#jack kline fan fiction
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zombiesamw · 3 months ago
Anyone got some good sastiel fanfics where Jack is their son???
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perfectthewayyouare · 8 months ago
supernatural fic rec
I know I'm about four years late to this, but after much grieving and healing* I fINALLY got around to reading the spn fic The Goldenrod Revisions by @remythologise (previously thylaa)
This rewrite fic is everything I could have wanted and more for these beloved characters final journey. This is the ending they deserved, it is the ending WE deserved!
*so turns out I wasn't healed... and this fic broke me again, but it healed me also
I cannot recommend it enough, especially for anyone who still feels betrayed by a show so close to their heart
@remythologise held the characters so dearly in this rewrite fic, I honestly could see any one of the chapters, if not all, being on our screens. Perhaps they did... somewhere... in an alternate universe... good for them <3
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malevolent-muse · 5 months ago
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Click -> HERE <- to Join
Basic Guidelines: - This is an 18+ community! If you are a minor, this is not a safe space for you. - AI generated images and text are also strictly prohibited. - NSFW content is fine but please indicate! - Most ships featuring fictional characters (and OCs) are allowed. - Keep any content you post limited to or directly related to the fictional setting/characters of the show.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 2 years ago
World Domination
Pairing: Apocalypse World!Michael x Daughter!Reader
Word Count: ~1.9k
Warnings: angst, hating humanity
Request by anon: Hey can i request a one shot where au Michael have a daughter (reader) her mother was choose to have a kid we Michael because she is descendant of Gods and some supernatural creatures but before the reader born where mother escaped from the apocalypse world and came to main universe for protect the reader but in the end the reader met au Michael and she is a female copy of him (want to destroy the world, etc)?
Summary: Michael impregnates a woman so he can have a Nephilim by his side while he rules over humanity. She won't let that happen, but she doesn't know how persistent you will become once you're born.
Square Filled: free space (2022) for @spnaubingo
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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Keep running, Maeve. Keep running and don’t stop. The woman’s chest starts to close the more she runs without a break, her heart is hammering so fast that she thinks it’s gonna burst out of her chest, and her legs feel like jelly but she has one thought in her mind that keeps her running. 
Don’t stop or he’s gonna catch you.
Trees whiz by her, her feet step on every branch in her way, and nothing can be heard for miles but her ragged breathing and heaving panting. She is three months pregnant, she shouldn’t be running like this. She should be at home in bed eating her favorite foods. She should be shopping for baby items to decorate the nursery with. She should be doing this with anyone but him.
She looks back to see if he’s chasing her and almost falls on her face. She can’t put her baby at risk, not after she’s come so far. She doesn’t know where she’s going, who she’s gonna encounter, or what she’s gonna do, but she knows she needs to get away from him.
Just a few more minutes.
Something is bound to come up in these woods. This entire place has been overtaken by angels who love to hide things in plain sight, and they love manipulating the Earth to fit their needs. Something magical is likely to show up, she just doesn’t know what.
After what seems like hours, she comes to a clearing where there is a strip of gold hovering in mid-air. She doesn’t know what this is or what it’ll do to her, but anything is better than being his captive. Even if it kills her and the baby, they’ll both be free from his pain.
She closes her eyes and runs right into the gold stripe. Gone are the trees and dead land only to be replaced by bright lights, bookshelves, and wooden tables. She gasps and stumbles into what looks like a library and right into the arms of a tall and muscular man.
“Whoa, what is going on?” the man gasps and catches her.
“Close it,” she gasps and points to the gold stripe. “Close it before he comes!”
“Whoa, calm down. What is going on?”
“Whatever that is, close it before he comes and kills us all,” she cries.
“Cas, close it,” another tall man orders a man in a trench coat.
“Jack! Close the portal!”
A younger blonde man walks into view and closes the “portal” with his mind. Maeve doesn’t care who these guys are or what they’re capable of. Anyone is better than Michael.
“You’re safe. Take a deep breath,” the man who caught you says.
Maeve collapses to the ground and just cries. In relief? In fear? Because she can finally stop running? She has been going through nothing but stress these last three months because of Michael; She’s not worried about herself, she’s worried about her baby.
“Please…” She pants. “My baby…” She coughs. “Is my baby alright?”
