#james potter prefrence
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urwhorecrux · 1 year ago
ft. james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, & regulus black.
pairings. marauders era boys x gn!reader.
warnings. mentions of kissing, fluff.
masterlist | my preferences | send me a request :)
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acts of service + physical touch.
— throughout his busy days of quidditch practices and school, sometimes he struggles without saying anything. school can be a challenge for him with balancing his busy schedule, so helping him study or with homework means more to him thank you think.
he’s literally so so so clingy, he has some separation anxiety sometimes :(. he’s always sure to tell you he loves you before one of you leaves. when you come back, his hands are instantly all over you and tightly wrapped around you.
words of reassurance.
— as he grew up hearing violent and cruel words from his mother most of his life, softer words mean so much to him. it wasn’t everyday that he heard words such as gentle and caring as yours, but when he did he truly felt like he knew how much you loved him.
gift giving + acts of service.
— homemade gifts or even random ones that you say reminded you of him are his favorite ones. he adores the fact that you think of him even randomly.
-- once he eventually realizes you know where his scars are coming from and why he goes away once a month, he opens up to you so much more. he slowly lets you care and pamper him after some time. he's not open to everyone about this-hardly even sirius, but to you he shows a different side of himself where he isn't always ashamed.
words of affirmation + quality time.
— same with sirius, growing up hearing his mother and fathers disgracing words, and hearing your soft words of reassurance.
— even if it's spending time in the silence, reg loves every second of it. he specifically loves when he lays his head in your lap and you play with his messy curls. spending time with him or even clearing your schedule for him makes him feel truly important to you.
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these r short but hope u all enjoy <3 i promise im getting to my requests just been v busy
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stargirlrchive · 7 years ago
The Things You Said
James Potter x Reader
masterlist ; prompts (request open)
disclaimer: none, slightly angsty, fluffy ending 
word count : 2636
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Every time I walked into the Order meetings I would feel my hands clamming up, today was no different. I hadn’t spoken to any of my friends since leaving Hogwarts and that was mainly because I couldn’t stand to be in the same room as James. Every meeting before today I had been lucky with not running into them, but I had a feeling today would be the day that my luck would run out.
I was right; as soon as I walked in I caught sight of the wide shoulders and dark brown hair standing close to 3 other men and talking rapidly amongst themselves.
I quickly scanned the room and my made my way towards the group of members that had been recruited at the same time I was.
Just because they were here did not mean I had to acknowledge any of them. Things had ended rather awkwardly between the five of us, and I had no reason to apologize.
As I made my way deeper into the seating area I could feel heavy stares on my left and my pace quickened lightly.
Once I had greeted the majority of the people in the room I made my way towards the more deserted part of the seating area and waited for the meeting to begin.
Out of instinct and because the stares felt so heavy I looked up and was met with the 4 of them staring at me intensely. I raised my brow at them and that did exactly what I did not want to happen. As if they had rehearsed for this to happen all of them began making their way towards me and I could feel the nerves building up in the pit of my stomach. Had they always been so intimidating?
They quickened their pace, probably thinking I’d run, I really wanted to run. They were crowding around me and before I knew it Sirius tangled himself around me.
“Padfoot we said we’d ease our way into this!”
I pushed him off me quickly as Remus pulled him away from me. My cheeks burned in embarrassment, this was a professional setting and I knew the older members questioned just what good we would be for the Order in the long run, and these random gestures of affection would not help the case.
“Sorry, we just hadn’t heard from you in so long. Didn’t know if anything happened to you or if you were okay. The (Y/N) I knew never went a day without checking in.”
At his statement I tensed up, “Yeah well I’m not the same person as before.” The frown that etched into James’ face had me glaring at them lightly.
James hand had made its way onto my lower back and I quickly moved away from him, my skin burning from his touch and the memories flooded my mind.
The hurt was evident on his face and before I could stop myself the words rolled off my tongue, “No-you don’t get to be hurt. You’re the one that used and humiliated me just so you could get a reaction out of Evans. I trusted you and you knew just what I felt for you and you used it to your advantage.”
He had turned slightly pink as some of the order members had turned to stare at the commotion. Before he could respond to what I had said I walked away from the four of them and back to the members I worked with.
It was nearing the end of our 7th year and the crush I had harbored on my bespectacled best friend had grown into something much bigger. I could feel my cheeks heating up as his hand squeezed my thigh, his lips pressed to my temple as Sirius, Remus, and Peter talked about their next ‘mission’, and by mission they meant prank.
I could hear James snickering as I drew myself closer to him, his hand sliding off my thigh. “Come off it (Y/N) you know you love it.”
“It’s quite a surprise how that big head of yours doesn’t weigh you down, Prongs.”
He glared at the boys as they laughed at the comment and while they distracted him I got up to slip away.
His animal instincts intact as he caught my wrist, quickly pulling me back to where I was, my thigh just barely above his lap.
“James, people already hate me for befriending you four, imagine if they saw us like this. Your fan club would actually go for my head.”
His arms wrapped around my waist to keep me in place and I locked eyes with Sirius, silently asking for his help.
“C’mon on, Prongs. Let (Y/N) go.”
I sent him a smile of gratitude and James arms loosened around me and I removed myself from him.
“I’ll see you later tonight?”
I shook my head no, “I have prefect duties around the time curfew is over and you’re going to be sleeping in the head-boys room. Merlin knows Evans despises when I’m over.”
“Does it make you jealous I’m with her all the time?”
I scoffed quietly, “James I told you I fancied you so you can help me get over it, not so you could try and see how far you push me.”
He smiled sheepishly and I rolled my eyes, “Bye boys!”
They all bid me goodbye and I made my way to my dormitory, finishing up class work before I had rounds.
The few weeks we had of Hogwarts came bearing down quickly, with the ever present pressure of what we were to do after leaving and which side we would be fighting on. There was a war brewing and as much as we tried ignoring it we couldn’t, no one knew when or where it was taking place but we all knew it was coming soon.
