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shallowseeker · 2 years ago
Pre-13x06 Tombstone moments were among Jack's best
Jack’s Heaven was the car ride to Dodge City
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(Image from Naomi Aria)
Some fun observations about the scene:
They stopped for food at an adorable dog-theme diner called "Skipper's Beach Cafe"
Which....BEACH. The ghost of happiness -> toes-in-the-sand beach!
Anyway, it's adorable that they're lost, but it's also a little sad that the very act of getting lost is what led them...to the symbolic beach.
But wait! On the other hand, the specter of this beach COULD BE a false beach promise, symbolizing that whole "checking out and running away" temptation
When viewed as such, it makes SAM's proximity to Skipper's Beach Diner / Miracle / False Salvation a little disturbing, especially when viewed with the 15x20 finale in mind; it could be a figment
It could be read either way, that SAM's the only one who finds salvation by becoming lost and not adhering to a plan; OR (since Sam's app sucks) it's a danger sign, that Sam's off-road "checking out" is being led to a false dream. Apps tend to give instructions and steps, but maps must be interpreted in a spatial context
This would imply that Dean/Cas + Jack are actually the ones finding their footing here (at this moment in time in the story, anyways)
But back to cute things: Sam's phone app sucks ass & he's not happy about it
Sam is even whining about it, which makes me think that his whining in 12x12 Stuck in the Middle (With You) is totally a legit thing that Sam does often, because Jack has no reason to exaggerate here (God bless my annoying, tall man-child)
In this memory, Cas gets associated with maps, as he pulls an old-school map from the glove compartment and hands it over to Dean
(Cas is often associated to maps; he is the navigator-commander to Dean's captain-of-the-course to Sam's field marshal)
Cas is that holy North Star, the symbolic "North is up"
He's the thing that the boys put their faith in; a family protector; "angelic defender"; the thing that grounds Dean in particular
We see this dynamic again later, in 13x21 Beat the Devil. That is, Dean & Cas, as a UNIT, get the bearings for the group:
DEAN (snapping into business mode): Yeah. Thought we’d get spit out in the same spot, but this isn’t it. All right, well Charlie -- the other Charlie -- said that Mary and Jack have an outpost in Dayton. SAM: Okay. Let’s get our bearings and head that way. Cas, where are we? CAS (closing his eyes and concentrating): Uh, Kentucky. Northeast Kentucky. Or what used to be Kentucky. DEAN (looking at the sky then pointing): Which means that’s north. Okay, so Dayton’s that way. Roughly. Two days by foot but...that way. SAM: All right. [The group begins to move towards where Dean pointed.]
In AU earth, in later episodes, Cas even draws a map for them to reference as they go; Cas is keeping them grounded
Overall, Cas helps Dean get his bearings, and together, they help the group get their bearings (especially when Sam's way isn't working--in 13x06’s case, the app).
So, in 13x06, after Cas hands Dean the map, Dean is calm, maybe even grounded for the first time since Cas died.
Immediately, Dean begins teaching Jack to "read a map," perhaps taking on the role as PARENT TO JACK for the very first time (Jack and Dean have known each other ~20-25 days at this point). Dean is passing down the legacy of wayfinding.
Side note: Jack is shown gobbling down a burger, the thing that CAS loves in 5x14 My Bloody Valentine, and the thing that Dean makes, even as late as 15x14 Last Holiday (specifically with the goal of getting Jack out of his room):
SAM: What’s with the apron? DEAN: Burgers! But the pilot light keeps going out. It’s like the third time this week. Between that and the hot water, I thought this place was supposed to be state-of-the-art. SAM: It was, in the 50’s. DEAN: Hhm. Ah, Jack come out of his room yet?
Here in the 13x06 scene, when Jack crams the burger in, Dean nags him.
It's a contrasting callback to their first real "meeting" in 13x02 ("You can slow down, you know. That stuff’s not gonna disappear.")
The warning against eating too much, too fast, is a nod to parental nagging, sure, and that's cute.
But it's also tacitly associating Jack to overconsumption, which a key motif to both his Nephil-status and status as a rival, Usurper-God (not to mention, his zombie obsession):
[in Jack’s Heaven, working the case from 13x06 Tombstone, Jack gobbles a burger while the rest of TFW stand by Baby researching their route to Dodge City with their food laid out on the car’s hood. Sam is in the background on his phone] DEAN: Jack, take it easy. You don't have to cram it all in at once, right? SAM: Still no signal. DEAN: Yeah, 'cause I told you, that app blows. CAS [emerging from the car with a map]: I found this in the glove compartment. DEAN: Ah! Old school! A real map. Let's find our way to Dodge City. C'mere, Jack. I'm gonna teach you how to read a map. So, rule number one-- rule number one-- rule number one-- JACK: Dean? DEAN: North is usually up. [the sun appears to flicker on and off, and Jack looks up at the sky] JACK: Something's wrong. [Jack leaves his personal heaven and wanders out into the stark white hallway of Heaven, where the lights are also flickering. A tidal wave of black goo fills the hallway and chases after him as he runs away.]
He's recalling Dean specifically here, in order to get his bearings. He's using the wayfinding skills symbolically gifted to him by Dean & Cas.
It gives more weight to Dean & Cas in the prior scene, because this skill allows Jack to see the truth (about Heaven, about The Empty).
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fandom-hoarder · 2 years ago
Normal things to say to your daughter's sons
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A moment of appreciation for this particular accusation of Sam-preference...
Does Samuel reasonably believe Mary would rather herself be alive than Sam? Can he apply any logic to his position in this situation? 😅 This particular selfishness really is a family trait lol.
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shallowseeker · 2 years ago
He turns away-- DEAN grabs CAS'S arm-- DEAN: Cas-- no-- whatever that thing did to you-- we're not gonna just let you walk away. Not again. (then) That's not happening.
12x19 The Future (Production draft)
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He asked him to stay.
| x
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seasononesam · 4 months ago
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'J' and 'J' had a late one last night.
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scaryorganmusic · 1 year ago
millions of people live through each day of their lives without ever having the thought "let me look it up on the supernatural transcripts website" or "oh yeah let me just find something at the supernatural screencaps website" couldn't be us though
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supernaturalsidepiece · 3 months ago
Does anyone know if somebody has gone through and compiled all of the script changes that are "Dean wouldn't say that" or flat out Gay™? The plan is that we show them to Dean in my new Metanatural Season 16 episode, but 100000% won't have the time to look though all the scripts.
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shallowseeker · 2 years ago
TRANSCRIPT EXT. SMALL TOWN MAIN STREET - DAY 5 JACK-- Surrounded by empty silence as we MOVE IN to discover he’s PRAYING. JACK: …how can you be gone? (then) You said you believed in me. That it didn’t matter what I did. That just being me was enough. But what does that mean now? (then, voice breaking) Dad? Silence. No answer from Cas. Then-- JACK: Mom? (looking into the distance) You’ve always been with me.. A whisper inside me, even when I was only a whisper inside you. Somehow you knew what the universe would expect from me. (then) You both��� you never stopped believing in me. But, what if, without you... it's not enough?
On Jack, in the quiet of this empty world. No answers, barely any sound. Lost and defeated, he rises…
SPN 15x19 Inherit the Earth (Yellow Collated)
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DAD (x)
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im-some-lionheart · 3 months ago
I'm summoning hellers with encyclopedic knowledge of the insane show to ask y'all please please tell me all the times (or at least the first and main ones) that Dean apologized to Cas, for any reason, at any moment.
I'm writing a fic and want to make Dean's apology on character but for the life of mine I can't remember a time he ever apologized to the gay angel. Did it ever happen? Did he ever say the words "I'm sorry" to Cas?
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shallowseeker · 2 years ago
Cas, the angel tablet, and knowing his own heart, part 3
Cas is home, but fear drives him to try to fix everything and protect everyone. His efforts leads to him harming the very thing he wanted to protect.
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 (You are here)
== Dean is frosty ==
In 8x22: Clip Show, Dean's hurt, reeling from the rejection that Cas perhaps doesn't even fully grasp he delivered. (Dean is extra, extra prickly, and maybe even a touch embarrassed over the whole thing.)
He thought that, through fighting the Leviathan and fighting through Purgatory, at least their trust had improved. (Cas isn't even thinking about those things, his hands are so full with Heaven trying to harm his family and the humans around him.)
When Cas enters the room, he reaches out. Cas says the equivalent of, "Good morning! I like your house." Dean gives him the cold should and transparently business himself with "kitchen things," pretending to be too busy to talk to Cas.
DEAN (brings Sam in a plate): Soup's on. There we go. [DEAN SIPS THE OPEN BEER] I think this is, uh... Oh, it's still good. SAM (clocking Dean's weirdness): A half-drunk beer, jerky, and three peanut-butter cups? DEAN: Yeah, we're – we're running a little low. I'll make a run. CASTIEL (eager): Dean, I can go with you. 8x22: Clip Show,
Cas immediately moves to go with Dean...to restock the kitchen. (Again with Dean n' Cas and kitchens, man. It's where they chat and live together get on the same page about things and store their Giant Hearts.)
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CAS: Dean. I'm sorry. DEAN (playing it off, but fishing, blinking rapidly to hide his emotions): For what? 8x22: Clip Show
For what indeed. There's a careful edge, a crafted composure and faux-lightness that is at odds with the situation. (It almost veers into, "For what, because I sure as Hell didn't say anything to you. You misheard me. I misspoke.")
Then, it veers into safer territory. Ish.
CAS: For everything. DEAN: Everything? Like, uh... Like ignoring us? CAS: Yes. DEAN: Or like bolting off with the Angel Tablet, then losing it 'cause you didn't trust me? You didn't trust me. CAS: Yes. 8x22: Clip Show
This is about Dean spilling his guts as much as it is Cas's risky decisions-that-put-him-in-danger. Cas goes off, likes he always does, and he gets brain-whammied by Heaven, and he loses his own heart to Heaven's wars, AND he gets hurt. Dean wants him to be home.
In Purgatory, he asked him to come home with him.
Three seconds later, Sam encourages Dean to "go easy on Cas," even though Sam doesn't have much information at all about the raw emotionality of the situation. Dean's hurt feelings are, of course, about what happened in the crypt, where Dean revealed his Feelings directly to Cas. And Sam has no idea, so it's a little funny.
