#ive been wanting to write soooo bad recently
creaturefeaster · 2 months
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making up for the fact that i didnt color like i wanted to the other day, by still not really coloring but drawing more. 🖤🦜
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sweetheartturtle2007 · 4 months
Hihi!! I'm back again, I was wondering if you could do cg hc for Chris and Martin from Wild kratts? Agere maybe a little petre? (White tiger) Also, a tiny thing I imagine is that we would play in tiger creature power suits! And go on adventure in the tiger creature power suits!!
I've recently restarted watching wild Kratts soon you're in perfect timing! 🐾👬
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They're both big brother caregivers, nobody can tell me otherwise.
They love to take you out on adventures with them, although aviva has to keep an eye out for them because of all the trouble they get themselves into.
Of course that doesn't mean that they're not responsible, you're always holding hands with Chris or martin when you're out.
They gave you a little notebook that you always bring on your adventures so that way you can write down everything you learn from animals.
Talking about books, they have gifted you lots of books about different animals from the ocean, forest, dessert, etc.
They both always carry a backpack where they have all the stuff they need for missions and they have another one where they keep all your stuff(bottles,blankies,snacks,books,toys,etc)
Chris loves to play with you, play pretend is one of his favorites but he also loves to play with your animal plushies and toys, he takes you out to play in the sun and go on search of new animals.
Whenever you and Chris come back from playing, you're both covered in dirt or mud, completely desalinated and tired from all the running and jumping you both do whenever you play.
Martin likes playing with you like that as well but he prefers to play and teach you at the same time. He gets you lots of activity books and enciclopedias. You both are always sitting at the table doing activity books, reading stories or coloring, all of that while having some delicious juice 🧃 and snacks (mostly cookies)
In the morning, one of the two Kratts is always holding your sleepy self in his arms while the other is cooking breakfast.
When aviva gave you your first power suit, they were both tearing up cause, THEY'RE SO PROUD OF YOU.
They loved when you turned into a white tiger, they immediately did the same as well and you 3 played for hours that day.
You'll be learning a lot about white tigers 🐯
The Kratts will prepare a little corner for you to play with your power suit. It's filled with toys and plushies.
Chris like to play chase with you while you're on your power suit, you'll chase him around turtle and tackle him to the ground and tickle him.
"HAHAHA m-martin h-help ! A w-white ahahaha t-tigers attacking me hahaha" he couldn't talk because of your tickling, you just kept laughing as you played with him. You do the same with Martin and the rest of the gang.
They're keeping you away from Zach of course, not only is he a bad guy, he has tried kidnapping you once.
I like to headcanon that martin and Chris can sing really well, soooo there are lots of Lullabies when you go to sleep.
Martin is kind of strict when it comes to your sleep schedule. "Look at the time lil fangs, time for bed, no no no don't give me that face, you're going to sleep." He's not mean, he just wants you to have a goodnight sleep :(
Chris sometimes lets you off, "what's so bad about missing some hours of sleep?" Yeah...he had to deal with your grumpy sleepy self the next morning and also get scolded by martin.
I also headcanon that they both like to eat healthy, so they prepare tasty and healthy meals for you.
Nicknames: martin: lil one, tiger, lil fangs Chris: squirt,lil adventurer, tiggy(tiger)
10/10 they're the best brother caregivers you could get.
Hope you liked this, sorry it took so long. Ive been kinda busy.
Here you go 🐯🙏💓
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Cruel Summer Chapter 1 (Chris Evans x Actress/Singer!Reader)
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(Okay, So Ive been away for a hot minute. And I've been through quite a bit. But I got inspired to write this and I hope yall love it!! Couple of things. 1.) Taylor Swift doesnt exist in this series, the reader is like taylor swift! 2) dont come for me, I've been chewing on this idea for a few months now lol. 3.) Im almost done with chapter 1 of My Alpha, I know I've gotten some messages about that!! Also, half way through chapter 2 of Midnight rain ;) Enjoy! Let me know your thoughts on this!! love you guys!!!)
Thoughts? Suggestions? General opinion wanted here!!!!!
You’d be delusional to think that he wanted anything more than hookups with you. Being a movie star was hard enough to make a “normal” life ...falling in love with your co-star though...that made everything even worse. That’s what led you to becoming a world famous pop star, releasing smash hit after smash hit. Your smile; when up on that stage, tens of thousands of fans screaming your songs as you sang them, standing ovations, tears of happiness, excitement, thrill, it all made that heartache ease just a little bit. But not all the way. 
“Tonight is a HUGE night, I can’t believe you’re going to announce another album. I’m in awe, really I am.” Your mom said, grabbing your shoulders and looking at you in the mirror of the room you were currently using backstage. “Mom, thanks so much for traveling with me during this tour. It means so much to me.” you smiled softly at her, “especially after everything I’ve been through recently. Wanna know the surprise songs tonight? Or just be surprised like everyone else?” you asked with a soft laugh. 
Your mom and dad were your biggest and best fans you could have ever asked for. Even during the worst time of your life, you’d had your parents support when changing careers. “Awe, let me be surprised like everyone else dear. Your cue is up….come on,” she gave you a big hug and kissed your cheek. “You’re going to be amazing, just like every other night” she beamed before walking out of your dressing room. 
You stared in the mirror, touching up your red lipstick before turning around and walking out. Your bejeweled bodysuit in the colors of your most favorite album you’d put out, pinks and blues. You smiled at the stage crew and everyone working behind the scenes as you walked with your assistant. “Another great sold out crowd out there, the VIP tent is dead center, lots of celebrities are here tonight too.” She smiled before you walked away standing on your mark. 
Listening to the entrance music you’d had custom made, caused the memories to flood your mind. 
You looked over at him grinning as you both reached for a piece of popcorn. “Soooo I thought you wanted to do something else when you asked me to come to your hotel room 10:30 at night.” you smirked as he laughed, throwing his head back. “While yes, I’d love to do that too….I figured it would be nice to watch a movie or two, enjoy a snack and relax together too. I ordered some wine and chocolate covered strawberries too.” he said leaning closer to you, as you bit your lip leaning into him, letting his lips brush yours. The next thing you knew, he had you pinned to the bed, popcorn littering the floor as he kissed down your neck, slowly pushing your shirt off and attacking your chest. 
