#izzy writes wholesome
puppysiskisser · 2 months
Big sis cuddles up with me while I doomscroll tumblr in bed. Her inviting warmth and scent, a smoky swirl of weed and cigarettes, eases me into the first moment of relaxation I've had today. In a gentle whisper she asks if I feel like playing with her tonight.
While I'd usually jump at the chance to get railed into the mattress by my big sister, this gentle moment in her arms feels too good to end. I shake my head and tell her I just want to cuddle. She gives me a soft kiss on the side of my head and whispers that she loves me before settling in for a long shift of cuddling.
"I love you too, big sis"
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izzyzalezbian · 1 year
Lately I've been thinking more and more about Sonic and Tails, because they are The Brothers Ever, and one thought that has just been rattling around in my brain is the fact that it was the chaos emeralds that showed Sonic Westside Island.
Like, they wanted Sonic and Tails to meet. To fight together. To become friends, brothers even. Why else would they show Sonic Westside Island?
And I'm pretty sure it's cannon that the Chaos Emeralds were trying to pair them off (don't quote me on it though- understanding Sonic cannon is a feat I've given up on accomplishing).
So, I don't really think that chaos emeralds would let Tails die, if that makes sense. Like, if they wanted Sonic to meet Tails so bad that they literally showed him Westside Island and then really didn't talk to him much after that (again- don't quote me on this, bc im really not certain), then I doubt they'd just let Tails die. In their eyes, he's probably still has work to do. Blue hedgehogs to keep alive and reeled in.
And- I know this isn't really doesn't count, but I'm still gonna bring it up- in Sonic Adventure 2 (maybe? haven't played in a while) whenever Tails dies he just... Floats back onto the screen. And, yes, obviously that's not the chaos emeralds bringing him back to make sure Sonic still has Tails, it's a cool thought.
All of this to say, I've been thinking about Tails croaking in some fight, and the Chaos emeralds, obviously not happy with this, rewind time so Sonic can keep it from happening. Only for Sonic to fail again, and again. Effectively, a time loop, where Sonic's stuck watching his brother die over and over again, all the while trying to find a way to stop it.
Obviously there'd be a happy ending- Tails is my boy, I'm not keeping him dead. But Sonic would definitely have to figure out whatever moral I decide to tack onto him.
Idk, just an idea. Definitely going to work on it a little bit more, but I do hope to get this one written out soon.
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itsruki · 6 months
Random tokyo revengers headcanons and thoughts part 2. (this time it might even be wholesome)
1. Mitsuya is probably a little bit of a boomer when it comes to phones or PCs. i can totally see him write super slow and only with his index fingers and I am sure he has reading glasses as well.
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2. Mikey is unable to do his hair and that is the only reason why he would cut it. I get it, the bonten mikey version, it's also to look like izana but common. you can't tell me, it's because the others didn't wanna do his hair every day as well.
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3. Chifuyu is the type of person who flips a pancake, pats it with the spatula and says "good pancake" every time.
he also would totally say "big strech" and "big yawn" whenever he sees a cat strech and yawn.
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4. Baji probably cuts his lips, tongue and inner cheeks on a regular base with his teeth and he hates it. he will never admit that it hurts but it does.
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5. Shinichiro probably likes to lay on the porch of his house in the sun like an old dog. I feel like mikey would see that and lay down with him and some time emma would join until the whole sano squad is there. #justice for izzy)
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6. between Smiley and Angry, I think angry has more game with the girls. I am not sure how to explain it but I am way more intimidated by Smiley then angry. love'm both tho.
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7. Rindou would ask Ran for fashion advice and ran on occasion would prank him into dressing up weird. .........crazy thing is tho, rindou kills those outfits anyways.
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8. in my eyes Ran has an extream in depth hair routine. he takes good care of his hair, long or short.
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sixstepsaway · 11 months
I don't get why people want to pretend Ed wasn't abusive. Why do people insist on making everything into binaries? Yes, Ed has been a victim of abuse. Yes, he has been abusive. Both things can be true. I love him because I think he's in interesting and I understand where his pain is coming from (even if I think S2 was a missed opportunity in terms of character development). But anyway, thank you for writing about this because maybe some folks genuinely don't recognize abusive trends.
I think it has a lot to do with the fandom culture of only being allowed to like "wholesome" ships.
Look at it this way: when season 1 was airing, Ed and Stede were, in fact, very wholesome. Sure, they had some moments of lesser wholesomeness, but overall they were pretty wholesome and sweet and gentle. They were sweet and finding love in middle age and it was adorable. They had a general stamp of fandom approval that they were, in fact, Wholesome And Good To Ship™.
If you look at other fandoms, you'll see a lot of times there's the Good And Acceptable Ship and then there's the Bad Ship (or ships) and the Bad Ship is always slapped with the "oh that's actually incest!" label when they've, idk, grown up together, or "oh it's abusive!" because one of them one time made a bad joke or something, or "power dynamics!" because one is 27 and one is 25 or one is short and the other is tall or whatever, and yeah sometimes the Bad Ship is actually toxic or whatever (which is not a reason to not ship and enjoy it!), but they're put in neat little boxes: Good and Bad.
