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wikkart · 7 months ago
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No sé si verás esta publicación, de cualquier modo quería dedicarte un pequeño dibujo para ti.
Yo te conocí desde que estabas en progreso de animar el capítulo 0.2 de Underverse, y desde entonces jamás he dejado de seguir tu trabajo.
Así como otros fans te lo han hecho saber en los últimos días, en todos estos años que has permanecido en este fandom has sido una de mis mayores inspiraciones en mi vida, es por ti que yo creé mis primeros OC's por allá de 2016 e incluso mi cabeza empezó a soñar con una sola cosa, ser un animador profesional. Cr��eme que al ser latinoamericanx no me había planteado la idea de vivir y trabajar de algo así, o al menos hasta mi pubertad pensaba que un sueño de ese calibre sólo era posible para personas de otros países o que tuviesen una mejor estabilidad económica, pero luego llegaste tú, una colombiana animadora super talentosa que me demostró todo lo contrario en un pequeño blog de Tumblr y canal de Youtube. Y ahora, 8 años después, he estado cumpliendo esa meta al estar estudiando una carrera de animación en mi estado.
Desde 2020 entré a la universidad y con ello he tenido un viaje complicado, la animación es un trabajo muy difícil que de a ratos me ha desmotivado lo suficiente como para querer abandonar ese sueño. Pero luego llegabas tu anualmente entregando un nuevo capítulo de tu hermosa serie en la que todxs nos podíamos deleitar de tus magníficas habilidades, y hasta ahora eso a sido suficiente para que pueda levantarme una vez más y seguir adelante en cumplir mi meta de vida.
Con todo esto descrito, sólo quería darte las gracias por todos estos años de esfuerzo creando algo que sé que lo has hecho con todo el amor del mundo. Para ti sólo seré un random más del internet, pero para mí tu existencia misma a sido un pilar de mi vida.
En serio lamento tanto que por malentendidos de otras personas tú y tu esposo han recibido un montón de maltratos y odio injustificado, al punto de quitarles la grata felicidad de crear y compartir su arte al mundo. No merecen ni una fracción de todo ese desprecio tan corrosivo que ha invadido sus mentes y corazones.
En este instante lo único que deseo es que ustedes 2 sean tan felices como me han hecho a mí y a millones de personas más con sus creaciones, y si eso implica dejar de animar Underverse por un buen rato o incluso por siempre entonces lo aceptaremos. La salud mental de uno mismx siempre va primero antes que cualquier otra cosa.
Y sin importar la decisión que tomes te seguiré usando de ejemplo para seguir adelante con mi arte y mis estudios, cada que necesite un boost de energía para motivarme revisitaré tu canal.
Así lo he hecho siempre, y este dibujito que hice para una portada de una libreta de secundaria en 2017 lo puede comprobar 💜
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Te queremos mucho Jael, en verdad gracias por todo. Cuídate mucho, te mando un fuerte abrazo 🌼
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blacknocts · 7 months ago
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Don't let people who want to harm you end your life, care about those who truly care
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zu-is-here · 7 months ago
Underverse will likely be discontinued D:
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I did (◞‸◟)
It's truly devastating to hear this from one of, if not the most influential creator in our fandom whose work I've admired since before I started drawing.
Although I can understand her decision due to all the stress she's been going through throughout these years, especially after some events.
We know it's up to Jakei anyway, but I do believe this is our chance to gather our support and let her know how much we love and appreciate her work.
We often forget to be responsive to our favorite artists, we take their work for granted, so this is a reminder: rewatch your favorite Underverse or XTale episode, like it where it's forgotten, share your thoughts in comments, reblog your favorite posts here with some nice tags, — this is the fuel for a creator that makes them happy and motivates them to keep creating.
If some managed to lead her astray with their hatred, then we have the strength to help her with our love. Words can kill, and words can save╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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That was explained here, and I hope it's still valid <3
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You're absolutely right, I didn't emphasize it after the second anon's ask (as well as Jakei herself in her statement), but we do understand that all people are different, so we can't draw such conclusions and paint everyone with the same brush ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
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Indeed, antis may be different too, and I believe that there are actually much more of those who respect the interests of others despite different views ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
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ask-codeearasure · 3 months ago
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Oh... a part of me fuckin figured this kid was a Republican, or at least a Republican mouthpiece, but I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt at first. But now, get ready for that kid to use Cross being Trans Coded to be one of their reasons for accusing Jakei of being a pedophile next, since that is where red party mouthbreathers always seem to go next with anything transgender related. I'm calling it right now.