“Ready? Have fun!!” Your assistant shouted over the music and screaming fans as the platform started to bring you up from under the stage. You plastered a grin on your lips and got in your stance with your mic. 
The moment your back up dancers pulled back the large fabric fans to reveal you, you began to sing one of your songs. The roar of screams, cheers and cries erupted throughout the entire stadium as you came into sight for everyone. The platform continued to rise as you sang, smiling at everyone. 
“It's you and me, that's my whole world
They whisper in the hallway, "She's a bad, bad girl"
Oh, I just thought you should know (you should know)
It's you and me, there's nothing like this (like this)
Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince (okay)
We're so sad, we paint the town blue (paint it blue)
Voted most likely to run away with you.” 
The music ended as everyone cheered even louder and you laughed softly, the platform lowering back to the mainstage level; you grinned as the next song began instantly. You loved performing for a crowd, they never made you feel like you weren’t worth the love and attention. You strut toward the front of the stage, beginning to sing the bridge, along with the crowd, when a sight almost threw you off your performance. He stood there in the VIP tent with a cold beer in one hand, his other arm around the shoulders of a petite brunette. 
“I'm drunk in the back of the car
And I cried like a baby coming home from the bar (oh)
Said, "I'm fine, " but it wasn't true
I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you
And I snuck in through the garden gate
Every night that summer just to seal my fate (oh)
And I screamed for whatever it's worth
"I love you, " ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?
He looks up grinning like a devil” 
You belt out the bridge, the crowd screaming louder toward the end. You tried to not to look at the VIP tent, the urge to see him again, standing there happy with some other girl, you danced around, happily grinning at the crowd, encouraging them to sing along. You finally took a break, smiling wide as everyone clapped and cheered. “Hi!” you said cheerfully. “My name is Y/N and welcome to The Eras Tour,” you grinned as the stadium erupted again. 
“I just want to say thank you to everyone who is here tonight and I hope that I don’t disappoint. I usually perform only two surprise songs a night, however, I’m feeling…fun tonight, so I want to add another song to the list for you all. It’s one that I don't usually perform live. But, I hope you enjoy it.” you smiled as the platform rose and you looked around, the soft jazz music starting as loud cheers erupted. You couldn't stop the smile that landed on your face as you began to sing. 
“We were crazy to think
Crazy to think that this could work
Remember how I said I'd die for you?
We were stupid to jump
In the ocean separating us
Remember how I'd fly to you?
And I can't talk to you when you're like this
Staring out the window like I'm not your favorite town
I'm New York City
I still do it for you, babe
They all warned us about times like this
They say the road gets hard and you get lost when you're led by blind faith
Blind faith” 
You smiled looking around, your eyes landed on him again, he had a look in his eyes, just like how he used to look at you, hunger and desperation for your touch. You put your lips back up to the microphone and made eye contact with him again. 
“But we might just get away with it
Religion's in your lips
Even if it's a false god
We'd still worship
We might just get away with it
The altar is my hips
Even if it's a false god
We'd still worship this love
We'd still worship this love
We'd still worship this love
I know heaven's a thing
I go there when you touch me
Honey hell is when I fight with you” 
You didn’t mean to stare for so long, but the way he looked at you, watching your body move. You wanted to jump off stage and run into his arms again, kissing him, telling him how in love with him you still were, even after the three years that had passed. You felt a tightness in your chest when the girl turned and kissed his neck, and began to dance with him. 
You finished the song not soon after and took a small bow as everyone screamed out. You stood still smiling as the platform began to lower, before diving off to get changed. “I need a minute,” you said as your assistant came up to you. She looked slightly confused as they began to help you into your next outfit. How were you going to continue this concert with him staring at you? You didn’t think you could do it honestly. 
“I can’t believe you changed the set list, We’re going to have to cut one of the surprise songs.” You looked at her. “No we can’t but we are changing them tonight.” you said as they did up the back of your dress. “What?! Why!” she gasped. “Chris is here,” you said looking at her as her face fell. “With some girl.” she sighed putting a hand on her head “Jesus fucking Christ……okay. Tell me what you need.” you looked at her again as tears filled your eyes. “I need a fucking minute.” you grabbed the new mic rushing off.
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cowboybrunch · 2 months
writerly questionnaire tag!!!
finally getting around to this, thanks a million @the-golden-comet (here) @harmonic-melodii (here) and @fortunatetragedy (here) <3
About You
When did you start writing?
as soon as i could hold a pen. i have notebooks FULL of little me's stories (i keep everything ive ever written. for nostalgia.) it was mostly silly escapism for a lonely child but now it's sweet to look at and giggle. from when i was maybe eight? nine?: "Pain and fear, like a perfect recipe. Pain and fear, milk and eggs"
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
mmm probably. when i say ill read anything, i mean ill read ANYTHING. i dont think ill ever write a hockey romance but im down to clown
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
poetry-wise Bhanu Kapil has been a massive inspiration for me. also Kaveh Akbar and Ariana Reines (Mercury sits in a place of honor on my bookshelf). for novels? i feel like i emulate whatever i last read. Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver did horrible (affectionate) things to the way i write
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
my office! my favorite place in the world!! cozy lights (that double as gamer lights), diet coke can graveyard, comfy office chair big enough for me to sit in a way that absolutely destroys my posture. sticky notes everywhere (a fun challenge! can i read my own handwriting?) AND!! i have an audience
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What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
reading something else, talking to someone about whatever im stuck on, setting a timer and just dumping everything in my brain (something in there HAS to be worth pursuing)
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
overbearing parental figures that believe they're acting in the best interest of their kid... surprising when i realized that it's in almost everything i write characters that are good at heart but commit atrocities due to their circumstances... less surprising oh! and death. i write a lot about death (someone pointed this out recently and i was like huh. you right)
Your Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
Missy and Theodore staring at each other like
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sorry! Theodore is my favorite!! he got here first!!!! he's my precious loser baby boy who HAPPENS to be the heir of death but he's trying his best! he's pathetic!! he's doomed!! but he means well! he doesn't want anyone to die alone! he wants to be good! he wants to be good soooo bad!! he hates rivers but loves the ocean!! he lies to everyone, including himself! he's simultaneously full of self-loathing and self-righteousness!! AND... he's bisexual!!
Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
i would kick it with Robbie for SURE. snarky little smarty pants that can't sit still for more than five minutes, we'd be peas
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
*looks around nervously* ... Marcella (BOO!! TOMATO!!) im sensitive and she would be mean to me!! i feel like we'd warm up to each other eventually but not before she made me cry
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
they just kinda... show up. and reveal more about themselves as i write them
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
ougffff. lots of anger in these parts. most of my characters are angry, esp the women. as they should be
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc.)
depends on the character! for main guys, they get listed descriptions but i cant picture them in my head (thank you picrew). but others? they're like. blurry shadows moving through the story (do NOT ask me what Uriel looks like! i DONT KNOW!)
Your Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
words in brain make story in head. need story out of head so i can focus on literally anything else no but seriously. that quote that's like "the only thing worse than writing is not writing." it's like. a maintenance activity. if im feeling especially wound up it's probably because i havent written anything lately
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
if you leave me ANY comment i am kissy you on the forehead. just knowing that someone read it let alone enjoyed it... waoh
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
i am... trying very hard not to fall into self-deprecation here. i think there are things that i do well and things that i can improve on, but even if i write something and think it's "bad" i can still learn from it. all practice is good practice!!! (said through gritted teeth)
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
yea! i would find comfort in it i think, same way i do now. have my little characters for company
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
i am my own target audience. i am the conductor of the self-indulgence train but there's room aplenty if you wanna hop on
tag! @illarian-rambling @writingrosesonneptune @sarandipitywrites @mrbexwrites @mysticstarlightduck and a wide open tag if you havent done this yet. gimme a peek into your brain!!!
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enid-rhees · 1 month
hi hi!! apologies for the (really really) late message, but firstly, happy birthday (even though it was ages ago aha)!!
and secondly, i just wanted to tell you that i hope you get more appreciation for your enid fics because quite frankly, it's that freakin' good!! i hope people realize what they're missing out on!! and if you happen to need ideas, i may have one or two ive nearly forgotten that i could request
oh btw not to pressure you or anything, but do you have a general idea on when you might post something else? im dyin' for more!!!!
and thirdly, ive been procrastinating my own writing myself, but somewhat recently i finished s7/started s8 of twd and oml im scared something bad's gonna happen soon. anyhoo, i decided to try write something on enid and maybe you were an inspiration (there were a couple others, but mostly you) and i hope it's a good read once i eventually get something substantial written
you deserve more attention, you rock, peace out!!! 💜
hi anon !! and don’t worry omg, thank you so much <3 !!!
i appreciate that so much anon 🥹 i’m just really really happy that everyone is loving Enid and loving my works 🫂 and my requests are open yet, but hopefully soon :3
i am currently really caught up on trying to finish this one Elisia fic, so i’m really hoping i can get that out within sometime next week !!
and omfg- those two seasons are SOOOO good i hope u liked them :33 and omg- me being an inspiration for you means so fucking much, anon 🥹 thank you 🖤🖤
i don’t deserve u guys ur all way too sweet and nice 🥹
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fairyhaos · 3 months
hey, fun fact! lola nena's (en: grandma nena's) is a popular dessert/pastry/bread branch all over the philippines. i like their pichi-pichi.
anyways, hi nenas !! miss you, just wanted to pop in for a little. haven't been in your ask box for a while (literally thought ur laptop got stolen), too
i've been doing okay these days, before u ask. if i ignore the coughing, i am like. literally passively medidating, i'm in my Zone™. the8 would be proud of me. and bc of that, weiwei has been wanting to write since i recently learned how to make some BANGER headers !! wonder if you can find the account 🫡 /silly
hope you've been doing well ... if there've been some meanies, i WILL sucker punch them to pluto 💪 drink water, eat good food, and just go with ur flow ^^ yayyyyyy
; 🌂
hihi wei ^0^ stop that's so sweet actually (heheh "sweet" like compliment but also like pastries,,, do u get it) and i wanna try pichi pichi now fr it looks soooo yum
i miss u too <///3 haven't been as active here as i hoped bc man who knew that rambling to the internet actually drains u ??? also ive been weirdlyyy busy w seeing friends and attending events but now my laptop is back ill try to b here more often >u<
oh em gee you're meditating?? that sounds fun ngl but why are u coughing what happened :(( glad that you're having fun with banners thoo and stop im literally so bad at tracking mewtuals' sideblogs so like,, unless u yell it in my face then it'll literally be lost to the void 😭
have fun with writing tho and if u ever want help them im literally just right here!!! take care of urself too pooks and let's talk moreee <33
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kinescopes · 1 month
kieren sideblog complaining essay
hi it’s me coming back to this blog bc i found the email and i need to write an essay on my feelings bc i feel crazy insane right now. i have been so crazy anxious recently and i know it’s definitely because of the impending new school but it’s making it hard to talk to people because im just so scared of everything which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what i need right now if i want to be able to make friends at [college name]. so much has happened to me in the past week and everything is moving soooo quickly but it’s kind of my fault bc i waited so long to pay my tuition deposit. i feel so strange about every interaction i have lately and im back in “everyone wants to kill me” mode which is so unreal and i know it’s absurd and it’s just a crazy pattern i get into whenever im stressed and im trying my best to not let it take over but it’s getting crazy. in therapy on tuesday i was explaining my current scary issue and he was talking about how far ive come since my terrible winter and like yeah that’s true but here i am again getting back into these stupid ass patterns where i overthink things so much i can’t do them. i have had so much difficulty taking care of myself still & my apartment is still in shambles and im like trying to make a dent in it but it just goes back to awful again and i know i can ask one of my friends to come help me because she used to do that when i lived with nick but this is so bad im so embarrassed. i really really need to start making an even larger dent on my days off so if you guys see me blogging on monday and tuesday please kill me. i don’t think im depressed at the moment i think im just so not adjusted to the sisyphean tasks of life and thats something ive wanted and tried to work on but i just don’t try hard enough. i definitely have some health issue and its probably a vitamin deficiency going on but i forgot to tell my doctor during my appointment last week bc my hypersomnia seems worse like its so hard to get out of bed on my days off. when i can get out of bed i work on hobbies instead of cleaning which is a good thing that im able to do that again but also i need to be fixing my apartment. im just constantly going in circles about this and always complaining about it but never making significant progress in both executive function & being social irl and its like i know what i should do in these situations but i just cant and i feel like im making excuses for myself. so monday. i will try. also sorry if i go into hiding its because this all makes me so scared and then i get scared of how i interact with people when im stressed. i should put this under a readmore.