And for a lot of people, those boxes keep them safe. Last year, someone who was an Izzy Hands fan got doxxed because...? They liked Izzy Hands and shipped him with... I don't know actually. Ed? Stede? It doesn't matter, all I know is they got doxxed.
The side of fandom that thinks you should only ship the Good Ship are toxic and downright dangerous. It's happened again and again in numerous fandoms and just keeps happening.
So when at the end of s1, Ed turned around and cut Izzy's toe off and fed it to him, I think a lot of people panicked because shit, now Ed was Bad too, and if he's Bad then you can't like him or relate to him or ship him with the Good guy of Stede, so what the fuck do you do?
Obvious answer: Blame Izzy. Izzy's already classed as Bad, so put all the responsibility on Izzy for Ed's darkness and then it's safe to ship Ed and Stede again and no one can call you an abuse apologist or whatever for liking them together.
(To be clear: Shipping says nothing about your real morality. This is very clear for many reasons, one of which is... spend thirty seconds watching fans of the Wholesome Ships dox people and abuse people online lol)
So they spent all this time saying Ed was just scared and lashing out, and now s2 has come along and Ed is... well, abusive, canonically.
And for most of us, that doesn't really matter. We can still enjoy Ed and Stede or Ed and Izzy, we can throw ourselves into fanworks and enjoy the show for the things we like, and we can critique the things we have issues with (my problem is not Ed being written as dark and twisty and having a villain arc, my problem is the show writing it badly, exploring it badly, and then handwaving it, because it's shitty writing) and still really enjoy the vibes we got from the show.
But for people who are scared because they spent all this time saying Izzy fans should kill themselves for liking an abuser, well... now they have a choice: either admit Ed is an abuser and admit that liking a character doesn't dictate your irl morality, nor does it say anything about you aside from what you enjoy in fiction, or excuse away his actions, insist he's just a lil meow meow and continue feeling safe in their little bubble.
In a lot of ways I can't blame people for wanting to duck and cover from it. I mean, look at the shit people get for liking characters who aren't perfect, or talking about the imperfections of characters, or just enjoying complex narratives!
But what genuinely concerns me isn't anything to do with the fiction really, it's when people look at Ed's behavior in 2x01 and 2x02 and go, "Nah he's fine," because oh, honey, no, you are making yourself so vulnerable to real life abuse. That is what worries me, which is why I answered that one ask saying Ed wasn't abusive, it felt important to point out why he is.
Anyway, that's what I think is happening here. I think people are just scared that if they admit their fave has multitudes and isn't a perfect character who never does any wrong, they'll get doxxed and abused and harassed online.
I get that.
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unknownperson246 · 2 months
Okay, I have an story idea
Izzy just got back from tour and sees how mentally and psychically exhausted his girlfriend (the reader) is. He helps her with her mental health that has gotten so much worse while he was gone. The house isn’t clean, their bedroom is messy, there was no food in the fridge, she hadn’t showered or eaten in who knows how long. She’s just been in bed for the most part. He’s willing to help her though, he wants to help her get better and to see her happy again
Please n thaaanx!! If you can’t or don’t wanna do it don’t worry about it at all! 😁
Hiii I'm so so sorry it's late I was lazy and didn't want to write for a couple of days. Here it is and I hope you enjoy it also I tried to make it really wholesome. Not as wholesome as some gnr fics where they help the reader feel better tho ❤️
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Words: 955
Warnings: *fluff* *taking care of reader* *angst* *depression*
✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:*
Izzy was coming home today. You and the house were a mess and you were so physically and mentally exhausted. No matter how hard you try to live your life nothing seems to be going right. Your boyfriend who you were waiting a long time for entered the house. He watched the cat run around excited that his other owner was here. The only thing you had the energy to do was feed your cat because you couldn't neglect your pet. Izzy watched you in bed as he came in. When he came into the house it was like a tornado passed through it. Izzy hadn't even been this messy with his living space on tour. He wasn't judging you. He was paper cups and plates everywhere on the kitchen island and the table. Pieces of rotting food were on the floor. You didn't have enough energy to throw anything away. He took all the disposable things and threw them away for you. He knew how bad things could get with him when he wasn't feeling well. He was glad to take care of you. He knew your mental health was bad but it had gotten worse while he was on tour. He went to the bedroom. He knew you were in there sulking and lying in your bed. When he entered the room there were a bunch of clothes and used cigarettes on the floor. He saw paper ashes everywhere. He saw the dresser and how unorganized things were there. Your makeup jewelry and clothes are scattered on the floor and the side table. The floor was covered in dust particles. Izzy noticed all of your clothes were used up and you just put on your last pair of clean shirt and shorts. Izzy also noticed you hadn't showered at all.
“Hey babe.” He said going to the bed you were on.
“Hi,” You said dryly.
“You okay?” He asked you.
“I think so,” You say turning away with a sad face.
“You look so sick. Have you been eating anything?” He asked you like he was an investigator.
“No,” You say quietly.
“Let me go grab you something to eat.” He said running down the stairs and going to the fridge. 
The doors swung open and the fridge was empty. The only food that was in there was the food Izzy bought before he left. He went back upstairs to the bedroom avoiding the mess on the floor by walking over to where there were any empty spots because he didn’t want to step on any of your things. He made his way to the bed.
