#jackpot bronco
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into gold II {rooster bradshaw}
synopsis: rooster bradshaw’s emotional baggage could fill a cargo container ten times over. he is the single father of a precocious and bubbly six-year-old, and despite his best efforts, has fallen head over heels for someone arguably more damaged than him- his daughter’s first grade teacher.
characters- bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw, frankie bradshaw, female ooc scout wallis (she/her pronouns)
or- the one where scout falls for Frankie before she falls for rooster.
word count- 2400+
read part 1 here
When Rooster allows himself a couple of rare moments to reflect on Sunday morning, it’s easy to feel blue about the state of all things. But then Frankie will tell him a joke she heard at school:
-What does a cloud wear under his raincoat?
I haven’t the faintest idea, Frankie.
Or she’ll hand him a photo she drew of him in his… F/A-18? Or she’ll curl into his side in front of the television and fall asleep. And he'll know then, without a doubt, that he is the luckiest man in the world. He’s reminded of this fact as he rolls to a halt in front of Penny’s house. The beautiful sound of Frankie’s laughter floats in on the breeze through the Bronco’s open windows and makes him smile. He watches sheer joy bloom on her face as Maverick plays with her in the front yard, and something heavy tugs on his heartstrings.
You should be here, dad.
Rooster exits the car to lean against the passenger door, not wanting to ruin their moment just yet.
Frankie catches sight of her father and bolts from Maverick’s embrace to run into Rooster’s outstretched arms, and he reckons there’s no better feeling in the universe. He holds her to him, peppering the top of her head with dozens of kisses.
“Hi papa,” Frankie’s cheeks are rosy and she’s breathless from play.
“Hi Frankie. Did you miss me?”
She nods fervently, circling her tiny arms tighter around him.
“But you had fun with Mav and Penny, right?”
Frankie nods again.
“Well, well, well. You certainly look like you had a good weekend.” Maverick surveys the sight of Rooster with a wry smile.
The younger pilot laughs sheepishly and scratches at the back of his head. “There’s a reason I never really go out with those guys anymore.”
Maverick’s laughter is booming. “You deserved it, kid.” His gaze drifts to Frankie’s and he bends down to her level. “Go see Pen about some cookies before you leave, Frank. She just made a batch of fresh ones.”
Frankie squeezes Rooster’s hand and dashes off in the direction of the front door.
“You bringing her down to the beach?” Maverick asks.
Rooster nods. “Dogfight football Sundays are her favourite. Will we see you there?”
“Penny and I wouldn’t miss it.” Maverick affirms.
His expression is unreadable; Rooster gets the feeling he’s about to ask him something, when Frankie bursts from the house, her tiny hands laden with two bulging Ziploc bags of homemade chocolate chunk cookies.
“Looks like you won the jackpot, Frank.” Rooster muses and watches her place the cookies carefully into her green dinosaur backpack. “Well, we should probably head out sweetheart. Did you thank Mav and Penny for hanging out with you this weekend?”
The elder pilot bends down so that Frankie can wrap her arms around his neck. “We had a good time didn’t we, Frank?”
“Yeah Mav!” She grins and plants a sloppy kiss on his stubbled cheek.
“Don’t get too carried away with your goodbyes, Frank. Mav and Penny are meeting us at the beach in a little bit.”
Rooster watches her beautiful blue eyes widen in sheer delight.
“Dogfight football!” She squeals and doesn’t waste a second before jumping into the back of the waiting Bronco.
“You’re late, Bradshaw!” Jake yells an hour later and is about to rib him some more, but he falters when he notices Frankie in tow behind him. “Well, if it ain't Frank the Tank!” He jogs to where they’re standing and gathering her into his arms, spins her around in dizzying cirlces. The girlish trill of her laughter fills the humid saltwater air around them.
Rooster marvels at how well Jake does with children and reckons with a wry smile, that perhaps there’s still hope for the elder pilot yet.
“I’m wearing the boots you got me!” Frankie exclaims, excitedly.
Jake bends down to get a good look at the fire-engine red cowboy boots he had picked up for her on his last trip home to Austin.
“So you are, and might I add that they have never looked more stunning on anyone else before.”
Frankie’s cheeks glow pink- she’s about to say something else when she notices Scout a little way beyond the crowd and her eyes widen in delighted surprise.
“Miss Wallis!”
Scout’s eyes light up when she catches sight of her, and she raises a hand in greeting. “Hi Frankie!”
Rooster hadn’t considered her being there; figures that if he had known, he might have thought twice about coming. Especially with Frankie.
“What on Earth are you doing at dogfight football, Miss Wallis?” Frankie’s chest heaves from running through the sand to get to her.
Scout catches Rooster’s gaze for a second and he remembers instantly, the feeling of her hand in his two nights ago and how it felt like he’d known her for years instead of a mere couple of hours, and it’s all he can do not to gather Frankie in his arms and take her back home.
To spare them both heartache that would ensue sooner or later.
“Well, a little birdie flew by and told me that there was going to be a football game on the beach today, and I figured maybe I should drop by to cheer everyone on. What do you think?”
“I think that’s a good idea, Miss Wallis. Can we do it together?”
“I’d like that, Frankie.” Scout beams widely and holds out her hand for Frankie to take, which she accepts happily.
Despite the girls' enthusiastic cheering, a grueling hour passes beneath the relentless San Diego sun, and Rooster (out of breath and embarrassingly sunburnt) is the first to admit that he’s played better games. Jake and Coyote take turns teasing him mercilessly about it, but he can’t seem to take his eyes off Scout and Frankie gallivanting up and down the beach like a couple of old friends. Frankie picks out shells and rocks that strike her fancy, and Scout drops them into the pockets of her sundress for safe keeping.
When Frankie catches up with Rooster and Penny a mile down the beach, she’s breathless with triumph. “You’ll never guess how many shells I found, Papa. Look at this one,” She whispers and opens her tiny palm to reveal a miniscule, speckled cowrie shell.
“That’s a pretty cool one, Frank. You'll have to add it it to your collection." Rooster eyes Scout’s dress, which had been knee-length thirty minutes ago, and was now hanging around her ankles, the hem of it damp from sand and saltwater. "Did you thank Miss Wallis for hanging onto them for you?”
“I did, Papa. Can I go show some of my shells to Bob and Phoenix?” Rooster nods and watches Frankie bound away, her red boots kicking up a sandstorm as she disappears down the beach.
Scout clears her throat. “For what it’s worth, I think it’s why they make these dresses with such deep pockets.”
Rooster turns to her then; wishes for a moment that fate had intervened seven years earlier, instead of two days ago.
There’s no such thing as ‘right person, wrong time’ Bradley. The right person will never come along at the wrong time.
He hears his mother’s voice so clearly some days, it’s as if she’s still around somewhere.
“I never got to thank you for Friday night.” Scout finally offers.
Rooster frowns. “What for?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard such a fantastic rendition of a Jerry Lee Lewis song. It’s like you were born to play it.”
Rooster muses at how close she came to the mark. “I don’t have very many memories of childhood before the age of six, but my old man used to love that song.” They wander back to the group of pilots and significant others that had elected to stay after the game for the bonfire.
Jake's busy tossing the football back and forth to Coyote, but when he notices Scout, he winks and asks, "How'd I look out there, Wallis?"
She’s about to respond but Phoenix beats her to it, her tone deapan. “Like a magnet for melanoma, Bagman.”
A chorus of laughter erupts, and all Jake can do is roll his eyes and say, “It seems we have a comedian in our midst, friends.”
“You looked a picture of unbridled athleticism, honey.” Scout giggles by way of putting the flames out, and drops into a seat next to Maverick.
Rooster takes this opportunity to introduce the two. “Maverick, this is Scout Wallis. She just so happens to be Frankie's teacher."
The delicate creases next to the elder pilot’s eyes deepen as he offers her a wide beam. “So, it’s you we have to thank for the plethora of silly jokes Frankie likes to tell us.”
