#jamie lannister packs
A Song of heart and blood - part one | Daemon Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader
Summary: After an horrible prophetical dream, you find yourself traveling through time to try and save your sister, Daenerys, from her fatal ascension to the Iron Throne. During your mission, your heart derives you from your duty and you fall in love with your ancestor
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: The time-traveling part was heavily inspired by Outlander
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While most of Valerian descent are born dragonriders, very few have been dreamers.
The first known dreamer had been Daenys Targaryen, known as 'the Dreamer'. She had foreseen the Doom of Valyria in a dream twelve years before it happened, causing her father to relocate the family and its dragons to Dragonstone, thus securing House Targaryen's future as the last known dragonlord family in the world and the rulers of the Seven Kingdoms.
Then, Aegon I Targaryen, Viserys I Targaryen, Helaena Targaryen, Daemon II Blackfyre...and you.
The castle in King's Landing was completely destroyed, except for the Iron Throne. Your sister, Daenerys, was walking toward it, the new queen of the Seven Kingdoms. She touched the throne, a faint smile curling on her lips. Behind her, a man with dark hair had entered the room. They began talking – arguing – about some matter you couldn't hear. A kiss was shared and, as the two kissed, the man stabbed her in her heart with his dagger.
Had you told Dany about your dream, she would've laughed and said it was just that: a dream. Deep down, you could feel that it was something more. A dragon dream, as they call it in the books. A prophecy.
You had to do something to prevent your sister's tragic end. Talking her down to go after the Iron Throne was a losing battle. Dany was strong-headed; she would never accept to give up what was rightfully hers, even if you told her about your dream.
She didn't believe in that sort of thing, anyway.
The days following your dream, you found yourself in your head a lot. You couldn't look at your sister without seeing the blood leaking from her mouth and nose after that man had assassinated her. It had become difficult to close an eye at night, knowing what would happen to her in the end.
You had to do something.
A few days later, you packed your bag and went on your own to know more about prophecies. Leaving her with the Dothrakis worried you, but Ser Jorah had sworn protection to her. He'll keep her safe while you'll be gone.
After seven moons doing some heavy research away in the Free Cities, you found a woman of old age who knew about Dreamers and prophecies. She told you the only way to keep a foretelling event from happening was to fix the mistakes that led to it – albeit it being close to impossible. Prophecies always find a way to come to pass.
''Time traveling?'' you repeated with a doubtful furrow of your eyebrows.
The woman nodded. ''There is this old tale about a High Priestess who practiced different sorts of sorcery using the power of R'hllor. According to the tale, she has revived a man who had been stabbed enough times to empty himself of his blood, and knew details only someone who had lived in the past could know of. She is rumored to have lived hundreds of years, all thanks to her magic.''
''How may I find her?''
''Unfortunately, the High Priestess has been burned to the stake many decades ago, but her grimoire has not been found. She lived in a crept in Volantis, where I assume her grimoire still is. You might find what you need in it.''
''Would it save my sister? Going back in time.''
''Possibly.'' The woman
''You got to find the exact moment, the trigger time-stamp that started the downfall of the Targaryen dynasty.''
Was she talking about your father's descent into insanity? Had he not been held prisoner for half a year by a rebellious lord, perhaps he would not have let his paranoia cloud his judgment or let his cruelty grow. Perhaps Ser Jamie Lannister, a member of his own Kingsguard, would not have killed him.
Unless the prophecy went back longer ago? When did House Targaryen begin losing its power?
According to Maester Yandel, the biggest losses of House Targaryen happened during the Dance of Dragons, a major civil war in the history of the Seven Kingdoms. It destroyed many cadet and lesser branches of the Targaryen family - thinning the Targaryen bloodline –, and also eliminated almost all of the surviving dragons at the time – seventeen dragons died during the Dance.
Had the Dance not happened, had Aegon II not been born, it would've made a massive difference in the future of House
''Before you go searching for the grimoire, I shall warn you my lady: any minor change can have a ripple effect that could harm innocent bystanders.''
The crypt had taken you weeks to locate.
Each page of the grimoire was made of human skin and written with blood. It was quite gnarly to touch - or smell. The spelling was difficult to decipher. No offense to the High Priestess, but her handwriting was not the greatest. Some of the pages were in High Valyrian – which must've been the High Priestess's first language. Fortunately, you had been taught the language growing up.
Inside, you came across resurrecting spells and fertilization rituals, a handful of curses and poisonous brews, and a time-traveling ritual. They were all using blood magic, which was one of the most dangerous magic, but after seeing your sister ascending her rightful title as queen, to then be killed by her lover – which was somehow not Khal Drogo –, you were willing to risk the danger and consequences of blood magic.
The ritual sounded complex, but was relatively simple. You'll need a gemstone, fire and blood – and a solstice in a specific location. Fortunately for you, the summer solstice was only a moon away. You also needed an object that belonged to the time you wanted to go back to. The dragonglass dagger in your bag will be perfect. It had been given to the princess Rhaenyra by Viserys himself while he was king.
On the week of the Solstice, you began your journey to the ancient stone circle located on a mountain in Volantis. According to the grimoire, one of the stones was large and cleft, through which a time traveler may pass.
Come the Solstice, you waited until the moon was at its highest and started a small fire in the middle of the stone circle while reading a few High Valerian lines. You then added a few drops of your blood to the fire and threw the dragonglass dagger – the fire crackled and the flame grew in height, almost touching your forehead.
You immediately stepped back, startled. This was your first time dabbling in magic. You didn't know fire could be so powerful.
Lastly, you walked up to the large cleft stone, pressed your palm against the cleft.
Approximately 170 years before your birth
Since your arrival in King’s Landing, you have tried to be discreet and keep to yourself as much as possible.
As the woman of old age warned you, time-traveling was delicate. Each change – even the smallest – will have a direct effect on the future. A sliver of change done wrong, and the whole future could take a turn for the worse, the Targaryen lineage could be extinct sooner. You and your sister could…not exist.
All you needed to do was prevent Aegon II from being born. That alone should have a huge impact on the Targaryen dynasty – on the future.
You had no idea how you would execute your plan. From what you knew, the queen was expecting and the babe would be born in a couple of weeks from now. That didn't leave you a lot of time. The main issue was, Queen Alicent lived in the Red Keep and there was no way you could sneak in unnoticed. There were guards all around the castle. One was probably posted at the door of her chamber for extra safety.
Every time you took a stroll in the city, you were pestered by sellers. Seafood when in Fishmonger's Square, brewers in Dragon Square, baked goods on the Street of Flour. Everything looked delicious, but the coins in your pocket couldn't be spent on treats.
A brewer was being insistent tonight, trying to get you to try his liquor. You shook your head, politely declining. The bearded man was not taking no for an answer, claiming you must have coins on you because of the jewel around your neck.
The small quarrel grew in volume, catching some citizens' attention, notably a man in a hooded cloak. You wanted to run, but when you took a quick look around to evaluate your options, you caught the man with the hooded cloak's eyes. His eyes were purple and, under his large hood, you saw a glimpse of his silver hair. He was a Targaryen.
When you teleported through the stones, you vowed to yourself to minimize your social interactions and to not directly interact with any of your ancestors to not disrupt the future in times where it wasn't necessary.
You recognized him as Daemon, also known as the Rogue Prince. His dark gray hooded cloak was doing a mediocre job at shielding his identity – at least from the front. Or, perhaps you were just too good at recognizing those who shared your blood.
‘’The woman seems not to be interested.’’
Daemon’s voice cut the brewer's word spitting, making the bearded man raise his head in his direction. Although there was no threat in the prince's words, his tone itself held an authority. It felt commanding.
Had he been a regular man of the city, you would've thanked him. Instead, you ran off.
You didn’t want to be impolite, or come off as not thankful – you were thankful for him stepping in. Without him, the brewer would probably still be pressuring you to buy his liquor. You needed to remain unnoticed during your travels. Thanking Daemon would’ve broken your rule.
You took a left on the Street of Silk and felt eyes on your back. Had the bearded man followed you? No. It was unlikely. After Daemon’s interruption, he had to have given up. Someone was following you, though.
You snaked through the bodies and ran as fast as your legs allowed you.
A few buildings down, the street was splitting. You took another left and hid inside the closest building, which turned out to be a pleasure house – a brothel – , of all places. Just like the streets, it was packed.
You had never been to one of these places before. There wasn’t any around where you grew up. It was…was…uncomfortable. There were naked people – men and women – all around; some were dancing sexually, some were moaning and performing sexual acts of all genres.
‘’Silver hair are difficult to hide, are they?’’
You whirled around and came face to face with the Rogue Prince himself. His hood was still on, but his eyes bore right into yours. Just like yours, they were a shade of purple. His were a lighter color, but no less piercing.
He reached out to twirl a piece of your hair between his fingers, a frown settling between his eyebrows. Your alluring beauty, long and braided silver hair and the Valyrian steel necklace around your neck – a piece of jewelry that once belonged to your mother – were a straight-teller of your Targaryen roots.
‘’Where did you get this?’’ His eyes fixated the jewelry, as if he had seen it before.
‘’My mother.’’
''Valyrian steel, right?’’ You nodded. ‘’I brought the same one to my niece two years ago. I was told there was only one.’’
‘’Perhaps the person you bought it from was mistaken – or they lied to you.’’
Daemon looked at you with wary eyes. ‘’Who are you?’’
The dreaded question. You gulped, nervousness bubbling in your stomach as you tried to think of a quick fake-name. Using Targaryen in this era would stir too many questions.
‘’Y/N. Y/N…Stormborn, my Prince.’’
The last words felt strange on your tongue. It was the proper way to address him, though.
