#its so f*cking silly
juliatv · 1 month
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bleucaesura · 6 months
Millie watched the boys blush and be awkward and beamed with joy.
“You two are just too f*ck’n CUTE!”
She grabbed Moxxie around the waist and swung him around in a crushing hug.
He squeaked and gasped for air.
Blitzø burst out laughing.
“Well. It seems I may be interrupting a joyous occasion.” Stolas stood in the doorway. “Should I return later?”
“Don’t be silly!” Millie put Moxxie down, rushed over to Stolas and took his hand. “Come join us! Mox was just going to show Blitzø some of the music stuff we brought from home! Weren’t you Mox?”
Moxxie was bent over, hands on knees gasping for breath. He put up a finger as he tried to catch his breath.
“Oh, hun! Don’t be so dramatic!” Millie pulled Stolas over to the bed. “Come on. You’re welcome to join!”
Stolas looked at Blitzø shyly for confirmation.
He smiled back at him.
Stolas blushed.
“Sir.” Moxxie coughed. “I brought some things from home like the doctor suggested. Where would you like to start?”
“I don’t know. What’cha got?”
Moxxie pulled out a HellPad and pulled up a screen of his downloads. He handed it to Blitzø.
“If we’re just speaking music I have several genres. Classical. Contemporary. Broadway. Opera.” Moxxie swiped through the options as he went. “And within each genre, of COURSE its divided into”
Blitzø’s ears started to ring. Moxxie’s voice became this quiet “womp-womp womp womp wooooomp” in the background until all he heard was the shrill scream of the ringing whistle in his head.
F*ck… Don’t snap at him… Don’t snap at him… DON’T… SNAP…
Blitzø felt a hand slip into his and squeeze it reassuringly. He looked over and there was Stolas. He was smiling down at him as if to say “it’s ok”.
And it was ok.
Blitzø smiled warmly back at Stolas and interlaced their fingers.
The ringing stopped. Moxxie was still talking. “Of course if you’re into that sort of thing we could always try this artist over”
“Mox?” Blitzø interrupted him.
“Why don’t I give that cat one you love so much another try?”
Moxxie’s eyes lit up. “REALLY, Sir?”
Blitzø heaved a sigh. I’m gunna f*cking regret this…
“Yeah. But you’re gonna have to explain it to me cuz I was confused as F*CK in the theatre.”
“Ok. So… Explain this to me again, Mox… These are like… What? Stray cats?”
“They are Jellicle Cats, Sir.”
“The F*CK is a Jelly Call cat?”
Moxxie ground his teeth and growled.
“Hun. Be patient. He’s not into this stuff like you are.” Millie laid a hand on his arm. “Why not explain it to him in terms he’d understand?”
Moxxie smiled warmly at her and nodded.
“Ok, Sir. Imagine them like a…” Moxxie flipped his hand and wrist about trying to manifest a description in his mind. “Ummmm…. Ah! A secret society of sorts.”
“Ok…” Blitzø looked at him skeptically.
“Ok. So they get together for a special ‘ball’ to choose one among them who gets to…” he rubbed his chin in thought.
Blitzø looked at Stolas. Stolas shrugged.
“I suppose the best description,” Moxxie continued “Would be that they are choosing one among them to go to heaven and be reincarnated. Have a second chance at life as it ‘twere.”
“Uh huh.” Blitzø nodded. “Mmmk… So. Like. A good thing. Right?”
“Yes, Sir.” Moxxie said flatly. “A good thing.”
“Mmk. Got it.”
“Who’s this old dude?” Blitzø pointed at the screen.
“Old Deuteronomy. He chooses who ascends.”
“Well who the f*ck is he that he gets to decide that?”
“Doesn’t matter. He just is.”
Blitzø glared at Moxxie.
Moxxie rolled his eyes.
“He’s lived many lives. So they see him as wise.”
“See? Was that so hard?” Blitzø teased.
Stolas leaned down and whispered to Millie. “Do they even really like each other?”
Millie giggled. “Oh yeah. They love each other.”
Moxxie was fighting off Blitzø’s playful poking finger attacks.
“Just watch the damn show, Sir!” Moxxie flailed his hands, slapping away Blitzø’s pokes.
Stolas raised an eyebrow. “Mmhmm…”
“This guy. I like this guy.” Blitzø tapped at the screen.
“Rum Tum Tugger, Sir.”
“Dude’s got swag.” Blitzø bobbed his head to the music.
“He will do as he do do, and there’s no doing anything about it.” Moxxie quoted. “Glad you like him. Because that cat costume you dressed up in when we were messing with the cherubs? That was Rum Tum Tugger.”
“Niiiiiice!” Blitzø winked at Stolas, who blushed and laugh-hooted back.
“Who’s this now?” Blitzø perked up again when he saw a ratty, bedraggled character shuffle on stage.
“Grizabella. She used to be a part of the group when she was young and glamorous, but left a long time ago.”
“Ok. I’m sorry. But why the F*CK are they being such pricks to her?”
“They are repulsed by her appearance.” Moxxie shrugs.
“Well f*ck them!”
“Blitzø it’s ok.” Stolas squeezed his shoulder. “It’s just a show”
“No!” Blitzø choked. “Did you hear her song? Grizabella is too f*cking precious for this world!”
“You see that?!” Blitzø jumped up in bed. “You f*cking SEE that?!”
“Darling!” Stolas tried to coax Blitzø to sit back down. “Please. You’re getting too excited.”
“Who’d they pick? THAT’S RIGHT! My badass bish Grizabella!”
Millie giggled. Moxxie covered his face in his hands and shook his head in shame.
“VIN-DI-CA-TIOOOOOON!!!!” Blitzø threw back his head and pumped his fists at the ceiling.
“Darling, pleeeease!”
Blitzø felt dizzy. He smiled at Stolas and let him help him back down onto the bed.
“I’m glad you liked it,” Millie laughed. “Aren’t you glad Mox?”
“What have I done?” Moxxie groaned into his hands.
Blitzø laughed.
“You were right, Mox! It really was a good show.” He squeezed Moxxie’s shoulder. “Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me.”
Moxxie looked up from his hands.
“I’ve figured it out.”
“What’s that?” Blitzø raised an eyebrow.
“You’re my Sisyphean task… Aren’t you?”
Stolas snorted.
Confused, Blitzø looked back and forth between Moxxie, Millie and Stolas: Moxxie burying his head in his hands, Millie shrugging and shaking her head, and Stolas desperately trying to cover his tittering laughter.
The F*CK does THAT mean?!
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batmannmemes · 3 months
MEME Keaton
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pretty-batty · 1 month
Return to Skull Rock
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Eddie x Original Female Character Pt 6 of Eldath's Priestess 4184 words
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Warnings: SMUT (18+ only), descriptions of bodily injuries and scars, borderline grotesque facial deformities, Monster F*cking (Eddie is not quite human anymore), reunion sex, oral (m receiving), fingering (f receiving), p in v, unprotected sex (oral contraceptive implied), creampie, body worship. Now on ao3 Thank you again to @anakinkshamer as my beta reader.
Summary: Judy's trip with the old "Silly Simon" leads her to Eddie's location. But he is no longer the Eddie she knew.
Notes: This is my magnum opus. I hope you enjoy our new Eddie.
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Judy had returned to the void she had tried to forget, walking through the nothingness.
She continued to think of him, her Eddie. From when she closed her eyes, she focused solely on him. How he smelled, how he sounded, how he looked at her with warmth and wonder.
The air grew colder, smelling of burned trees and rot. In the distance, she saw it, a rounded rock formation known by the youth of the area. A common make-out spot that she had yet to see in person. Eddie never took her there, insisting on being closer to the lake itself.
“People are assholes,” he’d explain, “and I don’t like sharing your attention with assholes.”
She approached the rock, gazing upon the newly killed animal, mauled beyond recognition. Her heart sank as she instinctively brought her hand to her chest, face crumpling in sorrow.
Her attention was brought to a hoard of screeching from high above. Still nothing to be seen, but she still followed the noises. The ground began to slant down beneath her feet, she found balancing to be easy as she made her way, the cold soon growing damp. A cave, most likely near the grave of lover’s lake, along the shoreline.
A shaking sigh echoed from within. She continued, rushing into its craggy stone mouth. There had been doubts through this experience, the biggest being the ghost of Joey’s death. But all of those fears melted away when she saw a trembling Eddie, or at least a mop of filthy curls hanging over a huddled body. She reached for him, touching his warm shoulder before being yanked away.
Judy snapped awake, being shaken by her aunt’s hands and voice. She shot upright, meeting her aunt’s gaze. “What?”
“Oh, thank fuck, you stopped breathing for a second.” Margie sighed, wrapping her arms around Judy and bringing her into an embrace.
The others had gathered due to Margie’s panicked attempts at waking Judy. They now watched as the young woman pried herself from her aunt and take a deep breath.
“South of skull rock, along the tip of Lover’s Lake, there is a cave. He’s alive, scared shitless but alive.” Her voice regained its strength, bolstered by the excited and relieved exhales, “but there are things in the trees. I don’t think we can risk navigating at night.”
Judy gave the parameters, but her brain was not in a position for strategy. The shrooms were still affecting her, as she wondered into the kitchen and laid on the tile. It swam like white water. She liked that.
It had been some time before they had hammered out a foolproof plan. All that was left was for Judy’s trip to end, which took longer than desired.
Late in the afternoon, it was time to put the plan into action. 
“If we’re going to get him, we have to be in teams. One to locate the cave, the other to extract him.”
Judy, Robin, Steve, Dustin, and Lucas would start at Skull rock and find the cave. Upon doing so, they would radio to the pickup team and wait for extraction. Hopefully, Eddie was still there.
