#james warren
downthetubes · 2 months
The Illustrated History of Warren Magazines gets revised and expanded re-release
Complementing the release of illustrators - The US Warren Artists (recently reviewed on downthetubes), Book Palace Books have lined up a re-release of The Illustrated History of Warren Magazines, in a revised and expanded hardcover edition.
Complementing the release of illustrators – The US Warren Artists (recently reviewed here on downthetubes), Book Palace Books have lined up a re-release of The Illustrated History of Warren Magazines, in a revised and expanded hardcover edition. Available to preorder now, due for release at the end of this month, The Illustrated History of Warren Magazines – revised and expanded edition is Book…
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gatutor · 9 months
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James Warren-Grace Kelly "Catorce horas" (Fourteen hours) 1951, de Henry Hathaway.
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kekwcomics · 2 years
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Was just having an email conversation with Shaky Kane about this -- we both owned this mag as kids and were mildly obsessed with it...
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visnelik · 2 years
yatağa zor geldiğim anlar
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theangelofbrahma · 6 months
something about characters who are not necessarily doomed by the narrative but definitely doomed by their jobs
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antixpress · 2 years
PoE: Girls Can't Edit Horror (Revisited)
I know it's been a while since a new Portrait of an Editor. Sorry about that. I have two in the can, and I'm working on a few more. Sometimes the research for interviews and scheduling them can take up more time than the actual interview. I recently finished Bill Schelly's James Warren, Empire of Monsters: The Man Behind Creepy, Vampirella, and Famous Monsters. It's an excellent read and contains a whole chapter about Louise Simonson's time at Warren, so I decided to drop this earlier interview I did with Louise Simonson that some of you might not have heard when it first dropped in 2019.
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wh0re43van · 10 months
Boyfriend (Warren Lipka X Reader)
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Summary: you reunite with an old friend while making a delivery for your shitty boyfriend
Word count: 4.1k
Warnings: smut, throat fucking, weed, cheating, not proof read
A/n: I have no idea how much weed costed in 2003 bc I was two years old. Also, I apologize if your name is Chelsea bc you will be slandered in this fic. Thank you for reading! <3
Pt 2 , Pt 3
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I slam my boyfriends shitty car door, stepping out into the cold November rain, running towards the brick house, an 8th of weed shoved in my bra. I can’t believe my idiot boyfriend is too lazy to get out of his car to make his delivery. I’ve never even met this customer and his dumbass is having me waltz right up this random man’s house, while he’s parked a block away.
I pound on the wooden door before stepping back a bit. I shift back and forth on my feet as I rub my hands up and down on my arms trying to warm myself with the friction. After a couple of minutes, the door swings open, a man with unkempt brown hair and tired eyes steps out, looking a bit surprised. Those eyes. I know them. I cant put my finger on it, but I know him from somewhere.
“Uhm can I help you? Are you alright?” he asks, stepping out onto the porch closing the door behind him, looking me up and down, maybe trying to figure out why some strange girl is stood sopping wet on his doorstep, or maybe he recognizes me as well.
“Of course that dumbass didn’t tell you,” I sigh. “I’m delivering for Dakota,” I explain, pulling the plastic baggie out of my bra.
“Ah, okay,” he opens the door again, ignoring my hand offering the weed. “Why don’t you come in, get out of the cold?” he offers, holding the door open for me. I consider his offer; He seems kind, and he doesn’t appear to have the money on him anyway. I might as well wait inside while he retrieves it before I catch my death out here.
“Thank you,” I smile, stepping into the warm living room, part of me hoping that Dakota can see me going into the random man’s house. He leads me down to the basement, explaining that this is his bedroom.
“Make yourself at home,” he smiles, showing two familiar dimples on either cheek as he gestures to his couch. I smile back, happily taking a seat. He walks into the bathroom, coming back with a towel in his hand.
“Did you go to Tates Creek Highschool by chance?” he asks, offering me the grey bath towel.
“I did,” I smile. “Only for freshman year though, my family moved the next county over after that,” I explain. That must be where I know him from.
“Y/n, I thought that was you,” he smiles taking a seat next to me.
“Yeah,” I smile back. “You look familiar, but I’m sorry I can’t remember your name,” I blush, a bit embarrassed that I don’t remember him.
“Ouch,” He chuckles. “I thought getting detention together for stealing the teachers’ cigarettes would have been a bit more memorable,” he says, leaning back on the couch. Then it dawns on me.