“Babe you gotta eat something. The food that I brought before the tour was never touched. I’m going to go get fresh groceries and make you whatever you want.” He said.
“I’m not hungry,” You say followed by a sigh.
“I’m going to buy groceries anyway and if you change your mind just let me know” He smiles at you and walks out the door. 
He comes back with a handful of groceries and he puts them down and he goes to the room to check on you.
“How are you doing?” he asked you.
“I'm fine,” you say. 
Izzy goes to the bathroom and turns the shower on. 
“Hop in babe,” he says looking at you.
You get up and your hair is messy. You take your clothes off and get in the shower. 
“I'll be right back,” Izzy says.
He picks up all the dirty clothes and throws them into the laundry. He comes back with his clothes that are nice and fresh. His large T-shirt and a pair of shorts that also fit you. He put the clothes on top of a towel for you. He changes the bedsheets into clean and fresh ones. He puts the clothes on the bed and goes to the bathroom. He grabs your shampoo.
“Hey hon,” he says quickly as he opens the shower door. 
“Close your eyes,” he says.
You close your eyes as he pours the mint shampoo on your head. He starts using his hands to gently massage it onto your hair. Once all your hair was slathered with soft foam he got you to put body wash all over your body. He turned the water a bit down so it wouldn't wash off while you rubbed it all in your body. Once you were done the pressure of the water was higher and you felt your body get clean as soon as the water hit you. Izzy watched you use your hands to clean everything off. After 15 minutes in the shower, he handed you a towel and his clothes so you could get changed. 
“Thank you,” you say beaming at him.
“No problem, just come downstairs when you're done. Oh and uh I changed the bedsheets too and put all the clothes in the washing machine” he said looking back while he was halfway through the door frame. 
“Y/N all I want for you is to be happy again,” he says 
“You make me happy Iz,” you say to him as he walks out and makes you dinner. 
You could smell the food from all the way downstairs. You still don't have any of your appetite.  It takes you around 16 minutes to get ready and to go downstairs. You went downstairs and you forgot to dry your hair with the towel. 
“Izzy, I forgot my towel,” you say softly. 
Izzy abandoned the food on the pan for a minute and went to grab you another towel. He helped you wrap it around your head to get your hair to dry. You fell asleep on the couch halfway before dinner was made. 
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figmentof · 2 years
i’m gonna share a little story, my close ofmd friends know about this but i think it’s due time that i tell it because i’m tired. so tired of the racism this fandom has exhibited towards me and others
back in late march, around a week before episodes 9+10 aired, i joined a server called “our flag means brainrot”. you might’ve heard of it as it is the biggest ofmd server on discord and still remains so to this day with approximately 2100-ish members. everything was fine and dandy for a couple weeks, i even made several friends-- and then the mod team asked for new mods as the server was growing at a break neck speed and it was getting harder and harder for them to wrangle. naturally, i applied as i had experience running discord servers and i figured it would be best if they had a poc on the team that also lived in asia (the mods and admins were all white save for one other mod who was also asian). i did things that mods do and let people have fun and hosted a couple game nights and movie nights. as the days went by however, the number of izzy apologists (not enjoyers, apologists) started to grow, and of course, the racism started running rampant
increasing amounts of fic where ed was described as being “twice stede’s (or triple izzy’s) size” or would engage in rough behavior with stede and that “stede (izzy) was often terrified of him” was starting to gain traction on ao3, several fans (poc and white) were expressing their concerns about the way ed was being written and how unbelievably racist it all is yet those fics still get disturbing amounts of clicks and kudos. our indigenous main character was being written as a savage brute when canon has vehemently dispelled that trope, but racists would come to these fics defense with “it’s just fiction” or “well canon has them being wholesome so we can do whatever in fic! it’s not canon anyway!”. most of these defenders were indeed, izzy stans. i expressed this to the mod team and asked that we need to step in to give warnings to these fans as they are being racist. i was told that people are allowed to write what they want, and if people don’t like it they simply don’t have to read it
i had also asked the mod team to make a PSA about whitewashing/greywashing ed in art, and that as mods we should notify artists to fix the art they post if ed is too pale or grey. they ignored me and claimed it can’t be helped that artists have their own art style
that was only the first few incidents where the white mod team allowed racism to slide, and told me, a poc, that i should make racists feel welcome and let them have a safe space
back in early may, several ed/izzy shippers had asked for a channel that was aptly named #nsfw-dark and it consisted of, you guessed it, dead dove do not eat metas and discussions where ed (and only ed) was brutally, revoltingly, violent towards poor defenseless izzy. it got so bad to the point that several poc members (and white fans alike) had expressed to the mod team that the depiction of ed by these fans were disturbingly problematic, and it didn’t help that often times their discussions would branch out into other channels. if you’ve ever been in a discord server, you’d know how easy it is to accidentally start talking about something in the wrong channel. the mods stepped in and those fans reigned themselves in a little. but eventually the existence of that channel became too much that even the merely curious spectators/lurkers broke their silence and spoke up because underage content was allowed within that channel
finally the mod team decided to remove the channel only because they were getting so many tickets about the channel being inappropriate that it got too overwhelming, which caused an uproar amongst the contributors/enjoyers of that channel. i had suggested that the subject matter simply wasn’t suited for this server and that they could easily open up their own server so they can act and chat however they please with no one to stop them. several people expressed how this server shouldn’t make them feel excluded (using the kink belongs at pride argument of all arguments) and that my suggestion of them getting their own server made them feel judged and unwelcome, and that i was effectively kinkshaming and policing them. the next day i was removed as mod without warning. no discussion within the mod chat, nothing, just removed because i expressed that an overwhelming amount of people stated that their boundaries were crossed. a couple weeks later, people in the server who made me and other poc uncomfortable were added to the mod team
so that was the treatment i recieved as a poc who tried their best to make fandom a safer space for my fellow poc. white people talked over me and ignored me and sided with racists
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late-to-theparty · 11 months
Now don’t get me wrong, if they had told me back in season 1 that Izzy was going to die I would have bought tickets to dance on his grave.
