Did you fall or did you let go? I'm nb, bisexual and 20 y/o In Kuroshitsuji and Mo Dao Zu Shi hell
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Wei Wuxian: Lan Zhan, how did you know it was really me??
Lan Wangji, staring down Wei Wuxian’s new body wearing the exact same aesthetic as before, a perfect copy down to the hairstyle and flute:
Lan Wangji:
Lan Wangji:
Lan Wangji: the music
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Let’s be honest…Yuya is a bless (not that Yuta isn’t).And one of the best moments was this one,when he changes his expression as it quickly fades to black.It interests me.
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Also when one of those said 4 times shows you well alive characters that you always knew as already dead... I didn't ask for eaven more pain with Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen. I thank you not live action
when the book gets a donghua and then the donghua gets an audio drama and then the series gets a liveaction and you have to go through seeing everyone die four times
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when the book gets a donghua and then the donghua gets an audio drama and then the series gets a liveaction and you have to go through seeing everyone die four times
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Ok so. Is anyone miraculously still having any way to see the second musical with subs ?
Like please I'm so desperate my precious usb key died. My file is gone. My heart feels thorn in so many pieces. I feel empty... I'm genuinely crying this happened...
#kuromyu#kuroshitsuji#eric x alan#alan humphries#eric slingby#the most beautiful death in the world: sen no tamashii to ochita shinigami
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There's still people at the back who need to hear this !
Person: "I hate him he's either scary or plain stupid."
Me: listen girl *open 100 hours long speech about how she's a splendid character* now take a seat please
what i say: i’m fine.
what i mean: the kuroshitsuji anime knows nothing about how to characterize grelle sutcliff for fuck’s sake she is not a blank piece of comic relief you can throw in whenever it’s convenient to you she is a complex, violent, rather terrifying force of nature with a chainsaw that is not supposed to be bedazzled and she would definitely beat the hell out of sebastian given the opportunity because she is a goddess of death and war and calamity and red who is not cisgender and desperately wants a child and she is not a cheap joke.
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Why does it still hurt years after... Her death made me cry back then... and now I'm still a mess inside
Good night, Madam Red.
Kuroshitsuji: Anime vs. Musical(2015)
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Good night, Madam Red.
Kuroshitsuji: Anime vs. Musical(2015)
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Ronald: Hey guys, did you know a group of hippopotami are called a bloat?
Grell: Yeah! A group of lions is called a pride!
Alan: Isn't a group of cats a clowder?
Eric: A group of crows is called a murder.
William: And a group of people is called a migraine
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Yup. And I am lost when a washing machine is NOT in the kitchen actually... Also we put a dish-pan in the sink when we’re doing the dishes. Not directly putting water in the sink

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Drawing commissions
Hi! My name is Will and I’m currently 20 yo. I’m living with my mum. I’m still going to uni
As all of this is expensive I’ll open commissions. I’ll post drawings on a regular basis so you’ll be able to judge if my style is okay with you. Please take note that I have a private life so sometimes it could take more time for me to finish a project because of school, work or even hospital.
I’m more at ease with manga and video games looks. I still can do realistic but I’m not 100% satisfied with it and it takes time.
Also I’m sending you the drawings irl and not just digitally (if you want)
The shipping fees will be exactly what I pay to send you what you asked me.
My prices are:
3$ per ½ hour for traditional black and white drawings
4$ per ½ hour for traditional coloured ones
4.5$ per ½ hour for digital ones both black and white or coloured (+ an extra 2$ in total if I’m mailing it to you)
Please take note that I’m only new at digital drawing so I’m not asking much more because it’s a lot more of work for me so it won’t cost you too much. I still ask for a slightly higher price to improve my equipment with time.
I’ll start working for you after I received the payment for the first half hour of work
Finally don’t ask for a free drawing while being rude. Remember how to talk properly to someone when asking me to draw for you. Do not use my art for selling purpose without telling me so and let me earn out of it as well. Which is common sense. I’ll discuss with you happily about prices and won’t ask for too much. Just remember every artists are trying to live from their art.
I will draw a lot of things but following are the things I won’t do:
Extremely complicated backgrounds
Extreme violence
That’s all I can think of. So the list may change with time
Please repost to help me~
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When you were in a fandom so tiny you felt alone. Had to leave because Uni. But then you come back after a few monthes. And it’s a damn big and fully alive fandom now
Coming into a fandom late
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Get ready for a long ass shitpost
I’ve wanted to make this for a while now, but never got around to it. Since it’s 1AM I figured now would be the perfect time to share my findings with all who may behold them.
I took a scientific approach to my questioning which was, simply, can Sebastian Michaelis get drunk?
I did some unnecessary digging for this and am pretty pleased with the results, perhaps a bit prideful, even.
My hypothesis: He can, at the very least, get a bit buzzed.
By this I mean, he can get a tad bit typsy, but nothing too extreme. I can’t exactly imagine Sebastian being completely plastered, but then again anything is possible. (I’d like to see it, in all honesty).
So I went back through the manga and found some evidence to support this theory.