The plan seemed straight-forward and simple, get there and get out. Judy wasn’t sure if it was the shrooms still lingering or if she was incredibly naïve, but she was confident in their ability to carry this out.
That was before she was met with Skull Rock and turned south. Trees. So many trees. The creatures were quiet, no doubt sleeping. She had hoped for a straight shot to the cave, as her walk through the void was. But she stumbled through the woods all the same, trailing behind Steve and Robin who took point, makeshift weapons at the ready.
What took mere seconds in her dream took a half an hour, and the sun was beginning to set. They reached the mouth of the former Lover’s Lake, the ground slanting into its smoking maw.
“No way in hell we’re reaching that.” Steve said, stopping amongst the grass, “you sure it’s here?”
Judy rubbed the back of her head, as if to stimulate a memory from her trip. But nothing. She saw nothing else. Her back to the rock, she walked, the ground slanted and the trees shrieked, the cave was wet. 
Wait. the cave. It was wet. Damp. So, there was moving water near it.
She looked to the two younger boys, “Can you use your boy scout senses and find water?”
Lucas shrugged, “I can use my eyes.” He motioned to a deer slowly making its way through the woods. “It’s either going towards water, or away from it. My money is on towards.”
Without a doubt, Lucas was right. With each step they took through the thin tree line, the earth began to soften, plants flowering in the path of the moistened earth. Within ten minutes, they had reached it. Along a brook, beneath a small cliff, there was the craggy stone mouth of the cave. 
But the anxiety froze Judy, barring her from going in. “I’ll call the location,” she insisted.
Dustin handed over the walkie-talkie before following into the cave behind the others. After a moment of conveying their location, reading the numbers off the notepad in her hand, and receiving assurance that it was received, she turned to the mouth of the cave.
How far did it go? 
How far had they gone?
Taking those first few steps, the cave felt as it had in her dream. Passing through the threshold, she could finally hear their voices. Very distant but discernable. 
“Jesus christ,” said Dustin. 
“What happened to your face?” Lucas questioned.
“Why the hell didn’t you come back?” asked Steve.
“Wayne’s been a mess.” Robin added.
“I couldn’t go back.”
Judy breathed a sigh of relief.
“How the fuck do you think I could come back to them? I mean look at me.” His voice grew louder as she stumbled through the cave, hands running along the walls to navigate. In her desperation to reach him, she had forgotten to pull out her flashlight. Still, she made her way to the voices of her friends, and to her Eddie.
“You know she was blind, for like…a month? When we first met, she was seconds away from having a seizure. Then she was blind. But I didn’t care. I read to her. I helped her. I liked her. Then those guys came in, took her away for days. One morning she was back and,”
Judy finally reached them. His voice came loud and clear from behind the wall of teens, flashlights pointed at the back of the cave.
“She could see again, and she looked at my face…” Eddie cracked a smile, hidden behind his black, necrotic fingers, “I knew I wanted her to look at me like that for the rest of my life.” He ran his hands over his face and through his matted hair, “but not like this.” The young man turned to face his former allies, bringing his now grotesque visage into the many flashlight beams.
Two stitches, about two inches long, from each corner of his mouth. Two more from his top lip, reaching an inch below each eye. And the final one, down his chin, black and filthy. It looked as if it were formed from a Demogorgon-like maw into a mouth that could speak again. The mess took away from his eyes in the darkness of the cave, a striking yellow swirling where the deepest and kindest brown had once resided.
“What are you talking about?” Judy, incensed, pushed through the group to take her place at the front. There was a lull in her movements, as if to gage the danger, but the ache in her chest took over and she plowed another two steps forward. “Show me.”
Eddie instinctively shrunk away before she cupped his face in her hands. He softened in her familiar touch, immediately tucking his chin down to hide. Her grip forced him to meet her gaze.
The flashlights gave her a clear view of every grody stitch, stale sweat on his skin, his eyes glowing back at her. Her thumb ran along his cheek, right beside the highest stitch, as if trying to wipe the grime from his skin. “Eddie…”
“Mm?” He managed to hum, jaw clenching back a cry. 
Her hands moved from his cheeks down his arms, taking his taloned hands in hers and bringing them to her shoulders. His blackened grasp clutching to her as she released them, returning to his cheeks, bringing his gaze back to hers. “You can touch me.” She whispered. His hands softened, running down the front of her jacket, over her buttons and homemade patches, before settling on her hips.
“Should we…. go?” Robin asked.
“No. It’s okay…” Judy sighed, smiling up at Eddie, “let’s get you out of here.”
Eddie stepped out of the shower, the warm plush mat beneath his feet. He couldn’t bring himself to look in the mirror, fearing the horror he’d face in its reflection. The commotion downstairs had quieted down. Judy’s voice was absent. His darkened fingers and thickened claws gripped the fluffy pink towel and held it to his face, taking a deep breath. It smelled like her, like home. Using it to dry himself off, he was able to take inventory of his healed wounds. A massive chunk of his right leg was gone, the memory of crawling on his belly through the Upside-Down came to him, shown by the scars across his chest. Then there were his two matching wounds, now forming inch deep pits over each hip, discolored but smoothed by regenerated skin.
At least he smelled better.
He wrapped the towel around his hips and exited from the bathroom, swiftly ducking into Judy’s open bedroom and closing the door, clicking the lock behind him. Only to be met by his lover’s wide eyes, a smile creeping across her face.
The butterflies in Judy’s stomach reached into her throat, forcing out a “um…” 
She took him in, drinking up his form and trying not to cry out in joy. She simply closed her lips, tamping down her smile, “your jammies are in the same drawer they’ve always been.”
“Kept them?” he asked, voice slightly croaked from the shower steam.
“Of course I did. You know me, can’t let go.”
He fished out a pair of Hawkins Tigers sweatpants and the old Led Zeplin shirt he had given her. “Can’t believe you talked me into buying these school spirit pants like a chump.”
“That was when I thought we would graduate together.” Judy turned away, facing the curtained window at the far end of her room, giving him some privacy.
She heard Eddie’s casual footsteps approach her from behind. “After all the things you’ve done to this body, you still worry about my modesty.” He reached out, running the back of his claws along her arms, just as he had without them many times before. His fingers slowly traced down to her hands, enveloping them in his. She felt his gentle breath against the back of her ear, lulling her to close her eyes. He brought one hand to his lips, pressing a kiss on her wrist. The other hand guided behind her, pressing her open hand against his naked cock.
Her eyes snapped open as she whipped around to look at him, slipping her hands from his grip and placing them on his chest, scarred, pale, but just as warm. 
“You dropped your towel…” She brought herself closer to him.
“Oopsie.” He smiled, his stitches separating slightly to make his grin a little uncanny. Judy’s fingers reached up to his face, ghosting over his stitched mouth. His smile faded slightly, grabbing her hands and pressing them to his flesh. 
“Do they hurt?” she whispered, a tremble in her voice.
“No, baby,” he lied. “Just feel a little weird, is all.” 
In truth, the pull was the least of his worries. It was the splitting that occurred when he needed to feed that caused him the most pain. The stitches kept his Demogorgon maw in the shape of a human mouth, but the skin would still split along the seams, the edges becoming fresh each week. 
But Judy didn’t need to know about that, not yet.
The feeding frenzy was at the will of the hivemind. At the will of Vecna, as the bats and monsters were. But he had more control than the others. Sleeping in Judy’s bed, hearing her sweet voice and heart-wrenching sobs through the veil had forced him to stay. There was hope that once the Big Bad was defeated, it would be over. He’d have control and would most likely die. 
But Judy didn’t need to know that either. She just needed to know that he was here, with her, for as long as possible.
“Tell me honestly, buttercup.” He took one step back, opening his arms and releasing her fingers from his grasp, “is my dick weird?”
She finally looked at him, all of him. The scars and abrasions healed over, purples, magentas, and blacks. Her eyes scanned down each extremity, hands and feet, fingers and toes, were now a dark purple, no longer a necrotic black as they had been. The tips of his fingers and toes, along with his talons still remained black as pitch. His eyes looked more jaundiced than cadmium yellow. It was almost as if being separated from that hellish dimension was healing him.
His cock, however, remained the same. She smiled softly, “not any weirder than it already was.”
He wiggled his hips slightly, his member rocking side to side, making Judy hold back a snort. She forced the corners of her mouth downwards, nostrils flaring. But she was losing the battle. Her eyes darted to her ceiling, but Eddie’s approach guided her gaze to his face. He walked forward and took her hands in his, placing them on his face and taking a deep breath, smelling her palms.
Judy pushed her hands up into his hair, his curls combed out in the shower. Her body pressed against his. He was the naked one now, vulnerable in his lover’s arms. And Judy sheltered his body with hers. She gazed into his big brown eyes, resting their foreheads together. “Hi…” she muttered.
“Hi…” Eddie answered.
“I missed you.” She blinked, her lips finally opening into a smile, “I missed you so much.” Her eyes began to burn as her vision grew blurry.
Eddie snaked his arms around her, walking backwards and drawing her to her bed. “I’m here now, Judy.” The mattress hit the back of his knees and he sat down, his face against her middle, nose to navel, the crown of his head skirting just below her breasts. His grip stayed around her, pulling her bare belly to his face, and pressing his lips against her skin. He closed his eyes, burying his face into the softness of her tummy. A sigh escaped his lips.
“Glad I decided to wear my cropped shirt,” she muttered, running her fingers through his hair. She heard him sniffle, then a broken sigh, knowing it well. Her chest ached, pleading softly, “Lay back, baby.”