Scout’s cheeks redden before she offers a sheepish shrug. “It turns out that in the state of California, bad jokes are a prerequisite for primary schoolteachers.”
Maverick’s laugh is hearty and booming, but when it subsides, his expression is thoughtful. “In all seriousness though, you’re doing a wonderful job with her.”
“The pleasure is all mine, Captain. Frankie is a dream to have in the classroom.”
If Maverick wonders how Scout knew to refer to him by his naval rank, he makes no mention of it. Rooster, however, does wonder. He's about to ask her about it when Penny leans over and says, “You were at the Hard Deck on Friday night, weren’t you?”
Oh shit.
Maverick’s eyebrows rise in mild amusement.
“I was yeah,” Scout admits. “I had the pleasure of a very special performance.” She winks at Rooster who fights the urge to drop his gaze.
“Let me guess, he hit you with the old tried and true, Great Balls of Fire?”
“He sure did,” Penny laughs. “Had the whole bar in a tizzy.”
“His dad used to play that song on the piano like his life depended on it.” Maverick murmurs, by way of explanation.
Rooster could see the wheels turning behind those beautiful eyes of hers again, and where he had never easily shared any part of himself with Frankie’s mother, he was struck suddenly by the want to share every part of himself with Scout. This notion made him uncomfortable for a multitude of reasons; least not of which was because his best friend, who seemed just as crazy about her as he was, was only a couple of feet away.
“I take it there’s history between the two of you?” Scout's voice shatters the muddled silence.
Rooster laughs and glances sideways at the surrogate-father figure before him. “Yeah, something like that.”
The night unfolds the way in which Sunday nights often do for Rooster and Frankie: with an abundance of friends and family, the warm salty air a salve for their souls. Frankie and Scout take a couple of turns throwing the football back and forth; Rooster notices the spiral Scout has on her and grows even more bewitched by the woman before him. When she’s had enough for the night, she drops into a seat next to Penny, their quiet chatter a soothing comparison to the hoots and hollers of the pilots around them.
A little while later, Frankie (exhausted from the day’s events, and with a stomach full of sparkling water and hotdogs) wanders over to where Scout’s seated, climbs onto her lap, and promptly falls asleep. Rooster watches Scout’s arms instinctively circle his daughter’s slumbering figure, and a chunk of ice the size of texas chips away from his heart. With a slight pang, he knows their time to leave has arrived.
“You’ll be hard-pressed to pry them apart, Bradshaw.” Jake’s Southern drawl is thicker under the weight of the couple of beers he had under his belt.
“Don’t I know it.” Rooster sighs and pushes himself from his seat to wander over to where Frankie and Scout are. He drops down into the sand in front of Frankie to rub the flat of his palm over her small back.
“Is it time to go?” Scout whispers.
Rooster nods and waits a second for Frankie to stir. “Come on Frank, it’s time to go home to bed.”
His daughter opens her eyes, her expression stupefied from the weight of sleep. “I don’t want to, Papa.” She pleads.
Rooster kisses the top of her head. “I know, sweetheart, but it's time.” She lets him lift her into his arms without any more fuss. It only takes a second before he feels the steady rise and fall of her chest against his shoulder to know that she’s back to sleep. He turns to Scout, not wanting to say goodbye but accepting the inevitable. “It was a pleasure seeing you again today.”
Scout gazes up at him. “The pleasure was all mine, Rooster. She’s a great kid.”
It’s only after they’ve returned home for the evening, Frankie tucked into bed, and his own eyelids fighting the lulling tug of sleep that he remembers Frankie’s precious shells. He makes a mental note to text Jake about them tomorrow. He lets his mind drift back to that wondrous woman before sleep settles in for good; wonders again how she knew Maverick’s rank, and how she possesses an ease to military life that most civilians don’t usually have.
Maverick stops by the next morning for coffee before Frankie’s awake for the day.
“There’s something going on between you and Frankie’s teacher.” His tone is mild and lacks any accusation.
“Well you certainly are direct this morning, aren’t you?” Rooster takes a deep sip from his mug, savoring the slightly bitter taste of the roasted beans on his tongue, before he answers no.
Maverick shifts in his chair. “But you’d like there to be?”
Rooster hesitates before nodding.
“You have to tread carefully here, kid. Frankie’s crazy about her.”
And so is Jake Seresin.
“Yeah well, Jake beat me to it, so there isn’t much else to say.”
Maverick’s viridian gaze twinkles knowingly in the light pouring in through the kitchen window, giving his head an almost imperceptible half-shake. “The feeling was mutual, Rooster. Everyone knew it.”
They sit in silence for a moment before Rooster asks, “Did you wonder how she knew to call you Captain? You weren’t wearing anything that gave you away.”
Maverick finishes the rest of his coffee and sets the mug down against the wooden tabletop. “What did you say her last name was?”
“She teaches at Mason elementary?”
Rooster nods.
Maverick shifts again in his seat and closes his eyes as if he were sifting through a mental rolodex of memories. “I believe her husband was top of his class at NAS Fallon in 2016. A truly great fighter pilot.”
Rooster blanches. “She's married?”
Maverick grows somber. “He died in enemy combat almost five years ago now.”
#rooster bradshaw#bradley 'rooster' bradshaw#bradley bradshaw#rooster bradshaw x reader#rooster bradshaw x oc#top gun#top gun: maverick#tgm#miles teller#into gold#writing#fluff#rooster bradshaw fluff
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Orville Peck, Nikki Lane & Vincent Neil Emerson – The Met – Philadelphia, PA – October 18, 2024
It was a fantastic night for Philly country and Americana music fans because Orville Peck made the ninth stop on his Stampede Tour at the Met. Along with Peck, incredible country acts Nikki Lane and Vincent Neil Emerson lit up the Met stage.

The first act of the night to take the stage was Vincent Neil Emerson. Emerson released his first album in 2019 and has gone on to release two records since then, each one as incredible, if not better, than the last. As soon as he and his band began playing, the room filled with excited energy. Emerson played hits including “25 & Waistin’ Time,” “Road Runner,” and “Hang Your Head Down Low.” It was such a treat to see an opening act light up the room like Emerson and his widely talented band did.

Up next was Nikki Lane, and boy, was her set electric. The vibes instantly shifted when she took the stage. The amount of confidence and talent that Lane exudes is immeasurable. She played a good mix of older and newer songs including “Try Harder,” “Denim & Diamonds,” “Jackpot,” and “Send The Sun.” If you’re a country music fan and haven’t checked out Nikki or Vincent’s music before, I highly recommend both of their discographies.

After Nikki’s set, it was finally time for the man himself, Orville Peck, to take center stage. The lights went down as Bob Dylan’s “All the Tired Horses” began to play, and the Met erupted with jubilation and excitement. Peck and his band stepped on stage and played the first track of their set “Big Sky,” from Peck’s 2019 debut studio album Pony. He kept the Pony vibes going with the next song “Turn to Hate.”

The feelings at an Orville Peck show are easily the most positive and accepting that I may have ever experienced. Although the demographic was varied, everyone came together to celebrate country music with their favorite artist. The Met was filled with kindness, acceptance, and appreciation. It was incredible.

Up next, Peck sang “The Hurtin’ Kind” from his latest album Stampede, followed by “C’mon Baby, Cry” from my personal favorite album of his, Bronco. After performing “No Glory in the West,” Peck began opening up about his mental health, sharing that these shows are some of the first back after taking time off to take care of himself. He went on to share that he’s now “happier and healthier” and he’s been “in his whole life.” After stating that this is one of his favorite songs from Bronco, Peck began to play “Hexie Mountains.” Fans came together to express the love they have for the song by singing the lyrics word for word back to Peck. It was a beautiful experience.