‘’Stormborn?’’ Daemon’s frown deepened, the name unfamiliar. In fact, it was the first time he heard it. ‘’I’ve never heard. Although, you must be of Valyrian blood. Only those with Valyrian blood have silver hair.’’
You shrugged, playing your part. ‘’I would not know. My father lost his life in battle and my mother died during childbirth. I was raised by my brother in Essos.’’
That part wasn’t all false. You only omitted small details…like your father being the Mad King and escaping to Essos after your birth so you, Daenerys and Viserys – your brother –’s lives would be spared.
The man before you hummed. He didn’t know if you were bullshitting him or telling the truth, but he’ll take your words for now.
‘’Have you ever been in Essos, my Prince?‘’ you asked.
The prince didn't get to answer you. Behind you, one of the curtains lining the hallway opened and a drunk man got thrown out of the private room, his erected cock out in the open. A naked woman – assumingly a working whore from the brothel – followed and threw his pants and tunic at him.
‘’No money, no fucking,’’ she spat at him, then walked off.
He bent down to pick up his clothes and tipped forward, visibly too drunk to have any sense of balance, and limply falling against you. His heavy, dead weight caused you to fall forward, your hand reaching for something to grab onto but only finding air.
In good reflex, Daemon firmly gripped your arm, catching you before your face would meet the filthy floor and pulled you against him in a knightly gesture. You ended up with your face in the prince’s chest, the mix of sandalwood, pine and a tinge of red wine seeping through your nose and invading your senses. Gods, he smelled nice.
Had he not been your great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather, perhaps you would have taken advantage of the close proximity and stayed there a little longer.
A light flush creeped to your cheeks and you pulled away. ‘’My apologies.‘’
Taglist: @taylorDaughter  @gillybear17 @liltimmyst​ @eos-princess​
House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones taglist: @anastasiaxsworld @lollypopcrazylover @fin-never @dkathl @ayamenimthiriel @nerdy4itall @rraindrops @glors3 @beelanie @hc-geralt-23 @sweetybuzz25  @uniquenightsheep @kaywsworld​ @i-yam-awesome​ @caspianobsessed @kelssssxd​ @dilfsarebetterthanyou
3K notes · View notes
Okay so someone had sent in a request for yan!Jaime Lannister with a witchy!Reader (which I’ll get to working on at some point) but not the beautiful, good kinda witch and I just can’t help but think of him with like a swamp hag type of witch!Reader. Like something akin to the show version of Maggy the Frog. Or even something a bit like Bellatrix Lestrange, just a type of unhinged and not completely all there but is otherwise harmless. Maybe his darling is even naive to some degree. I imagine that either they grew up shut away and kept far enough out of society that they haven’t had any real experience with what’s outside of their little reclusive world they’ve known all their life, or they chose to get away from civilization and stay to themself only for Jamie himself or something else to result in them having to go outside of their comfort zone and interact with society again.
I don’t know, I just can’t get the idea of Jaime with someone like that out of my head. And you know damn well when they first meet Jaime is totally giving side eye and thinks his soon to be darling is absolutely off their rocker and can’t wait to be anywhere other than right there with them but eventually he finds himself oddly enjoying them and their extremely questionable quirks. Probably after he’s already left them and went on his way does he find himself missing them. Eventually it gets to being too much and he goes looking for them again only to not find them whatsoever, whether he can’t find the exact place they were or he actually does but they’ve packed up and moved on to somewhere else.
I like the idea of witch!Reader being the type where you can’t just find them whenever you want at your convenience, you have to come across them on complete accident. Or maybe when their needed the most is when they pop up again. Either way, Jaime wouldn’t so easily let go of his witchy darling again after that.
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randomestroleplays · 1 year
Verse List
inspired by @hvbris​​, a collection of verses that I have for my muses and would love to explore in rps.  This list is by no means complete, though I will try to update it with new muses and ideas as they hit, and I’m very very open to talking about other verses!
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𝔞𝔦𝔰𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔤𝔯𝔢𝔶𝔧𝔬𝔶 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫
( primarily shipped with Jamie Lannister, happily open to shipping her with other characters, canon or oc, of any genders!  My other dream ships for her would be Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Oberyn Martell, and Margaery Tyrell, but I am entirely flexible and willing to talk about other ideas )
Arranged Marriage Verse
Within her canon, Aisling is forced to marry Jamie Lannister as a prisoner in King’s Landing, but I’d be very happy to explore an arranged marriage with another ship 
Aisling leaves Kings Landing with Sansa
Instead of staying in King’s Landing with Jamie after Joffrey’s death, Aisling follows Sansa into the godswood and onto the boat.  She severely distrusts Littlefinger and is constantly butting heads with him due to her desire to protect Sansa from his predatory nature.
Aisling grew up in Pyke
Instead of taking both of the youngest Greyjoys to Winterfell, Ned Stark only took Theon, leaving Aisling to grow up in Pyke, angry and trained for war, and neither able nor willing to be a proper, quiet, used and manipulated, little girl
Historical Fiction
taking away the dragons, white walkers, and warging, Aisling Greyjoy in any era of history
Modern verse
21st century AUs, from boarding schools to modern royalty, college to a specific fandom, anything that takes place in the modern world
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𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔱𝔥𝔶𝔰𝔱 𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔯𝔢𝔴𝔰 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫
( primarily shipped with Sweet Pea and Jughead Jones, as well as a queerplatonic relationship with the other teen serpents, very tentatively open to other romantic relationships, happily open to other platonic dynamics for her — my favourite dynamics for her are malachai, archie andrews, kevin keller, fred andrews, and fp jones, but I am willing to talk about other canon and oc ideas! )
Fake Dating verse
Ghoulie Amy AU
Wherein Amy, furious that Jughead was made Serpent King over her, defects to the one place where she has always felt valued and respected — her rightful place at Malachai’s side.  Can be done as a ship with Jughead, Sweet Pea, or Malachai himself
Road Trip
In the aftermath of Judgement Night, Archie’s arrest, and the Sisters of Quiet Mercy, Amy needs out of Riverdale.  Along with any combination of Jughead, Sweet Pea, Toni, Fangs, and Joaquin, she hops in a car and leaves Riverdale in her rearview mirror, no idea where she’s going or when she’ll be back, only planning to drive until she feels like she can breathe
Reality TV verse
With the seemingly endless tragedies striking Riverdale, a producer with limited morals and a strong desire for a profit, decides to start a reality show about the once peaceful town
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𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔢 𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔦𝔫 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫
( primarily shipped with Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, and Erica Reyes, happily open to shipping her with other characters, canon or oc, of any genders!  My other dream ship for her would be Derek Hale, but I am entirely flexible and willing to talk about other ideas, and I do call her my crossover bicycle for a reason )
Fake Dating verse
Dating to go undercover?  Dating for the press / Ari’s social media?  Dating just because someone won’t take the hint?  Whatever it may be, and whoever it might be with, Ari has wanted a chance to fake date someone since she was 13
Boarding School verse
A boarding school for Supernatural creatures?  Fame but with werewolves?  No magic at all, just rich brats and scholarship kids who live at school?  Open to any ship or platonic, OP here is just a sucker for this at all times
Celebrity verse
Does another member of the pack become famous?  Are werewolves traded away for child stars?  Is someone shoved into the spotlight because of their connection to Ari?  Any Hollywood-based AU that plays with Ari’s existing teen idol status is welcome, any ships or platonic
Holiday Fling
Arianne left Beacon Hills for Hollywood again and hasn’t looked back.  But now it’s Christmas and she’s heading home for the season — is she bringing someone along with her, or having a fling with someone she left behind?  Open to any ship or platonic, bonus points for Tis The Damn Season vibes
Reality TV verse
Arianne Martin is pretty damn iconic, but so much of her life is shrouded in mystery.  A producer with more balls than brains decides to be the one to unpack the True Story behind the teen star, dragging her friends and family into it whether they like it or not
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𝔟𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔦𝔡 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫
( primarily shipped with Tony Stark, Druig, and Ikaris, happily open to shipping her with other characters, canon or oc, of any genders!  My other dream ships for her would be Thor, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, and Sif, but I am entirely flexible and willing to talk about other ideas, and I would love to explore platonic dynamics with any avenger or eternal )
Royalty Verse
Where instead of, or as well as, being heroes from another planet, the Eternals are royalty
Period verses
Connected to canon or not, Brigid set in any time period that she would have spent on earth 
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𝔠𝔞𝔪𝔦𝔩𝔞 𝔫𝔢𝔩𝔰𝔬𝔫 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫 ( coming soon )
( primarily shipped with Steve Harrington, happily open to shipping her with other characters, canon or oc, of any genders!  Some other potential ships could be Nancy Wheeler, Carol Perkins, Tommy Hagan, Eddie Munson, or Chrissy Cunningham, and I would also enjoy exploring a toxic dynamic with Billy Hargrove, but I am entirely flexible and willing to talk about other ideas )
Hunger Games verse
Camila Nelson always knew that she could be reaped, that the odds might not always be in her favour,  But she was fast, she was stronger than she looked, and she had an instinct to survive that had gotten her this far.  So when her name is called, she knows that it could be a death sentence.  But she also knows that she could win.  Until little Will Byers is reaped as her district partner, and Camila knows that she’d lay down her life in a heartbeat to get him home
Fake Dating verse
Umbrella Academy verse
On the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began.  Camila Nelson was one of those children, and one of the lucky ones to avoid Reginald Hargreeves’ clutches.  But luck was no power of hers, and Camila can’t outrun her destiny forever, not when the world is set to end within the week.