But offing him like that after his amazing personal growth that is more complex and wholesome than any other character’s redemption arc I’ve ever seen is just bad writing. I don’t want to hear any of that “he wanted to die” crap, that’s only one more reason he shouldn’t have died, if anything.
I don’t care if you like this Obi-Wan “mentor’s death” shit, Dave, it wasn’t necessary and it wasn’t fitting, especially after this speedrun of a season that gave me fucking whiplash.
(With that said, congratulations on your new Inn Stede and Ed, well done, love you babes xx)
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justalildumpling · 11 months
can you describe ur relationship with ur moots using different kpop idol ship dynamics?
(hopefully that makes sense!!😣)
wait i actually love this prompt HELLO??? also, i only chose the mutuals i talk to on a regular basis and feel like i know well enough for this so im so sorry if i didn't mention you😭
@sungbeam ⎯ nct mark & haechan (aka soulmates)
if we haven’t advertised about this enough already, beam and i are certified soulmates like😐 like mahyuck we literally tease each other about our side hoes (*COUGH ch*ngm*n) but we will never hesitate tell each other how much we mean to each other. idk if mark had ever exclusively mentioned this about haechan but i truly believe beam and i were cosmic coincidences (soulmates) like i feel at home with her, she is my safe space
@polarisjisung ⎯ nct mark & yuta (24/7 flirting)
idek how to tell y’all, its literally playful flirts back and forth😭 and like yuta, hua wins most of the time…. literally bf who? but literally i would say our friendship is so wholesome tho, like if we were to meet irl i can imagine us like that one yuta and mark date at the restaurant
@wuahae ⎯ tbz sunwoo & changmin (menaces to society)
it just works. if u guys see our messages to each other it’s literally keyboard smashes and screaming about some random topic😭 we both take turns insulting each other tbh but 🥰lovingly🥰 but also like.... i don't think we can mentally and emotionally go without talking to each other everyday like idk what to tell u we literally are stuck together. ok but jokes aside, i feel like sunwoo clicked with changmin really well and have a deep trust in him just like i feel towards cat
@jaeminvore ⎯ nct haechan & johnny (the enablers)
we’re like… enablers of the inner chaos of each other. literally i could have the most feral thought and nics would be the first to be like yes😁👍👍 just like johnny constantly defending haechan HAHAHHAH
@winterchimez ⎯ tbz jacob & sunwoo (gentle mother with her chaotic ass child)
can i just say how much i adore ally like😭 she is so big sister energy but also like mother energy at the same time!! i feel like with jacob and sunwoo, ally is both very concerned.... towards my chaotic ass irl actions but also like entertained at the same time OAFOEF LOOK- she is my mum (in the non weirdest way possible) period.
@zzoguri ⎯ tba sunwoo & new (tom and jerry)
admittedly... i like teasing moni. why? well,,,, i love them that's why😁 ok. but, like chanhee and sunwoo's relationship i feel like our relationship is the perfect balance of very fun but also very deep at the same time. like we could literally be swearing at each other when playing game pigeon💀 but then could be venting about personal things the next second. i feel like sunwoo can really rely on chanhee for advice or hardships which reminded me of moni💗
@from-izzy ⎯ tbz sunwoo & eric (sibling energy)
i contemplated putting jaemin and jeno down but i feel like izzy and i give off more sibling energy then old married couple JBEWOFOWF i always have fun talking to izzy on vc like i miss her presence if we haven't spoken in a while even tho we might not outright say it
@invuwrld ⎯ tbz younghoon & new (the biggest cheerleaders)
can i just say mona is literally the biggest hypewoman? like. post a pic on deoboyznet and i can bet ur ass mona will be the first one to reply and it will literally make my day LIKE HEAISNPI?!?!?! and i would literally not hesitate to do the same for her. hoon and chanhee seem to hype each other up all the time and their interactions were always so cute to me just like ours hehe
@jaehunnyy ⎯ riize shotaro & sungchan (pair of besties)
IF CHIP ISNT THE IRL VER OF SHOTARO IDK WHO IS because girl. she is literally the sweetest human being ever and just like shotaro, she took me into her arms the day we met and i have never left since
@mosviqu ⎯ svt hoshi & shinee taemin
i always looked up to bar when it came to writing and still do, like i have such high respect for her and still fangirling that we're moots OIUBQOEUFBOW but like hoshi and taemin, i would like to say that we're getting closer hehe
@/wuahae @/zzoguri ⎯ tbz new, q & sunwoo
istg there's just chaos when we're together like idek what to tell you. HEAVY EMPHASIS on when we play crazy 8 SKSJSJSJSJ like last time, cat and i literally ganged up on moni😭 like we all love each other but we will literally bicker all the time OIHFOIGHWE (not to mention the fact that we genuinely have attachment issues.......) LITERALLY SOULMATES!!!! (the pattern confirmed everyone)
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ccacoo · 11 months
Am I the only one who is really feeling "meh" about season 2?
