#ive never wanted to hug someone more than now
ambagel · 2 days
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birbtails · 6 months
#gods#im .. in trouble this semester#which sucks bc i was doing so much better last semester#i stopped going to therapy!!#which i think i knew at the time was a Problem#but my therapist suggested it and i didn't want to but i couldn't come up with a better reason than im worried ill nosedive next semester#to be fair to me while i was feeling so much better i knew i wasnt .. stable i guess?#in her defense i can't tell anyone the whole truth even if my life was on the line#and by cant i mean some combination of wont dont want to and its instinctive#but the problem is im failing one of my classes and im at least a little bit suicidal and i havent told anyone really and gods i feel lonely#(and by a little bit suicidal i mean thinking of ways to kill myself 2 days ago. im feeling better now but i don't trust it)#(by feeling better i mean im not Actively thinking of methods but it definitely crosses my mind as a Possibility)#(although i guess its a bit less i want to die and a bit more i want someone to find me before i die and help me)#so anyways this semester might be replacing 10th grade as the worst year of my life#im just.. so tired#i don't want to keep living like this#and im sucking it up and making myself do better but i Hate this#and ive got to think about summer plans bc i don't want to go back to my parents house but i also Really want to bc i can see my brother and#maybe i can see my friends(?) and maybe if i tell my parents everything that's been going on theyll take care of me?#but i Really want to stay here bc i always regret going home and bc ive gotten used to living on my own and i really like all the freedom it#gives me?? but i need to get an internship or a job or something if i want to stay here but its So Late and now that im thinking about it im#worried that ill be so isolated here that ill feel worse? but if i get a therapist here then maybe itll be okay??#i don't know#and im almost done with my junior year and i don't know what i want to do with my future and#i just never thought id get this far yknow? i honestly thought i wasnt going to make it to 18 or college and now im almost 21 and so close#to graduating?? and i don't know how to face the rest of my life#im just tired and stressed and depressed#i just want a hug and a friend that i can tell everything to#ne ways im just tired and whiny and i need to suck it up and get groceries and do my hw
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estrellami-1 · 3 months
How Steve Harrington Gets a Family
The first time it happened, Steve didn’t remember. He had no idea why Hopper was acting so weird until Joyce took him aside, sighing softly.
“Oh, honey,” she murmurs. “You don’t remember, do you?”
He frowns at her. “Remember what?”
“You called him dad, Steve.”
“I-” he gapes. “What?”
It goes like this.
He’d been hospitalized, after the Russians; he doesn’t know all the details, won’t for years, but Hopper had escaped from the reactor, thrown his weight—and title—around until someone had put Steve in a room, in a bed, gotten an IV into him, run whatever tests doctors run.
He was delirious with the truth serum still in his system and the adrenaline wearing off, groaning in pain and mumbling nonsense.
Hopper had put a hand on his head, said, “I’ve got you, Steve. You’re safe. It’s okay.”
“Dad,” Steve had mumbled, shifting into Hopper’s hand, and promptly passed out.
“Oh,” Steve whispers after Joyce tells him. He runs a hand through his hair. “Well, no shit he’s been acting weird, I mean why would he want me as a kid- shit, I need to apologize-” 
“Whoa,” Joyce says seriously, hands on his shoulders. “Slow down, Steve. You know Hopper loves you, right?”
Steve bites his lip on the snark that wants to come out, instead choosing to just blink at her.
“Christ,” Joyce laments, “I’m going back to school, everyone need so much damn therapy.” She takes a breath and looks Steve in the eye. “Hopper loves you, Steve. He’s considered you his kid for a long time now.”
Steve gapes at her. “No he hasn’t!”
Joyce raises a brow. “Uh-huh. And how many parties has he busted, exactly? And how many marks do you have on your record?”
Steve snaps his mouth shut. “Oh, shit,” he whispers, looking up at Joyce. “He- he does? Really?”
“Really,” Joyce confirms, pulling him into a hug.
“Oh,” he mumbles, before letting himself enjoy the hug.
Later, when he’s about to head home, he stops in front of Hopper, glancing nervously over to Joyce, who nods encouragingly. “Can I, uh. Talk to you? For a second?”
Hopper narrows his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
Steve’s eyes widen. “No, nothing! Just-” he sighs, runs a hand through his hair, gestures Hopper out the door and around the side of the house. “So, Joyce and I were talking, right? And I was wondering why you’d been acting weird around me, and I didn’t even remember what I said in the hospital, so Joyce told me, and- and I don’t expect anything from you! At all! And it- how I feel doesn’t have to change anything-”
“Christ,” Hopper says, but he’s smiling. “I think you’re worse at emotions than I am.”
“Well I’ve never had to tell anyone I think of them as more of a father figure than my own father before!” Steve blurts out, then freezes.
Hopper bursts out laughing. “Jesus, kid, do you think before you talk?”
Steve’s not hurt. Really. “Sorry,” he mumbles, looking anywhere but at Hopper. “I’ll leave.”
A hand on his wrist stops him. “C’mere, kid,” Hopper says, pulling him into a hug.
Steve stiffens. “What?”
“Boy, you’ve been my kid since the third time I didn’t write you up for one of those damn parties,” he grouses.
Steve relaxes into the hug. “So. If I, uh. Were to, maybe, call you dad again…”
“Just see what I’ll do if you don’t,” Hopper says gruffly, and it’s really not that funny but Steve’s just so relieved that he cracks up anyways.
They pull apart after a minute, and Steve has a giddy grin on his face as he backs up. “Bye, Dad,” he says, before turning and running to his car. Hopper’s laughter follows him.
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He’s been close to Dustin for a while now, but still refuses to call his mom Claudia. The most he’ll do is Mrs. H, even though every time she sees him, she tries to get him to call her by her first name.
He can’t do it. He can’t make himself. Maybe it’s the manners instilled in him, maybe he’s just awkward as fuck, who knows. But he chickens out every time.
That’s why, when she answers the door, he smiles. “Hey, Mrs. H.”
“Steve,” she greets him warmly. “Come in, come in. Call me Claudia. Oh, what is this? I told you you don’t have to bring anything!”
“Just some cookies,” he promises her, putting them down where she directs and falling into the hug she gives him.
“Dear,” she asks him later, when they’re sitting at the table with Dustin, “call me Claudia, please?”
Steve can’t look at her; passes the butter Dustin’s silently asking for. “Sorry, Mrs. H.”
“Jesus,” Dustin groans, buttering his roll. “If you can’t even say her name then at least call her mom.”
Steve’s cheeks are on fire. “That’s not exactly up to me, Dust,” he grits out.
“Oh, dear,” Claudia sighs. “I would love for you to call me mom.”
“Then we’d be brothers,” Dustin adds, “which we basically are anyways.”
Steve snorts. “I don’t think that’s exactly how it works,” he tells Dustin, but takes a breath and smiles at Claudia. “Thanks, Mom,” he says quietly. Claudia beams back at him.
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“I don’t give a damn!” Claudia yells at the hospital receptionist, who really just looks exceedingly bored.
Steve knows the look of someone who’s grabbing their pepper spray. “Mom?” He calls, wet and wobbly, and Claudia spins around, running to his side.
“Oh, Stevie,” she murmurs, gently cupping his hands. “Oh, goodness, your face- have you gotten looked at? Has someone come to see you? Where’s Dustin?”
Steve opens his mouth to answer and promptly bursts into tears. “He’s f-fine,” he manages. “Ankle. Getting- getting helped. But- Mom-”
She hushes him, pulling him down into a seat next to her. “Let it out, Steve, there you go. Mom’s here, I’ve got you.”
He finally composes himself enough to pull back and look at her. “It’s not good, Mom,” he whispers. “I tried, I really did, and I know CPR but he was losing so much blood-”
“Steve,” she stops him, “I thought you said Dustin was fine?”
“He is, it’s just his ankle, but Eddie, Mom… he’s back there, they’re doing surgery, but he- I felt-” he grabs at his own chest, and somehow Claudia knows what he means. “Oh, dear,” she murmurs, pulling him into another hug. “I’m so proud of you,” she whispers into his ear. “You did what you could, you kept him stable until the doctors could do their job, and now it’s their turn, okay? Let them take care of it. They’re gonna do everything they can.”
His eyes well up again. “He didn’t kill anyone, Mom.”
“Oh, I know that, sweetie. It’s okay. I never thought he did.”
“But they do!” He sniffs, wipes at his face. “And what- what if-”
She pulls his attention back to her with a hand on his face. “Did I tell you about the time a known serial killer came in?” She whispers. He shakes his head. “He’d been in an… altercation, with the police. Shots had been fired. We all knew who he was, but when he flatlined on the table, we got his heart beating again.” She grips his hand tightly. “Doctors take an oath, Steve. They’re going to do everything they can. Okay?”
“Okay,” he mumbles, letting her pull him into another hug.
“Y’wanna tell me about Eddie?”
“You know Eddie.”
“Mhm, from Dusty. I’ve never heard about him from your perspective before.”
“I didn’t really know him before today,” he admits. “I knew of him, in high school, a little bit, but then I graduated and he didn’t and then Dustin started raving about him and… I got jealous.”
“Oh, Steve.” She cards a hand through his hair. “You know Dustin will always love you. You’re brothers.”
Steve sighs. “I know, but… we’re also not. I love you more than I love the woman who birthed me, and I love Dust as much as I’d love any biological sibling I could ever have, but-”
“I know,” Claudia says. “It’s okay, dear. Keep going. Tell me about Eddie.”
“Right. So I got jealous, and then I really didn’t wanna meet him, ‘cause he actually sounded kinda cool and I’m just… me. And I know what you’re gonna say, but you’re biased as my mom.” Claudia just chuckles. “But then I met him, and… he’s really nice, Mom. He really loves the twerps. And he’s, like… kind? And I know nice and kind are synonyms but it’s different. Like he’s just… an inherently good person. That’s kind. Nice you can fake. But you can’t fake kind. Y’know?”
“I know what you mean,” she agrees.
“Okay, good. Well he’s kind. He-” Steve sniffs. “He called me a good dude.”
“Well,” Claudia says, smiling, “you are.”
Steve chuckles wetly. “I am now, maybe, but I wasn’t when we knew each other in high school, and I didn’t really expect him to say anything. And he’s so passionate, Mom, and he’s talented, and he’s selfless, but that backfired because it landed him here-”
Claudia hums, strokes a hand through his hair. “How long have you liked him?” He stiffens. “Oh, please, like I haven’t known this entire time. Honestly, Steve, I’m not an idiot. And I’m not some backwards idiot especially who thinks two boys who love each other are the greatest sin.”
“No, it- Mom, you love Robin, of course you’re fine with it, I just- I didn’t… I didn’t realize.”
“Oh, Stevie,” she sighs, running her hand through his hair again. “When he gets out, are you gonna do something about it?”
“I don’t know,” he says quietly. “Maybe. If- if he even wants to be friends-”
“Okay, now I know you’re talking crazy,” she teases him, grinning.
Just then Hopper walks in, looking around with wide eyes, stopping when he sees Steve. “Dad!” Steve yelps, standing and walking quickly towards him, stopping about three steps in. “Oh, fuck,” he mutters, because he knows the way the room is spinning and his vision is going out.
He’s out before he hits the ground.
He wakes up later to find he didn’t hit the ground, actually; Hopper had leapt forward and caught him the second he’d stopped walking and started swaying.
He blinks bleary eyes open and finds himself looking at a ceiling tile. “What-”
“Don’t move,” comes Hopper’s voice from beside him.
He turns his head to frown at him. “Dad? What happened?”
“You passed out. Jumped outta Claudia’s arms like she’d burned you when you saw me. Much as I love you, kid, the parent’s gotta go first this time, ‘kay? No more self-sacrificing bullshit and not getting medical attention when you need it.”
“M’kay,” Steve says. “Sorry, Dad.”
Hopper puts a hand on his head. It’s comforting. “Go to sleep, kid.”
When he wakes up again, he’s more lucid. He looks around, sees Claudia asleep in the chair next to him. Looks on his other side, and his breath catches when he sees Eddie. His eyes are closed, he’s still asleep, but he’s alive.
“Mom,” he whispers, tearing his eyes away from Eddie to look at her. He feels bad, a little, waking her, but only a little because he knows she’d tear him a new one if he didn’t. “Mom.”
She starts awake and tears up when she sees him. “Stevie,” she murmurs, cradling his face with her hand.
“Mom,” he says again. “He’s here.”
Claudia chuckles. “You can thank your father and I for that one. We raised hell.”
“I bet you did,” he says appreciatively.
“And you, young man,” she says, too full of love to really be mean, “next time you tell me when you’ve been half eaten, okay? Or have you forgotten I’m a nurse?”
“Didn’t forget,” he murmurs, nudging her hand with his face. “Just wanted to stay with you.”
“Oh, Steve,” she murmurs. “You beautiful boy.”
He falls asleep again.
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He wakes up again later and looks over to see Eddie also awake, and also looking at him. “Eddie,” he breathes.
It’s hard to tell from where he is, but it looks like Eddie’s blushing. “Looks like I’ve got you to thank for saving my life.”
Now Steve’s blushing. “Ah,” he eloquently says. “No, I mean, just- what anyone else would do?”
“Are you asking me?”
Oh, god, is he teasing? Steve barely survived the flirting before, but now there’s nothing else to keep his attention off Eddie, nothing else he can blame the blush on. “…I just didn’t do much,” he belatedly says.
“Bullshit.” He shifts and hisses in pain. “Fuck, those bastards got me good. But that- that’s proof, y’know?”
Steve blinks. He doesn’t know. “What?”
Eddie grins at him. The stitches in his cheek pull, but don’t tear. “That you saved me.”
Abruptly, Steve tears up. He looks away, up at the ceiling, wills the tears to stay inside. “Steve?”
“Are you-”
“No,” he answers quickly. Too quickly. There’s an awkward silence now. “Fuck,” he mutters. “I- I felt your heart stop, okay?” He looks over again, knows the tears are there, knowing they’re leaking into his hairline and across the bridge of his nose. “I wasn’t sure the doctors were even gonna try that hard to save you. And now you’re joking with me, and-” he takes a quick breath, holds it. Releases it slowly. “‘M just glad you’re okay,” he finally says.
“Oh,” Eddie says quietly. “I, uh. Didn’t think you really… cared. About me.”
“I think I care more than I should.”
Eddie takes a breath. “I’m about to say something way too brave, and I’m only saying it ‘cause we’re both in hospital beds and I’m assuming you can’t just, like, walk over and punch me.”
“Even if I could, I wouldn’t.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep. But, uh. Anyways. I don’t… people don’t care about me. My uncle Wayne does, sure, and the kids, but that’s different, and- well. I’ll take whatever care you wanna give me. It won’t be too much.”
“Okay,” Steve says, “well I definitely don’t want to punch you for that, what the hell, but I hope you know you’re gonna get hugged for that as soon as I figure out how to undo all this shit.” He gestures to the tubes in his arms, and Eddie starts to laugh, then stops just as quickly with a hiss.
“Okay, abs got eaten, no laughing,” he mutters, mostly to himself. “Shit, dude, stay in bed, you had like five people in here earlier who all told me specifically to not let you out of bed, though how I’m supposed to do that I dunno.”
Steve blinks over at him. “Five?”
“Well- four, now that I count. Dustin was here with his mom, he’s getting released later but was allowed out of bed for a minute and came to see us. Robin, and she looked angry, are you two, like, okay?”
Steve snorts. “Yeah, she’s just worried.”
“And then Chief Hopper, which- do you wanna explain why the actual Chief of Police was in here?”
“Ah,” Steve says, and blushes again. “He kinda, like… adopted me? Not officially, obviously, but he’s… well, I call him dad, so-”
“And Claudia?”
Steve hums. “‘S my mom. Dust’s my brother.”
Eddie snorts. “Jesus, Harrington, d’you just go around collecting people to call your parents? How many d’you have now, four?”
“Nah, just two. My parents fucked off pretty permanently by the time I was nine. And before that I had nannies when they were gone.”
Eddie blinks at him. “You- wait. Back up. You’ve been alone for the entirety of high school?”
Steve thinks. “I mean, I had Hopper, kinda, but that was before he became Dad, so… I guess?”
“Goddamn,” Eddie whispers wonderingly. “And you’re still sane?”
Steve snorts. “Jury’s out on that one, I mean I do willingly hang out with the twerps, so-”
“Fuck, don’t make me laugh, man.” He sighs. “I get it, though,” he says quietly. “Mom was an angel, but… Dad got to her, y’know? Tore her wings off, rubbed her halo in the dirt. Poured alcohol down her throat until she was dependent on it. And him. And when she-” he shakes his head. “Then it was just Dad, and he got sent away ‘cause apparently his new car wasn’t his, y’know? And I went to live with Wayne at twelve.”
“But now you’ve got Wayne.”
“Mhm.” He smiles a little. “Call ’im pops sometimes, ‘cause he’s my real dad now. Sometimes Wayne, sometimes Uncle Wayne. He doe’n’t care much.”
“What’s it like? Living with him?”
“It’s been a dream, honestly. He’s the nicest person I’ve ever met, and he’s got patience to rival a saint. Doesn’t care when I play my music loud, or forget to eat, or bring boy—uh, girls—over.”
Steve hums. “There’s still the house in Loch Nora, but I stay with the Hendersons most days. I tend to bring people I meet to Loch Nora, just ‘cause it’s empty, y’know? I mean, Dust’s a little shit, and he’d tease me regardless of who I brought home. Mom wouldn’t care. Hell, she’d probably give me a condom and lube,” he laughs. “And she’s teaching Dustin to be the same way. He’ll get there one day.”
“He’s a twerp,” Eddie agrees. “I didn’t know you, uh-”
“Mhm,” Steve answers. “Robin says I’m like Bowie.”
“Like Bowie- you’re bisexual?”
“That’s the one!” Steve says happily. “I can never remember the name.”
Eddie looks at him wonderingly. “Who are you, Steve Harrington?”
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Eventually they get out of the hospital, and eventually they stop circling around each other. Eventually they kiss, and fall asleep on the couch, and make each other breakfast, and do certain things behind closed doors that Steve still can’t think about without blushing.
Eventually they’re outside the Munson’s trailer, working in the garden that Eddie, surprisingly, loved.
“Imma go in,” Steve says eventually. “Get a drink.”
“Alright,” Eddie says, not looking up from where he’s pulling weeds near his tomatoes. “I’ll be here.”
Steve has a bit of a headache already, and he knows drastic temperature changes don’t help. He didn’t think the trailer was that big of a difference, but it’s cool enough he’s got goosebumps breaking out along his arms almost immediately. Then he’s hit with a blast of freezing air when he opens the fridge, and his head begins to throb. “Fuck,” he mutters, shutting the door and grabbing for a glass, hoping the sink water isn’t too cold.
It’s cooler than he’d like, but it’s all he’s got right now, and he knows if he doesn’t hydrate it’s going to end up worse. He chugs two glasses, sets the cup down, and goes to sit at the table, rubbing his eyes.
It gets worse almost without him realizing: one second his relatively fine, the next he’s groaning in pain, trying to block out all the light by laying his head on his forearm.
A hand on his back startles him. “Dee?”
“Wayne,” comes the gruff voice. “Not Eddie. Y’got a migraine?”
“Y’take anything for it?”
Steve waves a hand. “Had water.”
Wayne leaves for a minute, comes back and presses two pills into Steve’s hand. A glass of water is placed in front of him.
He takes the pills, squinting, and lays his head back down.
“Nuh-uh,” Wayne says, “up you get, c’mon, you’re sleepin’ this off.” Hands at his shoulders guide him out of his seat, shuffle him slowly down the hall to Eddie’s cool, dark room. Lay him down and pull the blankets over him.
Steve sighs and relaxes into the bed, cracking an eye open to look at Wayne. “Thanks, Pops,” he murmurs, then winces when Wayne freezes. “S’rry. Wayne.”
Wayne pets a hand through Steve’s hair. “Pops works just fine,” he says. “I’ll tell Ed you’re in here.”
“M’kay,” Steve breathes, and lets himself fall asleep.
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They’re at Hopper’s cabin, an annual We Saved the World semi-party that usually ends in at least one disagreement.
Eddie’s got most of the kids corralled away in the living room, with promises of an epic one-shot. The adults, Steve, Max, and El are in the kitchen.
He doesn’t know who started it, but someone teases him, and Hopper ruffles his hair with another jab. “Dad,” he complains good-naturedly, laughing.
“Steve?” El asks.
“Yeah?” He looks at her.
“Hopper is your dad.”
Steve glances at Hopper, who’s listening, but making no move to answer. “I mean… not, like, biologically, but yeah.”
“Me too,” El says. “Are you my brother, then?”
Steve flounders. “I- I guess if you want me to be?”
“You’re a good brother to Dustin,” she answers. “I haven’t had any good brothers besides Will, and we are the same age. I would like a good older brother.”
He smiles, tugs her into a hug. “I guess I’m your brother, then.”
She goes willingly. “Does that mean Joyce is your mom too?” She looks up at him, big eyes serious. “She is a good mom.”
“Uh,” Steve says, “that’s kinda up to Joyce.”
“Oh, honey,” Joyce says, because of course everyone had stopped talking the moment El had started. “Why don’t you call me Mama J?”
Steve smiles bashfully, accepting her hug. “Sounds good to me.”
When he tells Eddie later, his boyfriend laughs. “You really do collect parents!”
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iznsfw · 8 months
Reputation, Or Whatever That Is
IZ Days of Christmas 2023: Day 12 - Jang Wonyoung
IVE's Jang Wonyoung x Male Reader Smut
7,063 words
Categories | daddy kink, brat!Wonyoung, squirting, blowjob, please appreciate Wonyoung's power bottom capabilities
Sorry, Yena is coming out sometime but I wanted to finally write something timely. JANG WONYOUNG WHAT THE FUCKKKKK.
Please bear with the religious metaphors, I have Catholic guilt and Wonyoung reignites it. I'm not sorry for all the other fucked up shit here I'm just ooga boogaing because what the FUCK
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It’s a little brighter today than usual. The sun surely knows what's about to happen upon its rising. It has no plans of telling you beforehand, so you’re forced to find out yourself. 
You open Instagram, which is insane because you never bother to look at pictures—much less edited, filtered ones made for meaningless impressions. Your blissful ignorance of online concepts is what would make your fans hate you if they had space in their deluded hearts to. Or maybe that’s your age talking.
But today, clicking on that app is what you do, and that already should have been a sign that something’s not right. The usual run of your universe has gone off course. Who could have made that so?
Coffee. The black stillness that’s pure of sweetness and sugar. That’s supposed to keep everything normal. You sip on it as you scroll through clickbait, fan accounts, edits—
Then you wish you never took that hot gulp at all.
It’s all because of her. 
She stands there from behind your screen, silky hair tangled in those lithe long fingers. She’s looking at the camera like she wants whoever took the time to click on her profile to come over and fuck her right now. Man or woman, poor or rich—it doesn’t matter. What ought to matter though is the fact that she doesn’t have someone’s hands slipped around her waist and pulling her close.
You shouldn’t even be thinking about it.
Usually, she’s dressed in knitted pink coats and miniskirts; looking fashionable but modest, modest but unplain. That’s what everyone loves about Jang Wonyoung: she’s prim, sweet, and the daughter of the nation. 
