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The End - It’s Okay Not Be Okay
Encontrando a verdadeira face ep 16 : Um episódio de cura e libertação! Independência de todos os personagens em relação aquilo que os prendia, o Gang-tae retirou a mascara que estava em seu rosto, a Moon-young saiu de sua apatia e o Sang-tae finalmente se livrou de sua caixa e salvou os seus irmãos da Bruxa que os prendeu. Os pacientes e suas histórias não foram esquecidos, uma baita valorização dos personagens secundários: O pintinho amarelo, que só queria a atenção e o amor de sua familia ( ep 3 - Bruxa adormecida ), a mãe que perdeu a filha ( ep 6 - Segredo do Barba Azul ), a filha que era abusada pela mãe e o seu pai não a defendia ( ep 13 - O Pai das Duas Irmãs ), o paciente que tinha medo e sofria ainda com os problemas que ele enfrentou durante a Guerra, e a paciente com depressão e que apanhava do ex-marido ( ep 8 - Bela e A Fera ). Também como os casais secundários ( o editor e a enfermeira, o melhor amigo do Gang-Tae e a assistente ahahahah). E o meu trio favorito, elenco protagonista, se curando, evoluindo e sendo feliz ( ep 7 - O cachorro alegre, Ep 8 - Bela e A Fera, Ep 15 - The Tale of Two Brothers e Ep 16 -Encontrando a verdadeira face) .
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Whats up guys hello how are you
Today as you can see in the title I'm going to talk about panic attacks, so it's going to be a bit of a long episode but I hope it's helpful.
And you're wondering, do you suffer from panic attacks? And the answer is no, I've had moments very close to a panic attack but I've never actually had one.
The reason why I'm doing this chapter is that a few days ago I met a person, this person is beautiful has a beautiful vibe, transmits positive energy and is very kind to the world and that's why I consider her beautiful. But this person has anxiety problems and panic attacks among other things and the truth is that no one deserves to go through this.
The truth is that I didn't imagine that a person like this, who only gives love to the world, would suffer from this kind of psychological problems. But this made me reflect that even the person who seems to be the happiest in the world also suffers and has problems.
And what I decided to do to help her and the world is to inform myself to learn more about the subject so I can help her and other people who also suffer from this, because even though the problem does not affect you doesn’t mean that the problem doesn't exist, mental health is important, because it can save lives, you never know when you will need this information.
This information is mostly for people who don't have panic attacks
So, friends, today I'm going to share with you the information I found
According to the diagnostic criteria listed in the DSM-5, panic attacks are experienced as a sudden sense of fear and dread. These symptoms are accompanied by at least four other mental, emotional, and physical symptoms.
The four or more other symptoms may include:
Chest pain or discomfort Chills or hot flashes Derealization and/or depersonalization Excessive sweating Fear of dying Fear of losing control or going crazy Feeling of choking Feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or faint Feelings of numbness or tingling sensations (paresthesias) Heart palpitations or accelerated heart rate Nausea or abdominal pain Shortness of breath or smothering sensations Trembling or shaking
Panic attacks are characterized by feelings of fear, dread, and uncomfortable physical symptoms. Attacks are not classified as a mental health disorder in and of themselves, rather they are classified as a symptom of a mental illness or medical condition. Panic attacks are classified into two types: expected and unexpected. Here's what you need to know about each one.
Expected Panic Attacks
Expected attacks are anticipated when a person is subjected to specific cues or panic triggers. For instance, someone who has a fear of enclosed spaces (claustrophobia) may expect to have panic attacks when in an elevator or other cramped areas.
Unexpected Panic Attacks
Unexpected panic attacks occur suddenly without any obvious cause or indication. When an unexpected panic attack occurs, a person can be completely relaxed before symptoms develop
Panic attacks, the main symptom of panic disorder, are often misunderstood, but there are many interesting facts about this experience.
5 Facts About Panic Disorder Symptoms
Panic Attacks Can Occur While You're Asleep
Panic Attacks Don't Just Occur With Panic Disorder
Panic attacks are often linked to other mood and anxiety disorders, including agoraphobia, specific phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), depression, and bipolar disorder.
Diet and Exercise Can Have a Profound Impact on Panic Attacks Your diet can also influence your experience with panic attacks. Studies have revealed that certain foods and substances can trigger anxiety and other panic attack symptoms. For example, consuming excessive amounts of caffeine, alcohol, or monosodium glutamate (MSG) can potentially increase anxiety and panic attacks.
Panic Attacks Can Occur Expectedly or Suddenly Avoiding Phobias Can Increase Your Fears
4 Things to Not Say During a Panic Attack
Just Calm Down
If told to calm down, the panic attack sufferer may feel as though you are suggesting that he has complete control over their symptoms. The fact is that if a person going through a panic attack could just calm down, he would! You may think you are helping to redirect the person by telling him to calm down, but in reality, it can just cause him to be more aware and self-conscious of his symptoms.
