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dreaming-paradise-dixie · 4 months ago
Home (Asmundr) Dialogue Edits (5)
Art credits belong to Kique. I will not be sharing any edits from Patreon pages out of respect for the artist.
Thakir deserves better than his Viscountess/Friend abandoning him to run/take care of a Tribe while she sulks and flirts with Rome. Link to original: https://home-comic.thecomicseries.com/comics/902/
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Thakir: Hey, Jahla? Sorry to bother you, but we've been wondering if you have made any decisions on the situation... Jahla: No... Maybe we should join Kainan. Thakir: Join Kainan? You're aware that none of us are trained fighters, right? That'll put the Tribe in danger! Jahla: We can't just leave them to deal with Marduk alone.
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Thakir: Jahla, listen to me please. I know you're worried about them, but you have a Tribe of your own! Jahla: There must be something. Maybe the scrolls I collected have more information. Thakir: You're not listening to a word I say, are you? If you're so concerned about a Tribe that isn't your own, then just report it to the Capital! The Matriarch trusts you! You don't have to do any- Jahla: I am not going to go crying to the Capital every time I have an issue! This is my family!
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Jahla: Ugh, Thakir, please... I can't just sit here. I have to help them somehow.
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Jahla: They would do it for me. Rome: What happened this time? Thakir: Oh. Nothing new. Don't worry about it.
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Thakir: With how often she leaves us, I should be Jarl... Yippee.
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guerrastrife · 1 month ago
Choose your favorite
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karlobears · 11 months ago
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Once again, redesigning my fave WOLF girl. So she looks like an actual wolf. Im reclaiming her, adopting, making her the badass dont need no man girl she used to be. My beloved girl you deserve so much better than what you have.
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assmundr · 18 days ago
Can I just quickly say that I'm lowkey not even surprised he was stealing brushes from Aaron Blaise? Kique has been gushing about this man's work for years, especially about the work he's done on Beauty and the Beast and Brother Bear. Of course he'd resell his assets, because god forbid Kique creates something on his own instead of stealing from people he admires
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zombiee-reviews · 5 months ago
Finally some action, but for the wrong reasons.
Alright, so I am referring to the current patreon pages that were posted recently. Some of you know what I am going to discuss and others, not so much… So if you don’t want to be spoiled, then do not continue.
For the record before people get their panties in a bunch, I will not be posting pictures or anything of that matter as I do try to abide by Patreon rules. However, I am going to simply discuss what I felt from these pages.
So we finally got some action scenes with Marduk and let me just say, this whole thing is a giant mess. Kique so badly needed an antagonist for his story, so he decided to pick his ex co-writers character to defame, and blame for the whole mess.
This is absolutely ridiculous. In my opinion, Kiques decision in doing what he did with Marduk and with Jahla reading the scrolls throws not only Home’s plot off balance, but Asmundrs as well. I have way to many questions than I do answers, with where Kique is currently taking the story.
It is quite obvious that he has no damn clue where to take Home and is creating EVEN MORE plot holes! Once these pages become published, sadly won’t be for a while, I’ll be able to do a better and more detailed review.
But for now, all I am going to say is WTF KIQUE?! You’re in such desperation to make Home relevant again, that you’re willing to just confuse your audience even more? And just go nillie-willie with whatever idea you think will grab others attention? Also to make Asmundr confusing as well? I guess you finally figured out that people don’t like a live in roleplay for a comic. But god damn, why did you have to wait almost 900 pages later for something that could have been EXPLAINED better and EXCUTED 500 pages ago? When Marduk first made his appearance? Good lord idk what to say lmao.
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saltysplayt00ns · 6 months ago
Tearing Page 733 hind
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Tch MAAAAAAAANNNN!!!  I’ve been waiting for this page to come up, cause this is just blatant kique misogyny and sexist of making females complacent of something as serious as a scratch of the muzzle from a short fuss - right here and insulting of the characters who are in Asmundr Comic. It's like the movie: thing of a clone of the person.
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Page 93, 94 & 104
Lifa is just acting way too submissive on this when Lifa, who would never put up with this, Lifa of all dogs who know the red-flags of manipulative and threats of harm from unbalanced power dynamic,
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Page 143 & 265
LIFA who has told and taught the family to stick together and work as a team in a no mercy environment, protect your own and think with a clear mind -  is blatantly letting family abuse slide by. And immediately go to the next Subject cause showing how evil Marduck is then Lifa’s family basically falling apart is far more important. If it was Ronja, Jahla or a female family member - bet they would be ridiculed, belittled, practically coerced to apologize. While If it was Rogio or Ranach or Roamer getting hurt or pitied or had been killing people ( which they did ) , they would be coddled and sympathized - which is what’s happening here, Rohgir being sympathized for basically wounding his sister and daughter of Lifa and it's not bluntly told but implies for Jahla to be “ understanding “ so they can move on and be a happy family again. Ignoring/brushing the problem off doesn’t fix it.
