#ive been thinking about this since they were introduced. you have no idea
I've been sitting on this post since 7.5 came out apparently (to process, past me said, but I have processed NOTHING) but they sure did create Sa'har and Ri'kan to come for me and my army of fucked up siblings specifically, huh
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dbphantom · 5 months
maybe i should have gone into practical effects instead of computer science...
#when i was in middle school i used to use red and black pens + spit for blending to make it look like the backs of my hands were torn open#i can't believe it's almost 4am. i just spent 5 hours typing up an essay about MM's erik that i just fuckin privated bc i was embarrassed#AND I STILL NEVER SPELL HIS NAME RIGHT THE FIRST TIME AAAAAAAA#i was right but im going to save all my points for the fanfic im currently planning out and promptly NEVER GOING TO ACTUALLY WRITE#I say shoving my plans for my h2o s3 rewrite off the table#yes i skipped from s2 to s3 i had a BRILLIANT idea [season 3 h2o spoilers ahead be wary my mutuals who are still watching]#okay so you know how lewis goes to the american institute of marine bio in the middle of 3? since this is tied to my s2 rewrite fic i wante#to actually finally reasonably re-introduced dr denman to the story because i never liked that she just fucked off at the end of s1#despite WITNESSING the moon pool magic. so i made it so she runs into lewis while doing a presentation for the college and they have a chat#(because her JAW paper plays an important part in my s2 rewrite bc i imagine lewis is the kind of guy who SAYS he deleted every copy of#it... but ACTUALLY he secretly printed himself out a copy to study in private to compare to his own notes bc#[lewis voice] come *on* guys just THINK of the progress that he could make with this! [grabby hands in front of chest])#so yeah they have a chat and Linda kind of gives Lewis the opposite dilemma in s3 that Louise gives him in s1 about science and magic#since SHE knows about the moon pool and has been biding her time and she knows Lewis knows and Lewis is like ah... uh oh.#it will eventually tie into the idea it's not about forcing science and magic together or separating them#its abt respectfully and responsibly utilizing both to see their fullest potential. which lewis learned in s2 and Linda has... not.#BUT#later on she gets a call from 1 (one) ryan who is like 'hey so i heard u did environmental studies on mako for dr bennett a couple years ag#and i was wondering if you've seen anything weird there as im currently doing a-' and she's immediately like 'YOU SON OF A BITCH IM IN'#and he's like 'wha-' and she's like 'i have already booked my plane tickets we're going to have a great time we have lots to talk about :)'#and wheeee now they have someone who knows about mermaids on their team and it's the perfect way to bring lewis back to relevancy in s3 :D#it also gives me reason to have two bad bitches (linda and sophie) meet and get to know each other which is not a dynamic ive seen in#any of the H2O fics i've ever read so im very hyped to delve into how they'll play off each other#also charlotte is there so technically three bad bitches (only in my au Charlotte never lost her tail and is part of the gang she just move#because she felt like she needed to leave to really be able to find herself without being in her grandmother's shadow but she comes back bc#well... it's season 3 mako is sounding the fucking emergency alarms everyone is showing up sdkghkfjhg)#im also so so so hyped to show u guys who's coming back in the s2 rewrite because it ISNT denman and i think everyone thinks it will be :3c#(i said she when telling ppl to look forward to a familiar face... but can u blame me for getting hype she's one of my favorite characters!#i love u H2O#cruddy rambles
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hughiecampbelle · 3 months
The Boys Preference: Reacting To Your Symbiote
Requested: HEYY ive been eating UPP your head-canons for rhe boys, i would like to request one on how they would react w/ a reader that has a symbiote (venom basically) except it’s not like butcher’s case, but spouted from comp v when they were injected at a young age :D - anon
A/N: This idea is cool my love!!!! I hope you like it!! I did base it off clips from Venom/the Wikipedia just bc it's been ages since I saw the movie lol so apologies if anything is wrong!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜
Requests are open! 🔮
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Butcher thinks your symbiote is both gross and a great thing to have on the team. You didn't tell anyone about them, fearing you'd hear the same responses you'd always heard growing up. He interrogates you about your powers. You promise you would never hurt anyone, that it's pretty bad in terms of looks, but that you have everything under control. That's not good enough for him. He wants you to show him. After more yelling and assumptions, you snap. It's only your arms that you allow to be taken over, but it's enough to leave him feeling sick. Afterwards you're pretty quiet, avoiding him as well as you can. The look on his face was exactly what you were trying to avoid. Eventually he grows a little more used to them and even apologized, though it's a poor one at best. When he really sees you in action he's left speechless. The team needs you, both of you. You're strong, and powerful, and scary in the best way possible.
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Hughie was pretty freaked out the first time you showed him. You begged him to run, to save himself, but mostly you wanted him gone so he wouldn't have to see. When he didn't, you had no other choice. Your symbiote took over, giving you just enough control to apologize before, quite literally, annihilating your attackers. He couldn't believe what he was witnessing. He knew you were a Supe, you were pretty upfront about that, but you'd never gone into detail about what you could actually do. He understood why. Your symbiote was the thing of nightmares. It was malleable, and throbbing, and it could be as large as it wanted. It swallowed you whole, making itself a set of knife-sharp teeth. It smiled at him, telling him he was safe, which would have been endearing had it not been you standing in its place moments before. He has a lot of questions, all of them you're more than willing to answer. He deserves to know, especially coming face to face with them. You're an open book, the both of you are.
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Annie was pissed. You never told her you were a Supe in the first place. You couldn't tell her. She was everything good about Supes and you feared you were everything bad. You were afraid of her judgement. You had enough of that from M.M. You made sure no one told her, not until you thought she was ready. And then she watched you save Hughie. She felt like an idiot, watching them take over your body, in awe and horror. She felt lied to. Technically, you think but dare not say, it wasn't lying because she never asked you, she just assumed you were human. You apologize anyways, knowing it wasn't right. You show her your symbiote bit by bit, introducing them slowly, telling her as much as you think she can handle at a time. You've been told, if you wanted, you'd be a perfect villain, you'd fit right in with Homelander. You didn't want her to come to the same conclusion. Annie could come to rash decisions at times. You figured you and your symbiote were no exceptions.
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M.M isn't the biggest fan. It's nothing personal. Being a Supe is enough not to make him like you. On top of that you've got this thing inside of you that has a mind of its own. It could be capable of anything and you'd have very little control over it. You know this. You've been dealing with it since you were a kid. You and your symbiote grew up together. You've reached a level of mutual understanding and maturity that they aren't just going to start running around and rob banks or hurt people. That's not who either of you are. Still, he can't shake the feeling, the worry, that they could turn on your team at any moment. Your symbiote knows M.M. doesn't like them and, much like a dog, wants to give him extra attention because of it. You've had long talks about what not to do around him, keeping them in check so that you can gain just an inch more of trust. Anything helps to show him that you're not a monster.
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Frenchie is probably the most comfortable around your symbiote out of all The Boys. He has a lot of questions for the both of you, especially about your childhood. For many years you thought you were a monster. Your family was expecting powers that could save people, that would get you into The Seven. Instead there was this thing that took over your body, this creature that could control their child. They thought it was gross, unsightly, and forbid you from letting them out. Of course you didn't listen. When you fell off your bike and skinned your knee, they fixed it. When you couldn't reach something, they helped you. They weren't all bad, they just weren't willing to learn that. Still, there was a lot of shame and even now, you struggle to open up about them. There's absolutely no judgement from Frenchie. He's fascinated. Awestruck. He tells you constantly how cool and powerful he thinks you both are. He doesn't want you to think of yourself as some kind of monster or abomination. Ever.
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Kimiko watched your symbiote take over the first time you were really hurt. Homelander pushed you off the roof and you fell, breaking your bones, gasping for air, but magically alive. If she could have, she would have screamed. Your symbiote, as gently as it could, wrapped itself around your body, resetting your bones, putting your insides back together. It was excruciating. It only takes a few minutes before you're completely healed. She watches in awe, eyes wide, unsure of what the hell just happened, but eternally grateful you were okay. She stands you up, unsure of what to say. That night, you tell her everything. She's the first to really appreciate them. They're not the most attractive and have a wicked attitude, but they care about you. They saved you. Anyone who loves you that much is good in her books. She gives them names, asking how Kevin is or if Susan might be able to help her with something. It always makes you smile, knowing she isn't afraid of them or thinks of you any differently.
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Bonus! Homelander thinks your symbiote is disgusting and weird. He refused to have you be a part of The Seven, but without any other candidates, he eventually gave in. You do a lot of weird things that truly make him uncomfortable. Arguing with your symbiote is a big one. Only you can hear them when they're inside, so it just looks like you're talking to yourself all the time. He hates when you're "saving" someone and they come out, but only partially, like a hand or leg. Something about that, you and them together, makes him queasy. When it's one or the other, that's a little better. When he gets uncomfortable he gets angry, which is bad news for you. Like The Deep, you've become a scapegoat for Homelander. If anything goes wrong, it's your fault. Your symbiote doesn't like him and, as hard as you try to keep them in check, they make it known.
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psuedosugu · 5 months
thinking about suguru with a witch-hunted reader.
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“she’s a witch, she has to be!”
“she’s unholy, impure.”
“that girl, she has the devil in her.”
-regular whispers you heard from the inhabitants of the remote village you lived in, their judgmental gazes piercing into you, as they sensed your cursed energy, as they sensed that something was wrong with you.
you learnt to stay indifferent to their words, or at least to look the part, but you would be lying if you said it didn’t get to you sometimes. you often dreamed of leaving for the city, but you had little money and life would be hard, perhaps one day, though.
perhaps their observations weren’t of zero substance, though. while it might not have been particularly demonic, there was something unnatural about you. since the age of 8, you had seen these……things….lurking in the corners and in the dark. they were horrifying, and they only grew more hideous as you grew older.
then, at about 14, you realize that you had this strange connection to the world, particularly the oxygen around you. as you learnt how to harness your powers, you were able to create wind with nothing but your hands, and as your power grew, you realized you could do so much more, condensing air enough to lift, slice, and squeeze items, it was beautiful, but dangerous. you couldn’t let anyone know about your abilities, you couldn’t prove them right.
you slipped up though, of course you did, you couldn’t keep this part of you locked away forever. they had their proof now, they had their warrant to lock you away, planning to burn you on the steak for all to see, for all to celebrate the death of the witch. they didn’t really think it would be that easy, did they?
you killed them, the day of your execution. you killed the executioners and the onlookers, leaving only few to run away. you looked around at the chaos you had created, dead bodies limped everywhere. you were alone, so what now? you grabbed your belongings, stole some money (the townspeople were dead, its not like they would miss it, anyways), and set off on a bus ride, determined to make yourself a life. this was a new beginning, you thought, you were leaving everything behind.
this proved to be harder than you thought, though. with the money you had pocketed, you were able to stay some cheap motel at first, so atleast you weren’t sleeping on the streets, but your money wouldn’t last forever. you resorted to bussing tables at an old diner. the pay wasn’t great though, and you found yourself feeling isolated. you had no one to help you here, you were foreign and alone.
the day you got kicked out of your motel room, you were sitting in a park, unsure what to do, when a strange man approached you. he was tall, with long hair half up, half down, and a strange aura to him. “are you [first-name] [last-name]?” he asked with a kind voice. you eyed the man with distrust, but nodded anyways.
“ah,” he said, “ive heard so much about you. i suppose i should introduce myself. im suguru geto.” he smiled. suguru had heard the hushed bickering of a curse user, one who wiped out a whole village in self defense. he found you intriguing, and a perfect addition to his cause, his mission to eradicate all non-sorcerers, or monkeys, as he called them. “…what do you mean, ‘you’ve heard about me?” you stammered out, eyes slightly widening. he ignored your question, instead asking “do you have a place to stay, miss [last-name]?” you shake your head no.
