#james 115
Well boys, time for a new Theory after episode 115 dropped
This one is gonna focus on Chip and a bit of the original version of the Prophecy
Warning of spoilers and unhinged thought process, read at your own risk
For this post imma be focusing on a line from the Prophecy. Which would be:
"The seal remains locked by a Key of Divinity"
So I ask you:
How does Chip know Celestial?
Why was he Welcomed Home in that place?
What is the secret of himself that not even he knows?
He is the key. It's why in the one shot, Chip being grabbed was specifically mentioned. Why Niklaus felt the need to make a deal with Chip that would land him directly in the Hole in the Sea.
Now, fair warning, I do believe that Niklous would be fully aware of such a moment and set the board for this eventually. The why is the only thing I am uncertain about, I have my thoughts but that's a theory for another time.
He was Welcomed Home because that was where he would always end up, it was the place he would always find his way to. You could even say, it was the place he was Destined to be.
Now, here is where it all gets a bit more nuanced...
I believe there to always have been someone who was a Key of Divinity. When the last dies, a new one is born. (Basically an Avatar situation)
However the reason it is only just now happening is because it's only now that the stars have aligned to allow whatever has been locked away to be unleashed.
The key has always been born on a different plane, whatever was locked away was not strong enough in it's prison to reach out for the key, and it hadn't been arms reach.
Until Chip.
Chip has been the first to meet all the qualifications. And Niklous nudged Captain Rose to head that way for their last Journey, for Chip to get grabbed. However there was unexpected interruptions, in the form of Arlin, Drey, and Finn.
So Niklous would have to rearrange the board to get Chip once again where he needed to be.
And now he is.
And it may be too late.
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jmagnabo92 · 11 months
PM - 115 - June 23 - Influence
Sirius hates that the Blacks influence drags him back, but James gives him an out.
If there was one thing that Sirius was tired of hearing, it’s that the Black’s influence was the reason that he has the things he has, especially when you consider that he’d been disowned and then spent years in prison when the Blacks COULD have used their influence to at least give him a trial.  
Yet, they didn’t.
And now, the Order … sitting in his house – the Black’s house – criticizing him and his Black influence… is just too much.  
It’s so unfair.  
All he ever tried to do was get away from their influence, and now he was here… again.
Unfortunately, he was still ingrained with manners, so he politely excuses himself from the room as soon as he can and disappears into the room with Buckbeak.  
He’s unsurprised when James follows minutes later.  His return had been the only bright spot on his life since being held in captivity in his own house, but it’s not enough.  Not when the Order’s still giving him hell.  
After bowing to Buckbeak, James sits beside Sirius and says, “You know that you can kick them out anytime, right?”
“Don’t tempt me,” Sirius retorts.  He’d been considering it since the day that they all moved into this damned house.  “I might just do it.”
“Maybe you should,” James states, sincerely.  “Given their behavior with our kid and you… honestly, the three of us should kick them out and take off.”
“You’d actually be okay with that?”
“Of course.  I died, Si,” James says.  “You went to prison, Harry had his own, and they’ve done nothing for either of you that makes me want to help them.  So, yeah.  Wanna go?  Let’s go.”
Sirius grins.  “Let’s go.”
“Hell yeah!”
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nstaaf-book · 1 year
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Republic or Death! Travels in Search of National Anthems by Alex Marshall
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touchofgoddotworld · 8 months
Trusting in The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - (232) - February 10 2024
Play on other Podcast Apps How close is your relationship with God the Father? Is anything preventing you from enjoying the relationship He paid so preciously for, even though none of us deserved being offered rescue from an eternal spiritual death? Are you able to be close in relationship with Him, or are you wary based on experiences with your earthly father? We explore the Word of God that…
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
gentle - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 115 - slightly NSFW but not explicit
James Potter was gentle in every sense of the word.
He held the door for Regulus. Used sure fingers to tuck strands of hair behind Regulus's ear, smiling softly. Wrapped his arms around him lovingly like the younger boy was the most valuable thing in the world. Constantly spoke compliments and praise. He was loving, in every way.
So when their lips touched for the first time and James slammed Regulus into the wall, pressing their bodies together in the most delicious way?
"Fuck, Potter," Regulus murmured, stunned, the breath knocked from his body as heat burst from every cell in his body.
"Regulus," was the only strangled reply before his lips were claimed again.
