#iwtv fandom wank
redwinedulac · 22 hours
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this! and some of you don’t realize how homophobic you sound when “defending” sam’s supposed straight fragility. he has never confirmed or denied his sexuality and who tf cares what he identifies as??? what sam cares about is how people view his performance and a lot of you were being psychopathic in 2022 calling him an abuser and racist and that’s what bothered him.
i find it very weird that you lot get so mad at queer people making jokes (most queers of color btw) that you as a white person have to subject everyone to listening to your whiny voice note where you’re inches from calling the cops. it’s giving racism and giving karen cos why are you having such a visceral reaction that people DARE say the white man you’re attracted to might be attracted to his beautiful black co-star???
i promise sam does not give a fuck if people think he’s bi or not. he doesn’t have an ego like most of you and pal don’t think for one second that you’re respecting him or his privacy by being a hypocrite and projecting all YOUR THOUGHTS onto him. just shut the hell up.
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cryptidhyrst · 2 years
Realized that due to the discourse in the iwtv fandom, it broke my "quickest exit from a fandom" award that I have and that previous honor went to genshin 💀
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
Hi, I hope you are doing well. There is one thing I don't understand before getting into an argument. Basically, some people have made the show about race (which respectfully is their opinion). What I don't get is if the trial went the same even when Louis' character was white?!. If so, I don't get why people hate on others because they like Lestat and accuse them of being racist and supportive of domestic violence. THIS IS A SHOW ABOUT VAMPIRES WHO DON'T GIVE A SINGLE FVCK ABOUT RACE!!!!! Madaline was white, and she got the same fate as them, like make it make sense ffs. Also, it is not a moral show; it is about monsters who drain people for fun, so let people like who tf they want to!. Another point is that there is not one single healthy relationship in that show so what? Are we all supportive of domestic violence?!.
Let‘s just let Delainey answer that one:
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They did not make it about that. But she can see how it could be construed.
@virginiaisforvampires made a very good post on all of this the other day, you can read it here:
Ultimately this is a show about vampires, and the meta level of addressing racism is definitely there, but they… make a show about vampires.
And the rest is fandom interpretation. And nothing more.
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Ppl on twitter already making PSAs against Marius and praying they don't cast someone hot. This is so embarrassing
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indelicateink · 3 months
been thinking a lot lately about IWTV's shifting POVs and "memory is a monster" as a foundation of the show, now and going forward.
bc storytelling-wise/audience-wise it's an interesting exercise in trust--and i'm curious to see how this exercise plays out: if can i remain emotionally invested if the property refuses to commit to the veracity of anyone's version of events?
if something devastating happens in the plot and I take that to heart for two years, and then they go back on it and i have to sit with that fallout, do I eventually become numbed to the ups and downs of the story? is it the-boy-who-cried-wolf heartbreak?
--genuine questions, I don't know the answer. I love the show. and people having conflicting POV about events is just life.
but as a storytelling conceit, it's interesting? Rashōmon was a movie of an hour and thirty minutes. IWTV is years (knock wood) of television. I adore the idea of uncertainty, but I am curious if I can sustain emotional investment if emotional beats, important facts, will all be ambiguous; if the default is to be on edge for the "gotcha" wet finger in my ear lol. i'm still game to find out.
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clairelutra · 2 years
"Interrogating the text from the wrong perspective" — Anne Rice, 2004
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nobody goes off like anne rice anymore. nobody.
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hey-its-sybarite · 3 months
Hi! Welcome to Anne Rice’s House of Pain! How much pain would you like?
Hey. Yeah. I’d like a good role model character. A real moral paragon, you know?
I’m sorry, we only serve pain.
Moral characters have pain! They suffer!
I’m sorry it’s a no-substitution menu. We don’t have any moral paragons in stock. We only serve pain. But we do have all varieties of that, even different serving sizes!
Oh… I guess just a small pain then?
Sure, would you like that gothic style?
What’s in the gothic style?
Violence, sexual abuse, the threat of violence and sexual abuse, intergenerational family trauma, feminism, weird nature, weird houses, race relations, ghosts, curses, secrets, incest, really awful parenting, isolation, ableism, disease, betrayal, self-loathing and death.
That sounds very painful :(
Well, we like to do our best here at Anne Rice’s house of Pain :)
Ok, I’ll have the - what’s your smallest portion again?
The weekly, it’s very popular.
Ok I’ll have a weekly, gothic style please.
Sure thing, coming right up!
Here you go, one weekly portion, gothic style. It comes with a free Coke too.
What the hell is that?!
It’s your order?
It disgusts me. You people disgust me!
But I told you what was in it?