Instead of being verbally directive, try to get the person to calm down using one of the many strategies to get through panic attacks. For example, you may try to help him through a relaxation technique such as deep breathing, guided imagery, or progressive muscle relaxation (PMR). By utilizing such techniques, you will be able to redirect the person while making them feel secure and understood.
You Have Nothing to Be Nervous About
Most likely, the panic attack sufferer is aware that there is no reason to be anxious. When going through a panic attack, a person’s flight-or-fight stress response is triggered, making her mind and body prepare for an actual or perceived threat. Even if she is not in any real danger, she still may not be able to stop the attack from running its course.
Reinforcing that the person’s fear is unfounded can increase one’s sense of anxiety. Instead of bringing the lack of threat to her attention, try being a voice of encouragement. Use a soothing voice and simply remind the panic sufferer that you are there for her.
I Wouldn’t Do That, You’re Embarrassing Yourself
This just comes across as a truly insensitive comment. Many people already feel embarrassed about having to manage a panic attack in public, so there is no need to bring this to the person’s awareness. Instead of further shaming the person, try affirming her strength. Let her know that you are there to be supportive and that she has no reason to feel shame. She may already feel humiliated, so it can be most helpful to remain positive. Phrases such as, “You’re doing a great job,” “You will get through this,” or “I am here for you,” can all go a long way in helping a panic sufferer feel more confident at such a vulnerable time.
You’re Just Overreacting
These few words can be tremendously discouraging for a person facing a panic attack. It can be hard enough to have to deal with uncomfortable symptoms, but even more challenging when others are minimizing a panic sufferer’s experience.
Panic attacks are a real set of symptoms and should not be confused with emotional reactions that are within one’s control. The panic sufferer often perceives these attacks as frightening, and by telling the person he is overreacting you may make it harder for him to calm down.
You will get better results if you try to put the person at ease. He may like to be in a quiet area, away from other people, outside where he can get some fresh air, or inside where he may feel less distracted and more secure. If you feel uncertain of what to say or if you are feeling a little frightened yourself, try silently staying by his side as the panic attack subsides.
Tips for Dating Someone With Panic Disorder
Meet Panic With Patience
It can be difficult to understand what your partner is dealing with if you have never experienced panic attacks or other anxiety-related symptoms. A person with panic disorder often encounters persistent and unanticipated panic attacks.
Be careful not to push your loved one into feared situations or dismiss his or her symptoms, as this can often lead to an increased sense of fear and anxiety.
Be Supportive Without Suffocating
Become Part of the Solution
Panic disorder can be a difficult anxiety disorder to deal with but can be managed through treatment. You can be part of the solution by helping your partner cope with panic disorder. If your dating partner is interested, you may be able to get involved in the treatment process.
A healthy dating relationship with a person with panic disorder can be achieved through mutual respect, patience, and understanding.
If someone you know has a panic attack, he or she may become very anxious and not think clearly. You can help the person by doing the following:
Stay with the person and keep calm.
Offer medicine if the person usually takes it during an attack.
Don't make assumptions about what the person needs. Ask.
Speak to the person in short, simple sentences.
Be predictable. Avoid surprises.
Help slow the person's breathing by breathing with him or her or by counting slowly to 10.
It is helpful when the person is experiencing a panic attack to say things such as:
"You can get through this." "I am proud of you. Good job." "Tell me what you need now." "Concentrate on your breathing. Stay in the present." "It's not the place that is bothering you; it's the thought." "What you are feeling is scary, but it is not dangerous."
Okay friends this was the information I found, I hope it helped you as much as it helped me, all this information I got from VerywellMind in case you want to check it out.
If you think you suffer from this condition don't worry and the best thing you can do is ask for help, don't feel sorry if you suffer from panic attacks, we all can have one at some point.
And if you know someone who has problems, make them feel that you love them and accept them as they are. Maybe we can't fix their problem but we can help them, mental health is important.
And now a message to the person who inspired me to do this episode
“Darling you are fantastic, fabulous with all your qualities, it's beautiful that despite your problems you keep spreading kindness and generosity, don't worry we all support you, we love you with everything and your broken pieces, you are more stronger than you think, please don't give up, all the people you love support you and love you just the way you are and now I do too.”
Okay friends this is it for today I hope you never need this information but just in case, so see you in the next episode, kisses and hugs bye bye.