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celestie0 · 6 months
How do u write such long fics......and method and tips u follow ^^...
Luv you recent choso fic chap 💗💗
hiii my dear tysm for the love for my new choso seriess i appreicate it :”) also apologies for the delay on answering this!!
ahh yes i think for me it’s just easier to write longer fics bc im able to get into headspace of characters a bit better (opposed to having a concept n getting into meat of things straight away perhaps like w a oneshot, i’m super bad at conceptualizing things easily unless there’s a more prolonged plot i guess) but also i think i just prefer longer length stories (always been a series over movies kinda gal)
kickoff is my first series n one of the first fanfics ive ever written so im most definitely still figuring things out as i go along 🤣 but sure i can share some of the methods & tips ive used!!
as for methods, i just plan out a general idea and premise at first that can help two characters get closer (kickoff case was just gojo n reader’s lil agreement to help eachother out w their favors) cuz i think thats really important to get a ball rolling. n then i sort of loosely planned the rest of the series but tbh i’ve scrapped soooo many ideas along the way lmfao. but that’s ok! there were chapters n scenes where certain things i had planned out just didn’t make sense or fit in the way i thought they would’ve, and i made a last minute decision (sometimes even mid writing a preplanned scene i would suddenly switch directions lmfao) but i think w longer fics its important to be flexible. it’s ok if plans change, sometimes better answers will find you along the way!! and that’s only a testament to how well you’re getting to know your own story and also your own characters
i think the hardest thing to do w longer fics is finding motivation to continue w it (instead of just starting it n then you lose interest in writing more lmfaoo i did this w a nanami fic unfortunately) but the thing that helped me w kickoff was having a scene later on that i was really looking forward to writing, one that i had planned out in very early stages so that it gave me something to look forward to! and by the time i ended up finishing that scene, i had written enough at that point to want to keep writing it n i found momentum w the story. so that can definitely help w regards to keeping up motivation while you’re in the early stages of writing a longer length fic
yeah i’d say these two are my biggest tips for writing longer works in general :”) i hope this helps in anyway if you’re also a writer!! thank u for the ask bb <3
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strawglicks · 9 months
Sorry for the ramble in your inbox incoming- I'm a really huge fan of your analysis type posts like the ones about Cathal and recently Flint ;A; So I hope its ok to maybe throw in my own 2 cents about Cogs/their society- (Sorry this gets rambly I thought about this last night and writing this like an hour after waking up lol)
I think what alot of people kind of (I wouldnt say ignore- more of:) don't really get is that I dont believe characters like Cathal or Flint have bad tendencies because they really want to in a way, (I kind of worded that poorly but point is) but because their society rewards and encourages that type of behavior. I think you said something kind of similar on Cathals post- But especially for Flint, whose a Bossbot (Who are literally the embodiment of a toxic workplace and elitism. I believe a old snippet from the TTO magazines says "They have no real skills of their own, just the ability to push down others and stay on top!" Or something to that nature.) he has to be demanding and imposing. There is no benefit to him in being kind. (Like looking at Misty for example) And don't get me wrong I don't believe that if Flint and Cathal were removed from Cog society they'd be better/objectively nicer (Like Flint not being condescending to Toons and Cathal not making people do things for him and being encouraged to try) But I do wonder how much of it is pressure, or how much of it is egged on and rewarded. Atleast in the aspects it relates to how they treat others.
(..And also I wonder what happens to Cogs that don't get jobs and are seen as ..not functioning. Since Graham was freaking the hell out in "Meeting Of Two Minds" over the possibility of not getting the job. I have a whole thing about this actually in my oc lore but thats another thing entirely I'll write about someday I swear)
Also I gasped when I saw the doodle of Graham in the MSI shirt finally a MSI listener Graham truther. I think he'd like the album "How I Learned To" and of course "You'll Rebel To Anything". I associate him mainly with the songs "Lights Out", "On It", and "You're No Fun Anymore" :p (This has been my favorite band since I was like 13 and now I get to spill all my opinions xD) I always imagined him doing the guitar backbend their bassist does! And my final hc is that Flint plays bass and Graham plays the main guitar. I think it fits them .. some people overlook bass when its actually pretty hard to learn from what I hear and vital to the song. (Like heres Feel Good Inc w/o the bass.. feels wrong x_x)
Anyways thanks for reading ;A; take care and happy new year!
THe biggest issue with Cogs Inc is that it REWARDS and ENCOURAGES these poor behaviors, worsening these characters as people. ESPECIALLY cathal considering the position of power they’re in. I’m sure it applies to a ton of other cogs too, but unfortunately I haven’t gotten to them yet bc I’m not as insane abt them . LMAO
And yeah since cogs are literally built for work, it’s a wonder what happens to those who can’t find a job as easily as others. Hoping that gets built on since it’s clear in MOTM that these cogs have to actually apply and go to interviews and probably face some trial and error to land a job, just like people IRL.
ALSO. THE BAND HCS. I love it and you’re SOOOO RIGHT about the backbend that is so grahamcore. And yes I’m pretty sure Flint does play bass, I think his creator mailman said smth abt that on their blog . AND IM SO GLAD YOU BROUGHT UP FEEL GOOD INC bc i did draw flint in a demon days shirt in that same animatic . And ive def drawn them in the same shirt a couple times in the past too . I’ve always imagined him to be a Gorillaz fan, maybe graham too
Anyway ty for these thoughts im eating them up and leaving no crumbs . I love when ppl come to ramble in my inbox bc discussing this stuff IS SO FUN and a good outlet for me esp when i might be having art burnout rn .