I hope this doesn't come across as ungrateful and by no means do I want to take away from anyone's enjoyment of the show. But with everyone celebrating the hell out of s2 I just feel like I'm going insane and I would love to hear from some other people for whom it didn't really land?
I think overall it just feels messily written to me, like the writers didn't have enough time to really develop a clear vision. I'm going to list some points that really stuck out to me and I'd be interested to hear whether it was like that for anyone else. If you love season 2, simply move on, be happy, this post is for the reluctant haters.
no cohesive story arch: This was done very well in s1. s1 is about Stede and Ed, two very different people who each have what the other lacks and wants, teaching each other how to be that. I'd argue it's also about Ed and Izzy drifting apart and the conflict that arises from that, and the conflict (and humour!) that arises from Stede consistently being at odds with his environment (his prior life, the crew). Season 2 has no clear arch like this. It's all over the place.
squandering characters' potential: Izzy. I know people are going batshit for Izzy singing and exploring his queer side, and I don't *hate* it, but as everything else, it feels too rushed to me to be satisfying. This was the guy who roped Ed back into his Blackbeard persona, who said "I serve Blackbeard, not some nampy-pampy in a silk dressing gown pining for his boyfriend." We are shown nothing in between this and him crying in front of the crew because Ed is just too toxic. For me, this transformation would have needed at least 1 season of buildup and could have been intensely funny, especially if Stede and Izzy had to spent a serious amount of time working together. Contrast is what makes the fun. Who else is there? Buttons! Holy hell! The stories they could have spun from that character, the mystery, the suspense. And then they just turned him into a bird and he flew away??? And then there's Lucius, who's so incredibly pale compared to s1. I thought a PTSD Lucius was an interesting development, but his "recovery" was also way too rushed to feel satisfying. In s1 we had side characters get entire stories of their own, like Jim's whole revenge plot. We met Jim's Nana, we got a developing romance between Jim and Olu, we had Jim and Jackie dance around each other continuously. Give me that with other characters! Give us some background on Lucius' past as a pickpocket. Where did he learn to read and write? Is there someone from his past that he has a bone to pick with? Is there someone he would like to reunite or make amends with? I feel like this should have been his season as a side character, the way s1 was Jim's. Instead, background characters firmly stay in the background. The Swede gets parked (or narratively killed off) at Jackie's. Buttons flies off. Frenchie, Roach, Wee John remain sidelined and stagnant. Jim and Olu are incomprehensible to me. Are they still a couple? Are they not? Who can tell.
The humour: This is also what irks me. If contrast makes the fun, why make everything and everyone sort of the same now? Stede is now just as badass as everyone else, Izzy is now just as queer and wholesome as everyone else, everyone is throwing around weird mental health language, Roach's go-to relaxation isn't torture anymore but clay face masks. As a result, stuff just isn't as funny to me anymore.
The tone: Oh, the tone :( I don't get the tone. Instead of the light-hearted and heartfelt silliness of s1 we now have actual torture, sawed off bloody legs, a serial killer like from Hannibal, toxic lesbians who poison and stab each other, ... this is looking like it wants to become a pirate show that is traditionally a culture of abuse and my thought is: why? And also: What if it weren't like that?
No cohesive villain: In s1, the main villain's motive is established with the murder of Nigel Badminton and the tension is kept up throughout the show by having little clips detailing Chauncey's quest of revenge – season 2 fails to do this. There is no main villain, unless you count nose guy. His introduction in ep 1 is messy, rushed and sort of forced in there, opposite to the Badmintons, who are given ample time and are really being horrible to Stede (complete with back story and everything). They are interesting because they personify some of the reasons why Stede was unhappy in his previous life - people bullied him for his softness. This ties in nicely with Stede's arch of learning to stand up for himself, to accept his softness and turn it into his brand of "gentleman pirate". Compare this to the nose guy who is "like Stede" in the way of being upper class. Could be interesting, but this is all we know about him. Stede and him barely interact. Maybe they wanted to set him up as a fan turned hater like Mr. Incredible and Syndrome? In that case I would have needed Stede to really be shitty to nose guy, which he wasn't. Moreover, by the time nose guy pops up again, I'd already forgotten all about him. The tension was simply not developed.
