pretty-batty · 6 hours
the slightly autistic guy with a high sex drive will save u btw
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pretty-batty · 7 hours
Hey God, I know we have like...a rappor... i pray to you and you say nothing back....
Buy uhhh...
If you could do me a solid and make Eddie Munson real and in my bed...with a baja blast.
Kay thanks bestieee!
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pretty-batty · 15 hours
I just saw an ASMR video of a guy calling his finger a tingle rocket and I fear that’s so Eddie coded when he talks about fingering you 😭
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pretty-batty · 2 days
Of course! And thank you as well. ✨️
I. Hate. Everything. I. Write.
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pretty-batty · 2 days
don't want to write I want to think very hard about my fic until it emerges from my head fully formed like athena
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pretty-batty · 2 days
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So....guess who just wrote her first tiddy-fuck scene?
More smut coming your way, my friends!
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Taglist: @userchai @loserboysandlithium @secretdryrose
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pretty-batty · 2 days
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pretty-batty · 2 days
Hey, I know that feeling. Since I've started writing again, it's returned with a vengence.
But I'm here to tell you that your "soup" (aka smut) is delicious and well written.
You are great at what you do! ✨️
Don't let those brain-weasles tell you otherwise.
I. Hate. Everything. I. Write.
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pretty-batty · 2 days
Geta is triggering my d*ddy kink and i am ASHAMED.
Oh trust mine is triggered too, no need to be ashamed 😏
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pretty-batty · 2 days
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missing this beautiful boy with his big beautiful eyes :( <3
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pretty-batty · 4 days
🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇 ANTI DEPRESSION BAT ATTACK 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇
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pretty-batty · 4 days
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Jewish Eddie Munson?
More like Cantor Eddie Munson!
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Eddie Munson dreamed of being a cantor. Upon surviving the upside-down and fleeing to his grandparents' synagogue in Tennessee, he began his journey to achieve that dream.
He relies on the Sephardi pronunciations to perfect his trills, harden the t's, brighten this ah's. His Yemeni Hazzan insisted on it.
How you got to this Yom Kippur service doesn't matter. Jewish or not, you are there.
You gaze down the aisle on the holiest day at the holiest time, he stands with the weight of the community on his shoulders. Wrapped in his tallit, nearly bound by a kittel, head to toe in white, only a siddur in his hand to guide him.
So far from the arc.
"Hineini." Here I stand "He'ani mima'as." Deficient in good deeds, "Nir'ash v'nifchad mipahad." Trembling in fear of the one "Yoshev tehilot Yisrael." Who abides amidst the praises of Israel.
The weight of Chrissy's death looms over him, the deaths of that small town in Indiana, and in these moments he thinks of everything he didn't do.
His life was a lack of deeds worthy of God's grace. His only pride, his Hellfire Club, lead to mortal peril for his flock, his friends, those kids. One near death sacrifice could never balance the ledger.
Here he stood, in his shame, in awe of God, he begs for absolution regardless of his own behavior, not for him but those around him. His congregation. The gates to heaven are closing today, the days of awe are ending.
He continues, his voice growing in fullness and volume. As he passes you, feet stopping, he holds out a note, a cry to Shaddai and her name, all-being on high. The melodic wail, so pleasant in its desperation moves you to tears. His feet begin moving again.
He recites in that ancient tongue:
"I beseech thee to help me in my task, to invoke thy mercy on my behalf, and on behalf of those who sent me."
He can smell the rot of Vecna, the frying of wires, all that blood and flame. It has been ten years. He can still smell it. In the moments of joy, in his loves and friendships, in the eyes of his children, it still remains.
The broken bones, the bloody eyes, the burning bodies.
"Let them not suffer through my failings."
At first I wanted to do a happy thing but then I was like, "No. We're doing hineini and I want angst." If you want to hear what it sounds like, enjoy. Tag list: @userchai @alohamoramylove
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pretty-batty · 4 days
she might be "your girl" but in a matter of minutes i could fumble her so catastrophically as to permanently secure a space in the hallowed halls of her memory. never forget this
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pretty-batty · 4 days
Hi i'd like to order 60,000 snickerdoodles pls.