“well, you can come with me if you’d like. i have a place you can stay, with other curse users.” of course he didn’t tell you the fine print yet, he needed to rope you in first.
you messed around with the words ‘curse user’ in your mind. so thats what people like me were called? you also played around with the idea of trusting this man. he came out from nowhere, and his offer sounded too good to be true, but you couldn’t wave away the comforting feeling he radiated. he was like you, and things couldn’t get much worse than how they were now, you thought, so that settled it.
you went with the strange man, unsure of what would happen to you. little did you know, you would be getting sucked into a life-altering decision.
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pt 2 is coming eventually guys dw!!
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mariefilms · 9 months
╰───► MORAL CONSCIENCE- e. williams smau.
「cuatro」 ⇢ hasta cuando
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Pairing — streamer! ellie x youtuber!black fem!reader x rockstar! dina
warnings — sex tapes, strap on sex, weed, strap sucking, idk what worse i think that’s it
a/n i wasn’t gonna write smut but well…..( btw, this is 3 months after chp 3 🧘🏾) this is also not proofread so.. ntm !!
chapter 3 ⇢ chapter 5
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ellie had made it to your apartment not long after you blocked dina on everything. you were sick of her back and forth shit. you couldn’t understand how she would just play with your emotions and think it’s a game w/ no consequences.
deciding not to tell ellie anything that just transpired you put on a face of faux happiness.
“hi baby” ellie greeted you with a bone crushing hug and you fell right into it. “i missed you” was whispered on your lips softly as she gave you multiple chaste kisses making you giggle. “it’s barely been two days, girl pleaseee” she rolls her eyes at your teasing and moves to sit on the couch and pull out some pre-rolls that she got off of jesse and lighting one before offering you the first hit. you took it before passing it back to ellie.
“ellie. we should bake a cake high.” you looked over at her and had a wild smile plastered across your face. she looked up at you from her slouched position on the couch questioningly. “why do you look on the verge of a psychotic break!?” she giggled at your immediate pout in response to her teasing. “stop ittttt, i’m serious! it would be so fun, i might even record it since i need new content anyway” you looked over at ellie to see if she would agree to find her staring at you with something shining in her eyes. you rose your eyebrow in question and she shook her head with a chuckle. “fine, i’ll do it !” sighing she got up and gathered all the stuff needed to get you high out of your minds.
you squealed in happiness as she agreed and ran to the kitchen to get everything in place, luckily your camera and lighting was already set up. (you may have planned to persuade her into saying yes but she doesn’t need to know that !!) .
“ellie come on ! i’ve got everything ready!” you yelled out while digging in your cupboards for cake mix and anything else you might need. “i’m literally right here” she said as she slinked up behind you and wrapped her arms around your waist.
“you know you can’t be like this on camera right?” you turned around in her arms with the ingredients in your hands to find her smirking down at you before bending down and pecking you on the lips while grabbing the stuff in your hands and putting it on the table.
“ok let’s start, ready” she arranged the ingredients on th table that looked good on camera as you turned the camera on and started recording.
“hi, youtube! i know ive been MIA for like……. months, but i’m back! and i have a special guest !” you turned to look at ellie who was apparently already lighting a blunt! “psst.. ellie” you smacked her arm and pointed to the camera when she acknowledged you (finally). “ hm? oh. sup, i’m ellie” she shrugged and went back to what she was doing before you had interrupted her. “well then! i’ll just introduce her since she wants to be aggy!” you heard her scoff behind you at your comment but chose to ignore it in favor of telling the people who she was and what y’all were doing for todays video.
“and that’s basically it! so me and ellie are gonna go get… como se dice… smacked and then we’ll be back!”
you didn’t come back. in fact you never even got to start on baking the cake. as soon as the high hit you and ellie she brought up this crazy idea of making a sextape. super risky, i know. but the way she said it made you feel a certain heat start forming in your lower region. the hand rubbing up and down your inner thighs certainly didn’t help with clearing your mind at all. all you could think about was ellie and she made sure you stayed like that.
next thing you knew you were in your bedroom, naked, sweaty and a flash blinding you as ellie put the camera in your face while you were sucking her strap down your throat to get it, in her words, nice and wet so she could fuck you into the bed. just thinking about what was to come made you get all hot and bothered and you were sure the camera was picking up on all your blissed out expressions.
“fuck that’s it baby”
“takin’ me so well ma’”
“deeper.. i know you can do it baby.”
fuck. you were in heaven. ellie was on a different type of timing that day and you couldn’t get enough of it. you dragged one of your hands down from ellie’s thigh and started making little circles on your clit giving it some much needed stimulation. “i think you’re ready baby. you’ve been so good f’me” ellie bit her lip and brung the phone closer to where your lips connected to the base of the strap watching it disappear in your mouth and reappear. “fuck, you’re so sexy baby”
ellie pulled you off by your hair and dragged you up into a bruising kiss. it was sloppy and wet with spit all over each others mouths and tongues exploring. “c‘mon ellie, i’m ready! you said it yourself” you mumbled in between kisses as best as you can when you felt her reach down and spread your lips, dragging a finger in your slit letting it slightly tease your hole and gather your slick. she removed her hand making you whimper in frustration until you saw her put the same finger in her mouth and sucks. “shit y/n you taste so good” she groaned around her finger making your clit twitch as a wave of strong arousal passed through you at such a pornographic display.
“if you don’t fuck me right now ellie.”
“yes ma’am” she chuckled and took the base of her strap to line it up with your sopping wet pussy. when she slid in to the hilt your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you moaned wantonly. “fuckkk ellie” you dragged your hips up and down on her dick setting a steady, punishing and mind-numbing pace. it was so good and you were hitting ellie’s clit just right with every bounce. ellie leaned up and planted her feet on the bed to fuck up into you causing you to scream at the intensity of the sensation. “ look at the camera f’me baby. you look so good crying on my dick” you moaned pathetically and opened your eyes to look into the camera.
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tags </3 @brackishkittie @robinismywifee @aouiaa @elliesbitchvenus @vnus-starr
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thoughtsforsoob · 9 months
their s/o is a teacher! - nct dream
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a/n: lmao ig im just gonna have to ignore that hate ive been getting! I'm gonna write for nct dream this time because for some reasons some MOA's are not being very kind towards my work. That is not an attack towards MOA because I am one of the biggest MOA's I know...it's jut not fair that some of the people I should be cool with are being so incredibly rude...over and over. anyways, that is all from me on that. please enjoy! as always, requests are open!
(I'm gonna add a cut off here so if you don't wanna read, you don't have to)
☆ mark lee ☆
he thinks it's so cute, especially if you teach little ones (kindergarten/1st grade)
he loves asking you about your classroom and how your work is going
he even helps you grade students assignments and he loves seeing what they say on their assignments
he also likes seeing their art work
he meets your students when you have a classroom part and he helps you set up
they immediately start to ask 100 questions, like kids do, ad he is totally okay with it.
he enthusiastically answers all their questions and they love him
they always ask for him every day after that
☆ huang renjun ☆
renjun thinks it's funny if you teach middle school
he is too good at listening to what happened during your day
he laughs at all the stories of students running around and causing chaos
he love's looking at the assignments you give them and tries to do them himself
he whines when he can't get something right and whines even more when you tell him you students got 100% on that question
☆ lee jeno ☆
he's one that thinks you teaching the older ones is cool
you're actually a college professor so he think's that's WAY cooler
he enjoys hearing you talk about the subject you teach and love's to hear you talk about your students and the assignments you gave them
when you offer to give him a your of the campus you work at, he is jumping at the chance
he even buys gear from the university you work at and wears it all the time (the letterman style jacket you got him is his favorite! he wear's it often and even wore it during a soundcheck of one of nct dream's concerts).
you bump into a few students and say hello, introducing jeno as your boyfriend
☆ na jaemin ☆
you teach kindergartners and he adores it
you helps you set up the different bulletin boards in your classroom and helps you organize/set up everything else
he loves to ask you about your lesson plans and you always ask him for ideas for activities and he helps you every time
he really want's to meet the little ones so after the year is done and they are graduating, he attends the event
they ask you, "teacher, who is that handsome man you were with? is that your boyfriend?"
they all giggle and go "ooooo!" and you tell them yes, that's him!
they run to meet him after the ceremony
☆ lee haechan ☆
he would probably find it interesting if you teach high schoolers
since the first time you told him about all your students, he always asks about them and want's you to update them about how they're doing
his favorite thing to do for your students is to send them stuff!
he gives you money so you can buy them snacks for your classroom (and other supplies! my teachers in high school always had sanitary pads, tampons, snacks, and other stuff in them in case students needed them)
he wants to help you make sure your students feel safe in their classroom
he also funds the senior pizza party at the end of the year and even makes an appearance!
☆ zhong chenle ☆
I believe Chenle is also good with little ones since he's always posting with his family (especially his, I believe, little nephew)
he love's helping you choose coloring pages for your students to do when they're done with their minute math sheets (the stress it causes is always rewarded with coloring time!)
he also likes to buy nice supplies for you students
you tell hi not to do it, because kids love to break things and lose them, but he doesn't listen
he love's going supply shopping (he get's all the brand names like Crayola :0)
he also helps grade assignments!
☆ park jisung ☆
you teach middle school and he loves it
he loves hearing the stories of your students acting out during class because it makes him giggle
just give him a glare and he will stop laughing at your misfortune
he helps you grade their papers
sighs every time he get's a that says 'idk'
it's all fun and games until get's those papers...then he wants to flip the kitchen table other and help you quit your job
because he knows how much they stress you out, he's always making sure you're distressing at home.
fetching you a warm cup of coffee/tea, making/buying dinner, giving you massages, helping you with other class stuff.
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mickeyswhore · 11 months
Request: hello! ive been having MAJOR house of wax/vincent brainrot....im wondering if you can do a vincent sinclair small fic? or something like that, im not used to fic terms,,,,,, it can be anything you want to write abt :3
A/N: Vincent Sinclair is so pookie, having brainrot about him is so valid and I totally get you, I hope you like it, let me know. 🫶
Summary: After suffering a mental breakdown, you decide to go on a road trip. You stumble upon a small town called Ambrose, and things escalate from there.
Vincent Sinclair x Reader
Warnings: just your run of the mill murder mentions, nothing much and dark undertones, this was low key fluffly.
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GIF by @coppoladelrey
After you had a mental breakdown for being too overworked, you decided to go on a road trip so you can relax and just see new places. You avoided the highways because driving on those was extremely depressing so you were in country roads, now you were in Louisiana. It was hot and you were so thankful for your A/C being so powerful.
You decided to stop in a small town that you stumbled upon, it was around 1:00 PM and it was time to get more snacks and water, you parked your car in front of the small shop and you left the car. When you tried to enter the shop, it was locked. You found it odd since it was 24 hours, but you decided to wait to open again, you were in no rush so you decided to wait in your car.
Losing track of time playing games on your phone, you heard someone knocking at your window, you yelled and put your hand on your chest. You looked and you saw a man in a suit, you smiled tightly at him and left the car to be able to talk to him.
“You alright, sugar?” Bo thought it was extremely odd that not even Lester was able to see where you were coming from.
“Yeah, just passing by. I needed to buy some snacks for the journey, but it seems to be closed.” You pointed at the shop and Bo smiled at you.
“I think the owner had to leave for a few hours, you’re than welcomed to wait. But you shouldn’t in the car, come on I’ll walk you around the city, we have a wax museum that’s really cool. I’m Bo, by the way.” He raised his hand for you to shake and you did, you also introduced yourself.
The two of you walked towards the museum, and Bo kept asking questions such as why you were travelling, where you were heading and why you were by yourself. You didn't like the fact that he was almost interrogating you but you tried to keep your answers to a minimum. You weren’t to divulge the state of your mental health for this trip to be possible, you didn't resent Bo, you simply blamed it on southern hospitality so you remained pleasant and polite.
“Here we are, I have the keys to it so I can show you around.” Bo opened the door and allowed you to enter before him and he started telling the story about the museum. “Trudy was the woman that started it all, she had great talent we try to keep her legacy alive.” You looked at the the wax figures and they’re amazing, you’ve never seen anything like this before.