== New motifs on the horizon ==
Just after their confrontation, Dean and Sam discover the archives and dungeon room for the first time.
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This is where Cas will die, of course, and where Cas will eventually return Dean's feelings. If Cas chooses to love Dean, he's going against God and damning himself to the punishment reminiscent of blended-Nephilim families, as hinted in part 1.
With the angel tablet lost, we get a new symbol, the first instance of "bunker movie night."
This will become a new motif of decoding for Dean and Cas--something they use to try to understand one another, speak the same language, and get on the same page. (Eventually, it will be how they spend quality time together.)
The popcorn is between Dean and Cas, pushed towards Cas, like Dean has left it there as a silent peace offering.
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== Cas wants back on the team ==
After getting burned by Heaven, Cas wants to be on Team Free Will again, to be equal partners who trust each other. Cas wants to be welcomed back with open arms right away, and Dean is agitated over that, given their last meeting.
But despite everything, Dean is worried. Cas doesn't bring up Dean's raw "I need you," words, and Dean doesn't either.
CAS: Dean, I just want to help. DEAN: We don't need your help. Just stay here and – and get better.
But Dean invokes the word need.
== Help! I'm in the doghouse ==
What follows is one of the most hilarious "Help! I'm in the doghouse!" scenes that we'll ever see.
Cas runs out to replenish the kitchen on his own. Sorta.
He goes to a gas-n-sip, to get fuel for the road-journey. He grabs beef jerky, God's specter of fetish-porn, toilet paper, beer, and he cracks eggs...for some reason. He leaves a mess behind.
As he reaches for canned goods (sustenance, a quick meal), he knocks over a rack of....pizza-flavored and BBQ-flavored chips.
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Cas is trying to reach out, but he has already accidentally, unknowingly knocked down his chances of pizza. There is no pie.
(Also, poor Chris-the-minimum-wage-worker.)
== Enter Metatron ==
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Unbeknownst to Castiel, this scribe, fluent in The Angel Tablet and knowledgeable of dangerous spell, has already clocked Cas as a champion of humanity, and he needs Castiel for his Revenge spell.
As they hustle from the convenience store, a warning bell tolls in the background.
METATRON: It's a mess up there. Open warfare...There are factions upon factions, all fighting, betraying each other. It's just a matter of time before they start ripping each other apart. It's all broken. CASTIEL: I know, I'm the one who broke it. There was a time when I thought I could lead our people, but I was mistaken. I spilled so much blood. And I've tried to atone for my sins and I did penance. And I [sighs] betrayed my friends to protect our secrets, but I've just failed. And now – METATRON: Look, I know. But now the angels – heaven – need someone to come to the rescue. They need us. CASTIEL: Us?
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Castiel once more falls prey to the thinking, "I and I alone can fix it," (in this case, "we and we alone can fix it.")
That's because he thinks he and he alone broke it.
But the thing is, Castiel is the product of a billions-year broken system of war, not the root cause of its brokenness
Cas's past baggage is preventing his ability to fully reckon and understand his heart, and his heart is calling out to him to fix things and protect his loved ones. And so, he goes after Metatron and the New Cause to assuage his guilt.
SAM: "I can't find Cas. Think he blew town." DEAN (stoic, hurt): "Sounds like him."
== Angel tablet trial #1: The Nephilim ==
METATRON: "Levianthans get out of control, you put em in Purgatory. Demons get a little too demonic, toss em into Hell, angels get uppity, slam the Pearly gates. At the very least, it would s – [dog barking in distance, another warning] It would stop the fighting up there from spilling out down here, which will happen. It always does.
That's what Castiel is afraid of, and Metatron knows it. He's read Cas's heart. He knows it's about the safety of the human family. He knows how Heaven works. That they work cloaked in brutality and threats.
This is a primal fear Cas visited in 8x21: The Great Escapist, when the angels rained down on the diner. Cas wants to protect his heart and the humanity that he loves. Heaven's fighting spilled into the family restaurant, where his heart dwells.
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Carnage at Biggerson's, 8x21
METATRON: No. I can't. I am a pencil pusher, always have been. I'm not strong enough. But you – you are a warrior. I've got the plan. You've got the muscle. We can do this. Heaven needs your help, Castiel. CASTIEL: I am the one that caused these problems. I should be the one to fix them.
So, Metatron casts Castiel as the gullible jock to his crafty nerd.
METATRON: See our waitress? She's the first trial – got to cut her heart out. CASTIEL: What? No, she's... She's just a girl. METATRON: No, she isn't. She's a Nephilim, an abomination. CASTIEL: She's the offspring of an angel and a human? I thought that wasn't allowed. METATRON: It's not. There's only one on Earth, and you are looking at it. CASTIEL: But she didn't choose to be a Nephilim, so she's innocent. METATRON: Yes, she is. I told you it wasn't gonna be easy. But if you want to do this, Castiel, if you really want to do this, you got to ask yourself what's more important – her life or your family?
Metatron doesn't mean the angel family, he means the one that Castiel is terrified of getting caught in the cross-fires of Heaven's wars. He means the human family.
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They stalk Jane the Nephilim. Cas seems reticent, but he goes through with it, understanding his heart's motivations and wanting to save his family, but undertaking a great evil, born of great fear. He is killing the very things that represent his blended family...and he will be the final ingredient. It will not protect his family but ultimately but them in more danger.
JANE: I know what you are. I could see your halos. METATRON: And we know what you are - Abomination. JANE: Please, I'm not. I try to be nice. I just want to live my life. CAS: We know. I am sorry. JANE: You will be.... You want an abomination? I'll show you an abomination.
And Jane's execution is exceptionally violent. Cas stabs her from behind, through the neck. Then, Cas cuts her heart out. She is, in many ways, the true flower of free will, a union born of the alliance of Heaven and Earth, but he killed it without even recognizing it for what it was.
(Obviously, this parallels season 15's murder of Jack Kline.)
== If we shut it all down, you'll finally be safe ==
Which leads us directly into 8x23: Sacrifice. Metatron is taken by Naomi, and Cas runs to Dean for help. He always runs to his human family for help, when it's down to the wire.
(Meanwhile, Metatron is told ominously by Naomi that the archangels had wanted her to "debrief" him, long ago, but he ran, and we feel some sense of why he's so vengeful. Metatron cries out, "You drove me from my home!")
CAS: I've been working with (Metatron) on the Angel trials. DEAN: The what? CAS: We're gonna shut it all down -- Heaven, Hell, all of it.
It's the way to keep you safe. It's the way to fix my home. (I and I alone can fix it.)
DEAN: Metatron, the guy who was full-on crazy, cat-lady-hoarder angel yesterday -- now he wants to save Heaven? CASTIEL: Yes, he wants to. CASTIEL: But I'm the only one in who can. I can't fail, Dean, not on this one. I need your help.
Dean is rightfully suspicious. Motive is always important. He clocks that before Naomi ever shows. It's not that he trusts Naomi, per se, but he's suspicious of Metatron before they even head out.
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In this image, as has been pointed out by others, we get the two arrows symbology again, similar to the arrow through two hearts that the Biggerson's waitress Kara wore.
Although he is rightfully suspicious of Metatron's rapidly shifting motivations, when Cas asks for his help, he gives it without much pushing.
Meanwhile, Sam is trying to be a grownup hunter, and to make his own amends for his season-8-absenteeism and escapism. Dean says to Cas, "If anyone needs a chaperone, it's Sam."
(Kids' table again.) ///
== Angel tablet trial #2: The Cupid's bow ==
Cas is motivated, amped up in his own conviction and eagerness to fix, not recognizing his own corruption in the process
He's awful to Kevin: "There is no out. Only duty. You are a Prophet of the Lord, always and forever...until the day you cease to exist, and then another Prophet takes your place. Now, are you clear as to the task before you?"
We have the specter of duty and work again, but with career and duty, you are expendable and so, so replaceable.
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Next, we have the oft-cited, Cupid's bow-shooting Dean. I think it's very likely that Dean is thinking about his feelings again here, the ones that weren't returned. He's trying to come to terms with them.
DEAN: Talk to me. You sure about this?
And of course Cas is sure about this. This will keep Heaven's problems away from them, or so he hopes. "One step ahead of them, to keep them away from you." As always.
Dean gently nudges him about the issue, asks him if "this is it." If this is the end of them, and if Cas is going to die? Cas stares him dead in the eyes and says, "Yeah. I might." Dean tries to shrug it off using his trademark, misery-humor.
They both look so sad!
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"So this is it."
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As the Cupid-bonding gets underway, the screen reflects it. Off-screen, the bartender and Rod start noticing one another, and on screen, we see two men happily walking next together.
"Damn. That's sweet."
Music plays, ♪ "Oh, it's so nice to be with you. I love all the things you say and do. And it's so nice to hear you say, you're gonna please me in every way." ♪
Dean stares, open-mouthed.
Importantly, this is unlike Dean's scene with the TV screen. In Dean's scene, he's getting mortally wounded, shot by the bow-and-arrow, and there is no other party. He's "unrequited" in this thing with Cas. Alone.
Even when Cas walks in, the Dean's TV scene remains solitary, at least from what we (and Dean) can see.
Dean is trying to come to terms with his own "rejection."
They follow the cupid. She says, "I've been afraid to go home for some time now... Now it's chaos. It all seems to be breaking down, and you really think you can fix that?"
Cas replies, "With time."
She extends the open palm, giving it freely. This love is caring. From nurturing your family members to comforting the ones you love, caring is done with open, kind hands.
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"Take it then," she says.
(Take it. Please.)
Except Cas's hands are not kind here:
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He raises his blade, cutting out the very thing that makes him strong and binds his blended family together. (His kindness, his heart. Despite his uncertainty and gut instinct, he's ignoring it.) Aside// this is a parallel to the earlier part of season 8 in Purgatory, where he bats away Dean's open hand inviting him home.
== Naomi-who-cried Wolf ==
Dean follows up on his instincts re: Metatron. He checks out the Angel Trials with Kevin.
KEVIN: I think I found the Angel Trials, but I don't see anything about a Nephilim or a Cupid's bow or anything like that.
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They walk together.
And oh, this scene. It looks like they SHOULD be holding hands. Dean's hand is "up in the air," and Cas's is a closed fist, clenched too tightly around violence and penance to reach back.
Cas holds what is very likely Jane's Nephilim heart in a plastic shopping bag. He started 8x22 holding normal kitchen provisions, and this is a terrible replacement.