“Warren?” I ask, shocked. “Little Warren Lipka?” I turn on the couch to face him, getting a better look- the best look I can get in the dim yellow lighting. I don’t believe it! He laughs at my reaction.
“I guess if you remember me as little Warren, I can see why you didn’t recognize me,” he says, reaching for his grinder and papers laying on the coffee table. “You got that 8th, beautiful?” he asks casually. I blush at the comment, pulling the weed out of my bra once again. I hand him the warm baggie.
“That’ll be 7 bucks, sir,” I grin. All the memories come flooding back to me when our hands touch as we exchange the substance for the cash. All the classes we skipped together, all the many hours in detention we spent alongside each other, the cigarettes that we would smoke under the bleachers. He was shorter than me then, he always had his hair buzzed and wore oversized clothes to hide his small frame. I guess he was a late bloomer, because the only remnants of that little boy are the deep brown eyes and dimples displayed like artwork on the handsome grown man in front of me.
“You look really good,” he breaks me out of my thoughts, sparking the joint he’s just rolled.
“Thank you,” I smile. He passes me the paper. I take a hit. “You look good yourself,” I exhale through my nose, handing the joint back to warren.
“So you’re a friend of Dakotas?” He asks, after sucking in a breath of smoke as he stretches his arm over the back of the couch and behind my shoulders.
“His girlfriend, actually,” My response catches him off guard, making him choke on the smoke.
“Holy shit,” he laughs in between coughs. “How the hell did that goon bag you?” he asks, flabbergasted. I can’t help but giggle, taking another drag off the joint.
“Sometimes I wonder the same thing,” I answer honestly. Dakota isn’t exactly the best boyfriend in the world. We’ve been dating almost two years and I’ve caught him with other girls multiple times. He doesn’t respect my boundaries or my aspirations, yet somehow, he always convinces me to stay. I guess when you’re as attractive as he is and as insecure as I am, it isn’t hard for him to convince me that he’s the best I’ll ever have.
“So what’s wrong with Dakota? Why couldn’t he make the delivery himself?” Warren asks, looking down at the joint between his lips as it glows crimson. “Not that I’m complaining,” he clarifies.
“He said he was tired and didn’t want to get his shoes wet,” I laugh, feeling the THC start to take effect. “Can you believe that?” I ask, laying a hand on warrens thigh in my fit of giggles. “He’s just sitting in his shit box a block away,” I say, feeling my eyelids begin to get heavy. Warren raises his eyebrows, looking at me with glossy eyes.
“Wow,” he scoffs. “I actually don’t believe that. I couldn’t imagine having your girl make deliveries for you. Thats some serious pussy shit,” he rolls his eyes, holding the joint up to my mouth. I take a hit from the hot paper between his fingers. I look down at the spliff, then back at him to find his eyes already fixed on me. “If I was your boyfriend, I wouldn’t let you make deliveries for me,” he says in a much quieter tone, the moment is almost intimate as I blow the smoke into his face that’s closer to mine than I realized, but I can’t bring myself to back away. “And I sure as hell wouldn’t want you smoking with me,” he adds, bringing the joint to his lips to take the final hit.
“Why’s that?” I ask in a whisper with butterflies in my stomach, breathing in the smoke that’s slowly rolling off his lips.
“Because it gives me the opportunity to do something I’ve wanted to do since freshman year,” he matches my tone, glancing at my lips, bringing his finger and thumb around my chin, tilting my head up towards him. My heart begins to race at his proximity, I know I should pull away from him, but I can’t. I don’t want to. Just as his lips barely brush against mine, my Nokia rings out, sounding like an alarm, making me jump in surprise, scrabbling to find the small cellphone on the couch.
“Hey babe,” Warren answers the phone, winking at me. My stomach drops. Fuck. I reach for the phone, but warren stands up. “Nah man she’s good she’s right here. I just gave her the mon- hey. Hey!” I hear warren begin to shout. I cease my struggle to grab the phone. “Is there a fucking problem man?” Warren seethes into the phone. I hear my boyfriend’s muffled speech. “Yeah, I didn’t fuckin think so,” he hangs up the phone, handing the small plastic brick to me.
“You look pretty stoned,” he says picking up a coat off the couch, wrapping it around my shoulders. “Let me walk you out. You remember where his car is?” he asks, putting his hand on the small of my back, ushering me to the steps. I nod my head yes, staring at him with wide eyes trying to process what just happened.
