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alejandromogollo · 2 years ago
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Happy birthday to the wonderful Holly Hunter, who's 65 today. Academy award winner for her Ada in The Piano, one of my favorite movies, along with her onscreen daughter Anna Paquin, also a winner that Oscar night. #hollyhunter #annapaquin #thepiano #janecampion #Oscars #alejandromogolloart https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBRH2UIOzM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sonic-cinema · 2 years ago
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Pictured are some of my favorite films directed by women. No two are the same, and all of them capture something fundamental and profound about life. Many of these are films from the past few years, but whether I first saw it in 2021 or 1995, they’ve all made an impression. #cloudatlas #thefarewell #blacklake #thepowerofthedog #strangedays #cleofrom5to7 #outragefilm #awayfromher #lilywachowski #lanawachowski #luluwang @badwolffilms #janecampion #kathrynbigelow #agnesvarda #idalupino #sarahpolley #directedbywomen #femalefilmmakers #womenshistorymonth https://www.instagram.com/p/CqG56fQsTqr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janecampion · 10 months ago
candlebright > janecampion
I'm not tagging anyone because I don't want to bother, but please reblog if you come across this post. Thanks!
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cumberlovingtmblr · 2 years ago
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I can't get over Phil yet His mastery performing this complex role His sexiness all along the footage His gourgeosness, his shape... His gaze... I'm spellbound even one year later. Thank you, #janecampion for giving him the opportunity to bring Phil to life. #benedict #benedictcumberbatch #cumberbatch #thepowerofthedog #film #movie #oscars2022 #gorgeousness #mastery #performance #brilliant #role #complexity #shape #spellbound #actor #british https://www.instagram.com/p/CmryoATIpkL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kabukicat · 3 years ago
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パワー・オブ・ザ・ドッグ 待望のジェーン・カンピオン新作。 肝心なことはセリフではなく映像で語るところがすばらしい。 ベネディクト・カンバーバッチをはじめキャストも秀逸。 音楽が不穏だなと思ったらジョニー・グリーンウッドだった。 #cinema #powerofthedog #janecampion #netflix https://www.instagram.com/p/CW9v83cvUIN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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unblogparaloschicos · 3 years ago
Cine: El poder del perro (2021)
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De un tiempo a esta parte, Netflix ha pasado de ser una plataforma especializada en películas ajenas y series para maratonear hasta cansarse a productora de contenidos que pelean por un lugar destacado durante la temporada de premios. Los Emmys y los Golde Globes televisivos ya no son suficientes: también van por los cinematográficos, como los BAFTA e incluso los Oscars. Grandes actores y directores han hallado en la casa de la gran N un nuevo nicho para desarrollar sus últimos trabajos.
La aclamada directora neozelandesa Jane Campion, ganadora del premio de la Academia de Hollywood por su guión de ���La lección de piano” (1993), ha sido la última en integrar esta lista selecta para ofrecer una obra que ha venido recolectando críticas celebradas, pero también rechazos, manifestando su ritmo lento o el que sus personajes no logren la empatía del espectador hacia sus dramas personales y sus decisiones de vida.
Campion adapta el libro homónimo de Thomas Savage y nos transporta a la Montana rural de 1925, adonde conocemos a los Burbank; dos hermanos que no pueden ser más distintos: mientras que el mayor, Phil (Benedict Cumberbatch). es el líder, tan inteligente como brutal, de un grupo de vaqueros, el menor, George (Jesse Plemons) es más bien apocado y amable. 
Ya desde el principio, Phil ve con malos ojos a Peter (Kodi Smit-McPhee), hijo de la viuda Rose Gordon (Kirsten Dunst), por su modo de actuar afeminado y no dudará en demostrárselo. No obstante, cuando su hermano se case con Rose (nota curiosa: Dunst y Plemons están realmente casados y tienen dos hijos). desplegará toda su artillería pesada para destruirla, incluyendo una eventual y engañosa relación de mentoría hacia Peter.
La película ha sido nominada a doce premios de la Academia, incluyendo Mejor Película, Actor (Cumberbatch), Actriz (Dunst) y Actores secundarios (Plemons y Smit-McPhee), pero sólo ha logrado el de Mejor Director, que ha caído en mano de Campion
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doomonfilm · 3 years ago
Review : The Power of the Dog (2021)
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Having a film pop on one radar is normally enough for me... I had noticed The Power of the Dog on different lists of 2021 film releases, and of course, as a Netflix user, I saw it listed in my queue, but other than making the list, my interest was not piqued.  Then, earlier this week, the Golden Globes dropped their list of nominations, and The Power of the Dog was all over the film categories, and immediately, the film jumped up my list.  While prepping, I noticed that Thomasin McKenzie was a member of the cast, and after her performance in Last Night in Soho, I was fully hooked and on board for a viewing.