The rest of the set was a great mix of songs for OG Orville Peck fans as well as new, featuring hits recent and old including “Dead of Night,” “Daytona Sand,” “Bronco,” “Old River,” and more. If you get the chance to see Peck on this tour or any in the future, do it. You will have an amazing time, hear some amazing music, and have a night you won’t forget.
Kayla Marra
Copyright ©2024 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: October 19, 2024.
Photos by Kayla Marra © 2024. All rights reserved.
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Are you a lasso? Because you’ve caught my heart.
Do you believe in love at first ride?
Is your name Wrangler? Because you’ve got me all roped up.
Are you a campfire? Because you’re hot and everyone wants to be near you.
Do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your eyes.
Are you a bronco? Because you make my heart buck.
Can I take you out for a hayride? It’ll be a bale of fun.
Do you have a horseshoe? Because I’m lucky to have found you.
Are you a cowgirl? Because you’ve stolen my heart and taken it for a wild ride.
Is your dad a farmer? Because you sure know how to raise a crop of feelings in me.
Can I follow you home? Cause my parents always told me to follow my dreams.
Are you a cowgirl? Because you sure know how to ride into my heart.
Do you have a cowboy hat? Because you sure know how to make my heart skip a beat.
Can I be your cowboy? I promise to lasso your heart and never let go.
Are you a cowgirl? Because you’ve got me feeling like I hit the jackpot.
Do you believe in love at first gallop?
Are you a cowgirl? Because you’ve got me roped in.
Can I take you for a ride on my horse? We’ll gallop straight into each other’s hearts.
-rizzler anon (i. Copied and pasted this)
*oh that's actually got her kinda flustered*
#roblox#phighting#roblox phighting#phighting scythe#ask blog#rp blog#magic anon (cute outfit)#rizzler anon
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SRaTSS Episode Transcript: Ep. 2 - Cavalry Command
This is a tentative transcription of the dialogues of this episode of “Saber Rider and The Star Sheriffs”. If you spot mistakes feel free to warn me about it, I would love to make it perfect!
Episode: 2 - Cavalry Command
Transmitted: September 15, 1987
Japanese version: AMERICAN ONLY
Saber Rider... Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs, In the sky! Can you feel the thunder inside? Saber Rider! Make the lightning crack as you ride! Saber Rider! (guitar solo)
In today's exciting adventure Colt hits the bullseye, April hits the matt and Saber Rider hits the jackpot on a daring popsicle course but when the wagon trade is ambushed by turf rustlers only the Star Sheriffs can blaze the trail to victory. Don't miss this amazing adventure of Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs!
Saber Rider...
Saber Rider... Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs, In the sky!
EP. 2
by Marc Handler

Saber Rider: “Out on a New Frontier the settlers are hearty self-reliant people but they depend on the supply sent from their home planets. That is why we've developed automated supply convoys without human crews. But those convoys are the primary target of the lightning raids of the Outriders. They jump from their dimension… into our… and their attacks were as wild as a free stampede”
Gattler: Outriders air squads go out and ride! Yes, hit the sky with your wrangler wrath!
Outrider: Approaching automated control panel for deactivation.
Colt: Robot wranglers!
Saber Rider: Open fire!
Gattler: What’s that?
Outrider: Star Sheriffs!
Saber Rider: Ah, that wasn’t too difficult. Now let's try it one more time with feeling!
Fireball: You've got it!
Saber Rider: Vapor cannons! I'm going out there. Take over the Maverick flight dynamics.
Fireball: Right!
Saber Rider: Colt, back me up in the Bronco Buster. I'll need maximum stallion power!
Colt: Right!
Saber Rider: April, I'll need you too!
April: All right!
Saber Rider: Steed!
April: Go, Nova!
Colt: Stallion power, on!
Saber Rider: Okay, boy. Now!
April: Oh-oh. Get ready, Nova! Got it!
Saber Rider: Forgive me for dropping in unannounced. I do hope it wasn’t something I said. Now to reactivate the convoy.
Gattler: What are our options Wrangler?
Outrider: Vaporize or eat dust, sir.
Gattler: Vaporize!
Saber Rider: Well, it looks like they’ll jump dimension once again.
Nemesis: Stop. Did they defeat you already or did you just forget something in your room?
Gattler: We lost, sir. They roped us in.
Nemesis: Roped you? Really? They demolished you! Do you think I don't know every move you make, every step you take? I'm watching you. You are lucky, Gattler, I spared you from the vapor chambers but I could easily change my mind.
Gattler: Not necessary, sir. I just need more time.
Nemesis: Be quick or you'll have nothing but time.
Gattler: Yes, sir.
Nemesis: I’ll leave, you bore me. I hate boring people, especially when they're full of boring excuses and vapor beings are the most boring of all. Now in the Star Sheriffs’ dimension they have fun but we can't have fun because we don’t know how.
Colt: Well it was quite a show down back there!
Fireball: Well, the convoy is safe.
Saber Rider: Yes and we have the rest of the day free.
April: I think we should go into town and have some fun! Didn't we chase those outriders away? I hope it's not another attack!
Computer: Insert EBU.
April: EBU inserted.
Computer: Unscrambling message. EBU message: come to Cavalry Command headquarters at once.
April: Big time, boys. We're being paged by general White Hawk himself.
Colt: I never met White Hawk. Good, I'm sure he'll be impressed!
Fireball: Where are these headquarters?
Saber Rider: At a very secret location. Absolute top security. Let's power up!
Colt: Look! Buffaloes!
Fireball: What?
Colt: A herd of buffaloes.
Fireball: Of course a herd of buffaloes!
Colt: Now I’m really popular down there, you know a bunch awesome
Fireball: Yeah, I saw, Colt.
April: We're getting close, Saber Rider. Shall I bring them on in?
Saber Rider: Yes, April. Remember this is our secret headquarters for entire galaxy. Steady. This canyon is very narrow. There it is! Cavalry Command! Those are top commanders. They need our identification: present EBUs.
White Hawk: April! Ah, it is so good to see you again! You are looking very well and your work on project Ramrod has been outstanding.
April: Thanks, general. You had faith in my project when no one else did.
White Hawk: That faith was well-earned, April. Saber Rider, you've grown into a flying commander. I remember you when you were a green cadet here, now you're a legend. Tell me about your team.
Saber Rider: This is Fireball, sir, the youngest Star Sheriff. He has great courage but he's a bit hot-headed what we used to call gung-ho but he'll learn discipline in time. He wants to be a cavalry commander himself someday so I give him every opportunity to take leadership. And this is Colt. He's quite incorrigible.
Colt: Oh, I wish I knew what that meant, so I could take a wimps. Howdy anyway.
April: Colt is kind of a maverick, sir, but he's the sharpest sharpshooter on the New Frontier and when the chips are down you can always count on him.
White Hawk: I'm sure you can, April. As you know we have other Star Sheriffs patrolling other galaxies. Some of them were also recruited on the job, though most were trained here at the academy. See for yourself. These are some Star Sheriffs in the Manitou galaxy. They uncovered an Outrider Depot and captured some experimental weapons. Incidentally as one starship team to another, they asked me to send their greetings. The weapons they captured are here at the base.
April: I'd like to analyze those weapons.
White Hawk: I was hoping you would, especially this mysterious device but first there are some people I want you to meet. These are our finest young cadets. We train them as Star Sheriffs have been trained for centuries in the frontier spirit. They must be exemplary in every way. While you are here, I'd like you to conduct some special lessons. Teach them what it's really like out on the New Frontier. Each of you has incredible special skills, will you share them with these cadets?
Saber Rider: Of course it will be our pleasure, general White Hawk. When do we start?
April: Self-defence is extremely important for all Star Sheriffs male and female. It doesn't matter how big you are, because you can use your opponent's weight to your advantage. Someone try to grab me and I'll show you.
Cadet: Go ahead, Bob.
Bob: Oh no, I’ll hurt her, I'm much too strong!
April: Don't worry I'm shock resistant. Are you afraid?
Bob: What?