His original instinct to "fix" things with Dean using silly gifts was his default state, what he should have followed through on. This, however? It's misguided. It's evil.
Enter Naomi, unsettled. She comes to Castiel and Dean, because she trusts them to want to do the right thing. But unfortunately for her, she has made herself untrustworthy.
She appeals directly to Dean instead, pragmatically knowing she's got a shot with him.
He doesn't really want Cas to leave, after all. (And she has intel on Sam.)
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NAOMI: I'm not here to fight you. Not anymore. He told you he was going to fix Heaven, didn't he? Murdering a Nephilim, cutting off a Cupid's bow. It's a lie. All of it. ...He's trying to break it. An act of revenge for driving him away."
In torturing her comrades, and in driving Metatron away from his home to start with, Naomi has created a mistrustful, damaged family that bites her in the ass.
Dean's interest is peaked, but mostly because he already has honed in on Metaton's unreliability. It's about him being suspicious of Metatron's MOTIVE, not a magic innate sense of knowing what's right, or faith in Naomi.
NAOMI: (He wants) to expel all angels from Heaven, just as God cast out Lucifer. Here. Thousands of us, walking the Earth. Our mission was to protect what God created. I don't know when we forgot that.
And, perhaps most unsettlingly, Naomi reveals that "the ultimate sacrifice was always God's intention. "
And there is so much sacrifice of "children" going on, even here. Jane is sacrificed. Sam is going to be sacrificed. (And war IS indirect sacrifice, usually of the sons and daughters.)
This has ominous implications for season 15 as well.
CAS: Dean, I'm not wrong. I'm going to fix my home.
== Angel tablet trial #3: a Fallen angel's grace ==
When he gets to Heaven, Cas sees Naomi, "dead." He realizes what's up, but Metatron, for all his talk about choices, does not give Castiel a choice here. He shackles him to the chair and forces him to complete the spell.
METATRON: "She told you I lied, didn't she?"
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Metatron is now in the role of Naomi, perpetuating his family anger--Revenge. The final trial is taking the grace of the Father of the illegal, blended family.
The Fallen Angel, but the one who Loves Humanity.
METATRON: These were never trials, Castiel. This is a spell. What' I'm taking from you now, your essence, your grace, is the last piece.
Meanwhile, the human remnants of the family flounder, temporarily clinging (correctly) to human weakness and support instead of war and revenge. ("I'd let the sons of bitches who killed mom walk.")
Love is a tremendous force, and the human family forgives. (Heaven family does not.)
In modern times, Churches WANT to represent Forgiveness--very unlike Metatron's bitter, bitter Revenge. For a while, it will be about not holding score, and forgiveness, but as we will see, that's much easier said than done, especially within family units.
== Protecting the family hurt the family ==
Metatron used Castiel's horror and fear for the safety of his human family, so horrifically threatened by Heaven, to draw him into a trap.
Now, the opposite of what he wanted to is happening.
His Heaven family is screaming and dying, again, and as they come crashing down, their fight spills towards his vulnerable human family.
So, what of the Angel Tablet now?
It's a little on the back-burner, but it still represents Castiel's heart in many ways. Kevin searches the tablet, looking for a way to reverse the spell, just as Castiel keeps trying to make up for what he's done.
This is what sets him apart from John Winchester--this tenacity to keep trying. (With Heaven, with Winchester family, with Claire Novak.)
In season 9, we'll see Castiel begin to understand his heart even more intimately, as he's broken down to his most basic pieces, "without the bells and whistles."
(Text Attributions// Supernatural scripts here via @spnscripthunt. Transcripts are located here via SPNWiki. Visit their Tumblr to donate.)
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fandom-hoarder · 2 years ago
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Does Dean always finish his journaling homework? 🤔
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shallowseeker · 2 years ago
CASTIEL: Jack. (then, firmly) You never needed absolution from me. Or Sam-- JACK: Dean? CASTIEL: Or Dean. (then) We don't love you because you're useful. Because you fit into some grand design. We love you because you're you.
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the best dad in the world and his little boy and the fucked up stepdad ♥️
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j2spntranscripts · 5 months ago
☆ 2008 LAcon J2
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Official name: Creation Entertainment's SALUTE TO SUPERNATURAL (Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki on stage) Location: Marriott Los Angeles Airport, Los Angeles, Cal Time: Sunday March 30, 2008, 12:20 PM-1:00 PM (GMT-7) Panelists: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki Last episode: 3x12 "Jus in Bello"- 2/21/2008 Next episode: 3x13 "Ghostfacers"- 4/24/2008
Question Index: FR1- Panel Transition 1a- Late Happy Birthday (Jensen) 1b- 2x21 vs 3x11; Best Death 1c- Thoughts on Thirty (Jensen) 2a- 3x01; Seventh Demon’s outcome 2b- 3x01; Dean vs Lust (Jensen) 2c- 3x01; Seventh Demon’s outcome; cont. 3a- Stunts; Fight Scenes; Participation and Preparation 3b- Fav Demon killing weapon 4a- Fav word (Jensen) 4b- Least Fav word (Jensen) 4c- Fav curse word (Jensen) 5a- fav scene; 2x14; ACT FOUR, EXT. HOUSE – LATER (Jared) 5b- fav scene; 2x20; ACT ONE, EXT. WINCHESTER HOUSE- CONTINUOUS; ACT TWO, INT. WINCHESTER HOUSE- DINING ROOM – NIGHT (Jensen) +1- Continent vs Country bit 6a- Fan Request; Body Swap portrayal (Jensen) 6b- Future Projects; plays (Jared) +2- Stolen Question 7- Fashion; plans on kilts; (Jensen) 8a- fav acting medium; Mr. Rhodes (Jensen) 8b- Acting Challenges; Special Effects; 2x01 FR2- Acting Challenges; Special Effects; 2x01 FR3- 3x08; Product Placement; Creative Control 9a- 3x08; Product Placement; Creative Control 9b- fav snack/junk food 10a- Acting Challenges; Facets of Dean; fav of Dean (Jensen) 10b- fav part of Dean (Jensen) 10c- Future Projects; Directing 🔮 11a- 2x15; thoughts on playing extreme caricatures 11b- 3x10; ACT FOUR, INT. MOTEL ROOM; DREAM; thoughts on yelling at your double; Acting Challenges (Jensen) +3- stolen question part 2 12a- 3x10; ACT FOUR, LATER- EXT. IMPALA; thoughts on Dean’s domestic dream (Jensen)🔮 12ba- 3x11; ACT FOUR; Thoughts on Sam living without Dean (Jared) FR4- 3x11; ACT FOUR; Thoughts on Sam living without Dean (Jared) 12bb- 3x11; ACT FOUR; Thoughts on Sam living without Dean cont. (Jared)
(video playlist/links and transcript below the cut)
(*if you notice any mistakes in the video transcripts or found more video or audio coverage of the con please point them out, thank you*👍)
Fan reports: [insomnia_geek] • [bardicvoice] • [sarah_p] (*warning: Fan reports as a source can't be fully verified unless video or audio of the con can confirm it. Be mindful not to take Fan Reports as the unquestionable and unbiased truth.*)
(missing coverage *fan reports could be incomplete and/or erroneous)
•(insomnia_geek para. 2, bardicvoice para. 42, sarah_p para. 30-31)- LA08J2;FR1- Panel Transition
“That’s when Jared came back onstage. Apparently he’d been mainlining Skittles backstage, didn’t bring any out for Jensen. They talked quietly to each other for a moment out of mike pickup and joked a bit. Jensen said that they speak in code.” – IG
“Jared reappeared in that moment, bragging “But not as good as Jared plays Sam!”” – B
“Somewhere around this, Jared came back out, and he was EATING SKITTLES (which totally made me think of him offering to buy Papa Ackles Skittles at the AFGM intermission ;)), and didn’t bring any for Jensen. I was ALREADY IN LOVE WITH THEM. AGAIN. He and Jensen were talking really quietly to each other for a minute (Basketball scores, maybe? Can someone who was sitting closer confirm this?), and then they finished, and Jensen laughed and told us that they speak in code. Which, really, I would NOT doubt–they are just SO attuned to each other, it’s fantastic.” – S
J2’s Panel starts.
◘Jensen and Jared in LA: Best death scene- Dean or Sam? by BabyBlueSteel◘
(0:00 BBS) -introduction
Jensen: Skittles, that’s what you got?
Jared: (placing his hair on stage) Yes, sir.
Jensen: Yeah? Bring me anything?
Jared: Nope. (?All me?). (sits down)
Jensen: Of course not. Jerk. (audience laughs)
Jared: I did see (?Tigers win the first?) (Jensen: What?) from Texas (?to Utah?).
Jensen: No.
Jared: (?) half-quarter (?)
Jensen: You kidding?
Jared: Yeah, (?borrow talked into it?) (flips hair) and I wanted to whoever said- Yep.
Jensen: (to audience) Sorry, we’re speaking in code. Supernatural code.
Jared: (?Purple Michael?) dishwasher.
Jensen: (to Jared) You’re kidding? (Jared: [nods smirking] mhmm.) (dramatically to audience) It’s unbelievable. (Jared laughs. Audience giggles) Um..
◘Jensen LA SPN convention-21 J2 Panel 01-07 by DW&DW◘
Jared: [off mic] (?Where were you?)
Jensen: (to Jared) Where was I? (Jared nods) I was right in the middle of- of (gestures to audience) having everybody tell me how great I was. (audience screams, cheers, and claps)
Jared: [off mic] (?Yeah, bullshit.?) (to audience) Well done, guys. Thanks. I know you didn’t want to, but when I asked you earlier, (audience chuckles) I- I knew you would do it for me. And-
Jensen: But now they’re gonna have to go back to putting on their fake faces for you. (audience laughs)
Jared: I heard personally- (laughs)
(turns to fan on the his right) Hello.
•(0:48 BBS, 0:28 DW)- LA08J2;Q1a- Late Happy Birthday (Jensen)
Jensen: Hi.
Fan: Hi. (?)
Jensen: Now you got both of us.
Fan: Hi. (?I’m a girl?). Hi.
Jared: [nods] that’s right.
Jensen: So, watch what you say, because we might go off.
Jared: (laughs) Nothing good about Jensen please. (audience laughs)
Fan: Hi, Jensen. Happy late birthday.