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𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔢 𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔢𝔱 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫
( as a completely original muse, I don’t have any set ships with her, but here on her wanted list I have a collection of fandoms, ships, and dream casts that I would love to play with for her, along with any original or fandom platonic dynamics )
Arranged Marriage verse ( modern )
Boarding School verse
Political verse
Fake Dating verse
Celebrity Verse
Reality TV verse
Gossip Girl vese
Gossip Girl Reboot verse
Caroline Somerset is really the only person at Constance Billard who rivals Julian Colloway in terms of notoriaty, instagram fame, and followers.  They always put their friendship first, but with the rise of Gossip Girl, keeping up appearances is what matters the most.  No matter the cost.
The Perfectionists verse
Wherein Caroline Hotchkiss has been keeping as many secrets as her twin brother, Nolan.  But when Nolan turns up dead one night, it’s all Caroline can do to try to keep both her secrets and her life
Harry Potter vese
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𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔩𝔢𝔶 𝔯𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔯 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫 ( coming soon )
( primarily shipped with Ben and Jay, happily open to shipping her with other characters, canon or oc, of any genders!  Some other potential ships could be Evie, Harry, or other original characters, but I am entirely flexible and willing to talk about other ideas )
Fake Dating verse
Anastasia AU
Many years ago, the princess Finley disappeared and was considered dead.  Years later, a clever conman meets a lovely blonde girl with no memories of her past and sees her as his opportunity for riches — he never expected her to actually be the long lost princess that he was teaching her to impersonate.
Pirate Finley
Instead of being found by Jay, a certain Harry Hook finds Finley Rider when she arrives on the island.  Brought into the pirate crew, Finley will stop at nothing to help get her friends off of the isle, even if it means returning to the life she’d sworn was only in her past.
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𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔶 𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔞 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫
( primarily shipped with finnick odair, happily open to shipping her with other characters, canon or oc, of any genders! )
Fake Dating verse
Boarding School verse
Instead of victor districts having training academies, the capitol takes all children from ages 12-18 and puts them into a single boarding school, where they can only be taught the knowledge that the capitol wants them to have, and once a year 24 of them are still reaped for the hunger games
Modern AU
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𝔥𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔰 𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔢𝔫 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫
( primarily shipped with finnick odair, happily open to shipping her with other characters, canon or oc, of any genders! )
Fake Dating verse
Boarding School verse
Instead of victor districts having training academies, the capitol takes all children from ages 12-18 and puts them into a single boarding school, where they can only be taught the knowledge that the capitol wants them to have, and once a year 24 of them are still reaped for the hunger games
Modern AU
Reality TV verse
With the sheer captivating drama of Katniss and Hollis’ back to back games, and the capitol’s love for the Everdeen sisters, Caesar Flickerman has the brilliant idea to start a reality show centred around the Capitol’s favourite family, as two of their beloved daughters learn to navigate the world of victors
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𝔧𝔲𝔩𝔦𝔢𝔱𝔱𝔞 𝔡𝔯𝔞𝔨𝔢 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫
( primarily shipped with jason todd, tentatively open to shipping her with other characters, canon or oc, of any genders!  Would also love to explore platonic / familial dynamics with damian wayne, tim drake, dick grayson, and any other gothamites )
Fake Dating verse
Boarding School verse
All of the batkids-and-co at boarding school
Marriage before romance
Knowing that Jason is one of Bruce’s children, and with Julietta carrying Damian, Ra’s and Talia want to give Damian as strong of a bloodline as possible, and arrange for Jason and Julietta to be wed in Nanda Parbat
Nanda Parbat verse
Dark verse, before Jason and Julietta get out of Nanda Parbat, either while Julietta is pregnant or when Damian is a baby
Jason remembers her
Julietta returns to Gotham in search of her son and her baby brother only to run into a pissed off Red Hood — only this time, he remembers her, and their past together
Julietta & Jason raising Damian verse
When Talia helps Julietta escape Nanda Parbat, she sends Damian along with her so that he’ll be safe from his grandfather — and just to be cautious, she pulls Jason out of his revenge mission in Gotham and tasks him with protecting his former family
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𝔨𝔞𝔱 𝔰𝔪𝔦𝔱𝔥 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫
( primarily shipped with dean winchester, open to shipping her with other characters, canon or oc, of any genders! )
Cross country road trip
Fake dating for a mission
A monster is attacking a couple’s retreat, a couple raises less suspicion than insisting on “just friends”, a husband and wife thinking of moving to town, there are a lot of times where a couple is less memorable than two friends asking too many questions
Princess of Hell
Where Kat can’t avoid her preordained destiny forever, becoming the host of Lilith and the little girl queen of hell
Spy / Secret Agent verse
Instead of hunting monsters, Kat hunts criminals and crime syndicates across the country
Criminal verse
Think Bonnie and Clyde, think Thelma and Louise, think criminals travelling around the country trying to stay one step ahead of the police
Role Reversal
Teen Wolf Verse
While tracking the monster of the week, Kat Smith finds herself in Beacon Hills, California.  She recognizes Chris Argent as an old friend of her father’s, but she never expected him to be practically a part of the local wolf pack.  ( potential for a Derek ship! )
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𝔨𝔶𝔩𝔞 𝔨𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢𝔯 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫 ( coming soon )
( primarily shipped with Max Wolfe, happily open to shipping her with other characters, canon or oc, of any genders!  Would love to explore any slightly toxic dynamic, with max or another character, involving a lot of negging and a bit of classism, as well as anything involving the seven samurai as a group )
Fake Dating verse
Dating for the press / social media?  Dating for Julian’s brand?  Dating just because someone won’t take the hint?  
Vacation verse
Does the entire group go on a vacation together?  Does someone take ‘pity’ on Kyla and invite her on a two-person vacation?  Travel, unresolved feelings, very open to smut if that’s up your alley
Reality TV Verse
With so many rich, famous, and influential teens in one place, it was only a matter of time before a producer realized just how much money could be made off of a “behind the scenes” look at Instagram’s It Kids
Heathers Verse
Kyla Keller didn’t necessarily like her friends, but she definitely didn’t want them dead.  But when one person gets into her head that they can make Constance Billard a better place, Kyla soon finds herself in over her head.  ( Kyla as Veronica, Julian as Chandler, Monet as Duke, Luna as McNamara, JD is flexible! )
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𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔢𝔶 𝔱𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫
( primarily shipped with finnick odair, happily open to shipping her with other characters, canon or oc, of any genders! )
Fake Dating verse
Modern AU
Reality TV verse
Between her historical Hunger Games win at only 12 years old and her friendship with the other most beloved victors, of course the Capitol would find one more way to profit off of their best and brightest stars
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𝔩𝔶𝔯𝔞 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔩𝔩 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫
( primarily shipped with Jughead Jones, happily open to shipping her with other characters, canon or oc, of any genders!  Some other potential ships could be Sweet Pea, Toni, Fangs, or other original characters, but I am entirely flexible and willing to talk about other ideas, and I would love to explore platonic dynamics with other characters from Riverdale or other original Toledo characters )
Fake Dating verse
Boarding School verse
Instead of Toledo, Jughead finds himself sent to boarding school after his father’s arrest, where his tour guide is none other than fellow Riverdale escapee and chronic overachiever, Lyra Lovell
Road trip
Secret relationship
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𝔬𝔭𝔥𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔞 𝔴𝔞𝔶𝔫𝔢 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫
( ophelia does not have a set ship, but I am very happily open to shipping her with other characters, canon or oc, of any genders, and I would also love to explore platonic relationships with Bruce, Alfred, or OCs, or any dynamic with other gothamites, whether from Gotham itself or elsewhere in the DC / Batman universes )
Ophelia in The Batman
exactly what it sounds like; Ophelia Wayne but instead of being the older sister to a traumatized 13 year old, she’s the older sister to a grown ass traumatized vigilante
Fake Dating verse
Victorian Era verse
In the late 1880s, Ophelia Wayne’s parents are murdered by none other than Jack the Ripper, and her younger brother becomes the new head of the family, all the while Ophelia has to keep him from hunting down their parents’ killer himself
Prohibition verse
Ophelia Wayne in the 1920s, where Gotham’s underground is firmly against the prohibition with none other than the Iceberg Lounge itself as the most infamous speakeasy around.  Ophelia herself has no objection to partaking in certain depravities, but her attention is torn as she struggles to keep her younger brother from getting himself killed
Boarding School verse
Before returning to Gotham and witnessing her parents’ murder, Ophelia Wayne was just another spoiled brat in a European boaring school
Royalty verse
The Waynes are royalty that’s it that’s the verse, with both modern and period variations
Arranged Marriage verse
as part of a business deal, Ophelia Wayne finds herself in the middle of an arranged marriage, one that not even her parents’ deaths can get her out of
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𝔭𝔢𝔤𝔤𝔶 𝔣𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔱𝔬𝔫 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫 ( coming soon )
( primarily shipped with Anthony Bridgerton, happily open to shipping her with other characters, canon or oc, of any genders!  Some other potential ships could be Simon, Benedict, Colin, or other original characters, but I am entirely flexible and willing to talk about other ideas!  Would also be very interested in any platonic dynamics within the Bridgerton universe, with her sisters, the Bridgertons, or anyone else in the ton )
Modern AU
Arranged Marriage
Wherein Portia Featherington is a bit more clever than she seems, and manages to secure an incredibly desirable match for her eldest daughter
Fake Dating
When Peggy Featherington finds herself betrothed to a truly horrendous man, she only has one last idea for how to escape it — convince her mother that she is already courting with someone with a superior standing to her current fiancé.  The obvious suitor?  A man under as much pressure to wed as she, also looking for a way to postpone his fate
Marriage Of Honour
When Peggy Featherington is caught in a compromising position with a man of the ton, he has no choice but to propose to her to protect her honour.  But with only her mother’s word to go on, Lady Whistledown wonders if such a situation ever happened, or if Portia Featherington is simply more conniving than anyone thought