So our last few days of school were cherishing them with our friends and professors because we’d never again have the safety of Hogwarts as students. So when I made my way to the boys’ dormitory to spend time with them and I stumbled upon James talking about me it was not a surprise, in fact I knew they all did. They kept an eye on me at all times, they had proclaimed they thought of me as a younger sister, when I was in fact older than all of them except Sirius, and as older brother duties they needed to make sure I kept myself in check and no one tried their hand at being cheeky.
However it was the conversation that had my heart aching and left a bitter taste in my mouth.
“Moony just listen to me! It’s just so Lily can finally see she likes me. We’re leaving Hogwarts soon and Merlin only knows if I’ll ever see her again.”
“Is she really worth risking a friendship with someone who has been by your side for the past 6 almost 7 years James?”
The silence was Remus’ answer as he murmured angrily, “You are unbelievable, James! Do you know how hurt (Y/N) would be if she found out that you were trying to kiss her just to get a reaction out of Lily?”
I could feel my throat tightening as I hoped I had misunderstood Remus.
“You said it yourself Moony, she’s been with me through everything! She’ll understand.”
I swallowed the burning sensation down, walking away quietly to try and gather my thoughts.
It had been a few hours since I overheard Remus and James’ argument. Choosing to seclude myself in the safety of the girls’ dormitory.
I had decided that if James decided to not go through with his plan I would ignore it because he realized it was wrong. If he did go through with it I’d cut ties with him, though that left me even more on edge as the thought that he’d exploit my feelings for someone who never gave him the time of day was a possibility.
I was going to stay in bed for the rest of the afternoon but after being called numerous times down I decided I’d just go so they’d stop.
The four of them were sitting on the couch and I sat on the arm of it, keeping a distance from James.
“We’ve been calling you, why didn’t you come down?”
Remus was watching me closely and I sent him a small smile, “Just wanted to be alone.”
My head turned to James as his eyes scanned all over my face. “Can we take a walk? Have something I need to talk to you about.”
I could hear Remus sighing quietly and the lump in my throat began to form as I nodded, the pit of my stomach willing me not to go because I knew what was next.
He grabbed my wrist quickly and the lump grew larger as I tried blinking back tears. We were heading in the direction of the Head Boy and Girls dormitory.
He had hauled me in and we sat on the couch, he continued with small talk and the normal amounts of affection just his touches would linger for a bit longer.
There was noise outside of the door and I knew Evans was going to walk in any moment. James must of realized it too because his face began inching closer to me, the door was hauled opened and I could hear footsteps approaching and when they were in the room they stopped abruptly, just as James lips were about to touch mine.
I could feel the shaky breath leave me as I pushed him away, “I can’t believe you, James.”
His eyes grew with confusion as I tried blinking back the tears that were threatening to fall.
I was up quickly and brushed passed Evans, trying to put as much space between James and I as possible.
I could hear his heavy footsteps behind me and as much as I quickened my pace he caught up to me.
His movements haltered when he turned me towards him and he noticed the tears that had managed to escape. I was hurt and embarrassed, angry with myself for feeling both when it was his fault.
“I didn’t mean to upset you, (Y/N). It was just a kiss, I didn’t plan for it to happen.”
The anger bubbled up inside me quickly as I glared at him, “Except that you did! You planned it all out so that Evans could what? Finally realized she felt something for you? Well I’ll tell you what, Potter. She felt nothing for you then and I’m pretty positive she feels nothing for you now!”
His eyes glossed over with panic as he tried keeping me in place, he began to stutter out an excuse, “Remus told you?”
“No you bloody idiot I over heard you, I heard those words come out your mouth and I hoped you’d come to your senses. You were going to use the fact I had feelings for you to get me to kiss you. You’re a vile person.”
He huffed quietly and I could tell he felt like crying, serves him right. “I never want to speak to you again, Potter. Do you understand me?”
I pushed him again but he stayed where he was, his tearful eyes locked onto me, finally realizing just what he had done. “Please don’t call me that. I’m James, not Potter that sounds like we aren’t friends.”
His voice was quivering softly and it made the words that slipped off my tongue that much harder, “It’s because we aren’t, not anymore.”
The last few days of Hogwarts I avoided them all completely. We graduated and I made sure they didn’t even get a glimpse of my shadow. Life must go on and I had given him the opportunity to break my heart once, I wasn’t going to give it to him again.
Dumbledore had a tendency to speak words into existence that people needed to hear. He warned us that the war was quickly approaching and if any broken relationships we had to mend, for we didn’t know what was to come or if we’d even survive.
I assumed the lot took it to heart because once the meeting was over they closed in on me again, keeping me in the middle of a circle.
“You know I could just apparate away?”
“But you haven’t yet, so that means something.”
I glared at James and quickly began apparating, his hand enclosed around me quickly as I left and I was puling him along too.
We had made it to the outside of the house I had been staying in and I angrily pushed him off of me, “Why are you following me, Potter? I guess you really don’t know when to leave a girl alone.”
“Low blow, (Y/N).”
“You know what else is a low blow? Trying to have your best friend kiss you when you know they have feelings for you so you can get a reaction out of someone you liked when they didn’t like you.”
He sighed quietly as I unlocked the door and quickly let myself in, leaving the door for him to decide what he wanted to do.
He followed me and waited timidly by the door, his eyes never leaving me as I began to relax into my home.
“I just want to apologize for doing that. My actions were not justifiable and I lost you over a schoolboy crush and you have no idea how much I regret that day. How angry the boys’ were with me for pushing you away from us and I deserved it all. I looked for you everywhere and you quite literally slipped off the face of the earth.”
I sighed quietly as I turned to face him, the sincerity clear as day on his face but a part of me still feared he’d toy with me, almost two years since leaving Hogwarts and I hadn’t managed to get over him.
