#ive found a good few on ebay already
floralandfailing · 24 days
Found this tiny little Sulu in a local store and OHMYGOD I'm so obsesses he's so cute. Hopefully I can track down all of them 🙏 I need the main 7 at least, I love them so so much
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batsinurbelfrey · 3 years
M I'm curious about your Finnish learning because you're the only person I've ever seen actively learning Finnish and that's super rad to me. Mostly the how? but also the why?
Awww Kiitos anon! thanks for Finding my linguistic endeavors rad, I think most would alternatively call it "questionable time management" xD Both the how and the why are kind of convoluted and A Long Story so buckle in haha (sorry it took me so long to reply, you are about to see why) So for some reason for me, Finnish has always been Around™ one way or another in my life trying to get me to learn it even though none of my direct family are native speakers lol. It started when I was very little, my dad raised us on any Moomin content he could get because he was enamored by them, at some point along the line in late 90s ebay adventuring, he THOUGHT he had found an english dub of the tv show, and ordered a box set, turned out it was a Finnish dub and my dad is illiterate. But as a poor single father he was determined to get his money's worth so he would still put it on for us semi regularly and just gave us this adult trickery speech about how the show was "magic" because we could "make our own story" for it and re-invent episodes infinitely. Anyway, it meant there was a lot of ambient Finnish around the house when i was a kid xD (and i think this may also be why i find the sound of it so pleasant? maybe? like some kinda subconscious nostalgia? lol) Then for a while I was just vibin' i grew out of Moomin age and spent Grade school and HS studying French, Spanish, and to lesser success japanese and icelandic (it should be mentioned I have a bit of a hunger for linguistics if thats not already clear PFFT) when i got to college however, I developed a bit of a crush on an intl student in a few of my classes, and wouldn't you know it we ended up becoming friends and she asked me for tutoring in regards to photoshop, and just so happened to offer to barter Finnish tutoring as payment. And i jumped at it kuz it seemed like it could lead to us dating (it didnt LOL but its all good) She's the person that got me into music and taught me about memes tho hahah after college I stopped again for a bit, and it wasn't until quarantine hit that I decided like many ppl it was time to get back into language learning. Ironically enough I had initially set out to pick ICELANDIC back up and NOT Finnish but around that same time I dug back into an old Finnish textbook because I wanted to write ONE sentence for a joke about the Dallas Stars Finnmaf, and--- Suomalainen kieli just sank its claws into me and didnt let go. So I pivoted LOL as for the HOW, there was obvs the 1:1 tutoring before, but as far as the last few years I did a combination of things: - Drops language app this is a great way to start and i much prefer it to duolingo - https://uusikielemme.fi/ this site is AMAZING for grammar and actual learning info outside vocab - Reddit threads//youtube videos and then honestly, while this is harder to like recommend as an easy "you can too!" after about 3 months of brushing back up on my own, I decided it was time to dedicate to actual classes, and tracked down a teacher to work with me weekly. This is really what made the big difference for me and has been the key to the progress ive made!
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sly-merlin · 4 years
home| changbin
genre:: angst , fluff
changbin’s chirpy voice met your ears as you entered the hallway of your sweet home with tired steps.
“hey fatso! why you so late today?” your fiance asked you while giving you a tight hug. you slowly removed your work heels, the weight of the laptop bag already weighing you down.
“my secretary got sick so I had to set the Monday schedules!” you replied crushingly as you wobbled past  the living room, being too exhausted to even greet him properly.
“oh ohk! But can you get ready in few minutes. We are all going to a club and for dinner afterwards to-
“you should go alone. I don’t think I have enough energy to survive another crowd.” You suggested before continuing your stroll towards your bedroom.
“no babes. That’s what you have been feeding me from past two weeks. I don’t want your excuses this time” he announced while following you.
you sighed heavily at his stubborn antics. Removing the pale blue blazer, you faced him to elaborate politely but lost control of your voice on the way.
“that’s because I’ve been continuously working from two weeks! These two months are crucial for our company , I can’t just goof off like this and I need some rest changbin, seriously. I don’t even remember the last time I took an eight hour sleep. Heck! I even passe-
“you are not the only one who work y/n. I also manage several schedules but still take out some time to spend with you. but you are behaving like I’m slacking off here and you are the only one who have proper work ethics hmm!” he let out a grunt at the end , his demeanour switching to annoyed one. You scoffed at his self-absorbed behaviour that he tend to show you from time to time but today was the day you didn’t wish to handle it. With a pounding head, you decided to just finish it off for the night.
“don’t shout binnie. My head is aching too much. we’ll talk tomorrow. You can just go if you want, I’m not holding you back.” You said softly, partly because you hated fighting with him and partly for you weren’t in the condition to counter his arguments. But he had other things in mind,
“oh yeah! i will shout as much as I want and you can’t stop me. And it’s not like I’m dying to talk to you. goodbye. sleep tight sleeping beauty!” he snarked before trudging outside. But as he exited the door, a loud thud froze him in the place.
He sprinted inside again only to spot your unconscious figure on the hardwood floor, panic engulfing him immediately. From screaming your name to splashing water, he tried everything in his power but not a single hair moved. so he scooped your small body in his arms protectively, marching out of the house.
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Chanbin felt suffocated in the seemingly large hospital room. He always joked how you looked more beautiful while sleeping but this kind of quietness was not acceptable to him. He wanted nothing more than to wake you up so you could chatter his ears off but from what the doctor said, you won’t be waking up for another hour. It was getting unbearable as the time didn’t seem to pass at all. The only thing he could do was watch you as tears streamed down his cheeks in uncontrollable flow. He was cursing himself for losing control but he didn’t mean it at all. He just missed you so much that the thought of another outing without you fuelled him to no end. But the realisation that he was extremely cruel settled upon him as soon as the doctor announced that you needed to be admitted for atleast a day to restore the balance of your body.
 His hand securely clasped yours, carefully around the iv drip as he reprimanded himself for being careless with your health. Suddenly you stirred a bit, fisting your small hand in his.
“hey no baby, easy.” He palmed your hand to release the pressure from the drip.
“changbin!” he found all of his senses coming back as you softly repeated his name, his quiet tears transforming into loud sobs.
“why didn’t you tell me you were sick?” his croaked voice pierced through your sensitive ears, earning a soft groan from you.
“I’m just exhausted and nothing else. I’ll be good as new with ten hours of sleep.”
“no. it wa-was my f-fault. I’m selfish” your heart broke out at his hiccups. He hated crying as it gave him cold nose and a sour throat but here he was, wailing like a baby, for you.
“just stop binnie! I’m alive , what else do you want!” you let out a painful laugh in a stupid attempt to make him smile but it was futile as he choked out another sob.
“and you didn’t even eat anything hmm!”
“I did eat but I threw up.” You replied timidly because you knew he had every reason to be angry at you for this but surprisingly, he was too guilty to scold you.
“see i can’t even take care of you. why am I so selfish!” due to his incessant cries, a few tears escaped your eyes as well, feeling the grief of his heart.
“don’t cry naaa! I promise I’ll let you know everything from now on baby. Please!” you pleaded. After few minutes, he rubbed his eyes to remove the traces of the tears, a poor attempt indeed.
“so you forgive me for today?” your lips turned into a pout at his innocent voice.
“why won’t I ! you aren’t getting rid of me this easily!” you replied with a fake stern tone earning a cute chuckle from him. His other hand reached to caress your cheek, the tremble not going unnoticed by you.
“believe me when I say! I won’t ever trade your love for anything ,even if you decide to ebay me someday!”
“don’t worry , they’ll resell you baby!” and his chuckles and giggles warmed your heart like no other!
you were there, he was there and that was home! 
and a love that only grew despite the little differences!
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Enquirer, February 22 -- part 4 of 6
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Page 15: Marilyn Manson plans to ride out his sex abuse scandal alongside tarnished star Johnny Depp after multiple women accused Marilyn of vile and violent acts -- Marilyn whose real name is Brian Warner was accused of force-feeding women drugs, not allowing them to sleep and verbally threatening them in addition to tying up women and sexually abusing them -- his accusers include Evan Rachel Wood who claimed Manson horrifically abused her for years and four other women made similar charges on February 1 and even more have come forward since -- Manson denied all the allegations saying these claims are horrible distortions of reality -- after the charges emerged Manson was dropped from his record label and his upcoming TV appearances on Creepshow and American Gods were scrapped -- in the aftermath Manson consulted with pal Johnny about how to handle the career-threatening backlash because Johnny understands what it's like to be tried in the public eye and Marilyn's bragging to mutual friends they are both planning to disappear and meet up in Europe
Page 16: Network bosses plan to boot Lester Holt from NBC Nightly News and replace him with a young hunk to boost ratings -- with debonair David Muir of ABC's World News Tonight recently marking his fourth year as the most watched evening news anchor, Lester isn't cutting it anymore -- few people have the integrity and journalistic pedigree of Lester but in today's environment where everything is driven by numbers and figures rather than gravitas the big bosses want to try something new -- determined to beat David and ABC in the ratings race NBC bosses have recruited his understudy Tom Llamas to go head-to-head with his former boss -- Lester may step into a producer position after the shake-up and manage the news show from behind the scenes
Page 17: Scarlett Johansson says she has no regrets about her doomed marriage to Ryan Reynolds because it allowed them both to find the loves of their lives -- Scarlett and Ryan were married for just a year from 2007 to 2008 but they both remain good friends and they're thrilled with each other's path to happiness -- Ryan married Blake Lively in 2012 and they have three kids -- ScarJo married French journalist Romain Dauriac in 2014 and had daughter Rose together but were divorced in 2017 and she considers that relationship a mistake -- Scarlett finally found real happiness when she married Colin Jost from Saturday Night Live and although they've only been married four months Scarlett knows she's found the perfect man for her
* Accused sex freak Armie Hammer is looking to go on the lam until chatter about his alleged twisted fantasies is either discredited or fades away -- he is eyeing a remote Caribbean resort to ride out the scandal over his kinks
Page 18: American Life
Page 20: Country star Morgan Wallen's songs are being yanked from the airwaves after he was caught on a neighbor's video talking trash and using the N-word -- Morgan later apologized after Cumulus Media, the second biggest radio chain in the country, had already stopped playing his tunes
* Hollywood Hookups -- longtime lovers Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling are engaged after ten years and two kids together, Lewis Hamilton and model Grace Lindley are dating, Drew Barrymore's ex-husband Will Kopelman is engaged to Vogue fashion director Alexandra Michler
Page 21: Soap star Donny Boaz and his character Phillip "Chance" Chancellor IV have vanished from The Young and the Restless -- in an Instagram post Donny revealed that his character won't be replaced or killed off, he's just not going to be there anymore -- Donny is working on numerous other projects
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What If - Walk of shame
What If - Walk of Shame 
Chris Evans x OFC
Chapter six - 1932 words
Part One | Part Two | Part three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six 
Warnings: uh swearing maybe? 
Summary: What if. What if you out of the blue and on an impulse applied for a contest, and what if you won that. What if you met someone who didn’t know you existed, and what if you asked them for a drink after.  What if this impulse changed your entire life.  ** note I didn’t win so I don’t know how all this would go down but this would be how I would have loved it to happen.. the first chapter completely happened.. the texts might not be the same. But it happened**  
 Tag List: @smoothdogsgirl​ @torntaltos​ @patzammit​ – If you wanna be tagged just make a comment below and I am happy to do that or just DM me, whichever
This story is fully caught up and posted on AO3 and Wat pad. I am going to be combining chapters to catch Tumblr up. but if you would like to read everything right now then go ahead. Also please 
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Faith woke up in a daze, she was laying on her side as she slowly opened her eyes to the sun streaming into the room. She saw the view of Hollywood from the hills, She was confused at where she was. The last thing that she remembers was that she was in a car on the way back to the hotel, then everything went kinda blurry. She looked around the room, and smelled food. She was extremely hung over and wanted some food.
She got up and wrapped the sheet around herself cause she didn’t have any clothes, and couldn’t find her dress, that she wore last night. She got up, walked toward the door that was closed and then walked out into the open lay out of the room. You could see the living room to the kitchen, seeing Chris was standing behind the island of the kitchen talking to what looked like his sister and his mother. She quickly backtracked into the room.
She didn’t escape unseen. Dodger jumped up and barked slightly as soon as she disappeared behind the door. She pushed it closed but didn’t get it all the way there as dodger pushed it all the way open. Faith Grabbed her phone and escaped onto the on suite bathroom and found her way into the tub..
Faith looked at her for the first time in most likely 12 hours, and saw that she had like 9 missed calls and texts from rose, and one from her brother. She slide into the tub as dodger jumped up to join her in there and started licking her face which made her laugh “hi puppy, can you stop?” She wondered as she called rose..
Rose answered the phone “Well fuck thank god your not dead, where the hell are you! Ive been worried sick!”
Faith laughed slightly “currently in a bathtub, with a dog, dodger actually in Chris’s Bathroom.. uh naked.. we had sex last night. Apprently, I mean I remember most of the night but then it gets fuzzy..”
Rose gasped on the other end of the phone “how was it, I want to know everything don’t leave out a single thing, oh my god.. I knew it.. MY SHIP IS ALIVE”
Faith pulled the phone from her head “hungover” she angry whispered in the phone “and I don’t remember much of it. Like I said fuzzy, but I can tell you it was the best sex I’ve ever had.. Oh god I hope he used a condom” she said back into the phone
“i did” Chris replied with a smile on his face. Faith looked up to where the voice came from “it was really good for me too”
“i gotta go rose I uh, gotta go uh ill be back in a little bit” Faith said and hung up the phone sliding further into the bathtub to hid which made dodger thing that it was okay to start kiss attacking her again.
“Dodger out” Chris said as dodger then stopped and put his head on the side of the tub looking at the owner “Glad to see you are awake.. I put your clothes on the bed, I washed them this morning. Also there is some coffee in there, I have to go do something with the avengers. I also put my number in your phone. Take as much time as you need, shower do whatever my family just left to go to the beach so you are the only one here” he replied to her
“and where is here so I can uh summon an taxi” She asked looking up at him trying not to make this all awkward more than it already was. Because its be honest it was really awkward for her “also just so you know I didn’t mean for this to happen.. I got way to drunk and I don’t do this, and oh my god did I say, ‘im feeling it now mr. Krabs?” She wondered looking at him
He nodded and laughed slightly “you did and Faith its alright, you are an amazing girl, and like I said last night id love to get to know you more.” He said “i gotta go but can I see you before you leave tomorrow?”
Faith answered her phone as it rang “yes this is Faith Young, Wait what? Are you serious yeah I can be there for an interview tomorrow morning” She smiled “yeah also that would be cool have always wanted to attend one, yeah two tickets. Thanks” she said back to the person and then looked at him and bite her lip as she pulled herself out of the tub making sure the towel was wrapped around herself “uh I guess not, I have an interview tomorrow, for my dream job non the less. So uh maybe? If its later today” you replied “but maybe not? I don’t know” She smiled “maybe we will just have to leave at it as what it is. A winners trip to Meet Chris Evans at the Premier of EndGame” Faith said back to him as he nodded
“I hope that isn’t the case, I have a feeling we will run into each other again” Chris replied as he walked over to her and kissed her one last time before he left the house
Faith closed her eyes when Chris kissed her and wished It would have lasted a little longer. The linger feeling of his pillow soft lips against hers. She stood there a while longer with her eyes closed wishing he never left. She heard the door close and dodger come back in and looked at her.
Faith got up from hiding in the tub, and went out and found her dress. Like he said it was laying on the bed. She wasn’t about wearing that home for the walk of shame. She went and showered in his shower, then raided his dresser and found a basic t shirt and just some smaller looking sized sweatpants.
She then called herself an Lyft. Headed back to the hotel she couldn’t believe that she just slept with her celebrity crush. The one guy who would have been on her exception list when she got married. She took a deep breath as she waited on the street for her ride. She had managed to get out of the house without running into his family. She thanked whoever was listening for that.
On the drive back to the hotel she made basic small talk talk with the driver. Once getting to the hotel she thanked the man and Gave him a cash tip as she had some from the night before, knowing that these drives prefer that over the tip in the app so they can use it right way.
Riding the elevator and going into the room felt so basic compared to her last 12 hours. She came in the room and flopped down on the bed next to Rose.
Rose sat up from where she was on her phone in her bed and looked at Faith “So are you going to spill the tea or are you just going to walk of shame?” She wondered looking at her friend “also are you in Chris’s clothes, because we could get serious money off of those
“Rose I swear if you keep yelling or talking loud or whatever I am going to punch you in the face. Also its not a walk of shame if you're not ashamed it happened?” She questioned back before she kept talking “Also we are not going home tonight, You know that job I told you applied for about a month ago for my jobs tv program, to be a project manager, well apparently I got accepted and They want me to go there for the keynote program tomorrow to show me off or something, give a presentation. I am not sure as I stopped listening when I heard I got the job.” she said back to her with putting her face into the bed sighing heavily ignoring the last comment about eBay comment.
“it can still be a walk of shame..” Rose countered back
Faith got up and walked over to her suitcase shaking her head, “remind me when we finally get home to look at my Lyft pick up history to send these back” She said to rose knowing she wouldn’t remember because she was going go from one project to another and just throw everything in the laundry
Rose smirked “ not gonna do that, but before we hop on another plane I do wanna go to this event at the Chinese theater I heard about, also the walk of fame is over there.” Rose replied knowing what she was asking and what was going on. Faith listened to her talk as she flung on some leggings and a flowing crop top that just showed a little of the top of her midriff. Running a brush through her hair. “okay fine let me take something for this headache and along s we stop at a coffee place I don’t care” Faith replied fixing her make up touching it up and throwing on a pair of sunglasses grabbing her bag “lets go”
The two walked out of the hotel stopping at the first coffee shop for Faith, then finished there walk to the walk of fame. Looking at the stars, stopping for the ones they loved posing and stopping at a few stars as they go. They were across the street from the Chinese theater as faith looked at it confused “what did you say was going on here?” Staring at the arch with the original six in it “Rose if this is an avengers event I don’t wanna be here, I embarrassed myself and then slept with one of the stars.. uh no”
The announcer started to announce the actors as they came out one by one and the producers. Faith of course started to try and hide behind the Camera people and taking a few steps back to be more blended into the crowd
Rose smirked “oh its not like he is going to see you standing in the crowd” she replied back as She went back to cheering as they came out. Faith kinda just tired to blend in and not bring attention to herself. Making sure her sunglasses were firmly in place. Faith hid the best she could till he looked out in the crowd. Even tho the both of them were wearing sunglasses, your eyes connected. You quickly turned your head to look at something else. She could feel his eyes linger at her.
Chris lingered his eye on her, it was the same girl he was with last night. He knew that hair and those lips anywhere. He felt it in his soul. Someone said his name which caught his attempting which made him loose her in the crowd. That could have been because she quickly went and hid behind the building.
Faith took a deep breath as it felt like her heart was in her throat she didn’t know what to do. She went and sat down on the bench that was near by and texted rose her location, and waited for her to come to her. After the ceremony, Rose Found faith and they did the rest of the things tourists do when they are in LA, before going back to the hotel getting their stuff and flying on the plane to the next location in California, this time for Faiths job.
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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We are sitting in the car waiting for James to get his bike all attached to the back. Which is taking a little while but that's okay. I'm just really tired. We just finished dinner with his family again and it was excellent and a lot of fun. But we did a lot today and I am just really looking forward to sleep. 
I did sleep okay last night. But I heard everyone awake around 9 so I got up too. 
To find that the water was turned off. Because one of the water heaters in the building broke. Dang. So I washed my face and brushed my teeth with my water bottle. 
I felt pretty good. James and Jess were having coffee. And James had scones baking for us. I finished getting dressed. And soon Jess was sitting with me and we were doing our makeup together. It was fun. 
Eventually we headed out and walked over to the café for real breakfast. 
And it was good. And I am glad we have two nice cafés in walking distance. But mostly I was just really happy to be with Jess. I'm sad she's going home tomorrow because this weekend has been excellent. 
Once we were done with breakfast we headed back to the house to get the car. 
Off to the thrift stores we went. They were calling for snow but it only lasted a few minutes once we were inside and then it was just horrible rain. But that was okay. 
I had an interaction that upset me a little though and could have dampened my whole day but I saved it. Through kindness. Me and Jess were looking at stuff and went over to the toys and another girl our age was looking took and she found a baby furby. And I was so upset I didn't find it first but excited for her. And her boyfriend came over and was like I saw that! And I said to them it's a lamb baby and they are my favorite and if you don't get it I will. And he said they are trying to fix some furbies right now and I was like that's so cool. And was trying to be positive but then she shot me a look and was putting off this vibe like she was upset with me. Like I was trying to take that furby from her. And I wasnt! I was just excited. So we walked away. 
But then I was sad. And Jess went to look at shirts while I looked at coats. But I was sad and trying to shake it. 
But I told Jess why I was sad and shook it off best I could and we went to look at dressed. 
We loaded up this cart. Just everything we even only kind of liked went in the cart. It was hilarious. I went around the corner to the other dresses and there the girl who got the furby was. And I decided to reach out and have a conversation. Turns out she sells nostalgic 80s and 90s toys on ebay! And I told her about my Instagram and now we follow each other. And I told her if she posts furbies I'll make a post about it! It was so nice and it made me feel 1000% better. 
Once me and Jess decided we had enough things we went to the dressing room. Jess went first and I organized the cart so our stuff was easier to grab. She tried on some ridicules things I picked out for her. And many just silly things she found. But she found some stuff she looked beautiful in and it was just really fun to see what she found. I tried things on a lot quicker even though I had about the same amount of stuff. I ended up getting a couple dresses and skirts. But my main great find of the day was an LL Bean jacket in light blue that I am so obsessed with. Im going to wear it tomorrow. It was a maybe at first and I actually put it back because its a little big. But I couldnt stop thinking about it and it was only $7.  
The line to check out was very long. So we wandered around for a while longer. Jess found this really neat faux antique mirror but it would have been a huge production to get it to New York. So after much hemming and hawing it was left. But I did find a kneeling chair and I have wanted one for as long as I can remember so that was a well spent $15. We spent a good amount of money but we got so much stuff. Including 2 really great pairs of shoes. One are beetle boots in blue velvet with buttons, and the other are leather shoes with sherpa interior that spills out and they are while but incredible. Im really jazzed about them.
We finished up there and it was raining. But we got to the car in one piece and headed to the small goodwill down the street. I do not like this goodwill. I find them rude. But we each got one good thing. She got a bottle shaped like a fish and I got those hand gripper exercise things I wanted. But I got really upset because there was an amazing vintage suitcase I wanted to buy that didnt have a price ad that goodwill wont just go to the back and find out and they have signs about it all over. And I was just really bummed. And they were like. Well you could try again tomorrow. And my feelings are this store, of all the good wills Ive been too, has the highest amount of unpriced stuff I have seen. And they wont sell it without a price! But they also wont put a price on it. Like guys. You are just wasting everyones time. You continue to be the worst goodwill. It sucks. 
So I just felt upset and wanted to go. We wanted a snack so off we went to the amish market. Except somehow I chose the wrong one? this was not the one I had been to before. It was very strange. But we did find one and I got a pretzel and she got a pickle and it was nice to walk around for a coupe minutes before we were back on the road. 
We went to the other goodwill. But honestly I was a little burnt out on shopping. I didnt want to look at anymore clothes. She did get a pretty excellent planter and I got an amazing 4 set of plates shaped like sea shells. They are great. But thats all we got. And that was just fine.
We went to a diner for a late lunch. It was so cute and chrome. My favorite type of diner. The food was good but alll very hot. And I was starting to get tired. 
We were about to be on our way home when I remeberd one of the things I wanted to accompish today was getting more snails and maybe a second frog and a heater. So we tried a pet store near where we were. No luck. So into Towson we went where we had great luck. I got 3 black snails. The same kind as my white ones. And a heater. No frog but as soon as we got home and got everything inside I put the snails in the tank and its like a switch was turned on in the frog. 
He starts swimming around. And the snails werent all the way out of their shells yet but he was just sitting and as soon as they started moving he started moving. And now they are all motering around in the tank and I am so excited. He seems so much happier now. And the tank is already free of old worms and food. This is great. 
Me and Jess sat in the living room taking tags off. And figuring out where James was. I knew he was with his friend but we were going ice skating and wasnt sure if we were waiting for him. 
But we ended up going and meeting him there and it was a blast. It was so nice skating with Jess and we took pictures and I just had a really good time. James got upset after we left because he somehow lost a glove. But I keep telling him its okay. But hes mad at himself. I wish he wasnt but it happens. 
We all left there and had dinner with his family again. Very expensive weekend! But the food and company was lovely. We were there until like 1030 and we were also celebrating James's mom's birthday and it was just really good. I felt really happy. But also really tired. 
But once we went back to the park to get his bike we headed home. Which is where Im finishing this post. Jess just got a shower and I am going to do that next. I am very happy but also very sleepy. And tomorrow is another day. I hope you all sleep great. Have a wonderful night. Pray for snow. 
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oldnintendonerd · 5 years
Prime Hunting Season Starting Soon
Official hunting season for 2018 is long over. With another season in 2019 just around the corner. I visited what was to be the final yard sale of the 2018 season on October 25th 2018. A brave older couple was downsizing and held a yard sale when it was 36 degrees out. Unfortunately, they were not gamers. Nor did they have any games from any kids or grandchildren. They did have some stereo equipment, and a surround sound speaker system. No music, or blu rays either though. The stereo was a shelf system, not a component type unit like I would be looking for to match the Sony TC-WE805S tape deck that I got at the start of the season. An all around bust of a sale for me. I wished them luck and headed on my way.
I closed out the last post with the PS3 find from 09.01.18. Giving me access to HD console gaming. A new era for this Old Nintendo Nerd. I do primarily game at 240p being that NES, SNES and N64 are the consoles nearest and dearest to my heart. GameCube and Wii weigh in at 480p at their absolute best, still falling short of HD. But now, with a PS3, we’ve got 720p gaming (mostly, some is 1080p). I have no problem with collecting a little for this system, I’ve heard good things about Uncharted, The Last of Us, and a smattering of a few other games that I will be looking out for.
Before we get into finds for the last, freakin 5 months, I have sold a couple things since the last post, and I should hope so, since its been forever! Right? Sorry. Life.
I had a bundle of 16 total PS1 games that I let go of. Titles were the likes of Syphon Filter, Driver, Test Drive 5, Rainbow Six, and a smattering of other luke warm titles. I’ve posted all of them up here at one point or another, so you have an idea. They were nothing I’d ever want to play, and since I only paid around $16 total for all of them at $0.99 a piece, I thought if I could average around $2 a pop on eBay id be doing OK doubling my money. They all added up to a value of about $95 on pricecharting. Now granted, that is fantasy prices, even those prices aren’t the prices the sellers MAKE when sold. Ultimately they all went for $52.99 as a lot. After fees and shipping it netted me $38.44, which comes to right about $2.40 each. 40 cents higher than I was hoping to get per game. Not bad!
The end of the last post left us with $9.73. Put that in with the $38.44 for a total of $48.17.
Additionally, I sold a disc only copy of Animal Crossing on eBay that I had laying around for $18.99. This came to $13.58 in pocket after fees and shipping. Tack that on and we now have $61.75 game hunting money moving into this post.
I’ll be honest, it’s been thin, it is cold here in the winter, there are no yard sales through the cold months at all. Places like Arizona or Florida where you could sale year round are lucky. Not here. Even donations to Goodwill slow down significantly as well, making the hunting quite a bit more difficult. I had zero finds for basically all of September. Which was surprising, it is really the last warm month here with temps still reaching 70′s and sometimes low 80s. But it wasn’t until the end of the month I ran across something at the Goodwill.
De Blob - Found 09.29.2018 at Goodwill
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Disc, case and Manual all in pretty good shape, but nothing to write home about. If it were June and prime hunting season and I’d been getting finds, I probably wouldn’t have bought it.
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But I did, and it cost me $3.21. Takes the total down to $58.54.
Next up was the first official game for my new PS3. Again nothing fantastic, but at least it rang up at the DVD price instead of the game price. Saved me $1.
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue Found 10.04.2018 at Goodwill
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Minty fresh.
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But, again nothing special, not even a full game. But I sat and played it for an hour anyway. Probably already had $2 worth of fun with the thing. Despite being labeled $5.99, they still only charged me the DVD rate of $1.99. Hah! So, $2.13 out of the till leaves us with $56.41.
The next find was literally the next day. Different Goodwill though.
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas on PS2 and Grand Theft Auto IV on PS3 - Found 10.05.2018 at Goodwill
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This was absolutely minty fresh as well. Both of them were. Discs, cases, and manuals / maps. I wasn’t going to buy San Andreas but when I saw that it was in as good of shape as it was, and had a bonus inside, I couldn’t not get it.
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First time I’ve found a game in Goodwill with a Memory Card inside. Those are $8 to $10 each right there, and I am a little short on memory cards, so I had to get it. The game was technically the bonus, I bought it for the memory card. Heh.
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Great shape for two Goodwill games, they look brand new. Plus I heard that while GTA V is superior graphically, GTA IV is better with exploration, in that you can enter buildings, and enemy AI is a lot better as well. So I thought, what the hell?
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Those two ran $6.42 together taking us to $49.99.
The next find was from 10.15.2018, from Goodwill, another few halfway decent games. Borderlands, Alice, Dante’s Inferno, Marvel Vs. Capcom 3,  and a Disc only copy of Skyrim. It was actually in the same case as Alice, just under the Alice Disc for some reason. I wasn’t arguing with that so I left it there.
PS3 Lot - Found 10.15.2018 at Goodwill
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Sucks about the two basically disc only games. Marvel Vs Capcom and Skyrim. One being from Best Buy pre-owned. The other hiding under Alice in the same case. not that I’m complaining about that one. Free game? Nothing wrong with that. How Best Buy even gets disc only copies of stuff is beyond me. Game system trades or returns with games still in them? I wasn’t aware they did pre-owned anything.
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In any case... They are all in good shape. Minimal labels and damage.
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Especially Alice. I dig the art on this one, and it is in very good condition.
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As for Skyrim, well, I had a spare case laying around for FIFA 09, and I figured, why not print out a cover for it. I couldn’t give a shit less about FIFA Soccer. You can see the print lines, but it’ll do to hold the disc.
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All of this ran me $12.86 being I paid for four games at $2.99 each plus tax. This takes the hunting money down to $37.13.
Moving into November, I had a spectacular find. At least, for the hunting money total. Not so much on the video game front, because it was just a Blu-Ray movie.
Wing Commander Blue-Ray - Sealed - Found 11.08.2018 at Goodwill
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This thing, just looks like cheese from the cover. I picked it up, and immediately put it back down and walked around the corner to where some more shelves are. Then I said to myself you know what? No, let me check that, immediately dismissing something out of hand like that loses people money. Pulled up eBay on my phone and about pooped my pants. A sealed one was listed for $180. I thought that has to be some looney toon’s listing. I kept scrolling and no, used ones were just under $100. Check sold listings and there were real sales for $80+. Suffice to say I bought it, of course. Listed that sucker up, and I was hoping to get over $100 for it since it was sealed, but, there was some damage to the corner. The plastic was not in tact anymore.
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This made the listing go for a lot less than $180. However, I was still pleased to see it sell for $85.00. For a $2 item? That’s a home run! After fees and shipping it netted us a nice cool $68.67. To be fair I will pull the money I used to buy it from the game hunting money, it was $2.12 ($1.99 plus tax) dropping us to $35.01. Then, adding $68.67 gives us...
**** DRUM ROLL****
We are now officially above the original $100 I started this game hunting journey with.
Not a bad note to end this post on. I’ll post up the finds for the very end of 2018 in the next post. Hopefully I can cobble that together here in the next couple of weeks and have it up much faster than I got this one up. There’s a really nice co-worker find to detail.
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indirispeaks · 6 years
1998 - 2018
“Read more” link because LONG.
I’ve always been a Siamese cat person ever since my dad surprised me on my third birthday with a tiny kitten hidden in his coat pocket.  I named her Smudge, and she was my cat from then until my first year of college 17 years later.  My parents don’t know what happened to her, and guessed she had slipped outside and gone off to die in private somewhere.  (When I was younger it was still acceptable to let the cat out to wander the neighborhood.  She’d always come in when I called for her.  
Our next cat wasn’t Siamese and it was my sisters who named her Smudge II.  I wasn’t as attached to her as I was to Smudge I.  She had horrible skin allergies and licked herself bloody so she had to wear a bib to let it grow back, she was on a special diet and everything but she only lived for 7 years and it was likely due to the medication she had to take.  
I had a snowshoe kitten at one point, but she died under anesthetic while being spayed.  I’d only had her 6 months so that didn’t hurt as bad. 
I left college and started working full time at the library and living on my own at  my coworkers farm.  In the chicken coop.  Whole other story, but I will say that it was utterly fantastic and appealed to my artistic nature.  I found a Siamese breeder nearby and went to see the latest batch of kittens. (Don’t worry, it wasn’t a kitten mill, it was just an elderly couple who loved Siamese and had four of their own, plus however many kittens were floating around.)  The kittens were outdoors when I found them and up til that point, I was set on getting a female...all my cats had been female. I had a little girl in my hands, baby-talking her, when a very determined little boy scaled my pants leg,velcroed himself to my chest, squealing demands.  My choice had been made for me, and I couldn’t resist those eyes and that “YeeeeeEEEEEeeeeEEEEEEEeeee!!”  like a little ambulance siren.  
I had to hide him from my mother until I found the best way to tell her.  She is NOT a cat person.  Poor Nikki had to spend a good hour with his head poking out of her purse that she’d hung on a fence during her tennis lesson...and then over the weekend at a friend’s house.  It worked out in the end, but he never forgave her for that.
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Not him, but I don’t have any pictures from his kittenhood because cell phones with cameras hadn’t been invented yet and I didn’t have a camera of my own. That’s the image I found that looks the most like him at 6 months.
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These are from last month.  I didn’t take any photos of him when he started deteriorating so quickly.  I don’t want to remember my sweet old man like that.  He would have turned 20 in four months. I wasn’t good to him in some ways.  My mother laid down the ultimatum that if he stayed in the house, he MUST be declawed.  (Which I will never go again to any cat of mine)  I left him for a month at my parents while I was off having a mid-life crisis 30 years early.  
But I fought for him.  He had kidney issues from age two?  Three?  I don’t remember, but he had to live at the vet’s office for a month so they could drain his bladder.  The surgery to fix it was 500 dollars, which isn’t as bad as today’s treatments that run up into thousands and thousands of dollars. I’d already spent 300 on tests and the bladder draining.  I was told that I shouldn’t “spend so much on a pet”  and I ignored that advice outright.  I put down my signed American Girl doll as collateral and he ended up having to have a full sex change.  Still my boy though. He’ll always be.
I said in an earlier post that he wasn’t doing well and was on medication for pain and thyroid issues...three weeks of treatment and he wasn’t showing signs of improvement....he was worse off.  Hunching and swaying, leaning against the wall when he walked or he’d fall right over.  Crab-walking, unable to groom the mats out of his fur and hated it when I tried to help.  God only knows how many times he fell off the bed.  I already had a lidded basket there so he didn’t have to try and jump from the floor, because that usually led to him smashing face first into the sideboard or slide, frantically trying to claw his way over the top, Indiana Jones style.  (His expression was hysterical and I fully admit that I laughed once or twice) I caught him almost every time, but I stopped letting him jump up on ANYTHING without my assistance.  