“You’re pregnant?” the tall man asks. She nods and places a hand on her growing stomach. “Cas, do you mind checking?”
The man in the trench coat, Cas, walks over to her and kneels so that he’s on her level. He reaches his hand out to her just as his eyes glow a familiar blue.
“You’re an angel?” she gasps.
“Don’t touch me!” Cas jumps back and raises his hands in confusion. “You’re just as bad as he is. I hate angels.”
“Okay, why don’t you take a minute to yourself? My name is Sam and this is my brother Dean. Yes, Cas is an angel, but I can promise you we’re a lot better than whoever you’re running from. Cas is one of the good angels.”
This place is different than Maeve has ever seen before. The portal has closed so she can’t get back to her world right now, so she has no choice but to trust these men. This is for the good of her child.
“Okay, fine,” she whispers.
Cas kneels next to her and he places his hand over her stomach. He uses his angelic powers to check how your child is doing, and he pulls his hand away with a smile.
“She is doing well.”
“She?” Maeve gasps.
“I’m sorry, were you not wanting to know that?”
“No, I just didn’t know she is a she.”
“Why don’t you get cleaned up? I’ll show you where the bathroom is.”
Sam helps her to her feet and escorts her to the big bathroom. He allows her to take as much time as she news while the four men talk inside the library.
“Where the hell did she come from?” Dean asks.
“I don’t know. That portal led to the Apocalypse World. Who do you think she was talking about?”
“It could be anyone,” Cas sighs. Maeve takes thirty minutes to herself before joining the four men inside the library. “Are you okay?”
“I’m better than when I arrived.”
“Can you explain who you are and what’s going on?” Sam asks.
“My name is Maeve and I come from a small town in what used to be Florida. After the big war, everything became ruined. People were forced to travel in groups because the angels screwed up Earth too much to be alone. One of the men who was in my group got close to me… I thought he was normal,” she whispers painfully.
“What happened?”
“He got me pregnant. That’s when I found out his name: Michael. He was the archangel who destroyed Earth. He’s the reason I ran. I ran and didn’t stop because I knew he would have killed me after my baby was born. He caught me a couple of months ago but I escaped and have been running ever since. He’s dangerous, he hates humanity, and he wants to destroy them all. He wants a Nephilim to help him with his plans but I refuse to give him what he wants. I can’t let my baby girl be part of whatever plans he has.”
“Yeah, we know more about Michael than we should. Our Michael is locked inside the cage with Lucifer, so you won’t have to worry about him. We can protect you,” Sam says.
“Without a portal, he can’t come here. You’re safe here.”
“Good. I’m very grateful for your help. I’d like to have the baby here where it’s safe if that’s okay. I need the first thing she sees to be her mother.”
“Of course. Jack, would you mind talking to her?” Sam asks.
“Talk to me about what?”
“I’m a Nephilim,” he says. “My mother got pregnant by Lucifer. Your baby is going to grow very quickly. The only thing is that the human body can’t handle the birth of a Nephilim. You won’t survive the birth.”
“My mother died giving birth to me. I’m sorry this happened to you, but something that helped me was the videos she took of herself so I could watch them over and over again.” Tears brim Maeve’s eyes at the thought of never seeing her daughter. “I’ll help you communicate with her. She’s listening to everything.”
“As long as she’s protected, I don’t care what happens to me. I’ve suffered from Michael for far too long. I won’t do it anymore.”
The following month went by faster than Maeve thought it would go. She should be four months pregnant but she feels and looks like she is six. Her baby girl is growing too quickly for her to catch up. Sam and Dean have been nothing but kind to her, Castiel has been taking care of her, and Jack has been interacting with her child.
Another month of taking videos, talking to her baby, and forming relationships goes by as quickly as the first. Maeve has gotten too big to move about on her own, so she’s bedridden for the last couple of weeks of her pregnancy. She rubs her hand over her big bump and leans her head back on the pillow.
“Listen to me, Y/N,” she talks to her child. “I just want you to know how much I love you. When you’re born, you’re not going to meet me. You’ll have Sam, Dean, Castiel, and Jack to take care of you. You remember Jack, right? He’s like you. Just remember that humans are better than the angels. Michael is bad and dangerous and doesn't care about you.”
