#jane glass
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rainy-weather-supremacy · 10 months ago
Ok, also coming up with elaborate questions about your characters now!
Who do you like the most? Completely unapologetic.
A character that isn’t fleshed out but you think they have potential? Could also only be a concept.
Which character made the worst choices, what were they?
Favorite ship!
Which character is most likely to win at monopoly?
Which character is the strongest? (I INCLUDE MAGIC 🪄 )
Who has the best dynamic?
One: I'd say I like Mary Glass the most. She pretty much started this whole family I invented (the Glass family) and also was a self-insert at the beginning so I might be a littel biased, but she is way more fleshed out now and also loves her wife a lot. She can make storms which I wish I could do.
Two: There's this character I just called 'Granny' because I waited too long with coming up with a name for her and now I refuse to. She's like this yellow-wearing tiny asian grandma that used to be a writer and now she's insane and feral with many limbs. She kind of exists in that way, but in terms of personality and what she actually does except be married to the woman she had a kind of enemies-to-lovers thing (also not fleshed out) and bite people. I think she has potential tough and is also fun.
Three: So this is kind of a hard question to answer because I mostly just invent characters and less full stories... 🤔 I think perhaps Daniel (Mary's brother) has made some questionable choices when he became an evil landlord that crushes people to death. This, on one hand, led him to get partners (yay), but also he ended up getting targeted by a group that caused just. So much trauma. So I think his bad choice was fucking around and finding out.
Four: Favourite ship,,,, now that's hard. I really like the one with Daniel and his partners, but there's one other, where the situation is kind of like They can be bad for each other but also the only person that the other could ever be with- The first is named Toby (Short for the chocolate /j) and he accidentally aqquired this power where, when he observes people being happy, they lose their happiness and he gains it. He really likes people but doesn't want to do that, so mostly just stays inside, which is pretty lonely. Cue entry Arthur, a guy who likes watching the stars and also kind of feeds on other peoples loneliness. It's not really his fault either and they just kinda feed off each other, but they are pretty interestind and I like their dynamic. (Toby is Daniel's uncle, by the way.)
Five: Daniel would be most likely to win at monopoly since he is an evil landlord who manipulates people (I love him tough).
Six: I'd say the strongest character is Mary- Not only can and does she summon giant, destructive storms and smite people with lightning but she's also just. So freaking muscly. Mary doesn't punch you and you fall over, she punches you and you die.
Seven: The favourite dynamic I think I have right now is Mary and Daniel (Can you tell I like these two lmao). They're siblings that used to be very close when they were young, mostly bc their parents were shit. Mary ended up getting severe anger issues and leaving as soon as she could and leaving Daniel behind, who on the other hand got more manipulative and very good with words. He blames her for leaving him behind, while she says that he was always the favourite child and could get himself out of trouble just by talking anyways. They really hate each other now and would perhaps even kill, but in that really complicated siblings way where you're still bonded somehow and would fuck someone up for messing with the other. Mary ended up killing their parents and Daniel bailed her out with his cool talking skills and knowledge of court because he gets sued for tax fraud a lot and Mary's wife Jane made Daniel a new arm because Mary asked her to. So yeah. Them.
Thank you for asking and I shall retaliate soon!!
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venompinks · 2 months ago
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JENNIE ✴︎ GENTLE MONSTER for @jennie--kim
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pancakemolybdenum · 1 year ago
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watching die hard
happy holidays!
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 2 years ago
The New S2 Poster Details
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Terry's hat and scarf ❤ With an ook pin! ❤
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Crowley's old glasses on the statue. The statue itself is the Marly Horses by Guillaume Coustou the Elder.
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Aziraphale's bow tie on the floor 👀
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The cardboard box - long ago Neil shared on his instagram: Game on! There are mysteries, histories, secrets revealed and Something Too Terrible To Be Revealed on the way. Also a cardboard box.
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Three feathers. One white, one blac and one white with a bluish/grey tinge (if it's not a shaddow)?
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The angel mug is back 🥰
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'The Resurrectionist' matches with skull and crossbones. In the previous poster there was a The Resurrectionist leaflet.
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Again the Eccles cakes (already were in the previous poster)
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Feather duster with dark gray/black feathers
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On this shelf there books also in the previous poster, but at different place 🤔: The Crow Road, Catch-22.
And: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon, from wikj: mystery novel by nritish writer Mark Haddon. Its title refers to an observation by the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes in the 1892 short story The Adventure of Silver Blaze
And: No Woman No Cry: My Life with Bob Marley by Rita Marley a memoir of Bob Marley by wife, Rita.
Also heard the people say that the right one of the Catch-22 they see Gabriel García Márquez on the spine (I can't read it :)).
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Lord Jim and Treasure Island have also been identified in the previous poster but now are in a different place 🤔👀.
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Three books by Jane Austen: Persuasion, Pride and Prejudice and Emma. We have already seen Pride and Prejudice in the previous poster but it was a different edition so Aziraphale has more than one :).