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𝔯𝔥𝔦𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔬𝔫 𝔟𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔯𝔡 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫
( primarily shipped with Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson, happily open to shipping her with other characters, canon or oc, of any genders!  Some other potential ships could be Nancy Wheeler or Jonathan Byers, and I would also enjoy exploring a toxic dynamic with Billy Hargrove, but I am entirely flexible and willing to talk about other ideas.  I would also love to explore platonic relationships with Eleven or anyone else from the lab, and her extremely toxic relationship with her father )
Fake Dating verse
Runaway Verse
Instead of staying put in Hawkins, Rhiannon Ballard runs much farther from the lab; who knows who she might meet along the way, or what they might be running from
Umbrella Academy verse 1
Martin Brenner had a knack for finding miracle children, for taking them from their homes and raising them in his lab, a fucked up mockery of a family all being trained into the perfect weapons
Umbrella Academy verse 2
On the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began.  Rhiannon Ballard, now Rhiannon Hargreeves, was among them.  Eventually she left, running away and never once looking back — until Reginald Hargreeves died.  But her homecoming is only made worse when her long deceased brother shows up, with warnings of an apocalypse only days away
Umbrella Academy verse 3
The one where Henry Creel was one of the original miracle children, and his daughter Rhiannon is taken to be raised as a new — and hopefully more successful — generation of the Umbrella Academy
Boarding School verse
Period verses
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𝔯𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔞 𝔞𝔟𝔟𝔬𝔱𝔱 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫
( primarily shipped with Dick Grayson, open to shipping her with other characters, canon or oc, of any genders!  I would love to explore platonic dynamics with other Titans members, whether from the shows or the comics )
Fake Dating verse
Friends with benefits verse
Umbrella Academy verse
Where teen heroes and sidekicks are raised in a boarding school designed to train their powers and create the next generation of heroes
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𝔰𝔦𝔢𝔯𝔯𝔞 𝔫𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤  ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫 (coming soon)
( sierra does not have a set ship, but I am very happily open to shipping her with other characters, canon or oc, of any genders, and I would also love to explore platonic relationships with any of the Hargreeves or any ocs in the universe )
Fake Dating verse
Sierra Nearing is nothing if not helpful, of course she would pretend to date a friend in need
Stranger Things verse
A few, not many but a few, of Martin Brenner’s experiments never made it to the lab, disappearing before he could get his hands on them. Such was the case for Sierra Nearing, waitress and aspiring detective. People tell her things, they always have, and when Will Byers goes missing one night, she can’t resist the gut instinct telling her that there’s something worth investigating ( can be played as young 20s or high school age )
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𝔰𝔳𝔢𝔱𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔞 𝔫𝔬𝔳𝔦𝔨𝔬𝔣𝔣  ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫
( primarily shipped with Aleksander Kirigan, which can be as loving or as toxic as desired, tentatively open to shipping her with other characters, canon or oc, of any genders!  Would also love to explore platonic / familial dynamics with alina and mal )
Arranged Marriage / Marriage Before Romance
Still new to the Little Palace, people are already talking about Svetlana as the General’s Little Pet. Soon, Svetlana finds herself receiving a speech about morale, unity, and doing one’s duty, which turns out to be a flowery way of informing her that she is to wed the much older, still often frightening, General Kirrigan.
Enemies To Lovers
Despite her history with the General, Svetlana’s loyalty will always be to Alina above all, no matter who she has to protect her from.  Unfortunately, in the midst of her desperate attempts to protect Alina from the General, Svetlana can’t help but fall for the man
Modern Verse
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bruiisedpetals-a · 1 year
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@withouthonor​ ; ser jamie lannister , commander of the kings guard
vida was returning from the docks at the blackwater where she had purchased some herbs native to the riverlands with the unmistakable sound of royal and noble celebration being carried on the wind down from the keep to the commonfolk such as herself.   though distance-muffled —— there was cheering , roaring of the crowd , there was music and laughter , the scent of delicious foods occasionally reaching vida’s nose.       ‘i’d better go ,’ she said to the fishmonger whom she’d just bought some crab from , smiling and she handed over the coins ; both of them had paused as a particularly loud cacophony of raucous and celebratory sounds boomed ... ‘the taverns and brothels will be filling fast and i’d rather be out of the city for the evening when they reach bursting point.’
she weaved her way through the people , though many were leaving the market stalls and making their way into — as vida expected — heading into the various establishments of hedonism.   whenever the noble-born held some sort of event , the commonfolk were more than happy take advantage of the distraction to have fun of their own.   vida , however , was not one for crowds and the pushing-and-shoving of bodies in such cramped spaces.  she had shut up her small stall already as to run her errands and now she simply had to pack down , load her wagon and head out  ( thank the gods she didn’t have to rent a room anywhere when she traveled ... her home , and for the most part also her business , was on wheels ).
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vida’s footsteps slowed on the gravelly ground , there was a man by her stall , obscured by some shadows as they took shelter from the heavy late afternoon sun. she swallowed and adjusted her satchel , her coins tucked into her bodice and a small blade up her sleeve carefully sheathed ... just in case — vida almost never carried it : only in the bigger cities , on the docks and ports.  she wasn’t a fool.   “i’m closed for the day ,” she said as she approached the figure ; the words a way of announcing herself — for all the healer and apothecary knew , he was simply there by coincidence.
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notenoughmuses · 1 year
Cersei had been exiled from Westeros. The Queen and her children fleeing from Robert after her botched assassination attempt had gone wrong. Eddard had graciously allowed her time to escape the wrath of the crown and so she and her children packed and fled to Essos. Originally she had planned on taking Jamie with her but there was no time to leave in the middle of the night.
But instead of Pentos or Braavos, their shop had gotten caught in a storm and they sailed into the port of Qarth. Upon being allowed into the city, Cersei held her children close to her, just thankful they were all alive and safe despite the situation they'd gotten into because of Eddard Stark looking too closely into things that didn't concern him.
Now, Cersei was searching everyone she came across, searching for a sign of someone who would be sent to kill her or her children. Suddenly while in the marketplace does her green eyes see something that makes the Lannister Queen go pale, her feet stop and she stares. Her eyes wide like she'd seen a ghost. Joffery is the first to give her mother a wave with a hand in front of her face and Myrcella is heard saying how pretty that woman is. Little Tommen just cries about missing his cat and asking for food.
Cersei whispers "Daenerys" There was rumor that she was alive and well with dragon hatchling after her brother had perished. But to actually see her....she reminded Cersei of what Rhaella and Rhaegar looked like and yet not. Cersei takes small steps closer, almost as if she's scared the Targaryen woman would vanish into thin air. "Children stay close"
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thepowerpuffedits · 7 years
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nikolaj coster-waldau layouts requested
please, like/reblog if you use it
don’t need credits but we appreciate them (tw acc @ powerpuffedits  )
don’t redistribute and claim as your own
requests are open
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fandomiconsx · 4 years
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like or reblog if you use
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kozoah · 5 years
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Winter has come.
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fruitycons · 6 years
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Game Of Thrones icons
× Heart/reblog if you like, use or save please. × Leave your request.
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youngmudblood · 7 years
GoT | The Darkness
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I Could Do Worse
A/N: Some people expressed an interest in seeing some stuff about my basically dead OC. I’ve written a lot of stuff and dialogue I’m pretty proud of, but I don’t have the time or the inclination to actually put it all together. I might save her for an original work, but that’s still a maybe. So, I thought I’d just share it all randomly with you. If you’d liked to be tagged in future content, let me know!
Tagged: @imagine-the-fanfics​, @flapjacques​, @aqueencomplexx​
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Background: Elenna is the eldest daughter of Ned and Catlyn Stark, being Robb’s twin sister. She loves the North.  If given the choice, she would have lived and died without ever leaving the walls of Winterfell.  However, as the eldest daughter, her duty is to wed a husband beneficial to her family. But, she never imagined the man she would marry would be the Kingslayer, a man without honor, Jaime Lannister.
I decided to go up with the aged up version of the show characters to make it frankly more bearable for me to write.
She and Jaime are married about a year before the events of the first book. This is the scene where Ned tells Elenna the King’s decision.
Word Count: 1.0K
“Come in,” her father called.
Elenna walked into his study to find him standing alone behind his desk. For so long, it had been a forbidden room. To her siblings it signaled some kind of punishment.  For her, however, it was a place of peace, somewhere she could work and study in perfect silence with the only other person in Winterfell who seemed to crave it.  But now, the normal tired, but happy light in her father’s eyes was gone, replaced with a solemn executioner.
Now she understood why her siblings feared the room. 
“Close the door,” he said, gently.
She did as she was told before turning back to her father.
“Mother said you wanted to speak to me.”
Lord Stark nodded his head, his eyes transfixed on the desk and the parchment laid across it.
That alone gave her pause. He always said, ‘he who carries out the sentence should swing the sword’. Although, being a lady, she would never sentence a man to die, she understood it meant she must take full responsibility for her decisions. The man in front of her had taught her that; now, he couldn’t even look her in the eye.
“The king has taken it upon himself to find you a husband,” he said.
Her heart beat spiked as a sudden flush of nerves washed over her.  But, she kept it off her face, as any other Lady of the North would. 
“That is very kind of his majesty,” she said, stepping further into the room.  “Has he told you who his has in mind?”
Her father’s usual stoicism wavered as a grimace pulled on his lip.  “The king has commanded me to give you away…to the Kingslayer.”
Elenna eyes widened. “Jaime Lannister?”
Her father said nothing still looking away from her.
“The king has commanded you…to marry me to Jamie Lannister,” she repeated slowly still trying to process the information.
He finally looked at her, the pain his words caused him echoed across his features.