April: I didn't mean to wound your ego, I only asked if you were afraid.
Cadet: You're not scared, go ahead and grab her!
Bob: All right, I-I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just gonna… Woah!
April: There! Go ahead, try it again! Like I said size doesn't matter once you know the technique, hmm? Some of you are already experts in self-defense, which one of you is the best? All right what's your name?
Jesse Blue: Jesse. Jesse Blue.
April: Okay, Jesse. Why don't you try a match?
Cadet: She's gonna fight Jesse Blue!
Jesse Blue: Ready?
April: All right.
Computer: Top score!
Cadets: Yes, all right!
Colt: Thanks! Much obliged! I’m sure you’ve heard of gunplay but I’m here to tell you there’s no such thing. Guns are too serious. Now there’s anybody here who thinks they understand gun safety? Well, how about you!
Blond cadet: Why, certainly, I do!
Colt: Then pick one up!
Blond cadet: Right. Okay, yeah!
Colt: Don’t!
Blond cadet: Ow! Ah! What did you do that for?!
Colt: You were point that thing straight at your buddies! What's matter with you, pardner, were you born yesterday? Don't ever, EVER point a vapor blaster at anybody unless it's an evil outrider who needs to be sent back to his own dimension! That's the Star Sheriff’s creed!
Blond cadet: Aw, come on, what's the big deal? We used to have guns around my house!
Colt: So you think you're an expert? Boy, are you dumb?
Black haired cadet: But what if the vapour blaster is not loaded? You don't have to worry about a thing, do you?
Blond cadet: Yeah, this one's an empty, here, I'll show you! Oh! Sorry!
Colt: Sorry isn't good enough when you're dealing with shooting irons! It's not a game, you understand?
Everyone: Hmm.
Blond cadet: You're right, Colt.
Colt: I usually am. Now, when you handle a vapor blaster always point it down and away. Keep it empty when it's not being used. Make sure it's locked up in a safe place. If you're not trained to use a vapor blaster don't touch one, ever! These puppies aren't toys! They're dangerous, you hear me? No matter how good he gets, a Star Sheriff always follows safety rules.
Saber Rider: All right, start the demonstration!
Cadets: Yeah! All right!
Commander: Saber Rider!
Saber Rider: Yes, commander!
Commander: There's a ground transport under attack! They're pinned down near Red River Canyon. The whole wagon train!
Colt: Well?
Fireball: Sounds like our cue to rock and roll, eh, Top Sword?
Saber Rider: Yes, let’s saddle up and do some Star Sheriff trailblazing!
Jesse Blue: Hey, I'm going too!
Bandits: Yahoo!
Guy: Watch those blasters! Someone’s coming!
Wolf: Star Sheriffs!
Saber Rider: On guard!
Bandit: You! You're a Star Sheriff! I give!
Colt: And I give you two seconds to hightail it out of here, hombre!
I’m going, I’m going!
Oh! Wow!
Fireball: Just like they say, bud, don't go away mad. Just go away!
April: Yahh!
Wolf: Back off, boys. You didn’t start better vamoose, if you want your lady friend got loose. Ahah!
Jesse Blue: Ah! April! I gotta save her!
Wolf: You can't win, you're all roped in and your time's running thin!
April: Talk's cheap!
Wolf: Talking's done!
Jesse Blue: I’ll save you!
Wolf: Eh?
April: Saber Rider!
Jesse Blue: Saber Rider beat me to it.
April: I think you've got a talent for timing, Saber
Saber Rider: Thanks, April. Do you want to take it from here?
April: Definitely. Jesse, stay back! This guy's dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt!
Jesse Blue: What does she think I am? A little boy?
Saber Rider: Here, April!
Wolf: You got a blaster but I can run faster
April: Wait a minute, Jesse!
Saber Rider: Why is he so upset?
Colt: Cuz he’s sick! Love sick! He's got eyes for you, April.
White Hawk: Cadets, Cavalry commanders, friends. We are here tonight to celebrate with our guests, Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs! Come up and join me. I am presenting you with these stars which are symbols of the frontier spirit, the spirit of generosity, courage and hope.
Jesse Blue: I need to find a way to make her mine!
April: It's nice to be with a real friends!
Saber Rider: Quite right, April!
Saber Rider: “When all is settling down, true friendship is what it's all about now here on our New Frontier.”
Saber Rider... Your destiny will lead you, To wherever people need you, Though danger may have found you, You have your friends around you now, Now! Now! Now! Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs! Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs, In the sky!
Saber Rider!
#Saber Rider and The Star Sheriffs#Saber Rider#April Eagle#Fireball#Colt#Jesse Blue#Wolf#White Hawk#SRaTSS Transcript
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For the 2020 battlebots roster group pic, could you name them in order ? Please
the names In order: Aegis, ATOM #94, Axe Backwards, Axolotl, Bale Spear, Beta, Big Dill, Black Dragon, Black Widow, Bloodsport, Bronco, Capitan Shrederator, Chomp, Chronos, Claw Viper, Copperhead, Dead Lift, Endgame, Extinguisher, Fusion, Gamma 9, Gemini, Ghost Raptor, Gigabyte, Grabbot, Gruff, Hijinks, Huge, Hydra, Hypershock, Icewave, Jackpot, Kraken, Lock Jaw, Madcatter, Malice, Mammoth, P1, Pain Train, Perfect Phoenix, Rampage, Ribbot, Rotator, Rusty, Sawblaze, Sharko, Shatter, Skorpios, Slapbox, Slamow, Smeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Son of Whyachi, sporkinok, Subzero, Tantrum, Tombstone, Tracer, Uppercut, Valkyrie, War? ez, Witch Doctor, Whiplash, Duck, Minotaur.
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5 For Winning The Lottery While Eliminating Cold Lotto Numbers
Do you have learned how to calculate the chances of winning the lottery, including the Florida Lottery? You can calculate each connected with odds for each different lottery game you play. Although assistance of an acceptable hand held calculator or with totally free whataburger coupons calculator on your computer, you just multiply the numbers together and add one division process when "the order" of your chosen numbers is not required for a particular lottery game.
Let's get specific and look at actual lotto numbers of a New York Lotto. Let's analyze 242 drawings check here by way of the NY659 lottery starting on 5/9/07 and show you bad things can get when Longshots are omitted and just how good things can get if are applying New York Lotto's dirty little recipe.
In this aspect, really are millions 3 very important tips that you must keep in mind for your lotto game in finding out how to play the lotto risk-free way to and secured way.
One alternative for people who may halt looking toward a lifetime of public scrutiny is to try their hand at online lotteries. The relative anonymity provided by winning online means in which a big winner can still remain relatively anonymous. If you have always dreamed about having it all, but you'd like to still live the lifetime of a regular Joe, then you can may in order to try you at online lotteries.
Have amazing. Online gambling should be fun aside from being making extra cash that you can experience. Sometimes you may be too engrossed of conceptualizing a technique win all the games that you get frustrated, and will often not be fun whatsoever. Although you need to accomplish your own gaming strategy, you cannot also forget to enjoy yourself.
Another 5 +1 Lottery that generally seems to be everywhere in the United States is the "Hot Lotto" which features a 39/19 quantify. It is played in 15 different States. DC Lottery, Delaware Lottery, Idaho Lottery, Iowa Lottery, Kansas Lottery, Maine Lottery, Minnesota Lottery, Montana Lottery, Nh Lottery, Boise state broncos Lottery, North Dakota Lottery, Oklahoma Lottery, South Dakota Lottery, Vermont Lottery, and the West Virginia Lottery. Extinguish odds of winning the minimum $1 Million Jackpot is 10,939,383 to a single.
If maintain these typical sense truths in mind about the most widespread winning lottery numbers, you greatly boost chances of winning. Working with a proven system like one particular you can understand more about at the link below helps too.
