#its that time of the year where may wears the same outfit forever
miss-mossball · 27 days
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mellow yellow
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explaining-homestuck · 5 months
What did Gamzee do after the events of the meteor pre and post retcon? The wiki page just made me more confused.
Ooh, here's an interesting one.
One thing to keep in mind is that while a lot of earlier acts made a point of showing exactly what happened to cause things to occur, characters to be in certain places and have certain things happen to them, Act 6 (and more specifically, Act 6 Act 6) tend to throw that out of the window. This is a choice made for a number of reasons: for one, showing every single thing that happens to each character would take forever, especially for two or more timelines worth. Also, narrative obfuscation is a theme of Homestuck, especially A6A6, where Caliborn spills stardust all over the game cartridge, causing glitches to obscure certain events, both for the audience and the characters.
The question given here is "what happens to Gamzee Makara after the meteor trip", so I won't go into much detail about what he specifically does while on the meteor, or in the dream bubbles (though to simplify: he hides in vents for 3 years, plots with Kurloz to help Lord English, romances and abuses Terezi, and ignores Karkat; in the post-retcon timeline Vriska puts a stop to most of this).
However, story-wise, while this is going on, Gamzee appears a couple of times in Jane's session, providing her and her friends with guides (prototyping dead trolls) and taking part in trickster shenanigans. And, he's also seen in Caliborn's session, helping him! What's going on here!?
Let's start with the pre-retcon timeline, in Jane's session. When the meteor arrives, Grimdark Jade arrives and teleports all its passengers (except Gamzee) to LoMaX, where they encounter John.
Gamzee does several things in the Alpha session, which may be impossible to actually order correctly due to the time travel involved, so let's give them in the order they're shown.
Appearance One
First, we see Gamzee, a short while after Jane Crocker entered the Medium (when she returned back to her house at the end of Myststuck), with Aradia Megido's Time Travel Music Boxes (her version of Dave's Time Tables) which allow him to travel through time to any point in the session he's in. He likely retrieved them from somewhere in the meteor, or from a dream bubble. They may also be Damara Megido's, it's impossible to tell.
He's also wearing a fake God Tier outfit, which was made for him by Kurloz Makara in a dream bubble. Furthermore, he has a large variety of bottled potions, which are made from the blood of the seven trolls who died on the meteor (Vriska, Tavros, Equius, Nepeta, Feferi, Sollux, and Eridan); he tries to sell these potions to Jane.
He also has with him a fridge, which contains Vriska Serket and Tavros Nitram's bodies, including Tavros's non-robot legs, which he then prototypes into Jane's Kernelsprite to form Tavrisprite, who proptly spritesplodes, launching Gamzee away from Jane's house.
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Appearances Two and Three
According to Roxy Lalonde, Gamzee similarly appeared to create Fefetasprite with her Kernelsprite and Feferi Peixes and Nepeta Leijon's bodies immediately after she arrived back at her house in the Medium post-entry, and can be surmised to have done the same for Jake English's Kernelsprite, making Erisolsprite with Eridan Ampora and Sollux Captor. (Jake also implies this.)
Not much else is known about these appearances.
Appearance Four
While Dirk Strider is having a rather dramatic conversation with Lil Hal about whether or not he's going to prototype him, Gamzee sneaks up behind him and prototypes Equius's body into the Kernelsprite, forming Equiusprite. Hal is then subsequently prototyped, forming ARquiusprite. Gamzee also does a silly honk dance while this is happening, followed by tearing up and prostrating himself before Dirk in reverence of ARquius's majesty.
Gamzee is also present when Dirk joins the Tricksters, the Fefetasplosion, and the Trickster Alchemy Montage. The less said about all that the better.
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Appearance Five
At some unknown time, Gamzee was on Derse with the Courtyard Droll, and with him, placed Lil Cal (the green suit one, which Gamzee had in his possession since Murderstuck), as well as a large assortment of knives, a hacksaw, Crowbar's Crowbar (which he received from Kurloz) and a card saying "YOU'RE MOTHER FUCKIN WELCOME" with a picture of Gamzee's face on it, into a pumpkin marked with the words "LET'S PLAY A GAME", which they then transportalized into Jack Noir's Prospit cell. Jack then was cursed by Cal, and proceeded to become Lord Jack, who then destroyed Prospit's moon and a large amount if the main planet itself.
(Technically, Appearance Five is shown before the second half of Appearance Four, but since that takes place in the same location, I grouped it together.)
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Appearance Six
Once Jade Harley and John Egbert's battleship arrives in the Alpha Session, Gamzee sneaks aboard the ship after Jade, John, and Davesprite have all left (John by retcon) and steals the Ring of Life John accidentally left on the couch he was sleeping on. He then hides in the fridge, and in his dreams, gives the ring to Aranea Serket, who is revealed to be currently (and possibly previously) manipulating his mind. Aranea uses the Ring to return to life, and appears in the Alpha Session.
It's implied within this section that Gamzee's silence during his actions in the previous parts of Act 6 was due to Aranea's control over him. However, this cannot be proven for sure, although I'll mention it again later.
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Appearance Seven
During the chaos on the Land of Frost and Frogs, which would later become the event known as GAME OVER, Gamzee jumps from somewhere under Aranea's control in order to prevent Crocker-Tier Jane from using her Life powers to resurrect the recently killed Grimbark Jade. He grapples and gropes her, until Terezi Pyrope appears, kicking him off of her and engaging in combat with him. She stabs him multiple times, but due to Aranea's influence, he doesn't fight back, and he survives because of his clown immortality.
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When Brain Ghost Dirk breaks Aranea's concentration fully (when she's flung back after his re-fakening), Gamzee snaps out of her control reverting to his original StOnEd QuIrK. He asks Terezi to stop, telling her she's hurting him, which causes her to drop her weapons in shock, but he then flies into a clown rage, beating her mercilessly, then hanging her over the lava. Rose attempts to intervene, but Gamzee dodges her spell, then taunts Karkat and Kanaya (who are at the edge of the lava lake) while putting Terezi in a headlock.
[If you want images of this fight, go to the actual comic, please.]
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Appearance Eight: GAME OVER
Immediately following Appearance Seven, Gamzee is attacked by Karkat and Kanaya. Using Terezi's canesword, he stabs Karkat twice and throws him into the lava, before Kanaya cuts him in half lengthways with her chainsaw.
This is all of Gamzee's appearances in the Alpha Kids session pre-Retcon. While Hussie has said that Gamzee cannot be killed in any timelines he knows of, bisected Gamzee is very clearly out of the picture for other appearances.
Additional Notes
Because Gamzee had access to time-travel, it's near impossible to position these events in a particular order from his point of view, except that all of them must take place for him after arriving in the Alpha Kids session (otherwise Dave would have been able to similarly skip forward and enter the session without taking the 3 year trip), and appearances 7 and 8 must take place sequentially and last.
The ordering of the first 3 appearances is trivial, as it's likely he didn't time travel at all between 1 and 2-3, just went to the planets to do the prototyping when they appeared.
Aranea may also have been controlling Gamzee through all of his earlier appearances. There's evidence to suggest that she is the narrator for the segment where he tries to sell Jane potions, and that she engineered Tavris's creation in order to pacify Vriska with Tavros's traits, making her less likely to interrupt her plans and also to distract Meenah, but that's dipping into the lines of theory more than facts.
ARquius's creation, and sending Cal to Jack, are likely more motivated by aiding Lord English, whether Gamzee understands why he did them or not.
There'll be another post sometimes soon talking more about Gamzee's motivation, including what cause him to go crazy in Murderstuck, but that's all of this for now.
Except, of course, the other timelines.
John's Retcon journey ensured that Terezi would not fall for Gamzee's Murderstuck tricks, and led to her capturing him in the basement shop area. John also prevented her from killing Vriska.
During the meteor trip, Vriska stops Gamzee from doing much of his mischief, preventing his and Terezi's relationship, stopping him from stealing all the bodies, which he complained to Kurloz about in the dream bubbles.
Vriska, using the Music Boxes, also did most of Gamzee's interventions in the Alpha Session, prototyping Jane's Kernelsprite with exclusively Tavros, and Dirk's with ARquius again, in order to help deal with God Cat and de-Crocker Tiering Jane respectively. She left Roxy and Jake's sprites open, which later became Jasprosesprite^2 and Davepetasprite^2, which was not her intention.
(There is a slight inconsistency here, as somebody has to have provided Jack Noir with Cal in order for him to become Lord Jack, and make Jane and Jake become God Tier. Nobody knows how this happens in the post-Retcon timeline, though Vriska creating overpowered Jacks in order to have them later be defeated is a recurring theme with her; all 3 Noirs that took part in [S] Collide have her to blame for their presence in one way or another, if she is the creator of Lord Jack. However, this is once again theory, not facts.)
Upon the arrival of the meteor crew in the session, or perhaps some time before or after, Gamzee was locked in Jane Crocker's fridge by Vriska.
In this fridge he remained for the rest of the comic. It was briefly transported to LoMaX by Jasprose to use as a table for her, Nepetasprite and Jake's tea party, and then once she joined Jane on LoCaH to aid with the coming battle, it was used by ARquius as a weapon against Cans, with Gamzee still inside. When Cans and ARquius began travelling between different moments and locations in the battle, the fridge went with them, eventually ending up on LoTaK, where Dave, Dirk, and Terezi were fighting Lord Jack and Spades Slick.
Gamzee was shown inside the fridge and one point, crying.
Most of LoTaK was subsequently destroyed by Lord Jack's head exploding into a black hole. Terezi, Dave, and Dirk all got clear of the blast via time travel, but Gamzee's fate was unknown.
However, this isn't the end of Gamzee's story after the Meteor.
A Gamzee, wearing a fake God Tier outfit, discovered Calliope and Caliborn's egg on Future Earth C, in Universe C (thousands of years after the events of the Homestuck Epilogues, with Earth's new sun expanded to a red giant reminiscent of Alternia's sun).
How this Gamzee got here is unknown. However, he raised the baby Cherubs the best he could, favouring Calliope to Caliborn (possibly because Caliborn bit him)
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Gamzee set their room in the wreckage of the meteor up, providing them with meat, candy, special stardust, computers, their Jujus, the chessboard from the Cherubs famous game, and various other items. Where he got these is unknown, but one of them is Rose Lalonde's book that she and Kanaya Maryam wrote, on the workings of Sburb and the events of their sessions (with additional artwork by Dave Strider and Karkat Vantas). However, he edited it, mostly using Equius's blood, removing references to Lord English, Doc Scratch and himself. He also gave Calliope Karkat's ~ATH book (although neither the version from the Alpha Timeline, as that was destroyed in Karkat's computer explosion, nor the one from the timeline an Aradiabot brought the HoNkhOnK code back from, as that one was covered in blood, and also was already used by Doc Scratch, and once Andrew Hussie, as a scrapbook.)
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He also set up Calliope and Caliborn's chains, and then left them alone until Caliborn entered the Medium, taking the Earth with him. At this point, Gamzee appeared to him again, offering to be his guide.
Caliborn shot him a bunch instead.
Gamzee followed him anyway, giving him the Crowbar and a set of keys. This may imply that this is the same Gamzee from [S] Collide, since the Crowbar was wielded by Lord Jack during the battle. The fact that Caliborn's Denizen was Yaldaboath, who was also Dirk's Denizen, and resided at the core of LoTaK, which was also consumed by the black hole, and that Caliborn *also* entered his Medium via a black hole, lend evidence to the theory that Lord Jack's head acted as a portal to Caliborn's session (which may also be an explanation for how ARquius arrived for Caliborn's Masterpiece, though it's one of many possibilities.)
Gamzee may also have got to Earth simply escaping the fridge after LoTaK's destruction, going through the Victory Door, and then waiting for thousands of years, as he might not age along with his clown immortality. He may also have entered the universe via the door at a later time, since there's nothing that confirms you must arrive at a specific time or place.
Hussie says:
I'm not even really sure how he got here, to be honest.  Maybe he stowed away in a shitty Liberty?  Or maybe he was just hiding in one of the ventshafts on your meteor when you entered? He had YEARS of practice to master that move, now that I think about it. 
Anyway, Gamzee then assisted Caliborn in his quest, where they also found Lil Seb and Lil Cal, and the 14 regular members of the Felt. Later, in Caliborn's Masterpiece, they encountered the 8 kids, and in the ensuing battle Gamzee was once again bisected lengthways (likely by Dirk), and half of his body was sucked into Lil Cal, then banished into the void to eventually become part of Lord English.
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And that's everything that Gamzee did after the meteor.
I hope this confused you slightly less than the wiki! I'm going to be doing a follow-up explanation on Gamzee's motivation and the factors which changed him from silly clown boy into homicidal maniac cultist (and why that's not actually what happened), as requested by someone else, but that's not going to be the next post, so please, ask me more things! I've done two rather long explanations now, so a short one or two might be good, but feel free to ask anything!
(Oh, and I forwent the Epilogues here, because they're kind of a mess, but I can tell you with 99% certainty that the Gamzee that meets Caliborn is *not* the Gamzee from most of the Epilogues; Vriska kills that one.)
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talenlee · 4 months
Faces For Skins
Character customisation in videogames has gotten worse, and in so doing, become straighter and more capitalist.
There, article done. Thesis statement up front, all the justification handled, you should just nod, and sagely go ‘oh yeah, he’s right, that sucks,’ and consider setting fire to Fortnite merch, ideally someone else’s. Right?
We good here?
Oh fine.
Right now we are in a piss-coloured era for videogame player character customisation. Thanks to the prevalence of Games as A Service model media, you can buy a huge variety of different ways to express your character in a huge variety of games. Whether it’s Destiny, League of Legends, Fortnite, Overwatch, Counterstrike, and oh god oh god this list of examples could go forever and still not catch everything but in basically every Live Service Game, you can buy skins. Sometimes they’re reasonably cheap – and no harm or foul if you like these things, I’m not trying to tell you that these are bad things.
Twenty years ago, City of Heroes drew immense attention from the press because of how its character creator let you make your own thing out of disconnected parts. City of Heroes looked good for the time but now it is clearly quite ropy with its big chunky mitten hands and its low-resolution textures. Before we had City of Heroes, we had Everquest and in that same period we had other games like World of Warcraft and APB and, like, there’s a whole category of games in this space where the purpose of the game was you got to create your character in that space, with a complicated creation system that let you create a character who expressed a variety of aesthetics as you wanted them.
These kinds of character creators are really important to our history, especially our queer history. There are a whole category of queers who got their start engaging with their own relationship to their bodies through anonymised, created characters they could use to engage socially in a space that may have a different gender or interest to themselves in their real lives. There was a choice of presentation, and a choice of identity.
Now, you don’t get to make your own, not really.
You get to use one of the predetermined sets that isn’t supposed to work well with other stuff. You don’t get to pick who you want, you don’t get to make Your Character, you get to Buy Your Collection Hanger.
Part of this is that character customisation options are just more expensive to make now. Games are harder to make, graphics are harder to make, you can’t have character customisation be a picrew and a colour palette picker for a 2d sprite that rotates in four directions, god bless you Furcadia of 1997. But one of those important things that changed in this time as a result of graphics becoming both harder to do and more expensive to make is that more and more control needed to be asserted over the thing. Things in the game have to be flattened out, had to be made more streamlined, had to remove the chances for things to work badly, had to become, in some cases, wholly complete sets that didn’t ever involve any individual expression beyond the choice to wear it or not.
Final Fantasy XIV took away belts because belts are hard to make look good in the way that Final Fantasy XIV made character models look in relationship to their clothes. Since one of the ways you can customise the shape of a character’s body relates directly to these clothes, these clothes further represent ways to express your character’s identity and in some cases can put your choices at war with the game’s offerings. Don’t worry, though, you can rely on the paid service outfits to be reasonably whole, when you buy them.
Somewhere along the way, we stopped paying to play in spaces where the game let us be something we made, and started being in spaces where the game attached to who it thought we were. The real time purchases, single character, single name stuff, the erosion of alting, the whole branded skin and identity designs, these things are all things that open gaming up to larger groups, because apparently the thing stopping my aunt from starting playing Fortnite was that she’d never found a videogame experience that let her be Mr Meeseks the way she wanted to be. These looks, these images, these single specific characterisations, whole sets of integrated pieces with a formal connection between each set, meant slowly but surely, we unqueered these spaces.
To queer a space is to make it so that that space presents an inclination towards and an escape from the normative. Do you know how sometimes you’ll find straight people who call their husbands and wives ‘partners’ instead of, like, yeah, husband and wives? That’s an example, of how someone who isn’t necessarily queer (as a queer guy with a wife would point out, not every guy with a wife is straight and not every wife with a husband is either), provides a form of presentation of themselves that signals a non-heteronormitive identity to a space. If I say ‘partner’ in a room when we’re introducing ourselves, then suddenly someone who wants to use ‘partner’ following after me has the leeway to do that without it necessarily seeming strange. They don’t have to be the first person to break that norm.
And where character customisation becomes skins and stops being chosen sets, when they are integrated brand images from the top down, you stop having that choice. You aren’t necessarily constructing something to identify yourself, you’re bringing your toy from the established source space and waggle it alongside other people in the equally controlled space. It makes sense from a brand perspective!
After all, the failure of the heavily customisable games kinda suggests that they can’t make money off giving you ways to create and express yourself nearly as well as they can sell you fucking funko pops.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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pingutats · 3 years
For the “ways to say i love you” prompts, 43 please!
thank you for the request! from this list, prompt 43: "I picked these for you."
warnings: none! this is just fluff!
word count: 1.8k
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This is definitely Harry’s domain.
Y/N hugs her shoulders as she stands in her bedroom-turned-dressing-room, staring at the rack of expensive clothes that have been left for her. Through the door, she can hear the noise of the crew bustling around her living room. This house has, of course, been the site of many Harry-hosted parties that had packed in a lot more people than there are present here today — despite that, this smaller group is threatening to become overwhelming for her.
She’s doing this for Harry. A couple of months ago, he was approached by AnOther Magazine to do a big feature with them — a kind of sequel to the one that he did when they were still called Another Man — and he’s been pouring his heart and soul into it since then. It feels like every single day, he’s been off chatting with a writer or meeting with the creative director. He dragged boxes out of storage to rifle through for mementos of his life as a solo artist last week. Y/N knows that some of their friends have been interviewed to talk about Harry. She’s pretty sure Stevie Nicks is one of them.
The centrepiece, though, is a photoshoot more intimate than he’s ever shared before. In the same way that the shoot set in his hometown years ago illustrated where he came from before he rocketed to stardom, this one will reveal who he is underneath all the make-up and glamour of fame.
Harry as he exists in private: in his home, with his girl, sharing this image of himself for the very first time.
Y/N was apprehensive at first — hell, Harry was too — but they’ve discussed it at length. He’s always been a private man, but his ethos is that honesty is integral to his art. He sings in detail about her in his music and puts that into the world with minimal censoring. This magazine feature, at its core, is just another artistic venture. He doesn’t want to hold back. When she understood it like that, it was easy for her to agree.
Her conviction that this is an important thing to do for Harry doesn’t stop the nerves, though. She’s never been a model, or even remotely a figure of interest beyond her connection to Harry. It’s his limelight that she’s stepping into. She can’t help but feel nervous about it.
The first outfit she’s wearing is a boldly patterned dress, custom-made by Gucci at Harry’s request. This isn’t the first time she’s wearing something this expensive (there are no compromises on fashion when you’re with Harry) but it still makes her feel like a fish out of water. She holds the hanger at arms-length for a moment, vaguely anxious that she might have put on weight since the fitting and it won’t fit her anymore, then carefully slips it off. She steps into it gingerly and shrugs it over her shoulders, then reaches behind her to pull the zip up as far as she can reach. She stands in front of the mirror and looks at her reflection, frowning.
Her make-up, which was done earlier, is colourful and dramatic. The point of this home shoot is to show the dichotomy between Harry’s celebrity persona and his private life, illustrated through the elaborate costuming inside their relatively normal home. She doesn’t recognise herself in it.
There’s a knock at the door, startling her out of her thoughts. She whips around, back straightening. “What is it?”
“Can I come in?” It’s Harry’s voice, and just those four short words in his gentle tone are enough to dissolve some of her anxiety.
She takes a deep breath, steadying herself into a calmer headspace. “Yeah,” she answers.
He opens the door discreetly and slips inside, careful not to reveal her to the people in the living room while she’s not properly dressed. She appreciates his caution. Although he’s apparently comfortable enough to walk around near-strangers half-naked—he’s only wearing his boxers right now—she definitely isn’t.
“Everything alright, darling?” he asks. Every step that brings him closer puts her more at ease. She’s always been an anxious person, but he’s like a drug to her. From the very first time they met, he’s been the person she feels most natural with. They just work. Things feel right with him.
She smiles at him. It’s a weak stretch of her lips, but a smile nonetheless. “Yeah. Can you zip me up, please?”
“Of course.”
She turns back around to face the mirror and reaches behind her head to pull her hair out of his way. His fingers are warm against bare skin of her back, finding the zipper and dragging it up, his knuckles brushing against her skin more than is probably necessary. He fixes the way the straps sit over her shoulders with the same attention to detail that she’s seen his stylists give for him a hundred times before. His lip is tucked between his teeth as he does so, glancing from the mirror back to her, his face the image of concentration.
Finally satisfied, he takes a step back and rakes his gaze up and down her figure. “Y’look gorgeous.”
She shrugs, staring at herself. “Thanks, H.”
“I mean it.” He plants a kiss on her cheek, holding her by the waist as they look at each other through their reflections. “Pretty dress for a pretty girl.”
