#jack kline fan fiction
perfectthewayyouare · 2 months
supernatural fic rec
I know I'm about four years late to this, but after much grieving and healing* I fINALLY got around to reading the spn fic The Goldenrod Revisions by @remythologise (previously thylaa)
This rewrite fic is everything I could have wanted and more for these beloved characters final journey. This is the ending they deserved, it is the ending WE deserved!
*so turns out I wasn't healed... and this fic broke me again, but it healed me also
I cannot recommend it enough, especially for anyone who still feels betrayed by a show so close to their heart
@remythologise held the characters so dearly in this rewrite fic, I honestly could see any one of the chapters, if not all, being on our screens. Perhaps they did... somewhere... in an alternate universe... good for them <3
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soullessjack · 3 months
as corny as i think it is to say “X character would hate Y fan because of Z opinion” (depending on the context) , jack would indefinitely hate anyone that said Mary deserved to die or called him killing her the best thing he ever did
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World Domination
Pairing: Apocalypse World!Michael x Daughter!Reader
Word Count: ~1.9k
Warnings: angst, hating humanity
Request by anon: Hey can i request a one shot where au Michael have a daughter (reader) her mother was choose to have a kid we Michael because she is descendant of Gods and some supernatural creatures but before the reader born where mother escaped from the apocalypse world and came to main universe for protect the reader but in the end the reader met au Michael and she is a female copy of him (want to destroy the world, etc)?
Summary: Michael impregnates a woman so he can have a Nephilim by his side while he rules over humanity. She won't let that happen, but she doesn't know how persistent you will become once you're born.
Square Filled: free space (2022) for @spnaubingo
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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Keep running, Maeve. Keep running and don’t stop. The woman’s chest starts to close the more she runs without a break, her heart is hammering so fast that she thinks it’s gonna burst out of her chest, and her legs feel like jelly but she has one thought in her mind that keeps her running. 
Don’t stop or he’s gonna catch you.
Trees whiz by her, her feet step on every branch in her way, and nothing can be heard for miles but her ragged breathing and heaving panting. She is three months pregnant, she shouldn’t be running like this. She should be at home in bed eating her favorite foods. She should be shopping for baby items to decorate the nursery with. She should be doing this with anyone but him.
She looks back to see if he’s chasing her and almost falls on her face. She can’t put her baby at risk, not after she’s come so far. She doesn’t know where she’s going, who she’s gonna encounter, or what she’s gonna do, but she knows she needs to get away from him.
Just a few more minutes.
Something is bound to come up in these woods. This entire place has been overtaken by angels who love to hide things in plain sight, and they love manipulating the Earth to fit their needs. Something magical is likely to show up, she just doesn’t know what.
After what seems like hours, she comes to a clearing where there is a strip of gold hovering in mid-air. She doesn’t know what this is or what it’ll do to her, but anything is better than being his captive. Even if it kills her and the baby, they’ll both be free from his pain.
She closes her eyes and runs right into the gold stripe. Gone are the trees and dead land only to be replaced by bright lights, bookshelves, and wooden tables. She gasps and stumbles into what looks like a library and right into the arms of a tall and muscular man.
“Whoa, what is going on?” the man gasps and catches her.
“Close it,” she gasps and points to the gold stripe. “Close it before he comes!”
“Whoa, calm down. What is going on?”
“Whatever that is, close it before he comes and kills us all,” she cries.
“Cas, close it,” another tall man orders a man in a trench coat.
“Jack! Close the portal!”
A younger blonde man walks into view and closes the “portal” with his mind. Maeve doesn’t care who these guys are or what they’re capable of. Anyone is better than Michael.
“You’re safe. Take a deep breath,” the man who caught you says.
Maeve collapses to the ground and just cries. In relief? In fear? Because she can finally stop running? She has been going through nothing but stress these last three months because of Michael; She’s not worried about herself, she’s worried about her baby.
“Please…” She pants. “My baby…” She coughs. “Is my baby alright?”
“You’re pregnant?” the tall man asks. She nods and places a hand on her growing stomach. “Cas, do you mind checking?”
The man in the trench coat, Cas, walks over to her and kneels so that he’s on her level. He reaches his hand out to her just as his eyes glow a familiar blue.
“You’re an angel?” she gasps.
“Don’t touch me!” Cas jumps back and raises his hands in confusion. “You’re just as bad as he is. I hate angels.”
“Okay, why don’t you take a minute to yourself? My name is Sam and this is my brother Dean. Yes, Cas is an angel, but I can promise you we’re a lot better than whoever you’re running from. Cas is one of the good angels.”
This place is different than Maeve has ever seen before. The portal has closed so she can’t get back to her world right now, so she has no choice but to trust these men. This is for the good of her child.
“Okay, fine,” she whispers.
Cas kneels next to her and he places his hand over her stomach. He uses his angelic powers to check how your child is doing, and he pulls his hand away with a smile.
“She is doing well.”
“She?” Maeve gasps.
“I’m sorry, were you not wanting to know that?”
“No, I just didn’t know she is a she.”
“Why don’t you get cleaned up? I’ll show you where the bathroom is.”
Sam helps her to her feet and escorts her to the big bathroom. He allows her to take as much time as she news while the four men talk inside the library.
“Where the hell did she come from?” Dean asks.
“I don’t know. That portal led to the Apocalypse World. Who do you think she was talking about?”
“It could be anyone,” Cas sighs. Maeve takes thirty minutes to herself before joining the four men inside the library. “Are you okay?”
“I’m better than when I arrived.”
“Can you explain who you are and what’s going on?” Sam asks.
“My name is Maeve and I come from a small town in what used to be Florida. After the big war, everything became ruined. People were forced to travel in groups because the angels screwed up Earth too much to be alone. One of the men who was in my group got close to me… I thought he was normal,” she whispers painfully.
“What happened?”
“He got me pregnant. That’s when I found out his name: Michael. He was the archangel who destroyed Earth. He’s the reason I ran. I ran and didn’t stop because I knew he would have killed me after my baby was born. He caught me a couple of months ago but I escaped and have been running ever since. He’s dangerous, he hates humanity, and he wants to destroy them all. He wants a Nephilim to help him with his plans but I refuse to give him what he wants. I can’t let my baby girl be part of whatever plans he has.”
“Yeah, we know more about Michael than we should. Our Michael is locked inside the cage with Lucifer, so you won’t have to worry about him. We can protect you,” Sam says.
“Without a portal, he can’t come here. You’re safe here.”
“Good. I’m very grateful for your help. I’d like to have the baby here where it’s safe if that’s okay. I need the first thing she sees to be her mother.”
“Of course. Jack, would you mind talking to her?” Sam asks.
“Talk to me about what?”
“I’m a Nephilim,” he says. “My mother got pregnant by Lucifer. Your baby is going to grow very quickly. The only thing is that the human body can’t handle the birth of a Nephilim. You won’t survive the birth.”
“My mother died giving birth to me. I’m sorry this happened to you, but something that helped me was the videos she took of herself so I could watch them over and over again.” Tears brim Maeve’s eyes at the thought of never seeing her daughter. “I’ll help you communicate with her. She’s listening to everything.”
“As long as she’s protected, I don’t care what happens to me. I’ve suffered from Michael for far too long. I won’t do it anymore.”
The following month went by faster than Maeve thought it would go. She should be four months pregnant but she feels and looks like she is six. Her baby girl is growing too quickly for her to catch up. Sam and Dean have been nothing but kind to her, Castiel has been taking care of her, and Jack has been interacting with her child.
Another month of taking videos, talking to her baby, and forming relationships goes by as quickly as the first. Maeve has gotten too big to move about on her own, so she’s bedridden for the last couple of weeks of her pregnancy. She rubs her hand over her big bump and leans her head back on the pillow.
“Listen to me, Y/N,” she talks to her child. “I just want you to know how much I love you. When you’re born, you’re not going to meet me. You’ll have Sam, Dean, Castiel, and Jack to take care of you. You remember Jack, right? He’s like you. Just remember that humans are better than the angels. Michael is bad and dangerous and doesn't care about you.”
Maeve has been dreading this day, but it’s time to give birth. She’s proud of the woman and mother she’s become over the course of the pregnancy, but all good things must come to an end. Sam and Dean are on either side of her holding her hands, Cas is at the end of the bed, and Jack is watching from the bedroom door.
“Promise me Y/N will be taken care of,” Maeve cries. “Promise me she’s gonna be okay.”
“We promise,” Sam says.
She gets a sharp pain in her side that tells her it’s time to start pushing. Birthing a Nephilim is nothing like birthing a human child. For one, the baby doesn’t help by wiggling their way out, and a bright white light doesn’t shine when they come out. Maeve tips her head back and screams as loud as she could.
The bright white light shoots out of her and to the corner of the room where you stand to your full height. Much like Jack, you grew up to be a teenager instead of an infant. You need to be at this age for what your father has planned. Your mother lays limp on the bed with blood running down her legs. You look at everyone in the room who has become on high alert.
“Y/N, is it?” Sam asks.
“Where is my father? Where’s Michael?”
“Jack, you want to take the lead on this one?” Dean asks.
“Y/N, I know what you’re feeling right now. I get it. You’re scared. We can help you.”
“I want Michael!”
Power explodes out of you which blasts all four men back into the wall behind them so hard they crack the walls. The power that comes from the birth of a Nephilim is enough to open a rift into another universe. Your power comes from the Apocalypse World so that’s where the rift opens to.
You run out of the bedroom to where the power is coming from, and you jump through the portal without a second thought. Gone are the bright lights, bookshelves, and wooden tables only to be replaced by trees and dead land. You look around the place and use your power to close the rift so they can’t get to you.
Jack is a Nephilim like you so he’ll be able to create a portal to here but closing it buys you some time.
You turn to see a black man with his arms stretched out.
You run into his arms and bury your head in his chest.
“Welcome home, my angel.”
“I’m eager to get started.” For the past six months, you’ve heard nothing but what everyone else was saying. Humans are good. Sam and Dean are good people. Castiel is a good angel. Michael is a bad angel. Sam and Dean can protect you. Nothing they said is true because the only good person in this world is Michael, and he’s going to do whatever it takes to keep you safe. “Humans need to be destroyed.”
“That’s my girl,” he grins.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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pranzill · 10 months
My contribution to the
❤️Now it's perfect fic collection 2023❤️
(Thank you @digitalmeowmix !!)
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To the Ends of the Earth Part 21
Pairings: Gabriel x Reader
Rating: Mature
Summary:  AU Supernatural. Gabriel is tired of Micahel and Raphael’s constant interfering and dictating what’s best for him. Little do they know that he’s been sneaking to earth to fall in love with you. When he convinces you to run away with him, all hell is about to break loose.
Link to Part 20
1 week later…
You lay with Gabriel on the couch snuggled against his side as some tv show played unnoticed in the background. Halfway through, whatever show it was, you closed your eyes and snuggled further against Gabriel. He placed one of his hands over yours that you had laid on his chest. Neither of you had said much in a while but the quiet cuddling was enough.
The last week had thankfully calmed down. Dean had slowly accepted that you were pregnant. You were positive that Dean had tracked Chuck down and threatened him real good about keeping you alive. When he came home Dean seemed to be in a lot better of a mood. You could only assume that threatening Chuck would bring that level of happiness.
Was Dean happy about you being pregnant…no. Something told you that your eldest brother wouldn’t be happy until the baby was born and you were alive.
Gabriel also wasn’t saying much about the baby-to-be. While you didn’t expect him to be excited, you wished he would “open up.” The best that you could assume was your lover would be like Dean. While he wasn’t as on edge as Dean was, you could still sense Gabriel’s nervousness. His eyes were always on you now. He seemed to be watching every move that you made while being totally prepared to smite whatever could harm you in the slightest.
“Maye that is his love language when it comes to the baby?”
That was the best thought that you could formulate. Gabriel had told you a few days prior that he could sense the baby’s heartbeat. The look in his eyes when he said those words and how he stroked his fingers over your still flat stomach gave you some hope as to his feelings.