He made his way towards me slowly, sensing my hesitation; “If you forgive me I’ll spend whatever amount of time trying to prove to you just how sorry I am.”
His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me in tightly, just as Sirius had a few hours ago.
All of the hurt I had been feeling slowly slipped away and I pulled him into a hug just as tight. His shaky breathe evening out as I nuzzled my head into his chest.
When we pulled away his hands cupped my face softly and I could feel my cheeks heating up as he stared intently at me, “When I took you into my dorm that night it wasn’t necessarily to make Evans jealous. That was just the excuse I told myself because I was confused. I found myself wanting to kiss you and she began to slip from my mind. If you think about it I used her to try and kiss you.”
I snorted quietly and his thumb traced over my bottom lip softly, “So are you going to kiss me? Or do I need to find someone else to do that for you?”
He huffed quietly but closed the space that was between us, his lips teasingly brushing against mine but not letting them fully press against mine, I huffed quietly and lightly tugged at the back of his hair.
He laughed quietly but quickly pressed his lips onto mine, his arms wrapping around me tighter as I bit down on his lip lightly as the kiss deepened.
We both pulled away, breathless and our cheeks burning profusely. 
“I’ve missed you.”
His forehead pressed against mine as our eyes locked onto each other, 
“I’ve missed you too doll.”
taglist : @siriusoricns @moonlitdiggory @siriusement @snufflesblack @snarledblack @dyngflwrs @writingblot @blackslotus
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ashdreams2023 · 3 years ago
Their preference for holding you {gif eddition}
Part 2
Harry Potter boys
This is requested by my beautiful friend, who begged for them 😬 still love ya z 🤍❤️
Harry James potter
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Harry is such a little spoon, he would want to be so close to you and feel you running your fingers through his fluffy hair.
Draco malfoy
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He really likes to keep you close when you’re walking together, he likes the feeling of being able to keep you safe and protected.
Ron weasley
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He’s so soft for you, just lay on him and he’ll hold you and caress your face, make through in a dumb little joke here and there to get a reaction out of you.
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dittos-blog-dylanobrien · 2 years ago
I'd like to take a moment to thank the world for smut
something borrowed (sirius black x reader + remus lupin x reader)
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warnings: minors dni: smut, heavy smut. somewhat dubcon vibes? smut as a favor, slight cuckold vibes?, penetration, humiliations.
summary: your boyfriend sirius asks you to do him a favor, you'd do anything for sirius, but you're surprised when he asks you to take the virginity of his best mate, remus lupin.
sirius was busy rutting into you, his large hands were gripping so tightly on your waist that his knuckles were turning white. the room was filled with the sound of his skin slapping against your bare ass and the low grunts that were leaving both of your lips. you remained on all fours, head tilting back as you while another moan escaped from your lips. if he cared of anyone walking in sirius would have locked the door or attempted to hush you a bit. but that was the thing, sirius didn't care. if anything it got him off more, knowing how everyone could hear you.
"fuck- that good huh, bunny?" sirius cooed to you, still thrusting his cock inside of you.
you only managed to mumble out something of a reassurance, as you moaned out for sirius. sirius could feel you tightening around him, approaching your orgasm. one of his hands finally released you from the grip he held on the side of your ass and moved down to your clit, the pad of his thumb giving no mercy as he rubbed circles on it. it was only moment before you tightened around him harder then before, and your release quickly followed. the coil inside you letting go and you begun screaming sirius's name as he thrusted faster.
despite reaching your second orgasm, nearly collapsing on the bed, sirius didn't stop thrusting into you.
he paid no attention to your shaking legs as he continued. "good girl, good girl" sirius cooed his hand moving back to the side of your waist to get a better grip of you, to control how you moved for him. "you like be a good girl for me, don't you, bunny?" sirius questioned you, a mild pant finally leaving his lips after he spoke, the heat from his breath spreading throughout the space of the twin bed the two of you shared.
"yes, siri- i would do anything to be a good girl for you" you whined, hips backing up- to meet with sirius's as he continued to thrust himself inside of you. his cock was beginning to twitch inside you, he was getting close, and you could feel it.
"good, i need a favor then bunny," sirius groaned out the speed of his hips increasing as he slammed his cock into your overstimulated pussy, nearly begging for his release, a low build up once again forming within you.
"anything siri, please-" you whined again, your hands now balled into fist, both grabbing the silk sheets on the bed.
"i need you to fuck remus-" sirius said, he continued inside of you but you froze for a moment. the request was unlike anything sirius had ever asked you to do and honestly you were caught so off guard you didn't even know how to react. "he's still a virgin, y/n. isn't that pathetic? seventh year and never felt the touch of a woman?" sirius asked, he was laughing a bit, groaning after with his hands nearly going numb as he continued to his thrust, they were hard, and showed no signs of stopping.
"wait- you want me to sleep with remus?" you questioned, trying to process the question as you were once again on the verge of cumming, the request he made being the only thing stopping you from reaching it again.
"fuck, i promised i would get i laid by the end of the year, and i can't find a single girl in hogwarts whose willing to go through with it," sirius explained between grunts, "i'll be right in the room with you, baby. the entire time, just please bunny. please say you'll do it" sirius was practically begging at his point.
"okay, fine- i-i'll do it" you finally agreed, hesitating slightly. the idea felt out of this world and for a moment you wondered if this was even a real request or some kind of strange fantasy he had created. sirius smiled to you, though you were unable to see as your eyes were focused on the shaking footboard that was in front of you.
"good girl, good girl" sirius praised you, finally reaching the peek of his orgasm. his seed spilling into you and coating your walls, as they clenched onto him, and milked him in the same way they would soon be doing to remus. "fuck, thank you bunny, thank you" sirius let out as his hips finally had come to a lazy stop. pulling out of and looking down for a moment as he watched his seed spill from deep within you.