Forgetting to set up plot points properly: Two things. Firstly, how often does it happen that something they want to bring up in the episode only gets introduced in that same episode? When Jim says Olu has been pining for Zheng for weeks I was like: Ok? This is the first time I've heard of this. Secondly, whenever they bring something up, the also resolve it in the very same episode. Guys! Why do you need to introduce this stupid torture pirate as this ridiculous uber villain if you're gonna kill him off in the same episode? If the whole point was just to get Stede famous, why not bring back Calico Jack, someone we all *already* hate, who doesn't need to physically torture anyone in order for us to feel satisfied when he gets his ass kicked?
Mixed messages: Is this a show about how traumatic experiences have consequences? As illustrated by Lucius or the fact that everyone uses mental health language now, and is getting triggered by Blackbeard? But then why does everyone go right back to partying after having been tortured? Why does Stede want to have sex after just having murdered a man? Does almost getting murdered or murdering have consequences or not?
Bonus – What I liked: Ed in the nether realm – this was done well, it was funny, it was heartfelt, it was profound. I felt like I was watching s1. Stede and Ed interactions – when they didn't just callback to scenes we've already seen in s1 (*cough* moonlight *cough*), the dynamic was entertaining, enjoyable and endearing.
Feel free to add stuff, that you thought sucked or that was done well!
I really hope they give the writers more time to write s3! Cause, at least for David, it's clear that he can be brilliant, or s1 wouldn't be as great as it is. But it is. I haven't entirely lost hope yet.
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mosviqu · 1 year
could u assign ur moots as a particular fic you’ve written??
ANON this is the most fun mutual game ive ever recieved thank u 😋
@csenke is definitely how we make sunny days. her vibe is very much sweet and calming and very very comforting. this fic is very golden hour late autumn vibes which fits her a lot hhh. but also i feel like i should say liebestraum bc....duh.. 🙄
@zzoguri is sympathy subtraction. and mon now, this fic is special to me. but i somehow think you have the same comforting vibe but also you and your work kind of radiate the same longing as this fic does?? also u are a really great friend to me and u kind of fit the vibe of vernon in this fic but also the whole friendgroup.. idk it just fits okay
@satoruly is annoying (derogatory) and listen NOT because you're annoying because youre NOT! but i rlly enjoy the vibe of this fic and somehow i think it fits you...? its kinda fun but also kinda silly but also kinda sweet and i think thats a perfect mix for you
@sungbeam is potential. i dont even know why ?? maybe its the dynamic of the friendgroup and also yn and chenle that kind of reminds me of beam. there is a lot of care in the relationship they share and also a lot of identity crisis in chenle that reminds me of u beam NOT IN A BAD WAY THO its just that i see you as a very complex and interesting person and i think chenle in this has a lot of depth. also just fyi this fic is my top 5 ever and i adore beam a lot so
@decembermoonskz is i'm not angry anymore (well, sometimes i am) for the band vibes idk TT but also there's something about the time i wrote this fic in that reminds me of you. it's my comfort fic in a way and you izzy are my comfort person too
@flowerjun is you're not the only one !! this fic is somehow wholesome but also bittersweetingly sad and something about that is very kyuzu to me :,) also kyu i miss u and i love u. this fic has little sister vibes and thats you to me.
@injangism is all is on my side. a lot of love and longing and missing someone went into this fic and the way mc and jeno love is the type of love we have to each other - never ending, selfless and pure (in my opinion... idk if it shines through in the fic haha). ily sm xx
@kimsohn is sweet like candy :p cool but lovely vibes, very much maya. mc of this has your vibes in my opinion?? also this fic was very fun to write and i always have fun when i talk w u !!!:pp
@winterchimez is the storm's fury and now do NOT ask me why... it's literally league lore...? TT but again the vibes kinda fit and it's one of my only fantasy fics and i think this genre kind of radiates your vibes for some odd reason
@heemingyu is lee felix's guide to hating you. idk i wrote this fic a LONG time ago but i remember it as being very fun but also kind of personal to me ?? i don't really have much reasoning for this becuase sometimes i speak vibes only but if this fic had a trailer/moodboard/something it would be sana vibes for sure
@justalildumpling is just saying NO ARGUING idk for some reason j gives me yangyang vibes in this fic especially. very real, very fun, very self-aware, very silly and very adorably delusional (that fits you as a sunwoo stan). altho i will say you are cooler than yang AHAHA.
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spiltsoup · 1 year
The absolute childlike joy I felt when Izzy and Fern’s relationship in Power Rangers Dino Fury was portrayed like any other relationship in Power Rangers. They didn’t change anything or make a big deal out of it, or have the other characters react in a profound way.
No hate to any shows that do have moments like that, but seeing the cheesy Nickelodeon romance unfold like the straight people romance I’d seen from the shows I watched when I was a little girl is extremely validating to me, even now.
I don’t know, there’s just something so wholesome to me about it. Getting back into my PR phase I’m gonna keep working on my MMPR Trimberly fanfics and try my best to give them that vibe. It’s also a fun writing exercise, trying to write the characters like the original show would write them but also putting your own spin on it.