Maeve has been dreading this day, but it’s time to give birth. She’s proud of the woman and mother she’s become over the course of the pregnancy, but all good things must come to an end. Sam and Dean are on either side of her holding her hands, Cas is at the end of the bed, and Jack is watching from the bedroom door.
“Promise me Y/N will be taken care of,” Maeve cries. “Promise me she’s gonna be okay.”
“We promise,” Sam says.
She gets a sharp pain in her side that tells her it’s time to start pushing. Birthing a Nephilim is nothing like birthing a human child. For one, the baby doesn’t help by wiggling their way out, and a bright white light doesn’t shine when they come out. Maeve tips her head back and screams as loud as she could.
The bright white light shoots out of her and to the corner of the room where you stand to your full height. Much like Jack, you grew up to be a teenager instead of an infant. You need to be at this age for what your father has planned. Your mother lays limp on the bed with blood running down her legs. You look at everyone in the room who has become on high alert.
“Y/N, is it?” Sam asks.
“Where is my father? Where’s Michael?”
“Jack, you want to take the lead on this one?” Dean asks.
“Y/N, I know what you’re feeling right now. I get it. You’re scared. We can help you.”
“I want Michael!”
Power explodes out of you which blasts all four men back into the wall behind them so hard they crack the walls. The power that comes from the birth of a Nephilim is enough to open a rift into another universe. Your power comes from the Apocalypse World so that’s where the rift opens to.
You run out of the bedroom to where the power is coming from, and you jump through the portal without a second thought. Gone are the bright lights, bookshelves, and wooden tables only to be replaced by trees and dead land. You look around the place and use your power to close the rift so they can’t get to you.
Jack is a Nephilim like you so he’ll be able to create a portal to here but closing it buys you some time.
You turn to see a black man with his arms stretched out.
You run into his arms and bury your head in his chest.
“Welcome home, my angel.”
“I’m eager to get started.” For the past six months, you’ve heard nothing but what everyone else was saying. Humans are good. Sam and Dean are good people. Castiel is a good angel. Michael is a bad angel. Sam and Dean can protect you. Nothing they said is true because the only good person in this world is Michael, and he’s going to do whatever it takes to keep you safe. “Humans need to be destroyed.”
“That’s my girl,” he grins.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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pranzill · 1 year ago
My contribution to the
❤️Now it's perfect fic collection 2023❤️
(Thank you @digitalmeowmix !!)
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somelokivariant · 2 years ago
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i just want a fun cute lil fic abt them living happily ever after going to the beach w their son jack pls
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mayhem-things · 2 years ago
Is anyone interested in specific topics or people I should write a fan fiction about?
I feel like some of you could get bored by only Pelle and euro stories but i don't know. I take requests!
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fulltimesapphic · 5 months ago
Dean getting hurt fic, Castiel being a sad hubby you know how it is
Dadstiel fic, Dad!Dean is there too, Beatles and pancakes you know how it is
Reblog and promote a fic of yours <3
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spnfanficpond · 4 months ago
FFT: Gen Fic Edition: the last drop (makes the cup run over)
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The Daddycest 18+ Discord Server held a secret santa event this year for the holidays! It opened November 20th for sign ups, and pairs were assigned November 30th for everyone to start creating! Each person was given a "wish list" from their partner, and the gifters got to work to have everything cranked out for the deadlines between December 20th through the 31st! Everyone was given the option to either write, or draw - whichever they were most comfortable with! Without further ado~
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Fan Fictions:
"Wincestielmas" by @nuturalsuper
Castiel/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Sam and Castiel decide to make Dean celebrate Christmas with them this year, it turns into a threesome…
"Lukewarm truths at Blackwater" by @crowleysmistress
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
The night before going up to Blackwater Ridge to help the Collins with the Wendigo, Sam & Dean communicate some hard truths about their past, John W and about how they see the trip and what each expects to do in the future.
"'Til Death" by @samanddean76
Dean Winchester/John Winchester
John goes on a hunt. Shit goes sideways. He comes back to his Omega a changed and slightly undead Alpha. That's when it gets really crazy…
"Daddy's Boy" by @leafzelindor
Sam Winchester/John Winchester , Dean Winchester/John Winchester
Sam has decided that he wants what Dean has. Dad's attention. He wants it bad. He wants those hands on him. He wants to feel skin on skin. Now he doesn't have to wait any longer.