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Airline Travel - Jet Lag
Lottery, a gambling form which allows its bettor withdrawing lots for prizes, has been around for quite some point. The existence of lottery can be traced back to ancient harveyneeds Chinese days around 205-187 BCE. During the Han Dynasty, lottery accessible as keno slips helped the country's government to finance building projects such since Great Wall of China. Lottery then spread to other areas of the world including Europe, America, and Australia.
lottery winners commonly make mistakes by buying villas, jewelries, sports cars, and other luxury items without thinking twice. Apart from arising envies by your surroundings, sudden change of lifestyle can also endanger your well-being. Being humble and carefully planning your loan is wiser than a splurge.
With a noticeable lottery ticket, no matter how you're considering the numbers, gives you terrible possibilities. A 6/49 draw gives basically mere one out of 13,983,816. Presents you approximately a 1 in 14 million chance of winning the lottery. How bad will be? Even should you have one hundred tickets picked randomly (like an average ticket) want only have one hundred 1 in 14 million chances of winning. Consequently you still need a one out of 14 million chance of winning!
Another 5 +1 Lottery that appears to be be everywhere in the United States is the "Hot singapore lotto" which includes a 39/19 reckon. It is played in 15 different States. DC Lottery, Delaware Lottery, Idaho Lottery, Iowa Lottery, Kansas Lottery, Maine Lottery, Minnesota Lottery, Montana Lottery, New hampshire Lottery, Boise state broncos Lottery, North Dakota Lottery, Oklahoma Lottery, South Dakota Lottery, Vermont Lottery, and the West Virginia Lottery. Camp fire . odds of winning minimal $1 Million Jackpot is 10,939,383 to at least.
If this were the Mega Millions Lottery, you ought to add the "gold ball" to these five winning drawn balls in order to win the Multi-Million Dollar Jackpot. The single gold ball is calculated as the 1/46 possibility of matching it correctly, and also since you are drawing a person number it has to be an actual match. Again, you only have that "1" chance accomplished right. Congratulations, you need to multiply 3,819,816 by fouthy-six.
In 1856, the Act Concerning Lotteries expressly forbade all involving lotteries in Canada. This Act especially affected the Catholic Church, whose clergy had financed its mission from singapore lottery proceeds for nearly a 1. Winning the lottery was one for the few ways impoverished Irish immigrants had of getting rich.
Avoid buying numbers dependent on birthdates as usually very popular among players (which means, even a person are win, your prize are going to be rather as minute as you should share with numbers of players). Instead, you should buy at least one number which is larger than 31 and only 2 numbers that are 12 or below (as 12 or below are calendar months which are definitely popular as well).
Have good direction attitude: Like everything else in life, winning a lottery also depends a person. If you believe in yourself, you can win. Therefore, have a positive outlook towards every single thing. Feel confident that you are for you to win. Make plans exactly how to you will most likely utilise your lottery prize money. Grow to be would fill your body and mind with strong positive energies which would ultimately point you in ought to be lottery numbers, thus in order to win a lottery.
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How Are Lottery Winnings Taxed In America?
When I was young, dad used perform the lotto religiously. Work out plans like flossing his teeth or cleaning his lawn mower, he can never miss on draw if he could, bless his heart beat. Nowadays, there are so many permutations of the lottery that you can get lost in a sea of numbers. Specific lottery game that is gathering such great popularity nowadays is the lottery Powerball. 실시간파워볼

In order to win the Powerball jackpot, you need to hit all 6 digits previously Powerball number combination effectively. However, there likewise consolation prizes if you hit 5 white balls, 4 white balls and the Powerball, 4 white balls, 3 white balls and also the Powerball, 3 white balls, 2 white balls as well as the Powerball, 1 white and also the Powerball and finally, even getting exactly Powerball takes you a 3 dollar prize. Strategies cannot give out a formula on what might be absorbed in the Boise state broncos Powerball next week but also can help players to intelligently choose combinations which will likely win instead of those who would likely not be drawn. Another strategy is summing inside the numbers prefer. After a player has chosen all five Powerball numbers the player would play, they may add them. Be aware the sum of the five numbers ought to somewhere between 111 and 189 especially after usually 70% with the combinations that won jackpots fall within this range. If you golf, ask an instructor to look at your grip and swing means. Swinging the club Powerball more slowly or gripping the club with less pressure may decrease the total amount of shock in your arm whenever you hit the ball. A club with an adaptable shaft may help, nicely. It's amazing how many players as well as other group of numbers by avoiding 13 or playing a birthday date. None of this has any usefulness except to your associated with winning. For essentially the most part people treat this activity as a pastime that they blindly throw money at only. This action and therefore mindset causes them to reduce repeatedly. To ensure to win you need to have everything written down. It doesn't matter what method select to record the numbers as long as you keep a running record among the numbers. Let's see the number of the way you acquire working towards this kind of gold speedy. You've got to increase your activity and approach this causes a major in a number of different directions. Firstly,to begin it is advisable to play with ease. The USA Powerball games runs twice per week - have tickets in studying company! Second, increase the quantity of tickets in each game and increase your winning chances by doubling this and more. And lastly, never chuck the towel in. Success is always round the corner, but you'll can never predict if you quit to soon.
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Equestria's Hired Help-Chapter 2: Fancy's Job
On the next day, a lot of customers are in the bar as it is opened and Blitz and Sunset are already on their shifts working. The two works as bartenders but Blitz is also the bouncer to keep order in the bar. Mostly gangs, mercenaries or any type of criminals come to the bar but must follow Blitz and Sunset's rules meaning no fights or killing, no drugs and no intercourse.
The two also take care of drunks as they do not let them walk out to their cars and drive off drunk which most bars get shut down for allowing drunks to drive unconstipated. The money from jobs that Blitz and Sunset do is for the bar as their second job and disguise from cops.
Mostly mercenary jobs can be illegal if they're tied with criminal activity including gang affiliations. The bar used to belong a colt who worked for many years and was friends with Sunset and Blitz as there is a picture frame of him between the two. He is an earth pony with blue eyes and used to wear a white shirt and a bowler hat. Unfortunately due to an illness, he passed away leaving the bar alone which Sunset and Blitz take over to honor their friend.
After Blitz grabbed his tip from his customer, Blitz noticed a colt with a large blue hood over his head a few feet away snorting a small ounce of cocaine on the table And also the fact his body odor was as intense as horrible body spray. Blitz left his station and approached the colt behind.
"Hey, no drugs allowed here." He said, tapping his shoulder.
The colt turned around and noticed Blitz waiting for him. He only replied with a snort.
"What are you, a fucking cop?"
"No, I'm the owner of this bar," Blitz answered. "House rules. You wanna do that shit, do it outside."
The colt stood up and went up on Blitz's face. He could see his white stained nostrils nearing his eyes. "And what the fuck you gonna do if I refuse?"
He heard a slam from aside and turned around. Sunset glared at the colt, holding a sawn off shotgun on the counter.
"Like my friend said. This is our bar and you follow our rules," Sunset clarified. "No drugs. Got that?"
The colt glared at both of them for a brief moment before letting out a grunt.
Eventually, the colt left the bar, not before giving them the bird on his way out. Both of them brushed it off. Shortly, Sunset's phone rang. She took out her phone and stared at the ID. It only said "Unknown Caller ID"
"Hey Blitz. Cover for me?" Sunset asked.
He nodded. Sunset headed off to the backroom and closed the door shut, answering the caller.
"Hello?" Sunset asked.
"Is this Miss Shimmer?" Someone with a really deep voice asked. It sounded like it was altered by some sort of device.
"Who's asking?"
"A client."
"What do you want?"
"We need you and your lion employee in Canterlot for a job. There's an earth pony who stole something that has classified documents of our company and threatens to expose us and we would like it back...and if possible you may capture the thief to us alive. More Information will be sent to your phone. Have this done and the 1,000 dollars will be delivered, in cash. Good day and good hunting."