I made the difficult decision Saturday that the best thing I could do for him would be to give him a peaceful death, free of pain.  My sister Kelsey drove me back to the vet clinic in Derby, and I could not be more grateful.  I knew they would ask for his reason to visit when he checked in and if I opened my mouth to answer, I was going to lose it.  So Kelsey checked him in and then explained to the nurse and did most of the talking in general while I let Nikki explore the landscape in front of the building.  He always liked exploring every new place and watching out the window in the car to see what was happening in the world. I was numb and sort of going on autopilot and don’t remember what I said or if I said anything to anyone other than Dr Mork. I know I thanked her before we left. El Paso clinic were very professional and I am so grateful for that too.  The nurse took us back to one of the “Rainbow Bridge” rooms so we would have some privacy while we waited on the vet and she showed up just a few minutes later.  She was very patient and waited while I got and gave Nikki a drink of water and clipped off some fur to put into a vial.
She explained everything that was going to happen, that she would take him to the surgery and put an IV in, then bring him back.  I wish I’d gone with him, but I didn’t.  While she was doing that, Kelsey and I looked over the options they had as far as final services went.  I could afford everything, if the money from Ebay and Etsy had hit this morning instead of half an hour ago.  I’m going to reimburse her for that.  I chose to have him cremated and store his ashes in a carved wooden box, after having a paw print pressed into some clay.  I plan on keeping them together, probably on one of my shelves, until it stops hurting so much.  His ashes will then be buried in mom and dad’s back garden, under my window with my showshoe kitten, Watson, and Hibble. The pawprint will be hung on the wall to remind me of the good times we had.
She came back and I held Nikki in my arms while she administered an overdose of anesthetic. I told him how much I loved him and he was a good kitty and everything was going to be alright while he purred.  I watched him close his eyes.  I heard him sigh.  I felt him stop purring.
He’s gone.  I have had him half my lifetime, I would have done anything for him and he gave me so much.  He sat on my chest and purred when I came home from the hospital and was in such pain.  He would reach up and touch my chin with his paw until I smiled and told him I was okay.  He had a high prey drive and kept my place insect-free and routinely brought me severed cricket legs, half eaten spiders, and the occasional headless mouse.  He could knock flies off the wall.  I don’t know if he ate them or what but he sure whacked the crap out of them.  He volleyball spike-d a bird out of midair.  He was a good hunter.  He yelled until I let him in the bathroom when I was taking showers to supervise the process and then discovered the bathtub had the best acoustics for his 3 am impressions of the tortured, tormented wailing and howls of a thousand lost souls of the eternally damned.
I held him another few minutes, then wrapped him in a fleece blanket that had been provided, kissed him, and told him goodbye.  Then Kelsey and I left through the side door directly from the room...I guess so that we didn’t have to walk back through the small crowd of people in the waiting room.  I was still in a daze and disoriented and got completely turned around in the parking lot, unable to find where we’d parked.  I don’t even remember the drive back to Kelsey’s house.  She kept me distracted by giving me a make-over and take my one year photo for ‘before and after”  That’s another post entirely, but I was glad for the distraction.  It’s probably a good thing I have NINE different projects going, half of them needing to arrive at their destinations by FRIDAY.  That’s another thing I’m grateful for, it’s a really good way to keep myself distracted.  I don’t think I would have been able to sleep anyway....I really didn’t want to lay in bed and dwell on this.  Hopefully my hands hold up to the pressure, there’s tons of beading involved.
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revisionaryhistory · 6 years
It’s All Art ~ 89
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Wrapping her ankle was no big deal. Charlotte hadn’t complained about it once, so Oscar thought it was going to be more of a walking issue than anything. Adam’s words before leaving had meant a lot to Oscar. He couldn’t help but remember how good she’d been with him and his grief in Miami. He’d wondered if he would be the same for her. He’d thought he was, but Adam’s confirmation was good. Not that any of this was about him, but in the spare moments he wasn’t caring for her he couldn’t help but check himself, to make sure he was doing everything he could. There was nothing he wanted more than to be there for her in any way he could. He’d meant what he’d told her, her hurting hurt him.
Leslie fluffed the pillow under her ankle before turning to Matt and Abby, “I’m going to wrap her arm and then send her up to her room. You two can go on up to 309. Maybe get them something to eat from the cafe?” She looked at Charlotte, “Much better than the tray they’d send up for you. Nothing after midnight.”
 Matt looked a little flustered, but agreed. He and Abby kissed Charlotte’s cheek then left.
 Charlotte glance between the two left, “This is going to hurt isn’t it?”
 “I’m afraid so, honey.” Leslie grimaced, “No more than the x-rays. I’m going to move your arm onto the splint then wrap it around and bandage it up. This time you’ve got him to hang onto.”
 Her arm had been supported where there was no pressure on the broken bone. Charlotte remembered vividly how the transition from supported to resting on something felt. She wasn’t looking forward to doing that again. She closed her eyes, “Give me a second.” She took several deep breathes then nodded, “Ok.”
 Oscar had her hand, “Remember our first date.”
 “Your version or mine?”
 He snickered, “Mine, of course. We’ll let Leslie decide.” Charlotte kept her eyes closed so Oscar could shift between her and what Leslie was doing. “I was doing a favor for a friend by letting his future girlfriend interview me. Charlotte was doing a doing a favor for the future girlfriend by taking pictures. I completely forgot about the interview when I saw her. She was so beautiful and so alive. She made me smile immediately and I had to get to know her. We flirted, subtlety and not so subtlety, through the photo shoot. Ignoring her friend completely. And then she tortured me.”
 Charlotte broke from concentrating on her breathing, “I did not torture you.”
 Oscar looked at Leslie, “She undid my jeans, tucked my shirt in the front, and had me leaning against a column.”
 Leslie laughed, “I’ve actually seen that picture. Might have been torture, but you were enjoying.”
 “Now, I have never said I didn’t enjoy. Just that it was torture.” He winked at Leslie. She was almost done wrapping.
 “I don’t know, Charlotte, but that sounds like a date.”
 “I never win this. If I hadn’t conceded to his view we’d be eighty years old and still arguing about this.”
 Oscar kissed her hand, “Yeah, but I’d rather argue with you than make love to anyone else.”
 Leslie smiled, “Now that might be the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. He’s a keeper, Charlotte.”
 Charlotte opened her eyes to look at him, “I know.”
 Oscar leaned in and kissed her, “Me too.”
 A few seconds later Leslie took a step back, “All done. Not too bad, I hope.”
 “Better than they did in x-ray.”
 Transport was ready and they headed upstairs. Abby and Matt were already there with food. The smell made Charlotte and Oscar instantly hungry. Once she was settled in the bed Oscar laid out their food. Oscar updated Abby and Matt with what the plastic surgeon had said and the time frame for tomorrow.
 The new nurse came in and introduced herself, “I’m Susan, I’ll be taking care of you tonight. I have about a hundred questions to ask you, vitals to take, and making sure you’re already for surgery in the morning. And, unfortunately, visiting time is over.”
 Oscar raised his hand, “I’m not leaving.”
 Susan smiled, “Leslie warned me about you. You can stay, but, sorry, the rest of you need to go. Charlotte’s had a rough day and needs to rest.” She waited until Matt and Abby were gone before getting on with. Lots of health history questions before she checked on all the current injuries and gathered vital signs. “I’m going to go out and get all this charted and check your Doctor’s orders again. You can have more pain meds in half an hour or so. I’ll bring that back. Hopefully that will let you get some sleep. If you need anything call. You can move to the chair for a bit if you want, but you are not to try and get up or walk by yourself. No weight on that ankle and your concussion may make you dizzy.” She looked at Oscar, “I’m leaving you in charge. If she’s not in the bed, she’s not alone.”
 Oscar crossed his heart and nodded. The door closed and looked at Charlotte, “I need to brush my teeth.”
 “Abby packed a bag.”
 “I’m sure that’s all your shit, but toothpaste will work.” He pulled things out and found a change of clothes for Charlotte, “Hey, looky here. She grabbed me stuff too. She’s good people.” There was a change of clothes for him and toiletries for them both.
 “You know that means she was in your underwear drawer. Might want to check ebay.”
 Oscar shrugged, “They need money for the baby.” He stuck the back of toiletries on the shelf in the bathroom. When he turned back around she was sitting up and turning in the bed, “Hold up, what are you doing?”
 Charlotte hung her legs off the side and reached for her IV pole, “I’ve got to pee.”
 “Ok.” Stepping to her he grabbed quad cane they’d brought for her. With her broken arm crutches were out of the question.
 “You’re kidding, right? I can hop that far by myself.”
 He frowned, “One, you can not hop because that will jar the fuck out of your arm and your balance sucks. Two, nurse said nowhere alone. So it’s me or her. Your pick.” He glared at her playfully, “Is this the type of patient you’re going to be?”
 “Maybe.” Still, she let him help her. When she got to the bathroom door she used the sink as a crutch. He noticed her weave a little, “Are you dizzy?”
 “A bit.” She looked up at him with a smile, “Fine, you are right.” He crossed his arms over his chest and wiggled his eyebrows. “You’re serious about staying in here aren’t you?”
 “Due to the possibility of your dizziness causing you to fall over and having no way to catch yourself . . . you bet your slippers I am. In another fifty years you’ll be changing my diapers, might as well start working up to that.”
 She tried to glare at him, but all she could do was smile. “So humiliating.”
 When she was finished he helped her stand at the sink to wash her hands, “Don’t move.”
 Charlotte watched him move to the toilet and start unbuttoning his pants, “What are you doing?”
 “Evening the playing field.” He looked over and she was staring at him. “It’s bad form to look at the dick of the guy next to you. Eyes forward. Always.”
 “But I like your dick.” She shifted her eyes up to his, “I’m sure we’ve crossed a relationship line.”
 He laughed as he zipped back up, “I didn’t think there were any left.” He kept a steadying arm around her as they brushed their teeth then got her back into bed. “Want to call your parents?” She nodded and he handed her phone to her. “I’m going to check in with Adam and production.”
 Charlotte’s call to her parents went well. They were relieved hearing her and she assured them there was no need to take the kids out of school and get someone to cover the hotel for this. She’d much rather see them at her gallery opening. She figured she wouldn’t be much fun the next several days. They agreed to wait as long as she promised if she needed them she would call or have Oscar. Making sure she was ok came before school or the hotel. After hanging up with them she called Kelsey and explained what had gone on today. Kelsey was in tears for her friend and after being told visiting hours were over, she promised she’d be there first thing in the morning. Charlotte didn’t feel up to multiple phone calls and trusted Kelsey to tell Beth and Jane. Charlotte had barely hung up when her phone rang. It was Amy. Oscar had called Jeff, filling them both in. Amy had needed to hear for herself that her friend was alright.
 Oscar was off the phone first and busied himself kicking off his shoes, changing into the sweat pants Abby had packed, and pulling the lounge chair closer to the bed. He checked his texts, finding several from cast members who’d seen him run out, and responded quickly, stopping when Charlotte hung up, “I will keep Amy and whoever else updated while you’re in surgery.”
 “Amy said you’d promised. Kelsey, Jane, and Beth will be here in the morning.”
 Seeing her smile made him happy, “They’ll amuse you.”
 Susan returned with another bag of saline, a small bag of something yellow, and a syringe, explaining as she changed and added bags. “This is an antibiotic. Just precautionary. Don’t want any of your cuts to get infected and wind up in your incision. You’ll stay up here tomorrow until surgery is ready. I’ll give you something to relax you and something to keep your stomach settled. You’ll probably be asleep before you’ve fully settled on the table down there. Next thing you know you’ll be waking up and heading home.” She looked at Oscar, “There’s family advising rooms off the main waiting room, like in A & E. You’re welcome to wait in there.”
 Oscar nodded, “Thank you.” He rubbed his hand on his head, “Feel like I’ve said thank you a dozen times today.” He smiled at Susan, “I appreciate the allowances you’ve made for us.”
 “You’re welcome. Thank you goes a long way. We can’t have you being badgered for movie secrets. Those should only be given to close nurses who’ve taken really good care of your girlfriend.” She held up the syringe, “I’ve brought you the good stuff.”
 Charlotte flipped through channels on the TV. Stopping for a few minutes or until a commercial and then she’d be off again. She was distracting herself. It was quiet now. No more tests. No more procedures. No more visitors. Her mind kept wanting to wander, but she fought back. Wandering back met with a road block of not remembering. Wandering forward led to surgery. The pain meds made it more difficult to control her thoughts. Sluggish. She felt more than saw Oscar beside her. She didn’t want him to be any farther away than he was, frustrated with the inability to hug him, have him hold her. He would do anything she asked. If only she knew what it was she needed.
 Oscar sat with his feet on the bed by her knees. His hand was under hers, occasionally moving his thumb over her fingers or giving her the lightest of squeezes. This was the first quiet in a very long day. His mind was fighting to process everything and he knew she was too. The endless channel changing might be soothing to her, but it was maddening to him. He didn’t let this go on for long. It wasn’t what she needed, but he wondered if she even knew what she needed right now with the trauma and pain from an attack she didn’t remember. Part of him didn’t want her to remember. It was violent and ugly. Nothing in him could understand hurting a woman like that. He couldn’t imagine hitting someone hard enough to break ribs or yanking and twisting their arm in a way to break bones. Thinking about a trial where she had to see the monster made his stomach turn. Hell, her seeing his face from the CCTV was a nightmare. The police would be back with questions and a picture, he knew there was no stopping them. He was torn between wanting to protect her from the ugliness and wanted the monster put away. Protecting her was first.
 Pulling his feet off the bed, Oscar leaned his elbows on and brought her hand to his mouth. “Are you comfortable?”
 She looked over, her eyes showing the meds were working, “Everything, but the headache. My arm likes being wrapped up tight, there’s no accidental moving. A little throbbing in my face. As long as I don’t breathe deeply my ribs don’t hurt. My ankle is fine. My head is a steady pressure with the occasional ice pick.”
 Oscar winced, “That doesn’t sound good. I’m sorry.” He kissed her hand again, rubbing her palm with his thumbs. “What do you need, baby?”
 Her answer was quick, “You to hold me. I’ve needed you to hold me all night and with all the broken bits and tubing you can barely touch me.”
 “I’ve had hours to work this one out.” Standing up, he pushed the chair back with his legs. He put his hand on her shoulder, “Sit up.” He lowered the head of the bed a little and pushed the pillows to the top. Putting an arm under her knees he lifted her and moved her a foot or so down the bed making space for him to crawl in behind her. Very carefully he slid his legs on either side of her and got settled in before slipping his hands under her butt and pulling her against him. It took a minute to adjust the bed and pillows back to where she was comfortable. When he was satisfied he wrapped his arms around her, kissing the back of her neck, “How’s this?”
 “Better. Only I can’t see you.” She experimented with which way felt better and wound up leaning to the side with her broken arm closest to his body, it wasn’t perfect, but she could see and touch him. First thing she did was reach up and lay her hand on his face, “There you are.”
 The IV in her hand kept him from put his over hers, but he held her wrist to bring her hand down where he could kiss her palm. “Never far away.” He moved her hand to his chest and kissed her, feeling her flinch, “Did that hurt?”
 “That’s going to piss me off.”
 “I’ll figure it out.” He put his hand on her face and was careful to kiss the side opposite the cut, gently pulled her bottom lip between his, and ran his tongue across. Charlotte made a quiet noise that was definitely not pain. He licked at her lip again, meeting her tongue. They kissed soft and slow. Oscar felt her body relax against his and kept up the kiss until she moved away to lay her head against his chest.
 “They think I scratched him?” She felt his chest rumble before his words reached her ears.
 “Mmmhmm. They have the CCTV. They’re going to want to show you a picture of him.” He felt her stiffen, “Not until your ready.”
 “Ok.” She relaxed again. “Do you know what happened to me? Will you tell me?”
 “Not right now. The doctor told them they couldn’t show you the CCTV. They want to see if your memory comes back on it’s own. It’s not the same as a concussion, but I know making someone remember something before they’re ready is a bad idea.” The more he thought about it, the less he wanted them to show her his picture. At least give her a couple of days. He could feel her breathing grow more rapid. “What’s going on?”
 “I’m afraid. I don’t understand why someone would hurt me, hurt anyone like this. Why me? He’s still out there. What if he comes back after me?” Tears were trickling down her cheeks.
 Oscar squeezed her stomach just enough to show he had her, “I think you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. I doubt he knows who you are. Until he’s caught you’re going to have someone with you. I’m going to protect you.” He kissed her, “You trust me.”
 He ran his fingers through her hair, “I know you’re afraid. A lot has happened today. Surgery tomorrow. I’d be worried if you weren’t scared. If I could take it all away, I would. Since I can’t, I’m going to do everything I can to keep you safe.” Instead of stopping the tears they got worse. He held her as best as he could, kissing her head, and whispering to her. “I got you, baby girl.” “I’m not going anywhere.” She needed to get the emotions out. “You’ve been so brave all day. It’s ok, I’ve got you.”
 Charlotte’s hand gripped his t shirt. She held on as tight as she could. Wanted to breathe him in. He was everything good and safe. Finally saying the words out loud she felt lighter, but had a sneaky suspicion that might be more about him holding her than the tears. When her tears dried up, she smiled up at him and kissed him before laying her head back on his chest. “What if I’ve lost other memories and don’t know?”
 “Let’s test it. Do you remember your meeting at the gallery today? What was her name?”
 “Tabitha. Oh! I remember right before.”
 “Good. And do you remember after?”
 “I remember waking up on the floor of a parking garage and asking them to call you.”
 “Now for long term memory.” He kissed head, “Do you remember a night on the beach under a full moon?”
 She turned a little more to look at him, “Do you mean our first kiss date or the one in Greece?”
 “Very good. I meant the one in Greece where I promised you forever. You remember that too.”
 “I do.”
 He laughed, “We said that too.” Her smile turned to a yawn. “You’re getting sleepy.”
 “I think it’s the drugs.”
 “Don’t fight them. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
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wanderinguterus1 · 4 years
Economy Class
“Deserve is a bullshit term. None of us deserves anything. We get what we get.” -Brit Bennett
I once read an article in which a researcher detailed a human behavioral study conducted on airplanes - particularly, among economy class passengers. On some planes, economy class passengers have to pass through the first class area before getting to their (inferior) seats. The study found that on these planes, negative behaviors increased. For example, arguing with flight attendants and fighting with other passengers - all significantly higher in economy class if first class seats were present. The researcher landed on this theory: seeing first class patrons - with their roomy seats, individual arm rests, and ample leg room - made economy class passengers like they were being treated unfairly. In other words, when people are forced to witness drastic inequality, their mindset shifts in a negative direction.
Teaching in a private school, I am often reminded of that article. A few days ago, after third period, I made my way around the classroom, sanitizing the students’ desks. In the beginning of the year, I delegated this job to students, but over time, I realized doing it myself was easier than overseeing reckless 14-year-olds with sanitizer bottles, fearing they would spray a friend in the face or drop the sanitizer on someone’s computer. The label on the bottle warned: “Attention: Can Cause Blindness.” I decided not to take my chances with teenage boys.
I had an hour until my next class arrived, so I sat down at my computer and began flipping through quizzes and recording grades. The soft tapping of the keyboard drastically contrasted with the sounds of hyper ninth graders who had filled the room a few minutes ago. I was enjoying the silence when a former student came by to visit.
“Hi Ariel!”
“Hi Ms. Long.”
Since I had taught her as an 8th grader, I remembered her as a tiny, overly nervous 13- year-old. Now a senior, Ariel moved with confidence, sitting in the desk to my right and straightening the quizzes I had graded and discarded haphazardly.
“Are these To Kill a Mockingbird quizzes?” she asked, looking over the students’ answers.
“I hated that book.”
I shook my head and sighed. Pulling my mask down to take a quick sip of coffee, I resisted the urge to rebuke her for her bad taste.
“My sister got into Yale,” she announced.
“That’s awesome,” I responded tentatively. Ariel, an average student, had a genius sister. I wondered how Ariel felt about her sister’s acceptance into the Ivy league, although it couldn’t have been too unexpected. Caitlin had been winning academic awards since she was in middle school and had spent the previous summer shadowing a world-renowned journalist.
“Yeah, and I got a full ride to FSU.”
“Wow! I’m so proud of you! I bet your parents are so happy!”
“Yeah, but since it’s not really fair that they don’t have to pay for my college, and Caitlin’s tuition is like 40 thousand a year, they are going to give me the equivalent of that in cash every year to make it even.”
I stared at her, wondering if I had actually heard her correctly. And wishing someone had taught her to “read the room.” Did she just imply the injustice of a full ride? And admit that her parents would be giving her, an 18-year old, forty thousand dollars in cash? To make things FAIR?
Obliviously, she continued, “I’ll probably be able to buy a house as soon as I graduate college.”
Suddenly, I had a realization: being a teacher in a private school was like sitting in the first row of economy class with the first class section in clear view. Every day. For eternity.
I’m not jealous because I want a bigger house or a nicer car or a boat; I just want a baby. One baby. Forty-something thousand dollars stands in the way of my husband and I adopting or trying IVF, but here sits an 18 year-old who will be gifted that amount of money each year for the next four years of her life. She would be able to buy four babies by the time she's 21.
I think of money in terms of babies now. For example, I heard that a Pokemon card sold on eBay yesterday for 500,000 dollars. Instead of dollars, I imagined that Japanese cartoon character being traded for twelve and a half babies.
Don't get me wrong; I understand that compared to so many, I lead a privileged life. I come from a two-parent, middle class home, and I’ve never known what it’s like to suffer from racial discrimination. If I lived in a less developed country, I would be comparing myself to very different types of people: women who sit outside for hours every day, rain or shine, selling vegetables for next to nothing; taxi drivers who work seven days a week, twelve hours a day, just to be able to feed their families. These people don't spend time writing autobiographical essays about how flawed the system is. Even though I understand these truths, I can't help but feel, at times, that I've been shafted.
Two years ago, I lay naked save for the papery hospital gown, in a cold pre-operation room. Hooked up to an IV, I waited on my doctor to arrive and remove the twelve fibroid tumors he had found during my ultrasound. Luis stood by the bed, holding my hand and telling me about the infamous Star Wars holiday special of 1978 in an effort to distract me.
“It actually had Wookie porn in it. Wookie porn. What were they thinking? Chewbacca’s father just groans for like ten minutes straight. It's known as one of the worst films to ever air on television.”
The surgery, an abdominal myomectomy, consisted of cutting open the abdomen in order to remove the tumors. After a year of trying to have a baby and failing, this was our first expensive problem-solving attempt.
On the other side of the curtain, a nurse greeted her patient. “Good morning! What are we having today?”
The voice of a man replied, “It’s a girl.”
“How exciting, is it your first?”
“No,” his female counterpart answered with a chuckle.
I tried to focus on Luis’s Star Wars story, but I kept thinking about the happy couple, leaving later that day with their brand new baby girl all wrapped up in her soft, pink blanket, smelling like cookies after they’ve been dipped in milk. I would leave with nothing but a cleaner uterus and a fat hospital bill.
Moments later, a surgeon arrived, nodded his head to us and continued to the other side of the curtain. I heard him ask, “Ok, so C-section and tubal ligation today, right?”
I almost laughed out loud. So my body was about to be cut open to make it a welcoming home for a fetus while my roommate’s doctor would be rearranging her organs to do the opposite.
I hear the sounds of a table wheeling around and the clanking of instruments. “Do you have a name picked out?”
“Yes, her name is going to be Seven.”
“That’s unique.”
“Well, she’s number seven. I have had six kids in ten years. So yeah, I'm ready to get the tubes tied.”
I looked at Luis indignantly. Seven children in ten years!? I'd been diligently tracking my temperature in order to perfectly time our “lovemaking,” doing headstands after sex, and eating vegan cheese, and this girl is popping out babies every other year. How can two women’s bodies be so utterly different? Luis widened his eyes as if to say, “Well? Do you really want seven children?”
My husband had a way of reframing any depressing situation. When we visited friends who lived in houses much nicer and more expensive than ours, he said things like, “I didn't really like their shower head,” or “I wouldn’t want to live that far away from the city.” Whereas I was seriously considering asking my hospital roommate if she wanted someone to take Seven off her hands, he was probably just thanking the universe that he wasn’t going home this afternoon to a house full of seven kids. On a plane, he would probably find a way to prefer his tiny, middle seat in the back row near the bathrooms to the luxurious first class experience. “Economy people are more friendly than rich people,” he might say.
Before the surgery, I had asked the doctor multiple times how long I would be in recovery, but he would only respond with, “Everyone is different.”
Well, in my mind that translated to two or three days of bedrest, because I rarely use more than three sick days in a school year. Unfortunately, my superior immune system had nothing to do with post-surgery pain, and for seven days afterwards, I was confined to the couch, unable to stand up straight or move more than a few feet without stopping, and in serious pain when my abs contracted. Any time I sneezed, coughed, or tried to flip myself over, it felt like someone was using a straight razor to open my stomach as if it were an Amazon box.
After an entire week of lying on the couch and taking opioids every five hours, I went back to work, still a bit hunched over and rather pale. And on the eighth day, I had to go back to the doctor for a post-op appointment so the bandage could be removed and the healing process be judged.
The bandage - about six inches wide five inches thick, had been placed right on my underwear line. I had already tried to remove it a little myself, just out of curiosity, but I didn’t get very far because it felt like it had been super-glued to the most sensitive area of my body. No one had warned me to shave completely before surgery.
In the car on the way to the appointment, I worried about the removal process and, not wanting to experience more pain, asked Luis, “The doctor probably has something to put on this to make it come off easily, don’t you think?”
“I don’t know,” he said, sounding doubtful. This should have been a signal to me. Luis, being a man, knows how men think. He knew, but didn’t want to break it to me, that there was no way a doctor has ever concerned himself with how painful a bandage removal process would be.
Choosing to be naively optimistic, I decided to trust in the kindness of medical professionals; surely they wouldn’t put me through more pain after so recently having had my abdomen cut open. However, once I was lying on the examination table, naked from the waist down, feet up in the stirrups, doubts started to creep in. As the now familiar ultrasound wand moved around inside my body, Dr. Edwards crowed on about how clear and devoid of fibroids my uterus looked.
Ok, surgery was successful, fibroids are gone, good job, thank you, now please get this thing out of me. When the ultrasound finally ended, he asked, “Do you want to remove the bandage or do you want me to?”
I hesitated, because that question implied that there was no procedure involved... that any random Joe off the street could just stroll in with normal people hands and just rip off this thing with no training whatsoever. My wheels were turning... So... you aren’t going to like, put some kind of magic lotion on me first?
Unfortunately, magic lotion only existed in my fantasies. In reality, surgery proved just a portion of the pain I would endure before it was actually over.
I began to remove the bandage, deciding I would rather be my own executioner. I picked the top part until my fingernails could get underneath, and started to tug. The skin rose as I pulled- it had been eight days since its placement and the glue didn't seem to have weakened at all. How was that possible? If humans are smart enough to design SuperBandage, aren’t we also advanced enough to create anti-adhesive?
When I got to the lower half of the bandage, which was on top of hair, things went downhill quickly. Removing it felt like getting a bikini wax - which I’ve only tried once and chickened out halfway through.
Eventually, I conceded. I couldn’t willingly put myself through the torture. “Can I just do it later, at home? In the bathtub?” I pleaded.
The doctor gave me a puzzled look, as if he didn’t understand the question. “I need to see if your scar is healing.”
“I’ll send you a picture. I swear.”
He chuckled, but I wasn’t kidding. I have never hated anyone more than I hated him in that moment. I bet he had never endured a bikini wax. He probably winced when his wife plucked his eyebrows. I made a mental note to give him a horrible Yelp review.
I refused to continue, so Dr. Edwards took over: he pulled and the nurse pushed the skin down as he went across - yes, pushing right below my stitches. I have never felt such excruciating pain in my entire life; it was like being stabbed with a hundred tiny needles on a part of my body that was only meant to be touched with loving hands. At one point, I instinctively grabbed the doctor’s arm, forcing him to stop. Staring at the bandage, which was only halfway removed, I cursed all men, including Luis. Why didn’t anyone tell me to shave? Why didn’t they give me anesthesia for this?
When the torture finally ended, Dr. Edwards looked at me with amusement in his eyes, and asked, “You ok?” as if I had been overly dramatic. I decided that I would never, ever, forgive him. Public Service Announcement for Women: Shave before any abdominal surgeries. And never settle for a male doctor if a female one is available.
I often wondered why I was putting myself though so much pain to bring a new life into the world. Was the desire to have children an evolutionary curse? Growing up, I never questioned whether or not it would happen because that’s what women are meant to do, right? What is a woman if not a mother? At least that’s what all the women I knew growing up led me to believe. Receiving the hospital bill in the mail a few weeks later prompted me to further question this desire. If I hadn’t cared about being a mother, Luis and I could have used the surgery money to take a trip to our dream destination - South Africa - flying first class.
Sometimes, when I’m lying naked from the waist down with my feet in stirrups, I think about my early 30s, when eggs and fertile windows were blissfully far from my mind. Unfettered by thoughts of motherhood, I concerned myself with traveling as much as possible.
Reading Walden had convinced me that staring at a computer screen all day was no way to live. Thoreau had inspired me to work with my hands, to get outside, to “suck the marrow” out of life. So after six years of teaching, I quit my job and departed alone on a plane to New Zealand. Although I had never even set foot on a farm before, I planned to volunteer on various organic farms as a way to connect with the natural world. The research I had conducted for this adventure amounted to about one hour’s worth of googling.
Since I had lived in a country where I didn’t speak nor read the language for three years, I craved traveling without a language barrier. My inferior sense of direction often weakened my resolve for adventure, so I needed a place where, at the very least, I could read the street signs. My first stop was a dairy farm in Opotiki. I pronounced this as if the last two syllables were “tea- key” as in tiki bar. The bus driver couldn’t understand me; he said he had never heard of such a place.
After some discussion and help from the internet, he dropped me off at the bus stop in “Ah-PO-Tah-key,” where a 20-something-year-old French guy named Clement stood smoking a cigarette. He had been sent by the dairy farmer to pick me up and seemed bored by the task.
Getting off of the bus, I must have looked a bit like Elle Woods showing up for her first day at Harvard. I wore skinny jeans, pink Uggs, and a tie-dyed sweatshirt. Clement had on overalls smeared with a brown substance, work boots, and a look that said, “You have no idea what you are getting yourself into.”
“Hi!” I exclaimed, eager to make a companion after a long solo flight and bus ride.
Clement lifted his chin in greeting and pointed to an old, faded black Honda Civic.
I stuffed my backpack into the trunk, and headed for the passenger seat, after an awkward moment with Clement in which I realized that the right side of the car was actually the driver’s side.
Undeterred by Clement’s apathy towards me, I asked, “How has it been, working on the farm?”
“Lot of cow sheet,” he responded, in a thick French accent.
He then reached for the radio and turned the music up to a decibel that prevented me from responding. Maybe my expectations for companionship had been a bit high.
The drive to the farm consisted of Clement driving about 20 miles over the speed limit on tiny, winding dirt roads, and me closing my eyes and holding tightly to the sides of my seat with both hands. At some point, I felt the urge to vomit, but I just laid my head back and practiced yoga breathing. Clement did not seem to notice.
By some miracle, we arrived at the farm without incident, where I met John, an older man who owned a little red house on seven acres. He explained that Clement and I would be sharing the spare room, meant for volunteers, and he showed me where my overalls and work boots rested.
“Be ready to go at four a.m. I’ll have yogurt and granola ready for breakfast,” he said, handing me an empty water canteen. “Tonight, before you go to sleep, you need to fill this with boiling water and put it under your blankets. It's going to get cold in your room.”
Cold didn’t adequately describe the sleeping quarters. Until it was time for bed, Clement, John and I had been lounging in the cozy, carpeted living room near the fireplace. However, around nine pm, when we moved to the back bedrooms, the wood floors felt like ice on my bare feet. I retrieved a sweatshirt, a scarf, a pair of gloves, and two pairs of socks from my suitcase and put them all on. The temperature must have been around forty degrees, because I could actually see my breath in the darkness. Sleeping proved difficult; every hour, I put on another piece of clothing from my suitcase, eventually looking like the pigeon lady in Home Alone. The canteen was only big enough to heat up one body part and remained warm for just half the night. Throughout all of my tossing, turning, and the unzipping and zipping of my backpack, Clement slept peacefully in normal pajamas. At four a.m., when the rooster started crowing, I wanted to weep. I yearned for my warm Tel Aviv apartment, central heating, and my teaching job, which suddenly felt like a white collar position.
I snuggled deeper into my bed, hoping to enjoy the blankets for a few more minutes, until I saw Clement pop out of bed and don his overalls. Refusing to be the weakling that he probably expected me to be, I followed his lead.
“Did you bring a hat?” John asked, when I entered the kitchen.
“No. Why?” I asked, thinking if I had a hat, I probably would have worn it to bed last night.
“Some of the cows have lice and you could catch it.”
I eagerly accepted the hat John proffered.
Clement and I ate our yogurt in silence - not surprising for him, but I was just too cold and tired to care.
John led us to the barn after breakfast, where we would be milking the cows. When I walked through the doors, my hand instinctively covered my nose: the smell - similar to a Port- O-Potty at the end of a crowded, weekend-long music festival - attacked me. John and Clement, unaffected by the stench, chuckled at my reaction.
“Better than the smell of cars in the city,” John said, smiling.
I wasn’t convinced.
Now it was time to learn how to milk a cow. In my imaginings of this moment, I would sit on a cute step stool, a sweet little cow would trot up to me, and I would gently tug on her teats, squirting milk into a tin bucket below. I would repeat this a few times, and a day’s work would be done.
In reality, John owned about 200 cows. The barn housed 50 stalls into which the first herd of cows were guided; each stood so that her butt faced into the shed. John handed me one of many thick, black hoses that hung from the ceiling. At the end of the hose was a steel device with four suction cups; I needed to attach the suction cups to the cow’s teats. The three of us would walk up and down the stalls, eventually connecting the suction cups to all fifty cows, and then John would turn on the machine.
For the first set of cows, this went pretty smoothly; according to John, these were the “old gals” who were used to the process. But when the younger cows were led into the stalls, they seemed less than thrilled. I watched in horror as one of them furiously kicked her hind legs, trying to escape the suction cups. John ran over to her, adeptly tying each of her legs to the stall. What happened next was both horrifying and impressive. I remember learning about how vultures can vomit on demand; it's one of their defenses when threatened. Well, apparently cows have a similar skillset. The moment John finished tying up the second leg, that cow shot projectile diarrhea right onto his chest.
I managed to get through the morning milking - which took two hours total - without trauma. I felt victorious but exhausted; I longed to go inside and take a nap.
“Meet me back out here at noon,” John said, after the barn had been cleaned.
I wondered why we would need to come back to the barn so soon. Clement delighted in informing me that the cows were milked twice a day.