Heat rises in her face and she drops her gaze to the floor. “Now you’re doing too much.”
He shakes his head. “‘M not. Promise I’m not.”
She hums, appraising their reflection with a frown. Even in his underwear, Harry is Harry, and she… She feels like she’s playing dress up in someone else’s wardrobe, dipping her toes into someone else’s life. Harry is at ease in a place like this but she certainly isn’t.
Harry seems to sense this. “Something the matter?” he asks her gently.
“No, just —“ she wrings her hands in front of her, searching for the words. “I don’t feel like me.”
He furrows his brow. “I know what you mean. ’S weird when you do all this—” he flutters his hand around the room, at the rack of clothes and towards the door where they can hear someone giving directions to shift the couch slightly to the left “—just to get a photo done. And I know you’re not used to it.” He squeezes her waist gently. “But you look beautiful. Just like you always do.”
She can’t suppress a small smile at that, bumping her head against Harry’s shoulder with a quietly mouthed, “Thank you.”
He turns his head to kiss her hair, then releases his grip on her waist and moves over to the rack of clothes. “But did y’see…” He bends down to pick up a plastic container marked Look 1 from the shelf at the bottom. He opens it up to reveal various pieces of jewellery inside, and delicately picks out a couple pieces with nimble fingers. “I picked these for you.”
They’re her earrings. More specifically, they’re the earrings that he gave her for their first anniversary. A couple of dangling pearls—he’d bought them during his obsession with the gems. They’re a sweet memento of that time of their lives, of the honeymoon phase that felt like it lasted forever, that never really fizzled out even to this day. They’re her favourites.
She realises her mouth has dropped open. “When did you sneak those in?” she asks.
He shrugs, smirking. “I have my ways. I’m sneaky.” He returns to his previous position standing behind her, nudging her hair behind her ear with his knuckles. “May I?”
She nods, trying not to shiver as his fingers brush against her ears.
“There we go,” he says, stepping back. “Is that a bit better?”
The girl in the mirror looks familiar now. Despite the make-up and the dress, she can see herself. The same face, framed by the same earrings, that has accompanied Harry through all sorts of days and nights. Today is just another one of those things. Something they’re doing, together, and isn’t that all she wants, for them to do everything together?
Being with Harry is a dream she never wants to wake up from. They’ve built a paradise together and now they get to share a tiny part of it with the world—not for the world to share in it, but to see just how beautiful it is.
There’s a little part of Y/N that hopes it makes the rest of the world jealous. They should be, she thinks.
“It’s perfect, H,” she tells him, glancing over her shoulder so she looks at his real face, not just his reflection. “Honestly. Thank you.”
“No need to thank me.” He looks proud of himself—his eyes are shining and his dimples are on display as he looks her up and down once more. “It’s all you.”
Y/N mirrors him, her gaze travelling down his body. She bites her lip.
Harry seems to remember suddenly that he’s only in his underwear—his hands fly to cover his thinly-clothed privates and he looks at her, his mouth open in a sly grin. “This is not the time,” he scolds, his shoulders shaking as he suppresses laughter.
Y/N rolls her eyes, grabbing him by the shoulder and pushing him to turn around. “Go get dressed, you dork.”
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The suit that Harry wears is made out of the same material as Y/N’s dress, bright and bold colours. The photographer is accomodating of her nerves as he has them sit on the couch. The window is wide open to allow the natural light to illuminate their faces, and the Y/N can feel the warmth of the sun on her face. The sky is a brilliant blue. It’s a perfect day.
“Okay, look this way,” the photographer tells her, drawing her attention from the window to the camera. “A little closer, Harry.”
Harry shifts over, his thigh pressing against hers. His hand comes to rest on her knee, then lifts suddenly as if he’s remembered something. “Hang on a minute,” he says to the photographer, holding up a finger.
He twists around to face Y/N and carefully sweeps her hair back over her shoulder, tucking it behind her ear to ensure the pearl earring is on clear display. She smiles at him, which he returns in a quick unspoken exchange of gratitude and care.
“Alright,” Harry says, settling back to face the photographer. His hand finds Y/N’s and he squeezes it. “We’re good.”
The camera clicks and the flash goes off. Their hands remain joined on Harry’s lap.
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hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, a reblog & any kind of message would be really appreciated. i'm open to any requests, from the prompt list linked above or from your own imagination, which you can send here. all my other writing is linked on my masterlist. have a lovely day!
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jiminrings · 3 years
umm maybe this is me projecting bc i am messaging you during my break but for a drabble request, yoongi in a retail setting???? 😐😐😐😐 oc could either be a co-worker or a regular customer who asks too many questions 😔😌
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retail-type beat
drabble week: day three
drabble week masterlist
pairing: customer!yoongi x retail worker!reader
wordcount: 3k
glimpse: "hi! almost thought you were hiding from me for a second. anyways, is this sweater wool or cotton?"
feedback + support mean the world to me!!
the last time you checked, work doesn’t start until nine
you kNEW it doesn’t start until 9 in the morning, so clearly that’s why you’re just wearing slides instead of your sneakers
the company uniform is either black or purple (it has to be from what the store is selling though so you can get to choose) with of course!!!! a lanyard!!!!
and you know this, because you’re still wearing your slides from home because it isn’t opening time yet
“goddamn it, i forgot to bring my slippers,” jin moans the moment he walks to see you, looking down on your feet that only reminds him he’d be stuck in his cool yet painfully uncomfy sneakers
he’s probably the only co-worker that you’re truly close with, not feeling the urge to sell him just to get a free day
“i told you to get the sneakers that nurses use!!”
hands-down one of the best purchases you’ve ever made
retail’s hard and it’s not exactly the best-paying job!!! thankfully the franchise owner is a bit more generous so that’s why you get slightly-higher hourly pay
“i would if they looked a little more seasoned,” jin snorts and stubbornly crosses his arms, “i might sacrifice my pride and buy some compression socks.”
makes you feel like ur walking on air
but lol no seokjin isn’t ready to buy those just yet
he’ll settle on some blisters and putting salonpas patches because they look cooler that way, thank u very much <3
jin yawns, talking about finding a steam iron somewhere to replace a blowdryer so he could break in his shoes
“you wipe the glass this time.”
oh right he absolutely hates wiping down the glass — even before opening!!! even when there aren’t any grubby kids that would soil it instantly with their equally as grubby hands
you don’t mind it honestly
you might honestly like it
you prefer wiping the glass a hundred times over than steaming clothes
there is nOT a single thought in your head when you spray on the solution to the glass, rag and squeegee tucked between your fingers when-
maybe you should’ve hOLY FUCKING SHIT
it’s not opening!!!! it is nOT nine o’clock in the morning!!!!
you know that the shop you’re working in is pretty fucking famous and it’s located on one of the most populated streets ever BUT THERE’S ALREADY SOMEONE
although the bucket hat seems familiar from a distance and-
oh it’s just yoongi
yoongi’s already here????
yoongi, the guy in question, is an always customer!!
no, not a regular customer — an always customer
he comes every week and maybe even twice within that period
he’s a nice talkative customer who likes asking questions and even occasionally guides the other customers on what to buy and where to find it
he’s yoongi!!! of course that’s expected of him
he’s been going here long since you ever started working here, and jin keeps iNSISTING that he’s been here more frequently since you started like a year ago
but doesn’t he come at eleven in the morning?
“woah, yoongi’s already here? — doesn’t he come at eleven in the morning?”
“i was just thinking the exact same thing.”
jin bangs the glass with his fist and you automatically wince and frown
you dO like cleaning the glass panes!! you didn’t say you liked cleaning them a second time :(
you push jin’s fist away to wipe at the smudge his hand left
“I KNOW!!”
wow they’re uh
they’re really loud
sometimes you forget how seokjin could be since it’s been awhile since you heard him yell
lol no one’s been shoplifting recently so you haven’t been hearing him
a mind-blowing idea is for jin to come outside and talk to him in a normal talking voice, so your ears would stop ringing
namjoon, who technically should be called mr. kim because no one really thinks to call the franchise owner with their government first name, is actually pretty cool
but he's too busy these days and haven't been visiting because he's too busy tending to his newly-opened coffee shop
as if the money he earns from opening his franchise in a day alone isn’t enough :0
you’re the one who hikes up the roll-up door in the slightest, enough for only yoongi to enter and not encourage anyone else to nOT enter when it’s still not opening time!!!!
he only has to crouch a little but he still has to dust his thousand-dollar pants as if he crawled through mud
his cream-colored slacks with a large black hoodie that has a giant bear embroidered on the middle of it and mules
... you don't hate his outfits
pretty cute, actually
it's yoongi!!
you'd never catch him lacking!!!
you don't even have to envision him rocking the shit out a paper bag
one time, he came in the store wearing the WRINKLIEST brown linen jumpsuit that no iron could possibly fix and he still pulled it off
oh god that’s the sound of the intercom
and the sound of the intercom equates to jungkook
... as in jeon jungkook who’s the floor manager and his constant top one goal for every month is to endearingly annoy seokjin
he’s young and mischievous!! but if you were to ask him, only you and jungkook are the people in this floor he’d actually get drinks with outside the shop
“seokjin come to the lingerie department right now, please.”
you see the thing is :D
“now this is just funny
there’s walkie-talkies for everyone here!! jungkook likes intercoms, and seokjin like yelling!!
“there’s a literal rat and i need yOU to catch it!! you know that i hate rodents!!”
him and jungkook are forever gonna be on this eldest-youngest brother dynamic and while jungkook pouts and shared the extras that he gets, jin is the one who kills the bugs :D
10/10 totally fair
fine then!! he’ll catch that goddamn rat
that leaves you and yoongi. alone.
“why did you come so early this time?”
you ask out of courtesy, genuinely baffled too because you know that yoongi’s a creature of habit
yoongi’s eyes pop out, head fervently shaking no
“i’m typically not the type to do that, no.”
is he-
are you-
are you both talking about the same thing
yoongi’s face flushes in embarrassment, his mind just then registering what you were actually saying
“o-oh! it’s because last night, i dreamt of the sweater i saw here last week!!"
oh right
typical :D
"need me to find it for you or do you already know the aisle?"
you align the folded shirts by the corners as you pass, looking at yoongi briefly while he trails behind yoh
“not unless you pulled it out already."
he's hoping that dear god you haven't
the black sweater with the moon aND buildings on it and when you turn on the flash, the windows of said building reflect it right back???
he SHUDDERS just by thinking about it
it’s gonna go with everything!!! an instant boost of serotonin every time he sees it
"for you, yoongi?" you shake your head, a small smile on your face that he only sees every once in a while, "i'd comb through the entire stock room."
that’s sweet :((
“i’ll hold you to that.”
you know what??? you're less cranky when it's only him, and a couple of hundred people less
your smiles aren't for customer-service and you don't have misplaced clothes hanging from your shoulders and your walkie-talkie isn't talking in latin
or when no one’s asking you to reach something from the top shelf
or when you’re on the way to the intercom because a kid got separated from their mother
or when someone’s approaching for a refund for a shirt who has a stain that’s 100% no doubt customer error
his feet immediately move on its own because he’s memorized the outline of this too many times
there it is!!!
the sweater he’s dreamt about is already on his hands, only a handful few left
the piece is considerably more expensive than majority of the items here, so that’s why they’re all spaced-out instead of being clustered altogether
yoongi rarely goes to the dressing room, regardless if it's a full-house or not!!
he could just look at an item and immediately tell that it’s made for him ta know
he's beyond sure that this sweater fits him perfectly, but he may want to be here a little longer
yoongi may have say inside one of the fitting rooms and spent a little time in it just to sit on the chair inside, not fitting the sweater at all
he's gotten his item SO quick and he wished he could've just walked slower or pretended to not know where it was!!!
he wants to spend a little more time here
you don't hate yoongi!!! but sometimes he could just be... yoongi
he's quite talkative and strikes it whenever, making you unguarded
he could be overbearing but like an overbearing kind of nice
yoongi’s nice!! he’s the type to ask a lot of questions sure, but he’s also the type that would point the other customers what to buy and where to find it
he’s the type to find an obvious faulty stitch on a shirt, but he’d just quietly exchange it instead of asking for the manager
he’s the type you wouldn’t want to stand behind in line because it would take a long time for him to finish, but he’s also the same one who buys giftcards with generous amounts for family and friends
yoongi’s kind of cool and that’s cemented on your mind
"what do you got for me?"
he materializes out of nowhere, spooked because you thought he already ringed up and was out of the store already
it just happens to be ten minutes before opening and you’re doing last-minute arrangements on a new spread
well, yoongi most certainly is still here and his attention’s piqued
“we have... a new collection."
you clear your theory, awkwardly gesturing because you’re more than aware that yoongi hasn’t seen this either
“yeah, i know that. but like, what's going on??" he gestures to the displays and racks, squinting his eyes, "what's the theme? what's the material?"
uhm you haven't read the brief about this
you aren't even sURE if there is one!!
doesn't everyone make up something on the spot in retail
or atleast that’s what seokjin tells you
“the theme," you clear your throat, scratching your temple before gesturing towards the full rack, "is everything."
yoongi’s eyebrow is raised, not expecting that answer at all
you look back to the new feature, and nOW that you think about it,, there's no cohesion at all
“y-yes. the shop was going for the theme of uhm, everything... all at once — yeah, that's it. everything all at once."
it’s a nice way to put it when not one bit of the new collection goes together
“hmmmm. i like it,” yoongi nods solemnly and tilts his head, “and the material?"
"the material?"
you repeat, eyesight not the best so you can’t really tell anything off the bat or uh aNYTHING really
"t-the material is shirt."
they're all shirts!!! that’s it
yoongi grimaces in disgust, the first time you’ve seen of it
“what?? you can't say that.”
he outsretches his hand to the nearest article, holding it up by the hanger
"this, right here, is satin. see how it shines like silk, but doesn't feel like silk?"
uhm yes
you have a gist of what he’s saying but yes
yoongi picks up a pink button shirt this time, flipping it inside out
"this, is silk charmeuse. look at the inside, is it smooth?"
okay where is he going with this
he urges you to put your hand on the fabric and uhhh you didn't sign up for this???
it looks smooth, sure!! end of discussion
“it's not. it's rough. it is smooth, but it's dull. silk charmeuse is still silk, but the backing it has is different from the lustrous part."
okay yoongi
you’re starting to feel uncomfortable and it has to do something with the tone he’s using on you
“can't believe you didn't know that!! how about this," he plucks out a shirt with a tiny print at the middle of it, "cotton or polyester and rayon?"
"i don't-"
there’s an itch in your neck that you want to scratch, a tell-tale sign that you just wANT to remove yourself from this situation
“come on!! it's a dead giveaway!!"
why is he being like this?
“y/n, panty section please. jin almost got bit by a mouse and he needs comforting. two minutes until opening, people!!"
jungkook speaks at the right moment, and jin’s little incident is enough of a reason for you to bolt
yoongi's still looking at you but you can't afford to embarrass yourself further
“bye. happy shopping."
yoongi’s face falls when you leave as cold as that!! typically when you were going to show him out (when it’s regular shop hours), there’d be a smile :((
there's not even a customer service smile :(((
yoongi goes to the only cashier that's open so far and it happens to be far away from you and a teary seokjin
seokjin's fine he didn't even get bit!! that much he could say
but are you okay? uhhh you kinda went cold on him by the end and he thought he started on a good note
yoongi doesn't visit for another week and you don't find yourself counting the days until you meet him again
you did not have a devil wears prada moment where anne hathaway has an epiphany for fashion knowledge
you just felt belittled at a job that isn’t exactly what you wanted anyways
needed, yes. but wanted? not exactly
you know that basic knowledge about clothes is required in a retail job like this and you have it!! you do!!!!
you’d know more if only there were actual available resources for employees to know!!! nobody besides yoongi asks anyways
you’d know if you have time to yourself and aren’t working two jobs trying to make ends meet and tHEN you could pull up a book or something!!!
you’d know if your life is as lax as yoongi’s and could have the budget to buy new things for yourself every single week
“jin, i need to ask you something.”
he hums as called, looking at you briefly until you get on with it
“do you know the difference between silk and silk charmeuse?"
he shrugs casually while you're sitting inside one of the closed-off fitting rooms to catch a break, sharing a burger because the store’s packed-packed
why did you ask him? it’s too easy
“one's made by worms, and the other's a pokémon."
that,.,., could not possibly be righti* it brings you a laugh and you honestly don’t even try to correct him
it’s 11:15 and you kNOW it’s time to resume your shift, straightening your shirt because atleast one (1) person would hound you when they see a familiar red lanyard
oh you’re hounded alright
“hi! almost thought you were hiding from me for a second.”
you haven’t seen him for a week and you don’t know what to feel in all honesty
"anyways, is this sweater wool or cotton?"
you're quite speechless as he holds up the item
this thing all over again???
why are you even surprised
the only thing that yoongi gets your customer service smile, fishing your hand from inside the sweater to show him
“70% wool."
that's it???
you're mad at him, aren't you?
he knew it :((
he knew something was wrong but he just didn’t know what
he’s gonna fix this!! he will
which is why the very next day, he takes the day off from his work and comes to the store at a time he knows you’d surely be there
you're on cashier duty and you like it actually :D
you have an option to sit and the way you’re just gonna scan pricetags (and occasionally enter the code if it doesn’t work) is really appealing
“good morning!"
you’re about to grab the items from the basket laid on the counter and your eyes could only see the very familiar hand
the same one you’ve seen go through racks and racks
he sets his items one by one, buying himself more time
the first one is the same exact sweater he came to wait for before opening
“you already bought this."
you tell him even before you could hold it back, looking back at him briefly before you scan the tag
“i know. i just wanted to see you."
yoongi threw a bunch of other items (individually) so it would be a longer talk, but you scan each item quickly that he’s grabbing things from the counter
hand sanitizer!!! hair ties!!! keychains!!!! yeah he needs them
“i'm sorry that i tend to spring shit on you most of the time. you don't need to know the difference between silk and silk charmeuse."
you only chuckle then, a meek smile on your face
"it's okay, yoongi.”
“it's not."
... it’s not?
yoongi fidgets, opening and closing his mouth like he’s nervous!!! he’s never had his credit card cancelled but he could only feel that this type of jitterness is more than the former
“can i make it up to you? no lanyards, no baskets, no customer service?? i don't wanna fuck things up with you."
“don't feel obligated-"
“i know i could be a condescending ass who expects people to automatically know fabric and whatnot, but i wanna make it up to you."
alright yoongi’s a really good apology-maker
you mIGHT be even flustered a little
“you're holding the line, yoongi.”
“i cleared my schedule."
“i haven’t!!!!!” - guy in the back
“dinner at my place at 8. i-i promise to make your hard-earned break after your shift worthwhile!!!"
maybe that wouldn’t hurt
“okay. just because you're holding the line."
“fine by me."
yoongi transfers all the items he bought, all but one, to his tote bag
he hands back the paper bag to you, scribbling his address on the back of the receipt before he does
he lingers a little while at the counter, the people behind him ALREADY switching lanes to the one seokjin’s just opened beside you
it's the sweater that he has too
yoongi scratches the back of his head, this time being the meek one
“what? m-matching sweaters for our first date. s'cute."
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dear-yandere · 4 years
& just drown with me.
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yandere! beidou x reader. general headcanons. tw: kidnapping, implied dubcon. disclaimer: this is not a healthy relationship.
art belongs to jay ash (pixiv).
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“come out, come out to the sea, my love and just drown with me...”
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beidou is...
reverent, delusional, honest, lenient (RDHL) + doting, protective, clingy
— reverent is she the moment she sets eyes on you, her heart skips a beat. she doesn’t mince words or skirt along bushes; she’s enamored the moment she sees you, and she ensures that you’re well aware of her attraction. you’re quick to pick up that she is terribly handsy—and perhaps a little touch-starved—especially when it comes to you. her hands are on you at all times, sometimes friendly, sometimes on the cusp of something more.
she wants to hold you close and never let go, she knows that much. you’re just so frail, so easy to break if the slightest wind were to brush your sides a little too harshly. in contrast, she’s strong beyond compare, able to best sea beasts and part mountains with only her sword; and yet, gentleness is not lost on her. she takes extra care in handling you, beyond scared that you’ll break apart between her fingers if she’s the slightest bit too rough.
and letting go quickly becomes difficult.
she likes feeling your skin against hers. your hand entangled with hers, your fingers delicate and unused to combat; she is forever fascinated by the soft swell of your palm, the way your hand looks as if it can hardly hold itself against the world. your skin is devoid of callouses and tears unlike her own which carries the sword as big as her stature. your hair’s disheveled and knotty, and your clothes carelessly strewn across the floor. she likes you best this way; completely without covers, so that she may take you in to your fullest, so that she may hold all of you within her grasp and never let go. her fingers are always wrapped around your waist, lips pressing kisses onto your head.
you are a treasure beyond compare. 
— her thinking, you soon come to learn, lies upon the border of delusion, and yet her eyes hold an assurity when they look at you. you’re never allowed off her ship unsupervised. the decision was quick and painless, her voice doubtless and her intentions clear as the sea. she wants to flaunt you by her side, as she enjoys the way your body will grow warm with embarrassment when she walks into town with a pretty little thing by her side. pirates are known for their nonchalant approach to life, so for the great captain of the crux to show up in public with anything—or anyone—by her side apart from her trusty claymore is a curious sight. captain beidou isn’t known for her ability to settle in one place or with one person; the sea’s always been her true calling, after all. but to see her fingers gently settle on your shoulder as she pulls you close, the smirk on her reddened lips will quickly twist into a full-blown grin as the crowd she’s drawn erupts into cheers.
you know better than to make a scene in front of these people—people who look up to captain beidou, people who wouldn’t take you seriously if you explained the way she keeps you captive on her ship. you’re nothing more than a victim, you’ll say to them, and they’ll only laugh you off with a wave of their hand, certain this whole charade is some roundabout way for beidou to entertain herself. the sea must drive a man delirious, after all. no one can fault her.
and for that reason, no one can believe your pleads.
beidou is a free spirit enamored by the call of adventure, and yet her actions are anything but.