Now, she’s the ideal girl to take right home and have your wicked way with. Yes, you’d feel guilty since she’s so young, just the little age of nineteen. Still, that doesn’t mean you’d have any regrets. She’s the kind of girl you can’t get away from. You’ll always come back for more.
You’d hate to be so upfront, but there’s no other way to interpret it. 
There’s that fucking denim bra hugging her tiny chest, stitched up so high that her abs are on full display. That little pinch of a waist curves so perfectly right up to her wide hips that invite and invite and invite—
Remember to exhale.
So, yeah. That’s how Wonyoung ruined your day, and you barely had your morning coffee.
A text message from your boss appears. You nearly miss it because of how you’re staring all ogle-eyed at the tempting girl on your screen. Before you even click it, you already know what you ought to do. 
hey, it reads, you need to—
—go to Wonyoung, and for such a scandalous photo, she’s chosen a remote but classy hotel only the biggest stars know of to shoot it. 
There’s no going back when you drive like you’re running from the law when you’ll break one if you pull the wrong stunt with her. Your throat’s coiled with an unreleased breath that won’t go away unless you see her. It’s like traveling with the promise of meeting a goddess, and although you’re not religious anymore, you wear very, very close to rediscovering faith.
The hotel is grand—clear marble floors and shining chandeliers—and it’s no surprise. Wonyoung wouldn’t have things any other way. You know that when she’s come to your office to complain about her outfits and brands. 
You go up to the desk with prepared evidence for what you’re going to say. “I’m an associate of your client miss Jang Wonyoung,” you say to the lady tapping away behind her computer, “and I’ve come to visit her.”
Associate? It’s more like mentor. You’re a veteran idol whose efforts inspire the rookies, therefore getting you the responsibility of looking out for Wonyoung. So, father figure, maybe? You wince at that.
She makes a polite sad look, still not removing her eyes from the screen. “I’m sorry, miss Jang doesn’t have—”
Slide your ID card on the counter.
She glances at it, stiffens, then looks up at you. There’s only one of you in the entire South Korea, and although the 1x1 traces back to when you were a bit more youthful, it’s not hard to put two and two together. 
She apologizes quickly and offers you an elevator ride exclusive for VVIPs. Smile. It’s been a while since your last return to music, but everyone knows you here. Everyone knows your power.
Wonyoung’s place is the first room on the twelfth floor, a flinching irony.
Knock. You rap your knuckles three times for good luck and charm, because you’ll need it with her. Jang Wonyoung is everything save an easy girl. You remember the many times she refused to give up a debate on how she’s managed, how she’s styled, how she’s treated. She wants things to go her way only.
“Wonyoung,” you call out. Fidget with the handle of the door that refuses to budge. “It’s me.”
Knock a little more. There’s no eye behind the peekhole or a soft “come in.” You receive only the unlocking of the furnished knob and a welcome that makes you wish this could go the way your morals would want it to go.
The door opens you to a gorgeous suite that’s the supreme of all room tiers. This is the kind that only the richest of the rich are able to attain. Big as a house with a soft carpeted ground, there’s a queen-sized bed before a wide window of the city. Picture frames commissioned by the wealthy hang from the painted walls. All for the fucking aesthetic.
Even you, a star who paved the way for the Korean entertainment industry itself, aren’t used to this type of wealth. 
Find her sitting on the ledge of the window frame. Wonyoung has her hands resting on the sides of the window frame. She doesn’t try at least a stance at nonchalance—no admiring stare at the beautiful view, no worried gaze at her clean fingernails. Her interest is you standing before her like you’re afraid to touch her. She might be right, but it’s not like you’d ever have it in you to admit that.
Even you, a man lusted over by girls and women all over the world, aren’t used to this kind of woman—the kind that eats away at you.
“Wonyoung.” Inside, you feel like the weakest man in the world.
She has this smarmy, confident smile on her perfect lips that tells you that it’s no surprise that you’ve come all the way here for her. No surprise at all. She expected it. Anticipated it, if you will.
Don’t mistake the coquettish float of her lashes for theatrics. No, Jang Wonyoung’s just naturally someone you’d want to fuck, no matter the politics of it. “Yes?”
Her voice is also just that pretty. That’s a large part of why it’s so hard to act professional in front of her when she’s your mentee. Even more so by the fact you’re someone she’s looked up to for the majority of her trainee years, which is already something that would make people’s brows lift.
“Wonyoung.” You let your shoulders rest. “Why are you still dressed like that?”
You know all the dialogue that passes around the general public. Oh, Jang Wonyoung’s so gorgeous! Jang Wonyoung’s even more beautiful in real life! You hate to say you can’t disagree. She’s deadlier in person; her body’s there before the glass like she’s waiting for someone to give in to temptation. That coy simper can ruin careers. It can ruin yours. 
To think it all could be gone because of a nineteen-year-old celebrity with a tiny waist and legs you’d love to have around your head.
“Why are you still dressed like someone from the eighties?” Wonyoung taps her chin, then grins. She’s figured it all out. “Oh wait, you are.”
You’re not taking insults from someone who’s below you in experienced years and power. Unluckily, she’s not taking advice from someone above her or below her.
The step you take towards her, towards the little star seated comfortably waiting for you, feels like a sin. 
“You’re incredibly unprofessional for a girl who’s worked her way up here,” you note. Cross your arms and give her a reprimanding look. 
Wonyoung’s immune to nasty looks, too. She’s been doing this since she was a child. If someone gave her a glare that read all too well of a career assassination, she’d wink the bullet away sweetly. “Hm,” she says contemplatively, “I don’t think you get to say that, honestly.”
Your laugh is blunt and sarcastic. Unbelievable. Wonyoung’s the kindest girl according to the people who work for her, so why is she a rebel in your hands? It doesn’t make sense.
“Look here, we—”
You take three steps closer to her. You’ll keep your little rituals and superstitions to keep yourself grounded. Without them, you’d go insane. 
Then without her having to do anything, she comes nearer, like a doomsday foretold by a ticking clock. Who knows? That clock could be a bomb, and that bomb would set off if you dare to touch her with a trembling fingertip. You’d leave the scene injured. And eventually, you’d die the moment they try to help you, because the deed’s been done.
“Oh, I’m looking, alright,” she chirps. She’s doing what you’ve held yourself back from doing: letting her eyes wander. “And I really, really like what I see.”
You’re someone several awards her senior, and you’re still quite intimidated by her at this moment. She’s so sweet yet so honest—she won’t make up a lie to make you feel better and she won’t hide the truth to make you comfortable. Refuse the truth her eyes locked on your crotch tell. You won’t accept it. It’s not right.
“I’m serious.” Approaching her makes you want to go on your knees and beg the lord for a little saving. Do it anyway. No one will rescue you. That’s what the industry taught you. “You’ve made it all the way up here. All by yourself. There’s gotta be something. What are you throwing it all away for?”
She laughs. Funniest thing she’s ever heard. “I’m not. How am I throwing it all away?” 
“Those posts,” you hiss. Doesn’t she get it?
Before she could ask you what you’re talking about, you whip out your phone. Click on the app icon. It instantly shows you the opened tab containing Wonyoung’s recent Instagram posts. Look at her, wrapped in nothing, not even those curtains—giving the camera bedroom eyes when girls her age shouldn’t be shooting them at anyone or be aware of how to. 
It’s already massed a million likes in under an hour. But you know what people who turn on anyone easily will say, and what they say could blot Wonyoung’s bright future by a lot. A million people around the world have caught sight of the abs she’s worked hard for, her toned back, and just about everything. A loud minority with frisky influences can sabotage her whole reputation.
“These posts,” you continue, shoving the screen into the poor girl’s face, “can take away everything you’ve worked for. All that fame, all that money, you can’t brag about them after this.”
Wonyoung looks on innocently. She stares at the screen with uninterested eyes, then switches them back on you. She looks like such a good girl in that second, with her hands seated beside her and that face so full of sparkling perfection. 
Deception can’t lead you away. 
“So, what’s it gonna be, Wonyoung?” 
Long silence that builds up your frustration. Finally, she clicks her tongue. Gives you a shrug of her thin shoulders.
“You liked it.”
She points to your phone. “You liked my post,” she repeats. “It says so right there.”
What the hell is she talking about?
You look at the device you’re brandishing. For a while, you can’t find out what she’s referring to. You can never take a liking to her posts, although if they switch on something you didn’t know you can feel. You’d die before—
The heart. 
The heart button below her set of pictures is filled with red.
Your heart pumps faster, a button pushed and played.
You turn to her and open your mouth. No sensible words come out. You swear you didn’t tap twice on her update or take it to a private setting. How did it happen? Worse, even if you say that to her, she’d take it as a pathetic lie.
Wonyoung giggles. It’s a tinkly sound that’s adorable, but you’ve long realized that being cute is not all there is to her. She rises slowly, sets her palms over your blazer-clad arms, and gives you an empathetic face. It’s so condescending that you want to dissolve. 
“I know what men like you are all about,” she tells you. She speaks with a sultriness that makes you feel warm and has bumps appearing in masses across your skin.
She smiles. Her eyes disappear into crescent moons and the dimple appears on her cheek. You’re done for. 
“Come on,” Wonyoung continues, squeezing your forearms. “Here you are, a big old man known for being a good singer or whatever. You’re so popular that the first thing that pops up on Naver is your face. Everything goes right for you, doesn’t it?”
You have no idea where she’s going with this. You’re afraid to even ask. Your teeth grit as her massages grow stronger, harder. 
Something else is, too.
“Then, of course, you see me.” 
Her hand. It’s curling around your wrist and bringing your fingers right around that flawless waist. She closes them there tightly.
It’s so bad that it’s good. You want to keep touching her, maybe slip your gliding fingers down her jeans. Oh, you shouldn’t. You can’t.
“You see me, and you get all hot and bothered. And what’s so funny is I’m not even doing anything. I’m just being myself, you know. Being young and rich… a beautiful girl…” Wonyoung is unbuttoning your shirt and you don’t realize it. “You can’t understand how I’m allowed to be this hot when you can’t even fuck me with a normal conscience.”
It’s all so wrong. You want to shake her by the shoulders and tell her to shut up. But if Medusa has her eyes, Wonyoung has her lips to turn you to stone. They keep opening elegantly to speak the filthiest, most fucked up shit, and you can’t deny anything.
Her eyes are creased with knowing pride. Her youth doesn’t rescue her from being so messed in the head already. Those thoughts don’t go along with such a pretty face.
“That’s why you like to get rough with me. You tell me to watch how I speak, watch how I act. You tell me to stop talking to you like you’re no one. You tell me that I’m such a little brat. But you only do that so you can get to control me. That’s your most fucked up dream, right?”
Her mouth is the tiniest space away from your chin. 
You’re another word away from saving yourself a spot in damnation.
Her finger that scratches a flaw on your blazer beckons you to the fire. “You’re not breaking the law or anything,” says Wonyoung, “so why not break me instead, daddy?”
That’s a deal sealed with a rough kiss.
You grab her cruelly and cover her lips with yours. They’re more amazing than you imagined, soft and competent with how she pushes in deeper, depriving herself of the air she needs the most just to get what she needs just a bit more:
Your tongues collide and clash, striving to get the most taste. She pulls your blazer off (because fuck professionalism, right?) while she kisses you with a hunger that’s equally mental and physical. It’s not like she’d bruise up if you didn’t get your hands on her yet it’s close to that. 
And, in your case, it’s not like you’re breaking any law. She’s nineteen, not anywhere under the limits you’d kill others and yourself for touching. Nonetheless, you’re much older—by age, she could be your daughter; by career, she’s your junior; by power, you’re much stronger. 
So, it’s still so wrong.
Can’t be when Wonyoung’s fist, firm around your cock, feels so right. 
Can’t be when she lands on the edge of the bed with her lips parted in delight as she watches your dick stiffen under her service. 
“There you go, daddy,” she coos, smirking. “Just get all hard for me, then you can stuff that big thing up in my pussy.”
Her thumb toys with your cockhead. You purse your lips to hold back a groan. Let go of it anyway when her smooth, closed palm rubs your sensitive flesh. She cups your balls lovingly before gliding her teasing fingertips under your length, right up to your tip. The girl knows how to do this; she’s good at more things other than MCing and performing.
Wonyoung hones this skill with firmer pumps, giving you the handjob of a lifetime. Her long fingers are just made to handle dick. Each stroke is perfection that holds and pulls and slides. You’re leaking so much already. 
So you turn into the driver of the hate train, the press that loves getting her bad angles and the articles that slash up her name:
Blame it all on her. 
Because you have here a girl, young and pretty and confident, so of course you have to scrape off your sins and nail them all on her, like a quivering hand to wood.
“You think you’re getting it that easily?” you say. Your moan is squeezed in your throat. “Baby, you’re not even close to it.”
Wonyoung smirks. It’s that self-assured, elegant smile that tells you that won’t work on her. She might be a rookie, but she knows how to play the game. 
She tightens her grip painfully. That’s what you get for trying to one her up. Do that to anyone, just not Jang Wonyoung. Your cry goes unheard as she yanks you rather than jerks you off. Spits on your head for good measure. Wonyoung’s eyes make a connection with your soul and says, Yep, that’s what I’d do if you weren’t my senior. In fact, I’d do it regardless. I’d choke and spit and leave you to die, because a pretty Samaritan is better than a good one.
“You’re really out of touch, daddy.” 
With Wonyoung slathering her drool all over you, you’re forced to teeter on the line between heaven and hell. It burns yet the offer of pleasure leaves you sated.
“You think I’m like the pretty girls out there? Other girls might have broken down and begged you to come back.” 
Your rod is subjected to a brief torrid kiss, then a smile as the wicked girl looks up at you.
She laughs, gives you this smile full of haught and womanly power. “Too bad I’m Jang Wonyoung,” she says, her last words before taking you in.
Yes, it’s too bad she’s Jang Wonyoung. It’s too bad she’s not the other girls who’d kneel for a burning touch of stars like you. She wouldn’t be holding control over you with the power of her lips if she had sanity in that pretty head.
Her plump tiers wrap around you and seize everything, encasing it in softness and wetness. Her tongue, the one she uses as a killer expression for her selfies and Instagram updates, kills you all the same with how it swirls around your skin and tastes you. Trying to pretend the girl wasn’t a pro at this like she is with everything else is useless. She’ll keep proving you wrong and overpowering you.
The whole of your shaft is sucked in, then, when her cute nose is pressed directly to your stomach, she lets out a hummed laugh. You shudder—as much as it makes you feel good, fear grips your muscles and makes them limp. She’s loving how wrong everything is, and you’re not sure if you like it.
Her jaw slacks, and then Wonyoung’s swallowing you like you’re water. Can’t be water when you’re this solid in her throat. You let out a shivering groan. You can picture the bulge in Wonyoung’s neck and it’s the last thing you’d count on turning you on, but they did tell you to expect the unexpected. 
Her saliva becomes excessive, resulting in some dribbles down her chin that help her work her mouth on you. Wonyoung’s drool sheens you entirely and she keeps adding more. On the occasion she pushes her face into your stomach, your cock gets wetter. She does, too. 
“Fuck.” Cussing won’t help deter the onslaught of pleasure. You’re unsalvageable. Say it anyway. You babble meaningless, slurred words and not one gets to Wonyoung. All she can hear is the sound of your quivering moans and her mouth taking you all in.
She becomes less of an idol, less of the elegant princess for the cameras, and instead a fleshlight. However, she reminds you that it isn’t that way with a fierce sneer that stays on at all times. She’s not your girl—she’s Jang Wonyoung, and you’re already incredibly lucky that she chose to go down on you.
All that beautiful hair isn’t of any purpose if you don’t get to touch it, to gather it in a ponytail, to pull on it. Your fingers creep into her brown locks not only to give it a little meaning but also for sanity. 
That isn’t a thing in Wonyoung’s world. She pulls your hand off and slaps it on your side. “No,” she says with a shake of her head. “Daddy can’t touch me, not when he’s pretending that he’s hot shit.”
Her nails bury themselves in your hips. Oh, the manicured talons of a gorgeous monster. Oh, the pain that runs through your sides. Should you run before she devours you? Too late for that.
“Wonyoung,” you breathe, and then ask, genuinely: “What the hell is wrong with you?”
She’s so proper and serene on her shows that not even her most desperate fan would think she’s a terror. They don’t know she’s a girl who likes older, weaker men who’d ruin her if she hasn’t the pretty face and attractively black heart to do them the favor instead. 
“What’s wrong with you?” 
You’d respond if you knew the answer.
Wonyoung rubs her thumb under your dick, sending little sparks aflying. “Why’d you kiss me earlier?” Her lipstick decorates it as a kinder girl would to your face. “Why didn’t you grab my hair and tell me to be a good girl? Why didn’t you leave? It’s not my fault you want to fuck me.”
All these words of destruction and your cock remains standing. It’s a staunch reminder to her that you can say whatever you want and the hard evidence remains. You want to fuck Wonyoung. You want to do it to a rookie who’d turn the story around on you if it ever came out. You want to fuck her so bad it’s borderline pitiable.
“I’m just giving you what you want, daddy.” Her fingers caress your sides. “Trust me, I could be a very good girl if I wanted to.”
You almost didn’t believe that until Wonyoung started to suck you off again. 
Her lips stroke you effortlessly as if this were her pastime. That’s your most accurate guess, because this seamless performance—the one of her mouth working on you with the impression that this whole thing is nothing to her—can’t be a natural gift. The combination of dripping saliva and her soft lips is lethal.
It’s unbelievable how she manages to find all your tender spots. She preys on them, licking and licking until you’re very sure you were going to blow all over her. But you can’t give her that satisfaction. 
You’re very close to doing so though. She’s perfectly sloppy and rough. You glare at her when she lightly teases her teeth on your girth. She winks at you in response. She leaves you breathless in so many ways. 
“Wonyoung, Wonyoung, god—” you whine. It’s so hard to adapt to the girl sitting there with that innocent face and wild mouth that doesn’t dare give up on you. 
Her expressions on camera are always poised. Off camera, there’s this one she flashes you as she shoves her face into your stomach that looks downright evil. Although she’s already fucking you with her throat, Wonyoung partners it with strong suction that’s sure to drain you. 
“Yes, daddy?” She doesn’t pant when she goes up for air, replacing her sucking with her long fingers. 
“I’m really close,” you admit. It’s obvious from your shaking legs. 
Sounds of returned wet suction start to increase. Criticism and compliments prod Wonyoung on. How else would she improve in her idol life? In blowing you? In devouring you?
You realize you’re fitting the cliché. There’s you, an idol whose name is uttered on the daily by both young and old fans, igniting a scandal in the making by fucking a girl beneath you in everything. There’s this expensive suite where stars go for a little precious privacy to do what they want. There’s the two of you doing exactly what you desire: fucking each other. There’s the classic maneater trope with how it’s more like Wonyoung fucking you—she fucks you with her face, fucks you in the head, fucks with your righteousness. Well, fuck.
Wonyoung drools so much that you’re invited to a sea the moment your head pushes past her tongue again. It’s slicker, sloppier, and so much sexier because she’s so completely devoted to your cock. Her hypnotizing eyes trap you and so does her body, tight and tiny—that tummy is flatter than a board and only thin panties hide what her long legs lead to from the bottom.
The only time she stops sucking you is when she darts her tongue side to side with an unhinged pace on your sensitive tip. “Good. Cum in my throat.”
“Shit, god, I can’t—”
Wonyoung attacks you again, and there, in her warm orifice, your plentiful orgasm spends itself. Her throat welcomes you tightly every time. Her hot restricted breaths fan your groin and evokes more semen that spills with no care. 
Your hands ball into fists. Although you’re hot and shaking, you can’t touch her. Why are you following her rules when it should be the other way around? It’s a reversal of roles, a Stockholm’s Syndrome of some sorts whose victim is your cock never wanting to leave from the predatory embrace of Wonyoung’s puckered kiss.
Of course, after she gathers all of your cum in the pool of her mouth, she swallows.
She really could be a good girl.
“Awh.” Wonyoung pouts mockingly. “Daddy, are you crying?”
Touch your face. To your horror, she’s right. The electricity and shock of her continuous blowjob results in a few tears on your cheeks. You haven’t done that in years. Wonyoung is the first one to make you cry like this.
You flush. What more to hide your weakness than anger? “Wonyoung,” you start, then you realize you don’t know what to say, “I—you—”
She smiles. You aren’t going anywhere.
She shoves you to the bed. You’ve reached rock bottom in spite of the softness of the quality pillows. You’ll scrape your way out if not for Wonyoung finishing the job by keeping you there assisted by her legs. They close around you with not even a courtesy false promise of an escape. No negotiation, no coaxes. 
Wonyoung is sitting on your crotch but not on your dick, which is a problem. Which is a solution. Her hands are pinned to your chest while you try not to meet her eyes. It’s a losing game when your runaway glances are met by her grinding hips, silky thighs, and the hard, flexing abs of a perfection of a midriff. 
Her fingers tug on the waistband of her panties before slowly slipping them off. Her pink pussy clear of blemish or hair comes in contact with your length. Up and down she goes, her dancing hips always seeking for more friction. You understand their need because you share the same—Wonyoung’s splayed lips on your member feel heavenly. It’s kind of disappointing that she might as well have climbed her way out of hell.
If she did, she’s the prettiest little devil you’ve ever seen.
“Ohhh, don’t you get it?” Wonyoung asks. She moves so smoothly, you nearly forget she’s humping you rather than dancing. Her soft moan brings you back. It’s the first time you’ve heard it, and you’re melting; it sounds so seductive and innocent in the same breath.
You know her. She knows you. So it’s clear: Jang Wonyoung can be anything—supermodel, actress, dancer—but she cannot ever be innocent. 
Her gorgeous voice is silky when it twists into moans and gasps. Looking down at your crotches meeting and swaying is a better show than end-of-the-year performances. The blowjob and commanding you around must have turned her on by a lot—her flesh is hot and wanton with juices as it slides up and down you.
“You’re not going anywhere, daddy!” Wonyoung giggles. She kisses your nose, then your chest until her lipstick marks you. You burn up with feverish lust after each peck. “Daddy is only Wonyoung’s. And I knew your perfect cock would be mine when I posted those pics. I know men like daddy would do anything for me.”
“Wonyoung.” Breathe again, because you’ll need to after this, so why not do it now? “Why are you doing this?”
You thought her flirtatiousness in your office was just her coyness coming out to play. She’d rest her chin on your desk, suck a red lollipop on some days, maybe run her fingertips over your knuckles. Day in and out, she plays the same game. You didn’t know it would reach this level.
“Because I want to mess you up, daddy,” Wonyoung says. Her tongue swipes at the cavern of your mouth right until she nibbles at your lower lip. Her lipstick peppers your face. “I want to fuck my daddy up so bad he’ll never go a day without thinking of me.”
Swallow. The friction of your sexes is driving you crazy and close to the edge. All the same, you don’t want to make a fool of yourself cumming early for Wonyoung. 
What happened to your dynamics? Your relationship? There wasn’t a romantic one, but it was always you holding the reins professionally and her just being an insistent passenger. Now she’s wrapping that rein around your neck and claiming you for her own. Looks like you have control everywhere excluding the bed.
“That’s it?” you ask. Shut your eyes—just seeing her grind on you with her utterly wet cunt can make you bust. “Your career doesn’t matter to you?”
