#its tough to be around those people sometimes cause i just
bellbottom-jeans · 6 months
Milleinals this, gen z that, kids these days, chronically online, how comfortable are you referencing online things to strangers? Will you say out loud that something is trending? Referencing jokes sure, do you say you saw it online or say you saw it on a specific platform? Do you still say video as the default?
When I was in 5th grade a girl said 'to nom', out loud, as an synonym for 'eat', to the teacher. I have never recovered from the look on everyone else's face when they didn't know what she was talking about. I have carried that with me forever and I will n e v e r assume someone knows about an online thing lest it ever happen to me.
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oldphanny · 1 month
so a super old friend from literal primary school just reached out to me for the first time in like over a decade and they have a kid now and stuff and I'm just sitting with the fact that I'm like almost in my late 20's and literally have nothing to show for it.
Like 'what have you been up to'
Literally nothing. Trauma and nasty people being nasty. Im essentially back to where I was as a teen. So anyway, cute kid 🥺 I'm gonna keel over and die now.
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thetarotwitch111 · 1 month
How people are perceiving you right now? - Pick a card purple pokemon
Since i absolutely love pokemon I picked three purple ones, and just like choosing your starter, you’ll pick one to uncover how people are seeing you right now. So grab your Poké Balls, dust off that old Game Boy, and let’s see what your chosen Pokémon reveals about you.
✨I hope this reading brings you some clarity and guidance. If it resonated with you, I’d love to hear about it!
✨ And if you’re looking for something more personal, I also do individual readings—just DM me anytime or check my ko-fi
Breathe, clean your thoughts and ask your guides and the Universe lead you to the message that’s meant for you.
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Let’s get into your reading!
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💜 1. Gengar
They’re noticing this big shift in you. You’re really starting to let go of things that used to hold you down, and that’s pretty powerful. It’s almost like you’ve decided, “I don’t need to control everything,” and that’s making you come across as way more open and chill. People can see that you’re getting better at going with the flow, even if it’s a little scary sometimes. But they also see that you’re super careful with your decisions. You’re not the type to just jump into something without thinking it through. You’re weighing all your options, and while that might make you seem a little stuck, it’s really just you being smart about where you’re headed next. And sure, they might pick up on the fact that you’re dealing with some tough stuff (maybe some temptations or situations that feel a bit restrictive). But what they really admire is how you’re not letting that stop you. You’re determined to break free from anything that doesn’t feel right, and that’s pretty inspiring.
The good things they see in you:
First off, they totally admire your resilience. You’ve been through some rough times, but you always manage to come out the other side even stronger. It’s like no matter what life throws at you, you’re not just surviving—you’re thriving. And people really notice that strength in you.
They also love your independence and this amazing ability to make choices that are totally in line with who you are. Even if that means you’re taking a path that others don’t quite get, they respect that you’re doing what feels right for you. You might seem a little cautious in relationships, but that’s just because you’re making sure everything aligns with your true self. People really respect that about you.
Witch’s advice:
You’re in this awesome phase of letting go and embracing change, so let’s boost that energy with some crystals. Grab a smoky quartz, cause it’s perfect for helping you release anything that’s no longer serving you. Think of it as a little nudge from the universe to let go of the old and welcome the new. And then there’s labradorite, which is all about transformation.
For herbs, sage is your best friend right now. It’s amazing for clearing out any negative or stuck energy around you. Pair it with lavender, which is super calming and will help you feel more at peace, especially when things get a little overwhelming.
And because we all need a bit of comfort, let’s talk tea. A blend of peppermint and chamomile is just what you need. The peppermint will help you think clearly and its perfect for those moments when you’re at a crossroads. And the chamomile will calm your nerves and help you relax about the future. If you want an extra boost, add a little lemon balm to the mix. It’s uplifting and will keep your spirits high as you move forward.
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💜 2. Koffing
People see you as someone who’s really starting to break free from some heavy stuff. It’s like they’ve noticed you’ve been through a period where you felt really stuck, maybe even a little trapped, but now they can see you stepping out of that and finding your strength. It’s as if you’ve taken off the blindfold and are beginning to see all the possibilities that are out there for you. There’s a sense of admiration for how you’re learning to navigate through challenges, taking control of your life, and not letting fear or doubt hold you back anymore.
However, there’s also an understanding that you’re still working through some deeper, more personal struggles. People can sense that you’re dealing with things that might still have a hold on you, like old habits or negative thoughts that are tough to shake. But they don’t see this as a weakness; instead, they recognize the strength it takes to confront these inner battles. They know you’re doing your best to overcome them, and they respect the fight you’re putting up to not let those things control you.
At the same time, others notice that you’re someone who avoids unnecessary drama. You’re not one to dive into conflicts or get caught up in petty disputes. Instead, you’re focused on keeping the peace and finding solutions that work for everyone involved. People see you as someone who values harmony and is willing to go the extra mile to make sure things stay calm and balanced, even when it’s not easy. This makes you someone they can rely on to bring a sense of calm and reason into tense situations.
The good things they see in you:
One of the biggest things is your ability to move on from tough situations. They see you as someone who doesn’t let past disappointments or mistakes define you. Instead, you focus on what’s still possible and what you can still achieve. You don’t get down for the negative, but instead, you find a way to keep moving forward, and that’s something people really appreciate.
People also admire how you’re starting to open up more. Maybe you’ve spent some time reflecting and keeping to yourself, but now they see you sharing more of what you’ve learned. You’re willing to let others in, to show your vulnerabilities, and to offer the wisdom you’ve gained from your experiences. This makes you relatable and wise in their eyes, someone who’s been through a lot but is now ready to connect and share with others.
There’s also something about your creativity. Even if you don’t always show it right away, people sense that you have a rich inner world. When you do express your feelings or ideas, it’s something really special that others value. They see you as someone who brings a unique perspective to the table, and they love how you bring your imagination and emotions into everything you do.
Lastly, people respect your thoughtful approach to life. You’re not someone who rushes into things and take your time to consider your options and make sure everything is just right before you move forward. This makes you seem deliberate and careful, which others really appreciate. They know that when you do make a decision, it’s something you’ve really thought through, and that brings a sense of confidence and trust in your choices.
Witch’s advice:
First, consider working with amethyst. This crystal is great for helping you stay clear-headed and keeping any negative energy at bay. It’s also wonderful for breaking free from old patterns and embracing the new opportunities you’re creating for yourself.
For herbs, basil and rosemary would be particularly helpful right now. Basil can bring protection and peace, helping you maintain the calm and balanced environment you’re striving for. Rosemary, on the other hand, is excellent for clarity and focus, giving you the mental boost you need to keep moving forward with confidence.
When it comes to teas, a soothing blend of lemon balm and chamomile would be perfect. Lemon balm is uplifting and can ease any lingering anxiety, while chamomile helps you relax and unwind. Together, they create a comforting, calming vibe that supports your journey toward balance and peace.
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💜 3. Nidoking
People see you as someone who’s in the middle of a pretty intense moment. It’s like they can tell you’ve been thinking a lot about whether to stay in certain situations or move on, but there’s a part of you that’s still holding back. Maybe it’s because you’re not quite ready to let go of something that has been important to you, or perhaps you’re trying to find closure before taking the next big step. Either way, others sense that you’re in a bit of a back-and-forth, trying to figure out where you truly want to be.
They also see that you’re someone who might be feeling a bit stuck right now, like there’s something unfinished in your life. It’s as if you’re so close to reaching a major goal or completing a big chapter, but there’s still a loose end or two that’s keeping you from feeling like you can fully move forward. And you have this drive to wrap things up and reach that sense of completion, but they also understand that it’s not easy when you’re dealing with things that are beyond your control.
At the same time, you’ve got this energy that’s just contagious. You’re curious, excited about new ideas, and you bring that spark wherever you go. Even when life gets tough, they see that you’re still standing strong, ready to take on whatever comes your way. You’re like a warrior who’s been through a lot, but you’ve still got that fire inside you.
The good things they see in you:
One of the first things that stands out is your sense of independence and self-sufficiency. People see you as someone who’s really got it together, someone who’s worked hard to build a life that’s stable and fulfilling. You have this air of confidence and self-reliance that others find incredibly inspiring. They admire how you don’t just sit around waiting for things to happen. You go out and make things happen, and know your worth and you’re not afraid to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Another thing is that you have a way of bringing your dreams to life that really impresses people. And they also think that you’ve got this deep well of emotion and love, even if you don’t always show it right away. They admire how you’re able to care so deeply and how you’re not afraid to be vulnerable when it really matters. You have this gift for making others feel valued and appreciated, and that’s something they truly treasure in you.
