#its okay guys. everythings fine now. no more things to worry about ever. all good.
satans-knitwear · 1 year
finally got a large dark green blanket that looks like moss. such a relief.
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antiwhores · 7 months
Everything hurts for Alpha!Bakugou when he goes into rut. And it hurts even more when your scent lingered around his room from when you guys hung out yesterday.
He’s gonna regret having his phone in his hand right now, he just knows it. Because he has your contact info opened and he’s contemplating ruining the friendship you two have carefully built.
You and him were not just friends but best-friends, since the second year of high school. And ever since then, he’s has a thing for you. His inner alpha goes crazy whenever you’re near, that or its contempt. You guys even happened to end up being neighbors.
And that was all gonna be ruined because he was ringing your phone right now. You answered after 3 rings.
“Whats up?”
He couldn’t help but to wrap his hand around his cock at the sound of your voice. He started a steady pace, trying to respond clear and hoping you couldn’t hear his cum soaked hand going back and forth for the… who knows how many times now.
“Where are you?”
Good. He managed to sound normal, but it came out quiet. It worried you.
“I’m at my place.”
“Come over.”
He said it before he could stop himself. This rut especially hurt and it was making him do things he might regret.
“Why? Are you okay? You sound… weird.”
He sounded weird? He thought he sounded normal. It didn’t matter, he was about to cum from listening to your voice.
“I’m fucking fine. Just… come over…”
“Well, can it wait? I have-“
“Tell me about your day.”
You had to notice he was acting weird now. This was so out of character for him. But he needed to hear your voice to finally get a fraction of his relief.
“Huh? Okay, well… I went-“
As you rambled he pulled on his dick to a picture of you he took one day at the beach of you in that bikini he liked (with your permission, he said it was for Mina).
He was getting close, having to bite his lip to conceal the groans and moans threatening to spill.
His tugging was getting faster and faster as you went on until finally he climbed he got to his high.
Before he could stop himself, he moaned loudly into the camera. He came in ropes all over himself. The other line was silent as he steadied his breath.
The clarity hit him like a bus as his high came down. And just as he began to panic and think up a worthy apology, you spoke.
“I’m coming over.”
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marshmallow floof plot: Megumi recalls you and Gojo falling in love through his eyes. content: fem! reader, megumi is in denial about caring about Gojo, Gojo is obsesseddddd with you shamelessly, but its okay because so are you with him! warning!: megumi is not good with emotions :/ or tolerating Gojo word count: 5.7k satoru gojo x reader note: can we pretend utahime and gojo are the same age pls and thank u - also i am delusional and in my head suguru did not defect so gojo never had to go thru all of that okay <3333 anywau i hope you enjoy!! put a lot of thought and love into this!
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At only six years old, Megumi was already quite intelligent. As an extremely perceptive child, he understood far more than he should have at such an age. Typically, kids his age were naive and gullible; Megumi however was the complete opposite, and that was partially due to his aloofness.
When Satoru Gojo first met Megumi, he felt like he was talking to a grandpa in a miniature body, sassing anyone who dare interact with his little self. As stern and as gloomy as the boy persisted on to be, though, Gojo picked up on hints of tenderness and compassion laced between every word Megumi spoke about his sister, Tsumiki. Easily, Gojo could discern what he deemed too much deeply rooted pain and defensiveness in the young Fushiguro. Having his guard up was engraved into his mind; the wall he placed between him and the world had it's own sector in his immune system and acted with automaticity, an innate defense mechanism.
Despite all of the anguish intertwined in every breath Megumi exhaled, and despite his cold nature he employed to protect himself from being hurt again as he has before; despite being abandoned, and despite not being surprised he was; despite not even hitting double digits, yet already carrying the attitude of a the wisest owl; despite all of the thoughts racing through Gojo's head, he knew Megumi was special. Though a part of it may have been due to the responsibility he felt over the boy after murdering his father, Satoru Gojo was confident in one thing: he would take care of this kid like his life depended on it.
From then on, Gojo took the role of Megumi's benefactor, funding him and his sister so that they could live without worry. Megumi begrudgingly allowed him to endow his life, though it was rather difficult. The guy was so over-the-top and bothersome when he decided to actually go and physically check up him. Visits from were sparse, though, if Megumi really cared or needed anything, Gojo was always a text away.
And soon he would learn that you were, too.
The first time your existence was brought to Fushiguru's attention, it was mildly unintentional on Gojo's end. He was completing his routine check-in on Megumi about six months after taking him under his wing, ensuring he was doing fine in school - other than the fights he found himself in every now and again, of course. And after everything checked out okay, he rambled on about his week and how exhausting it was being the strongest, greatest individual to exist in this time and how much Yaga has been up his ass since he was promoted to principal and blah blah blah...
"Can you believe he was expecting me to get to the school before nine A.M.? Hah! Funny man. I need my beauty sleep. How else would I always look this handso- Oh!"
Megumi, who was in no way religious, praised in that moment whatever God up above sent a call to Gojo's phone at that exact moment, for he failed to believe he could have pretended to listen to another second of his unimportant and unnecessary rant. It truly was over-the-top, and Megumi was not a fan. He had never, nor did he think he would ever, warmed up to the way Gojo's ego seems to make a nearly empty room feel claustrophobic.
"Heyyyyy!" Gojo dragged, acting like a highschool girl with the way he twirled the end of his hair and giggled at whoever was at other end of the phone. If Megumi cared to look closely enough (which he totally doesn't, since he is so disinterested in Gojo and does not dare to look at him too long or he will automatically become annoyed), a rosy hue could barely be seen on the apples of the older man's cheeks, growing more and more apparent the longer the phone call went on.
Obviously, Megumi did not want to listen to the likely boring conversation, but since he was stuck in the same room as Gojo, he had no other choice but to eavesdrop on the phone call. Or, more accurately, he was playing detective to solve the mystery of who on the other end was transforming Gojo, as childish as he is, into a tweenage boy talking to a cute girl for the first time.
"I'm with Fushiguru, actually," Megumi overheard, his interest only minutely piqued after hearing his name. Whoever was on the other end must have known who he was already given the way Gojo did not feel the need to elaborate on who exactly Fushiguru was. That irked Megumi.
"Yeah, just hanging out, you know. I'd say we're best buds! Right, Megumi?" Gojo moved the phone away from his ear and looked at the boy across from him expectedly.
"No," is all Megumi spoke in response.
Gojo's eyes widened slightly, not expecting such a response, before he laughed and continued, "Silly guy! Such a silly guy."
The call took way too long and Megumi was half tempted to leave the room, but he was still getting used to Gojo and did not fully understand what his role was in his current situation. Was Gojo considered a houseguest? Was Megumi supposed to have something prepared as a thank you? Even if he was, he wouldn't do that for Gojo. What if something went wrong, or Gojo did something stupid? Tsumiki was at her after school club, being the natural social butterfly she was. Megumi had assumed the role of the man of the house at merely seven, and he was not going to disappoint her or let anything go haywire on his watch. This was his roof, and nothing would happen to their humble little abode under his watch.
Finally, Gojo said his goodbyes to whoever he was speaking to, set his phone down, and sighed in the most i-must-be-living-in-a-daydream-because-there-is-no-way-life-can-be-this-good-and-i-am-so-in-love-but-i-dont-even-know-it sort of way.
"You would like her," Gojo broke the silence after a few moments of savoring the butterflies in his stomach.
"Who was that?" Megumi queried, and if Gojo listened closely, he could hear echos of intense interest in the boy's simple question.
"A friend from work."
"You don't have friends."
After your existence was brought to light, it became a thing that whenever Gojo visited, he spent half the time on the phone - whether texting or on a phone call, it didn't matter. He was always talking to you.
Megumi supposed he should have felt grateful since Gojo finally became less unbearable. His check-ins, although hard to predict when they would be or how long in between they would reoccur, became less about how much Gojo loves himself and more about... well, you. It was a nice change from hearing his neverending egocentric comments, to be fair. Megumi was not complaining.
"You remember her, right, Megumi?" he asked while walking Megumi home from school one day. He was on a tyrant about something that had happened at Jujutsu High a few days prior before realizing he might had forgotten about the most important detail: you. The chance that Megumi may not even know who he was speaking about generated a sharp gasp escaping from Gojo's lips.
"Yes. She's all you talk about," Megumi deadpanned. What a stupid question, the boy thought to himself, when Gojo asked this every single time he bothered to show his face around here.
Gojo chuckled, responding in a voice that was way up in the clouds, as if he was skipping through a meadow abundant with good feelings and the potential for new relationships, "Hm, yeah. I guess you're right! Sorry, kid. Just had to make sure you knew."
At this point, Megumi learned a lot about you: You taught second-year sorcerers at Tokyo Jujutsu High, you went to Kyoto Jujutsu High, you were in same year as Gojo was, you were acquaintances for a while, your best friend (unfortunately so, as Gojo whined when he told Megumi) was Utahime, who was oddly protective of you and rude for no reason to Gojo (it is most definitely within reason), you were the most selfless person to walk the surface of this planet, you cared more for others than for yourself, and you and Gojo were really, really, really good friends now that you worked together and you two were close and he was friends with you and you texted him all the time and hung out too and you spent time together and you are theprettiestpersonhehadeverplacedhissixeyeson-
Basically, Megumi knew more about you than he comfortably should, and you were all Gojo seemed to talk about now.
Megumi found it sort of... endearing how much Gojo spoke about you. For someone so certain in himself and all of his glory, it was nice to hear him talk about someone else that way. He discerned an innocent intent in Gojo's actions, from the soft grin that graced his face when he rattled on about you, to the way he had begun to ask eight-year-old Megumi for advice on women (which he has surprisingly been helpful with - especially the time when Gojo didn't know if you'd prefer a specific flavor of mochi over another, and Megumi's suggestion ended up being the perfect one because it was your favorite). And though he would never, ever utter the words out loud, Megumi enjoyed hearing Gojo talk about you. It brought him down to earth and made him feel more like a mortal being; even Satoru Gojo crushed, fawning over you like you were a brand new toy and he was a toddler unwrapping gifts on Christmas Day. Even the man who had everything in the world simply wanted just like the rest of the world; he yearned for things in life that he did not ("Not yet, but surely soon!" Megumi was certain Gojo would say if he could read minds) have.
The two boys sat together at Megumi's, eating some sweets Gojo brought back from his mission. Gojo had a bouquet of flowers set delicately on the table in front of him, preparing himself to go to your house after his pep talk with Megumi and ask you on a date. Finally.
Staring at the flowers beside him, Gojo resolved to pick a flower out of the bouquet; a pretty, pale pink daisy that reminded him of the shade of your cheeks when he teased you. He rolled the green stem of the daisy back and forth between his index finger and thumb while echoing the declarations of his planned speech confessing his feelings for you. He had his heartfelt soliloquy memorized, but he was still feeling... apprehensive.
"She loves me," Gojo began, plucking a petal off of the flower and setting it delicately on the table. He spoke lowly, as if his life depended on the resolution he would find when he would extricate the last of the daisy's petals.
Megumi looked up from the book he was reading - a true crime mystery he had been quite invested in - to figure out what the man next to him was doing.
"She loves me not," Gojo plucked another petal, placing it on top of the other one he had already taken off.
Ah, Megumi understood it now. He's transforming into a child; his obsession with you had turned his brain to mush. He had now, mentally, been beat by Megumi, descending into the intellect a five year old smitten with a kindergarten crush.
"She loves me!" Gojo chirped. He plucked another petal before reporting with a glum tone, "She loves me not."
This went on and on. Megumi observed without a word and Gojo continuing the game that is so typically played on on a children's playground.
How on earth did you have such a drastic effect a man so above the rest of society? The man put on a pedestal by all of the Jujutsu world; the one who could take on any obstacle and leave without a scratch; the same guy who died and brought himself back to life; he could isolate himself from the rest of the world in an instant using only his limitless technique, yet, you always found a way to draw him back him - and somehow, somewhere in the mix, you had The Strongest Sorcerer wrapped around your finger.
"She loves me, Megumi!" Gojo proclaimed when he picked the final petal from the flower. "I mean, of course she does. Look at me."
Ah, there was the daily dose of Gojo's big ego; his head was as inflated as expected, but was on display little later than usual. Megumi referred to it as The Daily Dose of Gojo: DDG. He was bound to hear at least once a day about how much Gojo loved himself, whether through text or in person. But today, it was more like he was venturing to persuade himself on that fact, too.
Megumi then realized that this was the first time he had seen Gojo nervous.
He wondered what about you could make Gojo nervous, because not even the strongest of curses causes The Strongest Sorcerer to break into a sweat. What exactly is it that you have that grants you the title of the one human who could make Satoru Gojo nervous? He understood that you were special to him, but he still had never met you, and he is starting to want to.
He wasn't sure why he felt so protective over you. You were a twenty-year-old woman who he has never even met in person, even though he knew from Gojo the color of your eyes and the smell of the perfume you always wore. One thing was for sure, though: if Satoru Gojo messed with your heart, Megumi would fight him with all of the effort his child body could exert in one go, then kick his ass all the way to the core of the earth to be at such a heat that his infinity disfunctioned, ensuring he suffers for ever even considering toying with your feelings.
"Fushiguru!" Gojo hollered as Megumi exit his elementary school.
Megumi glared at the white-haired male as he stalked toward him, untrusting of the motives at play. Gojo watched the child over the rims of his sunglasses, a toothy smile spread across his face while he waved excitedly. He had something planned, as per usual.
