#its so qsmp coded
godtierjune · 10 months
OH MY GOD. HEAR ME OUT: qsmp s tebou mě baví svět AU??????
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soups-archive · 9 months
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more signs were discovered around the spawn area!
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strikerangel · 1 year
mariana : ''out of all the creators i think that i like slime the best , hes very funny and very crazy and i get along with him very well , i want to make love with him ''
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tbh i think that even unwinnable fights should be winnable. some of the BEST fights i've ever run as a dm were ones i built kill the players (in a fun way. I had some cutscenes prepped so even the loss would be a different flavour of win)- but then they were clever bastards and managed to either win the fights or pull themselves out of trouble. I think it's perfectly fine to plan for a fight that players aren't supposed to win, but you need to let them. if they can't win, they can't lose, and the meaning of that encounter is diminished. do that too many times, and they stop trusting you to give them roleplay prompts and start expecting to sit there waiting while you drive the story for them.
but if they can win... if there is always the chance to win, no matter how impossible the odds, then they ALWAYS have hope. they always get invested. they feel the big emotions of success or the big emotions of failure, and you fucking Win as a dm/roleplay prompter/lead bastard.
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elgrandebonemeal · 4 months
now that the qsmp is apparently over and slime has been MIA for god knows how long how about we all try to like gaslight ourselves into believing he got an actual proper ending to his arc. for example i am personally choosing to believe that after purgatory he stole that fuckass boat, found and picked up BOTH Flippas, and now sails around with them and Mariana free from The Horrors forever and ever
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s1lly-billy · 11 months
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Oh guys she's so fucking dead
Oh no
Oh no
Oh no
Shes so fucking dead
Ohhhhh noooooo my girlllll noooooo aweeee I'm going to sob nooooooo....
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hinderr · 1 year
the way i feel the urge to dissect this clip.....this fucking clip oh my god. charlie checking with flippa, going it's okay? like he's not sure, like he needs to be sure, sounding like he's afraid above all. then his defensiveness, when he pulls out the sword. the fact that watching from slime's pov, you don't even notice the sword but from here its so very blatant, when charlie looks straight at cellbit and his voice raises
and then cellbit quickly backing up saying hey, we're cool, we're cool and phil in the background seconding that. the contrast of how soft cellbit's voice is when he says hi juanaflippa and charlie's desperate, vaguely hoarse yelling (he's also saying 'youre being crazy, you're actually crazy' which is something charlie himself grapples with, repeatedly saying 'i'm not crazy you are' in hopes it'd make it mean something). juanaflippa herself coming in between and knocking charlie back away.
and even then charlie backing up only when cellbit goes 'oh I never met her'. and charlie's sigh when he backs up, waits for a moment, looks at juanaflippa and then back at cellbit and goes 'wait, really?'
god. juanaflippa died before she ever got to meet him. this is the case for so many too. 'i heard so much about you,' because hearing about her was all that could've been done. and cellbit surely has heard of juanaflippa, if not for herself then for what came...after, the aftermath that was charlie slimecicle
and then finally, finally, charlie looks at his kid again and puts his sword away. empties his hand. goes 'oh'. and then still, still, protectively asks cellbit to stand at a safe distance away from his kid who's died once before oh god charlie can't lose her again it would kill him. it would kill him
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doubleslashkarma · 1 year
I'm torn because first of all the fact that the codes managed to neutralize Etoiles is TERRIFYING, but on the other hand they literally had to seal him away in Hell to stop him from kicking their ass and I personally find that fucking hilarious
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codecurucho · 8 months
There’s something so qsmp-core about Pac and Phil refusing to fight each other. Like the fed keeps repeating that they’ll be rewarded for fighting each other, but their friendships matter so much that they refuse to fight even if it means they’ll both be killed.
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mediocre-noodle · 1 year
being a q!slimecicle enjoyer is so funny because half of the experience is combing through vods and liveblogs to figure out where tf he went and getting jumpscared by serious lore that he was involved with for some reason
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tomfrogisblue · 9 months
This was a not subtle reminder that there was a real reason N.I.N.H.O. was created.
It's not a cute lil egg hotel, at the time eggs were being attacked on the daily and losing lives left and right.
It has adorable art of the eggs on it now but it was created by Forever because the eggs were literally dying somewhat consistently to the codes.
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flowerquib · 7 months
All of this turbulence wasn't forecasted
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Apologies from the intercom
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And I am relieved that I'd left my room tidy
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They'll think of me kindly
When they come for my things
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dozyrogue · 9 months
Bagi's whole reason for showing up on this god for saken island was to find her brother. Finds said brother and he in so many words says that the boy she remembers isn't here anymore. And that seeing u actually pisses me off cuz it reminds me that I lost everything.
Then purgatory
Then she basically made or is making her own family. Richas, tina, em, and tubbo!!
Miss girl traveled back to PURGATORY FOR HIM!!! she heard he was taken then told em she has to go and get him back, that she can't leave him there. AND THAT MAKES ME WANT TO SCREAM. AND EVEN IN PURGATORY SHE STILL PUT HER TRUST IN HER COACH/ SUEDO LITTLE BROTHER.
And she did bring him back she kept her promise aaahhh
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codecicle · 11 months
.anyway ,, qcharlie's entire thing is loving devotion in its most raw fucked up form. codefippa could stab him in the heart and he would kneel down thinking she is knighting him for his service. everything he does is for her. that includes getting better (promising juanaflippa he would get his "rash" checked out during the day of the dead stream because she seemed worried) and getting worse (his entire talk with cellbit. the parallels of his code and the knife). he loves so strongly that it consumes him, quite literally. the loss and grief from his love consumed charlie so he created gegg as a last resort when nobody else would let him throw himself away in their name (foolish rejected the marriage, and mariana wouldn't log on. he was still staying by flippas grave day in and day out. charlie would be doing the same if flippas final words to him turned out different, but in his mind he needs to make it up to her. he needs to stay exiled. he cant return until he's paid the price and attoned for his misclick.) gegg was meant to be quackity's son and even then quackity wanted nothing to do with him. gegg was elquackity's kid more than anything and when gegg died elq was the only person charlie checked on. actually after geggdeath charlie nearly broke the cycle and found his hope again in the other eggs!! he met richarlyson and tallulah properly on his birthday and was given codeflippa as a gift at the very end. he is genuinely letting himself get consumed by the code just to keep her in his life <3 it's fucked up and bloody, pure raw grief and love at the same time manifesting as decay and rot through the code <3 <3 <3 i literally hate him so much it's insane <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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dapper’s having such a hard day today because its the day the code finally finally killed him and. he doesnt even know. he doesnt even know that somewhere out there its mimicking him. wearing his sister’s glasses but his cracks. its calling slimecicle dad. it didnt get that from juanaflippa- she called slime papa. where else could it have learned that but the egg it tried to kill nine times. from the egg it succeeded killing once.
“my name is dapper” it says. dapper huddled in his house and didnt go to his sisters’ bday party because of it. and he doesnt even know
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qtubbo · 11 months
qpac is so roly poly coded to me, whenever he gets stressed out he curls up into a little ball and will not come out.
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