"it'll be tomorrow night, wear something black-"
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sirius had practically dressed you that night. instructing you to sit on the bed as his large hand pulled black stockings to your thighs, his hands slipped the black lacey dress over your nude body, and his hands were the ones who strapped the black choker onto your neck. "going to show remus how good of a pet you are for me, aren't you, bunny?" sirius mumbled in your ear while he on a chair at the corner of the dorm, arms around your waist as he kept you on his lap. you could only nod in response as you waited for remus to enter the dorm. it was nerve racking, waiting to fuck one of your boyfriends friends. but sirius was asking you to do this for him, and you had no real problem with remus. he was sweet, anyway. you attempted to look at it more and more like helping a friend.
when the door opened your head swung with sirius's, looking as remus stepped in. no words were initially spoken. instead sirius and remus only locked eyes, remus shutting the door behind him softly. "strip for her, remus" sirius demanded of his friend, you were unaware of the understanding that the boys had come to.
remus wanted it to only be you and him in the room, but sirius insisted to be there. to be in control of what he did with you, and it was because of this that remus obeyed him. his hands loosening the gryffindor tie from his neck before tossing it in the near by hamper. his fingers nimbly and quickly unbuttoned the white shirt that clung around his frame and his pants soon followed. it was only a matter of a minute before he had been nude in front of you, and he was already hard.
part of you wondered if he had been thinking about you, and another part of you was concerned by how turned on the thought of him lusting for you the entire day. the other part of you only grew concerned with the fact that this was actually happening. that one of your boyfriends best friends was now removing his trousers to reveal himself to you. that you were the one who was going to take his virginity. did remus even want this? did you want this?
your eyes traveled down remus's toned body. scars were littered across his shoulders and stomach. some of them were even slashed amongst his thighs, though, your eyes were not caught on the scars for long. he was already hard, just from being nude in front of you. though shy remus lupin was unable to even look you in the eyes now that he was exposed. you and sirius just staring at him as he waited for some command. which sirius was quick to give him.
"go lay on the bed, remus" sirius instructed of him. remus did not hesitate to walk over to the twin bed. the brunette was tall enough where his feet were hanging off slightly, he still had his socks on. "go on pet, make it good for him." sirius instructed you now giving you a small slap on the ass in order to get you to leave his side. like remus had done just a moment prior, you obeyed.
in a shy way you made small and soft steps across the wood floor of the dormitory and over to the bed. your eyes met remus's just for a moment as you offered him a sweet smile. remus did the same back and his hazel eyes met yours in the comfortable silence. though, even sweet remus allowed his eyes to travel down your body to look at the tight black lace that was clinging to your body. you wondered if you should say something, a greeting- but formalities weren't important. not now. not for this. therefore, with no introduction you carefully pulled yourself onto the bed. you were on top of remus one of your legs at each of his sides and his hard cock was pulsing underneath you. it was tucked up against your thigh and just the touch of your skin was enough to get him twitching.
remus wanted this to be good. he wanted this to be good for you. he had rubbed himself out four times prior to coming here; the thought of you viscously on his mind as he thought of how his hand would be your tight pussy tonight. that it would finally be him who would be filling you and making you whine. sounds he had heard you make for sirius time and time again. but now? now it was his turn.
"merlin, you're so fucking pretty" remus mumbled, a small pink blush flooded to your cheeks at his compliment. "can i touch you?" remus asked, his eyes looking up to you. for a moment you thought of asking sirius. however, without even thinking of asking for his permission you nodded, giving him the go ahead to explore your body. one of his large hands worked quickly, moving up your body to squeeze one of your breast underneath his hands. his breathing was becoming heavy at your touch. you only gave him a smile, enjoying the feeling of him squeezing on your breast. remus took two of his fingers to his lips, wetting them with his spit. his fingers made quick way underneath the lace underwear, unbuckling them to give him access. you were going to help him find your clit, but remus seemed to have no trouble finding it.
his large fingers made his way to your clit and was quick to rub circles around it. you bit down on your bottom lip for a moment before releasing it from between your teeth. your moans were soft but encouraging to remus. the gryffindor boy continued on rubbing in circles before placing his thumb directly on your clit; he as smiling. no, no. remus lupin was grinning, teeth showing with pride as you- sirius's girlfriend- was growing wet and slick on his fingers.
"enough of that now; don't want to get her tired, remus. trust me-" sirius called out from behind you. for a moment, caught up in your bliss you forget that sirius was behind you. you forget this entire thing was an arrangement. therefore, under the command of sirius remus did stop, pulling his fingers away and bringing them to his own mouth to suck them clean.
"you ready, remmy?" you questioned gently, remus nodded immediately. without hesitation. your hands gently took the base of his cock to hold it steady at your entrance. the tip brushing against it for a second as remus let out a groan. you sunk down on him slowly, spreading yourself onto remus who was a bit longer then sirius was- causing you to bite your own lip as you felt yourself stretching with him inside of you, once he was fully in you. you were taking him well.
remus, however, let out an earthy "fuck-" the moment you finally had taken all of him in. you felt better than he could have ever imagined. his hands were digging into your hips for something to grip onto and his head was thrown back against the pillow. he couldn't even bring his eyes to look at the sight of you on his cock. you waited for a moment, allowing him to at least get use to the feeling of your pussy clamped around him, before starting to move your hips. you bounced up and down on his cock, slowly, his nails still digging into your hips as you did so. remus was moaning from the movements; gentle, and yet you were intoxicating. driving him crazy.
you bounced up and down, up and down, up and -you went to go back down but when you sunk onto him again you could feel him pulsing inside of you. he was gritting curses through his teeth, and he was already painting your inner walls with his seed. it took you a second to realize he was already cumming and sirius as well. however, the moment sirius came to the realization he broke out into laughter.