"What do you want?" Megumi groaned, and he eyed the two individuals in front of him with suspicion, though he already had an idea on who you were.
It was an uncommon sight for him to be picked up from school, but for Gojo to be accompanied by someone other than Ijichi was borderline shocking. There was only one person you could be, however, and Megumi suppressed the fluttering of excitement he felt as he saw you.
"Hey! Rude to speak to your elders like that," Gojo jested flippantly. "I want you two to meet!"
Fushiguru listened as Gojo repeated every syllable of your name that he has repeated a million times before. It rolled smoothly off of his lips, like caramel drizzle on the sweetest treat from his favorite bakery. It has been about two months since you, somehow willingly, agreed to a date with Gojo. It has been about a month since you agreed to officially be his girlfriend, which Yaga was not the most pleased to hear, but Gojo dealt with that and ensured the security of both of your jobs.
"Hi, Fushiguru!" You waved, a wide smile adorning your face. "Nice to meet you! Gojo talks about you all of the time."
"Hi," Megumi quietly said. He suddenly felt shy in your presence. You stood in front of him in all of your beauty, with the kindest smile on your face and the softest look in your eye, gazing at him as if he were the most important person in the world. Gojo did not do you justice when describing you to him.
And suddenly, everything Gojo ever said about you made complete sense - now, he finally understood how even the famed Satoru Gojo fell victim to the enigma that was you.
"I'm a friend of Gojo's! I wanted to meet you, and I don't know if you would want to, but I would love to get to know you," you offered. You folded your hands together in front of you and smiled politely toward the young boy. You were doing your best to not look too nervous because you really did want to get to know this kid, but from what Gojo's told you, he was not the most sociable character. Something about his melancholy aura is rather intimidating, to say the least, and you were doing your best to accommodate.
"...will he be there?" the kid questioned after some thought. As he spoke, he pointed his thumb toward his benefactor who immediately took offense to whatever he was implying, whining loudly in the background of what had become the two of yours conversation.
"Who, Gojo? Oh, well, he doesn't have to be," you suggested over Gojo's objections. "It can just be you and me. Or, if you are more comfortable with it, he can come with-"
"No. No Gojo," he interrupted. Gojo continued in his protests, but they all drowned into white noise as Megumi continued. "But sure."
You craved so badly to smile widely, high five Gojo for the feat you just accomplished, jump up and down, and display your excitement for his agreement on your face. But you were so worried you would scare him off, so instead, you opted for a soft smile while you said, "Great! Is now okay?
"Sure," he returned, emotionless as always.
"Perfect. Your pick on what we do. And it's on Gojo!"
And you walked away, ignoring Gojo whining after you. You'd coddle him tonight when he would inevitably pout to you about abandoning him for a little kid. For now, though, the important task at hand was getting to know Megumi Fushiguru - who reluctantly held your hand as you walked to the arcade he selected.
From then on, you were a common face in Megumi's life.
When he was in fourth grade, the two of you started a tradition where every other week, you would pick him up early from school and get ice cream and talk (as much as Megumi was willing to, at least). You had surprised him after school one day a couple months ago, and the routine stuck after he asked you to go again the couple weeks later. Not that you ever complained - you would never in your right mind take for granted Megumi willingly hanging out with you.
"So, how has school been?" you probed, Megumi begrudgingly held your hand as you walked through the busy streets of Tokyo (he claimed he was old enough to walk on his own, but you told him it was just for your own sanity in the scary world of Tokyo and when he turned ten you wouldn't do it anymore, and who was he to deny you of peace of mind when that is all you ever wished upon everyone els?).
"Fine," Megumi muttered. He was not the most fond of crowds, which was glaringly obvious as he squeezed your hand more aggressively the farther you ventured into the city. So yeah, maybe he did kind of appreciate your overprotectiveness.
That was the day you learned Megumi had his first crush.
Well, okay, it wasn't really a crush. He just thought someone was cute.
As you sat side-by-side, he ate his vanilla ice cream cone with chocolate sprinkles, you ate your choice of ice cream, and the two of you chatted - meaning you talked, and he occasionally threw in a word or two.
"Any girls you think are cute? Or guys?" You sought, emphasizing the teasing nature of your question by tapping your elbow into his side. Megumi glared up at you through the strands of his hair, but you could see the red tint on his pale skin - a sign you were on to something. "Ooooh! Tell me all about them!"
"Stop it," he sulked and stared off into the distance, ice cream forgotten in his hand. You could tell he was thoroughly embarrassed, but you just could not for the life of you get over how adorable he looked.
"Aw, Megumi. I'm just teasing. But you can always talk about that with me, you know?" you offered. "I can give you all the advice on girls. I would not recommend asking Gojo about them. His flirting skills are... unconventional. Plus, I know I'm your favorite. So just gives an excuse to rub it in his face!"
"Thanks," Megumi spoke broodingly. His ice cream was starting to melt a little down the side of the waffle cone. The treat regained his attention as he finally noticed the melting mess, and immediately, he tackled cleaning it up. He hated messes.
"So... does that mean I'm your favorite?" you interrogated. This had been a debate between you and your boyfriend for a long time now.
And amongst the crowds of people, you - a full grown adult - hollered and jumped up and pumped your fist in satisfaction, because that was the best thing anyone had every said to you.
Megumi took back whenever he had the ignorant thought that Gojo was becoming more bearable. Completely rescinded it. He was absolutely the most unbearable human to ever have walked this planet; residing in the same millennia as this man was barely tolerable, let alone inhaling the same air or sitting in the same room.
Gojo wanted to propose to you and he wouldn't stop talking about it.
Or asking Megumi for advice.
Yeah. Satoru Gojo was asking an eleven-year-old boy for help proposing to his long-term girlfriend.
You had been dating for over three years, and Gojo was growing impatient; he wanted you to be fully his. Not that you weren't already, but he wanted to be officially - by the law, by the symbol of marriage, and by the ceremony that accompanied it. He wanted you to take his name and be a new addition to the Gojo lineage, and if it came to the day, maybe add some little ones to the family. It was getting the point where want wasn't enough to describe how he felt - it was a necessity to marry to, to be yours forever.
Megumi had grown a lot closer with you with the past months, even opening up a little. He mentioned to you his internal debate regarding "good people" and "bad people", to which you listened, you heard him, and you cared. Genuinely. You hugged him, and in that moment, he felt so loved, he never wanted to leave your arms - the arms that would protect him from anything scary, like nightmares or curses, and shield him from experiencing any more hardships. He wasn't used to that - yeah he had his sister, whom he loved so dearly and she did in return, to be cared by a motherly figure was something he had barely experienced.
For the life of him, he could not figure out how or why you willingly, even happily, subjected yourself to the hinderance that was Gojo. Every time he asked you why, you respond, "Oh, Megumi, you're a funny one!" and laughed the heartwarming laugh that made him feel like home. Megumi knew, deep down somewhere he wouldn't ever like to admit, that you were happy, and Gojo made you happy. He knew you loved Gojo. He was fully aware of all of that. And he had witnessed as your relationship grew more serious with time Gojo beginning to think for more than just himself - he grew as an individual, doing what he thought was best for the ones he loved, rather than what suited him best. Megumi knew that come to it, Gojo would lay down his life for you. If it meant making a deal with the most dangerous curse, or if it meant sacrificing his soul, Gojo would do it for you, and honestly, Megumi had the inkling that Gojo would do it for him too.
"What if I have a plane do the whole 'marry me?' in the sky? Ugh, but that is so overdone. I need to be creative and go all out for her. What do you think, Megumi?" Gojo inquired, to which Megumi only tuned back in because he heard the sound of his name.
"Just ask her. You know she'll say yes," Megumi grumbled what he already knew was fact.
"Well, of course she will. Who would turn down my handsome self?" Gojo gestures to his person, a confident smile on his lips. "But you're right. Ugh, Megumi, what do I do?" Gojo held an ebony ring box, anxiously passing it from one hand to the other and back, the piece of jewelry it contained an indicator of how serious he was about this. Why he was carrying such an expensive ring around so casually was beyond Megumi's pay grade, but he knew Gojo would not let anything happen to it.
"You'll figure it out," Megumi said, as he had no ideas either - you deserved everything in the world, and no proposal or material thing would be enough to thank you for all you have done for everyone else.
"Oh my god, I did!" Gojo jumped from his seat, giddy as a little kid, and celebrated whatever idea he came up with. He placed the ring box in his pocket, where he would protect it with every cell in his body.
"Great," Megumi said. He prayed to himself that Gojo would now finally get out of his hair.
"I'll take her on a nice trip - she's always wanted to sightsee in Europe, but hasn't had the time - and then, once we land in Greece, I'll do it there and- and I'll leave it at that. Don't wanna spoil the surprise yet for everyone. Thanks Megumi!"
And Megumi smiled a tiny little smile to himself as Gojo exited his house, excited for the two of you.
And he congratulated you when you came home from the trip Gojo planned for the two of you. You visited him and ran up, showing off the ring you were sure Gojo spared no expense on. Though, Megumi had already seen it from the hundreds of times Gojo showed him it, and not to mention all the pictures you send him from overseas.
And he continued to be excited for you as he helped you with planning - because if there is one thing to know about Megumi, it's that he is organized. So he helped you figure your ceremony out by ensuring all the paperwork you had and the appointments you booked and all of your purchases were kept track of, or else the wedding would have been a disaster. If Gojo asked him for help, though, he would laugh in his face and say absolutely not.
And then, before he knew it, the wedding was there. Megumi was the ring bearer, of course. He was almost 13 at that point, and he was starting to grow into himself and show signs of growing up (puberty!).
He felt... happy.
Happy for you. Happy for the new and official makeshift family that established itself. Happy to know that you were genuinely happy, and that for all of the love you constantly gave to others without hesitation, someone gave finally was giving you that love back, and then some. Because he saw how much Gojo adored you, and honestly, there was no one else he would want to be with you.
Now he stands, at Tokyo Jujutsu High for his first year at the school. His benefactor who drives him up the wall is his teacher, and now, not only does he have to deal with him normally, but he actually has to listen to him.
But at least you're there too. He has you, always.
And for that, he smiles. A rare smile reserved for the sparse moments where he is genuinely happy - and he is, because he knows you'll save him from Gojo if he needs you to.
The improvised family he's found himself in may not be exactly what he dreamed of, but he's happy with it nonetheless.
And he still struggles with the dilemma of what is good or bad, and he still struggles to find his purpose in the world, and he is still angry at the universe for putting him in this world when there was no reason for him to be there, and he still struggles with the pain of abandonment and his found comfort in solidarity.
But that's okay. It'll be okay. He has you. He has you because Gojo brought you into his life.
He's grateful for that.
Megumi hopes one day he can find the love you share for himself. But that's a problem for the distant future. And when he has another crush, you will be the first to know - not because he would admit it to you, but because somehow, you always know. You know him better than he knows himself at this point, and it's a scary talent you have, but one you most definitely possess.
With that, Megumi steps forward, walking alongside you into the building he will be at almost everyday for the next few years. While he wasn't holding your hand like old times, it was okay. Because he was growing up, and he had a future ahead of him that made you so excited for him.
"I'll see you later, Meg. Got a long day ahead," you bid farewell and ruffle his hair. The two of you stop in the barren hallway facing each other, and you are disappointed at how he keeps growing, and at some point in the near future, he will surpass your height. It feels like you're shrinking, honestly, with how fast he's growing.
But you always knew he would at some point, just like you knew that he would one day decline holding your hand while in public, and how one day he would outgrow your ice cream runs (though they still happen every now and then, just not as frequent as in the past).
"See you," Megumi responds.
"Love ya!" You lean and place a chaste kiss on the side of Megumi's head. You remember when you used to be able to place one on the top of his head without going on your tiptoes, but times are changing, or you're shrinking or whatever, and the side of the head will do.
"Yeah, love you, too," Megumi says, rushing the end of the sentence and turning around to walk away. You say it to him so often, and he loves you, but it's still difficult for him to express that.
But that's okay. It's all okay.
He knows whatever is in the future, you will protect him, and Gojo will watch over him, and everything will be okay. The two of you will love him unconditionally, even if he struggles to say it back.
And he'll never admit it, but if there is one thing he's grateful for in life, it's Gojo, for he brought you into his life, and what a blessing it is to exist at the same time as you do.
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"So, let me get this straight," you begin, staring at the three individuals in front of you. "You sent Megumi alone to find Sukuna's finger at some school, which was taken by random students who tried to unravel it, which ended in this kid-"
"Yuji Itadori, sensei!" Yuji introduces himself, saluting to you for some reason.
"Right. Itadori ate the finger. Sukuna's finger. And he is now Sukuna's vessel."
"Yup!" Gojo confirms and he gives you a thumbs up. "That about sums it up."
"So tell me why when I asked about three hours ago why all of the higher-ups were acting like they were shitting themselves, you didn't think to tell me what happened?" you ask, irritation with your husband woven in between every syllable you speak.
"I did, but I knew it would be fine, so I didn't want to worry you."
"Worry? Really? Do you know how worried I was when they said Sukuna was there?"
"Honey, you know I'm strong. I can face him."