Jensen: (nod) Hey, hey, yeah-hah!
Jared: (rolls his eyes and mouths while flinging his hand up) Oh my god. (Waves at fan) Hi, I’m here by the way. (audience laughs) (waves his hands sarcastically) Jensen’s here. (dramatically flings his coat closed)
Fan: (to Jared) I said hi to you earlier. (?So, don’t start?) now.
Jared hides his face in his coat. The audience laughs and then aw’s.
Jared: (to audience aws, nods) Okay. Y’all make me feel better (?at the end?). (smiles)
Jensen pumps his eyebrows and then gives the audience a thumbs up.
Fan: Anyway.
The audience laughs. But Jared, open mouth shocked, throws a hand up.
Jensen: Anyway, moving on.
Jared: (gestures to fan) There she goes again. (audience laughs)
•(1:17 BBS, 0:57 DW)- LA08J2;Q1b- 2x21 vs 3x11; Best Death
Fan: (laughs) I have a question. (Jensen: Yes.) Okay. After watching “All Hell Breaks Loose” and “Mystery Spot” you’ve both, you know, died so wonderfully. (audience laughs) Um, so I was wondering, who do think did the best death scene? Who died best? (audience oo’s)
Jared: (turns to Jensen) (?Who would be-?)
Jensen: (to fan) (makes a face) Me. (flips up hand) (audience and Jared laugh)
Fan: You had more practice- (Jared: He had more chances.) He did. Yours was a little more (?).
Jensen: I do love- I do love “Mystery Spot,” because it was such a fun episode for me. Because I just didn’t care. (audience chuckles) ‘Cause I was just dying all the time. (thumbs to Jared) Poor Jared, like, is freaking out the whole episode. (Jared laughs) He’s like, you know, getting emotional and I’m like, “Hey, buddy! Wake up! Let’s go!” (audience laughs)
Love those episodes.
Jared: (off mic) Yeah, that’s right.
•(1:57 BBS, 1:37 DW)- LA08J2;Q1c- Thoughts on Thirty (Jensen)
Fan: How does it feel to be thirty now?
Jensen: Fantastic. (Fan: Good.) (audience cheers and claps) (nods) It’s amazing.. it’s so much better in your thirties.
Some of the audience yeah’s. Jensen then pats Jared’s knee. Jared and the audience laugh. Then Jared makes a pouting face at Jensen.
Jared: My-
Jensen: (to Jared) You’ll get there one day. (Jared laughs)
Jared: I hope so.
Fan: Thank you for coming, guys.
Jensen: Thank you. (turns to his left)
Jared: Thank you. Hi.
•(1:57 DW)- LA08J2;Q2a- 3x01; Seventh Demon’s outcome
Fan: Hi. I’m Chris. (Jensen: Hey, Chris.) Uh, this question is for.. Jensen, (Jared throw his hands up) but it could be for both.
◘Jensen and Jared in LA: questions about Magnificent Seven by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: (gestures to his right off stage) Should I just go elsewhere? (audience no’s) (smiles)
Fan: No, actually-
Jensen: (thumbs off stage) Go eat some more skittles, pal. (audience laughs)
Jared: (makes a face) I might.
Fan: There’s two parts. In.. “Magnificent Seven” I only seemed to count six demons that you killed. (Jensen thumbs to Jared) Where’s the seventh one? (audience and Jared laugh)
•(2:19 DW, 0:22 BBS)- LA08J2;Q2b- 3x01; Dean vs Lust (Jensen)
Fan: And the second part before you get into that other one is- The second one is, you got attacked by Lust and we’re wondering how did you.. manage to overcome when you’re- you were in the water? When everybody else actually died (?in the waters?).
Jensen: Uumm… Well, if you recall just before I dunked her in the water, I had a very lustful kiss. (audience laughs)
Fan: Right. Yes.
Jensen: Um, so, I-I- I curved that appetite very quickly with that kiss and then (mimics forcefully dunking) I dunked her into the water. (Jared and the audience laughs)
•(2:47 DW, 0:51 BBS)- LA08J2;Q2c- 3x01; Seventh Demon’s outcome; cont.
Fan: So, where were the seventh demon die then? (?y’know?)
Jensen: Um, you know, (looks at Jared) I- that’s a good question. I thought there were seven.
Jared: I thought there were seven.
Jensen: (looks to the audience) Can anybody else, uhh.. No? (nods) Good. (makes a face) Thanks for coming. (audience laughs)
Jared: Lust- Lust in the bathroom. There’s- there’s, um- um…
Jensen: That’s the only one I remember too. (audience laughs)
Jared: Well, there was Sloth, re- uh..
Audience member: Wrath!
Jared: Pride.
Audience member: Envy!
Audience member: Anger!
Jensen: Wrath. Pride.
Audience member: Gluttony!
Audience member: Gluttony!
Audience member: Gluttony!
Jensen: Gluttony.
Jared: Yeah, Gluttony was there.
Jensen: Sloth.
Audience member: Anger!
Audience member: Envy!
Audience member: Jealously!
Jared: Envy was the main guy. Envy was the guy we exorcised (Jensen: Yeah!) and she killed.
Jensen: (to fan) There should have been seven.
Fan: Well, there was only six bodies from what I-
Jensen: There was only six bodies?
Fan: Yeah.
Jared: Oh, okay. Good. (points to fan) Because of the end scene Bobby says, I think- I think the w- “I think the girl will make it,” (nods) or something like that.
Jensen: Oh, that’s right, one of- one of the- (Jared: One of them wasn’t.. killed.) the bodies didn’t die.
Audience member: (?Two right?)
Jared: (looks at the audience)Two of ‘em.
Audience member: Two survive.
Audience member: The big guy and the (?) survive.
Jensen: (holds up two fingers)Two of the bodies didn’t die. (audience laughs)
Jared: (points to audience member) Yeah, you’re right. (laughs then taps Jensen’s arm) Let’s hand our mics away because I think they don’t want our- (Jensen chuckles, shaking his head)
(nods to the audience) Y’all guys. Yeah.
Jensen: (turns to his right) Hi.
•(3:40 DW, 1:44 BBS)- LA08J2;Q3a- Stunts; Fight Scenes; Participation and Preparation
Fan: Hi, guys. (Jensen: Hi.) (?It’s been real?). How’re you doing? (Jared: Hi.) Um, question for both of you guys. Um, do you ever do your own fight scenes? And, if so what kind of preparation.. or training.. do you have?
Jensen: Yes and none. (audience laughs and oo’s. Jared laughs.)
Jared: I think (looks at Jensen) we do all of our own fight scenes but they’re also (looks at fan) by.. stunt.. uh, actors who.. do the more intense.. part of the fight scene.
Jensen: You know, like- like, when you see one of us, you know, flying into a bookshelf, or, (Jared: [nods] Yep.) you know, crash into a table (?or something?) (Jared: [nods and points to himself] (?that’s me?).), (nods and points to himself) that’s me. (audience yeah’s and laughs. Jared laugh) Umm.
No. They- they don’t- they don’t nes- they don’t even allow us to do it, just for insurance purposes. So, that’s when the stunt guys come on. And that’s why I say, you know, (looks at Jared and gestures to them both) we basically run, jump, and fall down. And those guys do the actual stunts.
Uhh, a lot of the hand to hand- hand to hand combat stuff is- is.. that’s us. And, you know, we’ll go over it that morning or the day before.. (Jared: Right.) and just kind of get a feel for it. And, you know.. we do that pretty quick.
Jared: (to fan) In some of the fight scenes we have some preparation. The first one that was he against I in “Skin” (Jensen: I loathed.) in season seven- (looks briefly at Jensen) Yeah, we had to- We came out on the weekends and we trained with this, uhm.. (looks at Jensen) uh…
Jensen: Well, no. The first one (points to Jared) would’ve been the “Pilot” when we first (gestures) see each other.
◘LA Supernatural Con: J&J's favorite weapons and more! by wfsarah◘
Jared: (nods) The first one was the “Pilot” and- (nods) Yeah, that’s right. The “Pilot” one we had loads of fight training. (Jensen: Tons.) (counts on his fingers) And then, the one we fought each other again, we also had loads of fight training.
But, since then it’s more- Since we have the basics, you sort of block it out (Jensen nods) and then you kind of rough it in. And you do it kind of half speed. And then the stunt guys get in and (swipes hand) tear the place up.
Jensen: You know, the more you do- uh, and, we’ve done it a lot. So, the- the more you do it kind of the easier it becomes every time there is a fight scene. So, it’s like.. preparation becomes less and less and less. (shrugs) But you can still get the performance out of it.
◘Jensen LA SPN convention-22 J2 Panel 02-07 (Weapon Fave word by DW&DW◘
•(5:15 DW, 0:29 W, 0:03 DW)- LA08J2;Q3b- Fav Demon killing weapon
Fan: Great. (Jensen: Sure.) And just one more thing. What’s your favorite demon killing weapon?
Jensen: (shrugs) I gotta say Ruby’s knife. (audience cheers and claps) That things awesome. (Jared: That is cool.) I just need one. (audience laughs) Other than that, you know, my trusty shotty.
Jared: I gotta- I- I gotta go.. old-old school with some of the demon things. The whole eyes, like, (?I peer?) my white eyes and you explode? That’s a- that’s kind of a demon killing. Though it doesn’t kill demons, but it’s a demon’s killing. (audience laughs. Jensen mouths what to the audience.) Thank you. (Fan: (?It’s almost?)-) I like that. I like that.
Fan: Okay.
◘Jensen and Jared in LA: Jensen's fav, least fav, & curse by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: (points then gets up and leaves to the right of the stage) I’ll be- I’ll be over back there. I’ll… (Audience laughs. Jensen shakes his head and then smiles at Jared.)
Fan: Thanks.
Jared: (sits back down and shrugs) (off mic) I like that.
Jensen: (shrugs, laughs, and shakes his head) I have no idea what you’re talking about, man. (audience laughs)
Jared: Lilith, in “Jus in Bello.”
Jensen: (nods) Oh, right, right, right. Okay, yeah.
Jared: I’m just saying, I don’t know. It could (flings hand up) probably kill demons. Or unalive demons. (Jensen: prob- probably.) I think that’s a (flings hand up) cooler weapon than a knife. (Jensen: Yeah.) The eyes (shrugs and stares out) and then dead.