Maybe it’s just due to the fact that the Old West is a long bygone era, but outside of the highly stylized films in the Western genre, most Western movies have an ingrained sense of tension baked into them... perhaps it’s due to the sense of despair that comes with living by your wits in a world of have-nots, or perhaps it’s due to the built-in patriarchal code of ethics that comes with the gunslinger and cowboy era, but even the most mundane goings on feel potentially explosive.  That being said, there is something about The Power of the Dog that encompasses this aspect of the Western in spades, and all of this is present from the opening moments based on a combination of how the story arc that Benedict Cumberbatch, Jesse Plemons and Kirsten Dunst share is set up both visually and purely based on physicality.  As the narrative unfolds, we get touches of classic Western aesthetics and practices thanks in large part to Cumberbatch’s all-in sinister nature as Phil Burbank that stand in stark contrast to the modernity and humanity that unfolds in the path that is shared between Dunst’s Rose Gordon and Plemons’ George Burbank.  While George displays good intentions, he seems much more aware of the rift between himself and Phil than he does how much he’s disrupted Rose’s world by putting her in the center of attention spot in a time where not only most women tend to “know their place” (at the risk of using an outdated term), but also by trying to steer her out of the deep protective focus for her son Peter without so much as asking her thoughts on it, which is doubly ironic when considered that the connection between George and Rose was sparked because of Peter and Rose’s shared hurt.
Seeing romantic and controversial aspects of Western life through the lens of Jane Campion adds new shades to the collected familiar tales we’ve come to be familiar with, and her passion as a writer/director shows in the work presented.  The romantic arcs in The Power of the Dog turn the concept of the Bechdel Test on its head by forcing the male characters to be the ones that deal with emotional waves on a raw and visceral level, while leaving Rose Gordon to be the tragic figure that falls apart under the weight of expectations and pressure.  George Burbank is propped up as the male of the future who is seemingly in-touch with his manhood and femininity, while Phil is put forth as a more stereotypical male figure who is unable to face their deep-rooted issues, and therefore, is prone to misplacing their aggression by way of verbal and physical lashing out.  In light of these initial setups, Peter Gordon is brought into the picture as a literal slap in the face to Phil based on how in-touch he is with himself at such a young age, and from Phil’s perspective, how the characteristics that Peter cherishes fly in the face of the male image.  Based on the triangular setup of the main leads with Phil as a satellite element, layers upon layers of conflict and tension emerges that not only brings the viewer lots of discovery, but creates a rewarding narrative ripple effect that moves the story forward. 
One of the immediate standout aspects of the film is the cinematography of Ari Wegner, whose highly stylized plains photography, multi-level focused wide shots and deeply uncomfortable close-ups not only capture beauty, but fuel tension right from the beginning, even when one can’t put their finger on what they should be uneasy about.  The score goes great lengths in keeping the tension palatable as well, with alternating small groupings of instruments and solo offerings that hit dissonant notes doing much of the heavy lifting while sparse symphonic interjections do the bridgework.  The Power of the Dog has some of the strongest capture of natural lighting and candle-based lighting that I’ve seen and years, and when night falls (or we find ourselves in less fortunate locations), the work done with shadows and sparse lighting is downright phenomenal.  While this film dwells in more of a low key world outside of the outlaw life, it must be noted how elaborate the costuming, hair and make-up is in the appropriate areas, with just as much focus given on the cowboy costuming in order to create a natural order that is immediately recognizable upon sight.  Breaking the film up into chapters helps pace things out beautifully, allowing for each particular element to get weighted moments before they shift into both predictable and unforeseeable directions.
Benedict Cumberbatch turns in one of the most moving and dynamic performances of the year, straddling the fence perfectly between posturing male toxicity and a man deeply afraid to face a true nature he tries to inwardly embrace while hiding it outwardly based on his societal positioning.  Jesse Plemons helps to fade the initial heat off of the Cumberbatch arc by playing the sympathetic white knight with an honest nature that is sadly unaware of any damage he does that doesn’t impact his pocket.  Kirsten Dunst goes to pieces under the pressure of expectation in a secret manner while displaying innate motherly instincts in the hopes of protecting her character’s son.  Kodi Smit-McPhee exudes shades of youthful innocence, but much like the motherly character Dunst portrays, McPhee’s son characterization also hides much of his truth beneath a public veneer that is partly self-aware and partly based on self-protection.  Genevieve Lemon and Thomasin McKenzie bring light touches of comedic joy to a deeply moody household.  The cast is rounded out by brief appearances for characters that hold weight in the Burbank world, including Keith Carradine, Frances Conroy, Peter Carroll, Alison Bruce, Sean Keenan, Adam Beach, Maeson Stone Skuccedal, Alice Englert and many more.
It’s not surprising that The Power of the Dog made such a strong nomination showing for the upcoming Golden Globes ceremony, as that particular ceremony is strongly fueled by the non-technical aspects, and The Power of the Dog shines in terms of performances.  I won’t be surprised if the film gets a Best Cinematography nod for the Oscars on top of the near categorical nomination sweep it has achieved at the Golden Globes.  This is a huge step in the right direction for Netflix as a production house, and if Campion and company are able to bring some statues home this award season, it could bolster the quality of output we see for the long run. 