You also lift others up, to bring joy and happiness wherever you go and they see you as someone who can find the good in almost any situation and help others see it too.
Witch’s Advice:
Grab some citrine. It’s the perfect crystal for you. Citrine is all about boosting your confidence and bringing in that joyful, abundant energy that you naturally have. It’s like a little battery for your positivity. And clear quartz is another good one for you; it helps you stay focused and amps up your intentions, making it even easier to manifest all the amazing things you’re working on.
For herbs, rosemary and bay leaves are your go-tos. Rosemary is great for keeping your mind clear and your energy protected, especially when you’re dealing with those frustrating, unfinished things. Bay leaves are awesome for setting intentions and making your wishes come true—write down what you want on a bay leaf, burn it, and let the magic happen.
And let’s not forget about tea! A blend of jasmine and green tea is perfect for you. Jasmine brings in that sweet, loving energy, helping you stay connected to your heart. Green tea keeps you motivated and focused, which is just what you need to keep moving forward. Together, these teas will help you stay balanced and energized, ready to take on anything.
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Gimme your most stupid ghoul headcanons possible, like Sodo is scared of idk dust particles or something funny.
“silly ghoul headcanons”
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Synopsis: It’s in the title you silly goose. Just the ghouls with their silly little shenanigans
Pairing: Nameless ghouls (platonic or romantic) x GN!reader (they/them)
Theme: fluff ✿ , crack ✦
A/N: Heres my first fanfic to my Ghost blog! I gotta thank my bestie for making this request despite the silliness in it. I hope you guys enjoy it because I certainly had fun writing it. I might make a separate version for the ghoulettes cause I love my girlies <33
I also decided to add Aether in this one cuz I love him, remember to respect both him and Phantom as ppl because we don’t support that negativity and hate 🫡
TW: Swiss and Sodo joke about sex but it’s because they’re Swiss and Sodo
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Sodo, oh dear Sodo. He can be such a silly ghoul sometimes
He likes to act like he’s all tough and that he’s hot shit, but some of his habits you can’t help but laugh at
For starters, Sodo is the type of ghoul to be scared of really dumb stuff. Take hamsters for example
Sodo has this really inexplainable fear of hamsters. One day you picked up a cute little hamster from the pet store, and he hissed and erupted in flames the moment you brought it near him
“Sodo its just a hamster—“
Aether once pranked him by putting a bunch of hamsters in his closet and he let out the most unmanly scream ever, it was funny
Oh and we all know Sodo has a habit of slapping people’s asses
It’s basically his trademark at this point
But there was this one particular time where he tried to slap your ass, but he somehow missed and accidentally slapped Copia’s ass instead
Needless to say, he spent a good while trying to explain to the unamused Papa that he didn’t mean to slap him, but the other pair of cheeks that was in front of him in that moment
He once played Five Nights At Freddy’s and he had nightmares about Freddy for a whole week
No joke, he once thought that Swiss was Freddy because he was so disoriented from a previous nightmare and he socked the poor guy in the nose
You forced him to apologize to Swiss after that
I imagine he’s also the type of ghoul to write stupid little messages and graffiti with a sharpie on his fellow ghouls faces
He once made you help him literally knock out Aether just so he could write “number one cocksucker” in big bold letters on his forehead
Needless to say, you two got chased around by the angry ghoul who was holding a fly swatter for a whole ten minutes
Also we all know damn well this man has a dirty mind
Like have you seen him on stage? Of course he does
He has a habit of slipping in sexual jokes and in innuendos every now and then, because he snickers when seeing people’s reactions
Though there was this one time where he made a comment about your ass and he got slapped across the face
Idk Sodo has a weird obsession with your ass
He has toned down on the jokes, but that doesn’t stop him from slipping up every now and then. And it’s quite obvious he won’t stop with those jokes anytime soon
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Rain is such a sweetie and we all know that
But sometimes he can be a little bit of a menace, even to you and his fellow bandmates
To start things off, we all know Rain is a clumsy little guy
Like he’s a walking talking disaster with trails of chaos in his wake. He can hold a glass for someone and drop it like not even ten seconds later
Well there was this one time where you were giving him strumming techniques for the next upcoming ritual
Sodo tapped him on the shoulder from behind to ask him for something. When Rain turned around he accidentally slapped Sodo in the face with the neck of his bass guitar
Sodo then stumbled back in pain and literally destroyed Mountain’s drum set. You were just standing there processing what just happened, and Copia just looked… disappointed.
Rain also collects a lot of plushies
He has a literal pile of squishmallows in the corner of his room. Sometimes he likes to bury himself in that little nook of his room.
He made a little pillow fort in that area for him to snuggle in. Sometimes he’ll invite you to come and watch movies with him in there
However he once impulsively bought so many plushies so they were all flooding his room. You opened the door to his room and they all came flooding out, with a very euphoric Rain on top of them
“…. Rain what are you doing?”
“Feeling great. Thank you, Y/N.”
You helped him organize all of those little plushies in his room afterwards, even giving some of them to Phantom (who was new at the time) as a little “welcome home” gift
As a water ghoul, Rain naturally enjoys water
However he has this really cute habit of splashing around in pools/tubs like he’s a bird in a birdbath, but he gets embarrassed about this fact because the ghouls tease him for it
You once caught him playing around in the a storm in such a manner, it was so cute seeing him so happy and enjoying himself
The minute he spotted you, he immediately got all embarrassed and shy, but you reassured him it was all good and that it was fine to be excited about water
Needless to say, he’s a lot more comfortable showing off that side to you now
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Oh Mountain. Sweet sweet darling Mountain
Like Rain, Mountain is a sweetie. However he tends to have his silly moments.
I’d like to imagine that Mountain often bumps his head on doorframes or walks
The fucker is really tall, I mean it’s hard to not hit something along the way.
So he has a habit of sticking his hand over his forehead to avoid bumping into anything, the poor guy
I’d also like to imagine that Mountain had that light skin stare
Like he doesn’t even mean to look creepy. He just… has a habit of zoning out, so therefore he looks like he’s staring into your soul
Though this does make him really good at staring contests. One time Swiss challenged him, and they lasted for ten minutes
Swiss needed eye drops after that
Also he deadass looks like a sleep paralysis demon when he stands
One night you couldn’t sleep so you went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Mountain happened to hear the noise your footsteps were making, so he went to check up on you
He was just standing in the doorframe… staring at you, making sure you were okay while you grabbed something from the fridge
Needless to say, when you turned around, you dropped Swiss’s leftover cheesecake you were gonna eat upon seeing the tall earth ghoul in the doorframe
Also your scream was loud as FUCK
“… I don’t know. At least you’re okay.”
He apologized to you afterwards and promised to not accidentally spook you. Because for a moment you swore you saw the hat man
Mountain also rarely gets mad, the dude is as passive as a sheep
But the moment he gets angry… hide your children
The dude is scary as hell. Like, he’s even got Papa on his knees begging for mercy
There was one particular day during practices where Sodo and Aether were arguing a little too much. It’s normal for them to banter, but this particular day was getting out of hand
Everyone was already getting upset with them, even with Papa telling the two ghouls you knock it off, but of course they wouldn’t
Well, they didn’t until a drum from Mountain’s drum set came hurling towards both ghouls. Making the fire ghoul and quintessence ghoul yelp and duck instinctively
No one had noticed the fuming earth ghoul sitting in the corner up until that point. Everyone was speechless. Your jaw was on the floor even
Needless to say, Mountain apologized yet again, but now everyone knew not to fuck with Mountain after that
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Swiss is an… interesting specimen.
For starters he was accidentally summoned,
He was summoned at the same time as Aether. And they bonked heads upon getting summoned
It was rather funny seeing Papa being so confused as to why the ritual spell summoned two ghouls, and seeing said two ghouls yell at each other for bonking heads
But it all worked out because after Swiss showed off that he can literally do fucking anything, Papa just let him stay
And Swiss was the perfect flare of spice to add to Ghost, and he’s a sweet ghoul to be around
But that doesn’t stop him from being a literal menace to society
Swiss has a really strange habit of breaking into people’s rooms and just jumping on their beds to wake them up
All while he’s obnoxiously telling them to get up, much to the other’s annoyance
You once threw him across the room for waking you up, and Swiss was just laughing so hard on the floor when he saw your reaction
Since he’s quite literally known as the Swiss Army Ghoul, he’s good at almost everything.
Including cooking. He likes to cook a lot of meals for the people living in the ministry
Bro even has a stereotypical pink “kiss the cook” apron, he got it as a birthday gift from you
But the “cook” part is crossed out with a red sharpie and instead Swiss replaced with “dick”
Why? Because it’s fucking Swiss.