Itadori looks to his new comrade, Fushiguru, to see if he was uncomfortable to watch the couple argue in front of them. He fails to be consoled when he sees Megumi wasison his phone nonchalantly as if nothing's wrong. Yuuji assumes Megumi was just tuning them out as a student being used to teachers bickering, so he decides to try to do the same. But it's not working.
"I don't care about your strength, I care about Megumi, and I care about the lives of those students, and-"
"Hey, Fushiguru?" Itadori says, and Megumi hums in response. "Is this normal?"
"-they were put at risk, Satoru! Do you understand that?"
With the couple continuing to argue in the background, Megumi looks up from his phone finally, answering, "Huh, this? Yeah. Get used to it. He's an idiot."
"Yes, baby, I understand, but I made a judgement call and I stand by that. I'm sorry-"
"Ah. Well, um. Can we leave? Do we have to stay?"
"-for not keeping you informed, but I promise you, I had it under control."
"Yeah. They won't even notice we're gone until one of them asks for our opinion and then they notice we're missing. It's just funny to watch them sometimes."
"The higher ups want to execute him! An innocent kid! And I know you got sweets in the middle of all of that. Are you serious-"
"You're used to this?" Itadori inquires, a naturally curious kid.
"-ly telling me that nothing different could have been done to prevent this?"
"I guess you could say that."
rawrrrr thank u for reading i love you SMMMM i loved writing this hehee <33333
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harmeu · 3 months
(Boothill, Dr. Ratio, Sunday)
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Something was wrong today and Boothill knew it. You were occasionally picking at your food. More quiet than usual. And didn’t even kiss him goodnight! Do you know how much that hurt the poor guy? He nuzzled into a unicorn stuffy to make himself feel better for goodness sake!
But you had him worried. Really worried.
“Ay, you doing alright?” He murmured, fixing his hat giving you his signature toothy smile.
“Yeah I’m fine.” You mumbled back a reply which was totally bull. You were feeling really shitty for no reason. It was one of those days where everything was boring and dull.
Boothill taking notice of your quietness he picked you up bridal style making you yelp.
“Babe what on earth!” You choked out surprised and he smirked.
“I’m gonna buy you whatever you want okay? I just wanna see your pretty smile back.” He cooed out stroking your hair making you flush in surprise and happiness.
“..Thanks. I’ve just been out of it.” You mumbled out a reply reddening further at his touch which he chuckled at.
“We all have our days. C’mon!” He put you in a more comfortable position in his arms taking you into the city.
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Usually Veritas was the grumpy one in the relationship. Always talking about his studies and all the degrees he’d earn during his days at university. Though none of that came into mind when he saw you acting out of it. When he tried to talk to you, you ignored him! Now that hurt his ego a lot. 
And his feelings.
“May I ask why you are acting in such a different manner than usual?” He said with his occasional stoic tone his gaze narrowing as he saw you sit on the couch staring into space.
“It’s nothing.” You mumble out a reply making Veritas gaze narrow further and his eyebrows furrow into knits.
“Nonsense. I am your spouse. It is obligatory to tell each other how you feel.” He huffed out crossing his arms.
You feeling crappy and not wanting to deal with his constant persistence gave up.
“I just feel tired. Everything seems so dull today.” You pull your knees to your chest praying he didn’t see your exhausted state that was there for no reason.
Veritas eyes softened. He grabbed your hand and kissed its knuckles making you flush ever so lightly.
“What are y-”
“Tell me what I can do to make the boredom vanish.” He cuts you off murmuring into your knuckle.
The only thing that came to your mind was..
“Your presence.” You whisper out and Veritas sits on the couch with you letting you lay on his shoulder.
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Something wasn’t right. Sunday noticed easily with his perspective self. His hands twitched as you didn’t say a singular word to him the entire day. His wings drooped every time you passed by him without saying anything. As well as his halo dimming every time.
“Darling, what’s gotten you acting this way today?” You know his question was genuine but it stung for no reason. Did you need a reason to act this way?
“I’m just more tired than usual. Even though nothing has happened today. I think that's the reason..I know, weird.”
Sunday sighed and he smiled gently using his gloved hand to pick up your chin quietly placing a soft kiss onto your lips makes you stutter. 
“W-what was that for?” You redden looking up at him with wide eyes.
“There's an expression that isn’t dull.” He murmured out ruffling your hair. “You made me think I wasn’t treating you well.” 
You hitch at his words and shake your head rapidly.
“Of course not! You know I love you.” You stare up at him with those wide eyes making Sunday melt and kiss you again.
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My posts aren't consistent im so sorry guys : (
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lovecla · 18 days
IF YOU LOVE ME, LET ME KNOW | jack hughes.
chapter eight:
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➴ warnings: none!!
➴ word count: 3.6k
➴ author’s note: don’t you guys love when people kiss and make up?
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liked by taylorzakharperez, zendaya, billboard and 2,692,102 others.
sophiamontenegro thanks for having me, new york 🎅🏻
View all 20,672 comments
trevorzegras you should’ve come to anaheim
sophiamontenegro @.trevorzegras and u should fuck off
ilovhockey77 @sophiamontenegro @.trevorzegras I wanna know the beef between them so bad someone put me in soph’s close friends list
saraunyn @ilovhockey77 im pretty sure its just Trevor who doesn’t know how to take a hint…
arianagrande i love you
morgan.grace you’re so fucking hot Sophia the hell
— ♡
DECEMBER always brought more work than you’d like to have but for the first time since you started working as a singer, you were grateful for it.
You had so many appearances, so many fans to see, so many concerts to do. You were grateful singing was your favorite thing to do because time passed and you didn’t even notice it.
But, now some of the fuss calmed down and you were able to spend time doing things that weren’t related to your career, like;
“Sophia, come on, you’re gonna be late!” Grace shouted from the living room and you laughed, pouring the butter flavored popcorn into a bowl. “Sophia!”
“Jesus, Grace, calm down,” you shouted back, looking for napkins. “It’s not like we have to be there or whatever.”
Today the Devils were playing against the Blackhawks and Grace asked you if you both could watch it at your house.
“We don’t have to if you think it will make you sad, but i really wanted to watch Nico tonight.” Grace smiled, not even trying to hide how she was head over heels for him.
“It’s okay, Grace, I swear. I want to see Nico too,” you smiled, trying to hide the fact that you’d secretly been watching all of their games, desperate to catch a glimpse of Jack’s blue eyes. “We can do a girls night.”
“But you’re losing all the good shit,” she whined. “The Blackhawks players are fine, too. That Bedard kid is a cute, little honeybun.”
You chuckled, walking away from the kitchen and sitting on the couch beside her, putting the bowl on the table.
“He has a girlfriend, y’know. He dates his teammate’s sister, Ellie I think.”
“Oh, I think I saw a picture of them together at a party last month,” she tapped her chin with her index finger. “They do look cute together.”
“Yeah,” you nodded, watching as the commentator introduced the players. “Who do you think is going to win?”
“Girl, I don’t like to tell anyone my predictions because what if I jinx it?” She stared at you, like you were crazy just for asking.
You rolled your eyes. “Ever since you and Nico started fucking you became awfully surpersticious.”
“Sophia Montenegro!” She raised her arms, kicking you with her feet. “You can’t talk to me like that! I’m your sister.”
“Which gives me permission to say that you and Nico are fucking. Who cares?” You kicked her back, starting a kicking fight.
You both just stopped when you were both out of breath and the game was starting. The first period was going surprisingly smooth for the Blackhawks, which made you— secretly— worry.
Jack has probably seen better days. You would always say that he’s the number one player in the team because for you he absolutely is, but even someone who didn’t know anything about Hockey could tell that he was lacking.
You bit your lips and squeezed your thighs because, even after everything, Jack looked so fucking good. Especially with the black Devils uniform. He looked handsome and you knew that he was all of that, and he’d always be.
Sometimes you’d think about how good the sex between the two of you was, and you’d wonder if you’d find anything like that ever again.
At the end of the first period, the scoreboard read 2-1, the Blackhawks winning. You and Grace were in the middle of a discussion about how her ex looked like Shaggy from Scooby Doo when the commentator started showing the celebrities who showed up to the game.
“Who even cares about the celebrities who showed up?” You threw popcorn at the screen. “Or even better, since when do they show celebrities? Aren’t they supposed to be interviewing the players or whatever?”
“You know a lot for someone who doesn’t watch the games,” Grace teased you, and you just pushed a handful of popcorn inside your mouth. “And sorry to say this, sweetie, but if people didn’t care about celebrities, you and I wouldn’t have a job.”
You rolled your eyes, paying attention to the TV again.
“So, tell me, Nat, I’ve heard that we have some pretty famous people here today.” The announcer talked to the reporter who was standing in some kind of expensive room Sophia didn’t know the name of.
The black woman just smiled, nodding her head and bringing the microphone closer to her face.
“That’s right, Shaan. Some well known people blessed us with their presence here today…”
“I hope it's Ariana Grande or some shit like that.” Grace muttered beside you.
“Oh remind me to call her later, I need to visit her next time I’m in LA,” you replied mindlessly, still watching the sports channel.
“…And among all of these people, we have the one and only, Harris Dickinson and his girlfriend, Chloe McGill!”
“What?!” You heard Grace yelling beside you, which confirmed that what you were seeing wasn’t just your head trying to play games with you.
There he stood, in all his glory, with the cocky smirk that once gave you butterflies and was now making you sick, with his arm wrapped around a girl’s waist.
“Am I tripping or that girl looks awfully like you?”
You looked at the scene in front of you, where the reporter was now interviewing Harris with an enthusiastic smile. The girl beside him, Chloe you think, indeed looked a lot like you.
“She… she looks just like how I did when I started dating him,” you concluded, feeling sick all over again. “Even the fucking bangs, Grace.”
She put her hand on your left arm, caressing you. “I’m so sorry, bubba. Do you want me to turn it off?”
“No, ‘course not,” you reassured her, trying to smile. “I’m fine, I was just caught off guard, that’s all.”
“Okay,” Grace whispered. “Okay.”
“…I’m just happy to be here, y’know?” Harris stated, still showing his pearly white teeth. “I’m a huge Devils fan, just like my girl here.”
“That’s the biggest lie he’s ever said,” you laughed, feeling sorry for how pathetic he is. “He deadass couldn’t even stand the thought of Hockey, or any sport for that matter. What the hell is he even saying?”
“Well, apparently that little girlfriend of his, is the daughter of one of the Devils’ coaches,” Grace promptly replied, and you looked at her, ready to ask how the hell she knew that, but seeing the phone in her hand. “They’re like, rich as fuck.”
“Yeah, that sounds like Harris’ type to me.” You mumbled, praying that the second period would come faster.
And maybe God did hear your prayers because not even five minutes later, the Devils and the Blackhawks were back on the ice. The game was nerve wracking, your nails and eardrums long gone from how much you’d bitten them and how loud Grace screamed during the game.
Jack was smooth on ice, the best you’ve seen him playing all season, even before you and him fought. It was satisfying to watch him doing what he loved and you were happy that he was finally getting back on track.
Two hours later, the game ended; the Devils won. Grace cheered and jumped around while you laughed at her, happy to see her happy. Even if you didn’t understand much of hockey and even if you didn’t care about it, you were also thrilled, because you knew Jack would be happy.
You kinda hated your mind for always thinking about him but you couldn’t help it. Not when you saw how handsome he looked and not when you still loved him. A lot.
The same reporter from before, Nat, continued to talk, interviewing some of the players from the team. Grace whined about being hungry and you rolled your eyes, getting up to cook for her.
“What do you want?” You asked, opening your cabinets. “I can make pasta for us.”
“Ugh, yes, please,” she fake-moaned and you laughed. “If I’m going to fuck Nico tonight, Imma need all the carbs in the world,”
“You’re disgusting. I hope you know that,” you answered back, putting the water to boil.
“For Nico Hischier? Hell yes I am!”
You cut the onions and garlic, before putting olive oil on a separate pan and adding them. Grace continued to yap about the game, pointing out all the best players and who she liked best, while you just nodded and cooked.
“Ooh, they’re having a fancy celebrating party tonight!” She yelled from the living room, even if you could still see her and the TV because you had an open kitchen, grabbing your attention. “Is it a gala? I hope it is, Hockey players look so fucking good in suits.”
“And they say I’m the horny one…” you mumbled, putting the tomato sauce inside the pan.
“Can this woman give us some information we actually want to hear? I don’t care if they have points or not, I just want to see them in suits!”
“She’s just doing her job, Grace, stop being a whore.”
Moving around the kitchen, you finished Grace’s dinner, and grabbed a plate for her, not after filling up a glass of cold water and grating some cheese.
You went back to the living room, placing everything in front of her, while she hugged you from behind, giving you neck kisses.
“I am going to wife you up, baby!”
You giggled. “Shut up and eat, weirdo,”
She just let you go and sat on the floor, swallowing the pasta like it was her last meal.
You both watched as they showed the party, all of the players there, people laughing and smiling for pictures. Jack wasn’t interacting with the reporters, and you thought it was weird, even if you knew he low-key hated them.
“…so, yeah, I’m definitely happy we won tonight but we still have to work hard—” Mercer suddenly stopped himself mid-sentence, leaving the woman— Nat— beside him confused. He covered his mouth with his hand and laughed. “Is that Jack fighting someone? That’s sick! Film that, baldy!” He asked the cameraman.
You and Grace stopped talking and stared at each other. The camera suddenly changed angles and showed a body you knew way too well on top of another body you, unfortunately, also knew well.