Jensen: (turns quickly to his left) Next question. (Jared and audience laugh)
•(1:29 W, 1:03 DW, 0:24 BBS)- LA08J2;Q4a- Fav word (Jensen)
Fan: Hi, Jensen. (Jensen: Hi.) Hi, Jared, again. (Jared: Hi.) This is for Jensen, (Jared turns away and nods) because I already asked, Jared. (audience aw’s)
Well, I already asked him, so.
Jensen: (to Jared) Quit hogging all the questions. (audience laughs. Jared smiles)
Fan: Big fan of the.. “Inside the Actor’s Studio” so that’s couple of.. James.. Lipton questions for yah. Um-
Jensen: Oh, great.
Fan: What’s your favorite word?
Jensen: (to Jared) I thought she would say what’s your favorite curse word? (audience laughs)
Fan: Oh, that’s coming up.
Jensen: Oh really?
Fan: Yeah. (?Going there?).
Jensen: (laughs) This, hah, well. (looks at Jared)
Jared: (shrugs and flings hand up) I did it.
Jensen: (laughs and inhales) Uhhhhh… (audience laughs) (to fan) Just favorite word?
Fan: Yeah.
Jensen: (smacks lips) Um.. I don’t know. I’m probably changing my mind in five minutes, but right now..
Audience member: Jared! (audience laughs)
Audience member: Jared!
Audience member: Say Jared!
Jared: Augh (audience laughs) (Jensen: [shakes head to audience] No.) That’s his favorite curse word. (audience laughs)
Jensen: (to fan) Ummm, insatiable. (audience oo’s and cheers)
•(2:23 W, 1:58 DW, 1:19 BBS)- LA08J2;Q4b- Least Fav word (Jensen)
Fan: Your least favorite? (Jensen: What?) Your least favorite word?
Jensen: My least favorite? (smacks lips) Um-
Jared fakes snores and mimics slowly falling off his chair. The audience laughs. Jensen chuckles.
Jensen: Milk. (audience laughs)
•(2:26 W, 2:09 DW, 1:33 BBS)- LA08J2;Q4c- Fav curse word (Jensen)
Fan: And your least favorite question, curse word.
Jensen: Favorite curse word? Umm.. (audience giggles. Jared laughs.) (laughs to himself) mh, (flips hand) It’s probably just shit. (Jared nods. Audience laughs, oo’s, and claps)
Fan: Thank you.
Jared: (off mic) (?That’s what I said?)
Jensen: (to Jared) Is it?
Jared: (nods) (off mic) Yeah.
Jensen: Really?
Jared: (nods) (off mic) Yes. (?It’s a good one?).
Jensen: (to audience) It’s not too harsh, (Jared: [off mic] Yeah.) but you get your point across. (Jared: [off mic] Yes.) (audience laughs)
Jared: (turns to his right) (off mic) Oh, (?so we go here?).
Jensen: And now my mother’s gonna call me. (audience laughs)
Jared: I know- (laughs then mimics Jensen’s mom crying.) Uh-huh, Jensen.
(turns back to fan) Hello.
•(3:05 W, 2:39 DW, 2:00 BBS)- LA08J2;Q5a- fav scene; 2x14; ACT FOUR, EXT. HOUSE – LATER (Jared)
Fan: Hello. Hi, Jared, Jensen. I’m (?Patricia?). (Jensen: Hi.)
Jared: Notice how she said, “hi, Jared, then Jensen.” (audience laughs and cheers. Jensen shakes his head)
Fan: You’re sitting in front of me.
Jared: Just a.. Just an observation. You- Don’t need to explain. Don’t need to explain. (audience laughs)
Fan: Um, uh, okay. First question is for Jared. Um, “Born Under a- (laughs)
Jared: Once again. (audience laughs. Jensen hangs his head)
Fan: Um, one of my, uh.. favorite season trailer episodes is, um, “Born Under a Bad Sign.” (Jared: Yeah?) And I wanted to know what was your favorite scene to shoot in that episode?
◘Jensen and Jared in LA: Jared's favorite BUABS scene by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: Uhhh, that’s a great question. My favorite scene to shoot in that episode... was... the getting exorcised scene. It was fun because.. I was tied up, so I didn’t have to move around. (audience laughs and a catcall) (thumbs to Jensen) And they’re splashing me with water. And it was fun because then I got to do that demon thing, where I.. was like, “Ah, you think you’re cool with the.. Devil’s Trap,” and I made the ceiling crack? That’s like- (turns to Jensen, nodding and flings his hand up) See, I like the eye thing. (?I knew I like that thing?).
Jensen shrugs. The audience laughs. Jared turns back around while Jensen wide eye stares away from him and then rolls his eyes. The audience laughs louder.
Jared: Um, it’s fun-
Jared slowly turns back to look at Jensen, but Jensen looks away. Jared turns back, but quickly looks back at Jensen and Jensen looks back and pumps his eyebrows, smirking. Jared turns back to the fan and laughs. Jensen chuckles to himself.
◘Supernatural LA Con: Jensen talks about ep what is and... by martithabonita◘
Jared: So, I like that. I like that whole sequence up in Bobby’s house, from getting exorcised to getting (thumbs to Jensen) fight- in a fight with Dean, to the (mimics hit) little punch that he added at the end.
Jensen: Little? (looks at Jared) (audience laughs)
Jared: (shrugs) Well, big for you.
The audience laughs and oo’s. Jared laughs. Jensen rolls his eyes and nods. Jared turns back to look at Jensen. Jensen possibly says something, maybe “yeah,” off mic or just makes a face while chewing gum, but Jared laughs harder because it. Jensen also starts laughing.
Jensen: (to audience) (pumps his eyebrows) He liked that one. (audience laughs)
◘Jensen LA SPN convention-24 J2 Panel 04-07 (body swap Jensen by DW&DW◘
Jared: I like.
Jensen: Uumm, (Fan: And my second ques-) Now on to the important question, yes. (audience and Jared laugh)
Fan: Yes. Um, okay, my second question for Jen, um- (Jared: Filler questions.) it’s for Jensen. Um, my other favorite season episode is “What is and What Should Never Be.” And I wanted to know what was your favorite scene to shoot that episode?
Jensen: Uumm, (lip trills) there were a couple. Uhhh, I really like the- the-uhh, when Mom opened the door. (audience aw’s) And, um, just being- (throws up hand and tilts his head back and forth at the audience) (audience laughs) (to fan) Uh, (Jared: Dirty minds.) it-it was just really hard to play, you know? It just like it w-was a lot of conflicting.. feelings and-and that- that I had to- to-to do without.. (gestures to and from his head) saying really anything.
Um, I also really like the scene (points at Jared) between he and I, uh, in the.. the dinning room. Because it was the first time sss- It was really the first time ever.. that.. I’ve had to do a scene with him.. (points at Jared) and he wasn’t.. who he normally is. (Jared: Right.) Uhm, (?Fan?: Mhmm.) all the (moves his hand back and forth), you know, the quick banter and the, you know, just the- the energy that I wo-ub, you know, we normally like have in the scene was completely gone because (points at Jared) he couldn’t react normally (points to himself) to me because I was the brother that, you know, was a, um- a mess up and, uh, you know, just a load of crap.
And- and he didn’t really care about.. me, in that scene. And so... to play against someone who I’m so used to having a certain dynamic with and having him not giving me (hand swipe) anything back was really, (wide eyes and flings hand up) really interesting to me.
Jared: That was. That was hard to do. I remember we were both-
Jensen: (points to Jared) You- you were- ee- I mean, (nods) it was difficult.
Jared: (?losing my mind?) because I wanted- Kripke to had to keep on with me in that scene in the dining room when he pulls me aside. I kept on having- I kept on clicking back to the (thumbs to Jensen) rapport that we usually have on screen, which is that brother-brother thing. But, Kripke’s like, “No!” We kept going back to, you know, you know and love Dean. (Jensen: Normal world, right? [nods] Yeah.) This is somebody you don’t know. And he’s like, “You don’t hate the guy. You just don’t know him. He.. up and left and he’s kind of a.. loser. He doesn’t do much. And you just never known the guy.”
And so, that was so hard. And that was like, “I don’t know if I could do that.” (Jensen nods) It was so tough. It was kind of sad. How sad is it that, I watch that episode and I’m like, “Aw, how sad. He has a normal life.” (audience and Jensen laugh) (?Did everybody call that?).
Jensen: (shrugs) Well, you know.
Jared: That’s a- that’s…
Jensen: So- (gestures to fan) Yes.
Fan: Well, thank you (Jared: Thank you.) (?I mean, uh,?) thank you for making the best show ever.
Jensen: Thank you. (audience cheers and claps)
Jared: Thank you for asking me your question first. (audience laughs. Jensen turns to his left shaking his head)
•(2:31 DW)- LA08J2;+1- Country vs Continent bit
Fan: Hi, Jensen. (audience laughs and oo’s.)
Jensen: Hi. (nods) Hi. (nods)
Fan: (?Thanks? or ?And?) Jared. Umm, oh, my question is-
◘Jensen and Jared in LA: Jensen being Sam! & Jared in a play? by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: Whatever. (turns and waves off his hand to fan) Whatever. (audience and fan laugh) (gestures to the fan on his right) Next- next (?please? or ?victim?). (Jensen tilts his head back and smiles) (turns back to the fan on his left) (audience laughs)
Fan: Again, my name is Asia. (Jensen: Hi.) Thanks again- (Jared: Not like the continent.) Huh?
Jared: Not the cont- Not the country.
Fan: Not the conti- the country. Got it. Right.
Jensen: (leans to Jared) Continent.
Audience member: Continent.
Fan: Yeah.
Jared: Country. (audience laughs)
•(2:51 DW, 0:51 BBS)- LA08J2;Q6a- Fan Request; Body Swap portrayal (Jensen)
Fan: My first question, (Jared: Countryinent.) Jensen. (Jensen: Yes.) (Jared flings his hand out) (to Jared) Stop saying country. (Jared: (?essentially?)) (audience and J2 laugh) Um.. someone else asked Jared the question earlier, but I wondered if-
Jared: (holds his hand up) Oh, I see. Okay. Yeah, yeah. You guys have fun. (audience laughs) (laughs)
Fan: I was- I was wondering is, um, they did a body swat- swap episode, (audience woo) what exactly would you do to portray Sam and could you give us-
Jared: Probably look at himself a lot. He’d be like this.