He also made it a point to bake everyone’s birthday cakes, but he’ll slip in something stupid to be funny
One time Cirrus was cutting her birthday cake and she got a whole ass doll head in there, which left her very confused
Swiss isn’t allowed to make people’s birthday cakes anymore because of that
Also sometimes Swiss will get high out of nowhere
No one knows what the fuck he’s doing because this ghoul is all over the place, but when he’s high he says the most out of pocket stuff
There was this one time he messaged the ghoul group chat while taking an edible saying “this edible is weak as shit.”
But then right after that message, he attached a picture of you and sent it with the caption “I’ve always wanted to fuck them.”
You could hear Sodo’s laughter from his room after that.
And when Swiss got sobered up, you asked him about the message, but bro literally refuses to acknowledge he sent it
“Swiss did you send that message from earlier—“
“Then who did?”
“The hat man.”
“Oh so this suddenly isn’t a safe space?”
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Ah Aether. We all love Aether. I mean who doesn’t?
We all know how much of a little psycho Aether can be, but he’s a lovable psycho that just exerts a lot of fun energy
That doesn’t stop him from being a little fucker however
He likes to pull a lot of pranks with Swiss, Sodo unfortunately being his main target
So there was this one time he asked you to help him prank the poor fire ghoul, and you said yes because you felt like messing with Sodo
(And also partly because you were kinda pissed with him due to the fact that he ate your leftovers)
So the prank was to put a bunch of sticky notes in Sodo’s room that all read “big cock energy” (because of course it did)
However during the process of putting the sticky notes in the room, Sodo walked in on two idiotic fools, those fools being you and Aether of course
And it’s safe to say that for a solid twenty minutes, the two of you were running around the ministry with an angry flaming fire ghoul hot on your trail, giggling like little children
(Sodo spared you, but Aether wasn’t so lucky)
“Because I hate them less than you, NOW C’MERE—“
Aether once fell asleep with a rotten ass banana peel
Like no joke— you once walked in his room to ask for something and his whole room STANK of rancid and rotten banana
And Aether was just sitting there, confused as to why you looked like you were about to throw up on his bedroom floor
Rain had to fucking disinfect the room (with a gas mask because it smelled that bad)
Oh and you Rain breaks things? Aether is so much worse
He once tried to clean up Swiss’s mic stand for an upcoming tour and the damn thing just- fell apart
Swiss was more bewildered than upset, because how in hell does that happen?
You literally do not let him touch your equipment because he’s gonna somehow find a way to break it all
When Aether departed from Ghost you were very sad
But then he messaged the group chat with this message “I’ll miss all of you fuckers. Be nice to the new ghoul, love all of you <33 (except for you Sodo, fuck you)”
Sodo then bursted out of his room tackling Aether, but it was more so out of love rather than being an ass
Needless to say, you all still keep in touch with Aether
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Phantom!!! We all love Phantom here
Since he was newer and the one of the more recently summoned ghouls, he had a hard time fitting in
But you and the other ghouls thankfully made him feel welcome, even if it took a little more time for some other ghouls to get used to him
And because of that, it didn’t take long for Phantom to start joking in the ghoul chaos
He is literally a walking meme
Phantom is the type of guy to quote old vines and also keep up with any meme trends
Part of being the youngest ghoul I guess
He often confuses Papa with his little antics (because he’s an old man), and you’re just silently laughing at Papa’s reactions to Phantom
Also Phantom has a habit of holding things weirdly
You thought it was just his guitar? Bestie no, the dude is holding things the wrong way all the time but still somehow makes it work
Like— he holds onto a pen like it’s about to grow a pair of legs and run out of his hand, but he still somehow has the most beautiful cursive handwriting there is
“…. Phantom— what are you doing? You’re holding that pen like it’s a—“
“Hush, Y/N. I’m writing everything I want for Christmas this year.”
Phantom can also be a bit of a nerd sometimes
Like— you know those kids in school that are so dorky and have that awkward teenager energy? But you can’t be annoyed at them because they’re so cute? Yeah, that’s Phantom
Man’s will ramble about the most nerdy thing so passionately that you can’t help but listen, it’s cute seeing him get all excited over… legos or something
Oh and if someone dares to insult his passion he will spread legos all over their room
(Poor Swiss was a victim of that unfortunately)
Oh yeah he almost once accidentally vacuumed Copia’s pet rat
The dude was just trying to clean up his room, and one of the little fuckers scurried in his room, and the rat’s tail got stuck in the vacuum
Phantom’s high pitched scream upon realization was enough to have you bolting in the room to check in on the poor ghoul
And you were met with the sight of Phantom desperately trying to pull out a screaming rat from the vacuum while the ghoul was on the verge of tears because he didn’t want to get scolded
You ended up helping him because no one wants to see Phantom sad
And it’s safe to say Copia now has one pet rat with no tail.
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lovexjoe · 3 months
On the Run Mini Series
part 2 warnings: angst, mention of suicide, mention of abuse, cursing
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As they woke up from the most uncomfortable but well needed rest, Armando immediately felt guilty for the way he cut the conversation with Kayla. Her eyes were a blood shot red and puffy. He didn’t know what she went through and by the looks of it, probably just as rough. She doesn’t cry ever and he clearly hit a wound. She remained quiet the rest of the way their way through the forest.
“Growing up was tough. My mom raised me in prison till I was 6 then I was sent off with someone from the cartel.” He looks at her and she looks at him giving a small smile of appreciation. She knew this wasn’t easy to share.
“My dad was abusive to me and my mom. She uh committed suicide. I ran away with my boyfriend at the time and he was even worse. I almost died.” His heart hurt at hearing how cruel her up bringing was. He didn’t want to pity her so he didn’t apologize. But a women should never experience abuse like that and hoped those two pieces of shits got their karma.
The two by the luck of god came across a ran down trailer park, but clearly was occupied. Kayla gives Armando the signal to stay back as she sees men roaming around outside. She takes two steps and Armando pulls her back.
“¡¿Estás loca?!” He scolds her for even wanting to put herself in danger. She puts her hand over his mouth, and mouths just trust me. Did she know what she was doing? Nope. Armando fumingly stayed back knowing this was probably going to backfire. He couldn't hear what the men were saying, but he noticed their flirty gestures and immediately turned green. Was he jealous? Even he wouldn't admit to it.
Okay she was using the fact that she was a women to get what she wants. So what? Desperate times come for desperate measures. One of the dudes went back into their homes and returned with an older lady who couldn't help but love Kayla. Armando could not believe that this was happening right now. These people clearly did not own a tv or else they would know their faces are probably all over the news right now. Kayla was given clothes, some toiletries that could be spared and keys to an old car that wasn't in use of them anymore. Was this all too sweet and smoothing sailing? Yea but God does exist.
Kayla throws Armando the key and he catches it.
"Drive and lose the attitude. You're welcome." She gets into the passaenger seat and sighs happily.
"What did you even tell them?" Armando eyes straight on the road ahead.
"Sometimes people are just caring Armando. Just be happy and not a grumpy asshole?" Kayla teases him.
He gives her a side eye and it just confirms how much he’s like Mike after all.
“The car won’t last the whole way home but let’s enjoy it while we have it.” She dozed off for a little while, before waking up and hearing the car comes to a stop. The sun is gonna set soon, she notices the stream that they were parked by.
“We need to freshen up, unless you wanna stink up the car the whole way home.” Armando grins as she shoots him a dirty look. He just loves to get under her skin.
She found a huge rock to shower behind. Stripping off, she laid her new clothes on the rock so it doesn’t get wet. The cold water felt refreshing against her skin. She washed away all the dried up blood, careful not to touch any of her recent wounds. God bless the people that helped us she said to herself as she washes her hair with shampoo, the fresh scent of green apple filling the air. You reached for the body wash that was slated on the edge of the rock, when her wet hand touched Armando's.
"S-sorry!" Her teeth clattered from how cold the water was. She stepped back only to have her foot caught into some rocks at the bottom of the stream. Her scream got Armando's attention and he was rightfully annoyed cause how clumsy can you be?
"Now what happened!?" He grumbles as he washes the remaining soap off of his body.
"My f-foot is stuck in the rocks and its pressing into my cut on my ankle" Kayla cries out not wanting to admit she needed help, but she was seriously fucked. The gash on her calf to her ankle starting to burn as it was reopened.
"I will help you-"
"I'm naked!"
