#jack + zombies
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shallowseeker · 2 years ago
Pre-13x06 Tombstone moments were among Jack's best
Jack’s Heaven was the car ride to Dodge City
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(Image from Naomi Aria)
Some fun observations about the scene:
They stopped for food at an adorable dog-theme diner called "Skipper's Beach Cafe"
Which....BEACH. The ghost of happiness -> toes-in-the-sand beach!
Anyway, it's adorable that they're lost, but it's also a little sad that the very act of getting lost is what led them...to the symbolic beach.
But wait! On the other hand, the specter of this beach COULD BE a false beach promise, symbolizing that whole "checking out and running away" temptation
When viewed as such, it makes SAM's proximity to Skipper's Beach Diner / Miracle / False Salvation a little disturbing, especially when viewed with the 15x20 finale in mind; it could be a figment
It could be read either way, that SAM's the only one who finds salvation by becoming lost and not adhering to a plan; OR (since Sam's app sucks) it's a danger sign, that Sam's off-road "checking out" is being led to a false dream. Apps tend to give instructions and steps, but maps must be interpreted in a spatial context
This would imply that Dean/Cas + Jack are actually the ones finding their footing here (at this moment in time in the story, anyways)
But back to cute things: Sam's phone app sucks ass & he's not happy about it
Sam is even whining about it, which makes me think that his whining in 12x12 Stuck in the Middle (With You) is totally a legit thing that Sam does often, because Jack has no reason to exaggerate here (God bless my annoying, tall man-child)
In this memory, Cas gets associated with maps, as he pulls an old-school map from the glove compartment and hands it over to Dean
(Cas is often associated to maps; he is the navigator-commander to Dean's captain-of-the-course to Sam's field marshal)
Cas is that holy North Star, the symbolic "North is up"
He's the thing that the boys put their faith in; a family protector; "angelic defender"; the thing that grounds Dean in particular
We see this dynamic again later, in 13x21 Beat the Devil. That is, Dean & Cas, as a UNIT, get the bearings for the group:
DEAN (snapping into business mode): Yeah. Thought we’d get spit out in the same spot, but this isn’t it. All right, well Charlie -- the other Charlie -- said that Mary and Jack have an outpost in Dayton. SAM: Okay. Let’s get our bearings and head that way. Cas, where are we? CAS (closing his eyes and concentrating): Uh, Kentucky. Northeast Kentucky. Or what used to be Kentucky. DEAN (looking at the sky then pointing): Which means that’s north. Okay, so Dayton’s that way. Roughly. Two days by foot but...that way. SAM: All right. [The group begins to move towards where Dean pointed.]
In AU earth, in later episodes, Cas even draws a map for them to reference as they go; Cas is keeping them grounded
Overall, Cas helps Dean get his bearings, and together, they help the group get their bearings (especially when Sam's way isn't working--in 13x06’s case, the app).
So, in 13x06, after Cas hands Dean the map, Dean is calm, maybe even grounded for the first time since Cas died.
Immediately, Dean begins teaching Jack to "read a map," perhaps taking on the role as PARENT TO JACK for the very first time (Jack and Dean have known each other ~20-25 days at this point). Dean is passing down the legacy of wayfinding.
Side note: Jack is shown gobbling down a burger, the thing that CAS loves in 5x14 My Bloody Valentine, and the thing that Dean makes, even as late as 15x14 Last Holiday (specifically with the goal of getting Jack out of his room):
SAM: What’s with the apron? DEAN: Burgers! But the pilot light keeps going out. It’s like the third time this week. Between that and the hot water, I thought this place was supposed to be state-of-the-art. SAM: It was, in the 50’s. DEAN: Hhm. Ah, Jack come out of his room yet?
Here in the 13x06 scene, when Jack crams the burger in, Dean nags him.
It's a contrasting callback to their first real "meeting" in 13x02 ("You can slow down, you know. That stuff’s not gonna disappear.")
The warning against eating too much, too fast, is a nod to parental nagging, sure, and that's cute.
But it's also tacitly associating Jack to overconsumption, which a key motif to both his Nephil-status and status as a rival, Usurper-God (not to mention, his zombie obsession):
[in Jack’s Heaven, working the case from 13x06 Tombstone, Jack gobbles a burger while the rest of TFW stand by Baby researching their route to Dodge City with their food laid out on the car’s hood. Sam is in the background on his phone] DEAN: Jack, take it easy. You don't have to cram it all in at once, right? SAM: Still no signal. DEAN: Yeah, 'cause I told you, that app blows. CAS [emerging from the car with a map]: I found this in the glove compartment. DEAN: Ah! Old school! A real map. Let's find our way to Dodge City. C'mere, Jack. I'm gonna teach you how to read a map. So, rule number one-- rule number one-- rule number one-- JACK: Dean? DEAN: North is usually up. [the sun appears to flicker on and off, and Jack looks up at the sky] JACK: Something's wrong. [Jack leaves his personal heaven and wanders out into the stark white hallway of Heaven, where the lights are also flickering. A tidal wave of black goo fills the hallway and chases after him as he runs away.]
He's recalling Dean specifically here, in order to get his bearings. He's using the wayfinding skills symbolically gifted to him by Dean & Cas.
It gives more weight to Dean & Cas in the prior scene, because this skill allows Jack to see the truth (about Heaven, about The Empty).