Heck THIS IS NOT HOW ROHGIR ACTED EITHER, this is like a 180 of Rohgir’s personality.
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pages 263, 265 & 297
yes, he is blunt and crass and yes secretive, and would take risky decisions that would protect his family to live another day, but in any way shape or form would never raise a paw to another because his eugenic uprising would have him be Marduck 2.0 AND RANULFR .
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Kaine and Lifa should be shocked/horrified since this is The one who Rohgir's family + pack fought in a war against his father's ideology of being the superior species ( that he disowned as a a father ) , that also tried to also non-consensually mate with Niita; his aunt and Lifa's sister . Stressed or not you should never resort to hurting your siblings unpurposely.  Why are the Akiulfrs even under him as subordinates? at this point if he is willing to attack the triad  leaders who’re equal to him as family . That implies he's willing to hurt his own members who HAVE no equal power over him that are no blood related members. It would be a full on rebellion.
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Page 389 & 656
Roughhousing is okay, but everything is not fun and games when someone literally gets hurt. Most would even ask if it’s ok to do certain things or if a simple “ ow “ or “ stop, that hurt “ would immediately be apologized/stop all together. At least sensible people. Intentionally hurting someone needs to be stopped because you'll enable it and once enabled,  it will lead to toxic to dangerous behaviors, interactions or/and abuse. You see it all the time and you see it now.
The author really doesn’t know what he wants to do with the majority of the characters, cause literally everyone is a villan who is misunderstood or the moment he makes them a villain and then changes his mind and back peddles to make them not a villain but a misunderstood, sympathizing character. I rather suck a gallon of pure lemons before I sympathize with Ranach and Rogio.
Lifa like...this is your son, siblings or not you shouldn't be hurting each other nonetheless intent on killing. the fact Jahla doesn't even mention her biting Rohgirs neck that can kill or paralyze his spine is already a reflag of their own. why you hiding that fact saber teeth can puncture and do damage, they obviously don't break.
Lifa could have said: Lifa: “ This is not like him to… “ // ( To keep secrets yeah but not to twist the truth. )
Jahla: " he clawed my muzzle off …before banning me from the Island."
Lifa: " What...??!!”
Kainen: " He may be dealing a lot with a large pack..,"
Lifa cutting Kainen off: " It does not excuse my son to resort to retaliation. Threats, but not of family and certainly NOT of his own." 
Jahla: "we talk to him as a family then? Perhaps if he sees us be fine..."
Lifa looks off in frustration and disgruntlement: "We would, but Marduck would not approve. We would already be off to find the others if we did." // ( discard the page of that Marduck introduction and he is shown later after Jahla found him by the family describing him. )
Kainen, licking lips nervously, looks over to the Beacon and where Marduck went: " He's one of Father's own and makes it clear every chance he gets." // ( In a better scene Kainen indicating Marduck attacking the Rabishu and I Kainen to prove a point when he tried to leave. )
Jahla In deep thought, scrunching eyebrows: "Perhaps, I can talk to him. I am familiar with Father just as much as he is, just tell me what I need to know about him." // ( cause the old Jahla would be gun-ho excited of learning more about Father, after all she broke with Rhovanion, monologue a poor excuse with Rome, studied the hidden languages, taken in Father's creation; Avanti - is now acting hostile of a dog she barely even given a chance. )
And that would lead to the next Page Jahla encountering Marduck NOT CRAMMING IT IN ONE PAGE. it's like the dumbest thing to state an “ oh” .
Plus it's the same pose of 3 dogs sitting overhead/bird eye view and discussing. Plus Lifa’s face is Rogio like a copy + paste of Rogio.
We got now mothers enabling their kids to stay with strangers ( Feomeh with Diarko ) , Mothers letting their son do all the talking and leading ( Liari & Ralei  ) , mothers letting male family members keep their rank after disobeying a command from the leader ( Ronja and Roamer ) ,  and now excuse sibling physical assault (Lifa and Jahla ) ps. Forgot about the Nubia situation and Feaf of disregarding a non-consensual agreement to bearing a Hybrid child from the quote ' golden ' in quote lioness a few pages ago. Thanks to the commenter for jogging my memories ♥
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undercover-gsd · 4 months ago
i wonder if jahla will kill marduk
Hi! Do you mind updating the archive again? tnx!