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dogsinfilms · 3 years ago
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The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion, 2021)
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twotrey23 · 3 years ago
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Crazy #Netflix @netflix #awards delivery #2 today: #ThePowerOfTheDog @powerofthedogfilm novel, key ring, & paper flower, but no screener. #JaneCampion #ThomasSavage #BenedictCumberbatch #KirstenDunst @kirstendunst #JessePlemons #KodiSmitMcPhee @kodismitmcphee #ThomasinMcKenzie @thomasin.mckenzie #film #cinema #movies #films #Netflix @netflix #awardsseason #awardseason https://www.instagram.com/p/CWgrjcfhBZB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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impact24pr · 3 years ago
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allehsu · 4 years ago
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What an incredible experience to research my favorite female directors in preparation for my #podcast segment with @ladiversityfilmfest @nicholasybarra #sonjamereu #gimme3 #pandemic #silverlinings #latepost #march #march2020 #womenshistorymonth Watch and appreciate the amazing work of directors like #janecampion #annhui Check out the awesome #losangeles diversity film festival going on now! And listen to the podcast #filmforward https://m.soundcloud.com/nicholas-paul-ybarra/gimme-3-for-womens-history-month-w-alle-hsu (at Newport Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSLsiA6Lpz1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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awardseasonblog · 3 years ago
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Annunciati i vincitori della 78 edizione della Mostra internazionale d'arte cinematografica di Venezia: -Il Leone d'oro al miglior film: #LÉvénement di #AudreyDiwan I Leoni d'argento: -Premio speciale per la regia: #JaneCampion per #ThePoweroftheDog -Gran Premio della Giuria: #EstatalamanodiDio di #PaoloSorrentino -Premio speciale della Giuria: #Ilbuco di #MichelangeloFrammartino -Coppa Volpi per la migliore interpretazione maschile: #JohnArcilla per On the Job: The Missing 8 -Coppa Volpi per la migliore interpretazione femminile: #PenelopeCruz per #MadresParalelas -Premio Osella per la migliore sceneggiatura: #MaggieGyllenhaal per #TheLostDaughter -Leone del futuro - Premio "Luigi De Laurentiis" per la miglior opera prima: #Immaculate di #Monica Stan e #GeorgeChiperLillemark -Premio Marcello Mastroianni per il miglior attore emergente: #FilippoScotti per #EstatalamanodiDio di #PaoloSorrentino #Venezia2021 #Venezia78 #VeniceFilmFestival #BiennaleCinema2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CTsPvBgMP6b/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fuori-orario-film-posts · 4 years ago
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Holy Smoke (1999) #holysmoke #janecampion #katewinslet #harveykeitel #film #fuoriorario https://www.instagram.com/p/CHlbOSmAM_N/?igshid=1oqk82s0q8zxj
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alejandromogollo · 3 years ago
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Happy birthday to the wonderful Anna Paquin who is 40 today. Here with her movie mom Holly Hunter in Jane Campion's classic The Piano. #annapaquin #hollyhunter #janecampion #thepiano #masterpiece #alejandromogolloart https://www.instagram.com/p/CgZ6v0gMHD5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hollywoodeaqui · 3 years ago
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Os protagonista do episódio do nosso podcast, Verdade seja Dita, sobre a cerimônia do Oscar são TODOS os artistas que trabalham arduamente, na frente e por trás das câmeras, na produção de filmes que nos emocionam, nos divertem e nos inspiram. No episódio, aproveito também para festejar a vitória de CODA, na categoria melhor filme, e dos demais profissionais que levaram pra cada a estatueta, em um Oscar marcado pela diversidade. Dou a atenção roubada por uma agressão verbal, seguida de uma agressão física, ao documentário Summer of Soul, que levou o prêmio na categoria, mas seu produtor Queslove teve seu brilho ofuscado por uma treta entre dois irmãos pretos. Logo nesse momento em que deveríamos estar celebrando o festival de soul music no Harlem, tema do seu filme. E dou uma chamada na The Academy que fez a péssima escolha de tirar do programa ao vivo oito categorias, deixando de prestigiar os profissionais, para exibir um show sem graça, longo e repleto de piadas ofensivas. Esse episódio é dedicado ao cinéfilos, aos profissionais que atuam no ramo, incluindo jornalistas de entretenimento, que tiveram sua noite e o resultado do seu trabalho de meses (alguns anos) minimizado pela falta de responsabilidade dos organizadores do evento, do humorista e do ator. Se você está de saco cheio do papo do tapa e quer ouvir sobre cinema, diversidade, e uma crítica, que inclui a proposta de novas ideias, aos produtotes da cerimônia, só clicar no link na nossa bio. #oscars #oscars2022 #codamovie #coda #hollywoodéaqui #awardsseason #arianadebose #troykotsur #janecampion #verdadesejadita #podcast #spotify (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbv5weBL0KJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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franklong12 · 3 years ago
Jane Campion Wins Best Directing Oscar For 'The Power Of The Dog' LOS ANGELES (AP) — Jane Campion’s sabbat... Read the rest on our site with the url below https://worldwidetweets.com/jane-campion-wins-best-directing-oscar-for-the-power-of-the-dog/?feed_id=156036&_unique_id=6241c9bb63a8a #JaneCampion #TheOscars #ThePoweroftheDog
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