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lavendergalactic · 5 months ago
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☆  halloween shiny buttons !
self indulgent, made them myself credit 4 putting on resource rentrys / blogs / etc f2u, feel free to resize / recolour!
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midagi-stuff · 1 year ago
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My AU with zombie ponies
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dnx-7 · 17 days ago
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smiledog15578 · 1 year ago
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MLP Zombie Apocalypse AU
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crystalchespin · 5 months ago
pvz anthros :}
okay listen, I do not.like drawing human-like anatomy so i'm sorry if they look awkard but i think i did my best haha (sobs)
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cryptikid · 4 months ago
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blinkies from radiotrophic on deviantart
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satoshy12 · 1 year ago
Zombie World Isekai
Nightwing, Barbara, Zombies, Danny, Jazz
Dick and Barbara woke up in this new place. It looked like a movie they watched with the zombies.
And both weren't even summoned to the same place.
That was why Dick was traveling with the young, red-haired girl. Who told him she was a "bat-girl"? Who uses a bat to beat up the zombies? He has to give it to her; she is very capable, and the man was hurt as the criminal attacked them.
Barbara was more simple; the young boy with her tried to protect her all the time. Something about making sure she is okay until she is healed, to her surprise. It worked. For a zombie apocalypse, this world has very great medicine.
Danny:" I will protect the counterpart Mom, till she can join."
Danny is simple hero ; that must be his mom's counterpart in this world!! She looks like his mom, but younger!
Jazz just looked at the one with her; he looks like a runt dad.
Barbara is simple, she loves that tiny boy. She would take him with her when she is able to leave this world.
Dick is really trying to make the Girl understand. He is not a RUNT!
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nekromaxxing · 9 months ago
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trying to decide which of my drawings to post on tumblr is such a funny experience like... do i post a piece i spent hours on or do i post jack and david getting sloppy
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cementarybf · 10 months ago
He's not just a guy :( he's MY princess.
Liu wip gonna add sully behind him or smthn,
For my version of Liu he is a jiangshi!! He's just an awoken one that has control over himself, (I headcanon him to be Chinese/White mixed)
I'll make more info about him and my version of sully if anyone is interested (I'll do it regardless to yap)
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honkha · 2 months ago
❗aged-up, modern, some violence and lil angst. will probably update soon
Silver, Leona, Jack, Ruggie
(I love zombie apocalypse plots)
Lilia's in this au ex-military and he set himself up to save Silver.
He's traumatised. Silver's wearing his badge now.
Now he's searching for Malleus, who's missing.
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They were rescued along with Falena's family. Falena's wife was infected when she rescued Cheka. and Falena got the infection, so Leona had to shoot him at his own request. overprotective for everyone in the group.
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Jack is in the same group of survivors as Leona. he is the youngest in the group, a former student. he hopes his family is safe now. he is gathering supplies with Ruggie. Leona taught him how to shoot.
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lived in the slums, went to the same college as Jack. his neighbourhood was one of the first to be infected. he feels some relief at the loss of responsibility for his family, but still pines.
He does the laundry, fixes the car that the group travels in and many other household chores.
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Just a bit of my Yuu for this au, will make an addendum if it's of interest
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freechicken · 2 years ago
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Sometimes you watch Bones, a TV show, and google every new thing the characters get excited about. These are called Lore-Drops. Because 9 out 10 times, it's an actual real-life exciting discovery!!
Source: The Smithsonian
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themintman · 2 months ago
HEYYYY GANG.. SORRY I KEEP DIPPING LMAOO but I've been cooking something up for yall.. I've finally finished chapter one of my first fanfic!! 🎉🎉 Zurm will be real in two seconds 😈
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It took me embarrassingly long to figure out how to link that omfg
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ultimateanna · 2 months ago
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Resident Evil - Cards (Teppen)
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shallowseeker · 2 years ago
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i love it so much @hamstermotif !
Fairytales—very important part of the lore. Jack absolutely becomes an expert on the Aarne–Thompson–Uther Index, even though Sam said it’s not going to be very useful in the real world. (Jack becomes enamored with, stories that are labeled type 400 to 459, which are stories about “Supernatural or enchanted relatives.” There’s even one about a woman raising a baby snake!)
Also Jack learns about princes and princesses come back to life, and he’s convinced they’re zombies.
“I wonder if I’ll grow up to be a lost husband,” he wonders aloud.
“A wha?”
“It’s a supernatural being, who seems monstrous at first and might be enchanted in animal form, only appearing human at night. The wife breaks a taboo, and her husband vanishes. She then roams the world until she finds him and they are reunited.”
“Okay, that’s enough books for you, Romeo. Sides, you don’t wanna fuckin’ vanish, do ya?”
“Hey, Sam. In Nix Nought Nothing, the husband falls into sleep similar to Sleeping Beauty, and only the true bride can symbolically raise him from the dead with the power of love. Do you think that could be useful? I mean, everyone’s always dying and—”
Mary shivers. “Resurrecting someone is more likely to come from a bad demon deal than the power of love.”
Jack’s face falls, and Mary won’t look up from the table.
what's a fave Supernatural moment for you -ed
CAS: She's been enchanted.
JACK: Like sleeping beauty.
CAS: No...No.
And then Jack gets frustrated/worried that Cas can't simply heal her. (Because, in Jack's eyes, Cas is still the invincible dad that fixes everything. Their dynamic, oof. See how Jack interacts with Gabe n' Cas in 13x23 Exodus.)
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fyeahygocardart · 1 year ago
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