He finally separated from her, eyes wet from tears. Slowly, he laid back on to her pillow, grateful that the bed remained unmade. Judy followed, pulling her shirt over her head and tossing it to the side. Her breasts dropping back into place, Eddie’s lips parted in a delighted smile, glassy eyes shining up at her. “God you’re somethin’ else, Judy.”
She dipped into a kiss, before traveling down to the scars on his neck. “Tell me if I hit something that hurts.”
“Mhm,” Eddie closed his eyes, his muscles relaxing as his nerves began vibrating with anticipation. Though he had made the mistake of getting his dick sucked by other people, it was never as good. There was something she did that no one else bothered to do. She savored every inch of skin, took her time. Her lips and tongue would latch onto his tenderest parts, lap at him, breathe him in, leave him reeling. She didn’t just suck him off. She went down on him and made him feel like a god. He was glad he snagged her before someone else did.
His treasure. His princess.
Eddie’s grip on her hair relaxed Judy in a way she couldn’t explain. She finally reached the matching scars on his torso, whispering blessings against the pits that were left behind. They were soft, as new skin tended to be, and tender beneath her lips. Her lover squirmed slightly, causing Judy to stop.
“You okay, Eddie?” She asked, “did I hurt you?”
He shook his head, damn near nonverbal as his cock stood, leaking for her.
“You want me to keep going, or just to suck you now?”
The grip in her hair tightened, regaining his composure. His eyes opened, dark and stern. His gaze flicked to his cock, a quiet command. “Your lips, there, now,” and Judy did as he said.
She left out a giggle, almost bouncing as she made her way between his legs. He stopped her half-way, ass pointed at the wall, knees against his scarred thigh. His hand released her hair, running his claws down her back and down her ass, gathering her shorts and panties as he went, pulling them down.
“What? You wanna pet my pussy while I take care of you?” she asked, kissing from his hip to his mound. His scent smacked her in the face when her nose rested on his dried curls, setting her in a hungry trance. It was muted from his shower, but it still lingered.
The back of his talons ran down her naked folds. She took that as the command, her hand taking his shaft, lifting it, and diving to the base of his cock, sucking at the warm crook between the base and his velvet sack. Her nose nestled in his curls fully, breathing him in. She let out a moan. Eddie opened his mouth, gasping for air for a moment before resting his head against the wall, lips curled in a cheshire smile, gazing down his nose as he watched Judy enjoy his cock.
And she did, drooling on his shaft as she ran her tongue to his tip. Her lips wrapped around the head of his cock, tongue running across it, lapping up his release and swallowing it. Her fist softly stroked his shaft. God, she missed the taste. He was perfectly sweet for her, and according to Eddie, she was just as sweet for him.
He ran his fingers along her pussy again, gathering her slick before bringing his claws to his lips. He hummed, satiated, like a bear with a pot of honey. His hand returned to its place, gently slipping his middle digit in her entrance, worried his new manicure would scratch her.
She moaned and opened her mouth more, taking him into her mouth almost fully. Her head slowly and gently bobbing along his length. Her tongue extended along his shaft, allowing him to slide into her mouth and grace the back of her throat. Spit pooled at her lips and ran down to his curls. Her throat clicked around his cock, a gentle whimper accompanying it.
Eddie’s left hand finally gathered her hair in a makeshift ponytail, letting him get a better look at her final few bobs. Their eyes met. “That’s my girl. Suckin’ me so good.” He whispered.
She lifted off his cock, jaw aching as she passed his shaft along her slightly parted lips. “Missed your cock, Eddie.” She whimpered, finally pulling away to catch her breath. In the calmness, she realized Eddie was three fingers in her pussy, knuckle deep. She was so soaked and soft that she hardly noticed. A rarity for her.
“You have been sucking and clenching around these fingers the whole time, buttercup.”
She shrugged, cheeks growing red with embarrassment. “I just…missed this.”
“My cock?”
Judy’s lips tightened, sitting up from her place, shaking her head in earnest, “You know it’s not just-”
“I know, Judy. I’m just lightening the mood.” He smiled, drawing his fingers from her with a wet shlick. He brought his claws to his lips, sucking each one while gazing at her.
Her gaze softened. “You want me to finish you off?”
Eddie shook his head, opening his arms. “C’mere,”
Giddy, Judy bounced back up to his lap, swinging her knee over him, resting her soaked pussy on his skin. “Fuck you’re so warm.” She smiled. Eddie grinned back, talons running through her hair before yanking her down into a sloppy kiss, flavors mixing on their tongues. All it took was a roll of his hips for her to slide down half-way on to his cock. Her pussy swallowing him whole as she eased the rest of the way down.
The valley of her breasts met his maw, open to accept her soft skin beyond his teeth. His tongue swirled around the bruise that was sure to form. His lips migrated from one breast to the other, his cock aching inside her. His hands ran over and gripped her curves. Judy cradled his head to her, smile pressed in his slowly drying curls. Joyful tears slowly slipped down her nose and onto the crown of his head.
Her hips began to move, gliding up and down his cock. The head sliding across her most sensitive zones, each pass along her walls bringing her closer to her peak. She groaned hungrily in his hair, picking up her pace, taking his gasps of pleasure as motivation.
Finally, Eddie managed to speak. His broken voice muffled against her skin. “So…good. Gonna cum.” There was a twinge of shame in his admission. He would have lasted longer, but given the circumstances, his mind was blown from Judy’s lips alone.
Judy understood, chest aching for him to fill her like he used to. Her voice vibrated in her chest as she purred, “It’s okay baby, cum in me. It’s okay.”
He crossed his legs beneath her, his grip on her plush hips tightening painfully as he took over and slammed her on his cock in short pumps. The thrusts growing desperate to stay as deep inside her as possible. His mouth dropped open, spit dripping down his lips as he pulled back to meet Judy’s gaze.
Her eyes were puffy, dried tears sticking on her skin as she bent back, hands bracing herself behind her. All she wanted was more, and she knew with all her patience and diligence, she wasn’t going to get it. Eddie’s gaze was completely lost, staring at the point of their union, and in a few more thrusts she felt that wet heat fill her. His lips parted in a spent groan, before twisting up in a grin. His clawed thumb reaching gently to rub circles over her clit, hips slowly regaining their pace as he fucked his cum into her.
He'd be damned if he let her go without a leg shaking orgasm. 
“You still on the pill?” he asked, punctuated by his grunts as he slid in and out of her. A bit too late of a question, but he already knew the answer.
Judy felt her walls flex in more sporadic intervals, managing a simple, “uh-huh.”
“Lost for words, baby girl? Not so in control now.” He smiled, “your turn, lay back for me.”
Without a second thought, Judy leaned back. Eddie gripped her thighs and pulled her up the bed. Her head finally resting on her sheets. One clawed hand on her hip, the other still stroking her clit, Eddie held her still, hips at an angle to keep his cum inside her.
Judy could feel herself spasming, drawing his cock closer inside, holding it and milking the already sensitive organ. The need made him double over, burying his face in her neck, pounding his cock inside her, soaking the sheets beneath them even further. Chest to chest, trapping his hand against her sex. He didn’t think he had anything left, but he was so wrong.
Judy’s entrance clenched around him, a burning ring around his cock as she felt lightning clap through her body. She slammed her head back and let out a gasp, her smile gleaming. Her release streaming down her lips and thighs, covering his as well. Eddie cried out in her neck, cum dripping from his abused cock. Tears pricking her eyes, pushing him off her before he finally removed his thumb from her clit, sliding himself out of her and watching his cum leak from her. A beautiful sight he could never get enough of.
Eddie and Judy gazed at each other, in wonder and relief. Judy managed to whisper his name once before he leaned back down, all of her limbs clamped around him, bringing him back to her chest, cradling his head to her neck, hand splayed out through his hair, still damp.
“Oh Eddie, my Eddie…” She whimpered in his ear, “my Eddie.”
Whew! That was a crazy ride! Our lovers are finally reunited. Thank you for reading, my loves!
Tag list: @loserboysandlithium
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cloverthebarbearian · 10 months
Hello Little Freaks in my Phone
NO Minors/Proship
You can call me Clover
Just a They Them Bisexual in their early 30s who just, is experiencing Powerful BG3 feelings. This is where that's gonna go now.
My Writings:
Rolan: The Party P1, Alone Together P2 NSFW Thank You Thigh F*cking Headcanons NSFW Do You Think Of Me...? NSFW
Rugan: Headcanons Masterlist NSFW Room On Wintershield NSFW
Uktar: Secret Meetings P1, P2 NSFW, P3
I will take requests! For silly little one off short fics or HCs!