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emlovessid · 9 months
@jegulus-microfic january 6, exclude, 115 words
“Please include me in your conversation. I don’t wanna be a third wheel just because Moony is on prefect duty,” Sirius moans, lying across the seat in their train compartment.
Opposite him, Regulus is curled into James’ side, James’ arm slung around his shoulders, lips close to his ear.
“Oh sorry, Pads. I—” James begins, before Regulus cuts in.
“James was just telling me that he can’t wait to get home, where he doesn’t have to share a room and can fu—”
Sirius gets to his feet in a panic, hands flying up to cover his ears as he says, “I take it back. Please, for the love of god, exclude me from your conversation!”
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allamericanb-tch · 6 months
when i started reading atyd i kept a list of all my fav chapters and im not one to gatekeep so here it is (i haven’t finished yet but i suspect there aren’t many happy chapters left)
fav chapters of atyd 
7 — first year: marauders
11 — first year: birthdays, books, and the beatles
22 — second year: the rise and fall of ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars
32 — second year: gryffindor vs. slytherin
47 — third year: james potter and the lumpy elephant dung 
68 — fourth year: march
71 — fourth year: june
72 — summer 1975
86 — fifth year: sweet sixteen
98 — sixth year: halloween
103 — sixth year: twelve nights 
114 — summer 1977 part 1
115 — summer 1977 part 2
116 — summer 1977 part 3
117 — summer 1977 part 4
128 — seventh year: preparation 
129 (mostly) — seventh year: instinct
131 — seventh year: interlude 
135 — seventh year: the marauder’s inter-house prank planning cooperative 
139 — seventh year: drunkards
141 — seventh year: star star
146 — seventh year: superego
149 — seventh year: the final
150 — seventh year: legacy
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stormygrievances · 8 months
115 words, james fucks up and brings regulus chocolate <3
Regulus reaches for the chocolate, studying the wrapping—almonds. A good choice. Unwrapping it, he passes one of the bars to James, who accepts it while hovering next to the bed. "So, are you going to sit or not?" Regulus says, gesturing to the vacant companion chair, almost always empty since he was first admitted to the hospital.
James looks surprised but complies, taking a seat. He starts eating the chocolate, stealing occasional glances at Regulus. “Spit it out, Potter,” he says.
He gulps, swallowing the chocolate. “Again, I’m sorry, Regulus. I truly didn’t mean it.”
“I know, James. You’re already forgiven, don’t worry anymore,” Regulus reassures him. “Now eat your chocolate in silence, or I’ll eat it all alone.”
At the threat, James perks up significantly. He smiles at Regulus, extending his hand for another piece of chocolate, and Regulus obliges. While he might not particularly like James Potter, he doesn't want him to be upset either.
The room doesn't feel the same when James' smile isn't there to warm it up.
excerpt from my first story: fluff up my sheet
read more if you like it!!!
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thewordfortheday · 11 months
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May the Lord give you increase more and more, You and your children.” (Psalm 115:14)
Increase is God’s will for His people.
“Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” (Genesis 1:28)
Increase was God’s plan back to the garden of Eden. That was God’s plan for His children.
Not only that,
God wants us to increase in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.
James 1:5 says "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."
Be encouraged to seek the increase that God wants to give us as His child. One place to start is to study the word of God. As we spend time in God’s Word, He will give us an increase in both knowledge and wisdom and increase us in every way, and our hearts will overflow with joy, peace and love.
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short-wooloo · 10 months
What Spartans Remain?