“It’s beautiful, who’s the current artist?” You asked whilst still looking at the statues, it was like nothing you’ve ever seen in your life before.
“His name is Vincent.” Bo informed you, he was watching you admiring Vincent’s work with genuine wonder and that made him smile.
“I’d love to meet him.” That was the only outcome for you, meeting the genius behind these sculptures, you felt a connection with him even though you have no idea who he is.
“He’s, well how do you say it? A recluse?” Bo explained to you and the way you deflated made his heart clench, why was he so affected by your sadness? He already looked at you with this sense of protection, he didn't want to kill you, it was strange.
“That’s a pity, it would be great to meet him.” You looked so sad, and Bo couldn’t have that. Vincent would kill him but if it was a bad idea Vincent was going to kill you anyway.
“Well, he lives down here. You can try to talk to him, can’t make any promises though.” Bo showed you the way and so you did, it was dark and you could tell that candles were lit.
Vincent was freaking out, why would Bo do this? Vincent didn't want to kill you at all, and you seemed very interested in his art. Ever since you and Bo entered the museum, Vincent was admiring you and he wanted to make you his muse.
“Hello? Vincent? I was looking at your art and it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, and I’d love to meet you if you want.” The hope in your voice was the most amazing thing for Vincent, you were so respectful and you loved his art Vincent’s heart was skipping a beat, he wanted to get to know you but you would scream and run away as soon as you saw him. “I hope you can hear me, your art is amazing.” Vincent took a deep breath and showed in your field of vision and he couldn’t even look up to your face of disgust.
“Hi! I’m so glad to meet you, Bo said that you were more of an introvert so it’s an honour.” You got close to him and raised your hand to shake Vincent’s, he reluctantly raised his and looked at you and you had the biggest smile Vincent has ever seen. He didn't say anything and you assumed that he was a man of few words. “Well, I think that I should leave you be. You’re probably very busy and I didn't mean to intrude, so I should get going.” Vincent started panicking, he didn't want you to leave.
Vincent grabbed your arm and guided you to one of his almost finished figure, you were admiring Vincent’s work and he was admiring you, your eyes, your cheeks, your complexion. He didn't want you to leave, and he didn't want you to die, he needed you.
“That’s amazing, Vincent. Thank you for showing me this.” You put your hand in his arm and smiled at him warmly, you couldn’t deny that his shy nature drew you in. You wanted to learn more about him, maybe you could stay a bit longer in this town. Vincent nodded and in a bold move, he put his hand on top of yours. “I hope that you can say yes, but totally alright if you don’t…would you like to go out for a cup of coffee with me?” You internally cringed with how awkward you were but Vincent couldn’t help but love it. He nodded and he was glad he did, because he was able to see the biggest smile he has ever seen.
“Great, well I better find a hotel. Do you know any?” Vincent nodded his head, he would need Bo’s help to keep you here. He doesn’t want you to leave.
You’re his, his muse, forever.
Bo already got your car broken when he didn't hear any screams he realised that Vincent didn't want you to leave, at all. Meanwhile, you and Vincent were spending this time contemplating art and talking about it, you were so excited where this was taking you, and Vincent already knew that you weren’t leaving at all.
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fleouriarts · 3 months
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sketchbook duuuuump :3 nothing to do in this town AND my stylus isn't working its a perfect storm for filling this thang up
descriptions and such below
feel like the fursona ones are self explanatory. the rileys are basically all inspired by this person's compilations... if you havent seen the clip that the bottom corner drawing is from please do yourself a favor
this was all development shit for the zakharovs who i posted last week. sergei is igor's former childhood friend who i have not come up with much about yet... all i know is he is also a fashion designer (who makes winter clothes specifically) and he has an illegitimate son named nikolai who is an arctic fox (and who i have not drawn yet)
omg okay so if anyone remembers my last sketchbook dump i introduced this character andre in there (and her name was andres but i changed it to andre bc i like it more for whatever reason). anyway ive been drawing him OBSESSIVELYYYYY and have decided that him and null get together at some point after argyle and jamie make up (i desperately need to make a jamie and co timeline post)... but it lasts like one semester and thats it. andre is too vain and too know-it-all for null's tastes even though shes like super hot and nice otherwise. anyway this is just a bunch of drawings of him. i really like how the one of him in my INSANE hat turned out
santiago and null's joint slay... both of them LOVE to gossip with each other and its instrumental to how jamie and argyle make up (will go into detail when i finally figure out all the actual events of that). also andre and null on a hike bc andre is a biology major. i actually drew that while i was on a hike in red rock canyon heres proof
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5. mostly just scribbling trying to get better at drawing santiago including more of him and null and his prime Jamie Comforting Tactic of just letting him chill between his wool and sweater. also two drawings of jamie just 4 fun i draw him and his stupid big eyes whenever im out of ideas
6. idk this is just silly stuff. i draw johnny manhandling jamie a lot and i promise you jamie LOVES being treated like a stuffed animal he thinks its SO FUN to be spun around and wiggled and shit. ferret adjacent. him and johnny have been friends since they were in like elementary school because of this. btw santiago does not usually look like that (only having wool on his head) he just has to shear his wool in the summer because having full wool in the flurrida heat is AWFUL
7. comic i drew at the laundromat LOL. takes place either shortly before OR shortly after andre and null get together. johnny mostly hates andre for being with null (shes jealous) (she wants null all to herself even though shes super noncommittal) (johnny get your shit together) BUT ALSO andre being kinda pretentious makes her want to chokeslam him. andre is talking about bird farming specifically because johnny's family are chicken farmers... ive had a lore post about everyone's families in my drafts for months but i cant finish it til my stylus is fixed TT
8. more nonsense. top left corner is a continuation of johnny being a hater. bottom drawings are just mindless jamie doodles. top right is argyle and jamie during their relationship, i cant decide if jamie had REALLY short hair during it or hair like this that's basically just his current hair without the yellow dye and tiny ponytail. whatever
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rooksamoris · 5 months
I just read your thoughts about Scarabia and Leona's arc development in game, and I got very interested.
There's very little info on Arabian culture online, at least that I've seen, and also African. A thing that makes me very curious is about their mythologies, folklore, and also music. We know a lot about food, since it's something so universal, but the rest is hard to get info on, unless it gets popularized or romanticized by someone else.
The scarabia arc is one of my favorites for a reason, and that is because I'm very sympathetic with Jamil, and very sad how his and Kalim's story together got so "twisted" so fast (ehe). Honestly there are so many layers to it that it would take many many chapters, and events, to close the situation. But I think it's good they left the future open like that, since it's something that can't be fixed overnight.
And also, *gets down* PLS PLS PLS PLS 🙏 I love the fluffy fics, are you going to also add Bolllywood songs? They are so good seriously it's so dancing and fun! I love Jamil so much and I MELTED with the headcanon short fic where we are taking care of him. I wanna hold his precious handsome face and just kiss it all over! He is so cute I will go FERAL-
hey qamar 💕 this was a pleasure to read! honestly, i feel like both the scarabia and savannaclaw chapters were too short? of course, we were introduced to the themes and then the whole conflict—resolution mountain for stories, however i just feel like they could have done more with the both of them.
also, i think the reason why the southwest-asian and african themes aren’t covered is because the source material is literally disney films 💀 like we get a warning before rewatching aladdin since they just now realized it was kind of racist (still a major part of my childhood though 😭 “a whole new world” in arabic is delicious). based on how yana has written other characters that are meant to be from south asia, there’s a big chance it would have been disappointing anyways.
plus, with scarabia in particular, there’s too many cultures trying to be represented due to how colonizers deemed all of the countries to be the same thing in different fonts 💀 you’d never confuse a nepali with an omani, but winston churchill sure did not care.
the original aladdin movie was meant to take place in baghdad, a city in iraq, but due to political conflicts at the time (george bush a war criminal regardless of saddam hussein’s crimes. the usa literally gave saddam weapons to kill kurds and then turned around and invaded when he wasn’t convenient anymore 💀). baghdad became agrabah—but the culture is still an amalgamation of west asian, south asian, north african, and like eurasian/turkish culture. im sure they’ve got stuff from central asia too 😭
the issue with this is that from ethnic group to ethnic group/country to country, the culture varies a lot. yemenis and palestinians are both arabs, but our cultures are vastly different, with yemenis having more eastern african influences and palestinians having mediterranean influences. i personally headcanon the scarabia duo as arab, but honestly, they could be from anywhere. for all we know, kalim is afghan and jamil is tunisian—it’s all up in the air due to the original source material. but i digress!! i rambled a lot 😭
ON THE BOLLYWOOD NOTE! omg this brought so many good memories back. we used to watch bollywood films with shitty arabic dubs 🥹 i miss those days. i love that idea and ive always wanted to write bollywood inspired fics, like based on the crazy and unrealistic romantic moments in bollywood. it’s just so much fun lmao. honestly, i think that’s a great idea especially when so many bollywood songs just lead the listener through a story anyways. im so glad you enjoy my fics!!! that’s very sweet 💕 have a great day, qamar, and take care of yourself
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mihai-florescu · 5 months
Putting a message i sent earlier under a read more, it has some thoughts ive expressed before tho. ES, of course
My thoughts as an EichiP... i view ! and !! as different stories in the way they're approached tbh, what i fell in love with enstars for was the character driven storytelling of one event seen through different perspectives, where you see the antagonist in one perspective become a protagonist in another story and can empathize with the entire cast like this. I fell in love with eichi's story of second chances, getting what you want and regretting your actions in the process, redemption, desperation, overcoming fate and asserting one's self into the story, saving a school in a dying industry that saved your life by giving you a dream; i consider it an arc fulfilling to the reader at the end of ! era. But we still had to continue... and it's not like we didnt get inklings of eichi's dreams of idol utopia, the idol soldier idea goes back to main story 1, but !! loses the charm of the original series through expanding the worldbuilding so much and shifting to a plot driven story that opens 10 cans of worms instead of offering resolutions. There's not really room to breathe if the stakes just keep getting higher and higher...
As for the colonisation plotline, it's been here since the beginning of ES2. The SS arc makes it obvious, but i remember even before, the talks about ES taking over from local businesses, trying to be seen as the standard, it was always the direction ensemble square as an institution would take. But the "antagonist in one story, protagonist in another" approach doesnt work anymore with such subjects. The guys responsible for this are your coworkers you share dorms with. I read the stories but cant empathize anymore, so i've been feeling disconnected from eichi for a while. I see enstars with eichi at its core but i didnt care for his center event, i read it, didnt like the ending, and overall felt off. Eichi becoming the villain of ! to attone for the war kind of loses significance if a year later he is a cartoon villain idol colonialist you can't even sympathize with anymore because of the magnitude of events. However i do think !! has done good things for some characters pushing them further or developing them in a way ! didnt. But for others...
I also have my issues with sci fi elements becoming the norm, even taken metaphorically or as hyperboles, when one of the central themes i love about enstars is humanity. Then again, i am a war era fan that relied on manipulating human desires and perceptions, and the fact that there were no monsters or gods, just humans framed as such, playing on people's fears and beliefs, it's a bit jarring to me to have them introduce AIs forming from escaped comatose brains (im minimizing the switch climax rn, i didnt even hate it as a whole, just this resolution im unhappy with)
It also feels like we've lost some of the meta aspects of the writing i liked, a certain awareness of being characters in a story and there being an audience. But im still struggling to word my thoughts on this matter. I felt it present in main story 2, even if it annoyed me at parts in its obviousness ("good thing we're not protagonists, no one would want to read about us" youre right aira you are not interesting to me. And yet i'll read your story to try and empathize nevertheless. I have other thoughts on aira too, perhaps for another time). I wish we explored a bit more what it means to no longer be the central protagonist, from trickstar's perspective...and brought back the successors topic. But i havent read every ts story yet so i'd be foolish to complain before really making sure i've checked everything. To me ! ended satisfyingly with room left for elaborations and imagination, but i dont feel like !!'s ending is really ending anything at all. Not necessarily bad since it's not like the game is shutting down, but overwhelming worldbuilding wise while underwhelming character wise...