Also here's an ask I got about what I would/wouldn't write about & its definitely not all inclusive but I'd recommend giving it a peak ok thanks :)
(Under cut is just additional about me info 🫶🏻🫶🏻)
Rolan is my number one man the LOML I need him carnally emotionally vulnerably erotically all of the above. I also love Rugan & Uktar & would love to live domestic bliss w them as my two horrible husbands. I also also love Raphael & Gortash (won't write for him by request though because nobody understands them like I do in my beautiful brain) & I also also also love Astarion & Halsin & Shadowheart if all of them were dating & in a loving supportive relationship revolving around growth & comfort & bodily autonomy & kissing each other so so sweetly :3
If you're reading this part also teehee! Um, if you send me asks about my Tavs or Durges I'm kissing you on the mouth WITH tongue I have TOO MAAANNNYYYYY but I will answer virtually anything related to them hehehehahaoehoahoehooohoo
Current TAV's:
Clover - They/Them (Agender/Bisexual/Polyam) - Duergar Dwarf - Path of the Beast Barbarian (Chaotic Good)
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Zaven - He/Him (Cis Male/Pansexual/Polyam) - Half Drow/Half Orc - College of Swords Bard (Neutral Good)
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Sha'drah - She/Her (Cis Female/Asexual/Monogam) - Githyanki - Way of the Four Elements Monk (Neutral Good)
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Tundra - She/Her (Trans Female/Lesbian/Polyam) - High Elf - Tempest Domain Cleric of Talos (Chaotic Neutral)
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Jvalana - They/She/He (Polygender/Queer/Monogam) - Human - Wild Magic Sorcerer/Divination Wizard (Chaotic Neutral)
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Rosaline - She/Her (Cis Female/Straight/Monogam) - Shield Dwarf - Warlock of the Great Old One/Necromancy Wizard (Lawful Neutral)
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Current Durge's
Emerald - He/Him (Cis Male/"Straight"/"Monogam") - Green Dragonborn - Assassin Rouge (Neutral Evil)
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Daley - She/They (Demiflux Female/Bisexual/Polyam) - Mephistopheles Tiefling - Evocation Wizard (True Neutral)
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Symphony - She/He/They (Genderfluid/Lesbian/Monogam) - Seldarine Drow - Warlock of the Archfey (Chaotic Good)
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Eona - She/Her (Cis Female/Bisexual/Monogam) - Strongheart Halfling - Way of Shadow Monk (Chaotic Evil)
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Viereth - She/Her (Trans Female/Straight/Polyam) - Lolth-Sworn Drow - Thief Rogue (Chaotic Neutral)
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Jasper - He/Him - (Cis Male/Gay/Polyam) - Half-Orc - Oath of Devotion Paladin (Lawful Good)
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crystalninjaphoenix · 5 months
Many Roads Diverge in the Woods - Second Run - Part Four
The Beginning | Previous
The results are in.
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Your path has been altered. Strange how such a small choice can change so much. I love how this is the first 100% vote in either of the two runs dfhjskah Everyone really was like "don't you f*cking dare go by yourself, JJ! Chase, go with him!" I mean, it's understandable, really. When you know the cabin is dangerous, you're going to stick together.
The poll at the bottom to decide what happens next is only open for one day, expiring on April 16th at 12:00pm PST. Part Four will be up the next day, April 17th, at the same time.
“Alright, JJ.” Chase sets the controller down and stands up. “I’ll go check on Marvin with you.”
JJ slumps, visibly relieved. Thank you, he says. I know I’m probably being silly, but I can’t shake this feeling that something’s happened.
“No, it’s okay, really,” Chase assures him.
Jackie picks up the controller. “Well while you guys are gone, do you mind if IIIII...?”
“Don’t you touch a button on that,” Chase threatens.
Schneep laughs. “You heard him, Jackie. Put it down.”
“Aw.” Jackie sets the controller down again. “Fine, fine. You guys be back quick with Marvin, okay?”
We will, hopefully, JJ says. Chase, come on.
The two of them walk over to the open basement door and descend the eleven steps of the staircase.They end up in a long hallway. It extends forward for a little while before opening up into a wide open space. On the left side of the hallway are two doors. On the right side are three. The nearest door on the right is slightly ajar, and Chase glances into it, seeing a room full of cardboard boxes with a metal cabinet mounted on the wall. “Oh hey, there’s the fuse box,” he says. “Now where’s Marvin?”
Probably down the hall, JJ says. He starts walking forward. Chase follows.
The wide open space at the end of the hallway is a wide room, lit up by six yellow lights mounted into the ceiling. The middle is clear, but there’s a bunch of old-looking junk around the edges. More boxes, a wooden table with deep scratches in its surface, and above all, bookcases full of dusty books. Marvin sits in a wooden chair that looks like it matches up with the table. (There are four other identical chairs dotted around the room—a dining room set, perhaps?) He’s hunched over a thick book, scanning the first pages so intently he doesn’t realize JJ and Chase have walked into the room.
“Uh... Marvin?” Chase calls.
Marvin looks up. He smiles. “Oh hey! You came down to look for me?”
Of course we did, JJ says. We were worried. We’ve been texting you.
“Really? I didn’t notice.” Marvin shuts the book closed and stands up, leaving the book on the chair. “Two of you? Are Jackie and Schneep coming downstairs too?”
“Nah, they stayed upstairs,” Chase says. “Uh... what were you reading?”
“One of the books down here. They’re so fascinating. I got curious and decided to look around, and I’m so glad I did!” Marvin’s eyes are alight. He hurries over to the others, so quickly that Chase actually takes a step back in surprise. “Here.” Marvin grabs JJ by the hand and pulls him into the wide room. “I can show you.”
“Uh, bro, we were kind of in the middle of something upstairs,” Chase says, stepping forward and grabbing JJ’s other arm to stop Marvin from dragging him off. “If you want to stay down here and read, that’s fine, but we’re kind of busy.”
Marvin’s head snaps over to Chase. For a moment, he looks angry. But the expression only lasts a split second. Chase must have imagined it. “True.” Marvin lets go of JJ’s hand. “You guys were doing something. You can go back to that, don’t worry about me. I’d much rather keep reading. But I probably won’t notice any texts so you might have to come downstairs again if you want to get me.”
JJ shakes his hand, wincing a little. Tight grip, he signs.
“Oh.” Marvin starts a little, looking guilty. “Sorry, I-I didn’t realize.”
It’s okay. What are these books about anyway? Why are you so interested in them?
“Oh, it’s fascinating.” Marvin laughs. “I just said that, didn’t I? Well, it is. What I’ve found has been, uh, very relevant to my interests. I didn’t know Jack’s family was into magic. Or, was, at one point. Clearly they’re not any more.”
Chase blinks. “Huh. Yeah, that’s a bit weird.”
Marvin takes a step closer to him. “Want to see some?”
“No, no, I’m good. We’re good.” Chase has goosebumps on his arms. He’s not sure why, but he doesn’t want to be here anymore. “Come on, JJ. We’ll tell Jackie and Schneep what happened.”
JJ nods slowly, then follows Chase out of the room.
“Come back if you want!” Marvin calls. “I’d love to show you!”
Chase and JJ head straight back to the staircase, not diverting to look at the other rooms. They’re quiet until they start up the steps, at which point JJ stops and looks at Chase. Did that seem... odd, to you? he asks.
“Yeah,” Chase agrees. “I know Marv can be a bit weird sometimes, but that... that wasn’t his normal weird. I think? I don’t know. I-I don’t want to be rude or anything.”
JJ shakes his head. That wasn’t normal. Something about it was just... off.
“Well, what do we do then?”
Let’s talk about it with Jackie and Henrik.
The two of them start walking up the stairs again. When they reach the top and return to the living room, Chase instinctively closes the basement door behind them. Schneep and Jackie are still on the sofa. They look over towards them in unison. “Oh, no Marvin? After all that?” Jackie asks. “What happened?”
“He, uh... found something,” Chase says. He quickly explains the whole encounter they had.
“Hmm.” Schneep frowns. “You are right. Marvin can be intense about his interests, but he does not usually get so intense that he would pull Jamie into the room. Especially by the hand.”
JJ nods. That’s what really bothered me. He knows I don’t like people grabbing my hands, and yet he did it. He sighs. At least he had the presence to apologize for it.
“Okay, so Marvin’s being a bit more intense than usual,” Jackie sums up. “What do we do about that? It’s not like we can drag him upstairs.”
I mean... we COULD, JJ considers.
“He’ll probably be upstairs eventually,” Chase says. “He has to go to sleep after a while, and we all know he’s not the type to fall asleep wherever. We could just wait for him to come up and ask him what the hell was going on when he does.”
“I do not think we should drag him upstairs,” Schneep says. “That seems a bit... intense, ha.”
“Yeah, but Marv was being weird and intense, maybe if we go get him he’ll realize that,” Jackie says.
“So we’re at a tie,” Chase says. “Unless someone changes their mind.”
They all go quiet, each one looking at the others.
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smileymoth · 9 months
@pikslasrce tagged me to post my top albums from this year :))
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senses fail - still searching // armor for sleep - what to do when you are dead // senses fail -let it enfold you hollywood undead - hotel kalifornia // boysnightout - make yourself sick // wilbur soot - your city gave me asthma alesana - the emptiness // bedwetters - meet the f@cking bedwetters // bring me the horizon - sempiternal
do not ask me how many times i've listened to these 9 albums idon't even know myself. it's way too much though. i couldn't put all 4 boysnightout albums here so i just stayed at 1 and put it in the very middle because they altered my brain chemistry <33
senses fail gets 2 albums because i didnt spend weeks only listening to those 2 albums for no reason... their lyrics mean sm to me i want to illustrate the albums or songs one day. this goes for both senses fail and boysnightout btw. AND armor for sleep. there's something about that specific album. i realised i really enjoy albums that tell a story. and the fact that i like themes of angst love blood betrayal etc etc is no surprise either. car underwater got played way too many times
i discovered bedwetters thanks to eurovision, they were one of the options for estonia and i ofc found their old and only album (they released a new one a few weeks ago tho) (i dont know why they have 2 spotify accounts. im not asking). i even got to see them live bc they gave a free concert during summer <33333333 i got a picture with the band too !!!!! so cool
the new hollywood undead album got me back into them so im back to being obsessed. i love my silly california guys :3 i've been keeping up with them since and i desperately need to draw them again, this time without their masks!!!! im very glad that i found alesana to be sooo palatable this year because ive tried to listen to them before when i was a teenager and it just... didn't click, even if i tired. so yeah i get to fix that mistake now.
in spring i had a moment where i listened to sempiternal on repeat on the cd player for multiple days straight and in the past month i've, again, been listening to bmth and specifically sempiternal again so it gets a special place, too.
wilbur is just there because i had jubilee line stuck in my head so so so so much and also it's the best study music ever. also wilbur why is i'm sorry boris so silent. i can barely hear it it makes me angry so i always skip it. and then bc its the end of the album it gives me some lmanburg flag cover-art song that i don't like
anyway here's a special mention to these 3 albums because 1) greeley estates - caveat emptor, i just discovered it this week and i am in love. also greeley estates has been in my radar for quite some time now and i find the singers voice to be very pleasant and interesting? the tone does sth for me 2) brand new - deja entendu, for being stuck in my head for a good week because the tommy gun song wouldn't leave my head since it came on shuffle from my saved mp3 list when net was down 3) just surrender - if these streets could talk, because again i was obsessing over this for like a good week before i forgot about it. good album. not available in serbia tho for some reason
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can you tell i love talking about music that i like. i know nothing about music it just makes me happy. :)
anyway i am tagging uhhhh @varteeny1234 and @complicatedsurgery and uhhh @cactusringed and uhhhh anyone else who wants + i'm not gona tag you, sly, because you only listen to alex g anyway <3
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that-angry-noldo · 2 years
Chatroom || M. Eledhwen, Hurin Thalion
Hurin Thalion is online
Hurin Thalion
18:46 hey
M. Eledhwen is online
18:46 i catched the wifi so i can text you again :)
18:47 how are you doing?