“Lead the way then, beautiful,” he grins, and just like that, the butterflies are back. I don’t dare respond, not knowing what will come out of my mouth.
The walk to Dakota’s car is silent but comfortable, still pretty baked, I feel the rain coming down in sheets. vibrating calmly in my bones. I stare up at the orange glow of the streetlights in the night sky in awe. Everything looks so beautiful when you’re high.
“Here he is,” Warren says approaching the small rust bucket of a car that my boyfriend drives. He opens the passenger door for me. After I’m seated, he leans in to look at Dakota. “Don’t have your girl make trips for you anymore, man. What the fuck is wrong with you?” he says calmly but it comes across like a threat, before tossing a couple folded bills at Dakota and closing the door. I’m glad he remembered the money. Dakota would have killed me if I had left it down there.
 My boyfriend is quiet. Much more quiet than he normally is when someone threatens his masculinity. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he’s scarred of Warren.
As Dakota pulls off, his Insane Clown Posse CD playing quietly, I look out the side mirror to see warren standing with his hands in his pockets, getting soaked in the rain in nothing other than his t-shirt and jeans, watching me ride away. As Dakota begins to bitch and complain my ear, all I can think about is when ill see Warren again, then I remember; I have his coat. It would be rude of me to keep it. I’ll just have to return it to him.
It’s been a week since my interaction with Warren, and I can’t stop thinking about him.
‘Is it so wrong that I want to catch up with an old friend?’ I ask myself. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with visiting a friend, the issue lies in the fact that the thoughts I’m having of him aren’t exactly platonic.
‘I’ll just drop his coat off, thanking him for the kind gesture and be on my way.’ I tell myself as I climb into my car. ‘Okay, maybe I could make some small talk with him, that’s innocent enough. Yeah, ill ask him about his job, if he’s going to school now, stuff like that’ I manage to convince myself that this will be a short, polite visit with an old friend, but a part of me must know the truth because I tell Dakota that I’m going out with my mother for lunch.
I park my vehicle on a side street near the Lipka house, just in case Dakota drives down here for whatever reason. I grab Warrens coat and walk up to the porch.
‘Maybe he’s not home and I’ll just hand it to his parents,’ I think as I knock on the door. The thought disappoints me, but maybe it’s for the b-
“Y/n!” Warren exclaims as the door swings open. “What a pleasant surprise,” he crunches on a Cheeto, crinkling the bag as he folds it shut.
“Hey Warren,” I smile at the man standing in front of me while he licks the Cheeto dust off his fingers.
“Come in, its freezing,” he steps aside so I can enter. I frown a bit.
“Well, actually I’m just here to return your coat,” I hold out the slick material.
“How kind,” he flashes his dimples. “Are you in a rush?” He asks as he retrieves his jacket.
“Well, no…” I trail off, trying to think of an excuse, but its hard to excuse yourself from something you want more than anything else.
“Then come inside real quick, darling, just to warm up,” he winks at me and I cant help but giggle. I surrender, stepping into his warm home once again,and following him down to his room.
I sit down on his couch as Invader Zim plays on his box tv.
“This may be a bold assumption,” Warren starts as he sits down on the cushion next to me. “But I think you may have come back for something more than the raincoat,” he suggests, looking into my eyes.
“Warren-“ I begin, but I don’t know what to say. He’s right. I want to desperately finish what we almost started last week. Just the faint brushing of his lips against mine has made me feel something I’ve never experienced before. I need to feel him-
“Free weed, right?” He grins picking up the rolling tray.
 I can’t help but blush. I thought for a moment that Warren had already forgotten about our last encounter, but the wink he sends my way suggests that he meant exactly what I thought he meant.
“It’s not often that I don’t have to match,” I admit, pulling my legs up to my chest.
“You mean with friends, right?” Warren asks before he licks the thin rolling paper, holding my gaze as his tongue slowly slides across the wrap.
“Uh,” my breath hitches in my throat. Damn he looks so good. I’ve never wanted to be a rolling paper so bad in my life. “No, I mean in general. Dakota says he’s, uhm, running a business. So I have to pay or match what I smoke every time we, uh, spark. Or else I’m stealing from him,” I mutter out. Warren smirks at the pink raising in my cheeks once again. He knows exactly what he’s doing. Thank God he can’t see the pool forming in my underwear.
“No offense y/n,” he sparks the joint, inhaling a hit of hot smoke. “But Dakotas pathetic,” he breaths out.
“None taken,” I laugh as I take the paper from his hand.