Minus, the baby on the way, everything else with Gabriel was just like usual. You were thankful for that at least. If Gabriel turned off the love supply, you would have totally fallen apart. From the brief bit of the baby book that you had read (until you got to the part about birthing pictures and nearly vomited) apparently, a woman’s sex drive was supposed to increase.
“…Yep, that’s happening.”
“How are you feeling?”
Gabriel asked softly, pulling you from your thoughts. He originally didn’t want to wake you but the quiet of the room was beginning to drive him nuts. Gabriel wouldn’t say it but his anxiety went into near overdrive whenever you were quiet for long periods. Yes, he was able to check you over at any time but hearing your voice seemed to make all of his worries go away. You yawned snuggling further into his side instantly making the worry within Gabriel vanish.
“Fine. My stomach hurts a bit but I suppose that I should get used to that.”
Gabriel put a finger to your head and the sick feeling instantly vanished. He gave you a sheepish little smirk before moving to kiss your forehead.
“I guess that will be a benefit of having a baby with me. I can make all of the nasty…side effects go away.”
“That will be definitely useful.”
You replied before yawning again. Gabriel moved to stroke a hand down your back toward the waistband of your jeans.
“Before you get too comfortable…”
He started but stopped suddenly and sat up. You gave him a curious frown as Amelia came running in with a small box in her hand. It took all you had to stop yourself from smirking at the annoyed expression on Gabriel’s face. If Dean were in the room, you were 100% positive that mentions of being “cock blocked” would have come up.
“Hi, shorty. What do you have there?”
You asked, sitting up. Amelia was nearly bouncing up and down. Gabriel raised an eyebrow before smirking. The little girl reminded him so much of you it felt as if he was looking into a mirror.
“Uncle Dean got me a guinea pig! I named her Snickerdoodle!”
You instantly looked up to Dean as he stepped into the room with a shit-eating grin on his face. He gave you a small shrug before you turned back to your niece who had fished the petrified-looking animal out of the box.
“Oh, that’s nice. She’s lovely, sweetie. Does your daddy know about Snickerdoodle?”
Amelia shook her head and shoved some of her dark hair out of her face.
“I see. Maybe you should…oh look there’s Sam now.”
Sam automatically sighed. He hated that tone. He knew “that” tone. Something was up and something told him that it involved him somehow.
“I love conversations that start like this.”
Amelia ran over to Sam nearly hopping up and down with delight.
“Uncle Dean got me a guinea pig!”
Sam automatically scowled at Dean. This was the last thing that he wanted to get involved with too. Between a pregnant sister who would be giving birth to an archangel’s baby, his own child, dealing with Michael, and all of the other kinks involved with being a Winchester…Sam just didn’t have a “guinea pig” in him.
“Uh huh…he did, did he? Amelia…guinea pigs are…”
Sam tried to think of the right word. He looked up at Gabriel.
Gabriel suggested, earning a scowl from both Sam and yourself. He only gave you a little shrug as Sam knelt down to Amelia.
“Sweetie, guinea pigs are a lot of work. Uncle Dean, Aunt Y/n, and I are really busy…I’m not sure if this is a good idea. Uncle Dean and I are gone a lot and Aunty Y/n is about to have a baby soon…”
Amelia gave Sam a pouty frown.
“I can do it. I am 5 whole years old.”
Dean made his way over to Gabriel with a smirk.
“This is your first real lesson on being a parent…how to cave.”
Gabriel’s amber eyes rolled over to Dean.
“If you give my child one of those rats, I may smite you.”
Dean quickly moved away from Gabriel shaking his head.
“Tough crowd.”
You rolled your eyes at Dean and Gabriel before turning back to Amelia who was clearly happy with her new furry friend. Her little face showed nothing but pure joy. You couldn’t help but smile at her. Ever since Amelia had moved into the bunker, you took extra care to find little things to bring her joy with. Something told you that Dean used the same excuse to bring Snickerdoodle home.
“Would you two get a room?”
You muttered before kneeling down next to Amelia.
“You really like her don’t you?”
Amelia nodded.
“Yes, aunty. She has a wiggly nose.”
Amelia then attempted to make her nose wiggle like the guinea pig that was nestled in her arms. Again, you couldn’t help but smile. You noticed a small smile grace Gabriel’s face too. You knew that he would never admit it but Amelia had grown on him. Whether it be the fact that she reminded the archangel so much of you as a child or Amelia just had her “own little way” you knew that Gabriel liked her presence.
You turned your attention to Sam, who still looked less than amused with Snickerdoodle’s arrival. Taking a breath, you leaned closer to Amelia.
“Maybe we can talk your daddy into letting Snickerdoodle stay. I can help you look after her.”
Amelia immediately squealed before nearly throwing the poor guinea pig up in the air with joy. You quickly reached out and wrapped your hands around Snickerdoodle and gave Sam a small smile. He groaned and shook his head.
“Fine. She can stay but I better not smell anything.”
Amelia nodded and wrapped her arms around Sam’s legs squealing about how he was the best daddy ever.
“What about me? I’m the one that bought the thing.”
Dean grumbled. Amelia quickly went over to Dean and gave him the same attention.
“I am winning that world’s okayest uncle cup.”
Dean said with a smirk as Cas stepped in. The frown on his face told you that something wasn’t well in the world. Standing up you inched closer to him as he muttered something to Gabriel.
Gabriel turned to you. The cutesy moment with the guinea pig was now shot to hell. He hated even mentioning Cas’ news to you.
“What is it?”
You asked softly. Gabriel sighed.
“My father is here with yet another surprise.”
Both Sam and Dean groaned, mirroring Gabriel’s reaction. You too felt a feeling of dread wash over you. While Chuck’s last visit brought you news of the baby…it also brought a feeling of darkness over the bunker that hadn’t 100% washed away.
“Oh boy this day just keeps getting better.”
You commented before turning to Jack.
“Jack, can you stay in here with Amelia?”
Jack eagerly nodded before sitting down beside Amelia, who clearly didn’t care about the business of adults at the moment.
You turned to follow your brothers and Gabriel into the library where Chuck stood with a smile on his face.
“I thought I would come back…”
Gabriel wrapped a hand around yours, keeping his eyes locked on Chuck.
“Please tell us that you aren’t here to bring more good news. We are worried enough about what you brought last time.”
Dean said. He knew that he would never stand a chance against Chuck but he could put his thoughts on matters out there. What Chuck did with said thoughts and opinions was up to him.
Chuck, meanwhile, felt his smile fade. Everyone was looking at him as if he would be declaring that the world would be ending. Gabriel was watching him with a cold frown.
“Gabriel, you can stop frowning. I haven’t brought anything bad…not really…”
“Forgive me for not trusting you.”
Gabriel said in a low cold tone.
You whispered, squeezing his hand. The last thing that you wanted to witness was Gabriel and Chuck having some kind of epic showdown.
“It's okay, Y/n. Nothing bad is going to happen. I’m actually here with a special surprise for you…well…I suppose for Sam and Dean too.”
Sam winced while Dean mumbled something about “that last time Chuck gave them a surprise it was resulting in you becoming some kind of fucked up science experiment.”
You bit your lip, not even daring to look at Chuck.
“You know, Chuck, you have really given us enough surprises. I mean…we have met our quota…maybe you should go…bless…someone else?”
Chuck smiled, shrugging.
“I was thinking about the predicament that you are in. Yeah, you have your brothers. While that’s special, you deserve to have your father in your life.”
You felt your mouth drop as John stepped out from behind Chuck.
“Oh shit.”
Dean muttered while John gave the three of you an exhausted smile. He didn’t seem to notice or care to notice how freaked out the three of you look.
“My kids.”
John was in front of you before you knew it. He looked down at you with a smile before pulling you into a hug. Standing motionless, you couldn’t remember the last time that John had actually hugged you. John was never the “touchy-feely” kind of father so this was totally out of your element.
“Y/n, sweetheart, look how much you have grown up.”
John turned to Sam and Dean following the same lead. Both of your brothers looked beyond uncomfortable too as John made what would typically sound like a heart felt sentiment.
“Dad, you’re alive…and here.”
Dean choked out as John hugged him. John nodded before turning to say something kind to Chuck but the man was nowhere to be found.
“Yeah, I am. I think I got another chance and I am so glad to see the three of you. The three of you stuck together…just like you should have.”
Sam cleared his throat.
“It wouldn’t be any other way.”
John turned back to you. The last time that he had seen you, you were just a young teenager. Now here you stood, a grown woman. John’s eyes landed on Gabriel.
“Who are you?”
Gabriel raised an eyebrow. He knew this was about to be a shit show.
Of course, it's a shit show. Anytime my father shows up it's a blasted shit show! Now, look what he’s gone and done.
Gabriel said his name very matter-of-factly. He didn’t really feel like getting in an all-out brawl with John Winchester of you but something told you that it would happen very soon.
John, meanwhile, narrowed his eyes on Gabriel. While he expected that you, at some point, would choose a lover…he wasn’t expecting it to be now. Granted, part of him expected to come back and you still be a young girl.
“The two of you are together?”
You nodded, stepping closer to Gabriel.
“Yes, dad, we are. I’m assuming the guy that brought you here didn’t explain anything to you?”
John frowned, his eyebrows knitting together.
“What is there to talk about? I’m alive again.”
You groaned, mentally cursing Chuck under your breath. Of course, Chuck didn’t tell John Winchester the “truth” of everything going on in his children’s lives.
“Oh, there is a lot to talk about. Come on, we all need to go have a little chat.”
You replied. Meeting Sam and Dean’s eyes, you knew that this wasn’t about to be pretty.
“Dad, do you have a gun on you?”
You asked casually. John nodded. He thought this was a weird question but decided to go with it.
“Yeah, why?”
You shook your head.
“Put it on safety.”
John looked a little confused before following you into a dining room. You motioned to a seat.
“Sit down. We have a lot to talk about.”
John quietly did as he was told. His attention went back to Gabriel who was still frowning at him. Something about the way the man was looking at him made John on edge and he didn’t like it. There wasn’t something quite right with the man at your side. All of John’s hunter instincts were going on edge as he realized Gabriel wasn’t blinking.
“Yeah, I think we do, kiddo.”
John replied as Sam and Dean sat down. You didn’t even know where to start. Never in a million years did you think that you would have to explain yourself to your father ever again. When John was killed, you decide that would be the end of that…boy was you wrong!
“Dad, in the time that you have been gone…we have been through a lot. I mean like a hell of a lot. Sam, Dean, and I have gone through things that you probably wouldn’t believe…”
“Oh, I can believe a lot.”
John commented. You blinked a few times as John continued talking.
“Just tell me what it is. The three of you know that I don’t like…”
You held a hand up.
“Okay, we are in the middle of a second apocalypse. The archangel Michael is wreaking havoc in our lives. The three of us have dealt with the forces of heaven and hell, more monsters than you would care to believe, the British men of letters…I’m sure I am leaving a lot out.”
John blinked, looking totally stunned. He didn’t exactly expect to hear all of that.
“Are you joking?”
You weren't quite sure but for some reason, you started laughing. The last thing that you really wanted was to argue with your father about what you had really done over the past few years. John didn’t know the hell that the three of you had gone through over the years. You did. Sam and Dean did. John did not.
“No dad, I’m not joking. Oh, there’s more. Dean and I are dating angels and I’m pregnant.”
Gabriel stared at you with his mouth open. He honestly expected you to tell John a little more gently but no. You just threw that on him like a wet blanket.
Gabriel said with a smirk on his face as John turned to him. It made sense! It all made sense now. John now could see why Gabriel wasn’t blinking in addition to the cold distant expression on his face.
“You’re an angel and she’s pregnant?”
Gabriel nodded.
“That is what she said.”
John shook his head.
“I don’t believe it.”
Gabriel waited a moment before snapping his fingers and disappearing. The room was silent before Gabriel turned up beside you.
“Do you know anyone else that can do that because I sure as hell don’t?”
John jumped up, knocking the chair that he was sitting in over.
“Holy shit! You are an angel!”