If you haven't read my essay of why Trans Coded characters are important, go do so, it comes into play here and why Republicans are constantly attacking them and why characters that aren't Cishet, Male, and White are always called "Political". If not directly, then indirectly under the guise it's going to "groom children" and "confuse them", amongst other false talking points used to demonize the LGBTQIA+ community.
I've always said this, but I'll say it here and now, Republicans LOVE to minimize their accusations and attacks as being "a different opinion" when deep down, they know it's anything BUT.
If you look at the way Republicans are complaining about their families going no-contact with them and uninviting them from holidays, family gatherings, or even just complete exclusion, they always say "It's just a different opinion! They are cutting me off for a different opinion!!!" When they know that's not exactly the case, but they are not going to say what the actual reason is. They use the First Amendment as a weak defense for what they say as "I have the Freedom of Speech!" but don't acknowledge that one's Freedom of Speech DOES NOT MEAN there's no such thing as "Freedom from Consequences".
Let's say it how it is. These people know it's about morals, giving a shit about the people around them (which extends into the state of society as a whole), and ethics.
Republicans refuse to admit they completely lack morals and that lack of morality makes them dangerous. You could stretch it and say they don't have a conscience either, but really, it's clear the problem these people have is outright stupidity, not a complete lack of a little voice in their head telling them the shit they subscribe to perhaps isn't a good idea.
This kid tried to say "Oh, Jakei didn't understand what I meant!" Then proceeded to not clarify what they supposedly meant and then turned around and accused everyone of having Main Character Syndrome.
What else could they have possibly meant when they outright said they believed that Cross being confirmed to be Trans Coded was to get attention from the Trans Community?
If that isn't what you meant...? Then what the fuck else could you have meant?
How else are we supposed to take it???
But that's just it, isn't it?
That WAS what they meant. That WAS how it was supposed to be taken, they just don't like that it makes them look like a complete and total piece of shit. It's almost like actions speak louder than words here.
Republicans hate being seen as a bad person, so they will gaslight you and refuse to ever admit they want to hurt others and get kicks out of it.
And look at what the kid does. They didn't like the fact that everyone fucking tore them a new one, proceeded to try to gaslight everyone by saying that Jakei didn't understand what they meant to try to make her look like the "confused" bad guy, and then accused everyone else of having Main Character Syndrome. This is also a form of projection, putting themself on a pedestal of "everyone got mad, so they must be wrong. Therefore I refuse to change my opinion to keep making the "bad guys" mad!" They are not looking at the reactions of everyone around them as a lens of "perhaps I was wrong, I should change my opinion and improve as a person". They're not actually questioning what's wrong. They just see everyone upset and assume they've got all the power here, because in order to avoid genuinely considering what they've done wrong, everyone else must be wrong. This is a very common mental gymnastic used to avoid change.
This pattern of behavior and responses is what we call DARVO, and it is prevalent in the political and psychological fields. It stands for Deny, Attack, Reverse, Victim, and Offender.
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Republicans LOVE using DARVO in their debates, it's their go-to when it comes to attacking left-wing content creators, anyone on the left, or populations of people they just don't like (and always out of intentional ignorance).
They will always use it to ensure that they gain control of the conversation and make themselves look good, mainly to themselves. It's why they make nonsensical whataboutisms and accuse others of extreme crimes despite not having any evidence to back it up.
It's a way to get the actual victims to shut the fuck up so they can continue running their mouth comfortably. With no competition to their views, they can avoid questioning their beliefs and quality of character based off those beliefs.
And what do we have here?
A person who uses Republican Talking Points to demonize transgenderism.
And then now used Cross being Trans Coded as a way to attack Jakei again under the guise her advocating for transgender people has a harmful and/or self-serving ulterior motive.
And then is using DARVO to try to gaslight everyone they can to make themself look like the actual victim, because the poor baby can't handle the justified backlash to their behavior.
By these terms of beliefs and behavior, they are a Republican (perhaps not legitimately but by current definition) who is predictable and will always be predictable because once you know how to recognize and analyze Republican Propaganda, you can expect their every move and what they are always aiming for.
Sorry to make another post on this. This was meant to be a fandom blog, not a politics blog.
-- Ouija
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the-selfinsert · 6 months ago
Underverse is still going to continue! Hiatus or not, it will be coming back! @jakei95, you are a treasure, and a gift to our community, take all the rest time you need!
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sniker28dog · 7 months ago
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Thanks for everything @jakei95!