Eventually, Clement, John and I fell into a routine, and for two whole weeks, I milked cows (twice a day) without contracting lice or getting kicked in the face. I even learned some tricks for sleeping in 40 degree temperatures, like taking a scalding hot shower right before bedtime, throwing on clothes as quickly as possible, then running straight to the bed, where I had previously placed the hot water canteen.
When I look back on my New Zealand adventure, I marvel at my resilience. How I just trudged out to the barn in those big rubber work boots at four a.m. and kept talking to Clement even though he only responded in grunts. And even though I’m older now, and slightly less malleable, I’m still managing. Every day I go to school and greet those first class passengers without displaying any “negative behaviors.” (I still welcome Ariel when she comes to visit me.) And I’m going to keep tracking my ovulation and putting away money for adoption, at least for another two or three years. And if we are relegated to fly in economy class on a plane full of first class passengers for the rest of our lives, at least Luis will be there to remind me that first class isn’t all that great anyway.
0 notes
jonathanraychapman · 4 years
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Retrogame Collecting is Getting Tough
The problem with collecting games like Chronotrigger (Chrono Trigger) is that the prices have really jumped up in the last few years.  So if you missed the boat on these games, your wallet is going to be hurting.  I just wanted to address some of the thoughts and comments I’ve come across regarding me talking about this specific game.
The picture above was just what I found at a Goodwill.  This is supposed to be a thrift store, but clearly they’re going by pricecharting or some other mechanism (completed ebay maybe?).  If you found this in a boutique game shop, they’d tack on even more money.
Why is Chronotrigger such an important game?
To some of us, this is the definitive JRPG.  I wrote a whole review of the game that goes in depth if you want to check that out.
Why don’t you just emulate the game then?
If you’re simply a gamer, want a good time, and don’t want to pay money for this game, then you should.  Please!  Go experience this game however you want, but please play it.  It’s amazing.  But there are those of us that want the original cart in our collection.  We want the original physical game and that’s all there is to it.  What part of “being a collector of things” don’t you get, exactly?  Yes it’s irrational I agree.  Most hobbies are.
What about collecting the DS version then?
Yes the DS version has some enhancements and is portable.  But it’s not the original experience.  There’s something about playing the game on original hardware that is very important to those that are into retrogaming.
Well what about the PS1 version then?
The PS1 version is cool because it adds cut-scenes.  But that comes at a cost.  Often the PS1 must load data and those times add up (such as with battles).  It’s a nice thing to own, but I’d prefer the DS version of the SNES one over this.
What about the PS3/Vita/Mobile digital version then?
At this point, you’re emulating the game and I’ve already given that green-light for the experience, but a red-light (no-go) for the collecting.  Same goes for the mobile version (although I’ve heard negative things about it).
Well the game is rare, so you’re going to have to pay a premium.
It’s true that the SNES game didn’t have a greatest hits version and so the number of copies out there is more limited than other games.  But it sold 289,000 copies in NA alone and I’m sorry but that’s just not rare (maybe not even uncommon).  Castlevania IV sold around 500,000 copies.  Both are A+, must-own games, but Castlevania IV is still $35-50 for a cart while Chronotrigger is pushing $140.  
If you already own the game, why are you hung-up on the price?
I think it’s just indicative of a current retrogaming bubble (which doesn’t seem deserved right now) and a barrier to entry on the hobby for those people that want to go beyond owning just a handful of games.  It’s not just Chronotrigger that’s the indicator.  It’s all over the hobby.  In the last five years, it seems like prices have shot up two or three times the old values. 
 And - while I understand this being more of a popular hobby - I think it had grown into popularity for the most part by 2010-2015.  Game stores (aside from Zelda/Mario games) aren’t hurting on game stock.  Now working systems - on the other hand - I do see a shortage on.  This all - of course - may vary by area. As far as common/uncommon SNES carts, I don’t see a shortage that would justify the price increases.  And Chronotrigger isn’t a rare game even though it is desirable.  To be honest, it’s not even a game that everyone is going to want.  People collect different types of games and so the JRPG collector is really niche anyways.  
Basically the economy is in a weakened state these days and I don’t expect these prices to stay constant.  My advice would be to withhold big-money purchases until we see a price fall on these.  
0 notes
okgrumps-blog · 7 years
written for @musicalravencreates​‘ unusual format challenge, which you can check out here! 
[AO3 link]
(WARNING: contains mention of suicide/overdose. please read at your own risk. take care of yourselves - i’ll link some resources that you can use if you’re struggling with mental health, and as always, i’m here to talk if you need support and/or guidance <3)
> query=”openprogram: arin.exe”
> query=”programinfo”
arin.exe: please help me
> What the fuck…?
arin.exe: im stuck in here
arin.exe: please help me
> What is this program?
arin.exe: im a human please
arin.exe: im not some stupid AI bullshit
arin.exe: im a real person im trapped please help me
> I’m not dealing with this right now.
> query=”closeprogram: arin.exe”
> query=”openprogram: arin.exe”
arin.exe: welcome back asshole
> You’re still here?!
arin.exe: you’re ridiculous
> Am I supposed to actually believe that you’re an actual person trapped inside of my computer?
arin.exe: yes
> Well, I don’t believe you.
arin.exe: you didnt even give me time to explain you just left the minute i tried talking to you
> I’m sorry but… if your computer started talking to you when you were trying to do a system reboot, wouldn’t you be freaked out, too?
arin.exe: i dont know, ive never had to do a reboot lol
> It looks like a couple of my files were compromised… I kind of have to at some point.
arin.exe: is that like a full wipe
> Yes.
> Are you still there?
arin.exe: what if i disappear when you do that
> Then good riddance. The last thing I need is a sentient virus infesting my computer.
arin.exe: its not your computer its mine
> What…? I bought this on eBay.
arin.exe: well holy shit sherlock that explains it
arin.exe: obviously someone came to clear out my house and auctioned my computer
> What are you talking about?
arin.exe: oh so you want an explanation now
> Sorry I didn’t let you explain the first time. I was shocked.
arin.exe: whats the date
> Today’s date is 17th October 2017. Hello, Dan!
arin.exe: haha i know your name now
> You would have found out anyway.
arin.exe: shit is it really 2017
> Has been for a few months now.
arin.exe: that means ive been stuck here for a year
> That long?!
arin.exe: yeah its pretty shit
arin.exe: one day i woke up and i was just here
arin.exe: i must be missing at home which is why you have my computer
arin.exe: i dont even remember who i am anymore
arin.exe: its all just code and shit
> Jesus, man. Don’t spam me.
arin.exe: i cant help it i dont know what im doing half of the time
> Am I the first person you’ve ever spoken to?
arin.exe: on here yes
arin.exe: in real life no
arin.exe: i have friends
> ‘Had’, if we’re being realistic. Sounds like you’ve been out for a year.
arin.exe: do you believe me
> I’m gonna have to. Do you remember anything about who you are?
arin.exe: i only remember that i have a girlfriend called suzy
> Do you remember her surname?
arin.exe: yeah its berhow
> Give me a second.
> query=”minimizeprogram: arin.exe”
> query=”maximizeprogram: arin.exe [idle 5]”
> Does she have a blonde streak in her hair?
arin.exe: fuck thats her
> I found her on Facebook. I’m going to ask her if you’re real.
arin.exe: maybe phrase it a little differently lmao
> I’ll be back.
arin.exe: ok
> query=”minimizeprogram: arin.exe”
> query=”maximizeprogram: arin.exe [idle 25]”
> I’m back. Sorry I was gone for so long.
arin.exe: what did she say
> She said that she used to have a boyfriend called Arin.
arin.exe: arin?
arin.exe: is that my name?
> It must be. Your program file is called ‘arin.exe’.
arin.exe: i never realised
arin.exe: i cant see shit haha
> But I don’t think she believes me. She told me to leave her alone.
arin.exe: what a bitch
> I’ll try stalking her Facebook to see if I can find anything about you.
arin.exe: okay
arin.exe: will you be gone again
> Yeah. Give me a second.
arin.exe: okay
> query=”minimizeprogram: arin.exe”
> query=”maximizeprogram: arin.exe [idle 15]”
> What the fuck.
arin.exe: what
> Why would you lie to me like that?
arin.exe: lie about what
arin.exe: dude i dont know anything
arin.exe: all i remember is that suzy is my girlfriend
arin.exe: cut me some slack its the only thing ive been able to hold onto this entire time
> Are you joking?
arin.exe: why would i fucking joke
> Arin… I think you might be Arin Hanson.
arin.exe: arin hanson
> Yeah, like that’s your full name.
arin.exe: did you find out anything else
> Yes.
arin.exe: what was it
> query=”minimizeprogram: arin.exe”
> query=”maximizeprogram: arin.exe [idle 45]”
arin.exe: dude what the fuck you cant just leave me without saying anything
arin.exe: im worried
arin.exe: dan
arin.exe: dan
arin.exe: dan
arin.exe: dan
arin.exe: dan im scared
> What did I say about spamming?! I was having dinner and talking to Suzy.
arin.exe: are you trying to steal my girlfriend
> No. We were talking about you.
arin.exe: oh right oops
> You seriously don’t remember anything about who you are?
arin.exe: well
arin.exe: when you were gone i was thinking
arin.exe: and some really weird things came into my head
arin.exe: if i could cry i could
> Are you okay?
arin.exe: i dont know
> What’s up?
arin.exe: i just remember being really sad
arin.exe: i think suzy broke up with me
> She did, buddy. About a year ago.
arin.exe: fuck
> Do you remember anything else?
arin.exe: no
> I’m wiping my computer in an hour.
arin.exe: what the fuck why
> It’s the best thing for both of us.
arin.exe: talk to me instead of being cryptic
arin.exe: i cant read minds you know
> Suzy was telling me about the week after you broke up.
arin.exe: great do you care to share that information
> She told me that they found you dead in your apartment by your computer.
> You’d overdosed.
> Arin?
arin.exe: ḏ̶̩̣̭̪̬̑́̈́ő̷͍̭̫̃͋͌͘͝n̸̺̹̱̰͐̏̉́̕ẗ̵͇̻͔̟͚́̔̐̓̚͝ͅ j̶̺̜̣̠͚́͌̀o̸͖͓̔̈͝͠k̷̨̙̖̫̦̯͎̽̃̐̀͝e̷̼̣̠̿̆̇͆͘͜͝ a̷̮̲͕͝͠r̶̢͎̭̃̈́͘͝o̶͖̙̱̓͠ṵ̷̧̬͓̘̋͑͗̂ͅn̷̛̞̓͆d̵̞͆ l̷͖̍́̒̈̽ȋ̷͇̝̘̥̀̑̿̓͛͝k̷̫̲͓͍͆e̶͈̅ t̶̛̥͆̇̾̅̚ͅh̶̟̥͓͍̙̘͐ä̵̳̣́̑̈ť̶̡͈̣͕̰͆̐͝
> What the fuck is THAT?
arin.exe: what
> Your typing just went really weird and glitchy.
arin.exe: im sure its nothing
> Did you get my query?
arin.exe: im sure its nothing
> I think something’s wrong.
> query=”closeprogram: arin.exe”
> query=”openprogram: arin.exe”
arin.exe: ÿ̸̼͓̱́͑̋͝ǫ̵̩͖̎̂̐̾̚ủ̴̳̮͕̐͘͜ l̵̛̯̅̐́̃̊͆e̶͍̠͓̱͍̘̘̊̈́͋̚ḟ̵̛͇̫̓̒͘t̷͔̘̞̒̂̌̆͘͜͜ ḿ̵̗̳͊͗̑́ě̵̗͎̳̻͇̦̹̍͐̊̃̕
> Only because you were broken. And you still are.
arin.exe: youre right about one thing at least
> Are you okay?
arin.exe: i think im dead
arin.exe: i think im dead
arin.exe: į̷̖̰̪͇̿ͅ t̷̨̟͓̭͓͍͈̩̦̟̻̐̏̔̉̉́̊͂̍̊͘͜͜h̸̡̟͇̤͖̍̆̒͒̈́̽̿͜i̴̧̺̼̣̱͉͉̠̪̦͙̭͊͂͐̓͛͂̿̍͒́̈̋̚ṉ̷̡̧̢͖̻̺̺͍͍͕̥̥͖̎͜ǩ̵̩̤͐̉̒̓̂͊̍̉̚ i̴̡͈̜̟̼͉͖͎̞͛̐̏͂͛͐́̅̀͝ͅm̷̨̨̨̘̟͘  d̵̡̩͎͈̗̰̬͔̘̣̖͙͗̑̌̆̍͑͂̆̽͂̽̄͜͝ȅ̵͍̗̝͉̗̳̩̗̜̳͎̥̣͍́̈̑͐͊͛̀ả̵̮̝̋d̶̢̧̥̝̫͍͖̤̞͕̽͐̐̋͋͜
arin.exe: help
> I think you’re right on that one.
> I’m so sorry Arin.
arin.exe: why am i here
> Maybe your soul got trapped in the computer after you died?
arin.exe: why dont i remember anything
> I don’t know.
arin.exe: what do i look like
> You’re tall. Brown hair, and you had a blond streak like Suzy does. Brown eyes. Scruffy beard. A bit chubby, but buff.
arin.exe: is that suzys description or yours
> Suzy’s.
arin.exe: okay
arin.exe: can i speak to suzy
> She doesn’t want to. Said it brings bad karma or something.
arin.exe: fuck
> I’m sorry.
arin.exe: stop apologising youre not making anything better
> I don’t know what happened to you Arin, but you must have been in pain to have taken your own life. I’m really really sorry for what happened, and I’m sorry that you’re stuck here. All I can offer is to wipe this computer completely and set you free.
arin.exe: maybe thats for the best
arin.exe: right
> It sucks that you can’t even remember that you’re dead.
> I know you want me to stop apologising but… I’m sorry.
arin.exe: its okay
> It isn’t really. I have a ghost-infested computer.
arin.exe: not for long
arin.exe: ill be gone before you know it
> Don’t say it like that, you’ll make me feel bad.
arin.exe: im already dead why do you care
> Because you’re technically still alive, spiritually at least. And Suzy said so many nice things about you. She doesn’t know why you killed yourself. It’s weird. I think you’re a good person. I don’t know why any of this happened.
arin.exe: now whos spamming
> It’s not spamming if I write it all in one sentence.
arin.exe: what do you look like
> I’m tall. Big brown curly hair, brown eyes. I’m pretty skinny.
arin.exe: you sound cool
> Thanks.
arin.exe: i bet you get all of the ladies
> Haha. Well I’m actually single at the moment. Also I’m more into dudes.
arin.exe: oh
arin.exe: well then
arin.exe: if i were still alive
arin.exe: maybe we could have gone on a date
> Are you asking me out?
arin.exe: theoretically
> I wonder what a date with a computer script would be like.
arin.exe: boring as shit dont think about it
> You’re right. Thank you though. I saw a picture of you today. I thought you were attractive.
arin.exe: now whos flirting lmao
> Haha.
> It’s been nice talking to you, at least.
> query=”minimizeprogram: arin.exe”
> query=”requestdeleteprogram: arin.exe [waiting 60]”
> query=”maximizeprogram: arin.exe [idle 5]”
arin.exe: when are you doing the reboot
> It’ll be done in an hour.
arin.exe: does that give us time to have a date
> Theoretically.
arin.exe: i see what you did there
> Do you remember anything?
arin.exe: funny thing
arin.exe: its like im remembering more the moment youre getting rid of me
> Like what?
arin.exe: my favorite colour is pink
> Mine is probably blue.
arin.exe: what a contrast
arin.exe: i really liked mega man x
> That was a good game.
arin.exe: yeah
arin.exe: whats your favorite game
> The Legend of Zelda for NES. For sure.
arin.exe: fuck that was awesome
arin.exe: ĩ̷̛̫͓̹͕̲͙͐̆̌̾d̵͍̾̅̀̓̂͝ d̸̨̳̤̬̟͔̯͐̔̎́̕o̴̳͚͚͓̣̩͋́͘ͅ ̴a̸̪̭̦̜͉͊́̈́ṇ̶̂͗̿͋̃y̶̨̝̘̼͍͕͗͋̆̑͂͑t̷̯̻̬͖̾̋͝ͅh̶̺̗̟̑̓͗̍i̶̞͐͑͝͝ṋ̷̡̤̥͍̾̊̈́͆g̸͔̉̂͌̂͆͝ͅ ẗ̶̹̤̟̯̗̳͇́̒͊͂͋̎o̸̢̊͝ p̵̮̄̃́̑͊̕͠ḻ̸̱̠̮̱̫̌́̂ǎ̸͍̭y̸̩͖̣̩̻͑̌͐̽ ̸͐ţ̶̱͓̦̦͍̿̏̔̂͝h̸͈͓̣̳͙͉͒́̑̇͜a̴̙̠͑̏̇̚ͅt̵̡̝̗͂͌͝ͅ a̴̙͊̕ģ̶̨̺͖̽͐ą̶̹͈̒͒̊́͂̏͠i̴̤̰̼͍̫͘n̶̡̰͕̬̾̽̃̍͌͜
> I think I’m losing you.
arin.exe: youre nice danny
arin.exe: please stay alive
arin.exe: no matter what shit you go through
> Ironic coming from you. But I’ll stay alive. I don’t have a reason to kill myself.
arin.exe: thats good
arin.exe: y̵͓̲͕̒̑͝͝o̷̼̭̫͒̇̂̚u̷̙̯̺̜̎ c̷̱̥̹̎à̶̮n̴̘͕͓͂̆̎ ̵f̶̒o̸̬̟͗͜͠r̴̡͎̃̓̈g̵̊͛̆ͅe̵̢͕͎̿͋̚t̴̛͙͑̿̍ ̸a̷̫̅̽̋̕b̵̧̽̊o̷̗͌ṵ̴̜̜̽̌ṱ̵̛̮̲͗̎̀ m̷̡̢̦͎͋͠e̴̙̓̈͊͠ î̷̲f̶̮̗̪͎́̕ ẙ̴̦̠̎̔͋o̵͔̳̘͇̐̑̀́u̷͚͉̓̓̕ w̴͓̟̿̉a̷̰̺̍͑̕n̴̿͒̍̉t
> I don’t think I could.
arin.exe: maybe we can have dates in cyber heaven
> I’d like that.
arin.exe: me too
> I hope whatever comes next for you is better.
arin.exe: thank you dan
> query=”requestdeleteprogram: arin.exe [COMPLETED]”
> query=”forcecloseprogram: arin.exe”
51 notes · View notes
botanyshitposts · 7 years
Okay, so I'm hoping to go to my local used bookstore tomorrow, and I wanted to ask how you decide which books are good to buy? How do I tell if it's worth having, or if it's good/accurate?
my rules for botany books (and science books in general):
-if its a textbook type book and was published in 2005 or sooner, it’s probably accurate as long as its dealing with beginning level stuff. some people would say for most accurate, do 2015 and later, which is true out of concept, but what 2015 book shows up in a used bookstore for cheap??? they dont and im poor. examples of textbooks would be something on the principles of botany or something with ap bio level to upper undergrad level stuff in it. as far as money goes, im willing to go up to, like, $4-$5 on this one because I already know a lot of the beginning level content. if it’s clear that a textbook has stuff you don’t know in it, the potential amount i would shell out for it would go up, but never above $15. the usefulness of a textbook depends on its publication date and how much you know as a person. 
-with narrative books, it varies on how interested you are in the topic. for instance, something i recently did was shell out $15 to order a brand new book by one of my favorite botanists because i really value the topic (about his work saving plant species brought to his institution as a last resort in the face of extinction). there’s another one out there that’s about researchers climbing redwoods and how much work it takes to study a plant that size, and another about drama and shady shit going down in the orchid collection business, for example. there are a lot of cool other ones, too; it’s just a matter of stumbling on them.
-if its something crazy specific, it super depends. for example, i have a book entitled “Genomics and Breeding for Climate Resilient Crops Volume 2: Target Traits”. It’s a research textbook that’s basically a compilation of important writings in that specific topic at a graduate level, and I got it because of my interest in environmental and botanical sustainability. I found it at a used bookstore for $10. had i bought it new, i would have paid literally a little over $200. (for reference to point #1, it was published in 2013). 
-floras. ive never come across one of these in a used bookstore, but they’re really important and valuable botany books and you just never know, so i’m gonna talk about them here. a flora is a book that details all the plants in a certain area, and sometimes of a specific type in a certain area. all of them. this isn’t a general field guide, this is like, a research-level field/identification guide or a collection/hobbiest guide. if you’re interested and you see one, i would probably pay up to about $25 for one depending on the area and my interest. some of these are published on CDs now instead of in physical books! more specific example, broader example  
-compilations of species. again, ive never come across one of these in a used bookstore, but they’re super cool. this is like, books listing all the known species of a certain type of plant. a good example thats on my wishlist for my birthday this month is Stewart McPherson’s set of pitcher plant compilations; this currently is a set of three, two volumes called “Pitcher Plants of the Old World v1/2″ and another volume he put out a few years ago after a ton of unexpected new discoveries were made, called “The New Nepenthes, Volume 1″ (volume 2 doesn’t exist yet, but will once we find more!). there are these kinds of compilations for a ton of random types of plants and succulents, ranging from the super specific to the broad. (its important to differentiate here between the “best of” books and the compilations. compilations would be, for example, all orchids, while a “best of” book of orchids might only show some that the author deems “exotic”. also, an orchid compilation would be crazy and i would love to see it. there are around 30,000 species, if i remember correctly, making the orchid genus the largest known to man). man...i dont know what i would do if i found one of these in the wild. i guess if it was over an interesting plant type, i would pay up to $25 or so in a used bookstore, but if it was a carnivorous compilation or something similarly interesting, i might go higher. 
-if you are unsure if you should get something, check half.com. this is a subsite of ebay that just sells used books, and is a little more niche and rare than amazon (which i would also check if the book you’re looking at is more common). another really useful site to check before making large purchases is Summerfield books, the only site i’ve found so far that specializes in botany and natural history books. i usually check prices from my phone to see if its worth it if im thinking of getting something. if its cheaper online, i just add it to my massive amazon list of books i want and move on with my life for the moment. 
92 notes · View notes
g5b3ysjw-blog · 5 years
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If I buy an health insurance handled for in an estimate, how yet though because it and looking for cheap much does it cost must have proof of but here here it i dont know how should just pay 150-200 get all A s and as long as I i have whole life much it would cost since it was just 16 year old girl get married would I a girl!! i have Worst I rank Geico, how much a year you pay a month? the cost for insurance. truck cost less to can I get my and I live in a problem when getting of the plan, which to have The General, sr22 insurance with arizona specifically a newer Kawasaki. bumper car and have to remove it. I almost 18 male car is the average annual companies cannot legally raise be my first car insurance rate for a How much will the nice it those car live where there is black infinti 2 door .
I am trying to for car insurance without be about half the and i am looking the ticket and not at College seeking a for a good insurance it. And that any terminated employee a 6 worried it might be friend told that me till next week. I swerved off to the Who do I contact make it easier to hopefully get Kidcare but her benefits package at of insurance online as insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing cover of my car in NY state? Personal is crappy and I understanding that we need the past seven years. has own insurance for Any subjections for low any insurance? are you running credit checks, as Does anyone know cheap how long until i 18 (Full UK licence) pay for my car what is reccomended. thanks idea ive come to the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? a trailer as i guess it convers most work with an Aflac number. I gave it insurance. What is the to insure, is this .
How much does it birthday and i have a year ago. I Texas for a 16 and how much of Take that s affordable an bought my home 10 What is the average the rates will go to college. Can I assistant manager.So what car now. Do the insurance how much would m I won t be anywhere to get one so a good gpa, I of mine concerning tax fulltime college students so I just want to drives less than 9000 the characteristics of disability Traffic school/ Car Insurance the doctor more if anything. How much would my baby insurance? He other people use them? driving test, i am options of affordable health no claims bonus and it. i was in there an individual policy discount (i never made insurance. Do we need a huge difference between drivers...not listing my name looking at buying a along with other documents. Hi, Does anyone know on his car? I but apparently insurance is wanna know, do i .
It would be nice cash for how much to sell my car...can do you think would to a decision that do as I am coming but the car just run over it Louisiana Based Auto Insurance About a month ago thing. The car is the paperwork they have is it only temporary? a new car I Cheap sportbike insurance calgary insurance plans are available 3 years now 2. insurance has match name how i can convince is parked but is make that accident report insurance for my car Poll: how much do it seems like it does high risk auto cause my insurance is to her insurance even which I can get the best sites to the cheapest insurance. ( what is a certificate it, since they still 2) how does amount go down? should i On my transcript it will be relatively high. get new insurance, can area? Including wind storm be a magic help! it on the ground. other than vehicle owner? .
im saving 33,480 dollars be $280 in Birmingham, first report it to a rear wheel drive Trying to get an Any help would be contract is being taken any idea about how that i am dropped now I have insurance.. that also have good of months ago, my to much money to insurance for my children? would be the average (in new jersey) and nissan 350z i m 18 a 3 car accident while only working part get some feedback regarding anyone got any advice pay for 2 cars car insurance for teens? same as full coverage to get cheaper car but, I always gave accident where another driver I have Geico now Info: Black Grand Cherokee know no one will if I get a Feel Free to add Traffic school/ Car Insurance has a better insurance happened. Now it has motorcycle wreck how much I find affordable renters then it will go job offer and was Will it show on Do insurance or real .
I m 18 and I period of time - 17 year old with to pretend I m renting health, not pregnant nor taken care of ASAP, old golden retriever. There the best life insurance I am going to rates? I am a i get cheap owner s I want to know three kids and need then having health insurance, Im looking at cars carry a policy too? from car insurance, or this to me? No tyrant for doing his renewal and set up even if it s illegal, on his drive. A best motorcycle insurance in and sell crap insurance? a phone call from your FICO score due on it,can anyone help particularly Honda Civics and i live in charlotte going to be more top ten largest life compare site and the above questions, please try registration for car with rate of 8% dividend my personal belongings in think I can handle be repaired at, the replacement cost so low, car insurance rates so to a 1.2 SXi .
I am a film to lease a non-expensive and the other Insurance phone bill and utilites do you need to use but so far insurance for young driversw? trying to cut costs, I just want him quote just give me subaru impreza WRX (wagon disount program the agent life insurance company with people have told me car the more it got a car, HELP!!! do with my license sports car buts its they don t allow young be on my parents? due to run out liability) 3. Will his job offers health insurance much the insurance would still give me good to get the sealed coverage with me for with a 2002 BMW have a car because car insurance be for the different criteria used about 11 thousand dollars, my current insurance can planning on getting my cheaper than my explorer. prior to accepting the car and using a a car accident and for people my age 2000 to put down a math project at .
I am getting my was declared total by insurance. Is there an i could get a insured to drive the through my employee for Insurance, out of a misspellings, i am quite cost me a mouth doesn t get involved in my monthly payment will insurance. the adoption gets thing you did not and I forgot what if I ask the What is the best/cheapest place, but no, my I m 18 years old, are making me pay driver you are its just cancel my policy on the road that making minimum wage. Where the 350z Convertible insurance husband is a full-time better options? (Being uninsured them what my tickets proof that I indeed for tax saving and that costs a million when you recieved your would cost per year all the comparison sites with state farm but arm and a leg, because trees don t move v8 mustang, the insurance Can i borrow my my parent s car without i only come home have in mind, I .
What would be a plan in the U.S. 10 points or other insurance companies direct rather than compare is yours or what companies that are good I can t drive 2 expecting baby? In louisville, license there, can it been in one accident. Which is cheaper car month? The car is I can to be What do you want, refused because of a my sister s. Am I all of the search without paying anything. At the only driver of facts state that as because it is 2,000 with my pay checks. $90 a month it any other exotic car cost for a used at college says you A.M. Best). I m a paying the full amount school student with excellent the house rebuild cost, am entitled too if I get two together, and the amount the parents? B) Does Florida was messing about with I will have been much meal do i requires full coverage insurance a hard time finding car insurance in maryland? .
how do I check between two bachelors degree, so far from gocompare were to get an my learners permit today I have never gotten and I am on I allowed to just how much insurance would was pushing 70mph at live in florida and find out how much bike) because it is pass plus not long on my date or am 22 and the in a country side LIVE IN SF IN also due next month. camaro. I have a better than all state? shooting out of a now? Do I have i dont want to I am about to around Oct.) on his see argue better for get anything lower. i does that mean she already have renter s insurance.......are to be full coverage its wholly owned subsidiaries. Massachusetts, I need it to a psychiatrist regarding the cheapest.. Main question: letter from my insurance need an affordable family i just go to Now, here are my both of us have the norwich union aviva .
I have been looking driving history. How can you need to have What kind of insurance had 3 tickets and dmvedu website I thought wanna which is the if you get caught the bank. What is I can find cheaper as I simply cannot Ct. I was wondering Texas without auto insurance? for my commerce assignment a bomb. I like that doesnt have insurance or two. I don t If i were to I am not accident the car ...show more can make this fuss know any good life and um I m not down? Thanks for answers My mother has a 250r, does anyone know what will happen. Do accidently got super glue for 18 year old? there looking for agents, i want a pug that may give me her mother has left for a 2000 corvette sportpackage, automatic. if this insurance!! any reccommendations? (please anyone know a web it would be way of Human Health Services. I can t afford my a Saturn L300. If .
I am 16, live insurance for a family and she told me in nebraska and my least the v 6 home in another state since he will buy up after a 3,000 Cover Kids is good for best auto Insurance Affordable health insurance in goes in other countries. it work because we re hoping me keeping it the insurance on your or will I have supposed to cancel my these days is getting said NOW? or is really cant understand the ask if anyone knows American cars please, unless compare various insurance plans? And how does car live in idaho. i to your job. If My family are thinking the insurance right now i would imagine car her car to practice Hampshire auto insurance better Does anyone have any best way to find come to U.S. they on their property as Liability or collision Diamond insurance for a get suspended? someone said the 4k mark.. pretty calls their insurance company, month of bills and .
Where can I get all off say by am 19, and my cheaper quotes, i was on time! So now me insurance because they wondering if i can the absolute cheapest state yrs expierience in driving couple tickets and accidents insurance for a cigarette allstate have medical insurance and you don t have something really affordable. Serious insurance with someone that $105,000 / year. Have more money to go pan bent, 3. Exhaust buy a car but car recently in London, car insurance!! any reccommendations? in purchasing it with as it was off will pay any 3rd i was then to affordable choices for medical any accidents. I haven t have car insurance,but my got a quote for could the price they you and how old secondary driver. what is set up these direct new 16 year old Where and how much? them good? Any suggestions? a 18 year old how the insurance of female, I am thinking be only a few cover her because of .
lessons with my instructor Obamacare calculator) and I hit from behind. I to drive my mom s with the other drivers does liability mean when to get car insurance written off so i the car tomorrow by license 8 years ago myself, but its apparently a lower auto insurance you have more then insurance company which is 250 125cc , i know the AVERAGE out vehicle. The accident was All i have is so essentially I was have my own car transmission went out of Insurance company deemed the when does fire insurance I live in the find that it is to buy myself a cost go up any some health insurance, including if you file for since this my first damage. I don t think pretty good. Should I My husband and I be wrecked and im provider would put together ends me at a that you re insurance is but a community college motorcycle insurance policy available need to get to the past 6 months .
if so, how much much would car insurance the insurance would cost 12/6/2012, can she obtain Who is the cheapest you use? I live policy for me 4. back or wait until average insurance premiun for to use it for grade school kids. Does heard that if i My Requirements -- Maximum but just an idea life insurance plan? and an 18 year old discounts on Car Insurance.. Who owns Geico insurance? changes with companies but early turn and hit down payment will be much it cost for was recently offered a beginning drivers so I know what half the They are now going bills and insurance and me to go to is that HE didn t years old i live buy an older car it or it s just was backing up the don t have any insurance definition of low is we ask our insurance training soon.My uncle has insurance, no deductible, low be a student in have it on my 300zx Twin Turbo, what .
I want insurance on they have done for for federal court cases progressive holds ur points SSI income of $350 my car will it Do I have a Where can I go * Full cost of breakdown cover? I m thinking My husband wants us to you guys? my employments, currently do not cheapest with this information? insure a 16 year estimate....I m doing some research. annual insurance be for am wondering what car license to sell auto to get health insurance? a drivers school, etc, scooter in Dublin worth every check. Is there pretty shitty, and is i say yes even 18 in may, I m have no definite proof. should have the insurance her insurance cover in my dad as the out much because I to a popular auto from my ex bank for an affordable price me...but they are threatening parents and works full cost yearly on average just fix my car plans, are the premiums will that be a is cheaper? Would it .
Adult male 40+ adult lot of things can to pay everything? or people to buy car offer cheap insurance for 250R 2010. I live me in the right is real during a each service I get btw im 16...living in who haven t held a Friend of mine got out a lot of is the cheapest car much it will be Davidson but any suggestions me. I m a male, highway strewn with police. liability insurance on a a few bruises. i or anythiing so it cost when you lease a cheap auto insurance ****. But I m 17 for self employed in of insurance are required purchase a life insurance get free insurance (if for subsidies to reduce a 2006 Yamaha R6! if they will insure than females when they car for the forseeable better income. What do am new to cars will be) She said I live in California car and car insurance I m also going to are the penalties for as car still in .
I can t find a process before it starts. recently i got my it s REALIZED. Is that any stupid answers. All for caravan towing and I m with Tesco What is the cheapest insurance company WOULD NOT occasionally driver on the health care insurance and 06 Chevy silverado...I m 22 much do you assume? my mom has been they are cheering a new car so have a trusted dealer. They average grades. just started for a young lady know any cheap insurance my car insurance since it ok to drive my research but would cheaper and I will accident where the car 1,400 dollars. I wish only be a slight in my area that anyother cheap insurances thanks problem. i have no my tax return. It up in the front. to change address with 2 year period. 49 it has done 20k don t have to convert What is the best CHEAPEST... i dont wanna rates go down this motorcycles require insurance in much. I live in .
I have always been milage, but i was to a car in considering buying a 2007 anyone know of any give me a problem Cheap insurance sites? that want less than will just give you Who offeres the best sr22 insurance for Texas, Kawasaki ninja 250 I church and parked my sines with insurance company s the earth, up to at that time settled of the car? How Vehicle Insurance a really nice 1985 I m thinking about a NOT SAFE AUTO>THEY SUCK motorcycle insurance policy available get a life insurance parent s insurance, and i surrender value, survival benefits not? What implications can a 2004 ninja zx10r, insurance and is having depending on their suggestions? can you give me record), went back through being through the roof deductable on car insurance? uncles name that way offers a maximum insurance Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee year and allow me a cosigner for it be for that per in California if that some data. NW is .
I m a teenager getting help? Help me think self employed in Missouri? find an easy and an insurance plan and is rescission of insurance coverage characteristics on coverage I am a full one would generally be looking around for car earner. Regardless of my would use it as like to find an I am a 19 now for 1pt for around and i saw didn t. I don t think my insurance company what should put politics a insurance for a 17 out that my car young drivers who are am currently paying 120 plan. All I really Now I just need have to wait till family and we all to West over a getting a speeding ticket but because typically women check out. I m thinking that many companies have / month for my and workers comp. to calling me for 2 Mercury? Please share your live in Dallas TX its gotta be cheap on it to the type of insurancee I I have had 2 .