— dishonesty is something beidou hasn’t the time nor patience for. her words hold no lie when directed at anyone, but especially when directed at you. she couldn’t dream of lying to you—and she has, unfortunately. the moment she woke up from that terrible dream was the moment she shook you awake to apologize profusely, even if the language was colored with her own vulgar vernacular. yes... she apologized for a futile little lie she told in a dream.
dishonesty simply isn’t on the table.
she goes to great lengths to explain her day to you, taking the utmost care to not leave the slightest detail out. the main reason being her guilty conscience, really. there’s not much to do cooped up on a musty ship cabin—even if her quarters are decked out to the nines just for your liking. you weren’t keen on the idea at first, feeling more like a child being told stories before bedtime, rather than a fellow sailor and her beloved first mate. but her eyes will light up all the same, and she’ll tell you of her day and the new things she’s seen as if you were right there with her. you quickly learn to nod along and acknowledge her every so often, as the only alternative is to mope around in her cabin or on the deck—the few times she’ll let you accompany her out there. there’s only so many thoughts to think by yourself, and at some point, you grow to look forward to these fantastical stories every night.
— she doesn’t know fear—freedoms are yours for the choosing if you’re brave enough to set your sights on them. lenient and all too unfussed by the chance you’ll make it any further than the twenty feet from her person at all times, she’s well aware you won’t make it rather far. you wouldn’t call it much in the way of “freedom” really—and you start to envy the citizens of the ever-free mondstadt a few regions over. all freedoms are your for the taking; that is, all freedoms except a dismissal from her side. it’s where any good luck charm belongs, she’ll laugh and plant a wet kiss atop your lips. her good luck charm... she doesn’t need luck—not with strength rivaling a god’s—and yet she refuses to go anywhere without you close behind. 
it’s no surprise that her crew had once joked that you follow her around like a lost seadog—unaware that you do so per her directions—only for the poor lads to regret ever having said anything. their captain’s eyes are dark when she pipes up behind them.
“haven’t you got better jobs to do than mess with my lass?” she jeers, that usual smirk not quite reaching her eyes. from your position behind the crew—the men now all lined up in terror before the captain of the crux—even you start to break into sweat. it’s clear from her tone that she’s irritated, and the fact she’s clutching onto her claymore as if its the anchor on her anger scares even you. 
they were poking fun at you only moments ago, and now you can’t help but feel sorry for them.
“i’ll let you off the hook ‘cause you’re my dear brothers.“ despite her clemency, her expression tightens and not one man dares to let his tense muscles relax. “but i’ll only say this once, lads.” she explains, stepping down from the raised deck to saunter over to your side. all eyes turn to you two, a pair they’ve grown used to seeing day in and day out. beidou slings her arm around your shoulders, the curves of her body pressing into yours perfectly. “this here is my first mate; a jab at them is no better than a jab at me. the next time i hear a jab at them, i’ll do far worse than have you swimming with the fishes.”
— she loves drinking with you by her side, even if you can’t hold liquor down to save your life. her cheeks are quick to flush shades of pinks and reds, and you can never stop yourself from staring in awe, even when she slings an arm around your waist and pulls you close. her lips catch yours as if they belong there, a puzzle piece filled by its other half. her kisses are a hazy fire, fiercely warm and dangerously untamed; they always taste like strong beer, the beverage steeped in various spices that sit nicely on her lips.
you only wish she wouldn’t do so in public. her boisterous laughter and charisma draws the attention of the tavern-goers, most of whom know better than to interrupt beidou when she’s chugging down jugs of alcohol. her crew doesn’t mind the sight, nor do they mind your presence at the table—though, it’s not like they have much of a choice in protesting; although they don’t fully recognize you as a bonafide crew member of the alcor, it’s clear that captain beidou has something of a sweet spot for you.
still, they feel like they’re witnessing something they shouldn’t when she captures your lips with hers, her fingers drunkenly playing with the thin strap keeping your outfit intact. 
— captain beidou carries her heart on her sleeves and her riches in each hand. riches and spoils are fully within your grasp at all times, sometimes to the point of annoyance when she insists on adorning you with a piece of jewelry she picked up at port. ‘it reminded me of you, s’all,’ she’ll laugh sheepishly, already unclasping the necklace to set it around your neck. ‘wear it and think of me, yea?’
it’s an order more than a romantic sentiment; you have no choice but to think of her at all times.
it’s only when you learn of her past that you come to understand her near-obsession with providing you with the best of the best. from the moment she opened her eyes as a newborn, her life had been mired by misfortune, as if the gods themselves were curious how long she’d survive a life of ordeals. as confident as she is now, you would’ve never guess that beneath the surface, she is forever humbled by her past. having grown up in a family with little money and even less to eat, she was to pick up on the way of thieves, learning the schedules and habits of merchants at the local market so that she could swoop in to steal fruits and veggies from their unattended stands.
“don’t worry about it too much, lass; me telling you such stories is merely for your amusement,” she’ll laugh as she explains this to you, sparing you the grisly details of starvation and malaise. she doesn’t tell you how her skin would cling to her ribs for years on end, hanging from her skeleton as if life had given up on it. she’s been on hard times for most of her life, and yet the only side you ever see is the one blessed by fortune and power.
“life and i have never gotten along, so i had to climb my way up in this world.” her tone is cheerful; you see right through it. “my life’s been tough, i’ll admit that much, but i have no intention of making you live through that too.” 
— as much as she tries to run from it, she cannot outsail truth. as much as she’d prefer to keep you on her ship—where she can keep an eye on you, where you’re always free to join her in her quest for adventure and thrill—she’s aware that all things must come to an end; even the sea has an edge and an end.
this is just one of them.
 “hey... if you really don’t want to be here, i won’t stop you. it’s your choice, and whatever you decide is set in stone. i can’t change that no matter how hard i try, but... could you do me a favor?... just, could you at least give me a chance? 
i don’t like overstepping my boundaries where i’m not needed, but this is all i’ll ask of you. think long and hard about your decision. what you decide is up to you—and if you’re set on the idea, i’ll let you leave, no repercussions. sound like a deal?”
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— she isn’t herself at night. gone is the boisterous laughter that could raise the hair on a man’s arms. gone is the domineering aura she carries like a shield, its front aimed at a world that tries to hold her down. she craves adventure, but the moment night falls and she pulls you into the cot with her, she’s out like a light. the only time you manage to catch yourself every day is when she’s by your side rather than the other way around, her person quiet and gently breathing the sea-stained air.
the ship creaks, and you can hear it clear as night now that the crew is snuggled into their cabins and warm cots, and now that their even-louder captain has fallen asleep. you can finally hear your own thoughts. you have much to think about, having been spirited away to “adventure” against your will... and yet you only think of her.
you turn on your side and settle your weary eyes on your lover. her features are no longer sharp, no longer laden with the responsibility of power and might. nestled between a lavish blanket and the warmth of your body, she is no longer a paragon of otherwordly strength; she’s just human. this is just another side of the captain, just another beidou intended only for your eyes.
and it’s in these quiet moments that you realize you’re in love.
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dear-yandere, all rights reserved.
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azucanela · 4 years
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AKAASHI KEIJI not only knows Bokuto’s weaknesses, he knows yours. If he takes notice of your eating habits and realizes you have yet to eat, he’ll offer some of his lunch. Sharing his bottle of water with you if he notes you’re dehydrated in any way or bringing you a cup of coffee each school morning. He also adores when you made him a playlists or help him out with work of his own. Though Akaashi rarely needs reminders or assistance when it comes to doing chores and such, but the push to take care of himself is something he sometimes requires when he gets a tad overwhelmed. As someone who traditionally takes care of everyone else, Akaashi no doubt enjoys when someone takes care of him for a change. Bringing his favorite snacks after practice and helping him pack his things up before leaving. He just wants to help you in any way he can, and loves when you do the same, so naturally study sessions where you help each other in different subjects are frequent. 
IWAIZUMI HAJIME is handing you a bag with your favorite breakfast food, as he points to the cup in the cupholder of his car— the drink made to perfection— when he picks you up. He’s the type to do things for you without you uttering a single word to him. He can tell when you’re feeling down—after having known Oikawa for so long, it’s become easy for him to read you and your emotions and moods. Once he realizes, you’re getting your favorite candy sliding under your door, he’ll send you the homework even though he normally scolds you for asking and insists on teaching you. And Iwaizumi can’t help but adore when you do the same, cooking his favorite foods, staying late at practice with him and refilling his water bottles, and wordlessly completing chores for him. In general he adores you and just wants to make your life easier!
USHIJIMA WAKATOSHI has never been of a man of many words. Or, any words at all really. He has also never been known for physical affection of any kind. And though, on occasion, he will verbally express his love for you, or protectively wrap an arm around you, he’s always been a man who viewed actions as louder than words. Show, rather than tell. You’ll find the dishes spotless when you wake up in the morning even though he came home from work equally late, and Ushijima won’t even mention it but you know. He pays the bills of your shared apartment before you have the chance to suggest splitting the price, you’ll wake up to a nice cup of coffee or tea waiting for you, sending you flowers while you’re at work. He appreciates the same sentiment when you attend his practices holding a lunch for the two of you to share along with bottles of water. A sign that you do care, and even if you verbalize that constantly your actions solidify the fact for him.
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BOKUTO KOUTARO is notoriously affectionate— tackling his friends to the ground in a hug, patting their heads and ruffling their hair, it’s his best way of communicating his feelings when he can’t express them verbally. After a long day he adores coming to you and resting in your arms, practically throwing himself at you just for a hug. It’s easy to find him in the halls of your school, hand in yours, pressing a kiss to your cheek before he goes to his own class after dropping you off. He always has a hand on you, wrapped around your shoulder, resting on your thigh. Please run a hand through his hair and let him rest his head on your shoulder or lap and he will love you forever. It’s honestly just easier for him this way— when he has no words to say he can just wrap his arms around your waist to seek out comfort in your presence and in your arms.
SUGAWARA KOUSHI will never stop touching you. Literally never, he’ll always have an arm around you as he makes his way to the gym after school, hand in yours, kiss against your cheek before he heads to practice. He’s always been a physical guy, it’s just easy to hold you close after an equally close game, relief flooding him when he buries his face in your neck. Or when you hold him close, because he can’t help the sadness he feels knowing he won’t be playing his beloved sport as much this year— and the only solace he finds is in your arms. As everyone sits on the floor listening to Coach Ukai’s words of wisdom, Sugawara finds his body sprawled over yours as he watches the man’s presentation. He loves when you randomly come up behind him, arms winding around his waist for a hug, and will often do the same. It’s a simple thing really, Sugawara’s desperate need for the attention he doesn’t receive on the court.  
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KENMA KOZUME has almost no social battery. Though he loves you endlessly, that doesn’t change the fact that he also just... isn’t one for small talk. It’s easy for him to enjoy your existence in silence, especially since a large amount of his time is spent playing video games. Whether you’re laying on your bed, or his, doing your homework or something else mundane. Maybe you’re seated in his lap as behind him with your arms strung around him loosely as you silently watch him game, head resting on his shoulder. Or maybe you’re walking through the mall, hands joined, as you wordlessly browse each store. Kenma adores moments where its just the two fo you so he tries to schedule dates as often as possible, but most of the time they’re done at home— how he prefers it. But it’s nice because for the first time all day Kenma puts his phone down and gives you his undivided attention.
TSUKISHIMA KEI hates how much he likes you. Just your presence, your very existence, fuels his love for you and it’s really annoying given the amount of time you spend together. Walking you from class to class because it’s “convenient” and walking you home at the end of the day even though it’s out of his way. Silent study sessions in which one of many playlists of his plays in the background, he’s seated on his desk while you rest on his floor— much to his dismay. He’d lectured you several times on it under the guise of it being “inconvenient.” There are days you go on dates and barely utter a word, but not the awkward kind, rather the comfortable kind. Speaking of dates he practically kidnaps you to go on them, dropping by your class at the end of the school day, or showing up at your house simply saying, “let’s go.” Without giving you a single clue as to where. 
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KUROO TETSURO is the type to see something in the store and immediately think of you, although it doesn’t matter if there is an occasion, Kuroo has every single possible one marked down on a calendar– he has never and will never forget an anniversary, holiday, or birthday. You’ll randomly find flowers left for you, or a keychain that he saw while waiting in line at a store that reminded him of you. He’s the type to enjoy similar gifts as well, if you gave him anything he would never let it go. A poorly done friendship bracelet? He wears it everyday. An also poorly knit sweater? His favorite thing in the world. A scrapbook filled with all your favorite memories together? He might melt, don’t kill him please. He just finds it intimate at another level to know your thinking of him and to have something physical from you to cherish. Give him a framed picture and it’ll remain at his desk permanently. A random wildflower you found and handed to him? He’s googling ways to keep it alive. Even if you guys break up. He’ll keep everything you’ve ever given him, no matter how insignificant it may seem. 
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KAGEYAMA TOBIO has been praised his whole life, and he knows what he’;s good at, the mild cockiness and confidence is nothing new. But for some reason those words of assurance just mean more coming from you. After all... you’re you, the only person with an opinion that mattered. And seeing as Kageyama doesn’t necessarily thrive socially and was outright abandoned by one of his previous teams—leading him to believe that everyone in his life is now destined to do the same— a few words of encouragement don’t hurt. Tell him that you love him, and that you aren’t going anywhere and relief will flood him. Although he isn’t known for being the best with words, things feel different with you, easier. He’s very bluntly complimenting you now— in front of all your friends, which leads to some seriously embarrassing moments that he did not anticipate— but its worth the smile on your face. 
OIKAWA TOORU just wants someone to tell him that he’s enough. Although he’s demonstrated astonishing talent and skill, time and time again, he’s never been enough. Which is why hearing any semblance of praise from you of all people means so much to him. Come to his matches, watch him, tell him how well he did, when he passes a class say that you’re proud after having studied together the night before. He’ll express those same words of pride back of course, because what isn’t there to be proud of when it comes to you. Similarly, he has no qualms professing love for you constantly, leading to much embarrassment on your end. He’ll compliment you frequently as well, your outfit, your intelligence, your kindness— and if he sees something he likes, he will tell you. He’s a very open person, though he tries to avoid communicating his feelings at times, it’s quite easy when you’re just so easy to talk to. 
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A/N: Part 2 or nah bc there were initially more characters but the tags,,, were not saving bc there were so many kjsadhjakhsda.
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13 Going on 30 pt.1
A Peter Maximoff x reader fanfiction based off the movie 13 going on 30.
Summary:  You are so excited when the most popular girl in your school agrees to come to your 13th birthday party. But after a cruel prank you find yourself wishing that you were popular and older. By some miracle your wish is granted but isn’t as wonderful as it seems. You turn out to be a major jerk and you don't even talk to your best friend Peter anymore. Can you fix everything and get back to normal or are you stuck living like this forever 
Warnings: Angst and some suggestive content. But it’s mostly pure fluff. (Also peter has no powers in this and some scenes will be changed to better fit Peter and so I can be creative with it!)
Word Count: 2759
I am so excited to share this fic with y’all! 13 going on 30 is one of my favorite comfort movies and I thought that adding Peter Maximoff to it would make it even better. 
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It was 1987 and your birthday party was next week. You were so excited you could barely contain yourself. You were turning 13, you were finally becoming a teenager. It was time to abandon all childish things and live a life of adventure and romance. One that all the movies told you was guaranteed once you became a teenager. You were writing in your notebook during lunch checking off the things you had already gotten for your birthday party. “Balloons, check. Party favors, check. The cutest outfit, check!” 
“Your best friend in the whole world who is getting you the best present. Check!” Peter added as he sat down across from you, dropping his lunch tray down on the table. You just rolled our eyes at him.“So I was thinking for this year we should go to the arcade then get ice cream.” Peter muttered his mouth full of the school’s signature sloppy joe sandwich. “Cause if I eat too much ice cream before we play that dance game you love, I'm gonna get sick again.” Some of the sandwich meat dripped out of the corner of his mouth. You handed him a napkin to wipe it, not even disgusted at this point. 
You and Peter had been best friends since birth. You had lived right next to each other as kids and you had done everything together. Learning how to walk, the loss of your first tooth, the first day of school. Always together no matter what. That’s what made you so nervous to tell him what was on your mind. “Actually, I was thinking of having a party this year.” You gave him a nervous smile. 
“What?!” He choked out in the midst of a coughing fit having nearly choked on his milk. Kids turned around to look at him and you shushed him. ”Peter stop shouting.” You scolded through gritted teeth. 
 He spoke up again this time, his voice back to it’s normal level. “But it’s always just us.”
You winced, you had figured he was going to respond like this. “I know, I know. But hear me out.” Peter sat back in his chair, arms crossed. “Lucy said she’d come to the party this year, and she’d bring Dylan! You know how much I like him.” You gushed and Peter narrowed his eyes at you. 
“How did you convince the most popular girl in school to come to your party?”
“Way harsh peter.” You reached over to his tray attempting to steal one of his fries. His hand slapped yours away. “You make it sound like she doesn't even know I exist.”
“That’s exactly what I’m implying, you and I are at the bottom of the social food chain and you know it.” He pushed his chair back even further, now only balancing on two legs. “What did you do?”
“Nothing,” You defended. 
He held your gaze with narrowed eyes as you tired your best to maintain eye contact. The minute you looked away he knew he had you. “I know you're lying (y/n). When you can’t look me in the eye you’re hiding something. Spill it.” 
You muttered really quickly. “Imayormaynothavedoneherhomeworkforthepastmonth.” 
He gave you an exasperated look. “What?”
“I said I may or may not have done her homework for the past month.”
He gave you a disapproving look. “Don’t look at me like that. “ You pouted. “It was the only way she was going to bring Dylan.” 
“I don't even know why you want that guy at your party. Or Lucy for that matter. They’re all a bunch of jerks.” Peter got up to put his tray away. You shoved your notebook back into your bag and got up to follow him. 
“You don’t even know them Peter.”
“Neither do you.” You frowned at him before turning on your heel and walking away from him. “(y/n) wait.” You sped up and he sped up with you. He caught up to you and grabbed your arm. You refused to look at him. 
Peter’s harsh look softened and his grip on your arm loosed. “Look.” His voice lowered to a whisper. “ I just don’t want you getting hurt.”
You gave him a soft smile. “I won’t especially not with my best friend around.” You bumped your shoulder into his. He returned your smile after a while and your face lit up. “It’s going to be fun!” 
“If you say so.”
On the day of your party you couldn't even sit still for a single second. Pacing by the front door waiting for Lucy and her friends to arrive. The doorbell rang and you threw open the door, but your smile dropped when you saw it was just Peter. “Oh, it’s you.”
“Geez, it's good to see you too.” He pushed his way into your house as you closed the door behind him. 
“Sorry I just thought it was Lucy.”
“And you were disappointed when it was me.” He joked making himself at home on your couch.
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
“No, I get it. Suddenly you get new friends and I’m old news. Hung out to dry. Dead and buried without a moment to grieve.” He milked his performance trying to make you feel guilty. You sat down next to him knocking his feet off your mother’s coffee table. 
“Shut up.” You laughed, he watched you and smiled. You noticed the keyboard strapped to his chest and groaned. “Did you have to bring your keyboard?”
“Duh. It’s part of your gift.” 
“I hope that’s not all you got me.”
“Hey!” He mocked being hurt by your words. “And it’s not by the way.” He sat up and made his way to your front door. “I gotta go get it, I left it on your doorstep.” He opened the door and was gone for a minute, making you anxious with anticipation. He poked his head through the doorway and a sweet smile plastered on his lips. “Close your eyes.”
You quickly covered your eyes with your hands. You heard Peter’s sneakers shuffling as he made his way closer to you. “No peeking.”
“I’m not!”
“Yes you are, I can see you looking through the slits of your fingers.” You giggled at the accusation and squeezed your eyes even tighter. You felt the couch dip from his weight as he sat back down next to you. You feel his hands close around yours, and the small action making you blush. He carefully removed your hands from your eyes. “Ta-da!” 
Sitting on the coffee table front of you was a huge handmade pink doll house. “I decided to make you your own (y/n) dream house.” Your eyes widened taking it all in. It was beautiful.
“Petey did you make all this?” You asked, heart swelling at the sweet action. 
“Yeah,” He admitted a little embarrassed. He scooted closer to the table. “See that’s you in your bubble bath. Reading your favorite magazine” It was a Barbie doll with a picture of your face tape on it. You giggled.” And there’s your room with the giant closet you’ve always wanted and a huge stereo collection. I know how much you love music. And there’s that bum Rick Springfield, sitting on the couch.” As you took in all the details you fell even more in love with the house. Peter had put so much time into this and you adored it.
 “And uh, there’s me.” He smiled sheepishly. A picture of him was glued to a piece of cardboard. His picture was making that ‘I’m watching you’ gesture at Rick Springfield. “I’m making sure that creep keeps his hands to himself. He’s only here for his musical talents, nothing else.” You smiled at him. He smiled back and for a second you could have sworn he glanced down at your lips. “Oh! I almost forgot.” He pulled out a red packet and shook it lightly. “Wishing dust.” 