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izzyhashands · 10 months
Had a long dream about Izzy where he started out being really cold/ hostile toward me as he was before he had his healing arc and as I spent more time being patient and understanding with him he became more vulnerable and kind and started letting his guard down more and more. Some instances I remember were him starting to crack jokes with me and give me a gentle bump on the shoulder when he would laugh, he started generally acting silly around me and during group hangouts on the ship he would subtly start to lean his head against my shoulder. I would catch him looking at me from the corner of my eye when he thought I wasn’t paying attention etc, it was very sappy and sweet. Then when we would be alone together he would start to open up to me more about his feelings and the things that were on his mind and he became comfortable enough to cry in front of me bc he knew I wanted to be there for him and that he was safe. (Is it weird that I find it endearing when men cry?? Not like that I want them to cry but it’s so sweet when they trust you with their emotions like that it makes my heart melt and I just want to cradle them.) He enjoyed laying his head on my lap while I brushed his hair with my fingers and he would talk about whatever he was thinking of. On the night of Calypso’s birthday he was slightly drunk and very touchy (although our relationship had been pretty much platonic up to this point there was a lot of skinship) and he kissed me in front of the entire crew not giving a shit if anyone was watching. Everyone just kinda looked at each other like “did Izzy just kiss someone” and then Lucius was like “ok get it Iz.” Later while he was singing La vie en rose he wrapped his arm around my waist and was smiling so serenely like he had never been so relaxed and comfortable before. We danced while he sang like little characters in a fairytale book and he was just looking at me so lovingly and brushing the hair behind my ears and it was so wholesome. Anyways very very cliche and soft and this was way longer than I intended but enjoy my self-insert Izzy romance dream lmao maybe I’ll write a fic soon🫶
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smokedanced · 1 year
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I rewatched the first three episodes (while I wait to watch the new ones with @lovepurposed when we manage to find a time because timezones) and while I don't have the spoons to write full on posts (I feel kinda bad about... I don't know, I just don't have the spoons to fully be a fandom member these days, due to being disabled; like, I have profound love for this show and these muses and I have so many thoughts but arranging them into proper verbalised form is just hard, and I put my writing spoons into replies over headcanon posts usually when feeling like this, but it does feel like I'm missing out on a lot by not being the most active when episodes are on air and all, like I'm missing on the hype), I figured why not do some bullet points anyway, about some stuff that relates to my muses:
I'm not going to shy away from Ed's violence when writing his kraken era. Not that I was before, but canon went to a really dark direction with it, and I'm fine with portraying that. Includes both his abuse towards his crew, and his suicidal ideation. I'm sure he will come out of it (probably with Stede's help in canon? but can be anything in roleplay prose, like obviously I'm unopposed to having it be thanks to Izzy or whoever, depending on whatever we play with), but between seasons & first three episodes of second season era Ed is violent, abusive, self-destructive, erratic and extra unstable. And I love him.
Ed tells coma-hallucination!Hornigold he's never told about killing his abusive dad to anyone except Stede. At first I figured Izzy would also know about it (especially since I headcanon the two have been together for a lot longer than Blackbeard era; Izzy having been on Hornigold's crew and such, before), but actually, no, he's never told Izzy; Izzy doesn't know. I do believe Izzy and Ed know each other better than anyone else, including Stede, but that piece of information - Izzy doesn't know it. Ed's never told him. That's not the kind of vulnerability either of them have ever had with each other. (I ship Izzy/Ed and Stede/Ed and Izzy/Stede, but Izzy/Ed/Stede throuple is superior to all of the above, and I think the three complete each other with all individuals bringing something valuable to the mix and all three having potential for becoming more wholesome with each other than with just one of them/alone.)
Lucius is traumatised as fuck, as obviously narrated in canon. I don't??? Have many thoughts on him, as of now.
"I have... love for you" Izzy admitting this and the way he says it... Jesus fucking Izzy, his self-hatred is as strong as Ed's, but manifesting in different ways. He's so fucking ashamed of loving Ed, not because he thinks there's anything wrong with it, but because he believes he's inherently disgusting and that being the subject of his love would be therefore awful for Ed. It has nothing to do with internalised homophobia and everything to do with Izzy seeing himself as inherently repulsive. "I have love for you", not "I love you". It's painful for him to admit because it's full of shame. He never, ever expects his affection, love, whatever, towards anybody to be reciprocated.
And he actively keeps falling back to trying to make people hate him, even as he's obviously redeemed himself with the crew between seasons. Claiming he slashed up the painting when Stede asks has nothing to do with covering for Ed or protecting Stede's feelings and everything to do with Izzy wanting to be hated because being hated is safer and more familiar than wanting to be loved and liked but being rejected. Sorry, mate, I see through your bullshit. <3
Uhhh. I feel like I had more thoughts about the three, but I can't remember. Most of my other thoughts are about characters I don't write so while there are so many things I fucking adore, I don't have, like I said, the spoons to really talk about them. Jim is hot as fuck. That's what you're getting from me rn lol.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
10, 13, 25
Hiya!! 😁
10.) worst part of fanon
Answered here!
13.) worst blorboficiation
You know, I'm not sure there is one? Let these questionable or obscure characters be loved, dang it! More good feels aren't a bad thing, I don't think. Like if you wanna use Lord Voldemort as your new plushie, you do you. Do you wanna worship at the altar of Draco Malfoy? Have at it.