M. Eledhwen
18:47 I have a bad feeling about this
18:47 sorry
18:47 it's just
Hurin Thalion
18:48 hey it's gonna be alright okay?
18:48 it's gonna be fine
18:48 you won't even notice I left
M. Eledhwen
18:49 it's already empty without you.
Hurin Thalion
18:49 i know
18:49 but
18:50 trust me, okay?
18:51 we didn't want this war right? but somene got to show the bastards what are we made of
18:52 i'll be home in few months
M. Eledhwen
18:52 promise
Hurin Thalion
18:53 i promise with all my being
18:54 take care of turin alright? is he asleep?
M. Eledhwen
18:55 yeah
18:55 yeah i think so
Hurin Thalion
18:55 good
18:55 i have to go
18:56 love you ❤️
M. Eledhwen
18:57 i love you too
Hurin Thalion
18:57 :)
M. Eledhwen
10:47 hey
10:47 how are you?
Hurin Thalion
19:32 sorry just got the chance to get on my phone connection is horrendeous i hope this sends
19:33 i'm fine, i'm fine
M. Eledhwen
19:34 have you adjusted yet?
Hurin Thalion
19:35 yea yea think so. Sorry i gtg now take care
Hurin Thalion is offline
M. Eledhwen
19:56 hurin?
20:12 i hope you're alright.
Hurin Thalion
17:48 i'm still kicking don't worry ;)
M. Eledhwen is online
M. Eledhwen
17:48 thank god
17:49 don't die yet
M. Eledhwen
16:25 Turin said hi
16:25 I was at doctor today. it's a girl
18:45 alright
18:45 love you.
Hurin Thalion
04:32 i'm so happy
04:33 i'm sorry i can't text more
04:34 i love you
Hurin Thalion is offline
Morwen Eledhwen
07:16 i miss you
07:16 love you too
M. Eledhwen
03:24 f-cking *** i couldn't get a single night of sleep this week
03:24 i'm considering just moving to the bombshelter
03:24 you have my blessing to end them in the most gruesome way possible
03:25 alright, sorry. i love you. take care.
M. Eledhwen
15:32 i hope you're doing alright
15:33 turin drew you a card
M. Eledhwen sent a file: i-love-you-dad.jpg
15:34 i miss you
M. Eledhwen
02:34 Hurin?
02:34 i can't sleep i'm so sorry
02:34 i knew it'll end up badly i watch the news and it's bad isn't it?
02:35 hurin please i worry so much. please tell me you're still alive
02:36 will you make it out will huor make it out there's so little news but at the same time there's so much news
02:37 i'm so sorry i'm crying hurin
02:38 promise you'll come back
Hurin Thalion is online
Hurin Thalion
01:56 +
Hurin Thalion is offline
M. Eledhwen
07:04 i love you
M. Eledhwen
13:46 the baby was kicking today
13:46 i just thought i'll share with you
13:47 be careful alright?
M. Eledhwen
21:02 shellings are f-cking everyday i f-cking hate it
21:02 i hope all of them die
M. Eledhwen
13:45 hi dad! its turin! i miss youy. mom has a belly wit a baby and i gonna be a brother again. can we name tgis baby lalaith too? mom sais we cant but i think we shoud. i think you should kill all tge orcs. and come back and we cab be together. you mom and baby. and me. mom misses yoy and sador still can't finish the chair. sador is silly. i love you. say hi to uncle. kill all the orcs. bye! i'll text you again when mom gives me phone. i love you 💜🤐🤔😇🥶🐖🦝🐻🦇🦚
M. Eledhwen
12:56 hurin i miss you
12:57 there's not much else to say
M. Eledhwen
08:32 Turin asks if you texted back every hour or so i think
08:33 it would be endearing if it wasn't heartbreaking
08:34 i miss you
08:35 please come back
M. Eledhwen
15:13 they say we need to leave the city on the news
15:14 i will send turin away
15:15 but i'll stay
15:16 i don't have where to go
15:17 and i can't leave my home
15:17 not again
15:18 i'm sorry i know you said to leave
15:19 but i can't
15:20 i knew it'll end up badly
M. Eledhwen
16:32 dad it's me turin i text you again. i will leave mom says so. i don't want to leave i have school and friends and sador is staying. mom is staying too and i don't want to leave but mom says i have to. i want to cry but big men don't cry right? you don't cry i think? mom doesnt cry. I miss you come back. i miss you and uncle. and mom is sad and i am sad. i don't want to go. say mom i don't need to go. and kill all the orcs. and come back. i miss you.
M. Eledhwen
17:35 turin left. rian moves in with me.
17:37 i want to hope but there's so little hope left
17:37 i'm so tired
17:38 please. please stay alive.
M. Eledhwen
07:08 hurin hurin i think they're entering the city
07:09 oh hurin
07:09 hurin hurin i'm so scared
07:10 please
07:11 please i want to wake up
07:12 hurin
07:13 hurin
07:14 hurin
M. Eledhwen
06:44 they're in the city
06:45 they're cutting wires there'll be no communication
06:45 they're checking phones on the streets
06:45 hurin
06:45 hurin i'm so sorry
M. Eledhwen left the chat
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rudo-lfium · 2 years
Warning: looooong ass post/rant
So I've watched Avatar in the theater (that stank of mice), and I found it offensive not only to my olfactory senses but to my intellect as well. The plot of The Way Of Water is so watery I am not even going to apologize for the clumsy pun.
This story, it's so silly, I don't even... I mean, James Cameron is such a grand figure in cinema, how did he allow for such a script to even see the light of day? I mean all you need to do when you are making up a story in a fantasy world populated with fantasy people is compare their actions with real people, ask yourself if that's what real people would do in such circumstances, and if the answer is "no", then you need to correct the story, otherwise it is not going to be credible!
But sea (ha-ha) for yourselves. Just try to take this in: so the "Earth baddies" return to Pandora to get Sully's treasonous ass. Yeah, sure, they let slip somewhere that they also want to do some colonizing and terraforming, but seeing that in all the 14 hours of screen time they did exactly none of that, the whole colonization thing must be just a side quest to them. Somehow Sully realizes that all the hubbub is about him personally, and he says to his wife and kids "Hey, I got a great idea, since these angry earth dudes are after me, our presence here in this village is endangering the other other villagers, so let's all up and leave, and run and hide, and this way we shall PROTECT the village!"
And guess what, his dumbass wife after a moment's hesitation says "Sure, that's a splendid idea, I fully endorse it, let's do it at once." And they pack the fuck up out of there and leave their kindred behind for the earth baddies to stomp (because, remember - they are still colonizing the shit out of Pandora no matter what). The Sacred Tree, the ancestors' graves, all of that legacy gets abandoned -- just run and hide. He was the Chief of the tribe, too, mind.
"When danger reared its ugly head
He bravely tucked his tail and fled
Brave, brave, brave
Sir Toruk-Makto!"
And they go and instead of settling on some distant uninhabited island where no one can find them, they join another village, so they can endanger THEM with their presence instead, which is what ultimately happens. Duh!
Yes, they travel a thousand miles and reach a tribe that lives on a collection of islands, like a beautiful archipelago, and they call themselves "the water people" or something, and not only do they speak the same language as Sully's tribe (a thousand miles away, okay?) but they also accept them with almost no reservation. In fact, the only one that's at all concerned about these newcomers is the Chief's wife, but do you know what she finds disturbing? Not the fact that these guys are running from an advancing army of alien, fucking, invaders but because their tails aren't of the same shape as hers! She looks at them and goes "Why joo want to stay wid us? You can't survive underwater with tails and hands like that!" And I'm looking at her like bish, are you alright? You're a LAND creature, ffs, you don't LIVE underwater either, you're a goddamn biped! You only dive in the water SOMETIMES to hunt or do synchronized swimming with f*cking turtles, etc. What do you mean "you wouldn't survive underwater"? And your ass would??