“I mean for more than just the way he treats you,” he explains as I pass the joint back to him. “I’ve known him for a while. We met through a mutual friend, a few years ago. Started smoking together, then started dealing together and breaking into the chain stores around here, ya know, the ones that just throw shit away while people are starving,” he begins to explain as he sinks into the couch, leaning his head back, blowing a cloud of smoke towards the drop ceiling tiles of his bedroom. I stare at him, taking another hit, hanging on to his every word. I could listen to his voice all day. “Soon he started shorting people on weed, over charging behind my back, he was jealous of how well I was doing, always trying to one up me, bragging about how he’s making more money than me, not caring how he achieved it. Then one night, he decided he was going to try and break into a store by himself, of course he chose the corner store down the street, the one owned by the little old lady,” he chuckles. “I beat the shit out of him as soon as I found out,” he takes a hit. “Pussy didn’t throw a single punch back. Just curled up on the ground. Worst part is; he didn’t even get anything. She chased him off with a broom,” he runs a hand through his long brown hair, finally looking at me as he hands me the spliff.
“Wow, I guess that’s why he seemed so scared the other day,” I giggle. I should feel bad, this guy just told me he beat my boyfriend up, but I almost want to thank him.
“That’s also why I get a discount,” he grins as smoke rolls out of his nostrils. “But for once,” he leans in closer to me. “I’m jealous of him,” I can feel his breath on my face. “Seeing you ride off in that car with him last week was painful to watch. You should have been right here with me,” he pushes a loose strand of hair out of my face, and I melt into his touch.
“Well,” I take in a shaky breath, unable to resist those coffee-colored eyes. “I’m here now, Warren.” And with that, the world ceases to spin as he crashes his lips into mine. I’m suddenly aware of my quick heartbeat, every ounce of blood flowing throw my veins, the electricity that shoots from Warrens hands into my body. The smell of smoke on his breath and the slightly stale air in the basement invades my senses. The kiss is desperate and hungry; something I haven’t felt in years. I moan into his mouth as he pulls me into his lap to straddle him.
“This is wrong, Warren,” I pull away reluctantly.
“No beautiful, it was wrong when he called me asking for Chelsea’s contact last month,” he pants. The mention of that whores name makes my blood boil. She’s his most recent side piece. “Had I known he was with you, I would have beat his ass again instead of sending it,” he says honestly, as his hand runs gently up my hip. My mind is made up in an instant. I take the joint out of his hand, inhaling one last hit before I set it in the ash tray. I slide down to the floor on my knees in between his legs before I take my sweater off, tossing it to the side.
“You’re right,” I grin as I reach for his buckle. The pop of the metal releasing ringing through my ears as I shimmy the jeans off his body. I look up at Warren through my lashes, his eyes wide staring down at me with his bottom lip tucked between his teeth. The sight makes my core tingle.
“May I?” I ask palming him through his plaid boxers, feeling his dick stiffen under my touch.
“I insist,” he grins, helping me slide the boxers off. My eyes widen at his length in front of me. He’s perfect. I take him into my hand, holding his gaze as I let spit drip from my kiss bruised lips onto his tip, allowing me to stroke him easier. He curses under his breath as I move my hand up and down his now rock hard dick. I smile to myself before wrapping my mouth around his tip, slowly moving down his length until he hits the back of my throat, then I hollow out my cheeks, as I begin to bob up and down. Warren lifts his head to take in the sight below him. He rests a gentle hand on the back of my head.
“Fuck, you look so pretty with my cock in your mouth,” he groans, instinctively moving his hips in rhythm with my head. I hum in response as I bring my other hand underneath his length to massage his balls, earning a low moan from him.
Soon he takes over, holding my head as he thrusts into my mouth. I push him in as far as possible, gagging on his length. He stands up so he can properly fuck my throat. This isn’t something that I normally do, I never allow Dakota to use me like this. But right now, I think I would let warren do absolutely anything he desires, and I would enjoy every second of it. This is the first time I’ve ever been so turned on from pleasing someone else. My underwear is soaked my arousal and he’s barely touched me. The praise and moans coming from Warren is enough to get me off. The way his eyes peer into mine as he violates my throat, bringing a gentle thumb up to wipe the tears that creep out of my eyes makes my heart flutter.