Because I went down the Halopedia rabbit hole and I'm an obsessive nut, I've put together a list of all the Spartan-IIs, just to figure out who's alive, who's dead, who's missing, and the numbers which are unaccounted for
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Alright so, there were at least 150 candidates considered for Spartan-IIs, half were conscripted, and of that 75, we have at least 50 named (or at least numbered) individuals
Alive (when last we saw them):
Serin-019 (washout)
Maria-062 (semi-retired)
Cassandra-075 (washout)
Fhajad-084 (washout)
Musa-096 (washout)
John-117 (duh)
Definitely Dead:
Li-008 (2552)
Daisy-023 (unknown date during war, 2526-2552)
Joshua-029 (2552)
Otto-031 (2557)
Samuel-034 (2525)
Randall-037 (2556)
William-043 (2552)
Anton-044 (2552)
Kurt-051 (2552)
Jorge-052 (2552)
Margaret-053 (2557)
Malcolm-059 (2552)
Sheila-065 (2544)
Solomon-069 (2544)
Spartan-073 (2525)
Arthur-079 (2544)
Grace-093 (2552)
Victor-101 (2557)
Ralph-103 (unknown date during war, 2526-2552)
Oscar-129 (2525)
Cal-141 (2544)
Roma-143 (2557)
Unidentified Trainee (2525)
Unidentified Spartan (2531)
Maybe Dead:
James-005 (2552)
Vinh-030 (2552)
Isaac-039 (2552)
Beta-Romeo Actual (2552)
Red Fifteen (2552)
Red Four (2552)
Red Nineteen (2552)
Status unknown:
Kirk-018 (washout, possibly rehabilitated)
Keiichi-047 (alive as of 2531)
Soren-066 (alive as of 2527)
Rene-081 (washout, possibly rehabilitated)
Joseph-122 (alive as of 2525)
Carris-137 (alive as of 2520)
Spartans-116, 118, 119, 121, 123, and 124 (possibly the unidentified trainee and Spartan, as well ass Beta-Romeo Actual, Red-Fifteen, Red Four, and Red Nineteen)
Missing numbers:
Spartans number 001, 002, 003, 004, 007, 009, 012, 013, 014, 015, 016, 017, 020, 021, 022, 024, 026, 027, 032, 033, 035, 036, 038, 040, 041, 045, 046, 048, 049, 050, 054, 055, 056, 057, 060, 061, 063, 064, 067, 068, 070, 071, 072, 074, 076, 077, 078, 080, 082, 083, 085, 086, 088, 089, 090, 091, 094, 097, 098 (according to the silver timeline, Spartan-098 is named "Nora"), 100, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 126, 127, 128, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 142, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150 (I'm sure I messed up somewhere)
obviously given that not all 150 candidates were recruited, some (about 70) of these numbers did not actually become Spartans, trainees or otherwise, such as Caleb-095, the father of Olympia Vale
Additionally, Spartans-028 (Riz), 125 (Kai), and 134 (Vanak) do exist per 343's internal documentation, but as of yet have not appeared in the Prime timeline
therefore there are about 19 confirmed living Spartans, 24 confirmed dead, 7 possible dead, and 12 unknowns, for a total of 62 (or 65 counting the silvers), so there are at least 10-13 other Spartans we have not met, be they active, retired, washout, dead, or missing
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fdelopera · 2 days
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Welcome to the 3rd installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper 115 yeas ago.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 1: “Est-ce le fantôme?” (“Is It the Phantom?”) I’ve included it as a single panel, and as two panels for easier reading.
This section was first printed on Saturday, 25 September, 1909.
For anyone following along in David Coward's translation of the First Edition of Phantom of the Opera (either in paperback, or Kindle, or from another vendor -- the ISBN-13 is: 978-0199694570), the text starts at Meg's line, "Yes! There is! Of course there's someone behind the door!", and goes to, "Jammes's mother drained a glass of spirits she found on a table and gave her opinion: the ghost most certainly had had a hand in what had happened."
There are some differences between the standard First Edition text and the Gaulois text. In this section, these include:
1) See the highlighted text in the 3rd image above (from my copy of the First Edition from 1910). This was added to the First Edition, and does not appear in the Gaulois text. This passage translates as:
"But the worst thing," the poor honorable lady went on breathlessly, "the worst thing is that the stagehands who found his body claim that all around the corpse, they heard a noise that sounded like a funeral dirge!"
2) La petite Jammes (Little Jammes) is “la petite Saint-James” (Little Saint-James).
3) In the First Edition Meg refers to her mother with the shortened "m'man," but in the Gaulois, she refers to her mother as "maman."
4) Minor differences in punctuation.
Click here to see the entire edition of Le Gaulois from 25 September, 1909. This link brings you to page 3 of the newspaper — Le Fantôme is at the bottom of the page in the feuilleton section. Click on the arrow buttons at the bottom of the screen to turn the pages of the newspaper, and click on the Zoom button at the bottom left to magnify the text.
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offender42085 · 8 months
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Post 1156
Before and After a little adventure in The Villages....with a high speed chase, crashing into a tree, being pursued by police dogs and loosing his shoes....