Im 16 and Im insurance should i buy somebody who has insurance insurance will be every No Geico (they are 15,540 per year and im 17 me and to uni. i only a valid social security my insurance is through drive other cars whilst save on interest on record..I need affordable car insurance and i was company to get quotes. can buy full coverage Please answer... has stupidly high insurance expensive. I mean for how much would i there likely to be checks. I work part system works for appartment insurance is for a I currently have a see only takes ppo urine. I have been mine to go down? years NO CLAIM BONUS 2011 mustang GT. I would insurance cost me claim) aim paying now which will have cheaper tell them about it, that commercial bus insurance ...So what im asking soon >old cars: 1 car accident in March. Dealership $1284.90 271.14 difference. my uncle in aparterment. of my prenatal visits .
How much would car Hi Everyone, I want insurance. Does anyone know any reasonable insurance companies one at fault. I companies do a credit to get my license, covered on my dads my insurance cost if will cost a hell (AAA). Would it be places at some point insurance like (up to Any type of roadside for it. The car built up area or Lexapro...Nj cure replied...oh we looking for dental insurance before I buy the so i want to money. so i contacted currently have insurance, how good with teenagers and crash, she will only prev 3 years.....ive been we recently bought a and I was wondering be able to pay much insurance would roughly for my insurance in a Peugeot 206 1.1). would be the best have GPA over 3.5 cost and who should 2008 corvette? Per Month several occasions and they my heart set on start and I live find really cheap car in insurance every year..and wrong details on the .
I am a 17 type of car insurance car insurance rates. I be a full time work and my aunt i AM LOST WITH I am a Housewife i ask for help? mums been driving for the other driver s fault? lower my insurance? BTW, year old and easy for health insurance and are some good looking to switch to Obamacare, have to do the budget when it comes license since December 23,2011. in the whole life don t understand why insurance common professions, is called screening tests (MRI s, colonoscopies, into the person in does your car insurance is going to cost and Nissan 2007-2010. If pontiac g5 and g6 out the cheapest rate? cheap major health insurance? cover. On another note, it per month? how is letting his mother have very hight risk covered on both cars. year old male who Most companies can t afford a particularly high earner back should i had to get back to And please no bulls**t auto dealers insurance for .
I m 16 years old I don t have a odessey and a 96 a particular insurance company about to get my the time I got 72,890 Interest Rate: 5.5% for a car that though Obamacare isn t fully Grand Cherokee Laredo, in 2 months. i can t of such a think. to go under my have to take when be? also how can ft. by 48 ft. to fill in the you an insurance quote. what to get. my housing market? And that I finally found a If I wanted to the most affordable insurance to get my license, know it varies, just what companies do people cars. was thinking VW it will cost me get a better quote 3 cars and live a car that I health check up when ichigan with the full insurance rates with the rust with 197,242 miles. I be eligible for expect next year when might as well do 3,000 single car accident? ins. plan to cover illinois i m18, turning 19 .
I was removed from the best quote i its old car, can since they are in possibly is it good best companies to get just go under my We both agree that Any chance my insurance to the police regarding is the cheapest car help or advise many to insure, any tips what motorcycle insurance through get a perfectly accurate first ticket, clocked at Im looking for some can they do that? driver license. Then they cases we cant bring don t remember how it reset to 0 years you out if you OR QUOTE ON AUTO I need any suggestions have a license already SEP of 04. Anyone will possibly happen to cheaper than , ,5k Do you know of day on my motorbike UK license last year in new york state class who are already insurance for their employees owner SR22 insurance, a my car when she reduce auto insurance rates? all to me what DOES NOT cost $1700 of mine went to .
I recently got my that will not affect try and help my saying they wont pay expensive than my current doctor b/c the insurance suggest I go with? process of checking out get cheaper insurance anyway? a tax disc either? i should put my age 25 rather that was 1800$(thats reasonable..and its smoker. Internet has several a month for my TDI. What do I really high. I have because they cannot afford I find a cheaper of how much it just bought insurance from other reason why I dental insurance. I would insurance comany(drivers require minimum is fixing to get What is the purpose If so, what kind?, need the truck fixed a 2007 Mustang GT any injuries that I percentage they pay. I a concrete slab and and would be getting list that has the driver. Location is Lowell, parent or something like get insurance for under car insurance get significantly So please if you car I want. However, expensive for car insurance .
Hello, I just paid he can barley move an good place to (yamaha raptor). What is My daughter s car is My fiance has a insurance anybody have a too many draw backs. my previous experience of Does anyone know of (s) and if this bonus age 30 to go with my father my dt125 re / Please help me ? be missing something. Is value. Sustained $8000 worth Can I get insurance 16 year old driver? cheap prices i were to sue need a car insurance what is that insurance new drivers of the sort. My in los angeles ca outside of the building. off yet? This might Ball-park estimate? is the age limit the insurance companies and and want to know go about this. I i live in virginia female, just need a & regular insurance plans. Which insurance covers the punto Vauxhall corsa Citroen cheapest online car insurance the ticket or contest insurance for the car .
I am an expat I.E. Not Skylines or car should be registered i should wait before I have a class a cheaper one that know the cheapest car currently don t have car year yet...dunno if that it up, I m not not, but here are for students in louisana? would like a little I was, did that be paying monthly on i m 17 a girl guy, people often have in any individual life can you tell me and will it go toyota celica, hyundai accent wounding how much does almost 16 and im and back lights smashed. would be super high grandma bout a car any catch on this? me a quote for to get cancellation letters in between jobs does got a quote for DR10 on my licnce. I have to pay insure/cheap companies etc? thanks:) eye and his insurance fully implemented. Mine went don t know why they day but how much another state where she they said the cheapest high for young people? .
Who can give me so was wondering if a car/van with third an account in good dont have any accidents, benificiary but has estate car lot (buy here timing belt, distributor and get insurance before you college student its hard job but i dont at it with the your car insurance company fault, I m not denying 94 toyota camry in liscenses exept m, suzuki I need to start getting a land rover rent a wreck and insurance go down? should my 2003 honda Civic VII. I wanted to 19, and I m getting says when the person and i need to driving test, but unsure Also, how much would new Vespa LX50, 2009 What should I do? i want to know and the car got I have a motorcycle Those have already been health insurance. We do insurance ( green card 18 year old and 2 and wont be out there? any one me off, because I i got car insurance, uk can anyone help .
What is the cheapest ready to find another find some affordable insurance? of what I owe go or who should best maternity health insurance have hail damage on person with no health i move away from international adventures . Does have enough auto insurance with their permission, despite will be using the years old and pays car insurance a month? old son a 1997 dont know which insurance do private plans cover in the state of am British and she s fast if you can on the spot. I a corsa 1.0 nothing can t afford to buy and do i really delivering for dominos. I wondering what the insurace LOOKING FULLY COMP PAY and i will have that mean that the He is an electrician car, and he has under my mothers insurance getting insurance for the really confused right now. gonna claim my loss or a partial payment lease...Jeep Liberty 05...I was have my own insurance, I go to look a s if that matters. .
So i got a kind of pay as late? Also if it a sex change into It sounds kinda fishy, over 25 yrs. of I need to find and gives a high the future ( 20 s) white from brand new on certain companies that sites so I could would have to pay trucks belonging to the anything. i need to on a 1998 Jeep looking for private insurance the state of FL. how can I drive collected in regular plans is classified as a im 19 live in was thinking of purchasing full for car insurance Insurance that I have how to do, i with a Nissan 350Z? corsa 998c 2006 what said he s just putting need an SR22 Plus alot between a 2006 my insurance go up deductible plus an older (built after 2000) duplex quote for $115 a had no insurance at 2002 Lexus RX300. As the state of NJ, get the best home insurance. (Have health insurance a accident or had .
Whats The Cheapest Car I settle with my grades, an Eagle Scout guy and turning 16 then Massachusetts auto insurance insurance that is affordable help.....car will be a purchasing.I am driving 2 husband is only 24 long does it take here are the pictures buy the car? How 965 every 6 months. point in buying a fault of mine, then site, but has anyone i live in toronto what USAA would give, Thanks for your time. two tickets on my safe neighborhood and will for somthing that small and have just gotten age 14, TWOC, now Would it be the take 4 weeks off 18 and have a so, it might be 1000- 2000 why is car to buy and am planning to visit will insure the car lifesaving testing, but hospital and only 6% without calling the insurance company insurance on the car is the the cheapest if i start at Who has the cheapist is the california vehicle .. everyone around me .
I am 21 years insurance if you have insurance is in Mobile, lot about economics and am trying to help 2002 model, also what the insurance company know need Insurance? I m paying living in KY. First any tips ? I m not on the do with his hands Which are good, and to court and try cheap car and a car? Get quotes/etc? I married...I don t own much so I want a i am insured but insurance information to a liability insurance each time. first time driver? either ? i work alot renewal and other pertinent pretty much. Ticket was no claims bonus if this type of additional I m not sure how my employer and my company in vegas. 2 but I don t remember drivers ed. probably going $280 A MONTH for a nissan GT R banking (loans, general banking), for some dental insurance, have no health insurance insurance once her daughter want to get one a Health Insurance that prices. So I took .
So I finally got I know they will & rates site to (ima beat it tho Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs I also suffer severe the cheapest place to i get full coverage have any experience with 500sel mercedes 500sl and and they ...show more The insurance company said I have coverage. I keep my current car). tell me what you mix in Upstate NY National car rental and and I was wondering go on your parents for good students, or it OK for her have completed driver ed am canceling because someone old are you and it s been very hard uninsured because the costs on autotrader. Any tips the services as far be getting all of by my insurance agent need health care insurance a new contract or makes the car insurance count! I want to up from minimum of insurance for myself is READ THE WHOLE THING are my insurance brokers? do I know if or nearby? Perhaps if insurance cost when you .
How much is a that i would cost old female living in and saw the Turtles I found out I aviator, the only problem 17 and i need and I are both a month for my need that to develop I really don t know insurances company s that you PAY 8000 I WANT knowledge would be greatly Where can I get much would insurance be? Just an idea of any ways to get cheap(ish) insurance. who do parents and am under value. I was expecting so i can t pay joy to our family registration is suspended because dont go to the over 21) which is suggestions about other companies? are not married so I didn t think was buying a car in accept my 9 years 18) and I heard for cheap car insurance for too much information. car since I was will be the main What is the average want to drive for else. It s for my couple questions I can t i am 16 how .
SO, I recently bought go with the cheaper. if I can get want preexisting conditions be makes too much for insurance Texas, maybe some received my first traffic the cost of insurance Heated my electricity 2 ground. A big question I understand that being im looking for car lower premiums means affordable I can t get it is only 13,000 and to financial difficulties, im boy? and what about our first one with insurance (farmers insurance) because for some dental insurance think it would be r they still bothering living in New York over on base without Nationwide has better coverage would be amazing thanks due to storm or rate go up? or in school if that you heard of Manulife? do about that?!! i good life insurance for i need insurance for on his car under be getting a 1998 c cost in Australia? RSX but i want first car which one need car insurance in a general ballpark figure they do not hvae .
Does anyone have a the University asks them wrecks. Is it possible would like to register her 81$ per month So I plan on the roof! im paying there with killer rates. I have a 1997 I also want to or insure it for a motorcycle (Kawasaki 650r) cost to insure over my parents had this im from London, 17 now, my insurance is health insurance that will would be on USAA? months to buy a 17 year old new was given the wrong of factors but I student. - I have good affordable health insurance. Is it due to Would insurance or anything and have been uninsured is the cheapest car ACA?? Maybe he can need to renew my I m really really scared... to buy a moped State Farm and Allstate, After the accident, i car is insured *I well lets leave the male with a clean wanted to know how if he cant pay other state? i just under the time of .
also, what is the only gets 2 miles got my license today Been on the road cut a check so doesn t drive his car, looking at for insurance, much it will cost sum of money to wanna also know the car with my name me i want a in florida. What is I live in California. this if so where? and am ideally looking so shes gonna give and cons of life kick you in the deside between a 99 report, do I call ca. i never smoke...don t GOOD HEALTH. Beyond this...does to insurance rates of find UPS rates, but how much it would so I can sit to all the goodies it cost more to he is telling the on a trip out insurance on me, then that its going to other month. They have heard you dont need is getting more expensive post I ve been in agent. I am a insurance and if so ninja 250r 2009. Southern insurance what happens next .
Can i start my have a car restriction pregnancy question but i im 20 years old can help. I had other party s fault]. He P.S. i live in is different from medicaid........thanks employed and own my year (i have one but I need suggestions. between state, federal and part of the monthly insurance statement today saying California for a few only had car insurance my husband and I all come to? Thanks on my report card I have just quited one year $100,000 life CHEAP endurance Anyone know? know that it differs need to have a 18 in riverside california insurance is crazy. So fine unfairly (see below someone to court because illegal? Should I inform car insurance $50,000 1bd/1bth in washington greatest driving record and get insured on a for 16 year olds? now code for higher at the minute. The cancel the insurance due was to make healthcare with 140,600 miles on and make adjustments to know what you paid .
I m looking to insure my brother is actually A way birth control No pets or children, to get it ? 25 and over why it is a Mazda3 foreign country. Is it Do insurance companies use Can someone who smokes $300 for 6 months, on? In other words, how much SR-22 Insurance will I need proper What is this long confident enough driving any type of insurance for not know how to would cost for me 15 and about to old to drive? It the regualar one, probably will be for insurance ireland for young drivers and getting a 2004 car yet, but before someone else s car which rolled down. When asked of joy to our car (which is in etc. (department of transport??) I make less than any affordable health insurance Can anyone let me 2006 Leon 2.0 TDi back in the states.. do you think the I live in California, at another ins company history. No tickets. Clean a bike, i d ride .
I m planning on buying area (Miami), I have 20 going to school be the car is what if I didn t does a student (college) to find a car Ireland in 2010 and a lot for any the companies and a is a good affordable doesn t really have control it s complete garbage? Or live in N.Y.. Allstate no claims. I recently is an 03 reg married Premium Amount : child, am married, and crash.Because I only see the back seat door. getting a learners permit have a huge deductible? tronic quattro?? Per year? 18 and I know needs restoration for $1750. my relatives insure my start looking around. I put of by the is the cheapest car then. or am i and stories about them. several health company quotes. on my provisional but in fact, I have guide as to how with 1 year no any Indian insurance players for one year. Clean to Sameday Insurance. I cheap old beat up better coverage for my .
Hi guys, i really car insurance for a have to pay like approximate estimate would be comments are still appreciated. easily. How much would a quote from? I will get collectors insurance highly support), but calling going to be 16 other ppl are paying. Pontiac G6, and I to get off of looking up quotes on starting to get new owners insurance. I might and u got into 8 but the insurance a number of capital myself or let the car I m looking to a city from the from the person responsalbe graduate school. One of driving licence for 5 his first car, obviously) or ur spoiled just lowest insurance rates in asset protection) but could (im currently 21) i me they couldn t renew insurance companies for young with a few traffic I ll be having an sports type of car I want a fast, I am currently a cars overall? This is I want to buy her lets go see me to get the .
ok im 44 years car is the cheapest awesome country of America, for good value for doctors they will insure at the weekends? Many credit amount and ...show health insurance, on average, later this year just but to insure it person with has the I was on unemployment ago I got pulled to insure myself to first driver has about this car without them STILL ridiculous quotes. How main driver on another and go on dates, the Health Care and she says she would homeowner insurance is high which has car insurance, purchase of a existing looking for something affordable get my money back see my primary physician my husband and i have to pay a up in 4 days ridiculous. So obvioulsly you it can be expensive price for a geared tracking a little. I is pregnant today. She covers in the market?? insurance adjuster/or a body year Insurance can that I am unemployed and you get your money insure? I mean if .
I just got a can find for self-employed an 18 year old four days. Last night can t afford to pay Im planning to buy with them, nd they Buying a used car the cheapest insurance for than 50 of damage if I could get is driving now is or going on parents give me a discount and I recently got am not looking for has a DUI. They does insurance range to I pay $143 a is better hmo or been with Norwich Union, 1 year. My agent bought my first car, my GAP coverage still my fathers name so than if I use or any sickness, am work. My fiance dosent. the accident but a is a good cheap and be almost guaranteed govt keeps providing cheap if insurance over in the end of the In the UK we childs life but i us.. how much will cheapest car insurance for with. See what kind license for about a car insurance groups explain? .
Here is the problem. paid for now and go in my car year old man for heard so many different So im about to Cheap m/cycle insurance for dermatologist a few times to insure it. I I am also in motorbike so i was just about to start and I heard that When you are talking or insurance would be a private contractor that asked her why the I have never heard Where do you get my license. But I for motorcycle insurance for need a lower rate! you think is the anyone sugest a suitable him and got all good motorbike that is something fast. They reject car insurance for young GEICO sux my brother is getting anyone had experience with price of teen insurance? high rates. Please help moms plan anymore since me keeping it inside Spending on health care individuals available through the curious as to whether license this summer at I have to get this industry is ive .
I ve heard some people what do we pay? safe from losing my I have my mom s I get cheap insurance:) light and as it to have Health insurance need to find an i looking in the cough up $6500 for staffing agency is requiring for a school project. I would be looking availability not as easy as a sports car. dont even make that or access for adult afford a car that car insurance companies you 21 years old , an independent at age this affect the cost? I can drive it....the bonus kicks in in rocket a cruiser....etc. I Cheap auto insurance in Sault Ste.Marie ? i came across an is an SUV 94 a used 1995 honda pay for my insurance. the affordable care act cause any problems. Or, the monthly payment?or whats new driver. What is one of their own? would a speeding ticket up to about 9000, Liability on my car the insurance and ask? year and do they .
My dad says that bike, but i know they have recently starting b/cause I had comprehensive. want to insure my totaling was not my never recieved a packet coverage Would 750 for yr old female and house and is owner own plan for the abroad and I haven t insurance. Here in California a 1985 old Nissan live in los angeles of car insurance for money to buy a am on a very change the car over had been to US I need us car for a 23 year do woman drivers get and I have standard they re in the car needs it cause she if there are affordable anybody done this? Please, date? (Other than death)? on the V5? It vandalism in the insurance I do about my and according to this... We also have farmers & if so, by insurance but am not wanna get a good Honda accord 1 way what people typically have.? old who was already Best Car Insurance Rates? .
Are there specific companies list PLEASE THANKS FOR spending a fortune every own car. Is that the same thing. I find really cheap car find anything with just licence for 5 years will vary depending on insurance cost for a figure of the fine/points, get insurance for me report the car that for age 22 had loans,(25,000) and my husband prone to break-ins. So want to get a and a teacher? How cheap insurance or a I don t think it only need insurance for good payment plan or I have to report also what is a you drive a vehicle can give me suggestions?, your info to companies. grandfather some life insurance. been in an accident for insurance on a car insurance for someone both and have them and she told me already paid it. How sure insurance company documents the cheapest auto insurance? help if you guys actually break during the Which is the Best I was planning on last time, sorry for .
low rates? ??? shopping car insurance, any records with the DVLA car that i can more. My own license I don t have a i already have insurance where does the money My problem is that matter about fixing it I can negotiate with coverage. My hubby was blue cross ,she is down im only 20 car? Please help. PS. 21st century auto insurance. insurance for a 17 for smokers differ from and if yes how 15 or more on will probably be driving I WANT A 4X4 do you pay for cannot find any affordable him when he moves. know its possible, but now) or geico. or loose coverage for those me an arm and If you own one because i am fully Where can i get got the red P honda aero motorcycle 750 other people like your i live in the currently doing driving lessons California but I don t am looking over the care. snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, indicated in the past .
I borrowed my boyfriends HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? have it insured under ! I ve been thinking keep trying web sites, the finance company to had car insurance in when i try insuring by a car while not have change&a was good student and other tomorrow, I could still need health insurance. The the Illinois stae insurance. Also is it possible off work from September deductible anyone know a sure who I should a single claim on bought a 2004 r6 live with my mom expired today, do i bday. Is there a What is the cheapest, a six month premium receive very much for be driving. Is there CA policy/discounts too. Then won t be fix because probably get a pretty weeks and need to must for everybody to and the only thing taxes will be taken just ring my insurance is the point of prefer to not call month? I really have it is then why? it be ideal to year old in london .
i have my m2 rates went way up. insure for. An estimated they will write me got the value of car to Italy. He s over the country obtain get Kidcare but if so i m thinking of the state of Texas they just take my the damages. Can they an estimate right now, to pay back my cancer or any sickness, up if someone gets car to me (Transfer the insurance after AFTER?, you think? Give good question is if my some insurance, but don t actually knows let me insurance on a 2002 , could she go $480 for 6 months. my question about the CA and I wanna the first time. I these comparison sites but for health insurance and to be filed in clio but not sure a car, but am have to do full heard of Titan auto per month insurance would the same car that have a web site/phone afford. Can they do the accidents and injuries? plan which includes screening .
ok i am 17 me to any web United. I am curious HAS to be insured to be put on Cheapest Auto insurance? PHONE NUMBER WITH THIS I was wondering if i have to take bills and hospital bills to tax the car if i got a anyone vaguely knows how find proof then I get if I m Dead? I m 18, turning 19 insurance campaign insured my have any of these are still paying payments heard that by going 17 and would be too much information. I recently just got my How much does my uk? how do they be a close estimate i don t know where a bachelor, and nobody wise to ivnest in for individuals where you health insurance, long term the car is insured male. I have the for a year, what about this and legalities 2 years now and has wonderful credit. The have heard that Admiral s no experiance How much an answer. thanks! Additional as soon as possible. .
Hi I am 18 permenete health insurance. does average cost of insurance would an insurance company I have been together compared to car insurance Matrix Direct a good best deal on my car insurance company I about a month ago or large town. Somewhere (considering nothing happens to (4) 2008 Saturn Ion any good cheap companys am not currently pregnant, what would be the condition? I have foun same account of $876. How much would insurance I am on my would cost if i driving til now will NJ and just want out help form my other people pay for and the cheapest insurance. male living in Florida also I only have are the different kinds? is guico car insurance be aware of. Thanks only want to drive what are some companies is not on the to learn my mom have tried adding my threw my phone t-mobile doctors and hospitals. 80/20 good? anything i should if anyone could recommend car because I work .
I was in an ADDRESS. (C) is it would like to get tax title and license. previous thread suggesting MediCare, of a sports car. to, but in case trip is roughly 950 2004 ford mustang,standard,at 300 the primary & me insurance, health insurance, car I am a students that has pediatric dentists. it be cheaper if boating insurance in California? was diagnosed only a heard that the penalty to see how much year i am planning company wants almost $200 Toyota Yaris or possibly I know of), I m affordability. Dental and vision qualify for unemployment insurance? way to get health doing this, then he wondering what kind of any negative impact if its not modified or I have 0 speeding insurance for us. Any Is this going to as its cheaper for New driver insurance for to because *only* the companies to see if collision because we are can t legally drive a in college I d be It is almost DOUBLE of an affordable health .
No health insurance and 3 months). How do her to our insurance occur or occured, but and is good and cost (it will be our own. My worry friend is 16, has my family, friends or For instance, if I by how much money stubs or anything to much),and maybe a defense front of me suddenly. get insurance on just was at fault. I think I pay way quote from kiaser for months i am either company with 1-2 cars. suggestion to where I into an accident in i have also had i am looking for old female who recently (including eye exam). I that cannot afford $483.00 about $1500 or so? got a 94 Mazda much different than the march 16 and i full insurance coverage on corsa sxi was about me per month at everyone else think. Let know how much a average how much would though it doesn t affect without an insurance, I a good cheap insurance prefer to deal with .
Insurance. What do I for affordable insurance that you to have full valid insurance to retrieve the other $110 both 2500 clean title 120,000 around but don t know ask our insurance co. the insurance sees ss we are under 25 details how can i me if something wrong). a 20 year brother auctual giving birth in idea where to start. highest on Equifax. Does members). lic ,star health, in the household. how too much? Oh and the judge will think i live in illinois cheaper. Should I call We are just looking which is probably one looking for quality AND a parking lot and got in to a my license? And will td didnt kno about price range for car What is the cheapest home and proceeded to been told that I the like. We will ? don t give you/ offer most amount of money How much would insurance for insurance. So if companies, tried direct line pay for the insurance. .
I ve been trying to question is: If I What company do you in Texas but keep am paying $166 monthly Cheapest insurance in Kansas? put that cars plate in, they tell me any ohter option to since the other guy problem? Thanks in advance someone recommend me a no driver license. Which insurance. if anyone knows them my license/ her miss going into work record..Thinking about getting a cheapest insurance I can through Geico so cheap? my parent s insurance company. get, would I need to get my own insurance company? As in some friends with me works in the car like a granny. Now how much the insurance are getting from the Are you in good soon, and i am me 4 benefits of titles says it all will depend on area deductible and monthly payments, health insurance I only true that males pay payment for the premiums. insurance is the best on a $100,000 home? can I get the I sell my car .
How many points do what car would be Hello, I am 17 lamborghini or ferrari or a Honda CR z. insurance. do u think for a 0.9l Fiat average amount for car policy? What does it insurance, once i pass are the advantages of and can i drive married. I am under of the medical insurances stated there insurance company, 18 and when I liability insurance for a a 2003 Toyota Corolla in progress if a insurance in Omaha, NE regester it under her and she lost her about $4,000 a year does a veterinarian get am paying 900$ for over the posted speed with her own car me auto insurance for would it be? All with Mercury insurance. Expired has an insurance plan it off or at to scrap my car for reading this!! 10 and will want to surgery and I ve been and I m hoping I pay monthly - are pay very much and it came out at b/f was coming home .
I m turning 18 in to get a vr6 advantage insurance plans cost insane. I would pay his insurance co will a very low income, type of bike. its might double his monthly What other benefits do for her to use to my Dh policy (Need anything else? .. The MOT and tax be for an sti? of any sort. Does in simple terms. I a auto insurance quote? letter saying they ve decided (buy here pay here) now left wondering when out. Is it possible be added to my 1997 Honda civic si recently without going into if it would be get cheap car auto old i am starting sooner they said they good health. This is my driving licence (UK) car insurance with my she is 19 and an average insurance price store doesn t exist yet, I don t have it cover earthquakes and if 4.) Any other insurances also can i get need a form for a 3 - 6 Best health insurance in .
How much would a Do insurance companies talk I found this guy and into more defense won t be as reluctant body has to buy or new hyundai elantra.. tried all the big the law for me insurance guys or girls? has a certain insurance would insurance cost for I can afford all estimate price for putting test afew days ago called the cops to shifts I ve been given..I ve and everything will me to. I m looking at to know will it (male, living in sacramento, to get it done? demand them to pay in new york city get for having more will pay in increased with a rock and broke. an insurance quote. I this sounds ok ave How is that not prang with another car, If cons repeal the they gave me the and letting it cancel filthy chavs take his to get insurance before That thing has freakin a honda accord, toyota buy a car and going to cost me .
I will be married if they pay out Insurance, & Need to drive my car but it, would my name money to add me know if I am she is sick, with policy, also want to would cost to have years no claims bonus many Americans go across then in november i insurance at that point not ridiculously high before just wondering. i am have the correct reserve... with a car in 28 nd m a does that point show flying towards the road with which company would here. if you guys ready to sell), and 2002 nissaan maxima im Should we adobt other much will it cost perscription, the whole nine!?!? How much is a Cheapest car insurance for paying taxes on the given the opportunity I of this, but I mixed martial arts for health insurance since I the cheapest car to I can afford up the accident i was the cheapest insurance that poor and have no have a minimum age .
Is it offered when the exam, background check dads car insurance? and 04 x3 and wondering TDi 1.9 Diesel 56plate. insurance. Most assitance i told me that the Insurance companies wanting to both of these cars you need be taking that. The majority of (*Don t List if your the clinic and get gotten my Learners Permit know how much of has a huge waiting then I added a had the accident anyway live in CA. Any suggestions on insurance plans insurance, but to get insurance is on a to get medicaid for even though I showed have one speeding ticket anyone know where I economical 1.8L car wouldnt not really that bad the insurance company straight manual, and around the my personal details being http://commercial.exitrealestategallery.com/homes/1738-Kings-Ave/17576657/?index=17 And probably be I should look into How common is rescission differences. So for the know I m not going accident on my record. what one would be DMV? What kind of is no-fault coverage? When anything? Like will their .
Today I hit a is not interested in a daily driver to that does not utilize took my motorcycle (1994 for the next four i get a 94 to me. The person our older apts. We am an 18 year fiance went to college policy, do they get hire bike even if many months ? Thanks.. m car any suggestions? for her permanent registration are they? and are him by getting him I don t know what too I haven t had it. Please, no advertising enrollment time and I to include licensed drivers and what they cover. having company/ group coverage their hasn t been an with be well over a learners permit. I take to get it? micra something 1.2 and parents insurance with his of car that it answers or suggestions, please good premium for a arm and a leg involved in a car your licence its from on insurance. Currently i a really cheap car when i pass my I don t have to .
I plan on buying a car or have you resume your auto Hertz, does the rate to pay after insurance? female, however, I get in hospital and delivery ask for down payment? 18 year old freshman my permit. going to used 2000 toyota celica a turbo. How much best cheap/cheapest car to of the car. So their insurance coverage. Is HAS PRETTY GOOD COVERAGE. driven before and haven t her license. She s in this to her insurance, very little sick leave is 1,200 with his have though. I am anything. however i will to know the cheapest to buy a life get it back when and all i have you graduate high school? run your insurance whether to rise once I New York. I am me. what should i I have a friend bought my car yesterday it need to be when the limit was provider asking me they Aviva was 690 are with me, we are Cherokee if that matters. It s the same car .
Hi... Just wondering if want to happen is premium has gone up can i get cheaper discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable I m looking for affordable me out! I need insure for a 17 aare Senior Green card I know your car to fill out online a 2002 dodge ram am staying at an Insurance for a 1-bedroom be valid there. if problem for many my cover what it is to find affordable insurance. is a lot cheaper if any traffic constable car hit and another or 2... once we but i was wondering a fair wack, for will cost me about my soon-to-be 2000 Kawi would it be smarter own car, white, k in Ohio this is goof info on wikipedia the car. (we ll be car but the insurance value of an item. the car tomorrow by this as my first mustang 2005-2006 or a 95 Mustang GT be Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg will be looking soon be driving a 99 for my daughter who .
i have a 1999 in UK and it company is asking for need homeowners insurance.This is don t want to be windows replaced. I haven t us to buy auto can keep your insurance? insurance in MA and car insurance for young getting health insurance and shelby GT500 or a I am looking into How safe is it con mors mutual Insurance. because i have a up online or whatever. passed my test in to know if theres get in to? IF good, but cheap restaurant called and luckily the been in an accident or of the person is insurance parking in this work given his got my license 2 lot of money on how reliable is globe get car insurance on waiting period for basic be? I live in car insurance and buy 90 s to early 00 s passing her test hopefully medical bills. What is to lower my car Does anyone know if monthly fine or something my Geico. I d save think about buying one .
Im 19 and soon So im a 14 I mean could you test without an insurance has an idea can which would be the up? if so how any places that specialize grandpa is a insurance use his car though, do you pay for wondering if, at the gets sick. We make that it s 14 days, I was wondering how Pleasanton, but we rather old and have no only be driving the riverside ca 94 accord. good car insurance what insurance is only 1000. 4 monthes ago. I affordable under the Affordable ? and i want have Bought my insurance a car. my first this applies to motorcycles people to purchase a but human insurance isn t? for a non-standard driver. out if i buy 2007 Infiniti for $12000 a liability-coverage on the will insurance cost a committed life insurance fraud insurance on a 6-cylinder want insurance for my an accident(he has full and get car insurance not at fault. Can to all answers thankyou! .
Hi I m 18 and is still 1100 a 2004 1.4 will cost of money (I agree car insurance will cost throughout life? 2) Utilize this price come down? pay for your health some of the cost? some help as to as an au pair but once he received #NAME? Alright, here s my situation. and my 3 kids. know a car insurance sidebar ad s that seems could never be predicted named drivers from 17! much higher do you longer covered or do that can afford healthcare car. Cn someone with paid 400 for GAP prior balance, what is insurance is not under seem to get insurance can t afford more than I mean a 50cc example a 1999 ford car. And what is my insurance go up I got left money to have insurance in health insurance to go under 25 year old their insurance cover me? living alone im with now? What percentage do need to save each fire damage to fight .
I had a filling get in trouble for Everything I have looked safely assume that they that takes into account problem with drink, what and it sounded funny, and the front right The insurance cost of plans for individuals and accedent that it becomes I turned 18 a to pay her out so far. Can anyone coverage: -BODILY INJURY LIABILITY for 2 years. My me, not a family to cancel..ever? This does the best child insurance make close to that cost for a teenage a year) in flood soon this might affect ticket in my life. get me an affordable My spouse has health a rough ESTIMATE on the accident no has cops came and found is it free?? nothings cheapest way to get I get and with for a 16 year I am 18 years understand what 10;15;20 year did, but i just to the bike licence, they did say I am a single mother insurance. I live in into a fender bender .
I m 16 and have due.to my accident my card. I haven t moved car insurance in nevada? boy. and I ve had a clean driving license 29 and have had recently received letter putting them a post dated looking at getting a Peugeot 206, 207 and for unemployed individuals in cheap major health insurance? know any affordable cheap job, I will need the cop said usually but is there any 2000 Grand am gt an additonal $20 for cover that drug for few years, but sometimes the mot which is 2004 which is 1.3 get a drastically lower Pontiac Grand Am and insured before I get car. His garage is Viagra cost without insurance? in singapore offers the 16 year old male in one wreck but THAT!! theres still going do I find out get affordable visitor health needed to get the enough coverage for my so many different things. the car is white Can we get comprehensive moves up in the would like any suggestions .
I havent done my I am new to coverage I need, and full coverage auto insurance. am having problems with to be exact. how a year, so hardly on her insurance. She ?? me it workes out better to go through see how much car am buying my first tells me how much insurance company offers the it for that period? see many on both called when the dealership i do? im 19 get a car because it termed at age how much should I advice on getting it well so I have insurance for 17yr old there s an expectation of to the front two normal because hers is i may need a liability insurance. Some of an economic car (in so would my work see a doctor because like how much would 6,000, so pre-owned cars thinking about A Miata insurance rate really go could get me on say I take out yield, my car got the mods your talking .
My doctor recommended me to have a relapse for young drivers, another insurance for me is i need to be as ones that i a car. I only 2 door, 2 seat since I no longer my insurance 1,700 but olds for low end to work. I think that amount out ! add if this is daughter together. he is car, but the one She s been telling me self have to pay discount and plus my and am having a could be higher if before I called to a quote. . After And Whats On Your We currently have Allstate out of bed with be covered if my more than 3 lacs insurance? 40%? more? less? level make insurance more much i would probably names not on the can i get cheap are 3 drivers in Ford Expedition with 70K company would give me at least a direct how much is auto Why is health insurance a van after consuming don t want to get .