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Again geckos! :) 🦎 (there were three in the previous poster)
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The Buddy Holly Everyday was also in a different place in the previous poster. And there is a note on it
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The Ressurectionist, 66. Goat Gate, Edinburgh 👀.
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hurlyburlytopsyturvy · 11 months ago
mfs with ROYGBIV eyes:
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↓↓ rewfewence ↓↓
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angelfood420 · 10 months ago
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personinthepalace · 7 months ago
Edward Bluemel's self tape for My Lady Jane
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rainy-weather-supremacy · 10 months ago
Someone’s biggest flaw
Is Jackson just having a single dad arc?
How tf did Daniel acquire partners?
Is the Glass family like, regularly hunted by ppl or?
Someone’s best trait
How likely would it be for them to kill any of my characters (you choose) upon encounter
What does Leon do? Where does he keep hanging around and stuff
Most likely to fall into a super obvious trap
The fun continues :D
Oooh okay these are very good questions. Also are you aware of the action often called "opening a door"? It doesn't take long and then I wouldn't have to buy a new one every time you visit, tough of course I am happy that you do.
A big flaw that I have on hand right now is Mary's- She's very quick to anger and often loses it if provoked.
Single dad with monsterous babysitters who give terrible advice, pretty much, yeah!
So, uh, he met Jamie first. He was her landlord and she didn't struggle with money so he visited to crash her house down. Jamie, on the other hand, invited him so she could eat him, which led to a rather awkward moment where a guy with one hand on the ceiling, which has a lot of cracks that suspiciously lead to the beforementioned hand, and a giant monster stare at each other and think "wait, what the fuck?". They ended up not killing each other and went to get dinner instead. Later on, Jamie and Daniel both seperately met Avery, Jamie when trying to kill her and Daniel when Avery accidentally dug him up. Where Ozan comes in I have absolutely no idea but in the end all four of them (except for Daniel and Avery, they're in a QPR) were dating.
I mostly think about what happens inside of the family, but there's a pretty good chance that most of them have a bounty on their head somewhere, so I do think there's people after them every now and then.
Not very often, and most of them absolutely not, but Jamie definitely eats people that he thinks are evil (that's why he wanted to eat Daniel lmao), Avery has certainly had a few and Ozan is probably not that opposed to the idea. The only time they've eaten people together, tough, was after someone hurt Daniel and they were big mad.
I can think of a few; Jane's very calm and patient, Ozan and Jackson very kind and Toby is very compassionate. Tara has a strong sense of justice.
Most of them wouldn't just attack people for no reason, but if Avery was in an especially foul mood and, met Cecil in a dark alley it might smell his rich blood and go in for the kill, but that would have to be, like, total rock bottom for it. Tara would immediately attack anyone that participated in the Mistletoe project, even if they didn't really know what they were doing- They're pretty unforgiving like that.
Leon just tends to appear near people that are going to die soon, both because he feels drawn to them and also it just kinda happens that he looks around and is somewhere else. He mostly tries not to be seen since people tend to freak out over a ghost child continuously crying black tears and he has a few spots like graveyards and such where he likes to chill. He doesn't visit his parents very often, but sometimes he goes to check in on Camilla and run a hand through her so he can tell her which of her bugs are about to die soon. (She names and loves all of them.) What he really gets up to all the time, no one knows.
Mary, if she's mad, will be quick to fall into traps if Jane doesn't hold her back. Ozan has a high chance of accidentally walking into such traps and Granny might just do it for fun if she's bored.
I will get revenge for my door soon!
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sleepboysummer · 27 days ago
rtc fans with completely original choir designs i love yall please show me ur completely original choir designs
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stargirl444111 · 2 months ago
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doireallyhavetochooseaname · 7 months ago
Hear me out, I've had a realization.
I entered my soft boy area.
I watched Bridgerton season 3, My Lady Jane, The Artful Dodger, Normal People (and you cannot get sick of the We Live In Time trailer) and have fallen in love with these cutie pies.
I'm tired of macho James Bondes and Mr Greys.
I want to watch early love confessions, consent kings, meet cutes, grooms crying at their wedding, vulnerability, awkward conversations, raw sex scenes, men babygirling so hard, men going to therapy, husbands, making mistakes and owning up to them, good communication, etc.
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foolsocracy · 9 months ago
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happy pride to the bisexuals of 1933
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sunnysconfusion · 4 months ago
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she just gets me
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rainy-weather-supremacy · 10 months ago
Which character would survive being exiled in Antarctica?
Funniest thing a character has said or done?
Tell me some more about your magic system! I love magic systems!
Where do your characters live?
If her brother is a evil landlord then what’s Marys job?
Who would you NEVER want to hang out with?
Who is most like you?
If you could put them in a specific time period and place in history, where would it be?
Does your story have multiverses?
Who are Granny’s and Mary’s wives?