Gabriel nodded.
“Yep, not just an angel. I’m an archangel. I warn you, human, don’t make move near her or I will smite you back to where you came from.”
John snarled.
“Get away from my daughter.”
Gabriel shook his head before freezing John where he stood.
“I can’t do that.”
John growled before turning his attention to Sam and Dean.
“You two just let this happen? I told the two of you to watch your sister! Letting her get knocked up by a rouge archangel isn’t part of keeping an eye on her.”
You, meanwhile, suddenly remembered your voice.
“Hold on a minute, dad. You don’t get to come here and start things like this. Sam and Dean did everything that they were supposed to and more. You are my father. You should have been there for us and you weren’t! Don’t you dare give me shit about being on hunts either. It shouldn’t have been Dean’s job to look after Sam and me the way he did. He was our mother and father more than you ever were. He didn’t get to be a kid. I’m my own damn person and make my own decisions. Sam, Dean, and I look out for each other but they don’t tell me what to do and you aren’t either. Chuck may have brought you back but you aren’t going to come in here and order us around. For once, we have our lives figured out and we are just fine with it.”
You turned and walked from the room without another word. Gabriel, turned back to John for a moment.
“It’s so lovely to see that you are still the same human that you were years ago. Excuse me, my wife needs me.”
Gabriel put extra emphasis on the word “wife.” He knew it would antagonize John all the more and he didn’t care….
@amelie-black @jessyballet @knreidy1 @acciosiriusblack @siriuslyceleste @georgeweasleydumbhoe @justfinishthis @coffeeaddictednymph @millies0bsimp @fific7 @rogue-nyx88 @readtomeregulus @starsvck @daddyslittlevillain @panpride @saramaple @f4iryluvy @s-we-e-t-t-ea @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @missgorldafirst @buttercup-beeee @padf00ts-l0ver @goldensunshineshit @haroldpotterson @aurorasnape12 @stelleduarte @mentally-unstable-hoe @quinis @jag9000 @gugggu6gvai @yousmellllikecaca @lostarc @un-lovesherself @play-morezeppelin @ravenhood2792 @bennyberry @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @rubyroscoe1 @ad-astra-again @criminalyetminimal @lucasfilms77 @spideyxalmighty @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @summer-novak @hankypranky @deanwherescas @shitfaceddaniel-blog @sprnaturallover @knight-of-gleefulness @wontlookaway @marichromatic @mycuddlycorner @li0nh34rt @tastefullyoffensive @melaninnbarbie @untoldshortsofthefandoms
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somelokivariant · 1 year
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i just want a fun cute lil fic abt them living happily ever after going to the beach w their son jack pls
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mayhem-things · 1 year
Is anyone interested in specific topics or people I should write a fan fiction about?
I feel like some of you could get bored by only Pelle and euro stories but i don't know. I take requests!
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 11 months
The angel and his human A Destiel fan fiction.
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/k6ZjQrh by Forever_Sammys_True_Love23 I started writing this way before Destiel became Canon in episode 15 – 18. This story is how I imagined they would get together. Content warnings for smut, strong language, MPREG, and character death although it's not permanent. Words: 786, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, God | Chuck Shurley, Demon Dean - Character, Crowley (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Original Children of Castiel and Dean Winchester Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: I hated the ending, Fix-It of Sorts, Dean Winchester is Jack Kline's Parent, Castiel is Jack Kline's Parent, Gay Sex, Angel/Demon Sex, Mpreg, Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, long fic, Work In Progress read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/k6ZjQrh
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Gee, Ma (I Wanna Go Home)
A New Years Eve Celebration in Apocalypse World
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A Jack Kline Drabble
Warnings: None
The night was dark and it was cold. The cold sunk into Jack's bones and the coat he'd been given by the apocalypse refugees wasn't thick enough to keep him from shivering. Yet, in a odd way, he appreciated it. Jack hadn't felt a cold like this before; it was something new and it was good. It meant he was still feeling.
Mary had pulled Jack from his tent that night. "It's New Years Eve!" She'd told him.
"I don't know what that means." He'd frowned, still so new to the traditions of the world.
Mary smiled. "You will, Jack," She'd said, "You will."
Then she'd taken his hand and led him to the center of camp. There was a roaring bonfire and Jack took the opportunity to let the heat from, the flickering orange flames wash over him. Mary patted Jack on the back and left his side to go sit by Bobby. Jack looked on at the crowd surrounding the fire. There was snow falling, like stars cascading from the heavens and dusting the shoulders of the apocalypse refugees. They toasted and drank and talked amongst Each other, free of the weariness that pressed upon their backs every other day of the year. The people looked... happy. To see them smile was so rare and Jack wondered what could possibly be so special about this night in particular that made them all smile.
That was when the music began. It was drawling with an almost annoying twang to it but when it began, the people cheered and started to clap to the rhythm.
"No, I don't want no more of army life!
Gee ma! I wanna go home!"
The tune sounded happy, though Jack didn't know the song, so he just resolved to listen. More cheering rang in his ears as a man in the crowd stood up.
"The biscuits in this army
They say are mighty fine
But one rolled off the table
And killed a friend of mine!"
The crowd cheered again and the man sat down.
"No, I don't want no more of army life!
Gee, ma, I wanna go home!"
A teenage boy stood on a log and smiled nervously, but his eyes shown with joy in the firelight.
"The tents in this fine army
They say are mighty clean
But I looked in on my neighbor's
Grossest thing I ever seen!"
"No! I don't want no more of army life!
Gee, ma! I wanna go home!"
The silly song made Jack grin and he laughed along with the others. How long had it been since he'd laughed? Three young women stood up next, sharing mischievous grins with each other before they began singing.
"The soldiers in this army
They'll ask to share our tents
So, we'll say no thank you
We have some common sense!"
This time, Jack found himself singing the along to the chorus. The song was easy to pick up and the smiles of the crowd were contagious. Jack was grinning.
"No! I don't want no more of army life!
Gee, ma! I wanna go home!"
The laughter was intermixed with several sarcastic complaints from the young men in the camp. To Jack's surprise, Mary stood up from her place on a log beside Bobby. She raised her cup and smiled wider than Jack had ever seen her do.
"The moonshine in this army
Bobby makes it all the time
It's great for cuts and bruises
And tastes like turpentine!"
"But ya drink it anyway!" Bobby called out, his eyes sparkling.
"No! I don't want no more of army life!
Gee, ma! I wanna go home!"
Mary sat back down and turned her gaze on Jack. 'You try one!' She mouthed at him. Jack shook his head. 'I don't know how,' he mouthed back. 'You don't need to,' was her response. Jack felt nervous. He understood the point of the song now; it was just for fun. But he didn't want to mess it up. Another verse went by before Jack decided to just go ahead and do it. He stood up, trying his best to avoid the eyes of the crowd.
"They sing songs in this world
Mary told me to sing mine
I said: I'm only one year old, Ma'am
I don't know how to rhyme!"
People whooped and hollered. They thought he was funny. That brought a smile to Jack's face that was even brighter than it had been before. He had done something good. He had made them laugh.
"No! I don't want no more of army life!
Gee, ma! I wanna go home!"
Singing the words that time started a dull ache in Jack's chest. Oh, how he missed his mother. But she would want him to have fun, so Jack continued singing. A few more verses went by until a tiny girl no older than ten, climbed onto a log. She looked Jack right in the eyes and smiled.
"The angels that we're fighting
They say are really bad
But there's a half one I'd tell thank you
Because he saved my dad!"
Her words struck Jack in his core. She was talking about him. Jack Kline. She was telling him thank you. Jack had done something good. Really, truly, good. It felt amazing.
"No! I don't want no more of army life!
Gee, ma I wanna go home!"
"One more time!" Someone hollered. Everyone cheered and Mary shot Jack a smile and a wink. So, Jack raised his voice and shouted along with the rest.
"The people in this army
Our spirit they cannot bind
And if we keep pushing forward
I know we'll win in time!"
And the bonfire rose with the battle-cry of one thousand battered people, their joy in the face of catastrophe manifesting as one voice.
"No! I don't want no more of army life!
Gee, ma I wanna go home!
No! I can't stand no more of army life!
Gee, ma, I wanna go-
But they won't let me go-
Gee, ma! I wanna go home!"
The people whooped and hollered, and Bobby stood to raise a toast.
"To another year gone, to hope that this one will be better, and to all the good ones we lost along the way," He said, raising his cup into the air and bowing his head. Jack didn't have a cup but he followed suit. It just felt like the right thing to do, he supposed.
And as a new song began to rise over the crackling of the fire and the falling of the snow, Jack thought of his mother. He couldn't help it. He just missed her so much. He missed his father too. He missed Castiel and Kelly so much that it hurt.
"Gee, Ma. I wanna go home." He whispered to himself as tears and snowflakes stung his eyes.
He didn't quite understand all the words to the new song the camp was singing, but somehow he knew what they meant.
"Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And days of auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet
For days of auld lang syne
We twa hae paidl'd i' the burn
Frae morning sun till dine
But seas between us braid hae roar'd
Sin days of auld lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet
For days of auld lang syne"
Jack missed his mother. He missed Castiel. He missed Sam. He missed Dean. He missed his family. He missed his home.
Jack didn't know what a 'New Year' was. But, perhaps now he knew a little of what it was about. A New Year was about looking back on the old one, looking back on all the life one has lived. But that wasn't all. A New Year was about hope, about remembering to look forward to the brighter days ahead. Just like how the darkness of the night is a promise that one will see the sun again.
Jack missed his home. Jack missed his family. But this New Year brought him hope that, one day, he'd see them again.
That thought brought a faint smile to his face and a new calm to his heart. So, Jack sat and watched the flickering flames and the falling snow and the smiles on the faces of the people he protected.
When the time came around, Jack looked up to the sky and whispered:
"Happy new year, mom."
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The Aftermath in Our Favor - Ch. 1 “Sleep” (Jack Kline x Dean Winchester Fic)
Lucifer was right.
No, not Lucifer. Nick. Nick had been right.
Nick had been right in telling Dean how it felt to be filled with an archangel.
Dean knew all too well what it was like to be tethered to a rocket shooting through time and space. He knew that there had been hatred for Michael, but deep down he knew there had been a little bit of love.
Only in the absence of the ethereal being did Dean feel a small hole begin to grow within him. The small hole of loss.
He wasn’t sure if he grieved the loss of Michael himself or rather the feeling of being completely whole, one with the universe. It was an intense ache he felt, one he felt etched in his bones, in every breath he took.
At first he felt he could manage, try to move on from it all.
But then Mary had died and while the anger and the hole inside grew, Dean still felt as if he could get through the pain, or at least muddle through life.
But then Jack had died and God had run away all that was left was the loss and the grief and the ever growing hole deep down inside.
Dean hadn’t left the bunker in days. Hell, he hadn’t even left his room. He had no appetite, no desire to take a shower, or the will to even turn on his television to at least fill the silence.
All he felt like doing was laying in bed and sleep. If he’d woken up at all it was merely to turn over as each side grew sore after a while.
If he spoke at all it was to tell Sam or Cas to leave him alone, that all he wanted to do was sleep.
He didn’t want to hunt. He didn’t want to read any books. He didn’t even want to answer his phone.
All he really wanted to do was feel whole again but since he couldn’t seem to find a way out of his current funk, all he did was sleep.
In his dreams he could visit his old, favourite memories as if watching a movie. He could be having a good time with Sam, drinking in a bar and laughing about something that wasn’t even that funny. He could simply be sitting in a quiet room with Castiel, thumbing through stacks of books before heading off bed. He tried to dream of his mother but his mind simply wouldn’t let him. He could dream of Jack though, of all the good times, of all the struggles and mini wins. He could dream about a life he had lived such a long time ago, but eventually he would wake up and they’d all be gone again.
Time was slipping through his fingers, rushing by with no thought of him and his loss.
Time and Sam and Cas moved on around him. Knocks on his door seemed to stop and his phone no longer rang.