“I could say the same thing to you.” Wonyoung lifts herself up and flashes that wicked smile again. “But I want to feel this in me before you wimp out.”
You and Wonyoung fall down a bottomless hole of consequence and wrongs but Wonyoung makes sure to bottom out the first time she sits on your dick. She engulfs you whole and traps you there with her soaked, grippy walls that slide all the way down. 
You’d say her pussy has a vise grip, holding onto you like all goes wrong if it didn’t, except you think it has the grip of a vice. Need for her juices that coat you replaces the need for alcohol. Even if you get out of this suite alive, (which is a low possibility), you can see yourself always coming back for more. You could be addicted to anything—smoking, eating, cheating—but it just so happened your vice is Wonyoung.
“Daddy!” she yelps, and from there you can’t count the times she slams her cute butt down your thighs. “Oh my god, daddy!”
Her dainty, cute yells make you throb inside her. Perhaps it’s the kittenish quality of it that turns you on so much. She sounds so appealing, so fucking ruinable that it’s surprising to see that she’s doing the ruining here. Her expression in bed is more animated than the ones she makes onstage—her nearly closed eyes look upwards while her mouth falls open. 
The squeeze of her tight, wet cunt renders your knees weak. It’s a good thing you’re lying down. Wonyoung makes sure you stay that way by penetrating herself with you over and over again. Her being barely a weight on you doesn’t stop you from lying there uselessly. You know better by now not to challenge her, not when each time you enter her vagina is better than the last. Her pussy is slippery and tight, proving to be the smallest and the best fit for your shaft simultaneously. Her hole is too tight and too good. 
“Is this all for me, daddy? Huh?” Wonyoung circles her hips, making you moan, then continues her up-and-down movements. “You’re so hard, you naughty daddy. I know you got a b-boner when you looked at my posts. Now I’m giving you another one.”
You always thought of Wonyoung as justifiably confident yet arrogant. She told you once at your desk that she doesn’t deserve a stylist who only has a four-star rating. She lamented about the lack of competence of her staff preparing her comeback stage. All those you turned down to give the topics of her complaints the benefit of the doubt, but you know she’s right. She doesn’t deserve less when she’s better than the best. She doesn’t deserve less when she knows her place: a royal throne. So you can’t deny that she’s too hot to handle, undiscriminating to you whose connections always have impossibly beautiful women somewhere in there.
She’s so hot that her small breasts bouncing from behind that denim bra and tube top looks appealing. She’s so hot that the heat between her legs grows wetter. She’s so hot that when her soft ass crashes down on you again, you don’t find it a repetitive bore. 
She’s so hot that you’d let the slim, tall girl use you until dusk turns to dawn, even if the curtains behind her are drawn apart and the secret cameras get to snap a photo.
“Shit, Wonyoung,” you say, your core squeezing. “You’re so fucking tight.”
“I bet you’ve thought about this, daddy. You thought that one night, I’ll be so bad that you could book us a whole hotel and fuck me in all the rooms, just like this one. I’m right, aren’t I?”
“Yes, fuck yes.”
“You wanted to open my legs and use my little pussy all day long, huh? Until I’m yours to throw around and do whatever?”
“Y-yes.” Nod. Your face twists—she shouldn’t speak when she’s fucking you because all the filth she says makes you want to blow inside her already. It’s the kind of truth that arouses rather than hurts.
Wonyoung’s riding switches to a rapid intensity that makes you yell. She lets you in so deep to the point that her butt cheeks touch your heavy balls. She’ll drain them for sure; the pace she sets is terrifyingly quick. It seems that she becomes tighter after each bounce, and it’s not helping you hold out at all.
Watch the wildness in Wonyoung’s eyes become animalistic. It makes you all the more certain now of one solid fact: there is something seriously wrong with Jang Wonyoung.
She smirks. “Well, you got it wrong. I’m not all yours, daddy.” She leans down, resting her palms on your shoulders. “You are all mine.”
Her hands might as well be a chained collar waiting to close around your neck. Her devilish simper is supposed to scare you, not turn you on. Somehow, it does both. 
She flicks back her hair as she sits up again. Through it all, her riding doesn’t stop. “This cock?” she asks before slamming her pussy down it with a different kind of ferociousness. Cry out but she shuts you up with a furious kiss. “It’s gonna be my dirty secret. I’ll always go to daddy after my schedules so I can make him cum—over and over again.”
To think that a young girl like her has you at her beck and call is laughable, but there’s no laughing now. As you stare at Wonyoung’s fluid body and her hair bouncing beautifully, you realize she actually can have you for herself. It only took one Instagram post to lure you to her. She sees you’re falling deeper and deeper for her.
She didn’t exactly tell you how to escape.
“You gonna cum, daddy? Is my perfect pussy milking you?” 
You can do nothing except nod.
“Of course, I can feel you throbbing, i-it’s making me lose it,” gasps Wonyoung. Her whines are making you lose it yourself. “Let’s cum together, okay? You can only cum when you feel Wonyoung squirt all over your massive cock.”
She squeezes tighter on top of you when she reaches down to rub her clit. She’s in search of any kind of stimulation: the slap of her ass on your thighs, the upward shoves of your erection, the pulse of her clit. Her moans increase in their whiny girlishness. Their tender vulnerability makes you think she should be the one underneath your body though you’re aware that’s never going to happen. Wonyoung belongs on top, just the same with her name in first place in the list of brand reputation rankings, browser searches, followers.
Once upon a time, you took charge over her. You managed her lessons, her videos, her behind-the-scenes duties. Funny how it’s the opposite now, wherein she jounces on you freely with the domineering message of caution: don’t cum until she does.
And god, is she making that hard. Everything about her is so attractive, from the bounce of her hair to her midriff showing your entering cock to her pretty pink pussy clutching you. What gets you, however, is her face—everyone loves looking at that face. Today, you’re under an aphrodisiac for it: you’re in love with the roll of her eyes as she rides you, the pink on her cheeks, the part of her lips. 
“Fuck yes! Ugh, daddy, you feel so good inside me…” Wonyoung’s core clenches and slides your penis along its textured, sensitive walls. Her gasp is straight out of fantasies. “You’re balls deep, see? Look how your meat’s filling me. My pussy’s going to be so sore after this.” She chuckles. “Wait, who says we’re stopping?”
You shudder. You’re getting very close. Your earlier orgasm still has its effects on you. You’re afraid you’re going to do something you shouldn’t under her bedroom law. She’ll imprison you with her thighs and waterboard you with all the girl cum she promised until you confess that she’s the best fuck you ever had. 
“Daddy’s going to cum so hard he’s probably going to breed me. Then I’ll, oh, I’ll feel it inside my tummy and it’s going to be a scandal. Wouldn’t you like that? Getting to knock up Jang Wonyoung? I can hear you moaning. I think you really like that. I think that’s why you’re thrusting up in me. You want to be a real daddy and make your baby girl a mommy. That’s so fucked up, you know that, right? You shouldn’t be having sex with me, let alone breeding me. But you’re a fucking weak old man, so of course you like that.”
You’re burning up. They’re the signs of what’s to come. If her confident words inspire her young fans, her monologues of lust make you feel like you’re the worst person in the world. Of course, the boner is part of the effect. 
You groan. “Wonyoung, baby girl, please—”
“Oh god, daddy, I’m going to cum!” she squeals. Her emotions control her and tell her to go harder, bounce harder, squeeze harder. She’s pushing past her limits. “Agh, agh, you’re cumming, too, right? Cum for me. You’ll be—fuck, my daddy’s going to make me cum! I’m squirting all over his cock!”
She slams herself down roughly and repeatedly till your lower body’s flooded with her cum. You can’t take it anymore. It feels like dying because you swear you can see stars in the ceiling, stars of lust in her eyes. La petite mort. How poetic, since Wonyoung’s screaming still sounds as beautiful as her singing and speaking. 
Her shouts are close to breaking the windows’ glass. Anyone can figure out what’s happening without the destruction of the pane—the curtains are wide open, letting the world see the youngest icon of the new generation pumping herself onto her co-worker. 
You wonder if there’s actually poor watchers out there seeing you cream Wonyoung’s princess pussy, grab her ass to guide her, and kiss her when she leans down.
Wonyoung tastes the best when she’s squirting.
Consequences always catch up no matter what. You can hide under a cloak, in another country, underneath the earth in a secluded bunker and all that won’t help. You’ll be stuck dealing with the outcome, thorns from a rose you thought was too pretty to have some. 
That’s the first thing you remember when you wake up, wrapped in the bed sheets and by Wonyoung’s arms. Someone’s calling you. Bad news: it’s your boss—the ringtone itself sounds angry, too. 
“Hello?” you ask. You can’t help the grogginess of your morning voice, try as you may. If your boss didn’t know what happened, he can perfectly guess from the exhaustion riddling your greeting. 
“You dumb little shit.” You can feel the spittle of your boss’ insult from miles away, cities away, screens away. “You’re lucky I’m friends with the fucking CEO.”
“What happened?”
“Don’t give me that. Some janitor saw you from the wing. I needed to hear it from you: did you fuck Jang Wonyoung?”
Unexpectedly, a veiny hand you remember holding something else grabs your phone. Wonyoung leans against your shoulder wearing nothing as she holds the phone to her ear.
“Why?” she quips, loud and clear. “Wouldn’t you?”
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serpentandlily · 1 year
Untouchable III - Azriel x Reader
Untouchable - Azriel x Rhysand'sSister! Reader ✨
Summary: For as long as you can remember, you have always had feelings for Azriel, your court's spymaster. But after centuries of watching him pine after your own cousin, hoping he'd eventually move on, your wish came true. He moved on-with Elain, your brother's mate's middle sister. Unable to watch him fall in love with someone else again, you flee from Velaris, from him. But things are a lot more complicated than that - more complicated than you ever imagined.
Warnings: angst
a/n: Okay all your comments/reblogs have literally made me dieeee laughing. Y'all are so funny lmao. Hope you enjoy this one! I had lots of fun writing it <3
➻❥ Part I ➻❥ Part II ➻❥ Part III ➻❥ Part IV ➻❥ Part V
➻❥ Part VI ➻❥ Part VII ➻❥ Part VIII ➻❥ Part IX ➻❥ Part X
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Part III
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
The cool night breeze kissed the flesh exposed by your silk nightgown as you sat on the railing of your balcony, dangling your legs over the edge. You could faintly hear music and the sound of laughter as Velaris came alive around you. You blew a loose strand of hair out of your face as you gazed up at the bright moon glowing down on you in the night sky. 
“I need some advice right now, Mama,” you whispered into the night. “Everyone seems to be finding their place in this world but I…I don’t know where I belong or what I’m even here for. And everything has been falling apart recently and I could really, really, use one of your hugs right now.”
After the disastrous training session this morning, you had spent the rest of the day watching over Nyx. Being with him made you feel better. Your nephew was a reminder that there were more important things in your life than a certain shadowsinger and his crazy mood swings. 
But now Nyx was asleep and you were left alone with your thoughts once again. 
Azriel had been so rough with you today, so cruel. And your heart panged with the thought that he would never dare treat Elain, or even Mor, like that. You let out a sigh and drew one knee to your chest, resting your head against it. Would this heartache ever go away? Or were you cursed by the Mother to forever yearn for a male who would never want you? 
Somehow you could sense him before you even heard the flap of wings. A thud sounded behind you and the smell of night-chilled mist and cedar flooded your senses. His presence felt heavy and dark and you refused to turn around despite the way it put you on edge. 
Silence. Nothing but tense silence filled the air. If it wasn't for Azriel's looming presence behind you, you might've thought you imagined him coming. You waited a breath...then another. Still nothing. You felt him take a step closer to you; his shadows eased their way between your arms, over your shoulders, through your hair. You could feel his warm breath on the back of your neck. 
Another moment went by and you couldn't take it anymore. You blew out a low breath. 
"I didn't snitch on you if that's what you're thinking," you scoffed, your gaze never straying from the moon. "You can blame that on Cass. So if my brother sent you here to apologize, save it."
Silence once more. Your grip on the edge of the stone railing tightened. Why wasn't he saying anything? Why did he come here? 
"Rhys didn't send me here." You almost jumped at the sound of his voice, your heartbeat rising. "In fact, your brother forbade me from seeking you out."
Yet here he was, going directly against his High Lord's orders. Your brows furrowed but you refused to turn around, refused to look at him. So much had changed between the two of you in the last twenty-four hours.
"So why are you here?"
"I hurt you." His voice was as dark as his shadows.
You glanced down at your bandaged hand. The image of his cold face as he struck down on you with his sword replayed in your mind. But you weren't sure which had hurt more. The slice down your palm or the words he had spat at you. 
"You did." 
"Y/n..." he whispered your name. You felt his hand ghost over your shoulder, as if he were about to touch you, but his touch never came. "I'm sorry. I was...I was angry and I took it out on you—”
"You weren't just angry, Az," you cut him off. "You were angry with me. Why? What did I do to earn your ire?"
You finally turned around and gasped as you caught sight of his face. He had a black eye, his left cheekbone was surrounded by black and purple bruises, and his bottom lip had been split open, though it looked to be already healing. His hair was tousled as if he had spent hours running his hand through it, some pieces hanging down his forehead. 
"I deserved it," he said, darkly as your eyes searched his face for any more injuries. You knew your brother had been behind them. "You've done nothing wrong. Like I said, I wasn't angry with you."
You let out another scoff and jumped down from the railing. The ground was cold against your bare feet as you brushed past Azriel and strode towards the glass doors leading to your bedroom. 
“Where are you going?”
You waved a dismissive hand in the air. “I refuse to entertain a conversation with you if you’re going to blatantly lie to me.”
“I’m not lying,” he ground out through his teeth. 
You whirled around, crossing your arms. “Then why did you say all those things to me? If you were just angry, why not let off steam by sparring with Cass like you always do? You targeted me.” 
“I didn’t mean any of the things I said, y/n.”
“You still said them.” 
“Fine,” he snarled. He stalked towards you looking like a fallen angel straight from Hell, wings and all. You couldn’t help but take a step back. “Do you want to know why I’m so angry, princess?”
You gasped as he pressed a large hand flat against your sternum and pushed you against the wall, holding you there. Your eyes widened as you stared up at him. His expression was dark, his jaw clenched. 
“I’m angry because you let that undeserving, piece of shit male put his hands all over you,” he growled. “I'm angry you even let him look in your direction.”
You glared up at him. “Why should it even matter to you?”
“Because it does.” He slammed a hand against the wall beside your head causing your heart to pound in your chest. “It fucking does.”
“Why?” Your voice was a mere whisper. 
Azriel sucked in a breath, his head dropping into the crevice of your neck. You didn’t think your heart could beat any faster or you might possibly die. He splayed his hand out on your stomach, holding you in place. 
“Azriel?” you questioned, uncertain of what he was doing. He had never acted so erratic around you. You went to take a step forward but he slammed you back against the wall with the hand on your stomach. 
“Don’t,” he said through gritted teeth. “Don’t move.”
Your breath got caught in your throat. He trailed his nose up your throat column, barely brushing against the fragile skin. Butterflies erupted in your stomach at his touch, at his closeness to you. 
“Az,” you started, placing your hand on his chest. “What are you—”
You stopped talking as he laid his hand over your much smaller one. He closed his eyes, a muscle ticking in his jaw. “Don’t touch me.”
But his hand squeezed yours, keeping it in place. You were so confused—so utterly confused by his behavior. He pried your hand off his chest after a moment and you let your arm fall limp.  
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” His voice was so low, it sent a shiver down your spine. His hand gripped your hip so tightly, the fabric of your nightgown bunching in his fist. 
When his eyes opened again, he looked wild—feral. His hand slid up your waist, grazing the side of your breast, until it lingered on your throat. Heat started to coil inside of you. Fire burned a trail through your veins. You couldn’t find any words, your mind suddenly empty of every single thought except one.
Azriel took a deep inhale and you were certain he could smell your arousal. Your cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. But his pupils dilated at your scent, making his eyes look black, as the hand that was on the wall clenched so tightly, parts of the brick chipped off, clattering to the floor. His other hand moved up your throat to cup the side of your cheek, a scarred thumb brushing against your skin. 
You swallowed audibly, frozen in place. You could scent his own arousal, could feel it pressing against your stomach, as his hard body kept you as its prisoner. Your mouth parted in a gasp and his head dipped down, his nose brushing against yours. And then his lips hovered over yours and you held your breath. Your body screamed at you to do something, anything. But he had ordered you not to move, not to touch him.
Your heart nearly stopped as his lips feathered yours and you waited. Waited for him to make the final move, to press his lips against yours for real. To kiss you. Something that had only ever happened in your dreams. But instead, he let out a loud grunt of pain and pulled himself away from you so quickly, it felt like you had been slapped. 
You blinked up at him, disorientated. “A-Azriel?”
He let out a frustrated growl, running a hand through his hair, as his whole body seemed to tense. When he met your eyes, goosebumps covered your skin because of the darkness in his gaze. The hand at his side clenched in and out of a fist. Like he was restraining himself from something. 
You were shaking like a leaf, glad the wall could support you, otherwise you were sure you would’ve crumbled to the floor. You waited for him to speak, to say anything that might explain what the hell had just happened. But when he finally did, his words were like a spear to the heart.
“Do yourself a favor, princess, and stay the hell away from me.” The words came out in a snarl and his huge wings snapped out, casting a dark shadow over your form. Before you could even say anything, he launched himself into the air and disappeared into the dark night sky. 
The breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding in was expelled out of your lungs and you slid down the wall until you were on the floor, drawing your knees up to your chest. Your mind whirled as you tried to figure out what just happened. 
But hours later, when the sun began to crest over the horizon, you were still so lost. 
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
A few days passed by without you so much as catching a glimpse of Azriel. Apparently, your brother had sent him off on some mission, likely out of spite. Or perhaps even for your benefit. As much as you wanted to see him after that night on the balcony, his absence gave you time to think about what you wanted or needed to do. 
Ultimately, you decided the next time you came across him alone, you would force him to talk to you, to tell you what the hell that night was about. It was only fair. You deserved an explanation after all. He had treated you like shit, then came to you and nearly kissed you, before disappearing. And his words had been ringing in your head every single night.
Do yourself a favor, princess, and stay the hell away from me.
They made no sense to you. It had seemed like he wanted you that night, judging by the arousal you had scented, the feel of him against you. And you knew he could tell you wanted him too. So why would you be doing either of you any favors from staying away from him? It made no Godsdamn sense and you needed an answer to his cryptic words. So you would demand it of him the next time he came around. 
You stretched your legs out on the couch, yawning as you placed a bookmark to keep your place in the novel you were in the middle of reading, and snapped it closed. It had been a long day of taking care of Nyx while Rhys and Feyre had to attend to some courtly duties. The house had been noticeably vacant today, just the two wraith twins occasionally floating in to check on you and baby Nyx. 
Normally Elain was around to keep you company on days like this but even she had run off somewhere for the day. You had just started to get up, ready to retire to your bed, when the front door slammed open. You jumped at the noise, whirling towards the foyer. Rhys and Feyre weren’t due back until tomorrow morning, so who else could it—
Elain stumbled into view, followed by Azriel. Both hadn’t even noticed your presence as they kissed wildly, bumping against the walls as they moved inside. The scent of Elain’s arousal flooded the room and you choked on the scent causing them to break apart in surprise. 
Your stomach sank at their appearance. The top buttons of Azriel’s shirt were undone, exposing some of the tattoos on his chest. Elain’s hair was in disarray, her lips swollen, as if they had been up to this for a while now.  Well, that explained why Elain had been gone all day. 
You stared at them with wide eyes as hurt slammed its way into you. Azriel had returned from his mission. He had returned and had sought out Elain. Hadn’t even thought to come to you to maybe give you some explanation of that night. You were probably the last thing on his mind right now anyways, that much was clear. 
“Oh my Gods,” Elain exclaimed, placing a hand to her chest. “I’m so sorry, y/n. I knew Feyre and Rhys would be gone and assumed you’d be in bed by now.” 
Azriel said nothing, only stared at you with a cold, unfeeling look. You felt your breath shallow out, your nerves causing your hands to shake. You wanted to scream, wanted to vomit, to cry. But you did nothing. Just mustered up a small smile and muttered, “It’s okay.”
Elain went to say something else but Azriel grabbed her hand and leaned down to whisper in her ear, holding eye contact with you the entire time. “Come on, let’s go.”
He smirked as she blushed red and you could do nothing but just stare and stare at him. You didn’t move an inch as he pulled her away and up the stairs, Elain giggling the entire time. You didn’t move even after you heard her bedroom door slam close. 
You thought there was no way he could’ve hurt you more, but you had clearly underestimated him. How could he? How could he…act like that with you and then just carry on as if nothing happened? How could he just carry on with another girl after that charged night? You hand clenched the book you were holding as you struggled through your feelings. 
Your already broken heart somehow found even more ways to tear itself apart. But unlike months ago when you had caught them in the same predicament and cried all through the night and eventually fled from Velaris, no tears came this time. No tears at all. Instead white hot anger burned through you instead. 
You were tired of being captive to your own feelings. Tired of letting the stupid shadowsinger have so much power over you. You were so unbelievably tired of being constantly hurt by him. You couldn’t even use the excuse that he had no idea what he was doing to you when he had just made it so clear he did.
Your jaw tightened and you gave yourself over to the rage you felt. He had told you to stay away from him. So you would. But you sure as hell were about to make it impossibly hard for him to stay away from you. 
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
The next two days, you did exactly that. You ignored Azriel entirely. Didn’t so much as look in his direction. At training each morning with the Valkyries, you made sure to have a sparring partner ready to go before he could even open his mouth and demand you train with him. You didn’t greet him, only hugged Cassian good-bye each day, and pretended you didn’t hear him when he would call out your name. 
Meanwhile, you had spent your time in heated negotiations with your brother. You were ready to carve a place out for yourself in this court and after many discussions with him, Feyre and Mor, you three had reached a compromise. A certain letter that came from the continent had helped you plead your case. 
And that is why when Rhys stood up at family dinner, clearing his throat to get everyone’s attention, you knew exactly what he was going to announce. You kept your hands folded in your lap, your shoulders held back, and your body angled away from the end of the table where the shadowsinger sat. 
“Another announcement in a week?” Cassian laughed. “Don’t tell me Feyre’s having twins!”
Everyone chuckled as Nesta slapped him on the back of his head. He only grinned at his mate, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. You smiled at their interaction despite the envy that crept its way into your head. Oh how you wished for that kind of love. Perhaps one day you would find your own mate and forget about the shadowsinger entirely. 
“Gods no,” Feyre chuckled from beside Rhys who conjured a piece of parchment in his hand. “We come with some news from the continent.” 
“I received some correspondence from Prince Cedric,” Rhys explained. “The King of Vallahan’s first born son and Heir to the Throne.” 
“Go on, read it to them,” Mor said with a giddiness that caused you to smile. 
Rhys read from the letter out loud:
To High Lord of the Night Court, Rhysand,
I am writing to you because I have had the pleasure of spending the past month in the company of your lovely sister, y/n. I must admit, your sister has charmed my heart with her kindness, grace, wit and loyalty to your court. We know very little of Prythian’s courts here on the continent, but if your sister is a shining example of your citizens, I must admit, I am all the more curious about your court. As you might know, I am next in line for the Crown and my time may be coming soon.