Anyway they start living with them, and life in this other tribe is complete goddamn paradise, there are no hardships of survival, no one works, no one gets sick, no one needs anything fixed, no one is constructing anything, there's just this complete and utter marine idyllic, all they do all day is frolic in the waves and TALK to sea animals. Yeah, you read that right. Animals all know sign language. There must be a co-ed na'vi-sea-turtle school somewhere on those islands that teaches finger alphabet to predominantly finned creatures of the sea, but they left it offscreen. Sometimes I felt like the movie was made by Disney and they somehow slapped Cameron's name on it without him knowing. The life of this water tribe is so absurdly hakuna-matata, it's like they're living inside an amusement park and all the rides are free. So you, as a spectator, spend about a week and a half watching them do underwater donuts astride Pandoran seals, and ride flying crocodile-fish, and talk to whales, and sometimes ponytail-fuck an underwater Sacred Tree (which appears to be a common occurrence on Pandora and thus loses all importance and meaning in the plot, so it's just there, because water people also want one, I guess). Oh yeah, and they learn to hold their breath underwater for an almost indefinite amount of time, thusly becoming "one" with the water tribe.
Naturally the Earth baddies follow Sully to the archipelago and turn everyone's life to shit, but instead of feeling an e-e-e-tsy bit annoyed with Sully's family for bringing the war with them, the water tribe is like "Yay, what joy! You are now our BRETHREN! In fact, we are so pleased with you, why don't you stay with us forever? Here's our underwater Sacred Tree, go pigtail-fuck it to complete the ritual!"
Yes, that is the story.
The war isn't even over, they haven't defeated anybody. The cliffhanger is left in place for "movie #3", undoubtedly. But wait, did I mention the villain? It's the Colonel from the first film. The dead Colonel whom Neytiri left skewered on a bunch of 12-foot long na'vi arrows. They resurrected him through a custom avatar that was grown especially for him back on Earth. No one knows why. So the movie can happen, I guess? Or maybe the Earth Armed Forces are experiencing a catastrophic shortage of Colonels, otherwise they'd sent someone else, but what can you do, there are no Colonels left, absolutely have to spend a gazillion space dollars on a bespoke avatar for this guy. And another gazillion on the members of his original squad, because apparently there's a shortage of privates as well. And a few gazillions more on putting together a space armada so he can get back to Pandora and hunt down Sully. Wait, wait, you may ask. So the whole purpose of this enterprise was that some Colonel can have his revenge on some private that's gone over to the other side in a war that took place in a past life? In another galaxy? Yes. Yes, that is so.
There are two more aspects that I found especially irksome. First, Sully keeps harping on how he wants to PROTECT his folks, how his role as a father is that of a DEFENDER. Then why in the fuck did you run away and leave your wife's people to an invading horde's mercy then? Why TF did you leave your own tribe behind? They named you Chief and entrusted their lives to you -- how could you abandon them in the face of an invasion from an aggressive alien race? Wouldn't staying and calling the banners on all the other tribes that you'd allegedly "united" as Toruk-Makto, and fighting back -- wouldn't that be the noble thing to do? The very idea that running away is somehow a manifestation of being protective is laughable. And so are all characters who agree with him without a hint of irony.
When else was Sully being protective, hmm, let me see, it must be when he said to his wife "Honey, the Colonel has got our daughters, grab our remaining kids and stay someplace safe while a gather a team of fierce warriors and go deal with the motherfucker and save our girls!" But that's not what he said. He was like "Um, honey, why should I risk my ass alone, you can shoot can't you? Let's go and risk our lives together, and fuck them kids who are bound to become orphaned should we fail!" Right, what a fatherly slash husbandly attitude.
The second thing is the whole "you must learn to stay underwater very-very long or else we aren't going to accept you in our water tribe" situation. You see, the final battle is taking place on a sinking human ship. I mean, it's sinking. Sure, the Colonel's gang has got your two girls tied up to a railing with some rope (not even a chain), but THE SHIP IS SINKING. Get the hint? It's removing itself from the surface of the sea, where everyone can breathe, and placing itself under the water, where you and family can hold your breath, like, forever, and all those bad guys CERTAINLY can't! LET THE FUCKER SINK, you idiot, wait for the bastards to suffocate and then go untie your daughters, I mean, if they can ride Pandoran giant herrings deep inside coral mazes and swim alongside whales while grabbing onto their fins for miles and miles -- surely they can endure a couple of minutes of HOLDING ABSOLUTELY STILL and waiting for their Dad to come fetch a knife? *shakes head* But no, no. We can't have that. Neytiri, Sully's wife, has had absolutely nothing to do this whole movie. She's just kind of *there*, like furniture. She *cried in anguish* twice but aside from that -- nothing. We need her to at least shoot her bow and arrows at somebody (a family heirloom pompously given to her by her late father), so let's engage in a life-threatening shootout with a squad of earth marines in avatar bodies armed with machine guns and grenade launchers, right? Because bows and arrows have worked so well in the past, right? Those Aztecs and Mayans sure did lick them pitiful conquistadors armed with their puny muskets and harquebuses, didn't they. *head shaking intensifies*
The theater was full, by the way. Every seat taken. No one left. With about 1.5 hours to go I stepped outside to quickly meet somebody about an errand. I must have spent about 15-20 minutes on it. When I came back, nothing changed. The mice still stank . People were still filling their seats, their eyes glued to the screen. "Oh my god," I thought to myself then. "I'm inside the Idiocracy movie."
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moiloru · 2 years
🌸 (Another) Anohana Review! 🌸
Welcome to a new anime review, everyone! In this one, I'll tackle an anime I reviewed over a year ago, but that deserves much more than the couple of lines I gave back then. I'm talking about Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day!
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Deciding to rewatch this was undoubtedly one of my best decisions of the year. Anohana is an eleven-episode slice-of-life anime that aired in 2011. It features drama and supernatural elements.
I don't even know where to start. This anime is simple plot-wise. It's straightforward to follow and short enough that it doesn't get the opportunity to become too intricate.
The episodes flow well together from the very first to the very last. Thanks to its ending, which is considered one of the best ever, you may have heard of this anime. And while the finale is spectacular, there's more to Anohana than just this.
First and foremost, Anohana is a beautiful human journey. The fact that it has such splendid character growth in only eleven episodes is out of this world. This anime just feels... real, in a way, even if it has supernatural elements.
There may only be six main characters, but they're one of the best casts I've seen. The focus that was put on their inner struggles is written perfectly, and their development throughout the series is excellent.
The protagonist is underrated and one of the best slice-of-life protags out there. Anohana also has one of my favorite girls and ships (multiple of them, actually). I just love this silly little cast!
The authors gave every character enough backstory and screen time to positively impact the story. On top of that, they also get moments as duos or trios, reinforcing their development (and making them independent from the central pair).
As I said before, the humane aspect of Anohana is not to be underestimated. You just feel for the characters, and you can understand their hardships and frustrations - even for the least likable of the six.
Also, the story is brilliant and gives info away slowly but surely, gradually leading to the climax of the last episode. New elements are being revealed in each episode with carefully placed flashbacks (which are excellent, by the way).
Musically, this anime is a banger for more than one reason. The music always complements the story, especially during the saddest scenes. The OST feels homey, too, and most often very relaxing.
The opening, Aoi Shiori, by Galileo Galilei, is a f*cking masterpiece (my third favorite ever), and the ending, "secret base ~Kimi ga Kureta Mono~ (10 years after ver.), sung by the Japanese VAs of the main female cast is tearjerking. IT'S SUPERB. LISTEN TO THEM.
This anime is eleven years old at the time I'm writing this, so the art has aged. Still, it looks good, even to this day, and I particularly enjoy the color palette used on the backgrounds and character designs. Very fitting.
Overall, I hope this review was enough to show how much I love this anime. It currently sits in my top five of all time. In a year, I had convinced myself that it was simply "awesome," but only eleven episodes reminded me that it is, in fact, "beautiful."
Please watch it!
Down below is the tierlist for the characters in Anohana! Thank you for reading this review!
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vincesuke-cob · 8 months
being in game art studies and realizing we are not in a world where the internet and the plzce that raises me is an outcast thing. realizing theres people with bullies behaviours in the nerdy spaces.
struggling to do a single thing in 3d bc you convinced yourself you wanted to do silly vn sprites and on the verge of tears for no reason
being that annoying guy who wants to cry because he has difficulties in an art field he discovered 4 months ago.
being interested in ui/ux design but knowing damn well maximalist design is over and i would have to do crappy looking ass round-edged rectangles as a menu and call it a day.
creativity on the internet is dead, but not when there's money to be made.
and even that, youtube has become the same as television.
creativity as a whole is fucking dead. either you're f-cking toby fox and out nowhere autistic gay kids find your game and everyone loves it or you stay in the shadows, living with state help in a crappy appartment infested with mice and parasited by external noise bc its too expensive to have a decent isolated flat.
being autistic and having to deal with a room full of 35 people every single day
being autistic and even if they dont say a thing knowing damn well people find you "special"
neons making noise.
people talking out loud
being convinced you ask dumb questions and piss off the teacher so you say nothing
to cry when going home because you dont understand a thing
but thats what you wanna do right? art. in video game field.
when the only games you're capable to play are jrpgs and visual novels
in a school where everyone plays aaa games and league of legends.
so your references doesnt make any sense
and you're annoying people with your persona 4 thing
shut up about adachi
i dont want to.
right now i just want to burst out in tears bc i always have too specific expectations
i should maybe just calm down
i want more holidays
i wanna play persona
i wish i could merge with my computer again. and i have this mindset for 10 years
i watched lain last week
and yea now i see why my bro told me to watch
but i dont wanna stop existing
but not as the human being i am today
i hate being trans
i hate it all right now
i hate capitalism
i hate work
i fucking hate it
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reading-giraffe · 1 year
Review: Throne of Glass
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Celaena Sardothian is the nation's fiercest assassin. She is removed from prison camp by the order of Crown Prince Dorian, and escorted to the palace by Head of the Guard Chaol Westfall. Dorian and Chaol are bffs and both have their eye on Celaena. Meanwhile, Celaena is thrown into a competition with other assasins and criminals so that the winner is identified as the King's Champion. Celaena is promised that, if she wins, she will earn her freedom after serving as the King's Champion for a few years. So she gets her feet under her during her time at the palace, trains with Chaol, learns some history with Dorian, and becomes friends with Princess Nehemia. While she goes through the competition trials over the course of several weeks, she grows stronger and more aware of the politics at play. She also makes some unique discoveries about the palace and its relation to ancient fae rulers.