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gleefultogo · 6 months ago
I love that Jahla has a whole conflict about discrimination toward her species but the moment she sees Marmaduke she goes full "WTF IS THAT THING!? 😡🤬" God be a lil subtle about the guy you are trying to antagonize in your story
Honestly, your guess is as good as mine. Considering like you said that jahla has experienced nothing but racism all of sudden, and the term "wolf" became the dumbest slur in this comic. I thought she'd act at least a bit better towards others and prove to them that she isn't a threat or anything, especially marduck since he represents "father" that she's been seeking answers and stuff about. this is her chance to talk to an actual god/maker. but nope, apparently without even knowing then guy at all other then 5 seconds, she's only agreeing what her mother and kanian are telling her. though again, marduk hasn't even done anything bad to the gang. sure he may have his own agenda planned or whatever. but he never really has done anything to be labeled as an actual bad guy. but rapists and all that get a pass apparently, but nah not marduk he's the true bad guy :/. Ive already saw the pages that come up regarding jahla and marduck. and it's just ugh. not really worth the pages.
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shadowlink06 · 3 months ago
Kique’s Love Language: Lust Only
So there have been some thoughts about the newest pages (885 and 886) and I wanted to add into the discussion. When you write, you are inserting a part of yourself into the story that you are telling. Anyone that tells you that they aren’t, is lying or being disingenuous. It could be a little influence, it could be a lot. Just depends on the creator of the piece. Having said that, I do believe that the reason a lot of the romance issues in Home is a problem is because Kique has no idea how a healthy relationship works. I’m not trying to take podshots at him. This is merely based on what is viewable in the comic although yes, how he treated his IRL partners leaves a lot to be desired. It would be one thing if there was just one instance of bad relationships within the story, but there are multiple ones. This is not an issue in itself, but not once does Kique ever acknowledge its existence to the audience, via a character or stated within the subtext that these relationships or ever present them as… questionable at best. 
Ignoring that Rome is a self-insert, his character growth is flat. We saw him at Ravencrest. He was an outsider and the others were related to each other. He knew that the brothers were jackasses but still stayed there because reasons. When Jahla got caught, he tells the Jarl that Havenreach is an ally of the Solar Stag Tribe to his Jarl. Even though the Jarl didn’t believe him, Rome again had no reason to nearly murder his tribe members and free a ‘dangerous’ wolf by the locals. He has no reason to trust Jahla but for some reason he does. He’s hamfisted in the story and his subsequent appearances haven’t painted him in a better light. That’s always been my problem with this character. If Jalha has a concern, Rome is there. If Jalha needs someone to talk to, Rome is there. Rome read the script to the story and magically knows how to solve every problem or how to answer it. Nevermind that Thacker and Folliun have been by her side longer than Gigachad Rome. She goes directly to him and doesn’t ask the opinion of a fucking priest or her damn familiar. She knew Rhov for years, but in the span of a few months (if that, it’s hard to tell with the bad pacing of this comic) gets together with this bastard. 
Someone reminded me that Jahla was being groomed to the leaders for Asmundr with Rhov and I honestly forgot about this early plot point. She lost her dominant qualities almost overnight it seems. And this isn’t a one time deal because Ronja suffers the same issue. What was wrong having two dominant partners, or a situation where a role reversal happens and the females are dominant? Why does competency seem to only work for males and not females? It’s not surprising that though a FxF has been named, their relationship is happening off screen and I expect that to continue to be the case.  
Rogio/Roamer, Rogio/Roamer/Kargo, Jahla/Rome, and to a smaller extent Rhov/Feaf have this same problem. One of the characters just dominates the relationship with the other being notably demure and submissive. When I say dominant, I’m not speaking about force here, but I mean just about all of the actions taken or discussions are typically dictated by one character. A healthy relationship is built on compromise and understanding with BOTH parties involved. The above relationships I mentioned are fueled by lust. Someone is sad? They have sex. Someone is going through a crisis? Sex cures all. Roamer found out that Zilas was killed by the MT. This supposedly important character DIED at the hands of a hostile tribe and Rogio just fucks him 10 minutes later. This is not a misunderstanding because it’s been happening all too often in the comic in the later chapters. 