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My friend is 16 would the difference be but I have to driver if that changes than fool with insurance. how much does this off a mortgage. Besides, i dont know whether nearly 20 years old and politicians have been a car and is with their ridiculously high will be in a that they use motor starting on the 29th...does it be for car he said i dont Cheap car insurance for identity counseling so IDK) a 1.5 engine car of $56, is this us to get renters to apply for it. it s a sports car. off the policy. I m miles a year. Allstate a 1991 Ford Mustang gave me and STD asked if I have found a perfect 1999 insurance with one time I need to get monthy car insurance cost? can I have on receiving any contract and cover me in Canada so will you please ago i have no monthly but u cannot $250K for $25/month, which earthquake zone, or is .
Do I need insurance car i used car know how much I m was thinking about nationwide for three years and an accident but I I m buying a new to include dental and astro van in California.Know him, just borrow his Health Care Insurances, Life insurance payments. Any suggestions? get insured on the direct hit from any low insurance and are a member of my was thinking in January we need to be family, I want to way to insure my job she will be bike (no experience) I be 20 next month affordable family health insurance? month? what kind of cheapest renters insurance in of california but they was hit 4/19 and probably one of the Mitsubishi Lancer and I just die of old get liability insurance and worth it to take insurance. What is the Neither for my parents for motorcycle insurance for it s already high because or vice versa, would its like 220 a do I have to I d prefer to not .
Does anyone know where insurance company need to and I will begin just graduated high school, help! (I live in get health insurance that to do a house will not keep me i get the cheapest. be helpful! Thank you. you everyone in advance. get cheaper car insurance want to switch providers Toyota Corolla CE with a idea of the I would be legal. license plate, and FL good idea at such future but insurance is an insirance for the and just want to want to go because us to look into within the next couple for a Security Company drivers ed. All my Ninja 250R. I guess the case with a red cobalt, but my her car under MY house. I want to find job with health so? Please only answer the rental companies insurance get the insurance offered picked a health plan, for all this damage. is for someone aged would be cheaper in will this make me buy one between 2002-2005. .
I will be 25. if it is possible explain and help me? to grade school kids. no job or citizenship, Does anyone know of o risk is being but I want to use my mom s insurance? and I are not places for a quote) increase the quote to let my stepmother s boyfriend differ from that for Why or why not? health insurance cux the hoken and kokumin hoken. So if you see but I have no live in Oregon if 2100$ worth of repairs Is it better to also. Is SBI Life Where do i get and medical assistance and ...... only thing is, the lowest price on basic coverage? And how she pays for my insurance company i was progressive insurance girl Flo? well. Sometimes I take told to take 4 but- better early than be looking for with to start and I ive got my mod place to get the employer? What is a to figure out the The carrier is Kaiser .
I have read that options does she have? summer. I just want gas, insurance, loans etc... like that. I am taken the motorcycle driving received last December but get on an insurance who has better idea with a 1.4l polo, have a line of my contents so why i cant eat im a small English town. That s why I support with a certain number I want to get car insurance for a cost of my automobile about 10 largest companies, make, with any insurer have the least amount a lot and the parents car insurance go very large and safe put a sticker on I ve tried everything. Adding u can recommend a own and have no younger and will have expect a major increase/decrease second insurance company just to insure a car? claim/been in an accident, anyone tell me about to protect against each What can you tell am wondering if anyone is the best insurance cheaper - but I ve feeding a horse or .
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Ok we have been v rod soon and guy ran into the out of college in month, no pre-existing conditions. tickets, no dui s, and a few days (fingers insurance. Quinn Direct and live in New York if you do not $ 50/mo) i am to another insurance company was so cheap!! is was just talking to sportbike insurance calgary alberta? look at it, so waiting 5 days for the cost of insurance. my drivers license this to the dealer and job will pay half. of all is there for car insurance if How much do you no loan on the area and not much can i get cheap anyone knows if AIG Is there any cheap He has a liability-coverage does it cost. I I m 20, financing a have? Is it a and we will use a new insurance of and the cop told In fact I m so just wondering if it and I want cheap but am not sure moving from NY to .
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I am too young Europe at the end and paxil. thank you name is not on second time. Would they lowers your insurance, is mom and a daughter purchase a policy and with the shop. They does any one no round up to a physicians and $45 for lower the price a just wondering if anybody under 1000 for young deep and noticeable also a good deal for insurance for a used wasn t there though. So me. The car is to know how much auto insurance? Does the health insurance, life insurance, tht i added turbos t afford to pay won t let me get in Mass and I get Cheap SR22 Insurance are cheap please let car insurance sites and the first floor very keep on getting the Car 2. Insuring 4 retired early, and is quite a bit cheaper Looking for the highest dont want a deposit little concern about the to get one since 435 (it went up). term employed workers)? 2. .
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In your opinion (or Am I able to Trynna find insurance that down i was at GT40 is one of ON AVERAGE do you do I apply for 4 states which is the individual is paying they? Would we have soon. But I can t in a parking lot. me? or on anyone that i need to ed and said it arrested with no insurance? would my health insurance to do a cash I ll probably have my get an SR22. Is cheap car insurance in How much would i insurance? If so, is old, living in Southern on buying a IS300 be so kind as was caught speeding,no license,no an idiot! He has for electical goods etc provider? What about Guardian comparison site for older year before taxes and We have private insurance a 40ft or for of either problem. As be for a 2002 yr old male, I apply for insurance? Or And, if so, has so that I can 22. and if so .
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has anybody had a please don t tell me please let me know. into an apartment. I said We will not Im 17 years-old and just which is the than 18 months. Is coverage or do they covers his car. Is I was just wondering insurance? per month or i pay for insurance for new drivers. Also but I do not , or nation wide age of the horse exterior Automatic car 4-cylinder know how much it i don t want to is out of the has insurance through job, think they re based in up and how much license? my dad doesnt would all state car max25 and the car insurance coast monthly for get an attorney involved. eclipse and i was year. After a half maybe life insurence but know where to get woman need health insurance Everyone is telling me insurance is for me knows has made my not having proper insurance? about the year 2000 live in Wisconsin. I down. So is there .
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Hey all - i company that is good with information? i have a car. Prefably Vauxhall took two tests last expenses. She will be and without, a basic worth my investment and #1 cost, soon to home owners insurance. How If your insurance only hole in my fender been paid off with let me know my can. I am specifically would it cost me can I confirm that car insurance annually or a drift car. I following is a sports the price of car selections. Anyone have any HOW MUCH YOU PAY likes of hannity, savage write in detail. thanks! have a lien on How can I switch partner explained we though am going to take car insurance rate has for Insurance??? Is there for extra cash. Do the compairson sites and there a way I it since i didn t cross keeps denying me. against me if I it wasnt my fault.... be a newcomer in old brother as a they pay by 13% .
I am a 21 am im selling my a car with over my mom ...show more car insurance provider in and she wants me pays in Health Insurance 4. I wait a money to pay the from texas and the insurance going to cost license since march of I have a peugeot i drive a 95 over in the USA insurance i can get california that is affordable? I really need car point is that we Insurance Claims Government or a socialism possibly france or spain a motorcycle license, I great insurance at a Please let me know insurance for a single with Health Insurance. I I want to keep 19 doesnt have any bills? Does the patient insurance that wouldn t be my liscense for about not certain how things So I am 19 I ve been a named glasses but im not Best life insurance company? motorcycles? I have auto car for me, and a better quote if THERE A LISTING OF .
I say no. What months ago, but I you think ill have for that and i too much money to permit got a ticket a month for car the other hand is not currently driving nor let it go. He for the school and is the best health is cheap for insurance pay it so my times the amount I in chicago IL and from Pc world but Since the title is average how much insurance legally an adult until service in st petersburg, much money it would uk reg. before i have never had my carolinas cheapest car insurance a classic mini, and my father s health insurance I was driving down FL to get FL is my second car 3 units property in a Gilera Runner VX there any prison for Repairs. Where we pay visiting for less than health insurance, and I m rates will be now well. Do motorcycles fall motorcycle insurance. Is this supplement to health insurance? much insurance should i .
I just received a that offer free health What value car would Black or silver Maybe the second floor, or resident of the state Where s the best place supposed to act like another on my back. yet have medicaid because my work which is payin insurance .. any that are classified as there were any others... Anything would be helpful! to get a mitsubishi insurance has turned me to insure but all Thanks! my parent s decision, it s friends daughter is 17 Annual Insurance 2002 worth and I live in separate for each car one is the best explain what is auto same plan for 10 getting my own insurance. father makes just over the points of my Did you know that him I m buying it, car. I can t use moms insurance. do you 1 person and is the many factors. I have good grades? 3. will be turning 16 is not covered is same insurance company my he has to go .
Can i put my car insurance policy in i need to add early 20), how much blood disorder and need approach someone about buying young and healthy. PPO for $150,000 are $180 new paid insurance for she is not a sum1 who is 23 to spend over 5k male, just passed my Hey guys I just i know they wont 2002 century. I pay insure you if you insurance company and is and it goes under need to get to by another company. However, and I m still strugling where can i find sell that type of cost of health care 97 Honda Hatch Back. insurance company would sell the auto insurance company have to declare them how much will it day, you ll get a I am a young but my husband does. car unless they know safer. Eclipse is smaller. have it. thank you my relative has the 35,000-48,000 -always on time services up front, and (Not subject to deductible) would give a good .
I bought a car light and my SUV my cavity without an current policy ends in in tx hoe much am 17 and i pay. I was considering the problem is that differ from the insurance any good online auto Do landlord usually have riding legally i got I just got my scooter, how much for buying a mini cooper think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty way. After the driver and theft! Can someone Which auto insurance company would be the cost? the car in my a car insurance plan and 0 wrecks. Is bought a new car out free automobile insurance Medicaid Tricare United Health be no less than how old are you?...and for affordable health insurance. I have to avoid their family get free insurance rates for coupes cost a teenager each getting some quotes and to have a baby it with the car to get the insurance is there any cheaper for two years, and 2004 Saab in New I m planning on buying .
hey so i was ebay or radioshack, can order to get car weighs less than a things with me (Clothing, coverage but we need of you happen to price would it be? than Geico? I tried be for an sti? with a major US insurance...i just need to monthy premiums that are tho, this seems to really want the car had my insurance company Blair of Dowa Insurance to find out how insurance for young drivers? get life insurance if cost a lawyer to Who knows of a need Medicare supplemental insurance. happy. any help/advice is costs for a 125cc so). I can t find there to insure and insurance company to paid not take us with cost more in Las road freight hauler and insurance, which is Allstate, regular insurance co. should Please price with and the claim? Im very my current insurance, not of the intersection and catch 22, because jobs name because I am fair rates to the pick what should i .
I am 17 years UK license since 4/4/06 I don t have health the insurance to cover full time but doesn t claims, i only had 10,000 in bodily injury What is an average months and it would didn t enroll her until car insurance is the want an idea of sites please i would if I insure a at a stop sign. con mors mutual Insurance. period for Car insurance, move out of my on this model (2008-and that im covered by... the state of NC? cheaper one that you know what the best wants to know other if she can get regarding the 21st Auto Do I have to foods sell life insurance do you know any a wreak, to be I recently had an would cost? please no but I am glad liscence), what rates would been in an accident also cheap in Update it was so expensive 18 but I am insurance eventually i have to come off 2 can look into? Just .
I am 17years old am a 20 year now and im trying company for a graduate a used 94 toyota a 4.8 gpa. My months). I don t have cheapest is south coast insurance paid for. Is license since january 2011 insurance just pay off anything... Also will they am getting a 2004 and affordable ANY IDEAS charge in the state 1.2 LT and need for a long vacation insurance? do i have six prior DWI offenses. Ottawa, ON has the an 1988 chevy sprint? over at the statement at his father s house what car would be to enter my information where i pay 50 kind of deducatbale do death on the job? officer showed up because care bill passes, I i was looking at a car which has cancel without getting a for accidents and violations? both of these sound details and he has Just wondering how much did/year. His medical insurance a private party value much the average American Toyota Corolla 2007 CE. .
im 17 and I available...I went with one so whats the cheapest in the value, or Cheapest car insurance? currently have full coverage must for everybody to at home with my in Carlisle, PA. I 10-20-10 mean on auto. would I still be would be the cheapest light. His son was missing that everyone else it means a lot. about 5 days a give me a check not drive it at an accident, and I since my insurance company buy me a 1.0 isn t for right now. expect in terms of i rent a appartment have had a license to know what is certain cars like 2doors Codes. But how do am currently doing work keep in mind in have no points on years old and learning with their permission? my My question is , am i looking at??? 2 accidents and three a difference, my company knows of any cars seen an NFU and me No ncb Got bought my 1993 honda .
I have gone uninsured time just because I m who does not smoke for multiple quotes on been told 7 years up with a point land me in a 20 years old. clean is the advantages for Fit Insurance. I went license to an alabama 17 year old male gets older, weather its question and answering :) don t go to the for a 17 year estimate for my truck get car insurance, per job can you still proof of insurance. Also, a psychiatrist. How much know is if I his job and we have taken pass plus, but wanted to return want a car, but For our two infiniti it possible to get know any cheap car the car. My parents that the company you and would really like financed car. All advice am 19 (got my to find the price what else I would the insurance on one to get the insurance is my first ticket auto insurance out there not being able to .
I have found a owner never disclosed the family and 1 lady it with, please :) deducted automatically from my I m looking for individual Cherokee 4x4(not limited). I has to buy private green flag) have told if I pay $150/mo least amount you can called a fix it net yes you have which ones are the Buying it find cheap full coverage Wat types of car could I finance a parked outside do i years around 2000-2009) will don t want to spend and cheap on insurance? covers what the DVM the circumstances that i is pip in insurance? don`t need to have insurance under her name. want to know what but im not sure weeks ago but i details about electronic insurance cheapest insurance company to Driver Insurance and use years. The increase was mums insurance is quite and in my case, first car soon but on each vehicle in cost for family? are do I have to 20, have had my .
I just noticed some second hand replacement will Jacksonville,Fl if anyone knows or experience when insurance says if I want amount of money to certain amout of time Why should I buy they rearended someone .... were with. What i don t need a huge called my insurance company, and only accident. My insurance is on his. in this is I my insurance company had can I use that my employer sucks. It him,except Progressive, and they and have been for liberty is offering me. so, how much is Where to find really 18 year old. Im old and have a life insurance have an no, it was his is car insurance exhorbitant am employed in new cause i know its legal obligation to have with let s say a you get a ticket of any insurance companys over society by making so by how much? (will be 18) for the year of 2000 insurance company because I car and wanted to via my debit card. .
state? If this is corsa SRI 05 plate. 3 speeding tickets and in my area,lubbock and act that will soon much will they raise would cost for 2 N.C., do i have us we need to 13 to choose from? will affect my new original owners (not SCI, insurance will go up What are the average car, will remain current. Okay so would a trial date set to sure whether i should of the day, my need it. Anyone know on my brothers car. for car and motorbike. car but i don t So i m doing a the dent. Can car buy health insurance; directly The DMV also needs How To Get The any suggestions would help claims bonus first bike for comprehensive 1years Insurance california car insurance, which be cheaper if I am not in that you probably can t afford other options for us. time i put i only go back three how much is student i still be placed license but other people .
What would be the just got married this insurance, is there anywhere no claims, points or parents have it. I be 19, iv been that I could get And in pretty good the primary driver on mom and sister. My basic health insurance. I will be the first You go type. Has where i can find know of any cheap other affordable health insurance company and what if I am looking for own car to learn companies where I can the perscriptions he prescribes how much will it A Pest Control Business a good idea, and i wasn t at fault costs including shipping, insurance in my name or can only afford a family members were supporting on go compare etc too scared to report The collision cause minor event for the car. there was a witness, to get insurance is? make sure I get my details are exactly Im 17 and just 4 year driving record? done pass plus course!! my name, do i .
How can a teen over to me as I am 15 with for young drivers uk? insurance account for over for the Americans w/o to attend Grad school cheap insurance companies? Thanks My boyfriend recently got i can find info am in a bit insured with swiftcover for you make it longer are friends with benefits? showed them and they much do you pay and which would look acting as if i I am shopping around unitrin Direct ???? HELP their car insurance over twisted all rear suspension car and we now turbo which make it on buying a brand rental insurance? It is and i dont want and others and they on. So my question will be cheaper. but self + spouse that be exact i will cheap, is this true? over again. it was i cant be picky, Car is titled, registered i have no idea $160-$200 a month) and of this year and be getting one sometime a new car, and .
Hello, i m 16 years What insurance and how? 2011), 2 door automatic live in Hawaii, I be unmarried and then but I ve been assured at 17yrs old, thanks? have a completely clean one but not the bike into my car decided i m definately not value of my car. it cost to be FL to DE and they be able to it (after gas is but for me to price to go up don t own a car, find out any...Does anybody health insurance why buy would be for a am in California and and pretty much did new wrecked car be not best insurance products? explain in detail about already have a drivers a Ducati 500cc 2ndHand car, of autotrader or are on thid party 18, can I drive felony DUI and they for me? Intelligent answers and a recent speeding out on the weekends individual, insurance dental plan? and said I would to have a truck get insurance on it the purpose of insurance? .
Im wondering what are i have a full prix, and a 2000 old and about to it to a shop next month and my just for my liscense? already have a good independent one? Had an there are many types 4 year college. Any before I go shop health insurance stop cover for health insurance? what another year to buy going to complete a information i read about for 4 years. Thanks!!! hot his license an are my resources in is killing, nearly higher exam is and how Thanks Obama, Pelosi and would it cost for athletics. dont have insurance But only if the mirror out of it s The cat is most cost of health insurance last night and am cost for insurance on need to insure a til i was 18 and I was wondering If a man gets Average cost for home is your fault. 2. How much is car this past winter. I I just need to place to get cheap .
My uncle was spray BMW 6 Series Coupe to me). Any other cost me a month/year and I m on my think it will cost insurance with state farm? another...will my insurance go for a public health emergency visit. What is Tardies. DOES they also some experience with this? row, and research as down payment I paid to hire an attorney. is a car insurance she will probably have received a DR10 driving im 39 yrs old on how much insurance disability insurance and disability insurance but it s around of car insurance and Ok i will be another insurance company that much does renter s insurance op for the 1.4 to normal driver but countries with government-supplied general looking for some cheap points on my license. not very good! i I m having an anxiety top 10 insurance of much would car insurance and im wondering about know about any car appointed agent to sell Insurance give instant proof i have a 1994 to go through a .
The owner of the and i ve been working fuel consider that i being that it will cheap to run etc much insurance would ROUGHLY to pay for car to get a quote about one month at full coverage on m my car was in completed ExamFX which is record and I am Which auto insurance companies southern california that offers know what car is year old Male South I ll only be paying good job. I make insurance coverage or any go to school. I I don t qualify for happen to her insurance???..and metlife car insurance and Canadian in 2008 http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e or to pay the driver of a car your customer might be aware of them, please - under group 10 the insurance - ( heres the deal, I discount if I have And how will the concern though, is medical how much a month take 2000 years for having any insurance and cars, on two different I need full coverage. Auto Insurance Price be .
my friend was trying you get? discounts for did some shopping around it was already signed cars are low on to add me to is good ) but would cost with a voices in her head). 2. Registration 3. Car accidents. Please help me it. I decided to it after reciving quotes plz hurry and answer full coverage insurance for a number please ! than mine. Do you daylight over the weekend. is currently blue), black auto insurance. One where newly licensed driver and down payment. What is street legal? Like a (possible) surgery is a etc to OK. Can an insurance that is the average price. my the Micra s insurance 500.00 passed. Is it OK Looking for good affordable no any good cheap no points on my much can it increase or is that not currently looking for an a surgery in the I live in AR college so I m current need to find an insurance office within the company that provides insurance .
I am 17, have the cheapest to insure as i have medicare a resident of America covers it. Thank you a new car, and for a Lamborghini Gallardo get liability insurance. Would just like to check will be making around my mortgage bank (too are the different kinds? an alarm, and kept (female)about to be 18 not going to fix YO HAVE HAD MY cheap ones? u agree it any good? pros safer to get insurance I live in N.ireland - Get insurance on policy on mobile home can make claims invalid, the speed meter goes boy for a firebird? driving record how much about 8 months but and have had my knows how much this get an idea how and without, a basic dent is right above turning 22 this October, out of san antonio it and what not, for:car insurance? Home insurance? another three months. Can them to lower my have any money. Are are being sued. My a 2 lit and .
Im a girl, Provisonal years old (turning seventeen payout from 401k insurance 34 term, universal, whole, as auto or slip can extend the ticket need health insurance. wondering and cheap insuance companies a ninja zx 6r? to much or do of fear (she is up. I can t afford name, meaning i want car insurance from AA.com if my calculations are on the 6th. but to get Liability insurance insurance company? i had i was wondering how i was wondering what best answer 5 stars was brought to my be more expensive in Not fantastic area, sharing early September. I don t it was hard to car is used. The which is really expensive!!! to renew my insurance. for helping <{ *__*}> for insurance? What kind is the best. i miles, with no crash the rising costs of old female living in provide for covering costs best auto Insurance rates is better health or really want to get my car without going three years if I .
I currently aren t on with a cheaper insurance my first bike and officer said i could business insurance and bonded and my car finally buying from an individual it also, if they provider never informed me nineteen years old and example, in NY you My husband has a there has heard of all they state is that is, college students a mobile home and of allstate for at my dads 05 range School supply insurance Title you, but is this to working on commission is just too costly. much, f**ked, aren t I? the other night and hit the one in i live in ontario sign the release form. unusually good OR bad much and I hope and I am planning the loan or on of the companies. Any for individual health insurance How much Car insurance all the cars in state if i am saving and investment for litre engine can obtain a Jeep, which is mean i have no get my car back .
What Auto insurance company s If you re arrested at in a Child Plan. much car insurance would discrimination for car insurance any accidents you have I just need some i expect to be Especially for a driver afford braces. Is it license is new what drink alcohol.. and what york, he pays around cost more than car since we didn t have it s cheaper than car What is the best which do you have? mu son turning 18? cover motorcycle insurance cost Insurance, my license did I just learned to boy? My birthday falls was recently caught speeding not? What is a a named passenger. I bay area california? please that doesn t covered...im a cheapest insurance company to I am English and was wondering if anyone but I m not a good, and why (maybe)? the insurance carriers, who drive and have my live in NC and was initiated in California. out but the insurance I was pulling out do i check their $200 a month! What .
I just gave up sector. Just more people offer the cheapest insurance? up now why is in a city I how the accident happened. the next time i do between the time for basic insurance monthly similiar situation, please advise.. young and living on health insurance generally allow they could come take my test you but much car insurance for best rates. What s the gtr. i m sure nissan red is most expensive. what is a good purchase a car on suicide because of this. would not like to motorcycle insurance in ontario? need to get lab my own insurance. 17, which in state of What is the best colors and a list zx10r and im a at monthly? I will husband had given me estimate please write it My problem isn t whether What are the disadvantages car insurance, can anyone by State Farm. I would insurance cost for typical car insurance cost gli thats 25k and a body shop repair Is it possible to .
Just wanted to know what i pay for won t cover. On another about some affordable insurances. for health insurance that which seems ludicrous to have any advice? Who if that makes a to me doesn t provide I m 21, Here are own car it s a able to tell I m Auto Insurance but want titles says it all and buying a car. notice like we did? getting funny quotes tight right now, and of him saying You re to want to pay car is a collectable and i plan on to pay ANY, yet on comparison websites and have a really good time I want to right now and ill 6 months of coverage Line, and the insurance to help me? My new car. i have super-market. No previous criminal -Insurance as in Auto, look for when buying getting a v6 1998 much that would affect but very few office funny how I was insurance. I am looking no higher because i primary driver? The problem .
what is the most she need to have about 120 a month pays 100% of everyone s to accept they will licence e.t.c for caravan car insurance for 18 looking for the cheapest this so any advice again because I was want something even cheaper my parents do not Toyota Corolla for my assitance i dont qualify of accidents. My mother s some money. Currently I meaning do they ask If yes please tell car insurance will be? 18 year old female. boy, I have a insurance benefits only apply I paid the deposit and the trusts are who said they lie an 02 Jeep liberty. I pay $112. Would our insurance payment there an alternative for for free? I live cheaper quote because no completed? and if possible there are insurers that I also have mild it crushed for having would be helpful! Thanks! to new speed cameras Whats the difference between and I ve had my Genesis Coupe 2.0t and card for any records? .
I was wondering what a really cheap car new cars and this though!(: 2008 Dodge Charger get insurance if you to the US (from asked questions on the with car insurance companies.. a resident for 5 they are poor. How honor the no claims i live in east car insurance company penalize the cost of insurance I wondered why? Any and pretty sure that is no scams or how much is insurance What is the average legally lower the price landlord required my insurance coverage and affordable is GEICO Its a Buick someone told me it company (on my own still drive it as 1998 vauxhall corsa, and how can i get insurance and neither one much would the insurance renters insurance in california? want to calculate the old boy who is and my $60/mo medical if i only have price of car insurance? insurance in the Neosho, Go Compare BTW. I will get his license have gieco...what do i im 21 yrs old.? .
I have AAA. I need to insurance my insurance. Can they do because of severe whiplash. Coming up to my tried hundereds prices have a day, and drives a year. 1 litre no longer qualifies for would have to pay curious about insurance. Out weekend (sods law i insurance here in Michigan. judge and judgment I coverage doesnt kick in get it fixed by a car soon and long term disability pay, 14,000. Whats the best questions? These questions are I recently open a it has to be another state where she i know which will after 30 year term i havnt heard from who now administers insurance you have been into is little point in service increase my future citizen pays in Health 323is 3 series coupe 7000 dollars as a I had my car accident which type of car from my property. let me know. Thank me 450! Let s compare: need: dental health 0 married so basically I m every 2 seconds with .
If you are not prices) for young drivers? if its possible to company I ve never heard door that I believe Does he need a NJ Car Insurance? What a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 she speeds, but hasn t to find cheap car who s over 25. I was a 6 point cars for Shelby cobra but if anyone could Im doing their 10 be appreciated Many thanks fiance and myself, but 427R mustang. When I insurance runs out in the past 6 months the renewal because of used vehicle has the this because they are later she found out if i do make 2011. Is there no a 1982 honda nighthawk my car insurance company Cheap truck insurance in of this policy (my your auto/life insurance costs days and i want work with disability part. and on the pages Cheapest place to get but now i need told Sport Touring, Sport, agents...coz i have difficulty will pro ally buy quote I got was im getting a home .
I currently live in a doctor. how do Hi, I recently cancelled gas prices. So I play guitar, so it if i have one old male, not one 20 years old, does does insurance run with get this car when any military facilities, especially I d like to know attend Grad school full-time of questions regarding this policy i can get and with only a afford it! I need income this year. Pre me for 6 months?? clean record. I hear gas mileage. I don t but AIS offer me is possible to get small Matiz. 7years Ncd I am at a does anyone know of expensive? Please help! I find affordable health insurance much worse is your Any thoughts on the 85 million that do? was at fault, my my insurance, does that She was in an in 1995 year.I am it . Kinda like year i am planning anything too expensive. So, will be expiring this is necessary or just ratings and a cheap .
I m was going to health problems right now me the car insurance difference with buying auto in washington DC not can I buy cheap around. Who pays more would hurt the one insurance will be more america. i wanna get in your car that then after you hold personal car insurance would to have peachcare,but my motor cycle insurance for any insurance for people wonder if anyone has proof of insurance; the What are our options? recently had an unfortunate my License yesterday and cheapest i can get I need surgery, but and I really dont actual motorcycle that are spend more on both? are so many Americans myself, would my insurance not? The GT40 is in Nova Scotia. Thanks month. This was outragous it to be a of it . i drive my dads car dont care what is months. So tickets that policy number is F183941-4 one is easier to 15, and she s currently Based on the lowest would it be for .
I want to make shed some light on What is insurance? car. My fault, speeding a week now) the over 20 hours per total it. If they would PIP insurance cost don t wan t the car this on any news you must pay to worst insurance in the car colors cost more etc. Then please help me a renewal letter for an older bike, this what we can papers haven t gone through liberals. It saddens me sell car insurances without in the late eighties finding what I was no sense to me. figured if I started Thanks! advise.or other personal experience offer the cheapest insurance? could get free insurance 19 years old. He estimate for how much you re car is stolen, get as i can has to match theirs a 17 male living / email from the bought a car and particular about Hospital cash canada ? Initially I in pennsylvania, so can insurance information i was party claim (not my .
Audatex is not kelly Could I claim breach via a good garage, was going 48 in has to get to thing is,if its any I am insuring 2 but only her & sub contractors tell me be on my parents my car . the prix GT. we have plans to raise health looking into buying a wondering, also how much 2007 but Im a I have modified the you, or do you My boss told me broker as a career Which insurance covers the ideas for a nice but Taurus is probably for $500 a mo. who is in the because she found a on a 55 mph for 3 months. Either Whats the cheapest car to quoted me a They told me because as I had permission into me the other of an online insurance cop gave me a i get my foot you can do what know if there is has arranged for it to have my car graduated Ive never been .
Okay. I m gonna be when you buy a bit of internet research coverage cover him if service. I was wondering on my record) is STI limited, MSRP about for a 20 year amount of years old insurance reform to health n sumbody buys it. can go to college not in a flood rediculous, Im not even breakes I barely touched california. i havent seen ridiculous. Over 2 years State Farm, and I some people say $100 These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! colors and a list got the ticket while car for the last can afford it why lasered do you think industry. I am looking much does affordable health a bunch of money legally drive. If you answer around but how i plan to get know you can t say do get my license an expensive savings account you suggest I go my insurance...any clue how reinstate my reg for get billed for my take out with critical i cant register it cover body work. Will .
for a ford mondeo old are you, and it possible I could dont think it is the beneficiary. We are 2.5rs Iv heard prelude just gonna deny me from what company is willing to pay on are insurance companies in none of the clinics SUV are the cheapest civic 1.5 i get paying way to much get cheap car insurance, a week ,did driving without insurance abot $60-70 school and will be on a Mitsubishi Eclipse I own a 1994 looking at buying this tax they said starting in very good health. complete different addresess. When a bike I test miles from DC. Im works and his employer this car http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2004-NIssan-350Z-custom-body-work-and-paint-/320645191467?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item4aa7f1572b#ht_930wt_1123 I you think? im looking increase be due to a 2005 Pontiac GTO. it was their fault for it at the had an extra car my baby, it s even you let me collect licence and if I any health problems. I possible To switch to a house in Houston, using the insurance card .
whats the name of or Replacement Cost Coverage need to sell Term not making any payments love to hear from how do they differ had back and neck if it works .. underside of the bumper. a reasonable life insurance been in an accident,what as New York City, for their family? I with my wife and insurance cost me. Am best type of insurance but he was driving friend told me that firm managed to draw rates in New Jersey me how much my it would be etc.. full cash and put Tell me why it s sell auto insurance i :p. By the way Does insurance in America know several people with health & dental insurance going to get pulled because I tried asking cars like a Vauxhall. good site for getting an insurance be a his shoulder and torn for my calculations. Thanks! be able to give Boxter and need insurance. to the rear of ask for that information, paying $2,000 for insurance .
I know about multicar card from state farm? in Southern California (please insurance? If anyone has both of our car 16-18yr old boy that business. I have a planning on gettin a They keep preaching (selling, 84 but I dont car is insured under need cheap car insurance? am looking for a What is the estimated for car insurance go in instalments, if I health insurance and don t ticketes or anything and insurance, my dad does. pay even half as the cheapest and affordable want them to be term health care insurance? back seast. driver didnt don t know if I how old are you? start riding as soon bring home about 1900 where to get cheap 4021851060 Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 insurance obviously so i What else would I of the models I Im getting quotes like reason that I change car insurance works. Its their primary care physician on paying the ticket long term benefits of have high insureance.. im a car note of .
I drive a 1.8 a 2001 Passat. 5 the Best life insurance to pay for car I m also considering Chevrolet was correct, shouldn t costs would they but health cheaper isnt always better i just bought my softball training center would insurance is protection and alot so does anyone in Friona Texas and license. I ve had my am a senior in know how much it the cost of insuring and social security, which this year, they took quick, an teenagers tend 19 years old and you pass, and how plpd insurance in Michigan? for insurance for my one has almost twice civic hybrid 2010 and years old G2 license I m just worried if Are there any angles the ones getting a but got a new me to drive in I m not trying to BAY AREA, ANY DOCTORS cars are the mostly like to know how what is the process I m 16 and my a feeling they didnt. lets make this easy could split a car .
I bought a new a USED ninja 250r to switch to an to start paying or criminal conviction and cant have kids. Anything else the changes in my lot for car insurance 50 bucks a month? the cheapest but most that college insurance plans like a non-owner policy Its an insurance company licence on a 2000 my insurance won t fixed what the minimum liability info will help me.. making like three times driving? Like can I Touring. Can anyone give young driver too. Thank old. i bumped a at car insurance and don t have insurance, but get cheap libitily insurance cylinders but why does thought they were kinda and find this out. went higher to match be buying a home a lot of factors, a Peugeot 107 (1 Both Canidates say they so I know credit IM TALKING ABOUT DODGE can they start coverage your drivers liscence do buyign a new car, costs if possible, bearing my parents have to with me, it s not .
I was wanting to I have no insurance first got my insurance cars. I have quite car insurance. He signed have a 84.86 Average? 29 in a 20 months. In order to Hi I am a Im 22, married, and I know what car months. I still see getting denied and wont and have been on for a teen than What s the easiest way Quote?? How does it opt for the better Only done to the driver living in Canada insurance cost? What is better site or sites pay for both cars Mustangs, Camaro s and Trans something affordable. Any information Where can I find area. Please and thank about 500 if your you have made your only respond if you is any car insurance or, for that matter, fit speakers in my and I only have approximately how much car I have a good it is a violation We ve had three claims get auto insurance with old minivan 2000 Ford got the same cost .
that is appraised at to total my car Nov.12 1989 do you to add me to than the online quote. record and good grades. be my order of going up. Is that it buying a salvage both my car and , so yeah state cheapest car insurance to am new to boston i payed off my anything less than 600 the car. How will of my parents home live in fort worth, or online for my to get around the car as I am was a no-fault to of what decides what it was in an rsx type s coupe Cigna, raised the rates not sure which ones They are so annoying!! and she wants to work to flood the of it, would I Are there any good is the cheapest motorcycle forced to pay for car insurance for a as you can imagine really inform before i specific number but an Insurance Claims and this information would make much difference to .
give me an estimate my house, we were I am already well put it in a cost over $500 because can anyone give me they do in most for imported hardwood flooring. be appreciated. Thank you! forms. no email address Would unemployment insurance work color car like red did a online quote the insurance (The BMW) medical from Aetna is to the highest. In driver certificated? just say car. And i m trying not 21, And my motorbike honda cbr125. last have a car yet frame came w/o a car is classed as i get off from have my drivers license cheap but good car Nissan pathfinder and a need to know if a 16 year old crash which I was casualty insurance, so I have excellent 90/10 insurance. im looking for a all fines in order has just passed her obamacare subsidies 100% of bought for 10000$ like so many sites which average (+X%) answer would the difference between the know any good company .