I've not seen it but if anyone made Umbridge their blorbo I might have to process that for a few days, but also ???? I'd sort of kill to see that, ngl. How interesting would that be????
On a side note, the BEST is Izzy from Our Flag Means Death. Twitter is full of Izzy love when I logon. I have no idea why. He's not my great love. But wow do his fans make a solid case. It's actually the most wholesome thing ever and it brings me so much joy even though I'm not part of it.
25.) common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Can I say all of them? 😂 Stop griping and go find something to love, please.
But my biggest pet peeve of all is "why aren't there more of this thing I want to read????" Which listen, I get it. I sometimes lament the great lack of certain characterizations, topics, etcetera. But....no one is writing for you specifically, baby. Write it yourself or hush up. Oftentimes those complaints have an entitled edge to them, as if someone should be writing what you want and how you want it, and like ???? No. Not how that works.
So it's that specific entitled vibe I have an issue with. People just pouting a bit because they want more of this thing they love, that's fine by me. I get that feel too. Like, I 100% need more parseltongue kink in my life. Also I've written parseltongue kink so I think I'm allowed to complain about it. I did my good deed!
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littleroaes · 1 year
Tag Game
rules: post snippets from 3 wips and 3 published fics
Tagged by @winterchimez ! Thank you for tagging me❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
published fics
I do only have four published fics lol
Boys In Cat’s Clothing (Lee Juyeon)
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My first fic on this account! I still think it’s very cute, very wholesome. As I’ve been writing since 2019/2020(?), it’s definitely not my best. But it does the job! It also has reached over 100 notes! I feel like I should do something special in celebration👀👀
The Apple of His Eye(Choi Chanhee)
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The most suggestive fic I’ve written, not only on here but throughout all my fics. It’s my least read fic I think, but I still love it a lot. It’s also first time writing in first person. I always do third person.
do you want somebody? (like I want somebody) (Lee Juyeon)
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My most recent fic! I’m very fond of it. That idea had been running through my mind for sometime, so I’m very happy to have it up on my account. I’m very proud of the ambience in this fic!
Okay, this is hard! I don’t actually have a lot of open documents with different projects. I’m a type of person that put all my attention on one thing. So I have a document where I leave ideas for fics and all scenes, lines and characters I want to include in them. So we’ll see how this goes lol.
it tastes like slowly melting strawberry (lip gloss) (the boyz)
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My piece for the DBN: Summer On You event that I gave up on lol. It was a cute idea, but my brain couldn’t handle it. It’s archived at the moment, so I don’t think it’ll ever see the light of day😔
A Second Chance For Cupid? (Lee Juyeon)
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Cupid!reader and hopeless romantic juyeon. I’m gonna try to make it interesting like boys in cats clothing.
Came up with this idea at the same time as the ditto fic. I desperately want to write it now, but I have this weird idea that I can’t upload the same member twice lol. So she’ll probably have to wait some month more.
Bye My Neverland (Kim Sunwoo)
Based on the song Bye My Neverland by KISS OF LIFE. This is a very recent idea, so I have a lot to figure out. But it’s about the need to grow up. I’m thinking sunwoo as this naive character with his own problems he tries to escape. He radiates happiness but refuse to grow up. Y/n too lands in Neverland and realize they need to grow up.
Tagging: @sureogi @from-izzy have no idea who to tag😭
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davidbowielovesyou · 1 year
Slash Ships to Get to Know Me
Awww thank you for tagging me @udaberriwrites :3 
**Rules**: Name at least five (but no upper limit) slash (M/M) ships you love. Each from a different fandom.
Hmmm. This is hard for me because I only started shipping less than ten years ago. Like... I didn’t get it before. I remember I was around 40 when someone asked me who I ship and I was like, what does that mean?? And then I couldn’t think of anything 1. But these assholes changed everything
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Johnlock: Sherlock/John (BBC Sherlock) The way that show ended broke my heart, and not in a fun way. I didn’t write for this fandom, but oh lord did I partake the hell out of it
2. The Ineffables
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Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) The show that gave me a taste of what it was like to be in a wholesome fandom, with a benevolent creator who encouraged fanworks. I loved Neil Gaiman before, but now I love him forever.  This was the first fandom I wrote for. And I drew Crowley naked. LOL.
3. For One Brief Shining Moment
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Hughnor Hugh/Elnor (Picard) This was the fastest my heart’s ever been broken 😭 Whyyyyyyyy 😭😭😭
4. I Almost Forgot This One!
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Lucius/Izzy (Our Flag Means Death) I can’t deal with the way Stede treated Blackbeard, so I hope they make up and all and are very happy together But I’ve read some amazing slash about these two, specifically kink in which Lucius is the only one who’s ever been able to dominate Izzy the way he needs to be dominated. I was pretty indifferent to them until I read that.
And it was my disappointment in Stede that led me to a google search for “lbgtq fantasy fiction” and the first search result was: *drumroll please*
5. The House in the Cerulean Sea
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Arthur/Linus (The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune) (artwork by me)
And this is where I’ll die :)
Tagging with no pressure: @lucky-numberme​, @hoothalcyon​, @animeangelriku​, @hella-jazz​, @loki-the-trikster-god​, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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