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nin-jay-go · 1 month
Do you read fics? If so, you got any good Jay fics to share? (Better if there are no ships, but I don't mind ships :D)
(If not, may i suggest 'Illegal Elemental Masters' series by Universe_Traveler on AO3?)
oh i read fics ALLLLL the time :0 ive got some good ones for you >:3
*notes down your recommendation* tytyty this looks fun 👀
first off. i have have HAVE to give a glowing recommendation to once bitten new life by northamericanjaguar for all snake jay fans!!!! it is fantastic and VERY VERY good :D it does have jaya, but its early season jaya, so take that as you will
while this one isn't on ao3, i'd be remiss not to mention the fantastic mr walker by shinyshiny9. while it's uh. on hiatus, let's call it, it has one of the best character writing i've seen in a while. reader discretion is advised, as it touches on some pretty heavy topics, but it is worth the read if you can handle it
if you're looking for dragons rising jay, here's strength and survival by orange_sunsets! spoilers up to s2p1, so none of the recent leaked stuff, as it takes a divergent path. amnesiac jay just trying his best out in the world ✌️ and getting adopted by dragons
PLAY TO WIN BY SADISTHETIC. i love this one SO MUCH. if you want skybound angst and jay and cole beating the shit out of each other, read play to win it makes me SOOOO UNWELL <3 it is tagged as cole/jay but it can be read as gen just as easily
been a while since i last read this one, but i really liked enchanted opportunities by arco_harrison03. jay gets the powers of a djinn and has a BAD time about it. it does have jaya as it's directly post skybound, but its more focused on jayngst than jaya. oh also pixal's there because she can be <3
if you want a bit of a fucked villain jay arc, take a bluejay in an electrical storm by internallyscreamingdaily. it's not done (and unfortunately might not get its last chapter :[ ) but it tickles my brain juuuuuust right with all the tasty tasty angst >:3
and to finish off my list of recs, current hunger by achillightning. also a darker fic, soooort of a villain jay, but, in the words of the tag, "villain arc but in a kinda pathetic kinda whumpy cringefail way." it has jaya (a lot of fics do end up being shippy) but i also dont remember there being much ship content last i checked? it's been a while though aaa >_>
actually i lied bc i realized that most of these fics are heavy angst SOOOOO here's a funny fluff fic of kai and jay bodyswapping. walk a mile by storiesaremagic is short and cute if you like bodyswap :0 completely gen
there's probably more that i'm just forgetting rn but this is a pretty solid list of recs! have fun :D
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dayurno · 2 years
idk if you've answered a question like this before but do you have any kandrew fic recs 😳
IVE BEEN debating whether i should update my kandrew fic recs since its been a while and they have more than 3 fics now (shocking news to me) so here you go!!!
i bet these memories follow you around by acidmeringue
ONE OF THE MOST RECENTS I READ ohhhh it was so good it was so soft it was so perfect.... when andrew thinks hes hurt kevin and kevin notices that andrew shuts down bc of it............. THE TS LYRIC TITLE i am a simple. person i really am:) no smut in this one but theres some heavy petting
So Kiss Me In The Dark by jaydreamz
AHHHHHH,,,,,,,, this one it was soooo heart fluttering to me because of the things andrew thinks about kevin as i mentioned im really easy when andrew is in love im like ihrfugjhdftfwiogjdf (foams at the mouth)!!!... its an au but a little canon adjacent too and its really sweet:) perfect if you just want something nice and simple
leave your heart at home by NanaMinyard
this was written by my friend nana and i quite like it ! canon compliant, a little breakup angst, kevin starts seeing other people when andrew pulls the "we're nothing" on him, truly very fun to me........ i love exes kandrew and i love even more when andrew is just so pathetic
But I Have Twice The Heart by sambutwithbooks for dayurno (hihi) BEAUTIFUL SAM WROTE THIS FOR ME....!!! for aftg mixtape 2023, its sooooo good and such a refreshing concept for them!! just your usual bad boy/prep au with kevin being the literal son of the mayor (:0 ! !) and andrew being the local delinquent
breaking every finger, praying that it makes me clean by orionauriga
EASILY ONE OF THE BEST KANDREW FICS EVER ACTUALLY..... theres background kandreil so if thats not your cup of tea thats fine but its a lovely lovely work about andrew and aaron and andrew and kevin, the lines drawn between those, kevaaron sobriety etc. truly beautiful and one of my favorites
missed sleep by @nanatsuyu
IVE RECOMMENDED THIS BEFORE AND ILL DO IT AGAIN! the beautiful nanatsuyu never disappoints and im always very happy whenever they post anything kandrew hehe..... an au of sorts, domestic married kandrew being old men together....... a glimpse of happiness between two eternities of darkness. etc
even if it takes __ years by @nanatsuyu
heh.... this is the last nana one i promise..... i have not personally read this one yet (its been on my list!) but i trust them to write any kandrew at any point in time so ill sign under whatever is written there. have fun
these should be enough for now! as i got this ask i thought to myself there would surely be a ton of kandrew fics i hadnt mentioned or talked about before but it seems that most of them were actually my own...... olmfaoo... um... well if youre interested in that you can check out my ao3 profile as well
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Idk if it was recent but I was scrollin for tmnt 2012 mikey stuff and I saw an ask you answered about the 2012 abusive to mikey fics lol- Obv you dont have to answer but Id like to pit my two cents in- Which is like,,,Lowkey as long as its done well I dont think the “omg rise verse treats each other much better and adopt 2012 mikey fics” are that bad- Theres plenty and I mean PLENTY of like abusive splinter abusive 2012 bros fics out there and like its honestly a hit or a miss on all of them???
Like legit as its written well I dont think those fics are exactly much of a problem- Bc its just like “omg they help each other heal” kinda thing- I do personally prefer the fics where rise is like “erm yall are really fuckin rude to each other” “well yall are all emotionall constipated” and just help each other heal n shit lol
-2012 TMNT Enthusiast <3
idk shit about shit TO BE HONEST. I have NO horse in this race except for the nebulous horse-concept of "I like to read fics about abuse and i want the abuse to be realistic or well thought out in one form or another"
i never got around to watching all of 2012 and i probably never will cuz sometimes it makes me UNCOMFORTABLE but not like, in the fun way that i seek out. it makes me uncomfortable in the "oh the people writing this thought this was a funny joke but it mirrors my home life too much to be funny and now im uncomfortable cuz i'm painfully aware that there are ppl out there that think this is just like. comedy. and probably don't even care ppl like me exist." <- person who was lowkey bullied by its sibling
like there are things to appreciate in 2012 for sure and i even like it like 60% to 70% of the time but it's also kind of triggering sometimes and i cant really tell when it will be either one of those.
ok but thats just me talking about my feeligns- BACK TO THE SUBJECT AT HAND:
I honestly don't see a lot of value in reading fics that are like, a meta "here's what i think is wrong with this series" or bashing other versions of tmnt. i mean i understand why someone would write them but they don't hold a lot of value for me personally as a reader.
to this day my favorite A-Team Is Abusive fic is These Days, it's been abandoned i think, but reading it was soooo good for me. I remember the genuine anxiety i felt while donnie was setting up his plan to run away. the authors got other fics too and it makes me CRAVE some good dysfunctional family reconciliation.
also it's clear, or at least it appears so to me, that the author really cares about these characters and is kind of taking the whole "ok but what if its not slapstick and we take the physical violence stuff and belittling stuff seriously" route which is like. yeah i really like that actually.
plus the like, leo dealing with the pressure of leading his family and kinda failing is !!! idk. and i really liked raph there cuz he was like a jerk but also totally understandable to me yknow, if you've been doing something forever it might not occur to you that it's REALLY BAD hhfasujgksadmagg.
as for rise/2012 crossovers. uh. shrug emoji. idk shit about shit but the few ive tried to read weren't realllyyyy my kind of thing, cuz they mostly seem to be meta fics about the authors opinon on fandom stuff instead of like. anything else, hefff. so. eh.