“Jesus, Jack is punching Harris in the face!” Grace announced, like you weren’t watching it yourself.
The angles weren’t good because you’d bet money the cameraman wasn’t expecting to record a fight tonight, but it was still pretty damn clear that Jack was punching Harris’ face repeatedly, while his girlfriend screamed and cried and the other players tried to get him off Harris’ face.
Harris fought back, but even though he tried, he wasn’t used to fighting. Unlike Jack, who threw every punch with force and precision.
“It seems like our number eighty-six, Jack Hughes, is having a fist fight with the actor Harris Dickinson!”
“Stop trying to state the obvious, bitch, film the fucking fight!” Grace yelled.
“Grace, calm down.” you whispered, watching as the camera focused on Jack again, this time him being dragged by Nico and Nathan while he shouted at them to let him go.
This was bad. Like, bad, truly bad. They focused on Harris’ face for just a second, and it was enough— his face was all bloody and he was probably going to have a black eye for a week, with how swollen his eye was. Jack had most likely broken his nose and shit wasn’t looking good.
“Oh my God, why did he do this!” You got up from the couch, pacing around the room. “Fuck, does he know what this is going to do to him? Harris is dating the Coach’s daughter, what the hell!”
Grace was also too stunned to speak, something that did not happen often. You could tell she was just as distressed as you.
“Harris Dickinson is going to the hospital with his girlfriend Chloe and his father-in-law, Coach Ryan McGill.”
“What the fuck, this is bad,” you put your hands on your head, trying to figure out what to do. “I need to do something.”
Grace sighed, loudly. “I should be the brain in our friendship but… yeah. I mean, I know you guys are out of contact right now but this… he definitely did this for you…”
“Yeah, Grace, make me feel worse, go ahead.” You hissed.
“I’m not trying to make you feel worse, baby, you know why he did that!” She raised her arms. “You should talk to him. This obviously isn’t working for any of you.”
“No, you will hear me now!” She talked on top of you, also getting up. “I’ve watched you put on a fake smile and pretend you’re fine and I didn’t say anything because I knew you had to figure it out yourself, but I can’t do this anymore. You’re drowning yourself in work, you spend half of your time at your studio and the other half at John’s studio. You don’t go out, you don’t live.”
“Grace.” You tried again.
“And usually I’d say something like: ‘get over that fucking asshole’ or ‘he isn’t worth it’!” She walked back and forth. “But the worst part is that Nico told me Jack is just like you!”
That made you stop. “What?”
“He’s not at parties, he’s not hanging out with the team, he’s not goofing around. All he does is sleep, eat and go to practice. And, fuck, Nico doesn’t know what to do because Jack never acted like this before.”
“Grace, what…” you breathed, almost yanking your hoodie with how much force you were holding it. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Because it’s so fucking obvious you both love each other yet you won’t do anything!” She lamented, staring at your eyes. “I can’t watch you fall apart like this. You have to tell him that you want to be with him.”
“Grace, I can’t— I can’t do that.” You stuttered, trying your hardest not to cry.
“Sophia,” she whispered, grabbing your hands. “That man loves you. He just punched your ex-boyfriend on national television, with everyone watching. I stand with what I said back at that dreadful Halloween party, I’ve seen how he looks at you. And he loves you. Jack Hughes loves you, Sophia.”
You let her words sink in, nodding once. Grace was bossy, delusional and a bit insane too but she was right. You needed to do something.
“Okay,” you agreed, holding her against your body. “What do I do?”
“Shit, I didn’t think you’d agree with what I was saying… I don’t know?”
“You’re such a dumbass sometimes,” you laughed and she pinched your butt. “I think… I think I’m going to his house.”
“That’s a bald ass move and so right. Want me to go with you?”
“No, I’m good. I don’t even know if he’ll hear me out but I’ll try?” You stepped back, grabbing your car keys and purse.
“Call me if anything goes wrong,” she blinked, going back to the couch. “If you don’t, I’ll call you and risk interrupting your fuck.”
“Like I’d ever pick up,” you joked, leaving the house.
Jack lived thirty minutes away from you, and alongside with that, it was a Friday night in Newark— of course the streets were filled with cars. It took you an hour to get there but even so, Jack’s car wasn’t parked in front of his garage like it used to.
You turned your car off, and waited. You could wait outside but with how cold it was, it was safer for you to wait inside. You couldn’t risk getting sick.
Seconds turned into minutes and when the one hour mark came, you sighed.
“Maybe he isn’t coming home tonight,” you said to no one, tired of waiting. You knew you could call him, but you weren't entirely sure he’d pick up. “Maybe it’s just traffic.”
You decided to wait a little bit more, half an hour. If Jack wasn’t there by the end of it, you’d just come back tomorrow. Fortunately, shortly after that, Jack’s car was parked outside of his house.
You watched as he got out of it, opened the back door and grabbed his duffel bag. Taking a deep breath, you left your car and closed the door silently.
Walking to his porch with fast steps, you called him. “Jack!”
He stopped immediately, turning around to face you. He had a bandage on his eyebrow and one on his cheek. Your heart tugged on your chest.
“Soph?” He asked, like he couldn’t believe you were standing in front of him.
You stepped closer, smiling awkwardly.
“Hi,” you said, softly, putting your hands inside your pockets. “Can we… hum… talk?”
He stared at you for a second, before nodding and turning around again, opening his door and letting you inside the house first. You thanked him and stepped inside, taking in the sight you missed so much, his home.
You both stayed quiet for a while; he put his things away and you stood there, weirdly. You didn’t know how to start the conversation, so you just stared at him. He looked tired, dark circles adorning his face, hair messy and face a bit swollen. Even if he looked hurt, he looked ten thousand times better than Harris, who was probably in the emergency room at the local hospital.
“Jack,” you started, noticing how his body went stiff and he stopped moving. “Why did you do it?”
You didn’t give him a chance to reply, stepping closer and putting your hand on his face, feeling the hotness of it, and realizing you missed him more than you knew.
“Jesus, Jack, do you even realize what you did?” You whispered, moving your thumb up and down. “He’s dating your coach’s daughter. He’s a powerful man, baby.” The pet name slipped out of your tongue, but you didn’t want to take it back.
“Fuck,” he breathed, grabbing your wrist and kissing it. “Say it again, Soph.”
Maybe someone else would need him to clarify it better, explain further. But not you. Not when the love you felt for him ran deep inside your soul.
“Baby,” you whispered again, watching as he closed his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows.
“Sophia, fuck, what did you do to me?” His voice sounded so tender, you could feel your body wanting nothing more than to melt inside his arms. “I can’t— Fuck.”
“Jack, you need to understand that what you did, baby, it could cost you a lot—”
“I know. Soph, I know that. And I still would break his asshole’s nose again and again.”
“Why did you do it?”
He stepped away, and you immediately wanted him to come back. “Why did I do it? Isn’t it obvious?” He laughed, humorlessly. “Sophia, I am in love with you. I love you.”
You felt your cheeks getting wet, and only then did you realize you were crying.
“I didn’t understand it sooner because, hell, I have never loved a woman before that wasn’t my mom, and even then, it’s not even close to what I feel towards you,” he ran his hands through his hair. “I didn’t think being in a relationship was for me, I didn’t even want it. But now I look at you and—” he looked at you, blue eyes brighter than you’d ever seen. “I look at you and I realize you’re all I want.”
You were fully crying now, the tears running down your face like models on a runway. Your hands were shaking, and you wanted to scream at him.
“You’re it for me, baby,” he stepped closer, gently putting his hands on your waist, letting you rest your head on his chest. “I know that you’re upset, and I know this isn’t easy for you. We all got bags full of shit that we don’t want, but I will unpack them for you, baby. Just… just let me.”
“Jack,” you sniffled, trying to stop crying. “I need you to know that I love you, too. But,” you pressed your lips together, organising your thoughts. “You need to know that sometimes it’s going to be hard for me. I don’t trust so easily anymore and I’m sorry for it but that’s just who I am.”
You could swear you could feel his smile, while he held you tighter. “It’s okay, Soph. When I tell you that I want you, I don’t mean only the good parts. I want you whole. I want the bad, the good and the in-between,”
“What if,” you hold him impossibly closer. “I don’t want you to get tired of me.”
“Tired of you?” He chuckled. “I want to marry you.”
You stepped away from his like he was on fire. Frowning, you raised your finger.
“Don’t say things you don’t mean, Hughes. Besides that, you’re literally twenty-two.”
“I don’t mind you being my old sugar mommy,” he shrugged, smiling.
“Call me old again, Jack Hughes, and I promise you will never hear from me again.” You smiled too, and for the first time in probably two months, it felt real.
“Yes, ma’am,” he stopped smiling, stepping closer to you again. Holding your wrists to his mouth, he kissed the right first before moving onto the next. After he was done, he placed them on his neck, grabbing your waist.
You stood on your toes, trying to stay face to face with him.
“Can I be your boyfriend?”
You smiled. “I guess you can.”
“You guess?” He bickered back, plastering his white teeth for you. “Can I kiss you, baby?” He whispered, kissing your cheeks. Then your nose, then your forehead. Always gentle and steady. “Soph, sweetheart, can I kiss you?”
Instead of answering, you just glued your lips together, moaning because you had missed this so much. His lips felt like the sweetest thing in the world and when he touched your tongue with his, you were sure you had turned into butter and was now melting.
Maybe your forever wasn’t so distant at all.
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supernovafics · 8 months
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"i'll be there for you" universe masterlist
pairing: bestfriend!roommate!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 1.2k words
warnings: explicit language
summary: in which you join steve during his family video shift and help him study for a test
author's note: nothing much to say about this one. short and sweet<33
general note: everything in this universe/series can be read as standalone oneshots but to understand the full “lore” it would prob be best to read the other stuff too<333
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Winter 1986
“Can I have some help?”
You looked up from your notebook to see a guy standing a few feet in front of you with a small frown on his face. Your head shake in response to his question was immediate. “Oh, no, I don’t work here.”
His frown seemed to only deepen. “But, you’re sitting behind the counter.”
“Yeah, that probably makes things confusing, but I don’t work here,” You responded with a small laugh. You took a brief look at Steve, who was stocking tapes in one of the aisles. “I’m just here to help a friend and make sure he doesn’t fail out of his first ever college classes. Big English test tomorrow. The first one of the semester, actually.”
The guy rolled his eyes at your unnecessarily long explanation and then walked off, and your attention turned back to your notebook and you continued writing notes, or more so rewriting notes, for Steve. 
When he finished stocking shelves, he walked over to you, leaning on the counter and looking down at what you were doing. You ripped out the pages you had been working on for the past hour and slid them over to him. “Okay, I have compiled all of the shit that you’ll need to know for the test tomorrow on these two pages, front and back. Enjoy.” 
Steve gave you a small smile. “You didn’t have to do that.” 
“I know, but it was actually pretty easy since you’re taking the class with the same Professor I had last semester; I mainly just redid the notes that I had for that first test. And it only took me like an hour.”
“Thanks, but shouldn’t you be worrying more about your test tomorrow?”
You shrugged. “I just have to give a presentation on the rise of radio for my communications class, and I’ve been preparing for the last couple days. I’ll be fine.”
Steve nodded at that and started looking at the notes you gave to him. You moved from behind the counter and went over to the comedy section and started to look through the shelves.
“Oh, also, can I get a vest and a nametag? Everyone already thinks I work here, anyway.” 
“No,” Steve responded almost immediately, which made you laugh. After a second, he walked over to you, papers still in hand. “Surprisingly, I actually remember most of this stuff.” 
You smiled at that. “Glad to know you’ve been paying attention in class.” You then showed him the movie you had just pulled off of the shelf. “Thoughts on this for tonight?”
Steve looked at the title for a second before answering. “The person that returned it yesterday said it was shit.”
“Okay, so that’s a no,” You said as you put the tape back in its spot. “Anyway, though, it's good that you remember a lot of stuff already, so when I quiz you on everything later, it’ll be fast.”
He shook his head. “You’re being way too nice to me right now.” 
“You told me that you actually wanted to care about your classes and do well in them, so of course I’m gonna help you do that.” 
You could’ve gone further into that conversation that you two had a few days before the beginning of the semester, but you didn’t feel the need to fully repeat it aloud right then. Steve had talked to you about wanting to figure out his life, finding what he wanted to do long-term that wasn’t Family Video related, and maybe going to school part-time and taking a few classes would help with that. It wasn’t about his parents, it wasn’t really even about you. It was about him and you admired that, and you also wanted to help him figure everything out. Maybe it could help you figure out all of your shit too. 
“Also, if you dropped out after this semester it would actually be devastating to know that our first time ever going to the same school only lasted four and a half months.”
Steve laughed a bit. “I’m not gonna drop out.”
“And I’m completely holding you to that.” 
You went back to searching for a movie for later, and after what felt like forever you settled on something that sounded good enough. 
Things became pretty quiet for the rest of the night, so you were able to quiz Steve on the notes a couple times, and then you focused on the reading you had to do for the Film and TV history class that he suggested you two take together. Your collective eleven o’clock on Tuesdays and Thursdays mainly consisted of you two playing tic-tac-toe with one another in the margins of Steve’s notebook or writing stupid notes back and forth, and still paying some attention to the lectures that were actually pretty interesting. Aside from Steve being in the class, you really enjoyed it for the most part. 