Roamer and Kargo had issues, but it was relatable to many readers because there were ups and downs in their relationship which is true to anyone. Ironically enough this relationship was one of his best written relationships because Kique was copy and pasting from Sparticus. I hate to say it, but when he was stealing dialogue, he wrote better. A huge oversight is that there are no conflicts within the character dynamics when lovers are concerned. If Kique wanted to go that route, he should have just created a bunch of Porn without Plot pieces with his favorite characters.
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echoingbirdsofprey · 4 months ago
Lost In The Fire
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9 - Pretty
Pairing: Din Djarin x OFC Dayanara Vyse
Rating: Explicit (MDNI!)
Warnings: canon typical BULLSHIT lol
A/N: This is wild honestly
When Daya came to, she caught Din's helmet in the low fire light. The bright orange light flickered off the beskar in beautiful waves. She heard the soft crackling and could feel the warmth of it from her position on the couch that he'd laid her on.
"How long have I been out?" She asked, her voice raspy and barely above a whisper. Din was sitting with her head on a pillow on his lap, one of his hands over hers that were crossed over her stomach. His other hand was on her hair, his thumb gently caressing her forehead. Both of his hands were sans gloves. 
"A couple of hours." He said softly, the visor tilting down and to the side. Daya noticed he'd removed several pieces of armor and his cape. In particular his chest plate was off and she reached back, noticing his thigh armor was gone as well. He'd removed most of his armor in fact, in favor of being comfortable with Daya laying across his lap and having her comfortable as well.
"Where's the kid?" The Princess asked and Din motioned to the fire. The little green bean was sleeping soundly in his floating egg. Daya breathed a sigh of relief. "Is Jahla okay?"
"Healthy as a bantha because of you. They're both asleep." Din said and she could've sworn there was a small chuckle in there. He'd placed a blanket over her which she was thankful for. She pushed herself up and turned, still feeling somewhat dizzy. She faced Din. He paused for a few moments before he placed his arm around her back and pulled her close. She pushed the pillow from his lap and placed her legs across his. She wondered when he'd removed her boots. 
Din's hand traveled up to caress Daya's cheek, then he ran his thumb along her bottom lip. ⁰Pretty..."
Daya's cheeks went red hot at his admission. Pressure at her back from his hand coaxed her closer and the only thing she could do from here was to straddle his lap. His name fell from her lips as her hands curled around the back of his neck.
"I thought you said you would be fine." Din murmured and her golden eyes met the t-visor, swearing she could see a ghost of his eyes through it, especially in the fire light.
"I am fine. I told you, I needed to rest after." She said with a small smirk. He pulled her braid from behind her to over her shoulder.
"You passed the fuck out. That's not fine." He said, tone filling with a tinge of anger but mostly concern. She knew it was because he was worried for her safety. It was because he did care about her even if he didn't want to admit it. "And why didn't you tell me you could do the same shit that the kid can do? You can teach him." 
"I can't teach him. I'm not a Jedi. His training is different. A Jedi is more connected to the Force. I can just use it to heal ." She explained and Din sighed out of frustration. He knew she was right. She turned away from him and glanced at the kid. She wished she could teach it to him but they couldn't even really communicate other than his little coos and hand motions. It would be exceedingly difficult and she feared she didn't have the time because any day her father could ask Din to bring her back home.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked again, tilting the helmet and guiding her to face him with two fingers on her chin. His other hand was still around her waist and she was focused on the feel of his bare hand there, only a thin layer of fabric between their skin. 
"I didn't want you to worry more. You have enough to worry about." Daya said, shrugging and pressing closer to him. Being close to him like this made her even warmer and she felt so safe in his arms. 
"I have two things to worry about...you and the kid. That's it. But it'd be nice to know how valuable you really are to other people so that when other so-called Mandalorians come after me with intent to kill, I might match that intent a little better." He explained, playing with her messy braid, then tilting the visor to lock onto the gold of her eyes. "Because you're very valuable to me..."
Daya's breath caught for a moment at this as well. Din had noticed her eyes were dull when she'd woken, and now they were glimmering again like they normally did, the reflection of the flames on his helmet giving them even more light. "By the way...I know where Bo-Katan's Jedi friend is. They told me to go to Caladan on Corvus, so we'll head there as soon as you're ready. They said we could leave whenever we needed to."
"Can we stay like this just a little longer?" She asked softly and leaned her head on his shoulder. He placed his other hand on her back and massaged circles with both hands. She gently rubbed the spot on the back of his neck where her fingers met, a spot he'd come to very much enjoy. He let his head fall back and her eyes could see the outline of his jaw and the dark beard hairs on his chin. She wanted so badly to reach up and touch them but she wouldn't dare. 