You scooted closer to him so you guys could read the package together. “It says wishing dust knows what’s in your heart of hearts. They’ll make all your dreams come true.” He whispered the last part, his eyes cast downward as you watched him rip open the package. He stood up and sprinkled the dust down on the house. You watched in wonder as all the different colors rained down together and decorated the whole house in a pretty shimmer. Your eyes met his and you could feel yourself tearing up. He was so sweet and he didn't even know how much this meant to you. 
Just then the doorbell rang and you jumped to your feet. “They’re here!” You wiped away the tears that threatened to fall really quickly before dashing to the door.
“Yay.” Peter cheered sarcastically. You ignored him and sprinted to open the door. Lucy was there along with her friends and Dylan in the back. She was wearing a neon pink dress, the same one you had begged your mom to buy you last week. She had said no obviously. 
“Hi Lucy! Thanks for coming!” She just gave you a tight smile and let herself in. She looked around your living room and a sneer made its way to her face when she saw Peter on your couch fiddling with his keyboard. 
“Sup Freak.” Lucy shot Peter a sickly sweet smile.
“Sup slut.” Peter replied, mirroring her smile. You felt your mouth open in shock and shot him a deadly look. Lucy just pressed on trying to get a reaction out of Peter.
“I see your hair is still as gray and as ugly as ever.”
“At least my hair is naturally this color. From the look of your roots you should really look into getting a better stylist. You ain’t fooling anybody honey.” 
They continued to glare at each other until Lucy finally broke away from his gaze and turned to face you. “Where is this party happening anyway.” 
“It’s um downstairs, in the basement.” You motioned towards it, Lucy and her friends made their way down the steps. Peter followed them carrying your dollhouse, but you held your arm out to stop him. “What was that? Why were you being such a jerk?” 
“She started it!” 
You huffed. “I know, but it’s my party so please try to be nice to her.” He opened his mouth to say something but then decided against it. He pushed past your arm and went down the stairs to the basement. Taking two at a time. 
“So this is it.” Lucy picked at the neon colored table cloth. You didn't know what to say as she looked around. “What are we going to do anyway?”
“Well we could play twister, Peter is really good at it.” Peter gave a small salute in acknowledgement as they glanced towards him. “Or we could watch a movie.”’ You said excitedly, making your way over to the VHS rack.” I have a lot of good ones.``
“Lame.” Lucy announced and her friends echoed in agreement. 
You felt embarrassed of thinking that they would enjoy such childish things. “Why don't we play a new game?” Lucy suggested.
“What kind of game?” Peter asked, suspicion laced in his tone.
“A fun one.” She made her way towards you and placed her hand on your shoulder as she turned to address Peter. “Not that you would know anything about fun Maximoff.”
“Not that you would know anything about fun.” Peter mocked back in a high pitched tone.
  “Real mature.” Peter stuck his tongue out at her.
She turned back to you. “Let’s play seven minutes in heaven.” She leaned in even closer. “You can go first (y/n), and I think you’ll like who you get.” She glanced back and you followed her gaze towards Dylan. He shot you a smile and you felt yourself blush. 
All of a sudden you heard your mom. “(y/n)!” Your mother yelled down the stairs. “Your cake is here come and get it!”
“Peter go get it.” Lucy commanded.
“What? No.” He scoffed. You met his gaze and shot him a pleading look. “Fine.” He put the dollhouse away in your closet on the top shelf and made his way to the stairs. “Thanks Petey.”
“Yeah, yeah.” 
Lucy took off her scarf from around her neck and placed it over your eyes, knotting it tightly in the back. She led you towards the closet and you felt your heart rate pick up. You could hear the giggles of her friends as they closed the door. You stood there in the darkness waiting for Dylan to come in. It had been a while since Lucy had led you to the closet, you sat down putting your arms around your knees hugging them close. 
Peter came back down the stairs carrying your cake, as he was coming down Lucy was going up the stairs, her friends trailing behind her. “Hey where are you going?” 
She didn't answer, just smiled at him placing a hand on his shoulder. “(y/n) is waiting for you in the closet.” He gave her a confused look, he didn't know he was part of this game. Lucy and her friends continued up the steps, Dylan swiped your cake with his finger smearing the icing and eating it. Peter yanked it away and continued down into the basement. Madonna was playing softly in the background, he put the cake on the table and made his way to the closet, opening the door. He saw you sitting there  on the floor, you upon hearing the door squeak open were smiling up at him. “I didn't think you were going to come.”
He nervously smiled back at you and sat down on the floor across from you. You reached your hands out towards him. “Where are you?” He let his hands find yours, fingers intertwined in one another. He had held your hand before but this time it felt so different. He saw you lean in and he did the same. He was inches away from your lips when you whispered. “Oh Dylan.” He pulled back abruptly. 
“It’s not Dylan, It’s Peter.” You yanked your hands away from his and tore the scarf away from your eyes.
 “What are you doing here?” You felt panic take over you. “Where is Dylan?”
“He left. They all did, no one is here.” You stood up and saw that Peter was right. Your snack table stood untouched and Lucy, and Dylan were no where to be found. You immediately turned on Peter. “What did you do?” 
Peter looked at you in disbelief. “Nothing!”
“Yes you did!” You were screaming at him at this point.
“I just went to get your cake!” He screamed back. 
“Get out.” you whispered. Peter looked at you, clearly hurt that you were pushing him away. “GET OUT!” You screamed as you pushed him out of the closet. 
“(y/n) wait!” He tried holding the door open as you desperately tried shutting it. “(y/n) let me talk to you!” 
“Peter stop.” You cried. 
“No!” You managed to shut the door and lock it. You sat back down on the floor and put the blindfold back over your eyes.
“(y/n) Please!” You could hear Peter on the other side of the door even with your hands covering your ears. “Please come out!”
“I hate you!” You screamed as his voice stopped. 
“You don’t mean that.” He muttered, tears of his own threatening to spill.
“Yes I do! I hate you! I hate me! I hate everything!” You were so angry and embarrassed and that you really thought Lucy was your friend. And that you were going to get to kiss Dylan.
“(y/n) what are you talking about?”
“I want to be thirty!” You wailed through your tears.
“Just let me play you this song.” Peter yelled back. He slung his keyboard over his head and started to mess with it trying to find the right key. “It’ll make you feel better!” 
You ignored him continuing to cry. “I wanna be thirty! I wanna be thirty and flirty and thriving.” You swing your head back shaking the shelf behind you. The wishing dust from the dollhouse fell down all around you but you didn't even notice. You could faintly hear Peter playing some tune on his keyboard but you ignored it. Just muttering through your tears over and over how you wanted to be thirty, flirty and thriving. At the moment you wanted to be anywhere but there.
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p---ink · 4 years
Author’s Note: First Chris Oneshot. It was supposed to be a blurb/drabble, but I think its a bit too long for that now. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this filth. Also you ever get that feeling, where you feel like you've came up with an idea in your head originally, but also feel like you may have seen it somewhere else? Yea that's how I feel about this piece. So if you've read something similar to this, please link it and let me know so I can edit or delete this post altogether.
Summary: Chris greets you after a long day at work, with some TLC.
Word Count: 2.9k.
Warning: Fluff and Smut. Oral (female receiving), fingering, Semi-mean Daddy Chris, over-stimulation, multiple orgasms, and I think...maybe that’s it? Please let me know if I forgot something.
Disclaimer: Gif is not mine. 
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“The kids are asleep?” You whispered, when he held his finger to his lips upon your arrival. 
“Yea, I just laid Ezra down. That is one rowdy little person.” He said chuckling, leaning down to plant a kiss on your mouth. He held you by your waist to pepper more along your face. 
“Chris baby, you are a God-send.” You sighed, leaning in to his touch. “You will not believe the shitty day I had.”
“Hold that thought and take a seat, doll” he ordered, urging you towards the living room by your shoulders. “I’ll be right back.” He promised. 
You sighed as you threw your work bag down on the love chair beside you, kicking your shoes off in the process.  When you crossed the room to drop down on the sofa, the weight of today’s events crushed you instantaneously, as you waited for your husband to return. 
You’ve been married for six years, and he’s been good to you for all of them. Great even. He always listened, and almost never complained. How could he when he was usually away, due to his job? 
He was forever busy with filming, press tours and whatnot. It made him feel guilty to leave you and your sons so often. So any time he was at home for a break, he took full advantage. He spent time with his boys, and then the rest with you, spoiling you all with his love. 
Preoccupied with your stress, you almost failed to notice Chris taking a seat in front of you. He took hold of one of your legs, and that’s when you noticed your spa-kit placed next to him. 
“Baby, you don’t have to do this.” You cried, scrunching your face in relief when he rubbed your calf in just the right spot.
Chris flashed those pretty baby blues at you, along with that signature smug smirk. “You know I do. And you know I want to.” He said, before dousing his hands with oil. 
As he firmly massaged the coconut into your skin, you couldn’t help but marvel at him. Taking a pillow into your arms to hug, and hide your giddy smile, you reply with, “What I did I do to deserve you?”
“Well I would tell you, but I don’t have enough time, because you’ve got to tell me about what’s got my girl so upset.” He informed you with a stern look that read who do I have to kill? “Before you do that,” he started, placing your newly moisturized leg down before grabbing the other, “Choose a color.” 
You tucked your bottom lip between your teeth, peering over to take a look into the open basket. It had an assorted amount of different nail polishes and products for nail care. Your favorite color currently decorated the bottom of the basket, and it made you recall the time your oldest son Jeremy spilled its contents over while playing a game of “paint” about a week ago. That boy. You thought, shaking your head playfully. Well I guess I won’t be choosing that one. 
After a moment of close examination, and scrutiny, you chose “White”, which made Chris immediately stop his measures against your legs, to peer up at you through hooded lids. 
“So its one of those days, huh.” He smirked. “I was hoping you’d pick that one.”
“What do you mean by that?” You questioned. You hadn’t known he preferred certain colors on you. 
“I’ll tell you later, but first tell me about your day baby.”
He didn’t need to tell you twice. You were dying to get it all off your chest.  You spilled out your hearts content, as your husband massaged your legs, then your feet, and in between your toes. As he delicately removed the old paint from your last session, and proceeded to paint your feet, you were almost finished relaying the message. 
“…and its just like they treat me like I’m insane! But you know what? The way i’m always overlooked, and ignored, makes me feel like I am going insane. Every time I suggest an idea, its stupid. But let some asshat say the exact same thing, and they praise him like a god.” You complain, rolling your eyes, at your memories from your work day. 
Chris offered you the occasional nod or two, humming softly at your cries of frustration when needed. And as much as he wanted to offer his two cents on the matter, he knew that what you wanted most was to be heard. You just wanted to be listened to. And while you wouldn’t of minded him beating their asses, he knew you needed his tenderness. His love. His care. And so that’s what he gave you. 
“And you know why they do it right? It’s because I’m a woman! A black one at that. Lord Jesus, it pisses me off so much.” You sigh, finally bringing your eyes down to him, after they had been trained on the air and nothingness around you; you had a habit of re-living stories as you told them. “But honey, this has really helped out a lot.” You say, cupping his chin lovingly. 
“You know I’ll do anything for you doll. And fuck those sons of bitches. They’re idiots if they can’t see how amazing you are. If you quit, like I suggested a while ago, that’ll really show ‘em.” Chris exclaimed, applying a second coat of white.
“Now you know I love what I do. I just wish I was more appreciated is all!” 
He gave you a sympathetic look before saying, “well you know me and the boys appreciate you.”, running his fingers along the ridges of your toes to remove the misapplied dye on your skin. 
“I know you do baby. I mean look at what you’re doing for me now.” You said, gesturing towards the care he took with your feet. 
Chris just smiled in response. He only felt slightly defeated when you rejected his idea to stay at home. You told him many stories about the jerks you worked with. You were among one of the only women at your company, and you paid for that fact daily. You told him, how they would talk to you, and treat you, even though you had the same amount, if not more experience as they did. He didn’t want you to have to put up with that. He wanted you to kick your feet up and enjoy the life he would provide for you and the kids you both created. But, like the supportive husband he was, he honored your wishes to pursue your passions. He knew that was what made you happier at the moment. The time would come, where he could spoil you completely, though. 
“Speaking of this,” You started, motioning towards your feet once more. “What’d you mean when you said “So it’s one of those days, huh”” You asked, putting on your best impression of him. 
Chris put on a smile that could light up a room, as a deep throaty chuckle erupted from his chest, and vibrated through your body via your feet. “Is that what you think I sound like? No matter, I’ll tell you what I meant. I can predict exactly what it is you need, and how you feel, based on the nail polish color you choose.” He said confidently, picking up a clear polish to apply the final coat.
“Is that right?” You ask, failing to take him seriously, even when he flashed that cocky grin and brow twitch that he often used to back his claims. “You’re so full of shit.”
“Seriously. I can. Listen.” He informed you, opening the clear polish, and brushing the access paint along the insides of the bottle. “I can prove it.”
“Fine! Go ahead.” You state, becoming intrigued.
Delicately holding your left foot against his knee, he starts explaining his theory while applying polish. “You see, when you choose a pale blue or orange, I know you just wanna forget about things with a movie or a cuddle session. Forest green or black, when you feel like throwing a couple of shots back with your girls at a bar. Mauve and a nude of any kind are your favorites, and you request them when you need to feel in control, classy, or sophisticated. And you always choose a soft pink, or yellow, when you need a happy reminder, or a burst of energy and inspiration. Lavender, is a color I wish you’d choose more, since it represents your happiness. Gray, is a color I wish you’d choose less, since it means you’re sad. And then there’s plum purple and candy apple red, two colors I can’t get enough of. You want those, when you’re feeling sexy. See, baby I can read you like an open book.” He declared, moving on to your second foot. Feeling quite sure of himself. 
You just stared at him in awe. Then you realized he didn’t mention, the one he just spent  ten minutes applying. “You forgot about white.”
“Oh I didn’t forget angel.” He corrected, smirking as he finally finished painting both feet. “I’m just waiting on your toes to dry.” After he says this, he begins to sensually blow cool air on your toes. 
“Chris! Tell me what it means!” You pout playfully, growing fed up with his secrecy. Also tickled from the air he blew. 
“Fine. But be quiet, you don’t wanna wake those little demons.” He warned, fixing you with a stern look that made you erupt into quiet giggles. He always made you laugh with his juxtaposed funny-seriousness. He was seriously funny. “White is my absolute favorite. You wanna know why? Its simple, and doesn’t drown out your pretty personality. It goes with every outfit, purse, and hairstyle. You wear this color, when you’re frustrated. Exasperated. Annoyed. You choose white, when you need me to wrap those pretty little legs around my neck, so I can make you cum till kingdom come. Or until you see, ‘white’. Whichever comes first”. He finished, staring at you seriously all of the sudden. A thick silence had befallen the two of you, and you almost didn’t know how to escape it. 
After a moment, you break out into a smile, despite Chris’ unmoving features. “Are you sure that’s what I want? Or is it something you want?”
“It’s what you need.” He affirmed, finally matching your expression, only his smile held a lot more lust than yours. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
“I’ll tell you something alright, Chris. I think you paint my nails entirely too much.”
He lets out a breathy chuckle, moving to pack up the spa kit, before saying “So in other words I’m right.” He rises to his feet, peering down through his long lashes with a knowing grin, before turning to leave the room. But not without saying, “Don’t worry baby, I’ll give you what you need.” Leaving you an anxious mess.
You start squirming in your seat, waiting with anticipation for him to return. You try to sit in your sexiest pose, but it makes you feel awkward. Then you start to wonder if you should remove your underwear. But you know he likes doing that. You even wonder if you smell okay, after such a long day at work. A million thoughts race through your mind, and you barely register his presence when reenters the room. You slightly jump, when you feel his warm hands brush against the nape of your neck.
“Shit baby.” Chris laughs, as he rounds the couch. “I knew it was bad, but I didn’t realize how bad. Let daddy, handle this for you.” He says kneeling back in front of you, knees tucked firmly under his person. He smoothes his hands over the expanse of your soft supple skin, leaving a burning trail of desire in his wake. When he hooks his fingers underneath the waistband of your panties, your breath hitches as the cool air hits your moistened sex. 
You lift your thighs and legs, so he can carefully remove the lace without ruining his handwork on your feet. When Chris surveys your dampened panties and inhales their scent, his grin grows wider. “You’re already this wet for me?” 
He gives you no time to answer as he’s pulling you closer to his face, by your thighs. The sudden movement caused a whimper to escape your throat, soft sound making his cock harden. He’s working his kisses up against your thighs with a quickness, ready to produce more sounds like the last. 
Your head’s position on the couch has you feeling a bit awkward, and you go to say  “This is uncom—” but cut yourself off with a moan, as he dives his thick tongue between your petals, writing love notes against the skin.
“What’s that, doll?” Chris asks, hot breath dangerously close to your bud.
You just mewl in response, wetting his beard with your juices, as he eats you like you’re his last meal. “Right there baby.” You groan, grinding yourself against his mouth when his tongue darts against your nub. 
“Right here?” He questions softly, repeating the same gestures, sending a jolt through your body that makes you buck against his face. 
Your words leave your throat, as he sucks harshly against the problem areas, shocks of pleasure emitting through your person. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, he adds his fingers. First two, but then three as he starts fucking your pussy. 
“D-daddy!” You cry, voice coming out shaky as you writhe against his lips and fingers. His actions have you climbing up the couch. 
Then he removes his lips, warning you to keep quiet. “My babies are upstairs, I’m gonna need you to keep your pretty mouth shut.” He commands, placing your soaked panties between your lips. 
As he quickens the pace of his fingers, and makes his tongue dart from left to right relentlessly against your clit, you approach your first orgasm of the night, and he knows it too, when your hole clenches around his fingers. 
He smiles, and tells you how proud of you he is, but he isn’t done with you yet. 
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
Your muffled moans ring through your ears, as you clamp your teeth down around your underwear. Your jaw was becoming slack from keeping it open so long, and you were feeling sore.
Chris was still continuing his assault against your sex. He had long moved from his position on the floor, and now sat beside you on the couch. 
He had your legs sprawled open, keeping them from closing with one hand gripped on your thigh, and the other rubbed fast and hard circles against your clit, while he whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
“What number was that one, baby? Five, six? I lost count after the third time, when you squirted on daddy’s chest.” He growled, biting his lip, as he quickened his pace against your nub. “Do you think you can do that again?”
You moaned in protest, shaking your head from left to right, as you approached another orgasm. You couldn’t take anymore pleasure, your sensitive bud was going through too much.
“What’s that baby? I can’t hear you.” He teased, face as serious as it could be. He was testing you. You knew not to remove the underwear, or you’d be there all night. When you made no moves to pull them out, he did it for you, a string of spit connecting your lips to the fabric.
You immediately pleaded with him to ease up. “Daddy I don’t think I-I can take an-nymore.” You cried, now a blubbering mess.
“You don’t think you can take anymore?” Chris repeated, mocking you. “Well that’s too bad. Daddy thinks his princess looks too pretty when she’s cumming. So suck it up, because I’m not stopping until we have to replace this couch.”
You  felt that familiar coil in your stomach again, threatening to snap, as you threw your head back. You were a sweating mess now. You had hair glued to your face, and neck, and your shirt was drenched, as it clung to your stomach. But still, it wasn’t quite as drenched as your pussy, thighs, and couch cushions were. 
Chris was as hard as a rock, but you knew if you touched him, he’d get angry. He wanted to play with you, until you were begging him to stop.
“What happened today at work again baby? What was it Chad said to you? I bet if I have you fucked out like this every night, I’d be the only man on your mind.” He whispered against your ear.
Your stomach began spasming, as you clenched painfully around nothing. This would be your last one too, before your body gave up. 
Tears streamed down your cheek, as you contorted your face into the sexiest expression Chris had ever seen. And then, just before your screams of pleasure could rip through your chest, he covered his mouth over yours, as you squirted all over his hands, your thighs, and stomach. When you finally opened your eyes, you could only see white, before your vision came back into focus.
Massaging the wet, between your folds, Chris bought his fingers up to your lips and said “open.” And you did, sucking all your juices from his digits without breaking eye contact. “Attagirl.” He praised, wiping your tears away. Feel better now?” He asked, small smirk playing on his lips.
You nod tiredly, throat dry from your previous activities.
He brushes your sweaty hair behind your ears before saying, “Good. Now, let’s paint those pretty pink walls white, too.” 
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Alex Mason x Reader
Hello everyone! Here I am again with another NSFW fic!
This is going to be the first of many NSFW fics I'll be writing in which I will try to attempt to bond Reader and a character in more ways than one!
First up is our Alaskan Captain Alex Mason
why? because why not? 🥴
As always here is where I draw the line and warn you that this is graphic (for me, I don't know about you)
not good with warnings and etc. Read at your own risk. (2900ish words)
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'wow. this was a nice read! I hope to see more of your work soon' You tapped the soft keys of your trusty laptop as you finished reading another fan fiction about your favorite character. Releasing a deep sigh, you peeked at the taskbar to see what time it was. 12:24 am. You could read another one, you told yourself as you let your fingers slide across the touch receptors of your device. Your room was already dark, you were happily positioned at your bed and you clicked on the link to your next story. I was another smut fic, but the chapter summary was full of words that didn't make sense together. You softly whispered each word, the other one louder than the next as you tried to comprehend what the author was up to. By the time you read the last word, a soft yawn escaped your mouth as you slightly drew your device close to you and began reading the fic.