She suddenly felt dizzy and sat down in the nearest chair.  This time she was the one that couldn’t bear to look at her father.
“I take it he is no longer in the King’s Guard,” she said.
He nodded.  “King Robert wishes us to depart for Casterly Rock as soon as we are can. When we arrive he will release Sir Jaime from his vows.”
She took a slow breath bringing her composure back with it.  “And how long after are we to be married,” she asked.  
“About a month, maybe less.”
She looked to him.  “So soon?”
He met her gaze, but said nothing. It was answer enough.
“I suppose that makes sense,” she said.  “If we are to be married we might as well get it over with.”
“I’m so sorry, Elenna.”
She shook her head, her eyes softening at his words.
“I don’t blame you father. Robert is your king and friend.  If he commands it, I do not expect you to say no.”  
Guilt seemed to have taken permanent residence on her father’s face. She knew he wished to comfort her, but they both recognized the truth of her statement.
“Besides it’s a logical match,” she continued.  “It’s no secret the crown is in debt to Tywin Lannister.  If King Robert allows Tywin’s eldest son to marry and claim his inheritance, Tywin is more willing to forgive some of the debt. The king would also want somebody on his side to be married to the heir of Casterly Rock.  Whom better than the daughter of his best friend? It’s all…very well-reasoned.”
Her father almost laughed.  “I rather you had just screamed and told me you wouldn’t go through with it.”
She raised an eyebrow.  “Would that had helped?”
“No,” he admitted, “but it might have made me feel better.”
She gave a small smile.
He matched it, but only for a moment.  It was something at least.
“Come here, child.”
She did.  In an instant she was wrapped in the warmth of her father’s arms. Even at sixteen years of age, she still found safety in them.
“He doesn’t deserve you,” he said.
“According to you, no man deserves me,” she countered.
“That’s because no man does.”
Elenna nodded, holding her rising emotions by burying them in familiar comfort. “I could do worse.”
Ned sighed and place a small kiss on the top of her head before pulling away to take in her face.
“I should be the one justifying this marriage to you, not the other way around.”
She looked to the ground, unsure of what to say. She couldn’t tell him what she was actually feeling, even she didn’t know.  She just knew she had to lessen the pain, at least for one of them.
“You’re a good girl Elenna,” he said, gently.
She smiled, masking the hurt as best she could.  “So, I’ve been told.”
He allowed her a small smile at that.  
“May I make a request?” she asked.
“Of course.”
“I know the King wishes us to depart as soon as we are able.  And I know with efficiency we could do so within a few days, but could I have at least a fortnight?  I need to make sure everything is in order."
He nodded. “I’m sure he’ll understand.”
A small breath of relief escaped her. “Thank you.”
“You better be on,” he said.  “Your brothers and sisters are going to want to know what we’ve been discussing.”
“Are you not going to tell them?” she asked.
“I think it would be best if they heard it from you first, if they wish to discuss it further they can come to me.”
His eyes softened, his features finally coming back to something more resembling the father she knew. 
“I love you very much, my girl,” he said. “And know that no matter who your husband my be, you are a child of Winterfell. You remember our words?”
“Winter is coming,” she said, faithfully.
“Winter is coming,” he repeated in approval.  “And when it does come, your pack will always be there for you.”
She stood straight, her eyes never wavering.  “I understand.”
“I know you do,” he said, before nodding towards the door.  “Go on.”
She took her leave, making sure never to look back even as the door closed behind her.  The pressure of tears might prickle behind her eyes, her breath might quicken, and her hands might shake, but she would no break.  There were worst things to cry about, and Winter was coming.
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
Fighting Alongside the GoT Characters & They Realize You’re a Woman
THIS IS A NEAT IDEA + a request woop woop, I hope i did it justice, anon!
I didn’t include some characters because a few started to get repetitive, or bc I genuinely struggled with them. If i removed or didnt include your fav, serenade my ask box and ill add them!
In this preference, you'll be fighting with: Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Benjen Stark, Jory Cassel, Dolorous Edd, Tormund Giantsbane, Theon Greyjoy, Yara Greyjoy, Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, Missandei, Tyrion Lannister, Jamie Lannister, Tywin Lannister, Sandor Clegane, Bronn, Stannis Baratheon, Davos Seaworth, Margaery Tyrell, Brienne of Tarth, Roose Bolton, Ramsay Bolton, Oberyn Martell, Beric Dondarrion
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When you removed your helmet, Ned was certainly taken for surprise, but it wasn’t so unheard of for women to fight in the North - for a moment he wondered if you were with the Mormont family and he just didn’t recognize you. He’d thank you for helping him in battle and once he was home, ask around to see if anyone had heard of you. If you were the daughter of a knight or soldier at Winterfell, he’d feel quite abashed for not knowing you, and he’d make a point to try and speak to you again.
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In the middle of battle, Robb noticed you were consistently protecting other men on the battlefield. He focused his attention back on the battle and at one point, you intercepted a soldier coming for him. After the battle, Robb looked for you, and was stunned to silence when you removed your helmet. He quickly recovered himself and thanked you for protecting his men and himself. If you had time, he’d want to know more about you, especially how you learned how to fight so well.
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A tourney had gotten out of hand, and you were the one to shield Sansa away from a drunken crowd that turned into an outright brawl. She got separated from everyone, and you easily guided her home. She’d graciously thank you, asking if you were a Ser, and she wouldn’t hide her surprise once you pulled your hood back and showed your face. She’d think about you well after she went back into the Red Keep, and ask her handmaidens if they knew of a woman with a pretty face and a sword at her waist.
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Jon flounders a little when he finds out. He was thanking you for your help and complimenting the quality of your sword, then you took off your helmet and his words suddenly sputtered and failed him. You could probably tease him a bit for it, and he’d apologize with a blush. Jon wouldn’t be able to hide his curiosity as to who taught you how to use the sword, and he could definitely be goaded into a spar. The matter of how you ended up at the Night’s Watch occurred to him as well, and you certainly had to elbow him when he tried to ask you something in front of others.
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He had a few suspicions when he’d seen you before, but his attention was quickly taken away when a pack of wildlings attacked you and his scouting party. You watched his back more than once, and he did the same, and you two dealt with the wildlings fairly quickly. Once you both were alone, he’d just bluntly ask if you were a woman. He’d want to know more about you and why you were here of all places, asking with a genial smile. He wasn’t judging, you could tell, and he wouldn’t expose your secret. 
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He was pleasantly surprised when you stepped in to help him fend off some opportunistic bandits. Once you revealed yourself, he couldn't hide his surprise and stumbled on his initial words. He still thanked you and he'd think about you for some time after, wondering if anyone at Winterfell has heard of you. If you ran into each other again, he’d take that chance to actually ask you his questions and get to know you better.
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He didn’t pay much attention to “the brother who creeps about in a hood”. You both were somewhat friendly, you were just quiet for obvious reasons. It wasn’t until you both got caught out beyond the Wall during an expedition, and a wildling yanked your hood off, did he realized why you were bundled up and hiding. It was just you and Edd that were caught out, and you more or less threatened them into silence. To say he was surprised was an understatement, but he played it cool, trying to get to know you throughout the trip and subtly distracting anyone who was bothering you.
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Tormund would light up with absolute glee once he realized the crow he’d been watching in combat was actually a woman. He liked your style and asked you outright to show your face and give him a proper spar. It only made him like you even more, especially if you’d disarm him during the spar. He’d probably end up with a crush by the end of the day, and Jon would have to pull him away once he started asking after your battles and scars.
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Theon actually scoffed when you remove your hood. There's no way a girl could've hit the bandits with the ferocity you did, but here you are. He's distinctly reminded of Yara when he sees the way you grip your weapon and glare at him, so he gives a half-baked thanks. Later in the Winterfell training yard, he'd laugh at the way you'd knock over Jon and Robb, until the two of them pushed him into the ring to fight you. He wondered how he’d never noticed you before, but not being noticed was kind of the point of your disguise. For every time you’d laugh at how easy it was to disarm him in a spar, he’d laugh at how sideways your arrows would fly.
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She didn't pay attention to who was fighting alongside her until afterwards. When you removed your hood to shake out your hair, she just laughed outright, recalling just moments ago when you doubled over a man twice your size. She would then saunter over, bluntly asking why you were helping her and her men. Yara appreciated ferocity in a woman, and she’d say as much. She’d want to grab a drink with you and find out how experienced you truly were, and if you were looking for a crew to work on. Being surrounded by a bunch of men with only a few brains between them got exhausting, after all. 
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You had heard of her exploits through Essos and travelled to Meereen to see the dragon queen for yourself. During a sudden revolt, you jumped forward beside her guard and helped fend off the angry crowd. Once she was safe in her palace, Daenerys demanded to see your face and know your intentions. You removed your hood and explained yourself. Admittedly, she was much more interested upon seeing your face, and she’d accept your service if you decided to pledge to her.
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He’d seen and heard of women warriors in Essos, it wasn’t too unusual. He was still surprised when Viserys hired you to watch Daenerys on her wedding day, perhaps thinking she’d run. You and Jorah ended up with something of a rapport, especially once he saw you fight. He grew up with ladies in courtly dresses and manners, so to see such a pretty woman wield a weapon with such ferocity was an interesting and sometimes amusing sight.
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Missandei rarely left the palace unless she followed Daenerys’ lead, and this was the exact reason why. She’d try to be stealthy, but she was caught up in a riot in Meereen. You pulled her to safety back to the palace, cutting down any that tried to hurt you both. There wasn’t time to talk until you both were finally safe - shaken, but safe. 
You’d finally remove your hood and ask if she was alright, and Missandei was surprised, but still grateful. She’d implore you to come into the palace, to see the khaleesi and perhaps you’d be rewarded. Missandei liked that you didn’t want a reward, but she’d still want your wounds to be tended to.