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FMC: Celaena is 18 years old, so tbh a little difficult to relate to on that front. HOWEVER I live for the badass Celaena is!! The trauma she has been through forged an absolute battleaxe of a woman. She is cunning, clever, angry, silly, and flirty. I am a huge fan. Of course, it's important to remember that no one is that self-aware at the ripe age of 18. But this is SJM and fiction we're talking about here, so reduce your expectations.
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MMC: Dorian Havilliard is the cheeky, intelligent, good man SJM loves to write. Hot DAMN this man is such a flirt! That, and he always gives Celaena her space and choice. He feels protective over her, but not possessive. As if he cares about her so much that he wants to protect her from threats but won't ever overstep as to suffocate her to protect her. He's always supportive of whatever she does. From reading endless books, to eating 3 pounds of candy, to staying up all night just talking about the world, to GIVING HER A F*CKING PUPPY from his own kennels that he runs. GAH he is such marriage material.
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MMC: Chaol's cute. He takes a back seat for the entire book because Dorian takes his chance with Celaena the whole time. But it hurts watching his best friend with the girl he has a crush on. His crush grows as he trains with Celaena. He gets to watch her grow, recovering from being a skeleton to being a fleshed-out woman is very rewarding for him. But something that SJM is SO good at is disguising a good man as one with some red flags -- which I can tell she did in this book. Chaol looks like the protective, broody guy who pines for his best friend's girl. But his loyalties lie with the King: the same man who ordered the brutal execution of Celaena's parents. He grows feelings for Celaena, battles himself when it comes to trying to keep her safe (not knowing where the boundaries are and being deathly afraid to overstep), and is confused about where he should place his loyalties. Which, honestly, I get. But he could handle the situations a bit more gracefully instead of being so paralyzed that he misses his opportunities.
Would I recommend this book? Yes!
The plot is *chef's kiss*. SJM has an infinite imagination, apparently. Plus, her characters are just...f*cking awesome.
This is a young adult book. No spice whatsoever, except for some kissing. So, basically, the whole book is a goddamn tease. Sadly, I suspect the rest of the books in this series will be teases as well. But the plot is so good, so I'll stick it out.
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chippedaxe · 3 years
Title: Irritated Arousal
Warning(s): cursing, NSFW, thigh f!cking, sub reader, tell me if I should add more warnings.
Pronouns: They/Them, non specific anatomy
Synopsis: Karl with a reader that gets angry when they’re h word <3
Pairing: c!Karl X Sub! Reader
Word count: 1.7k
Note: unedited* idk why I wrote this? I was just bored one night and couldn’t think of anything else to do.
- also don’t bully the title, LITERALLY couldn’t think of anything better!
- also I copied and pasted this from my notes instead of writing it on tumblr so that’s why it might look a bit weird or different!
Your head whipped around to stare blankly at the silly boy “what?” You spat out at him as he stared back dumbfounded “why’re you upset, is it because of me?” He poked your cheek innocently and you slapped his hand away.
“Yes! It is- go away!” You waved him off “please tell me what’s wrong! What did I do???” He started nagging at you and pulling at your clothes which annoyed you even more “stop it Karl!” You exclaimed “ah- sorry!” He pulled away and apologised “I just- I’m really annoyed right now!” Your face was tinted with what he thought was anger but was really embarrassment.
You knew how you got when you were horny and you knew the crabby attitude that you were portraying was just a front to hide how desperate you are. You crossed your arms and tried to take it off your mind, trying to avoid Karl as well.
“Come on sweetheart, what did I do wrong?” Karl caressed your cheek and you shivered slightly “don’t do that- I told you! I’m just annoyed!” You pushed him away “would it be better if I let you alone for a bit?” Karl got up to give you some space but you stopped him “Yes! Wait- no? Maybe? ugh- I don’t know!” You held your head in your hands.
Your thought process is literally fucked when you’re horny, most of the time you’re unable to think of things other than sex when you’re aroused. “Can I do anything to make you feel better?” Karl gave a sweet smile, you knew exactly how you wanted to answer that but hesitated.
“Maybe..” you considered whether or not to just straight out tell him, you’d expect him to tease you for being cranky over something so silly. “What can I do for you, honey?” Karl leaned back on the couch “you.. could..” you tried to think of something but your mind only led you back to one thing. Sex.
“AH! You’re a stupid nerd!” You shouted and then stomped off, you were obviously irritated and a bit annoyed but you didn’t wanna say or do anything that would actually be damaging. “Stupid? I’m literally the smartest person in the world” he joked around and you gave him a weird look.
“Aw come on! I thought you’d like that!” He lowered his head, you sighed in defeat. He was really trying to cheer you up even though he didn’t know what was wrong! You may as well tell him your problem, right? I mean he should be happy to help!
“What is it?” He noticed your sigh and came over to caress your face, you lowered your head and buried your face in his chest as you confessed sheepishly “I’m horny.” He gave out a little laugh “sorry- what?” He asked again “I’m.. horny!” Your face was full of embarrassment, you felt slightly humiliated.
“Is that all? I thought you were really upset with me for a moment!” He snickered, his lips pressing to your cheek for a moment. He straightened his back “alright then- we walking back to the bedroom or are you happy for me to take you here on the couch?” You pouted at his question, obviously you didn’t care where he stuffed his dick inside of you!
You didn’t bother to move so he just assumed you wanted to fuck on the couch, Karl got on top of you and started to lean in for a kiss. You snubbed him and turned your head, you still weren’t feeling happy with how long he took to figure out you were horny!
“Still mad? That’s alright, I’ll fuck the happiness into you! Or at least fuck the anger out” Karl kissed your temple lovingly “shut up” you tried not to smile at his silliness “make me!” Karl tried to kiss you again but this time you let him, his lips capturing yours in a passionate and loving kiss.
His lips were warm and soft, it made you melt underneath him- or the anger might just be melting you. You reached up and took a hand full of his hair, using it to deepen the kiss. Your tongue made its way into his mouth, the pink muscle slithering around every crevice of his mouth.
He pulled away for air, his face red and Karl’s hair sticking to his forehead. He was panting and starting to become really sweaty “aw gross! You’re all sweaty!” You complained but he laughed “oh baby, I know you love it!” He kissed your cheek again.
Karl unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off “it’s starting to really get hot in here” he sighed when the cold air hit his body. Karl then took your shirt off for you and inspected your body, the way he looked at it was like he’d never seen it before, like this was the last time and he’d never see it again.
You squirmed under his predatory like gaze “don’t stare at me like that, hun’ it’s making me feel exposed..” you complained lightly “oh I’m sorry darling, didn’t mean to make you feel ‘exposed’” he laughed to himself as he slowly leaned in and began leaving light kisses along your jawline.
You tilted your head back a bit to allow him more room, he smiled against your skin and began to suck a little bit as he kissed your jaw. His hands roamed your chest curiously, pinching and grabbing at the soft flesh. You whined out loud as he groped you up, hands clawing at the couch.
“Y-you’re taking too long..” you voiced your complaints, feeling slightly agitated at how he was testing your patience “just thought you might like a bit of foreplay, forgive me..” Karl caressed your cheek. You slapped his hand away and huffed “I’ll hurry it up now then, pants off please darling” he smiled at you.
You pulled your pants down your thighs and let it drop to the floor, thumbs hooking under the waist band of your underwear and sliding them off as well. Karl leaned back and admired your body, eyes glazing over every nook and cranny.
Karl gently parted your legs, his eyes immediately being drawn to your aching hole. “Oh darling, that looks painful.. let me help you” he lowered his hand down and allowed one of his slender fingers to curl up inside of you. You gasped and covered your mouth with your hand, eyes squinting to look at him.
“Is this too much?” He asked you, you shook your head and decided to be a bit of a brat “n-not enough.” You told him. Karl’s smile faltered for a bit but then returned when he shoved a second finger into you, your hole taking his hand so easily.
Your tight fleshy walls clenched around his two fingers, your breathing became a bit more heavy as you were starting to get close. “G-gonna cum..” you warned Karl “oh? Already? But I thought you wanted me to fuck you..” he pouted at you. You could see that he was obviously teasing you but you still gave him what he wanted.
You opened your legs up more and looked at him through your eyelashes, head tilting downward slightly “I want you to fuck me still..” you spoke quietly. Karl smiled and pulled his hand away from your hole which made you whine, you then quickly dismissed your negative feelings as he replaced his two fingers with his penis.
Karl slid himself into you gently, your hole already being stretched open- sucking him in. You leaned your head back and arched your back a bit, your hips aching from the hold that Karl had on them.
Karl gripped your hips tightly, starting to thrust against you. His balls slapped your ass with every thrust he did, the sounds of skin on skin echoing around the room. You hoped your disturbing noises wouldn’t be heard from outside.
You squealed and struggled to keep your mouth shut as Karl pressed himself deeper inside of you, the head of his cock pressing against your insides. Karl let out a soft groan as he rocked his hips against you, nails gently dragging along your thigh which left light scratch marks.
You couldn’t help letting out a loud moan, feeling much better letting it out than to conceal your pleasure. Karl started going faster the moment you started being more vocal which only encouraged you to stop being quiet.