“This article was actually pretty good,” You said. The clock finally hit eleven and Steve went over to the front door to turn the Open sign to Closed. “I think you’ll like it.” 
“What’s it about again?”
“Silent films,” You answered as you started putting all of your stuff in your bag. You then picked up the movie you grabbed earlier and went over to one of the computers, looking up the name of it and changing it from in stock to checked out. “Since I know how to do this, I think I definitely deserve a vest and nametag.” 
“I would say that’s true, but you only do that for yourself, not for any customers,” He responded with a laugh.
“In a way, I am a customer.”
“Paying customers.” 
“I use the “best friend of an employee” discount, which is a hundred percent off,” You said, smiling at him, and then smiling even more when he rolled his eyes at you. 
“What movie did you end up choosing, anyway?”
You held up the tape in your hand, Weird Science. “Now I’m thinking that I should’ve chosen a silent film to honor our history class.” 
“I’m really glad you didn’t,” Steve responded before stepping out from behind the counter. You slung your bag over your shoulder and followed him to the front. 
“Once you read the article, you’ll wish that I picked one of Buster Keaton’s greatest hits,” You said as you flicked off the lights before you two walked out the door. 
Steve locked it and then looked at you. “I truly doubt that.” 
You only overdramatically sighed and shook your head at him in response as you got in his car, tossing your bag into the backseat. You fiddled with the radio for pretty much the entirety of the fifteen minute drive to the apartment, and you held back your laughter at Steve’s playful groans in frustration at your antics. 
When you two stepped into the small space that was your shared home, you changed into your pajamas for the night before settling on the couch, and you quizzed Steve one more time for his test. And then he made you run through your presentation for your class tomorrow because he felt bad about you only helping him study. 
The time was nearing midnight when Steve warmed up some of the leftover pizza from the night before as you started the movie. You two fell asleep barely thirty minutes in, your head on his shoulder and a blanket draped over both of your legs that were stretched out on the coffee table.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
let me know ur thoughts<333
(requests are open for stuff you wanna see in the universe/series!🫶🏾)
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mxqdii · 1 year
i can see you - c.s
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pairings: chris sturniolo x reader
summary: reader suddenly develops feelings for chris sturniolo (based off of t.s song 'i can see you')
warning(s): fluff, mutual pining, kissing.
not proofread
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i've been friend's with the triplets for as long as i can remember.
but lately things have been different.
"this is bad, this is really bad alahna" i say with the phone up to my ear, ranting to my best friend
"okay calm down, it's chris, you know chris, you gotta tell him" she says and i let out a shakey breath
"alahna i-" i start but get interrupted
"y/n, you and i both know you guy's have always been something a little more than friends, its obvious, now tell him how you feel." she prys.
the call ends shortly after that, leaving me time to think about what alahna was saying.
i've never seen chris like that, right?
i've always thought of him as a friend, i just feel like now i can see him, like my eyes have been opened.
my thoughts are interrupted with my phone vibrating, seeing a text from chris.
chris: yo, we're going to see a movie and you're coming, i already bought your ticket.
y/n: fine but only if you pick me up
chris: i always do princess
my eyes widen at the last message, princess?
calming myself down at that comment that got me way too flustered, i tell myself it was a joke and start getting ready for the movies.
for some reason, for the first time in forever, i put thought into what i wear.
i take the time to look good, which is odd considering it's just the triplets.
i mean, ive known them since i was 6, what's with the desire to 'dress to impress" now?
the doorbell rings and i jump
shit they're here.
i open the door with shakey hands, being met with nick, letting out a breath of relief knowing chris is in the car
a breath i didn't know i even had in.
"heyy- wait what's wrong" he asks and i groan
"don't worry about it, lets go" i say, grabbing his wrist dragging him back to the car.
"helloooo guys thank you for the ride" i say with a smile to cover up the fact that i'm dying at the sight of chris.
the car ride goes faster then expected, not much talking being done considering nick had his playlist on blast the whole ride.
nick saves me once again.
"okay me and matt will get the tickets you and chris get snacks" nick says to me.
i officially take back every good thing i've ever said about nick
"okay" i say, feeling the dryness in my throat
what the hell is wrong with me, i am too nervous around chris and i've never even felt this way before today??
what is happening.
"hey" chris says snapping me out of my trance
"hm?" i hum in response
"you're quiet, what's up?" he asks and i ponder as we wait in line.
"well, i- i don't know i've just been feeling different towards something" i try to explain and he nods in confusion
"okay.. care to explain a bit?" he pry's and i sigh
"chris i-" i start as i'm interrupted
"hello! what can i get for you two today" the concessions girl says
"a gun" i mumble and chris nudges me
"right! snacks... uh, i'll get a blue raspberry slushy" i say
"what did matt and nick want?" i ask chris and he orders for them
"then just a cherry slushy for me and that'll be all" he says smiling making my heart flutter
i reach into my purse searching for my wallet
"that's funny y/n" chris says making me look up
"what?" i ask
"you paying" he says, and i see that everythings already payed for as he pulls his card out of the machine
"chris-" i start but he interrupts
"shh, not a word" he says, putting his fingers over my lips to quiet me.
i cant help but feel my cheeks flush at the action though.
we walk back to the lobby, waiting for nick and matt
"so... what were you gonna say earlier?" he asks and i freeze
"uh, i kinda had to tell-" i start to speak but matt and nick come up to us handing us our tickets.
"i forgot! that's all" i say to chris with a smile
we walk to the movie theatre and take our seats, chris pulling our seat separator up.
"wha-" i say in confusion looking at chris and his open arms, like he's waiting for me to lay with him
i forgot this is something we do.
"cmon you don't wanna get cozy?" he says making me cringe
"ew." i say back knowing i don't mean it at all, just stalling from him being able to feel my heart racing.
the movie starts and i lay with chris feeling my clammy hands and shakey body distracting me
also chris's colonge, the sound of his heartbeat, his arm around my neck.
okay you get the point, i am going crazy.
"i-im gonna use the bathroom" i say, almost a mumble, frantically getting up and letting out a big breath of relief
i hear doors opening behind me and turn around seeing chris
it's too much- this is all just too overwhelming.
i feel tears brim at my eyes just getting worked up and just feeling overall upset
"chris no-" i say, his presence being too much
"y/n, you've been acting weird all day. i know something's up, you seem so nervous and i wanna help you but you have to tell me what's up." he talks and i snap
"i like you, okay!? and it kills me that i couldn’t do or say anything about it because i know you don't feel the same. the whole day i've been just going insane and i can't keep pretending i see you as my best friend"
i finally broke.
the tears start streaming down my face and chris looks at me in pure utter shock, making me feel worse.
"y/n-" he starts but i interrupt
"you don't have to say anything" i say and he sighs
"okay, then i'll do this." he says and cups my cheeks, kissing me passionately.
the world spins as i feel his soft lips on mine, a feeling i've been missing my whole life, one i won't ever forget.
he pulls away, smiling.
"chris-" this time he interrupts
"you don't have to say anything" he says, teasingly, as he kisses me again.
i think this whole thing has opened my eyes in a way they never would've originally been opened, seeing chris like this, it's something i needed, something i longed for and now i know that it's not just me.
chris can see me too.
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shuxiii · 1 year
Heart to heart— Hanni pham x reader
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Synopsis; she dates you as a dare
This endless loop has became a routine in your life. The same tireless and restless night of her drunk knocking on your door, with the same eyes you adoringly stared before, now were hazy teary red once.
It was never like this, it should have never had been like this.
She played you, she lied to you, she never loved you. And all of it started with a simple harmless dare. A dare that ruined everything you thought was love. It ruined your picture of love.
You and hanni had been dating for a good 5 months, meeting each other in a bar. Where she called you those sweet names and you fell for it.
She treated you with all the love she could grasp in her hands, something not everyone had but wanted. Something that everyone envied for.
Not every good start ends in a good note, because once you keep a lie eventually it comes out the light.
Everythinfg was fine, hanging out with her friends in the same exact bar you guys met. Reminscing about the moment you met each other. A love in first sight that was only a wishful dream for others
And caught in the blissful moment, a mere sentence ruined it.
"Good thing Hanni took that dare or we couldn't have met such an amazing person like you," Minji said, drunkenly slurring in the process but still clear for your ears to hear.
Everyone went silent as their catious stares went to you.
Hanni didn't know what to do at that moment, her worried gaze fell back at your blank eyes.
You stood up from your chair, as hanni stood as well in a panic, "ym, its not what it looks like—"
She tries to hold your wrist but you were already out the door.
"Yn, please let me explain" she begs.
"What exactly is there to explain?" You tried to hold back the shake in your voice, but the tears in your eyes made it clear.
"I know, i know baby. I'm stupid to take that bet, at first it was a dare, minji dared me to ask you out. And i did—i did it to win the bet, but it was at the beginning now i reslly love you."
She reaches for your hands, but you move away from her.
"So you never loved me?"
"At first, I didn't, but now I do, and I love you so much." I was stupid to take it, but if I hadn't, I would never have met you!" She pleaded.
"So what? i should be thankful you took that dare? That you lied to my face?"
"No, i didnt mean it like that—"
Her arms clung to your body as you stood there silently, her heart aching even more.
"I don't think I can do this right now," you murmured, her grasp tightening even more.
"Yn, please dont do this to me. Please stay" her voice became more incoherent and her sobs echoed even louder as you felt her body shook.
But her pleading wails were in vain, as you pulled her away, leaving her on the floor as you slipped from her grip, as she saw you fade from her view.
That was two weeks ago.
You were doing well, or so you thought. Ever since you left Hanni crying outside the bar, it felt like you left a part of you. But after you convinced yourself that she never loved you, it became easier to pretend you hated her. It was a loop game with your mind whenever she lingered in your thoughts, you'd just whisper the words like a hateful mantra, it was a cheap reassurance. But if it kept her out of your head then it was worthwhile.
And ignoring her was easy for you; it was like practice makes it perfect, and you nailed it.
As you were ready to attend a night party with your friends you heard a knock on your door at first you hesitated, you never opened the door every time you heard the desperate knocks because you knew who it was.
but Minji's voice made you open it was a scoff on your face.
''Why are you here?''
“Can we talk?” She pleaded.
“What is there to talk about, i think we did thag in the bar two weeks ago.” I scoff.
“Its about hanni” she says
The sound of her name made my heart take its pace.
“Okay 20 minutes and you’re out the door.”
“Thank you,” she smiles.
“So what about her?”
She looks back at me with sheer concern in her gaze.
“I'm here because she hasn't been herself since two weeks ago. You are aware that she easily falls into a bad habit of drinking. We're worried because I believe she hasn't been sober for a single day since then.”
The thought of that ached my heart but i didnt want to.
“Yn, i know you hate her. But she dosent listen to us anymore and im here as a worried friend, im sorry for what ive caused but if you just listen to her just even just an ounce of your time then I’ll get out of your hair and leave you be, so please.”
And here i was stupidly looking for her in the bar the same place we met and the same place that ruined everything.
Not even a minute passed by but i saw her quickly than anyone ever could. But i stopped just a few blocks from her, i was hesitant, i didnt know if i could do this.
But eventually she saw me.
and at first hanni thought she was too drunk to see you standing infront of her but as she rubs her eyes she realized you were real breathing and standing in front of her.
and faster than the own beat of her heart she puts her arms around you and her head rested against your shoulder, the same scent she missed ever since she was surrounded by the bitter scent of alcohol and cigarettes, your fragrance made her safe.
''You're real'' she slurred.
the loud music became silent in your ears and all of a sudden all the unwelcome memories came rushing like a storm, her touch melted against yours, and for a second you almost fell for it again, but this time you couldn't be driven by your feelings.
You fight to break free from her hands, but her hold tightens even more, and then the panic began to rush into her body as you felt her body shake. and suddenly you heard small sobs come out her mouth.
''Don't leave me,'' her voice barely making out the words she said as she began sobbing louder.
you started to realize she was going to panic attack your hands hugged her back as you begin to stroke her back softly.
''Hanni, calm down'' you softly spoke.
Her cries became faint but her body still shooked and her grip was still tight.
I was in conflict, i didnt know what to do but i wanted to be out of this bar.
I intertwined her hands with mine, she followed without a fight.
As we were out the crowded and loud bar, we were now faced with silence that not a knife would got cut off. I didnt know where to start.
“Yn… I’m sorry—“
“I know hanni, but why?” I stammer, “You’re sorry but why did you choose to do it?”
I look back at her, tears streaming down my cheeks, how hard I tried to look her in the eyes without wavering, but I didn't have the power to do so, and in the end, I fell for it again, her gaze the same ones that I adored and that had this soft look even when she was intoxicated, I could tell it was the same ones I saw.
“I dont know,” she says.
It wasnt the answer i want but the only one i get. Maybe there really wasnt hope.
"I don't know, I was afraid to be proven wrong," she says back, "I was always told I was too soft for my own good, and I was afraid—fearful that it was true."
“Even though i was aware it was wrong, i was selfish.” She says “but i faced the biggest consequences in the end.”
“And that is?” I hesitantly ask.
“You,” she tells me “I lost you.”
“Yn… if you give me one more chance to prove to you—to prove to you that i do love you, ever since our first date together i wanted it out the bet, being with you felt so amazing that i was in so much guilty to take that dare and if i was given the chance to go back in time, i wish i met you without the dare.”
She sounded so sobered.
“You still can, han.”
Hope flickered in her eyes.