Jared wiggles in his seat and smooths his hands down his body. Jensen slowly turns and looks at Jared. Jared immediately gets up from his chair and walks away laughing. The audience laughs, claps, and cheers. Jared walks back and shrugs, nodding at Jensen. Jared begins to take off his coat one shoulder at a time. The audience laughs, claps, and cheers. Jared shrugs his coat back on, laughing, and then sits back down.
◘Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki by Fabi Almeida◘
◘Jensen imitating Jared as Sam by IY◘
Jensen: (to audience) Don’t encourage him. (Jared throws his head back laughing and claps his mic)
Fan: I was gonna ask you to demonstrate-
◘Jensen LA SPN convention-25 J2 Panel 05-07 (kilt) by DW&DW◘
Jensen: (to fan) Continue lovely. (audience, fan, and Jared laugh)
Fan: I was gonna ask you to demonstrate. So, you would give us a little (?flavor of him?).
Jensen: A body swap with, uh, (points to Jared) (Fan: Yeah.) Jumbo, here? (Fan: Yes.) (audience and Jared laugh) (points to Jared) You want me to imitate him? (Jared: [off mic] Oh!) (Fan: Yes, please.) (gets up and shakes his head to the audience) Gladly. (Jared laughs. The audience screams and laughs) It would be something.. something about like this.
◘LA Supernatural Con: Jensen doing his Sam impression by wfsarah◘
Jensen puts his mic down on his seat and then steps away from his chair. He hunches over and places both hands in his pockets. He looks up squinting with pursed lips and begins to walk forward looking around. The audience laughs. Jared throws himself forward laughing. Jensen’s steps get more and more exaggerated as he walks off the front right corner of the stage onto the autograph tables. Jared throws his head back and laughs.
Jensen turns around to face the crowd with his shoulder line to his ears before he starts his walk back to his seat. Audience members scream. Jared and the audience laugh. Jensen begins to violently nodding before he reaches his seat. Jared is wiping tears from his eyes and then holds his hands out and shakes his head. Jensen turns around, scratches his nose, bows to the audience, and then sits down smirking. The audience claps and cheers. Jared claps his mic, nodding and says “Alright. Alright,” off mic, then laughs some more.
•(1:58 BBS, 1:00 DW, 0:34 W)- LA08J2;Q6b- Future Projects; plays; A Few Good Men (Jared)🔮
Fan: Thanks for that, but I do have a small question for Jared.
Jared: (?Do, we?) (laughs)
Fan: Um, someone asked earlier if Jensen would be doing anymore plays on stage. Any ideas for you to do any?
Jared: Uh, me? (Fan: Yeah.) (thumbs to Jensen and laughs) Not if I look like that. (Jensen and the audience laugh) Um.. (laughs) I’d love to. I saw Jensen do that play. He-he.. kicked ass. (audience yeah and woo) And, uh, it was exciting (?to see him? or ?and for him?). (audience cheers and claps)
(gestures to audience) And, I don’t know if any of y’all guys got a chance see it, but I know we had people who seen it before. But, it’s really exciting and I was sitting there watching and my heart was beating so fast. I was like, “Dude, he doesn’t get any second takes.” Like, it hit me hard. (Jensen nods) Because, I did plays in high school and stuff, but this is in front of.. major paying audience. It’s a huge.. theatre, you know? Housing some big.. names.
Uhm, so I’d love to do it, but h-h-hopefully, um.. my career keeps going this way and I-I- I keep on.. working and establishing.. enough of a name for myself in this business, so I can.. afford to do a play (Jensen nods) in, you know, however- (squints and flips up his hand) Does that make any sense? (Jensen: No.) (Fan: Yes.) (audience laughs) (turns away nodding) No, okay. (turns back) (?Jerk?)
Fan: So, no (?Equus?) in the.. near future?
Jared: Not in the near future. I’d love to do a play at some point in time. (nods) But, I can’t foresee (gestures) in the near future.. given the chance to. (nods)
Fan: Well, thank you, and thank you for doing everything you do. I love the show.
Jared: (claps leg) Thank you.
Jensen: Thank you. (Jared and audience clap) (turns to his right)
Jared: Hello.
•(2:24 DW)- LA08J2;T2- Stolen Question
Fan: Hello. I can’t believe she stole my question. I’m pretty sad. But, um-
Jared: Next question. (turns to his left) (fan chuckles and audience laughs)
Jensen: (turns to his left) Next.
Fan: (?still have one?), uh, for Jensen. (audiences oo’s and laughs) Do you know- I-I asked you-
Jared: What was- Who was your question to?
Fan: Uh, what?
Jared: Uh, the stolen one.
◘Jensen and Jared in LA: more kilts in Jensen's future? by BabyBlueSteel◘
Fan: Uh, it was for Jensen.  (Jared looks out and thumps his mic down on his leg. audience oo’s and laughs) It was the same question asked (?right after that other one?). And, uhh, (?forgive me?) (?).
Jared: (scrunches his face) Stupid questions.
Fan: Uh-
Jensen: What was your brilliant question? (Jared and audience chuckle)
•(2:50 DW, 0:11 BBS)- LA08J2;Q7- Fashion; plans on kilts (Jensen)
Fan: Um.. Do you plan on wearing, uh, a kilt anytime soon? (Jared laughs, then nods. Audience laugh and claps) It really is.. awesome.
Jensen: (to audience) Let me rephrase that. (to fan) What’s your odd question? (audience and Jared laugh) (Fan: (?it’s my favorite?).)
Umm, (to audience) I- As some of you may know I wore, uh, a kilt in, uh-uh-uh, “10 Inch Hero.” (audience woo’s and claps. Jared nods) And.. (holds a hand up) Which was part of the character. (audience laughs. Jared looks down and smiles) It’s not something I do on a day to day basis. (audience and Jared chuckle)
Umm, (to fan) my answer would probably be no. (audience and Jared laugh.) Uh, unless, you know.. (shrugs, shaking his head, then looks at Jared) unless it’s Halloween, you know what I mean? (Jared: [nods] [off mic] Yeah.) Yeah, okay. (turns to his left then back to fan and shrugs)
Fan: (?Yeah, okay.?) Thank you.
Jensen: Sorry, (flings hand up) I didn’t have a more interesting answer for you. Like, “I’m wearing one right now, underneath.” (audience laughs. Jared smiles) “I just took it off.” (Jared says something off mic) Yeah. (laughs) “I just changed. It’s what I sleep in.”
The audience and Jared laugh. An audience member lets out a loud woo. The audience laughs. Jensen had turned to his left, but then slowly gives a face to the audience. The audience laughs harder.
◘Jensen LA SPN convention-26 J2 Panel 06-07 (junk food) by DW&DW◘
Jensen: (smiles and tilts his head) Okay. (briefly turns back to his left) (Fan: Uh-) (to Jared) Apparently we have a.. from some- from- someone from Scotland here. (audience laughs) (turns back to fan on his left)
•(3:51 DW, 0:11 DW)- LA08J2;Q8a- fav acting medium; Mr. Rhodes (Jensen)
Fan: Uhm, I actually have two questions and Jared can have the second one. So it’s.. (audience oo’s, aw’s and laughs. Jensen bobs his head and smirks) Sorry, Jared.
Jensen: Yes. (Jared is looking down, sad-frowning)
Fan: We didn’t have enough time to finish our questions with Jensen, so you’re finishing us up.
Jensen: (to Jared) Yeah. (nods) (?Just saying, man?).
Jared: Alright, fine.
Fan: Alright, um, so, you just had the opportunity to act on stage and you’ve done film and television before. What’s your favorite medium and why?
Jensen: Umm, (lip trill) ..I’d have to say that, uhh, of all the jobs I’ve had probably the, like- I’d say my favorite.. would have to be (Jared: Days of Our Lives.) (audience laughs) half hour- (laughs)
Jared: (?Sell out?), but Days of Our Lives.
Jensen: Would have to be half- a half hour sitcom. Uh, I did- I did a show. It’s like the first thing that I did when I moved to LA. It was, uh, a show called, “Mr. Rhodes.” And it was a half-hour sitcom on ABC.
But, the great thing is.. you-you rehearse all week.. and then you preform in front of a live audience. So, it’s basically the best of both worlds. You get TV and you get, you know, uh, theatre. Um, so you get that-that kind of immediate, uh, gratification from an audience, but you also have the ability to go back and redo it if it messes up.
So, um.. I- And (to Jared) the schedule just unbelievable. (Jared: Yeah.) I mean, (to fan) you work for three weeks and get a week off every month, are you kidding me? (audience laughs) I- (shakes head) I just, (to Jared) you know, those “Friends” people had it made. (audience laughs) (to fan) So.
•(1:33 DW)- LA08J2;Q8b- Acting Challenges; Special Effects; 2x01
Fan: And then, my second question, which Jared can answer, because it was for both of you.
Jared: Okay, I’ll answer it. (audience laughs)
Fan: Um, (Jared: If I must.) how difficult is it to imagine Special Effects like the black smoke? What kind of, um, eyeline match do you have?
Jensen: I’m glad you asked. Um, (Jared and audience laugh) (laughs)
Jared: I’ll- (bumps Jensen’s arm) go ahead and take this one. (Jensen: [nods] Alright.) It- it started out pretty tough, ‘cause you- you’re lookin’ at tape and, you know, I mean, pieces of tape, like x-marks on the box. And they’re going, “It’s a-“ you know, “It’s a demon on fire and smoke.” And you’re going, “Ahh.” You know? (audience laughs) Like, you don’t know what to do. 
But, there’s been a learning curve (Jensen nods) of.. filming it and remembering how you feel in the scene on screen-
Fan: Is it like following it across- Do they like have like a pole? Do they have something-
Jared: Sometimes. (Jensen nods) Every now and again they’ll have, um, a-a tennis ball at the end of a pole. Uhm, and they’ll sort of run it around. Otherwise, uhm.. you know, you’ll- your eyes will be here (gestures off to his left) then they’ll have, “Okay,” it goes to the next part and you’ll have to look at the next part.
Uhm.. but a lot of times luckily.. they’ll.. have us.. sync it up. You know? Because we get- we get a chance to do it (cycle gesture) over and over and over again. So, I think rarely we probably get it right the first time. But, we can just do just a series of, like, you start there. Go to the next one. Go all the way there and back, you know?