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nilboxes · 5 months
Can i just...drop in and say THANK YOU for writing ratio the way you do in your fics...i mean, thank you for sharing your writing GENERALLY because i think it's got such a beautiful, dark, alluring vibe to it all and you really do aven and ratio soooo much justice (which is, sadly, something quite rare to see in what i've experienced of this fandom so far). but ratio especially because ive seen so many bad takes on him recently and coming across your works has been literally therapeutic. i mean, on some level i don't blame people for not grasping his personality, but some of the takes are just so atrociously off the mark and idiotic that...augh, seeing them fills me with dread fr fr. sorry to not be in the presence of mind to point out the details of what i like abt your portrayal of him - this is just me expressing my thanks for your cooking, from one ratio appreciator to another.
Hello Anon! Thank you so much for your kind words 😭 and you're welcome! It's really nice to hear that my love for Dr Ratio is shining through, because I really really really really do love him to bits and pieces (I call him my princess haha), he's so driven and so kind and yet he seems like a lonesome figure despite his big heart because he stands sooo apart from everyone, being a class of his own and yet AJHDJAKSHD urghh (and Aventurine is the same, they are both such loner, alienated types and they have found each other and it makes my heart soar so hard)
I know what you mean about their characterization and the bad takes I really cannot 😭 like people can do what they want really but it makes me sad that very complex characters seem harder to grasp and so it's easier to just put into vastly cut and dried stereotypes for a ship and seem to have waaay more traction, but these fics are somewhat personally self-indulgent in that they are my canon companion/adjacent pieces for myself to fully enjoy the game and these wonderfully complex characters some more 🤣. I'm so glad and lucky there are at least a few people who have been very vocal about their enjoyment of them, which makes them all worth it in the end! It's still nice to hear and still really gives me such a boost that I'm writing with takes that resonate with others too.
and the only thing I can really do is write fics (I still got a lot more Aventio me I think!) and possibly essays about them (I am formulating a Ratio essay with regards to his feelings regarding being overlooked by Nous in relation to the philosophies of Sartre, Heidegger regarding existential Abandonment by "god" and of course Nietzche which seems like a HYV fave as much as mine) in order to just slowly combat it. They really are super challenging to grasp like sometimes I feel like I have to explore only one side of their characters for a piece because I've got so much thoughts about them I would like to express in action and ahhh
Anyway I have rambled a lot, but thank you so much Anon, writing about Ratio grief for Etiam part 2 is taking a lot out of me and this was quite a great perk-me-up! I just hope to deliver good food soon in thanks ♥♥♥
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roseworth · 1 year
Finding out you watched tangled the series sent me into a reblog spree from your tangled tag because I recently finished it for the first time. so now I'm curious give me all of your fix it thoughts on the bad writing
hello im so sorry for ignoring this for so long but i forgor </3 but i love tangled the series so much it just makes me want to rip my skin off because of how much it sucks
the thing is. there is so much potential. if it was just a bad show i wouldnt care but the problem is it could have been such a good show <////3 i love every character and the plot lines were ALMOST there every time and it could have been so good i could fix this fucking show hhghghjghhjghgmhgjhjg
like right off the bat theres all the shit with the proposals that i LOVE. i love eugene and rapunzel both trying to propose to each other like 5 times but neither of them could ever get the timing right <333 but the problem comes in with. literally everything surrounding it. the idea that the marriage would trap them pisses me off bc at first i assumed it would be like. they eventually realize that marriage isnt a trap and its not the end of their lives. but thats not what happened. instead it was like "yeah the marriage is us accepting that our adventures are over and we're settling down" ?????????????? and everything chris said always makes me think like. can someone please check on his wife oh my god
THEN we've got varian. literally such a great character, his villain arc is the best arc of the whole show !!! but!! then it was over. honestly i think that varian was one of the characters that made it out relatively unscathed with no stupid choices for his character. but even then thats mostly because he just kinda got ignored after season 1. he didnt show up at all in season 2 except in a hallucination, and im not THAT mad about it bc obv they werent in corona so its not like there was really any place for him but like. please. anyways he got a quick redemption arc in season 3 but the worst part of that was that it was a little rushed so he made it out ok. but the problem comes in with the fact that chris got pissed off that everyone wanted to talk about varian so he refused to give varian anything interesting to do overall. but the problem is that there were already seeds planted earlier in the show to give him more to do (like everything with quirin and the letter) that got dropped bc they didnt want to deal with it
and CASS. oh my god. ive talked about her villain arc a hundred times because it makes me so fucking insane. it could have been so good. like you can go back to pretty much the first episode in season 1 and see cracks starting to form in her & rapunzel's friendship and there was soooo much to work with. but. "gothic was my mom but she kidnapped and abused you instead so you stole my destiny" what the fuck are you talking about. talk about being overshadowed! talk about being forgotten and never taken seriously!! talk about ANYTHING that youve already been upset about in the show!!!!!! what the fuck!!!!!!
and then fucking. the dark kingdom stuff at the end of season 2 with eugene:( :( :( i was a little excited for the dark prince stuff bc ! it could be fun!!! he found out that hes the prince of a dead kingdom and his mother died because of the stone thats the opposite of rapunzel! there was sooooo much there that just got forgotten :( we never even found out how the queen died or her fucking NAME. why did we abandon all the dark kingdom lore at the end of season 2 :(((( i love the dark kingdom its such a fun concept and i want more of it but like. go girl give us nothing ig. the kingdom got completely abandoned and forgotten about within 25 years! lets talk about that!!!!! fuck lets acknowledge ANYTHING about dark prince eugene !!!! and on that note i wish they had done a little more with the fact that edmund had been protecting the moonstone for his entire life just for someone to take it and leave and now his life's purpose means NOTHING.