"you're done already remus? that lasted a whole fifteen seconds. merlin, that's pathetic." sirius was laughing, you watched as remus's face went completely red with embarrassment though he quickly switched from embarrassment to anger. seething, blinding, anger.
"shut your mouth, sirius. i'm not done-" remus barked back at him. with his hands on your hips he flipped you over. your back now on the bed as he had pulled out of you. his thick seed was spilling out of you when he pulled his cock out. it happened so quickly you barely had a moment to process. remus had a clenched jaw, biting down on his own teeth. his hand was wrapped around his flaccid cock as he pumped it viscously as he had done early that, forcing himself through the pain to get himself hard again. you were going to plead with remus to calm down or to tell sirius to shut his mouth as well. but before you had a second to process what you were going to say remus was pushing himself back into you. you yelped a bit as remus was over you. his shaggy brunet hair falling into his face as he began to rut into you without mercy.
moans were quick to fall from your lips as remus slammed himself into you. you were loud; almost whining at how good he had been making you feel as he slammed himself into you. your moans were the confidence he needed to continue, one of his hands reaching down to your pussy to rub your clit under his thumb again. "seven hells remus- i'm gonna, i'm gonna-" you couldn't even form the words as hot coils formed at the bottom of your stomach.
"say it, say it-" remus demanded of you, his thumb giving no mercy to your clit and his cock no mercy to your pussy. he slammed into you as you tried to form the words. but he could feel the way you clenched around him, how tight you were squeezing him. the feeling of your pussy clenching around him made him want to cum again, but he couldn't. not yet. not now that sirius was trying to make a fool of him.
"i'm cumming, fuck, i'm cumming remus-" you cried out, your pussy spasming on his cock as he continued to thrust in and out of you. he was smiling again, that wide grin, as you were screaming for him. crying into the dormitory, making sirius who sat in the chair jealous that remus was able to make you cum so quickly.
remus continued to thrust himself into you at a near violent rate, the sound of your moans and yipes were only motivating him. remus never heard sirius make you this loud. if anything he was sure any dorm around them would be hearing how you were screaming for his cock. he could feel you starting to tighten around him again and he let out a grunt through gritted teeth.
"you like that? hm?" remus questioned you, his face was close to yours now. his long hair dripping down and tickling your cheeks. you had let out some sort of sound to signify yes, that you were loving this. but that didn't seem to be enough for remus. not this time. "tell me how it feels, y/n" remus demanded of you only applying more pressure with his thumb to your swollen clit.
"it feels so good remus- so good" you managed to muster out through your moans, the sound of his skin slapping against yours filled the room. you could hear the slick that covered his cock when he plunged into you time and time again. remus was deep within you and within moments the hot coil inside of you snapped again bringing on to your second orgasm. your back arched on the bed and remus's hands were now pushing down your thighs to keep them open for him against your own orgasm.
"don't stop- say it again. say it." remus demanded without mercy, you could feel him twitching inside of you, and the ruthlessness of his thrust were starting to bring tears to your eyes. the pleasure was intense in a way you had never really felt before with sirius.
"fuck- remus it's so good, so fucking good-" you cursed through the mess of your moans. you continued to repeat it under his command. his eyes seemed darker. almost dark brown in comparison to the almond color they normally were. he was mumbling curses as he slammed into you and without warning you could feel him twitching inside of you again. spilling himself into you, plunging his hips deep as if he was to leave his seed. remus went as deep as he could wondering if he plunged so far in that he'd be able to keep a part of himself in you forever. remus continued to give a few more sloppy thrust into you before he pulled out breathless.
remus wanted to thank you, his eyes met yours again in the clarity of being done. he wanted to ask you if you were okay, and if the situation was different he would have pulled you into his arms and kissed you. remus looked down at you, looking as his cum was dripping from your sore pussy. he never got a chance to decide what to say as sirius stood up from the chair in the corner. "finally, not a virgin remus, congrats mate" sirius called out, the both of you forgetting that he was there. even if it was only for a second. "now kindly do us a favor and fuck off, would you. after you say thank you to bunny of course-" sirius spoke to him. remus looked to the ground and quickly begun to put his clothes back on.
"yeah, thanks y/n. really." remus went on to say, wishing his thank you could have been more genuine and not under the influence of sirius. remus wanted to tell you how had been thinking of you and nothing but you for years. he wanted to tell you of how he pined for you. of how he thought of you each day, and how much he had hated himself for letting sirius get you before he could. remus wanted to kiss you and pull you close to him in his bed. remus wanted you and he would do anything he could to get you again. you were going to be his if it took killing sirius to get to you.
though, unknowing to what remus was thinking, you just watched remus walk out the door fully dressed leaving you covered in his cum and aching.
"so, are you going to clean yourself up and give me a go?"
authors note: thank you for reading! i've only just returned to writing on tumblr. please consider reblogging or commenting. it would mean the world to me to motivate me!
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ell0ra-br3kk3r · 2 years ago
trying not to fall ~ ships! send me your ideal late night, in or out, along with a fandom and gender prefrence, and i'll ship you with a character!
My ideal date would be a random/surprise road trip for the day, just pack the car with snacks and flasks of tea/hot chocolate, pick a general direction and drive. Stopping at the pretty places and eventually finding the prettiest one to eat your car picnic and read for a while before heading back
Marauders or golden era (no specific gender x)
james potter
"let's goooo! c'mon!" y/n laughed as james dragged her to the car, "where are you taking me? i need to get started on dinner." james scoffed, "i got everything covered. trust me. just get in the car, love." "okay okay," y/n laughed, "are you going to tell me where we're going?" james shook his head, "nope! you'll have to wait and see!"
