be ripped off me, and threw it somewhere on the ground.
For the quick second that he was stunned, I lifted his hands up to my chest, placing them over my breasts. A rather loud sigh escaped from the smile I had on my lips, and I began to feel him take over.
Almost too suddenly, I was pushed to lay on my back as a fervent mouth met mine. I relished in the feeling he gave me, cherishing every tug and pull as much as every kiss. Though I suppose I spoke too soon, because his face almost immediately trailed down my neck and onto my chest, not short of futile protests by myself. Though as I aimlessly tried to gain control over my limbs, Joker pinned my arms down above my head with a grip so tight I could feel the bones in my hand squeezing together. "Fuck." The expletive left me in no more than a whisper, and I wasn't sure if J could even hear me over his own ravaging.
"Don't be so quiet now, princess." Every word that left his mouth sounded more and more coy, and his 's's seemed to slither out seductively. "You know how I like to hear the sounds you make when I touch you." He trailed his hand down my body and finally settled it on my waist, giving me a squeeze and causing another involuntary moan to slip out.
He growled, and flipped my body over so that I was thrown a bit forward on my stomach. The entire motion took over me, and I found myself complacent to both the wills of J, and my drunken conscious. However much of my consciousness was left, that is. When I felt his hand rub down my back and caress my ass cheeks I couldn't hold back the sounds that escaped me. I was never one for being quiet, especially during sex. I suppose drunk me agrees.
Though that's when I felt him inch closer, and closer, down my ass and brush his hands right over my entrance, which is clad in the silk underwear he had bought for me once upon a time. "J," I whined, shutting my eyes and replaying the feeling that sent through my body as many times as I could, "p-please." While I wanted to blame my stutter on the lack of motor skills we both had known that at this point I'm simply flustered. He had won, once again, and I felt simply powerless, ready to beg for hours if that's what it took to get him to feel me in the way I so desired. "I want you to play with me." My words were meek, and slightly muffled since my head was being shoved into the couch cushion I was laying on. He merely chuckled once again, and kept fondling my assets all too far away from the points I wanted him to be hitting. Finally, his hands traced back to the thin fabric separating me from my bliss, and I let out another whine. Shoving my ass up and bending my back, I wiggled around suggestively. "Come onnnn-"
A sharp inhale cut off my speech as I felt his slim finger slide inside me with ease, the friction from the movement causing an immeasurable amount of pleasure to build up inside me. I continued to hold my breath and cherish the feeling for as long as I could, swinging around my hips suggestively and slightly backing up, forcing him to go a bit deeper each time. When the breath that I had been holding inside my chest was released a small giggle accompanied it as a smile grew onto my face.
He slipped in another finger immediately upon seeing my reaction. "Oh, princess," his voice was husky, and I could hear him pant slightly, "Don't you sound absolutely delicious." His fingers moved in and out a slow pace, and began to slightly curl up every few strokes. "And you're so fucking wet."
Finally composing enough of myself to think straight for a second, I hazily opened my eyes, turning back to see the man who put me in such a trance. Propping myself up on my elbow, I watched his eyes become fixated on his own fingers, watching as they reappeared with each stoke, slick and covered in my own wetness. The animalistic look in his eyes reminded me of an alpha staring down his prey. Fuck, he was so sexy.
"J," I began, taking the initiative myself to kick my underwear off completely. I was sure that my display was less than coordinated and sexy, and probably more primitive and desperate. Though he was still, for the most part, fully dressed. And I couldn't have that. "Come on, baby please. I want you to fuck me."
I began to try and fumble with the button on his pants but I was immediately shoved back down, and onto my stomach. Turning my head slightly to look up at him I saw the ferocity in his eyes as he leered at me while discarding rather quickly of his clothes. "Maybe we should get you drunk more often, huh?" And before I was even able to respond I felt him pushing through my entrance once more, the width of his fingers proving not to be quite enough anymore. "You seem to be so much more...what is the word?"
His shallow strokes were with full intention to stir me up, to make me beg even more. But haven't I been humiliated enough? The whining only became more audible as he continued to push me farther and farther.
I reached back, hastily grabbing his arm to drag it over, and guide him to wrap his hand around my throat. Sticking my ass up in the air once again, I didn't know how else to get what I wanted.
His low groan and sudden positioning served as his response as he ever so slowly withdrew his fingers and steadied himself on my ass. I could feel him position himself behind me as his grip grew tighter around my neck.
"Whos my good girl?" He snarled, finally giving into my pleads and pushing himself inside me with luscious force...
My day dream was broken by an intense amount of sunlight flooding the room, and I opened my eyes to see the culprit. Joker, ever so fresh eyed and bushy-tailed, stood at the edge of the bed basking in my weak, hungover form sprawled across his bed. "Rise and shine, princess." His voice was eager considering the time of day.
The toxic contents of my stomach boiled inside from the night before as I felt the bile rise up in my throat. "Why are we getting up so early today baby?" I wasn't even able to open my eyes as I attempted to snuggle back into the plush bedding. But he crouched down to my eye level, and his presence was hard, if not impossible to ignore. One of my eyes shot open to see him outright smirking before me.
"I figured we could get started on those coffee's early today." His hand smoothed my erratic looking morning har behind my head and his fingers continued their soothing motions. "Daddy took the day off since you seemed to have been missing me so terribly." He straightened up, and I wasn't able to tear my eyes away until my face was inches away from his bare pelvis. "Doesn't my good girl want another round?"
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