The story was good. It started with a mystery where the characters started to wonder why it happened, then conveniently led it into a flashback style. You chuckled at the possibilities on how this fic goes but you suddenly felt your eyelids drop and you gave in to the feeling.
Cold. It was the feeling that sent you awake. You slowly opened your eyes and someone beside you lifted its head and started rubbing your head.
"You awake?" his low voice sent tingles down your spine. You know for a fact that this might be a dream, but it felt so real.
"It's too cold." You whispered, playing along with your mind, but you were very curious to see for yourself if your hunch was right.
"Of course Honey, we're in Alaska." he comments, you could hear him smile through his reply and your heart thumped faster as you felt his arms wrap around you, giving warmth to your icy skin.
"I don't live here. Why are we here? And who are you?" You turned slightly to him, his hug was restricting your movement and it's not that you didn't like it, it was just too overwhelming to be hugged.
"Fairbanks, Alaska. And who am I? I took you to dinner earlier and you forgot who I am?" he complained, letting go of his grip and looking intently at you as you flipped yourself to face him.
What you saw was unbelievable. He looked like the actual photos you downloaded, every detail felt correct and you're starting to be proud of your brain for conjuring such vivid thoughts.
"Alex… Mason?" you catch your breath, covering your mouth with your hands as he smiled and tucked your hair and placed it behind your ear.
"Full Name? Did I do something wrong honey?" he pouted his lips as you longingly looked at it, wondering if you will be able to remember all.of these when you wake up.
"Nothing h h honey.." you played along as he planted a soft kiss on your forehead. It was warm and wet, too realistic of a feeling to be assumed as a dream. You reach out your finger as you softly poke his skin, the touch felt real and Alex actually got scared of your immediate actions.
"Something bothering you, honey?" he asked with a smile. You wondered about how to respond and is it really worth it to respond even if after all of this is just a dream. But if it is a very realistic dream, you debated that the good choice was to enjoy whatever the fuck this place is before the real you actually wakes up.
"Kiss me." you dared the captain as you cupped his cheeks. Much to your surprise, Alex didn't hesitate to lean forward, close his eyes and pout his lips. 
"Eh. Fuck it." you whispered to yourself as you started to accept Mason's kisses. His mouth felt so real inside yours, his tongue probed around the regions of your mouth while your tongue battled against his. Soft moans from your mouth filled the small space between your bodies as Alex reciprocated it with soft groans. Original pleasure groans, not those found in the game files. You felt your body tense as his hand slowly slid on your thigh, through the silk fabric of your pajamas. You whimpered at his warm touch and ran your hand across his arm, feeling his muscles tense as he gave your thigh a soft and teasing squeeze.
"What made you change your mind tonight, honey?" Mason whispered against your ears, his soft voice made your hairs tingle. You couldn't believe what was going on but insisted that your mind was capable of conjuring such vivid illusions.
"I can't stop thinking of you, Alex." You groaned needily. It wasn't necessary to say that but you really played your part in this fantasy, something you never expected you'd do but Alex seemed to enjoy it.
You moaned the moment his hand lifted the garter of your pajamas and slowly reached for your intimate area, this was the first time you looked down and realized that this isn't your body. 
'Shit' you whispered to yourself as you started to get up and touch your body. Alex got up too and wondered about your condition.
"You okay?" he flicked his lamp and you saw a clearer version of the man sleeping next to you. Your eyes widened at the realistic rendition of Alex Mason, his hair was sort of messy, he was wearing a blue and white striped silk pajama combo and his right elbow sank deep into the mattress, supporting his body. All of those things weren't on the game files you browsed endlessly.
"Pinch me." was all you could say.
"Really? I'm not going to hurt you, you know that." Alex ran his left hand to fix his messy hair, your eyes couldn't help but enjoy the way his arms flexed in front of you.
"Fine. I'm pinching myself." You surrendered and squeezed your arm using your fingers, sending a pulse of pain to your brain. You're still here and a very real Alex Mason is still in front of you.
"Maybe you just need some water. I'll go get you some." Alex offered and got down the bed, dragging his feet on the floor as he made his way to the kitchen. You couldn't help but stare at his beautifully shaped ass while he did it. Just like what you let Bell do when you played through the game.
You quickly scramble around the room as soon as he's gone. Drawers filled with notes and unimportant documents, photo frames of you two on different places around the globe, there's also one with Frank Woods, who's also wearing outfits and poses not on the game.
"Where am I? How do I go back?" You worried as you heard footsteps walk back to the room. Tossing the covers, you quickly slipped inside them and went back to the position you were in when he left, just like nothing happened.
"Here's a glass." he handed it over to you, it was so sweet that you could feel your heart melt and gave you more reason to leave this place before you want to stay here forever. Your hands trembled as you held the water. Mason's arms were on his hips as he smiled at watched you try to drink it, but instead, you poured it all over your face.
"Goodbye, Alex!" you yelled as the water splashed all over your face. Mixed with Alaska's cold temperature, it felt like tiny bits of ice tickled your skin. This is it, you're home. You slowly open your eyes and much to your expectations, Alex Mason was still there, standing in shock at your actions.
"I'm going to get a towel, and remind myself to take you to the doctors first thing tomorrow morning." he said as he helped himself to the closet with some towels and a fresh change of clothes.
He wanted to be the one to wipe off your face, but you insisted to do it yourself. It may be a dream come true to be sleeping beside and pampered by Alex Mason, but this was too supernatural to occur. 
"Take off your clothes." he muttered, his tone was commanding yet concerned. You blush at the thought, you've been reading a lot of fanfiction about him and this was exactly what you'd pictured he'd sound and look like saying that exact same phrase.
"Turn around." You mutter, fidgeting on the topmost button of your pajamas.
"Aw come on. It's not like I haven't seen that beautiful body of yours before." He smiled, it was way better than the smile he gave to Frank when you played the game. This one sent butterflies on your stomach. 
'Ah fuck it.' you mentally told yourself as you gave in to this little realm's temptations. You stared at Alex invitingly, to which he responded with a slow crawl back up the bed, his fingers trailed on your second button, while you worked on the first.
"There's the girl, I used to know." he mused, his lips slowly inched toward yours as you slowly close your eyes and felt his mouth slowly smooch against yours, leaving that soft sound of your wet lips parting etched into your brain. More of those sounds filled the room, as you tense your shoulders and trailed your hands across the silky texture of his clothes, feeling the bit of hard muscle underneath it.
Alex groaned at your touch, whispering to you how he yearned for such intimacy after all those years of being controlled. You noted that the numbers were canon and that meant it's not just someone who looked like Alex Mason, you were with THE Alex Mason.
You giggled as he met your exploring hands with his, wrapped his fingers around yours and slowly pushed you down the bed. His mouth went back to your lips, kissing you like he'd never kissed in years. 
His hands slowly parted your grip as you reached for his cheek, not wanting to let him go. His hand finished the rest of the buttons, leaving your body wide open. He gave you a menacing smirk as he slid his fresh shaven chin down your body, leaving soft trails of kisses every inch he traveled, you couldn't help but gasp as the sensation, lifting your body unconsciously every time he parted his lips from your skin.
You headcanon Mason as someone who's slow and intimate but his actions surprised you as he aggressively lifted your lower body and slid your pajamas along with your underwear tossing it behind. His eyelids were half closed when he turned his gaze to you. You were looking down at him, your face almost incomprehensible, but your mouth was open enough you could feel yourself almost drool.
His fingers teased your shaven opening, two fingers formed a small peace sign, splitting the two regions of your pussy open. You couldn't help but groan and he chuckled at your initial reaction.
"Don't worry. We don't have neighbors here." he winked and started to trail his tongue on your pussy, eyes focused on yours.
You gasped as his tongue repeatedly moved between your legs, sending jolts of pleasure across your body as it unwillingly lifts itself up. Mason then grabs your legs and spreads them open, pushing it close to you, leaving you very open.
You could feel the pain of your position but it was unmatched with the pleasure his tongue was doing to you. It felt like he hadn't done this in years and was reliving his younger days as he did it. You had no problem with it, you moaned along with his movements, joined him while he gasped and praised your perfection.
You were already soaking when he stopped and you opened your eyes out of curiosity. He quickly unbuttoned the rest of his clothes and dropped it on the floor. He was far from the light of the lamp but you could see the silhouette of his erect cock that he slowly rubbed. You gulped as he positioned its tip at your entrance and swallowed as he slowly pushed the tip.
Warm. It felt warm as it slowly eased it's way inside you. You could feel your tight walls cling around his shaft and can't help but sigh as each inch slowly penetrated your being.
"Alex…" you whimpered. He looked serious and concerned but your eyes already told him to push through and that was all he needed.
"Oh." you gasped as he pushed himself a little bit more and slowly pulled. The pull felt amazing as your walls tightened once again when he left. Then came another thrust and the sensation repeated as he continuously picked up his pace, low moans escaped his mouth and made your whole body shiver at the delightful sound of it. The sound you were capable of making him do.
The bed creaked along as Alex's silhouette continued to fill your vision, the way his shoulders rise and fall with his swings and the way his arms looked when he reached to play with your breasts were like an art you were appreciating. It's almost you never wanted this dream to end.
His groans became heavier and his thrusts stopped as he quickly pulled himself out, panting and gasping. You almost pushed him on the edge and he wasn't giving up yet.
You quickly got up and climbed up his face, kissing him intimately, like this will be the last time you'll be ever kissing him, he gave in to your sweet lips and your heads swayed along with your kisses, hands probing every inch of your bodies, squeezing, grabbing, grazing and teasing.
You giggled as you pulled back and his mouth reached out to you more, he was needy but you had other plans. Your hand reached out for his balls, grabbing it and playing with it while your mouth trailed down to his chest, inhaling that sweet Captain-like musk he had, down to his pecs, which were perfect and down to his hard cock.
You softly kissed the tip, tasting a little bit of sticky liquid from it. You were right, he was already on the edge. You seductively swallowed him slowly as he let out a low groan
while you let out a teasing gag sound.
"Haaah… Fuck." he gasped as you continued to work your tongue around his rod, your eyes looked like smiling as you roll it upward and look at his reaction. He was beautiful even in that face.
He cupped your cheek and slowly lifted your head up and met his lips, this time you're already comfortable with the situation and you want more. You hungrily tasted his mouth, savoring whatever this fantasy was, and he reciprocated it with force gently pushing you to the bed while he pressed his firm body against yours, his warm cock stood firm and pressed against your stomach as he continued to romance his mouth on yours.
Once the smooching was enough he slowly lifted your leg and laid down behind you, your shoulders pressed against his chest feeling his nipples. 
You felt his tip point at your entrance, teasing you as you turned your head to him and furrowed your eyebrows. He seemed to like the way you're needing him badly so he slowly slid himself inside once again.
He felt like the first time all over again, but this time he didn't take his time slowing it down. He was actually excited. You felt his gasps on your neck as he bucked and swayed his hips inside you while you yelped in pleasure.
"Please… Alex…" you begged him for more, even if you already felt more than enough that you could handle, you felt greedy. He seemed to understand your language as he hummed amusingly, grabbing your breast with gripping force as he continued fucking you from behind.
You closed your eyes to savor each of his thrusts but it immediately felt quiet. Yo looked for him and he was already in front of you, kneeling, and readying his cock for another round.
You wished it would never end but at some point he had to release all his tension, you asked him to spray it across your whole body and wanted him to join you to clean it up later and he did. It was a lot, you felt hot shoots of his load, on your neck, breasts, stomach and down to the top of your pussy. You both gasped in excitement and exhaustion as he plopped himself to you and gave you a very long and sweet tongue action.
The cold Alaskan air breezed through the window but you were both sweating and panting, never wanting to part your lips.
You both eventually fell asleep later in the night and it was the first time in quite a while that you actually slept well, you slowly opened your eyes to see the handsome soldier sleep beside you but what greeted you was your phone. You quickly got up and looked around. You were back on your room, you're back to your normal life. It's a mix of happiness and sadness, as you realized it was all a figment of imagination, and a realistic one at that, too.
You open your phone and Alex Mason's face greeted you. He was your wallpaper and it almost felt that you took it that night, you didn't remember downloading that wallpaper but ignored it and carried on with your life with that beautiful memory planted in your mind.
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horanghaechan · 4 years
Dream in a Dream (M)
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pairing: Prince!Ten x Princess!You
word count: 6k
warnings: written in 3rd person, mature content, fluffy, ten being the love of my life
synopsis: The Four Great Kingdoms took turns to maintain the peace of a planet called Mahabhuta. However, when minor rebellions threaten its stability, two kingdoms seek an alliance. But, hearts could never be war weapons. What to do when one of them is already committed to another?
Inspired by indian/turkish stuff and Avatar lol
[a/n]: since he (and his smile) was the reason i started stanning nct back in march 2016 (lol) i decided to post this here, the original version is in portuguese and posted on my fic site. happy bday, phonphon, you deserve the world.
also, english is not my first language so any grammar/etc mistake please let me know!
First of all, a small glossary so you don’t get lost:
The cycle of the Great Kingdoms of Mahabhuta takes place by:
Kingdom of Prithvi (Kingdom of Earth)
Kingdom of Apas-Jal (Kingdom of Water)
Kingdom of Agni (Kingdom of Fire)
Kingdom of Vayu (Kingdom of Air)
However, there is Akasha (Heaven, "vacuum"), by which all other kingdoms are "subjected". Akasha’s laws override any other law, as they were enacted prior to the division of Mahābhūta.
The hierarchy in each kingdom consists of:
Samraat and Samrajni – emperor and empress;
Maharaja and Maharani – king and queen, used formally for the heirs of the throne;
Raja and Rani – king and queen, used informally with the heirs of the throne.
Some words used by the characters and their meanings:
Evet: an informal way of saying “yes”;
Nei: an informal way of saying “no”;
Shokran: “thanks” said from peasants to monarchs;
Shukriya: “thanks” said from monarchs to peasants;
Olum: interjection of astonishment, incredulity.
Om Shanti: good luck.
Findi: petname, which can mean both “love” and “sweetheart”, normally related to married couples.
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Border between Vayu and Prithvi, Apas-Jal Era.
 Some carriages and soldiers crossed the bridge across the border of the Kingdom of Prithvi. Everyone there was fully aware of what they were doing, but no one hesitated. Keeping Maharani of Vayu happy was the only thing they were looking for.
“Rani Y/N are you sure that Raja Chittaphon will be waiting for us?” Ipek, Y/N’s chaperone and personal maid, asked worriedly.
“Evet.” Y/N nodded. “It’s our only chance.”
“Samraat Bhima will be horrified when he notices that you are missing.”
“He will.” The princess smiled. “But he’ll eventually understand that I had to.”
“Everyone will be delighted when you get married to Raja Chittaphon, right?!” Ipek smiled when she noticed how the girl’s face lit up at her question.
“Hopefully so, Ipek. That’s what I’m aiming for.” Y/N sighed, biting another smile. Remembering Chittaphon always resulted in moments like that, where everything melted and she became a puddle of love.
She still shivered like a fool when she remembered when they met.
 Flashback on
Jala, Kingdom of Apas-Jal, 3 years ago
The corridors of the Palace of Jala were huge and very confusing. There were no separated doors, let alone identification by floors or wings. Y/N walked blindly through them, because she couldn’t remember where they assigned her rooms earlier.
“Well, I’m sure it’s not here.” One of the doors opened and a boy came out of it, on his back, wearing a typical outfit of the monarchs she knew.
“Olum!” Y/N froze on her place.
“Oh, are you the owner of this room?” He turned to her, drawing her attention to the pair of amused chestnut eyes that stared at her.
“Nei, nei. I’m lost.” She confessed. “I thought the floor was empty.”
“They told me that the Kingdom of Agni would be on the third floor, according to the cycle, but I confess I’m having trouble counting. Is it the third excluding the ground floor, or the third from the ground?” The boy smiled and she felt her heart flutter.
She absolutely adored smiles.
And... Olum, that smile was out of this world!
“Well, guess I’m twice wrong, then.” she blushed.
“You’re not from Agni, I suppose.”
“Nei. I’m from Vayu.” She extended her hand, indicating the ring of the Compass Rose, which was the symbol of her kingdom. “I ended getting lost...”
“Ten, from Agni.” the boy showed his own ring too, a ruby ​​sun adorning his hand. Only monarchs wore such rings. “Maybe if we go back where you came from, we’ll be able to find your chaperone.”
“Y/N, from Vayu.” She bowed, understanding now with whom she spoke. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Maharaja Chittaphon.”
“Olum, it can’t be!” Another lovely smile painted his thin lips. “Maharani Y/N Vatavaran?” Ten sounded excited. “I spent years trying to get to know you!”
“Really?” Y/N raised an eyebrow suspiciously.
“Indeed! Did you think that you could remain incognito forever? All kingdoms are curious about the Heiress of the Air.” he signalled for them to start walking. He couldn’t touch her until they were officially introduced. “I suppose you make your debut at tonight’s ball?”
“My parents decided that it’s time for me to seek popularity.” She nodded. “I’m a little afraid, you know? Balls have always seemed too formal.”
“And they are.” Ten agreed. “But as soon as we are introduced, I’ll ask for one dance, and I hope you’ll save me a page on your card.”
“As I don’t know anyone, you’ll have them all.” She laughed.
“Perfect! So I won’t have to keep company with the Apas.”
“Don’t you like water?”
“I don’t like anything that puts out fire.” Ten joked casually, and then realized that the princess was puzzled by his comment. “Don’t worry, the air tends to spread it. I really like the air.” The same amusement gleam flashed through those chestnut eyes.
Y/N also had made up her mind: she liked the fire a lot.
End of flashback
 Closing her eyes, Y/N waited for the right time to relax. When the antelope’s hooves stopped, she knew it was near.
“Maharani Vatavaran, we have arrived.” One of the soldiers tapped the carriage window twice, breaking the silence. “Maharaja Bhumi is waiting for you.”
“I’ll go down. Shukriya.” Y/N smiled. “We’ll meet tomorrow, Ipek. Watch out for any strange movements, pay close attention to the air! As we are in Prithvi you may feel weaker, but just focus on the atmosphere.”
“Evet, evet. Now go, we have no time to waste!” Ipek rushed her.
“Off I go.” Y/N smiled. “Wish me luck.”
“Om Shanti.” Ipek raised her hands to her face, crossing them in the shape of a bird and touching her forehead between them, a gesture of undoubted respect to Her Highness.
Y/N got out of the carriage and came across Bhumi, Prithvi’s heir. They had become very close friends when they were in Jala, because Bhumi was Ten’s close cousin. Adding up to their escapade, Varaha, capital of Prithvi, was extremely close to Akasha – if all went well, they’d need just two days to arrive there.
“I’m glad you made it!” Bhumi hugged her. “Ten must be on his way.” He signalled for a carriage behind them. “If they saw Vayu’s carriage we might have had problems, so I thought it is better to use mine until we get to the house.”
“Thanks for helping.” She thanked him, getting into the car.
“You know my weaknesses are love stories, Y/N.” Bhumi laughed. “I asked some guards to take the road to Akasha and they reported that it is in perfect condition. I separated two stops, one in Urvarak and the other in Chattaan; if you manage to reach Chattaan tomorrow by the afternoon, Akasha is just an hour away, so you can rest and do everything at dawn. I estimate that by lunchtime you’ll be married.” Bhumi gave her hands a soft squeeze. “Om Shanti, cousin.”
“Thank you, dear. But can’t we go straight to Chattaan?”
“It’d be very risky and a tad tiring. If other guards notice a strange movement on the roads, it’ll be warned to my father and everything will go down the drain.”
“Then we will follow the pace of normal travelers.” Y/N nodded. “Ipek is following in a carriage with some of my guards, but there is nothing that indicates my presence or relation to me. Do you think they are in danger?”
“If there’s nothing of yours with her, then I don’t believe so.” Bhumi waved a hand, dispensing bad luck. “As soon as they reach Urvarak, if they wish, they can go up in the air and proceed directly to Akasha, without stopping by Chattaan, or just taking a short rest. But, in my point of view, it’d be a little risky, no? Since your father will notice your disappearance in a few hours...”
“I’ll talk to Ipek, then. It would be really good if we had someone waiting for us in Akasha.” Y/N stared at the road. “How long does it take for Urvarak?”
“If you leave this morning, you’ll be there before sunset. That, of course, if you stop to eat and everything.” Bhumi loosened a belt that held his royal attire. “We will be near Varaha in a few minutes, but I’ll drop you off at home and go to the palace. You need to be aware because only Ten knows where it is.”
“Do you think he hasn’t arrived yet?”
“I don’t know how it went with the guards at the border, even if I let them know he was coming.” Bhumi sighed. “In times of crisis, things get chaotic.’
“I hope we don’t make this a bigger problem.” Y/N sighed.
“Love inevitably creates problems, baby.” he laughed. “But, a Maharaja has always been able to choose his wife and vice versa. I don’t see your marriage as an affront to Mahabhuta’s balance, but exactly what Apas-Jal and Agni wanted to do: an alliance. So, if we are to have an alliance, let it be real and auspicious.”
“Ah Bhumi, dear, you’re so good with words.” Y/N laughed, trying to relax.
                                                     ☼ ⸛ ☼ ⸛ ☼ ⸛ ☼
The house consisted of Prithvi’s standard architecture, with various stone details and spearhead adornments. After hugging and thanking Bhumi four more times, Y/N quietly entered the house, dressed as an ordinary Vahara citizen. It was very good that Bhumi had chosen a normal property instead of a more luxurious and aristocratic house.
She put her bag in the living room and walked to the bathroom, desperate to shower and do her hair. It could be the height of futility, but Y/N did not want Ten to see her sloppy and dirty. All those times they met when she was air bending were enough... They, in general, involved a lot of dust and dry leaves.