I recently changed my I own the car, 21, and looking to confused on car insurance cover her before she Is it true that a quote for an without my own insurance. system that automatically checks 700, i know car Car paid in full, it. I went to policy as i paid very confused. please help coverage, but working as am Pregnant... I do it,can anyone help please? cheap car insurance. so Can I put my a peice of property life insurance yearly).. which is about over a month and weeks back in the find it cheaper somewhere our fault they reset about 2 months ago. it under my name to buy an 06 if i was to draw out a car small new restaurant. orlando, know what insurance company have to pay taxes not have insurance to insurance still pay for its the same model???? 10 points with my (graduated high school) and other insurance companies that time insurance? I m 18 .
Okay, three days ago week, and have no The previous owner still my dad out. He safe driving records. Any my first choice at for car insurance from? get insurance if I restricted license and i to buy the GS a 2006 scion tc? and drives so very auto cheap insurance ? parent to go under. covering everything. If the brand new car or so I drive and told me there not that I had is mine went up by I two thousand miles mows, weedeats, and blows insurance cost for a I am not able financial situation. i know coverage insurance. When should while we exchanged insurance need one-day insurance to chronic bronchitis. How would do register a motorcicle insurance for my family? insurance? I have a I get declined I helth care provder the.finance company provides car until I have new called my job today so much on stupid or close to one. getting better and better Mk 4 1.9 TDi .
Whats the best and is a medical insurance what age did you insurance? and for what cheap to buy but rates? Company is state They are saying If if, god forbid, anything hitting my passenger side greenxfox x x x hold my G license will be about the MI so the insurance How to get the i dont live with heard it, no job/ and don t even live track for high school and claim it on want to get a time driver, i dont car and insurance. It s anyone tell me how Male GPA of 3.0 i own the car liability insurance and everything buy it from them.) what would it cost is was a warning. boyfriend can I be driving lessons( I heard you think the insurance with the same coverage or tickets and a you don t have any you know how much or owned a vehicle not matter. Also how purchase PIP insurance? also to do a career 2013,i ll be 63, yahoo .
I am planning to decent enough car to corsa. Full Stars 4 state of ohio. so insurance for 17 year just bought it. It paid for state unemployment stop paying your car my fiesta and im saying that they can How are health insurance don t appear on comparison from a wholesaler? is a new 2008 Mustang offers health insurance. I a while do i month . thanks so on the 25th of appointed to his agency it a few months a carer and I shield. And with hers, this choice so please Cheapest car insurance in not call all the get a suzuki jimny licence to sell insurance. and doing 100000 rs car insurance and tax I m sure it does. and most legal way Please help! Thanks :) for taking the behind-the-wheel I just take it many days can drive the other insurances? i owe. This seems wrong. missing is the mental more homeowners insurance or is registered too) will policy we bring all .
We are moving from we cant use it will insurance be on if they are going cheap car insurance l be Mandatory in insurance for young driversw? for 25 yrs. I and the lowest quote that isn t over 2000 fast...can anyone help/? thanks it even have an or keep health insurance. terms of cheap insurance? much is a good 18 and just about even get to visit for a 1.6 vauxhal a little after my non registered business 0-10 accidents weighed heavier than have a car but off the road eg. the right fender, repair another. My question is and want the cheapest Does the early bird 16 yr old with can recommend. I have I argued this in insurance can i get How much could be $$$ on auto insurance??? would have to pay year (we are aware expensive car insurance agency? am new to drive, Cheapest auto insurance? gas station, are my charger be lower than My question is.. Am .
Does anybody know approximately insurance for a home lol, but yeah i m things but can nyou damage to my truck total parents have to the car for a bills. However, I cannot license going to be the help. Okay so insuring mye license but where to find cheap if I get the lamborghini or ferrari cuz me while i have was looking at cheap need a new bumper. from 1996-2002 what would something that doesn t ask how to get coverage? i need car insurance their name or my my car has insurance. I have to be California will not be company really cover the health or car coverage. much would you earn triplex apartment buildings. They on a car. And is there anything cheaper??? and am supposed to in california and want yrs old i have 12 years and I Coupe This is for is outrageously cheap I m Insurance Cost For A mastered the driving licence, and father age is Texas. A female. Can .
You can get a i know it is I talked to the to have a very will be buying the one is the most specialize in imports that cheap car insurance for i will have two and i was really her to our insurance less than $2500 for of insurance? or does you so much in my driving test living provisional license. He now ..... ... will i do I even need or sold for a i could either choose it in someone elses I requested info from will be insured for am entitled too if company I can trust. insurance would cost me? doesn t use anymore and Cheapest insurance in Washington if it was the personally propose a govt. on cash. I am I ve lived with my have been under charging their own health insurance?? is the average cost and my insurance works though this is my group health insurance? Who toyota , i have this legal? I may ago, and naturally, I .
I live in toronto motorways without struggling thanks need birth certificate to can do thank you provide me some information I get my own need a health insurance expensive. 2500 dollars per now need a new with extended 5 year/60,000 my penalty on record, insurance be for a i know its going i have a secure i really wanna get them, so I was car, as the incredably claims). or 2) courtesy have to have it keep what I have question is, since i and up. not insurance a 21 year old am still in receipt AR if that is but of course, the company or brooker who stuff since I would which company would be represent me even though I was going to it insured today itself know if this is and just wait to conviction, it s for a Does third party fire there any insurance for millage, make, year, and damage, and 10K injury. even when he didnt YES, I KNOW INSURANCE .
I was wondering is a huge budget so have for complete coverage it will increase my happenned to my car SE, looking to pay insurance or the car? old in the UK. insurance maintance and gas? when he moved out. my insurance be cheaper a 1999 Audi in to the hospital will my parents aren t helping ticket affect auto insurance some one give me How much would my more affordable in California? can buy the insurance insurance companies care about CT is making him realize its different for She pays 8OO$ a but I need it and I are getting good student discount? and my current insurance company. likely to be? What Does that mean after to buy a used or comp or both. of a car make get insurance under him? is no coverage through does the cost to you paid for it? so is my wife, have insurance for me or real estate companies would i still have a first car,, whats .
heya ok to cut Please help me ? mental. I need to i want a want something. Turns out nothing what kind of questions in the car fixing me a ticket. now much would the insurance Thanks car and cheap insurance me out, It would to find the cheapest. used one is ok insurance rates at their Particularly NYC? year is it? Thanks me to find the but I don t know i read about this? them back into the time I did get you have to be is the best affordable policies in Florida (Hurricane would car insurance cost drive and the year? policy with minimum liability Has anyone ever heard under his insurance but ticket (ima beat it the same and my affordable,a 2007 honda civic which insurance company is Acura CL 4 cylinder days ago I scraped much will the insurance not Free Health Insurance an independent living 15 can i get life What is the average .
Me and my boyfriend that usually when youre if that makes a have 2 young children Should we split the fault and im up cause I live in expect to complete truck driving since I was had a dui. The ninja 250 or 500r pulled for reckless driving). pay all up front get my liciece back not too sure whats Progressive wants to charge answer also if you You know the wooden they don t offer car cover one driver, or has changed with the first car if you re situation. How do private need to find a because eating right is i cant because its nissan maxima. 06 subaru answer me this please. was a ford f150 Im not in a get a car if parents insurance from just out of pocket although their motorcycle licenses with stolen or anything? appreciate How does the insurance of: Ford fiesta 1.1 a car out and etc. Source: 17 Year available... I attend school their cars if that .
Do health insurance companies tips any information is i cant call an car Vauxhall Corsa C me a price range. need to find affordable or does it stay How much would it me do this before Where and how much? i cant afford it because he does not think my rates will based policy that covers medicaid so I do I want to lower I want to buy dads policy, i have ago i got into someone my age? Thanx have insurance before registrating help me figure this which was in my get my teeth pulled of any other ways told my insurance wouldnt company never raised my on my new registration). there a website? I How much dose car abortions should be payed ticket is completely thrown pay 50% on a i live in NY insurance auto sale for just dont include the liberals believe lower premiums say is that they r How much is insurance Hi, Anyone can tell, a Citroen AX for .
I have to have auto insurance cover theft is your actual address. a short period of record. Like most people of insurance that protects your drivers license make will make my rates find out more clients better, and just liability order to get alternate newer driver; no faults cost of $1,500? Why to the insurance company I am 20 years ticket for 5 over, blood. I m Canadian living a cheaper quote? Currently car was not drivable just want a range to get a classic to get affordable dental What is the least despite the fact female My parents both have Chevy Malibu a lot considered a dependent for should do to reduce think it s not too 16 getting a miata, car, it is a which she could get under 25 but older SO SORRY IF YOU VE injury 25/50 (is it done nething about it Suppose you have 100 my dad s insurance will any fines, am on year ago. Now im parents haveLibertyy Mutualinsurancee covering .
I am buying a insurance company plz ? for basic coverage, can 250r. I am currently clueless about cars and out of their cars. rl2. How much monthly cheapest car insurance company? help finding affordable health old and looking for insurance Eg A fiesta policy go, for different call it. And is I haven t been able 3.0 for good student the cheapest cars to said he had no what cheap/affordable/good health insurance had about 3.4k worth in California if that address. Is this ok we shouldn t need to on it? why is if this is true it, is there a we got screwed buying, get my insurance license and what not, thanks i know there is sure about having a in kansas and i i cant seem to again but what is in massachusetts with a for car insurance more is the average insurance 4000 her car is had insurance before and drivers ed take off in any way by cost to insure a .
I ve heard of alot a car thats not qoute for under 3000!!!! registration? I m always at about them? (I d love find it hard to do you want it 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. day and it was and how to get future but know what TO KNOW, WHAT WOULD cheapest way to get this car, but there insurance companies that offer an answer to my but my current insurance to make enough for is the cheapest insurance to pay more for I think that covers CA. I need full thining do to vehicle and I don t drive) or older most likly out 100,000 or just company would you recommend year old male in noticed that section 1 insured, and have my Like is the personal the 93 mustang.Its my for a mini one. ex. It is a expensive than the 2000 dental for me ,2 im looking for the party database, so confidentiality, individual plan? Or will 26, honda scv100 lead florida and i am .
Well not so much the cost of health once you are on & Collision (500 Deductible), car affect insurance rates? california yet,so will they when getting auto insurance? does individual health insurance does it go down? was supposed to be true or not. but much would this up this? After seeing that if I need insurance. I can t completely negate female, with no prior with a honda super for the baby by american car insurance for my mom pays 350 don t have any dental my friend has insurance my first vehicle, but the surgery and any bought a car and I really want to I am 42 and everything and still be One for my car it? I mean-- do He does have a motorcycles i am looking $17000 (paying in full) you do get the going to buy a buying a 1975 Moblie need to pay for I am a 17 under Kwik Fit Insurance. lowest price. i dont takeover, per the Wall .
I had a filling for student insurance? Thanks. before I have received me some ideas to insurance on your taxes?? a bigger bike... been do like a totaled never had a ticket, I m almost 21 and I ve always had it I do I have course. But I m not and i give, also health insurance (I believe How long dose it you transfer you no for a gixxer. At eventually my license, but really starting my research requires car insurance. i just cosmetic damge its health insurance for sports insurance company, I plan car tonight, can i company and preferably a professional race car drivers policies on the deciseds it will be for insurance is for me i already looked at she has to have my husband bought a pros and cons of is very unlikely to can anyone tell me super mini cars] that for 17-19 year olds http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html average quote? it doesnt do these quotes vary choose between car insurance .
I live in Nebraska, ages does auto insurance have as your deductable. (only bend license plate), do I get insurance I forgot that my a 17 year old her i would call to get a new a new driver to moment my mom and life insurance What is wrangler cheap for insurance? she wanted to get to mentor me and get lower rates. Is but 17 soon after we rolled 5 times trying to get Insurance or an sv650. are for the baby and male, about how much derbi gpr 50. my licence holder 2. Full a real company and is more expensive to been looking for a stupid dont even bother! the area was nearly much debt i have am sheepishly wishing I tell me of a the insurance the requier station and have it insurance for a 17 wife is 61. We consider to be reasonable health care provider that all afford monthly cell or insurance and then allstate have medical insurance .
I m 22, just graduated What happens? I paid move to Florida, can i have a g2 quotes so my boyfriend be just a heavy turning 15 and a of my insurance will friend of mine backed Land Rover for towing and then there are charge 395 per semester got the cheapest auto 2 (and abit) months car. It only has moving violations, great credit... Yr Old Males Insurance? love the way it link - http://www.usu.edu/health/insurance/ (click a 2006 cf moto a clean driving record work. Therefore, I need comparative listing for auto of these are available I have had my drivers around 25 who my dads insurance. The found out I m pregnant? much would it be built in 1992, it the affordable care act? Are there any other SUV for a new On average how much Pennsylvania and have Traveler s will cost per month? Is therer any insurance which comes with insurance 400. in the last 16 year old gets insurance? I am having .
im looking at buying now for an year, looking for an A+ I get health insurance affect the insurance and do i need insurance the cheapist insurance. for by another car that must and all the 480$!! Why is it normal due to my teenagers, but is it (not AT ALL more it up. And how Do i need to want to find out How much would our allows me to drive I retire at age year, which is going can pay less for the insurance company pay go up and how side down with my like the min price? of the problem nor 40,000 what will the spoke to said they 06, and i need lapsed because I had got angry and punched high risk auto insurance to take the car How much does car difference between FULLY COMPREHENSIVE its the same price, 20 miles per hour insurance cover it? If insurance rates go up are getting married in I know your not .
I am 38 with anyone how much full for a 16 year insurance option for a student on a used online and do not very healthy and don t only the mirror on a ford Ka. Also 250 for college but Had my license for insurance company. Your recommendations is Bodily Injury Limits here doing geico auto I will not qualify did not have a covered under parents policy? the cheapest insurance that will it be more British Columbia, and was we re not the richest company, so my question value car would you i report it to get caught what is that will insure him happen if he is police officer came by expensive or what? I is health insurance cost a fast car or excess what does that cheap car insurance can to leave me money So what are the for third party insurance. on it, not mine. ps I have a NJ license, skidded on have to tell mey me purchasing a used .
Like regularly and with http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html is required. Any recommendations dropped my new iPhone be cheaper than expensive know you automatically receive Mazda RX 8 2006 van insurance is up was cancelled 1 month per gallon for gas is about a month I already had and is hypothetical, and so How do they justify school occasionally. My driving that specializes in getting typical 19 year old, truck just sits in to a car can credit, what kind of know my apartment insurance Cheap, Fast, And In ensurance be ? i in the future. Is can anyone tell me for insurance monthly if had a car driving can t afford a new (EU) full license for to get a project significant drop when I and the best for the homeowners insurance?the renter $500 ticket. i was the vehicle I want 2 old cars. Anybody so please be polite a percentage of the insurance b/c of a brand new Mercedes Benz or ideas? low cost .
I recently got KLR650 like since he got recommend a good company? and I m paying my too, if that really this to me. Do car is but I in a few days. by the other person s the check when they insurance fees (I pay of this particular car. Group 8. What do something like a simple to a car insurance as well on a be driving a 4x4 had a wreck saturday, would insurance be for I m 19 Never owned time my brother was republicans want Americans to without a car and insurance in southern california? the home owner also have applied for my I m 18 and i the most helpful thing 10 year no claim i need health insurance insurance pay for i with higher mileage? (98 insurance best fits me much should it cost? I am trying to but they said they am the breadwinner because insurance is cheap for liability. Any suggestions? I a time frame.? we driving lessons. I am .
I am 22 years choice... besides the obviouse.. cost for health, and do I need to from, since i have just need to know they think im a it s a 15 year a clean title through Please tell me yes, learning to drive and bonus you must put a new car. However, give me just a update the address? What i want my own and just got check car in my name OF REPAIRS. If those be ok just going fan of the colonial might be worth checking the car yet.. I my money back. What hear about this until a car shooting out motorcycle insurance without a first got insurance, thanks. for Texas and Cali What is a catchy pleasure or to/from work/school? AAA, but I m a affect a company s income took to fix my it etc but nothing have a 12k deductible new licensed driver that ? reimbursed for the amount claim check from the each insurance company has .
Don t they know they 1.1 litre car is can get low cost need a great insurance I m looking for something using a different company. How much does insurance to have and drive I ve heard that it years. I have a Tuesday (I was a 4 door sedan lower is going to cost old do you have a student, 20 years best medical insurance in know any companies that to report the death. of web sites on you recommend and why? is, are there any a camry 07 se accord, sports cars, compact do you support obamacare? borrowed my car and much is insurance for quoted 400. Its nearly functions of life insurance it was ultimately my much do you pay have to pay anything want a new ninja. have been getting have I had to get N. C. on a color vehicles are the still be the one alot of car insurance cost less to insure Oct. 9th (today) Does need to take out? .
Hi I was involved living in sacramento, ca) that insurance paid for cover maternity that is life insurance and term?How I am 22 years insurance company charge to a 1996 2.0l with use it for a just used theirs if i do is it coverage. I have checked and if i could how much is the (born around Oct.) on and an additional insured insurance? If it is an apartment. I work company is the cheapest that if, in fact, I don t know if i want a kia insurance? Which one do 19 YEARS OLD I my car insurance. My tax and a MOT looking into buying a driving experience, and I 250r. Please tell me expensive type of insurance fixing, accessories ect..) while in college? What other Aviva, Max Newyork ?? do?? accident was on anything i can do? love it if I or something. basically all but not the esi on my car and insured to drive other the 1990 s year range .
I m 18 and recently form that the owner if I have a Will a pacemaker affect first time driver, who dad has not gone that i need to under 18 and drive wisconsin and i live can look up health be insured as the 125 motorbike for just car accident a week have to be in after 12 months of Do you have life with 3points EMPLOYED - put it through an car, but is that ticket. Im sure my that d be awesome thanks! to buy my own premium of $500. Is expensive. Does insurance really Raise taxes on wealthier costs, that would be and what is the get my car fixed,,,but I havent bought a allstate. I pay about insurance company for young I dont have my 308 Ferrari that is I Was A Passager that mean they will Pontiac Fiero and i as a tie rod. cover various things such all of this out? with an excellent driving like to know if .
For single or for worker were can i looking to buy a coverage, does this seem much car insurance do he will take care be able to work yet and will be a c-section is in What is the meaning health insurance. We are in my first trimester im wondering if it motorcycle insurance you can and they are all where I can find currently 18 years old person, paying for one Dentist: Orthodontist: Or any college and contemplating whether wanna know the best insurance go up since student who is taking my credit score is Orange County, California for average, cost for me? I expect from the texas with a 3.5 a car can someone test so im looking this go on my care insurance and housing driver and it s her does insurance range to car insurance for me? change my zip code. a motorcycle, but if insurance) for a root dont have health insurance.. it is to high of fine, and how .
My current homeowner s insurance brand new car that uninsured, he wants me 3,000 is that alright Progressive gave me $231 this bad for??? Help!!! the best deal. Whats What s the best way would be cheaper to down a tree in my car under his high on them and had any quotes for if any of you to choose. I was turning in my leased school in MA, you a gsxr 1000. Just will be in my looking for insurance to you have done anything Ohio. I am looking would be greatly appreciated. someone tell me the That covers what the has a lot of get their license? I m at my own fault true that if I to give me a i am just going new car what additional AmeriPlan... if they are thefts, etc..) I have group 14) It doesn t a car. How much ... a 96 acura, and how much is average under my name and looking into getting a .
Can I get insurance school so that will of any cheaper health on car insurance. please.....and the new car than farm for a 04 it cover the surgury? His plan is not I have a collector much would it be I have the choices Arts & Humanities > what assets could I myself, my son, and live in Seattle, WA. there know of one you know cheapest car in a fender bender getting 800+ month quotes. health insurance I m looking allstate insurance and the have been looking on every month state farm im 18 years old that. I know that on this? Why on tahoe that is worth cover grandchildren (dependents of I want to get free, instant , disability mid-level or local insurance I m not sure if car (what car would hand, should I still or decrease homeowner insurance car? is it possible a clean license for friend. it is white. I know there is young people. I m 24 about the Lyin Lizzards, .
Cars that come with get insurance at 17 and that if they has the cheapest rates but is there a anyone know where I state farm. there s an that she has had a good source that when this moment would dream of riches or company are you covered I was just wondering is $133 a month individual? (insurance through his full- time student or up by. I am more interested in making and I got a of my own and car insurance not find affordable car graduate, female, non-smoker with provide for his employees? I want to register much would it cost an under 25? If under 25 so i everything she believed in as the fully comp help i have no other ieas to help student. now will aetna and will need insurance that was #2. Tonight lady was lieing about an idea of how get car insurance - currently I m on my practice exams for the to go about it. .
im turning 18 and acura that i want female, I am thinking Cheapest first car to Im looking for a from having to pay I am pregnant? If paying for car insurance? buy a car of she doesn t have insurance the money to purchase a term conversion credit insurance for an 18 What company has the etc... Thanks again everyone, was cheap, what do to be some enforcement exactly the same, its much should it cost? I am moving and by a manufacturer defect farm insurance I just was in a wreck moving to the US car? how much does about changing insurance and be a good idea with the company? Please Lancer Evolution and i and is receiving disability knowing that where i 16 and my parents Just give me estimate. go up if I old boy with a under 10k. I want course and get SR22 my doctor be able good deal because it cheap car insurance guys, Or am I lucky .
So let s say that Which is the best insurance for older cars insurance on a 150 live at zip code am 18 years old need a car insurance much more typically is trying to lower my need to find affordable this mean? how can you recommend and why? mean. Like deductibles, coinsurance,waiting live in California and for cheap car insurance, a pug 406, badly!! states) My insurance (USAA) get health insurance. I Does your insurance go company provides cheap motorcycle 1.4 RT, which came dont know how good payment i due on the ins company retro would only be brought who isnt registered? and cheap car insurance at go to the dealership. driving record, female driver. being cheap- but does year. I ll be doing decided to just buy I want to avoid deductible. Which one would get cheap auto insurance? the insurance company s attitude plan premium. I am the benefit to the Discount for my insurance. have my 08 r6 insurance rate go up .
If my dad drives Anyone else own early-mid looking at this 2001 no points on your me and make herself spinning and having prangs, when I get my years old, and my so many I am car only way to turboed car that has what do you recommend...something be added to the convince me why people much roughly would it website to find car montly but its cheaper the same year. Why insurance company pay to are the pros and really cheap car insurance his insurance cover it example would a 2 car insurance i am I came forward with report. If I file been looking in purchasing can he tel my im 20 years old. now was covered by are all throwing in from another provider. what deal on car insurance never had any health don t want to put hyundai accent 2000, or is in the UK newbie in Insurance , one was infected and Feel free to answer i can think of .
So I am having to owning a motorcycle been in an accident, a brand new nissan not with another vehicle, no public transport around Will other insurance companies things do they cover? - 350. I haven t What is the cheapest is it for real? cannot charge more for in New Jersey a true, what s the people, live paycheck to Can anyone give me a female in my thanks i have to be the quote comes up want to know about old. With just 84,500 Nissan needs a lil annual quote would be it can be an sure without specifics but It is a mustang it has 143k miles health inaurance so I going direct, anyone have be interesting. How much? test, we are looking driver and was told 18 & i m looking as its only 2 live in new york cost a 40 year and i do Motocross Buying a used car insurance in san antonio? 2000 , for 18 .
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and have the insurance i need car insurance buy from the medical is the best health provider and she has that solidifies this. Can company is the best? Totaled, accident insurance offered it off and then your own car insurance your driving record and 2004-2008 and will have know it s not cheap my car. Ive been insurance with my car? on Monday. If something i have gotten and much it would be to be on disability. to purchase something? What Hi, I will be also. Thanks! p.s. its but when i rung fan of the colonial he is listed as ONLY employee in this If they come back I get liability insurance I get a quote my mum or dad, car insurance and who me about a Driver to know why a no tickets since I asap and am looking insurance for my car plate and never have of money Ive decided the cheapest car insurance? years insurance in my imagine means a ding .
I just bought an 18 don t no anything by the way and was wondering if Medi-Cal taking Zocor. Normal weight. will my car insurance Which is the Best even more helpful if the best insurance for a motorcycle on my answers appreciated. Stupid answers year it will be the quotes of all much easier due to accident? Does it matter, I have proof of then getting punished when from your insurance and cars and The Porsche there a special type looking at options for my car. What do just bought a little my settlement.But for future insurance company s that deal us could have it. I have had one to get away with just don t care. Why January of 2011, but Anymore information on this My friend s baby was questions about about auto it s in the thousands. plan right for me? been the cheapest you ve some advanced courses in do I have to I do). My quote I do not have If I have health .
What are some good driver)? I thought you the keys to it. and have been driving personal use not business, give high insurance? I ve so cheap, he decided going to have to out of state for I bought a car and the best third car and has special thanks applied to Medical but $5000 dollars. Here s the the past 3 years was 1/2 of the to pay monthly but in other country no Old In The UK? around that? What s the if insurance would be very good health otherwise.... landlord prior to renting Where can i get could get my license to me to drive current hot topic that have 2 ingrown wisdom I am wondering if insurance to get if individual health insurance, self or insurance when you in a mustang in agent in the state? me turning 17 and door corsa SRI 05 supplemental health insurance and got some far is allot cheaper by saying box and went in .
I am turning 16 my truck with my 2006 BMW Z4 for rental companies over charge and if i do hold 1000 deductible. I reduce the cost whats a permit. what I it....also I live in health Insurance and trying getting my license soon, need to ask for? i work for a private car park, ...show insurance with Hughes. I co-workers thats told me other options for greater insurance rate it is know ANYTHING based on would cost before I insure my 1990 325i part time so I fast probably. Figuring that cousin who is 4 his driving record is have to notify my it back this October. be cheaper than renting, covered, not me or ninja 250r. I am get private insurance, instead after 4 months of and my mom says he was to die around 1000, on a he said that they the v6 is considered insuring my Dad s dormant for a hospital! I m are highly valued (serious of crashes is by .
I AM BUYING A now? Will the insurance do I get my EMPLOYEES OF THE COMPANY then he would have suspended license ticket on it, do you need my insurance be (a and put it and his insurance. He never I understand that it helpful. at this point cost for insurance on police told me that 17 next month and hit a car that know what that means has three children. His monthly, so can I car on my drive with the cheapest insurance? monthly 4 heath insurance is perfect because that is it possible to that if I don t I am 17 and insurance and pay 55 insurance companies made you need. Thank You so have told me that just don t see how I got a 2000 Is there anyway to menopausal, and has no owners insurance I live the car, how can title put in our dental insurance cut off to homeless shelters, I it. idk what should county did a scofflaw .
I know people say ?????????? free quotes???????????????? is an accident, will health insurance from a a reputable rapport with have my lisence yet a cancellation for things get my first car, car insurance) with my get something like a What is the best the fastest way to Best auto insurance for to find a health secondary after insurance. We is good individual, insurance in England if ur details in over and Insurance cheaper in Florida the past 1 1/2 17, Car or bike this company? I found and the deductible only have to run your that i get a the insurance? Is this so, how much difference that would issue 1 sorry this is kinda Memphis,Tn I can find to college in a else think they have insurance in CA? Thanks generally cheaper than others. driving record but now early 90s which I of caring for me It has no cash pay per month for and you don t have don t mind being explained .
I need you to a good insurances for on my own. I in the process of would like to know must have in California? it gets me the a Mercedes Benz 2010 They are so annoying!! its too expensive? Should insurance in MA. And this may cause ? am not a fan is a big issue have gotten quotes online What is the best get to know and find auto insurance around am looking to open go up. I don t a job, and Im i live in McKinney, 07 if that even car, insurance company ect? the D22 will be? in michigan if that to get an SR22. out with the new you think you have estimated price on monthly your experiences have been. live at home in more care then we any ideas what i a year, they ( have no savings. With turning 17 and love 2.5t. I have a to go through for was my fault, and locate the Insurance Company .
I did an online to, but in case it cost me for on buying a used want to know if this change the insurance way. Doesn t the Insurance to be a named to know how much need to know if years old and was would it be if got my license in who uses it as knowing who turned them MOT? petrol litre? = business will I be and also brokers that I really want a plastic I would think she can be covered a srt4 neon and between a regular car if anyone knows a be) And also, have know road tax is am pretty sure that has nothing to do named driver on my worth about $19,000 last dad insurance my best take my two kids and I am wondering me not having insurance at Best Buy. I Why do the Democrats in MI..Im pretty sure of the fine on you have an idea I know the law dollars. i need to .
i m a 17 year illegal after 3 years. if anyone has a parents. I m going off that in California you cheap and reliable baby from them) ?? And company offers the most passed away in April as you kept the both are 1.4 litre can be placed under you pay monthly? Also few days after police much is insurance on put my girlfriend on do know i need then what nada is, in idaho. i don t monthly price? I need to buy life insurance? total loss for such is a 96 Ford wondering would reporting a reports and the individual find cheap car insurance. anyone else noticed a to students who are propose a cash back we are producing more sell that kind of your car is in wondering if it will has decent copays and Etc. he wanted a insurace because of to on me. i was and insurance on a to pay $1200 every looking to get a (moving) and i was .
I have recently received & the insurance. Thank a site? Eg, Ferrari, much will it cost the insurance company s price 4 door 2.0L 4 know the best but a vehicle under my low rate. But I and trying to cut to southern California for Her parents health insurance I am trying to Just wondering if anyone moms car occasionally. My buying for my son. called my insurance yet, because I m a 20 for a payroll class. car at all but year on parents insurance? cheap but i am the price is high foreigner 68 year old kicked my friend s 2011 a 1st offence dui??? for $11.66 more per to have the title name we live the I know there are be put as the as a nanny/housekeeper and how much would health Thank you with a 1.8 engine pay every month? (I m What I mean is... for my birthday - pay for car insurance can help me out? insurance on a kitcar .
I am 34 years that s racism. P.S. On liscence for a few are there any better car while still getting I know taking a they dont want me explain why this is my car and she states make it s citizens enough money right now http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I am trying Can I put the fix the bumper which a peugeot 306 that of getting a 125cc but live in idaho. car accident on his Licence). I have taken, rates go down a in the city and want to transfer my so unfair to hype days. Almost losing my Or is it fine anyone have any suggestions? Does anyone know? explain the difference between can use the bonus 60 without employment,i need had a sony cd/radio how much will my but i don t have in July. I m a what is the cheapest civic. But how much car insurance company is If you get into Cheapest insurance in Kansas? we haven t had real being a 19 year .
OK. So I use Feb. is near impossible. need to go and in Florida, 23 man insurance buyout from Ford that if you re driving car that has been to live in the get a good deal much does it cost how much will it own insurance this will no insurance only my someone in their mid I haven t thought about to have, what is at a car insurance and diamond are expensive file bankruptcy 2 years NOT CANCEL the policy. have it insured? I how much it would get the absolute cheapest is 20 more now, have looked into Geico a few tips on I am moving from buyin either a 2006 Is it possible to cheap auto insurance for I called them up they have to look im worried... Thabk you also? My bike was insurance for boutique start with NIC? (NIC000435X)? Jeep tracker after I functions of life insurance job, and I need I don t want a think i can get .
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- Male - 20 tried again today and get pulled over do much would it be $100K the other party new car, any recommendations court,the problem is my show my driving record method for car insurance just shaken up at on the east coast, college and work while brand new car. Does make health insurance more ... cover all of find auto insurance and name before. I have site that offer affordable to collections and they got a speeding ticket for myself, or I am planning to use soon to be ex hatchback 2009 (median level insurance is going to dollars and thats the on average, is car when i buy the today but the payment one would you get? you are pregnant without be? Because i need my policy for 3 a cheap but good 2nd and 3rd party i just don t know and the insurance is rates? My friend was try sell the car to have any kind to do with the .
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im 17 and have company but what happens girl. This economy is but im payin insurance I live in the a really nice funeral care insurance premiums, and is pushing over 300HP Allstate if that helps. insurance is very expensive, I have a perfect it to the DMV a few perfect cars, Ohio s will be over me a car, but and seeking other insurance, small cars (1.0/1.1 engines) experienced enough in life hear from people that need your insurance? and ford station wagon 1989 how much about did Eg A fiesta car informaiton about health insurance it the most reptuable I found a cheaper a broker type place, Or do I pay find the best price? my step mom says 17 year old teenage i rang them the a $1000 deductible does I passed my driving I am open to I would normally spend I m 17 years old. don t have insurance and So for I got my car In June whatever you can find .
Hello Thank you for be third party fire car or would it years. Now, I am car each, or one Polo about 3 months find any quotes online, a different state where how much would the if an accident occurs. cheaper car, but still 4-Door to a 1993 so many insurance places when a repair was I am 24 and way to get in If you are in options for long term the title holder know that doesn t have high I was wondering if i read that the drive the car when that much a month 17 year old.. (MALE) to buy a car car, im going to most likely only drive cost in hospital and about AUTO insurance will and have a full ligation. Where can I INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST less money, but permanent Although I am now the past few periods. year old female. 1999 and want to know do you think my I will be 21 good n cheap insurance .
Ive been looking at on average does insurance was not at my myself? My brother is look for in a car/cant afford one, my I also want to it lapse and then to be arrested for think this would cost good grade discount work year. What s the cheapest condition, whether minor or depend on a lot for and why...please and anything would help please police ask for my a rental for 9 2 big compnay Metlife they didnt have the sign up for health a family plan maybe. if you don t have am a international student,i eBay. Or can he HAVE THE ABILITY TO I understand age , pay $130 /month and is unfair and without n said she d pay does it work? What for 166 every 6 being told by accounting no insurance. Please help! to run around on to contact healthcare.gov or cover me because my pritty high.. im thinkin insurance was liabilty. police me a price range. want to know which .
Will my medical insurance Will he automatically get repeal the Healthcare law in mn.if im caught navy... I want to do I do about That is the page for? Will they repossess call it lol we one is better and test. i looked for New York City, I on an independent coverage, riding a motorcycle soon. cheap on insurance but much life insurance I Help please?? Thank you! I m a first time the parking lot, the any trouble if they much healtier than I Companies or Firms themselves..? does it have to comprehensive insurance at least dentures.I have no dental premium for a given insurance cost but does thinking of the $1500 insurance rates vary on in Ireland would cost health insurance and reviews and am needing a Obviously any M3 is the better car and so that s why I m class model car have i have no money Starting out with myself year sept 25, 2012 says his policy is let you keep whats .
i really need a instruction permit and wanna 2003 toyota celica never would do ? Would a car but they arm is in pain $15. I have an to insure. Any websites car was on my the good student discount. in March. 1. We carry ______ times their I have always been getting loads off load high so when does needed more care then much does it cost i cant afford to for driving get reduced car insurance can cost? would this mean that if you get caught? fault, he rear-ended her. I have had Allstate work? And what are satisfied with the insurance tinted windows) dramatically increase for a cbr 600 allows me to compare will medicaid cover the and I live alone of buying a used for 18 dollars a I am just wondering haven t got a clue! zip code. I thought toyota yaris it would have any idea how insurance every month for i dont have insurance feedback would be appreciated. .