“Come here baby,” Warren pulls out of my mouth, I gasp for air as he picks my up to carry me to his bed. He pulls his shirt over his head and asks permission to pull my pants off. I nod quickly, earning a chuckle from him. “You did so good for me,” he lays a kiss on my forehead, using his shirt to wipe the tears and spit from my face, I smile at the sweet gesture. He pulls me into a kiss after climbing on top of me, both of us now completely naked. Warrens hand wonders down to my heat, dipping a finger into my entrance, I whimper at the contact. “You really got off to me fucking your throat, huh?” He smiles against my lips, feeling how wet I am for him.
“Please just fuck me Warren,” I beg. He smirks as he lines himself up with me.
“You ready, beautiful?” He asks. I nod, impatiently scooting closer to him, begging for contact. He chuckles as he slowly pushes into me. Being stretched out has never felt so good. There’s almost no pain as I easily take him, a loud moan escapes my lips
“Shh,” he smirks as he continues to push into me, stifling his own moans. “My folks are upstairs baby, not so loud,” he explains.
“I’m sorry,” I giggle. “You just feel so fucking go-“ I cut myself off with another loud moan as he begins rocking his hips at a steady pace. I clamp my hands over my mouth to muffle my moans. Warren looks down at me as he he pounds into me, a hand reaching down to hold my breast’s that are moving in rhythm with his hips.
“God, you’re so stunning,” he praises as he uses his other hand to push his curls out of his face. The sight of Warren on top of me is something that I never want to forget. If this is the last time he has his way with me, I want to remember this moment for the rest of my life. His hungry eyes that take the time to admire every inch of my body. The way his hair bounces as his cock pounds deeper inside me than anyone has ever been.
Suddenly, he pulls away, leaving me feeling empty as he lays down beside me.
“Come here darling,” he rests his back on the head board as he pulls me on top of him. “I want you to ride me. Can you do that for me baby,” he asks as he lays sloppy kisses on my neck. I giggle in response as I straddle him, happily allowing him to fill me once again. I let out a moan of relief as that void in my stomach is satisfied.
“Fuck,” Warren grunts. “You take me so well, beautiful,” he whispers as I bounce up and down on his cock. I lean forward to kiss him, muffling the moans coming from both of us. I move my hips in unison with his as his hand grips onto my ass spreading me open so he can pound as deep in me as possible. Im positive he’s leaving fingernail makes in the soft skin, but I don’t dare stop him. Warren reaches a finger down to rub circles on my clit, giving me just what I need to approach my release.
“Fuck,” I moan into our desperate, wet kiss. “Just like that Warren please,” I beg. Feeling my body heat up and my swollen cunt begin to throb. As Warren thrusts exactly where I need him, I come undone around him as I erupt in a fit of moans and praises. The euphoria quickly filling my body as my release drips onto Warrens twitching dick. He quickly throws me off of him, cum shooting up onto my chest and on to his stomach. I swiftly dip my head down, bringing him into my mouth to milk every last drop out of him.
“Fuck y/n!” He moans in surprise. Now it’s his turn to cover his mouth as he rides out his orgasm. I pull away to lay next to Warren, our chests heaving in unison.
“Holly shit,” he laughs after few minutes of comfortable silence. “That was…you were…wow,” he turns his head to smile at me, already looking at him.
“I can say the same to you,” I giggle, running my hand over his chest. He brings me in for one last kiss, this one gentle and kind.
“You can use my shower if you’d like, I’ve made quite the mess of you,” he smirks.
“Thank you,” I smile standing up. “Uhm, we’re definitely not going to tell Dakota about this, right?” I ask, suddenly feeling… not guilty… but nervous and almost excited in a strange way.
“My lips are sealed, beautiful,” he winks, taking my hand to guide me to his bathroom.
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closetofcuriosities · 6 months
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Secretary - 2002 - Steven Shainberg
"do you really wanna be my secretary?" - "Yes, I do."
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thensson · 7 months
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I've grown older. I'm still so young.
Ellen Warren || From Found, Sarah Kay || December, Michael Miller || Ophelia || Primavera, George Clausen || Giovanni's Room, James Baldwin || Nickie Zimov || Melancholy, Krzysztof Gil
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anticapitalistclown · 5 months
Hi my fav writer can you made lookism men meet the far S/O parents the first time?
hi! sure! <3
Lookism men meeting their s/o parents for the first time
He makes a really great impression even from the start, once they see him standing on the doorway they look at him with good eyes, the meeting goes really well, he's so respectful, your parents take a soft spot for him.