also it pisses me off that season 3 became The Cass and Rapunzel Show. there were so many other characters with problems but everything else was ignored bc look! cass and rapunzel!!! like can we PLEASE focus on anything else for like 5 seconds.... why was the finale entirely just cass and rapunzel's fight :( everyone was dead on the ground and it was "and now cass and rapunzel are gonna spend 3 seconds handling it" like please..... you have a beautiful cast of characters that want to affect the plot so badly let them help
as a rapunzel fan i think that one thing that annoys me a lot about the show is that. rapunzel can never be wrong. i get that shes a disney princess and its a disney show so they cant make her TOO bad but like,,, all her weaknesses are the shit you say in a job interview. "shes too nice" "shes too upbeat" "she trusts people to much" i wish she had actual problems. like she tends to accidentally be selfish and focus on how she feels without thinking about how it affects other people!!! thats something they could have thought about more instead of making her always right about everything. and the fucking episode on season 3 where eugene says "cass abandoned you you need to let her go" then she goes back in time and changes his past and then hes like "yeah you shouldnt leave cass behind!" NO HE WAS RIGHT THE FIRST TIME. cass literally took the moonstone and left she doesnt want to come back why is the lesson here that rapunzel shouldnt let her go
and oh my god. lance im so sorry for what they did to you. he is SUCH a fun character i love him so much he should have had so much to do but NO he gets one lance-centric episode and a few lance-and-eugene-centric episodes in season 1. then he never gets focus ever again. he gets the moment in the season 2 finale where he starts fighting the ghosts (and i love him so much i love that moment) and then he never affects the plot again. hes so fun because he and eugene have basically the same backstory except lance never had The Moment where he chose to give it up so its so fun to see his approach to just. everything in the show. but we never get to see him!! he gets ignored and shoved to the side so that there can be more hookfoot centric episodes. i will forever stand by the fact that theres something about hookfoot could've been a lance episode. ALSO ALSO ALSO the episode that was pitched with the broken window at the orphanage :( :( :( :( :( i mourn it every single day i wish it had happened. he doesnt get taken seriously as a character even though they had sooooo many opportunities to! then i literally love that he adopts kiera and catalina at the end but. it doesnt get any focus. we dont get to see him getting closer to them (okay we get a little bit of it but STILL there should've been more) so it feels so unearned. i love their little family so much but give me MORE. NOW.
okay im gonna stop now but i have so many thoughts about this show i could fucking fix it. there is so much potential and i love every character so much and i love the version of the plot lines that only exist in my head
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prisonguards · 2 years
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I am. SO terribly sorry about how long this took to reply to, my brain wanted to sit down and write an Essay for u but Ive been. SO BUSY. But seriously Ive been treasuring and hoarding this ask :) its SOOOO so so nice that other people enjoy them as much as I do and Im so happy I could help collect us a little with the tag ^--^ we are all friends now <3 EDIT ALSO TUMBLR ATE THE FUCKING ASK???? I did have screenshot of ur ask thankfully, Im soooo pissed tho idk where it went
So Im gonna go into my history with them a bit cause I kinda got into them backwards ig augshsg. Or at least different from how most ppl in the tag/posting abt them rn are. I was primarily a Traffic and Emp S1 smallidarity guy for the longest time! Funnily enough I was a late adopter of Emp S2 smallidarity (enemies to lovers usually isnt my thing) but the way the community latched onto it and got everyone talking about them really, really got me invested (also getting kin feels helped /shot. Who said that.) I think the other funny thing is that smallidarity is a dynamic where I like the platonic version (almost) equally as much as the romantic—I push for the romantic just because its easiest to collect ppl with a shiptag (although I did intend Smallidarity to be both a platonic and a romantic tag, ftr. Post both! Any! All!) and because I enjoy Complicated dynamics that are easier caught/categorized under a “romantic” lens sometimes even if they arent Necessarily that. But I just love when theyre important to eachother in general.
I actually have Such delusions abt their Traffic dynamic. Im so insane abt it. I think theyre good friends with Joel having slowly building romantic feelings for Jimmy throughout the seasons, which Jimmy is… pretty much aware of and would reciprocate—if Joel would ever ask (he never will). The Last Life dynamic in particular is one that haunts me, because it. Feels like their most amicable Traffic dynamic, at least in my memory, and in no small part of that is Joel pledging to avenge Jimmy (and Mumbo but this is a Smallidarity post isnt it). That small comment profoundly impacts my Traffic Joel characterization and Im planning to incorporate little objects of remembrance for Jimmy into my late game Joel designs. Traffic smallidarity… like many Traffic dynamics that captivate me… its about the missed opportunities, its about the lack of time, its about Tragedy… I just have such bad Last Life brainrot on the mind rn so this has been whats living with me Daily rn.
I also think their 100 Hours is one of the most funny and most OBVIOUSLY flirty dynamics, though I may get into that a bit more with another ask that I got recently, and, well. My Sorry Sir compilation covers a lot of it.
Double Life is what actually converted me but I cannot think of what the Exact moment was. I went back to my messages from when the eps were coming out and.
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They immediately got me.
Theres so many good Traffic moments. One day I will make that clip compilation. I swear.
EMPIRES S1……… theyre best friends… I think it would be funny if Joel is independently dating both him and Lizzie and Then they all find out Jimmy and Lizzie are siblings and Joel is like. Oh jesus Christ my type is Even More specific than I thought. Fishkisser boy. Joel making the joke romantic montage of Jimmy before declaring hes gonna be proposing to Lizzie made me. Drop dead. This dynamic is Everything I craved out of them, watching this directly after Double Life and during Emp S2, when theyre most antagonistic, made me fully insane. I LOVE when theyre nice to eachother. So much. Best friends who kiss. Little design headcanon for them is like. Joel is Fully embellished by pearls he gets from Jimmy and Lizzie. I should give Jimmy n Lizzie azaleas to wear in exchange too auughh..
Okay finally circling back to Where We Are Now. Emp S2. These fuckers.