Let's see... im not sure how to end this. Just a bit of a stream of consciousness as a ! fan who still loves enstars despite my critiques. Mainly, well, no one's gonna take away the stories that already exist that i do love and impacted my life greatly. And i do think !! had some really good things too it brought, or at least stories i hold dear too. Change is scary and i don't think it's always for the best, but it's also fun to see where it goes next...
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fruitybashir · 5 months
Can't remember if you've talked about this a lot before so, hi, anything about Kris and Jan's relationship? Very curious, I love them!!
oh YES actually ive been dying to talk about them more lol since i couldnt fit any more backstory for them into holidate so let me just *cracks knuckles* tell you their whole deal actually
SO. basically the idea for how they met, got together, became best friends etc was this:
- they met as teens, probably were in the same class
- they discovered they had a lot of similar interests, same humour, very quickly got along really well and became really close friends
- they also both at that point had started to figure out their sexuality, but weren't open about it at all bc like. homophobia in school is no joke.
- at first that also meant they werent out to each other bc oh god what if i tell him and he thinks im disgusting and then he doesnt want to be my friend anymore and also outs me to the whole school and everyone will know
- im not sure exactly what happened but one of them wouldve accidentally found out about the other, the other wouldve panicked, but then like oh shit damn okay we're both queer?? nice!!
- if youve been a queer teen in an almost exclusively cishet environment and suddenly there was another queer teen, you probably know the experience of getting a crush on them partly literally just bc theyre also queer. so that happened.
- basically they were each others first queer relationship and did their first experimenting with each other etc
- they did however realised that hey actually? maybe romance isnt for them. maybe they just have a really deep friendship and they do love each other, just not like that - and that realisation is definitely 100% mutual from the start btw, no heartbreak for either of them, just relief
- so basically they just break off the romantic relationship and stay best friends etc etc
since then, jan has also been in kris' family and stuff like miha and chantal both love jan and treat him like a son. kris definitely first introduced him as a friend, and then came out to his parents with jan as his boyfriend and they werent thrilled but also not hateful. but they were relieved (at first) when they just went back to friends
idk if jan and kris still occasionally experimented or slept together or idk? i guess theyd definitely feel comfortable and secure enough with each other but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
overall (to me) theyre definitely a little more than just best friends but on a very platonic basis. they have a lot of love for each other, theyd kill and die and pretty much do anything for each other, its a very very deep and powerful friendship
oh also, its been mentioned in the fic that they regularly sleep over and also they sleep in the same bed and cuddle and all that, like thats all part of the previous statement. platonic intimacy and all that.
ummmmmm this was kinda just a very long ramble and idk how much of that last bit made sense buy heres some jankris extra lore for you <3
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sugawhaaa · 1 year
Felix x reader Part. 1
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"Im just doing my job."
💄Warnings::foul language used
🍦genre::fluff, non idol AU, one bed trope, slow burn
🌙pairing::security guard!Felix x famous!fem!reader
🏷A/N:: at first this idea seemed kinda cringe but now that I'm writing it I'm like, omg...also the next (estimated) 2 parts won't be as long (hopefully) because I had to introduce you to the world of this fanfic 😭
Your father is a worldwide famous actor that is constantly working. He may as well be royalty based on the way he's treated at work. Meanwhile your mother is a kpop artist that is still producing as a soloist. The three of you lived in basically a mansion of a house. All your life you've been harassed by cameras and interviewers, you willingly go to interviews but getting harassed at airports? Not so much. You understand the fact that at interviews all they're going to be asking you about is your parents but it always seems to be that as soon as anyone hears about your parents being well your parents they flip.
Comments such as "really you look nothing like them!" Or "gosh you must be so young!" Get hurtful and repetitive. 
But nothing is worse than getting bothered at your own house. You'll be eating dinner when there's people peeking through the windows or recording you getting changed at night. Your parents became aware of these creeps and stalkers and gave you, what they call, an assistant. His name? Lee Yongbok is his Korean name but he prefers being called Felix when not in business. He's very kind and generous but his speech seems to be limited when it comes to you and he's very stern and serious.
You can't help but feel bad for him. He has just as busy a schedule that you do and sometimes he does chores for you. He stays cool and calm and says it's nothing but is it really? He gets tired and often gets headaches. You offer him medicine but he refuses and uses his hands to massage his head instead. Felix often spends late nights with you and babysits you when your parents are out to simply enjoy themselves or do something for work.
Since you are now 18 years of age you've been thinking. What am I going to do with life? 
Ever since you were only a kid people asked you what your plans for your future are but they always give you two options. As an example an interviewer would ask "what are your plans for the future? Do you want to follow your mother's footsteps or your fathers?" You always try to explain in a kind way that both sound like promising futures but it might not be for you. Then they'll ask "Oh what else do you have in mind then?" 
Your honest answer? I don't know. But you have to give fans and TV more of an answer than that. You always bullshit it and come up with some random career and go with that. 
People also often ask about your school life, but ever since about 4th grade you've been home schooled. By a professional of course. Your parents wouldn't want anything less. Your teacher's name was Namjoon. He was very witty and knowledgeable about anything and everything. He was quick and knew lots about other countries, he's explored a vast amount of countries and often tells you about them. Felix isn't often around when Namjoon is but you just know that Felix would love him! Felix was born in Australia and Namjoon has been there on multiple occasions so they'd get along well. 
As of right now it's mid may, close to June and you are so done with schooling. Only about two months left and you're done. For a while. But there's also traveling, interviews for jobs and TV, hotel rooms, stalkers, busy cities, waiting around the hotel while your parents film or talk business with their staff. Felix usually doesn't come with you on these trips so it gets extra boring real quick. You're in all these different places around the world but you don't get even 5 seconds to enjoy it before getting dragged to a hotel or filming set. 
Today you woke up kind of late, around 10 am, and you instantly grabbed your phone to wake yourself up. You scrolled through some YouTube shorts when you saw a thumbnail for a short video. It mentioned your mother so you kept on reading the title and it said "M/N L/N caught cheating on husband! (She's been married to D/N for 13 years!!!)"
You rolled your eyes "it's been 14 years actually." you thought to yourself. You turned off your phone and hauled yourself out of bed and slipped on your shark slippers. You stretched and headed for the bathroom just down the hall from your room. When you opened your door you heard some cooking sounds from the kitchen downstairs and a delicious smell of bacon and eggs. Smells like moms cooking. 
You used the washroom and as you were washing your hands you looked up into the mirror to see your awful bed head. Right…you went to bed with wet hair last night. You dried off your hands and when you opened the door you heard your mother call your name. You went over to the indoor balcony in your house and looked down to see your mother "Yes?" You called out. 
"C'mere I have something important to tell you," you looked shocked and went down the nearby staircase. You rubbed your eyes as you went over to your mother in her pink house coat and cat slippers. "There's a slight change in plans. We're leaving for Australia today!" She said with a bright smile as she flipped an egg. You smiled with her.
"When do we leave!" You said basically jumping.
"1 pm!" She grinned as your jaw dropped.
"That's in four hours!" You freaked as your mom nodded. 
"I already made you an Australian breakfast," she smiled as she handed you a plate. You thanked her and gave her a kiss on the cheek before running to your room. You had nearly nothing packed! You were supposed to leave in roughly four days so you had like one outfit planned. It had a beret, long sleeve white dress, burnt pranced sweater and some basic sneakers.
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Other than that you had nothing! You ate your breakfast really fast and got all the necessities. Hair brush, tooth brush, hair clips, make-up, skincare, pads, extra change of under garments, meds, bandaids everything! Time for clothes and hair accessories. You checked the time and only an hour had passed but your phone was at 18%! 
Ugh could anything else go wrong today?! 
You plugged in your phone and started putting outfits together. You finished all the clothing in about 30 minutes, not too bad considering. You then got in the shower and did your 50 step routine. At the end you relaxed a bit in the warm water but only 2 minutes into relaxation the water got cold. That doesn't happen too often but everyone's probably showering right now. You dried off and did some simple skin care before you ran into your mother in the hallway. 
"Whoa dear, relax." She giggled before taking a deep breath, she influenced you to do the same and you copied her. After a few deep breaths your mother oh'd. "I forgot to tell you," she said after hugging you. You looked at her with a confused and curious look. "Mr. Yongbok is coming with us!" She clapped and your face lit up. 
"Oh! He's gonna love that!" You said happily when your mother got a notification on her watch. She whipped out her wrist to check what it said and you quickly looked at the time on her watch. "12:13!? Damn I'm doing pretty good on time," you smirked before saying bye to your mother and going back to your room to keep packing. You packed some things that you might not need as much as you played some upbeat music. Bathing suit, housecoat, slippers, fidget toys, you know all the things that are kinda unnecessary to have a good time. You then dried your hair, styled it and did some simple but cute makeup. Then it hit you.  
"I don't have an outfit to wear today!" 
You put together a comfy yet cute outfit and finally got to sit down and relax on your phone but time goes by fast. Soon it was time to start heading for the airport. 
You and your family brought everything out to your big black car. One of your mother's staff was going to be driving you all there and helping with luggage. 
When you arrived at the airport you managed to spot Yongbok in the crowd. His long sandy hair covered his eyes as he looked down at his phone. You went over to him and he looked up before a squishy smile appeared on his face. You two chatted while sitting on a bench in a private section. The adults all discussed important matters while you and Felix talked about a video game you were playing on your phone.
"So they're all cookies…?" He questioned as he leaned in to see your phone screen.
"Yup!" You nodded as the cookies on your phone battled. 
"And they fight for their kingdom that you are in charge of?" He tilted his head as he looked at your focused eyes. You nodded again while humming. Your plane was then called to board, you and Felix got all of your things together and got on the plan. You were in first class today and this was Felix's first time up here. He embarrassingly asked a lot of questions during the whole flight. You thought it was cute but he found it embarrassing.
"Oh I've never asked you before," you started, catching Felix's attention. "How old are you?"
"Oh I'm twenty," he chuckled before putting a black mask on. 
"Really!?" You said with pure shock. "You look so much younger…" you looked at him intensely.
"How old did you think I was!?" He laughed "I am technically your security guard. I wouldn't really be in this position if I wasn't at least 18." He made a good point. But still he looked so young and handsome. You laid back in your comfy seat and closed your eyes with a sigh. "Tired?" Felix whispered in that deep, steady voice of his. He was so close to your ear and it made the butterflies in your stomach go wild. 
"Mhm" you nodded before relaxing your face again. Felix let you rest on the way to Australia. 
You woke up to Felix calling your name and gently shaking your arm. You woke up confused as fuck. "What? What?" You groaned as you looked around the plane.
"We're almost there, I just wanted to make sure you were awake enough when we got there," he said before handing you some water. You drank it, the cold liquid going down your dry throat. Your lips popped off the lid and you took a breath. You nodded and handed it to Felix. He took it and set it away again.
"Are you excited to be back home?" You smiled at him.
"Of course." You saw his eyes smile just above his mask. "Are you?" He said as his fluffy hair turned your way. 
"I love Australia. I think it's a beautiful place, other than the spiders," you said, making Felix chuckle. "But I hardly ever get to go out and see these places we visit." You said sadly.
"Oh? Why?" Felix seemed to misunderstand this entire trip. Maybe he thought he was going to be able to see the old parks he went to and old restaurants he went to. Hopefully he isn't too upset.
"Well…" you gestured for him to lean closer to you. "My parents don't usually let me go out. They usually leave me in the hotel while they're out and about." You whispered in his ear so your parents wouldn't hear you talking bad about their treatment towards you. Felix looked surprised and disappointed. 
"Hopefully we can go out and just hang about!" He smiled with his eyes again. You nodded before going back to looking out the window. 
"Oh we're almost there!" You said pointing your finger at the window. 
After you all landed on the safe Australian land Felix took a deep breath and took in the landscape. 