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cntbtchthevapegod · 4 years ago
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REQUESTING RULES (required to read before requesting)
PREFRENCE REQUESTING RULES (also required to read before requesting)
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*** - Smut
$ - spicy but not full on smut
<3 - fluff
# - angst
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Pinterest Fancasts Masterlist
My Pinterest username & info
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Harry Potter
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Lily Evans:
Lil stuff:
Lily’s reaction to you being hella dehydrated <3 (from April 2021 sleepover)
Making dinner with lily <3 (from March 2021 sleepover)
Lazy day with lily + I’m touch starved and lonely lily thoughts <3
James wants your warmth <3
Actual fics:
Nobody can be perfect # <3
Summary: When gearing up for OWLs you stress out about your favorite course, your girlfriend, Lily, comforts you and helps you study.
James doesn’t pick up on signals <3
Summary: James doesn’t realize you and Lily are dating
James Potter:
Lil stuff:
James brushes your teeth for you <3
Riding the train with James <3
Dilf James <3 $
Swim team
James loves to see you smile <3
Bitter <3
Actual fics:
Platonic showering (Part 2) # <3 
Summary: you and James have been friends forever, He takes care of you when you are at your darkest points, the adverse effects happen to be an aching heart
Not So Elegant <3 
Summary: wanting to be sexy for your boyfriend is all well and good, but being a bit intoxicated means it may not go as planned.
Sirius Black:
Lil stuff:
Rainy day with Sirius <3 (from March 2021 sleepover)
Being in an opposites aesthetic/interests relationship with Sirius <3
Sirius teaches you how to roll a joint <3
Sirius doesn’t take kindly to being mocked $
Date night <3
Sirius comes back from a tough mission + story of your first kiss with Sirius <3 #
Having a bit of a breakdown and needing to find Sirius for comfort
only a few nights #
Mum <3 #
A very toxic relationship #
Actual fics:
Cold feet <3 
Summary: you want attention, Sirius is not giving it to you, Sirius doesn’t like your methods of getting it.
Dance lessons <3
You and Sirius Pair up while learning to waltz for the Yule ball
Puppy <3 
Summary: the endearing nickname Sirius has bestowed upon you may seem innocent and platonic, but the feelings it causes you to have are getting to be quite romantic.
Hold my hand all day long <3
Summary: Sirius realizes you rarely let go of his hand
Draw on me <3
Summary: when Sirius gets anxious you let him draw on you
Remus Lupin:
Lil stuff:
Fighting with Remus part 2 # (from March 2021 sleepover)
Cuddling with Remus <3 (from March 2021 sleepover)
Going late night swimming with Remus <3 (from April 2021 sleepover)
Remus doesn’t like when you crunch ice cubes <3 (from April 2021 sleepover)
Remus ties you up and teases you ***
Tying Remus’s tie <3
Going to bed before Remus <3
Making Remus beg <3 ***
Smoking ouid with Remus <3
Massage <3
The Beast <3 #
covering his face in kisses <3
Actual fics:
My favorite Remus headcannons # <3
Teaser and the Firecat: <3
Summary: Y/N tries to show Remus her favorite album which he’s deemed to folksy before even listening.
Annabel Lee #
Summary: jumps around in time, based on the poem Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe, poorly written
Remus is really scary when he’s angry #
Summary: Remus gets fed up with the disregard you have for your health and well-being.
The Marauders:
Lily, James, Remus, Sirius, and the artist <3
Just some concepts <3
Dungeons and Dragons x the Mauraders
road trip <3
Camp counselor x marauders platonic headcannons
I am drunk marauders headcannons
Ocean Swim <3
Summary: you, James, and Sirius take a dip in the ocean on an early December morning, Remus takes amusement in it.
Quite a bunch of caring boys <3
Summary: reader has fainting spells and one occurs after an exciting transfiguration lesson
Good luck kisses <3
Summary: you and Remus wish your boyfriends’ good luck before their quiditch game
Chill on the hill <3
Summary: lazy warm spring afternoon with the boys
Yule ball <3
Summary: the boys greet you at the bottom of the grand staircase before the Yule ball
Fights <3
Summary: what fights would be like in a poly relationship with Remus, James, and Sirius.
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Pansy Parkinson:
Francis forever #
Summary: regretting a break up is an awful feeling, based on Francis forever by Mitski
Fred Weasley:
Lil stuff:
Fred gets back from quiditch practice while you’re napping <3 $
Sneaking into Fred’s dorm when you can’t sleep <3
‘fuck you hard on the sink’ Fred weasley <3 ***
“We’re forever, you and me.” <3 #
Held <3
after a win/after a loss <3 ***
Actual fics:
Cookies # <3
Summary: Fred comforts you after a shitty day at work
Fred’s legs don’t fit in the bath <3
Summary: you and Fred miss bathes in the prefects' bathroom now that you’re both out of school
Fred texting you inappropriately at dinner $ <3
Summary: Fred sends you very teasing texts at dinner with his family (headcanon)
Can I sit there? <3
Summary: very short Fred blurb where he’s working into the night and you need him to cuddle you for you to be able to sleep
Merciless heart # <3
Summary: you are hopelessly in love with Fred and he doesn’t make it any easier when you assume he doesn’t feel the same.
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Your Love language <3 Characters included: Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Lily Evans
Telling them you are pregnant & the day you bring the baby home from the hospital <3 #
Characters included: Sirius black, Remus Lupin, James potter
Public displays of affection and sexy times <3 $
Characters included: Regulus Black
Comfort items <3 #
Characters included: Lily Evans, James potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Regulus Black, Marlene Mckinnon, Fred Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Ginny Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Cedric Diggory, Bill Weasley, Tonks
Short s/o <3
Characters included: James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin
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Non-Harry Potter Content
Din Dijarin
Modern Quarantine AU (Din Dijarin x GN!Reader) <3
Summary: after a long couple of days taking care of the child, you start feeling behind in your classes, Din comes home and helps you destress.