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#panic attack#mental health#panic anxiety#anxienty#psichology#podcast#happy#help#friends#support#apple podcasts#spotify#okay#im not happy#itsokaynotbeokay#fantstic#proud#youre not alone#you matter#dont give up#everything is gonna be fine#you got this
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if you haven’t read the post on fb by @themightyirishmanawall… go read it… and if you’re a part of this beautiful industry of mine and don’t know him… add him… you’ll see why… if you haven’t heard of @gingerbitters and aren’t aware of the incredible work he’s work doing through his platform @healthyhospo … go look him up… he’ll welcome you with open arms… every time we lose a member of our family… it ripples through our industry and touches each and every single of one us… collectively… we each share the daily struggle of working within the incredible community that is the hospitality industry… that struggle is what connects us… keeps us going… the knowledge that the person next to us is probably feeling just as tired, just as jaded as we are… but also loves what they do as much as we do… it’s when we talk to each other we realise just how the other is actually doing… earlier today i was talking to @drewstagramit about the bar brothers and sisters we’ve lost along the way to #depression… and whether there was anything we could do to help… Drew will be putting together his own words and thoughts on this… but for now… those of you that know me know that i’m available to listen, lean on, hold on to, sit quietly with and party until the sun comes up and goes back down again… for as long as you need me… always… to all of our bar brothers and sisters we’ve lost… and to those that don’t know how to tell us they’re struggling… i raise this glass… please join me in raising a glass to raising awareness… lots of love… your forever casually strolling bear… 🙏🏾🐻 #itsokaynotbeokay (at Cottonmouth) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx3O2izFGeh/?igshid=w4cbcvfi2nqy
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It's okay to not have it all together, or to not have all the answers. And it's okay to feel at peace despite it all.⠀ ⠀ #Repost @thestorytellerco with @get_repost⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #achronicvoice #spoonie #spoonielife #spoonies #spoonieproblems #invisibleillness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthwarrior #chronicillness #chroniclife #chronicpain #chronicpainsucks #chronicallyill #chronicpainwarrior #chronicillnessawareness #chronicfatigue #disability #selfcare #selfawareness #wellbeing #peace #lifelessons #thoughts #perspectives #itsokay #itsokaynotbeokay #emotions #feelings https://www.instagram.com/p/CAePteWAhX5/?igshid=1mq29yqz1eqo8
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#theeasiestpersontolietoisyourself #itsokaynotbeokay #allowyourselftohavepeopleinyourlifethatrecognizejwhenyournotfine #andifyoudontyetitsnevertoolate #vulnerability #whenyoushutdownonepartofyourselfyourclosedofftoeverything #goodandbad bc #youdontgettoselectivelynumb #danithisisforyou #thisisformetoo #imgonnamakeabelieveroutofyou #intuitivewarrior #blockstarenterprises
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Você estará segura enquanto permanecer à minha vista. (It's Okay Not Be Okay) #quotes #ItsOkayNotBeOkay #doramas #kdramas #kdramaquotes
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#timetotalk @timetochangewales • Whatever you’re going through. However bad it feels. Become a fan of who you are. Own how unique you and your perspective is. A disadvantage is only perceived as one if you can find strength and utilise it. • Be you • This is so difficult. I’m still not there! But I’m aware of it and I’m working on ways to appreciate my qualities and not focus on what I’m not. • This is difficult • You are unique. You have your story. You have value. You a light for someone else. You need to share that. For two reasons: 1. Someone else out there will benefit from your story and your perspective; 2. You will benefit from talking and sharing your perspective • We find sharing our stories so difficult. What will they think about? Do I want to poke my head out of the crowd? What if they don’t speak to me again? • Who cares? • You do! That’s why you’re thinking these thoughts? That’s why you’ve got this far down. But are we caring about the wrong aspects that affect us? • Why are we so content to live in silence in misery when there are so many opportunities to do something about it? • Why don’t we change the crowd we’re in? Change the job we’re in? Change the conventions that we hold tight? • It’s scary • How can reduce the fear? • Bring someone else along. Talk to someone about your fears, worries, wild stories. Rationalise them. Make a plan. Normalise it. It will take time. But it will liberate you and make you strong and full of energy! • Talk • If you want more of my thoughts on this I’ve written a long form post on my Facebook page, HelloTomDyer - - - - #depression #mentalhealth #itsokaynotbeokay #talk #share #friends #family @garyvee @teamgaryvee #askgaryvee #garyvee #anxiety #disorder #alone #scared #future #mentalhealthawareness #fear #perspective #thoughts #mindfulness #action #commitment #work #whocares #support #ACTivateYourLife @tenovuscancer (at Cardiff)
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It’s Okay Not Be Okay
O elenco secundário que não foi esquecido e teve uma importância gigantesca para o drama!