"Do you want my help or not!? Besides you're probably not much to look at anyways"
"Okay..." Kayla responds quietly as she covers her breast as much she could. Armando comes around fully clothed, wetting his new pair of jeans because his partner is the clumsiest person he has ever met. When she comes into his view he immediately takes back what he said. She was a sight to see. He tried his best not to stare as he kicks the rock loose and picks her up. Fuck his clothes getting wet. For the first time he saw her in a different light. He held her still, taking in the green apple scent that filled the air around her. His warm hands on her cold waist, he notices her uneasy breathing and he presses their forehead together. This women can not have him feeling these things.
"Estás bien?" The way his hands felt on her waist ignited a fire within her that she didn't know exist. She could only whisper a yes as he slowly pulls away. Both yearning for the other one to make the first move, but to prideful to admit it. As he fully leaves her view, she lets out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. What was happening?
He hates me and I hate him that's how this goes....
✯•´¨*•✿ ✿•*¨•✯✯•´¨*•✿✿•*¨•✯✯•´¨*•✿✿•*¨•✯✯•´¨*•✿✿•*¨•✯
@armandosbabymama @dyttomori @bbyplutosblog @vergilnelosparda @believeinthefireflies95
@yeahnohoneybye @cardi-bre91 @onlysarang @romanreignsluver1 @minwn
Part 1
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mosylufanfic · 7 days
Rebelcaptain Day Six: Tropes
I was shocked to realize that, with my love of fake dating and arranged marriages, I had somehow never written married in Vegas. (Or Space!Vegas, in this case.) Obviously I had to remedy that.
What Happens in Canto Bight
Yonly Tress worked hospitality crew on the run between Canto Bight and Mordonica. She'd thought it was really exciting when she first got the job on the planet-hopper, but after two years of going out and back twice a day, four days a week, it had pretty much settled into boredom. 
The run out to Canto Bight wasn't so bad. People were usually happy to be going, already in a party mood. Sometimes people had pregamed in various ways, and she'd perfected the art of wiggling out of roaming hands without causing offense. But it was usually okay, because happy people tipped really well.
The run back was usually much quieter. A lot of people found their seats and immediately fell asleep, or passed out, for the two-hour trip. Others sat staring out the viewports or at datapads. Every once in awhile, they got a belligerent drunk, or someone incredibly pissed off that they'd lost huge amounts of money at the Lose All Your Money resort. 
Generally Yonly was relieved when they docked on Mordonica, and not just because it either meant her meal break or that she was done for the day. 
To pass the time between planets, the crew often played a game of guessing what had happened in Canto Bight. "Seat 3-Esk," she said to Klaas as they prepped their refreshment carts.
"Lost his shirt," Klaas said immediately. 
She looked over her shoulder and nodded. Seat 3-Esk had that hollow-eyed, thousand yard stare of somebody who didn't know how he was going to explain why he didn't have a credit to his name anymore. 
"Seat 6-Grek?" She looked a lot happier than 3-Esk, even though she had traces of glittery makeup around her eyes and her hair looked like she'd shoved it under a hat without bothering to wash the product out first. 
"Oh, she won big. You see how she's smiling at her datapad and typing messages? She got herself a sugar daddy. Now what about those two in Row 7? Seats Cherek and Dorn."
She studied the couple - a man with a short beard and dark eyes, and a woman with mid-length brownish hair that was slowly losing its trendy wave. They were both in wrinkled but stylish clothing, as if they'd dressed to hit the town many hours before and caught their flight just in time.
"Ooo, that's a tough one. I'm leaning toward went for business, got drunk, and slept together."
"Mmm. I dunno. You ask me, I think they got married."
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citrusinicake · 5 months
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Day 2 :: Zombie Apocalypse
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do you have any idea how fucking hard it is to be a zombie in this economy? you just go out there trying to have a bite to eat so you go up to some randos and they just start SHOOTING YOU! like straight up just SHOOTING YOU! like what the hell man? i mean i know im trying to rip your brains out and shit but cant you let a guy just fucking eat???? speaking of, this guy's brain tastes weird like im pretty sure its at least fifty percent plastic, maybe even a hundred percent i don't know. was he your boyfriend or something? does this mean you're single? wanna go out sometime? you're annoying as shit but i like that in a man, keeps you on your toes y'know? keeps you humble as well like you just wake up in bed one day and go "oh god this is the guy im dating and i don't even want to break up with him or anything what the hell's wrong with me," which i think is a pretty important thing to have-- at least for me 'cause im awesome as shit and if i don't have that sort of anchor i'll probably lke turn into god or something and i dont wanna be god. not out of self-esteem issues or anything, just out of principle 'cause i think that everyone should have a fair chance at killing me which not gonna lie is pretty easy but that's besides the point, the point is that i think anyone who wants to be god is fucking stupid and should just fucking die. like, hello??? who the hell do you think you are rying to reign above other people? are you stupid? are you dumb? hello? anyways, if you wanna know more about what i think of this i post a lot on r/atheism, im user u/waffleontopp-- wait , do i have to explain reddit to you? 'cause you seem more like a tumblrina to me, honestly reddit's pretty similar to tumblr so you won't have a lot of trouble figuring it out on your own but don't be shocked ifbyou see cock and balls on there since porn isn't banned there unlike tumblr. how's that whole thing treating you by the way? must be tough not seeing some girl's boobs every once in a while-- wait are you gay or bi? must be tough not seeing some guy's boobs every once in a while, that won't be problem if you start dating me though. haha just kidding, my chest is basically concave now after a survivor beat me repeatedly with a baseball bat so ive got like negative double D's now. oh but i do know this one guygirlthing whose boobs are out basically 24/7 who likes to hang out with me and this other guy so maybe that'll make up for it. they're not zombies and im pretty sure they didnt get infected so you don't have to worry about that but they miiiight have rabies or something im not sure to be honest so maybe watch out for that instead. if youre wondering why two non-infected humans are hanging out with a zombie then we're in the same boat, might have something to do with the possible rabies i mentioned earlier. also if they tell you that im their pet zombie that is simply not true, if anything it's the other way around, they're my pet guard dogs and they do basically anything i say even if it kills them. or at least i wish it would kill them, they're way too hardy in my opinion, i need them to die so i can eat their brains-- oh but then i'll have to do manual labor. hmm, on second thought, they can stay actually i don't wanna deal with all that. normally i dont even do my own kills nowadays, i just leave a trap or get the other two to do it for me, you guys just caught me offguard which is lowkey embarassing but trust me i am a huge, like Huge alpha sigma gamma male and would totally dominate everyone else around me. but not in a god way of course, just in a lone sigma alpha gamma wolf kinda way like those anime wolf furry drawings. you know the ones. and like im not a furry but not gonna lie they totally popped off with those
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frenchkisstheabyss · 1 year
♡ I Will Follow You Into The Dark ♡
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♡ Pairing: boyfriend!felix x fem!reader
♡ Genre: cotton candy fluff
♡ Summary: After a long night filled with tough emotions, an early morning bubble bath cuddled up with your boyfriend while he tells you a story is the perfect thing to ease your mind.
♡ Word Count: 1.2k-ish
♡ Warnings: It's briefly mentioned that the reader has gone through trauma in the past that led to a breakdown. You're in a bathtub together so, ya know, no clothes. You get a little flirty. Kissing. Mention of a snake bite in the story he tells you.
♡ A/N: Tonight was another "let's be all in my feelings night" so, as always, please hop into the feels with me and partake in some fluffy sweet comfort.
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It’s early enough in the morning when you slip into a warm bubble bath with Felix that it feels like you’re the last two people on Earth. The small window above the vintage clawfoot tub is cracked, allowing birdsong to float freely into the room on the coattails of a crisp autumn breeze. As you curl up between his legs, your head tucked comfortably under his chin, he brings his arms around to embrace you.
Lilac blossom scented bubbles cling to his arms, dripping down your chest and shoulders to rejoin the others that float atop the water. You haven’t turned the lights on yet, leaving you tucked in the shadows, partially hidden from the sliver of light that breaks through the pleated cotton curtains. What little light that does reach you soaks your skin in rich amber. “The sunlight,” he says, “Makes you look sweet.”
You look up at him, smiling soft as autumn leaves falling from trees when you realize he’s been staring at you this entire time. “It makes me look sweet?” “Yeah, like honey. I could just eat you up.” Kisses rain down on you, a tender yet ruthless attack that has Felix holding you still as his lips jump from your cheek to your neck to your shoulder and back to your cheek again.
It tickles something fierce, leaving you unable to do much else besides kick your feet and giggle. Water splashes onto the marbled tile floor, clusters of bubbles sailing across puddles like ships out at sea. Felix couldn’t care less about causing a small flood, every bit of his focus is on you. He only stops when he’s satisfied, kissing your cheek one last time for good measure just when you think he’s done.
