#its probs katara
witchering10123 · 1 year
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there is not a single thought behind those eyes: aang!
(template by mondlichtkatze)
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so its a no, Zuko doesn't know who Aang when katara threatens him. all the times katara yelled Aang went in one ear and out the other
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caruliaa · 2 years
imagine if you had to choose between your childhood friend who you really loved and had an impact on you growing up and you drifted apart from but later more recently became friends with again and your new friend who you met recently but still really relate to and see yourself in and whos just. deeply fucking autistic okay the metaphor is falling apart but the autism swag bracket was supposed to give me some timee !!! before i had to dedicate myself to either twilight or zuko sweep why are they DOING THIS TO MEE !!!
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zuko doesn't think about katara outside of how she coudl bring aang to life and ruin the approval from his father.. zuko remembers aang suggestion of being friends
zuko getting a rainbow dance with aang
zuko/aang being sozin/roku parallel Zuko joking about capturing Aang / Aang worried about zuko going off to face azula alone
zukaang deserves more love its way more soulmateism than zutara will ever be iif only aang was older then it prob be the main gay ship tbh i think zukka is very overrated, no offense to zukkas but i just find the idea of what fandom presents of em as boring and it always makes zuko look like the girl of the ship kinda just want gay fanart to look like well gay fanart instead its usually just so.. heteronorative.
I usually don't like to call any gay content "heteronormative" because 9 times out of 10 is just dumb people on the internet misusing a term until it loses all meaning just so they berate other people for "enjoying fiction the wrong way"... but boy, do Zukka fans often fit that 1 time out of 10 in which it is used correctly.
I'm not anti-fujoshi, and a lot of times the "we must not allow straight girls to like gay stuff" is just misogyny dressed up as "fighting against objectification", but BOY, so much of the Zukka content post 2019 just screams "Okay, Zuko is the japanese guy, that means he's so feminine and submissive he just HAS to be 'the girl' of the relationship, while Sokka has dark skin, therefore he must be the aggressive, manly man that never bottoms" with manages to be homophobic, sexist and racist all in one go.
It's the same thing with some Zutara fanarts. I lost count of many times fandoms will want to lynch some poor artist because their drawing of a dark-skinned character has their skin be slightly darker/lighter and thus be called blackface/whitewashing even though the difference is barely even perceptible - meanwhile in come the worst zutarians with fanarts in which Katara looks like she was either drawn by a member of the KKK that is trying to make her look barely human since she commited the crime of existing while brown, OR they make her look so white she can be mistaken for Azula of all people.
I am not kidding. I once was going through Tumblr, saw what I assumed was a Zucest fanart because the girl had dark hair, pale skin, red lips and was wearing a red dress with all gold accessories... then I notice she has blue eyes and a blue necklace around her neck. I check the notes and yep, that was supposed to be KATARA.
HOW does one fuck up that badly?
(Also the Sozin/Roku parallels are objectively the gayest thing about Zuko and Aang's dynamic. Even gayer than the iconic "You're the thing that fuled my fire. No homo")
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kataraslove · 7 months
I didn't expect penguin sledding but a youtuber i follow says they replaced it with something that had the same spirit of it.. im hoping maybe they'll just go.. acutal sledding ? that was my original thought .. tho its just a guess.. they say gordon has the spirit of aang and brings that playful hope to those around so thats.. good. i am disappointed that katara wont talk aang down though if someone is to replace her i want it to be sokka, they better have earned whoever does it. katara hugging aang so tight is just so adorable to me so thats prob the only thing im mad about so far. bec it establishes the family connection of the trio. so thats abummer. its prob the only time ive felt bummed so far.. its not gonna ruin it for me but its def a bummer
i don’t see any issues with CGI penguin-sledding; but i agree that there can be other ways to capture this spirit (and gordon does, from what I’ve seen!)
it’s not just the issue of katara pulling aang out of the avatar state (though that will be a dynamic in their bond i will really miss).. it’s that aang sort of… snaps himself out over a particular memory? and the thing about aang is that he doesn’t have good control over the avatar state, so that’s why he needs these external influences - katara and/or sokka - to calm him down.
if memories can trigger aang out of the avatar state; if sokka is already an established warrior confident with his masculinity; if katara is devoid of her righteous anger and is instead replaced with sadness, then where do we get these character arcs? avatar the last airbender is beloved because these characters start off as insecure, misguided children with flaws that are forced to grow up and become child soldiers. without the very obvious nature of those flaws, how do we expand and develop on their individual character arcs?