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askmistaketalesurgesans · 4 months ago
this actually happened in Jael/Jakei's discord server 😭
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dirtysenner · 7 months ago
The Jakei situation makes me really depressed for the future of artists on the internet. She made a mistake and made a comic that she shouldn��t have. She owns up to that. But the thing is that it was TEN years ago. She hasn’t made anything of the like in the last ten years and when confronted with it she apologized and was sincere all the way through. Underverse inspired me to think that I could make something I really was passionate about even if I wasn’t a professional animator. The first season of Underverse was nothing crazy with the art itself (no hate I love season one and would never change anything about it) but people loved it and watched it and got invested. I always had this notion that you had to be god-tier with art to get anyone to pay attention but her show made me see that it wasn’t true. I love Underverse and it gave me the hopes and dreams to make something myself. And @jakei95 wherever you end up going and doing next, may you continue to inspire and provide those same hopes and dreams to all those who love you.
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yianny4green2 · 4 months ago
TEASER UNDERVERSE 0.8!!!!!! I love It!!!!
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doodlesphxre · 7 months ago
if I remember correctly I was 9yo watching yt videos at night when I saw "the soup store" meme with Papyrus and Sans! After that I discovered polish Littletale comic dub and watched that as well as Undertale comic dubs from Twister (Ytuber I liked)
After that I kinda forgot about UT I suppose? Althought I got reminded of it by my fav Ytuber, Eleven. I watched it Undertale and...
I found out about AUs and got amazed by the ideas and possibilities! I started watching more comics, discovering more AUs, watching gacha videos, reading fanfics
I discovered Underverse throught Polish dub of it from! I didn't understand it's story completely back then but I loved the animation and idea!
Now, four years after my UT hyperfixation started (I had a 2 years break... But still) i rewatched the series only to AGAIN BE AMAZED BY THE WHOLE IDEA OF IT!! Now I understand the story and how interesting and GENIUS it is! How Jakei is animating the series alone and writing (I think) too!
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gatotamarindo · 7 months ago
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Hola! Un dibujito para jakei! Muchas gracias por todo y por ser una gran inspiración para muchos, te deseo todo lo mejor jakei! 💕
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harumichan12 · 7 months ago
whatever you decide we will support you Jakei, we love you and Thank you for everything, stay strong 💜✨️
ENGLISH: Underverse 0.8 part 1 might be the last Underverse episode I publish. I'm done with the toxicity, the hypocrisy, and the bias. I give up trying to explain that I'm not a monster, I just wanted to have fun with a video game that made me happy. I'm not sure if I'll come back or want to make content on YouTube anymore, I'll have to take a long break after this, find another job, I don't know, stay ayaw from all this. Every year, it's the same thing, and I don't feel comfortable in this fandom anymore. I'm not mentally okay. I'm done pretending all this hate is not affecting me. Maybe if I step aside, these people will get the attention they've been wishing for, since there won't be that person and her work they hate so much. They feel I shouldn't have gotten an opportunity in the first place and that they could've done way better, as if this fandom were a competition. Or they'll just find another target to turn into a pariah. I'll make an announcement when the trailer/full episode will be released. ESPAÑOL:
Underverse 0.8 parte 1 podría ser el último episodio de Underverse que publique. Estoy harta de la toxicidad, la hipocresía y los prejuicios.
Me rindo tratando de explicar que no soy un monstruo, solo quería divertirme con un videojuego que me hacía feliz. No estoy segura si volveré o si querré hacer contenido en YouTube nuevamente. Tendré que tomarme un largo descanso después de esto, buscar otro trabajo, no sé, alejarme de todo esto.
Cada año es lo mismo, y ya no me siento cómoda en este fandom. No estoy bien mentalmente. Estoy cansada de fingir que todo este odio no me afecta.
Tal vez si me hago a un lado, estas personas obtendrán la atención que tanto han deseado, ya que no estará esa persona y su trabajo que tanto odian, que sienten que no debería haber tenido una oportunidad en primer lugar y que podrían haberlo hecho mucho mejor, como si este fandom se tratase de una competencia. O simplemente encontrarán otro objetivo para convertir en un paria.
Haré un anuncio cuando el tráiler/ episodio completo esté listo para ser publicado.
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sniker28dog · 7 months ago
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Good evening everyone. Unfortunately, I have some very sad news to share. Today, Jael Penaloza, also known as Jakei, the creator of Underverse and Xtale, announced on her Twitter that she is ending Underverse due to the toxicity created by the fandom, which has affected her mental state. She decided to end the project, planning only to release Episode 0.8 Part 1 and conclude the story without a complete ending, which has been ongoing since the early days.
I believe everyone here has a special fondness for the work, and I invite you all to show your support for the creator.
In Undertale I Miss You, the server creator David is representing our Brazilian community in support of Jakei.