After the call hang up, Sunset checked her messages and found several of them with images of an apartment in Canterlot and a photo of the target who was a colt pegasus with black fur and green eyes with baggy eyes and stained lips. After reading all of the information that was given, it was time for another job for her and Blitz to do for a unknown client.
In the city of Manehattan, Starlight is walking through the police department and made her way to her office desk in a depressive mood. There were a few glares by other officers because of her past but she got used to it from time. Starlight unpacked and had her desk setup since yesterday night. Sunburst made his way to her with two cups of steaming coffee and held out a cup to her which grabbed her attention.
"You okay?" Sunburst asked.
"Yeah...so so." Starlight answered as she took the coffee from Sunburst.
"How'd it go with the family?"
"Well, the daughter said there was a shootout and she managed to get away from them without looking back."
"And you had a hard time believing that."
Starlight nodded as she does find it hard to believe by the way of the description of the crime scene there was no way Diamond Tiara would escape on foot and fly over to Ponyville to her parents.
"She's obviously hiding something." She said.
"Maybe this is a vigilante thing." Sunburst guessed, taking a gulp of coffee.
"I know a vigilante and she doesn't murder people. That's the true definition of vigilantism. The family obviously hired somepony to get their daughter back."
"Jeez Starlight, you would be detective of the month if you keep that up."
"Would be an honor. Fact is, they may not hand it to me because of that criminal record they made since I was part of an evil militia."
"It's not really a record if you're not arrested or charged. You were the one who exposed them."
"True that."
"Still, if they did hire somepony to get their daughter back...would that still count as a crime?"
Starlight then gives Sunburst a look that shouted 'seriously'.
"Sun...three Griffons are dead."
"Three gangbangers are dead." Sunburst added, holding up three fingers. "Don't get me wrong, I would bring justice but you gotta face the fact that they had it coming when they were kidnapping little girls for their sickening trafficking business and they were gonna do the same to Diamond and Silver. Silver's already dead and that must've made the Rich Family lose faith in the police, just like every other pony in this damned town."
Starlight then starts to stare at something which is a small picture frame of her smiling with a familiar mare which is a alicorn with violet eyes and dressed as a royalty. The frame caught her attention as she's worried about her friend who has been missing for a few years along with her five friends.
"How long has it been since they've been missing?" Starlight muttered.
"What's that?"
Starlight came back to real life as she noticed Sunburst was looking at her in a confused look as he heard her muttered out loud.
"Oh, nothing. Just talking to myself."
The next day, Sunset and Blitz took an hour drive to Canterlot first thing in the morning in a not-so clean but functional white Audi sedan. They arrived via the gate border of Manehattan. First impressions: neat, expensive, snooty and awashed with pampered ponies.
"So who this guy we're after again?" Blitz asked, taking a sip from a soda can.
"Some freelance journalist named Jackpot Bronco," Sunset answered. "Apparently he stole a thumb drive from our client. Must be some sort of executive company."
"Coulda just sent one of their own to do it."
"They could've but ponies nowadays don't like to get their hands dirty and besides, the pay is good."
"Point taken. By the way, you mind if we stayed in Canterlot for a little while after this?"
Sunset glanced at Blitz before looking back on the road.
"Uh, sure? Why though?" Sunset asked.
"Well...You do fancy a good meal, right?" He said as he placed the empty can in the compartment. "Cause word has it that this place got the best ones. Like the five-star kinds. Something you don't see in Manehattan."
Sunset felt a bit concerned about eating with a lion in front of the ponies.
"Well, I mean sure but...aren't you a bit worried about how other ponies would feel-"
"Ugh, please. Like I said, I dealt with that shit since I first set foot on Equestria. Been called a dirty immigrant, monster and pretty much anything between a communist or a warmonger. Griffons got the same treatment as well."
"But you do know two lions came to Equestria and blew up two popular places full of innocent ponies ten years back, right? None of them would ever forgive what they've done."
"Everypony judges us over what a bunch of terrorists do. They don't take the word from the minors. Some of the lions were part of a joint operation against terrorist cells a few years back."
"But this isn't the past anymore. They don't shape anything for the future."
Eventually, Blitz sighed. "Well, if you say so, we can just go home and I'll make the dinner as usual."
"Yep. I'm way better off eating your nice food than listen to rich assholes call you a commie."
Sunset still feel a bit bad how Blitz has been usually treated. In Blitz's hometown, Panthera-Leo, his country was far worse than Equestria as there has been wars between governments and gangsters and corruptions within governments. Panthera-Leo also had terrorism as there were Lion who likes to go out on a sport hunt by killing anyone they see as prey.
A few minutes later, they arrived at the pinpointed building. The two got out of their car and headed inside. After a stack of stairs, they got to the top floor and found the door.
"Room's here right?"
She replied with a nod. The two stacked up next to the door with each of their Glock pistols drawn out. Sunset lifted up three fingers, counting down to one and clenched her fist. Blitz kicks down the door and then the two storms into the room where it is very messy with files on the floor along with empty beer cans. The two also confronted the colt who was in a middle of snorting cocaine until he stopped, startled when Sunset and Blitz stormed into his apartment room.
"Show me your hands." Sunset ordered.
"Who the fuck are you guys?"
"Doesn't matter, you stole something of an important person and he wants it back..." Blitz said.
As he continued on, the colt then starts to feel something wrong as he couldn't control his shaking nor his breathing. He also grabs his chest as something was about to explode. Blitz and Sunset look at each in confusion and then looks back at Bronco.
"Are you okay?" Blitz asked.
Bronco then gives out his last breath and collapsed backwards to the floor. Blitz and Sunset exchanged glances, confused. Blitz then went over to the body and checked for a pulse.
"Well shit," Blitz said as he let go of his neck. "He just OD'd on us."
"Kinda feel bad for the poor guy now." Sunset said.
Sunset then looks around and noticed a thumb drive on the table next to Bronco's desktop computer. She walks over to the computer and picks it up along with the flash drive attached to it.
"Well...I guess this is what our client wanted." Said Sunset.
"You sure that's the one?" Blitz asked.
"Same description from the photo they sent me."
"Then looks like our job here is done."
"What about him?" Sunset asked.
Blitz then starts to look around and then finds a wall telephone. He walks to it and starts dialing and waits for a response.
"333, what is your emergency?"
"Please! I need an ambulance!" Blitz cried in a feigned panic tone. "My friend just had a heart attack in his apartment, Room 237! Please send help!"
Blitz then hung up and then turns to Sunset, smugly.
"Problem solved."
Sunset then tilt her head to the side as she thinks that was a good plan and she and Blitz starts to walk off leaving the dead colt alone in the room with the door closed.
Later, Blitz and Sunset are now in an empty parking garage as they wait for their client to give them their flashdrive and receive their payment. Finally on time, two black SUVs and a Lincoln limousine drove up and parked in front of Blitz and Sunset. Coming out of the cars were colts in assorted suits and designer shades, making a first impression of hired bodyguards. All of a sudden, they aimed their guns at Blitz and Sunset which the two step away with their hands slightly up.
"Woah, what the fuck is this?" Blitz demanded.
"Now, now everyone. No need to draw your guns out."
The voice sounded like it came from the limousine. The door opened and a middle aged unicorn with light azure eyes, well combed hair with a mustache came out. He wore what a typical pony would wear in Canterlot - a grey suit with a purple bow tie, a white pinstripe shirt under a black vest and one eye glasses. Sunset is very surprised as she knows who she is.
"Mr Fancy Pants?"
"Who?" Blitz questioned as he turned to Sunset.
"He's a CEO executive slash celeb."
"That's right." The rich pony said. "And I believe I owe you two an apology. My team are simply misguided when it comes to which pony or lion is a hostile."
Fancy Pants then tilts his head as he was searching for someone or pony else as there was something missing.
"Mr Bronco?" Fancy Pants asked.
"He overdosed." Sunset answered.
He sighed, expecting a sight of his fearful look on his face. "That's a shame but no matter. Do you have the thumb drive?"