<3 lindos
Liberto dos medos
agora vaai
meu caaaaasal
Bem aqui eu perdi as estruturas
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what’s up, guys? hello, how are you? Welcome to your favorite podcast
Today after to start this episode I really felt depressed, I was super ready for cry, I had prepared my playlist to cry because I’m a crybaby, but I really didn't want to cry, every time I cry I take a picture and keep it in my Snapchat and at the end of the month I count how many times I cried and I really don't want to cry as many times this month as I did last month, I want to feel good
so today I'm gonna tell you how I know everything's gonna be okay
But before we start, I have to tell you that it's okay not to be okay, as human beings we need to cry and let off steam but there are times when we need to be strong and we need to think positively
Okay you need always remember these points
Pain is part of growing
Everything in life is temporary
Worrying and complaining changes nothing
If you don’t like your life you should change it
Your scars are symbols of your strength
Every little struggle is a step forward
Other people’s negativity is not your problem
The best thing you can do is keep going
Before that, you need to play your diva playlist, your happy playlist if you don't have one make one right now at this moment.
I like to listen to the song "woman" by Kesha and it makes me feel powerful, unstoppable, you should listen to it.
After that, you're going to say these affirmations out loud
I have the power to control my thoughts.
I am releasing self-judgment & embracing self-love
I am at peace with my past
I am resilient, strong & brave
I choose to be happy right now
By being myself, I bring happiness to others
I am letting go of all that no longer serves me
And one that I'm saying all the time lately is
I radiate love and others reflect love back to me
I also say I believe in the universe and he will give me what is best for me and what I deserve.
You give what you get
and practically after doing all this, I feel good about myself, I feel stronger, somehow life is preparing me for my future battles that will not be easy but we will overcome them
okay guys that's all I hope these tips will help you feel better and try to confront the hard reality, if you need to talk you can send me a DM
so yeah guys see you in the next episode
Apple Podcast
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Encontrando a verdadeira face - Parte 4 Enquanto riam descontroladamente, a máscara do Garoto com sorriso estranho caiu de repente... E a lata ao redor do torso da Princesa Sem Emoção que era vazia por dentro também caiu... O Homem Caixa agora sem a caixa cobrindo seu rosto, então disse: - "O que a Bruxa das Sombras roubou deles não foram seus rostos verdadeiros, mas sua coragem para encontrar a felicidade." (It's Okay Not Be Okay) #quotes #ItsOkayNotBeOkay #doramas #kdramas #kdramaquotes
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Encontrando a verdadeira face - Parte 3 O Homem Caixa encontrou o túnel de toupeira, mas a entrada era tão estreita que ele não conseguiu entrar. -"O que eu faço?" -Preciso tirar está caixa da minha cabeça para entrar no túnel. Então ele reuniu coragem para tirar a caixa da sua cabeça. Ele entrou no túnel e salvou seus dois amigos. Ao sair do túnel escuro, os dois viram o rosto do Homem Caixa agora sem caixa e coberto de sujeira. Então caíram na gargalhada... (It's Okay Not Be Okay) #quotes #ItsOkayNotBeOkay #doramas #kdramas #kdramaquotes
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Encontrando a verdadeira face - Parte 2 A malvada Bruxa das Sombras apareceu na frente deles mais uma vez. Ela sequestrou o Menino Mascarado e a Princesa Sem Emoção. E disse: "Vocês dois nunca serão capazes de encontrar seus rostos felizes." Depois de lançar uma maldição sobre eles, ela os trancou em um túnel de toupeira escuro e profundo... (It's Okay Not Be Okay) #quotes #ItsOkayNotBeOkay #doramas #kdramas #kdramaquotes
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Encontrando a verdadeira face - Parte 1 Era uma vez um castelo em uma floresta densa, onde viviam três pessoas que tiveram seus rostos reais roubados pela Bruxa das Sombras. Havia um menino que usava uma máscara com um sorriso estranho. E também uma princesa que falava muito mas era vazia por dentro. Também havia um homem preso dentro de uma caixa. Um dia eles resolveram começar uma jornada em buscas dos seus rostos roubados.... (It's Okay Not Be Okay) #quotes #ItsOkayNotBeOkay #doramas #kdramas #kdramaquotes
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Não cometa o mesmo erro que eu e tente correr quando você nem consegue andar. Quando você estiver cansado, descanse um pouco. Quando você estiver triste, vá em frente e chore. Então, um dia, certamente chegará o dia em que você será capaz de correr novamente. (It's Okay Not Be Okay) #quotes #ItsOkayNotBeOkay #doramas #kdramas #kdramaquotes
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Somente quem sofreu de verdade entende o sofrimento. (It's Okay Not Be Okay) #quotes #ItsOkayNotBeOkay #doramas #kdramas #kdramaquotes
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A coisa mais horrível que você pode fazer a um pai é desistir de ser feliz. (It's Okay Not Be Okay) #quotes #ItsOkayNotBeOkay #doramas #kdramas #kdramaquotes
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