The server currently has a section dedicated to messages in English and fanarts in honor of Jakei, where he will post all the messages and artworks on Twitter to show both Jakei and the outside world the power of the Brazilian people’s love and respect for Underverse.
Buenas noches a todos. Lamentablemente, tengo una noticia muy triste que compartir. Hoy, Jael Penaloza, también conocida como Jakei, la creadora de Underverse y Xtale, anunció en su Twitter que está poniendo fin a Underverse debido a la toxicidad creada por la fandom, que ha afectado su estado mental. Decidió terminar el proyecto, planeando solo lanzar el Episodio 0.8 Parte 1 y concluir la historia sin un final completo, que ha estado en pie desde los primeros días.
Creo que todos aquí tienen un cariño especial por la obra, y los invito a mostrar su apoyo a la creadora.
En Undertale I Miss You, el creador del servidor, David, está representando a nuestra comunidad brasileña en apoyo a Jakei.
El servidor actualmente tiene una sección dedicada a mensajes en inglés y fanarts en honor a Jakei, donde publicará todos los mensajes y artes en Twitter para mostrar tanto a Jakei como al mundo exterior el poder del amor y respeto del pueblo brasileño por Underverse
大家晚上好。不幸的是,我有一个非常悲伤的消息要分享。今天,Jael Penaloza,也就是Jakei,Underverse 和 Xtale 的创作者,在她的 Twitter 上宣布,由于粉丝圈的毒性影响了她的心理状态,她决定结束 Underverse 项目,只打算发布第0.8集第一部分,并在没有完整结局的情况下结束这个自早期以来一直存在的故事。
在 Undertale I Miss You 中,服务器创始人 David 正在代表我们的巴西社区支持 Jakei。
该服务器目前有一个专门的部分,用于展示对 Jakei 的英语消息和粉丝艺术,他将把所有的消息和艺术品发布到 Twitter 上,以向 Jakei 和外界展示巴西人民对 Underverse 的爱与尊重的力量。
مساء الخير جميعاً. للأسف، لدي خبر حزين جداً لأشاركه. اليوم، أعلنت جايل بينالوزا، المعروفة أيضاً باسم جيكي، مبتكرة Underverse وXtale، عبر تويتر أنها تنهي مشروع Underverse بسبب السمية التي أوجدها المعجبون، والتي أثرت على حالتها العقلية. قررت إنهاء المشروع، مع التخطيط فقط لإصدار الحلقة 0.8 الجزء 1، وإنهاء القصة دون نهاية كاملة، التي كانت مستمرة منذ الأيام الأولى.
أعتقد أن الجميع هنا يحملون محبة خاصة للعمل، وأدعوكم جميعاً لدعم المبدعة.
في Undertale I Miss You، يمثل مؤسس ال��ادم، ديفيد، مجتمعنا البرازيلي لدعم جيكي.
يحتوي الخادم حالياً على قسم مخصص للرسائل باللغة الإنجليزية والفنات في تكريم جيكي، حيث سينشر جميع الرسائل والأعمال الفنية على تويتر لعرض قوة حب واحترام الشعب البرازيلي لـ Underverse.
Добрый вечер всем. К сожалению, у меня есть очень печальная новость. Сегодня Джейл Пеналоза, также известная как Джакей, создательница Underverse и Xtale, объявила в своем Твиттере, что завершает проект Underverse из-за токсичности, созданной фанатами, которая повлияла на ее психическое состояние. Она решила закончить проект, планируя выпустить только Эпизод 0.8 Часть 1 и завершить историю без полного окончания, которая существует с самых первых дней.
Я верю, что у всех здесь есть особое отношение к этому произведению, и я приглашаю всех поддержать создателя.
В Undertale I Miss You создатель сервера Дэвид представляет наше бразильское сообщество в поддержку Джакей.
В сервере сейчас есть раздел, посвященный сообщениям на английском языке и фанартам в честь Джакей, где он разместит все сообщения и арты в Твиттере, чтобы показать Джакей и всему миру силу любви и уважения бразильского народа к Underverse.
Estou divulgando este server principalmente para o público brasileiro e/ou que apoiam Underverse.
▶️YouTube Post
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dirtysenner · 6 months ago
Legit this vid made me cry, Underverse has been such a huge part of my life and nothing could fill the spot that this show has in my heart. @jakei95, take all the time you need and we love you 💜
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badpotat007 · 6 months ago
We love Jakei, and we support you in everything, I hope you will be better soon, at this time the most important thing is your health, take care of yourself, you are the best💜
Having depression is not a choice, every person dealing with this will find a lot of factors around them debilitating. Saying things like "you're always focusing on the negative", only adds to the problem. If you can't empathize, then keep your judgments to yourself.
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