In a world dictated by power, alliances between territories have allowed for stability and peace. When my time to wear the crown comes, I would like it to also come with the forging of two strong realms. With the utmost sincerity and goodwill, I believe a union between our territories through marriage would not only reward me with a beautiful bride, but prosperity and peace between our people. I assure you, High Lord, that I will propose with sincere commitment to your sister, to give her a life filled with love and respect as my future Queen. 
I understand that this is not a decision that will be made without proper communications, so I am prepared to meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss this matter further. I hope you consider my request and I will remain with anticipation until you reach out.
Sincerely yours,
Prince Cedric of Vallahan
Heir to the Throne
A fork dropped on the table somewhere behind you and the room was silent for a moment before Cassian let out a loud whistle. “Holy shit, y/n!”
Mor cackled, reaching over the table to give you a high five. “That’s right, our girl bagged herself a Prince.” 
Your cheeks turned a bit pink at the attention. To be honest, you had no idea that Prince Cedric had been captured by you. It wasn’t like you engaged in any romantic courting or even so much as touched each other's hands. But your mere personality had won him over. Too bad he just wasn’t the male your heart had set its course on. 
“Not just a Prince, girl,” Amren chimed in. “A future King.” 
You could feel a heavy gaze settle on you from the other side of the table but refused to look that way. 
“And what about you, y/n?” Nesta asked. “Did the Prince win over your heart as well?” 
“I must admit, the letter came as quite a surprise to me,” you answered honestly.
“To me, as well,” Mor jumped in. “I mean, it’s not like they spent much time together outside of the formal dinners and parties we attended while there. Unless, of course, you snuck off with him while I wasn’t watching, you naughty wench.” 
You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. “I assure you, I was a proper lady during our time at the King’s Cross.” 
“You certainly weren’t a proper lady during our time in Nysa,” Mor mumbled under her breath with a smirk. You kicked her under the table with a glare. 
You couldn’t stop yourself from glancing at Azriel this time. He was already staring at you, his jaw set, his fist clenched around the stem of his wine glass. You could’ve sworn a bit of jealousy shined in his eyes. You quickly looked away, not wishing to show him you even cared about his reaction, though you did. 
“Well, as fun as this is,” Cassian said. “There’s no way you’d marry off your sister to go live in another territory. Right, Rhys?” 
Rhys looked inclined to agree but Feyre nudged him in the gut with her elbow. “If that is what she wishes, she will always have my blessing. It is her choice, of course. But a marriage is not the announcement I planned on making today. I merely read this letter to you all to show you how successful y/n has been as a representative of our court. And because of that, we have officially decided to not only give her the title of Emissary, but she is also going to take over Mor’s position in the Court of Nightmares since Mor has had her hands full with negotiations on the continent.” 
“It's about time you let your sister prove herself as a valuable member of this court,” Amren said, the closest thing you’d ever get as a congratulations. She did give you a small smirk, pride shining in her silver eyes. 
“She has always been a valuable member,” Cassian snided but smiled at you regardless. “If this is what you want, y/n, then congratulations! I’m glad I’ve taught you all the ways to kick ass, especially if you’re now going to be spending more time in Hewn City.” 
You laughed but gave him your thanks. Feyre proposed a toast for you and you couldn’t keep the smile off your face for the rest of the night as they planned for announcing the shift in leadership to Hewn City. You had already bought your dress for the occasion, ready to make the shadowsinger eat his heart out. You even felt a bit vindicated as a certain male decided to spend the rest of his own night brooding in his shadows. 
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Azriel tossed and turned in his bed, unable to sleep. Both his mind and his shadows seemed to be in a permanent state of chaos ever since dinner. He couldn’t get the image of you smiling as Rhys read the Prince’s letter out of his mind. He had never considered the possibility of you leaving this court, had never thought Rhys would ever allow that. 
He threw his sheets off, standing up and prowling towards the floor length mirror in the corner of his room. His eyes fell on the skin above his hip, on the small tattoo of Illyrian wings with a sword going straight through the middle of them. 
He wished he could take truth-teller and slice that bit of skin right off his body. But even with its absence, the burden of it would never disappear. He let out a curse, pure rage racing through him. How could he have known things would turn out this way? How could he have known how much pain that tiny tattoo would eventually bring him?
His fist shot out, punching straight through the mirror. He was so angry he didn’t even feel the pain of the tiny shards of glass piercing his scarred flesh. Gods, this was all so fucked up. So incredibly fucked up. 
His heart pounded as he thought about how you had felt pressed against him that night on your balcony. How your scent had driven him crazy. How stunning you had looked under the moonlight in that tiny nightgown. The Princess of Night was an accurate title for you and all your beauty. 
He fell on his knees, the broken shards of glass crunching under his weight, letting the blood from his hand drip down on the floor. No pain would ever compare to the one he felt now. The pain of craving you. Craving the touch of your skin, the taste of your tongue, the moans he could drag from that pretty little mouth. 
And Gods, the way you had looked at him. He had almost caved. Had almost decided to burn it all to the ground for one chance to taste you, feel you, claim you. But he couldn’t. So he went back to doing what he always had–keeping you at a distance. It hurt to do so, even more so whenever he saw how much it hurt you, but it was better this way. You needed to move on, needed to look for love elsewhere. 
Life had always been unfair to him but this, this was quite possibly the worst of it. For he knew he would always yearn for you, crave you, love you—but only ever from a distance. Because for him, you…you had been made untouchable. 
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
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uravichii · 2 years
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* ੈ✩‧₊* you fell first, but bakugo katsuki fell harder
notes: pls idk what this is ive literally never written anyth like this but ive always wanted to write a fic w/ this prompt,, also im thinking of doing an angst version of this 🤩
genre: fluff, lovesick bakugo + reader flirts w/ him a lot, childhood friends to lovers, tw: BARELY PROOFREAD ‼️
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bakugo katsuki doesn't know anyone who annoys him more than you do.
he doesn't believe he's gotten this far in one piece when he's been stuck with someone like you since childhood. there's something infuriating about the way you tug on the strap of his school bag when both you and his mother are insisting that you walk to school together in the morning. it's even more infuriating when he doesn't know what in the world is fluttering in his chest and churning in his stomach when you start tugging on his sleeve instead.
bakugo katsuki has no idea why and when exactly he started doing it, but now his blood boils watching that dorky smile on your face while he carries your bag to school every morning and on the way home too.
"katsuki." you playfully bump your shoulder against his arm and grin, "you love me, don't you?"
"i'm doing this 'cuz you look like a fucking camel with this bulky ass bag of yours." he scowls, trying to ignore the tiny, tingling spark he felt on the fleck of his skin that met yours for a single second. "what hell is even in this, rocks?"
"is your back hurting? let me give you a back massage then. c'mon, take off your shirt and lie down."
he grimaces, a flush of scarlet spreading from his cheeks to the tip of his ears.
"what?" you chuckle. "you know we've seen each other naked before, right? remember when we used to take baths together as children? i even let you touch my-"
"shut the fuck up, l/n."
it's maddening how easily you fluster him, like it's your second nature. a teasing remark and a single wink, and he's all over the place. all he can do is click his tongue and walk straight ahead of you (though occasionally looking back if you're still with him)
bakugo katsuki tries to counter your flirty remarks. he can do better, he swears he can. a multitude of emotions takes over him when he sees a sliver of your underwear peeking through your clothes. his cheeks flush and his nails bury into his palmsー partly from the thoughts racing relentlessly in his head, and partly out of wrath for anyone who would dare to ogle you or loudly point it out to the whole room.
he stands protectively close behind you like a guard dog, obstructing anyone even a glimpse. he speaks in a low voice you didn't know he was even capable of, his breath grazing your skin. "oi. nice underwear." once again, he's annoyed to the brim hearing that faint tremble in his words.
he's relieved and all the same, flustered, watching you realize and immediately fumbling with your clothes, but no matter how many attempts, no matter how much he swears he can be a match to you and your teasing nature,
"nice? i'll let you borrow if you like it that much then."
you are the only losing game bakugo katsuki has ever been in.
what annoys him even more is that for some reason, he's able to bare his soul to you, in spite of the sheer ugliness, the cruelty of it, and the pathetic, endless heaps of insecurities overflowing from him.
he presses his palms against his face in a futile attempt to muffle out his angry sobs. you brush a hand over his heaving shoulder, "it's gonna be okay, katsuki. i promise." when he doesn't flinch nor pulls away, you gently coax him into a light embrace, your torsos barely touching yet emitting such intoxicating and soothing heat onto each other.
"the fuck are you crying for?" he snaps, confused and concerned as to why you're suddenly sniffling with him.
"i know, it's stupid." you hug him tighter. "i swear i'm not making this about me. i justー i wish i knew how to make you feel better."
'annoying,' he thinks as he hugs your waist and buries his tear-stained face into the crook of your neck. "i'm going to kill you if you tease me about this tomorrow, l/n."
"hey, i don't do that." you whisper comfortingly despite the threat. "you know i won't."
he knows you won't.
most of all, it gets on bakugo katsuki's nerves the most when he remembers you've had genuine, actual romantic feelings for him since you were children, and it's not just fickle banter and incessant flirting here and there.
"shit. your fever's still high." he mutters, pressing his large palm on your forehead. it astounds both of you how it almost covers your whole face. mindlessly, he shifts his palm sweetly to your cheek, tucking in any stray hair out of your face. what in the world have you done to have him wrapped around your little finger like this? you have him buying you medicine and checking your temperature with pure and utter concern, feeding you food he cooked specially for your taste, and holding your perfect little hand just because you asked him to.
"thanks for taking care of me, katsuki."
"you're a pain in the ass, l/n."
katsuki anticipates another joke or a flirty remarkー something about ass most likely, but then you look up at him, widely staring, and you speak in the steadiest voice you could muster, "am i really?"
he doesn't answer.
"can i tell you something?" you continue. there's a pang in katsuki's chest when you slide your hands off of his. "i like you, katsuki. i still do after all these yearsー"
"shut up. that's your fever talking"
"no, this is just me talking. even if i wake up tomorrow and don't remember anything i said to you today, i'll probably end up saying the same thing again someday, and my feelings won't have changed at all."
steering clear of your eyes, katsuki starts rearranging the stacks of medicine on your nightstand and adjusting your blanket when your frail hand latches onto his wrist.
"i just need to know if you're actually uncomfortable with me or if i have absolutely no chance at all, then i'll stop. i'll distance myself from you even. if that's what you want."
he would never forgive you nor himself for it.
you laugh weakly and continue, "and then maybe i'll just date todoroki or somethingー"
"fuck it." he hisses. he swings the blanket over your face so he won't have to bear your gaping eyes when he spits out, "dumbass, i do like you. don't ever do that, jesus."
there's half a minute of silence between you, him still distraught over the mere image of you and todoroki, and you still buried in the blanket, sinking everything in. you pull the sheet slowly until your eyes peek out. it's unbelievely annoying, again, how fucking adorable you are, katsuki thinks.
"you do? since when?" you ask in a tiny voice that will echo in his mind for the rest of the day, he knows it.
"does it matter?"
"no?" you pull the blanket over yourself again.
and then another minute of agonizing silence.
"what? you need anything?"
"yeah. kind of."
"what is it?" he starts to panic a little, "tell me." your fever completely slipping his mind in the heat of the moment.
"can you tell me you like me again when i get better? i have a feeling i'll remember this is a fever dream, then i won't stop talking about it to you, and it'll be so embarrassing."
his mouth quirks up into a smirk. "how about this," he pulls the blanket off you and leans slowly, your cheeks flushing even hotter. he brushes his hand against your forehead and gently presses a kiss, his heart in shambles when he catches brief sight of you shutting your eyes tight. "i like you."
you open them again to see a devilish smirk on his face, except it's noticeably much softer than the usual one he wears. he kisses your cheek next, inhaling your scent as he presses his lips against your warm skin, "i like you."
you're a whole mess now. it's the feverish heat spreading across your cheeks as his hand makes its way to yours under the blanket, the close proximity of bakugo katsuki, his scent, the immense heat that gets you dazed and hitches your breath when he props his forehead onto yours. it's the years of closeness and familiarity you've always shared with him, now blooming into something more, like a flower that has just learned to face the sun and bask in the sweet, easy morning air.
"i like you." he says again. maybe he is a match for you after all. "if it's the only way to shut you up. i'll tell it over and over again."
you fell first. bakugo katsuki fell harder, much harder. seeing you escape under the blanket again and squealing when he tries to pull it back down, he doesn't remember what is it that he found so terrifying in falling in love with you.
it's you, after all, isn't it? the most annoying little shit he's always loved.
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entername322 · 7 months
Deal with the devil
Eunbi (ex Izone) X Male Reader ft Yujin (ex Izone, IVE)
Length: 12090 words
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Fishing is an activity that requires patience and experience. You were prepared to do a long game of push and pull with Eunbi to corrupt her further. Of course you can just blackmail her but where's the fun in that? It's much more fun to see if she would walk I to your trap rather than pushing her forcefully into it. So having a slow burn isn't something you're against. However, to your shock, Eunbi would actually contact you back an hour after you left her in her office. “What a slut”, You smiled seeing her text.
“Are you seriously checking your phone right now?” Yujin moaned, “Hehehehe, I thought it was someone important”, You carelessly dropped your phone on the bed before you grabbed her waist. “Fuck I hate you so much”, She let out another moan as she continue riding you. “You're so cute when you're in denial like this”, You teased her and started squeezing her thighs. “Fuck you”, She grunted, “Are you having trouble there? Should we switch places and I'll be the one moving?” Yujin feels offended by your question and starts to move her hips faster, “I got this, just stay quiet will you?” Her hand presses onto your chest to help support her. 
“I think you're just a tsundere”, Yujin always frowns and swears at you every time you tease her like this, but her pussy would always tighten around your cock as if she's enjoying it. “I. Hate. You.” Of course you just smile and caress her cheek, “Do you want another kiss princess?” Yujin struggles to stop herself from leaping into your embrace. “No”, She said with a blush, “I think you do”, Before she could react you grabbed her face with both of your hands and pulled her down for a kiss. Deep inside her, Yujin feels ecstatic, something about your kiss always makes her act up. You can feel her waist start to move even more aggressively and her pussy got even tighter. As you pull away from the kiss you can see her eyes are still closed and her lips reaching forward trying to find yours. “Say that you like me too”, Yujin eyes open in shock, her face turns full red and her words are failing to be formed, even her waist stops moving.
Taking the opportunity, you grab her body and turn her around making you lay on top of her. “It's okay Yujin, I promise I won't tell a single soul. You can trust me”, You kiss her cheek, which turns out to be her weak spot. “That's not fair, you can't just keep attacking me like this and- ahhhhhhh”, Yujin moans again as your waist starts moving. “Come on princess, I want to hear you say it”, But Yujin was busy, crying? “You're so mean”, God she actually looks like a spoiled child now. “Hahahaha, I always know you're a softie underneath”, Yujin frowns at you as her tears are falling down. “I hate you”, She throws a punch at your chest, however you can tell it is just a playful one due to the lack of pain you're having. “Like I always said, unfortunately for you, I like you”, You lean down and kiss her again.
This time her hands go behind your head and hug it close. “If I knew you were a bastard I would've never asked you out”, Yujin looks at you with a cute pout, “Ask me out? I thought this is just a fling”, You tease her again by kissing her cheek. “Just stop teasing me already. You know you wanted to go out with me”, She whined, “Do you want to go out with me too princess?” You smile and bite your ear. “Yeahhhh”, She moans, her hands go behind your back and starts to scratch it. “Fuck you're so hot when you're all submissive like this you know?” Yujin didn't say anything but inside her mind she starts to accept the dynamic of this relationship. “I'm cumming soon”, She whispers in your ears, her voice sounds so fragile that you swear she's doing it on purpose. “Fuck me too”, Your waist piston into hers in an even more aggressive manner. “What are you waiting for? Just cum inside me, pleaseeeee”, Alright she's definitely doing this on purpose. “I'm cumming”, You slam into her, her leg reacts properly and locks you in. “Fuck, you're so warm”, Yujin can feel her mind losing it's consciousness again. Her nails dig into your back as her teeth sink into your neck to muffle her screams. 
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As you finish unloading inside her you stay still, holding her close as her orgasm is slowly passing. Once she's done you drop down next to her and just lay there. Yujin looked at you with a frown, “You know I was just doing that because of the heat-”, You shut her denial with a kiss. Yujin doesn't bother by pushing you away…..
It's pointless to struggle, he won't let me go. I'm not enjoying this AT ALL. Where did he learn how to kiss anyway, it feels so- disgusting. Yeah he's disgusting as fuck. Him and his slimy tongue that would always reach in and explore my mouth. Him and his occasional biting on my lips and tongue. Him and his body pressing up to me while his hand just grope me wherever he likes. I hate him…….. Fuck Yujin why are you falling for him.
You pull away from the kiss, Yujin opens her eyes while looking at you displeased by your actions. Her hands are holding onto your neck and her body refuses to move away from you. “What were you saying again?” You flash your innocent smile at her and press your forehead against hers. “........ Do you mean it?” You can understand why Eunbi is so easy to catch, your chat history shows how much of a pervert she is and she's been pent up for a long time. Yujin however, you never really know much about her, so it's kinda surprising how easy it is for you to break her walls down. “Which part?” You smile and caressed her cheek, “That you won't tell a single soul about this”, Yujin is pissed by how much she's enjoying your touch, “I promise, no one will know. So don't be scared, you can be honest with me”, You leaned forward to kiss her again. Yujin closes her eyes ready for another make out session but you surprise her by kissing her forehead instead.
“Yaaaaaa, stop that”, She's bewildered by the fact that she enjoys them. “Heheheh, you're so cute sometimes. So, are we officially going out now?” The answer is definitely a yes but Yujin is struggling to say it. Being a nice gentleman that you are, you help her by grabbing her and pull her to rest on top of you. Her head comfortably rests on your shoulder next to the crook of your neck. “Fine, but I'm not telling anyone that we're going out”, It's much easier for her to speak when your snarky smirk isn't on her face. “Alright, can you be my sugar mama while you're at it?” Your finger gently traces down her spine making her shiver. “You wish”, Yujin leans closer and kisses your neck, “Now that we're official I want you to stop chatting with those girls on your phone”, Her demanding tone came off as a needy plea. 
“Jealous?” She answers by biting your neck, “How can you be in a relationship while still sexting and hooking up with random girls?” Honestly, for some reason you don't feel like she's jealous. “Wait, don't tell me your ego got hurt because you think I was spending time with girls you think are lesser than you”, Yujin growls before biting you again. “Is it actually an ego problem for you?” You laugh, “Maybe it is, you don't like that?” Yujin slap your chest. “Fine, I'll be a good boyfriend and stop flirting with other girls”, You're so fucking shameless you know that? “Good, are you staying the night?” Yujin hugged you openly now. “Is that an invitation?” Your hand starts to caress her head. Yujin purrs as she gets in a more comfortable position to sleep, seemingly with no interest to answer you. “Good night princess”
After a while you can feel Yujin drifting off to sleep on top of you. Carefully you drop her next to you before taking your phone and checking on the message from Eunbi.
PurpleBunny: Can we meet up tomorrow?
PorkCrackling: For what?
PurpleBunny: Just, to talk.
PorkCrackling: I'm busy.
PurpleBunny: Please?
PorkCrackling: Give me a reason on why I should.
PurpleBunny: I'll think about continuing our relationship.
PorkCrackling: ?
PurpleBunny: Meet me tomorrow okay? I'll send you my address.
PorkCrackling: When?
PurpleBunny: 7 PM
PorkCrackling: Fine, see you tomorrow.
All these girls falling for you can't be good. It feels like this happened before and things ended up terrible for one of them. Huh? Ahhhhh don't mind that, continue on with your journey of playing with two girls’ hearts. What's the next part of the plan?
Eunbi would be a nice sex slave. If I can continue having my way with her then she won't even think about defying me. Yujin on the other hand is not that easy to deal with. One wrong move and she might just blow up on my face. I think that's the play, have Yujin as my girlfriend and keep Eunbi as my sexual release. I can't let the two of them know about the other. Keeping Eunbi away from Yujin shouldn't be hard. If Eunbi wants to continue this then she will definitely keep this hidden the best she can. Keeping Yujin on the other hand could be hard. If Taeyeon decides to start some gossip between the teachers then I'm fucked. 
I need time to make sure Eunbi doesn't find out, not until I fully have her under my control. I guess it's time for me to start acting like the good stuck up students and try to lay low. 
First thing first, let's hide the chat between me and Eunbi. I need to erase my cookies and my login credentials. It's fucking annoying but it's for the best. As long as Yujin doesn't turn into a needy and overbearing girlfriend then I can talk to Eunbi behind her back. Perfect plan honestly, there is no way this would go wrong.
“Fuck it, tomorrow problem for tomorrow me”, Wise word to live by, until you no longer live. Deciding that you've had enough of the day, you close your eyes and have a nice sleep with Yujin. The next day you were woken up by a sharp pain in your chest. “Ahhh what the fuck”, You spring up and push Yujin away from you. “Aggghhhh, Jesus calm down”, Yujin grunted, feeling your sudden aggression. “What are you doing?” You scoffed, “I was just trying to mess with you, I didn't know you were such a light sleeper”, Yujin scratched her eyes before yawning. “Oh is that so? You're not scared I'm gonna punish you for it?” You grabbed her chin and pulled her for a kiss.
Yujin welcomes the kiss happily and wraps her arm around you. The change is a surprise but a welcome one, maybe Yujin won't be that aggressive from now on. “Fuck, what is wrong with you”, Nope, she bites your lips hard enough it bleeds. “Heheheh, you think you win just because I submit to you? Guess what, I'm not gonna make this easy for you”, Well you did manage to break her walls, that doesn't mean you change her whole personality. Deep inside, she's just a fucking brat, “I'm gonna get you for this”, A fun challenge for you to conquer. “Prove it”, Yujin bites her lips, excited with a morning session, “Come here”, You grab her body and pull her into your lap.
One of your hands grabbed her chin while the other was caressing her ass. “Say sorry and I'll forget about this”, Hey maybe you should deal with the bleeding first? “No”, Well, guess that lips are gonna drip some blood on to her during all this. “Fuck”, Yujin grunted as you spank her, “Count it for me bitch”, Yujin is not into degradation, but she cant really refuse you when you’re all dominant like this. “One”, You smile and raise your hand to spank her again, “Two”, It was at this moment she realised that this would be harder than she expected. 
“Three”, You weren't holding back either, her big and firm ass is so inviting for you to slap. “Four”, You watch her ass jiggle every time you spank it. You managed to spank her 10 times before you stopped, in fear of your lust overtaking you. “Okay I'm sorry”, Thankfully she also break, “Good girl, next time don't piss me off like this again will you?” You lean down and kissed her temple. “I'm sorryyyyy”, She whined in a cute tone, “That's the first part of your punishment princess, are you ready for the next one?” Yujin bite her lips in anticipation. “I'm scared, daddy”, Oh fuck she pull that card out of nowhere, “Don't be scared princess, your punishment is simple. For this whole weekend, you won't get any sex”, Her eyes widened in despair hearing your words.