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ididgettomeetyou · 1 day
the whole argument that katara looks more ..older/mature with zuko and not childish like with aang =kataang bad is silly cause.
note how Aang looks older/more mature here compared to the painted lady .. which is acutally from the same animation house The Moi animation studio (you can find this on the credits on netflix)
aang looks about 13 here he looks older than s1/2 aang and nothing is said about it.. his head is normal size here and nto super cartoony and i have a theory to this. TSR is a serious episode.. they don't want it to look cartoony ..a simple answer.
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Note that aang goes through changes too, his head can be a Bobblehead or normal size.. . its not some grand kataang/zutara ship conspiracy its prob to fit the theme of an episode as the moi worked on TSR/ painted Lady and its the same company .. there's no antizutara nonsense going on. its just what fits the tone of the episode scene nothing more. JM: worked on the Headband...
there are so many people involved in animation/storyboards/ and the show i just dont get how people buy into conspiracies.. do they think everyone is on it that bryke hovers over peoples head going, make katara look moer appealing with aang seems silly right? cause it is.
I prefer TSR/ western Temple Aang/Katara myself.. but there is def no conspiracy here
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b-else-writes · 1 year
it's so interesting to me how seeing the actual live action cast of ATLA has really made people realise that Katara and Aang together is weird because Aang is an entire pre-pubscent child with the maturity to match, and Katara is a whole teenager. you can hide that in animation easily, but once you actually cast people in that age range, it becomes glaringly obvious that a 14 year old girl would not be giving a 12 year old boy the time of day and how all the pictures of the four together make it look like a child, his babysitter, the babysitter's brother, and the babysitter's high school boyfriend.
but it does make me extremely curious how they're going to adapt then. we're only getting Book 1 so far, so i can imagine that they could keep Aang having a puppy crush on Katara, but they cut the (very minimal because Kataang was half-baked) evidences in Book 1 like the powerful bender blush - which they'd prob cut anyways given we're only getting 8 episodes, 1 hour each. and then they save the "development" for Book 3 where Aang's actor will be an older teen.
there's also been persistent but unfounded rumors that Zutara was the reason Bryke stepped away from the project. now i have shipped Zutara since i was a child, but it does give me pause here as well because Zuko's actor is gonna be 22 this year and Katara's actor is a minor still - but that's not say they won't do it anyways, since they're meant to be playing characters around the same age. i could see them just following what has been laid out in Book 1 and staying there, and then seeing what happens for future seasons, when Katara's actress is an adult (which still feels morally questionable).
of course, all of this assumes that the series will be good or popular enough to even receive renewal for 2 more seasons, and it is Netflix. how they're adapting the series has been kept under wraps heavily, the only rumor i've seen so far that seems credible is that they'll show the Air Nomad genocide in Ep 1, basically compressing ep 1-3 + 12 into the start. so we're not getting an exact adaptation.
now, i'm not on board with a live action adaptation because they ultimately don't need to be made at all. BUT, i do think if you're going to make an adaptation, then adapt. do something interesting with it, expand on stuff that was interesting but never went anywhere, remove stuff that didn't work the first time, etc. it's not going to be a shot for shot remake so don't try to be. i've always loved the live-action version of Sailor Moon because while it had the most god-awful special effects, it basically took the bones of canon and expanded on them in new and exciting ways that still felt true to the spirit, characters, and themes of the original. otherwise, don't bother. the cartoon will always exist so making a 1:1 adaptation is pointless.
so in THAT regard, i actually think using the live action to explore Zutara is not a bad idea at all - it's just.....everything else surrounding it that is like, hmm. which really could've been solved by casting a 17 year old to play Zuko as well, like Dallas Liu is cute as hell and there's also rumors that he and Uncle Iroh are the best actors on the show so i'm firmly of the belief he won't be an issue in enjoyment, but this man is old enough to have graduated from university! but again it's all putting the cart before the horse because this might all just crash and burn in Book 1 so it won't even matter. which just goes back to. time to let ATLA and its legacy be.
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ultfreakme · 6 months
im a zutara multishipper though i often feel like a fake cause im not as hardcore as most of em.. i forgot all about that scarf scene its not as memorable as I'll save you from the pirates is that probalmatic imeaniguess but it was a fun scene in the cartoon ..