"You and your parents know English right?" Felix mumbled as he leaned over to you.
"Um the basics?" You shrugged. Felix face palmed and went to go talk to your parents, leaving your side empty. They talked a lot and worked out a plan and after an s-class car ride to your 5 star hotel you finally got to feel the comfort of a soft squishy bed. But before that…
"I think we should divide the rooms by two. You and Felix go in one and me and D/N will go in the other," your mom smiled and everyone agreed. You arrived on the 5th floor and found your room. Felix opened it and let you in first. You jumped on the bed and soaked in the soft sheets. You let out a deep sigh.
"So comfy~" you said as you cuddled up in the blankets. When Felix walked in with both of your bags he scanned the room. His eyes landed upon this little bench by the window. There was something weird about it, he bent down to look at it. He pulled off one of the cushions and found a camera. He kicked it extremely hard, shattering it and shooting the pieces all across the room. You instantly sat up and looked at the mess he had made. He started picking up the pieces of glass and plastic. You got off the bed to help him. 
"Careful." He said standing up and putting a hand in front of you. "There's glass." He said before bending back down to clean it up. 
"I'm literally wearing shoes," you laughed.
"Still don't wanna risk my princess getting hurt," 
You blushed at what he just called you. Not only princess but HIS princess. Your heart fluttered as you sat on the bed, cheeks hot. "S-sorry." He blushed as he swept up the glass with a little hand broom from the bathroom. "I used to call my little sister that and you remind me of her so it kinda slipped out…" he explained.
"Don't worry I liked it," you said with a wave of your hands. An awkward silence fell upon the room. Thankfully a knock on the door broke the silence. Felix immediately shot up and headed for the door. "I'll get it." You said putting your hand up to his chest to stop him in his tracks.
"What if it's a creep?"
"Felix. It's fine."
"There was already a camera in here."
You rolled your eyes and opened the door. It was just a staff member bringing your extra luggage. You thanked him with a bow and started taking out some of your luggage. Meanwhile Felix checked all the mirrors for cameras and made sure everything was safe. 
Your parents then messaged you saying they were going to a meeting and you were free to roam around with Felix. Your face lit up. 
"Felix, Felix, Felix!" You said jumping up off the bed and over to him, your phone in hand. He turned to you. "My mom said we can go roam around as long as we stay near the hotel!" You basically jumped with excitement and Felix's face lit up as well. "But I'm kind of tired…" you said with disappointment.
"It's okay," Felix said as he put his strong, boney hands on your bare shoulders. "There's an ice cream shop just down the street from here. It's really good and the staff are always very friendly. After that we can come back here and relax until you want to sleep." 
You nodded and started getting ready. "Also your mother deposited $400 to your account." He said after he checked his phone while you brushed your hair and put cute clips in it. 
"Okay tell her I said thank you please," you said as you topped up your makeup. With that Felix started typing on his phone while still standing in the same spot as 5 minutes ago. You grabbed a purse out of your suitcase and pulled Felix out the door with you. You grabbed onto his arm with both of your arms. He guided you to the ice cream stand and you both had a wonderful time eating your ice cream. Felix got a reeses pieces flavor and you got (flavor of choice) as you walked down the street in the dim lights finishing off your ice cream you looked at Felix. His cute freckles scattered across his face, his wavy hair so effortlessly perfect, his eyes big and pure, full of wonder, his puffy lips shaped like that of a chick, his eyebrows dark and sharp, his jawline handsome and fair. As you were admiring his every feature he looked down at you and your eyes instantly shot away. His little beak lips formed a smile before going back to his ice cream. 
When you arrived at the hotel to sleep for the night you realized, there's only one bed! 
Felix had previously set his things on the cushioned bench by the window so he started heading for that. He was adjusting the pillows when you stopped. 
"Sleep on the bed tonight, it's okay!" You said putting your hand on his back. 
"No, no, you take the bed."
"No, I insist you use it tonight."
"No, I insist." You bickered back and forth.
"How about we both just use the bed?" You said crossing your arms as you awaited his response. 
"As long as you don't mind sharing." He said as he dragged his things over to the nightstand. You went to the washroom and changed your clothes while you were in there. Meanwhile, without you knowing, Felix was also getting changed. You stepped out of the bathroom in your cute short pajamas to find Felix shirtless with his fly undone, a shirt in between his arms being prepared to be put on. You gawked at the sight before you caught his eyes on you. 
"S-sorry!" You jumped and turned around, covering your eyes. Felix just laughed.
"Sorry, I'm used to having just guys around…" he said as he continued to change without your eyes staring him down. 
"That's understandable, I almost did the same!" You said as you rolled on your heels. The sound of his belt and pants hitting the floor making your cheeks heat up.
"Perhaps it's because, I feel comfortable around you…" he muttered as he put on some shorts. 
"I feel the same." You smiled "I'm glad you feel comfortable with me and I hope you keep these feelings!" You said before turning around to see him heading for the left side of the bed. Felix smiled and you two started chatting about your experiences with each other. First impressions, embarrassing moments, close calls etc. 
Eventually you got tired and turned out the lights. Hours later you still lay awake looking out the window at all the city lights lighting up the midnight sky. 
"Can't sleep?" Felix asked in a deep voice.
"Nope." You sighed. "You should focus on sleeping instead of me,"
"But it's my job," Felix chuckled. 
"That power kick you did earlier was dope." You giggled to yourself.
"Haha, just doing my job!" He laughed. 
"Still, every time you do that I get more and more impressed." You smiled as you rolled over to look at him, his eyes already on you. 
"Do you know what the plan for tomorrow is?" He asked with pink dusting over his cheeks.
"Nope." You said with a light roll of your eyes.
"Either way we should get some sleep. Goodnight, princess," he said as he rolled back over to face the wall. Your cheeks were hot and the butterflies in your tummy were going insane at his choice of words.
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simping4-2manyppl · 1 year
so i ADORE your writing and i wanted to request something🤭
georg x reader
like that tom post but with GEORGGGGG ml🫶🏽
the "flowers" post
thank you pookie love u🫶🏽
Georg Listing ✯
Hibiscus <3
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Warnings: fluff!! Georg being too cute 🤭
Georg x fem reader
“Are you sure?” You said, almost in shock. “Yes im sure” he said letting out a soft chuckle. “Then yes! Ill go!” You said basically jumping on him, giving georg one of the biggest hugs.
You met georg through your science class, and you both became inseparable since! He later introduced you to his other friends, Bill, tom, and gustav!
You found out he has a band and he plays with his friends. You started to develop a small crush on him after a while and you were super excited to see how this trip would go, since you would be able to spend even more time with him!
Almost everyone knew about your crush on georg but him, sometimes they would try to hint it at him but nothing worked as he would only say with a flushed face that you were nothing but friends.
Once you were there you put your things down on the sand and ran over to the water, walking in so the water only reaches your ankles.
You felt someone move next to you and you look to your left and smile seeing that it was just georg.
“Hi!” You said, with a bright smile on your face, “Hey ___, wanna go look around? I think i saw some really pretty hibiscus flowers over there.” He said, smiling back at you. “Ooo, yes!!” You said, following him.
It wasnt a far walk but you stayed pretty quiet, not knowing what to say to him.
He bent down and picked one of the flowers, allowing you to see all of the flowers that were all around.
He stood back up and pushed your hair aside, carefully placing one of them behind your ear, then smiling at you while you blushed.
“Thank you..” you said looking to the side to hide your flushed face. He chuckled and turned your face back, you made eye contact with him which left the both of you blushing.
He placed on hand on your cheek, carefully caressing it while the other was on your waist.
He leaned in and places his lips onto yours, leaving you in shock.
“FINALLY.” You heard, making you break the gentle kiss and back away.
Georg turned around and rolled his eyes, “We thought you guys were NEVER going to kiss.” Bill said, sighing in relief.
“About time you did, now you just need to ask her out georg!” You blushed and looked down as tom smirked.
“I was getting to that!” Georg said, a small tint of pink appearing on his cheeks.
“We will let yall be then!” They said walking away and laughing at the both of you.
“Were you really going to?” You said, fidgeting with your fingers nervously.
“I was.. sorry they ruined it ___.” He said frowning a bit. You smiled and put both of your hands on his cheeks, pulling him into a kiss.
When you pulled away, you both stared at each other blushing. “Will you be my girlfriend ___?” He said, biting his lip.
You nodded and kissed him again, “yes! I will!” You said squealing, giving him a peck on the lips and cheek.
“You have no idea on how long ive been waiting for you to ask me that georg.” You said giggling.
“And you have no idea on how long ive been waiting to ask you that.” He said, smiling.
You rested your forehead on his and smiled, pressing you lips onto his, this time, you wrapped your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.
You wish you couldve stayed like that forever.
89 notes · View notes
papersirens · 8 months
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⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏BROKEN AND BLOODY PIECES ʚ﹕afab/no pronouns/fem aligned/plus size ʚ﹕AO3 vers // masterlist // 6.4k
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ʚ﹕warnings // dead dove do not eat, dub-con, piv sex, bad blowjobs, thoughts of cannibalism and torture, mild descriptions of pulling fingers and other gore related things, pre-vento aureo, car sex, sex worker!reader, intentions of murder, attempts at non-con, uncomfortable sex, virgin!reader, humiliation, degredation, puppy love, unsafe sex, loss of virginity. ʚ﹕comment // this was a commission for the wonderful @widdlepeets!! originally written for their oc cannella (totally check her out shes a babe), ive changed most aspects that i can into a reader insert but there are some details such as outfit and fem presenting. thank u for commissioning me and giving me a chance to write cio in such a sick nasty way and your beautiful oc!!!! mwah ♡
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ʚ﹕18+ only // minors and ageless blogs dni
You don't notice the other girls in the dressing room whispering amongst themselves. For your own well being, you learnt pretty quickly to block out everything that they do and not expect to get involved. Since you stumbled into Mint’s life — into her apartment and then the club she worked at — you have been forced to learn pretty quickly about when to involve yourself. Your roommate is nice sometimes, since she took you under her wing and got you a job and space in the apartment, but Mint also has a sharp tongue that cuts. 
“Hey, newbie” Mint called across the room, standing with two other girls they work with by the vanity – you weren’t a newbie but there hasn’t been anyone new since. You look up from zipping your thigh high boots. “There’s a guy waiting when you get on the floor; table seventeen.” 
Thinking they were just doing you a favour since rent is going to be due soon, you smile and nod, thanking her before finishing getting ready for your shift. It wasn’t until you were doing one last check up in the mirror that you realised the issue. 
“Wait, isn’t Farina usually assigned to seventeen?” 
The girl in question looked like a deer in headlights, their deception broken through by the person they are constantly making fun of for being oblivious. They wonder if you finally realised and the penny dropped, but to save face, they continued the lie. 
“Yeah, but he looks like a guy who will have good money.” You don't take note of the way Farina looks at Mint, the girls nodding and encouraging each other. “You’ve been working hard so you deserve the easy cash. Go ahead, you’ll do great.” 
In reality, the guy oozes a strange vibe that has everyone in the club on edge. They don’t know if he is rich and loose with the bills, all the girls know is that they don’t want to entertain him. If anything, they assign themselves good karma for helping teach you how to handle the more difficult and stranger clients that will come to the club. You’ve been there for six months and haven't had to deal with any of the unfavourable men yet. 
You accept this idea with open arms. Getting more money for doing the same thing you do for anyone else? That’s more than ideal. Sauntering over, you remind yourself mentally to give bubbly, radiate confidence and act like the overwhelmingly annoying girls that used to be in your class; the gorgeous girls you wanted to be friends with when you lived with your mom in your home country. 
Cioccolata watches you approach from his booth table; all smiles, all pink and all boobs. Of all the girls he’s seen in this place, you’re probably the most appealing. Not for anything about attraction, rather because you body is more full than the others. The possibilities that come from the little extra cushion makes his mouth water. 
“Hi!” You introduce yourself and the fake and upbeat attitude makes you feel sick everytime, sadly a necessity if you are going to make good money. “I’ll be your company for the night. What can I call you?” 