“What?” Ahhhh, there's the punk Yujin, coming back to voice her frustration. “That's right, you're not getting any action from me. So have fun with those toys because I won't lay my hand on you”, Yujin frown seeing this isn't going in the direction she wanted. “Well fine, it's not like I don't have a line of guys ready to please me anytime I want”, She tries to make you jealous, “Go ahead, find someone to ‘satisfy’ your needs. Just so you know you won't find anyone who can please you like I do. While me on the other hand, I can find a lot of girls-”, Your words are interrupted by her kiss. Oh fuck, maybe she will become a needy girl after all.
“Just fuck me already daddy, I know you want to”, She sat on your lap and start grinding on your cock, “I'm not rewarding you for your bratty attitude”, You slap her again, contradicting your words. “Pleaseeee?” Since when can she make a cute pout like that? “No, I need to go for the day anyway so you're on your own”, You try to push her off if you but she won't move, “Come on, just one round, that's all I need”, This needy Yujin is not good for your sex drive. “You're gonna have to make it up to me”, Yujin nods before jumping off your lap to kneel in front of you, “I'll handle it from here daddy”
“Welcome”, Eunbi greets you at her door as soon as you knock on it. “I didn't buy any PorkCrackling, I'm poor”, She nods and moves out of the way, “Let's talk”, She leads you to her living room. “Coffee? Tea?” You look at her with distant eyes, openly checking out her body and outfits. “Water”, She nods and comes back with a glass of water. The two of you sat there quietly, waiting for the other to speak first. Seeing how distant and reserved you are makes Eunbi feel hurt. “I'm here, because I want to talk about our relationship”, You took a sip, telling her to continue. “Do you want to continue it?”
You stay quiet for sometimes, trying to inspect her expression to see what she's thinking. “Look I just want to know first, did you plan to blackmail me back then?” You shake your head, “I just want a one night stand. Don't mind too much about what I said during our sex, it's just a heat in the moment thing”, Playing hard to get is the way to fish her out. “So you don't plan to continue this? At all?” Why is she acting so desperate? Even you got taken off guard with that. “Why do you want to continue?” Eunbi sighs, “I think we can work this out. A part of me feels like what we had yesterday was the best thing I've ever experienced. Another part of me knows how risky it is but……. I don't care”
She lied, you can tell she just lied to you. There's more to the story and you don't feel comfortable having such crucial information hidden from you. “That's a little too unbelievable. You're a principal with a lot of burden and responsibility. Not to mention you're a psychologist, having this relationship continue definitely isn't going to be a good thing for my mental health”, She widened her eyes, yet you can see there's a little panic in there. “Do you actually care about my mental health?” She does, you managed to see that in her eyes, “I do, I really do, and….. I don't know if you're gonna take this well. But I want to continue this relationship, so I can keep you close. So I can guide you through your problems”
Remember that thing called ‘conflict of interest’ that you think about on your first session? Yeah maybe she just doesn't know about it. “Do you think it's a good idea?” She nods confidently, “We can help each other, I'm sure of it. Please just trust me on this one, let's try it first”, Eunbi is desperate. Her mind has been overtaken by her desire and her heart is overtaken by her generosity and empathy. It's pretty fucked up, but she genuinely belief that what she's doing can benefit you both. “Fine”, You can almost see her heart skip a beat the moment you say that. “Thank you, I'm sure we can work this out”, She reaches out and holds your hand. 
“I'm a little horny from yesterday, so get on your knees and suck me slut”, Like a robot she just kneels in front of you and looks at you with pleasing eyes. “Suck my dick”, She nods enthusiastically, her hand reaching out to unbuckle your belt before pulling down your pants. Eunbi leans forward and bites your boxer before pulling it down with her mouth. She really wants this huh? “You're so big master”, Eunbi pressed her face to your cock while closing her eyes. The heat, the girth, the size, it all imprinted on her face and memory, she needs this. “Are you gonna start working or not?” Your word woke her up, her hand gently held on to your shaft, controlling your cock so she could freely kiss it all over.
Teasing has never been your thing when you're on the receiving end. However, you let her have her way for now, besides, having a good top-down view of her cleavage is pretty nice. A moan escapes her mouth as she starts to pull your tip into her mouth. Her tiny mouth wraps around your cock nicely as her tongue is licking your shaft. A small grunt escapes your mouth from the stimulation. Pleasuring you is pleasurable for her, it feels nice, like a kid being rewarded for their good behaviour. Despite your size, Eunbi can take your whole length comfortably due to the training you've given her. 
Slowly she starts to push her head lower into your cock, without any trouble she easily lets your cock pass into her throat. Her movements are slow and sensual, which is a little disappointing because you've been teaching her to be a cock hungry slut. “You're gonna make me fall asleep, slut”, You stand up after 5 minutes of her slow and sensual blowjob. Hearing your words she felt down for disappointing you, but also giddy because you're about to ruin her. “I'll do the moving, get ready”, Eunbi nods enthusiastically and prepares her throat.
First, you hold her hair, then you start fucking her face aggressively. “Gghag gaagh ghag ggahg”, The sounds of her gagging on your cock make you fuck her even faster. Tears starts to fall down her eyes and she grabs on to your thighs for support. Being used like a toy, seeing your lustful face, having you choking her out with your cock, it's really too much for her. A muffled scream can be heard from her mouth, looking down you can see her falling down on her butt as she just has an orgasm. “What a slut. Did you just cum before me?” You slap her cheek making her orgasm got even more intense. 
“Useless toy”, You slap her again and starts to fuck her even harder. Eunbi's eyes rolled into the back of her head out of ecstasy, seeing this made you feel, strong. Being in power, it feels nice doesn't it? “Fuck take my load you slut”, You grunt before slamming your hips into her face. Eunbi groans as she feels your thick sperm travelling down her throat, shooting right into her stomach and filling it up. As your ejaculation passes away you pull out your cock. Her spit is coating it fully, making a trail of saliva between it and her mouth. “I'm sorry master, I just like your cock too much”, Eunbi wants to make it up to you and starts to kiss your cock.
“Get on the couch slut”, Eunbi smiled and stood up, she pulled up her dress showing off her bare ass and pussy. “You were ready for this aren't you slut?” You spank her, it's not as good as Yujin's but it's decent enough. “Yes master, I can't get enough of you”, Eunbi swayed her hips trying to make you move faster. “I want your ass slut”, You kneel down and spit on her asshole. “Hhhnngg, take it master. Take whatever you want from me”, Your tongue slither into her hole and starts to tease it. Slowly you push forward and start to prepare it. Her hole is already prepared by your training regime so you easily slip one finger in, then two, then three. “I'm ready for you master, please fuck me”, Eunbi let out a soft whine. 
You stand up and put your tip against her hole, “Goddamn your body is so unfair”, Hearing your compliments, Eunbi starts to push against your cock until your tip manages to get in. “I hope your house is soundproofed”, Both of your hands grab onto her hips, “Shove it in master”, Without waiting for a single second more you immediately push in and make her scream. As she's adjusting to your size you pull back and pound her again. The tightness of her hole felt so good, it's not so tight that you feel strangled but just tight enough to give you a little pain. “Fuck, you're so tight slut”, You continue pounding her while Eunbi can only let out moans and grunts.
As she adjusts to your cock you start to get even more aggressive, your hips move by itself pounding her aggressively. Soon the sounds of flesh slapping against each other drowns out her moans. “Fuck finish me off with your tits”, You pull away from her. Despite having her mind overdosed by pleasure Eunbi immediately jumps off the couch like a good slut she is. Taking off her dress you fear your eyes upon her voluptuous chess. You sat back down on the couch and Eunbi scurry to kneel in front of you. She spits on your cock before wrapping it with her soft melons, “Fuck that felt good”, You lean back on the couch, savouring this heavenly moment. Eunbi feels proud hearing you say that and starts moving her boobs up and down, “Are you gonna cum master? Can I taste your sperm again? Please feed your pathetic toy with your thick cum”, Your waist pushes forwards and Eunbi immediately takes the tip into her mouth. Your second ejaculation arrived, much more intense than the first one. Eunbi also had her second orgasm, the moment your thick white cum sprays into her mouth it's all over for her.
Eunbi squirts all over her carpet as she continues stroking you in order to milk every last drop of cum she can get. Once you empty your ball Eunbi opens her mouth showing off her bountiful harvest. Then she closes her eyes before gulping it all down and opens her mouth again to show there's not a single drop that goes to waste. “Good job slut”, You felt drained, literally and figuratively, “Hehehehe, thank you master”, She kissed your cock and just played around with it as you cooled down.
“I need to go get something to eat”, You said after chilling on the couch for a while, “You can eat here master, I'll cook you something”, Meanwhile Eunbi is still playing with your cock. “No”, Actually you really want to but you'll say no just to see what she's gonna do. “I insist, please stay the night. It's already late, I'll cook you something and you can even stay the night”, It seems like it's not Eunbi the slit that's talking but Eunbi the caring psychologist. Fuck is it even right to call her a psychologist at this point? “Fine, I need to clean myself”, Eunbi nods and pulls you to the bathroom.
He said yes, oh god he said yes. This is good, this is perfect. Now you can keep him safe Eunbi, he doesn't need to go home to his mom. Okay calm down now, let's make sure not to freak him out. If I want to shield him from his toxic household I should establish that my place is a safe haven for him. Let's cook him a meal first. I hope he likes pork cutlet.
“Pork cutlet? Aren't this expensive?” Are they? Or is it just you living in poverty for so long that you have a skewed view of living expenses? “It's not that expensive, come on enjoy it while it's hot”, Eunbi pulls you to the dining table. She sits next to you seemingly waiting for you to start eating. “I hate hot rice”, You grunted as you started blowing some air in order to cool it down. “Why? Hot rice is the best rice. Everything tastes better when they're still hot”, Clearly she's not talking about ice cream. “I hate them”, You try your best to cool it down with your breath before eating one. “Why?” The slut Eunbi is gone and now only the caring and supportive Eunbi left. 
“Everytime mom cooks something for the family she always ends up beating me up. I burned my mouth when I was a kid because she kept forcing me to eat steaming hot rice. I hate them”, You scoffed before you continued blowing some air. Eunbi felt her heart break hearing you say that, she reaches out carefully to caress your hair. You stay quiet, letting her get closer to you, also because her hand feels nice on your head. “Here let me help you eat then”, Seeing you're not repulsed by her affection, Eunbi decides to push further. You stare at her with a ‘are you serious?’ look and she just smiles. 
“Fine”, Eunbi smiled and took the spoon off your hand. You've seen this before, in the movies. Scenes of a mother feeding her childs are nothing but a movie scene for you. It's laughable to even think about your mom feeding you, as far as you remember your brother sometimes feeds you, most of the time you just learn how to eat yourself. Deep down, you want to experience it at least once. Having someone taking care of your needs even if it's something as insignificant as this. It feels nice, maybe Eunbi can be used as more than just a sexual relief. 
Eunbi notices your glassy eyes, but she stays quiet. It makes her happy that you're enjoying this. From the outside this is just a cute little moment between a damaged person with someone who would care for him. However, looking in, this whole situation is a catalyst. A little poison on Eunbi’s mind that would feed her twisted love for you. The sex you had with her fuels her depraved and lusty side. The vulnerable and heartwarming dinner would fuel her caring and loving side. This, this night will be the start of her new obsession.
“There, do you like it?” Eunbi says as you finish your dinner, you shrug and just stay quiet. “Make yourself at home okay? I'll be cleaning the dishes”, You sigh and walk outside, “Where are you going”, Eunbi said concerned. “You need to walk after you eat”, But she wouldn't let you do this little ritual, “Come on sweetie, just sit on the couch, it's late already and god knows how many dangers there are out there”, Eunbi holds your hand refusing to let go. “I'm walking around your backyard”, She smiles and nods, she's scared that you'll just run off to the night but if you stay in her backyard at least she can watch over you.
You walk around her backyard, trying to find a decent place to sit before pulling out your cigarette and starting smoking. As Eunbi finishes her dishes she goes to check in on you and her heart rate goes up seeing you smoke. “What are you doing?” She yells at you before angrily straddles towards you, “Burning some calories”, You said nonchalantly. Eunbi pulls the cigarette from your mouth and throws it to the ground and stomps it. “Listen young man, you're still way too young for smoking- No. You are not allowed to smoke. It's dangerous and ruins your health. No more smoking”, This is annoying. How come you never think about her stance towards smoking? 
“I've been smoking for years, it's not a big deal”, You decide to piss her off by taking out your cigarette box. “No. No more smoking”, She grabs it and squeezes it with her hand, destroying all the cigarettes inside. “Why do you that?” Calling her slut would be a bad idea as it is very clear she's not in the mood for it. “Because smoking is bad for your health. Go back inside, now”, It's annoying, but that's pretty much it, you understand her anger. As soon as you stand up Eunbi decides to grab your hand and escort you inside herself. “I don't want you to smoke anymore from now on”, She crosses her arm and glares at you, “Yeah whatever”, You raise your hand.
“Good, now….. I'll prepare your bed, wait here okay?” You open your phone ignoring her, Eunbi feels a little angry by your rebellious attitude but she understands she needs to be patient. Checking your phone you see Yujin is asking for your location, “I'm busy rn”, Is that all you're gonna say? “Your bed is ready”, Eunbi says as you are busy with your phone. “That was quick, did you prepare it beforehand already?” Eunbi smiles and grabs you to follow her. Turns out, there's a few bedrooms here, and she picks one closest to hers for you to sleep in. “I hope you like it”, It's very minimalist, the size of the room made this whole place seem empty, especially compared to your messy room.
You look at Eunbi who's smiling at you, maybe you should reward her. Yeah that sounds nice. You grab her waist and push her to the wall, before she gets to react, you lean in and kiss her. “Ahhhhh, sweetie”, That was not slave Eunbi that's moaning. In fact with the way her hand wraps around you it's much more reminiscent of how Yujin starts to hug you today. A smile forms on your face as you realise what this means, Eunbi is actually falling for you. Your hand got bold and grabbed her ass making her let out another moan. As you pull away you can feel her hands are caressing your head and back. Her eyes are unfocused but still glancing towards your lips, hoping for more. 
“Master”, She whines, “No, I'm tired, go to your room and leave me alone”, Eunbi felt disappointed, she doesn't want to end the night this early. “Please master? Just a quickie?” Eunbi leans forward and presses her tits to your chest. “I said leave already”, She flinches hearing your words, “Okay”, She sighs and nods before leaving you alone. It's been a long day, your whole body is exhausted and you want nothing else but a good long sleep. “When things goes too well, life will fuck you over”
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And behold, the universe decides to fuck you over in form of your new girlfriend. “What do you mean you were out with a friend?” Her eyes are filled with rage and pure disdain, “I’m out with my friends, what else do you want to know?” You are definitely not ready to have her turn into a clingy girlfriend. “You prefer spending time with them over me?” She turns her back to you, despite her words you can tell she's more angry towards herself rather towards you. Jealousy is beneath her, at least that's what she thought, “Listen princess, I'm just out for a day. Why are you so mad all of the sudden?” You hug her from behind and give her a kiss to the cheek which calms her down a little.
“I know your house is a piece of shit. So where do you spend the night huh? Were you having one night stands again?” Do you lie? “You could say that”, Should've fucking lie pussy. “You're so fucking unbelievable you know that?” Yujin pushes you away but your grip remains strong, “Look I'm sorry okay? I had a date already set up. It was the last time I'll do it”, There is no way you're getting out of this with that excuse. “Promise?” Holy shit you are, “I promise, I'll make it up to you”, Don't smirk, don't do that, you're not being sly, she's just being stupid. “What can you even do to make it up to me huh? Didn't you just beg me to be your sugar mommy?” Yujin scoffed but she does feel less angry now. “I'll come up with something. Anyway tomorrow I'm gonna be having a gym class so today is no sex for me”
After an hour of pleading and flirting you manage to calm Yujin down and the two of you end up cuddling together. Thankfully the needy and touchy Yujin would vanish the moment you two got back to school. For a while things are going great for you. Sleeping around between Yujin and Eunbi hasn't brought any trouble. Everytime they asked where you spent the night while you were with the other one you would just lie and distract them with sex. There's this voice in your head telling you this couldn't go on forever. Telling you that you need to make a choice in the end. And if you don't, things are gonna end terribly for you. Of course, like usual you just ignore it and enjoy the moment.
The first sign of trouble comes from Yujin, one day her bratty side starts acting up to get your attention, “You think you're better than me?” There goes your plan of laying low, “Yujin can you just shut up? It wasn't even a race”, She's absolutely livid by the fact that you beat her in the 200 metre dash. “Yeah? You think I was too slow to beat you?” Say yes, do it pussy you won't.
“Enough, go get changed and prepare for your next class”, Save by the bell it seems, your gym teacher swoops in and breaks you two apart. Unfortunately there was nobody who could save you when Yujin drags you to the rooftop and starts making out with you. “Damnit Yujin we're in school”, And I'm trying to stop the rumours from spreading out. “Fuck it, come on I'm so fucking horny already. You told me last night you're not gonna have sex but you just keep groping me the whole night”, It's hard to not do that when her ass is so inviting. “I'm not doing shit that could land me in hot water here. You know how the school works, rumour spreads like wildfire and I'm not taking any chances”, Despite the power dynamic between the two of you, Yujin is taller and stronger than you so she could easily keep you pinned to the wall.
“Just fuck me already, pleaseeeee”, She whines while her hands are feeling up your chest. “You're gonna have to wait until the school is over”, Yujin doesn't like that answer and starts kissing you aggressively. Her hand is doing their best to undress you but you keep stopping her. “Why?” She got frustrated and started yelling at you, “Because I told you so”, Spank her. Wait, would that make her even more horny? “You're not having another therapy session with that cow today aren't you?” The thing is, you do, which leaves you in a crossroads. Do you appeal to Yujin and make Eunbi suspicious, or do you appeal to Eunbi and make Yujin even more frustrated.  “I can reschedule for tomorrow”, Let's hope you didn't make Eunbi too mad.
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“What do you mean you need to reschedule for tomorrow?” Eunbi roared as you broke the news. “I need to meet up with some friends. You know how it is”, The two of you are in her office, thankfully it's Minho's class so you can ask permission to talk to Eunbi and skip class. “Are you smoking again?” Yes, but don't tell her that, “No, I just want to hangout with them”, Eunbi walks around her table before sitting on your lap. “You can't just leave me, I want to have another session here, in my office”, Eunbi rubs her head on to your neck while her hands are hugging you tight. “I can't Eunbi, I want to go out for a little bit”, You caress her hair making her moan. It's been a while now, but Eunbi has develop this risky kink and has been begging you to fuck her again in her office. It's hot, but you find her begging and whining to be hotter so you just keep declining her.
“Then you can come back to me at night right?” Eunbi gives some soft kisses to your neck, “I think we're gonna be out for the night for some drinking”, The kiss turns into a bite. “You're not drinking any alcohol on school night”, Is this what you want? A caring and overbearing mother figure? “Alright fine, but I'm still going out and I'll sleep in my place today. After all I'm gonna be exhausted and there's no point in coming back to your place”, Eunbi flinches hearing you say that. She doesn't like that at all, she wants her house to be your safe haven, not just some brothel. “You can still come by. I'll cook you some dinner and provide you a place to sleep like usual”, This time you flinch hearing her words. 
“I don't mean to belittle you sweetie. I just feel a little scared of you okay? Your house isn't a good place to stay in and I just want to take care of you. That's the promise right? You help me with my sexual needs and I'll help you with your daily needs”, The whole arrangement you have with her is iffy at best, maybe it's time to put it on paper so you can work things out professionally. “That is not what I signed up for. You said you'll help me mentally, not provide my daily needs”, Eunbi is taken by surprise seeing your sudden aggressive tone.
Her mind quickly connects the dots and realises what she does wrong, “Sweetie it's just that I'm scared for you. You're still growing and you need a lot of stuff such as protein and vitamins to make sure your body growth doesn't get stunted. On top of that a good bed is a must if you don't want to ruin your spine. A healthy body can lead to a healthy mind”, Pity is something that you've always hated. Being pitied by someone is the worst feeling ever, and on top of that you're too stubborn to accept help that comes out of pity despite how much you need it. “I'm done here”, You try to push her away but she clings on to you, “No don't be like that. Come on let me explain myself”, Eunbi pleads, “No”, Holy shit, you're becoming a tsundere as well. “Don't be so hurried, I don't want you to get the wrong idea. I'm doing this because I care, not because I pity you”, Is there even a difference to it?
If I make her fall for me, then she'll do it out of love, not pity. Is that the key? Make her fall for me?
“I need to go to class, let's talk tomorrow”, Eunbi sighs seeing your determined look, “Okay, see you later. Don't do anything stupid okay?” She kisses your cheek before getting off your lap. As you're about to leave you see a gift box on her dress. “What's this?” You pick it up and read the note on it. “Oh it was nothing”, Eunbi tried to take it back from you but you managed to read the Jinyoung? The gym teacher tries to ask you out?” An amused grin grew on your face but the moment you saw her guilty expression you immediately hid your smile. “It really wasn't anything, I didn't plan to accept it at all”, Loyalty is a good trait for a slave.
Wait, this could be a good thing. If I break her down using her guilt then I can use her, especially her house. Yeah that could work, that way she's not doing it out of pity, but because she wants to make it up to me. Jesus I don't know why you're suddenly being nice but thanks Life, or the Universe, or God. Whatever.
“I heard a lot of the students have a crush on him. He's kinda handsome you know”, You smile making her heart freeze for a second. “I, don't care”, Watching her body language you can see how nervous she is, “Oh? You focus more on what's on the inside rather than the outside? Commendable principles I guess”, Eunbi took the box out of your hand and threw it to the trash bin. “It's not important, okay? It's just a one-sided crush from him”, Eunbi felt so angry, she can see how jealous you are (Are you jealous?) which means her plans of making you open up to her are in jeopardy. “I see how it is now. You want me to teach you all the good things about sex so you can please your future boyfriend, is that it?” You raise your voice just enough to show her a sliver of anger.
“No I'm not, I really don't feel that way towards him. He's just a nobody, come on don't be mad please master”, Eunbi jumps to hug you while giving you a pleading face. You open your mouth before closing it again, then you show her some confused and conflicted expression before your face turns cold and glares at her silently. “Don't be so angry, you know I didn't care about him”, Eunbi poked your chest playfully while giving you some cute face to calm you down.
You grab her and push her to the desk before your lips crash onto hers and make out with her in an aggressive manner. Eunbi felt surprised, but also, happy. She likes that you're getting jealous, it's a sign that you actually care about her and don't want her to leave you. On top of it, she is weak to your dominant side. She hopes that you're not angry but it would be lying if she says a part of her wasn't looking forward to the punishment you're gonna give her. Just the thought alone makes her body shiver, her arms and legs hugs you tight and pulls you closer. A gesture she hopes can reassure you that the gift was really nothing to her.
Your lips trail down into her cheek then to her neck before roughly biting onto it. “Ahhhhh, calm down sweetie”, She said but her hand held your head and pushed it deeper as if it's asking for more. For some reason, acting like this actually makes you feel excited as well. Marking her down with your bite mark and hickeys feels so, empowering. This girl, this stuck-up principal that's definitely has been the target of countless classmates’ wet dream is right now squirming in your embrace. She's yours, an obedient slave that you won't ever let go.