Together you gradually settle into a space of quiet tranquility. There’s no awkwardness. No underlying pressure to do or say anything in particular. You’re here in this moment together. Just the two of you. Your love for each other prominent enough in its essence that words aren’t necessary. But even in the comfort of his arms, emotions from last night linger within you.
Your trauma, you do what you can to manage it, but sometimes it comes back to haunt you. When it does it clings to you like sticky pink bubblegum on a hot summer day. Last night was one of those times. You felt lost, fully incapable of holding yourself together, so you came to Felix. The safest place you’ve ever known for your broken pieces. There’s so much distance now between the brokenness that consumed you last night and the peace you feel this morning.
A distance that grows wider and wider the longer you’re with him. “No matter what you do,” he’d whispered only a few hours ago, cuddled up behind you on his couch, “I’ll always be in awe of you.” He meant it then and, watching you zone out playing with the bubbles, he hopes that, even in your daze, you know he means it now. That he’ll mean it forever.
Felix takes your hand, placing his fingers in the spaces between yours just as the universe intended, “Hey.” “Hi,” you say, sensing almost immediately that he wants to do something—anything—to ease your pain, “I could use a story.” “Ooh, a story. What kind of story?” You pet his cheek, closing your eyes in preparation for the full ASMR experience of listening to him speak. “Dealer’s choice. I’m just here to listen.”
He pokes his lips out, pushing air from one puffed up cheek to the other as the gears turn in his brain. “I’ve got one. Okay, so, there’s this story Hyunjin taught me about. A myth actually.” “Mythology. Sexy.” you tease, lightly running a nail down the side of his neck. Felix shivers when you hit that one spot that always gets him. He tilts his head to whisper in your ear, “Did you want a story or something more...active? Cause if you keep doing that—” 
One of his hands glides down your right thigh, sending the shivers from his own body straight through yours. “Fine, I’ll behave,” you pout, “Continue.” You don’t clarify what to continue. Rubbing your thigh? Telling the story? He chooses both. You’re nearly glowing, clearly pleased with his decision. And so he begins—
“There’s this ancient Greek myth about Apollo’s son Orpheus who fell in love with this really gorgeous woman named Eurydice. It was love at first sight. He saw her and just knew she was who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.” 
“How romantic,” you sigh, eyes still closed, blissfully unaware of the adoration in his eyes when he speaks. He just knew. 
“Very much so,” he agrees, continuing the story, “So Orpheus and Eurydice. They were married shortly after they met. Not everyone supported it but they loved each other. That was all that mattered. And they were happy. At least until Eurydice died. There are lots of different versions of how she died. Most commonly it’s a snake bite though.” 
Felix bites your cheek a little, hissing like the cutest snake on the planet. If this is the snake bite that ends you, you’ll take it. 
“Losing her…he wasn’t able to accept it. So, with the gods’ protection, he traveled to Hades to bring her back. Once he reached the underworld he played a song for Hades that was so beautiful he was offered a deal. Eurydice could return to the world of the living but she couldn’t walk out by his side. She had to walk out behind him in her spirit form, only becoming human again when she stepped into the light. And if he looked back—” 
You open your eyes, dramatically clutching your hand to your chest, “If he looked back what?” Felix runs a finger across your neck, sticking his tongue out in his best attempt to mimic a corpse. “Dead for good. Lost forever.” “Let me guess. He looked back, didn't he?” “That’s right my smart little cookie."
"The closer they got to the world of the living, the lighter her footsteps became. He started to doubt she was following him so when they were only a few feet from the surface he looked back just in time to see the face of his love as she disappeared into the darkness.” 
Readjusting yourself in the tub, you turn to face him, your face near enough to his that the air you breathe out is what he breathes in. “If it were me would you look back?” “No,” he answers without hesitation. “Because you trust me?” He leans in closer so that his words are spoken directly onto your lips, “Because I’d never take that deal. We come out of the dark together or not at all.”
It steals your breath away to hear such a heartfelt answer. To feel him spell it out across your lips. Felix kisses you, his arms closing back around you as he fills your hollow lungs with the passion laced air of his own. It’s enough to make you cry, that he loves you so completely.
If you hadn’t woken up and asked him to take this bath with you. If you wanted to lay in bed all day with the curtains closed and the lights out. He would’ve stayed there with you in the darkness. In the underworld. Playing songs of devotion not for the pity of Hades but for the love of you, his Eurydice, until you could return to the light.
Together or not at all...
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topguncortez · 7 months
its been a couple of days since i made the tough choice to cut ties and temporarily walk away from a place that i love really really deeply.
but i’ve had some time to reflect and come to some conclusions about myself.
now excuse me while i vent out loud:
1) the phrase “once an addict, always an addict” is true. just because i don’t take pills anymore doesn’t mean i haven’t found a way to feed the craving of being addicted to something. im not 100% sure what that addiction is; maybe it’s that im a sucker for pain, maybe it’s i can’t walk away when i know i should, maybe it’s fucking caffeine (it’s 97% caffeine).
2) everyone heals and handles things differently. again, back to my past with addiction; some addicts can heal with still being able to be around the thing they are addicted to. i learned a long time ago, i am not that person. i have a hard time knowing when to walk away, but once i do… its like breathing fresh air. it hurts like a bitch sometimes but its also one of the best things for you. sometimes we get so blind with those rose colored glasses on, that we truly can’t see our own faults until we step back and reflect
3) i’m an angry person. i always have been and probably always will be. i’ve dealt with a lot of shitty things in my life. i’ve lost people who didn’t deserve to be taken away. i’ve watched some of the most vile humans get away with horrible offenses. i have been abused and assaulted. i’m angry. and there’s little i can do to shake that anger. however, i can control it. i can lock it away and deal with it in a healthy manner than just let it explode all over the place.
4). God knows what’s best for you. now, i don’t mean to get all religious on yall. i have struggled with my faith for years. I went through a period of time of questioning who God is and what his intentions are. If this great and almighty God sent his son to die to end our suffering… why are people still suffering? I still struggle with my faith, but i am relearning to put my trust in him and know that He is putting things in my life he knows I can overcome.
And finally,
5) never feel bad for doing things for yourself. i have been so well trained to put other peoples feelings above my own. for years, i have bit my tongue and told myself “i can’t say that, that’ll hurt their feelings” and let people continue to roll over me. believe it or not… i hate conflict. i hate awkward situations. i hate feeling like im being suffocated and i can’t breathe. i have become more vocal (good and bad thing) in speaking up when i have been hurt. it’s a slow learning process and sometimes it comes back to bite me in the ass cause i’m thrust into another situation i don’t know how to handle and the anxiety builds and then there’s tears and all that shit. but i have learned i should never feel bad for doing things for myself.
anyway, i know this is just a long ass vent that nobody is gonna read, but i hope maybe, just maybe this reaches someone who has been feeling the same way i have these past couple months.
i know not everyone has a great support system in real life that they can rely on when things get hard. i can honestly tell you that without some of the people in my everyday life and online life being there and helping me and offering me an ear to listen while i vent and scream at the world… i don’t think i’d still be here. but i want yall to know, if you need a place to vent and scream at the world, i am here for you. and i’ll do whatever i can to get you the help and resources if you need it. or if you just wanna get shit off your chest.
i’m here for you.
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creedslove · 1 year
Who of the boys would be more of a cat and who would be more of a dog person?
Rewatching Narcos currently andJavi P seeking justice for Murphys cat was the animal love I needed.
I know he says he’s not much of a cat person but the way he treated it.. cat man 🧐🫶
Featuring: Javier Peña, Joel Miller, Agent Whiskey, Dave York and Marcus Pike
A/N: aww this is a very good idea!!! I love it honey! Also, I have a feeling all the Pedro boys lean towards dogs, but that doesn't mean they won't go soft with a kitty 🐈
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Javier Peña: Javi likes dogs better, there's no argument towards that, he grew up around dogs on his dad's ranch and he loves how strong and loyal they are, however, that doesn't mean Javi is insensitive towards cats, we all have seen how fierce he was to fight for the fact that cat was DEA as much as Steve and himself were, even if there was a tiny comical hint to it; Javier isn't a huge cat person, but he does have a soft spot for them, they are cute sometimes and amongst all the violence he has encountered through his life, he thought he would lose that empathy towards smaller things, but he was very wrong, so once he saw a stray kitty fumbling around the garbage to look for food and it made his heart break, he didn't know why exactly, but he was so tired of seeing the evilest side of people, it felt just too unfair such a tiny cute little creature starve on the streets, which caused Javier to feed the cat leftovers of his meals which quickly became a habit and now the cat is fat and he doesn't know what to do
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Joel Miller: Joel Miller is 100% dog person and there's no argument about that at all, although after he grew up and had to take care of a house and a baby daughter on his own, he decided to have a no pet rule: money was tight and so was time, taking care of a baby, and then a toddler and then a child and then a teen was exhausting as it was, so he didn't have time for bullshitting with cats or dogs. In fact, getting a puppy was the only request Sarah has ever made him and he managed to remain strict and not let her have it. However, he knows his daughter pets all the neighbor's pets and he's okay with it. Now, if you have a cat, you can expect Joel getting into a grumpy old man mood™ he is just going to complain about the cat and he is going to swear that cat is up to no good, plotting against him because its so jealous of you. He will definitely have arguments with your cat
"get out of my guitar now!"