Why did your characters end up the way they did?
One: Probably Mikaela, since they can make magical fire that would keep them warm.
Two: This one is hard bc as I think I mentioned I don't have any real story yet.... One thing that's kinda funny is that Jamie has had two seperate occasions where both she and the other person wanted to kill each other and ended up dating both. Also once Avery was trying to dig a grave for someone and accidentally dug up Daniel who was just vibing in the earth.
Three: The magic system doesn't really have any hard rules, there's just magic everywhere manifesting in different ways- Trees that make their surroundings cold or drain the light like a cloud around them, green flames carried on the wind etc. People can use this magic to do whatever they were born to do and with some studying, you can also learn a few other kinds of magic.
Four: I don't know what country they're living in, but Daniel, Jamie, Ozan and Avery live in a house in the city. Jane and Mary live on a top floor apartment somewhere in a different city. Mikaela and Tara live on a pirate ship, Camilla in Nature and Jackson also has a house. For the rest I don't know.
Five: Mary doesn't really have a job. If she does, the description is something along the lines of 'storm witch' or something like that. She can't really keep the storms away, nor does she want to, so sometimes there's just a storm and she runs around looking cool. That is her job. (Thank jod she has a wife with a job lmao)
Six: Hmm, tough one. Most of them can be pretty scary, but I actually think I couldn't stand to be around Granny without feeling bad for her and also for myself and she has a kind of weird effect that makes you feel weird too which I wouldn't wanna be anywhere near- Yikes!
Seven: Most like me... I think Arthur is kinda similar to me, because he likes watching the stars and has social anxiety and stuff but still is cool (Like me obviously) (And you in case that wasn't already clear :D 👍)
Eight: The french revolution, just to watch all of the chaos they'd cause. Mary would 100% try to get Daniel beheaded. Tara has never had more fun getting people that deserve it killed. It think they deserve to go there. As a treat.
Nine: They don't explore the multiverse or anything, but it does simply so that I can make the story where they are all in medieval times canon.
Ten: Granny's wife is Esther and Mary's wife is Jane.
Eleven: Ohh okay. Well, Mary is the way she is because her parents were really ducked up and she responded to violence with violence. The storms make her feel free. I made her because I wanted a cool character. Jane hates the way her flesh is, partially because she's trans, so she is now working on replacing it with carefully carved wood. I made here so Mary can have a cool wife. Daniel started off as a kind of antagonist to Mary but I really like him now, he had the same bad parents as her and he's like that because his first path of action is now manipulation bc if it worked then why not now. Avery was a bit more fucked up first but it's the way it is because it came from a very rich family where people where cold and backstabbers to even their loved ones. They also hunted a lot, so she does that now too but different (TM). Ozan lost his legs for some unknow reason and just started telling lies about it and now the reason he lost his legs are different every day (It's the worst when he wakes up and finds that he currently still has legs because then he actually has to go through it again). I'm not sure why I created him but he's here now and not leaving. (CW: CHILD DEATH) Leon I thought of when listening to 'welcome to the internet' and heard the phrase "here's a nine year old who died". He is the way he is because he was always very indifferent about death, so much so that when he got run over by a car he didn't really die. He's a ghost now that can only touch things that will die soon. That's also the reason his sister Camilla is like that, tough I'm not exactly sure what lead to her cooking with rotten food and having moss grow in her hair. She's just silly like that. Created because I thought of the phrase "my cousine Carmilla from the Corruption" and thought it was funny. For Tara I just took the aroace siren and added agender. I think that probably something fucked up ahppened to them but who knows, they just want revenge on everyone now. Mikaela was also just there someday and their story has something to do with running away, but once again has not been worked out. Toby didn't mean to start taking happiness from the people by watching them but it happened because he liked to observe them and I guess he was just so happy about them being happy that they were no longer happy, if that makes sense. I made him because wouldn't that be fucked and Arthur was based on another character I made once that started existing when humans observed the stars for the first time and ceased to exist after the last. Arthur was kinda bullied and stuff, so he just turned to the sky for comfort. His loneliness attracted some kind of magic power, so here he is. Jamie was kind of smiliar, with being made fun of in school until he was afraid of being known. The darkness, where no one can know what you look like, called to him so much that he can now shapeshift freely as long as he's in the dark. Esther I made because I thought a mysterious but kind grandma with kinda evil intentions would be cool. I have no idea why she's like that she just is. Granny was the last one I made but I kinda just got the idea fully-formed in my head one day. She's like that because she magically went insane, but I don't know why yet. Jackson I made because it would be funny to have a normal dude and tbh he's just vibing and George the monster baby bc it would be funny to have a baby in the family. He's a monster because his parents where and he might actually come from another world.
Thanks! I will return it tomorrow 😈
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janeya · 1 year ago
dont u guys ever forget glasses jane.
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4suitedplayingcard · 10 months ago
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some punchy doodles from discord (mostly consisting of aran and joe)
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