"Like A Girl" by @boywifesammy2
Dean Winchester/John Winchester/Sam Winchester
Sam comes home from school pent-up and frustrated from a week of being caged up. He convinces Dean to take care of him, but John isn't happy to come home and see that Deanna disobeyed orders and gave into Sam's pleading. After all, how will Samantha ever learn to act right if Deanna keeps letting her think she's a boy?
"Imitation of a Perfect Soul" by @gappyswife
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
"Oh! Darling" by @deafsamwinchester
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
little sammy isn't so little anymore, is he?
"An Honest Conversation" by @brotherscain
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
The first time it happens, it’s an accident. Sam’s been poking around some of the dusty tomes in the bunker, tells himself his sudden curiosity has nothing to do with missing Dean. Staying up, researching until delirium sweeps him under. Sam could attribute it to any number of spells and incantations without the slightest clue of how to fix it back.
"Safe and Sound" by @vampirejohn
Dean Winchester/John Winchester
Discord Server exclusive - no link
"Laptop Desires" by @cheshireimpala1967
Sam Winchester/laptop!Dean Winchester
Discord Server exclusive - no link
Fan Arts:
"Bonding Time" by @pumpcidraws
Jack Kline/Sam Winchester
"Judgement" by @winchesters-and-roses
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
And that's a wrap for Secret Santa in the Discord Server! Thank y'all so much for creating these wonderful pieces for one another! I am so thankful to be in with such an amazingly talented and creative group of people - you knocked it out of the park 🎉 Happy New Year!
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stardustjill · 1 month ago
Salt & Steel: A Winchester Awakening.
Context & important infos :
In this story, the Winchester brothers, Castiel and Bobby Singer AREN’t d*ad. We are after God’s death, when Jack Kline take his place in Heaven. There will be divergent canon and Destiel content in the next chapters.
Chapter 1 :
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Abigail had made this nightmare again. This « dream » which seems harmless, has returned every night now. Every night, she hears the voice of Dean Winchester telling her that everyone needs her : him, her brother Sam and Bobby. All of them. However, in Abigail’s world, they were just fictional characters from her favorite TV show: Supernatural. Abigail is a huge fan of this TV show, to the point of never missing a single episode. But lately, she thought that maybe, to have more peaceful nights, she might have to slow down and try other activities.
Abigail is kind of a lonely woman. She lives in a small apartment in Pennsylvania and works as a waitress in a bar. She has a strong temper, and it is an asset for her job. Her beauty attracted customers, but men will be men. They don’t really have consideration for the women like Abigail, who works as waitresses. Nevertheless, some of the regular customers like her enough to defend her against certain hotheads. She appreciated this gesture even if she already know how to fight back, and this since always. Without really knowing how and why she have so much physical strenght.
After coming to her senses, she sighs, thinking about the day ahead. Her sleep, which had once again been rather unrestful, wouldn’t help her, but she had to get up. On her nightstand, the alarm clock reads «  6 : 20 am » : which makes her grumble once again. The day before, she had not been able to go to bed before 3am. So she had slept for about 3 hours, which was not a lot. Confused, Abigail tries to navigate the mess that is her room, or rather, her entire apartment. She is the messy type and quickly gets overwhelmed by all her things: books, sketchbooks, clothes… So much stuff.
«  I really should clean up this mess up or I’m going to break a leg one of these days » she said to herself.
Yawning, she heads to her bathroom to fresh up. Then, she look at her in the mirror. Her brown hair was tangled and there were large black circles under her blue eyes. All the other girls would probably put on makeup to hide it : but not Abigail. In fact, she hated covering herself in makeup and much prefered saving time in her day rather than spending one hour, or more, pampering herself. For Abigail, it was a waste of time.
Today, she was supposed to meet a friend, June, in a park before strating her evening shift. It was still early and she knew her friend was still asleep. She then have enough time to take her shower, have her usual breakfast and find something else to do besides watching her favorite TV show…
« - Ugh, why am I doing this dream ? It doesn’t make a sense. I couldn’t dream about something else… I don’t know, like the normal people ? ».
Abigail is talking to herself again, as often. June is her only friend, the only person she could talk to and share good times with. June was also the person who had advised her to try watching other tv shows, to do other things. To get as far away as possible from this universe that Abigail loves so much. Sometimes, this caused arguments between the two young women. But June always found a way to keep Abigail by her side, to convince her that she only want the best for her.