“Do you promise? Promise not to lie again?” I say
“I promise, never lying ever again, i swear.”
She says without hesitation no stutter.
I intertwine her hands against mine again as she clings to my arms, afraid i’d disappear again.
“Lets go home, han.”
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iheartliquor · 2 months
dam im back again guys i just been taking it east both my laptops r broken the good one and the old shitty onee so i havent been tumblring much . psycosis was the most terriffying experience of my life , and i still cant figure out wat was real and wat wasnt , but the main point is that it doesnt matter and wat matters is just takin care of myself and not letting that happen again . tbh my friends said oh we knew this was coming one day which kinda made me feel bad lol but at the same time like wat do u expect ? u can only get away w that type of sleep deprivation n constnat inebriation and completely ignoring ur mental illness for so long . im doing cbt books now and im refusing to see anything but the love and light in every situation , cause like , u kno j, as they say ,, where we dwell in consciousness is truly where we dwell in life . its just been kinda hard and strange and bad and i feel like i have to like , superstitiously take plan b now wheras before i knew i would be fine . or no i didnt i mean before i would let myself have that as a worry in the back of my mind but now i have to superstitiously take precautaions . i kno that can b its own type of ocd and im doin counciling for that . its all just been really stressful and terrifying .... iwanna tell about the experiecne but i dont wanna like , u kno , spread bullshit around or pay attention to it when its bullshit . some parts were so good and beautiful , but some parts were so terrifying . i really thought i was bein taken to hell , and then i really thought like , i was so convinced i kill:ed myeslf and hurt my mom in that way i promsised myself i would neverr ever hurt her . that wasnt real tho but it felt absolutely so real :((( , i think how many years i would read ghost stories online and that felt like searching for something divine more than bein raised w my lack of god or watever , anyways , yeah im not gunna dwell on everything but basically im doing a lot better , i can tell the full story once im far away from it . ive felt so strongly sometimes like , i wish i could go back , to the world i lived in for the majority of my life where theres nothing that can get me or make me do bad things . and i can , i can i can i can itll just take awhile to get to the mental place where i can plainly see it was all or mostly bullshit / hallucination . brutal summer to be hoenst for tthis gal , oh well , anyways , sending u all all my love . life is scary and life is crazy and its still just all a big mystery , no matter what anyone says , and itll b okay , and i think i'll getta see all the people i love again just in a different way . eternal love , unconditional love , undying love ..... yes those three are the theme of the day...... anyways ok everyone have a lovely evening, its precious beautiful august . summer means so much to me , being where im from , and ive just had to like barely barelyy survive it this year , idk . or i alwayss said Every Single Summer I Feel Like I Was Born Again but this year i really really know wat that feels like , just in the snese of im gunna take my mental problems seriously now , instead of ignore them like my whole entire life . I finally figured out why LIQUOR ALWAYS FELT LIKE MEDICINE..... hahaha ok . all love everybody .
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polyamorousmood · 3 months
My gf (mtf) is fairly monogamous but I'm not necessarily, especially with sex. I have an offer from our mutual male friend (cis) to try penetration since I (afab nb) am terrified but curious about it and he's one of the only cis guys I'd feel comfortable trying that with. I have hooked up with him once before, prior to meeting my gf, and it was really good. My gf is fairly supportive about it, one of the things that really works for us sex-wise is that neither of us want penetration in our relationship. I'm just absolutely terrified of making her insecure and ruining her friendship with our friend. I know I can function fine with blurring the lines between sex, friends, and partners, but she's got the trauma of an ultra-Christian childhood and has so much constant dysphoria that I'm scared something like this could ruin our relationship. We talked so much when he first offered and I know she's not opposed, but I just keep thinking about all the horror stories I've read about couples opening up their relationship or trying poly after being mono and it ruining them. Especially if I end up wanting it more than just once with our friend. I don't particularly need advice, I'm just laying in bed next to her in the dark scrolling horrifying stories on Reddit while talking with our friend over text getting all up in my head about our dynamics and I don't have anyone to vent to about this right now. I figure a polyam blog on tumblr will at least understand that nuances that come with figuring this stuff out. Thanks for listening
It's really fair that you'd be worried about this, and it's a really good sign for everything that you want to do this consciously and carefully - if at all. Sincerely the worst thing about polyamory (and related things) is how isolating it can be. 😣Oftentimes, the only person you can even discuss problems with is the partner who is also all up in the problem. Which I clearly don't need to explain to you how that sucks.
You said you didn't need anything but listening. But like, it's me. So.... 🤷‍♀️
Reddit and the forums are the mother of all selection biases: happy people generally don't feel the need to post about their lives online, and people who have found something sustainable but not completely perfect don't feel like their input is valuable because they "still have problems" even though how things can work really well or well enough is probably some of the most valuable information to you!
It's not your fault if your partner lies about or grossly mis-estimates her okayness level on this. And if she is the type of person to usually lies about or grossly mis-estimates her okayness level with things, its bound to be a problem at some point, even if you can successfully avoid it being a problem on this one issue by being really anxious.
🗣📢EXPLICITLY UNSOLICITED ADVICE WARNING🚨🚨 Everything up to this point could be construed as "just thoughts" but the following is unambiguously advice. Stop reading now if you want to continue in your unadvized state. She cannot assure you with 100% certainty she will not have a problem with it. If she tries, all she'll do is lock herself into not being able to tell you if she does. The only helpful thing in these situations I have found is to establish a procedure for what to do if there is a problem. Give her the tools to find something that's comfortable for her. Give her the certainty that you will listen to her, talk things through (which is sometimes a solution on its own!), and not hold it against her if you need to make changes. Then you can rest assured if there are problems, they won't last.
When you're doing "but I don't want to hurt herrrrrr😖" anxiety calculus, remember your non monogamous tendencies probably aren't going to stop! So also evaluate if you'd be okay with never ever doing anything with someone besides your gf. And if you're not. It will probably hurt her worse if you say you're fine with staying monogamous forever now, and then feel like you're about to snap two years later. So just like. Factor that into your calculations, too, haha!😅
And as a close
I'm with you. I feel you. This blog has DMs open if you want to talk more organically or about details you don't want to be public. No matter how this shakes out, you will get through to the other side.💙💖🖤
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vanillasn0w · 12 days
Love in Your Hands
A Rafe Cameron x Reader fanfic
Rafe has just gotten out of prison and him and his girlfriend go out to eat.
You'd known what he had done; about the blood on his hands. You knew it all and you couldn't bring yourself to leave him. You practically waded in red with him all these months, you really didn't care. You loved him too much. Was he the right guy to love? No. Was he a great person? No. He wasn't either of those things. Although, you've met worse, he didn't have the biggest heart, only for you did was his heart in the right place. Yes, you know all these things and about the blood on his hands, yet you still love him. Nothing would stop that. You thought your love for a man would stop at murder, but then, you met Rafe. And you changed your mind.
Your parents didn't want to have anything to do with you because you were with him. You chose him over them, though. It was by far, the best decision you had ever made. You didn't think a murderer could be good to a women, but he was the best boyfriend you ever had. He treated you really, really well, like you were the best human on the entire planet. And you tried to do the same for him.
The prison halls were grimy, and smelled like urine and mothballs, but you were willing to walk through them for him. When you saw his grin upon seeing you, you knew you had made the right choice coming here. He had been sporting a new buzz cut, which made him look all the more handsome.
"Hey, darling."
"Hey, there." You say with a smile. You really are so unbelievably happy to see him. Then, you notice a huge wound on his hand.
"Oh, your hand!"
"It's nothing, don't worry about it. Got into a fight with a racist asshole. He deserved it."
"I hope so. Why didn't they do anything about it? Your hand?"
"They don't care about nothing here, its fine, really-
"Oh, I'll make them care-
"Babe, don't worry yourself over this place. I know how to do a special prison treatment for this."
"But they should-
"Babe. It's fine. I'll heal it, really, don't worry your pretty little face about it."
You loved it when he said things like this. It made your heart leap in your chest.
"I wish I could touch you."
"Just three more weeks, babe."
He smiles.
He made her feel like love was always swirling around in her chest, much like a tropical storm.
“Really, don’t worry.”
“Okay, I won’t.”
Rafe hands her an envelope from his pocket.
“I want you to read this.”
“If it’s from you, I most definitely will.”
He smiles, both of them looking at each other longingly. How could a murderer be so beautiful, she thinks to herself. She doesn’t want to wait for that beauty any longer. How she wishes he could just wrap her up in his strong arms right now. She just can’t imagine how he can be a killer with how he feels in her arms. She knows he obviously is, but he’s just too warm hearted with her to make her properly believe it.
“All day I think about you. You and nothing else.”
“Yeah, me, too. I think about you all day long.”
He slides his two fingers underneath the glass and she touches him. It’s glorious, just the little bit of his skin on her.
“This is what I want most.” Rafe says.
“I want it to, more than you know. It will be such a long two weeks.”
“Now, what’s in that envelope, I need you to be strong for me, okay?” Be my good, strong girl, for me, okay?”
Fear begins to run through her veins like adrenaline.
“It’s that bad?”
“It’s not good, darling. It’s really not good. Everything I did, I did it for you, though, please believe me?
“Of course, I believe you.” And she did, she really did.
“I just want you to know you are safe with me. I promise.”
With that, it is time for him to go. With tears in her eyes and fear in her heart, she leaves. Halfway across the drive home, she pulls over at a bar and reads his letter.
“Darling, darling, Y/N. I am writing to you from my cell with all the love in the world in my heart for you. I hope you are doing well. Things in prison have been going okay, except for today, but you’ll read about that in a minute. I’ve been telling all the guys here about you. I want everyone to know about you, my beautiful girl. You’re just that special. You deserve all the protection in the world. I told you awhile ago, that I wouldn’t let any danger near you as long as I was alive and well. So I fixed it, I fixed it for you. I made the world a safer place for you.
I am in tears as I write this, for another man had to go. That other time with the black woman, I didn’t care, but this man had a family. This man, a pervert beyond words. He was going to rape you, Y/N/. He said that once he came out, he would take you and make you his. So, I beat him to a pulp. My ears couldn’t take hearing such things from someone. But they did and I wasn’t going to stand around and let those words become true. Oh, I wanted him gone so badly. I wanted him gone so badly it nearly killed me. I punched and punched and punched, till he was nearly lifeless. The blood, darling, there was so much blood. He died two days later. Some say he had an underlying condition. But I know that’s not true. I hate myself for what I’ve become. I hate myself, I hate myself, I hate myself, but I’d hate myself even more if that man had come for you. Every ounce of me, every inch of my soul, was protecting you. With every punch that went for him, I thought of you, with every punch I gave myself to you. I gave myself for you. I hurt him so you could live well. Because I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if he had raped you. I love you with all my heart. I want to start a family with you. I want to marry you someday. I want it all with you. You are my sunshine and my glory, you are my whole entire life. Y/N, please forgive me.
You put down the letter, feeling more shaky than ever. He did it again. He killed someone. This time, you felt, there was honor in it. Which is why you could forgive him. You wouldn’t have wanted to have been raped. He saved you. In his own messed up way, he saved you and gave you life. You weren’t exactly happy that a man was dead, but you could forgive him. Nobody else would have done anything like that for you. And you had to respect that. You felt sick, but you had to respect that.
You wrote him back a letter detailing your love for him and thanking him for protecting you. You let him know you weren’t happy with the fact he killed someone again, but that you forgave him.
“If you hadn’t have killed him, he would have raped me eventually. You are my piece of gold, Rafe, you are all the money in the world to me. I love you so much it hurts. I love you so much that I can hardly stand it. I shouldn’t love a murderer, but I do. I can’t help but love you. That’s what love is. It accepts the should nots. It accepts the person for who they are, not for what they have done in the past, even if that meant taking a life. You’ve taken many lives, Rafe, but I forgive you for it all. Because I love you. I love you with my whole entire being. I cannot wait to see you again.
Three weeks later:
Your heart is bouncing up and down, up and down in your chest. You are happier than you ever have been. You’ve never felt this excited before. You have never, ever been this glad to see someone again. When you see him come out of the gates, you run to him, you run to his grinning, happy face, as fast as you possibly can. When you reach him, you wrap your arms around him tightly and he does the same, lifting you up off the ground and saying your name.
When he brings you back down to the ground, you two are kissing passionately, lips on fire for each other. In a second, a car pulls up and you two pull away, his arm wrapping around your shoulder.
“It’s so good to see you.”
“It’s so good to see you, too.”
The trip back to the homestead is spent pining; pining over the things that Rafe missed, pining over what he wanted to do. Your wants and goals for the future are discussed for the both of you. Also, the schedule for the next couple of weeks is talked about as well. Since you lost your job and Rafe didn’t have one, you two were free to do anything you’d like. You weren’t thrilled about having lost your job, but it did give you a lot of time on your hands; time to be spent with Rafe. You smiled just thinking about being with him. You took a hold of his hand and squeezed.
“I can’t wait for these next couple of weeks.” Y/N says.
“Me too.”
“I was thinking we could go out to dinner tonight. It’s been so long since I’ve had good food.”
You had to agree with him; the food in prison was surprisingly awful, it was food made for rats. You knew it would be bad, but hearing him talk all those times about it, shocked you. One time, there was even a fingernail in his burger. Blech!
“I promise, wherever you go, you will never have to eat like you have been.”
“Thank you.”