Yet .
Corvus was an odd planet. A heavy haze hung in the air, thick enough that Din and Daya couldn't see more than a few feet in front of them. Din grabbed for her hand and she slipped it into his as they made their way toward Caladan.
On the ship, on their way here, there was a lot of silence and mutual pining in the cockpit. The kid had parked his cute little potato sack covered butt on Din's lap, and Daya sat where the little green bean usually sat. Once in hyperspace, and the kid was snoozing, Din had swiveled his pilot's seat to face Daya. Din was still hung up on the fact that Daya could use the Force, asking her to explain it more than once to him. He had a right to be a little bothered by it. Could she teach the kid? Sure, but he would only know how to heal and to a certain extent. Din would have to deal with the pair of them passing out because Daya felt like teaching the kid would put a strain on her abilities in some way as well. She didn't want to put any extra burden on him. There were other facets of the Force that, as a Jedi, he would need to learn or should learn. 
There was also the kiss that Din ran from. Daya asked him why and he couldn't give her an answer. She felt it had to do with his Creed but she also felt like now that he knew she was a very important Princess, he either didn't want to lead her on or he didn't want to let her down. He wasn't very good at that though. His body wanted one thing and his brain, another. He wanted to reach for her, to hold her hand, to comfort her, but his brain kept telling him she was off limits.
While they walked through the haze, Din would peek over every once in a while, checking to make sure the kid and Daya were okay. He'd given her the woolen bag that the kid fit snugly into. The little green bean was quite happy to be going somewhere else besides the ship. Din felt like they needed to be somewhere else too, although where they had just been with those other Mandalorians had been a nice change of scenery too. It had been cozy and it felt much like Sorgan to him, even though the planet was the absolute opposite climate.
Daya had fixed her hair. She'd brushed it out carefully with her fingers after washing, then rebraided it, a braid that started by the middle part and traveled down the side like ivy on a building. A few pieces fell from the non-braided side and framed her face delicately. Din found himself blatantly staring more than once and had to stop. He would glance at the ground or tilt the helmet away from her if she caught him staring. 
When they arrived at Caladan, they were not greeted warmly. A presence of guards escorted them to the Magistrate, who seemed to have an issue with a Jedi, conveniently enough. She eyed Daya up and down, then Din. She asked if both of them were Mandalorian and Din said yes. She presented Din with a spear, made entirely of pure beskar. It would be his prize should he kill the Jedi. Knowing Din well enough now, Daya noted that he didn't agree to anything, he simply asked where the Jedi was and the Magistrate was stupid enough to tell him without making him agree. Daya had a big smirk on her face when they left to go find this Jedi.
Daya was carrying the kid as they strode through the foggy landscape. She stayed a few feet behind Din, taking careful steps as the ground was slightly slippery from all the humidity in the air. It was thick and gray and there was a damp smell that stung Daya's nose. Almost swampy but not quite. She was a little sour that she'd opted not to wear her helmet. She should probably do that more, take a page from Din's book of knowledge. 
She heard a twig snap behind her and then fell to the ground, catching herself just in time to shield the kid and not crush him. He whimpered and flexed his big ass ears backwards in frustration as if to say 'why do you suck at walking?'
She rolled over, green bean still in her arms to see Din defending her from someone with two lightsabers. White light sabers with intricately detailed hilts. The assailant was a Togruta and one whose name she knew from the Mandalorian histories.
"Ahsoka Tano! We were sent here to talk to you!" Din called and the Togruta paused, sabers sparking against his besker vambraces. Daya stood, and the kid cooed and pointed one of his sharp little fingers at the woman. The Jedi. Ahsoka tilted her head and walked toward her and the kid. 
"I hope it's about him." She said, smiling at the kid. They found a clearing and sat the little gremlin down across from Ahsoka. She asked to have a few moments with him and then she would talk to Din and Daya. Din, like the worried father figure he was, paced back and forth while Daya sat quietly, almost meditative. She glanced over at the kid every so often, then at Din. Daya knew what Ahsoka was doing. Her and the kid were communicating through the Force, something Daya definitely couldn't do. Another reason why she couldn't train him in any of the Jedi arts. 
When Ahsoka had ample time with the kid she motioned for Din and Daya to come over and sit with them. Ahsoka folded her hands into her robes and smiled. 
"Grogu and I can feel each other's thoughts." She said, and Din and Daya both perked up.