I’m staring my own little bakery business at home, (it’s mainly going to be cupcakes and cookies) but I am so excited, I’ve wanted to have a side job/hobby for such a long time 🤭
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pretty-batty · 4 days
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pretty-batty · 4 days
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pretty-batty · 4 days
Nancy Drew
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Eddie x Judy (OFC) Pt 10 of Eldath's Priestess 2213 Words
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Warnings: Mentions of death by HIV/AIDs Now on ao3 Thank you @anakinkshamer
Summary- Judy takes matters into her own hands, investigating the list of names Gillespie provided. She receives a stunning realization.
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“I’m grateful that you reached out, Judy. Came all the way to Indianapolis to see lil-ol-me.” Miss. Miller said, setting a cup of tea atop a coaster, “it’s been a few years.”
“Yeah, it’s just been difficult. After Joe died I kinda…I don’t know.”
“Sunk inside yourself.” The woman said, “I know. And after Eddie…I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” Her wrinkled hands gave hers a gentle squeeze. “You know my husband Andy died last winter. I know exactly how you feel.”
Judy scrunched her face in sympathy, returning the squeeze. “I came to ask you something, about Marty.”
“Ah…” the old woman’s gaze fell away, drawing her hand back to join the other in her lap. “Yes…” It was as if the mention of her grandson revealed a hidden space in herself, “it’s not true. He was always safe with his” an automatic pause she took when speaking about Marty’s lovers. But with one nod of Judy’s head, she continued with the truth, “boyfriends. It was those dirty fucking needles that got him. It only took one.” She blinked, once, twice, then one final blink, harder than the others. She was trying to clear her eyes. “I’m not saying these other kids deserve it for not being safe, in any sense. No one deserves this. It’s just…I hated how that town talked about him. Calling him all those horrible things. It sounds terrible, but I laughed when I found out about the earthquake. Tacky bitches and their snotty brats.”
There was the Granny Miller that Judy remembered. No doubt rebranding herself when she moved with Marty in his months. Judy learned from some friends that after Marty finally passed after that last brush with pneumonia, Granny Miller joined the local group of HIV/AIDS activists and caregivers. Through them she remained connected to the queer community, gaining more grandchildren than she could have ever dreamed.
“I meant to ask about something else. When he was eleven, there was this flu that went around, got a lot of kids sick, some were worse off than others.” Judy reached into her purse, producing a folded xerox before unfolding it and handing it to the older woman. “There is a list of kids who got a treatment…”
“Don’t even have my good glasses,” She pulled the list back from her eyes, “Oh you mean when he lost his sight, and I couldn’t see him for a week?” Her lips moved in a whisper, silently reading down the names. Tapping her nail to her grandson’s name. “There he is,” her finger went down, “and there you are too. What do these markings mean?”
“It’s a part of this thing I’m doing.” Judy quickly answered, verbally yanking Granny Miller back to the topic at hand, “The lab who created the treatment has been connected to some shady shit. And because their documents are either gone or under lock and key, I have no way of knowing what they did. All I can do is find the parents or the kids, see if they remember anything about the treatment.”
“Judy, what do these markings mean?”
A pause in the narrative, teeth biting back the prepared explanation of her project. Finally, she answered. “The exes are deaths, the checks are the living and their location…the circles are the ones I don’t know about.”
“All those kids…was this…was this like what happened to that Ryan boy?”
“I don’t know.”
“Why are you circled?”
“Because I don’t know.” Judy’s leg began to bounce.
Granny’s curved shoulders dropped, eyes moving from the list to Judy’s face. “Do you have a doctor?”
“That’s where I came from. Big hospital here rather than Hawkins General. Asked them to do a full blood panel. It’ll take them a week even though they rushed it.”
“The last circle, Vicky Blake…”
“She is the last piece of the puzzle. If I find out what happened to her, then maybe I can see if it’s all just a coincidence.”
Of course, getting information out of a high school acquaintance is better said than done. “No Vick, listen. You’re the oldest still alive who is willing to answer my calls. Do you remember what they did to us on that floor?”