7.30 am. Abigail has at least two hours left before June wakes up and the two of them can call each other, like every morning. For a change, Abigail thought she could listen to the radio and try to draw something. Outside, the weather is gloomy, the sky is grey and it’s raining. As Abigail, whose langage isn’t very correct, would say «  crappy weather ». The rain taps gently on the windows of Abigail’s apartment, in an almost regular rhythm. The kind of things that makes Abigail wander. She turns up the volume of her radio slightly, without making it too loud. She wouldn’t want to wake up her neighbors who are either too nosy or who already didn’t like her. To the sound of rock’n’roll resonating in her living room, Abigail had settled down on her couch. Notebook in hand, she drew a few sketches of this famous repetitive dream. Maybe one day, she would have her own career as an artist and sell thousands of fan art ! That’s what Abigail often told herself to comfort herself. As she was concentrating on her drawing, her radio suddenly started crackling, getting louder and louder.
« - Probably some interference from rain, my radio is old », say Abigail.
But trought these crackles, a voice finally makes itself heard. Abigail recognizes this voice and in shock : she left her notebook fall to the ground.
«  - What the hell is this mess ?? »
It was the voice of one of her favorite heroes : Dean Winchester. To make sure she wasn’t in yet another dream, Abigail pinched and slapped herself. But this time : it wasn’t a dream. Abigail was well and truly awake.
« - Abigail, Abigail wake up ! It’s me, Dean. Yeah, Dean Winchester on the phone. Wake up dammit. You know that show you love so much, Supernatural ? There’s a reason why you love it so much. You’re a part of it. You were put in a coma after we fought a bunch of demons. Castiel keeps trying to get you back, but he can’t. You’re the only one who can and, damn it, watch out for June. She’s the one who’s keeping you in this parallel universe. She’s not your friend, she’s not what you think she is, she... »
His voice stops abruptly. No more crackling, the music on the radio had returned. Abigail wonders if she is not loosing her mind and remains glued to her couch. What did all of this mean ? Having a recurring dreal about her favorite TV show was already enough strange for her. But now, she heard it even if she was awake ? What if all of this was real… ?
Her thoughts are cut off by the ringing of her phone, she picks it up and on the screen appears the name of the one she still considers her friend, despite what she as just heard : June.
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malevolent-muse · 6 months ago
Hello Peeps! I've been in search of a Supernatural Community to join but haven't been able to find one that is for general fandom stuff :( So I've gone ahead and created one and submitted it to Tumblr :)
While I'm waiting for it to get approved, I'd like to share the title of it here so anyone who wants to join, I can invite right away :)
The name is...
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Let me know if you're interested in joining and as soon as it is approved, I'll send you an invite.
A few things about the community: - It will be PRIVATE so what you share there cannot be shared directly from that community page. - There will be an age restriction on the page because, let's face it, while the fandom space can be a great place for fans of all ages to interact, I do not have the time to moderate a whole community in order to make it a safe-space for minors. - All ships featuring fictional characters (and OCs) will be allowed. (This means that there might be discussion of ships that you personally dislike. However, as an adult, you are responsible for the cultivation of the content you consume. If you cannot scroll past this type of content, this community is not going to be for you.) - Fan art is going to be a big part of the group but NO AI generated content will be allowed. - Content shipping Real People is strictly prohibited as it can have serious repercussions on those individuals in real life. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, look up One Direction and the reason they disbanded.)
Let me know if you want to join!
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 1 year ago
The angel and his human A Destiel fan fiction.
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/k6ZjQrh by Forever_Sammys_True_Love23 I started writing this way before Destiel became Canon in episode 15 – 18. This story is how I imagined they would get together. Content warnings for smut, strong language, MPREG, and character death although it's not permanent. Words: 786, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, God | Chuck Shurley, Demon Dean - Character, Crowley (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Original Children of Castiel and Dean Winchester Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: I hated the ending, Fix-It of Sorts, Dean Winchester is Jack Kline's Parent, Castiel is Jack Kline's Parent, Gay Sex, Angel/Demon Sex, Mpreg, Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, long fic, Work In Progress read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/k6ZjQrh
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fitzs-trained-monkey · 4 years ago
Gee, Ma (I Wanna Go Home)
A New Years Eve Celebration in Apocalypse World
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A Jack Kline Drabble
Warnings: None
The night was dark and it was cold. The cold sunk into Jack's bones and the coat he'd been given by the apocalypse refugees wasn't thick enough to keep him from shivering. Yet, in a odd way, he appreciated it. Jack hadn't felt a cold like this before; it was something new and it was good. It meant he was still feeling.