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Like the rest of the attending audience, Tyrion was shocked that it was a maiden who won the melee at Casterly Rock. It wasn't long before the gossip caught up and he learned your name and House, if you had one. Later at the feast, he'd make a point to bring you a cup of wine, since he heard many lords snickering and complaining about your win. He'd jest that you'd lost them quite a bit of gold, then would chat and try to learn about you. 
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You fought alongside him in his father’s army, and at first, he thought nothing of the soldier beside him, besides your competence and skill with the blade. It wasn’t until in the heat of a fight, when your helmet was knocked off, that he realized what you were. You scolded him for being distracted and retrieved your helmet after the battle. You then implored him to keep your secret, and Jaime did. He still thought of you sometimes, and would try to seek you out at camp, but you blended in too well with the other Lannister soldiers. It’s an understatement to say he was surprised to see you long after, when he returned to King’s Landing a very different man. You still had the same sword, the same armor that hid your features. It was oddly grounding to see something hadn’t changed, and this time, you gave him a smile. 
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He'd heard some years ago about a lord in the Crownlands allowing his daughter to don armor and learn the sword, but Tywin never kept idle gossip in mind. The thought returned when you arrived with your lord father and his men, fresh off the battlefield. You removed your helmet and gave your courtesies, while your father remarked on how many Stark men you took the life of. After that, when his generals would disappoint him, Tywin would make a snide remark about how he ought to bring the Crownsland girl to the wartable, since her bannermen were doing more for the war. He might even call you into the war chambers and quiz you on strategy in front of them, just to make a point.
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You were a sellsword hired by that Imp, along with those hill clans he brought along, but you certainly weren’t with them. He must’ve picked you off the street. Sandor thought something was off, but he also didn’t give a shit to investigate further. You were pretty short for a mercenary, though. It wasn’t until the riots, when the two of you went after the missing Stark girl, did your secret get out. Your hood was thrown off in the scuffle, but it hardly deterred you as you pulled Sansa to her feet and into his arms. On the way to the Keep, you had the mind to pull your hood back, but he already knew. It was a funny thing for a woman to carry a sword with such confidence, but you were useful in a fight, and you lacked the cruelty of most of the City Watch and Goldcloaks.
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Tyrion sent him looking for sellswords, so he did, listening for gossip around the city and checking the seedier taverns. You had a reputation, and he saw your skill firsthand when you handled yourself in a brawl some sellswords started. He didn’t join in until a sword came straight for his gut and you blocked it. Your eyes met for a moment before you returned to the fight. You hadn’t noticed your hood had fallen down. 
A woman with a sword was a strange thing, to be sure, but it could also be a useful thing. With a lopsided smirk, he offered you a drink and said a certain Hand of the King could use your sword.
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You had distinguished yourself during the battle for Blackwater Bay, even if it was a failure. Not only had you killed a number of men, you saved a good amount of your own. When Stannis called you and a motley of other knights and soldiers to give credit where it was due, you wore your helmet, like the rest of them. And like the rest of them, you had to remove it when your king commanded. There was a rise of murmurs and hushed whispers across the room, and you were sure a flicker of surprise crossed Stannis’ face, but he pressed on. Your skill was recognized and you were given a newer, better command.
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You were one of the many sellswords brought to Dragonstone, and while Davos spoke with the leaders of their mercenary bands, he rarely met the individual warriors themselves. It was during one of these meetings that a sudden brawl broke out between a bunch of hot-blooded, bored men that you went to work in breaking up. You’d helped get Davos out of the way while the men were dealt with. Your hood had been torn in the process, and while he had seen plenty of women with weapons during his travels, it was still a little surprising, especially seeing one so young. He gave you genuine thanks and, if he saw you again, he’d make a point to say hello and ask after you. 
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You were a supposed sellsword that saved Margaery and her guards on their way to King’s Landing. It was just bandits, but there were a number of them, and you got a wound for your troubles. Margaery positively lit up once she realized you were a woman, and a cute one, at that. She’d insist you come back with her, especially to tend to that wound, and she’d ask all sorts of questions on the way back. It almost felt like a job interview….
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You helped her fend off several soldiers on the battlefield, and she said a quick word of thanks before moving on. It wasn't until the battle had finished and she saw you around camp - the same armor and shield, sans a helmet. Brienne quickly approached you, baffled that she couldn't tell. She'd be very interested in your skills and would shyly ask after you. Secretly, she was delighted and intrigued, but she didn't want to annoy you with her questions. It was pretty obvious to see her interest, though, and Brienne would be more than willing to join you in a round of spars.
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Your father was an old sword for the Bolton house, and he taught you what he knew, provided you kept your head down and stayed out of trouble. You did so for years, no one suspecting until a battle against the Lannister men. You thought you were alone when you removed your helmet and armor and tended to a wound. Lord Bolton decided a woman with proficiency in swords and an ability to keep hidden for years in his own keep, could be put to better use than a common footsoldier. It didn't take long before he confronted you and assigned you under new orders.
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Although he’d claim otherwise, Ramsay didn’t actually know every man and sword employed to the Bolton house. Some were strictly his father’s, and didn’t report to him. You were one of those swords, often keeping to yourself under a hood and few words. Unfortunately you were tasked with accompanying Ramsay to free Winterfell from the impromptu Greyjoy attack. When one of the Ironborn tore off your hood, he was there, and he saw. You recognized that glint of interest immediately, and promptly reminded him that you were a soldier for his father, not him. He didn’t command you, and you weren’t going to be a part of his little games.
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His skill with a spear was more than well known, and he was confident in his abilities, so Oberyn didn’t worry too much about bodyguards. His brother finally wore him down and he agreed to take two on an impulsive trip to King’s Landing. Sure, that was enough, and you came in handy when a sudden brawl broke out at the brothel he just insisted at staying at. In the midst of the fight, your hood was thrown off and he really stopped everything, even ignoring the man bleeding at your feet, just to get a look at you. He made some cheesy line about treating you like a proper lady, had he known, and offered you a drink. You pointed him to the angry matron of the brothel and suggested giving it to her instead.
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Like many in the Brotherhood of Banners, you joined after your village was destroyed by the Lannisters. You kept to yourself and kept your identity a secret. You trusted Beric as a good man, but some of the others, not so much. The first time he saw you fight properly is also when your identity was exposed, a soldier having ripped your cloak off. Beric just smiled and asked if you were alright, and complimented your skills with the sword. He had an inkling you were a woman when you both first met, and he was more than willing to keep it a secret if that’s what you wished. And, yes, he’d set your sword on fire if you asked- just once, though.
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januarywren · 4 years
I’m still feeling bad, but I’m glad that I can keep writing. 💙🦕
For me, I find any break in writing usually makes me have severe writer’s block after - something I’d like to avoid! I posted a Jaime/Sansa drabble on ao3 and wanted to share it here as well. Enjoy! 🤍
“Sansa!” her siblings called, “Come, play in the springs with us – “
 As the dream faded, she chased it, forlorn as it slipped through her fingers.
 Sansa shivered beneath her cotton nightgown, her arms wrapping around her middle. She was colder in the South than she had ever been in the North, a chill that she couldn’t shake.
 Her husband stirred beside her; his voice rough from sleep. 
 She kept herself still as his hand touched her shoulder. Jaime wasn’t like his son, the golden-haired prince that with a stomach full of bile and a heart made ash. She knew that – she did.
 Only her body didn’t.
 Sansa kept her face away from her husband as she shuddered, unable to repress the fear that filled her. Jaime had kissed every scar that littered her skin, whispering sweet nothings into them –
 “You’re beautiful, wife – “
 Sansa swallowed tautly. Her limbs felt as if they weren’t her own, spasming the same as when the Kingsguard beat her. Jaime had raged at Cersei and Joffrey for it, stopping only at bloodshed when Tywin came between them.
 It was a memory that Sansa cringed from, the same as the days that came after.
 Ever since Jaime was relieved from his vows and covered her shoulders with his cloak, he’d told her that she was safe with him. She was a Lannister now, he’d said, and the Lannisters never turned on one of their own. He wanted to cosset and protect her, treating her as if she were the same stupid, dreamy little girl. 
 “You’re mine.”
 Only as her husband guided her back against his side, tucking her head against his chest, Sansa knew that she was less than a Stark and more than a Lannister could ever dream to be. She was alone without her family, without her pack, the sweet lapdog that Jamie bought her nothing like the dire wolf she once loved.
 She had no one and was beloved by none, while she was watched by all.
 Sansa listened as Jaime whispered into her ear, describing things that would never be, and could never be. Her husband had forsaken his twin, but it made little difference to her.
 She knew that her husband wasn’t hers, just as she knew that she would never have the heart of a lion nor would she adopt red and gold as her own. She was a wolf alone in the world, one that would make her own way.
 (She wouldn’t die in the South, unmourned and forgotten -)
 The world would know her name, her true name. It was the name that would be engraved on her tomb, the same as it was engraved across her heart. 
 Sansa Stark.
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onefenix · 5 years
17 Short Fic Recs
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I’ve been mostly a fandom lurker for the past five months (since the Game of Thrones Series Finale). Since then I’ve been reading some of the best fanfiction I’ve ever read. I’ve been a part of some very small fandoms before and can say the J/B fandom is lucky to have many very talented writers. I wanted to make a list of my favorite stories so far for J/B Week, but life… so here it is now. I’ll try to be brief (I anticipate I am going to fail at this) and not spoil the stories.
These are all stories with less than 14k words. The division between short and long fics is a bit arbitrary but necessary due to the length of this list. I am sure there are better ways to classify these stories that I may get around to later on.