"I swear... get off my truck or I'll kill you!"
And well, sometimes it kind does seem your cat is teasing Joel by sitting on his truck hood or sitting on his beloved guitar; if Joel is reading some work papers on the kitchen table you can bet your life your cat will climb all the way just to sit ON the papers and make Joel's blood boil, and you'll de damned if that ain't the funniest shit you'd ever seen; but hey, sometimes after you went to bed, your cat nuzzles Joel's body and your tough boyfriend actually pets your cat, but it's their secret and neither of them will ever admit it 🤫
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Agent Whiskey: our sweet Jack loves animals! He is a farm boy after all, and that means he absolutely adores every single living thing. Of course he likes dogs and cats like everyone else, but those aren't his favorites, if anything, Jack is the kind of man to have farm animals as pets as if it was the most normal thing in the world. As a grown man, Jack has his own ranch, and he keeps all the animals he likes there: he's got cows, horses (his big passion), pigs, chickens, goats, bunnies, dogs and a few cats in the barn because someone needs to catch those damn mice, since he hates killing any kind of animal, he leaves it for the cats to chase down the mice and if he finds spiders in the house he'll definitely just throw them outside. He loves birds and fish but he'd rather watch them out in nature than have them trapped in birdcages of fishbowls; he's not a big fan of frogs but he doesn't mind them at all and his biggest childhood trauma was when little Jack befriended a very cute little pig and the two of them became quickly inseparable, playing together and hanging out all the time, he even named his pig Hector™ until one Sunday morning he woke up to see his friend gone and later, mama Daniels had made pork chops for lunch ☠️ Jack cried his little heart out, refused to eat lunch and spent years without eating pork, until this day he feels kind of guilty to eat bacon or something, he doesn't kill any of his own ranch animals to cook, he just goes to the supermarket to get the meat
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Dave York: Dave had always loved dogs from a young age, when he was little, his dog Sprinkles was his best friend and he still keeps old pictures of himself and his old friend in the back of his memory boxes. Once he grew up and he got into his... business... he realized dogs are the safest option for a pet; they are very rational, they can be trained and protect the house and the owners against threats or burglars. If his kids beg him for a puppy, he will never say no to them, but it will be frustrating to him that they will pick the cutest and fluffiest puppy over the one breed he thinks it's safer for the family, statistical saying. However, how happy they get will make him think of Sprinkles and soon enough he will become those dads who treat the family pet better than his own kids. He will definitely doze off on the couch and the dog will be curled up to him. Dave also admires the felines and mostly how neat and careful they are. They are silent and are able to sneak into a room without anyone noticing, exactly like Dave does when he's out working, he likes how cats are independent and always take care of themselves, however, the idea of having a cat never occurred to him, but well... never say never
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Marcus Pike: that man is the human version of a golden retriever, so he obviously would prefer dogs. He has thought of getting a dog some time but he hasn't made up his mind yet, on one hand, he would like to have a puppy waiting for him at home so he won't be too lonely, but on the other hand, dogs are a lot of trouble and he doesn't know if he will be able to actually take care of it, not to mention dogs remind him a lot of the perfect image of a happy family, you know, a husband and a wife and kids, something Marcus would love to have but he hasn't been too lucky with it lately! He does like cats too, but the thing is: he is allergic to cats, and I don't mean just a slight allergy, I mean sneezing, coughing, red puffy eyes, stuffed nose etc, so cats are definitely a big no to him!
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tigreblvnc · 15 days
BLUE LOCK MATCHUP — m1ckeyb3rry
Your match WAS...
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— Nagi Seishiro
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✦ Well, I didn’t think about it for very long :D
✦ I was waiting to read the part about the traits you like in the other person and… Well, honestly, I hesitated for a moment but still brushed it off, thinking, "meh, it's part of life."
✦ So here’s our most motivated player from Blue Lock :)
✦ (No.)
✦ And I have to admit that Nagi isn't a character I can easily place because he's so unique and not at all receptive to anything related to human relationships. I even think he belongs to his own manga, within the manga itself.
✦ That’s probably why we end up with a movie named after him and a series of mangas dedicated to him.
✦ For me, what creates a funny and unusual chemistry right away is the fact that you’re extremely different… but that you connect on very specific details that form a common bridge between you two.
✦ Example: "I’m also pretty quick-witted and good at thinking on my feet BUT I’m kind of judgmental." Without saying Nagi is the most reactive guy in the world, in moments of despair (lol, going straight to the tough stuff), it almost seems like he doesn’t think and manages to instinctively react to anticipate a decisive move on the field. Stimulated correctly, he unleashes potential that, in my opinion, is unmatched by anyone else. He’s got this ON and OFF mode! Most of the time, he’s sleeping, slacking, or playing games; but during very specific key moments, he wakes up and breaks all performance records. It’s almost like it doesn’t require any effort, you know? It’s just an aspect of his personality that awakens under certain conditions, but it’s part of who he is. Meaning, he didn’t really have to work on it beforehand to possess it. Some like to call it "genius."
✦ And I see that trait in you when you explain to me, "I’m quite smart but I don’t really try to be?? Like I mostly play on my phone or watch shows/read in my classes but I have perfect grades anyways."
✦ It’s both awesome, and it can also attract a lot of jealousy. Those who work hard but end up with average or even bad grades, while you don’t need to spend time studying; you succeed no matter what.
✦ I can see my duo of prodigies :)
✦ "It’s hard for something/someone to keep my interest for long, but when it does, I am SUPER into it, so I’m really good at pursuing goals and whatnot!!" Yes, it’s the same for Nagi. You both need a goal that makes sense to you to become productive. A discipline in which you can excel once you get into it; but also one where you become passive once an activity loses its appeal. A downside that’s not easy to manage, on top of driving those around you crazy, who see your potential but feel like you’re not using it to its full extent.
✦ "I’m pretty cheerful and kind for the most part, and I’m a chronic people-pleaser, so I’ll bend over backwards to help out people I don’t know that well/to be agreeable, but when I know a person super well (ex. my family), I can def be kind of demanding/picky." For Nagi, it’s really the opposite, and it causes him problems in the other direction; he cares too little about his surroundings and what others think to even react accordingly. Which leads people to label him as heartless and selfish, something he doesn’t deny but doesn’t really approve of either.
✦ I’ve often observed that people who expect a lot from their surroundings are those who don’t let just anyone into their personal space, out of a need to protect themselves. This involves a very meticulous and sometimes extreme filtering process, often demanding a lot and becoming tough or guilt-tripping others when they don’t meet those expectations—sometimes unrealistic ones.
✦ But this behavior wouldn’t last with someone like Nagi, from whom you really can’t expect anything, absolutely nothing. Even Reo, who might be the character who knows Nagi the best, experienced his worst moments of doubt because Nagi didn’t quite meet his expectations—the one of staying by his side no matter what. What seemed obvious wasn’t true, leading to a violent disillusionment for Reo.
✦ So, I think it’s a match that could be complicated because it’ll require both of you to make efforts to step out of your comfort zones and accept each other’s flaws, but it could be extremely rewarding and fulfilling. I’ll come back to explain with some MBTI, but you’re typically a duo where almost everything contrasts.
✦ "As for what people tell me… I guess that I’m super confident, funny, kind, trustworthy (I was the one in high school who knew ALL of the tea because people would just tell me their secrets unprompted)." Yes. Really, with EVERYTHING in contrast.
✦ Side note, but when I read texts, certain words have colors, sounds, and sensations for me. They give off something, and when I read your whole section of likes, I see springtime paintings, sweet, fragrant scents. I see lots of nature, countryside, flowers, I feel silk, the smell of books, the careful unwrapping of packages to keep in a drawer. When I read the word "pomegranate," I see the fruit and feel the texture and hear the flowing, viscous sound of its seeds. All of this gives me a very colorful overall vision, and I think it’s the complete opposite of what I feel when I read about Nagi, who for me is very monochrome, on the same horizon line.
✦ "Traits I like in others: people who are passionate about things, people who are very kind/gentle." Well, you can see why I hesitated, right? :D
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And that’s when I stopped everything to rewrite it all. The ""real"" matchup is right here.