In a special chapter focusing on a part of the Circus Arc, Sebastian is seen being offered a drink by Joker. He states that he “Never had the experience of being drunk before.” From this I feel it’s pretty safe to say Seb is saying this with all honesty (he really didn’t have a reason for not doing so), and so Joker concludes he is a “heavy weight”.
As the night goes on, he ends up telling the story of when he pulled out our 11 year old Ciel’s wiggly tooth (much to the boy’s chargin.)

He then states that he struggled dealing with taking care of Ciel’s dental hygiene due to the “trauma” of said event. Dagger is surprised by this, claiming that the “young master” would have had a much harder time dealing with the issue.
At this point Seb holds a cheerful disposition and is surrounded by a plethora of glasses. Approximately 25 at least (counting a couple that may be off-panel and the one in his hand.)
No one makes any comment on this, however.

Sebastian, still as cheerful and nonchalant as before, goes on to explain that humans being unable to regrow their teeth when they come right out is inconvenient. He specifically mentions humans in this context. To which Freckles (Doll) responds to, naturally, as Black being “kinda weird”. Ciel, put off, agrees.
Now let’s get into the details.
Sebastian has been alive since ancient Egyptian times, which was united in 3100 B.C. We know this because at one point he claimed knowing a Pharaoh or something akin to one. This means he would have been alive for 20 some odd centuries. He had also been rumored to have started the Black Plague. This gives us a rough timeline of Seb being 300-700+ years of age, but probably still under 1,000. While it may seem surprising Sebastian never got drunk during this extensive time frame, it is important to keep in mind several things:
1.) He might have spent a majority of that time in the “underworld” “hell” or wherever he’s from, not interacting with the human world and glutting himself on drink.
2.) He never had the time nor need to drink, and focused more on devouring or “messily slurping up souls”, something he did before adopting his newer aesthetic.
3.) In comparison to our lifespan, 300-700 years would not be nearly as long for him. In the manga he states that Ciel’s own life would be passing in the blink of an eye when put next to his own. More evidence for him not really having time to drink.
There is further evidence for Sebastian’s behavior in the circus arc being a result of the happy juice he downed in copious amounts.
Seb generally has a filter on him. Even though he can be a sarcastic bastard, and is undeniably elite trash, he keeps the whole “demon thing” under wraps. The only people who know and lived after finding out are Arthur Doyle and Ciel.

In the Circus Arc, Suit (Will) has no qualms with being open about his position as a grim reaper (understandably no one believes him, much to Ciel’s relief.)

Ciel and Sebastian also agree that they should be hiding their true identities and vow not to get in the way of each other’s work.

Furthermore, in the green witch arc, he doesn’t approach the topic of his true nature until Sullivan brings it up, at which point he doesn’t really hesitate to discuss it. She cuts him off, however, claiming he is an ameture demon summoner (Seb isn’t too pleased.) Here it seems he is only willing to talk about it because of his relationship with Sullivan and the context of the situation he’s in. If you haven’t read the arc, I won’t spoil it though. But he doesn’t make a point of proclaiming his demon-ness.
A lot of this also probably has to do with aesthetic purposes. The perfect Butler shouldn’t be in the same category as a hungry demonic beast.
The only times in which he ever lets this side show in front of others is when he is at his wits end and doesn’t care about the immediate consequences. Such as when he got sick of Ciel’s behavior during the Witch Arc and kicked a fearful and upset Finny out of his room before scaring the poor kid back to revenge mode.
Another would be in one of the more recent chapters, in which Seb is probably dying for a bottle of vodka as he deals with all the shit that has been dumped down on him and the rest of the cast.

I mean just look at that expression, if I didn’t know any better I’d say this man has had more than a few drinks or is close to calling it quits and ending the contract for the sake of his own sanity.
In conclusion, I have deduced from my findings that Sebastian, the suave, sexy and big bitch demonic Butler, can in fact, get drunk. Maybe not wasted off his ass, but enough for him to lose his filter a tad and drift off into la la land.
I hope you found this unnecessarily long, and un-asked for post entertaining and educational.
If you made it through this whole thing, here’s a bonus of J. Michael Tatum’s impression of Drunk!Seb:
It’s almost 2 in the AM, Happy new year.
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