Mary had pulled Jack from his tent that night. "It's New Years Eve!" She'd told him.
"I don't know what that means." He'd frowned, still so new to the traditions of the world.
Mary smiled. "You will, Jack," She'd said, "You will."
Then she'd taken his hand and led him to the center of camp. There was a roaring bonfire and Jack took the opportunity to let the heat from, the flickering orange flames wash over him. Mary patted Jack on the back and left his side to go sit by Bobby. Jack looked on at the crowd surrounding the fire. There was snow falling, like stars cascading from the heavens and dusting the shoulders of the apocalypse refugees. They toasted and drank and talked amongst Each other, free of the weariness that pressed upon their backs every other day of the year. The people looked... happy. To see them smile was so rare and Jack wondered what could possibly be so special about this night in particular that made them all smile.
That was when the music began. It was drawling with an almost annoying twang to it but when it began, the people cheered and started to clap to the rhythm.
"No, I don't want no more of army life!
Gee ma! I wanna go home!"
The tune sounded happy, though Jack didn't know the song, so he just resolved to listen. More cheering rang in his ears as a man in the crowd stood up.
"The biscuits in this army
They say are mighty fine
But one rolled off the table
And killed a friend of mine!"
The crowd cheered again and the man sat down.
"No, I don't want no more of army life!
Gee, ma, I wanna go home!"
A teenage boy stood on a log and smiled nervously, but his eyes shown with joy in the firelight.
"The tents in this fine army
They say are mighty clean
But I looked in on my neighbor's
Grossest thing I ever seen!"
"No! I don't want no more of army life!
Gee, ma! I wanna go home!"
The silly song made Jack grin and he laughed along with the others. How long had it been since he'd laughed? Three young women stood up next, sharing mischievous grins with each other before they began singing.
"The soldiers in this army
They'll ask to share our tents
So, we'll say no thank you
We have some common sense!"
This time, Jack found himself singing the along to the chorus. The song was easy to pick up and the smiles of the crowd were contagious. Jack was grinning.
"No! I don't want no more of army life!
Gee, ma! I wanna go home!"
The laughter was intermixed with several sarcastic complaints from the young men in the camp. To Jack's surprise, Mary stood up from her place on a log beside Bobby. She raised her cup and smiled wider than Jack had ever seen her do.
"The moonshine in this army
Bobby makes it all the time
It's great for cuts and bruises
And tastes like turpentine!"
"But ya drink it anyway!" Bobby called out, his eyes sparkling.
"No! I don't want no more of army life!
Gee, ma! I wanna go home!"
Mary sat back down and turned her gaze on Jack. 'You try one!' She mouthed at him. Jack shook his head. 'I don't know how,' he mouthed back. 'You don't need to,' was her response. Jack felt nervous. He understood the point of the song now; it was just for fun. But he didn't want to mess it up. Another verse went by before Jack decided to just go ahead and do it. He stood up, trying his best to avoid the eyes of the crowd.
"They sing songs in this world
Mary told me to sing mine
I said: I'm only one year old, Ma'am
I don't know how to rhyme!"
People whooped and hollered. They thought he was funny. That brought a smile to Jack's face that was even brighter than it had been before. He had done something good. He had made them laugh.
"No! I don't want no more of army life!
Gee, ma! I wanna go home!"
Singing the words that time started a dull ache in Jack's chest. Oh, how he missed his mother. But she would want him to have fun, so Jack continued singing. A few more verses went by until a tiny girl no older than ten, climbed onto a log. She looked Jack right in the eyes and smiled.
"The angels that we're fighting
They say are really bad
But there's a half one I'd tell thank you
Because he saved my dad!"
Her words struck Jack in his core. She was talking about him. Jack Kline. She was telling him thank you. Jack had done something good. Really, truly, good. It felt amazing.
"No! I don't want no more of army life!
Gee, ma I wanna go home!"