The shadows from the corners of his room seemed to grow, engulfing him in the silence and dark, consuming him, drowning him.
Until it stopped.
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chloelucia13 · 6 years
Night and Day Part 3
Pairing: Jack Kline x reader or Michael Langdon x reader
Prompt: What are the chances that there are two antichrists in the world, you know both of them, and they both are in love with you?
Chapter Warnings: ANGST, a lil fluff, language, violence, just oof
Series Warnings: fluff, angst (a SHIT ton, buckle up), language, violence, smut, overall dark themes, love triangle if that’s considered a warning?
A/N: Enjoy y’all! Tag list is open! [listen to “Sea of Doubts” by Azure Ray (prominent role in story)] Read part 1 here! Read part 2 here!
Tags: @featherpool-852, @angelpeachamber, @korrynn-nadine, @aliaitee (tag list is open)
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“Cordelia,” you whispered, voice quivering with fear. “Don’t do this.”
“We don’t have another choice,” she hissed, avoiding eye contact with you.
“Yes we do. We can do anything other than this.” Tears began to well in your eyes as they tied the people Michael loved to the stakes.
“Why are you defending them?” John Henry chided, turning to glare at you.
“Because I know what Michael will do when this happens, and it sure as hell isn’t what we want him to do. This plan is idiotic, and that’s putting it lightly.”
“Enough!” Cordelia shouted, making you jump slightly. “We are going through with this, whether you like it or not.”
You turned and immediately locked eyes with Ms. Mead, a tear slipping past your face.
“I don’t know what you did, kid, but Michael sure has grown to like you,” Ms. Mead told you while you were waiting for Michael to come.
“What do you mean?” you asked, nervously playing with the sleeves of your jacket.
“Do you think he would ever take anyone out on a date, especially since the cops are looking for him and he’s being watched 24/7 by a bunch of warlocks?”
You pursed your lips in thought for a moment before shaking your head, a small smile gracing your face. “I didn’t think about it that way.”
She smiled and patted your shoulder. She stared at you, contemplating what she was about to say next. However, before she could say anything, Michael appeared from behind the tall black wall, his face lighting up the moment he saw you both. He ran over to the both of you and gave Ms. Mead a brief hug before pulling you into a big, tight hug. A hug that you knew he needed. “I missed you both so much,” he whispered, letting out a laugh of almost disbelief.
He let go of you a moment later and turned to Ms. Mead, only for her to shake her head. “You guys go have fun, don’t worry about me,” she instructed, shooing the both of you off.
“I’m so sorry, Ms. Mead,” you choked out, stepping closer to her.
“Y/N,” Zoe voiced, weakly attempting to keep you from going further. 
Before you could even process what was happening, the three people in front of you were lit on fire. You gasped and stumbled back, your hand shooting up to cover your mouth as screams and sobs escaped. You couldn’t even focus on what Ms. Mead was saying, your pleas drowned out all other sounds.
You knelt on the cold concrete as everyone else retreated, unfazed by the complete... disgust of it all. Your sobs turned to whimpers as the flames slowly died down, leaving only their charred remains behind. “What do I do,” you choked out, bile beginning to rise up in your throat. You stumbled away and hurled up all of the contents in your stomach, the sight before you too horrid for your own body to comprehend.
Once everything came out, you trudged back over to the three stakes, collapsing in front of Ms. Mead’s remains. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” You laid your head against the cold metal base and sighed, feeling your tears slide down your face and land on the metal. “I should’ve helped you. I should’ve used my powers.”
You sniffled and let out a harsh sob. “This is all my fault.” 
With that, everything went black.
You woke up hours later to the sound of footsteps behind you. You sat up and looked at the source, too drained to even attempt to wipe away your tears. “Y/N?” Michael whispered.
You only sobbed in response and pushed yourself to your feet. “I’m sorry. I tried to make them stop but they just wouldn’t listen. It’s all my fault.”
Your legs were wobbly as you stepped closer to him, wanting nothing more than to just cry with him. “W-Who is it...”
Another sob ripped through you and you collapsed into his arms, the moment he was close enough. He held you up and you both half-carried each other over to each of the stakes. A gasp left his lips when he sensed the bodies of the two warlocks, but when he made it to the middle stake, both of your bodies began to shake. “I’m so sorry.”
You let him go and fell to your knees, his scream of pain surrounding you when he finally sensed it as the body of one of the only people who truly cared about him. Suddenly, you felt his arms wrap around your waist and he pulled you close to him, both of you sobbing. You clung to the sleeves of his jacket and he clung to the fabric of your skirt. “It’s over, we know who you are,” a voice announced from behind you. You both hesitantly let go of each other so Michael could face the person that created this disaster. “Your allies are all dead. You’ve failed.”
“I’ve already proven to you that I can defy death,” Michael hissed. “I can bring her back, and when I do, my Ms. Mead will stand by me as we watch you die.”
“You can certainly go to Hell, but you won’t find her there.”
You rose to your feet and clung to Michael. “Cordelia, please tell me you didn’t,” you whispered, shaking your head slightly.
“What have you done?” he demanded, gripping onto your arm.
“Her soul is hidden by a spell only I can break. You’ll never see her again.”
A harsh sob ripped through his throat and he collapsed to his knees. You fell with him and wrapped your arms around yourself. “I’m so sorry, Michael,” was all you could say to him. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re alone,” Cordelia continued.
“I’m never alone. I have my father a-and I have Y/N,” he growled, his hand instinctively reaching behind him to grab your hand.
“But do you really have Y/N? She is a witch after all, so she’s born to follow her supreme. Not the devil reincarnate.” She slowly strutted over to you two. “And where is your father now? Why did he let this happen?” She knelt down in front of you both and locked eyes with Michael. “Michael, you don’t have to follow this path your father laid out for you. You can write your own destiny. You can still turn away. There’s humanity in you, I see it.” She pushed herself back to her feet. “If you come with me, maybe we can find it.”
With that she extended her hand out towards him. Just as you were about to speak up and tell her that the last thing he would do is listen to the person who just killed the person he trusted most, he took her hand. She smiled softly but, before she could say anything, Michael yanked her forward so they were nose-to-nose. “Somehow, some way I will bring her back, and then I’m gonna kill every last one of you,” he seethed, making your jaw clench.
“Michael,” you voiced, so quiet you doubted he could even hear it. He let go of her hand and turned to face you. “She... She isn’t wrong. Even if her plans were completely idiotic, her message is right. You- you can be good.”
He stepped over to you and grabbed your wrists, holding them tight. “Am I not already?”
“Michael, you know that’s not what I meant-”
“No, I know exactly what you mean. You’re all the same. And I’m not going to stay with someone like her.”
You sighed softly and sniffled, feeling a fresh wave of tears slide down your cheeks. “You don’t mean that-”
“You obviously don’t know anything about me, then.”
With that, he stomped away from the two of you. You rose to your feet and stepped towards Cordelia. “Well, I obviously know him enough to know that this was the worst plan to get him to join you,” you hissed at her. 
“Just because you’re the supreme doesn’t mean I’ll follow you, and it sure as hell doesn’t mean that you’re right all of the time. I knew what would happen, and now I can only guess what is gonna happen next. You’ve pissed off the antichrist, and the only person that can keep him in control lost his trust. This is worse than any other worst case scenario you could ever imagine.”
You snapped yourself back to the house and hurried up to your room, packing up your things before changing into a pair of shorts and a tank top. You zipped up your bag and slung it over your shoulder before trudging over to the boys’ room and banging on the door. “Get your shit packed, we’re leaving,” you voiced, using every last bit of strength you had in your to seem even slightly serious.
“What’s going on?” Dean asked, looking up and seeing your tear-stained cheeks.
“It doesn’t matter. You wanted to leave, we’re leaving.”
“No, you tell me what the fuck is going on. The house is silent and almost every teacher is gone.”
“We had to burn people at the stake, and everything is going to hell. Is that enough of an explanation for you?”
“Too bad. We’re leaving. Now.”
With that, you hurried downstairs and out the door, ignoring the pleas from multiple girls begging you to talk to them. You ran down the street and, with shaking hands, picked the lock on the car door before collapsing onto the back seat.
“Y/N?” Jack’s voice sounded from the other side of the door, making you jump for a moment. 
“Yeah?” you coughed out, wiping a stray tear away before sitting up and swinging your legs over the side of the bed.
“Can I come in?”
“Oh-uh-yeah, of course.”
He stepped inside a moment later, a sandwich on a plate in one hand and your favorite book in his other hand. “Dean told me that you should have something to eat.” He handed you the sandwich and you smiled gratefully, scooting over slightly and gesturing for him to sit next to you. “And I brought you your favorite book because I know you aren’t in the mood to be on your phone or watch TV.” He smiled at you and sat down next to you.
Tears welled in your eyes and you let out a watery laugh. “Thank you, Jack. That is really sweet of you.”
“We take care of each other. It’s just what was needed.”
You set the sandwich down on the bed and pulled him into a tight hug, burying your face into the crook of his neck. He immediately reciprocated the hug, his arms wrapping around your waist. You sighed into his skin and struggled to find anything else to say.
“Do you want to talk about what happened?” Jack offered, and you nodded.
“All I can see is their burning bodies. I can still smell it. And I...” You sniffled and tangled a hand in his hair. “I could’ve stopped them somehow. I should’ve. It’s all my fault that they’re dead.”
“None of this is your fault.”
“But it is, Jack. Now Michael lost one of the only people who cared about him and God knows what he’ll do now.”
“What can he do? He’s only a warlock.”
You shook your head and pulled away from the hug to look into his eyes. “Jack, Michael is more powerful than any of us combined.”
“How? What is he?”
“He’s the antichrist.”
Jack’s eyes widened and he scooted slightly closer to you. “But how?”
You just shook your head and shrugged, ending the conversation there. The two of you sat in silence for a moment before you sucked in a breath. “I need to talk to him somehow but I... I don’t know how or-or if I should.”
“When was the last time you talked to him?”
“A week ago. When everything happened.”
Jack sighed and he wrapped an arm around you, tucking you to his side. “I would talk to him.”
“Isn’t there a way for you to enter someone’s dreams?”
“Y-yeah, but I haven’t done it in years.”
He smiled at you. “I guess it’s time to start again.”
With that, you explained the process of astral projection to him while you ate the sandwich he gave you. Once you were done, you laid yourself down on the ground while Jack knelt next to you. “Are you ready?” you asked him, taking his hand in yours.
“I should be asking you that,” he teased, squeezing your hand. “But yes, I’m ready.”
You offered him a sweet smile and closed your eyes, immediately descending into the astral plane. You launched yourself into Michael’s dream quickly, sensing it the moment you reached the plane. 
You woke up in what you remembered to be Michael’s bed at the academy. “Y/N?” you heard his voice behind you.
You turned around and immediately locked eyes with him, your noses nearly touching. A weak smile spread across his face and he draped an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. “It’s me,” you whispered, tangling a hand in his hair. 
“H-How? Why?”
“Astral projection.” You pulled away to look into his eyes. “And I needed to talk to you. I needed to make sure you were okay.”
“I need to talk to you. To tell you everything.”
“I’m right here. Tell me.”
“There’s not enough time for that.”
You thought for a moment. “How about you tell me a little bit, and then you can tell me where you are, and I’ll meet you there?”
He nodded and moved a hand up to cup your face. “I- Fuck, I need you here with me.”
You sighed softly and sniffled. “Me too. I need you.”
The two of you sat in silence for God knows how long before Michael spoke again. “I... I saw you.” You furrowed your eyebrows, silently urging him to continue. “I was in the woods waiting for my father to talk to me and I-I started to... Hallucinate, I think. There were these kids, and then Ms. Meade and-and...” He stopped for a moment, trying to hold a few details back before continuing. “Then you appeared.”
He sat on the cold ground and stared up at the figure, completely enticed by what he saw. It was you, in a flowing white gown with a flower crown atop your head. His heart began to race at the sight, and you knelt down in front of him. “Hello Michael,” you whispered.
“You-You’re not real. This isn’t real.”
“But you wish it was real, don’t you?”