Sunset slowly reached into her pockets and took out the thumb drive. One of the guards went up to her and snatched it off Sunset. She watched as the guard handed the thumb drive to Fancy Pants.
"Thank you very much for retrieving this." Fancy Pants said, observing the drive with interest. "I've already transferred the money to your account as promised. I do hope we can work together again in the future and with your skills. There's alway room for a place in my business."
"Thank you Mr Fancy Pants but we're better off working alone."
He nodded. "Understandable. Also one more thing before we wrap it up...you wouldn't happen to have peeked what's inside the drive, correct?"
By the look on Fancy Pant's glare(although his eyes didn't actually flare up), Sunset was prepared to make a shield spell as she was having a bad vibe but was not going to be needed as she answered Fancy Pants truthfully.
"No. We've hardly even checked it out."
Fancy Pants continued to stare at Blitz and Sunset. Blitz has a bad feeling as he has his pistol tucked behind his pants and ready to draw if anything goes down. Few seconds later, everything eased up.
"Good," Fancy Pants said, smiling. "You both have a good night now."
Fancy Pants and his guards gets into their vehicles and drove off leaving Blitz and Sunset alone.
"Fancy Pants?" Blitz scoffed. "Seriously, what kind of a dumb name is that?"
"How should I know? I'm not the one who gave them weird names." Sunset replied.
"Whatever. You wanna get something to eat?"
"Sure and I think I know a place. Hopefully they don't mind Lions like they don't mind Griffons."
Blitz and Sunset gets into their car and ignited the engine. From a distance, somepony held a pair of binoculars, focused on the car driving out of the parking garage. He held his gaze on the car and looked away once it disappeared.
Back in Manehattan Police Department, Starlight is sitting in her office continuing to stare down at her picture frame of her friend who is missing along with five other friends while rapidly tapping her fingers on the surface. She still wish her friends are found and ok. Her day dreaming stopped when Sunburst started to walk to her direction with a folder in his hand.
"Hey, got some news from the CSI," Sunburst said as he came up to Starlight. "They managed to pick up DNA of the murderer of the last Cut-Throat Talon gangster. Get this...he's a lion."
Starlight looks at Sunburst with a surprised look.
"A lion?" Starlight asked as she takes a look of the information in the folder and was surprised that it a match for a lion. "Holy shit...what do we know about him?"
"Not much but this could be the same lion that was involved with a few incidents across Manehattan but none of them still have a clue on who he is."
"This is gonna scare the city."
"This is gonna scare all of Equestria."
Sunburst and Starlight starts to wonder who this lion is and why he's Equestria...hopefully it's not another terrorist attack that Equestria had by lions from Panthera-Leo.
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🔺️Play for Price Iz Rite Hype Vid🔺️

PapaKess was rose through the standings to eventually get the top seed. He was the premier player as the season rolled on. An 11-3 record was the best top seed record of all Core 4️⃣ leagues (tied with Matt 11-3 record in Sleeper).
Johnny hovered in the wildcard range and just outside looking in all season. It wasn't until the final week (with help) he was able to jump into the 4th seed.
As solid as PapaKess team was & intimidating to go against, Johnny pulled out a 100 point over thrashing on the top seed of this 12 person league 😳
Herbert, Metcalf, Cook, Sanders, Schultz, Jacobs, all players underperformed thier projected totals. With a team like this, maybe 1 or 2, but all his roster let him down in the worst week possible. Cold 🥶 weather had some to do with it (Nick Folk Zero points 🚫). There was no help from Pittman or CmBrowns Defense either. PapaKess had the worst loss of the season given the circumstances and point total.
Johnnys players Mahomes and Ekeler really came through. The Cam Akers play was a surprise last minute swap that paid off. The savy move to play Rams Defense and thier demolishing of the Broncos capped off a strong definitive closing.

Based on the bench, Johnny played all the right and the PapaKess played all the wrong players.
For PapaKess, nearly his whole bench scored double digit points. Same couldn't be said for his starters. Either way, the totals would still be way below even if he played Tua.
With news of Tua Tagovailoa concussions, PapaKess will have to rely on Herbert to try and win some money back (then some) for the 3rd place $75 cash prize.

Johnnys thorough upset against the top seed PapaKess, places him in the superbowl.
Johnny will get some winnings regardless of 1st or 2nd placing - avoiding a zero.

Zero players scored TDs for PapaKess aside Herbert. He will hope 🙏 that doesn't happen in week 18 going against Omar.

Hoping to repeat this same performance against Delmar in the Yahoo CashBowl, Johnny h Delmar prepare thier teams for the jackpot prize. Lets preview the matchup🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻
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O bilhete vencedor do prêmio recorde de US$ 2,04 bilhões (R$ 10,9 bilhões) da Powerball foi vendido em uma loja de conveniência em Altadena (Califórnia, EUA) de propriedade do sogro d do ex-jogador da NFL (a principal liga de futebol americano) Domata Peko, ex-defensive tackle que jogou por Bengals, Broncos , Ravens e Cardinals. Joe Chahayed também tirou a sorte grande. Na terça-feira, ele posou com o cheque de US$ 1 milhão (R$ 5,2 milhões) de bônus oferecido pela California Lottery, que administra o Powerball, por ter vendido o bilhete premiado. A bolada significa aposentadoria? “Tenho 75 anos, ainda sou jovem. Estarei aqui amanhã às 6 horas. Adoro trabalhar”, afirmou o americano, segundo a Fox Business. O vencedor do maior prêmio de loteria na História “só” vai retirar US$ 628,5 milhões (R$ 3,4 bilhões) se optar por uma única retirada, de acordo com os cálculos da “Forbes”. Os bilhetes da Powerball são vendidos em quase todos os estados americanos – 45 de 50 – assim como em Washington DC, Ilhas Virgens Americanas e Porto Rico. A última vez que alguém reivindicou o jackpot da Powerball foi em 3 de agosto, quando um sortudo portador de um bilhete na Pensilvânia arrecadou cerca de US$ 206,9 milhões (R$ 1,1 bilhão). Desde então, 40 sorteios consecutivos não produziram nenhum vencedor, e o jackpot da Powerball não parou de crescer, atraindo número recorde de apostadores. O ganhador ainda não se apresentou com o bilhete premiado. As chances de ganhar na Powerball são de uma em 292,2 milhões. 📸Reprodução/Redes Sociais ✅ Matéria completa no site 🌐 LINK NA BIO E NOS STORIES 💻 Acesse o site: tvnoticias24horas.com.br 📲 Nos siga no Instagram: @tvnoticias24horas #premio #loteria #viral Via EXTRA ONLINE. https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck6Fqt_rQvw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Nudgee Bingo. Location: 2199 Sandgate Rd, Boondall QLD 4034, Australia. Phone: +61 7 3865 0576. Situated in the grounds of the catholic boarding school of Nudgee College, the bingo hall at Boondall runs sessions as follows: Wednesday: 7.30pm – 1 x Jackpot $1000 and 3 x Trebles $500 plus Star Game $10000. Most Visited Pubs. Royal Hotel - darlington, NSW; Commercial Hotel - cowell, SA; Crust Gourmet Pizza Bar - paddington, QLD; Railway Hotel - prahran, VIC; The Coffee Club - brisbane, QLD; Albion Hotel - parramatta, NSW; CBD Cafe Bar - Rydges Hotel Southbank - south brisbane, QLD; Royal Oak Hotel - double bay, NSW; Rogans Sports Bar - bunbury, WA; Michel's Patisserie - earlwood, NSW.
Brisbane Covid-19 lockdown: Westfield, Bunnings, pub and bottle shop.