. so many zuts are celebrating over a silyl scarf scene but i can tell there's higher chances of hell freezing over than zutara and i dont look forward to them going again We were robbed when it doesn't happen. i love being a multishipper though cause i was very well fed with zukaang
im begging shippers not to bully gordon over shipping and it is interting to note how uncomfortable zutara makes the actors prob cause they recognize Kia is a teenager and Dallas is 22 year old.. theres hooplah over how the age gap is fine cause she' ll be 18 and theres a difference with 11/14 vs 15/ year old met guy when he was 20. of course kia is uncomforatble with zutara she met dallas aas a child. but here we got people treating her like she's an adult already.
the way kia is talked about creeps me out and i still think about the people telling me im a fake fan bec i think maybe we dont talk about kias age like shes not even real. i do enjoy the fanart comig from promo pics cause people are super talented but sometimes . it feels that people are shipping Kia/Dallas more than zuko/katara
Hi!! Honestly it's fine if you ship even if things for the ship are considered 'problematic'. I mean I ship Zukka and both of them have genuinely wanted each other dead or gone for a good chunk of the show lol.
I think, and I'm not going to generalize and say EVERY Zutara shipper, but one thing I've encountered as a pattern of difference between Zutara shippers and every other ATLA ship shipper, is canonicity. Zukaang, Zukka, Jetko, MaiLee, TyZula, Tokka, Taang, none of them are of the mindset that their ship will be canon so no one has any real problems with these ships. But a lot of Zutara shippers I've seen on twitter at least are convinced that Zutara was meant to be canon, and this inability keep fanon and canon separate is what's getting people's hopes up. And when it's made clear that these ARE separate, there's upset. I've seen the same thing happen with multiple other shippers and ships across fandoms.
Being a multishipper sounds fun anon, and I hope you're doing well <3
You're so right on the way people act about and treat Kia. Dallas has on interview said Kia is like a little sister to him, and yeah people keep forgetting that these two met when Kia was a child and he was an adult. It's why Dallas and Ian are fine when they talk about Zukka or can joke about "shipping" them.
I've noticed that people are doing the thing again(in 2024 dear GOD), where they keep waiting for young girls to be "legal" to be fucking creeps. People did it with Billie Eilish, the Olsen twins and a bunch of other female celebs and artists. I just feel terrible for her and Gordon, and I wish people would stop being weird about the actors and take a hint because Kia, Dallas, Gordon- none of them are being subtle about being uncomfortable about zutara. The only way they can be more obvious is plaster it on their foreheads. I didn't know about people talking about...ugh I can't even say it, Kia and Dallas like a ship GROSS. Leave Kia and Dallas out of it gosh. I got an ask a while back basically saying people will stop being mean to Gordon if Zutara becomes canon and I was flabbergasted. Like, you won't treat a child, with respect and dignity, because your 20 year old ship isn't real???
I've said this before, but people are just jumping to make Kia out to be more...older? People saying she looks like Gordon's mom(I will hunt these people on sight she looks like a child). And it's this, intermixing of sexism and racism and colourism (I've seen people be extremely disgusting about Dallas and Gordon too about their appearance. Pretty much everyone who doesn't fit into Western beauty standards are receiving awful hate- Thalia Tran playing Mai, Elizabeth Yu playing Azula).
People seriously need to get a grip and start learning to differentiate between fiction and real human beings or this is going to hurt EVERYONE involved, but especially Kia and Gordon. It doesn't matter if Kia is 18, she DOES NOT LIKE IT. DALLAS sees her as a sister, like i wish people would keep that in mind.
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candy8448 · 3 months
FINALLY got round to starting dungeon meshi and just watched ep 2
Its goofy and funny, its nice to watch while doing something else. I know it will prob get more serious from what things ive seen in the fandom but its okay so far
Marcille gives me Katara from atla vibes
I always thought Chillichuck was a girl from the fanart and fancontent ive seen but i guess not 0.0 He's adorable looking tho
Laos (or however u spell his name) and beard guy are litterally just me and the healer in our dnd party, preparing and eating every monster we come across in dungeons XD
The op and ed are nice, i can jam to them
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Moi Animation studio animation first episode was the painted lady.