So Im delusional and like it best when theyre Soft right? So even though S2 lends itself So well to toxicity (and dont get me wrong. Sometimes I Gotta indulge) I rlly like making it cutesy as fuck. Joels obsession and complete infatuation and cute aggression is everything. Hes so infatuated with this guy he doesnt know what to do with himself and just is Relentless. schoolyard “hes bullying you because he likes you” type beats. Hes my moron hes my annoying king. I cannot remember if Ive talked abt my design headcanons fully but Im big on the Jimmy Was Human but Joels god powers are Changing That. I think its subconscious, hes not doing it maliciously, reality just bends to his will too much.
Also. Found my decision moments… these are from July 3rd.
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I think. Overall the most enthralling thing about them is the care that underlies everything. That despite the endless teasing and bullying, Joel really genuinely care about Jimmy in a way he struggles to express sometimes. I think its really special and charming and compelling. I just have illnesses about them
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runin-reads · 9 months
hiiii!! trans masc anon here! i noticed in a post you made recently you were asking for horny prongsfoot thoughts AND HERE I AM!!!! recently ive been thinking more about the breeding kink thing from before and i had a thought like what if james DOES know you can still get pregnant when youre on T so he takes a contraceptive potion everyday (no magical condoms bc uhhh he likes creampies too much JASDJFGAJSHG) but anyway one day he and sirius are just messing around and it gets heated and they LITERALLY ALMOST FUCK like sirius has his dick ALMOST pushing into james' hole EXCEPT EXCEPT EXCEPT james is like wait holy fuck i forgot to take my contraceptive potion today looool (<- is really so bad at remembering to take it) and sirius' dick TWITCHES OKAY and because james is an asshole (and bc hes equally as turned on by this) he IMMEDIATELY figures out sirius' breeding kink and then after that its like ... a fantasy of theirs like during sex one of them (usually james) will pretend to have 'forgotten' his potion (sirius knows hes only pretending really) like 'ohhh i forgot to take my potion today :( guess ill have to be bred then' and sirius just. LOSES it every time. and then there are also times when james was in a rush in the morning and DID actually literally forget to take his potion so when theyre messing around in classrooms or between classes in the room of requirement of something they REALLY REALLY have to weigh getting pregnant vs being horny BC THEY WANT TO FUCK SOOO BADLY. THEY CANT. JAMES DIDNT TAKE HIS POTION. at one point they just look at each other (<- so horny theyre being idiots) 'is it soooo bad if i get knocked up? i mean ... like ill get really hot sex from it. and im like. so horny rn' and sirius is like GENUINELY CONFLICTED ABOUT THIS. <- teenagers who are genuinely sincerely debating whether getting pregnant would be worth it if they get to hit it raw.
I just had to write you a little something in response:
NSFW under the cut
James’ breath hitched as his back hit the wall of the broom closet, Sirius pressing open mouthed kisses along his throat, their hands groping every inch of skin they can find. Darkness fell around them. James said a quick spell to add light to the confined space. Sirius grabbed the back of his thighs and hoisted him up so that James’ legs wrapped around his hips. In no time, they had their trousers shoved down far enough to leave their crotches bare.
James swore against Sirius’ lips when he felt a familiar pressure rub the length of his cunt; hard, wet and unbearably hot. Finally, Sirius’ cock sunk into him in a singular thrust. James gasped and clawed at his clothed back. When Sirius bottomed out with a groan, James froze.
He clenched around his cock in apprehension, and Sirius’ dick pulsed deep inside him.
“Alright, Prongs?”
James looked into his searching eyes. “I forgot my contraceptive potion this morning,” he said.
Sirius stilled as well.
James felt his dick twitch. He raised his eyebrows. “Does this turn you on?”
“What? Of course no—” Sirius said, but then James rocked his hips experimentally and Sirius’ voice was cut short by a quiet moan.
“I could get pregnant,” James reminded him, hips still moving in little circles that stirred the cock in his cunt. The movement sparked stars beneath his eyelids, made him curl his toes in pleasure. “Do you really fancy a kid at eighteen?”
Sirius’ grip tightened on James’ thighs. He thrusted up three times in quick succession, crotch slapping against his arse. Due to gravity, James could do nothing but hang there and take it, mouth and cunt wide open.
“It’s never stopped you before, has it?” Sirius said almost viciously. “You knew you forgot to take it, and yet you dragged me in here anyway to get fucked.” He continued the pace he’d set a few moments prior, bouncing James on his cock, who was growing increasingly wet. Without a doubt his arousal was dripping onto the floor and staining the front of Sirius’ trousers. The thought only made him hornier. “It sounds like you enjoy this,” Sirius continued. “You enjoy the risk of me knocking you up.”
“Whatever— ah— you like I like, Padfoot.” James gasped at a particularly deep thrust. “Don’t pretend that you didn’t start this.”
“Oh, so I was the one who made you stop taking your potions?” Sirius scoffed. He grabbed James’ hips and continued moving him up and down like he was no more than a cock sleeve. Every time he pushed in till the hilt, James could feel the head of his cock punch against his cervix, causing him to tighten up. “Merlin’s tits,” Sirius hissed. “Any tighter and you’ll snap my prick in two.”
James smirked. He clenched his hole again just to hear Sirius’ breath hitch and feel his grip falter. “Put me down,” he demanded. “I want you to stick it in from behind.”
Sirius obliged. He yanked him off his cock like a sword from a sheath. James grimaced at the sensation; he was already so sensitive. Then, he turned around and spread his legs as far as the trousers pooling at his feet would allow. Sirius gripped his hips again. He wasted no time; he tapped his cock against James’ hole and slid in.
James moaned. He suddenly remembered why he loved this position so much: every thrust meant Sirius’ bollocks would smack his own prick, providing that delicious stimulation he needed to come.
Sirius tongued the side of his neck, cold hands scratching his stomach and squeezing his chest. At some point they wandered down to where their bodies were connected and began feeling James where his skin was stretched tautly around his thrusting cock. Then, he began rubbing James’ dick furiously.
James’ orgasm hit him like a train. He came with his hands braced on the wall, panting and full of Sirius until Sirius, too, came with a grunt. A rush of liquid warmth filled him up and dripped down his thighs. He watched in satisfaction as the milky white spunk stained his brown skin. He felt satisfied in a debased, primal sort of way.
“Maybe a kid or two is fine,” James said.
Sirius responded by spinning him around and hitching one leg on his hip, ready for round two.
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