He nodded and stared straight into your eyes. “Yes, so badly.”
“Then why are you trying to find your father who doesn’t seem to care about you at all? Why are you waiting for him when you could be with me?”
“Because it’s what I was born to do-”
“You were not born to do anything but live your life how you choose, regardless of what other people think. I can see the good in you, Michael. Don’t let the darkness take you over.”
“B-but how?”
“You know how, you just have to realize it.”
Michael didn’t tell you a word of what his hallucination of you said to him, and you could tell he was holding a lot back. “At least you’re safe now,” you whispered, tangling your legs with his. He just nodded and you pressed your lips to his forehead. “I have to go now, Michael. Tell me where you are and I’ll come tomorrow.”
“Please don’t go, not yet,” he begged, burying his face in the crook of your neck. 
“I have to, Michael. But I’ll see you tomorrow, and I’ll be there in the flesh.”
He sighed and pressed a soft kiss to your throat before reluctantly pulling away. 
Mere moments later, you shot up off of the floor, back in your room. “Did you talk to him?” Jack asked, immediately hurrying to calm you down.
You nodded and scrubbed your hands over your face before getting up and writing down the address you faintly heard before you woke. “California, of course,” you chuckled, shaking your head for a moment. 
“When are you leaving?”
You spun around and faced Jack, offering him a soft smile. “I’ll leave in the afternoon tomorrow. But I’ll be back within a few days. I need to spend some time with him after everything that happened.”
Jack nodded and grabbed the glass of water off your desk, handing it to you. “Be safe.”
You smiled gratefully and downed the glass in a few gulps. “I always am.”
You hurried down the alleyway, tugging your jacket tighter around you. “The one goddamn day it rains in California,” you grumbled, spotting a door straight ahead. You hurried over and watched as a hunched over figure looked up at you with utter disinterest. “You lost?” he asked.
“I don’t think so...?” you told him, stepping back as he stood up and opened the door for you. You offered him a thankful smile before hurrying down the flight of stairs and down a hallway. A disembodied choir’s voices echoed throughout the odd building as you walked towards the glowing red light coming from what you assumed to be the room the choir was in. 
The moment you stepped through the doorway, bile rose in your throat. 
Michael stood in front of an inverted cross and a pentagram, wearing a red cloak. In one hand, he pushed the head of a man against the head of a woman while with the other hand, he held a knife to their throats. “No,” you choked out, bringing a hand to your mouth to muffle the screams as Michael dragged the knife over both of their throats.
The two bodies collapsed to the ground and Michael stood proudly as everyone knelt in front of him. You quickly stumbled back into the shadows and listened to the sound of retreating footsteps. Once the footsteps ceased, you hurried into the room and over to the two people. You hovered your hands over their bodies and you threw your head back as visions rushed through your mind. 
A social worker and a doctor.
Two people who were good. Who wanted to help the world.
Immediately, you tried to heal them. To bring them back. “No, no, no, come on,” you whimpered, tears streaming down your face.
After trying to revive them for a few minutes, you slumped to your knees in defeat. You closed their eyes and grabbed the two capes, which you assumed were theirs, and draped them over their nearly naked bodies. “I’m so sorry.”
With that, you hastily wiped the tears off your face and stomped into the next room. Everyone was just eating like what just happened wasn’t a completely disgusting occurrence. You looked up and immediately locked eyes with Michael, your heart pounding in your ears. “Michael?” you choked out, your eyes watering.
“Y/N,” he sighed, hurrying over to you. His eyebrows furrowed, however, when you stepped away from him. “You… You came.”
“I did.” You pursed your lips and silently begged the tears to subside, not wanting to break in front of him and all of his followers. “And now I wish I never did.”
“Wh-what do you mean?” He took another step towards you and you took another step back, clenching your jaw. “What’s wrong?”
“I always come when you call, but I can’t anymore. I won’t.”
“Y/N, please talk to me. Stop being so cryptic.”
You furrowed your brows and squeezed your eyes closed, feeling anger and sadness well up, your fingers beginning to twitch. “You killed those people. You… You killed innocent people who have done nothing to you.”
“For these people. For people whose only purpose is to fucking worship you. That’s all you wanted, huh? That’s all you want. You want to be seen, be the leader. Be… worshipped.” You shook your head and sniffled, opening your eyes to stare into his. “That’s all you wanted of me, too.”
“Y/N, you’re insane.”
That was it. Your powers flooded over, along with your tears, and you flung him into the wall with a flick of your wrist. “You would’ve killed me if I was up there, huh? Maybe even if I wasn’t up there. Maybe just for fun. Those two people were just like me, like my family. They were innocent people who wanted to help. Look what the fuck you did!”
You collapsed to your knees and sobbed, your eyes turned towards the ceiling. A pentagram was painted in black paint right above your head. Your skin began to burn and fire erupted from your fingertips, unable to control anything at the moment. “Y/N, please.”
“I begged you. I begged you to be good. I tried so hard to avoid this, but I guess evil always finds its home, doesn’t it?” You rose to your feet and watched as all the candles around you flared up. “I… I love you. I love you more than you could ever imagine, but you don’t care. You’re too fucking selfish and narcissistic and… you don’t love me.”
“But I’m gonna keep coming back whenever you need me, because that’s what I do. That’s all I do. I’m just your fucking lapdog. Your doormat. The scum beneath your shoes, the-the dirt under your fingernails, the small inconvenience you want to get rid of but I always linger because that’s what I always do.” You shook your head and rose to your feet. “But not this time. I’m not coming back. I give up.”
With that, you felt as if your entire body was heated wax, ready to melt and collapse at any moment. “You’re all I’ve ever needed, Y/N. Please.”
“Bullshit.” You trudged right past him without even looking at him, his damp eyes, his hands tangled in his hair, his body laying weakly on the floor, his back slightly propped up against the wall. You stopped and spun on your heel to face the crowd of horrified and angered satanists. “This is your God, do whatever the fuck you want with him. You’ll have more than I ever could.”
“Y/N, please don’t go.”
“What are you gonna do, kill me?”
You sniffled and ran out of the building, completely broken and lost. You wandered through the streets until you came across a motel with the vacancy sign lit. “You look like hell,” the clerk told you and you nodded.
“I feel like hell.” You handed them a wad of cash and they handed you a room key in return.
You trudged out of the lobby and over to your room, fishing your phone out of your pocket as you wandered.
10 texts from Jack, 2 missed calls from Sam, 4 missed calls from Dean.
You quickly texted the boys, telling them that everything was fine. Afterwards, you called Jack.
“Hey, Y/N! How’d it go?” Jack’s voice sounded after the phone rang only once.
“I’m gonna go back to the bunker and I need you to help me again,” you stated, your voice shaking. 
“O-of course. What do you need help with?”
“I need to astral project again.”
“I thought you went to California to fix everything?”
“I did. It didn’t work out.” You sighed softly and sniffled. “See you in a minute?”
“Yeah, see you soon.”
You found your room and set your phone down on the nightstand, hands fiddling nervously with your jacket for a moment before you transmutated yourself to the bunker, right into Jack’s room. Jack nervously smiled at you and you pulled him into a tight hug, burying your face into his shoulder. “Do you want to talk about it?” Jack asked, prompting a small head shake from you. “Okay.” You both stood in the silence for a moment, clinging onto each other, before he spoke again. “I need to tell you something.”
You nodded and pulled away from the hug, staring into his eyes. “What is it?”
“I-I just need to tell you that... I love you. I love you so much.” He smiled shyly and you cupped both sides of his face. “I had to tell you that before you went back to him. I couldn’t hold it in any longer.”
You smiled softly and pressed your lips to his, melting into him. “I know, Jack. And once all this shit is figured out-”
“You don’t need to decide. Not for a while, okay?”
“Okay.” You moved your hands to grab his, squeezing them for a moment before leading him through the bunker and out the door. 
Rain fell heavily, just as heavily as it did in California, and you led Jack into the line of trees just outside the bunker. His hands never left yours and he curiously followed you. “Why do we need to go outside?”
“I can stay in dreams longer if I’m laying in the earth.”
Jack nodded and stopped next to you as you finally found a place to lay. You heaved in a deep breath and watched the rain fall around you. “Are you sure about this?” Jack asked, taking your hand in his. 
You nodded and pressed a kiss to his cheek, running your other hand through his hair. “I have to, Jack,” you choked out, your voice nearly drowned out over the sound of the rain. “If I don’t wake up in half an hour, get Cas, okay?”
Jack nodded. “Okay.” With that, you laid down on the damp earth, letting out a nervous sigh. “Y/N?”
You looked over at him and he leaned over you, his eyes locking with yours. “Yes?”
Before you could even process what he was doing, he pressed the lightest kiss to your lips, his damp hair brushing against your cheek. “No matter what happens, know that I love you.” Tears welled in your eyes and you nodded, leaning up to peck his lips before smiling and letting your eyes flutter closed. “I will, promise.”
Though you couldn’t see him, you could sense the wide smile on his face. “Okay, are you ready?”
You nodded, and immediately, your body began to sink lower and lower into sleep. Then, all of a sudden, it felt like a rope tied around your waist and yanked you down, your body landing on what felt like soft carpet a moment later. “Son of a bitch,” you grumbled, immediately scrambling to your feet and looking around. 
You remember this place.
With a sigh of relief, you got up and wandered over to what you remembered as the kitchen, smiling softly when you saw the familiar blonde mop of hair sitting at the table. None other than Ms. Mead sat across from him, watching him intently.
However, in a blink of an eye, Ms. Mead burst into flames right in front of you, making both you and Michael gasp and stumble backwards. Michael leaped out of his chair to try and help, but to no avail. All that was left was her burnt remains, and he let out a harsh sob. “No, no, no,” he choked out, falling to his knees.
Slowly, you began to walk over to him. “Michael,” you whispered, reaching over to touch his shoulder. The moment he felt your touch and heard your voice, he spun around and looked up at you. You offered him a small smile and kneeled down in front of him.
“You’re not real. You-you can’t be real,” he whispered, hesitantly reaching to touch your face.
“I’m as real as you think I am.” You leaned into his touch and sniffled slightly, trying to keep your tears at bay.
“Why do you think?”
A tear slipped down his face and you gently wiped it away. “Because I wanted you to be here, and I’m only dreaming.”
“You may be dreaming, but I am here.” 
“No you’re not. You told me you would never come back. You… you gave up on me. Just like everybody else.”
You sighed and let the tears begin to fall. “I could never give up on you. That’s just not in me.” You let out a watery laugh and continued. “But, I will if you tell me to. I can just leave you alone, and you won’t have to worry about me.”
“W-why would I do that?”
“Because of what I said.”
Michael shook his head and moved to grab your arms. “But you were right. You-you…” He sniffled. “You’re worth more than any of them. Than my father.”
“Why do you think that?”
“Because you’ve always been with me. You’ve never let me go. And I’ll never let you go.”
“Michael, I-I wish you could do that, but you can’t.”
He furrowed his eyebrows. “Why not?”
“Because you don’t truly believe that. You aren’t able to just leave everything behind for me. I don’t mean that much to you.”
His eyes bore into yours and he shook his head, scooting closer to you and cupping your face in his hands. “You mean so much more to me than you could ever imagine.”
“If I did, you wouldn’t do any of this.”
“I’ll be good for you, Y/N. I can change. I can… I-”
“Michael, you’ve gone too far. I know you want to be good, but your… your need to be evil overshadowed it.”
“No, no, Y/N, please listen to me.”
“I’ll be back. I have to go.”
“When will you be back? I-I need you!”
You shook your head and let out a soft sob. “Don’t say that.” You wiped away your tears and brushed away a strand of his hair that fell in his face. “I’ll be back tomorrow. I promise.”
You rose to your feet and Michael followed suit, standing in place as you headed towards the door. “Wait.”
You stopped and stared at him, wishing you could just leave. But you couldn’t. You needed him, despite wishing you never did. 