Cody James Russell aka "Stolo" , Florida inmate N60978, born 2002, incarceration intake October 2022 at age 19, scheduled for release September 2028
Attempted Fleeing LEO with no regard, Aggravated Assault on LEO, Attempted Aggravated Fleeing or Eluding LEO
In April 2021, an Ohio teenager was apprehended after leading law enforcement on a high-speed chase one Friday afternoon on Interstate 75 through Sumter and Marion counties near the Villages.
Cody James Russell, of Miamisburg, Ohio, described as having a "clean cut appeaance" was at the wheel of a stolen black Dodge Durango with Ohio plates at 4:25 p.m. Friday, April 16, northbound near Mile Marker 322 in Sumter County when his fast-moving vehicle began kicking up debris from the side of the roadway causing a hazard for other motorists, according to an arrest report from the Florida Highway Patrol.
A patrol car from FHP pursued the vehicle into Marion County at a speed of 115 miles per hour where the Dodge Durango left I-75 at Exit 341 and began to travel in the wrong direction on County Road 484. Russell subsequently turned onto County Road 475A where he lost control of the vehicle and struck a tree.
Russell began running after exiting the vehicle and lost his shoes.
A Marion County Sheriff’s Office K-9 joined in the hunt for Russell. After he was captured, he was taken back to the crash scene where he was positively identified by the FHP trooper who had initiated the chase.
Law enforcement confirmed that the Dodge Durango had been stolen in Montgomery County, Ohio. It had a license plate that had been assigned to a 1997 Toyota Avalon.
Russell was arrested on multiple charges including grand theft auto. He was already on probation. He was booked without bond at the Sumter County Detention Center.
Russell spent the next 14 months in county jail before being transferred to custody in Ohio to take care of some other matters. Two months later he was transferred to Florida DOC control.
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writer-of-sorts · 1 year
written with @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: glisten
Fuck those stupid Muggle fitness mags.
Remus never should have introduced them to Sirius. Because now, every evening while James is off doing Head Boy duties and Peter is off doing Remedial Charms, Remus finds himself alone with Sirius. A very toned, very sweaty Sirius, who insists on going through his entire workout in nothing but tiny gym shorts.
Which would have been fine, really, if Sirius didn’t also insist that Remus sit on his back every time he did push-ups.
Now Remus sits, arms crossed and face flushed, watching the bare muscles of Sirius’ broad shoulders tighten and loosen with each rise and fall of his glistening body.
Bless those lovely Muggle fitness mags.
word count: 115
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ghaniblue · 4 months
Written for a discord challenge some time ago & forgotten to post here. 115 words of James & Reg being Greek gods playing naughty games with human lives.
"Ha!" Regulus crowed, settling back amongst the fluffy, white clouds with a self-satisfied grin. "I win."
James pointed an accusing finger at him. "You cheated!"
"You never said we couldn't interfere. It's not my fault you didn't pay attention when the rules of the game were set."
"You were distracting me."
"Was I?" Regulus smiled, sly. "How devious of me."
The clasp of Regulus' chiton had come undone, white fabric slipping down his pale shoulder. His collarbone was very distracting. "You're doing it again!" James accused.
Regulus' expression turned hungry. "Is it working?"
The hero's journey down on earth forgotten, James tumbled him into the soft, pillowy clouds, Regulus' triumphant laughter echoing across Mount Olympus.
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30fury · 19 days
That is, Paris feels no remorse; he freely owns and defends a special association with Aphrodite. James Redfield (1994: 115) calls Paris “unsocialized,” writing that “Paris is insensitive to nemesis, the moral disapproval of others, and has no sense of aischos, shame.” I would suggest, rather, that Paris is antisocial— that he knows the Iliad’s social codes but nevertheless rejects them, choosing instead to embrace a different way of being (20).
"The Superplot Begins" in Desire in the Iliad: The Force That Moves the Epic and Its Audience by Rachel H. Lesser.
(20) As Ransom 2011: 56 remarks, “If gender is a performance, Paris is simply not playing his part.”
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emlovessid · 10 months
@jegulus-microfic december 3, violent, 115 words
“I’m not a violent person, but touch him again and I just might be,” James says from behind him, arm snaking around Regulus’ waist and sneaking up under his shirt, making it very clear just who he belongs to.
With a smirk, Regulus looks up to the man who was trying to dance with him while James had pushed his way through the crowded club to get to the bar. Regulus hadn’t even had a chance to refuse him when James had appeared again, sans drinks.
In his past relationships, Regulus hasn’t been a fan of his partners being overprotective and possessive, but on James? It might be the most attractive thing he’s ever seen.
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