"Grogu?" He asked, sitting across from Ahsoka. She nodded and explained that he was raised at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and then when the Clone Wars ended he was taken and hidden, which is when his memories begin to fade as did his abilities. She decided to test him in the morning to see how much he remembered, but she wanted him to sleep through the night. Ahsoka then turned to Daya.
"You're the Princess that Bo-Katan was talking about. She doesn't know you can wield the Force does she?" Ahsoka asked and Daya's eyes went wide. She glanced over at Din, then spoke.
"Not many people do." She said softly, then sat next to him. 
"Does he know of the prophecy?" Ahsoka asked, motioning to Din, as she stoked the fire. Daya raised a brow.
"Prophecy?" Din asked, sliding closer to Daya. Whether intentional or not, his thigh touched hers and made her cheeks heat bright pink. Good thing the fire light was low. Daya shook her head in response to Ahsoka's question. 
"There is a Prophecy that states a true Mandalorian will rise up wielding the Darksaber with the Princess by his side to bring the people together and restore Mandalore. By the looks of it, you're only missing one thing, Din Djarin, and it may be easier to get than you think." Ahsoka said, then she leaves them to their thoughts.
Din tilts the helmet to look at Daya, who was already staring at him with a look of surprise, as if something had just dawned on her. She swallowed hard and glanced over at the kid, then back to Din.
"She thinks I'm the one in this Prophecy?" He asked, and Daya simply smirked, slid onto the ground next to him and leaned against the log they were sitting on. She tilted her head back and folded her arms, closing her eyes, leaving Din to ponder his thoughts in silence.
Ahsoka was in need of their help as well. She needed to free the city from the rule of the Magistrate. Din and Daya agreed to help her with that. They took Grogu back to the ship to keep him safe. Din decided that was as good a time as any to give Daya something he'd picked up for her on Nevarro. He tapped her shoulder just before she went to place her helmet on her head and she turned, gazing up into his visor.
"I...got you...something." He said softly, pushing a set of vibroblades at her over the top of a gearbox. She pulled one from its sheath. They were long from tip to handle, sharp, and deadly looking. The blade was a light gray metal with a yellow strip along the edge. They fit perfectly in her hands and in flipping it around, she could place the back of the blade along her forearm, along her vambrace like a built in blade that she could slash with at close range. She glanced up at the visor which was fixated on her. She couldn't help blushing under his gaze.
"Do you like them?" He asked, leaning on his elbow on the gearbox, putting him closer to her eye level. She ran a finger down the side of the blade and then re-sheathed it. 
"Where did you get them?" She questioned and he straightened up, confidence surging in Din's being. 
"On Nevarro. I was going to give them to you...before...before we kissed." He said, immediately losing all of that confidence when he mentioned the moment they'd shared. He still felt bad about it. "Do you like them?"
Daya's golden eyes stared into the visor, hearing the dejectedness come through the modulator. It was so slight but she did  pick up on it. She reached up to touch the cheek of the helmet.
"I love...them." She stuttered, a small smile breaking across her lips, and Din's heart nearly exploded hearing that one word. It didn't matter that it wasn't directly at him, just her using it in context of something he'd given her was enough. 
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dreaming-paradise-dixie · 5 months ago
Home (Asmundr) Dialogue Edits (4)
Art credits belong to Kique. I will not be sharing any edits from Patreon pages out of respect for the artist. I changed the panels on this one. The original has far too much filler trying to make Marduk seem as creepy as possible, Jahla's relationship with Rhov was broken because she had undying faith in the Gods. Marduk is a God. She should be in awe unless he gives her a reason not to trust him. The "our one and alone God" sounds ridiculous anyway. She's never been the suspicious type anyway, I don't know where that line came from. So, she gets the creep vibes from "I have been watching you since you were a pup" instead of Kainan telling her "Gray dog big bad." Link to original: https://home-comic.thecomicseries.com/comics/893/
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guerrastrife · 6 months ago
I'm not very good at drawing but I tried my best
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Changes info
1- in my opinion, Jahla should be way bigger than Marduk and honestly all Home cast. Also I don't understand why she looks so "uwu?? I'm so cute" when she should feel hostile towards him. Also pleaseee Kique use more bubble speech designs!!!
2- Marduk looks fine here but the bubble speech are again boring. Just add some sparkles idk
3- Jahla is not bad here but why the fuck Kique never makes their characters growls?? Why their snouts aren't showing they're angry or feeling hostiles??