He hurried over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, his eyes searching yours before pressing his lips to yours. “Please, Y/N,” he whispered against your lips, your tears beginning to mingle with his. He repeatedly pecked your lips and, after a moment, you returned his kisses. “I love you too. I love you. You’re all I have, and you’re all I’ll ever need. All I’ll ever want.” His kisses finally ceased, and you closed your eyes. “Please look at me.”
A sob ripped through you and you hesitantly opened your eyes. His fingers danced across your jawline, a sad smile playing on his lips. “Michael…”
“Can you come with me somewhere tomorrow? I-I’ll text you the address to this place. I really want you to come with me.”
You nodded and took his hand. “Okay. And after we go, you’re gonna tell me everything that happened. Deal?”
You smiled and stood on your tiptoes, brushing your lips against his before kissing him fully. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
Before you could say another word, you shot up from the cold wet ground, soaked head to toe in mud and rain. “What happened?” Jack asked, immediately wrapping his arms around you to keep you warm.
“I-I need to go back to California.”
You played with the ends of your hair as you sat in the lobby, waiting for the extremely snarky receptionist to acknowledge your existence. “You know there is a dress code, yes?” she hummed finally, her eyes never leaving her computer screen. 
You looked down at your black high-waisted skirt and dark red crop top before looking back up at her. “What is it, purple?” you hissed in response, taking in her nauseatingly violet attire. 
She just rolled her eyes and pursed her lips in response. “A fat mouth will get you nowhere in this world.”
What a shame,” you deadpanned, rising to your feet. “Are they ready for me yet?” 
As if on cue, her buzzer on her desk rang, and a nasally male’s voice echoed throughout the office. “Uh, big guy says there’s someone waiting for him?” the voice claimed, prompting a victorious smirk from you.
She just glared at you in return and pressed a button. “She is on her way back now.” With that, she rose from her desk and pounded her cane against the tile floor. “Follow me.”
“Gladly.” You trailed behind her as she made her way through the winding corridor, finally stopping in front of an open doorway that revealed two men sitting in the sleek room with haircuts you could only describe as the worst bowlcuts imaginable. 
In front of them was the beautiful boy you missed so much.
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You Have To At Least Try
Characters: Empty!Castiel (kind of), Jack Kline x Twin Sister!Full Angel!Reader
Word Count: 939
Warnings: angst? fluff?
Summary: There is a place where angels and demons go when they di, and you’ve somehow ended up there. Can you escape? Will he let you?
Squared Filled: Empty!Cas // Dark!Cas
Author’s Note: This is for @spndarkbingo and @castielspnbingo respectively and this is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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Where were you? Why is everything so dark? Where was your twin? What happened last? Was he okay? Everything around you was so confusing because you couldn’t see anything but darkness. You could have sworn you heard your brother call for you, but you couldn’t seem to locate him. Your powers weren't working, and you couldn’t feel his. No one was around to tell you what was going on. Sitting up, you took a look around before you heard your twin call out for you.
“Jack!” you yelled as you got up. “Jack, where are you?” As soon as you heard his voice, it faded into the distance, and you walked around the emptiness before seeing someone familiar.
“Castiel?” you called out as you walked to him. He seemed irritated by the mere presence of you which was confusing since he vowed to protect you and your brother once your mom died. “Castiel, what’s happening?”
“God, your voice is annoying,” he sneered, not sounding like the Uncle you knew and loved. “After I got rid of Castiel, I was finally able to rest, and then you show up and now I can’t seem to go back to sleep. Why are you up?”
“Y/N!” Jack called for you once more.
“Where is my brother!”
“So, he’s the one who woke you up. Figures. God, I can’t seem to get peace anymore,” he sighed in frustration.
“What happened to me and who are you?”
“I’m the Empty. I only look like Castiel because he was the first angel in existence to have ever woken up. I figured he would make a good role model to keep you all in check.”
“Where am I?”
“You’re in the Empty. It’s a place where angels and demons go when they die. To forever lie in an eternal sleep. If you sleep, I sleep. If you’re awake, then I’m awake. So, go back to sleep because I need sleep,” he stressed the last three words strongly.
“I want to go home. Let me out of here! If you want to sleep so bad, then let me go!” you exclaimed.
“I can’t simply do that. You’re dead.”
“What?” you whispered, realizing exactly what happened the moments before you woke up.
“Run. Please just go,” Jack whispered to you. Your grandfather was on his way over to kill you because you were so much more powerful that Jack was. Your mother was human and your father was an archangel. While Jack was only half-angel, you were a full one and a much more powerful threat to society.
“No, I can take him. It’s you who I’m worried for,” you said as you wouldn’t back down from this fight.
“That’s cute,” your grandfather said as he approached the two of you. Immediately putting your brother behind your back, your eyes turned a deep gold.
“Don’t come any closer,” you threatened.
“What are you going to do to me?” he laughed. Yelling out in frustration, you send wave after wave of your powers at God, and he was forced back by the impact. Jack watched with wide eyes as you fought for your place in the world. It sucked that everyone only saw you two as threats when really it was the opposite. You were the sweetest person he’s ever known, and he’s heard from Sam and Dean just how much they love you. God grew angry as he tried to fight off the attack. He sent one of his own attacks at you which threw you back into a tree.
“Y/N!” Jack yelled as he ran to you.
“Say goodbye to your sister, Jack,” God threatened before snapping his fingers. Tipping your head back, you screamed as God killed you from the inside. White light poured from your eyes and mouth, and your soul was ripped from your body. Your empty vessel fell to the ground with your eyes burned out as your wings were singed to the ground.
“Y/N!” Jack yelled as he grew angry. However, when he looked back, his grandfather was gone.
“My own grandfather killed me,” you whispered out in horror.
“Yeah, and so would many other people if given the chance,” The Empty said with a smirk.
“No, that’s where you’re wrong. Sam and Dean loved me. Castiel loved me. My own twin brother would lay down his life if it meant to protect me. You have no idea what you’re talking about,” you growled.
“Do you really think they want you back? They hate you, which is why you’re dead. Jack did nothing to save you. Sam and Dean weren't there for you. Even your own grandfather hated you enough to kill you which is what Sam and Dean should have done the moment you arrived on Earth.”
“I’m not listening to you,” you whispered.
“Think about it. You’re useless down there so there is no reason to go back. Just go back to sleep, and this can all be over.”
“No!” you yelled, your voice booming off invisible walls. “I will not stop trying to get back to them! I will keep fighting! I will fight you for eternity if that’s what I have to do because I know Castiel and Jack will be there when I finally get out. I am not going back to sleep because that is what you want! Eat shit and die!”
“You’re going to regret that decision,” The Empty said with a dark smirk. It was hard to speak to him like this because he looks exactly like Castiel, but you had to at least try. It’s what Jack would want you to do.
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A Winchester’s Daughter 2/?
Maya is a 17 year old cop who is on the hunt for the dad, only, when she finds him, she also finds out the world in which he comes from.
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The moment Maya landed back home, all she wanted to do was sleep. But, of course, the universe hated her.
She must have only been down an hour or so when, from the living room, she heard a crashing noise before the sound of apologies.
Even without the voice, Maya knew this wasn't Daisy coming in late at night after spending her free time at the bar with the rest of her colleuges - it being Saturday night and all. Usually when Daisy came in, the sound of stumbling came first from the door, the keys being thrown on the counter top before she made her way through the kitchen and down the hall towards her bedroom.
But this stranger did the opposite.
The noises began from the kitchen before they made their way around the counter, bumping into the coffee table in the living room and scrambling around for...something.
So, with a groan, Maya pulled her gun from her safe and made her way from her bedroom and into the living room/kitchen area. This was where she found the stranger stood by her window trying to force it open...from the inside?
The stranger's hands flew up into the air as they dropped the sash window shut. "Wait! Wait! Please - Please don't shoot. They-They wouldn't work anyway. But, please. Don't shoot."
"Guilty." Jack smiled sheepishly.
Maya, to be honest, was more confused than usual. "What are you-?" But then she got to the window and found Dean and Sam crouched on the fire escape. "Oh, that's why."
Sighing, Maya clicked her safety on and lifted up the window from which she had to watch the two brothers struggle to climb inside since they were basically 4 times the length of the window.
"I could have shot you." Maya commented with annoyance and tiredness clear in her voice.
"Not if they're not angel-"
"Killing bullets, yeah, I know." Maya sighed. "Must have left them in my other pants. What are you doing here?"
And then there was a knock at her front door.
"That'll be Cas." Dean told her.
Maya looked between the three of them, rolling her eyes before moving to the door and opening it up.
"I told them we should have called first."
Maya nodded sleepily. "Thanks, Cas. And, he's right. You should have."
"We did." Dean told her. "You didn't pick up."
Maya stared at him with blank annoyance, thinking why she wouldn't have picked up. And then it hit her. "Gina."
Maya shook her head. "Doesn't matter." It was the only thing Maya could think to tell them rather than explain the whole business behind the halloween heists that happen every year.
"Well, why didn't you use the stairs, like Cas?"
"We rang the bell, like, a billion times."
"It was 10."
Dean rolled his eyes. "Same thing."
"Well...if you guys are tired, Daisy's gone for the weekend so someone can use the spare bed in her office and there's a pull-out in the sofa. I'll see you in the morning."
Maya took her gun with her and placed it back in her safe before belly flopping onto her bed and practically falling fast asleep but she did manage to catch the last few words of Sam and Cas.
"Not only does she look like him, she sleeps like him, too." Sam said as Maya left the room.
"Like a bear?" Cas asked, confirming that they were thinking the same thing.
"Like a bear." Sam nodded.
By the time Maya woke up, it was 9 in the morning and she could smell cooking coming from the kitchen. Low and behold, as she entered the kitchenette, she found Dean cooking pancakes at the stove, Sam sat reading something and Jack and Cas sat in the living room. And Daisy sat with them.
"Morning sunshine, pancakes?" Dean asked, spotting her over his shoulder.
Maya was slightly in shock but nodded with a small smile. "Thanks."
"Coffee's done!" Daisy shouted over to her.
"Thank god." Maya exclaimed, pouring herself a mug. Meanwhile, Sam and Dean held a smile on their faces as they watched their daughter/neice drink coffee as they had both done before and after (and during) every hunt that kept them up at night.
"Okay, water now."
Maya gave a small whimper as Daisy took the mug from her hands and handed her a bottle of water. "Don't give me that face. You know after a full cup you're awake for three days. Amy actually thought you'd taken an adreneline shot. So, drink up."
"When you go away, it's the only time I can drink it."
"And now I'm back."
"Why are you back?" Maya asked.
"Well, don't sound too dissapointed. I might start to think you don't like me."
Maya just rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean."
Daisy sighed, the pair taking a plate each from Dean who had stacked a couple of pancakes on each. "Ryan cut the weekend short."
"Ryan?" Maya asked.
"My new boss."
"He was there?" Maya asked shocked.
"And he couldn't have been more of a jackass if he tried." Daisy sighed.
"Why? What did he do?" Sam asked out of curiosity.
Now every was in the conversation, talking about how much Ryan was a jackass and how much work was a pain in the ass. And then it moved onto other topics of conversation such as Daisy embarrassing Maya by revealing all the things Maya had tried to forget about when she was young.
But Dean couldn't have been happier. He hadn't laughed like this in a long time. And hadn't been this...proud of someone before. His kid was a freaking genius!
"Oh, crap. That reminds me." Daisy said, looking to her watch. "I need to run to the lab for an hour or two. I left some samples to see how quickly the moulding process take hold. Anyone want to come and looking at fungi for the next hour or two."
"Hard pass." Maya and Dean spoke. But Sam and Jack agreed to go. Cas had some small errends to run, so that left the father-daughter duo alone.
"As long as no case pops up in the next ten minutes, let me get dressed and I can show you around the city? Daisy will keep them busy for the next three hours. Last time I went, I got there at 9am and didn't leave until 5 in the evening."
"Sure, Kid."
A few hours later, they pair had made their way to the standard sights in the city before finding themselves inside Argo's Bakery and Diner, sat eating a slice of his apple pie, each.