Sorry in advance for the overuse of words such as beautiful, perfect and spectacular, the Jaime/Brienne fandom writers are that good. Also, English is not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes.
I’ve tagged the authors whose handles on Tumblr I know. If you wish to have your tag removed or added (I’d love to follow you!), let me know.
You can find a long fic rec list here.
41 Nights and a Day by rhye
This one reads like a collection of drabbles, one for each day Jaime and Brienne spent together in Winterfell. It’s lovely and intimate and we get to see them discover everything about each other in this new facet of their relationship.
no sweeter innocence (than our gentle sin) by sameboots @agirlnamedkeith​
This is a short post S8E3 episode one-shot. It’s a story about loss and comfort. Jaime taking care of Brienne and being tender with her always does things for me. This story is poignant, beautiful and much better than what the show gave us in episode 4.
A Whole City Suffers by Mussimm
A Whole City Suffers is a collection of seven post-canon ficlets, one for each of the deadly sins. Each ficlet is a wonderful dip into Jaime’s mind. It is part of a really creative series called Works and Days which include the seven heavenly virtues from Brienne’s POV which is a fantastic companion to this one.
The Stranger Catches Us All by Miss_M @miss-m-calling​
This is a very bitter-sweet short story. Jaime and Brienne’s personalities and loving relationship are perfectly captured in this Post-Canon short story where they worry about their future.
Ball and Chain and Golden and True by Miss_M @miss-m-calling​
These two stories were in my reading list for quite a while. Reading the description only I wasn’t sure I would like, but boy am I glad I decided to give it a shot. In this story, Brienne is a cop who has to arrest and repeatedly interview Jaime Lannister. The level of the uncontrollable, contained sexuality in this is off the charts, but somehow the story manages to also delve into the trust and intimacy between Jaime and Brienne.
Mercy in You by Miss_M @miss-m-calling​
I love a story where Jaime and Brienne are in an established relationship but are still learning to navigate it and eventually, they have to confront those lingering fears and insecurities. That is beautifully handled in this story. The characterization in this piece are fantastic. Miss_M is very true to both Jaime and Brienne’s characters.
A Woman's War by Lady_in_Red @ladyinredfics​
I can’t say a lot about this story without giving away the plot. It is a wonderfully written and moving short piece. The two chapters in this go beautifully together and Jamie's love for Brienne shines through in both of them. Lady_in_Red  manages to pack a lot in, but the story flows quite naturally.
He Wants (he wants) by ShirleyAnn66
This is one is, I believe, the shortest story in this list. However, it does a perfect job depicting Jaime as a character and dissecting all of his flaws and insecurities. I particularly love that the story touches on the book version of his parting with Tyrion.
Catch Me if I Fall by JustAGirl24
I’m starting to think most short stories I love are more than a little sad. This story has a modern setting. It’s angsty but beautifully written. Please heed the warnings before reading. I love that the story doesn’t shy away from describing how a couple copes and manages to get through dark times together.
Spoken to Skin by SandwichesYumYum
This is a Pennytree to Stoneheart one shot. I love how from the very beginning Jaime knows Brienne is lying but his trust in her never waivers. Brienne is quite hurt at this point and Jaime is incredibly soft and tender with her. The tension and intimacy in this piece are superb.
Salt Wife by Lady_in_Red @ladyinredfics​
This is a post ADWD story where Jaime is banished to Casterly Rock with the constant threat of Daenerys’s wrath. The story is perfectly paced and structured. It reads like being inside Brienne’s head and the ending (however bittersweet) never fails to make me smile.
Same Old Auld Lang Syne by Lady_in_Red @ladyinredfics​
I said it in the long fic rec, but I’ll repeat it here: Lady_in_Red is a true MVP. This story has a modern setting. After a  very volatile relationship with Jaime, Brienne seeks stability with Hyle. This story explores where Brienne is almost six years later in a beautiful, heart-wrecking manner. Also, the short glimpses of songwriter!Jaime are to die for.
A Love Song by ozmissage
This one is very angsty. We are in Jaime’s head as Brienne suffers from amnesia. It’s amazing how even with her lack of memories ozmissage’s Brienne feels so in character. This is a very original, moving story. Each sentence hits right in the feels.
the battlefield between us (isn't here tonight) and no war is enough (to keep me from you) by robotsdance
This is late Season 7/Season 8 Secret Marriage AU. It is incredibly romantic and written in the most beautiful style. I’m so on board with this version of events. The wedding could not be more fitting for Jaime and Brienne. Jaime and Brienne being already married in the dragon pit scene? Yes, please. And the knighting scene is absolutely breathtaking. I love that Jaime's feelings for Brienne shine from start to finish.
once it ends (so it begins) by nubbins_for_all
This is probably a post S8E3 story. It is a great exploration of both Jamie/Brienne as a couple and Brienne and Sansa’s friendship. Brienne has to open up and manage to put her feelings into words in order to be there for Sansa. Every little scene between Jaime and Brienne serves a purpose and is beautifully written. The dialogue in this is honest, teasing and funny and it’s a joy to get to see Brienne learn to verbalize her wants and needs and feelings. 
Madness by RoseHeart
This is a Quiet Isle story. It has almost every Jaime I love: worried/caring!Jaime, jealous!Jaime, and exasperated-because-Brienne-doesn’t-see-how-much-he-loves-her!Jaime. The story is very indulging and filled with every trope and post-ADWD hope of any Braime shipper but it is beautifully executed. 
A Keeping of Oaths by lodessa @lodessa​
This is a Season 8 fix-it. This story gives a much more satisfying ending for almost every character. It’s fluffy and hot and funny but still manages to realistically explore Jaime’s feelings of unworthiness. It has some great Bronn, Aunt Genna, Daenerys and Jorah appearances.
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All Updated Gendrya work this week (08-Mar-20 to 14-Mar-20)
Note: all dates are in dd-mm-yy
Redemption by LME ( 16/? as of 08-3-20)
Imagining Arya and Gendry's reunion when the Game of Thrones is finally over. This story is focused on the voyage of 'Arya the Adventurer' on her ship Nymeria, after she asks, "What is west of Westeros?".
Even the Darkest Night will end. by @lianria (12/? as of 08-3-20)
Arya reaches out to old allies for help, and the pack begins to reform. Pack doesn't always mean just wolves anymore.
Runaway With Me - Part 2 by @the-end-is-kigh (14/14 as of 08-3-20) (multiple updates this week)
Arya Stark was not happy when her family was forced to move to King's Landing due to her father's promotion. But at the same time, it allowed her to escape her problems back home, allowed her to meet a cousin she'd never known, get a job doing what she loves and there's the issue of a certain mechanic.
Maybe the move would be worth it?
But the problems from back home follow her, her only hope is to keep running, until she can't run any more.
This is the reaction mostly to the letters Arya and Gendry send back home.
One for the road by @obsessivewriter (9/9 as of 8-3-20)
As a survivor, Arya always knew she was living on borrowed time, five years in remission she had done almost everything on her bucket list until her time ran up.
That time is up now and there is only one thing she never got to experience: falling in love.
Gendry will do anything for his best friend, and really how hard could it be to fall for someone you already love?
The Ghost of the Red Keep by TheDameintheRaininMaine (4/? as of 8-3-20)
Lysa never sent her letter. Bran was never pushed. Five Starks make the journey to King's Landing.
And one day beneath the Red Keep, Arya hears a voice she decides must be a ghost.
Evading Capture by @katlyn1948 (9/? as of 8-3-20)
Arya evades the brotherhood, but fails and Gendry can't seem to keep his eyes of their captive.
A Thunder In Our Hearts by hungerwolves (2/? as of 9-3-20)
In which Arya has to marry lord Gendry Baratheon, the legitimized bastard son of the King in the South, to avoid war between the 6 Kingdoms and the North.
Heavy Lies The Crown by OneMoreNight1996 (7/? as of 13-3-20) (multiple updates this week)
When the truth of the Baratheon children is revealed, King Robert orders the execution of Cersei and Jamie Lannister and exiles the children to Casterly Rock. This leaves him without an heir so he is quickly forced to legitimize a bastard blacksmith brought to him by Ned Stark and, in the eye of the King, his heir is in need of a bride.
The Last Time by @yanak324 (14/? as of 9-3-20)
After a decade away, Arya returns home. Encountering the boy she left behind is not in her plans.
At least she’s always known the Gods have a funny sense of humor.
True Love's Kiss by @prettyyvacant321 (2/? as of 9-3-20)
Gendrya Sleeping Beauty AU with a few twists!
Based off the January (oops I'm late but what's new) prompt from @days-of-gendrya on Tumblr.
Head of the River by @everyl1ttleth1ng (13/? as of 14-3-20) (multiple updates this week)
Gendry Waters, multiple Pan Westeros Games gold medal winning rower, has been the highly successful and well-loved Director of Rowing at the exclusive Riverlands Grammar School for six years now. Ser Davos Seaworth has very recently retired as school principal and been replaced by the much younger multiple gold medal winning fencer from the North, Dr Arya Stark.
One morning Gendry finds himself approached by his new boss. She wants him to teach her how to row.
(In which Gendry is still rowing AND Gendry and Arya spend time in a boat together.)
Gym Daze by @dragongoddess13 (5/5 as of 14-3-20) (multiple updates this week)
For years they worked out together. In high school he drove them to the gym every afternoon after school or after extracurriculars. In college, they went first thing in the morning before classes and after graduation, when they both moved down to King’s Landing, they found a new gym and a new schedule. 
Or how Gendry and Arya learn to use their frequent trips to the gym in ways that were a whole new kind of satisfying.
I Wanna Be Yours by @sneetchstar (15/? as of 12-3-20) (multiple updates this week)
Gendrya one-shot collection.