Arana Leagues Club – 247 Dawson Pde, Keperra. Aspley Australian Football and Sporting Club – 50 Graham Rd, Carseldine. Aspley Leagues Club – 29 Kirby Rd, Aspley. Brisbane Broncos Leagues Club – 98 Fulcher Rd, Red Hill. Carina Leagues Club – 1390 Creek Rd, Carina. Easts Leagues Club – 40 Main Ave, Coorparoo. Some Video Poker machines award unique bonuses which can add more excitement to the gameplay, the affluent suburb of Milton has one for every 3,657 residents. Trick slot machine at first glance the Ruby Slots home page is a little dated with background graphics and general graphic design seeming rather lack-lustre, unlike private foundations. Comes as Brisbane will enter into three-day lockdown at 5 on Monday evening... Pokies room New Hamilton 4.45pm 5.23pm.... Thursday 18 March Milton Fruit Bowl New Milton 9:00am 9:20am.
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Your local pub and pokies directory in Australia. Find your local poker machines online - Over 900 Aussie pubs listed - LocalPokies... Address: 5/1 Park Rd, Milton, QLD, 4064 Phone: (07) 3511 7877. Milton Food Bar 0 Likes.... The Coffee Club - brisbane, QLD; Albion Hotel - parramatta, NSW; CBD Cafe Bar. Jul 21, 2021 · Playtech directly owns very few casinos, best pokies brisbane which one you can test as well as review. Free spins rounds are always awesome, well this opportunity is available. It should be noted that the original organization of Prohibition law enforcement was not satisfactory, laptop and studio with the kickstand extended 165 degrees. 157 reviews #117 of 589 Quick Bites in Brisbane $$ - $$$ Quick Bites Irish Bar Corner George Street and Elizabeth St, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 Australia +61 7 3221 4377 Website Menu Open now 11:30 AM - 12:00 AM.
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The average per-capita spending on gambling in Queensland is $1,032 every year. That places the state 16.5% lower than the average for the country. What Brisbane residents like to bet on is slightly different than the rest of the country as well. In Queensland, 58% of gambling expenditures are done at pokies. Free Online Pokies 50 Lions - are pokies open in shepparton Trusted Table provides farm-fresh food directly to your table. All of our animals are raised humanely and naturally, and we will always be transparent with our practices. C (972) 351 7703 Born and Raised in Frisco Texas Terms & Conditions. Save. Share. 65 reviews #343 of 589 Quick Bites in Brisbane ££ - £££ Quick Bites Bar Pub. 249 Turbot St Lower Lobby Level, Sofitel Brisbane Central, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 Australia +61 7 3835 3535 Website Menu. Closed now See all hours.
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Frew Park Milton Playground. “The Arena” playground at Frew Park is nothing short of amazing and perfect for kindergarten, primary and high school kids. The area’s tennis heritage features throughout, but the main theme is one of an industrial building site. The cement play structure has huge slides, ledges for climbing and parkour, a. Pokies Brisbane City | Skrill Pokies NZ 2021 - SporTips. Logan City is a local government area situated within the south of the Brisbane metropolitan area in South East Queensland, Australia.Situated between the City of Brisbane to the north and the City of Gold Coast to the south, the City also borders the Scenic Rim Region, the City of. Keysborough Pokies Opening Hours - Pokies Brisbane City. Posted on February 10, 2021 by. Aussie Pokies Slot Machine Symbols Guide. You then have the option of selling a betting slip ahead of time before a game is over, though Ibotta notes that it sometimes takes up to 24 hours. Casino with spins there's a whole book full of the best puzzles.
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A Brisbane woman is celebrating winning a life-changing lottery jackpot.The woman from Forest Lake wishes to keep her anonymity as she and her husband come to terms with winning a staggering $30 million jackpot.. Oz Lotto draw 1481 took place on Tuesday 5 July, 2022. Only one ticket won the Division 1 jackpot, which weighed in at $30 million.The jackpot went unclaimed for almost 36 hours. A spokesman for DBC, which manages both projects, said Queen's Wharf Brisbane and the bridge would be ready for a staged opening from mid-2023. The $3.6 billion development was originally.
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Brisbane's premier craft beer bar and bistro, Archive's mission is to bring you the best in craft beer, local and imported, all year round. (Ciders too.) 22 constantly rotating draughts on tap and over 400 different bottles in their fridges mean they're living up to their promise.
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249 Turbot St Lower Lobby Level, Sofitel Brisbane Central, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 Australia +61 7 3835 3535 Website Menu Closed now See all hours See all (30) RATINGS Food Service Value Details PRICE RANGE AU$6 - AU$25 CUISINES Bar, Pub, Australian Meals Lunch, Dinner, Drinks View all details features, about Location and contact. Usuario o dirección de correo: Contraseña: Recuperar contraseña. Phone: +61 7 3306 8888. Number of Pokies: 1600+. Opened in 1995, Brisbane’s Treasury Casino and Hotel offers a five-star experience right in the heart of Bris Vegas as the city’s only casino. Inside you’ll find 24 hour entertainment, great bars, swanky restaurants, and a casino stocked with over 1,600 pokies.
Brisbane Pokies | A New Generation of Pokies – Soyabrokers.
Wagering in Queensland is a big business and in 2014/15, Queenslanders spent $3.7 billion on gambling activities. From Bingo to sports and race betting, poker to the lotteries, with a population of 2.2 million people, Brisbane can account for much of this figure. Here, we take a look at the gambling scene in the city of Brisbane, looking at the. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us..
Located just off the banks of the Brisbane River, Hamilton Hotel has been standing since 1865, serving locals and visitors alike ever since. Just a short 15 minute drive from the heart of Brisbane's CBD, and an even shorter ride from Brisbane's Airport we're in the perfect spot to appreciate the best of Brisbane. The Coffee Club - brisbane, QLD; Albion Hotel - parramatta, NSW; CBD Cafe Bar - Rydges Hotel Southbank - south brisbane, QLD; Royal Oak Hotel - double bay, NSW; Rogans Sports Bar - bunbury, WA; Michel's Patisserie - earlwood, NSW; Grand Hotel - wooroolin, QLD; Victoria Hotel - o'halloran hill, SA; New Deli Snack Bar - prospect, SA; Empire Hotel.
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LAS VEGAS -- Josh Jacobs, the Las Vegas Raiders' Pro Bowl running back, was arrested on a DUI charge early Monday morning, hours after the team returned from its season-ending victory in Denver against the Broncos.
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How To Win Big In Las Vegas
LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — A couple in Las Vegas for their wedding anniversary received one heck of present during their trip. Caesars Rewards member Shannon Stachowiak hit a Mega Progressive Jackpot on. LAS VEGAS - Josh Jacobs, the Las Vegas Raiders' Pro Bowl running back, was arrested on a DUI charge early Monday morning, hours after the team returned from its season-ending victory in Denver.
Jacobs, 22, was arrested after Las Vegas Metropolitan Police responded to a single-vehicle crash near the McCarran Airport Connector and East Sunset Road at approximately 4:42 a.m.
Police suspected impairment, and Jacobs was taken to a local hospital because of minor injuries from the crash. After treatment, he was transported to the Clark County Detention Center, where he was booked for DUI, according to the LVMP public information officer.
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Jacobs' attorneys said they would plead not guilty if the case gets that far.
'No complaint has been filed against our client and there are no blood test results to support a suggestion of impairment,' Jacobs' attorneys David Z. Chesnoff and Richard A. Schonfeld said in a statement. 'We intend to enter a not guilty plea on behalf of Mr. Jacobs if he is ever charged.'
The Raiders acknowledged the incident in a statement.
'The Raiders are aware of the situation involving Josh Jacobs,' the team said. 'The organization takes these matters seriously and we have no further comment at this time.'
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Raiders coach Jon Gruden said he was limited in what he could say about the incident.
'We're just aware of it. I will say that Josh is OK and I'm not at liberty to comment on it until I get more facts,' Gruden said. 'But we do have word that Josh is OK and we are looking into the matter.' Can i buy paysafecard with paypal credit.
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According to Fox 5 Vegas, Jacobs was released from custody and has a court appearance set for March 8.

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