It’s subtle and definitely not something most people will immediately notice, especially not in a place like this, where men are thinking with their genitals before they’ve even stepped foot in the establishment. The way you present yourself as this bright personality, the flash of bashfulness on your face as you slide into the seat next to him, the way your mask slips in the dark club under colourful lights. Cioccolata caught it, he saw exactly what you were. 
“Cioccolata.” You're already pouring him a drink from the bottle on the table, a dark liquor he didn’t have any interest in drinking. “You can only call me that or Cio. I don’t care for other nicknames.” 
Twenty lira slid over the table towards you, dark painted nails skulking back as you watched with wide eyes. You couldn’t believe it; such a generous tip already for only a drink. The girls were right, he is good money.
“Holy shit,” you exclaimed, “Thanks!” The bill was quickly swept from the table before Cioccolata could change his mind. He let himself watch it being stuffed inside of your bra as you continued, “Where do you work to have that kind of money?” 
The more you spoke and sat with Cioccolata, the closer he was to the decision of making you one of his ’patients.’ It was all written across your face; the fake demeanour that hid something else – likely your lack of self confidence with the way you fidget in your seat and constantly adjust your clothing, the strange accent that sounds unnatural, your terrible pronunciation. You aren't native and riddled with issues. 
Much better than some of the other bitches he’s seen ignoring him, those who act like their intestines won’t make for a fantastic cock sleeve. 
“I’m a doctor,” he says nonchalantly as though he works a mundane job. Leaning back in the booth, one leg crossed over another, he sips away at his drink. Cioccolata doesn’t acknowledge the hearts that have appeared in your eyes. 
“That’s so cool.” The way you proclaim your interest is a little more natural, though he can still sense the way your voice raises that you’re still keeping up work appearances. 
Cioccolata too has to keep up appearances. He’s only here to scout for victims while on his residency as a doctor, soon he will have unsupervised access to patients and hanging around in dingy clubs looking for gullible girls will be a thing of the past. Cioccolata will have a steady stream of patients that can feed his insatiable need to hear people's screams while the skin of their faces are peeled off, with a lot less of the effort. 
“I know.” Was his only response to your compliment. It’s not like he needs to be told how good of a job that is or how skilled he needs to be. Something like this isn’t for everyone and not only is he good at it, “I’m the greatest doctor in Europe.” 
His smile was fake, oozing arrogance as he physically and metaphorically looked down on you. Still, this didn’t deter you as you leaned into him, pushing your luck and really laying it on thick for the guy. A doctor means money, big money and if you play your cards right, you might just be one of those who makes it out of the business by marrying one of the rich guys. Almost like Pretty Woman, but more subtle of a sex worker. 
“I bet you save so many lives,” you drawl, putting on the bimbo act that was hardly an act at this point. You like Cioccolata, enough to fall into your natural flirtiness and abandon the enthusiastic and bubbly personality you portray. 
An acrylic finger drags itself along his arm as you lean further towards him, sultry eyes looking up from under your brow. Cioccolata didn’t enjoy the act but with how quickly you seem to have fallen for him, you might be the perfect candidate for one of his experiments. 
Cioccolata offers a small smile, though it’s not for you. He thinks about the things you don’t know; the screams, the torture, the blood. That’s what makes him smile. “Yes, save them I do.” 
Cioccolata came back again and again and again. Each time he was hoping to see you, his little protege. Sadly, the manager caught onto the scheme the girls had of always giving you to Cioccolata’s table, forcing some of the others to entertain him lest someone is booked. And so, after the second time of verbally abusing one of the girls until being asked to leave, Cioccolata booked for you specifically. 
Looking at your schedule for the day, you’re excited to be seeing the doctor again. For a moment it was just about the money, until you started thinking about him outside of work. In bed as you were falling asleep, entertaining a client who was not as handsome or rich, or in the shower relieving yourself. 
Everyone noticed how in love you were, the way you’re head over heels for him. None of the girls like him still, even less so with the way he would speak to some of them; no tips, nasty comments and an even more disgusting attitude towards them. They can’t understand how he hasn’t been banned when he grabbed one of the girls or just what you see in him. 
Some of the others in the dressing room looked up at your squeal of excitement, trying to keep yourself contained but the way you hopped on each foot and your bright smile gave everything away. 
“Someone book you?” Mint asked, though her tone was uninterested as she sat at the vanity flicking through a magazine. 
“Yep, it’s Cio, which means I can eat good tonight.” And you can talk to your favourite person. 
The air in the dressing room shifts as the girls look at each other, sharing the same thought while you are none the wiser. You’re going to wear your good perfume tonight and re-do your hair just before he arrives, make sure you look and smell extra good tonight. 
“Hey newbie…” Mint starts after a silent argument with Farina through facial expressions. “We can get him kicked if you want? He was really mean to Pomo last time he was here.” 
You frown at Mint through the mirror, checking yourself before going out to work. There’s a moment of silence and the other girls wonder if you’re genuinely thinking it through. They don’t care for you too much, but they also don’t want to see you harmed. 
“No, I’m fine.” You finally respond; there’s a bite to your tone that diminishes any fight the others had. “I’m grown right? That’s what you guys always tell me. I know what I’m doing.” 
Mint sighs through her nose but returns to her magazine while Farina offers one last warning on the topic, “Just…Watch yourself.” 
By the time Cioccolata arrives for his booking, you were still reeling with anger and frustration about the girls talking bad about him. It’s not uncommon for you to complain and gossip to him about your coworkers during your session; Cioccolata tends to block it all out and offer vague and insincere support every so often. 
“Can you believe the other girls were trying to warn me about you? They asked if I wanted you to be kicked out.” You scoff, crossing your leg and folding your arms, pouting like a toddler. “They’re so stupid, don’t you think?” Cioccolata hummed but he was barely listening. “They’re just jealous of me — they’ve always been jealous of my body and my clothes. My roommate Mint, the freakishly tall one who looks good in blue, is always stealing my stuff.” 
You conveniently leave out the fact you steal more from Mint than hers are stolen — and not just clothes. It doesn’t matter though, as none of the information is really being retained by Cioccolata. Some of it is processed, though, so he can continue to feed your undying love for him. 
“Yes, horrible, disgusting and ugly females.” He adds on to encourage you, not bothering to look away from the table. “They’re nothing like you, they don’t have the…Potential, to entertain me, like you do.” 
An indirect compliment with a hidden meaning, the way he said it would make anyone uncomfortable. Even with the glaring warning signs right in front of your face, you proceed to giggle and ignore the bile that's spat with his words. 
“I got my nails done today, look…” You changed the topic after receiving the validation you seeked for your frustration. Leaning in to Cioccolata, you presented your nails to him with curled fingers palm up. “I didn’t know you had booked me but I’m glad the timing was right.” 
“It’s unghia.”
You look at Cioccolata, brows furrowed hard and a look of offence on your face so severe he might as well have called you a whore. “What?” 
“Your pronunciation, it’s not un-gee-ah it’s un-ghi-ah.” 
Normally Cioccolata hates to repeat himself, letting the person sit in shame and embarrassment to figure out what he said in the first place. However, he will never miss an opportunity to flaunt his native tongue to someone who just learnt the language six months ago. 
Your features soften but the embarrassment sits in your chest, rectifying yourself by repeating what you said with the correct pronunciation. Cioccolata still could care less about the nails, not giving them anything more than a glance. Instead, he was flying high on the satisfaction of correcting little you on your Italian. He’s doing you a favour by helping. 
You don't acknowledge his lack of interest, continuing to talk to him about your nails, how you decided on the colour and that you expect your roommate to get the same colour next week to copy you (Mint had the same colour two weeks prior). 
In the end, as long as you continue to look at him like he hung the stars himself, he can put up with all your bullshit. It’s nice to finally be appreciated for the talented, sexy and smart individual he is. It’s going to be a shame when you’re cut open on his table, but maybe you need that lesson from him not to be so naive and stupid. 
“I liked these nails too, they were pretty and the tech spent hours on them.” Your whining could barely be heard over the loud music, though your high pitch would sometimes go right through Cioccolata. 
You had already poured him a drink and he asked about your day, a comfortable routine now whenever he books you for a visit three times a week. These days you look forward to it, though it’s not just because of the money; you love seeing Cioccolata and being in his company. Whenever you’re with another client, you’re thinking of Cioccolata. They could never be him; as handsome, as charming, listen to your complaints or even care like he does. 
Cioccolata was quiet as he stared at your nails, the middle finger bare of the painted and decorated acrylic that covers the others. It’s highly unprofessional and even trashy, though that is your brand at this point. Nothing was formal about you, yet that’s part of what intrigues Cioccolata into maintaining this business-friendship with you; just what can he discover in your body and the things you will do, comparing you to someone who can actually afford surgery at his hospital. 
“Bitch won’t even pay for a new set or to fix this nail when it was her fault I lost it!” You continue to complain, convinced by Cioccolata that his intense stare on your nails means he’s listening. “I knew I would lose a nail if she made me clean the bathroom; I cleaned the kitchen two weeks ago too! I’m always cleaning in that fucking apartment.” 
What if he just pulls on your fingers, one by one, Cioccolata wonders. Use his body weight to keep you pinned down, wrap his arm around yours and just use his incredible strength to rip your fingers off. He knows how to quickly and easily dislodge the bone, pull until your flesh tears away. Your screams would be magical, a mix of terror and agony. How long would it take for you to pass out from shock and go quiet? Cioccolata hoped it wouldn’t be too quick. 
“Come back to my car.” 
You blink up at Cioccolata, sparkling eyes filled with confusion and worry. Even he was caught off guard by his outburst, interrupting you with the unrelated demand. He couldn’t take it anymore – you need to be laid out on his table, Cioccolata needs all of your organs laid out on a silver platter for him to play with. 
“Cio…” You sighed but it was soft, a furrow of your brows in an attempt to look stern. It only made Cioccolata more determined to torture you. 
Plenty of times he’s asked–no, demanded you come back to his car. The last handful he’s booked you the topic has been brought up and every time you’ve denied him. Cioccolata can’t understand your hesitation; he’s fed you more money than you deserve, ‘listened’ to your complaints and bitching, fed you back handed compliments (the only ones he can bring himself to give you). Why won’t you follow him to his car and let him take advantage? He truly thought you would’ve jumped at the chance by now. 
Bright green eyes burn holes into you, his brows furrowed and a scowl on his lips that only serves to amplify your nervousness. Your excuse normally was that it was against the rules to leave the club with clients during your shift – you still had another four hours here. Ironic considering you’ve never been one to listen to any rules or authority, hence your current predicament of working in a club and living with a roommate who fights you on every corner. After coming to Italy to visit your dads side of the family, you quickly ran away from them to start your life how you wanted to; no rules, no family looming over you, no one to tell you what to do. 
Now you like the rules. 
Cioccolata sighs and throws himself to the back of the booth, removing his arm that was lazily resting over the back where you sat and subtly distancing himself. “Don’t you like me? I give you all this money, tell you how much better you are than the other dogs in here.” 
You swallow, your chest tight and frustration bubbling up inside. You do like him! All the money, all the praise – your goal is to secure a relationship with him, live a comfortable life with the doctor and never have to lift a finger for yourself ever again. But, what’s stopping you is–
“Are you a virgin?” 
“No!” You snap a little too quickly, defensive and frustrated that he would suggest such truths. “Of course I’m not.” 
A lie. You aren't sure how exciting it would be to lose your virginity in the backseat of a car. The day you lost your virginity was imagined to be the most romantic day of your life (at least until you’re engaged and your wedding). There would be expensive champagne, maybe laying on a cosy, soft rug in front of a log fire. Something sensual and intimate. Not being raw dogged in a cramp space. Sometimes beggars can’t be choosers. 
“You fuck other men multiple times working here daily,” Cioccolata spits, “What’s stopping me from getting any of that? I treat you better than any of these other low life pigs.” 