James ‘Bucky’ Barnes
Lazy mornings with bucky barnes <3 $
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield's, the Amazing Spider-Man)
Teaching you to skateboard <3
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imonomnity · 8 years ago
Harry Potter Preference – How they kiss you
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masivechaos · 2 years ago
ursa major! - pick fandom(s) from the ones listed above + tell me a little about yourself (name, zodiac signs, hobbies, personality...) + gender preference -> i'll ship you with a character!
Fandom: Marauders/Golden Era (no prefrence)
Zodiac: Cancer
Hobbies: Reading, Drawing, Practicing Instruments
Personality: Nice, but could be mean if needed, Gryffindor, Smart, love language is touch, extroverted (when with the right people)
hi! hope you like it!
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the marauders:
i ship you with james potter!
i see him just being like oops if you ever got in an argument or start being ‘mean’ yk? his love languages are all so he would love physical touch! he gives the best bear hugs. he loves watching you draw. probably craves attention when you're reading, just lying with his head on your lap and trying to not interrupt you even if he would really wants a kiss.
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golden era:
i ship you with fred weasley!
same thing as james. he loves watching you practising instruments and reading, he finds you so smart and loves it. he loves your drawings, especially when that time where you helped him with the WWW designs. his love language is definitely touch. he's so proud of you when you speak up.
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fandomsfeelsandfanfics · 8 years ago
You Read My Mind/// James Sirius Potter II x Reader
Request: Your blog is perfect! I could pay you with hugs right now! Would you mind doing a James Sirius x Reader for me? Maybe where they are both best friends and she's more of a book nerd so he likes to cuddle her and protect her because he thinks she's fragile. One night they're both alone, and she reads to him while he plays with her hair and he just grabs her face and kisses her. And then he just confesses his feelings and he's all shy! Thank youuu
A/N: Thank you! Man do I love Next Gen fanfiction, never ever ever stop requesting Next Gen. Quick shout out to the queen of titles @fandom-imagines-prefrences who helped me with the title like she helps me with everything else. I hope you enjoy!
    James sat across from you at the table in the common room. He said he wanted to study but really you were the only now studying. He goofed off continuously and you even say him trying to balance his wand on the tip of his nose. 
   “James,” you shouted. He was startled and scrambled to grab his wand before it fell to the ground. “Will you focus? At this rate we’ll be here all night.” 
    “Okay fine.” You kept your eyes on him until he looked down at his homework. You got back to work. Within moments you could feel his eyes on you. He had a slight smirk. 
    “What do you want?”  
    “You know what I’ve just realized? If my dad is the Chosen One, that makes me the Chosen Son?” You stared at him with a blank face while he tried to contain his laughter. “Oh come on that was hilarious! Teddy and I are in a competition to see how many puns we can make in a day.” 
    “Are you winning?” 
   “Of course I’m bloody winning. I am the pun king.” 
   “You’re a pun idiot.” James gave you a fake frown. 
   “Well, that’s not even a pun. That’s just rude.” You turned away from him and began to gather your things. 
    “If you aren't going to actually study I’m going to bed.” You rose from your chair. 
    “Oi! Mind if I Slytherin?” You turned towards him just about ready to strangle him. He just smiled at you. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to close the Gryffindor, no one’ll even notice.” You ignored him and made your way out to the common room. He scrambled out of his chair and stood in front of you, blocking your path. 
    You could tell that it was killing him to not laugh but he kept a (mostly) straight face. “Okay seriously, I’m sorry. Please help me with homework.” You looked up at his eyes and you already knew that you would never be able to say no to James Sirius Potter. His playful little half smile and his dark green eyes.....yeah there was no way. 
    You sighed. “Fine, you’re doing History of Magic, right?” 
    “Yeah, I’ve gotta write a report on the Goblin rebellion or whatever but I haven't even read the part in the book I’m supposed to read.” You walked back over to the table and picked up his book. You walked back over to him and sat down. He sat down next to you. 
    It was so late that no one else was in the common room so you got the biggest couch. James laid out on the couch with his head in your lap. You began to read. You loved reading to James, it was pretty much the only way to get him to read. Sometimes when you were really tired he would even read to you because he knew how much you enjoyed it. He’d stroke your hair and his comforting voice would put you to sleep. 
    You and James were best friends which no one had ever expected to happen. He was loud and the life of the party and loved pranks. You were way more calm, preferring to just be alone or be with James. Somehow, you balanced each other out and it worked perfectly. You were best friends....or maybe there were feelings past that. 
    “So basically in 1612 the goblins raided Hogsmeade and-” You paused and looked down at him. You got the vague feeling that he wasn't listening and when you looked at him you found him staring up at you with a slight smile. He either hadn't noticed or hadn't cared that you had stopped reading. 
    “Are you even paying attention?” Your hand went to his hair and began to stroke it. 
    “Should I be?” You rolled your eyes. 
    “Yeah, you probably should if you plan on passing this class.” 
    “Well, I’m thinking of more important things.” His smile spread into a slight smirk. 
    “Like?” James sat up so that he was now at the same height as you. 
    “Like you.” Your eyes widened slightly as if to say “is that so”. “I mean you’re great. So good looking and smart and you put up with me! I mean I’ve been making puns all night yet you haven’t punch me yet. There’s no one else like you.” 
    “I think what you’re trying to say is that you like me, Potter.” James leaned forward and rested his hand on your jaw, pulling you into a kiss. His lips were just as soft as you had expected and with his hand on the side of your hand it was perfect. You put your hands on either side of his neck to deepen the kiss. 
   After a moment James pulled away with that same goofy smile. He looked down at the book then back up at you. “I guess you could say.....you read my mind.” Your face fell immediately. Before he could make another pun you were off the couch and out the room. 
    “Worth it,” he called after you. Even though you rolled your eyes you were still smiling. He may be a complete idiot but at least he was your idiot. 