As you pull back you can clearly see the red mark you left on her neck and it puts a smile on your face. You quickly hide it before facing Eunbi, showing off your cold stare to her. “You're mine, slut”, Eunbi felt her breath hitch, “Yes master”, Her eyes were clouded with ecstasy and anticipation. Fuck was picking Yujin was the wrong move? “Do you understand? You're mine and mine alone slut”, Due to the heat of the moment you just spit on her face, like a barbarian. Yet instead of getting angry or taken off guard she just moans and closes her eyes. “I'm yours master”, This whole fiasco is so much easier than you expected, perhaps a little too easy? “Good, don't you ever forget that”, You use her intoxicated state to quietly slip away from her office.
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“What the fuck are you wearing?” Goddamn she has such nice thighs. “Do you like it? I know you always wanted a good little girl”, Yujin raises both of her legs to the bed and shows off her thighs. Her pussy is blocked by her legs but you can tell she's not wearing anything underneath there. “Are you gonna call me daddy from now on?” You chuckled, “Is that what you want? Daddy?” Be careful now, you might just lose your Dom position in this relationship. “I fucking live for girls with daddy issues”, Only the hot one though, no offence.
“Do you want to see how wet I am daddy?” Yujin moves her leg side to side trying to tease you, “Ohhhh? Princess is already so desperate for me?” You walk closer before kneeling in front of her. Yujin immediately opens her legs showing her drenched pussy, “Yes daddy, I'm so fucking horny”, Yujin moans. “Is that so? Let me help you then princess”, You kiss her thighs making her quiver in excitement, “I need you daddy”, You kiss her other thighs, then you slowly trail up to her pussy with your kisses. 
You give her inner thigh one hard bite before you move to her pussy. Sucking in her clit gently is enough to make Yujin let out a moan, her hands desperately griping on to her bedsheets preparing for your attacks. Your mouth starts to get to work, licking and sucking her clit over and over again making Yujin let out a moan that keeps louder and louder each time. At a particular flick you managed to make her let out a muffled scream so you did the flick again, and again, and again, and again, refusing to let her have time to take a breather. In no time she let out a scream, her legs locked your head in with her voluptuous thighs pressing the side of your head. You can't complain though, it felt nice, especially with how soft it is. “I'm cumming daddy”, Yujin grabs your head with one hand and pulls you deeper into her pussy. 
As she reaches her climax she squirts her juice all over your face while involuntarily tries to crush your head with her thighs. Thankfully it passes soon enough and she drops her leg onto your shoulder and starts panting on the bed. “I'm not done yet princess”, You stand up and crawl on top of her, your hand moves to her pussy and your finger starts to rub her clit. “Ahhhh, daddy”, She moans but you silence her with a kiss. One of your fingers pushes into her, then two, and then three, then they start pumping in and out with vicious intent while you continue making out with her. Yujin's body is convulsing aggressively as you continue fingering her. “Daddy….. you're so….. mean”, She lets out some moans between the kisses. Of course she isn't complaining, after all her hand is tightly hugging on to your head while your hand got even more aggressive.
“Daddy I'm CUMMMMIIIINNGGGGGG”, She screams to your mouth as her second orgasm arrives. Her body lays down on the bed already exhausted, yet her eyes are locked onto yours with anticipation. “This will be a long night princess”
“Baby why are you so tired? Don't tell me you're actually out for the whole night”, Eunbi says with a concerned look on her face. “It's, none of your business”, You sigh and close your eyes, enjoying the soft pillow known as Eunbi's thighs while her hand is gently caressing your hair. “Baby, you can't be that irresponsible. Minho said you got scolded for sleeping in class, twice. If you keep doing this then I won't let you go out at night”, Although she does feel worried about you, most of her anger stems from her frustration. You left her while she was heated yesterday after seeing your jealous side. Last night was so tormenting for her as she finds out that her toys are no longer pleasuring her like it used to. Now, once your ‘therapy session’ finally arrives you just lay down there fully exhausted while her body is screaming for some release.
“I'll make it up to you later okay? Just give me a second to rest”, Although you hate to admit it, Yujin actually managed to get on the upper hand yesterday. Who would've thought getting called ‘daddy’ would be your weak spot? “Fine, I'll let you rest for now. But after this we're going straight to my house and I won't let you leave again”, Ominous, is she foreshadowing something sinister? “You have very soft thighs, you know that?” Your hand gently gropes it making her squeal. “Babeeee, don't do that unless you want to fuck me”, Maybe you should introduce her to edging soon, her whines is always so cute and enjoyable to watch.
“Stop calling me babe”, It's not fun when your fish just jump on the boat, there's no thrill or glory for getting a fish that way. “I don't want to call you master all the time. I like it but it always makes me too horny”, Eunbi pout, “Fine whatever”, If she wants to get caught that much then why should you refuse a free meal. “Can you sleep in my bed tonight babe?” Eunbi moves from your hair into your cheek, “Hhhhmmmm”, You grunt with your eyes still closed. “Babe?” Eunbi refuses to let you rest, “Whatever”, You say before biting her thighs. “Ahhhh, baby please don't do that okay? I'm already dying from heat and you're just being extra mean by teasing me”, Eunbi pouts again.
“Lay down here with me Eunbi”, She looks at you for a second, some because she's excited, some because she's scared of what you will do. Reluctantly she let you off her lap before laying down next to you. The two of you lay there together, your limbs intertwined with each other while your torso is pressing against each other to accommodate for the small couch. You can feel her heartbeat as her chess is pressed against yours, you can feel her breath on your face, you can see every single pore of her flawless skin on her face. Gently you caress her cheek making her body shiver, “What exactly do you want Eunbi?” Looking at her ecstatic gaze you can tell she's way too drunk to think straight.
“I want you….. master”, Eunbi moans feeling your other hand caressing her thighs, “As your master?” Your hand slipped under her skirt and pulled it up, exposing her bare thighs. “Master”, Another moan escaped her lips as your hand started playing around with her ass. “What do you want, Eunbi? You know I'm not blind, and right now you're being overly suspicious with all your demands and behaviour”, Eunbi tried to focus but your hands are making it too hard for her. “I, love you master”, What the fuck? Love? Already? Even Yujin hasn't thought about that word yet. 
“You're lying”, Let's press her about this, it's kinda fun seeing so helpless in your arms. “No I'm not, I love you master”, To prove it she leaps in and presses her lips onto yours. The moment your lips touched you can feel her body shaking in a familiar manner. This slut just had an orgasm from a kiss. “Masterrrr…….”, She moans as her hands hug you, clutching onto your shirt desperately as you press your thighs into her pussy. This kiss, it's as arousing to you as it is to her. Your desperate need for control is your biggest weakness. After all, you'll always lose yourself the moment you find someone submitting to you. While her body is spasming out of control you decided to make her orgasm last forever.
One of your hands slips inside her panties and furiously rubs her clit while your other hand grabs her neck and gently chokes her out. “Ahhhhhh, master, more”, Eunbi breaks the kiss while her nails are scratching you through your uniform. “You're a slut aren't you? A slut so desperate for sex that you just fall in love with the first person who can satisfy your perverted side”, Your hand tightens its grip on her neck while your other hand starts fingering her. “Yes master”, She squeals, her hand stops hugging you and instead grabs onto the hands that's choking her. “Is that what you want? To be my slave? To be a cumdumpster that lives only for my pleasure?” Eunbi nods before coughing. 
These feelings, it's way too much for her. Her brain almost loses consciousness due to the lack of oxygen and the overload of dopamine. Thankfully you recognise this and relaxed your grip letting her take a breather. Eunbi presses her head onto your shoulder, coughing out loud as her orgasm passes. You take away your hand from her pussy and just hug her tight. “Is that all you want?” You whisper in her ears, “To be my toy?” You use a serious and demanding tone. Eunbi tries her hardest to hold her moan hearing how serious your tone is. “No baby, I want you. I love you, and I care for you. It breaks my heart everytime I remember about your home condition. I care for you so much that I can't help but to fall in love when I know you are PorkCrackling, my mysterious master. I love you more than anything and I don't want to let you go. I need you, my body needs you. I can't help it, okay? I just want you to help me with my pathetic sexual drive, and to ease my heart. I love you, master”
Eunbi hugs you tight, not daring to look you in the eyes in fear that her tears would just fall down. All emotions in her just suddenly burst open through her words of confessions. She didn't mean to say this so soon, she wants to take things slow. To make you feel comfortable around her and more accepting of her role in your life. It's just that, something snapped in her mind. She believes it comes yesterday when you turn all Yandere but she couldn't be further from the truth. Something in her mind snapped the moment you had sex with her in her office. Just like he said, the revelation that you're PorkCrackling actually awakened something inside her. Everytime she indulges her desires, things just get worse and worse. Day and nights she wouldn't be able to work properly without your touch. Today, after seeing that you actually have some form of feeling for her yesterday plus her frustration for not having sex for the last 5 days has made her desire boil. This confession, it terrifies her, she's scared that you would say no.
As the guilt and horror is overtaking her your hand starts to caress her hair. Immediately you feel her body relax, you can even feel her breath calm down a little. A smile crept up on your face, letting her hope rise for a moment before you let her down, “Eunbi, I'm in a relationship”, You can almost hear her heart break. “What?” Even her voice breaks, “I'm in a relationship already”, What's your intention with this move again? “But babe”, Eunbi clutches your body tightly, it's very subtle but you can feel her sudden rise of aggression. “It's complicated”, Oh my god, you're trying to make things harder for yourself just so you can savour the hunt. Very scummy of you.
“What do you mean it's complicated. Are you in a relationship or not”, Eunbi pulls away from the hug and both of her hands hold your face. “It's complicated, okay? I'm not sure what we are”, You look away avoiding her gaze. “Baby, just tell me, everything”, Yeah you're not gonna do that, “I need some time okay?” You pull away from her embrace. “No, stay here and tell me everything”, She grabs your hand refusing to let you slip away. “Eunbi, just give me a day, okay? I'll sort this out”, The way you say that makes it sound so ambiguous that she can't help but feel scared. “Where are you going”, Eunbi said as you stood up, “I need time”, You said facing away from her.
Seeing your back turn to her, Eunbi can hear a voice screaming for her to run for me. Begging her to not let me go, to just jump to me and hold me tight and never let go. Yet her body refuses to follow, she just sits there while you leave the room, almost bursting into tears. She's heartbroken, all this time you've been seeing someone else? No, even worse, she's the someone else. All this time, your heart was already in another place. The tears that's threatening to fall down hot stopped by a screaming voice in her mind. 
Stop crying you idiot. Follow him. He said it's complicated and he doesn't want to tell us, so we need to check for ourselves. Whoever he's fucking can't be better than you, wake up already. Get on your feets and start walking. We need to see who is this bitch that dares to take him away from us. Follow him, see if he returns to that whore's house.
The voice is right, well at least Eunbi thinks it's right. She packed up her things quickly before running off from her office. Her eyes scanned the school entrance and found you, she sneakily followed you, however much to her disappointment you just returned back to your home instead. 
Fuck, what now?
He always goes out at night with his friends. We need to wait until dark.
Just wait in that-
Her schizophrenic episode has to wait however as she hears a scuffle inside your house. “The fuck you mean you throw them away. You sell them in the pawnshop for money bitch?” Inside, you're fuming with anger and start screaming at your mom. “It’s my stuff since he bought it with my money. I can do whatever I want with it”, You can feel your face crumble further hearing her words. Your brother's stuff, all that shit he bought using HIS OWN money just got pawned off by your mom. 
“Where? Where did you sell them you fucking old cunt”, You scream again while she just spit on you. “Get the fuck out here you ungrateful bastard. You think you're hot shit because you found a new place to sleep? Fuck off and never come back”,  She yells at you and turn her back to you. “I said-”, You grab her hand to stop her but then she just swings the bottle of vodka she's drinking to your head. A sickening *thump* could be heard as the bottle connected with your temple. It doesn't break, but it might be better if it does. “Useless bastard”, You heard your mom scream while you're trying to orient yourself. Before you get to do that she takes another swing and yet again the bottle manages to not break, which means your skull just took the impact and caused your brain to be shaken inside it.
“Useless fucking pig”, She screams you fall down to the ground, it feels like you would just pass out any moment. Deciding to help you, she throws the bottle on your head, this time it breaks, causing glass shards to rain on your head and cut up your skin. “I should've fucking aborted you the moment I had you”, With a kick she completely knock you out unconscious, your body slumped down on the ground with bloods dripping down your face. Your mom doesn't stop though, she just continues kicking your body while screaming relentlessly. 
Thankfully for you, this is a good sign that makes Eunbi want to step in. “Excuse me? Is anyone there?” She knocked on your door, “Fuck off”, That's the answer she got, “Uhhhh, ma'am, is everything alright in there? I heard some screams”, Eunbi felt her body shaking. Some because she's concerned about you, some because the voice in her head is screaming out of anger, threatening to kill your mom if she touches you. “I said FUCK OFF”, What now? Just break in, save him. Obviously that cunt did something to him. “Ma'am I just need to talk to- '' Eunbi's words cut short as your mom opened the door, anger written all over her face.
“It's you again, what the fuck do you want?” Eunbi disregards the hostility and just scans the room inside. There's too much random stuff all over the face for her to properly find you. However her eyes immediately saw your leg, laying on the ground while your body is hidden behind a kitchen counter. “What did you do to him”, Eunbi's face crumble and glare back at your mom, “None of your fuc-”, Without waiting for her to finish her words, Eunbi forcefully push the door slamming it into your mom's face while she's at it. “Bitch”, Your mom screams, but out of pure anger Eunbi grabs the whore's head and slams it to the wall. Then she slammed it again, and again, and again until your mom's body slumped down on the ground, unconscious.
Seeing the threat is, neutralised, Eunbi runs to your body, and as soon as she sees your bleeding face she screams and runs to you. “Baby are you okay? Baby? Babe please wake up”, Eunbi pulls you into her embrace, but you're just out of it. She quickly calls the police, frantically screaming for an ambulance to come quickly. While she's waiting she just holds you close, trying desperately to talk to you and wake you up to make sure you're okay. Unfortunately, her effort resulted in nothing, fear starts to overtake her and tears start to fall down her face. Once the ambulance arrives she just jumps inside with you, hoping that you'll wake up.
That bitch, we should've fucking kill her right there and then.
NOT NOW!!!!! He's dying, fuck he's dying. What should we do?
You calm down first. They said he's fine then he's fine. His reading is stable so he's just passed out for now.
Fuck but what if-
Eunbi, calm down! 
I…… I need to calm down. 
Correct, we just need to stand by him until he's awake. Everything's gonna be fine, for him. For his whore of a mother, we need to deal with her later.
Ultimately her fear and worry didn't vanish, but it lowered tremendously. Eunbi stays by your side from the ambulance all the way to the hospital. Once you're there she just waits patiently in front of the emergency room as they check on your injuries. After what felt like hours of waiting a doctor finally came out and broke the news.
"Mrs. Mwon, thank you for waiting. The patient is stable and resting comfortably now. He experienced a mild concussion, which caused him to pass out briefly. The cut he gained from what appears to be glass isn't deep. Unfortunately some of them require stitches however all of the wounds are already closed. We've conducted initial assessments and scans, and there are no signs of more serious brain injury or bleeding. However, he will need to be monitored closely for the next few hours to ensure there are no further complications. He may experience headaches, dizziness, and fatigue as he recovers, but these are typical after a concussion. We'll keep you updated on his progress and provide further instructions for his care before he's discharged. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have, and know that we're here to support both you and….. your son?"
Eunbi shakes her head, “He's not my son. He's just one of my students that grows in a rough home. Her mom is the one who did this, what's her status?” Deep inside she's hoping that your mom would have a permanent brain injury and just die. “I see, she's also stable for now. However the excessive alcohol level in her bloodstream made us think there's more of her that we need to check on, more specifically, her liver. If this is a domestic violence case as you've said we will need to contact child protective services”, Eunbi nods, maybe she could convince them to let you stay under her protection. “Can I see him now?” The doctor nods and leads her to your room.
As soon as she saw you Eunbi bolted next to you, her hand couldn't stop shaking as she grabbed onto yours. “He will be out for a few hours. If he's still not waking up by today we will do further check, but for now we'll let him rest” Eunbi nods and just stares at you, disregarding the doctor and nurse around her. Hours flew by quickly, she didn't realise it was already night until someone knocked on the door. “Miss Kwon, this are the child protective services, they are here to ask you a few questions”
Calm down Eunbi, now is the time for you to show your composure.
Taking a deep breath, Eunbi calms herself down before nodding. Surprisingly she does a pretty good job at describing what happens earlier. The hostility and hatred she has for your mom was hidden masterfully showing off only her concern for you. She even lied at some part feeling that she followed you home because you left your jacket at the therapy session. Oh right she also brings up the therapy session, thankfully she still has some form of professionalism and hides the contents, simply telling them you have a rough home. However this composure doesn't last forever as suddenly Yujin shows up at your door. “Where is he?” Yujin asked the nurse that's leading her, “He's inside, he's still recovering”, Yujin walked past Eunbi and went to your room.
“That would be all for now ma'am, thank you for your cooperation. We will contact you again if we need further testimonies”, Hearing she's free to go Eunbi immediately says her farewell and joins you back in your room. The moment she walks in her blood immediately boils seeing Yujin is holding your hand. The concern on the little girl's face tells her everything she needs to know. This bitch, this little whore is the one who's been snatching your heart right under her nose. Eunbi put up her mask, trying to act calm before asking Yujin, “Yujin Ahn? What are you doing here?” However Yujin doesn't fucking care about Eunbi. “Who did this to him”, Yujin asked coldly, for a moment Eunbi found a glimmer of joy seeing someone can help her take revenge. However, her…. Other side immediately takes over her mind with possessiveness. “His mom, now what are you doing here?” Yujin glanced at Eunbi with annoyance.
“Why else? I'm his girlfriend, his emergency contact, I should've been here. The question is, why are you here, you old cow?” Patience is a virtue, something Eunbi is slowly losing for every second Yujin is holding your hand. “I found him like this at his house. I tried to return his jacket but I heard commotion and found him lying on the floor”, Eunbi walked closer to you and stood by the other side of your bed. “You idiot, I told you you should've stayed at my place”, Yujin whispered softly, but Eunbi could hear it and something inside her almost snapped. Thankfully someone interrupted them, “Miss, please don't run away like that again”, A man in a black suit suddenly walks in the room.
“I'm busy okay, just cancel the dinner”, Yujin grumbles as her hand starts to fix your hair a little bit. “Miss, I'm afraid I can't do that. Your father insists for you to come by”, Eunbi is trying to find words to kick Yujin. Something to encourage her to leave but she can't find ways to do it without openly showing hostility due to her anger. “Fine, this better end fast”, Yujin let go of you before turning to Eunbi, “Take care of him while I'm gone”, Oh eunbi will make sure you're taken care of, and she'll also make sure Yujin will be gone, permanently. “I'll take care of him, be sure of that”, Yujin nods before turning back to you one last time. “I'll be back baby”, Yujin kisses your forehead and leaves the room. 
Silence persists for a long while in the room, Eunbi stands there like a statue. However despite her quietness there's a storm raging inside her. The other is slowly overtaking her. The pure possessiveness is making her insane. Right now, right at this moment, her mind, body and soul are attuned to one purpose and one purpose only, you. The world is cruel and harsh, and she knows there's only one way to keep you safe from it. She needs to take you under her wings, coddle you in her arms and hide you away from the world. She will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, even if it means she has to…… break some rule, and bones.
But she can't do it so suddenly. You're still scared by your mother, but literally and figuratively. God knows what type of trust issues you'll develop after that fight earlier. So Eunbi will take this slow, making sure you're more open and comfortable to the idea of being graded by her. You said that it's complicated, and even though she doesn't know much about Yujin she heard enough gossip about that bitch being a slut. Right now, she needs to dig deeper into that relationship, find things that she could press to make you second guess your relationship. Perhaps she wouldn't need to resort to anything…… physical.
Of course, all that can wait, for now she just needs to focus on keeping you company. Slowly she crawls onto the bed and lays there with you. If you're awake you'll find her body, the body you've embraced time and time again felt foreign and alien. This Eunbi, it's no longer the kind-hearted and empathetic therapist who always wanted to do good to the world. Her hands gently caress your hair and chest, she presses her forehead against your temple gently, making sure she doesn't hurt you. She embraces you, much like a dragon holding onto its treasures.
“You said I was yours only right master?”
She whispered in your ears.
“Then that means, you're also mine, mine, mine, and only mine. Master~”
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deaddovedecadence · 27 days
if requests are open, i'd like to ask for a fic of yandere batfam caring for a sick reader (i've got 1 foot in the grave rn 🤒) with forced infantilization (if that doesn't squick you out, hopefully) gn reader would be preferred. thank youuu 🙏
They are in fact open and fun fact, ive never done infantilization before so im super excited. I think what I'm doing to do is like a mini fic of each batfam member and how they're deal with you being sick. I'll totally do a gn! reader but they might come across as non binary.
Alfred: not the worst but not the best. Fussing over you all the damn time whenever you have even the faintest bit of even a cold because he’s lost enough people, you will not be one of them. He tucks you in bed. and will read to the books he read when he was young, smiling to himself with you fall asleep from the drugged milk. Over all a 5/10
Bruce: Doesn’t really believe in it. Thinks that forcing you to be strong will make you, an oldest daughter even stronger. Still when you get sick he’s so gentle with you, cooing that he loves you and that soon you’ll be all better, that your dad is here now. It hurts so badly because you know who he is and yet he’s so fucking gentle with you. 5/10
Dick: Honestly he’s like this all the damn time. Says that because you were an oldest you ought to relive your childhood. Holds basic respect over you to make sure that you do what he wants when he wants because you know that he’ll go back to that coddling cooing cruelty if you don’t. When you’re sick it’s turned up to the max because he likes taking care of people who can’t fight back. Likes being able to hug you and hold you and love on you all he wants. 8/10
Jason: He’s definitely more gentle with you than he is with his siblings but definitely has rough edges. He sees you as someone that needs to be protected but in the manor you are more equal. He fusses when you’re sick for sure because even though he knows that you have the best medical care, he still remembers all the people he lost in crime ally. He’s not obvious about it because he doesn’t know how to be but yikes does this man watch over you like a hawk. 4/10
Cassandra: Thinks that you’re weak and needs her care in a way that her siblings and steph do not. Cass respects strength and the ability of people to take care of themselves ,and you in her eyes can not do that. So when you fight, she forces you down, humming sweet lullabies from cultures all over the world. When you’re sick it proves her point because the rest of them would have been over this by now. You need her. 7/10.
Tim: uses it to manipulate the fuck outta you. Tells you that you are weak, that your sickness is proof you need their love and attention. Will drug you to be dependent on them will you’re ill and probably made you sick in the first place so you’d learn that you belonged in the family, that there is no going back for you. Calls you a child even though you’re older then him.