Everyone is sad! Nothing is pure!
And it’s piping hot too!
It’s nothing to be proud of. You should be ashamed for serving this pain. You should be ashamed for liking it and making it!
But… you came here, to the House of Pain. And you ordered the pain?
I thought you’d be a better person about it and spare me somehow. Oh ew that is so gross. And very un-pc. You know that right?I’m leaving before I see something worse. And I’m telling everyone I know how awful you are!
Ok... so I shouldn’t reserve this table for the same time next week?
I guess I can give you another chance. I’m really looking forward to all the absolution I’m going to consume next week. It better be good! Tell your chef to act right.
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Some people have very bad takes which, okay, it happens, no big deal, but some people are racially illiterate at best. Ageist, too.
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redwinedulac · 8 days
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we’re fake freaks for not wanting loustat to fuck their daughter ok babes x
soz but this is why the iwtv fandom needs to use our cult tactics and hive mind collective to shut the doors on outsiders like hotd fans. there needs to be some type of questionnaire before you enter. yord im tired.
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
I can understand why people are mad, imagine if him or Sam talked like that of Loustat it would be a punch on my face or Sam was dismissive of Nickistat i'm sure a lot of fans would start rioting
Imagine being told again and again that Loustat are endgame and fans just ignoring that to make up their own fantasy Loumand relationship in their heads and then being mad at the actors for actually speaking their minds when/bc it doesn’t match that fantasy.
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crazykuroneko · 1 year
idk why some people are still fighting with tooth and nail over "theories" when season 1 isn't even half of the "whole truth" of the past.
Thee Whole Truth = (louis' account + claudia's account via diaries + lestat's account) - (untold lestat's account**** + editorializing of claudia's diaries + louis' perspective bias because he's not informed enough in the past* + whatever the heck is happening with louis' memories** that allows him to even put words into someone else's mouth***)
(*) mostly thanks to lestat's witholding information about the nature of vampires and their seemingly lack of communication
(**) might be affected by all kinds of influences, from guilt, repressed memories due to trauma, armand being armand, or maybe just maybe louis really wants to provoke "someone" there. tl;dr louis can be wrong and not lying at the same time
(**) see: episode 7 when claudia refusing to burn lestat. we don't have any idea how many times it happened during the retelling
(****) ofc when lestat telling his own account, there will be more negatives added to the equation there. he def has perspective bias since he came from a very different background than the other two. and we still don't know the purpose of him telling his story in the show yet
i mean, this show is made to theorize about. the writers are aware fans paying attention to the littlest details (confirmed by their answer to @immortal_daily). but theorizing, writing metas should be a fun activity. and on top of that, as i said above, in this point of the story in the show, we can not make an informed conclusion about a lot of things. which is why i keep saying season 2 is very important, not only to reveal what's true/false from s1, but it will also tell us how the series will go in the future: what are the vampire lores they'll use, how much they will take from the books, basically the overall tone of the whole series. so idk, keep an open mind maybe? and not attacking people just because they have different theories? and don't depend on other people's theories to make your own conclusion? 🤷‍♀️
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riverriosquared · 2 months
this is just a week where I’ve got nothing but wanky opinions. they’re putting ao3 links to unlocked rpf on Elon Musk’s twitter (i know he’s gaming the view count on tweets but still. ahahaha oh man. thousands of views on a couple of those tweets.)
I am not the boss of anyone but: what if we didn’t do that.
(I am not opposed to rpf in general and I understand that everyone is a little high off the new cast interviews but this stresses me out. rpf is fun! I’m not even saying anyone should have to lock their rpf! but my firm opinion is the subjects of rpf should ideally never be in a position to come across it. yes even if they’re aware of the general concept.)
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asgardian--angels · 3 months
anyway I am absolutely going to have to stay off of social media from tomorrow evening onwards because I won't be able to watch the episode until Sunday night and this is one episode I absolutely do not want to see spoilers for lmao
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bivampir · 2 years
amc mayfair witches' marketing team adding mayfair witches podcast on top of iwtv podcast and posting tweets that put iwtv down to make mw look better on their joined instagram account makes them look genuinely fucking embarrassing. how little faith they have for mw to stand on its own. iwtv and mw are very different shows, with difference in style, plot, themes, general tone and aesthetics of those show are nothing alike. they don't pander to the same demographic, and YET. amc didn't even TRY to let mayfair be it's own thing, and intead it makes them look soooooo desperate to "trick" iwtv fans to watch mayfair witches, doing a huge disservice to both shows.
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bayoubodycount · 7 months
Our favs can't win any awards being drown out and upstaged by all this noise and extra drama competition right now
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