Inhaling deep, you look away in an almost bashful manner. “Nothing,” you mumbles and Cioccolata just about hears. 
“Then come and fuck me in my car.” 
It was almost comforting the way Cioccolata’s hand engulfs yours. Large and warm, holding on tight as though you might slip through his fingers while dragging you out the front doors of the club. You weren’t even the slightest bit subtle but neither of you really cared; Cioccolata was just grateful to be getting out of there finally while you were filled with excitement and nerves to lose your virginity. Some of the other girls with their patrons noticed the pair, though none of them intervened and instead prepared to take the extra workload since they’re never seeing you ever again. 
Cioccolata’s plan was to throw you in the back of the car, break a bone or two to incapacitate you and hear your screams, then force you into choking on his cock. If he fed you lies about being let go if you sucked him without teeth, then he can get everything he wants. He always thought your lips would look pretty wrapped around his shaft. 
There’s so much meat on your bones as he forcibly pushes you into the back of the car, momentarily enamoured with the way his hand sinks into your plush flesh. Cioccolata isn’t sure how long he can hold out before needing to take you back to his studio, desperate to see you strapped and helpless to his table. You would be so satisfying to carve into, pretty crimson staining your skin. 
Before you could move or even adjust yourself, Cioccolata was climbing in and forcing his body to press against yours. The way his pelvis presses into your ass, a painful prodding of something hard that takes an embarrassing number of seconds for you to realise what that was. On your hands and knees, face uncomfortably pressed to the door window and Cioccolata’s erection pressing against you, you can’t help but feel nauseous with anxiety. 
“Nice car,” you comment to help try and alleviate the feeling, heart pounding in your chest when Cioccolata draped his body over your back. 
“Of course it’s a nice car,” he grunts and forcibly pulls one of your arms around to your back, “It’s mine, dumb whore.” 
There was no time for you to even process his words, your mind a fuzzy haze of anxiety and nervousness of what you thought was about to happen. At first you didn’t even fight the way he pulled your arm back, assuming it was something in relation to fucking you. It wasn’t until he began pulling you awkwardly to the point it hurt that you began moving of your own accord to ease the discomfort. 
Screaming and panicking worse than before, you cried out his name but Cioccolata didn’t ease up as he tried to pop your arm from your shoulder joint. Natural instinct kicked in as the pain grew worse, his grip too tight on you to pull back and you began thrashing around in the small space. Hitting your head or awkwardly bending your limbs were the least of your concerns as you tugged out of his grasp, only let go when you managed to sock Cioccolata in the face. 
He didn’t expect the hit or else he would’ve kept ahold, forcibly moved to dislodge the joint and maybe choke you out a little as punishment. Those bright green eyes you love sear holes into you, breathing heavily as the panic sets into your bones. Your arm was fine, if not a little sore. 
“I’m sorry Cio!” You cry out, the adoration for him still sparkles in your eyes. “But you were hurting me!” 
Cioccolata groans and bites his tongue, refraining from spitting back a rhetorical question or snide comment. He might as well get you to suck his cock while you’re like this and save your screams when he can catch you off guard. With the way you look at him anyway, you might just let him cut you open like a fish if he asked. 
“Get on the floor,” he huffs and there’s a second of stillness between you before he adds, “On your knees, you can suck my dick.” 
Fucking idiot is still looking at him like the world revolves around him. 
Inside, you were freaking out beyond the misunderstood attack and hiding your nervous swallow, nodding with worse faux confidence than when you first approached Cioccolata. Never have you seen a cock in real life, nevermind touched one or been anywhere near your mouth. When you agreed to come back to his car, you was expecting to fuck; Cioccolata would take the lead and unintentionally guide you through your first time, maybe even kiss you a little. The last thing you want is for Cioccolata to realise just how inexperienced you were, so to hide your shaking hands, you move around in the tight space where you can settle on your knees behind the driver's seat. 
The only issue is just how squished you were, the space between the driver's seat behind you and the backseat in front was tiny. Uncomfortable, tight and scared, you struggle with an internal battle of comfort but also making sure that Cioccolata still likes you. You idolise that man, believing he’s your one and only. What you need to do is suck his dick like the whore he thinks you are, lest he call you a frigid bitch and never speak to you again; saying goodbye to your ticket to a comfortable life. 
“Can you move the seat back a little?” You meekly ask, your brain already fried with the act of confidence as you stare at the thick and veiny cock sitting in front of you. 
“No. It’s where I like it.” 
The pout that appears from your bottom lip tempts Cioccolata to bite it off while pressing his tongue down your throat. 
Your hands were shaking when reaching to touch his cock, cursing yourself for your nerves presenting physically. There’s a difference in watching porn and seeing a blowjob compared to doing one, but you have somewhat of an idea of what you’re doing. 
Too busy trying to hype yourself up and calm down at the same time, you don't notice the way Ciocolatta’s brows furrow deeper. Your hands tremble even wrapped around the base of his shaft; do you know of his intentions? Fearful of what is bound to happen but there’s nothing you can do to stop him? No…You’re too stupid and naive. If you knew of your fate, you wouldn’t have come out to the car. 
Seeing your fear does make his cock twitch, however. A surge of arousal hitting his gut at the sight of your fearful gaze staring at his length, hands vibrating his cock like a weak vibrator. The aggressive twitch in your hand makes you jump, a small gasp leaves you embarrassed when Cioccolata laughs. 
“Come on — I’ll give you a generous tip after you put this tip in your mouth.” 
Weary eyes stare up at him as lips wrap around the head of his cock, eyes that speak a thousand words and they’re all about how you feel about Cioccolata. Your head would make a pretty decoration on his mantle, he thinks. 
Except you’re probably the worst person to have ever sucked his dick. The last thing he wants is something in his home to remind him of the painful drag of teeth running back and forth along his length. 
Choking and gagging, normally he enjoys such noises as they feed his ego. Whenever Cioccolata’s cock hit your gag reflex, you would pull away from his cock entirely and take too long to recover before returning. In addition, you seem to be unaware of how to move your teeth out of the way. Cioccolata is a sadomasochist; inflicting pain on others and hearing their cries of pain arouses him in a way that surely isn’t normal, not experiencing the pain himself. 
Cioccolata actually tried to wait it out as long as possible, hoping that you would catch onto his scowling face and winces of pain. Instead, you thought that was his way of showing affection and pleasure, continuing to scrape your teeth along his shaft unintentionally. He didn’t even bother trying to face fuck you or cum at all from your mouth, wrapping your ponytail around his hand and tugging harsh to pull you away from him with a pop.
“Was it good?” You asked innocently and Cioccolata had the audacity to laugh. Maniacal, condescending, fake. 
“No.” He was blunt and honest, but you didn’t take him all too seriously. Every harsh comment he’s made towards you has been taken in stride, assuming it was just his sense of humour because no one would say those things and keep coming back for more. When you giggle and smile, Cioccolata realises you think it’s a joke. “No means you’re shit. You’re useless at sucking dick.” 
The way your smile fades was satisfying, his grip in your hair becoming painful as he pulled on the roots. It makes your heart sink slowly, a painful feeling as realisation begins to hit you. You’re a fighter though–to a degree–and refuse to believe he means what he says. His frustration continues to rise when you still look up at him like he was the only man in the world. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be a whore? Don’t you suck dick for a living?” 
Your brows furrow and that same pout forms again, Cioccolata’s cock twitching and sore from your teeth. “Yeah,” your attitude was insurmountable, “Duh, of course I do all this for a living.” 
Another lie as you attempt to keep up the facade for a little longer, just until you can lose her virginity for real and Cioccolata can never stop liking you. You think it’s what he wants to hear, feeding him any and all lies just to keep him around. 
Cioccolata doesn’t give you any verbal instructions, telling you what he wants to do now and instead manhandles you around the small space of the car. Limbs tangled and bent in awkward angles, nails digging into each other's skin as you attempt to figure out where you’re supposed to go. Eventually, you were back in a similar position as before; on your knees with Cioccolata pressed up behind you. 
Your dress being hiked up and thin panties exposed to the man you’re madly in love with should’ve been thrilling. You expect to feel the same butterflies and excitement you do whenever you touch yourself to the thought of Cioccolata, thinking about him and what lies beneath those clothes of his. The bubbling of arousal, tingling throb in your clit and an agonising ache of your hole begging to be filled. Even the way he tears your fishnets with his hands does nothing to encourage the familiar feeling. 
Dry as a bone and Cioccolata didn’t bother with any foreplay – it’s boring to just finger someone and hear their moans of pleasure. If he was to do anything like that, he was at least going to get something out of it like stretching them beyond their limits or testing his ability to amputate a limb while finger fucking them. 
You just wanted Cioccolata to like you, to think you’re a sex god coming down from the heavens just for him, to be just as obsessed with you as you are with him. This is your first time and all you can think about is how much your palms hurt from holding yourself up, the way your neck bends awkwardly against the door and just how good you look from this angle. 
Normally condoms are for people who aren’t going to be dead on his shiny silver table, surrounded in their own blood and missing a limb or some organs. A rare occasion and while you aren't one of those lucky ones, he still knows the business you’re in and would rather not have to sneak around some antibiotics from the hospital when he gains a disease from such a whore. 
Thankfully it allows his cock to slide into you just a little easier without your own slick arousal, but your muscles were so tight with stress that it felt like you were trying to cut his cock off. So tight it’s almost painful for him, sliding in slowly for his own sake and grunting at the feeling. However, you were biting your lip so hard you were almost bleeding in an attempt to keep your painful whimpers at bay. There’s no way you’re going to let Cioccolata find out it hurts or that the reason is you’re a virgin. Tears stream down your face hot and fast, gripping onto the back seat like your life depended on it. 
It’s not until he’s fully sunk into you that he realises – everything clicked into place like the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle, all the answers to your strange and unusual behaviour come down to one thing. 
You really are a virgin. 
At first it was a joke, a passing comment that was intended to belittle you. Virgins aren’t his forte normally, but sometimes they can be fun when it comes to manipulating them. It all makes sense now that you’re so inexperienced. Your naivety and lack of life experience was clear as day within the first few minutes of meeting you, so it would make sense that you also fall flat on your knowledge of sex. 
Looking over your shoulder at him, trying to hide your tear stained cheeks, you still had the audacity to look at him like your saviour. Cioccolata could consume your flesh and you would still love him all the same. 
It frustrates and pleases him; there’s no way he will be able to hear the true terror in your screams, the unbridled anguish and fear people release when they’re being used and abused. It’s a shame because you would’ve sounded pretty begging him to stop, pleading for your life and swearing you will never tell a soul of this. At the same time, it opens a lot of avenues for further manipulation. You will let him do just about anything if he asks, maybe threaten to never see you again if you don't do exactly as he says. There won’t be crying and begging for him to stop, but Cioccolata might be able to drag out some painful cries from your whorish mouth. 
He wasn’t going to be gentle with you in the first place, virgin or not, but he definitely didn’t hold back after figuring out this was your first time. A brutal pace that had you screaming from pain and surprise rather than pleasure, you threw in a couple of loud moans just to keep him satiated (in your opinion). Obnoxiously fake, Cioccolata found it more off putting than if you were really moaning from the pleasure his cock brings. 
So tight, your walls hugged onto his cock like a vice with each thrust. The sight of his condom covered in blood from your broken hymen was insatiable, his nails digging into plush hips to the point you were almost bleeding there too. Leaning his body further to drape over yours, it only made you more uncomfortable as your head was rhythmically pushed into the car door. 
Thump, thump, thump.
“Can we do another position?” You ask, out of breath but not attempting to keep up your fake moans to seem believable. 
“No.” Cioccolata grunts, thrusting hard and fast into you and relishing in your whimpers of pain. “You should be used to this – being the whore you are, fucking in a back seat is your thing.” 
In order to keep up the persona, you take his comment lying down and don't bother fighting him. Your chest hurts with anxiety, head already throbbing with a headache from the continued abuse and your cunt aching with tenderness. Each stroke of his cock brought a sharp pain that brought about a fresh set of tears in your eyes, holding your breath in an attempt to control all of the pain and hope it ends soon. 