there other eps are Beach/Sokka master/ nightmare and daydreams/ sozin comet part 2 and TSR. Same studio two different art Styles . Aang looks different in TSR compared to the painted lady its not just katara . Moi Also did Part 2 of Sozins Comet they began work in s3 and worked on about 8 episodes in total of atla. while the main studios were DM/JM but the reason katara looks different in TSR/ Part is Moi worked on the eps/ JM the more cartoony studio worked on Part 1/3/4 of sozins comet.
same studio.. believe it or not. they can go to cartoony/realism for more serious episodes
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this is JM Animation Katara and Aang S1/2 compared to S3
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would you believe both aangs are from JM animation? its true its not just katara who changes as people claimed . it seems.. for more serious moments the eyes are smaller and the characters are built more real prob to give more weight to the serious scenes, while for lighthearted ones they prefer to go more cartoony
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DR studio kinda poofed after s2 ended this was DR studio very pretty. mainly just found Moi/JM for season 3
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tuiyla · 7 months
NATLA Ep. 4 "Into the Dark" initial thoughts
Okay wow, I think this is my fav so far in terms of changes they've made. The best ep so far is probs Warriors but this was quite bold in the changes it's made and you know what, the first episode made me fear they'd be too timid to actually lean into their changes but no. Just like Danny Pudi put his whole Pudissy into his role, this episode committed to its direction and I can respect that even in places where I don't agree with the changes. The only exception is Bumi's tests, a lot of the dialogue and other aspects lifted straight from ATLA didn't work because it felt more forced in this context than anything. And overall I think Bumi is my least favourite part of the episode and its adaptation.
I was glad to see Jet in this episode, too, even if it was brief. I'm still lacking stronger emotions and a stronger presence from Katara but I'm glad for this goodbye with Jet and how it sets up exactly what it needs to. We did lose Jet being a foil to Sokka and there was a major missed opportunity in having Jet actually interact with Sai but ah well, can't have everything.
Instead of Sokka foiling it out with Jet there's the surprise inclusion of basically Book 2 Chapter 2 which I did not expect but am pleasantly surprised by. This ep went hard on the music taken straight from ATLA between the nomads' songs and Leaves From the Vine playing over the Iroh flashback. And! And!! Oma and Shu are lesbians!!! This is not a drill, Oma and Shu are lesbians in love. If there was one thing I hoped for in terms of the live action show it was casual queer representation and I got it in the most unexpected but pleasant place. Love it.
And!! On top of the surprising but not unwelcome inclusion of The Cave of Two Lovers, the story is recentered entirely on Sokka and Katara. I'll share more thoughts on this later but suffice to say I always love me some Water Sibs appreciation and this was much needed in this version. I still take issue with essentially erasing Katara's mothering of Sokka but it's clear the impact Hakoda leaving had on them is the same and, most probably in lieu of Bato of the Water Tribe, we get this storyline with them. The fact that love being the answer was reframed as the love between these two siblings is honestly a galaxy brain change and decision and I respect the hell out of it. There's still much lacking in terms of really fleshing out our cast but I will never, ever say no to more Water Sibs content. If we were gonna spend so much time in Omashu and put so many familiar faces in there, makes sense to also do the Omashu backstory AND utilize it to shine some light on the sibling dynamic that otherwise doesn't have much room to breathe in the live action. This is the kind of bold new direction that they have to take and own to make this show work.
I also enjoyed the Zuko and Iroh stuff and that's some interesting inclusion of more Book 2 things as well. The way even their plot from the Winter Solstice part one ep was integrated here is quite clever and I enjoyed both the past and present Iroh scenes. We'll see how they handle the actual Zuko backstory and I do think this version of Iroh needs a bit more, how should I put it, softness, but there's much to like here. Especially giving Zuko the option to pursue Aang instead and having him choose to rescue Iroh. Similar to a choice he made in the above mentioned Spirit World ep but honestly, lowkey more poignant here.
That's it for me for today but I'll watch the second half of the season tomorrow. I have to say, so far it has at least provided some interesting new takes worth taking a deeper critical look at, and I don't agree with those who dismiss the show entirely. It has merit even if, halfway through the first season, it's yet to convince me it can justify its own existence.