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
i’ve been wondering how quaritch the sullys or norm & the others scientists would react if spider actually got brain damage from the machine, like a speech problem or chronic illness and he becomes shaky, also how would spider himself deal with not being able to swing through trees safely anymore?
I've played with a disabled spider before, though I never posted it, so here's my idea of a potential symptom list; tremors/numbness in his hands, auditory processing issues, sensitivity to light and movement, focal seizures, a mild stutter, and fibromyalgia (cause we have to project a little). another thing is, he just drops sometimes, his legs give out from beneath him and he ends up in a pile on the floor, otherwise completely fine. he also gets phantom pains of the connection from the machine (from what I understand, that machine would feel like pulling your spinal cord out the base of your neck and plugging it into a car battery). Add that to his PTSD from the event, and you get one fucked up kid.
now we just apply this to his family.
for neytiri it's one hell of a wake up call; her neglect for the child allowed him to be kidnapped and he is no physically affected, seemingly for the rest of his life. spider was always weary of asking for help, but now that poses a massive threat to his wellbeing, and the mother in her aches at the realization that she did that to him, she made him feel unable to ask for help. its also really difficult to watch him go through his focal seizures after what had happened to kiri. she know's its wrong of her to want to care for him now after years of neglect, but she wants to right the wrongs. the only problem is, is the boy is terrified of her.
jake is forced to realize how spider is a lot like him, and then looking back and realizing he was always like him, he was just too blind and dumb see it the whole time. now his kid, if he even has the right to call him that (he doesn't), is struggling just to function, and he'd been the one to say 'he's a tough kid' and move on. he feels sick every time he looks at the boy, and he ends up avoiding him just like the rest of his problems.
kiri would be furious with her family for leaving spider behind when she had begged to look for him, and now because they left him with those people, he's in constant pain and fear, frustrated because he lacks control over so much of his body. she would be one of his biggest caretakers, as she knows how to go about it without being patronizing, though even then, her constant help makes him antsy.
lo'ak would feel... upset, angry, sad, frustrated. he doesn't have one word to describe it. I've talked about this with a few friends, but lo'ak, while he may not actually have these disabilities, feels very adhd and dyslexic coded in the way that his trauma and neglect/abuse present themselves within the narrative. especially in the sense that he was never accommodated for his own "shortcomings" and now he has a disabled brother and he's torn between his internalized "ableism" (loosely using that word to run with the example) that stems from pushing his needs below the surface and therefore expecting other's to do the same, and his want to take care of his best friend and brother. it's not that he wants spider to hurt himself by not hiding his disability, its just that he doesn't know what else he can do, because for so long he's tried to do exactly that with no help. it also really hurts watching spider go through his day to day life like that, especially in the early days when he and the people around him didn't fully understand what was wrong so he sorta had to suffer through trial and error.
tuk is a good kid, she probably accommodates spider best because things don't change unless they have to. she still plays with him, nags him, spends time with him all the same. she just adapts to his way of life. she doesn't treat him like he's fragile or in need of pity, and I could see her inadvertently putting him through some sense of physical therapy as she gets him up and about, using his hands, and such. she makes him smile even when he feels hopeless she's the best little sister he could ask for.
norm and max feel helpless, every time the offer to help him he shoves them off (cause they treat him like he's 5 years old and made of glass). they see him fading away, looking more and more dull by the day, they know he needs help or the injury won't heal and it will only get worse, they know they should have done more when spider went missing, but they can't do anything now and spider hates them (he doesn't he just doesn't like his brian being rummaged around in anymore then it has, he doesn't want to be fixed, he just wants to be. he's tired of everyone pitying themselves for not looking for him, tired of everyone worrying, he just wants things to be normal again.)
quaritch would hate himself, he had brought spider to ardmore, even if he hadn't known what the machine would do to him, he allowed it to happen, he let spider to get hurt, and now he tries to do everything he can to make it up to him. he took care of him in the field, pulled strings to get him under the table medical care back on base, was even willing to give him up to the sully's when it started getting really bad, cause even if they were and parents, spider would have a stable life with medical attention. he doesn't have any ill feelings towards his son or his disabilities as many would assume he would; he just wants his boy to feel ok, no matter what that means ability-wise. he's also one of the few people spider lets faun after him because he knows it's not out of guilt for abusing and neglecting him for years but for making a mistake that spider can't find within himself to blame him for.
(including the tonowari family, because I can, I love them too much to exclude them)
tonowari and ronal would throw a fit when they found out spider had been knowingly left behind with the RDA, especially because he knew what they were capable of doing firsthand, but also because he was clearly a worse father than the man he claimed to be running from (quaritch getting a redemption arc and being 'adopted' by ronal and tonowari is my favorite thing, sorry, I just can't leave it out). spider accepts treatment from her because its na'vi medicine, it feels right to seek the Great Mother's help in fixing what the Demons did to him. this quickly turns into him getting adopted, cause ronal has taken to this small human child, and tonowari just wants to see this boy happy.
ao'nung tries to throw hands with jake. that it, he treats spider like he would any other kid, any other brother, he just tries to kill jake for letting that happen to him.
tsireya is just a gentle soul to keep him company. she is a rock in the storm, always calm and caring, always asking permission to care for him, never assuming he wants her help. she holds him steady when the world around him is chaos.
now for spider himself? he feels even more useless and like a freak then before. he feels weak for being so screwed up by what he only lets himself think of as 'a flashy spinning machine' as if it wasn't created to break him. he would hate having attention on him because why should it have taken being tortured to receive this sort of attention? was being a kid not enough, he just has to suffer first? pair that with the fact that he is so self sacrificial and quick to defend the sully's he's shameful of his own anger. he's an emotional disaster, so many different though processes mixing and fighting with each other. but most of all he's frustrated, so frustrated, in the span of a few hours he lost the one thing he had, which was trust in his body, his physical capabilities that allowed him to survive on pandora and be a 'tough' kid that burdened no one. now he needs help with basic tasks and constant supervision so he doesn't just fall down and die somewhere.
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nhaneh · 8 months
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honestly I love the Old Kea™ look - she's a few decades older, her hair's more grey than black, she's seen more things than any of us even know of yet, and faced all manner of joys and sorrows on the way, but it's still her - every bit as tough and determined, and willing to hope, as she ever was. The Legend of the Warrior of Light has since taken on a whole life of its own, and there are already scholars making careers out of vigorously arguing that the whole story is better understood as allegory for people rising up against fear and oppression than as tales, however tall, of the actions of any one person and whatever friends and allies they were able to find.
Kea doesn't mind - she was never truly comfortable with being given the spotlight, and she's content in letting new generations of adventurers rise to whatever challenges may come - though she's not beyond lending a hand or at least some helpful or inspirational advice when the situation calls. There's no shortage of young up-and-comers among the Adventurer's Guild who all have their own tales of a run-in with this kindly semi-retired old adventurer who showed up to help them out when they were in a rough spot - none of them really know what exactly she did to earn her fame, only that the mere mention of her can cause even many of the most seasoned adventurers to speak fondly of how they too had an encounter with old Kea back when they were first just starting out. To most adventurers, she seems like she's simply been around forever - or like she's some kind of patron saint of the guild who sometimes shows up to help young members in need.
There are, of course, still those who have been around long enough to know the truth - those who have even witnessed some of her actions firsthand. Usually however, they're fine to let the young ones have their mysteries - and often of the mind that if there's any one who deserves to retire in peace, it's the old Warrior of Light.
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p5x-theories · 3 months
I dunno if it's because it is built on the foundation of Persona 5 and its in-universe rules and me not being too familiar with many gacha plots, but I've been finding it so much easier to follow what is going on in P5X compared to most other big gachas' stories.
Like in comparison I was watching a stream of somebody trying out that new miHoYo game Zenless Zone Zero, and despite my best efforts to pay attention I had such a tough time trying to understand what was going on that it was becoming too mentality taxing for me to continue further × ×
I personally found it relied too much on terminologies and less on what those exact things do that it made any attempts to be emotionally invested in its narrative difficult.
Do you think I'm too biased in what stories I prefer and I'm not being patient enough in its supposed long burn or is this like a fundamental problem that a lot of these types of games suffer with? ; ;
Hmm, that's a fair question, and I'll admit I'm not sure I'm qualified to answer it, since I don't play any other gacha games, heh!
That said, I think you're probably right that having a familiarity with P5 itself is helping you understand P5X's plot, whether you would have struggled to follow the plot without the prior P5 understanding or not. As much as P5X is meant to be for newcomers to the series too, it does often feel like it's built enough on P5 that you'd enjoy it more if you actually know P5 already, at least to me.