“I will personally make sure of that.”
He smiles. “Thanks.”
“But you do sometimes, burn the hamburgers like they did in there.” Rafe said, teasing.
You gave him a playful shove. “Hey, I am not the world’s best cook, you know that.”
He gave a smile and kissed you on the cheek, making your skin warm up.
The restaurant you go to looks spectacular. Blue walls line the place, with shiny wooden tables, and a pale pink carpet. The seats at the table are velvet and the color a pale blue. Rafe offers to pay, but you tell him it’s your treat and that you won’t budge. He smiles at that.
“This place is amazing!” Rafe says.
“It is.”
“Only royalty eats here-how did you get a reservation?”
Y/N was her family wasn’t considered royalty. She lived in a mansion her whole life, but never felt like she was with all the money. She certainly didn’t feel like her family felt she was worth all the dollar bills. Now, that she’s been with Rafe, she definitely feels worth all the money in the world. That’s just how he makes her feel.
“I know a guy.”
Rafe nods, pretty impressed. A waitress sits them down at a table, looking out over the water. The menu is full of food reserved for kings and queens, practically. There was a rye and spelt sandwich, leafy green salads, rubens, lamb chops, lobster bisque (which she would skip because she is allergic to shellfish), poutine, goose neck (which she was extremely surprised to see), foie gras, and many more choices.
“I think I’ll skip the goose neck, what about you?” He says.
“Yes, I’ll definitely skip that. I think I’ll go with the pastrami ruben.”
“Good choice. Do you mind if I get the rack of lamb? Its-
“Get what you would like, you’re a free man, now.”
“Okay, will do, princess.”
Y/N blushes. You loved it when he called you that.
“Will you be getting a drink?” He asks.
“I think I’ll pass tonight.”
He nods. “I am going to get a Hard Cider.”
Throughout the next ten minutes, they joke and tease each other about various things. You had to say, even after being with him for almost a year, you were pleasantly surprised how easy things were with him. Your conversations were always of a good nature and light hearted, you both never took anything too seriously, so there was always jokes. Never in any conversation since him being in prison did he complain, not once, he was always very grateful sounding when talking to you. He never, actually, complained about anything when being with you. You were sure he complained elsewhere, but never with you. He was always the perfect gentlemen when talking and always put your needs first. In the beginning, you assumed he would scare you all the time because of how many people he killed, but no, he never did. In conversation, he was the exact opposite of a murderer. And that’s why you knew he wasn’t a bad guy. He was a killer so of course, his heart wasn’t always in the right place. However, his heart was different when with you.
“I never expected this relationship to be so good…so amazing. You know, when we first started going out.”
“You were scared of me, weren’t you?”
“At first, yes. But then, I realized I had no reason to be scared of you. Other people, sure, they have their reasons to be scared of you, but me, no. Not at all.”
“Of course others have their reasons. They’re not as amazing as you.”
Y/N/ smiles widely.
“And no man is as amazing as you are.”
“I am sure that is not true.”
“Well, that is just what I think.”
There is a moment of silence.
“Would you do me the honor of moving in with me?” Rafe asks.
You smile. “Of course. I’d love to.”
They hadn’t had a chance to move in with each other. When Rafe was going to ask after five months of dating, he had gotten thrown in prison. You cannot wait for this next chapter of your life with him. It will be better than any single year of your life.
“I can’t wait.”
“Me neither.” Y/N/ says with a smile.
“I’ll make the place fit for a queen.”
“And I’ll make it fit for a king.”
“Sounds good, princess. Can’t wait.”
“Can’t wait, either, my king.”
And she really, really couldn’t.
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spookysteddie · 2 years
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Lemon Drop Martini
part two
Modern!Steve Harrington x college!fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ minor DNI, drinking (everyone is over the age of 21), talks of sex, flirting, some swearing, pet names (sweetheart).
Word count: 1.2k
A/N: This is my first ST fic but not my first fic ever. I’m a little rusty so im sorry if this isnt good. Let me know if you want a part two to this … maybe with some smut involved??
Buy me a coffee here (no pressure!)
Send Requests here
“Are we going to that new bar downtown?” You ask as you apply the last of your makeup.
Saturdays were the nights that you gathered your girlfriends and went bar hopping after surviving another week of college classes.
“Mhm! I’ve heard from a few people in my classes that it’s weird… but in a good way?” Your friend shrugs “I dunno. I heard the owner is extremely hot though.”
You’d heard that too. Whispers of the hot owner who opened a bar downtown permeated all your classes. The girls were obsessed and the boys were jealous. And you were excited to see what all the hype was about.
“Maybe y/n can bat her eyelashes and finally get laid,” your other friend giggles as she bumps you with her shoulder.
“I get plenty! I am just choosing to focus on my studies. Something you all should be doing considering finals are three weeks away. Then were home free for three months.”
Finals was really causing you more stress than you liked to admit. Your grades were fine, but making the deans list was a goal you worked hard to achieve.
You take one last look in the mirror before grabbing your bag and strapping on your heels “okay. Are we ready? Everyone have their IDs and money?” Ever the mom of the group, trying to make sure everyone has everything before leaving the house. And once everyone mutters, you guys are off.
The thumping of the base can be heard from outside this bar. “Vecnas Vengeance” is the name of the bar. Creative but… confusing, if you were being honest.
You hand the bouncer your ID and $20 for cover before making your way inside. The atmosphere is dim but not too dark you cant see where you’re walking. The walls are black, red lights illuminating the space. The décor is dark and a little chilling, but you don’t mind. Edgy is your middle name.
“I see the owner is into horror movies. Or… something?” One of your friends says from behind you.
You grin, “I like it. It’s different. Dark, but fun. There isnt another bar like this in town.” Because it’s true. All the other bars in this college town are either dive bars, actual clubs, or places you didn’t want to frequent. But this was a place you could see yourself becoming a regular in.
You and your friends make your way to the wooden bar top, settling into the plush velvet bar stool.
“What can I get you pretty ladies to drink?” The bartender saunters over, a lazy grin on his face. The first thing you notice about him is how attractive he is. His brown hair looks so soft that all you want to do is push your fingers through it. It takes a minute for you to remember that he asked you a question.
“Oh, um can I have a lemon drop martini please?” You grin at him, lacing your fingers together and resting your chin on them. “I didn’t catch your name?”
He smiles as he pours your drink and sliding it toward you, “Steve Harrington. I own this place.” You sip your drink slowly, looking at him over the rim of your glass. Everything about him is perfect in your book and you, now, understand exactly what everyone was whispering about.
“Nice to meet you, Harrington. I’m Y/N.” You hand him your card, opening a tab; knowing its going to be a long night.
“A very pretty name for a very pretty girl.” Your friends have moved to another part of the bar, making sure to keep you in their eyesight, should anything go wrong. But you knew they didn’t have to worry.
Steves vibe was calm, almost fatherly. But you didn’t miss that he was cocky, something you liked.
“You always sweet talk your customers?”
He huffs a laugh, “only the prettiest ones. And you just so happen to be the prettiest to ever walk into this bar.”
Something else you notice about him, he’s young. He cant be more than a few years older than you. You counted that as a win in your books, deciding that if you wanted to, you might just be able to take him home.
“Mmm, a flirt.” You sip your drink again, needing something to do with your hands. “Has that always gotten you what you want in life?” Fucking with mens egos was something you did often. Took the douchebags down a peg or three. But for men like Steve Harrington, it was all in good fun.
He responded exactly as you expect, “maybe. Possibly. Why is it working on you?” He winks, offering you a little laugh.
You can feel your face and body warm and you know its not from the alcohol. He’s infectious and you know that if given the chance, he’d worm his way into you bloodstream and you know you’d never be able to get him out.
“Maybe. Possibly.”
A girl with short brown hair yells from the end of the bar, speaking a mile a minute, barely taking a breath as she says “Steve?! Hello! Instead of flirting with all the women and making them uncomfortable, I could really use some help here. Because I’m learning and I don’t know how to make a Moscow Mule so if you could help me that would be-“
He sighs before cutting her off, “Robin! Relax. The cheat sheet is right there. I’m sorry, sweetheart. Duty calls.” He playfully rolls his eyes before slowly pulling away from the bar top to help the woman called Robin.
It doesn’t take your friends long to snake their way through the crowd and taking the empty seats beside you. “Did you get his number?” One asks. “Invite him back to your bed?” Another teases.
“No and no. We were just… chatting. He’s cocky. And we all know my track record with cocky men… heartbroken and swearing off men forever.” You down your drink at that, pushing it to the other side of the bar for the barkeep to deal with later. “Besides, he flirts with everyone.”
You look down to the other end of the bar, eyes finding his already looking at you. You bite your lips slightly, imagining what would happen if you DID let him take you home. You could imagine his hands in your hair and his lips kissing all the spots you love. But you couldn’t ask him for that. There’s no way.
“Sweetheart? You okay?” Steves voice snaps you back reality, another martini sitting in front of you. You feel your face heat again, your stomach doing flips at the way he’s looking at you.
“Ah, y-yeah sorry! I spaced out.” You laugh lightly, sipping your drink again. “Finals are kicking my ass and I still have three weeks.” You laugh awkwardly.
He smirks, grabs a napkin and a pen, writing something down before sliding it towards you, “if you ever need a study partner, let me know.” He winks at you before walking away.
Your eyes slip from him down to the napkin. You smirk at the numbers written on it with a little note ‘call me’. You slip it into your purse before taking your drink and finding your friends.
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monalovesstarsz · 3 months
Maybe we could
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I'm super new to this so this and it's the first thing I've ever written (and it might horribly suck) so bear with me 😭 I'm doing this to keep me busyish and my grammar might also suck.. This is also probably not accurate and I had to make some stuff up
Genre: Non idol au and idk what else to say 😭
Pairings: Shy sick sunghoonxsick shy y/n (I clearly don't know how to do this)
Summary: Y/n starts to spend a lot of time in a hospital due to her health and its super lonely until she meets sunghoon and they agree to try their best to live as regular teens.
Warnings: uhh I'm not totally sure but illnesses, thoughts of death, hospitals, depression, mentions of death (probably)
Your leg starts bouncing up and down anxiously. You had told your mom that you weren't nervous but that had been a complete lie. How could you not have been? These results were going to affect the rest of your life. You could tell your mom was also nervous even though earlier she had told you everything was going to be fine and you had nothing to worry about. You turned to her and you gave her a painfully obvious fake smile. You looked down at the inside of your elbow noticing that your bruise hadn't faded. You had gotten it after you had your blood drawn to get it tested. That's why you were here to begin with. If this was like any other time they had drawn your blood you wouldn't be nervous, but it wasn't they would usually call you for your results or even a voicemail. They called you up here to give your results in person they never did that. Your deep in thought until they finally call you up. "Okay can I see Y/n l/n up next" You and your mom walked up to the nurse who gave you a friendly smile. It was warm and it has comforted you. You gave her one back trying to make it as sweet as possible. She walked you and your mom up into a room and as you stepped inside you got the same almost nostalgic feeling. Your doctor told you to come in and sit down in her office. She lead you to it and you sat down next to your mom in front of a work desk with a computer and lots of paper work scattered across it. On the other side your doctor sat down turning the computer on before typing on it.
"How have you guys been so far? How has your day been so far?" "We've been doing good so far, y/n doesn't leave the house a lot though which is quite odd of her."
Your mom answered for the both of you
"So how have you been feeling recently Y/n?"
you looked at your mom like you always did and she nodded for your to answer.
"I've felt the same. I still feel nauseous and dizzy most of the time. Recently I have been really tired too." "I see. I called you guys in because these symptoms can be quite scary but I'm happy to let you know that the results came back negative!"
You let out a sigh of relief and you smiled at her.
"Oh thank God she's alright." Said your mom after giving your hand a squeeze. You were happy no doubt but you still had a question.
"Why have I been feeling like this then?"
You asked, it was bugging you. Had this all just been an overreaction on your part? Was it just a bug? Had it been your imagination all along?
"Well sometimes we just feel like this because we might not be taking the best care of our bodies, this just might be a sign to tell you to drink more water and sleep more."
You were happy that it wasn't anything serious but now it was a bit embarrassing wasting people's time just because you hadn't slept or drank enough water. You decided to let it go as you got into your mom's car.
"Hey why don't we celebrate with some good food. I know you don't feel your best when you eat recently but let's celebrate still!" Your mom says this hoping you'll feel better "Okay thanks mom."
As your alarm woke you to get ready for school you had gotten started and got up too quickly making you even more dizzy than usual. You chose to ignore this feeling. You got up and washed your face, did some skin care, added makeup, ate breakfast, and finally you got changed. You decided to wear loose baggy grey sweats and a tight fitting baby blue top almost covering your stomach. You put on a zip up black hoodie and grey new balances. It was comfy but cute. You didn't feel well but you had missed enough school. You asked your mom for a ride since you were too dizzy to walk. You got to school just in time and you had texted your friends that you decided to go today. You had missed your friends and if you were being honest you had missed school. You did your best to keep up with schoolwork so you weren't too worried about that. As you walked to meet up with your friends you couldn't help to think if you were getting stares or if it was your imagination. If it was the first option you told yourself that it was because you had been gone for a while. As you walked you saw on of your friends Danielle in the spot where she had told you to meet her at. She was busy on her phone so you decided to sneak up on her and tap her on the shoulder.