"You weren't kidding."
Maya smiled, shaking her head as she dug her fork into the pie. "No, I wasn't."
The pair sat and talked for a while, about life, about family, about hunting. And then they got deep. About family deaths. About Dean's time as a demon. About being in Hell. About the world ending nearly every year. About her mom's death. About...anything really.
"What about Mary?" Maya asked. "Is she still questioning if I'm real?"
"She loves you." Dean told her, truthfully. "I know that much. We might have only known you've existed these last 8 months, but, we love you."
Maya smiled. "You don't say that much, do you?"
"Not unless one of us is about to die, no." Dean eventually said after he thought about it.
Soon enough, the pair paid for their meals - Maya taking not taking no for an answer when Dean said he'd pay for the both of them. And, they even brought back some for the others.
"Hey, you're back." Maya smiled as they entered finding Sam, Jack, Cas and Daisy sat around the coffee table playing monopoly.
"We brought pie."
"Great!" Daisy smiled. "Agro's?"
"You know it."
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Omen 15
Summary: Takes place in 13x22. You refused to let your brothers, Cas, and Gabriel go into the alternate universe without you. Little did you know what hell was about to hit….
Words: 1,465
Pairings: Gabriel x Reader
(A/n: Chapter 14 is listed at Chapter 15. This was made in error when the chapter was published) 
Chapter 14
“Why do you want to help us? I mean, you did give my boyfriend to Evil Colonel Sanders. Why are you so desperate to get involved in the fight?”
Loki shrugged, giving you an innocent smile.
“Maybe the fact that I like to live? Even I know that if that other Michael isn’t stopped shit is going to get worse for all of us. Yes, that means you too, princess.”
You scowled at Loki. As much as you wanted to deck the creep in the face, you decided not to.
“Do me a solid, Loki. Never call me any pet names if you want to live. I can bet you money that Gabriel will not be the least bit happy to see you. If you could not antagonize him, that would be most appreciated.”
Loki scoffed.
“Why am I worried about one archangel?”
You held up the hand that held your engagement ring. Loki’s eyes widened seeing the canary diamond ring.
“Maybe the fact that Gabriel is extremely protective of me…and I think you know what I mean. He also has all of his strength back so he can smite you with a grin on his face. There is also the fact that I have our universe Michael on my side too. He has some strange appreciation of me now. Two archangels against one demigod don’t seem like a fair fight. You can take your pick.”
Loki blinked a few times.
“So, did you say that your name is Y/n?”
You nodded, it was your turn to smirk. The snarky little smile was wiped right off of Loki’s face and you loved it.
“Yes, that is my name. If I wanted to be a total ass, I could make you call me ma’am but I’m not that cruel.”
Loki looked as if he was suddenly regretting his life choices. If he split, you wouldn’t have been entirely shocked. He was quiet a moment before sighing.
“Y/n it is.”
You nodded before motioning back toward the hotel where Michael was waiting.
“Alright. Now that we both understand each other.”
You turned and started in the direction of your hotel. Loki waited a moment before chasing after you. You knew that he was behind you whining about not wanting to deal with archangels. Something told you that both Gabriel and Michael really wouldn’t want to deal with him either…so the feeling was mutual.
Time will have to tell on that one.
You thought as the two of you stepped into the room. Michael still sat on the bed fact-checking his bible documentary. He didn’t look up when you stepped in. You shook your head before turning to Loki who was giving Michael a frown. It was obvious that the demigod was questioning if this was really one of heaven’s most terrifying weapons.
“This is Michael…every house should have one.”
You murmured before going to the TV and turning it off. Michael jumped up, looking totally offended. He still had no idea that you had even been out of the room.
“I was watching that, human!”
You rolled your eyes.
“My name is Y/n, While you have been a fact checker, I found us another helper. Michael this is Loki.”
Michael turned around and looked at Loki as if he were surveying a bug. He knew exactly who this being was and Michael wanted to rip Loki limb from limb.
“So this is the…thing that sold my brother to a prince of hell?”
“Yeah, that would be him.”
You replied, reluctantly. Michael narrowed his eyes and for a moment, you wondered if Loki was going to explode. Nervously, you put a hand on Michael’s arm.
“Michael, can I talk to you over here?”
Michael didn’t take his sneering face off Loki as he followed you to the other side of the room. You reached out and turned Michael to look at you.
“Look, Michael, I don’t like this any more than you do but if we are going to go up against alternate you…we need all of the help that we can get. I don’t like Loki in the slightest. Honestly, I want to stab the man but he’s another body in our fight.”
Loki, meanwhile, raised an eyebrow.
“I feel so welcome.”
You chose to ignore his snide comment and kept your gaze locked on the archangel in front of you. Michael finally relented.
“Very well. I trust your judgment…even though you are wearing black boots.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“What is wrong with my boots?”
Michael pointed to your feet.
“You aren’t supposed to wear black before the American Labor Day holiday.”
Michael smirked when you rolled your eyes at him.
“Michael, no one listens to that, and forget my boots. I’m going to call Sam to let him know where we are. I’m going to need to butter Gabriel up really well. He is going to freak out when he sees this joker.”
Michael made a “hmm” sound before going to sit down on the bed as you took out your phone and texted Sam your address.
Sam was pacing around the living room. He was a nervous wreck! The day had been going from bad to worse. Not only was he mentally dealing with Dean saying yes to Michael but now he was worried about you. From your safety to Gabriel potentially ending the relationship and Sam being the one that would have to deal with the fallout…he was mentally done.
“I’m not going to break up with her.”
Gabriel grumbled from his place on the couch. Sam stopped walking.
“I sure as hell hope not. Y/n doesn’t need your crap, Gabriel. You asked her to marry you and you can’t run now.”
Gabriel crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the ground in front of him. He wasn’t going to run. Gabriel couldn’t even justify why he even opened his mouth about potentially leaving you. It never would have happened. If he had, Gabriel would be back begging you for forgiveness within days. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to stay away.
You really were like “Angel Kryptonite.” Gabriel would never be able to tell you no or stay away even if he wanted to. You were the one weakness that he had. All it took was one little look from you and Gabriel was a mess.
Sam freezing and pulling his phone out made Gabriel look up.
“I found her!”
Gabriel and Cas both jumped up as well.
Gabriel asked. Sam held out his phone. He didn’t have the will to consider fighting Gabriel on getting to you. Sam knew that Gabriel would just punch him aside in order to get to you.
“Good enough. Hang on.”
You stood looking between Michael and Loki. Neither had said a word since coming to a joint agreement to “put up” with each other in order to achieve the greater good. Shaking your head, you silently wished that you were able to get your bottle of booze. It was going to take a lot of alcohol to deal with these two.
You said with a smile. At the moment, you didn’t care to pay a few dollars for a can of soda. Glancing over your shoulder, you met Michael’s gaze.
“I’m going to get some ice.”
Michael nodded curtly.
“I’ll keep an eye on him.”
You shook your head for the millionth time that night and stepped out of the room. As soon as the door was closed a pair of arms went around your waist and you were slammed into a hard body. Coughing, you looked up to see Gabriel wrapped around you.
You barely squeaked his name out before he started kissing you. He was clearly as thrilled to see you as you were him. After not leaving each other on good terms, knowing the other was alive and well meant everything. Neither of you cared that Cas and Sam were watching awkwardly.
Neither Gabriel nor yourself was in the mood to let the other go. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders while Gabriel wrapped one arm around your waist to keep your body against his. Twirling your fingers in Gabriel’s curls, you sighed against his mouth.
Gabriel was the first to break the kiss. He looked down at you with a clearly happy smile.
“Sugar, what were you thinking? I have been so worried.”
You quickly kissed him again, hoping to avoid any arguments that Gabriel could make.
“I’m sorry. I just can’t risk losing Dean to Michael. None of this was to hurt you.”
You suddenly remembered that Loki was sitting on the opposite side of the wall. Wincing, you couldn’t help but wonder if this hotel had decent insurance. Something told you that they were going to need it.
“Gabriel, before we go in there, I want to warn you that we have someone on our side that you aren’t going to like. I need you to trust me, okay.”
Gabriel raised an eyebrow as you opened the door.
“Sugar, nothing could bother me now that I am with you…oh my dad is that Loki?”
You sighed and quickly followed Gabriel in. Loki stood up with a smirk on his face.
“Gabriel, I’ve met your little princess. She’s cute.”
You gave Loki a “go to hell” look as Gabriel’s eyes started to glow bright gold. Shoving yourself between the two, you threw your arms around Gabriel’s shoulders hoping to break his concentration.
“Gabriel, stop. Please. There are a lot of innocent people in this hotel that doesn’t deserve to die. Please, I’m with you. I love you.”
Gabriel’s eyes calmed as he wrapped an arm around you possessively. He gave Loki a look that clearly said, “Try me, bitch.”
“What nothing to say?”
Loki questioned. Gabriel turned suddenly and threw Loki into the wall with a flick of his wrist. Michael was on his feet and ready to attack without even being asked. You stood blinking a few times as Sam and Cas moved out of the way. Neither clearly wanted to tangle with either angel.
You reached out for Gabriel again but he wiggled away and was going after Loki.
You snapped. Michael, Loki, and Gabriel all froze and turned to look at you.
“Stop fighting. If we are going to be fighting then we will never be able to take down Michael.”
“You all should listen to Gabriel’s little Ms. Pretty.”
Everyone turned around to see Lucifer sitting at the table with a shit-eating grin on his face. Your mouth dropped as Sam scowled. This was the last thing that you expected.
Michael said calmly. Lucifer grinned.
“It's so good to see you all. I’m glad I got your message, Mikey. It warms my heart to see everyone that I hate in the same room.”
Gabriel moved back to his place beside you. He protectively wrapped his arms around your waist holding you again close to him. Lucifer stood up.
“You two are breaking my heart. Is that a diamond on a certain little finger, Y/n? What have you done to my brother?”
You scowled at Lucifer. Deep down you wouldn’t be too upset if he exploded. Your hatred of Loki and Lucifer rivaled each other. One moment you hated one and the next you hated the other.
“Don’t talk to her.”
Gabriel snapped. Lucifer raised an eyebrow. He considered making a “must be some good pussy” comment but decided not to. Something on his younger brother’s face told him that Gabriel wasn’t up to play.
You, meanwhile, looked around the beyond tense atmosphere of the room. You stepped away from Gabriel and looked at all of the faces in the room. Michael was still scowling at Loki. Gabriel was glaring at Loki then turning to glare at Lucifer. Lucifer, meanwhile, was grinning like a damned fool.
“It's safe to say that no one likes being in this room but it's for good reason. If we don’t do something about the other Michael…we may not be here much longer. He also has my brother and I can not accept that. If the lot of you can’t get along for Dean’s sake then do it to save your own skin. In the mean time, we have to find some way to get along. Let's get through this next little bit then we can all get back to killing each other.”
You watched with a satisfied sigh as everyone appeared to nod reluctantly. Michael put Loki down while Lucifer moved to sit down in front of the TV. Gabriel came back to you, looking apologetic.
“Sorry, sugar plum.”
You reached out to cup his cheek.
“Want to come outside with me?”
You asked. Gabriel was totally relived to have any excuse to get out of the room and have some alone time with you.
“Gladly, those pretty lips need some attention…”
@amelie-black @justfinishthis @knreidy1 @jessyballet @georgeweasleydumbhoe @acciosiriusblack @siriuslyceleste @coffeeaddictednymph @millies0bsimp @fific7 @rogue-nyx88 @readtomeregulus @starsval @daddyslittlevillain @panpride @saramaple @f4iryluvy @s-we-e-t-t-ea @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @missgorldafirst @buttercup-beeee @padf00ts-l0ver @goldensunshineshit @haroldpotterson @aurorasnape12 @stelleduarte @mentally-unstable-hoe @quinis @lostarc @un-lovesherself @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @yousmellllikecaca @play-morezeppelin @ravenhood2792 @bennyberry @rubyroscoe1 @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @criminalyetminimal @ad-astra-again @lucasfilms77 @spideyxalmighty @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @hankypranky @summer-novak @shaylybaby2032 @emiwrites3reads @knight-of-gleefulness @shitfaceddaniel-blog @sprnaturallover @wontlookaway @li0nh34rt @tas898 @mycuddlycorner @melaninnbarbie @marichromatic
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kaz2y5-imagines · 3 years
Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!!!!! I’m such a huge fan!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍 🙈🙈🙈🙈
Can I request 18 for a fun little friendship fic with Jack? 💖💖💖💖💖 I’m so happy you’re back!!!