Jensen: (to fan) It’s a lot- You got a lot of different factors that kind of, uh, that come into it as well, you know? Uh, in the episode, “My Time of Dying” where I run in and I see like, the- the grim reaper, like, hanging over the- the hospital bed. That was actually just an electrician with a pole and (mimics bowl) a-a bowl at the end of it, um, as an eyeline. But, they needed something- (*missing coverage)
•(insomnia_geek •30)- LA08J2;FR2- Acting Challenges; Special Effects; 2x01
“About working with special effects and the eyeline matching -- it's been a learning curve, but they've gotten better and they find it easier. In IMTOD, when the reaper was hovering over the hospital bed, Jensen was really staring at a sweaty grip with a light on a pole for the shiny reaper lighting effect. They prefer doing it in shooting, when they have something to look at even if it's a tennis ball, rather than in post, when they might have to stare at nothing.” – IG
•(insomnia_geek •31, sara_p para. 39)- LA08J2;FR3- 3x08; Product Placement; Creative Control
“The Christmas episode, they loved the kids. The Funyons are written in the script, and after the writers put it there, they have to see if they're allowed to use the product placement. Jared loves Funyons, doesn't think they had any problem getting to use those. (…)” – IG
“There were some more random questions (again, people are trying to dig into the what parts of the show are ad-libbed thing, because someone asked if they chose the food that wee!Dean brought in in 3x08), but there was a good conversation about Funyuns, and Jared and Jensen's favorite junk food. (…)” - S
◘Jensen LA SPN convention-27 J2 Panel 07-07 (directing) by DW&DW◘
Fan: -comes in looks a bag of Funyuns and (Jensen nods) some candy bars. H-
Jensen: (to audience) Those kids loved those by the way. (audience cheers and claps) (nods)
•(0:10 DW)- LA08J2;Q9a- 3x08; Product Placement; Creative Control
Fan: Um, I was just wondering if the Funyuns and, like, the Zagnut candy bars if those were written into the script or were those stuff that you guys liked, and so that’s why they got them or?
Jensen: (to Jared) They were written into the script, weren’t they?
Jared: Yeah, (Jensen: [nods] Yeah.) I never had a Zagnuts. I-I love Funyuns. (audience laughs)
Jensen: Yeah. (nods to fan) They-they- that’s a- that was a writing- a writing call. (Fan: Thanks.) Yeah.
Jared: Also they- once again, there are many factors like.. you can’t just- uh, they must also have some sort of deal or Funyuns says (?)-
Jensen: Got to get (?airline nuts?).
Fan: Yeah.
Jared: You can’t just throw Coca-Cola and Reese’s pieces and stuff and go like, “Okay, look, here’s your M&M’s.” And M&M’s is going, “Uh, we didn’t tell you, you could use our M&M’s.” So, I guess they went out to Funyuns and had to get approve and stuff like that.
Jensen: Well, they- they write what-
Jared: It’s probably a personal favorite of mine.
Jensen: They write what they want and then they see if they can get that. And if it’s just, you know, the- uh, if it’s too difficult then they might change it to something else. But, I can’t imagine Funyuns and, uh, were too hard to get, yeah. (shrugs) So. (pumps eyebrows at audience) (audience laughs)
Jared: It’s probably like, whoever wrote it probably really loves it, you know? It’s like all the characters really have a different, uhm- in different small (?towns?), like, you know, uhhh- Who was- What was the name of- in Croatoan, um.. Bargus or something like that. It was like someone’s best friend (Jensen nods) or the writer’s best friend and they used their, you know. So.
Jensen: Yeah. All the names- (Jared: Yeah, are all-) are all-
Jared: Like, that was my first grade teacher, you know? (Jensen nods) So.
Jensen: Yeah.
•(1:22 DW)- LA08J2;Q9b- fav snack/junk food
Fan: Okay, but then on that note, do you have a favorite- What’s your favorite snack food or junk food to eat just whenever?
Jensen: (points at Jared) Anything with sugar. (audience laughs)
Jared: Don’t point at me when you s-say sugar. (audience laughs)
Jensen: Um. (looks at Jared and chews his gum and starts the jingle) Dun, Dah, Dah, Dah, Dah, Honey, Honey. (audience laughs) (exhales) (?Oh boy?).
Jared: Anything with sugar, Me. This guy-
Jensen: Uhm, (shrugs and flips his hand up) I don’t know. Whatever’s available is fine. Because I’m hungry, you know. Yeah. (Fan: Thank you.) Beef Jerky, ehh, you know? Sugar. (audience giggles) Doughnuts. (shrugs looks to his left then goes back and shrugs again) or whatever. We’re not picky.
Jared: (off mic) (?Okay,?) thank you, (?um-?)
Jensen: (turns to his left) Hi.
◘Jensen and Jared in LA: Jensen on playing Dean by BabyBlueSteel◘
Fan: Hello, boys! (chuckle) (Jensen: Hi.) I’m ap-apologizing to Jared now because I already asked him these questions. (Jensen looks at Jared) So, I’m asking Jar- Jensen first. (audience giggles) But then I have a question for both of you to make up for it.
Jared: (sighs) I’m (?okay, he can go first?). It’s what he does.
•(2:18 DW, 0:11 BBS)- LA08J2;Q10a- Acting Challenges; Facets of Dean; fav of Dean (Jensen)
Fan: So, um, this is about getting into character of Dean. Is there a certain facet of Dean’s personality that’s hardest for you to portray on screen? And on top of that, is there a certain side of Dean that’s your most favorite to play?
Jensen: Uhh, I’d say the most difficult is just his affection towards his brother. (Jared laughs. audience laughs, oo’s, and aw’s) (shakes head) (Jared pouts) I struggle with it daily. (audience laughs and aws. Jared laughs) (smiles) Uh, no. 
It- um.. I don’t know. I mean, when- when you- when you play a character, uh, as- as much and as intensely as-as we do it-it-it becomes very, euh.. natural, um, to.. you know, feel or know what- how he would react or what he might do in a certain situation. (Jared nods)
Um, you know, the emotional stuff is always tough. And that’s tough for both- Uh, (Jared waves at the audience) (turns to Jared) (Jared nods to Jensen) I-I don’t know. (to fan) I think that’s tough for playing any character. Uhm, to-to, you know, figure out-
I do know that it is easier now, um, I think I touched on this before, for, eh-eh-I think (gestures to Jared and himself) both of us to-to get into a kind of emotional, uh, state.. in the scene than it used to be before we, you know, knew each other that well. (Jared: [nods] [off mic] Right.)
You know, now- I mean, back then you had to like (points to his head) think about something that would really get you worked up. But, know it’s like, you know, we know these characters so well, and we, you know, we know each other so well that we can just use each other to-to- to get, you know- to get where we need to be. So.
•(3:43 DW, 0:11 BBS)- LA08J2;Q10b- fav part of Dean (Jensen)
Um, you know, I-I- I don’t know. I think the- the part that I like the most is- is just his, uh- um, when he gets snappy and sarcastic and cranky. (audience giggles) That’s always fun for me to play. (smirks) Because then I don’t have to be in real life.
◘Jensen LA SPN convention-23 J2 Panel 03-07 (Jen fave screen) by DW&DW◘
Fan: There you go.
Jensen: Yeah.
◘Jensen and Jared in LA: directing ambitions? by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(4:01 DW, 0:03 DW, 0:00 BBS)- LA08J2;Q10c- Future Projects; Directing 🔮
Fan: And, um, have either of you ever thought of maybe trying out, you know, directing an episode or helping to direct an episode or directing, you know, something that you guys enjoy or look forward to maybe doing in the future?
Jensen: (looks at Jared then back at fan) Um, it’s something I’m- I’m interested in. Um, Iii- I know that it’s, uh, you know- It’s- it’s very difficult for.. (smacks lips) our show specifically (Jared: [nods] [off mic] yeah.) to allow one of us to direct an episode. Simply because they can’t lighten our, um- you know, our load. As- as far as the ac- the acting work goes.
Um, you know, you have, uh, you know, like, uh, I’m going to use “Smallville” as an example, because Tom’s a friend of ours. And-and he’s directed a few episodes and.. it’s much easier for him because he’s got cast of, you know, nine or ten. (Jared: [nods] [off mic] Yeah.) So, they can write heavy.. other characters and lighten his load the- the previous shows so that he can prep for the next episode. And then lighten his load on the-the episode that he’s directing, so that he can concentrate on directing.
(shakes head) It’s just.. not- it’s just not that doable for our show. So, um- You know, is it- is it doable at all? I-I- probably, ‘cause you know. Will it happen? (shrugs) Depends. Depends on if the writers are willing to, you know.. go the extra mile and make it- you know, make it feasible for us. (nods)
Fan: Good. (Jared: [off mic] Yeah.) Okay. (Jensen: Yeah.) Thank you very much.
Jensen: (nods) Yeah.
Jared: Thank you. (Jensen turns to his right.)
•(1:25 DW)- LA08J2;Q11a- 2x15; thoughts on playing extreme caricatures
Fan: Hi, Guys.
Jensen: Hi.
Jared: Hello.
Fan: In “Tall Tales,” when Bobby first comes and you guys were recounting your views of each other at the.. bar. Did you guys enjoy playing kind of, like, extreme.. (Jared: I hadn’t been.) caricatures (audience giggles) of yourself? Like, you were.. really nerdy. And (Jared: Yeah.) his.. was hitting on girls.
◘Jensen and Jared in LA: Dean talking with himself in DALDOM by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: (nods) I loved it. I thought it was (?good, because-?)
Jensen: I did too. (audience and Jared laugh)
Jared: Yeah, I thought it was fun. I knew it was gonna be.. um, really funny sequence, because reading the script I was laughing out loud. You know, lot of times when I read the script I’ll kind of go, “huh,” you know? (Jensen smiles) Or, “Oh, that’s going to be funny.”
But, I was reading the script and just laughing. I was like, “Man, even I can’t mess this up.” (chuckles) (audience laughs) Because I was, “Alright, let’s go at it.” It was- It was a- it was a lot of fun. (turns to Jensen) (Jensen nods)
(to fan) The whole episode was a lot of fun, you know? We like those. We really enjoy the- um, we do. (slight turn to Jensen and flips hand) I know I do and I know (thumbs to Jensen) he does enjoy the kind of lighter moments of Supernatural. I mean, it can be so dark and so ominous so often that it’s fun to.. get a scare but also get a laugh, you know? (nods) (Jensen nods)
•(2:23 DW, 0:45 BBS)- LA08J2;Q11b- 3x10; ACT FOUR, INT. MOTEL ROOM; DREAM; thoughts on yelling at your double; Acting Challenges (Jensen)
Fan: Yeah, then I have a quick question for Jensen.