Duke: They almost coordinate with Tim, making sure that you never suspect any of them. Duke’s power is words, they know how to spin them and manipulate them and make it so that you aren’t really sure of what’s real and what you dreamed up. A gaslighter to the max. Loves and respects you but thinks that you need to stay here, you aren’t strong enough to be a bat’s lieutenant. 7/10
Damian: While Dami does think that you are weak, he also thinks that. there is a value to you that the others do not quite understand. You soothe the family and act asa merger so that even when they anger each other, they come back for you. Damian is very intuitive and this allows him to understand you better even if he lacks empathy to those outside of his family. Even when you are ill he worries over you but demands you heal because you are strong. 0/10
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amourjins · 2 months
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summary. a late night walk with your best friend, minji! ..except, theres a twist.
pair. non-idol!bsf!minji x fem!reader
content ahead. fluff, (best) friends-to-lovers, wlw, GAYS!!!!, theyre both silly, just a small bit of texting!
notes. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA who couldve guessed! surprise !! take this while you wait for tg…cause ive been procrastinating it a LOT…. (not proofread as we all know.. i proofread on a good day [which is never])
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you lie awake in bed as the time read 12:37. you sighed, you didnt want to go to sleep, but you didnt have anything else to do, either.
until, that is, you felt your phone vibrate—a notification. you first shrugged it off, thinking it was some random app you didnt use anymore, but was way too lazy to delete it. after a few seconds, you decided to see what it was, and to your surprise, the notification was a text from your the one and only, kim minji! aka your best(est) friend (ever).
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you could feel your tiredness just disappear all in the span of that minute.
you immediately got up from bed once you hearted the text, turning the lights on as you walked to your closet. you didnt want to keep minji waiting, so you figured you would just keep it casual with a shirt and jeans or something.
once you finally got ready, you did some finishing touches before grabbing your phone and bag, and dashing out of there excitedly. when you exited your apartment complex, there she was, in all her glory—minji!
“minji-ah!” you whisper-shouted as you swore she turned her head to you in the blink of an eye. she took her hands out of her pockets and waved at you, smiling brightly. you rushed over, embracing her in a hug as she froze, blushing a little.
“hi!—” she giggled before hugging you back tightly. you let go after a few seconds, making her pout. you didnt notice, though. you were too busy looking around the streets of seoul, wondering where you two should head first.
“mm, follow me!” you spoke, which caught the tall girl off guard, but she immediately followed after you, catching up as she walked beside you. the night sky always had you mesmerized.. but there something—someone else that had you even more mesmerized.
and it was minji.
maybe you started to develop feelings for her over these past few months with her…
you were pretty much certain that she didnt like you back. and as much as that hurt, you had to deal with it. being best friends with her is enough already, and youre grateful. but at the same time, what if she liked you back? it would.. yeah itd probably hurt to confess. but it was now or never, right? now just seemed like the perfect moment.
“crosswalk, idiot!” she reminded as she halted your movements, making you snap out of your thoughts. “oops!.. sorry,” you looked away in embarrassment as she scoffed jokingly.
you silently turned your head back to her. she was looking at the sky, and the scenery around. god, she was insanely pretty. prettier than the scenery around. prettier than anything around.
you tapped her shoulder to get her attention once you were able to cross as you two crossed the street together. your hands suddenly brushed against each other slightly, and even that made minji blush.. you were both equally down bad for each other!
once at the other side, minji’s fingers crawled on your palm before she interlocked her hand with yours, the action making you stunned, but, you werent complaining. who would?
“all the stores are closed.. aw,” minji sighed, pointing at the stores to your left as you two walked past them after a few seconds. “but you know, the convenience stores are still open.” you spoke, as she let out an agreeing “oohh..” followed by a nod. “lets head there then? hope you dont mind the walk though..” she smiled. “as long as im with you, i wouldnt mind at all!” you grinned.
after a short 12 minutes of walking and talking, you guys finally arrived at the convenience store while still holding hands. minji was the first to step in as you came in right after, greeting the staff that stood at the register.
“so, yn..i have, uh,, something to tell you.” minji explained as you two walked out of the convenience store. you and minji spent a decent amount of time in there, talking while having snacks. you two had a great time, and she even paid for everything.. and when you thought you couldnt crush on her more than before.
“oh,” you gulped, suddenly nervous and sweat was trickling down your forehead as you nodded, “i have.. something to tell to you.. as well?” you questioned—yourself. she took a deep breath before continuing, “lets say it at the same time?
“yeah. same time.. same time,” you breathed.
“on 1, okay?”
“3 - 2 - 1–”
“i like you, yn!”
“i like you!”
“wait, what?” you awkwardly giggled, raising an eyebrow at minji. she had her head turned, obviously away from you. her face was bright red…and so was yours.
“..y—youre for real?” minji muttered, not daring to make eye contact. she was looking everywhere but your direction. “what do you think, idiot?” you joked.
“so,, were dating now, right?”
“yeah.. yeah!”
“ill walk you home then?”
“thats absurd, kim minji! spend more time with your new girlfriend, will you?”
“g-girlfriend.. right! yes, okay.”
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a/n : 😁😁 send in asks interact with me maybe! ill be answering asks later
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taetr4ck · 1 year
LOVE IN SCRIBBLES — ten things bang chan writes in his love letters for you
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bang chan x reader, no warnings — fluff, a bit of angst if you squint
a/n: i need to get this out of my brain !! christopher got me on a chokehold for months now. even years. he’s such an adorable man. he deserves all the good things in the world. to my fellow bang chan girlies, please teach me how to stay sane ‼️
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bang chan / minho / changbin / hyunjin / jisung / felix / seungmin / jeongin
i. do you remember those shared nights when we are in my studio, minding our own endeavors? i once saw you sleeping on the couch, with your phone nearly slipping on your hand — it made me melt. something inside me softened. at that moment, i wanted to hug you tight and tell you how beautiful you are – a mesmerizing sight. a beauty that i will never get tired of seeing.
ii. you made me realize how strong the power of love is.
iii. whenever i’m on tour, you are the one i’m always finding in the sea of crowds. i wonder if you’re with stays, chanting their own i love yous? and if you do, is it for me? because even if i didn’t get the chance to hear it, you already know the answer — i love you too. no words can describe how strong my love is for you.
iv. your presence reminds me of home.
v. i love your smile. it’s too cheesy for me to say, but your smile makes my day. i love it the most when you smile because of the things that make you happy. i’m glad that you smile whenever we’re together.
vi. i told you i love all the things you love. you said you love me, so i’m trying to love myself too. god, do i even deserve you…?
vii. at the end of the day, you are the one i always yearn for.
viii. no matter how many songs i write, my heart still calls out for you.
ix. i hate seeing you cry. i hate it even more when you cry because of me. i’m sorry, i really do. you don’t deserve me – no, i don’t deserve you. it pains me to see you in such a state. i love you. i’m sorry. i love you so much that it hurts
x. you made me feel as someone worthy of love — i am more than worthy because i am loved by you.
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⋆ taetr4ck, est may 2023. / requests open
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wonwoonlight · 8 months
finding love / kim mingyu
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a/n: mingyu brain rot bc i dreamt of him last night and ive never felt so loved 😭😭😭😭 first fic of the year! not proofread bc im too lazy. Enjoy🤍 do tell me if u enjoy this??? Hello???
wc: 1.1k // just some musings about love // fluff // super very soft // i dont think theres any warning except that i want him NOW.
[ ♤♤♤ ]
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
It's not anything as dramatic as you not believing in it. You just really haven't found the right person, nor have you been trying to look for one. Which is why it's a wonder that you end up with someone as wonderful as Kim Mingyu.
Your meeting with him wasn't anything special either. It's nothing out of a fiction; it's not exciting and it's not magical. It's just you, being Chan's friend and introduced to the members when he invited you to their concert and you visited the backstage once it finished.
It wasn't an instant click either, you just ended up talking individually somehow and the relationship progressed as time passed by.
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
He holds your hand when you're afraid even if you don't say anything.
He holds your hand when you're afraid even if he's afraid.
You both hate horror movies with passion, but once in a blue moon you two would challenge yourself just to see if it has changed. Every single time Mingyu would brace it and watch through everything just so he can tell you when to close your eyes and when it's okay to open them again.
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
He would listen to everything you talk about. From your complain about your coworkers, to your random ramble about some stuff you see on Instagram reels.
He listens.
He always does.
Because one day you're talking about how it's been quite some time since you've eaten lasagna and the next dinner Mingyu bakes lasagna for you himself.
He listens.
Because when you mention once in passing to your friend, to which Mingyu only listens partly to because you're on the phone and doesn't realize he's already awoken from his nap, that you've always wanted to try snorkeling, Mingyu arranges for it immediately once he finds a suitable date for you both.
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
He finds time to contact you in midst of busy schedules, and always tells you beforehand if he's going to be too busy to reach out in any way. You've told him plenty of times that you understand and that he doesn't need to reassure you everytime, but you've also told him once long before you started dating that you're the type to welcome words of assurance more than anything.
So he continues to reassure you everytime he can.
“What do you think about this?” Mingyu asks, yet again in another set of outfits.
You don't know shit about fashion, and you think Mingyu looks good in everything because he knows how to dress himself well. This is something that he's aware of, but he also likes your validation so you always try your best to say anything other that “You look good” and “I like this better than the previous one”.
“I think… you know I like it best when you're in black so I'm not sure if your current outfit is actually better than the black one or not.” You say sheepishly, to which Mingyu laughs at.
Your heart skips a beat at the sound of his laughter, something that hasn't changed despite having dated him for almost a year now. He makes his way to you and engulf you in a hug, whispers something that sounds suspiciously like “you're so cute” though he doesn't admit it because you don't like being called cute.
“Hmm.. Maybe I should go for the black one.” He says as he looks at himself in the mirror once again.
“What? No! Wear what you think is best. You know I have zero sense of fashion.”
“You like it, though.”
“I like you. You know you can wear the ugliest shirt out there and I'll still like it.”
Mingyu freezes and you see the tips of his ears turning red. You don't always say your feelings out loud, and when you do, it always hits a soft spot within him. And for all the cheesy comments Mingyu always parades to his fans, he's actually bad at receiving them himself.
You would usually jump at this opportunity to tease him, but you're feeling especially soft today, so you walk up next to him and tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
“I appreciate your sentiment, but don't trust me this time around, okay?” You chuckle and cup his warm face before dropping a peck on his lips.
“Alright…” He presses his lips together and goes for another kiss. “You'll really like everything…?”
And as much as Mingyu reassures you, you reassure him back.
“I like you. So you can wear anything, and I'll like it as long as it's not something weird like a dragon costume or something.”
Mingyu succumbs with a shy smile and hides his face in your neck.
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
He's brought you happiness that you didn't know existed. He always makes your bad days good and your good days even better.
You automatically look for him when something makes you laugh, a part of you always wishes to share your happiness with him no matter where he is. You also look for him when you're not feeling your best, because one look and Mingyu knows you need him beside you, his arms enveloping you to ground yourself to him, and his deep voice reminds you that things are going to be okay.
“Does it bother you?” Seungkwan asks one day. You, him, Mingyu, and Seungcheol are chilling in Mingyu's dorm.
“What?” You return his question, getting more comfortable on the sofa. You're leaning against Seungcheol's shoulder, as Mingyu is too busy playing something on his phone and you don't want to restrict his movement by leaning into him.
“The… you know. Whispers. What people say?”
“About me and Mingyu?” You make sure. Your relationship isn't public, but you know some people in his company doesn't exactly approve of his choice of a girlfriend even though their opinions don't matter.
You hum as you look at Mingyu, sitting comfortably on the floor near Seungkwan. He comments on how random the younger guy's question is, but doesn't seem too bothered by it.
Something pleasant settles in your chest as you continue looking at him, your smile growing when the answer to Seungkwan's question pops in your mind.
“Not really, no.” You turn to him with a smile, your voice firm with security. “I know Mingyu loves me and that's enough.”
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
Because he loves you with everything he has to offer and beyond, never once failing to let you know his feelings haven't wavered.
Because you want to do everything for him even if you're not able to, your heart always finding a way to be with him even when he's not next to you.
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sturnskiss · 1 month
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florida!!! ! ᥫ᭡
pairing: bsf!rafe cameron x reader
summary: reader’s boyfriend cheats on her so rafe plans to make her forget all about him by taking her to florida.
warnings: no smut, not much, rafe laces someone’s cocaine with fent, protective rafe, i don’t really know 😊
authors note: FIRST RAFE POST!! i know ive only ever posted for sturniolo tumblr but id like to preface my account isn’t solely for them, and i will be posting content for other fandoms as well!
love left me like this, i don’t want to exist so take me to florida
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when naive!kook!reader and her boyfriend, a good-for-nothing fuck boy, one to a worse degree than her best friend rafe was, broke up… rafe was more than happy to finally step in.
it was as simple as that rafe couldn’t let that man sleep peacefully knowing that he broke his poor best friend’s heart.
when you showed up at tannyhill, your big doe eyes all teary eyed and smeared mascara running down your cute cheeks, rafe already knew it had something to do with that little boyfriend of yours.
secretly, he had been waiting for this exact moment. he had been waiting ever since you told him that one of the boys he plays golf with asked you on a date. you were just too sweet for him. for any of these boys on the island. no, you needed someone who could really protect you and make you feel feminine and comfortable, something these boys couldn’t do except for him. he knew you better than anyone and had much more to give you than everyone else, but being the naive girl you are, you didn’t see past the friendship.
“aw, baby.” he frowned before embracing you in a tight hug. you wrapped your arms around his neck, silently crying into his arms.
your voice broke, “he cheated on me,”
rafe’s jaw clenched, but he wasn’t surprised. not one bit. “ ‘m so sorry.”
he didn’t ever directly warn you about boys like him. he couldn’t ruin the happiness you had when that guy started showing interest in you.
this wasn’t even supposed to happen, actually. you weren’t aware of this, but rafe may or may not have told every guy who ever expressed interest in you to fuck off. a simple hands-off rule. he’d threaten them, say that if they so much as talk to you, they’d wish they didn’t. only one person dared to test that rule. he started flirting with you and commenting on your instagram pictures. rafe solved that problem quickly and easily by lacing his next bag of coke with a little bit of fentanyl. he didn’t die. it taught him a lesson. taught mostly every boy on the island a lesson, except for your now ex-boyfriend.
so he couldn’t put fentanyl in this fucker’s coke this time because the boy never mentioned you to him. they played golf regularly, never speaking of you. and then one day, rafe picks you up from your house to take you shopping and you excitedly tell him how one of his friends followed you on instagram and asked to take you out. that guy knew what he was doing.
he maneuvered the hands-off rule because he knew rafe would never let it happen.
after a few minutes of consoling you, rafe broke the silence. “y’wanna go to florida?”
you stopped crying, pulled away from the hug and peered up at him. “what?”
he grinned, “i’m serious. let’s go to florida, yeah?”
you shook your head, “that won’t fix anything, rafe.”
truth be told, rafe believes money can in fact buy happiness. and he’d spend every last dime in his pocket if it meant you forgot all about that stupid boy and became happy, especially if it meant you were happy with him.
“it’ll be fun. lemme show you a good time, promise you’ll forget all about him. it would be good for ya to at least get out of the obx.”
“why florida?” you asked, sniffling and wiping a tear. rafe lifted up his shirt, revealing his lower toned abdomen, and wiped your mascara off your face, wiping your nose too. something only dad’s do for their young daughters, and rafe too, you guess.
he shrugs, “why not? we gotta place there. nice place right on the miami coast. just a change of scenery, s’all.”
so the next day, rafe pulled into your house’s driveway. you stood by the front door, a suitcase next to you. rafe smiled as he got out of his car, “only one suitcase?”
“you think i need more?” you asked in a surprised tone.
he shrugged, “i just planned a couple things snd you might need more than a couple outfits for ‘em. s’all good though, we can buy you some more when we get there.” he said while grabbing your pink suitcase effortlessly and placing it in the backseat of his car.
you were completely unaware of rafe’s true intentions by this out of the blue trip to florida. you didn’t think anything of the sweet things rafe did for you. he was your best friend, and he looks out for you. he just cares for you, like any friend would.
once you arrived in florida, being taken there by the cameron’s private plane, the first thing you did was get a fancy facial from a very luxurious med spa. one sarah went to anytime their family visited florida, which is why rafe knew of the place. he paid for you to get the longest, most expensive, and best treatment there was.
afterwards, you guys went out to dinner at a small restaurant on a dock.
you thought he was just being sweet.
you thought he was just being sweet when he bought everything you laid your eyes on in small boutiques and even large luxury stores like chanel and tiffany.
and rafe’s plan worked. by the first four days, your ex’s name never came out of your mouth. the only name on your lips was rafe, and his next plan was to keep it that way.
all that’s left to do was convince you there was someone better for you out there. and that someone was him. you didn’t see it yet, but you would by the end of the trip. he would make you his.
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indigofyrebird · 2 months
A Tale of Brothers
820 words
Rated G!
Kind of angsty. Kind of sweet.
"What, no hug for me?" As soon as the words left his mouth, Crosshair wished he could take them back. He hated the way it made him sound like a child, like he wanted a hug. He didn't. 
Echo's response made him cringe inwardly. "Depends on how good your intel is." Crosshair turned his head away from the other man's intense gaze, huffing out a dismissive breath. He didn't need Echo's approval. He surely didn't need a hug from him.
Dinner was awkward. Talk of Tech made the ache in his heart threaten to overwhelm him. His food tasted like sawdust. He offered what he could with information about Barton IV, his hand tremoring hard at the memories it brought up. They would leave in the morning. 
When Wrecker brought his armor kit out and presented it to him he could hardly speak for the lump in his throat. One glance up at the back of Wrecker's head and then the brief eye contact with Hunter had him turning away, heart feeling like it had dropped into his stomach. Why do I care what HE thinks? Crosshair cursed to himself. 
Omega lightened his mood immidiately. She was good at that. Reminding him that she was the older sister. Now that was funny. He smiled, the feeling foreign on his lips. 
Crosshair stepped out into the bright sunlight, adjusting his chest plate. His old armor was a little loose but he had to admit it felt good. It felt like home. Like all the memories of a childhood spent learning to fight alongside his brothers were held in each piece of armor. He would be forever grateful to Wrecker for keeping it safe for him. 
Looking up at the ungodly screeching, he watched the ice vulture circling overhead. Mayday's voice in his head combined with the frigid temperature sent a shiver through him. The sun coming through the clouds was nothing more than light, giving off very little warmth. 
Inside, the abandoned building was dark. Wrecker clicked on his flashlight. Echo's response to Crosshair's "I guess it served its purpose" with "sounds familiar" made Crosshair a little sour and he turned to explore alone. Does he have to remind me of my mistakes? To rub it in? The helmets when he found them did nothing to help his mood. Cast aside, their purpose served. The human beings that once wore them, long gone. Crosshair knelt to retrieve one of them. They had served their purpose hadn't they, he thought. I served my purpose. And how was I repaid? How were these men repaid? He clenched his fist and swore under his breath. 
Crosshair took out his anger on Hunter. He wasn't planning on saying those hurtful things to him, but once he started, the words wouldn't stop. "She went through what she did because you failed!" he said, more than a small part of him wanting to insert the word I. I went through what I did because you failed...but no. He didn't blame Hunter, not really. That was just his bitter, wounded heart talking. 
And then the wyrm came and they fought. Hunter falling through the ice sent a stabbing panic through Crosshair and when he screamed his name it was with the deep fear of losing someone close. But they beat the wyrm. They beat it and they caught their breath and they sat side by side. Crosshair thought in that moment that this was good enough. If his squad never accepted him more than this, a soldier looking out for a fellow soldier, this was enough. In his heart he knew this was a lie. These were his brothers. The only family he had ever known. 
Then, Wrecker grabbed them both in a hug so fierce that Crosshair could have cried. He rolled his eyes at Hunter from under Wrecker's arm and Hunter gave him a small smile back. Crosshair knew then that his brothers wanted him, maybe even needed him. 
Sitting in the quiet of the ship, Crosshair rested his head in his hands. He slept on and off, waking when he felt Echo sit beside him. "Cross..." Echo trailed off hesitantly. Crosshair turned to face him, rubbing his sleep filled eyes. "Listen, Crosshair, I just wanted to say...it's good to have you back." Crosshair looked at the other man carefully. Echo had clearly been wanting to say this to him. As if it were important to him. Crosshair nodded, embarrassed, not sure what to say in response. 
And then Echo placed his arm over Crosshair's shoulder and pulled him close in a warm embrace. Part of Crosshair wanted to resist, to pull back, but he didn't. He didn't want to be pitied. Somehow, he knew Echo didn't mean it as pity. He rested his head on Echo's shoulder, and when Echo moved back slightly, they placed their foreheads together gently. "Brother," Crosshair muttered softly. 
For the @summer-of-bad-batch prompt "hugs"
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vanillanaps · 1 year
As I Lay Dying | Bucky Barnes
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Request - if i gave you the prompt “death of a relationship” with mr bucket barnes, could you help give me the best angst ever?
A/n - This is the first fic ive been able to write in over a year. There was a lot of writing and deleting but I think I finally got it right 😭 Anon, I hope this was every thing you asked for.
Category - Bucky Barnes x Reader, angst
Warnings - Infidelity, broken hearts, authors first fic in a year, no hard feelings if it’s shitty, not proof read as always.
Word Count - 1.5k
When you fall in love, the world you once knew changes in a heartbeat. You find this special someone whom you seem to never stop thinking about. This special someone who can make you smile, even in your saddest moments. This someone who you suddenly want to share every single small detail in your life with. This someone who you fall so madly in love with that you can’t even remember life before them, nor do you want to imagine the rest of your life without them. Love is supposed to be full of happiness, laughs, kisses, hugs, and passionate sex. Love is supposed to make you feel like you’ve been doped up on drugs for the last three years. Love is supposed to make you feel whole, not…empty.
And yet, there you were. You hadn’t moved a single muscle since those words came flowing out the love of your life’s mouth. It almost seemed silly. You questioned yourself, wondering how you didn't see it coming. Had you been so blindly in love that you hadn't noticed your boyfriend slowly slipping through the cracks of your fingers, into the hands of another woman.
Your eyes never left him. Even in a moment like this, those stunning blue eyes still had that soft and innocent charm behind them, even though that was everything he was not. They were low and soft, almost as if they were filled with true remorse, but if they were, he wouldn’t be here, leaving you for another woman. He’d be down on his knees, begging you for your forgiveness.
“Y/n,” Bucky called, a softness in his voice as if he was trying not to startle you, “Please, I just need you to say something–anything.”
“When did it start?” You asked, voice completely shot from the lump that had formed in your throat and refused to leave as your tears ran in a continuous stream down your face, “I just don’t understand Bucky, I mean, we were happy, right? We were in love, we were good!”
Bucky cleared his throat as he crossed his fingers together and lowered his head, “It started a few months ago, at Tony’s new years party.”
Your heart dropped, further than it did before, “But–but,” you took a beat, trying to piece the puzzle together. Confusion, sadness, anger, all mixed into one on your face, “......You proposed to me that night..”
He took a deep breath as his leg bounced anxiously up and down, “Y/n, i’ve never told you the truth about Nat and I.”
If it would have been possible, by now, your heart would’ve been sitting in your lap, “What?”
Four months ago; One hour til New Year’s
The atmosphere was loud and heavy. It was Tony Stark’s annual New Year’s party and it had never failed to thrive, if anything each year the crowd grew. But Bucky didn’t mind. Not when he’s had you on his arm for the last three parties to make them more tolerable.