Get out of here, you!! 😆💖 I made a little gif imagine for you!
“I swear it was an accident.”
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If it weren’t for your late night trip to the bunker’s kitchen for some water, you’d likely never have heard the sounds of ripping paper coming from behind Jack’s bedroom door. You could see the light on underneath the closed door and stood for a moment, curious.
“Jack?” you called after a few more seconds. A moment of sudden silence and then,
“No! I mean—don’t come in!”
“What’s happening in there?”
The door opened just a bit revealing Jack, head hanging slightly and avoiding your eyes. You looked past him into his room and gasped, seeing that the floor was littered with the birthday wrapping paper you’d carefully bundled his birthday gifts up in. The gifts themselves were on his bed - the ones from you, the ones from Dean and Sam, the ones from Cas. All unwrapped.
“Jack!” you admonished.
“I swear it was an accident,” he said, voice small. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“You accidentally found the hiding spot for your birthday gifts and then accidentally unwrapped every single one?”
He finally looked back at you, his eyes so full of remorse you softened immediately.
“I’ve just never had a birthday before and I got excited. I didn’t find them on purpose, but when I saw them, and my name on them, I just…” he trailed off.
“Well, I hope you like them at least,” you said, shaking your head with a small smile. His eyes lit up.
“I love them! All of them! Thank you so much!”
You laughed, giving his shoulder a squeeze.
“Good. Now get some sleep. At least the cake can be a surprise tomorrow. And next year you won’t go opening your presents early,” you teased. If possible, Jack’s eyes grew even brighter.
“Next year,” he said with a smile, remembering all the beautiful normalcy still to look forward to.
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What if hallucifer stayed with Sam throughout the whole show? What if cass didn't really fix the problem, but only took the pain away?
Sam walks out of that hospital knowing he's not alright. Knowing he's never gonna be alright. He gets into shotgun, dean smiling next to him warmly, Lucifer smiling at him from the back seat. Cold dead eyes.
Lucifer is there with him when dean and cass get blasted to who knows where. Crowley tells him he's all on his own, Lucifer laughs next to him.
He meets Amelia, but eventually she leaves him. He doesn't blame her, who would want to be with a guy who talks to air and barely sleeps? He starts drinking a lot after that.
Dean comes back, from purgatory apparently. He doesn't know about lucifer, Sam never told him, didn't want to make himself a bigger burden for his brother. So he lies, tells him he was with Amelia this whole time. Dean gets angry. Sam knew he would, but it's easier this way.
Lucifer is with him when they find the bunker, commenting on the ugly lamps. Sam snickers, dean looks at him weird, but doesn't say anything.
Lucifer is with him when he completes the first trial. He looks down to Sam who is covered in blood. He points to the dead hellhound. "I knew that one." He says. "Her name was Ashley."
Lucifer is with him when he goes to hell to rescue bobbys soul. "I did not miss this place." Lucifer whispers next to him. A shiver goes down Sam's spine.
Lucifer is with him when he's just about to finish the last trial. Lucifer always keeps quiet when Sam is completing trials, something about "purification." Sam doesn't really know, he mostly blocks him out.
He's there when dean comes and stops him. He's yelling at Dean, telling him to go, leave them. But dean cant hear him, he knows he cant hear him. Sam doesnt know why Lucifer even tries.
Lucifer is in the back seat of the impala when Sam wakes up. He doesn't remember getting into the impala. He remembers passing out in the mud in front of the church. His clothes are clean now though. Lucifer is quiet.
Lucifer has stopped talking to him, he just hovers now. It's driving Sam mad. He's not used to the strange silence, but he doesn't suspect anything weird until he starts losing fragments of his day.
He starts noting down time frames that he loses. He started when he was researching in the library at 2:45pm, blacked out, and came to in the kitchen at 3:14pm. Lucifer stays out of his way. Sam sometimes thinks he has a look of pity on his face, but that can't be right, can it?
Sam eventually asks dean about this. His brother just brushes him off. Lucifer continues to hover.
Crowley comes and saves him. Sam kicks the angel out. He opens his eyes to see Lucifer staring at his brother. "I guess sammy has a thing for kicking angles out."
Deans starting to get suspicious. Sam's zoning out more and more. Eyes glazing over as he just listens to Lucifer ramble on about nothing. About everything.
"You good Sammy?" Dean asks him one day while they're eating breakfast. Sam answers too fast. Dean only gets more suspicious.
Dean eventually finds out, Sam knew he would sooner or later. He finds dean with alcohol more often now. A look of guilt is permanently stuck on Sam's face.
"Its not your fault Sammy." Dean always tells him. Sam is finding it harder to believe him.
Sam zones out more often. The only thing that can bring him back is deans touch. Deans heavy hand on his shoulder bringing him back down to earth, grounding him. Deans always looking at him with this sad smile. Sam feels like he's failed him.
Lucifer is with him when he finds out dean got the mark of Cain. "Oh that's a nasty little thing." Lucifer comments next to him. Sam has taken to ignoring him, it eases deans mind.
Dean is getting worse and worse. And so is Sam. Dean is slowly losing care for Sam and he's not there for him anymore. He's not there to ground him, to pull him back.
Sam starts zoning out for longer periods of time. Dean doesn't seem to care, only rolls his eyes. Lucifer watches perched on a chair next to him. "Does big bro not love you anymore?" Sam flinches.
Lucifer is there when dean dies.
Lucifer is there when Sam finds the note. "Aww big brother left you." Lucifer laughs.
Sam is spiralling. Lucifer talks to him more and more as Sam searches for his brother. No-one is there to ground him anymore. No-one is there to help him. One day Sam accidently talks back to Lucifer. Lucifer looks shocked for half a second before that cold smirk comes back to his face.
"Its been years since you talked to me Sammy." Lucifer says one day as Sam is reading a book on demons. "I missed our little talks." Sam slams the book shut. "Shut up." He hisses.
Lucifer is right there as Sam ducks down to avoid the hammer. "I never knew why Alastair liked this one." Cass appears. Thank god. Sam falls back against the wall and helplessly covers his ears. He knows it won't block him out. "Sure he ripped apart a lot of souls in hell, but a hammer?" Sam hits his head against the wall. "Shut up shut up shut up." Lucifer laughs at him. Cass pays him no mind.
Lucifer is there when the darkness is unleashed. "Ooh aunty." He says next to Sam. Sam flinches, dean places a hand on his arm. All three stand there and watch.
"You know, I find it really uncomfortable that your brother has a thing for my aunt." Lucifer says one day. Sam looks him right in the eye. "Shut up, Lucifer." Sam hasn't looked directly at Lucifer for at least 3 years. Lucifer smiles coldly at him as dean walks up to Sam, worry and fear etched into his face. Palms out towards him like he's trying not to scare off a frightened animal. Sam doesn't feel too far off from that.
Lucifer is with Sam when he goes to see real Lucifer. Sam thinks he's going crazy.
"So, you're still seeing me huh?" Real Lucifer asks him. Sam sucks in a breath as Lucifer stands to the side of the cage. "Oh c'mon Sam. I've been inside that head of yours. There's nothing I don't know about you." Real Lucifer smiles down at him. Or is it fake Lucifer? Sam doesn't know anymore.
Lucifer is with him as he gets tourted by the British men of letters. Always sending words of encouragement, towards Toni.
Lucifer is sitting on the steps. "Ah remember our lovely time down under?" He asks, titling his head to get a better view of what the lady was doing. "Ooh blowtorch. You never did like fire huh?" Sam screams. He can bearly hear Lucifers laughter over his own screams of pain.
Dean comes and saves him. Hands all over him as soon as they're out. Lucifer rolls his eyes at them. "Mother hen." Sam tenses up.
Lucifer is there when their mother leaves them. "I guess everyone hates ya huh Sammy?" Lucifer smiles at him. Dean doesn't react, doesn't even look at him.
"Never did like the brits." Lucifer says one day. Sam smiles. Deans hands are on him straight away.
Lucifer is there when Jack is born. Lucifer is there when cass is killed. Sam thinks he's seeing double, two Lucifers talking to him at the same time.
One Lucifer stays with him, one goes with his mother. He's not sure which is which. So he asks. Lucifer laughs at him. Dean doesn't put a hand on him.
Dean always stands closer to him after that, he's always making sure that they're touching, that they're shoulders are brushing. Lucifer gets annoyed at dean. Tries to hurt him. Sam sleeps less and less, just in case, just in case one day Lucifer succeeds.
Lucifer sits right next to Sam one day, getting all up in his personal space. Dean isn't in the room. Sam silently sobs.
Lucifer is always hovering around Jack, making terrible remarks about the kid. Sam snaps one day. "Leave him alone!" Lucifer smiles at him, Jack looks up at him like a confused puppy, and dean is dragging him out of the room, his fingers digging into his shoulder blade.
Jack has started to avoid him after that. Dean tells him not to worry about it, but it breaks Sam's heart. Lucifer laughing at him for it all the time is not helping.
Lucifer is there when the vampires get him. Cheering to the side of the cave. And Lucifer is there when he wakes up. He didn't know that it was the real Lucifer.
Lucifer is with him when he makes it back to Dean, both of them. Sam only knows which one is real beacuse everyone is looking at that one. Sam feels like he's failed Dean, again.
Dean hugs Sam, but it doesn't feel real, it doesn't feel right. Lucifer pokes his blood caked neck, Sam jerks away from dean. Dean looks at him with heart broken eyes.
Deans hand is on him all the time now. Holding his arm, brushing their shoulders together. It makes Sam feel jumpy.
Sam makes sure Lucifer stays in this world. He doesn't know which one he trapped, but he hopes it was fake Lucifer. Real Lucifer is easier to deal with.
Lucifer is there when real Lucifer is killed. Sam smiles at him.
"So much for your win Sammy." Lucifer says one day while Sam is sitting in the darkness of his room. "Sure you killed me, but you lost your big brother." Sam wishes he could punch him.
Lucifer is there when Sam gets dean back.
Dean makes a comment on his beard. "Don't listen to him Sammy." Lucifer says as dean walks off. "I think you look good." Sam shaves his beard off after that.
Lucifer is there when Michael possesses dean again. He's laughing the whole time. Dean won't help him, can't help him. Dean is gone.
"Let him in the box Sam!" Lucifer suddenly snaps at him one day, making Sam jump. "Get rid of Michael!" Sam starts to cry. It's too much, not even deans touch is helping him anymore. It feels wrong, alien.
Nick attacks him, Lucifer is cheering him on. "Ah I wish he was my true vessel!" Lucifer exclaims as Sam's vision darkens.
Mary is dead, Jack is gone. "Bye bye mother Mary." Lucifer sings. Sam flinches, dean doesn't care.
"Oh so you can't put your brother in that box, but you sure as hell can put my son in?" Lucifer is yelling in his ear. Sam punches the air. Deans hands on him don't help.
Chuck comes back. Lucifer snarls at him, never stops yelling at him. It's hard for Sam to pay attention to anything, he can't hear anything over Lucifers yelling. Deans hand is on his shoulder the whole time, but he seems out of it.
Lucifer was quiet for a while after God killed Jack. Sam counts his blessings.
Lucifer is there when they rendered chuck powerless. He seems to have a grateful look on his face.
Lucifer isn't there when dean dies.
Lucifer isn't there when miracle dies.
Lucifer is there when Sam's on his death bed. He's standing in the corner of the room, arms crossed over his chest. He waves, and Sam's vision fades.
Sam's free.
Sam's finally free.
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