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ixar-of-the-bargains · 8 years ago
unpopular opinion
I mean, it’s pretty much canon that Severus Calling Lily the Slur is what made them cut ties (the straw that broke the camel’s back, if you will), and we know that Had Snape not used the slur in a moment of frustration (Something that is, and I will agree with you, unjustifiable. you don’t use words like that for any reason.) they probably would continue being friends (until some other event broke them up. it was inevitable)
but I really hate that.
When I first read ‘Snape’s worst Memory’ in the OoTP, before DH was out, I didn’t think Gryffindor! Lily and Slytherin! Severus were really friends, so it didn’t really surprise me that the Responsible Prefect™ was more flirting with James than stopping him, but after I read The Prince’s Tale, I felt really disgusted at Lily. even more than I was at both Severus and The Marauders.
Here’s her best friend, and this victim of a group of Bullies (that she herself admits ‘hex everyone because they feel like it’), suspended from his ankle in mid-air, choking to death by soap, while Two Jocks are basically bullying him and a third (another prefect, Might I add) is just a bystander. and instead of casting some spell, or doing anything she’s debating her dating prefrences with James Potter (and almost laughing at her best friend’s misery)
Imo, Snape exploding in that scene is more about that, (and the fact that the Slytherin near him will probably kill him in his sleep if he thanks Lily in public like that) than just Snape using an offensive Slur.
in my opinion, had severus worded his frustration differently, (as in, saying anything else. worst friend possible is the one I would’ve used if I was in his shoes), He would be completely justified to say it.
but, sadly, Snape is the one person in the entire Harry potter universe who doesn’t know how to let go of an unhealthy relationship (or cope, in any way) so again he would be the one to apologize later.
anyway. please ignore this (It’s just me being really frustrated at all the snape hate I’ve seen today)
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ell0ra-br3kk3r · 2 years ago
could i also get trying not to fall ~ ships! send me your ideal late night, in or out, along with a fandom and gender prefrence, and i'll ship you with a character!
for either golden trio era or marauders era and i don’t have preference!!
my ideal night would probably be laying on a beach at night, where it’s not too cold and just staying there until early morning just talking <33
james potter
"come in the water!! it's so nice!" "no james! i just washed my hair, i don't want to get in right now." y/n watched him sceptically as he walked closer to her. she imediately knew what he was trying to do and sighed to herself, accepting her fate. within moments she was lifted into james' arms and squealling as he ran to the water despite the sun being long gone, the only light being the fire behind them and the stars above.
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ell0ra-br3kk3r · 3 years ago
Hi! Congrats on reaching one hundred followers! I'm going to go with puddles ~ ships! send me your perfect end of summer day and i'll ship you with a character (please specify gender prefrence and fandom)
My perfect end of summer day probably would just include reading a good book and drinking tea or coffee in a hammock on the beach.
My gender preference is male, and if it's okay, my fandom preferences are grishaverse and the marauders!
Congrats again, Ellora!
thank you so much<3 this is such a relaxing day!
grishaverse kaz brekker
"this is nice." kaz hummed in question as he kept staring at the sea. "this. just relaxing, you know? we haven't had time like this in a while." y/n didn't look up from his book as he spoke. kaz smiled to himself and reached over to link his pinky with y/n's. silence washed over the two of them in waves. calm and comforting, their presence being their only anchor.
marauders james potter
"are you done reading yet?" james walked up, hair stuck to his forehead since he was just in the water. "not yet, love." y/n flipped a page in his book, not looking up when he answered. james smiled to himself as he watched y/n focus on the book in front of him. he moved to sit next to him, the hammock swaying as he did so. closing his eyes as he sat down, enjoying the sun on his skin as the comfort of y/n being next to him.
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ell0ra-br3kk3r · 2 years ago
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trying not to fall ~ ships! send me your ideal late night, in or out, along with a fandom and gender prefrence, and i'll ship you with a character!
ideal late night: sleeping in my bed
harry potter fandom
gender pref: male
omg ellora i'm sooooo happy for you gahhhhhhhhh
james potter
"are you awake?" y/n felt a nudge in her side and rolled over, "well now i am." james smiled, "good, maybe we can sneak down to the lake and go for a walk?" y/n gave him an exasperated look, "it's three in the bloody morning!" she could see him nodding and hid her face farther in her pillow. "yeah i know! it'd be so perfect!" she took a deep breath, "okay how about this, you come sleep with me and we can take a walk in the morning. it's freezing outside anyway, we'd be bound to catch colds." james shrugged, "works for me."
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ell0ra-br3kk3r · 3 years ago
congrats love!!!
black ~ ships! send me your ideal chill night out/in and i'll ship you with a character (please specify gender and fandom prefrence)
I'm she/her and I love marvel and hp (marauder's era). And I love picnic dates!! And coffee dates they are my favourite!! And Netflix and chill is just *chef's kiss*
thank you lovely<3
james potter
"coffee? please tell me you brought coffee." james let out a laugh, "what kind of boyfriend do you think i am, darling? of course i brought coffee." y/n smiled as she walked up to him with a picnic basket in hand, "good job, jamie." they set out a blanket and relaxed against each other. enjoying this small stolen moment from time, just the two of them
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imonomnity · 8 years ago
Harry Potter Preference – Their face when they get jealous
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imonomnity · 8 years ago
Harry Potter Preference – Bad habits
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H A R R Y: Emotional Shopping. Harry’s always emotional. Harry’s rich. Harry’s an emotional shopper.
R O N: Swearing. Ron has such a dirty mouth omg.
D R A C O: Drinking coffee. Boy gotta get his caffeine is all.
F R E D: Humming. Fred loves to sing and hum is all.
G E O R G E: Biting his pen. when he thinking really hard he bights on his pen. It’s kinda cute tbh.
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J A M E S: Playing with a snitch. It’s like he showing off. It’s annoying, but kind of endearing.
S I R I U S: Constantly playing with his hair. But you kind of love it because it’s adorable.
R E M U S: Biting his fingernails. Remus is always a nervous wreck so it’s just a natural reaction.
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