Currently, Bucky sat at the bar, nursing his glass of bourbon as he watched you mingle. A small smile on his face as he took in your beauty, wondering how he got so lucky to have someone like you as a lover. Truthfully, he’d never imagined finding happiness, not after all that happened with Hydra. He always thought he was too fucked up to love and to be loved and yet, you loved him for every part of him. The good and the bad.
The presence of someone standing besides Bucky pulled him from his thoughts of you, “You seem happy now.” The voice spoke softly.
Bucky kept his eyes on you and nodded, “I am..”
Nat pauses for a moment as she sips her drink before turning her attention towards you as well. She thought about her next words carefully, knowing that what she was about to say, what she was about to do was completely wrong, but she couldn’t help herself, “....Do you think you ever could’ve loved me the way you love her?”
This time it was Bucky that paused, wondering why now of all time would Natasha ask him this, When he was finally happy, in love and carefree, but nonetheless did he answer, “...I tried to, but you didn’t let me.” He answered honestly, turning his attention away from you and towards the redhead in front of him.
She fought the smile that threatened to appear on her face, finally meeting Bucky’s gaze, “Things were different back then Barnes. I was a Widow and you were my Winter Soldier trainer.”
“Times might’ve been different back then, but my feelings were real Nat, regardless.” Bucky admitted.
This wasn’t right, Nat shouldn’t be doing this. You were her best friend, hell she’s the one who introduced you to Bucky. But, if she was being honest with herself, in her whole life, the only good thing she had was Bucky and she couldn’t help but wonder if her time had expired, “And–what about now?”
Time seemed to slow as her heart beated out of her chest as the two started longingly into each other’s eyes. It was wrong, it was wrong beyond all levels, but they just couldn’t help themselves as they quickly slipped out the backdoor of the party.
His words ricocheted through your brain as he came clean about history with Nat then told you the truth about the New Year's party. You were at a loss of words, confused on how he had thoughts of you being the one, yet slept with another woman minutes after those thoughts were formed. The man you had loved for the last three years had happened to be a complete stranger to you. He had cheated on you and proposed out of pity. Out of sometype of way to make him feel less of an asshole. To let you go through with started to plan your wedding whilst he was screwing your best friend.
As for Nat, you couldn’t believe she could betray you like this. You didn’t understand why she never told you about her and Bucky’s relationship and you sure as hell didn’t understand why she’d set you up with him if she knew deep down, her feelings were still there. That one day she’d want to try again with Bucky. But instead, she drew the sharpest knife on planet earth and drove it right through your heart. At a time like this, Nat was supposed to be the one you called. The person to pick up snacks, drive over to your house and let you cry on her shoulders for hours. Nat was supposed to pick you up when you were down, not the one kicking you to the ground.
You sobbed as everything sunk in. You weren’t sure on what to do, how to feel, but you knew one thing for sure. You never wanted to see their faces again, from this every moment, Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff were dead to you.
“Get out.” You cried, shaking your head as you shot up from the couch, rage coursing through your veins, “You’re such a piece of shit! Three years! Three years of my fucking life down the drain because of you!”
“I’m sorry, Y/n, truly. I am.” Bucky tried, watching you pace the room.
A scoff left your mouth, shaking your head, “Is that supposed to make me feel better? An– I'm sorry Y/n?” You mocked him, “You know what, no, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for the fact that I thought you could love someone. Clearly you are more fucked up than I thought you were!” It was a low-blow, you knew that, but you were running off anger. Every vein in your body was burning. Emotions running high as you were crying one minute and laughing like a crazed woman next, “I hate you! I hate you now, I’ll hate you later, I’ll hate you for eternity! You and Nat fucking deserve eachother! Two lowlife scumbags!” You pointed to the door, “Get out! Just get out, get out, get out!”
Finally, Bucky rose from his seat on the couch, slowly making his way to the door but not before stopping to grab his pre-packed bags. He fought the urge to look back at you once more. Dropping his key on the counter, he walked out the door and out of your life forever.
At that moment, your legs gave up on you. You dropped to the ground and continued to cry your life away. Your heart was in more than a million pieces and you had no idea on how you were even to begin on how to piece them back together. Within an hour, your life had changed drastically. The love of your life and your best friend, both gone in one sweep. Now, as you were alone, you felt nothing but sadness. Wondering why this had to happen to you when you had finally gotten to a good place with your life. It was true what they say, with true love comes a painful heartbreak.
You had experienced the amazing highs of a new love blossoming, but now you were facing the death of a relationship.
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lubilli · 1 year
𝗸𝗻𝘆 𝗵𝗰𝘀 ➠ "what's after like?"
synopsis: you know you and him arent just friends.
ft. rengoku, giyu, sanemi, obanai, muichiro, tengen
warnings: fem! reader
"you and i is more than like." ive, after like
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r. kyojuro
• most people would assume that you two are dating at first glance
• you didn't mind it because you knew that you were just friends even if people didn't agree
• but sometimes you wonder if maybe you are more than just friends
• maybe not lovers but maybe not "just friends" either.
• maybe the way he's always all over you isn't something that "just friends" do
• maybe the way he always has his hands on you isn't something that "just a friend" would do
• maybe there's much more going on that you previously failed to realize.
• but then again, maybe he's just like that
• but every time he wraps his arms around your waist, you wonder if maybe there could be something a little bit more.
• "kyojuro?" you look up at him with your head on his shoulder
• "yes, y/n?" he smiles at you
• "have you ever thought...that maybe we aren't just friends?"
• he nods, "quite often, actually. but i never knew how i should've discussed it with you."
• you remove your head from his shoulder, "we're definitely not just friends. so, what are we?"
• "maybe...lovers?" he tilts his head.
• "probably lovers."
t. giyu
• giyu isn't one to really be "best friends" with someone
• so it's safe to say that you were surprised at the fact that he wanted to be friends with you
• giyu also isn't one to initiate physical contact with someone
• so it's also safe to say that you were surprised when he randomly hugged you from behind one day, his chin resting on your shoulder.
• however, it's a normal thing now. you don't mind it.
• until one day, mitsuri brought it up.
• "i'm glad you finally started dating giyu." she said
• you chuckled, "i'm not dating giyu. i promise you, we're nothing more than friends."
• "oh please, you think giyu would go around being all lovey-dovey with anyone? i mean, sometimes he seriously makes me wonder if maybe he's the actual love hashira!"
• you laughed at her joke, "even if we are a little more than friends, what's there that i can do about it?" you shrugged
• "ask him about it!" she exclaimed
• "y'know what, maybe i will."
• that brings you to your current situation.
• "giyu, i have to talk to you about something."
• "feel free." he nods
• "i don't think we should be friends anymore."
• "if that's what you want, i'm fine with it."
• "wait, no, that came out terribly. i mean that i think we should be something...more?"
• he smiles, "your wish is my command, y/n."
s. sanemi
• when you became friends, people automatically assumed you were dating which you couldn't blame them for. it's SANEMI we're talking about right now.
• sanemi being nice to someone? that's a literal miracle babe
• you didn't care at first
• but things got heated.
• and before you knew it, there was definitely something going on
• still, you were a little in denial.
• "y/n," sanemi taps your shoulder.
• "yes?" you look back at him, turning to face him
• "kiss me."
• "kiss me" is a normal thing to hear from sanemi now. but you doubt it's a normal thing to hear from just a friend.
• still, you comply. just a small peck on the lips isn't much, right?
• "another one,"
• shit escalated and now you're pressed up against the wall by sanemi
• "sanemi?" you ask the boy who's working his magic on your neck, leaving bite marks and hickeys.
• "hm?" he looks up at you
• "why do you ask for kisses so often? we're just friends."
• he scoffs, "bunny, you've gotta be delusional if you think we're just friends. i mean, look at us." he smirks
• "you're right, but then, what are we?"
• "does it matter? as long as i've got you and you've got me, we're fine. aren't we?"
• "but i need confirmation." you pout
• "then we'll be whatever you want us to be. i don't mind as long you're fine with it." he shrugs.
• "lovers it is?" you smile.
• "lovers it is." he returns the smile.
i. obanai
• obanai is also not one to easily befriend
• but you've caught him staring at you sometimes so you weren't too surprised when he asked to befriend you
• but you were quite surprised when you realized that he's actually a really good friend
• considering that you were almost always around him, people assumed you must be dating
• you didn't even know people assumed that
• until today, at a little "hashira get-together" that shinobu planned at her estate.
• all of the hashira were present, including your favorite snake boy. "obanai!" you waved from afar
• his attention immediately turns to you, who's approaching him. you sit beside him, making conversation until another hashira joins you too
• it was tengen, and he was mainly conversing with you. few minutes pass and sanemi joins in on your conversation. obanai is still part of the conversation, yet he chooses not to be.
• truth is, obanai always got jealous of the people who you give attention to. it doesn't help that, most of the time, they are obviously hitting on you.
• he glares at the two hashira talking to you, looking like he has murder on his mind.
• "are you and obanai dating?" tengen asks you.
• "no, we're just friends." you laugh.
• "really? because i'm sure he's planning on murdering me and tengen right now." sanemi points to obanai.
• after the get-together, you and obanai were taking a stroll under the pale moonlight.
• "we're just friends, huh?" he crosses his arms.
• "are we not?" you tilt your head
• "i don't know, but i don't think friends touch each other the way we do. friends don't act how we do, and you know that." his voice was laced with frustration and anger.
• "then, what are we?"
• "what do you think?" his voice was more aggressive than you'd expected.
• "lovers...?"
• "obviously." he rolls his eyes before wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
t. muichiro
• he slowly opened up to you during your cloud-watching sessions and that's what got you two so close
• he follows you around like a lost puppy when he's not cloud-watching or on a mission
• "oh look, there's y/n. muichiro must be nearby." was what people thought when they saw you
• that, and the possibility that you and the airhead mist hashira might be dating.
• maybe because he'd always cuddle up with you.
• he lay with his head in your lap and pointed at certain clouds. "y/n, look at that one!" he points. "it reminds me of you."
• you shift your attention to where he was pointing and saw a heart-shaped cloud. you entangle your fingers in his hair, "muichiro..have you ever thought that we don't act like friends?"
• "what do you mean?"
• "like..we act like we're dating even though we aren't."
• i'm gonna be honest, he fr thought you were dating
• "we're not??? 😨"
• he never understood that you actually have to ask a person out so he automatically just assumed you were dating 😭
• "no?? did you think we were dating?"
• "yes..i've been telling everyone that you're my girlfriend!"
• "muichiro!" you face-palm. "how about we actually make things official?"
• he nods, "that would be good."
• "then, from this moment on, we'll be lovers."
• "so i can call you my girlfriend for real?"
• "yes, you can call me your girlfriend for real."
u. tengen
• you didn't know what to expect when you signed up for a friendship with tengen uzui
• but it definitely wasn't dating rumors
• but the rumors became more...understandable? when you really payed attention to his actions
• even before you became friends, this man would subtly flirt with you NON STOP
• "you look very flashy today, y/n!"
• "i literally look the same everyday"
• "you look very flashy everyday, y/n!"
• people are aware that you're not dating him, but they're also aware that THE tengen uzui, god of festivals, wouldn't let just anyone sit on his lap.
• "c'mere," tengen pats his lap
• you leave the chair you were previously sitting on and make your way towards him, not thinking twice before sitting down.
• he hugs your waist, something he hasn't done before.
• "we're just friends, right?" you look at him to confirm
• he shrugs, "prolly not."
• "then what are we?"
• "i decided you to be my fourth wife a long time ago."
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angel-kyo · 3 months
Pay it no mind
Part XXI
In which reader confesses their feelings to Gojo, but it seems these are not returned (maybe?).
Warnings: reader is on the receiving end of rejection (kinda), and the fact that I'm obsessed with unrequited love is a warning itself, but... as for this part in particular, this is mostly half-ish fluff.
Previous: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX, Part X, Part XI, Part XII, Part XIII, Part IV, Part XV, Part XVI, Part XVII, Part XVIII, Part XIX, Part XX
“I know what you’re thinking,” Suguru said not even glancing at the white-haired boy who was keeping a steady but disturbing look on him since earlier that afternoon. “And to be clear now, it’s not like that,” he reiterated, brown eyes finally meeting the accusing blue ones.
“I know, I know...” he heard Satoru replied in a not so convinced tone, but the scrutinizing look remained.
“I thought we were past this,” Suguru muttered as he laid on his bed and busied himself with a new book he had gotten that week.
Suguru could swear on whatever Gojo asked him to, that he was just trying to comfort you. He had seen you bit down since Ikeda had left for who knows where, but training sessions always seemed to lighten your mood, so Suguru had kept on training with you.
Once in a while, Gojo would join or just sit and watch, no issues there. But that afternoon, it had been just Suguru and you, and while you were taking a break after a sparring session, he had brought up the idea of going to the spring festival that was being held in the city that weekend. Alas, your reaction had not been what he expected.
“It’s been a while since all of us went out, right? It’ll be fun,” Geto said with his ever-light smile.
“That festival?” Geto saw your eyes started losing some of the spark they always had after a good fight, “I think I’ll pass…” What he saw then was a sad smile on your face, “It’s just… “
You explained to him that Haruki had promised to take you to that festival too, saying every year it was livelier and more beautiful than the last; the decorations, the food, the fireworks at night… Of course he would not fulfill that promise now, not that one, not any other.
“I know it’s lame… I really don’t want to miss him, but I do,” you admitted. “You guys should still go. I heard this year they are really going all out…”
You did not notice how your voice had lowered, but Suguru did. “There is nothing wrong with missing someone.”
He could not help but to compare your current mood to how you used to brim with excitement about your friend. Unfortunately, Suguru was not like Shoko, and he was not sure of what you needed to hear in this situation, nor was he like Satoru, who seemed to know what you needed even when you did not want to see anyone. So, he did the only thing that he could think of: he hugged you.
To say it surprised you to have Suguru’s arms around you would have been an understatement; he was not the type to initiate that sort of contact with you, but it still conveyed his message: you are not alone.
And after a moment, you and he noticed, you were in fact, not alone.
“Is this what they call training now?” Satoru appeared behind of you with a mocking smile on his semblance.
Instinctively, you and Suguru separated. Gojo would definitely tease you both for looking so vulnerable when you were supposed to be training to become stronger, but if you were waiting for another quip, it never came. Satoru was too busy directing a questioning look to his other friend.
When they were alone, Suguru tried to make it clear to Satoru that you were fine; what he had seen in the training grounds was just a nice gesture between friends, and that the look he had given him was not necessary, but he was not having much success in putting the matter to rest.
After all, even if Satoru was okay with him and Shoko being your friends, he still was a little too protective of you sometimes, and after seeing what had happened with the last person you had become too fond of, Suguru could not blame him for worrying a little.
“Satoru, you know Ieiri and I just want to be there for them, right?” Suguru finally said to him. “That’s what friends are supposed to do, so let us help, okay? We won’t take them from you.”
When Satoru opened his eyes, it was still dark outside.
It was odd for him to have dreams like those. He was used to little sleep and unpleasant dreams he would force himself to forget after waking up, but dreaming about his old best friend the way he had been in high school was... bittersweet. That was the Suguru that had been your friend and his, but also the one that had left.
What would he say if he could see him like this, dinning at your place, sleeping in your bed, accommodating himself in your life, now looking so comfortable with the feelings he had always denied?
Satoru smiled at the thought and turned to look at your sleeping form. He should have seen it coming.
While he was confident in his feelings now, for some reason, the words he had read earlier still bothered him.
“My affections and wishes are unchanged.” -I.H.
Satoru had never seen that book in your apartment before, and he knew you and Haruki had somewhat resumed your friendship now that he was back, but had he really written that for you recently?
He knew better than to jump to conclusions based on a badly written line on the inside of a random book. Maybe Ikeda had not written it for you at all; and even if he had, he may not have meant anything by it. He had been gone for years, right? He would not hold onto a high school crush after all this time, would he?
Satoru suddenly remembered the Ikeda that he had seen that night in front of your building, you and him smiling to each other, how he had leaned down…
He shook his head, wanting to forget it.
He would, of course he would.
He turned again. If he kept thinking about that, he would not sleep.
Did he have any right to ask you to explain what your relationship with that man was now? Was he just a friend who wanted to be there for you, a friend of yours Satoru was supposed to trust? Because he was not sure he could do it if Ikeda himself did not want to remain as just a friend as he had oh-so-kindly clarified in the past.
“Why should it bother me?”
“I like them.”
To think he would still remember that guy’s voice after so long….
Satoru closed his eyes and tried to ignore the memory of that evening, the certainty in the boy’s words, his own inability to say anything back, and the echo of an approaching train.
You watched Satoru generously poured some more syrup over his pancakes while he told you he had cancelled his plans for earlier so he was able to have breakfast with you.
“Well, ‘cancelled’ is probably not the right way to put it. I just had Ijichi take care of it.”
Isn’t that too much syrup?
“He complained a bit, but this is nice,” he gestured to the breakfast he had almost burned a few minutes ago, “don’t you think?”
You took the syrup from him.
“I think that’s enough,” you said looking at his plate. “And…” you sat down back on your seat in front of him, “I also think you should be nicer to Ijichi. You can't just boss him around like that all the time.”
“He owed me one,” Satoru gave you a sweet smile before digging in on his plate.
Since he was busy with his meal, you talked. “I will need to go out for a bit but will be back later. Do you want to have dinner at that place from last time?”
Satoru shook his head. “Let’s try something different this time.”
Him wanting to try different restaurants was not weird, but what he said next almost got you choking on your pancakes.
“Let’s go on a date.”
“We don’t need to do that, Satoru… I mean, aren’t dates just like going out for food or coffee? We do that all the time,” you tried to smile at him despite how odd you found his proposition.
“Maybe, but I think it should be fun, no?”
That was how you ended up walking next to Satoru in a museum among some of the most valuable works of the Edo period.
You had to give him some credit; it had been a while since you and him had gone to an exhibit, and he had actually dressed up for you.
Not that Satoru had ever been under-dressed for any occasion, and he certainly had the charm to make the most simple outfit look stylish, but this time he was purposely wearing the shirt you had given him for his last birthday because you had said it would look good on him even if it was not from a well-known designer, and the cologne he knew you liked because you always told him he smelled nice when he wore it.
“Many of these are not pretty, don’t you think?” Satoru had leaned down and whispered in your ear, giving a side eye to the piece you were admiring.
You smiled. “You know? The impression of the smart, cultured man you give really loses credibility when you say things like that.”
“You think I’m smart and cultured?” You could see the smirk growing on his face despite the lighting that was meant to focus all attention on the artwork, leaving the visitors poorly illuminated.
Satoru looked good with or without good lightning, and he knew it, so you would not add up to his ego.
“Of course not.” You took a few steps to the next piece.
Satoru smiled as he watched you move from one print to another. You were on a date with him, so even if you were teasing him, he did not care.
To his credit, he did like some kinds of art and was not such a bad critic of composition and relevance when he would actually pay attention to an art piece, but now, his main focus was on you.
“I didn’t know you could eat that much,” you grinned.
“There are many things you don’t know about me.” Satoru winked in your direction.
You laughed. “I know you since you were six. I'd dare say, there isn’t much I don’t know about you.”
“I can think of a few things.”
You and he were walking on your way back from the sushi restaurant where Satoru had invited you to dinner to finalize your date, and his statement made you stop and look at him to challenge him.
“Name one,” you said.
His smirk was that of a winner. “I don’t know how to tie a necktie.”
You rolled your eyes. “I knew that. It’s always been me or Shoko doing it for you, dummy.”
You also thought he knew how to do it but was just too lazy for it.
He took a step further, still smiling. “What about this? I still watch Digimon sometimes.”
“I’m not impressed… I saw your Digimon boxers.” You tried to suppress a laugh but failed when looking at his expression. “They were in your laundry room last time.”
He laughed, and the light flush on his cheeks made him look younger. “Why did you go through my laundry?”
“I didn’t! You had them hanging there for any unfortunate eyes to see.” You took another step back and he, another one closer. “Don’t tell me you are wearing them now.”
“Wouldn't you like to find out?” You were both chuckling. and as you took another step back, you realized Satoru was much closer than before.
He had taken off his sunglasses from earlier. He did that often around you, these days more than ever, as if he wanted to see you without obstruction, as if he wanted you to know he was looking at you.
“Not fair…” he was still smiling but his voice was lower, and your back finally made contact with the wall behind you. “You know this much, but I don’t know everything about you, do I?”
He was not just joking; you were not being fair. You did not tell him about the proposal from the Zen'in clan; he did not know what the situation was with Ikeda, and more importantly, Satoru was not sure of where you wanted things to go now that he had confessed his feelings for you.
I said I did not need an answer now, but are you at least thinking about it, [name]?
Satoru knew there would be no turning back if you started something, if you told him that you loved him as he loved you.
“You don’t? I’m a bit offended.” You tentatively raised your hand to touch the collar of Satoru’s shirt. You had recognized it immediately when he had shown up that afternoon.
I was right, it looks good on him.
“I heard the most hilarious rumor recently.” Satoru wanted you to touch more than just his clothes, but he wanted answers too. “About you on the verge of making me attend your wedding with a Zen'in.”
Your hand froze. The fabric of his shirt was extremely soft, contrary to the look in his eyes that seemed to want to read through you.
Who told you about that?
No. If Satoru had not told you from the start, he would probably not tell you now. In any case, he had you cornered, both figuratively and physically.
You averted your gaze and tried to keep the mood playful. “As if you would have attended.”
No, I wouldn’t have. Over my dead body you would marry into that hideous clan.
Seeing how he was not going to play along, you sighed. “It was nothing. They summoned me a couple months ago, and I told them I wouldn’t marry them, and that was the end of it.”
Was it? They had been insistent but eventually left you alone, or so you thought.
Satoru tried to find your gaze again. “Why didn’t you tell me? If they are still bothering you…”
“They asked me not to comment on it with anyone, since my response was… not what they expected.”
As if there was a reason why they should have expected you to accept, those fools.
“And they’ve let me alone, so it’s alright.” Satoru’s skin was warm when your hand touched his face.
He leaned into your touch. “Who was it?”
Now, that was something you were not supposed to disclose either, and you did not want Satoru to try to take the matter into his own hands.
“Don’t go looking for trouble. You have Megumi you care about.”
“I know... He’s not like them, you know? Won’t ever be.”
You mouthed ‘I know’.
And you did, you trusted him to protect that kid just as he always tried protecting his students.
There were other things Satoru wanted to ask, but your eyes staring into his and the proximity were making his mind deviate. He had felt that before with you, too warm, too at ease, so much that he could forget the world.
He brushed his nose against yours. “Did you know I really want to kiss you now?”
The street was deserted but for you too, but it still hit you that he was asking for a kiss in a place where any passerby or curious neighbor could see.
Still, you pulled him in because you wanted to kiss him too, and when your lips connected, albeit unsaid, the same thought flashed through your minds.
We cannot go back to how we were.
And if there had been such neighbor who wanted to open their curtains to glance into the peaceful darkness outside, or such passerby with business to attend in the middle of the night, when they noticed the couple on the street, they would most certainly think they were just another pair of lovers, because who would mistake them for friends?
Note: I almost feel tempted to end everything here, even if that was not my original plan lol.
Thanks for reading!
Next: Part XXII
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