“I’m sorry. But this is like…life and death.”
“Please, I know we never talked in school but-”
“Good thing. Your boyfriend killed like…three kids. The fuck I want to talk to you for?”
“Because I think that treatment did something to us and it fucked up our immune system.”
“Shit…” Vicky hissed. “I was hoping it was just me.”
Judy stayed quiet, waiting for her to elaborate. Nothing. She continued to press, “what do you mean?”
She sighed, “I have autoimmune hepatitis. Basically, I have a swollen liver, no periods, and skin like a mustard seed. All joking aside, they have no idea where it came from. No one in my family had it. They think it might have been the flu but…” Vicky sucked her teeth, “if you’re right…shit…”
“Until I get the results back, we won’t know.”
Judy heard her sigh again, another pause before Vicky spoke again. “Listen, I know we don’t know each other well. But call me when you get them. And as for ten years ago, it wasn’t anything different. I remember this weird blond kid, eyes a little too far apart. He was there when I regained my sight. Fuck…what was his name? Anyway…he said his dad was the doctor who made the serum.” She laughed a little bit, “it’s weird he had this tattoo on his wrist.”
Her eyes widened, returning to the memory of El’s wrist. The XI. One of many. Before Vicky could comment on her silence, Judy let out a “Huh…weird.” She continued, “so, this guy brought his tatted son to a ward of contagious children.”
“Weird, tatted son. Gave me the wiggins for sure.”
Judy’s focus finally broke from Vicky’s tinned voice over the phone. Eddie’s nose directly sinking into the side of her neck. The ends of his curls tickling her nose. “Yeah…wiggins for sure.” She said, turning as Eddie drew back, mouthing “stop.”
The corners of his lips curled into a smile. Judy’s pointer finger immediately raised, letting out a voiceless warning, “no, don’t you dare.”
“I really appreciate that you were willing to talk to me. I know it’s like…a thing to dump on you. But…”
Once her eyes left his, Eddie opened his mouth and gently captured her finger in his teeth.
Vicky continued, “No yeah, it’s no problem. And if you want me to, I’ll ask my mom to find my diaries and see if she remembers anything.”
“If you could, I’d appreciate it, but don’t worry about it if you can’t.”
“Oh, of course, yeah.” Maybe it was the repetitive confirmations and negations in quick succession, as both Vicky and Judy felt the phone weigh them down. They bid each other goodbye, then Judy finally hung up the phone.
“Are you a fucking dog?” She drew her finger from his teeth.
“Do you want me to be?” Eddie asked.
“I’d like you to be normal when I’m on the phone.”
With an exasperated groan, he threw himself back into the couch. “You were gone all day, and then you get home and you’re on the phooooone.”
Judy crawled over him the best she could, her finger gently tapping in his nose. “I’m sorry, big guy.” She trailed her touch lower, stroking his bottom lip. “I feel bad trapping you here, all alone.” Her voice receded into a purr, “I missed you.”
He held her hand in place, pressing his lips against the pad of her finger. “Missed you too baby.”
“Do you want some…alone time?”
Eddie’s gaze shifted, face squishing in fake consideration. “Hmm…I’ll have to think about it. See if I have any openings in my schedule…” He took the hand from his lips, opening her palm. His finger poked various points of her skin with beeps and boops before holding her hand to his ear. “Hello, Sheila. Yeah cancel my three o-clock. Thanks dear. Looks like I’m free now.”
Three firm knocks rang from the door, followed by the bell. Judy immediately lifted off Eddie, hissing at him to “go” as he tore up the stairs as quietly as he could.
She waited until she head the click of the latch upstairs. She had hoped he would stay quiet, but the occasional thumps and occasional ‘oof’ proved to her that he was up to something.  She straightened her blouse before answering the door. A familiar tall man stood on the mat, crew cut hair peppered with gray, manila folder in hand with the seal already disturbed.
“Gillespie, I didn’t expect to see you.” Judy stepped back, “come on in.”