"One more time!" Someone hollered. Everyone cheered and Mary shot Jack a smile and a wink. So, Jack raised his voice and shouted along with the rest.
"The people in this army
Our spirit they cannot bind
And if we keep pushing forward
I know we'll win in time!"
And the bonfire rose with the battle-cry of one thousand battered people, their joy in the face of catastrophe manifesting as one voice.
"No! I don't want no more of army life!
Gee, ma I wanna go home!
No! I can't stand no more of army life!
Gee, ma, I wanna go-
But they won't let me go-
Gee, ma! I wanna go home!"
The people whooped and hollered, and Bobby stood to raise a toast.
"To another year gone, to hope that this one will be better, and to all the good ones we lost along the way," He said, raising his cup into the air and bowing his head. Jack didn't have a cup but he followed suit. It just felt like the right thing to do, he supposed.
And as a new song began to rise over the crackling of the fire and the falling of the snow, Jack thought of his mother. He couldn't help it. He just missed her so much. He missed his father too. He missed Castiel and Kelly so much that it hurt.
"Gee, Ma. I wanna go home." He whispered to himself as tears and snowflakes stung his eyes.
He didn't quite understand all the words to the new song the camp was singing, but somehow he knew what they meant.
"Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And days of auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet
For days of auld lang syne
We twa hae paidl'd i' the burn
Frae morning sun till dine
But seas between us braid hae roar'd
Sin days of auld lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet
For days of auld lang syne"
Jack missed his mother. He missed Castiel. He missed Sam. He missed Dean. He missed his family. He missed his home.
Jack didn't know what a 'New Year' was. But, perhaps now he knew a little of what it was about. A New Year was about looking back on the old one, looking back on all the life one has lived. But that wasn't all. A New Year was about hope, about remembering to look forward to the brighter days ahead. Just like how the darkness of the night is a promise that one will see the sun again.
Jack missed his home. Jack missed his family. But this New Year brought him hope that, one day, he'd see them again.
That thought brought a faint smile to his face and a new calm to his heart. So, Jack sat and watched the flickering flames and the falling snow and the smiles on the faces of the people he protected.
When the time came around, Jack looked up to the sky and whispered:
"Happy new year, mom."
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noybusiness · 11 months ago
People like to write Dark Angel/Supernatural crossovers because Dean and Alec are somewhat similar in personality (I think Jensen Ackles even said he was channeling his previous performance as Alec when he started playing Dean), and even evil twin Ben* is somewhat similar to the more broken parts of Dean's personality, and Alec and Ben are genetically engineered twin-clones to begin with in Dark Angel canon, so them being clones of Dean Winchester is reasonably plausible (and gives fans an excuse to have three Jensens share a scene). Any other tags on a crossover fic go under both shows' tags automatically.
I don't have a problem with that, as long as they're well written and in-character. Dean and Sam finding and adopting Ben and Alec when the twins were kids would certainly give them a better childhood than they had in canon (which says something about just how abusive growing up at Project Manticore was, if being raised as a hunter is healthier). The ones where Dean and Sam take them in without being a romantic couple, I mean, like they did with Jack in SPN; wincest is out-of-character by definition.
Alec is my favorite character in Dark Angel, but I don't like stories that villainize or flanderize Max and/or Logan to prop him up or act like he was always right with everything he said and they were always wrong. I prefer it when people keep in mind that all of these characters had faults and virtues and good and bad moments (and that by the end of the series, Max, Alec and Logan were all getting along with each other).
* Just in case someone who's seen Jensen as Soldier Boy in The Boys but not watched Dark Angel reads this post and is confused, we're referring to a different character named Ben that Jensen played in Dark Angel who had an identical clone-brother named Alec also played by Jensen, not to Soldier Boy's given name Ben.
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oh going into the tags of a fandom touched by jensen ackles and therefore supernatural fans was a mistake
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queen-of-deans-booty · 6 years ago
You Have To At Least Try
Characters: Empty!Castiel (kind of), Jack Kline x Twin Sister!Full Angel!Reader
Word Count: 939
Warnings: angst? fluff?
Summary: There is a place where angels and demons go when they di, and you’ve somehow ended up there. Can you escape? Will he let you?