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atla-confessions · 11 days
i need to confess so much sokka that my writinf style just gets known and i become that random cuckoo sokka confessor. will never happen but a loser can dream. ANYWAYS hi i love sokka! here’s random au ideas i have about him because. well what can i say. Sokka sokka sokka sokka sokka!!!!! brain melting!
au 1: sokka becomes like. 12 and a half or smth again during s3 [set after boiling rock but before southern raiders] and ill make it known i hc that his father left like two months or three before he turned 12 instead of him leaving when sokka was 13 . cringy i know but has it made me unbelievably happy to write? oh for sure. perfect amount of angst and happy potential. also i just wanted to see katara and aang’s reaction to a tiny ass 12 year old sokka who looks both ready to curl up and die and also ready to absolutely murder someone… despite him being shorter than aang. no romantic relationships other than like the canon ones like kataang because belegh he’s 12 again guys!!! friendship is magic!!! shit this was a big block of random stuff okay
au 2: he gets taken in raid and given to nobles. i think a long time ago i already made a random post about this but like. mai and sokka sibling core? it just popped in my head from a random old fanart i saw of them and a fic i read. also i think i still have the link for the art if anyone is interested?? i dont think so but if anyone does ill prob just like link it in s laterconfession. arts nice imo but it is subjective so idk. okay back to au so like. he gets taken in raid yaada yada. mai sibling ya. he reunites with katara during omashu and makes sure mai comes with him to join the gaang. things get rocky cuz he has a close bond with mai that katara is upset / envious about because she missed sokka. fair amount of angst but it gets better when everything is resolved aka katara and sokka finally have a talk about it all. sorry just love the mai & sokka potential. they couldve been the greatest and deadliest friends ever but you didnt hear that from me
okay wait i wrote a lot for just 2 aus i should probably stop i have school and its 12 am. okay goodnight dreams about sokka! sokka! sokka!
he my fave 🤗
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dont-leafmealone · 8 months
so i was trying to draw Something with your fiction in mind acutally its probs Canon lmao
but then when i was Sketching i sadly realzied IDK HOW TOKLO LOOKS??
i can imgaine it but i dont acutally know 😭 and i went to part 1 to find Something but idk?? do u have like Something thats close to how he looks?? cuz if not i might need to cut him off 😔 or make Something up but like its easier
like did i miss Something??
Good question! So there's not actually a "canon" way for Toklo to look (he's not my OC and MuffinLance likes to leave it up to the imagination) so I don't describe him much but the version i have in my head is
kind of stocky, just a little taller than Zuko or jet; a lot of muscle and a pretty round face
lightish blue eyes similar to sokka's (not as light as Katara's or as dark as Bato's)
skin tone probably most similar to Sokka's as well
hair like Hakoda's, shoulder length with a wolf tail, but Toklo only has one braid in front. Also very fluffy.
Tends to wear fewer layers since he runs a little warm. Doesn't feel the cold as much.
smiles a lot.
One thing I'll add is the illustrations of Kavik from the Yangchen novels look a lot like how I imagined Toklo. Hope this was helpful!
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diabetesnscoliosis · 6 months
wait no this deserves its own post. my mum and I were thinking deeply about atla astrology. Either sun signs or chart influence.
Katara is probs Aries sun with Pisces and Aquarius placements. Mum thinks Aang has Pisces Aquarius but i think he's got a bit of libra there too,.... or that could be the pisces.
Sokka is Gemini sun with some leo in him. Toph is probs a cap sun.
Zuko is Scorpio sun with a lot of libra influence, probs on the cusp tbh. I think it fits witu his character arc
Azula has some serious libra-cap but bad. She's too detached to be a cap sun imo, hence the libra sun. There's no way she's not cardinal. Aries and cancer dont fit for how she behaves.
Ty Lee is Pisces dom. Mai is Virgo (whiny). Roku is probably a libra sun but towards the virgo end.
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kkatastrophic · 4 months
i love MUSIC so jeres me assigning some songs from my playlist to the main lok characters and main atla characters ‘cause i’m bored and scrolling on tiktok is making me go stupid with No explanation maybe idk. i am assigning songs purely out of my gut instinct and the twitch in my fingers
Also highlighting songs in blue because i am a messy person and have like BLOBS of text so and the artist name in [__] square brackets
(also lets ignore tje fact that most of the songs are from adrianne lenker, or jeff buckley, or alex g, or mitski… !!! i THINK i might have favorites… umm idk tho…)
aang: the frost [mitski] , message [alex g] , also things to do [alex g] . not much to be said here im bad at analyzing poor little avatar buddy aang im so sorry my friend!!!