Without much knowledge of other gacha games, I can see how they might be overwhelming gameplay-wise, and cause you to lose the plot because of that, at the very least. I can't speak to their individual writing quality because I don't know them, but gacha games sort of have a lot going on, to my understanding! P5X, even, has a ton of different things and game modes and game mechanics to worry about (to the point that I made several posts about it, hah). I think what's helped there- besides familiarity with P5- is the fact that these game mechanics aren't really directly tied into the story, and usually aren't introduced at the same time as the story is progressing (or given to you in pieces, if they are). So maybe that's part of the difference? Admittedly, I also had a much easier time understanding how everything in P5X worked when I started playing it myself, rather than having to watch streamers play the beta tests I couldn't get into.
At least as for "not being patient enough in its supposed long burn", though, I think I have one piece of advice that I consider applicable even outside of gacha games: a "long burn" plot should still have a hook that draws you in, if it's good. Something that catches your attention and makes you want to learn more, even if you're missing some of the details and not understanding all the plot yet. If it feels like a chore to sit through the story up to the point where it'll start to make sense- especially if it gets mentally taxing to try to do so!- I think it's completely understandable that you don't want to keep trying. Because if the game (or whatever it is) can't even give you something to care about and hold onto, why should you sit around for however long it takes to get to the point?
Obviously there may be some exceptions, but that's kind of my personal metric to figuring out if I want to keep going with something. Is there a character, or an aspect of the worldbuilding, or something like that, that I want to learn more about and I'm willing to stick around for? Or does it just sort of feel like floating in the middle of the ocean with no life preserver, waiting for a ship to sail by? And there's nothing wrong with leaving if it's not clicking with you, even if other people really like it. Sometimes something just won't work for you, and that's okay! Worst case scenario, you can always come back to it later if you feel like giving it another shot.
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gildeddlily · 2 years
i just love bsd light novels, you have the heart-breaking shit and than this
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Tanizaki looked around the café uncomfortably. However, this café was in the same building as the Detective Agency. The customers and the clerk alike were accustomed to both Dazai's eccentricities and Kunikida's yelling. [...] Kunikida was still shaking Dazai, and Dazai still seemed to be quite enjoying being shaken.
the whole scene is perfect, them fighting screaming and laughing in a café and Tanizaki watching them (like when you go out with your friend and they do those fucked up but funny thing but you dw to laugh cause it's still embarrassing to be associated with someone like them?) and Dazai is there enjoying being strangled
Kunikida's face slowly morphed into one that resembled a patient with neurotoxins circulating through him. "[...] Tanizaki, why were you also at that sort of place? Were you skipping work, too? An 18 year old, skipping work and going drinking at noon? The adverse effects of underage drinking differ in their statistical theory, but it's certain that alcohol affects the secretion of testosterone. And even without considering statistics, if you only drink alcohol at your age, in a few years you'll end up like Seaweed Brain over here!"
(me when every person in my school) not him being the mom friend™- I love Kunikida, I love the way he talks shit ab everyone, sometimes when they do the "we're like a big happy family, x's the dad and x's the mom" I wish that Kunikida was put as the sassy aunt, cause he definitely would be that one aunt who judges you for like every single trait of your personality until you cry. but like in the good way. tough love ig. love him
"[...]Solving such a bizarre case in a single day, and even sheltering a kid with an ability-you guys really do deserve the Detective Agency's stamp of the Detective Duo." "Oh, now I'm embarrassed." "Don't equate me with him." Dazai and Kunikida said at the same time.
just love their duo. like I'm a skk enjoyer for my life, but dazai and kunikida are so beautiful I'm crying (almost how soukoku would have been in a more healthy environment. ok not really but I just love this. but the Detective Duo hurts)
It should be noted that her main surgical tool is a hatchet. [...] "As you can see, I'm reading the newspaper," [...] "What are the interesting articles?" "Well, the most interesting one is the obituary. Of everything in this world, it judges those people the most fairly." "It sure does," Dazai said with a smile, standing in front of the entrance.
just love her.just- her. this woman (and this man) woah
Tanizaki was also a newcomer, and what he meant by the time of his entrance was that he had passed a very harsh entrance exam. However, due to its excessive severity, Tanizaki had firmly sealed away the memories of that time into his subconscious. This is because remembering it revives the psychological trauma.
I LOVE THIS GUY HE'S LIKE THERE AND HE'S GORGEOUS and ig we stan attempted murderers (someone give him therapy please)
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THE DYNAMIC im crying rn give me a moment
no alr I'm ok
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it's giving "x's Bad at Communication" "Psychological Trauma" "They Laugh But They're Suffering" "Lost Childhood" "Parental Fukuzawa Yukichi" "Fukuzawa Yukichi Is a Dad" "Armed Detective Agency as Family"
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he scares me but I love him (context-it's just before Atsushi's entrance exam and they're choosing what to do basically)
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now I need to see this animated like rn (some kind soul could draw atsushi being thrown in the cage of a bear) (this shit is fucking canon)
"Well, whatever. How about this? If he kills Dazai, he passes." "I see" Tanizaki said and clapped his hands, impressed. "...Other than that" Dazai said, looking at Kunikida with half-closed eyes. "If he can render Dazai speechless and make him reflect on his bad deeds up until now, he passes" "I'm okay with that" Tanizaki said, nodding. "Other than that" "Then...! He can sandwich Dazai between two planks of wood or something, and while blowing him with hot steam he can stab him with countless needles, and while occasionally passing an electric current through him he can repeat 'This is your fault, all your fault,' and then, and then...!" In the heat of the moment, Kunikida was gesturing at something invisible; hitting, twisting, and shaking it. His eyes were bloodshot. Tanizaki and the others in the conference room pulled away from him a bit. "Um... I'm sorry," Dazai said in a small voice, but Kunikida did not hear him.
I'm done with this. kunikida is my god from now (the holy trinity with sigma and bram ig) but I do really love him and the way he's so math teacher (hey I love math and I know how to boil water for tea. and how to make a sandwich ig) (gotta re-read stormbringer cause I want to suffer)
(not my translation, credits in the link attached to the photo ppl)
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solacedeer · 4 months
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@olivermorningstar I do have answers for these, It does get heavyish
What brings her to different places, i’m going to write something for this eventually (this is the last just Info-dump i’ll make about her).
What kind of music does she enjoy; Probably likes a Lot of Hymns, Campfire songs, (maybe Folk music). Simple melodies with pretty lyrics because she’s not a performer and most of the time she’s playing by ear.
—- stuff you didn’t ask for but felt very “general” ——
Travel, I think her travel depends on where she’s going. She’s probably only been to far off places a few times and years apart. She’s never been to Tanzanite. Achroite she visits but Those are opportunities where she’s gotten to travel with groups, Probably delivery/pickup stuff.
between “fight, flight, or freeze” she’ll usually take flight. If she’s toughing it out she’ll stand there trembling, fighting the urge to leave.
If she dislikes someone she avoids them. Her lifestyle makes that easy. In a situation where she cannot avoid someone she doesn’t like she makes it clear to them that she doesn’t (in the hopes that will make them leave avoid her)
Cold > Heat > Rain
Superstitious (mostly about wives tales, bad omens)
She carries around a Mouse
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——- back to your questions
What kind of food does she like; Chicken and Rice. Salmon. Raw vegetables and fruit. Plain stuff mostly. Elaboration below
Tw; ED (Orthorexia) under the cut
- Demelza’s got a Peak condition “thing”. It was initially to ensure she had energy for whatever she needed to do during the day, but evolved into a form of Self medication.
- She is convinced Deficiencies like the ones that cause scurvy are the source of all her problems. If she’s having a low period she either needs to leave wherever she is or she is missing something/ate “wrong”.
- I added “Whole Nutrients” (fake term) to her Profile and didn’t elaborate. But Since Nutrition science is still rudimentary she only knows as much as the Fruits sailors keep aboard ships to avoid Scurvy and Whatever is in the Books she can get her grubby non-Academic hands on. Which amounts to Meat, Bread, Water and Fruit. Not much else.
- The result is her eating a lot of the same just to keep her regimen up, Not for enjoyment. The only “good” Meals that she trusts, are found Domestically (someones house). The kind of thing people make for their growing children. Even then if its a little too Salty or the Meat tastes different she won’t touch it for fear of it disturbing her balance.
The Homebrew is the only real exception but theres no real logic to it anyways. She makes it herself when shes in a place for a long time, out of things she sees as good. Its poison sometimes, theres Cognitive dissonance,,
(sorry this parts kind of dreary. Its not just there to be upsetting, it relates back to her story. I know we’re here for fun it just set up.)
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