When Winter Comes by OneMoreNight1996 (2/? as of 11-3-20) (multiple updates this week)
Winter sets in after the Long Night is over leaving everyone stuck in Winterfell and unable to go south. This causes some tension within the group as secrets are revealed and promises are made.
The odd girl who smelled the rain by @blue-nebulae (5/6 as of 12-3-20)
Gendry noticed her the very first week of the semester.
Something about her caught his eye, he didn’t know exactly what it was, perhaps the fact that she was a very pretty short girl or the fact that she was carrying a bright yellow umbrella, and using it almost like a cane, on a perfect summery day and that was odd.
More Than Words by @keepitmovinshawty (6/? as of 12-3-20)
Arry and Steffon first meet on the beaches of Braavos while escaping their responsibilities. Both ignorant of their true identities, it comes as a surprise when they meet again on a more formal scale and try to handle a relationship while the world watches.
Bad Pick-up lines Work Best by JoPoGirlsKickAss (17/? as of 12-3-20)
Gendry's life is suddenly sprinkled with bad pick up lines--at first he ignores them, then he realizes they might all be from the same person and that person might just be the death of him.
In which Arya flirts hard and Gendry is stuck between a rock and a hard place.
[Slow(ish) burn until chapter 15]
The Lost Prince by @psychvamp25 (37/40 as of 12-3-20)
The first Baratheon prince died in his crib, this is known.
Arya Stark comes to King's Landing when her father becomes Hand of King and her sister is set to marry the Crown Prince, Joffrey. Arya journeys to the street of steal and meets a handsome young blacksmith. Little does she know, that her relationship with this blacksmith could change the future of the Seven Kingdoms.
A Dance of Shadows by Faiseuse_d_Histoires (29/50 as of 13-3-20) (significant Gendrya with Jonerys)
It’s been one year since the death of Daenerys Targaryen, called by some "the mad queen", and the North and the Six Kingdoms try to rebuild all that was lost. Jon Snow had disappeared beyond the Wall, his wolf last seen near Hardhome. Queen Sansa "the Wise" is facing unrest in the nearby villages, which leads her to make questionable choices in the eyes of her people. In the South, king Bran the Broken fell seemingly ill and fear for his life makes people uneasy about the succession.
As once again instability risks to break the kingdoms, a hero reappears, with the name of a long-feared enemy, and an old song is beginning to be sung once again, with fire and ice meeting for one last dance.
Not mentioned, but coming: Some news from the iron islands and Dorne, trouble coming from Essos… oh, and some resurrection, perhaps.
The Prince That Didn't Come by @igitnothin (61/63 as of 13-3-20)
On an normal winter day, Hot Pie happily delivered two meat pies and a jug of ale to a waiting table.
There was no interruption from his ordinary work. No happy reunion, no thrilling tales, and no missing Stark girls to steal his food and change the world. There was nothing but another group of hungry mouths to feed.
Or Arya Stark does not visit the Crossroads Inn, and the world of ice and fire is changed forever.
then we take berlin by @evax3 (14/20 as of 13-3-20) (equally Theon/Robb)
After Petyr Baelish tragically suffocated on a gigot before he was able to poison Jon Arryn, Westeros fought in united strength against the White Walkers and built up a diplomatic relationship with Queen Daenerys in Meereen after the victory.
So, the land was at peace, the winter was over and 2 years later Theon, Robb and Arya sat together in Winterfell, bored to fucking death.
Fortunately, distraction seemed within reach, as Theon discovered a book in Maester Luwin’s library, maybe solving their problem. Promising the opportunity to travel back in time and experience one of the big battles again, they’d fought in the past.
But mixing the ingredients, something went wrong and instead of arriving back on the field of the second Battle of the Dawn, they found themselves in Berlin of the 21st century, still wearing their thick furs and understanding not a single word.
Putting their hopes in a certain dark-haired goldsmith from California, who kindly takes them in, they tried their best to somehow find their way back home and find a lot more in the process.
Prompts by @psychvamp25 (9/? as of 14-3-20) (multiple updates this week)
A collection of any of the prompts I get. Will be standalone little ficlets.
Through the storms by @nikelaos87 (3/? as of 14-3-20)
The sequel of "An empty shell"
«I won't marry you»
«You can't»
You Feel Like Moonlight On My Skin by @randifrnz (3/5 as of 14-3-20)
After six months in the capital, it is time the future King and Queen of Westeros continue the envoy through the kingdoms of the lands to know and build relationships with their people. Throughout their journey, the crown prince and princess grow even closer and grow up as well. Arya navigates what it means to be a woman grown and what it means to want.
Masterlink for the week: here
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justauthoring · 5 years
For Her [J.L.]
Request: Hello, can I please ask for a Jamie Lannister killing Cersei while he has flashbacks of the girl he loved and died because of Cersei when they were young? Thanks.
Word Count: 1,101
Please don’t plagiarize my work!
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This is for her.
It seemed so unrealistic. So childish.
At least, that’s what people told Jaime. What did he know about love? He was just a child, and that was it; that’s all it ever would be. A childhood crush. It would pass.
But it never did. Because Jaime might of been a child, but he knew how he felt. He knew that the butterflies that fluttered in his stomach every time he saw your smile, or the flush of his cheeks every time he found your gaze already on his own, was not just a fleeting feeling.
This was real.
And Jaime, headstrong, young Jaime, wouldn’t let anyone deter him from what he knew to be true. He wouldn’t let anyone dictate his feelings, because that’s what they were; his feelings.
So, Jaime, bold and confident, gained the courage to press a kiss against your lips. The two of you were alone, far from any adult that could’ve caught you and Jaime did it so suddenly, with no warning, that by the time you were able to properly process it, Jaime had pulled away. With wide, worried eyes and bright pink cheeks.
But you only smiled, because what he felt, you did too.
And Jaime was just so smitten with you. That smile never left his mind and he walked back to his room with a skip in his step. His smile was radiating, brighter then it ever had been before, and the first person he told was Cersei. Because certainly, his sister would be excited for him and the two shared everything and anything anyways.
Jaime gushed all night long, never once noticing the narrowing of his sisters jealous gaze.
This is for what you did to her.
A few years later, Jaime’s feelings still hold strong.
Neither of you mentioned the kiss again, but Jaime would still steal looks at you from afar and you would bat your lashes at him in response. He had less and less time to spend with you given that his father demanded his attention almost all of the time.
But when Jaime did have free time, he spent it with you.
You two led very different lives, and Jaime loved hearing about yours. After days of training, school and boring politics, Jaime liked to hear what you did. Because it was always a new story everyday.
Your family wasn’t rich like Jaime’s. Your mother and father could only afford a small hut for the three of you, and when you weren’t helping your mother, you were running and adventuring around town. You were so unlike any other girl Jaime found himself surrounded with, and you were almost the polar opposite of Cersei. You didn’t mind getting your hands dirty, or rather, you had too. You didn’t know a thing about being a ‘lady’ and Jaime loved it. It was such a contrast to his life.
Jaime’s father didn’t approve of you, but Jaime didn’t let that stop him from visiting you. So, he kept it a secret, for your safety. The only one he did tell was his sister because she was the one he trusted most.
He had never felt more betrayed when he found out that Cersei had told their father. Or at least, he assumed she had.
Jaime hadn’t told anyone else, so, when suddenly, one day he’d found out that your family was threatened to lose everything they owned if Y/N tried to see Jaime again, he’d been angry. More than angry. He’d lashed out at Cersei, but she’d only denied the truth.
She never did admit and eventually, Jaime just forgot about.
This is for everything.
You continued to see each other.
You were more secretive this time. More careful. Jaime would sneak off late at night and meet you in a hidden alley where no one could find either of you. This time, Jaime made sure not to tell Cersei.
Years passed and your relationship grew to be more. Jaime, though never doubted it, begun to realize what he’d truly felt for you. That he loved you and wanted to be with you, more than anyone else. You kept your relationship a secret as well, and while Jaime knew it was hard on you, you both loved each other too much to give up.
One night, Cersei followed Jaime. She’d been long suspicious of her brother’s late night adventuring, and finally, she decided to follow her instincts. Jaime never knew.
The next day, your mother and father were arrested for treason. Then, they were executed.
Jaime stopped seeing you after that.
He tried and tried to reach you, but you always had been stubborn. You put your full attention in your parent’s shop and did your best to keep what little of your life you had left. Jaime missed you terribly, but nothing he ever tried worked.
So, eventually, he just gave up.
Then, one day, Jaime passed by you on the street. He’d just been out for a walk and hadn’t really meant to run into you, yet, he did.
You looked the same, was the first thing Jaime noticed. Your expression was a little hardened, but nonetheless, you were still the woman Jaime had fallen in love with all those years ago. You were too shocked to run away, so, eventually, Jaime got to speak to you for the first time in months.
He’d never forget it.
Neither of you spoke of what had happened to your parents. Really, neither of you spoke about anything of importance. You told Jaime how you were doing, that business was well. Jaime told you that he was doing well in his training, and that his father was just as hard of a teacher like he’d always been. The conversation, honestly, was plain, but Jaime wouldn’t have traded it for anything.
He loved seeing you once again.
You fell into your old pattern then. Sneaking off to see each other whenever you could.
Jaime thought he was better, that he was being more careful. But one day, he went to meet you in a designated spot like you’d arranged the day before. You never showed up.
He’d waited hours and hours, but nothing. He walked home confused and a little hurt.
He found out the next day, when he went to your shop to see for himself, that you’d left. Everything was packed and gone. Not a trace of you in sight.
“This is for lying to me. For making me think that she left me. This is for killing her.”
Jaime didn’t find out, until years later, that you never left. Instead, when you’d been walking home the day previous, you’d been killed. Because of his sister.
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