To help your self induced asphyxiation, Cioccolata brought a hand around the front of your neck and squeezed. Fingertips press into your jugular painfully, his cock aching with each gasping breath you drew. His movements never stopped – if anything, he moved faster, rocking his hips into you at a sharp pace that pulled him closer to the edge. 
You struggle for air but never once stop him. You’d heard of choking during sex and how some people liked it on both sides, though something about this felt wrong. The whole scenario felt wrong but that was just your own anxieties; you just need to suck it up and be grown like everyone keeps telling you, that you have to do things you don't want to do in order to make other people happy. If Cioccolata wants to cut off your breathing supply to get off, you’re happy to let him do so. 
Just as your vision became spotty and muscles tensing, Cioccolata released your throat and let go. The way your body contracted around him was addicting; cunt tightening to the point you almost cut off his blood supply, your gasping breaths filling the small space of the car, wheezing and choking after he all but crushed your windpipe. It was almost better than any of the drugs he slips into his daily routine. 
Not once did you feel an ounce of pleasure in the whole experience. Each drag of his cock was nothing but that, there was no pleasure to derive from it, none of this orgasmic bliss you feel when pleasuring yourself. He was big and you definitely felt full, similar to when you’re using three of your fingers. The pain and anxiety that tears through your body were too much, overriding what little pleasure you were likely supposed to be feeling. 
While you’re confident this isn’t how your first time is supposed to be, you don't care as long as Cioccolata is having a good time. Grunting and huffing shallow breaths in your ear; that’s enough for you to keep going. Looking over your shoulder at him again, puffy eyes and a real genuine smile filled with love and hearts and other gushy bullshit. It almost made Cioccolata sick. 
Eventually, he came but it wasn’t the best fuck of his life. Choking you again and moving you into awkward and painful positions didn’t deter the infatuation that settled in your heart for him. His theory that he could eat you and you would still love him rings true, and is the sole reason he lets you out of his car after pulling out. 
Even when Cioccolata refused to look at you, snapping for you to go back to work and giving you a vague answer to the question ’Will you book me again tomorrow?’ You still had that same bright, enamoured smile on your face as you giggle and bounce on your heels. Young, naive and stupid – Cioccolata can make a pathetic lap dog out of you yet. 
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Do you think the term 'fridging' has become overused, and if Brienne does sacrifice herself for Jaime, would that not count?
I think that one of the useful things about the term fridging is that the website "Women in Refrigerators" is still up so we can know exactly what Gail Simone wrote when she coined the term back in the 90s. To quote her:
"Hi. This is a list I made when it occurred to me that it's not that healthy to be a female character in comics. I'm curious to find out if this list seems somewhat disproportionate, and if so, what it means, really. These are superheroines who have been either depowered, raped, or cut up and stuck in the refrigerator. I know I missed a bunch. Some have been revived, even improved -- although the question remains as to why they were thrown in the wood chipper in the first place. I know I missed a bunch -- I just don't know my comics deaths the way I should. I'm not editorializing -- I'm just curious to find out what you guys think it means, if anything. The preceding letter was written and sent by me when I realized one day that most of my favorite female comics characters had met untimely and often icky ends. The history of the idea and this site are listed here, and the responses from various comics professionals are listed here. An important point: This isn't about assessing blame about an individual story or the treatment of an individual character and it's certainly not about personal attacks on the creators who kindly shared their thoughts on this phenomenon. It's about the trend, its meaning and relevance, if any. Plus, it's just fun to talk about refrigerators with dead people in them. I don't know why.
In Simone's original meaning, "fridging" specifically applied to superhero comics, it involved a spectrum of violence from depowering to sexual assault to physical assault to mutiliation to murder, and it was disproportionately gendered. Notably, the qualification that "fridging" is done in order to motivate the (disproportionately male) protagonist rather than as part of a heroic character arc for the woman being fridged, came around a little later, mostly from those creators who were responding to Simone's initial provocation. However, you can see that this particular qualification was an idea floating in the aether at the time Simone was writing her first foray.
Do I think the term has become overused? It's certainly spread to more genres outside of superheroes, but I don't think that's an over-extension, since we're usually talking about the same phenomenon happening in "heroic" subgenres of fantasy, sci-fi, romance, etc.
Does this apply to Brienne sacrificing herself to save Jaime?
Brienne's self-sacrifice is the logical and emotional climax of her own character arc, one rooted in chivalric romance in which Brienne seeks to play the role of the tragic knight. She is introduced as an existential true knight, someone who finds life in Westerosi society a constant trial and humiliation but who longs to escape into a world of song and story through glorious deeds:
"Because it will not last," Catelyn answered, sadly. "Because they are the knights of summer, and winter is coming." "Lady Catelyn, you are wrong." Brienne regarded her with eyes as blue as her armor. "Winter will never come for the likes of us. Should we die in battle, they will surely sing of us, and it's always summer in the songs. In the songs all knights are gallant, all maids are beautiful, and the sun is always shining."
As in real-world chivalric romance, the structures of Westerosi chivalric romance are built around tragedy: the Dragonknight doesn't get to settle down with Naerys, but gives up his life to save King Aegon IV, and it's the doomed chaste romannce and the stubborn attachment to duty that makes it all so damn chivalrous.
Thus, from Brienne's introduction to now, we see Brienne looking for someone worthy to sacrifice her life to save:
she starts with Renly, except that she can't save him from the magic (although that does mean that she doesn't learn how unworthy he was) and becomes blamed for his death instead.
then she shifts to Catelyn, except that she can't save her because Catelyn sends her away so she's not there during the Red Wedding.
Jaime and Brienne's ASOS trek across the Riverlands, from the revelations of his backstory to him jumping into the bear pit to his quest-giving at the end, is entirely about setting him up as the third of three lord/lady-coded characters that Brienne could sacrifice herself for. And lo and behold, we have a situation where Jaime and Brienne are about to come face-to-face with Lady Stoneheart, a scenario we've already seen be grounded in questions of sacrifice and honor.
So unless GRRM somehow fucks up and makes the conclusion of Brienne's arc more about Jaime than Brienne, it's not a case of fridging.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
I really liked your Child!Reader with Beelzebub! Do you think you can have Beelzebub reacting to seeing Child!Reader reincarnated not only as a Human but as Tesla’s Child? (And they’re rooting for their Papa as they’re with Brunhilde in the Human Fighter area since they helped their Papa with a few creative ideas of their own for his Armor)
Child!Reader reencarnated as Tesla's child
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[ Records of Ragnarok / Shuumatsu no Valkyrie ]
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Part 1 [ HERE ]
Dear I love your idea!! Ive been so excited to write this since the very moment I recived the request, and im finally doing it!!
I loved it so much that this ended up being really long! Sorry if it bothers you! 😭
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Brunhilde has been preparing for the Ragnarok even before chanllenging the Gods, wanting to be completely ready at the moment of taking action, so she already had went to Tesla asking him if he would be willing to participate on it
It could be dangerous and he didn't want to leave you alone, but this was a really good opportunity for the humanity so he accepted (and if you cheries for him to accept he will do it right away)
And for that opportunity is when he decided to put his hands to work and start working on his armor, and at the very moment he gets the idea he share it with you and start explaining to you, even when all the others scientists come your opinion was always important to him, even if you aren't really into science he wants to share this with you (even name you the second in command), he is that kind of father
Also, Tesla is a kind of father that will always encoure you to be curious about the world around you, so in order to be able to help him one day you decided to go out and take a walk around in hopes to find some inspiration to help your father with his new project, and that is how you get the oportunity to meet Beelzebub once again
But since Beelzebub wasn't interested in anyone anymore the first time you two meet was because you two just across each other in a hallway, maybe you were too distracted and ended up bumping into him or you just politly greet him when he pass by, either way you had catch his attention with that, no one really bother to speak to him for being too afraid, even turn the cornere whenever they see him, but you not you just continue with your way
He tried to not pay much attention to it and just brush it off, thinking that this probably will be the only time he ever sees you, but how wrong he was, he ended up seeing you a lot of times again, since Brunhilde had give you and your father a special room for you to work you were more close to him and he always sees you when you go out to take a walk by chance, either that he sees you just from afar or because you had cross your ways once again
He hate it, but he can't help but remember his little friend, his very first friend that he had lost so long ago, he hate it but whenever he sees you running around, smiling and full of life he can't help but stare for a moment, it makes his heart hurt for the guilt that brings him remembering you but at the same time it makes him feel like happiess and some relief for seeing you again
The moment when you two start interacting again is either because you were interested on him and, once again, you approached him to introduce yourself (in that case he will shocked, you were doing it again, and even if he just want to ignore you and go away he can't help but answer you quietly), or because he get so curious and atracted to you that he can't hold back himself anymore and goes to Brunhilde to ask her about you since he had already saw you with her one or two times (and he doesn't feel ready to go directly to you)
The worst way for you to start again is if one day Adamas tryied to attack you, he doesn't really have much patience and your child-like personality doesn't help at all neither that you are a human, if this ever happen it would make Beelzebub so desesperate that he will run to your side to help you, even if the two of you didn't properly met yet, he doesn't understand why but he had feel an overwhelming need to protect you, and this will one of the only times Adamas had seen Beelzebub so desesperate and furious. In this case this will rush your relationship since Beelzebub will be scare of something bad happening to you for a while
After that you two had started hanging out more, always making you company when you take a walk or even inviting him over to hang out, and as much as he wants to he really never can't bring himself to decline any of your offers, he is just too atracted to you for some reason
Still, it doesn't take him much time to realice that you don't just are like the child that once had been his friend but that you actually are that child, even if now you have a different appearance or name or even that now you are human, you still are them, after he had killed you your sould had reencarnated as a human
All his remorse return to him and for a while he will be really conflicted about this, how he can even think on befriend you now when he was the one who killed you? you had done nothing more than bring happiness to his life and he had ended your life, making it rather short. But now he has an new opportunity, he can make it up for you (even when you don't know about what happened in the past)
So after that he start to pass a lot of time with you, every time whenever you aren't with your father or the rest of the scientists you were always with Beelzebub, he was helping you with your search for inspiration to help your father, he didn't know much about what he was working on but he doesn't care too much neither, he just want to help you, he even invited you over his own study (but won't show you the gross things he work on)
Beelzebub get pretty protective over you, he had failed in protect you once but this time will be different so he won't let anyone be rude to you, he can handle all the contempt and hatred everyone hold against him, but he won't let anyone even look at you in a bad way
Also, whenever you rant proudly about your amazing father and friends he can't help but feel jealous, he remember when you used to stand up for him whenever people talk bad about him, but it isn't like now he can ask for it, not after what he had done so he just let you talk all you want, and never interrupt you, not even once
He didn't care much about the Ragnarok when it started, but just hope that you don't get affected for it. When Hades goes to fight he didn't care much either, he was confident on him, but when the news of his defeat reach him he was furious, it affected him so much that he had forgot about the rest of the world and only concentrated on being the next fighter to take revenge for killing the person who reached out to him when he needed it most, the person he cherished the most
He was doing it without thinking properly, too blinded for his anger to do so, he was so confident on what he was doing to do that he didn't care for anything else, it wasn't until he was in the arena and Heimdall end the introductions that he finally were realicing what he was doing
Tesla seemed familiar, a little too familiar, from his name to his appearance, it was a little difficult to tell for the armor and his presentation, but just by giving a more close look to him it makes him realice, he know this man because he had saw him with you, is then when he realice that the person he was about to fight it was your father (and hearing you from the stands cheering for Tesla only confirmed it)
He feel bad about the whole thing and he is conflicted because if he wins he will do the exact thing that brought him here, he will take away from you the most important person for you and he doesn't think he will be able to forgive himself, in the other hand if he lose he will finally die but lost any chance he ever had to see you again. He hates it, he hate this situation and he hates himself for being so impulsive, but right now there is not way back, he doesn't have another option than fight
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