4- broken nose. Broken face. Jahla looks horrible here and there's no impact at Marduk's sexualization AFTER JAHLA BEING ANGRY AT HER TALK WITH HER MOTHER ABOUT ROHGIR. Why she's not in shock at Marduk's horrible words??? And why she can't laugh in a realistic and good-looking way!?? XDD
5- this pannel is good but still Jahla should looks bigger
6- this face... it's a nightmare. Just what the hell. What the hell Jahla, you're traumatizing Marduk but not in the way you expected. How Kique when in Asmundr drew Ranulfr a lot of time looking scary can't do it again with his daugther. Just what the hell with that horrible face?? And the bubble speech??? It doesn't sound like a threat at all!!!! It's boring, like a normal conversation between two coworkers xD
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zombieekittens · 2 years ago
Alright, Kique really needs to figure out who the hell the antagonist is.
When we first met the matriarch, she was suppose to be seen as pure and kind hearted. Now all of a sudden, Kique seems to be trying to make her evil? She was supposedly playing good guy, telling Jahla that her brother and Origin Orion are about to become a problem. Now suddenly, they’re making tribes disappear, discriminating felines and even at one point trying to wipe out an entire species. I mean, we haven’t even seen Origin Orion try and make any moves, yet. Lately it’s been the matriarch making all the moves, so which is it Kique? Because I’m confused as to how you’re trying to present the matriarch.
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assmundr · 2 months ago
lmao have you seen the comments on the new page trying to defend why they can't smell rogion on the skull? their scenting ability seems to have a switch because it only works when it's plot convenient
Yep. I wish I could say I was surpised at this, but something like this happened so many times in the comic already that I don't even raise an eyebrow at that anymore.
I only skimmed the comments but Pralig (ew) and Kique's excuses seem to mostly boil down to "they lost their ability to smell" which...like...I wouldn't mind as much as a reason if it was like that many times before
Just from the top of my head, their noses worked when:
Roamer sniffed Kargo and Ferah's destroyed hut and figured out the Meteors took them/destroyed it
when Roamer ruined Ferah's coat and tried to create a fake smell trail to throw the Meteors off. He even peed in a creek to hide his own smell
the "their smell should still be present on my coat" stunt Rogio pulled to get Roamer to trust him about being Kargo and Farah's friend
When Rhovanion tracked Jahla's scent all the way to Stormeki Enclave and then followed Roamer's all the way down to Midnightgarde when he lost her
Vigr proposed to Ronja and Rogio to use Rogio's smell to lure Ranach away from their tribe
when Ranach supposedly smelled Kargo and Farah after they returned to the Meteor Tribe
And these are just the instances I remember as someone who has not read through the comic for over three years and as someone who only skims the pages. I'm sure there's more
You see, like you said, if this ability seemingly didn't only work when it's plot convenient, I woudn't have minded much if it was a thing. I think it'd be stupid, but if it was at least stablished before, I wouldn't see it as much of an issue. What I see as an issue is when Kique's terrible writing comes to bite him in the ass about things (Rhov not smelling Jahla at the Capital, Ranach not smelling Rogio but smelling Kargo (?????) the Meteors not tracking down The GangTM after their first escape, Ronja not smelling Jahla at the Tinget, etc. etc.) and instead of admitting it's his own shortcommings, he bends over backwards trying to explain bullshit like this.
Do you even know how powerful a dog's sense of smell is? Dogs can smell you from several miles away. They can smelll it on things YEARS after you haven't touched them. They can detect smells that are covered up by other smells or weakened by obstacles like snow or mud or leaves. Even the famous trick of tracking through water doesn't work on many breeds, the Mythbusters literally had an episode about this. And while losing a biological ability over time is just how evolution works, it takes millions of years for this to happen, the dogs on Aedra had 30.
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zombiee-reviews · 5 months ago
Who would you like me to review next?
My reviews will be a little slow paced, as I have other outside things to tend too. But when I have the time, who would you like to see me review next?
Currently I am stuck between these two, as both of their reviews are going to be absolute train wrecks lmao. ( I have an Argeirr review in the works as well! )
Jahla or Roamer?