Squared Filled: Empty!Cas // Dark!Cas
Author’s Note: This is for @spndarkbingo and @castielspnbingo respectively and this is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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Where were you? Why is everything so dark? Where was your twin? What happened last? Was he okay? Everything around you was so confusing because you couldn’t see anything but darkness. You could have sworn you heard your brother call for you, but you couldn’t seem to locate him. Your powers weren't working, and you couldn’t feel his. No one was around to tell you what was going on. Sitting up, you took a look around before you heard your twin call out for you.
“Jack!” you yelled as you got up. “Jack, where are you?” As soon as you heard his voice, it faded into the distance, and you walked around the emptiness before seeing someone familiar.
“Castiel?” you called out as you walked to him. He seemed irritated by the mere presence of you which was confusing since he vowed to protect you and your brother once your mom died. “Castiel, what’s happening?”
“God, your voice is annoying,” he sneered, not sounding like the Uncle you knew and loved. “After I got rid of Castiel, I was finally able to rest, and then you show up and now I can’t seem to go back to sleep. Why are you up?”
“Y/N!” Jack called for you once more.
“Where is my brother!”
“So, he’s the one who woke you up. Figures. God, I can’t seem to get peace anymore,” he sighed in frustration.
“What happened to me and who are you?”
“I’m the Empty. I only look like Castiel because he was the first angel in existence to have ever woken up. I figured he would make a good role model to keep you all in check.”
“Where am I?”
“You’re in the Empty. It’s a place where angels and demons go when they die. To forever lie in an eternal sleep. If you sleep, I sleep. If you’re awake, then I’m awake. So, go back to sleep because I need sleep,” he stressed the last three words strongly.
“I want to go home. Let me out of here! If you want to sleep so bad, then let me go!” you exclaimed.
“I can’t simply do that. You’re dead.”
“What?” you whispered, realizing exactly what happened the moments before you woke up.
“Run. Please just go,” Jack whispered to you. Your grandfather was on his way over to kill you because you were so much more powerful that Jack was. Your mother was human and your father was an archangel. While Jack was only half-angel, you were a full one and a much more powerful threat to society.
“No, I can take him. It’s you who I’m worried for,” you said as you wouldn’t back down from this fight.
“That’s cute,” your grandfather said as he approached the two of you. Immediately putting your brother behind your back, your eyes turned a deep gold.
“Don’t come any closer,” you threatened.
“What are you going to do to me?” he laughed. Yelling out in frustration, you send wave after wave of your powers at God, and he was forced back by the impact. Jack watched with wide eyes as you fought for your place in the world. It sucked that everyone only saw you two as threats when really it was the opposite. You were the sweetest person he’s ever known, and he’s heard from Sam and Dean just how much they love you. God grew angry as he tried to fight off the attack. He sent one of his own attacks at you which threw you back into a tree.
“Y/N!” Jack yelled as he ran to you.
“Say goodbye to your sister, Jack,” God threatened before snapping his fingers. Tipping your head back, you screamed as God killed you from the inside. White light poured from your eyes and mouth, and your soul was ripped from your body. Your empty vessel fell to the ground with your eyes burned out as your wings were singed to the ground.
“Y/N!” Jack yelled as he grew angry. However, when he looked back, his grandfather was gone.
“My own grandfather killed me,” you whispered out in horror.
“Yeah, and so would many other people if given the chance,” The Empty said with a smirk.
“No, that’s where you’re wrong. Sam and Dean loved me. Castiel loved me. My own twin brother would lay down his life if it meant to protect me. You have no idea what you’re talking about,” you growled.
“Do you really think they want you back? They hate you, which is why you’re dead. Jack did nothing to save you. Sam and Dean weren't there for you. Even your own grandfather hated you enough to kill you which is what Sam and Dean should have done the moment you arrived on Earth.”
“I’m not listening to you,” you whispered.
“Think about it. You’re useless down there so there is no reason to go back. Just go back to sleep, and this can all be over.”
“No!” you yelled, your voice booming off invisible walls. “I will not stop trying to get back to them! I will keep fighting! I will fight you for eternity if that’s what I have to do because I know Castiel and Jack will be there when I finally get out. I am not going back to sleep because that is what you want! Eat shit and die!”
“You’re going to regret that decision,” The Empty said with a dark smirk. It was hard to speak to him like this because he looks exactly like Castiel, but you had to at least try. It’s what Jack would want you to do.
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