katara: a small dash of when memories snow [mitski] and a drop of buffalo replaced [mitski] and abbey [mitski]
sokka: also abbey [mitski] + DEF when memories snow [mitski] . lover you should’ve come over [jeff buckley] and forget her [jeff buckley] maybe? weird fishes / arpeggi [radiohead] too
toph: half return [adrianne lenker] . class of 2013 [mitski] audiotree version sorry! a small drop of crack baby [mitski] thats maybe a stretch though! and rules [alex g] probs a stretch too
zuko: also half return [adrianne lenker], dragon eyes [adrianne lenker] as well. advice [alex g] and some of eternal life [jeff buckley] either version (road or classic) but it doesn’t really matter. and candy [alex g]
might do azula, suki, plus some other characters some other time when i’m not lazy to death 😞
korra: eternal life [jeff buckley], maybe i love me after you [mitski], abbey [mitski] brand new city [mitski], i dont like my mind [mitski], i’m your man [mitski], 16 mirrors [alex g]
mako: forget her [jeff buckley], somewhat the deal [mitski], things to do [alex g], when memories snow [mitski], pretend [alex g] , a bit of a stretch but maybe there’s nothing left for you [mitski]
asami: once more to see you [mitski] goodluck, babe! [chappell roan], buffalo replaced [mitski], anything [adrianne lenker], a drop of not a lot, just forever [adrianne lenker]
bolin: crack baby [mitski], i don’t smoke [mitski] (classic or audiotree version it doesnt really matta), last goodbye [jeff buckley], weird fishes / arpeggi [radiohead], break [alex g], message [alex g], i want you [mitski], a little bit of abbey [mitski] (what is it with so many characters being compatible with this song even in a small way??!), liquid smooth [mitski], and brand new city [mitski]
idk who else to do for lok idk
these are so ooc probably hellp? just wanted to assign random songs to them and i have like. a total of like about fivr artist in my playlist with 2+ songs made by them… alex g mitski jeff buckley radiohead fiona apple... what the sigma!!! but idrc i ddi this for fun and honestly this was much better than scrolling on tiktok for hours on end and slso i got to listen to cool songs! and also i thought about cheracters a lot and to be more specific my favorite characters a lot and like. i looove my favorite characters!!! guess which ones they are! dont its sokka and bolin idk if its obvious aha! 😞 ok im tyoing a lot posting this and goigntnos eleep (lie im gonan read ao3 and write fics ill never post and them scroll on tumblr for lok ant atla content)
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olivieraa · 10 months
I rewatched Avatar this year with my niece
I tried to show it to her when she was around 3 going on 4 but it was sorta lost on her so I didn't go beyond episode 2 (even have a video of it)
I showed it to her again (she didn't remember it) and she got hooked, wanting the next ep after next, and it made me really happy that I could sit down and watch something with her instead of her usual sparkle unicorn ponytail crap or the mini teen titans
so I rewatched Avatar for the, idk, 8th time??
I've mentioned it many times over the years on this blog, its in my top 4 shows of all time, I never get tired of it. I'd rewatch it again the second I finish in a heartbeat
and I felt this as a child when I watched it but my only criticism EVER of the show was the overuse of the goofy shit when it wasn't necessary. like sometimes it didn't fit the scene.
I've such a vivid memory of being in Florida, I was prob 12, and ep 4 was on, where Aang is swimming at Kyoshi island. he then has to run away from the monster and the animation was just sooo... idk. too comical. and I was embarrassed about that scene and didn't want my parents or brother to see it. I dont really know why??? prob cause I defended the show down to the bone, I didnt want anything stupid to be portrayed.
obviously dont care care about that now. but defo my only gripe with it.
however, for the first time since 2005, I found a second criticism!
ok. I think this is one of the most feminist shows to ever exist. I ADORE the female characters.
but I noticed something this time around, and its just the female characters.
their maturity.
both Katara and Azula, main girl and main villain girl, do noooot act 14. in fact, you can see snippets of a 14 year old, but bruh, they're wise beyond their damn years.
I think the writers, y'know, being older men, may have struggled with that. I think Mei, Ty Lee, Toph and Suki match their supposed ages age pretty well.
each guy matches theirs perfectly.
like I give way to Azula and believe in a sense that she's putting on an act for most of the show, and she's actually just a dramatic spoiled bratty teenager as shown by the end, but y'know.
and I know its well known that Katara is the "mom" of the group, but that girl is more mature at 14 than I was at 24, like dayum.
but anyway, still love her lmao its just something I noticed this time around. not in any way a big criticism
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