Jared: mhm. (nods then snorts and then leans back) (audience giggles)
Fan: Um, in- I forgot the name of the episode. W-Where you guys went through the- uh, like, Bobby’s dream, like the (?living room?)- (Jared: Dream a Little Dream?) (Jensen gestures to the audience. Audience answers “Dream a Little Dream”) “Dream a Little Dream,” yes. (audience laughs. Jensen smirks.)
Um, what was it like yelling at yourself? Like, you enjoy- like, did you enjoy that (?acid trip?)-
Jensen: That was a really, really hard scene, umm, I’m being serious. That-the-the- the director, uh, I love to death, his name is Steve Boyum. Um.. you know, he had- he had somethings in mind they wanted to do during that scene. And, um, you know, when you’re dealing with a television schedule sometimes it doesn’t always allow for the (hand quote) artistic shot to be done, because you got to get your basics. I mean, you gotta, you know, essentially cover your ass otherwise your-your- your gonna, you know? The network is gonna come down on you.
So, ee- doing that, you know, I had to play, um, I had to play one side of the scene.. uuhhm, a certain way and (shakes his head and slaps his leg) (to Jared) God bless him, I can’t remember his name, but the-the- (to fan) the guy who stood in for me (Jared nods) on the other end, um, knew all of my lines, (Jared shakes his head) backwards and forwards. And I was so impressed with him. Um, and (scratches his head) I’m killing myself to think of his name.
Jared: (?It was a big scene?). It looked like a five or six (Jensen: [nods] Yeah.) (?scene was it?)?
Jensen: And, you know- But at the same time I couldn’t tell him how I wanted to play the scene. I couldn’t be like, “Listen, act just like me.” (audience laughs) So, I had to remember in my head how I was going to be delivering those lines to me and then react off of the way how I was thinking about those lines- (closes his eyes and shakes his head, holding his hand up) It was very confusing and it was very difficult. And it was very challenging, so, you know, at the end of the day I was like, “Phew, mark that off the list.”
But, uh- and then I think the most difficult thing was the, uh-um- I had to.. get into the demon- Like when I get shot, and the blood all over my face and put the- the eyes in and- (shakes head) and I gave that weird voice, which I don’t know where that came from. (audience laughs. Jared snorts) Um. And then I had to get all cleaned up and go back into the scene and do another take of, (Jared: Oh god.) like, only because- because he wanted- he had time to get that kind of (hand quote) cool double cut shot.
◘Jensen LA SPN Convention-03 by DW&DW◘
And so, by then I was just like, “Steve? This better be the most un- This better win you an Emmy.” (audience laughs then claps. Jared smiles) (shakes his head then nods) Yeah. Thank you. (turns to his right)
•(0:37 DW)- LA08J2;T3- stolen question part 2
Fan: Hi, guys. My name is Erica, uh, (?that’s the way’s it’s pronounced?). (giggles)
Jared: Ah.
Jensen: Hey, hey. (?Big D?).
Fan: Um, she took my question. I was gonna ask Jensen what it was like to act with a Jensen Ackles guy, but (Jared and audience laugh. Jensen nods his head) she stole my questions.
Jensen: And of course you have a backup question?
Fan: No, I don’t.
Jensen: Fantastic. (Fan: But-) Thanks for coming up. (Fan: No.) (audience laughs) (laughs)
•(0:57 DW)- LA08J2;Q12a- 3x10; ACT FOUR, LATER- EXT. IMPALA; thoughts on Dean’s domestic dream (Jensen)🔮
Fan: I’m a smart one. Um, inn “Dream a Little Dream” (Jensen: Yeah.) Dean has to.. go into his dream and he looks at the character Lisa, who he liked, um, who thought Ben was his kid. (Jensen: mhm, mhm.) Um.. what do you think about Dean’s longing to have that family?
Jensen: Umm.. (smacks lips) You know, I-I think it’s- it’s written in the d-that- it’s something that he longs for, you know? It’s-it’s- I think that, you know, you saw obviously first.. season, uumm, his drive.. and his intent on having that family.. reunited. You know, (gestures to Jared) getting him, finding Dad, and having everybody together and how much that meant to him.
So, you know, it’s something that he never had. And he sees it and I-I think that there’s envy there, but at the same time I think that he knows that he could never- (shakes head) He could never settle into something like that. He’s seen too much and done t-so much that it just- it’s kind of irreversible.
Um, so, it’s-it’s more of a.. longing sadness than something that he really yearns for. (nods) Yeah. (Fan: And-) (to Jared nodding) That’s a pretty good answer wasn’t it? (audience laughs)
Jared: Pretty good. I’m (?fucked?). (?I’m like-?)
Jensen: I might- I might write that down. (Jared laughs)
•(2:08 DW)- LA08J2;Q12ba- 3x11; ACT FOUR; Thoughts on Sam living without Dean (Jared)
Fan: Jared, in “Mystery Spot,” playing Sam has to live without Dean- (*missing footage)
•(insomnia_geek •37, bardicvoice para. 60, sara_p para. 41)- LA08J2;FR4- 3x11; ACT FOUR; Thoughts on Sam living without Dean (Jared)
“In Mystery Spot, we saw Sam without Dean, which was not good. He really was like John. Sam was tough, but it was tough to play him like that. He had a time finding how to act without Dean, because they really are a double act. He commented on the bullet scene, poking around the fake chest prosthetic and pretending to sew it up, and the fake skin was peeling around the edges and it looked really gross. Said the whole thing could make you nauseous.” – IG
“Responding to another question about Mystery Spot, Jared volunteered that the scenes of life without Dean were really hard, that it had been like having a whole new character to play because of how different Sam became. He said that it had been hard to put himself into the whole place of “my brother’s dead, this is Supernatural without Dean,” and it was hard. (He pretty much ran out of adjectives and just reverted to adding emphasis …). On a practical level, he said that the scene of Sam pulling the bullet out of himself was hard in a different way, because he was fitted with a chest appliance covering his own skin, and it felt weird to look in the mirror and poke into it to pull the bullet out and then sew it up.” – B
“Jared talking about Dark!Sam in Mystery Spot was awesome. He specifically mentioned the scene where he had to take the bullet out and sew himself up, and that there was this fake chest prosthetic piece, and having fake skin peeling around the edges made him nauseous, and then Jensen jumped in with "that was his real skin," and Jared was all "I'm just that good." MAN.” - S
◘Jensen and Jared in LA: dark Sam in Mystery Spot, panel end by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(0:00 BBS)- LA08J2;Q12bb- 3x11; ACT FOUR; Thoughts on Sam living without Dean cont. (Jared)
Jared: -Real life, you know, but, um-
Fan: Kind of scary. Kind of like John.
Jared: Yeah. Yeah he kind of had to get a hard ass, you know, all down-to-business. And when he’s pulling the bullet out of himself, which is a tough sequence to shoot. (audience woo and clap)
Yeah. (nods to audience) They had that little thing. Like, they put me in a body cast, you know, so it’s all this.. (gestures around his torso) mesh. And you’re sitting there and you’re kind of (mimics digging for the bullet) trying to find the bullet. And you can see the fake skin (makes a disgusted face) coming off and (shivers and shakes hand) it kind of makes you nauseous. (audience chuckles) But, uh-
Jensen: (to audience) That wasn’t fake skin. (nods) That was actually him. (audience laughs)
Jared: Yeah, that was actually me. I’m that tough. But, um, it was really tough.
Jensen: Soo, method this guy.
Jared: Yeah. (nods and laughs) I commit.
Jensen: Daniel Daniels who?
Jared: Yeah, who? (audience laughs) Never heard of him.
Fan: Thank you, guys.
Jensen: Thank you.
Jared: Thank you.
(0:36 BBS) -Closing
Jensen: And, uh, I guess (leans forward and looks off stage to his right) is that, uh.. (Jared looks to his right) Is that- is that it? That finishes this sequence of events. (Jared claps)
Jared: (to audience) Thank you guys (?and then?). (audience claps and cheers)
Jensen: (to audience) Thanks everybody.
◘Jensen LA SPN Convention-02 (end) by DW&DW◘
◘Supernatural LA Con: Jared & Jensen leaving stage by martithabonita◘
◘Jensen/Jared leaving by IY◘
Jared stands, clapping. Jensen gets up from his chair and picks up Jared’s pigtail bts photo from the floor, while Jared goes off to the right of the stage and exchanges his mic for a silver sharpie from a creation employee. Jensen follows suit. Jared and Jensen then sign the convention wall poster on the right of the screen. Jared signs under his face and Jensen signs next to Chad’s face.
Jared finishes first and then moves to the left one and starts jumping to try and reach closer to his printed face, making the crowd laugh. Jared settles for signing above Fred’s face and Jensen sided to the other side underneath Dean’s face. The boys hand back the sharpies to the creation employee and then start their walk off stage.
?Adam Malin?: Jared and Jensen and Jared!
The audience claps and cheers. The boys wave at the crowd as they leave towards and behind the curtains, signaling the panel’s end.
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scoobydoodean · 1 year ago
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1.08 Bugs
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shallowstories · 2 years ago
Cas got his ideas about dadhood from Saturday Evening Post.
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jenanigans1207 · 1 year ago
All I’m saying is that in the supernatural universe, I firmly believe that the most popular destiel fics are written and posted by one Sam Winchester under a pen name. And he doesn’t even come up with elaborate plots. He just dictates, almost verbatim, interactions he witnesses Cas and Dean having and then just tacks a kiss or a love confession on the end.
And everyone comments about how he just gets their characters, how he builds such convincing sexual and romantic tension, how the characters feel like real people instead of words on a page. Sam is the most popular destiel ao3 author, his fics on every single rec list, and it’s simply because he got tired of watching Dean and Cas pine uselessly for each other so he decided to make it everyone’s problem.
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lonewolf638 · 2 years ago
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American Nightmare, Supernatural & Strangers, Ethel Cain
DEAN The things you do for family.
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