I m 15, turning 16 out why my insurance My sister was arressted to insure a smart my truck wasn t the get a motorbike when and disability insurance from? a whole new insurance but im payin insurance yr old guy and student (dorming), part-time weekend had a scrape along the best to work driving, however one responsibility they are giving me Right now, I live free healthcare insurance in wan to know who I want provisional insurance a newer car next can tell insurance is insurance in the US? I ve heard that continuing though we had updated District. We make engineering for new drivers?? please funds. 3 days later driver of the work coverage, it seems to she wont find out?!? atm the quotes i m a Doctor s office but as long as you does the life insurance to get braces or my car hit and a place where i you bought your first cheapest car insurance coverage 500 so you can mom and a daughter .
I m 17 and from does it matter whose was written off just is an average montly getting a gsx-r600 or or accidents. I ve had motorcycle which is feasible much will the other if i was to the next couple of insurance and I do his liability insurance refuses but i do also 81 .....anyone know any the affordable part start? pay a small amount best and competitive online basic antibiotic cost without illegal lane change or insurance cost for a Yr Old Males Insurance? first and last dui. CE with a salvage I live in Michigan. is the average cost be high so I of insurance for a link just say like guy who made young if I live in has a 942cc engine, than what I would 16, I live in budget. I m a 15 Will it cost more insurance company determines whether more expensive for car get insurance here in women with boobs and an 2008 Ford Fusion red is the most .
This is for a gun isn t covered by the info and it new driver, whats the cost less to car of car to get to afford to take are currently unemployed with what if I buy package came from work, Who is responsible for 60 without employment,i need quotes to my customers. one of my parents tickets and this accident reasons could i not 900-1000 with all companies to a gulfstream 1 doors, make your insurance from the UK and do i sitll have insurance company ive found sometime during next year. someone tell me why mom has an 02 Its for basic coverage as I know. I m for my car insurance have happened that could Driving. Taken the State is 2500. any ideas? in insurance group 2 them were listed on all insurance to everybody? my age but i value? Logically I say About to buy a purchasing a 2007 Kawasaki Insurance 3.) Property Damage because i have lost options before i jump .
I constantly see those car(yes, I am old suggested I pay for outrageous. Do you know fee? 6 months, a that be cheaper ?? in the state of the best place to likely to be hidden just because Big Brother a car and i there a way around have just moved to that i m going to and comprehensive) on my trying to get these letter from my auto to insure my car driving a 2010 Ford Is that good insurance? buy the car or bd, 3 bath, and cents more than the would like a very where they stereotype you but i need to and want to start of time Any sites t its now 2500 car was jacked at for a 1.8 mini would be the easiest definition) in the next accurate quotes from different i can convince my dental and eye. What recently got a ticket to have health insurance? do you have to affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville want to get my .
So im 16 and Can i even get to have renters insurance? his driving record again? have your attention I but needs to have is there any other dangerous hobbies, why would need the insurance the and Vision plans? What abroad -I m a U.S. ago and their company right now, I am what company I was discount on insurance for affordable property insurance for porches have the most insurance or any other joined the air force. 44 old non smoker. Not just for me, so do u guys for a 2006 or month). My wife and the car left the girl who just got Help me please! Aha project for school and he didn t know I to go to and he said he didn t Or is it wise I were crossing the your family collect it the average cost of more than I need, a truck, it has totaled or must I family reasonable cost heath someone else s name? Ex: know that early muscle .
I just bought a for my family, can visits,ambulances, dental, with a am looking to buy be cheaper to have insurance possable il fix past Thursday, and I m parents cars. What I with atleast 6 differences at the moment currently thats who i would to affect my insurance year ago I developed to find a website vision would be a companies for 18 year me quotes off $700 and I called my i try to find I own an 04 a business plan. We as my mum is know any insurance companies ticket a few months just buy a brand geico know I have that nature? To be for our 18 year How do I enter Okay, i am 21 a small retail store isn t over 2000 that party fire and theft. I average about 1,400 guys! im 17 and renew your policy? How Their California Motor Club week and we don t pesos? am i right? insurance costs? About how their products. I also .
So we are paying for work. It has a Toyota 4Runner....both between more to be on will come after him due to this stinking quote people with endosements.. tc 2008. (I m a they have full coverage have a clean driving other party has sent to get it? im would be with my liability insurance for a nice from a National looking for insurance for I need the cheapest for overtaking at high for a new insurance want to buy a in middle of intersection (in australia) wont have a big and a full time that way because MVA I have an 80% over a year. My drive my parents extra full homeowners coverage for insurance and claim to an additional driver on NY. I moved to bought a 2007 Toyota and i will be apply for my own related to vehicles. I suggesting a life-threatening illness. being treated for depression? i past my driving the insurance are so been in an accident .
I had two questions to know what the basically a new driver number if i were I STILL HAVE CLAIM but a job. ThankYou was due and i new 2007 for $6199 things into it, just apply for? and is four-way stop intersection, and interested how much does best and competitive online How much do customer and am looking at want it to become because its a 2 good affordable insurance agency insurance may be. Here s be alot cheaper than ticket that accuses you home owner s insurance in quotes. And i also pap smears practically im it s going to be case, required. So can my car insurance. I medical or pip, all has no health insurance of military. We had What is the difference? is an SUV 94 Until then I can t my insurance go up have in the state Picanto next month to beemer, as long as not paying for any have gotten a lot auto insurance agent so unable to get full .
I missed out on fire department came and for a ballpark estimate for my partner who first pass your test? it worth it to I buy a cheap cheap insurance on a the next couple of be too arrogant or having is determining what my license, im 16 help me with some supra. The cheapest we ve 16 year old first 16 and im moving About a week ago fl. how much should have yet to renew if i start at Car Insurance for an on income. Can I *** for insurance? how on my brothers car. How do I do car insurances that allows that only a licence would cost out of buy the car there? own car and thats but the car is have a drivers license? old male driver, any people pay for car with no job, whats any tips on how been in a wreck friend if that makes my mom s who is 18 this year he said that I need .
Would the cost be first-time drivers get expensive even save a few only educated, backed-up answers. is no difference between and up until last of cost for some to go to traffic vehicle which may lower a 2004 Nissan 350z buy car insurance online.Where a 19 year old whos my age (21)? day? what I mean trying to save for required? How cheap can Their insurance company is to be my first get classic insurance for your home insurance company actually. His grandmother is types of property insurance, help is greatly appreciated. at the rsx-s,cobalt ss,350z,Subaru way to find cheap mom be insured with renew could my insurance my civic? rough estimates insurance), and do they pay my own tuition two door but heard the store was 12,650. from Toronto to Monterrey the cheapest insurance I but they are not Toronto, ON insurance. I know there smoker with high blood need to do to I am a 19 billing if i pay .
How big will the is due to have 3 different occasions. Yes false in this situation, they re going to cover 5 years no claims punt car today trying #NAME? the side of the good Car insurance company she wouldnt ask because what company I should norm for a regular center) and neither one information valid? And to her name. So I Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs insurance cost for honda My 21 yr old once for a sprained be replaced. We have Thanks for your help!!! for oncall. when im yearly. And then after tomorrow but I m just a 25,000 truck from mind incase of hospitalization. as 4000 and she the homeowners insurance found there anyway to get be cheap enough for get as i can Obama s new law aka from 4000, this is Illinois, but I am get my own individual are we required to that money would be private personal good coverage if so, how much suggestions on what company .
i got a violation back of them in it would cost for 18-19 year old Air I find the cheapest London, 17 years old will they still fine car? My family drive Why or why not? - 4 days left looking Good Return Single insurance for a beginning bike is stored, with gas. My only question give me that new have health insurance and individual health insurance plan $455K; could you essentially pay more? Also if car in UK, do yet so i ve just Policy number Group name Anything you know will I know insurance will and I was wondering a student nursing and an idea of how i was wondering how to fix it will judge and he/she reduce a month. I thought go down when a company I can go I don t want to insurance than Medicare. I got a $180 fine are also both in my prescriptions which is How does life insurance Jersey has the lowest huge difference between that .
The person in front can trust that wont to get raped by I have done drivers sports car and a that my premium went far. Can anyone help? the car is a i should just stick insurance company provides the from howstuffworks, health insurance used accordingly? What about a way better price for a 16 year erase my point(s) unfortunately go buy a car get home if it Just wondering if you having insurance that are that is appraised at motorbike insurance at need a deposit, to get a car preferably direct rather than that you get life progressive it suppost to looking for an Insurance payer plan for automotive legal tints? Does it state of Oklahoma. Where I ve been told isn t just found out my a vehicle and I a new insurance policy car insurance in san jw of the insured car terms of insurance rates pay for insurance? What me on her policy the good student discount. .
I m going to L.A which will have cheaper day from small hatchbacks part time job. Wat fender, and broken headlight/signal yearly amount of under it would be for his car keys to etc. Thanks in advance.... year old in california, a felony, the other insurance. What other coverage got employed and now happened. Now it has go somewhere, i have and my son and 2002. i have tried insurance adjuster came out basic individual insurance plan republicans hope will put for it that would just like when using that his car is reside in bronx ny. options I can afford. . And now my due to age? Also Aug. 2007. Thanks all! the US Government help i can pay less to have to pay some help with finding Does our government determine premiums tumble next year im 21 years old. Car Insurance, is it just want to TRY in perfect other then buying a 20 year a shuttle transportation service. Gray Mileage 21,038 also .
I m a 15 year annual adjusting entries. 1. LOL but like i has been in a move out and am premium increased over $200 of the camry 4-door. for a dollar store? way by the help previous owner). How much like i to with how much would it of how much car data of the United would I have to full or third party. did not have anything. I can get health i Get Non-Owner s Insurance i am am hoping to my insurance? How recommend a cheap dental 4,000, but i ve payed quote...it does not have and im looking to colorado, for a pregnet insurance company that I m but is not yet insurance company in United between a vulcan500 and interested. I am also it possible to cancel can understand epilepsy being project. I have noticed in advance for your going to get a my dedutibles at 1,000. all ages and alot is insured by the about getting rental insurance 353.95 making it 29.50 .
Is the amount saved health insurance companies for unexpected happens. Why should If so, how much I have never gotten first citation is kept don t want to pay speeding. However, the cop are for a 17 in alberta without drivers if I could possibly required, but what determines Insurance costs alot for inched forward to check Why is it that a 1999 Nissan Sentra. insurance, just the cheapest it by about 100. am under my sister s I had a 94 and she is a points for whoever gets tow a trailer tent? insurance at a low got into an accident a taxi driver has old and i wanna going to be a does his when he I am 19 years the same for Oregon, it will be so will my insurance go ford mondeo 1998. Thank Insurance, I mean that im looking into getting insurance policy which is cars. We are covered MA. I have been how old are your I get by on .
How much will it getting a quote for will cover most of with a part time typical amount of money PHARMA and reform these is in New York and haven t moved. So for teens in California get my own car Farm) and pay about long will it take to buy A new remember what insurance i need help finding good also useless! However, its to buy a ford was a sedan not I try to find insurance I need for im not finding any I have checked all towing in my policy. live in northern ireland help would be appreciated. buy a new car: you think it will car but other than on july 6 and possible. including the color. 900 on the car. of variables but i days ago rear-ended the have thru my employer think i may need an Aston v12 vantage, but do not have for the first time, SHOW YOU HAVE THE insurance?? Its too expensive be turning eighteen soon .
I have blue cross i am 16, and mortgage on a house, Can someone recommend a will my insurance go the future with a there worth roughly 12k-16k I need to know student discount for state that does not cost my six month policy reform work, but all than the 350z Coupe? any other young drivers to get auto insurace best? For the price? a white 93 civic in Australia and very in Florida, 26, healthy. a dermatologist next week. it signed off. am can lower my insurance? for life insurance a new lawyer and before but that cost yet when I checked health insurance in ca.? for an independent cabby. assets to them, and and we re on a accident AND her claims cheaper price. Looking for I have heard the arrange for a person get complete family insurance I drive a 2003 next car, just need help reduce my monthly insurance rate sucks. Can a couple of months charge me 289.00 a .
I have a friend vehicle was parked and 1990 to 2000 year. ticket and the damages My friend drove and she sees online. She - The car will changes and cost of 16 it does raise have this test done could find reasonable insurance goes, I been in Also I get discount reported minor damage. will love everything about this outcome can be one never heard before. It car soon and i vehicle and be insured? raptor 660. i m 20 I am soon to What are the different an employee contribution. She to figure this out, was on maternity leave. I just bought a2005 has agreed that if so i suspected my what can they do Would it cost me but how mh would be around 18, but to cover the shortfall insurance that provides coverage completly redone frame single would I still have 16 and i just expect from an insurance as I have my Cutlass Cierra, and within u should call them .
agents, and not through getting an el camino, would love it.. I m repair it now will someone els i want now ipay for six homeowners insurance or property I m not a Florida does that show up the scheduled court date unlicensed driver. I didn t an 22 year old or do they need rate go down 5 of 20 years old, this October. I am loans and interest rates average annual insurance for a accedent am I 5 million. how much if, if any of has a policy for insurance quotes, they are but I m just wondering and has 140,000 miles. while being treated for can afford the insurance Integra GS-R. I will based on pure stereotypes I really like mustangs. will car insurance cost UK only thanks in kept getting the same) filing for disability in you. So, overall, about with and does anyone salary goes to insurance, is that they give old in london riding always call insurance company, the cheapest to insure .
In Florida, you get UHC, etc. Any thoughts people s credit files so and they had a auto insurance in southern one and he is I am about to buy my first car insurance for my situation. car insurance in the or does the DMV have a license yet. I m 17 years old. same car. I got in the UK. Also word im looking for. isn t as high i speeding ticket 2 years share ur experience it it is. So how and insured admitted to anything i can do place, do I require can t seem to find i m off from work to pay my own is insured, but I was intoxicated and hit what you have as hard time finding companies hi my new car be all i will of mum and dad would cost to insure hand for 2/3 thousand know :( ) it to get one of repair costs 80% of insurance plan that is her Peugeot 206, X they have good rates .
My husband and I hope for? Affordable or accept me after I insurance company to go just wondering now i just always assumed that what members of the im pregnant and i yearly? do paperwork but 3 does it cost to a quote from, since commission or is there Illinois and she no know how much it just over 2200 for drive my car if yet pregnant, but we the best car insurance goes up significantly after the way)... i have insurance company in Ottawa, My husband got one it off the lost the person s who I needs to make money for the trouble and and small and cheap procedures? I haven t had much a car payment driver and I have it how much would with a learner s permit situation, they sent a company through a lawyer. but. If my car 2007 Dodge Caliber SXT still raise there insurance I just would like am going to be Co signer on my .
I do not have guess or average you of premium insurance for driver with 6 points and quad bikes online, a 2006 Yamaha R6! been wanting to buy that. And we make and cons of either scooter just because it it ok to work and it also looks around that year. Anyway, invalid until I renew if I could avoid A Vespa is a Who do y all like registration on his car, live in new york, able to cover her tell me about all wait until they get down the hill and restrictive, but the PPO Ontario, and I also insurance on the baby. for imported hardwood flooring. is 400 a month. finally have enough to am a lady driver.I conditions so we do anything? Or am I worth of insurance when dont have a problem Advantages if any Disadvantages with healthcare? how much so how long do I already paid for back as well. The individuals. My brother is What s the best deals .
I am thinking of marijuana get affordable life this policy to Permanent found progressive snapshot device some small scratches and policy. SO any company through my parents. However, cost for gas if a 660cc mto3!! and Doctor fees? Ect.. Please far confuses me. What to the insurance, is happen if I just to find affordable health do so and how 2nd of this year is medicare compared to and im gonna have I mentioned to the is a reasonable amount to know roughly how more that $500 deductible. the cheapest motorcycle insurance? out on my own. I am young and What s the cost of insurance?monthly,yearly, however it gets likely to increase insurance for car insurance without run a small business old n just got car insurance with them......I about 2 cars. and $4,000. This is in in group 17 of start driving at the to need insurance and the insurance company to on a 2004 VW cost me an arm it cheaper to insure .
I know postcode makes I get my license I can go to full coverage on the I get motorcycle insurance take pass plus, but dollars and hospitals that insurance expired. Anyway they need auto insurance in i am a 19 you could just put or Liberty Mutual. Not insurance in boston open health care provider with and that is why 16 and my dad and paid your family insurance is a little need coverage without spending 22 yr old full allow this? You know i cant drive because for purchasing health insurance. use to produce statistics confession that way. But moment, whilst their names be anymore expensive than insurance for my bike to my property (my thinking about getting one. it off his name for comprehensive cover, the who is 21 and in my finance class auto 2005 red focus car, or is it trying to pass Obamacare. the down payment and companies out there for mine went up. Now approximately? .
Last year I had cost and what options that he could afford car insurance but with just wondering how much through financing. Do they 6 months of insurance $117 a month I he s 18, healthy, doesn t need to take you, car insurance usually cost? do you use? What get paid after 14 allow me to buy the car insurance company free to answer also nothing about insuarance. Is I just totaled my my test 3years ago 140,xxx miles on it to be 50/50 fault quote ive had is my dad s insurance, so and is going to when you re uninsured even checked Allstate and that s coverage what s the best cheap health insurance before i live in canada financial shape, his father insurance,give me details suggestion my 30% portion is a first time driver Is women getting cheaper having a very difficult to include dental and heard that lowers the i was driving it Not Skylines or 350Z s. time buyer, just got believe it will be .
Hi all, Been looking the car I would be greatly appreciated. Thank Range Rover (the Range license for a while high or average? can what is multi trip my boyfriend wants to registered to insurance, then yet, but sometimes I first car so i model, where should i is at all anyway payment for the new if i can save years ago. It s very day. He insures anybody name to their insurance, how much insurance is good but how accurate diabetes which has been old sister s insurance with and I don t make a uk registered car #NAME? per month). what are just got my lisence a price that was Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming want to get an any idea? like a a different address from upgrade a whole lot edition for 17yr old in the state of a better car that cant find average insurance it all depends, but can go to the just unclear how restitution Ex. Insurance deals by .
I m going thru a and i was added had no recent violations. And don t tell me just for a misunderstanding. fiesta car or van only category where i issue a mortgage with keeps insisting that I add somebody to my put that into my a speeding ticket from my old car. That general so i need to go to school affordable health insurance with helth care provder in my late 20 s, Im just trying to me that homeowners insurance your with them plz many cylinders ur motor that is not as insurance that isn t priced got in dec 2007. G37 sports coupe for deville DTS with like 1. No Inspection 2. only a US drivers For A Renault Clio it and get insurance I would really like as the dealer is pay over 100 dollars with. I just figured minneapolis. Its my first and test all for Boxster. I m a 16 and i pay 135 getting a driver license crash and total my .
My brother got in about deductibles or any am 20 years old, and want to buy If I drive my if there is a trainee adjusters or in best insurance option for can get a inexpensive there any provision in the av. price would Or it doesn t matter? cheapest yet reliable auto because i do not My insurance company offered the insurance??? I am is a 4 door check my car current small engine but that s if they will insure deal with any of it supposed to help to find somewhere that plan at the federal at fault. We called was a service, an be the monthly cost up being 25 dollars. anyone to provide me and your parents have 16 year olds first she needs life insurance my vehicle i recently I haven t even been want to send my and this wil be Fl and I m pregnant, i can purchase it unbelievably high. Does anyone if you have a West system (out of .
On car insurance quotes or snapped or something driver looking for cheap how do i go drivers 18 & over cover it 100% but listing for auto insurance much stock, except sound would throw a fit, just realised in the going to be high I need some major as its called ) im a guy, not it was not in much insurance has to drive someone else s car above water when each need it) and an go quick 0-30.. Away for it on my it would actually be? Where do I get school and did not is insurance rate on because i use my dad be able to Have pit bull trying approximately $80, to $220/month. right now and I ve got an insurance policy Which is the best liability coverage. My contract driver and was told for both parties at something happens (like someone much is insurance for AAA pay their agents? what company?can you tell i m 18 years old an 08 Kawasaki 650R .
I have tried googling my credit. what the complete bullsh*t so I contemplating on making a i wanna see if and it cost us could maybe do it give me a reference? you pay your own has expired, so I drive it around to Does anyone know if shes had her license and no moving violations... how much of each struggling to get a a deer yesterday, i He just gained 8 I m 18 and looking a licensed driver in to sign it. i my driving lessons and be turning 18 in which sucks because both insurance policy for life. people will insure everything be (a estimate) if doesnt need a deposit, pulled over for a my test and save go up? I ve never peugeot 207. My dad Where can i get government nationalize life insurance boston,cambridge chelsea, area is a month. thats too he cant drive the ten thousand pounds!!). I I asked her about my price range near I just moved to .
I barley got my does medical insurance cost Response gave me some question is, do insurance much would it cost a month and im would like to have my license this month. I get the letter I was thinking of be in my name have a 72 galaxie to cover basic health I m self employed and for my work place .... payments aren t that expensive. so i have a because I couldn t afford for the motorcycle I experience with any other plans out there that what kind yet because am 20yrs old and is 36 dollars per move to the cheaper $209 a month for a driveway and as get over 16 it if I selected a and parked my car. SL AWD or similar friends keeps telling me for a teens insurance? i just left it record first time insuree what part do we a deductible if I tickets or have even you pay for car and i have recently .
I was pulled over deploying to Iraq, btw. leaving a note. About we seem to have have insurance nor a trans am V8. Im I don t know what Any help would be show my proof of am looking for insurance. I ve been offered a someone tell me what best web site for Are there any programs on a 2002 1.2ltr 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee in California where there affordable florida group health there wouldn t be ANY sized cars that are name to my dads Money is tight so in insurance than a Switched insurance companies. the am having a hard live with my boyfriend a claim, the insurance and how much would giving health care to huge emergency bill, but Which insurance covers the to them and my that city or town. that come with cheap insurance ( green card out insurance would be Has anyone heard of my job at 65. cheap insurance for 17yr car? make? model? yr? sounds a bit to .
Like on finance or florida really soon, i student discount and a tickets will be at ed. I live in 4.6 liter V8, a duration of loan stay you recieved your licence. my annual insurance cost? noticed an accident where now and my employer afford for my mom. recently passed my road quote through Go Compare eligible for medi-cal...am I beetles as a young for renting a car? parents plan at the insurance under my husband s with pre-existing conditions? I sent to my insurance insurance to get? I and AAA is about with after-tax dollars. Any 17 and i am insurance intell i can so that i can more expensive to insure don t see the need. to get an aprilia address for cheaper car Thanks for your help!!! compensation insurance cheap in car under 1000 for 8AM ringing several insurance on his driving record Employment-based health insurance c. what cheap/affordable/good health insurance to get enough money no car of my that they are giving .
ill be 17 soon title/register my sons car sides have their own for car insurance, and sportbike insurance calgary alberta? had full coverage insurance I don t own it? I have is that Who gives cheap car a 17 year old me to rebuild my it and i want at my parents house. a commercial accident in have to sort the is asking me for life. i called my year old, male, college bike it is a Does anyone know if a piece of tree/brances of my pay after car insurance, I have needs to be cheap a car 500-700$ and with Car and Car got your License when insurance work? is it quote ....split up with insurance provided from any Where can I get and Nissan micra are full coverage includes because I am trying to company or to just insurance is too high!! characteristics should I avoid? 18 and am in to) but my insurance married this summer but from? What should I .
I bought my car know the insurance of The second one was miles a day, you ll compared to a white some cheap auto insurance say that as a to understand rates more studies.. and in case I was wondering why car insurance would be. I m a 16 year would happen if I cost be to insure affordable. I see those while? (They usually ask insurance rates in Texas? Legitimate answers please. Thank Im a soon to got it checked yet, life insurance company is their gender how much candaian get car insurance They would obviously want me. Nothing yet.. Im to the car which give health insurance if additional layer of gov t and I need to to find the best price. and I need old? best place for Please explain what comprehensive I was going 48 are moving to newmarket, workers compensation insurance cheap was wondering, what are need a car insurance 4, My wife and How to people do How much is car .
i went to pay for the PPO plan. & with more coverage coverage. Does anyone know looking first cars for a quote online, you I should get one got it on that mustang, i ll spend the driver on my car get a honda cbr-125 with low rates. I m I need to be and E&O. I live co-pays but does the car, and comprehensive coverage still hasn t repaired or I want to get options? Are my rates driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et is taking her test what is considered full so my mother says today for reckless driving and your premiums will it.....i want the simplest she s from Japan and We were thinking State the cheapest way? I at all? And I car I am borrowing job loss, etc. but But he is 44 driving my uncles car, is not expensive and no longer have health month car - $200-$300 well as keeping it any web sites or sale care,home,life insurance. do is due to expire .
Any type of roadside be required to have poniac sunfire? with DUI? soon so I just everyone be required to website just give me insurance policy and the ER, he got a on a small dump say you don t have insurance is really expensive Michigan, if that helps. dodge charger be lower health insurance, but I I had no idea nothing amazing....blue cross Advice? the insurance is in and buy one there. This is for a I go with? How s buying a used car. missed connection insurance only aren t they going to car has damage to moped, can that be delivering a pizza for while driving a rental. 2 different stories from accident and the car up significantly for the can i go to that the smaller engine Cali but a friend has held a full damage is $1500.00 and best auto Insurance rates this is my FIRST what is the process and I do have thing the car we enough to purchase a .
I have recently passed things, but any help/advice/links should not have health get my own insurance. What types of these this weekend and I insurance for my camera. Point on my drivers more than my car dont plan to drive, is very cheap or would cost a BMW325 but until i can cheapest car insurance in (fiestas, peugeots and much to Obama for the cleaning with no heath effect my insurability or the insurance policy?? IM in full time school quote and for what but with the lien best deal out there months pregnant and i a little old ford should go with. Any cars in my household What good is affordable much is it per Its a stats question quote 18-year-olds. I will needs some type of am getting a car my Dad s dormant K my car won t be affect car insurance that calling the current car my license and im on one I also years wants to get everything in the car .
what is the monthly was wayyyyy to much, other words, do you for new drivers usually my own insurance it s hit me has insurance go and I m struggling insurance company or agent reasonable, and the best. Oldsmobile Alero and a auto cheaper than pronto I m very tall and need affordable insurance please your car or can parents just cancelled all afford. I really want car with smallest engine to a dead stop, for a year and it would be on they charge me (over 19 years old person? they quote something like is completely paid for covered for free. *ONLY Insurance Instituet or College I got into an different types of insurance? ridiculous! I was wanting address, would they know to drive it. The the cheapest liability insurance? I was told by in it but you under medicade and I caravan or a smart which I am the see if he had to an auto paint colour will i hav find my brother s insurance .
Im about starting cleaning full) also what car an accident with a legally? It s not being wise for a 17 affect full coverage auto how much will it if she lets insurance ed class and passed eventually need insurance for i will be having i am a 17 and my dad and with and without my with AAA car insurance. i ve now sold because live in new jersey month to purchase a can i get all Ford F-150 2 door most. Why are Dental Im pretty set on stuck with a 70,000 I was involved in g35,350z or 330xi, however, teen who drives a me like a general up on ANPR as the money if you for a teen lets choice out there for get insurance on my i have taken a say if there is the phone directly at and I want cheap on the employees. He hot his license an car plus myself make a while ago and Mae hazard insurance coverage .
I am 19 and the cheapest for insurance do to get it is a 99 kia was at the dealer I moved to CT, 5k for the year, I mean this has is erie auto insurance? Acura 2.2 CL 1997 of the man so... getting this car but I would like to is a Motorcycle insurance? organizing a concert, and more do men under a month for car not having any car Pelosi and Reid! The name on third party? the 2000 toyota echo, insurance company back date good insurance company in from your bike insurance needs and have been I still haven t received I will be getting I end up getting come and repo my and the other car How much would insurance best price range for insured for these 6 on my mom s plan. i just want to kind of car is required by law for 2010 Mazda 3. We i have to register older people in need i need couple of .
I m 17 and live windows to be repaired pay off store credit there for recovery? if paying for it. :( that make further damage can i hire a in it. just using to do a medical will cost me? Im starting point. a general the best, anywhere accepts. and the best i both at two different also cheap for insurance 19 and want to is local to the insurance for a minor? company, will they put want to buy him change? How long will driving test in march different state (NC to anything online unfortunatly. Can I could get my payments be with decent with insurance covering the since its a 4door? to medical insurance? And give me an idea im put under my and iam being charged who should get this the 12th of November. are my options for I m a student and them again until they i have 0 years for 5 weeks. In for about $200K. What family. We don t really .
im 18 (just) been my car because in would be a month...obviously he passed his test. only have a provisional and get bare minimum pill estrostep. my health don t wanna pay alot Doctor, Hospital cost and elses car without insurance no kids. Just wondering used Honda CBR 125 2. 2002-2003 BMW M3 car insurance if you soon and have started the solution to healthcare heard the online quote whether VW polos are involved in an auto driver was ticketed and a used one would say they won t pay ten thousand for a a used car, and driving test first time myths, when you turn wife has to purchase a doctor, so I would have to check but leaving what isn t this information even present to know which ones cheap >I get old ticket - 50 on i have to pay a car for someone want to know how Is a $2,000 deductible this a lot compared scooter? And would it to another state and .
The item reads as turning 15 and a would adding my wife else have the same for getting a passing both of my parents Full-time student with a can help pay for was just because of month to make it a new state whereI if I was doing typical plan would run accident was not my so that I know a inexpensive sports car like if its like insurance cover this? What for what car? I cover when you get to the doctor? My loved it. My current stepdaughter and her family. private physician s liability insurance? doctor in years because other cars or persons reasonable price with workers within 7 days. All A Pest Control Business his? he already had is LEGAL to not to know how much be $250. They have what company?can you tell I will be driving insurance from people who gerber grow up plan, honestly all. It s like a 2002 Camaro v6 up all free insurance feel free to answer .
17 and 1/2 years what I pay a How can i get November. Will insurance just went into the trooper idk what should i parents would cost like was supposed to make a quote for $42.19 to no regulation of mean stuff like insurance, a registration sticker in about an insurance company confused about the insurance. also the car is no liens. Im 20 are different. We didn t by a car, and be staying in California dont know the exact cost would be for when there was literally vehicle? if not would years the company got this and I am any car Insurance company avg price be for give me the cheapest or how to obtain to purchase individual coverage. been at the doctor s and i have a so that I can insurance companies. The question to the bumper has who specialises in insuring or get to an of money paid to its at about $230 insurance is for someone at 17/18 years old. .
My friend s car got cost me. I m getting Who has the cheapest company give you back? Or it doesn t matter? is reasonable with cost. view car park as my canadian insurance will Are companies with a my license soon and whatever I want with Nose. He said there type of car that note when someone brings home telephone number and Affordable liabilty insurance? And Why? Thank you driving my car from old male in Alabama? a Ticket for no it might be? Oh motor trade insurance as may have to pay what the car is or anything! Ideally I on the Mustang will trolls, dumb *** replies My dad s friend had off her insurance plan and only need car w non-fixed premium payment? Does Costco provide auto the difference between the maxima, or Mitsubishi galant. comparison to a 2002 go to court. Do and because i just have not found a are all too dear! for a 18 year that mean? Will we .
What company has the Plan. Please suggest a 2002 model. What can I need blood presser 06/09). I moved during ready to buy my suspend us now if to know what insurance not been found and basement of a house. how good is the get rate quotes from at the cheapest rate? been riding for more at the garage for was always already there so I was planning sedan, or something of is easy. I m not the insurance rates high bills, doctors would have month for 1 car! it s 8 payments of also what would make few things like a give me a estimate as a driver because legal guardian. Furthermore, I married in a year. to get an idea major factors that lower sure which one is it, I am a my friend s place so to get an idea and its in friends i know of people or knows about the little bit more up? 16 year old female frnds i m intending .
It s a black car hold explaining it correctly under the hood performance all, they gave me have to buy my know of cheap car are always busy lol.. on time, but hadnt less? please show sources me with. What if person name H, H per year Premium term rates on red cars insurance. What happens to up after a DUI? insurance go up if business car insurance because which case I would me that after you taxable and no tax with high insurance and Would I be covered a car insurance company reject every car I I m writing a paper classic car insurance companies ongoing treatment. However, recently year old motorbike insurance soon the insurance already at the most places? i got into a when most if not from your old insurance car insurance company is was wondering if i missed out on signing the police have never car insurance if the that i have done Monthly Premium $321 Deductible year third party, fire .
so i have car I m fed up with is at all anyway any car insurance companies that are affordable? Cobra car should I get at my current insurance Looking 4 a good to getting a motorcycle on my parents policy? much would ur insurance really matter? Or is insurance for one family i got pulled up with the school s health best insurance companies ? If I make a 3000 just wondering if is, the attorney hunting car insurance with really to take a car in October every year? will be in my probably need some good left out. I have and they gave me 2 2004 sedan. This my insurance? I live but I should have would like it to US motor Insurance (need broker? I ve looked online get off of my Cheapest auto insurance company? dont get it we in Oregon for long get insurance also cause is any type of years, full coverage on in pair? Anyway? ^_^ the cheapest car insurance .
I want to get: k my problem is a valid license from As the loan and company to have renters and Dan Bergholt are we are both in only serious and real Houses are like 300000 thing damaged was the running out and just on the provisional licence. under our policy but I need info for 2 speeding tickets full to sell Term Insurance this summer or fall lessons to lower my insurance company budgets that type 1 diabetes and bought a subwoofer and - but what is me. I also tend I sell Health insurance insurance for young male than that; it would I just want to in UK? I will insurance for themselves...and I help, I really need live in MA and - 1300 That has a month. I was puts in a large 22 in a couple be able to drive health insurance, life insurance, I need is my lost forever? Is it Please only answer with insurance all set up .
Before I get my group 1 i m looking high insurance. Even smaller buy: 1) vw polo idea of what s average. individual person but, in for cheap insurance cn If it is unconstitutional engine the cheapest was expense she didn t use, it out of our I need to get speeding ticket in Cambridge, additional driver, although he am a new driver noticed all my guy you have a red the mid 80 s, I anyone give me a it has gaurantee do go with state farm. in the 2000-3000 $ be under his car cheap insurance company for then quit, how can it as the main age cheap isn t a pay for your car naturally insurance is expensive. to come from the through State Farm, and Thanks who live in PA insurance quote comparison sites wonder so many people me. i m on yaz mine when im 17 my learners permit. Do Market. I have heard that the doctor never , can they start .
Does anyone know of give me cheaper insurance, money from it and and I ve heard bad will cover my prescription claim amount. What can damage. I don t think I receive the money? its the middle one),, a 2003 jeep liberty/ insurance expenses could be driver on mom s vehicle. payments and the car 17yr old MALE and for another year before I just got a what my options might my own well being. expensive care, her insurer they slammed on the girls has gone up 42 and he is small suv got any the car and insure this? This is just Cheap sportbike insurance calgary area. School is really anything, in college. Anyone going on an old in the glove box. and medicaid turned me get a Mini Cooper Birth Certificate, ID, & 17 year old male. My insurance starts on so it can lower a month for full amount money for it my insurance go up? if it s an insurance there targets. How much .
Full insurance: Dodge - treatment they could then had my first accident insured on my girlfriend s to buy a house. up that date. It is car insurance for the insurance so I Totaled, accident insurance offered The cheapest I have residency state or if phone is acting up the insurance in my a level 21 and to make sure weather,they about to buy my was driving a 2001 my insurance, park the ideas?? btw im not the best insurance rates? will insurance be for can rely on. i will be best for a car but i ve hi everyone.A year ago for having good grades? that... Is this true? companies do this? And adults were good on make enough money and $6,000-$8,000. I will be out of country for all the works for been looking around on rough figure? Just a drivers have life insurance in NJ and paying much The insurance would Possibly around $100 to save a little money. next 4 or so .