“Of course Bhumi would do that.” Y/N sweetly smiled when she found cinnamon essence in the bathroom. This was, in the best description, Vayu’s “official” smell.
While the water in the bathtub heated up, Y/N stretched out a lacy mid-length dress and a cloak. She had brought, in addition to that outfit, another white dress – which she would wear the day she arrived in Akasha – and a dark green dress.
Y/N smoothed the velvet piece and smiled a little. She was starting quite an adventure, but couldn’t find the slightest regret for what she was doing. For sure, if she had to choose, she would do everything again and again.
 After washing up, Y/N was braiding her hair when she heard a noise coming from the kitchen. She felt chills down her spine, but because the house had only one floor, anyone who entered it would make enough noise for her to prepare before she could cross the room. Awareness spread through her and she held tight on her hairbrush and a small hand mirror – since there wasn’t enough time to look for any other weapon.
“Y/N?” Her name came out loud in a soft voice, almost like velvet.
“Ten!” dropping all objects, she ran to him.
The couple hugged each other, trying to make up for all the one-month longing in those few seconds. A never-ending month in which Ten had heard about the arranged marriage; he and Y/N did not have much chance of communicating; and in which each other’s world seemed to get off track with the possibility of not being able to be together as they wanted to.
“How are you? Did you arrive safely?” Ten caressed her cheek with the back of his hand, loving how Y/N’s eyes closed at the slightest touch.
“I got scared thinking the house was invaded, but now I’m fine. And yes, I arrived safely thanks to Bhumi’s assistance.” she smiled.
“Sorry, I heard the water and decided it’d be respectful to wait.”
“There’s nothing you haven’t seen before.” Y/N blinked, wickedly.
“I know.” Ten brought his face close to hers. “But I thought we had agreed not to do anything else until the wedding?!”
“To look doesn’t mean to touch.” She lifted her chin, voice dripping challenge.
“It turns out, little devil, I’m not so magnanimous.” He pressed his lips to hers, savouring the longing. The last time they saw each other they had to be quick, because it was at the reunion of the kingdoms, and although they could not participate actively, the heirs had an obligation to be present.
Ten circled her waist, breathing in the cinnamon and melting on Y/N’s tongue. Her whole body was on fire – almost not so figuratively – when they were together. Even though he knew they couldn’t waste time, he delighted himself with a few bites on her neck, fighting the urge to take the kiss further.
“I swear I can’t wait to be married.” She whispered. “Then I won’t need to count our minutes together.”
“Soon.” Ten winked. “We are leaving this morning, right?”
“I think it would be ideal. Bhumi said that we can get to Akasha in two days, or we can cut some time, but we would not have Ipek anticipating any problems. It’s up to you.” She shrugged.
“We’ll do what is best at the moment, findi.” Ten smiled. “This nickname gets better and better just because it reminds me that it should be used by married people.”
“You are very keen to remember that we will get married.”
“In Agni, marriage is one of the best things that could happen to anyone, you know?” He let Y/N get out of his arms. “You can’t blame me for this.”
“I don’t blame you, but your excitement is so evident that it makes me look disinterested… And you know I’m not.”
“It’ll show up as soon as we have tied our strings.”
Y/N smiled at the mention, because the wedding rite in Akasha had, as one of the main points, to use strings. Each kingdom had its specific ritual, and they should be performed according to the bride and groom’s wishes (and the place they were in, regardless of their nationalities). When Y/N was learning about kingdoms and their cultures, she never imagined that she’d marry in Akasha, let alone with their celebration. She couldn’t wait to put it into practice.
“How’s the situation in Agni?” Y/N asked as she folded her clothes.
“Kinda stable.” Ten sat on the bed and removed his boots. “Dad thinks it’s a matter of time before it spreads to other regions other than the capital”.
“I hope nobody gets seriously hurt until we get this solved.”
“For now there was nothing.” he nodded. “Just two fires in abandoned houses. The big problem is that this affects the population indirectly; after all, you never know when they will start attacking them. Psychological terror is the worst weapon.”
“Do you think we’re going to make it worse by getting married?” Y/N swallowed.
“I think...” Ten looked at her, a small smile adorning his beautiful face. “That love is a force far greater than greed and power. If two prosperous kingdoms tied by love, and nothing but love, fails to reach everyone’s heart, then no alliance between two other kingdoms will change reality.” He held out his hand, looking for hers over the velvet dress. “I didn’t lie when I said I would set the world on fire if something hurt you, findi. It only takes one word and we return to our kingdoms.”
“No!” she denied fervently. “I won’t give you up. I only worry about these rebellions...” She shrugged. “But I love you, Ten. You know that, right?”
“Always.” he nodded. “Why don’t we rest before leaving?!”
                                                     ☼ ⸛ ☼ ⸛ ☼ 
The two of them really tried to rest, but the growing tension and adrenaline from their escape were too much. Long before planned, they were already on the road, heading towards Urvarak.
“It’s amazing how, despite the night, everyone lives normally. Look at how crowded the road is!” Y/N commented, surprised. “The Kingdom that never sleeps, really.”
“We have a stop in forty minutes. If you’re cold, I can stop to get the blanket from the trunk.” Ten, the gentleman he was, offered.
“I’m fine, findi. If anything, I can hug you and I’ll be warm soon.”
“If you don’t want to be attacked by my kisses, I advise you to stay away.”
“What if I want?” She raised her eyebrow.
“Seriously Y/N, I don’t know what to do with you!” he laughed. “We’ll definitely take the air route and get married as soon as possible.”
“It’s amazing how shy I still am with your flirty banters.” Y/N sighed, because in spite of being bold, that was not quite how she felt.
Sometimes she managed to keep on her carefree persona, but her feelings for Ten always made her embarrass herself. It summed up in a fool, enchanted by any movement or word spoken by him... Especially when they were addressed to her. Olum, how difficult it was to remain serious at public parties! Both of them needed to behave as if they didn’t like each other more than the “necessary”, as if they had priorities and not wished to spend every second together. Thanks to Bhumi, they were able to get away often and make some time to ease their longing.
“Ah, Rani Y/N,” he clicked his tongue. “why does this shyness never appear when it should?” His chestnut eyes flashed in a playful glow.
“Stop it, Ten!” She laughed, shyly. “but, I must confess, I don’t regret you being the first. In everything.”
“It would be a little too late to regret it, you know?” Ten pinned. “However, that does not diminish the pleasure of listening to your confession. I hope that, in addition to being your first, I’ll also be your last.”
“If we get to Akasha really fast...” She batted her well-trained lashes, like a she used to do when trying to manipulate her father into thinking she was sweet and innocent.
“It’s decided! At the next stop I’ll look for antelopes and tomorrow afternoon we’ll be married.” Ten shook his head like an indignant little boy.
“In my suitcase I have a Vayu scroll and I will make sure that it reaches Ipek as soon as possible.” Y/N winked at the groom.
“What a helpful wife I got!
“Olum, you can’t even imagine.” She grinned.
                                                      ☼ ⸛ ☼ ⸛ ☼
The innkeeper explained to them how to get to the antelopes in two stops. They had thirty minutes until there, and the horses were losing their pace along the way. Fear not, Y/N thought, since she already had everything worked out in her head!
Probably, her father would be finding out about her disappearance at that moment, and then he would start searching the palace and the gardens. Then, when he didn’t find her, he would request searches around the city. Then, the Royal Guard would issue a search warrant to all kingdoms, and perhaps Chittaphon’s parents would warn Vayu of his disappearance as well. Then they would finally come to conclusion of what happened to the two heirs, and if they were as smart as Y/N hoped, they would march to Akasha.
Only that it would be too late.
Because she’d be married!
The antelope route was really the best option.
“Maybe I can bend some air so the horses can rest. I can make sure no one notices that they’re floating...”
“You schemed.” Ten laughed. “I don’t know why I thought I wouldn’t do it.”
“Perhaps you’re so excited about the escape that you didn’t pay close attention.” She joked. Everyone knew how much Maharani Y/N loved to turn things into schemes. “Well, if my plan is right, we have about fifteen hours to get married and consummate it, avoiding, even if improbable, it to be nulled.” she laughed. “Therefore, we indeed have to take the air route.”
“Amazing, findi.” Ten winked.
                                                      ☼ ⸛ ☼ ⸛ ☼
Akasha was a wonderful city. Y/N visited there only twice: when she was born, and when she reached her adult age, so she had to seize her title of heiress. She remembered the big trees, especially the cherry ones, the colourful houses, the bright and clean streets, the undeniably blue sky... There never seemed to exist bad weather in Akasha! When they stopped in front of the temple where they would celebrate their wedding, Y/N’s heart raced. It was a large and flowery place, like a cottage, with symbols of the four kingdoms and their specific plants. Two carriages (one with her guards and the other with his) were waiting for them in the parking lot. Impatient, Ten grabbed her hand and they both entered the temple, drowning in emotion and adrenaline.
“Always.” she smiled.
Ipek, who had been instructed to organize everything, was talking to two monks and the celebrator. As soon as she saw Her Highness, she ran to help her get ready. They couldn’t waste a second of the day!
The typical ceremonial dress Ipek got was cream coloured, adorned with gold accents, and a dark green – almost black – velvet cape that made the costume extremely elegant. From the bar to the knee, the lines formed spirals and points that resembled the starry sky or some forest/landscape seen from above. Her hair was braided with gold threads and cherry blossoms, because they were the symbol of Akasha. At her hands, in addition to the jewels she was supposed to wear, temporary ink tattooed the main crests of the four kingdoms extended from the wrist to the elbow, to indicate the union of these nations. On her feet, more drawings, up to the height of her shin. She should be barefoot, connecting to the nature and the land, as a sign of balance.
“Raja Chittaphon is ready.” Ipek returned to the salon where Y/N was dressed. “Now we just need the ornaments on the face and you can go!”
“I’m anxious.” Y/N exhaled. “Let’s get on with it soon!”
“I promise it will be very quick.”
After Ipek used powder from shiny stones and glued three diamonds above her left eyebrow, Y/N was ready.
Ipek and two guards accompanied her to the decorated courtyard, where those responsible for marrying her had started the blessing in Ten, preventing him from seeing her. Y/N watched, with her racing heart, the black and gold velvet suit he wore, a single cherry blossom attached to the left side of his chest.
“We’re ready.” The monk guided her to the entrance of the hall.
After a short speech in Akasha’s dialect, one of the monks began to play a harp, while Y/N crossed the room towards Ten, not knowing how to react to the prince’s brilliant and hypnotic gaze.
When they faced each other, the monk handed them a small vase with coloured sand. According to the ritual, the sand symbolized “the union of two different points in the name of something greater” in this case, love, and each one should pour a little of it on a plate, so that the mixture of colours creates a new one: their colour. Y/N watched wordlessly as a lilac originated from the mixture.
“Now hold hands.” The man responsible for the ceremony instructed. “This is the thread of companionship. For Akasha, you are one, but this does not mean that you should forget who you were before the wedding. One hand is tied to the partner’s, while the other is free to remind you that there is room for both to grow together and individually.” He tied the ribbon on their fist. “Still united, we will recite the vows and walk towards the end of the celebration.”
Y/N and Ten repeated each word very calmly, although their hearts were desperate for the end. After washing their feet in the water of the main river, Kundalini, to purify their bodies in this new phase, the couple still had to plant a tree as well, symbolizing their growth. And, to the sound of “Under the laws of Akasha, I declare you husband and wife”, several fireworks were lit. Ipek started the party by playing a soft melody over two lovers, and the people present continued with the dance. The newest couple stared at each other, laughing.
“I think this is our cue to escape... Findi.” The nickname now sounded a thousand times wicked in Ten’s voice. “Let’s go?”
“I was counting the seconds.” Y/N nodded, intertwining their fingers, as they still had one hand joined.
                                                      ☼ ⸛ ☼ ⸛ ☼
Ten undid the first tie of Y/N’s dress quite slowly. He had done it a few times, but at that moment, it was too special to ruin it in a hurry. They were finally married. He no longer needed to be quick with Y/N. Now they had all the time in the world to love each other as they deserved.
“Do you need help?” Y/N frowned.
“No, findi. I just want to... Take it slow.” The light entering the room made his eyes even brighter. “Because you deserve to be adored, from head to toe. Quietly. Every inch.” To demonstrate his words, he raised her fist and glued his mouth to it, running his tongue lightly over her soft skin.
“Ten...” She breathed weakly, it tickled.
“What?” He smiled. “‘Ah Ten’, ‘more Ten’, ‘please, Ten’?”
“Pretentious rake.” Y/N shook her head, feeling her heart explode with joy.
“Your pretentious rake. Your favourite rake. Yours, for eternity.”
She closed her eyes at those words. She was his, too, since the damn smile he gave her in the hall of Apas-Jal’s palace. Olum, how could one live with so much love inside them?! And how lucky had she been to feel that and be reciprocated?!
I’m staying up
I don’t wanna come down from your love
Ten pulled her close, melting his mouth on her neck, biting and sucking like he knew she liked. He wrapped his arms around her, throwing the damn tie to the floor. Y/N smelled extremely well, having washed and removed the tattoos she was supposed to use for the wedding ceremony. His fingers tangled in the fabric of her nightgown at the mere sound of her quiet moan, trying to go easy, to remain chill. He didn’t want to go fast. He had to stay calm.
“Let’s go to the bed, huh?” Y/N suggested, knees buckling from all those emotions.
“I tell you I want to take it easy and you urge me to go fast...” He shook his head, carefully guiding her to the huge mattress. “What should I do?”
“You can start by kissing me here.” She signalled from her collarbone to the valley between the breasts. Ten smiled. “Or, you can let me take off your clothes...”
It’s not that she didn’t want to be worshiped from head to toe, but if her calculations didn’t fail, someone from the Kingdom of Vayu would arrive in Akasha by the end of the afternoon... And if the wedding wasn’t consummated, they could be in trouble. She and Chittaphon never took more than thirty minutes with sex, because there were always too many people around and if they were five minutes late, someone would miss one of them. It was unfair that their first time since married had to be rushed too, but they would have a whole life together.
But, Y/N should be grateful. At least they were together.
“What are you thinking?”
“Schemes.” She joked.
“ Now, now, Rani Y/N, that was an unfortunate answer.” He started unbuttoning his shirt. “Guess I’ll need to be a little cruel this time. I don’t want you thinking about anything other than my mouth and my fingers on your body.”
“Or your dick.” Y/N smirked, satisfied with the provocation.
She closed her eyes and felt Ten’s lips come down over her shoulder, paiting small bites. With her legs spread, he found space to rest between her thighs while devouring each centimetre of the princess. Her calculations were forgotten as soon as his fingertips went up the hem of her dress, sliding down the inside of her thighs, making her shiver. He reached her underwear and touched her clothed womanhood.
“I want you to do that again.” Y/N moaned.
“Do what?”
“You know what.” She gasped when he brushed her swollen spot.
“I don’t know,” He commented wickedly. “But I have an idea of ​​what it is… And for that, I will finally need to take your clothes off.” He couldn’t believe that after months he’d be able to see her completely naked again.
Rather than feeling shy, Y/N was more than willing to throw the sleeping dress away. They never had much time to get rid of all their clothes, so she was also counting on Ten naked. It had been a long time since she had had such a privilege to see him like that. And the view was always a spectacle!
She sat up suddenly, leaving him a little unbalanced, but grinning. Y/N started pulling on her nightgown anyway, not caring if she would tear it up. Ten could bent fire, but what burned inside her was pure lust. He would have a hard time controlling his wife, especially if he continued to look at her as if she were a work of art. But as soon as the fabric passed over her head, Y/N didn’t have time to absorb the intensity of his eyes. Ten pulled her by the hand, kissing her urgently.
With the princess in his lap, he got rid of his shirt and tried to open his trousers’ button. To give him enough space, Y/N stepped back a little, noting a new detail in his left arm: there were two lines near the elbow, one thick and the other a little thinner. Unlike the wedding tattoos, those lines seemed permanent.
“What is it?” She asked curiously.
“In Agni, every married man should have this tattoo. It is like a ring that we never take out or lose.” Ten looked at his arm. “Women should have these lines on their ankles, but since you are not from Agni, I thought it best not to ask you to tattoo it.”
“I want to!” She cut him off. “I’ll do it, if you want me to.”
“Really?” Ten smiled. He was always touched by Y/N’s loving manner. She was his best companion, in any situation. Even when they could get in trouble, Y/N would not leave him alone. She preferred that they’d get scolded together than to leave him. “Then, as soon as we wake up, I’ll ask the monk to arrange everything.”
“I think I will have a charming ankle.” She stretched out one leg, moving close to where Ten wanted her most. “Oh, oops...” Y/N smirked, faking a shy laugh.
“Findi, findi.” He shook his head, matching her smirk.
“Let me make up for the distraction.” Y/N moved away as she lowered her hands to his pants, finishing unbuttoning them.
“Your wish is my command, findi.”
We’ll get lost together
Let me flow
Ten swallowed hard as soon as he felt her mouth kissing his abdomen. Y/N was not ashamed of trying to please him. She was always receptive and creative, making each time something very unique and very special. Unlike what was expected of an Air Princess – known for being more reserved and a little cold. Y/N had fire inside her. She burned like him… Burned with him. For him.
With her delicate fingers, Y/N removed Ten’s pants, and began her exploration on his belly, playing with the fine line of hair up to the underwear he was wearing. It was unusual for her to dedicate themselves so much to foreplay, but she was loving seeing Ten so mesmerized by her movements. Very gently, Y/N took him with one hand, going on with a lazy back and forth motion, just to make him double hard and more desperate. Her eyes found the glowing chestnut globes and she smirked, causing a burst of pleasure to break inside Ten, who moaned loudly.
That was enough for him. Blast trying to prolong the moment! He needed Y/N and he needed her now. Pulling her by the chin, they came face to face.
“I miss you,” The distance between their mouths became even smaller. “around me.”
The kiss began sweet, slow, but charged with lust. Both were already familiar with the delicious sensations that any scarce touch between them provided, but nothing compared to the anxiety build during foreplay. It was very, very good. Their bodies were tickling and hot, their hearts beating fast and their minds remembering all those times when they were together.
How glorious it was when they met.
It was a different, more intense sensation. Y/N didn’t understand why she wanted to cry and laugh out loud, like a crazy girl. The tossed their underwear out, surrendering to the bubbling desire. Ten put her hands on his shoulders and smiled warmly, making the frenzy an act of zeal. He leaned down to kiss her again, and from there, it was automatic. Y/N’s hip followed its own will and moved, showing exactly what it was looking for. The kiss became wet and some moans escaped not so quietly. Ten’s husky voice was the turning point for the princess.
“Come here.” He asked in a whisper.
Ten turned her on the bed and stood over her, waist between her legs. He entered without warning, fast and strong. A louder than expected groan left her throat, earning a chuckle mixed with a grunt from the prince. Y/N brought her hands to his back, dividing her attention between his shoulder blades and his dark, silky hair. With a love bite at the junction of her neck and shoulder, Ten started to move. Slow and intense, but picking up as the seconds passed by. Y/N already knew what to do to please him, so she devoted herself to his neck, trying to occupy her mouth with something other than “Oh, Ten” or scandalous moans. He grabbed one of her thighs and wrapped it around her waist, managing to reach deeper. Then, he was thrusting hard and fast. Y/N rolled her eyes and arched her back, forgetting about the whole world.
This was perfect.
Her stomach churned with several knots of pleasure, the peak of her orgasm reaching its maximum when Ten grabbed her face and kissed her urgently. Y/N felt the spasms in every cell, not knowing if she was able to enjoy her climax and kiss Ten at the same time. The prince continued to dive deeper until he too reached his release, making her want to get there again. Y/N slipped a hand to her swollen spot and began to rub it, tightening her muscles even more and listening to Ten’s sexy growls. And it worked.
Don’t ever let me come down from your love
From your love, from your love
                                                      ☼ ⸛ ☼ ⸛ ☼
Ten examined his wife’s ankle, amused by the way she didn’t try to pretend that the tattoo was a “big deal”.
“I still don’t understand why you didn’t want to tell me that this was common in Agni.” She lowered her dress’ skirt. “It looks rather cute on my ankle, doesn’t it?”
“You look rather cute, indeed.”
“Not me, the tattoo you didn’t want to tell me about!” She grinned.
“Are we going to talk about this again?” He hugged her, placing a sweet kiss on her cheek. “Thank you, anyway, for accepting. I love you.”
“My pleasure.” Y/N waved her hand. “Love you more.”
Ten offered her a glass of water and a cookie, because she hadn’t eaten breakfast in her desperation to get the tattoo. The monk finished cleaning the room and excused himself, but as soon as he left, Ipek hurried in.
“Rani Y/N! Rani Y/N!”
“What is it, Ipek?” Y/N disengaged herself from Ten’s embrace and stood up.
“Samraat Bhima is here... And he didn’t come alone.” Ipek pointed to the window.
When she pulled the curtain, Y/N could see Vayu’s flags extending across a large part of the street, accompanied by some of Agni’s. She turned to Ten in a mixture of concern and joy. It was time to announce to the kingdoms what they had done. And to hope that love would be enough.
“Olum, findi, it looks like we have some nations to win back.” She grinned.
And hand in hand, they went out to face the nations of Air and Fire.
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prettywarriors · 3 years
Ok ill bite whats the worst mg series
alright, whats the worst magical girl series in your opinion?