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saltysplayt00ns · 1 year ago
The way Kique draws felines drives me crazy. The golden lioness looks like a plushy and sleeping Feaf… Oh my god. This guy calls himself a professional‚ can't he use references‚ learn anatomy or what
I couldn't agree more on that aspect, but it's understandable why the felines look " plushy". Feaf being a Taiga lion which is a Lion, unless their is a lion subspecies where kique lives. Lion's and similar wild cats surprisingly are very muscle built and sturdy with course fur. They're literally built different XD
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Most wild cats that have to pull down and carry prey that can be more then their body weight, which requires a lot of muscles to take that down. Not only that, their structure is not the same as Canines. And that's the problem, Kique doesn't want to be out of his comfort zone, he is used to tracing and doing the same poses and scenes and plot every time, heck majority of the pages of Home has been dogs but not only that JARO'S AND RIFLES. SO whenever he tries to branch out, it becomes wonky and out of place, He tried to do a human, and you would think from those 6 years he had practice behind the scenes to get ready - for all I know it's just another of kique's self insert. it's just too inconvenient and takes too much time to do and rather minimize as much work as possibly and pop out half-bake pages. He only puts effort in scenes that interest him...like Ranach, Rogio and stuff like Rome and Jahla talking with each other. ---- RE-STRUCTURE The Felidaes for one should have been the top predators of the food chain. If you placed one dog with a lioness, it would be severely wounded - and a male lion probably kill it. It's why hyenas , AWD, Hippos, Crocs, Elephants, wildebeests, buffalos etc. have really big groups and most tackle one lion or a cub, cause most likely someone is going to die and the Prey would rather take action and question later. So having a feline be the Capitol matriarch or at least be another Matriarch/Capitol would've been better. If not you have to have a reason why Dogs are top of the food chain when a lion can call a spirit to kill them all or why they have not revolted and formed alliances over the pass 3 decades.
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PG. 710 & 711 Like Why the hell would you do this???!! Literally Kique had Nubia hang Iberion instead of breaking his windpipe with her teeth, JUST SO Ranach can be a hero and be with Iberion and then dip. Plot convenient for Ranach. SUGGESTIONS; - Could have made the Felines smaller, like Lynx or cheetah. - Have felines not be in big groups but in smaller groups, be consistent of the dogs wiping out any threats/ competition and placing very strict laws over them. - Have canines destroy alters and historical information involving the felines, limiting their way of spiritual contact. - Have them not be in a public beach and not a established tribe, be difficult TO register and seeing a large pride would start the dogs of "weeding them out" , so Have them hidden underground or dangerous, deep parts of the grouse forests. These helps build up the narrative of why Zilas died instead of a mistake, Axi being a tightwad, and using archery to hit from afar and not starting a panic from the canines, living in thick, tropical forests. Unseen and protected. It also have the lion's protect their only contact of their bloodroots, which was the " Golden Lioness " being protective and caring of her people but Disdain and judgmental over the dogs. Making Rhovanion the first dog to be trusted with the secret, and why Feaf did the same for Rhovanion in keeping a secret for him in wanting to see Jahla and other events. mind you, there's many other sensible ways but these what pops up. ---- ALSO CONSISTENCY OF DESIGNS kique use his broken genetics to do the design but really he just have dogs, cat and horse patterns over the animals with no construct. If you have a structure on how designs work for each species, it wouldn't be a hassle, he had literally section of fodder designs on Wiki with names and everything before it got nuked.
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PG. 698 & 654 literally two dogs have feline patterns so far shown, for no reason except " it's cool factor " and " because I want to " no wonder the planet is sucked of life and activity, cause nobody can hunt with a noticeable look over their bodies. they're all over the place.
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For starters have the Forngrym be the first Starting cats and over 30+ years, and I mean more then 30+ yrs, the sabers separated down warmer climates to form the Taiga lions, where the saber teeth are not robust and stronger to take down big prey like mammoths and giant bears. They become smaller and and focus on suffocation and tactical ambushes, their spots are not as prominent and subtle, being less as they get older...like actual lions heck some kept their cub spots. tail tip is lighter for groups to follow, signal and for cubs. ---- ART Actually It took a bit long cause I was working on the Golden Lioness to show/ demonstrate what could have been done. and find other concepts I have did involving Felines and place them here and separately if people want to only look at the artwork.
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Firstly I had to look up some references and other people gave some of theirs that helped piece out a simple " Golden Lioness" but still interesting to look. They were going to be full golden, but added Whites and different gold color for the mane, to break out the colors and provide and interesting look.
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Later I wanted to see how it look with 3 simple Panels, instead of just doing the same pose, I wanted a different narrative, giving it an entry and show it's full-bodied before close up shots.
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Later, I worked on the character, had references to help with Feline anatomy both realistic and 3D sculptures to clean up the body. and Finally I got to work on the colors, tweaked Feaf and the bedding, Worked on light and shadow directions and then added effects. ----- I hope you enjoy this meaty blog ♥
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