You were sure the whole SMP could hear the two of you now, heaving sweaty bodies pressed to each other with the sounds of clapping and groaning in the room. Your hands wrapped around Karl’s torso, nails threatening to scratch his skin.
Tears pricked at your eyes gently as you felt what may have been the best orgasm of your entire life about to approach, you tapped Karl and tried to make it clear that you couldn’t hold on for him any longer and you had to let go “g-gonna cum!!” You exclaimed “that’s okay baby, do it for me..” he encouraged.
You let go, cumming around his cock. Juices from you started to leak out of your hole and onto your thighs, making you groan in annoyance “oh perfect.. Baby, you don’t mind if I get off with your thighs, do you?” Karl smiled up at you.
You shrugged and laid down, panting heavily as you tried to catch your breath, feeling a bit sensitive as Karl pulled out of you and slid himself between your legs. His dick slipped between both of your thighs closed together.
He started to fuck himself against you, now only thrusting for his own pleasure and enjoyment “oh thank you, baby..” he moaned out softly. His hands gripped onto your soft plushy thighs, his cock twitching against you which let you know he was about to cum.
Karl shuddered, his hips pausing their movement as he suddenly came; cum shooting out onto your thighs and covering a bit of your stomach. “Ah! Thank you!”Karl flopped on top of you, arms hugging your sweet body “No problem but I’m all dirty now!” You complained “I guess we’ll have to bathe together then, my dear” Karl chuckled before kissing your forehead and getting up to run you two a shower.
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
Since there is no 3 question limit, lets have a crack one. S/O sits in front of the skeleton, she is serious and takes a pregnancy test out of her purse, he can see the test is positive, everything is silent for a moment then S/O looks the skeleton in the eyes and ask "Are you pregnant?", she found the test in her bathroom, and he was the only one there (that she knew of), she didn't even stopped to think about the test being a human one, and is 100% waiting for him to explain. Dealers choice!
Sans: he blinks then seems to sag in complete relief as he realizes there’s no baby lol. Sans messes with SO a little by asking if they are trying to tell him to exercise more. Poor SO is throughly confused until he explains human pregnancy tests don’t work on monsters. Now the mystery remains, who’s test is it?
Papyrus: IM NOT PREGNANT! And he’ll summon his stomach to show the lack of souling. Now SO and papyrus are putting on their detective hats! There’s a mystery to be solved!!
Star: for a very brief moment he doubted and pulled off his shirt to check lol. Then star busts up laughing at his own silliness to SOs confusion. Through his giggles Star explains that pregnancy tests don’t work on monsters
Honey: he freezes in shock and stammers out “buh, I- how did you know??” Turns out honey is pregnant and was waiting for the right moment to tell SO lol. They had been trying together for a while. But he has no idea who’s human pregnancy test that is and is just as confused as they are.
Red: “t’ f*ck? No that’s not mine!” Red is pretty grossed out that someone would leave their used pregnancy test in his and SOs bathroom and makes SO throw it out. He’ll be eyeing all of SOs female friends suspiciously for a long while
Edge: SO sees him wrinkle his nose slightly then without guilt edge explains “IM NOT PREGNANT BUT YOUR SISTER IS”. Turns out SOs younger sister accidentally left the test in their bathroom. She’s around enough that edge can easily recognize her scent
Mal: SO gets to see him totally blank out. No eyelights, just head empty. When they ask if it’s his pregnancy test, he finally comes too and is so relieved. “OH THANK THE F*CKING STARS, NO ITS NOT MINE”
Cash: he narrows his eyes and tells SO he doesn’t like this prank. They had the baby talk a while ago and SO knows he’s still uncomfortable about the idea of kids. When SO explains its not a prank, cash apologizes and offers to try and find out who left it
Oak: he sighs a little sadly and tells SO he can’t carry a souling no matter how much he wants to. So, that test then. Well that’s a mystery
Willow: for a brief moment he was excited but then slumps when SO says it isn’t theirs. Dang. Him and SO had been trying for a child for a while now. Well now detective willow is on the case!! He’ll be very disappointed if one of their friends left it as a joke
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akookminsupporter · 3 years
About the different standards between TK and literally every ship and jikook comes down to mostly, in my opinion, homophobia.
With every other single ship in bts it basically comes down to basic bestie moments and skin ship. And every member in bts are fairly attractive men, TK specifically being voted number 1 handsome man and number 1 sexy international man. Its a visually pleasing pair that allows people to enjoy a fantasy. Enjoy creating moments. It's literally fiction. And that's fine (to a point, TK has a tendency to take way too f*cking far). Its literally part of the kpop culture to allow those fantasies and fictions.
Jikook though, they make people uncomfortable because they threaten the fantasy. People cannot even include them in a fantasy because they break it so often. Their moments are too tender and too romantic and too real. They go past the skinship, they go past the general "I'm a decent person and care about you so obviously I'm nice to you" moments. They also threaten every other single fantasy created for other ships just by existing next to each other. I'm an avid supporter of their relationship and fully believe they are in love and are boyfriends. And even i sometimes get uncomfortable watching them together simply because I feel like I'm intruding in an intimate moment that I shouldn't be allowed to watch. Lmao and part of that stems from how they talk to each other, part from how they touch each other, stare at each other, support each other, etc. I won't get into WHY I believe they are real, thats been talked to death over here lol, just that I think they are.
And the simple fact that jikook exists negates every other ship from being real. And I don't think its just opinions about TK not being close anymore. They literally said it themselves, that makes it fact. Even TKKs could see it, the amount of theories and posts and complaints about how there was a "drought" of TK content and obviously BH was hiding stuff from 2016 to 2019 was INSANE. Over the top. They KNOW but they don't WANT to know. It threatens the fantasy so they ignore it. I will say that personally I have been seeing a mark difference in TK interactio since ITS and I absolutely love and adore seeing them try and rebuild that friendship back up and become closer. I think for a long time they were mostly coworkers and friends but they were not besties and definitely were never romantically inclined. And this is nothing against them. I LOVE them. JK is my wrecker and Taes voice is one of my favs. They are goofy and silly and troublemakers and are some of the cutest members ever when they have their REAL moments. I love seeing it!
Honestly Taekook REVOLVES around jimin. Both members are obsessed with that man. TK lies and many other have this narrative that JM gets in the way or inserts himself between them or is causing problems when its actually taekook that drag him into everything. If Taekook WAS real (and they aren't, but lets pretend) then they are trying VERY very hard to make Jimin their third. They would both choose jimin first over each other and have proven it time and time again. Jimin is the center of that triangle, not anyone else. Lol and he is the center because JK is his boyfriend and Tae is his bff. He is their glue and they love him almost too much. But if Tae had to choose, he would pick Jimin. And if JK had tochoose, he would pick Jimin. That alone disqualifies TK from being real. Lol
And lastly (sorry for this giant ass essay!) I've seen all the talk about Jimin and femininity and how the fandom sees him and i generally hate it. The intro to bts videos never give him the credit he deserves but only ever focus on his insecurities, etc. He has an extremely dominant personality and is a very natural leader. RM has stated multiple times that he has gone to JM to talk about leadership things and that he leans on him alot. JM has stepped up to mediate fights between members as well. He is not a soft fragile little girl like most of the fandom seems to like to paint him as. Have you seen the clips where Jimin tells JK what to do? "Stay here" "sit down" and jk just.... does.... jimin is IN charge. He lets JK be on equal footing with him because he loves him. Not because he is a pushover. Jk also doesn't just listen to any of his other hyungs the way he listens to jimin. There is a reason there are those "I'm large but he is in charge" comps around.
I also agree that if I were to name the touchiest members, it would be Tae, Hobi and JK. They are all very tactile people. If I were to name the flirtiest members it would be Tae and Jin. (Don't get me started on taejin on stage because wtf are boundaries?? But no, I also don't really think they are real either) but seriously Jin flirts with Army like there is no tomorrow and is very receptive to verbal flirts/praise. Tae flirts with everything and anything. Lmao I wouldn't be surprised to see him giving his trademark bedroom eyes to a tiny tan statue next. And the way he flirts on weverse to army is next level. Jimin mostly just gives touches to those who crave it and praise to those who want it. And he mostly just honestly actually flirts with jungkook.
Jimin IS touchy, but he also keeps to himself. Every member has said that when jimin struggles, they have to pry it out of him to get him to lean on them or accept their comfort. (JK doesn't seem to have that much trouble with it though 👀). And every single member has at one point said that when they need comfort, they go to jimin. And that Jimin gives the best hugs. He is very sweet and very caring, but that doesn't make him have less of a dominant personality. I always think of Jhope reaching out to bring Jimins arms around him when he cried on his birthday. Or Jin accidentally missing a beat on stage when dancing and getting embarrassed and walking literally across the entire stage to where Jimin was so that he could get a hug from him. Or RM breaking down in tears when Jimin praised him as a leader and giving him a hug. Or Yoongi talking about how much it meant to him when Jimin called to check on him after his surgery.
I'll stop now, sorry. But basically I agree with you about jimin and how wonderful he is but how he is very far from submissive and soft. My favorite thing to watch are clips of Jimin literally softening his entire hard demeanor whenever he sees JK. I think that speaks for itself honestly. Borehae! You are doing a great job with this blog, thanks for making such a safe space for ARMY and jokers here!
I honestly have nothing more to add because anon said everything that needed to be said. Thank you anon.
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alatus-perch · 2 years
This is most adorable mob to update
It’s so cute and silly that it’s might be caught by its own bubble. It’s f*cking adorable oml
Can HYV plz let us bring home as a pet(like the mini seelies) or let us catch it and put it the teapot in the future.
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