Thanks you two for letting me do some yelling. The obvious guess would likely be one of the recent edgelord shows right? Magical Girl Site or something similar? But nay I say, for while MGS and Day Break Illusion and such and what not generally tell you what to expect right away. Don't like super violence and suffering? Watch something else is the clear message from the get go. One of the bait and switch series then like Madoka or maybe Yuki Yuna? For what faults they may or may not have, at least these series do something and are interesting, even if you're not huge on what goes down in the series. A parody then? They range from affectionate to banned in New Zealand but regardless of quality and their feelings for MGs, it's a parody. It's a joke and shouldn't be taken seriously (plus they're usually short so you can just forget about them forever).
So what makes a series terrible then, I am sure you are asking. IMO? Setting expectations for an interesting and enjoyable series, and then dashing them to hell.
Come with me below the cut, as I talk about Key Princess Story: Kagihime Eternal Alice Rondo!
Spoilers abound so if you care about those for a 15 year old series, click away.
Background: Kagihime was a 4 volume manga that ran from 2004-2006 that was picked up for a 13 episode anime adaptation near the end of its run. The manga is created by a pair (Kaishaku) who you may know for making Magical Nyan Nyan Taruto. Kannazuki no Miko, and Steel Angel Kurumi, and the anime had a script written by the same writer (Mamiko Ikeda) for Tenshi Ni Narumon who also did some script writing for Princess Tutu and Seven of Seven. The anime also had 6 character music videos which are fairly simple but a nice addition to the series for the main girls. Discotek has been publishing the anime in the states in recent years, and the manga was brought over by *squints at book spine* Dr Master Publications.
The Premise: Girls transform and enter weird outside of reality spaces to fight each other with giant keys to take each other’s stories to create a third Alice In Wonderland story.
Well, an off-brand Alice story written by Alternate L. Takion, rather than Lewis Carroll/Charles Dodgson, that while the series uses all the aesthetic hallmarks of the tradition Alice, the little we see of the in universe Alice story is clearly different. Which is fine, at the end of the day, it’s still about someone who loves the Alice stories and wishes there was more, and even makes his own fanfiction version. His? Oh yeah, while the girls do all the fighting, the main character is Aruto, a teen boy who loves Alice, and for reasons we don’t know till late game, can enter the liminal spaces that the ‘Alice Users’ fight in. He chases a girl who looks like the Alice he sees in his story, who is named Arisu, and gets roped into this fanfic battle royale. He is also the older brother of the very needy Kirihara, who also ends up being and Alice User. As does Kirihara’s bff Kisa. To round out the group of enemies-turned-friends-who-will-work-together-to-collect-the-Eternal-Alice-without-having-to-fight-eachother group is a young genius researcher Kirika who wants to know more about Aruto’s connection that allows him to enter the spaces where the girls fight.
Then there’s all the other girls, some of whom still have real importance to the story and some who have a few panels or 2 scenes total. But with a whole bunch of girls to design, the creators reached out to a whole lot of other people to have them create designs! Eventually the battle gets down to the last few girls, there’s a confrontation with the guy running the whole thing, and while the anime and manga vary quite a bit the whole time, in both version Aruto ends up with Kirihara. Oh and Arisu was created by Aruto’s super imagination powers.  
The Promise: Here on is subjective, particularly with what I personally saw as potential from this series. because I need you to understand how much I want to like this series. 
~Alice in Wonderland themed: I know some people aren’t alice fans and that’s fine you do you but as a big alice fan this is great. We have a few alice episodes and themed characters amongst series like CCS and MGRP, and even Alice themes in other series like Tweeny Witches and Alice 19th. But damn it I am down for Alice series.
~Giant Keyyyyyyyys: Yeah yeah Kingdom Hearts but these keys are much more staff like for a lot of the characters which ads and air of elegance rather than the KH ones that for me at least feel well designed for big ol props rather than actual weapons. We also get...
~Weapon variety: It counts as a key if it’s a thorn whip that can be shaped like a key right? How about a giant pocket knife? Crossbows can also be keys. Hush. And we have this variety because
~Guest Artists: For magical girl series where we have a variety of outfits designed by different people, we have Kagihime, Uta~Kata, and uhh I guess Magia Record? But that’s a mobile game with a hella number of characters and with how mobile game works I wouldn’t count it just because it’s less the intent of the series to have variety and more the nature of having lots of girls. (Precure doesn’t count because unless I missed a memo each season’s set is still by one designer). If a series isn’t about a team and therefore doesn’t need cohesion, bringing in other artists is a great way for variety and new looks. 
~The long term goal: Fighting with other people who love the same piece of media you do in hopes of creating new material that will be viewed as official? That’s just fandom nowadays. But it’s a legitimate interesting concept, and opens up so many doors for a message for the series, be it ‘what you create is no less valuable than the canon work’ or ‘it’s hard to let go when something you love doesn’t have more to it but you can still love it for what it is’ or ‘bond with the people who like the thing you like ya idiot instead of fighting about it’. The concept is interesting and there are so many narrative ways you can take this.
~Gays: Between the anime and manga, we have at least 5 wlw. Is it a magical girl series without some gays? (side note- the manga had a short thing where the MC wears a girl’s uniform and is pretty comfortable in it and while there is no way this was the intent, between that and the emphasis on the stories that live in girls and how the fight zones have no men, I’m just saying, Trans girl Aruto.)
~Greater Fairy Tale Premise: We meet a Little Match Girl based MG who is obsessed with Andersen rather than the Alice books, and touch on a Sleeping Beauty character in the manga. The manga at least implies that classic stories and fairy tale authors uh. Live on in a liminal space as immortals with world warping powers within that world and there could be opportunities for other girls in the real world to fight for Little Mermaid 2: Electric Boogaloo.
The Good: Everything has positive points, no matter how bad it is.
~Character Designs: Some of those looks slap. As do most of their weapons. 
~Backgrounds: I have a strong opinion on backgrounds in anime that can be easily boiled down to old watercolor backgrounds good, modern filtered photos as background bad, and as a 2006 series, this might not be Memole nice but they’re quite attractive. 
~Splash Pages: Easily my favorite thing after the designs, each chapter’s title page for the manga just has a character standing in a setting. Which is not everyone’s thing I’m sure but it’s a nice simplistic way to let the characters breathe imo. Even if at least some of the settings were deffo traced. But that’s how backgrounds work to some extent? If I ever get to the Met again, I am tracking down this exact photo, but here is a likely candidate for an example.
~Different Versions: I do not understand the need to make an adaptation that tries to be a 1:1. Kagihime had the same ideas and characters and did some of the same beats but very much had a different finale story and a lot of changes in the middle (like the Alice cops in the manga). Again, not something everyone probably wants I’m sure, but I very appreciate this, especially since the Anime kept good pace with the number of Manga chapters (reading the manga again while watching the anime at 3.8x speed just now was very interesting to see the different interpretations of events in a different medium.)
The ‘Fine’: Yeah.
~Anime Visuals: Look 2006 was still early enough into digipaint that I will give it a total pass on these. The colors are too bright but in a very bland way, the lineart is nothing interesting, and the faces are. Iffy. But it’s not total garbage to look at (probably helped by backgrounds and character designs...) it just came out in an era where not enough people knew how to stylize things to account for the weakness of the tools of the time. (It was 4 years earlier but I feel Kagihime is the polar opposite of Chobits with its painfully bland color palette while still being just. Flat. Sorry for the drive by Chii.) 
~Music?: There sure were songs. Obviously, they are nothing to me.
The Bad: CW for.... somehow all the big things to an extent. 
~Fanservice: Look, I am fine with fanservice, especially for a series that’s, ya know, not targeted at kids, big Mai Hime fan here even if I would recommend skipping the panty thief episode. And honestly the series generally isn’t fanservicey, at least by the modern standards of having the camera choosing under the skirt rather than an over the shoulder shot like I’ve seen plenty in other shows. Even the sexier outfits like the rose whip dominatrix aren’t bad BUT. When the girls fight. One takes her phallic key and drives it into another girls chest between the boobs while the loser cries in pain and then her book comes out and when the victor rips out pages, the loser’s clothes also rip. It is very SuperS Amazon Trio assault metaphor-y. There’s also a bit of fanservice with the sister becauseeeee....
~Incest: If you read the premise up there, first wow good job because I’m sure not re-reading that, you might have noticed I said MC ends up with his sister. As someone who is a big mythology fan and watches plenty of anime, I have a decent tolerance for your obligatory ‘oh we’re siblings but actually cousins so our feelings are okay’ or whatever the fuck Citrus has going on I don’t know that series and I don’t vibe BUT. I have limits and boy did this series go beyond that because multiple episodes are dedicated to the sister being in love with the brother? And the brother returns her feelings but knows that they are wrong so he put everything he likes in his sister into his version of Alice who, of course, physically manifests as Arisu who he creates accidentally with his uh. Magic imagination powers. But again in both versions MC still ends up with his sister. Hey, at least the manga eventually said the boy was adopted when the sister was like, 3, so if nothing else no blood relations? The anime did not ad this. -_-
~Under Utilized Characters: Arisu’s gradual revelation that she has no childhood memories because she isn’t a real person is so interesting and they don’t do nothing with it but also? That’s the kind of thing I personally would love to dig into and Kagihime, while touching on this world shattering revelation, easily loops back to So Anyway She Should Fight For The Man and to hell with developing a life or personality outside of what has been written for her. The rest of the main 5 were 2 note characters which. Could be worse? The most interesting character ends up being the child genius who accidentally murdered her childhood bestie (and/or lover? depending on version) and her coming to terms with that (the friend is alive but the version changes how and why she thinks she’s dead). Then the villain has the motivation of ‘i lost my creativity and now have become an immortal living outside of normal space and am getting girls to fight each other because that’s like a story so I’m still relevant right?’. But shoutout to the anime for then taking death of the author literally. The numerous other girls are canon fodder outside of like. The manga version of the dead gf and the little match girl.
~Battle Royale: This is not a thing I have an issue with generally. Again, but Mai Hime fan, I need to read MGRP 11, BUT by not developing the non-main girls there is no emotional connection which makes them just canon fodder and that’s boring as sin for a royale system. The initial main character fights revolve so much around the MC guy being there that they fall flat, and the 2 or 3 final battles in both versions still feel without any stakes. Also for a royale thing most of the characters don’t actually die, which cool! Neat! Except when they do? Some nobodies and a somebody are murdered (at least in the manga) and the tone never feels like it’s supposed to be upping the stakes, it’s just. Some people are dead now. And do you want to guess which of the main characters died?
~Gays: Oh boy the best friend of the brother-complex sister is in love with her and (in the manga) dies. She does apparently get better for the last chapter but the death itself is only felt by the rest of the cast for a page or two before we go back to feeling sad big brother wants to kiss his mentally generated sister clone rather than his actual sister u_u. Bury your gays is nothing new, but I wonder if it was also intended to be justified because Guess Who Is Creepy and a bit Perverted? Oh look the lesbian keeps the used swimsuit of her beloved and manipulates events to get an indirect kiss and when she sees the sister trying to strange Arisu for a moment she decides to do it for the sister? It’s not good. You want bad gay rep in a magical girl series, well here ya go. We also had a nobody in the first(second?) episode whose story pages reveal her having a kiss with a girl, and then we also have the prodigy again and- in the manga- her. Uh. childhood lover who she thought she killed but the girl has been wiping her mind over and over so prodigy remembers ‘killing’ the friend and not the she’s alive so she can keep? fucking with her? Toxic!
~Sexual Content: But wait you say, you already covered fanservice! Ah but that is sexual content for titilation. This is sexual content for dramatic backstory! The red riding hood character was sexually assaulted, another character was manipulated into sex first as a teen and then more often to ‘get into the publishing industry’, and the same writer forces some aggressive kisses on the MC. None of it is gratuitous which is nice, but also, was it necessary? Not making a new point for this but read riding hood’s dog was also murdered so unnecessary animal death gets tossed on in there. 
~Male Lead: You can have a male, non magical character as the main character surrounded by magical girls. This is not how to do it. If I can make a vicious and hopefully not understood reference, Aruto is basically Tate from the Mai Hime Manga. If you understood that, I am so sorry. If you didn’t, congrats! Don’t read the manga. Or do and send me asks about the iconic final page of the first volume (18+). Anyway, this dude is boring, everything revolves around him, BUT I’ll be generous and say at least this isn’t a harem series? It looks like it out of context but it’s just a triangle with a fun attached scientist and token lesbian.
~Premise: They didn’t make good use of it. The initial goals of ‘take other girls pages from their soul books because if we get enough we unlock a third alice book’ is good! And then we add the twist that that was never going to happen and either if we get all the pages we can grant a wish, or these fights are just happening for the amusement of and asshole. Either way, yeah okay I guess. But at no point do we ever achieve this forbidden wish granting book and the asshole just. Lives. Nothing happens to him. His peers don’t even dunk on him. The only real changes from the beginning and the end of the series are: the siblings are now chill with dating, and the scientist lady won’t turn into a child in magical spaces. Oh. Yeah.
~Why did we make this adult a child sometimes?: I think we know why. Stop trying to get those types of folks to watch your already meh series. I also could have sworn at points in the past looking up images for this series I’ve seen extra art for Yuuri the Thumbelina-y Alice User that seemed like it would fit alongside anything by POP. You know, the Moetan guy. If you don’t know, god I wish that were me. 
Wrap Up: I have definitely forgotten some points and am well within my rights to ad to this whenever I remember more points but uh. Yeah.  
Listen you want an alice themed battle royale with nice outfits? Rozen maiden is right there. Battle Royale magical girl series that’s good with fanservice? Mai Hime. Series with different outfits while being based on a classic story? Pretear.
Hope anyone who read all of this at least got what I was saying, even if they don’t agree with it. And thanks for reading because whoops. 
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adventuresofclever · 3 years
CleverMax: SDCC 2021 Masquerade Entry
Comic-Con@Home Masquerade Entry: Adventures of Clever Costume Title: CleverMax - Mr. Clever as a Borderlands boss Costume Description: Recreation of Mr. Clever from the Doctor Who episode Nightmare in Silver, written by Neil Gaiman, done in the style of the video game, Borderlands. Bio: They/He pronouns
Greetings all!
I realized that I never wrote about how I made my CleverMax mashup cosplay, so when SDCC posted about their At Home masquerade, I figured this was the perfect time to do so! Most of you know that I cosplay exclusively as Mr. Clever from Doctor Who, with the random mash up thrown in here and there. I’ve always wanted to be a Borderlands cosplayer, and the following is how I managed to combine the two together.
As always, enjoy the blog and if there are any questions, please feel free to contact me. 
Let’s step into the TARDIS and jump back to October 20, 2009, when the first Borderlands game was released. It was my first foray into FPS (First person shooters) and I was hooked from day one. In 2012 they released Borderlands 2 which is, in my not so humble opinion, the best video game ever created. We got some of the most iconic charcters and storylines in that game. Including the best DLC ever, Bunkers and Badasses. And my second favorite villain of all time – Handsome Jack.
Jack’s sass, sarcasm and charm fits well with Mr. Clever’s personality. And in the pre sequel you get to play a version of him called the Dopplegnager.  I mean, this pretty much wrote itself.
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Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2 and Mr. Clever from Doctor Who
Borderlands cosplayers have aIways left me in a state of awe and admiration. The style of the game is so unique and seeing it recreated in person is nothing short of incredible. I’ve always wanted to figure out a way to be a Borderlands cosplayer. For the past eight years I have only ever cosplayed as Mr. Clever from Doctor Who. In the summer of 2019 I decided that was the perfect time to try to make this happen before NYCC.
When I initially decided to do this, it was going to be more of a mash up between Handsome Jack and Mr. Clever. I had planned on wearing Jack’s basic outfit, but in Clever’s colors with the a few add ons. Namely the bow tie and the cybernetics.
After much research and drafting, I decided against that. I ended up just turning Mr. Clever into a Borderlands boss. Same basic outfit as Mr. Clever/11th Doctor, but cel shaded and with weapons, cause Borderlands.
I made the accessories, chess set, and obviously the working cyberplanner piece itself for my Nightmare in Silver version of Clever, but I have never tackled anything this ambitious. An entire costume from scratch? Not something I thought I could do. Not knowing how to sew and being visually impaired were both challenges that I had to work around.
I started with looking around my house for various items that I thought I could use. I figured if I messed up, might as well mess up on something I hadn’t spent money on yet! I was going to toss a pair of my old paddock boots as they had some rips in the leather. Ripped leather? How very Pandora. They were the first thing I tackled.
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Old paddock boots that I refurbished for the cosplay
This was my first time using leather paint and I have to say I am very pleased with the Angelus brand of leather paint. I have worn these in the rain and through puddles, and they have held up 100%.
After the boots were done, I started on the vest. I had an old black vest lying around the house that was sort of the shape and size I wanted. I don’t have a dress form, so I put it on myself, inside out, and used safety pins to make it the size I needed, then hand sewed around the safety pins. Not ideal, but it works.
I had a spare pair of black jeans, button down light blue shirt and a plain bow tie that I just ended up cel shading.
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The only item that I really couldn’t figure out was the purple frock coat. Try as I might, I couldn’t find one to modify. So the coat was actually made by my friend Heather Long. I did alter the length after NYCC. 
With the clothes themselves all set, for the most part anyay, it was time to paint. This was my first time trying to recreate the art style of Borderlands, often referred to as cel shading. I have a few “art of Borderlands” style books that I poured over before I sat down to attempt this.
Other than the accessories and anything leather, I used the same materials and techniques for each article of clothing. Instead of describing each seprate piece, I’ll just explain what I did to achieve the overall look.
When you look at a Borderlands character on screen, it can be a bit overwhelming. So many colors, and so many nuances of each color. I did my best to visually sift through all that, and try to establish what I thought was the base color.
Once the base color was determined, I just added blotches, blobs, shading, low lights, highlights and other variations of the base color itself throughout each piece. I recommend keeping your fabric wrinkled and using those wrinkle as guidlenes for where the lines and shading would fall naturally.
Once all of that dried, I then went over different sections of the fabric with white and black lines. To get that crisp, almost comic book looking outline of each piece I used black sharpie, and white fabric pens as well as white fabric paint.
When I sat down to do the coat, I wanted something a little different than just cel shading. During a second playthrough of Tales from the Borderlands, I noticed Rhys and other characters had interesting logos and designs on the back of their jackets. I ended up putting a chessboard pattern on the back as a homage to the chess game between the 11th Doctor and Mr. Clever in the episode.
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Great shot of the chess board and my Judd Nelson pose
The materials that I used for all of the clothing items were craft paints that I had around the house. Any brand works, but I prefer Americana paints. I then added an additive that you use to make the paint water proof and used various sized brushes. Dry brushes are also very useful if you have them.
Black sharpies of different sizes and any fabric markers are also very helpful. Heat setting is required to make the paint waterpfoof, so if you mess up before you add sharpies, you can wash the clothes and start over.
A few tips if you decide to undertake cel shading clothing: Until now I hadn’t noticed that there aren’t many thing in Borderlands that are true black. Due to the art style most things that appear black are in reality shades of grey, with a grey base colr. This makes it easier to add the lines, shading, and what not.  Looking back, I should have bought GREY clothes. It was a ton of work to make the pants look like they were a mixture of greys. And as a result of so many laers of paint, they are stiff, lost their stretch and feel an entire size smaller! So I would recommend grey fabric as a base for black clothing and buy a size larger.
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The pants are so stiff that I think they will stand up on their own
This entire process was way more fun than I thought it would be and I’ve since become addicted to cel shading anything I can. I may or may not have started cel shading my guest room. 
After the clothing was finished, I started on some accessories and props. The first being the easiet – a wee little cybermite that I cel shaded. My cosplay of Mr. Clever always has a cybermite on my lapel, so I took one of my older ones and repainted it.
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You can’t have a Borderlands character without some sort of weapon, so I painted a nerf gun that looks similar to the one that Clara Oswald holds in the episode.
I have never had to carry a gun for my Mr. Clever cosplay before so weapon checks are sort of new to me. I didn’t want to go through that at NYCC so I came up with a clever, no pun intended, way around it.
I took a photo of each side of the gun. Went to Staples and had them printed on heavy cardstock. Then I cut around the guns, glued them together between a piece of cardboard then added some black electical tape around the edges.  Viola. Instant weapons check approved gun that is lightweight, and also acts a fan when it gets hot. It was a huge hit at the con. A few security guards were like “ we have to check your…wait..is that flat?” And they proceeded to play with it. I highly recommend doing this!
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Gun and its flat counterpart
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I am holding the flat gun in this picture from NYCC
In the actual game, you can equip your characters with mods that give them certain abilities and bonuses. In the Pre-Sequel, you can play as a Dopplganger of Handsome Jack so I searched for some of his mods and found one in purple which seemed perfect. I made the mod with cardboard, covered it in craft foam, modge podge to set, and installed led lights. The first time I wore it I put it on my belt which didn’t work. It kept falling off. I eventually put it on my lapel and wore it like Jack does. Unfortunately, someone glomped on me at a con and broke it, so I recently had to remake it all over again.
No Borderlands costume would be complete without cel shading on yourself. This was a huge challenge for me for a few reasons. One, I’m visually impaired so doing line work like this was challenging. Two, I am highly allergic to so many materials and ingrediants that finding a make up brand that I could wear was a trial and error process that ended up with many break outs and rashes before I found the perfect combination.
I used mostly eye liner pencils and liquid eye liner to achieve the look. The Wet n Wild liquid eye liner lasts forever, and is actually difficult to remove, but that is not a bad thing as it stood up to the heat of a very crowded venue.