“They made me come all the way here to get the report. Can’t beat a formal request but they can sure drag their feet.” He took a step forward, following through. “Is it alright if I hang my coat?”
“Oh yeah, whatever you’d like. You want a pop, or I can put on a pot of coffee?”
“That’s alright, I won’t be here long.” Gillespie stopped, “living room?”
“Oh uh, sure.” Thump. Judy froze.
“The fuck was that?”
She had to lie. She sucked at lying. “I found this cat and took him home. He’s locked up in my bedroom until I can get him to the vet.”
“Mm.” Gillespie slowly sat down on the couch, furrowed gaze following Judy as she pulled her wingback chair from its spot by the window. It finally rested adjacent to him, Judy slipping herself into the seat. “I wanted you to be the first to see it.”
“It being?”
He reached into the folder under his arm, pulling out a thin stack of papers with a slight flourish. The top paper was a form, photocopied from the original.
            Roane County Medical Examiner
Judy’s lips parted, a “Holy shit” slipping past without her knowledge.
“Look at each of them.” He said, voice poorly masking his excitement.
Her eyes darted across each written line, then to the printed transposition.
Each said the same thing: “Lethal injuries caused by intense muscle spasm. One abrasion over 48 hours old (untreated). No evidence of Tdap.”
“Tdap what is Tdap?”
“Tdap is the vaccine for tetanus toxin. A tetanus infection, if left untreated, can lead to intense rigidity, muscle spasms, blocking airways. Apparently the body can contort itself into deadly configurations.” Gillespie sucked his teeth, “pre-ty nasty.”
“Tetanus? Like…step on a rusty nail tetanus?”
“Rusty nail tetanus. Your boyfriend had nothing to do with it. Just a witness to some horrible deaths.”
As Gillespie made his way out, Judy felt empty. A rush of relief from the proof of Eddie’s innocence, but also a sunken ache for what he had seen.
The turn of the doorknob was met with the growling, menacing bass of Metallica’s Orion as she opened the door. Eddie, completely nude, swayed in the low light of a single lamp. The music swelling as he rolled his hips and beckoned her closer with his claw. The heaviness in her chest subsided for a moment, a smile emerging, closing the door behind her.
His hands skirted along her skin as she leaned in for a kiss, only to be stopped, “ah-ah, no touching.”
The curl on her lips grew heavy quickly, fighting it with an “Oh, stripper rules?”
She found a spot on her bed, sitting down, arms stretching out behind her. Slowly, however, her attention was captured by the wall in front of her. Her hands slowly made their way back to herself, closing in.
“Mmm, until I say so.” He purred, gazing at her hands folded in her lap, “but I can’t give you a lap dance if you’re hands are there.” His eyes traced up to her face, finding her eyes vacant, expression dropped. “Hey, you can touch me, I was just playing.” Eddie grabbed her hands and brought them to his chest.
“It’s not that…I just…” Her left hand ran up his neck and into his hair, bringing his forehead to press against hers. “It’s finally weighing on me. All the kids. If they got out, their own bodies poisoned them. If they stayed in town too long, Vecna took them. Adding it all up, that lab didn’t just experiment on kids like El, but us too. And in doing so, exposed us to something they could not control. And I’m still here. I’m the last one left in Haw-”Judy shook her head at herself. “No, I don’t even want to think about that.” The back of her neck grew hot, spreading up her ears and across her cheeks.
A kind hand caressed hers, bringing her knuckles to his lips. “I won’t let anything happen to you.” A kiss, “never ever.” Another kiss, “you’re safe with me.”
“If I leave, I’ll end up like Vicky or Marty. I don’t wanna get sick like that, Eddie. I can’t…” “Then we’ll get through it. C’mere.” Eddie led her back into her bed, curling himself around her until her face was tucked into his chest. “Let me carry this too, Judy.” His nose found a spot in her hair, drawing in a deep breath, “You’re not alone.”
Quite the scandal really. I hoped you enjoyed the little fluff in the end! I appreciate the time you all take to read this series.
Tag list: @loserboysandlithium @userchai @secretdryrose
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