Daniel, Jay, Jichang, James
At first, your parents were doubtful to let their guards down, yet once he got the chance to show his charms, your parents completely warmed to him, during the stay he would set up the table, wash the dishes (he would gossip with your mom)
Jake, Jaegyeon, Jibeom, Goo, Sinu, Zack, Jace
Your parents were not exactly pleased to see that type of man coming along with their child, he was so serious it kinda looked like he was rude, yet, as the meeting progressed, your parents understood he was reserved rather than rude. Some little gestures coming from him like serving a drink to your father, holding the chair for you to sit, stopping your mother to bend from catching something from the floor and doing it he instead... Those gestures made them accept him - your father especially, the two of them would enjoy each other companies with respect, and silence.
Taesoo, Warren, Jihan, Jerry, Hudson, Gun, Johan, Samuel
At first, they were taken aback, yet it didn't last long for him to show his most pure side, it made your parents melt. They enjoyed his company, especially your father, he was happy about the fact that you brought a gentle soul yet capable to protect you from any danger.
Vasco, Jibeom, Daniel, Zack, Lineman, Eli
He showed so much respect from the start that your parents didn't even have the chance to judge him, yet, on that same night you will receive a text from them telling you to be careful about that guy you're dating.
Eugene, Goo, Samuel, James
You could see from your parents expressions that they didn't like him at all. But don't worry, after a few more meetings they will show more empathy towards him and even accept him. (bonus if you have siblings, they adore him sm that helped you convince your parents).
Vin Jin, Koji, Sinu, Ryuhei, Jake, Eli
They ground you for even thinking about dating that guy
Gitae, Gun, Geongseob, Ryuhei, Olly
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downthetubes · 2 months
Book Palace Books “The Illustrated History of Warren Magazines” gets expanded, revised release, new "illustrators" available now
If you think Book Palace Books spoil us with their regular, beautifully put together illustrators magazine, then you’ll be blown away by The Illustrated History of Warren Magazines
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newwavesylviaplath · 6 months
evan peters i will always be waiting for you with open arms. and open legs. and an open mouth.
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kekwcomics · 2 years
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"Frankenstein Conquers the World"
(A favourite of mine! -- as if you hadn't already guessed!)
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iamtryingtobelieve · 1 month
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Each cut, each scar, each burn, a different mood or time. I told him what the first one was. I told him where the second one came from. I remembered them all. And for the first time in my life, I felt beautiful. Finally part of the earth. I touched the soil, and he loved me back. Secretary (2002) Dir: Steven Shainberg
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strawb3rrystar · 5 days
Star's official Kinktober list!
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Day 1: Anal sex /w fem!Lucifer <- request
Day 2: Cockwarming /w fem!Striker <- request
Day 3: Car sex w/ fem!Deadpool <- request
Day 4: Biting w/ Loona (male! vampire! reader) <- request
Day 5: Sex in a crisis situation w/ Tate Langdon
Day 6: Psychic sex w/ Charles Xavier
Day 7: Cum marking w/ Kit Walker
Day 8: Multiple orgasms w/ Kyle Spencer
Day 9: Outdoor sex w/ Jimmy Darling
Day 10: Blindfolds w/ Edward Philippe Mott
Day 11: Exhibitionism w/ Kai Anderson
Day 12: Costumes /w Malcolm Gallant
Day 13: Desperation /w Austin Sommers
Day 14: Oral sex w/ Micheal Langdon
Day 15: Fuck or die w/ Dandy Mott
Day 16: Caught in the act w/ dead!Violet Harmon
Day 17: Burn marks w/ Madison Montgomery
Day 18: Accidental stimulation w/ Kurt Wagner
Day 19: First time w/ Peter Maximoff
Day 20: Marking w/ Rafe Cameron
Day 21: Friends with benefits w/ JJ Maybank
Day 22: Dom/sub dynamics w/ Maxime le mal (maybe) <- request
Day 23: Rough sex w/ Patrick Hockstetter
Day 24: Hate sex w/ Henry Bowers
Day 25: Forbidden love w/ Victor Criss
Day 26: Body worship w/ Belch Huggins
Day 27: Porn w/ Dave Lizewski
Day 28: Striptease w/ Warren Lipka
Day 29: Morning sex w/ Pope Heyward
Day 30: Power play w/ James Patrick March
Day 31: Voyeurism (kinda) w/ Winter Anderson
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This event has a taglist, please join if you'd like to be tagged in these works!
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4o4notf0und · 7 months
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ELLIOT WARREN as JAMES DOUGLASS ✈︎ Masters of The Air (2024)
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