As for the cel shading itself, I relied on many refernce photos of various characters in the game. I started with the eyebrows first as that seemed to frame the face nicely and give me a nice mischvieous look. I then just outlined the bones of my face, adding some random lines here and there. It never looks the same way twice, but that’s ok. Playing with different angles, lines, shading etc is half the fun!
The only real challenge were my hands. The make up didn’t last that long on my hands so I had to touch it up throughout the con. I also eventually started to use band aids that I cel sahded to cover up a tattoo on my inner wrist.
Figuring what to do with my hair is an on going process that I still haven’t 100% mastered. I opted to not use a foam wig as I have over heating issues on a cool day let alone trying to wear one if it gets warmer. I have had adverse reactions to craft foam in the past, so I don’t want it touching my skin, and lastly, I think a wig AND a facial prosthetic would be too much for me. So I decided to just cel shade my hair.
This takes forever to do, and I’m still figuring out better techniques every time I wear it.
I have a really great brand of colored gel, called Mofajang which I apply with a baster brush that you would find in the kitchen gadgets aisle. I also use a clean mascara brush to add some finer lines here and there. Set with way more hair spray than I ever used in the 80’s and it becomes fairly waterproof.
I have learned that due to how hard the make up and hair color is to remove, I really need to wear this on the LAST day of a con. I made the mistake of wearing it on day one of Long Island Who one year, and spent hours scrubbing my skin and hair for the next day. Far better to just leave the con with a tad bit of left over cel shading. Which makes it very interesting when you stop at a roadside bathroom on the trip home.
With the entire costume done it was time to work on the actual cyberplanner appliance. 
Next time I make a variation of Clever, I will make this FIRST. Making these pieces is the bane of my existence – I love wearing them, hate making them.  It’s a long process.
I am allergic to latex, silocone, scuply, most clays, and so many other things that seem to be every cosplayers go-to. When I made my first cyber piece back in late 2013, I spent weeks trying to find a substance that would keep attached to my face all day without causing a rash. Like an alchemist in a fantasy novel, I submerged myself into creating the perfect concoction. It took 22 days to finish the final product.
I admit that I rushed a bit on the Borderlands one.  As a result, it doesn’t quite fit as well as my others, and is a bit heavier than I expected. I only added two working lights, instead of the usual four, to hopefully balance the piece out. It lasted through two full days of a con, despite the heat of a crowded venue, but I did end up tweaking it a bit after. Even with the tweaks, it still doesn’t fit as well as I would like. It is too heavy and brings down the entire left side of my face, making it difficult to keep my eye open at times. I really need to sit down and force myself to make a new one.
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There are a few more things that I would like to add to this costume eventually. Like a belt of grenades, and maybe another gun. But aside from that, I am incredibly pleased with how this costume turned out. It is by far, my favorite Clever variation that I have done.
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I hope this post gives you the inspiration to go off and cel shade something, and possibly even play some Borderlands!
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Henrik and Russ just get gayer and more in love by the fucking WEEK, don’t they?!?!
I just. Russ LITERALLY confessed his love for Henrik tonight. Saying he didn’t want to tell Henrik the full truth about Ollie because “I couldn’t bear the prospect of losing someone else I... cared so deeply about.” How else can you take that? With that pause, the look on his face, the fact that he was comparing Henrik to Ami? There is no platonic reading of this. Literally none. It is more impossible to interpret platonically than the “I won’t let you go” Johnrik scene was, and that’s saying something.
(Also, yes, Russ shouldn’t have covered up for Ollie. He should have told Henrik everything he knew from the start. But as far as Russ knew it was a one-off incident, and as soon as he found out about what Ollie had done to Maisie, he immediately realised he shouldn’t keep it covered up. He’s a good man. He made a mistake, that’s all, but he’s a good man and I will not hear otherwise. Henrik himself has done much worse things than this. Russ is forgiveable.)
And those scenes in Henrik’s office. The last scene outside the hospital. God. May I just say, Simon Slater and Guy Henry are incredible actors with INCREDIBLE chemistry. I was always concerned, with regard to the idea of Henrik getting a boyfriend, that Guy Henry might not be able to manage chemistry with another man as well as he did with Paul McGann (whom he’d already known IRL for years), but it turns out I had nothing to be concerned about.
That last scene was just heartbreaking. You could see how much it physically pained Henrik when he told Russ to leave, and how distraught Russ was too - he looked like he was about to cry. They are so, so desperately in love. You can’t take that interaction any other way.
BRB crying over Henruss forever. Or at least until Henrik forgives Russ.
Also, I think it’s a definite, undeniable fact that this is heading for a romantic story arc now. It was already pretty clear before, but tonight stated it very openly and directly (especially on Russ’s side).
Okay, Henruss feelings aside, tonight’s episode was genuinely fantastic. Seriously. It was really, really good. The best episode of Holby I have seen in a long time. The continuity! The callbacks! The characterisation! The respectfully handled storylines! This felt like an episode from 2018 (early 2018, when the show was fantastic, not later 2018 where it kind of lost its way) all over again, and not just because Ollie was there.
James Anderson was BRILLIANT tonight. What an absolute powerhouse performance. Give the man a BAFTA for this episode alone. The writing for Ollie was spot on, too - him insulting Russ to make himself feel better about his PTSD was an excellent parallel to him insulting Henrik to make himself feel better about his brain injury in No Matter Where You Go, There You Are part 2.
And actual good writing for Henrik? I am VERY pleasantly surprised. Granted, it’s probably not the best idea for him to keep Ollie on at the hospital, but it’s the sort of thing Henrik does so I’ll give the show a pass on that. His speech at the end had me crying, as did the look on his face when Ollie said “I want to be the father my son deserves” - all the Fredrik callbacks tonight were very powerful.
Russ is a really fascinating character to me. He wants so badly to see the good in everyone, that he looks only at the best in people and tries to ignore the rest of it. I think that’s a really interesting piece of characterisation, and an interesting contrast to Henrik, who - especially in his early days on the show - really tends to see the worst in people. Well. They do say opposites attract.
Also. ALL THE CONTINUITY. AND THE CALLBACKS. Oh my fucking god. So they DID name the patient Roxanne on purpose after all?!?! Tonight actually featuring a (flashback, obviously) cameo from Roxanna seems to imply that.
And Henrik was wearing the exact same outfit at the start of tonight’s episode as he wore in No Matter Where You Go part 2 - Ollie’s final episode in 2018, where it’s Henrik who lashes out because of trauma and nearly physically hurts Ollie (and does actually physically hurt Fletch). The episodes have the same director (David Innes Edwards), so I assume this was actually deliberate.
Also, I can’t decide whether I love or hate the choice to have Ollie accidentally cut Henrik’s arm with the scalpel. It is certainly an interesting piece of writing though.
Elsewhere, Josh’s storyline is also incredible. Really, really good, and so respectfully handled. No sensationalism, just an attempt at a realistic portrayal of mental health issues. Trieve Blackwood-Cambridge was as brilliant as ever, and I love how healthy and loving Josh and Ange’s relationship is. This storyline, and the Jange relationship as a whole, really feels like old Holby.
The writing for the Max and Dom storyline was a bit clunky, admittedly, but they did try to get across an important point about racial bias in medicine so I’ll give them that! And it’s great to see two cute lesbian couples as guest characters for two weeks in a row.
The scene with Max and Dom in the garden was excellent, too. That really felt like old Holby - the simultaneous sadness as Dom opened up about Carole not recognising him anymore, yet also humour and laughter about Dom’s fear of clowns.
All in all, that was a truly brilliant episode of Holby City. By far the best episode this year. Ciara Conway, I congratulate you for writing this episode.
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cosplayinamerica · 4 years
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Spiderman from Marvel 1602 // Cosplayer: kammospark
Tell us about Spiderman1602, I’ve seen many versions of Spiderman but  thiis is a new one to me! What led you to this concept of this version of Spiderman?
Well I've always had an appreciation for lesser know outfits of popular heroes. Looking through many wardrobes and outfits, the obscure ones always stood out to me, "Wow, I've never seen this one before!" I'd think to myself, and I figured others who know the characters well would love to see them brought to life too, or even people curious about the stories of them would enjoy seeing it. I feel everyone has a love for Spider-Man; he's such an iconic superhero and has so many suits, and even though they can be quite diverse, they still feel recognizable as one of the Web-slinger's costumes.
While I was looking at different Spiderverse characters for inspiration on a new Spider-Man cosplay, I saw Marvel 1602 and it immediately caught my attention; I thought it was such a fun looking design. Definitely away from a modern or futuristic look, it's charm won me over, and I had to put it together. And as a fan of the fantasy genre in general, thanks to many years as a GM from D&D as well as other media, I also enjoy Ren-faires and wanted something to wear to show my love for Superheroes and Renaissance.
When you wore it out to conventions, what was the response? Obviously they knew you were Spiderman because of the mask but were they confused about the rest of your outfit? What were some of their guesses?
Oh people certainly get a kick out of seeing the outfit. Some people have called Me 'Lord Spider-Man', 'Ren-Spidey', 'William Spider-Speare', a lot of creative names for it that never fail to make me smile as much as it does for them. Whenever I wear a Spider-Man cosplay, I always want to try and take pics with as many Spider-Men as I can find, and most of the time it's the other Spiderman cosplayers that recognize who the character really is. I love having people laugh and get excited over the character, it's part of that Con Magic where people just can't help but feel like a kid when they see something that fills them with joy; its my favorite part of this fun hobby, just making someone's day memorable, even for a moment.
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Besides conventions , I see you wore the costume to a Renaissance Fair. What was responses there? Was it different from conventions?
Ren-faires in general are a great time! And when I started this costume, I was excited just thinking of the reactions from people and how happy they may be. I've taken 1602 to quite a few Ren-faires: Central Coast Ren Faire, NorCal Ren Faire, and Kingsburg Renaissance of Kings.
The first place I ever debuted it was as CCRF, and I was stopped by about 20 people before I could make it past the first 3 booths. It really does feel like a different environment going to faires. D
uring them, I'd be a bit more 'theatrical' and introduce myself as Peter Parquagh, and try my best to make people smile or laugh. I've gotten the opportunity to meet many wonderful people and people with stunning and gorgeous Renaissance outfits. Kids come walk by amazed that they actually got to see a Spider-Man at a Ren Faire.
One instance, a bard played the spider-man theme song on a lute as he traveled around me. At two different faires my presence was requested by the Queen, and I was escorted to her, one even knighted me! Everyone just has a blast role playing and getting caught up in the fun, the energy is so infectious and delightful! 
Take us through how the outfit was put together?
Well, I cannot take full credit on the cosplay. My mother was actually a large part of it. Growing up, my mom was always really involved and loved making costumes for Halloween for me and my sister. And one of her favorite aesthetics is period piece era fashion and she loves Jane Austen.
As I was looking for ideas for a new cosplay and showing her, she was drawn towards 1602 and offered to do as much as she could to help create it, and she loved helping putting it together. The suit is a handmade outfit following a 14th century cavalier pattern. The design called for detachable sleeves and very baggy slops, but we decided to have the sleeves attached and slim down the slops slightly, to give it a mix of authentic and Spider-man's sleekness.
We went looking online and found this wonderful blue velvet fabric with Fleur De Lis imprinted onto it and thought it'd really help the outfit pop! We had to make sure we kept the fabric in the same direction: it has a difference in shimmer if facing a certain way, and we wanted the Fleurs facing the same way as well, so we tried to be mindful of that. We pleated the red fabric in the front and it was quite stubborn, but we tried our best to make it look similar on both sides of the torso. The back has a spider and has legs that lead unto the front; we cut out red fabric and hand-stitch embroidered on, and was quite meticulous.
Me and my mom kept an eye out online for just the right buttons we wanted for the costume. Something antique and era appropriate but also thematic, and after a while, we stumbled across a web-designed antique gold button set. We also looked for a thick ruff rather than the costumes original thin look. The original costume look also called for the mask to have open eye holes, but I opted out of that, and felt that a traditional mask look better complemented the costume. After that I acquired socks and shoes and then it was finished! 
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How did you discover cosplay?
As mentioned earlier, my mom loved making mine and my sister's costumes growing up. She's a seamstress as a hobby, and is so creative and artsy. Halloween was probably my favorite holiday growing up, and I was so happy I got to wear something made with much love from my family. Some of my favorite notable costumes growing up was a knight, an astronaut, and Pikachu.
As I got older, around high school, I still liked the idea of costumes, even bought a cheap Captain America outfit for The Avengers premiere night, but I mostly dropped off on dressing up. I grew up in a very small town, but eventually, after I moved out to the city, I heard about 'conventions' and I was interested and wanted to try and wear something to one. I decided to make a classic Punisher costume, and wore it for the con. It was a small venue, but even then it finally hit me, 'This is a thing people do. People love to dress up, go make friends, bring smiles and show their love for their Fandoms and interests. THIS is what Cosplay IS'. I finally understood what this little hobby of mine was, and I embraced it.
Have you discovered something about yourself through cosplay?
I've always thought of myself as a people pleaser. I'm someone who really only want others to be happy. I'm also someone who loves to share their interests and engage with others about things that we can share and discuss and geek out over.
When I was young, I often felt left out from social circles, due to my often eccentric personality. I found it really hard to make friends, and I am forever grateful for the friends that I have made and been with me for years.
Cosplay has opened up another avenue as far as friends and socializing. My first couple of cons I was initially intimidated, but I have to say that I'm so glad I got into this hobby, for I've met many people with interesting stories and wonderful personalities, and people I still talk to often. It's really helped me feel like I can make good friends and memories, and I'm sure that others have felt similarly and that's something I treasure.
What are your future cosplay goals?
As with most cosplayers I'm sure, I have way too many projects in my head with very little work on a lot of them. I suppose my current goal is to rework the headpiece of a cosplay I finished last year, my Bioshock Big Daddy Doll. The head was massive and too cumbersome so it needs to be redone.
As far as new projects, I would very much like to do a Prince Link cosplay, inspired by the creation of theLostSindar. Another idea would be to do more superhero variants and make a Blue Lantern Flash that 8ve been eyeing for a couple of years.
One thing I definitely want to get good at is working with foam. I am massively inexperienced with foamsmithing, and I strive to learn how to be good at it and learn how to make wonderful things with it. It's just like when I first went to cons; starting off can be a bit scary or even overwhelming before we really get it going, but that exposure to things we really desire is all we need to get hooked and make it our passion.
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amnesicmaiden · 3 years
A Matter of Choice. . .
[Something I’ve been wanting to write after beating chapter 8, I’m sure I got some thing wrong but anyways!]
Sometime after the operation at Chernoborg, The Doctor known as Seira was walking into the medical wards wearing her complete outfit including her mask as she kept hold of her clipboard with a few pages stacked on each other. With her uncharacteristically precise movements, there was an important matter for her to be attending, using her card to enter a more secured room being approached by one of the many medics.
“D-Doctor, are you here to visit the patient. We were told to expect you. . .”
“Eh? You were?”
“Yes, Doctor Kal'tist was here a moment ago to oversee any changes that may be unusual. Once she was finished she left saying “Expect Doctor Seira to come here.” and shortly you arrived.”
“As expected of Doctor Kal'tist, could you maybe tell me how her mood was when she spoke to you.”
“J-just the usual mood. Why do you ask a strange question like that Doctor?”
“I was just curious.”
“Well, we were told to let you in as it was deemed safe.”
“And the patient's condition?”
The medic eyes look down giving anyone that had a basic understanding that it was grim. “We're not sure if he's going to be able to get out of the coma. . .”
“. . .It's going to be like what Kal'tist said. . .” Seira said under her breath remembering the words Kal'tist had spoken to her.
“What was that Doctor?”
“Nothing, I was just remembering something Kal'tist had said to me. Do you mind if I enter the room, in private?”
“. . .You want to go in and be alone with him?”
“Yes? Is that a problem?”
“N-no of course not but we can only give you only a few minutes”
“How much is a few?”
“About ten.”
“I can make do with that.”
“Then we will come around that time and let you know when you have to leave Doctor.”
“Very well and thank you.”
With that said the Doctor enters the room that contains a lot of medical equipment that caused plenty of different kinds of sounds inside and medical equipment attached to a single white-haired Liberi boy who is in a deep deep sleep. Seira stood in front of the door until she heard the door shut with the last medical personal leaving the room and with that she spoke not in her usual friendly matter but in a serious tone that few have only heard her behave like. Slowly she enters the center of the room where the Liberi was located, standing to stare at him through her helmet.
“Still in that coma, Mephisto?” She spoke to the Liberi as if thinking he was listening to her words, walking to his side and pulling a seat next to him.
“Been thinking how it came all to this, how someone can be so cruel and then the next moment desperate enough to use the machine for what? Thought understanding I came out like new you wanted that as well? Is that what you figured? Well, guess the fact of the matter is that we are two completely different people. You came out as a monster bird, spewing toxins and cause something frightening yet Kal'tist was able to operate on you to bring you back like this. As for me. . .”
She paused, looking to her side away from the unconscious body and slowly she places her hand up, removing both her hood and her mask to reveal a woman with long-blue hair and red eyes, a soft gentle face but one that was currently being stern with the seriousness of what the subject is and who she is next to in which she turned back to face him.
“. . . My memories reset after I apparently sustain heavily injury and I was bought here, this healed me and it only made me forget my past. A past that still affects me now, something I did so horrible and maybe even more than that it affects how some people view me. It sounded like I didn't choose to go inside even what I did, I was injured but you. . . You wanted to forget, forget everything that had happen to you and what you've done, when you figured you could use that machine you came to it, and yet this world is always so cruel.”
She took a pause as she lets out a sigh, thinking over the choices she had made and the ones she made concerning the one in front of her. Was it a good idea to treat him like a patient, think of him as some casualty, a lamentable outcome of some hideous logic even seeing the horrible deeds he had done? Perhaps it was the wrong choice to some, perhaps the right choice to others, and a choice that no one can really judge. Then it came up to another thought. . .
“I've killed someone's best friend, someone that was dear to another and that person will hold that against me forever. Even if I have forgotten I still live with those consequences, it's not just Kal'tist but also W who is explicit in making me know what kind of person I am not compared to what I was in the past. Then I guess the only reason I was the right choice to bring back was because of my usefulness and yet Amiya trusts me so much with her big heart. . . Maybe she doesn't know? So, if I came back normal because we are all so different maybe I'm a different kind of monster and I only forgot the kind of monster I was. It's hard to understand but I'm so different from every else and not just what Kal'tist mention. What am I? I can't be Sarkaz, Sankta, Feline, Perro, Liberi, Aegir, Cautus and all the others I know of. . . I'm just, Seira who has this strange body. . .”
After a small pause of the Doctor looking down, a break of a moment as she giggles softly with her voice in a moment of weakness to its usual tone “You know, Kal'tist told me not to say some of the stuff I've said here yet It's not like you're listening as you sleep deeply. Hahaha. . .”
She slaps her own knee gently and continues talking to the comatose body with her voice still in the usual tone that others are used to.
“. . . It would be real bad if you were, but that really depends if you really do wake up. . . “ Then her voice went back to being dead serious.
“. . .I didn't bring you here because I forgive your deeds, rather I want you to face the terrible actions you have done to everyone even if you don't want to remember. So the question is this, in this world that is cruel to the infected and to many others. What is crueler to you, letting you wake up from your coma, being reminded of what you did, and having to face not just your actions but the loss of people you were close to while having an extremely limited time or perhaps you dying right here slowly is crueler, destined to never wake up. As I said, I don't forgive what I know you've done but if you do wake up I'll come to you, and if you do want to proceed forward even if your time is only a few years, a year, 6 months, a month or even a few days. I will help you on your path of redemption as long you seek that hard path. After all, Kal'tist never said a specific short time so perhaps you can have a small-time alive. Whatever this world thinks is crueler is most likely what will happen to you, all I did was make a choice even if there is no real difference to the end result if you are just fated to die.”
“. . . .”
“. . . .Guess my next action is to ask Talulah about you.  I don't want to ask her anything selfish, if she wants to make a decision on what she wants to do she has that freedom. Perhaps I just want to listen to her, know more about her, and learn a little more about Reunion. Of course, not just about you, but also FrostNova and Patriot, right, and what was that crossbow boy's name? Faust? Yeah, it was Faust.”
Seira could help but let out a chuckle, due to her speaking to a comatose body that most likely wasn't listening to her, guess it's a means to speak out her mind to herself using someone as a means while saying things she wanted to say to the boy. “. . . Can't believe I said all this, even taking off my mask and hood, guess it really doesn't matter. Rest well, Mephisto.”
With that said she places her hood and helmet back on, standing up and as she heads to the door the medic she had spoken to was opening to the door.
“Oh, Doctor. . . I was just about to say to you-.”
The Doctor interrupted the medic in her friendly tone. “Ten minutes has passed I'm guessing, I won't be coming back here anytime soon. Although, if I may make one request.”
The medic nods. “Of course, Doctor. What do you want?”
“If there are any signs of him waking up, let me know as soon as possible.”
“Yes, of course, Doctor but. . .”
“. . . I understand, the chances of that is immensely low. Still, the possibility is not 0%. We will do our best for any infected even if the chance is 0.01% so let's do the same here.”
The medic gave only a soft smile. “Yes, of course, Doctor. Can I ask why you wanted to be with the patient alone?”
“Don't worry about it, all I was doing was thinking about how much my choices actually mattered.”
“Ahaha, I told you to not worry about it. I'm just being silly~”
With that said, Doctor Seira leaves the medical room, walking out of the medical ward with that thought left all it was now. . . Was that Seira had made her own matter of choice and surely if someone else was in her shoes, they each will have their own.
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