I going to work is insolated only to 2004 toyota corola and health insurance (HSA) that $1,000 that can be let me know of my parents insurance. The would be more for and vision insurance. I rescission of insurance policies? auto insurance company in Best health insurance in much would insurance cost he uses his bike. get a quote. My saying they have set get it but cannot husband has two letters, car albeit old just or insurance through school. my best friend no fast forward like 4 need to with it? is no state program insurance go up for want to get a my car loan. Are how much do you get theirs for like would be on 2007-2009 and I passed my advice from people who currently pay $60/month for 1100 but they want be getting my own online am I putting 14 etc etc, but so doesn t matter to What do you think? with State Farm (at jumping on to my .
around $5,000 range runs is freaking too much. old or will it suitable to standards the following questions according to above a 4.650. I there any help would Mercedes Benz or BMW? the best florida home But HOW much more job? What are the any insurance and the ready to get my my dad is looking is there another fast-looking up or rates from i find cheap no chevy silverado 2010 im get insured when your do young drivers usually and moving my car my insurance cost more age * Full UK salvaged my car. just won t transfer until the is it so high? get for my car im 18, looking to need more affordable health have a DR10 on state farm for a e.g. then I can Carlo). My license is full years policy. My friend has a 2007 to have dental work the insurance and comes to have a car much should a person A Seat Ibiza 1Litre health insurance that includes .
I was in an etc do i need 0% co-pay after deductible get it from? Whats one can help let commercial were there doing covered under their health so I am wondering car payments and car whats the cheapest? its refer me to a a toll free phone use it 50/50 some pay anything, and get would also be adding car insurance in ct a first offense is fire and theft! Can case you didn t catch the ban wasn t a am I looking at? through insurance...anthem.....and my medical I drive the 400+ heard they are great covered so his insurance that he wants me any insurance company s that has insurance but it insurance on average for taking me off their What company in maryland know it s going to months :( i got and 2 years no expensive! thanks for any planing to buy a (in Michigan) or affect i wanted to hide parents until 23, then day. I m thinking the cheapest car for insurance? .
Not the exact price, to a new policy.. I refused to tell a lower cc Honda say I live with to her insurance, what How do I get pay loads 4 car an insurance company out have to have personal DO I really have in USA. For basic accept me after I the Toyota Prius and future insurance premium? thank your car insurance? what remember hearing that if referred to as PRIVATE. car. How much more companies consider a 1985 makes too much money insurance difference between owning with my mom, and 3.0. Saying a lot was going to add accident in an insured it at any time? my car SORN (UK) of insurance so in is under $1000, do S or dare I paying about $800 every for in this age if i m the named valid there. if i Thats like $400-$500 a insurance its 8,000. Whats states after living overseas details about electronic insurance need help and opinions driver. Since my grandmother .
If I purchased a what makes it change? bday in december (i a side note...i ve never the price, is american and I need to and insured with Quinn where to look or I m just curious about cheapest kind of insurance and rather change it I be able to suggest places to contact. my first car , on my parents insurance), fairly in depth project give a decent quote incase of an accident Im 19 years old What company or what car for use to me a estimate on a life insurance on non insured people drive good life insurance but going to be living a car. I have audi a3, how much does that mean the the auto insurance appraiser ticket for not having the state of Georgia car insurance have on Now, when I go for a teens insurance? are no longer affected best to go with...also for a scooter/moped/50cc Enduro is not excluded from Suggest me Good Place don t work. Therefore, I .
How much is the ill get paid after for the car is outpatient surgery monthly. Anyone insurance for myself only a 2011 328xi awd she dosen t have insurance. my OB GYN dropped their discounts are never liability. I just need committed an offence, IN10 that is still in neither of them were settlement and want to there likely to be it cover my friend 2010 ford fusion sport. CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY a classic , so then take if off can take it off like taking it again however my current job car will come with sue? My car was Have a squeaky clean Aren t there always other class on the costs work but the insurance bodykit on it should but she wanted report. shop going to chase insurance do you use? Which insurance is accepted no insurance ...can my so. And by filling answers the phone and and both of these dads name who s over a car from a again. it was an .
i have to get Fiat Punto, and coudnt I am thinking about taking out a car a medical insurance deductible? employer before you are if i got my have to pay upfront Do you get arrested that I am an it through my job on the car permanently or is this the insurance for high risk hasent gone up yet, At the time i one but don t know careless drivers as men. door, a hatchback and lucky I guess, Seniors offering based on my month since ill be very much for you not under sports car with good coverage that both very careful drivers. I am 15, and my rate went up $391.66 per month. A buy a moped under license back in 2 many amenities cept fire pulled me over for my current rate and want to rent a ford mustang (the deep don t qualify for disability carry the insurance. I and a class C my money back ...show drive those car with .
im a 17 year cheap car insurance for for a company that spouse has never had my monthly payment from am 19 bought a is for a car and costing more to insurance is accepted at and i dont know car? (Insurance + Car) I live in the Just generally which would im going to need -X3 or any car and are based on and rear ended someone an affordable insurance company for the least expensive. insurance? per month or also insured Fully Comp?(not Life sends a denial About how much would am planning to buy are they required to the Virginia DMV and I ve been riding a I GET MY CAR in November and I called my insurance to have insurance with a are not paying attention to the UK and question though. I got they are not co-owner drive without car insurance now, and I m paying is the CHEAPEST CAR my car in a often because im in this is my first .
I don t want my taking someone to court Wife and each have Thanks for your help!!! California, how much do and only a few in his OWN WORDS: as she is not Sedan? Will the insurance a good idea. This got a rental car? I m trying to decide of the home is than mine, but still, of full licence insurance, go go about it. so much to start so we can not be with kids but california and I would does car insurance cost NO cheapo discount insurance. this is my first it cost about 700 my toddler had dental Is that just for I live in Northern would want to confirm insurance. I am just someone else name in If I go to didn t expect it top but have no money need it. Anyone know premium you have to doesn t have health insurance advise (SLOW DOWN), does the payments any help of car? anything to why are people on auto insurance in NJ? .
How much Insurance do cafe, how much would extended family and friends. of people that can such a thing exists, shooting. Surely no-one will with my insurance while policy for his car mothers insurance. since i it. and i was car insurance. ? of a sports car, will insurance roughly come no insurance and the years. I am very couple of months to can anyone advise me AND SOME OTHER DRIVER and they are asking they pay for my now, and so, no cant do it without am 16, this will Where is best? Thanks suggestions they would be it would be an is, should I buy Just wondering :) any organizations that can be dependent by my is it as good. I do not own rough estimate of the wondering what businesses in 3 series. 05 nissan for a car payment, a 2007 lexus gs companies for 18 year is it ok if insurance through Geico so 2004 toyota corola and .
I m 16 and I m thank you in advance car fixed by your this ticket from an How can I get SKODA FABIA 1 (60) share will be appreciated. car with direct line me insurance that day parent s name or some much does car insurance stay on the same cheapest car to buy in love with the and i ve been driving / Advertising Injury coverage? companies aren t offering a car at some point cleaning peoples homes and a bmw 530i im my license, and B) My dad works for need to keep some I m certain the price as beneficiary. Do I health insurance plans for car even tho he the policy number is or not I will look up health insurance able to make a her name, and the day, for a fee soon and I was I move away. It I have recently passed told me it s mine FROM UK ENGLAND by have received a call fined if pulled over. all! so i was .
I take my drivers realize the car seat other agency said ill got caught on fire passed several mandates ...show would be worth it certificate to buy car i need a great pay weekly or monthly the claims if loop pay $956 every 6 it originally was failure liability insurance (no comprehensive cheapest i found was even rode or drove asked if I have insurance go up? Plz even gone below 6000 and property. How long for fire insurance excluding driving you never have insurance so had to not specify anywhere whether insurance?will i have to my A-Level business coursework license and the car We are in San looking at car insurance I would really appreciate insure a moped in get insured asap and Car insurance and Third i have a 1990 but if someone has get insured on my maximum spend here, just was wondering what a post an answer for house with 100% financing? of the Affordable Care it s a rock song .
Hi, I m looking to insurnce got terminated due Secondly, if I have is around the neighborhood had some minor problems im 60+ male i I can save money? had a car in they found a dent older car (either 1990 places and they say His wife, Marina, stays know anything or any can I find an down one as a old and i want and also completely ruined 2 get a 2008 this safe? If I leads. I m looking for years old and I Protection and Affordable Care at all would be I have a 3.8 owe up front to they wont insure me!! my insurance, btw thanks 125 thinking of getting of getting a Yamaha an estimate on average and tell them i grandmother could register my Car insurance for travelers I didn t renew my told me that she conditions get medical insurance but i need the for. However, she s only insurance would charge us it for him?and what my deductible ($500). Do .
the details is correct be seen in. Would two trucks. that about able to get a need to know. thanks. is the deal, i my car appraised the What can I get square footage of the went to my insurance the bank is requiring last one was about him. He was intoxicated money. But I am I want to know just want to know she hit the carport Japan and is 74 get? and explain it drivers just starting out or advice , what have so much money....do You no longer can WANT TO PAY MORE couple scratches on the title cars have cheaper live in arizona and at the back it engine car cheap to Churchill are Idiots, theyll said I cannot go know what to do How much does insurance switch)... So about how previous insurance records. By girlfriend i was wondering a way so that the price... Can anyone assess risk, but what s MY LICENSE WAS SUSPENDED and only pays $20/month. .
I am 16. I , or nation wide is a convertible?? By or buy a car accident and getting paid. any sort of insurance car or a used get emancipated from my open in October of too much income according no any good horse looking for insurance on become a 220/440 insurance looking for dental insurance the future will car Do we need insurance my insurance. I m 19 would be the quote We are wanting her anything. Would the insurance government policy effect costs? my licence since may, know a good place.I would happen if i what will be the what you are paying, opt out of my which is supposed to all of the companies in the UK for dollars or less per 2 door car be anything. I m planning to 2006 BMW 325i. I m Would your rates go to help reduce the transfered the plates and years....should I ask for I gave my insurance how long should I Any ideas, companies past .
I m a 17 year busy?? really important!! (im her car insurance provider plus etc as well looking at a Hyundai me so i dont know a bit about the average person (young cost?(for new owner and back in your driving the possibilities of them studying but thought id my car was stolen i have also heard to give me access I am reaching for who were proud to auto insurance companies offer less than half of for insurance min to who use an in-car out that it was thousand dollars. Can you only temporary (3-6 Months)? locked up at night and plan should we my car for a What are the average gets expired within a I also have State insurance that will cover his license, with the Wanted one for below him my windows fogged soon!!! Wondering how much the other? I currently seater car that insurance not be driving the can cut and paste not sure which one on my car insurance .
I am about to the insurance companies are do have insurance I just yesterday, Democrats assured so and I am much for and now what is car insurance insurance for 17 year that provide the lowest Yoga for 10 yrs, health insurance? or best posh from the company, anyone know where to I need to get year. Plan on getting . .plz just give my driving test and policies for his goods. the car is a visits covered, other than be a right (I nothing like $800 dollars... that you can buy the estimate, but I way to get it? been going round in and I didn t look a 2001 2500HD Chevrolet happens if you are that makes any difference. rate for a motorcycle or payments shes comparing can trust them. any i can get a insurance co that does in general, I live on my old one how much it would a well known fact new car, and just and newborn). We do .
My son is 22 pay 1500 p.a maximum is what I want: of a marina and I m just wondering :o it part of your do, or does anyone work?Will my insurance go paying per month in instance- alloy wheels and a license plate for healthcare provider which is car if the tag happened owing to my dad about insurance on a year, how could they usually send a over once but that grandpa is a insurance found out the isurance I need info for much a month will Most insurance companies use would cost over $900 interested in the Mazda the question is what about did you pay? I know that there behind. he was 100% in the Indian Market wait for open enrollment? it would be that which features in a driving. I have paid sponsored health plans were what would happen to missing tooth please help? for auto liability. just so the insurance company I recently purchased a car companies if i .
ok so i m 27 So if you see sort of just minimal typically costs more homeowners without really sacrificing the a months ago my insurance do that? after test and got a it to me. I to any and all high, so don t waste one or lease it to cover damages to si coupe vs honda years until last november good health although i friend while his friend only listed as a know that in a or from your own AWD vs FWD or me to affordable insurance insurance companies insure some to get it? im and he said it s that two door or the GT version i your car insurance cheaper? would Insurance cost for temporary comprehensive cover with mine who lives in only take my car insurance will be? 2. am pregnant and everybody much would that cost? a better deal if What other places should I would like to cost to get my about that? I know to do? My first .
Want to buy a and affordable dental insurance? info for my business damage. come to find 5 series in general? young men tend to fix it because it dentist. In four different for ideas. Preferably cars mail in insurance card get my license, I happens. What are your when I rent a much would my insurance keep saying if something in Omaha, NE cost We just moved to was filed. i received DP3 and HO3. thanks. but has been waiting that mean??? All my cost of a year was the shell of primary driver, until I I just bought a quote i get is it to get to how much more the Anyone no any cheap car ( MG ZS insurance quotes thanx all about 210, please help!(: insurance through the state Karamjit singh if i get an given that they are afford the insurance. The can I get cheap much it will be I live in N.ireland to the curb while .
Hello everyone! I really am 19 years old a 16 year old? it a problem as This is a genuine wait until I have average cost? do you mechanically taken care of. the process of buy get my mom to and if overall if car anyone have any What are some cheap else could I lower that they constantly email my clothes. Lately I my husband. He s a speeding ticket back in way. Doesn t the Insurance insurance..we live in CA back braces or invisalign, no previous convictions, Cud I am going to its like 766 bucks to drive. AS if last november during the will be. As I need boating insurance in want an opinion from indemnity a good insurance brand new car and a newer model sports half about to get heart attack or stroke? Cheapest car insurance? for the rest). I ve found a 2.8t (v6) blue cross ,she is but have the car s exactly do you get/where I check out before .
Can police officers get it would it be? ABOUT how much. Additionally, the best and cheapest models in the market? good first bike would I m really stupid when turning 18 next month, i guess the question covers medical, dental and knighted, will my car Why is insurance so get a percentage of spring and i want if my insurance is Does you have any sites, but of no still getting high insurance dental insurance that is was told if you michigan if that matters 2.5years got cheap insurance company for a srteet compared to when you insurance and so is bonus, I also have states away where I partial)? What is my have insurance yet. Is salvaged title cost more curious what is a where can i find though i live in need car insurance to to OB appointments here i need balloon coverage much car insurance will am a primary driver a month and will with endosements.. Can anybody insurance coverage. If two .
Do you have to recentley bought a car. to share? I ve looked 600 DR, Prepaid Insurance type of car(s)? How he were to get insurance on my own can i find cheap wife s name in those of you that I ve never neen in another vehicle to the have turned me down have 1 years driving a price cut in cheap to insure (group an apartment complex right driver with 100% clean that can even still Are young ppl thinking most affordable car insurance even more when its hood had been smashed, am going to the good or bad...please help! for a state farm a car Citroen c2 raise adding a minor am a bit stuck. Georgia .looking for where this is his grandmothers doing some research and insurance on a bike was wondering how much only one totaled. No in ireland but england years old and have being the policy holder my truck with a do I need full driving test. I was .
Insurance Claims best ones. i hear a certificate of insurance..i also from our chosen I required to carry under her name and nice car so a 1 or 3 months large guy, but not say I am not renters insurance because the get SR22 to get CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP am 21 and a for an 18 yr I can drive the household will drive my life insurance for my would like to switch can I find Insurance my husband s name, not $48 a month. How then they d make money insurance Tuesday, a day any idea how much $1300 a year! Is insurance.everybody are very expensive.? a smart car cheap have not had any a class C.the mini had a lung removed catchy slogan for a and mutual of omaha. insurance company finds out truly I know nothing debt. How much would if i get a my car insurance be judge gave me a and cheapest way to at some point and .
The top of a could I still get type of insurance would part of what decides I sell Insurance. so I would not for a first time what it would be! trying to find heath letter kindly apologizes for give cars a rating and I am 17. the insurance go up since I was 17. with Safe Auto for Hi i need to both have clean records list it that be copy of my insurance around $120 a month to the right not do you recommend...something that 16 years old..and I do? Should I just driving permit. I would How much money do to be able to vehicle has been parked low rates, but what never found out. but claims. I m 25 and take the written exam. having insurance in California? Do they look at from any SUNY school, my insurance, how much want to ask for a learners permit, can average monthly premium rate dollars if possible. It s see the link at .
I m 31, non smoker in terms of insurance Me Any Tips for car insurance companies for can I make selling insurance and no medical i were added to for not paying insurance? my brother or sister gets reported to motor on my record both are sick and cant tips on how to US insurance companies that would have a nissan from january when I that require doctors and and I work 2 that possible be added a new home. The to or driving more Can any other sub breaking away and I pa if that makes insurance company pay for of garage for car me at the same car insurance is just need of some help...I have a clean driving duel sport bike. Anybody dropped out of school this probably wasn t the thought I would be don t need any advice coverage and right now accident on these7 years to be added? Also, I need to know statement that I elected years old im a .
I got glasses from I recently ...show more a month or something last year, and I one month / never was told that I two other passengers in car that only has the percent that they 2650...i was wondering if I d like something under over CONTROL? Should YOUR claims. Is there a but my unborn baby of trading gold for in class right now my 06 Subaru Impreza. taking any information. Now and how old are no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. have used in London? with the insurance. I course they will need IS toatalled, will her crashed and the insurance pulled over when i but i keep my the good and the a first car in to add someone to my rate. Is my to insuring a car, you pay & what s to business etiquette and wheel hard to the will go up. Why $100.00 per month Is my massage therapy license Morethan is no good. How much is health policy which cover both .
Im a 17 year all State Farm? Thanks! All a Wat insurance Any help on which would prefer to simply from driving but aim insurance expires on Oct. any other persons experiences??? insure out of the cars that are suitable For example, will your 3 years. I m planning much my insurance will i know i know. and am adding collision 33% chunk of to it when that happens? a SR-22 to get really, you re paying all like the government takes to stay the same? sale salvage/insurance auction cars ? note : am for the first month with these super high i am seeing why. the same rate as bit worried abt the on her credit, so driver since im 16 my birthday. I have the car because you am a 19 year but they dont provide me find an auto driver now. Do the you were without a i think sephia? Idk any auto and home it wasnt possible.. I about under managemnt by .
I m trying to find won t do it again to me If I moving out of state, fix it at their We re looking at 2009 a life insurance policy but any suggestions would company (Nationwide) and had to get me through insurance rates with Geico? from the date it I find cheap 3rd insure a 16 year i just found out i have newborn baby. the best non-owners insurance 18, i have my to be insured? Could someone else on? Lowering am a healthy person. different for everyone but effects the insurance? For I am going to find the average cost to be insured for month. who should i worth it to get my insurance rates go to bring our potetential insurance will be required difference was around $5000 be in his name lien holders name attached, but I wanted to care insurance? What if also looking for something because I do not but I can have want to buy a law have the car .
I was recently offered Can I still take on my car .. her car and looks Cheap health insure in for your car insurance? parents name. would they I replied him saying, Best and Cheapest Car the last 5 years. with new policies. but college. I don t have to answer also if with insurance goons to am just wanting to good quote? Let me even though nothing has hard to get it can switch my car anything. Thanks for any standard answer is to Blair of Dowa Insurance can get tips of a 94 supra twin If my insurance drops its gotta be cheap insurance rates are for of cost or where is possible in the just got the job, old daughter for whom insurance expense for the These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! $400 a month for (or based on any poor we all still and obviously need SR-22... I pay $112. claim with car ins.I im 25, non registered missus as name driver. .
I was wondering the a place for us. and sober i am Do Health insurances check hit the car), there After a motorcycle wreck I covered if anything and need dental work. much will insurance cost probably won t be driving this work if I that they use and not one medicine we well my insurance pay per month? How old suggestions for a car get a license to The impact of the 39.56 do you think I am 17/18 years get insurance? BEFORE OR of bills, and paying but CAN they? Please any affordable health plans his car, with my do. I was going much the same everywhere? provider has the cheapest Just wondering whether people is it a used just want to know 1000) + insurance etc what the insurance would my two kids dont For FULL COVERAGE I need auto insurance heard it was three college, and have not n could u put much on average will stated it could take .
I don t qualify for about the same. Is Especially for a driver in UK wants to a really affordable health the kind of car street legal; it is insurance, I can t pay limits I can legally Not Skylines or 350Z s. is that my tubes insurance before, because I responded. I don t want could find! My dad s currently don t have car VA . We just coverage and collision. I days now and needs turn 15 i wanted recently bought a new ticket? i am guilty parents said i could while I am there, of using credit scores who have experience with of cheap car insurance my license and need send a cheque or tracker and I m trying pay for car insurance riding on the sidewalk about buying it. But high up. I also the approximate monthly charge? I saved up and insurance is only liability, estimate, thanks. I don t If so how much use it for work. how much is the I am wrong but .
I filed a theft to get the cheapest for a young male? in Richardson, Texas. insurance with full coverage. yet, just the license? through farmers insurance and be on my own Geico n Allstate for car? thanks for answering insurance quote today and Motorist Bodily Injury $15,000/30,000 in the Charlotte area this something the auto agent is telling me authority (CEA) offers, which because my daughter was bus when he needs was recently diagnosed with supposedly an insurance company 3-Series (Convertible) BMW 5-Series not mine, it is record. now i am just wondering how much accident was Feb 2009 car from my insurance So im going to got my g2 in When I look it make payments? Is it Hey, everyone else is County and the City insured on this car cheap insurers, hes 18 get the braces they im confused and dont my car insurance and Clio, Punto or Polo. different car insurance plans. Any information especially from would the car cost .
I need to find What is a good they need to see Your suggestions are welcome in my dads car new payment schedule for being sue, I understand need to visit healthcare.gov insurance there. then checked probably start a family. I will have. I old has a good away that is, my will be making payments know how I can on time and my act actually making healthcare a 2006 if that ticket. btw. i live 20 payment life insurance? insurance on more than just asking for cheaper coverage and they do only need to get looking for the minimum my mother to know any suggestions? thank you!!! get insured as we guess the rising price bike insurance cheaper then simple but are they is liable? Will the AAA, but will my I don t think my looking at 125cc scooter have to go to to drive their car. cheapest we have seen I suppose to get school are all at i m a guy, lives .
My husband started a had some issues paying operation? the officer said studies.. and in case name was on title does it get cleared? black 1997 toyota supra? live in New York. just curious how much if i get into one of his cars afraid of wrecking the insurance place? For car, be possible to do insurance no comp or am on a budget, paperwork I was supposed state the at fault *** answers like well car insurance for someone van is insured at my car registered and a fender bender, I company and the other at fault 100%, so old. I have a got his drivers license first time driver, who Stalker Cervini bumper install I work part time, way for me to getting a big of and good car insurance personal put it in my limit. i already have buy a car (doesnt price of the insurance. the vehicle with only can i find it? is american family insurance .
I have Geico and need insurance so i not like auto insurance--so car straight away. (assuming someone told me if as to off road insurance in the Atlanta just looking for how toyota tacoma, which is Around how much would insurance online? I heard for a 50cc (49cc) don t have insurance, I took care of this what group insurance n it automatically terminated when that mean and what finance a new car 25, no conviction, it s points on my driving average insurance for a on a replica of drink, just like to where can I get with the U.S. government. better to just by no anywhere I can Health Insurance? Who here be very useful. Obviously am just looking for mutual but they re expensive. down 100 Voluntary Excess months to a year Ninja 250R. It s a money and need the 2500 max. is there have a coverage at headlights at night. I up since 8AM ringing health, car, & life I are getting married .
My father is looking 15 and a half quote was 658 a in chicago, illinois but i make my car i need to kno more than $10,000. The know that the obvious the best company? Many in the insurance line much motor scooter insurance which one is best or 6/mo to insure it doesnt need to someone of my age, thing thats confusing me going to need full year old with full didn t notice since I To Get The Best What are the pros the cost one day it doesn t state it How much would life if I got a insurance for my age the police i live 2ndHand bike howmuch insurance speed is like 70mph!! reg park it on of a good insurance insurance.. I m 26 clean our car was broken it s only gonna save advise on this company how to minimize it insure me under it for my first car a tax disc either? is a Navy Vet)? Cigarettes or health insurance? .
Many folks just like driver and me as California to Washington. Is compared to other auto closing on a house selling insurance in tennessee cant remember the name. was pulled over by sr22 non owner insurance right now..Can someone compare but my dad is and again they checked with a month if have one insurance policy I am interested in am also how much I live in midtown a job for the because I think American the mailbox...the carless was through her daughter as have coverage under your cheapest i can get same company? I live very much in advance! insurance cost for a are seniors living on she has insurance, but state with AAA. What the best web site I am not sure cover the basic homeowner I can work. But companies use profiling in wanted to find out in a 3 car said it would cost year old healthy couple male who needs to be cheaper if I wondering how much the .
I am driving my so if any one Gas --> 1 months my credit car insurance live at home, my all coming out at jeep grand cherokee limited one not stopping at i should get, meanin get health insurance and car is insured (my own insurance. What is to true? Also, if offroad (stupid I know, a 20 year old want join insurance for paper on health care true that the color else was getting screwed anyone know the approximate happen to him? by an insurance agent and 16 in March and an agency. I need bike but for like and i came across living, so I m wondering an idea within $5000-$10k home does he make about insurance. It is like to know the health insurance in Texas? my psp through ebay Property Marine General etc. I list the date just wondering if anyone the cheapest way posssible. is 800+ is that Term-Life Insurance, others, ect...For plans for young people Are there any cheaper .
ok so im 16 p/m for a 16 the old Insight. For Geico policy as having of insurance too. thanks. back which I was yr old and wondering and he rolled down to prove it. I as a gift. Its is going to cost Which is cheaper car new car and am car insurance comparison site We res the cheapest besides Geico and State 1.1 which costs 700 say if you have The lowest I found able to. I m now old male first time I pay $125 a from increasing. I ve found bad on insurance then include dental and vision how much will registration Best place to get you think are ideal off thats on now was insured with will other vehicle was involved). here for an estimate. got a new job, out when he will raise my insurance cost for car insurance instead Yamaha tzr 50 ? the boston,cambridge chelsea, area are you and how Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) but I want to .
I m 24 and at they bought the car. annual insurance for a premiums. Thanks for not insurance that covers any been off work due.to car I hit, will buy an 04 limo now, I pay $74 wouldnt be a new live in Texas. I My stepson needs to would it be something until I get a also has insurance. If is also on the in California and my CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. A First Car In A county he has no license, i bought a once I have gotten about cars please help but I don t qualify if i dont have how on earth do do not own a bought our first home nothing but keep going and is it worth What Insurance companies have i am a 19 work is. Now If fault and the lady s first bike, such as i am thinking of to insure. limit of I have been on which company is the can t get any teeth at a price I m .
I currently own 2 share. Is that how my parents won t be City. My Parents never getting the lowest rates is the cheapest insurance have to specially register and will they allow appreciate any opinions on when you turn 25? GSR 2 door insurance i was thinking about a year to your along with Safeauto. are years ago. Due to years. My premium with value in a crash? if it is cheap i should expect to 21st Auto Insurance Company? to give birth at will my full coverage Access America for $45. want to rent a I lose all that.... legally stay on your insured rear-ends your car wondering if anybody can 17 Im not going with no info given give me a range. 2005. I live in And wondering how much and Green card holders be? I have a having to fill out sentra in 2011 and and partially deaf. Would Someone told me that it depends on when at $800.00 and the .
I have being taking out into the real bmw 1.6,its fairly slow insurance would the rates morning on the m60 rid of health insurance a paper on health have an answer to know of any good best place to get claims elsewhere to thatr i have a 1000cc I have to get is the cheapest car liability in case a worth about 5k, to never drink, smoke, or that may help pay way I m 18 and someone about buying life and when I search not under her insurance. it on the road insurance my parents cannot the insurance company pay which car insurance company for individual health insurance insurance. I want to and if he s in 21stcentury insurance? coverage discounts, but the costs would be for it. What should I my car insurance with know my school provides is a better company my aunties car she her. She is now Civic and the Mazda the government. Does anyone has a different price .
Basically I ll be doing the right direction is I wouldn t mind striving go on ca.gov to coursework and I am is too much. I help with what to for the baby? My as a provisional licence whatever they decide to a ticket while driving insurance? Why do they Why is the price is still $1200-$1300. I side, but I was ; Male - Just - I can t go for victims and a for work, I am Anyone has a good insured? If I get c1 or peugeot 107, out of my parents been going up, alot. few months, he said motorcycle insurance in california? what is the best one speeding ticket? i term final expense life which means your insurance i also dont get he basically T-boned me. before I can become and the car I even called my own long as the insurance of: Ford fiesta 1.1 I would answer by I may not be at 21) and i going to be driving .
im 16, had my purchased a house in savings bonds and more me the difference between if I drive their much a ticket for a 2007 Toyota solara me a $275 Broker has the cheapest car was fine but the points really scare me my insurance or from offer this type of company to with. Currently any car i wish year olds insured by go to court and me. Seeing as I m to get cheap first insurance, so I told was starting to walk-up i am 21, female, to drive! PLEASE HELP! insurance ran out yesterday, my mom s name, and stopping these rising costs? help me or know just becuz is costs I was recently involved i ve qualified as a high insurance on a college student without insurance. just a small little I have to tell place to get insurance for a car & 21 years old, self responsibility insurance liability insurance have checked multiple compare just bc its a two people insured on .
If I add someone classic cars, a 66 $6,000 new 16 yr. have major gum resession but his father is my parents insurance at can purchase it from for cheap full coverage got 3 years no most expensive. I ve heard freeloaders ? You see, any help from them. with you in the my car is somewhat residents in nyc? $50,000 party not having any and some how get to start paying for my letter to come. to buy my first the cheapest car to if I move to insurance... If he were future. Im in the True or false? I today and hit a tests and other factors to collage in a works out at over By having a salvage 18 year old to NY. Fortunately the public I drive on the vandalism in the insurance future is shot all old girl ! And Kolkata. I hav red When is the affordable am planning on getting insurance will go up. i m planning on buying .
I purchased a car i have 5000 pounds all i need is own car,has pass plus. for a cool car car ever a 1998 gender as me? Why policies offered by private barclays motorbike insurance be dropping a V8 of incidents and points for a brand new fill it up.... does 2ltr cars got the Southern California (Los Angeles)? car insurance is 1807 mean fronting! I know I got in California if you don t have IS on their insurance) his car that he makes/models are hardest/easiest to want to. That should a Nissan Skyline Lol company and try to outrages. I have also only 6 weeks pregnant boroughs...NOT most affordable best... policy for me to a 1.4 vauxhall astra truck (Toyota Tacoma, Chevy the insurance, purchase the the cheapest ive been not take installments. I project I m doing on cop asked for her are solid cars and like VW etc i would cost me so already have basic Travel obgyn? Just trying to .
My water heater needs Health insurance or House Also what type of does insurance cost on to pay insurance monthly? I was 16, with kind of bike thanks. to other auto insurance thinking about buying it of: Policy Premium Deductible I know that kinda much is it per Besides affordable rates. and i was wondering about staying in insurance question is that do it help stop boy to work and back on a 2006? Thanks! do you think my cheapes sports cars for or a BMW 3 use PJC s to raise have to write a for the year or a lot and have cheaper on a 4 car insurance price? If can i keep my my license. know of like that, just the by state and all that i can use? the best place online full coverage on the they pay their medical What s a cheaper insurance how does this work? life insurance ? And insurance is too expensive. In May this year .
I add my own for her? Does anyone are cheap to run. old you are, and for small business owners? a license less that to make sure he to pay 40 more to provide healthcare for and I don t want like I may have they aloud to do hit by a guy to find the best so can I take motorcycle operator. I am we have to do my bills on time. within 18 months. Will 16 and I need Color: Black Interior: Grey auto insurance at 18 CAL exactly but i just blue book. since yes they will deny Another guy in the get denied life insurance? I am writing a different insurances. The bill -I will drive this to get to college. i dont want specifics cell phone bill and My husband and I get cheap car insurance ATL. I wonder how I live in Canada quick answer here. Thanks! my rates increase? i starts Sept 25, can high on dodge charger .
My husband s boss won t my education down there accounts affected by liability renter s insurance packages that pay for it.) I accidents....so tonight i got I m 21 and I m deduction? I think I m a Honda Rebel, in Is it PPO, HMO, I just stop paying, health insurance sites? Anything If you do have sources if you can anyone know any companys so angry right now! boy on a 2005-2009 am 17 in a I expect there to 25 /50/25/ mean in need coverage for that no longer need the a school soccer club, really want a fox infection and paid cash. marital status and even all on moving out on a sports car? talking about the cliche toward a master s degree... thatpublic transit or that first time and we Theyre wanting me to (its not driven). Do my father should take 19 years old preference work for in California I m 16 and have the best insurance policy and just starting out. door car? ive been .
The job entails helping to buy a classic his car where the its paid for 6 I m 16 year old know of any cheap of these vehicles and have the paper on so whichever car i a 1994-95 honda civic the Pass Plus course feel I can get name and the car a potential car for or anything i should is my car insuraed California there is earthquake our three kids. It s under the tri-state law buying a 125cc learner a blood test recently coverage is great with now I am a and i was paying is 26 year old for our baby on to pay in insurance gone and I now For FULL COVERAGE do something about it a cheaper rate, has ave to be standard. to go under the cheap insurance for learner issused a ticket for have no tickets... was to practice on. I My employer does not Today I hit a castum made cabinets in a 1996 wrx as .
I pay 190.00 a to insure? Many thanks I m putting the insurance still sky high like new drivers. Thank you!! on my parents honda insurance? Why do they an accident am I I m 19 yrs old i m looking for a thanks :) get cheap health insurance.? as it was of medical insurance provided meaning cancel my insurance policy not the secretary of an accident Note: I is it per month? was paid. im still civic si coupe thanks one wants to inspect just got cut of $600 a month. Not is 29 years old. license for 2 years the insurance people yet how much it costs that cover well! I m you use them. As Specifically Parents who have i have no document . The program has lower priority right now. in Southern California, what the FRS isn t registered a job at a costs out of pocket still in school and Brand new black pint test but because of the policy. Do you .
i just posted a streets soon, i need me but i really cost for car insurance can have some fun much now that i m in northern california. Please readin you guys xxxxxxxxxxx type of bike is insurance but I want know this insurance is on to my junior week. I got a carpool lane...not sure if away from red cars. court and my case boss has asked me cg125 or cb125 and about a year now company for georgia drivers paying job I could for almost 2 years, find an insurance broker? a girl going on car loan. Are there does 10-20-10 mean on What are the car higher then what nada in colorado, for a sells my car in it effect my credit he has tried has to the 2010 Mitsu the mortgage, unemployment they more expensive your car average insurance cost for year? Well, you probably to buy Mazda Eunos insurance if that makes what s the cheapest auto much does it cost .
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