"Oh geez- Y/n!!!! I've missed you! How have you been? What have you been up to? Where did you get that shirt? How do you feel? What did that doctor say?"
She was just as bubbly as ever.
"Woahh slow down once question at a time."
You said through small giggles as she pulled you into a hug which made you a bit dizzier since it was a quick movement. You hugged her back happily though.
"I've missed you too Danielle your texts always made me feel better. I've been doing okay, I haven't been up to much, I think I got this shirt thrifting, I feel the same but luckily the doctor said I don't have anything."
Danielle laughed at how you answered all her questions and she pulled you in once again for a tighter hug.
"I'm so glad you're okay! All of us were worried but it was nothing luckily!!!"
You gave her a smile which she happily returned back.
"Where's the rest of them? I thought they would be here already."
You asked
"I see hanni walking up to us right now and jay and Jake are on their way."
Right as she finished her sentence you turned and you saw Hanni. She quickly rushed over and hugged you tightly you of course hugged her back.
"Y/nnnnnnnnnn!!!! You're here finally!!! How are you feeling?" "I've missed you too Hanni, and I feel the same sadly but the doctor told me I'm good!" "That's great y/n!!!"
She finally lets you go. Her happy expression turns into annoyance when she realizes that jay and Jake aren't there.
" where are the guys? Class is about to start and they aren't gonna greet y/n? There gonna get jumped if they don't show up soon."
You and Danielle giggle at her joke but once it dies down jay and Jake show up.
"Finally" murmurs Hanni. Jake attacks you with a hug whilst practically yelling your name and even lifts you up causing you to get pretty dizzy and Hanni scolds him for doing so and as he calms down he dabs you as if he didn't just squeeze you so tight you probably would have turned purple if hanni didn't stop him. Jay dabs you up but then pulls you into a hug.
"How have you been y/n we've all missed you!." Jay says as he has you in a comfy hug and you answer as he lets you go.
"I'm doing good jay, y'know I have forgotten to ask you all how you guys are feeling?" You let out a giggle since they are all so worried about you but you forgot to be polite and ask them in return. "We've all been bored and we've looked forward to you coming back, Hanni has been leaving me for during lunch for some club leaving me alone with dumb and dumber." Danielle says that whole rolling her eyes teasingly towards Hanni. "Yeah yeah we're not that bad to sit with." Argued Jake. "We should probably head to class now the bells about to ring." Jay says to try to get his friends to be punctual for once.
Your first class of the day was Math, luckily you had Jay and Hanni in that class. When you and your friends walked in all together your teacher greeted your friends and when she had finally seen you she welcomed you back to class. Class was boring as ever not like you were paying attention since you had a major headache, and nausea.You had Jay and Hanni to get you through it. You dreaded your next class. It was Physical education. P.e. If you were a normal healthy person you wouldn't mind but you walking up the stairs made you want to take a long nap and never wake up. Once class was over you walked down the halls with Hanni. You thanked whoever put you in the same p.e class as Danielle. What made it even worse was that you had to go outside for p.e today. Once Hanni saw Danielle you guys waved and she walked you up to her and said her goodbyes. You greeted Danielle
"If you don't feel well enough just tell the teacher." Danielle said it with much concern.
"Nah I'll be okay I think."
You were infact not okay
As you and Danielle walked to where your teacher was Danielle had climbed up onto a cement bench something you guys always did so you did the same. She continued walking and she hoped off, but vision started getting blurry. It's fine you reassured yourself.
It was infact not fine
Especially when some dumb boy had thrown a football a little too hard. If this was any normal day you would have acted like it didn't really hurt. But it wasn't a normal day. You had a massive headache, and you were incredibly dizzy. After the ball had hit you your vision started getting dark and you fell to the ground In Front of your whole class you passed out. Last thing you heard was Danielle calling for help.
Dawg I did nawt mean for this to be so so very long.
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aita-blorbos · 11 months
Am I the (bigger) asshole for my personal acts of villainy?
Hi! This is a little bit unconventional of an ask. I hope that’s alright. But lately I’ve been debating something with some people and I’m curious.
I have this friend who used to be evil (me too, to be clear. I’ll get to that.) Working under an tyrannical queen who used to be his dear friend, he committed countless atrocities. He participated in the hostile takeover of a foreign country and helped subjugate its people. Not only that, but he kidnapped the leader of a different country and forcibly possessed him, making him attack an ally of his (who was also a toddler.)
Eventually, he turned things around. After his queen betrayed him, my friend sided with the leader of the foreign country and the toddler and helped kill her. Nowadays, he doesn’t cause any trouble. Although I’ve heard he had QUITE some fun with it when he was playing villain, to the point where he proudly declared everyone would ‘bow before him’ (Not even his queen. HIM)
I say this with all of the love in the world for my friend. I’m not trying to make you judge him. It’s just—
Well, let me get into it.
I have a sort of shady past too. I worked for a company ran by my father. We were separated when I was young and by the time I got back he didn’t remember me, brain-damaged by an evil artifact. I started working under him in hopes I could eventually make him remember who he truly was and save him.
That said, I won’t deny our company did some ‘problematic’ things. We invaded various planets and forcibly mechanized them, stealing their resources to expand our vast amount of wealth. We also mechanized people, one in particular who I took care of myself. I kidnapped a different friend of the aforementioned toddler (he sort of tends to somehow be involved in just about everything that happens around here), a knight, and turned him into a mindless fighting machine. I won’t deny that I, too, had fun with this. I believed in our company’s goals and it was fascinating finding ways to ‘upgrade’ people.
But eventually I was forced to make the same sort of decision as my friend. My father was killed by the evil artifact that brainwashed him in the first place (…That was partially my fault, but this isn’t about that.) As such, I realized I had no choice but to help defeat it. I gave the toddler the weaponry necessary to save the entire universe and ever since then we’ve been allies of sorts.
But I’ve noticed the way people treat me and my friend is… different. People are a lot more lenient with him than they are with me. People say that I’m cruel and a bad person for what I did, whereas what he did was okay because he was just sad and doing it for someone he loved. As if I wasn’t!?
We both invaded foreign places and attempted to conquer them for our own selfish gains. We both served a mad ruler who was once someone we loved. We both attempted to beat up a toddler (Don’t worry he’s fine. He’s invincible.) and took away someone’s autonomy temporarily, turning them into mindless battle machines. (Although they’re fine now, to be clear. The ruler is no longer possessed and the knight has been de-mechanized.) We also both had some fun with it and enjoyed our time as ‘baddies.’
But we both also helped save the day when it mattered and are on good terms with everyone now.
I’ve been told my crimes are more atrocious, but… are they? Or are people just biased? Sometimes I wonder if the knight being more popular and well-liked than the ruler plays into it. That, or some misinformation that’s gone around about me. Apparently, there was a smear campaign that implied I was still forcibly mechanizing planets a while back. This is not true.
I do, to a certain extent, still mechanize places and people, but now only with their permission and for their betterment! If a stranger wants cybernetic wings or giant fuckoff laser cannons then who am I to deny them that?
I don’t know. What do you guys think? Am I a bigger asshole than my friend, is he the bigger asshole than me, or are we equally assholes? I got his permission to send in this story because he agrees with me the reception really is peculiar, and he also wants to see what the consensus is.
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cheiyunn · 5 months
Kimisute main story [4部] Part 2
Side: Argonavis
[Apollo Records office]
Furusawa: –so, I want you guys to participate in Genesis Trax’s project
Yuuto: Got it
Furusawa: The promotional live for the project is currently in the works. I know you just had that live a while ago but, I have trust that you can pull this one off just as well
Furusawa: It’d be helpful if you planned your new song around this project as well, I’ll leave it to you
Wataru/Rio: Yes.
Furusawa: It’s a big project so the direction will be stirred from over here but…
Furusawa: Is there anything you’re particular about?
Ren: a……………
Furusawa: Hm? Ren, something wrong
Ren: n-no. Everything’s fine….
Furusawa: Okay. Well, if there is something, just tell me later on if you want
Furusawa: Then, we’ll end today’s meeting here. You’ll be busy in the near future but good luck
Banri: Thank you very much
Furusawa: Yuuto. Stay back for a bit. There’s something I need to talk about
Yuuto: huh? o…   understood
Wataru: Yuu. We’ll head back first then
Yuuto: yeah… see ya later
--[They leave]--
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Yuuto: Furusawa-san, what did you mean by.. Talk?
Furusawa: You know what I’m referring to right?
Furusawa: It’s about your father
Yuuto: …guessed so…
Furusawa: Well off course. After the news broke you’ve been all over the place, I can’t just let it be either
Yuuto: did I… is it really that easy to see? I thought I was operating as normal…. But…
Furusawa: No self-awareness huh… then its pretty bad. So, have you been in contact?
Yuuto: With my family? …not in the slightest…
Furusawa: You…. Okay, listen to me. [--------]
Banri: Will he be okay?
Ren: surely, it’s about his dad right…
Wataru: Since this is Furusawa-san we’re talking about, he’s probably talking to him so Yuu can get back to normal and calm down…
Rio: Well since Goryo isn’t the type to talk about his family on his own accord after all
Rio: We should also wait for him to feel comfortable enough to open up on his own as well
Wataru: Yeah, I’d say the same 
Ren: Yuuto also has alot weighing on his shoulders right now too. So…
Banri: We should think about what to do from now on then. To lessen that burden on him
Wataru: Yup. I also want to get the new song concept down soon. Kikyo, maybe later  we could have a meeting–
Ryuusuke: Woah, y’all were called by unc as well?
Rintaro: The only one not here is, your leader boy it seems
Wataru: Good work today. Yuu is currently talking to Furusawa-san at the moment
Ren: um. I’d like to apologize for not properly greeting you that time
Ryuusuke: Hm? ….oh~ that thing. We don’t really mind it so don’t worry so much
Ryuusuke: How-ever…
Ryuusuke: Nanahoshi. I need to tell you one thing.
Ren: Me..? What is it?
Ryuusuke: You… You’re not fulfilling your role as a vocalist one bit.
Ren: ….. —— Huh?
Furusawa: Oh, good work today to you two
Ryuusuke: We arrived on time as requested
Rintaro: We met those Argonavis kids just now 
Ryuusuke: The leader had this super muddled face when we passed by, something up?
Furusawa: Ah… well, just some stuff. More importantly, how are they in your opinions
Ryuusuke: Young
Furusawa: Well, if you’re looking at it that way then they’re always young. …plus, you know that's not what I meant
Ryuusuke: Being young isn’t a bad thing. The fresh vibe is a strong selling-point. The problem is… how long can they push through with just having ‘that’.
Furusawa: I see, as expected… I hope you’ll continue to look after them then
Ryuusuke: Yeah yeah, we don’t have a choice but to listen to your requests
Rintaro: So, what’s the main topic?
Furusawa: I’m sure you already know about it but… its about the project that Iryuu Koga is involved in
Furusawa: Hah! You don’t even need to ask, you have your answer
Ryuusuke: We’re joining it. Ain’t that right, Rin-chan
Rintaro: Of course. What Ryuusuke wants, is what I also want after all
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Ryuusuke: It’s a dream come true kind of opportunity. We’re making a new song for this, and use his arena to give him the good ol’ one two…!
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mountmortar · 7 months
do you happen to know any site building tutorials to follow and learn from? been having a hard time finding a place to start with my own neocity but the free reign and customization of them interests me a lot :0c
ABSOLUTELY! I do want to stress one thing if HTML/CSS is something you're not familiar with: It's okay if your website doesn't look like the most creative, eye-popping thing in the world! I've seen sooooooo many people get so discouraged because their beginner websites don't look like the flashier websites you see on Neocities' front page (by people who've been coding for a Long Time, mind you!) and like!!! That's fine!!! The code of my own site was quite possibly the worst thing you've ever seen thrown together into one big CSS soup before I Literally Just Rewrote It Today, After A Year Of Having A Neocities. And so, with that being said:
As anyone on the internet might do, w3schools is the absolute first place I'd recommend to beginners! There are videos, it's mostly a text-based learning site with lots of exercises to test your knowledge. If you'd prefer videos:
My personal favorite guy on Youtube to learn coding things from is Giraffe Academy: Here's his full course on HTML! The video itself is about two hours—I skimmed through it and everything seems to be perfectly oriented towards beginners (I haven't watched it in its entirety, but I have seen his videos on C# and Python [programming languages, don't worry about it] and they did a lot to help explain certain things to me that I didn't know previously!).
BroCode's HTML in 1 hour and CSS in 1 hour are pretty good! His videos do include a little bit on how to implement some JavaScript here and there, but nothing major or terrifying.
Here's a playlist of HTML/CSS tutorials in bite-sized videos, too! Think about 10-25 minutes per video.
I will say that searching for YouTube videos on HTML/CSS will always sort of gear more towards what people in the professional sphere are looking for rather than what you'd see on Neocities.
As for Neocities-specific things (which may be the actual point of your ask! Might've misinterpreted the hell out of it oops):
sadgrl.online is perhaps the most known website on Neocities, largely because the website itself not only has a layout maker you're free to use if you want to make a website now but the thought of writing HTML/CSS from scratch terrifies you, but also HTML/CSS guides themselves! There's also a bunch of links you can use to help fluff up your site a bit, generate HTML code for you, or just fluff up your site in general.
The Melonland Project is also dedicated to providing website development tools and tutorials for beginners: here is its guide to making a website on Neocities! It also provides a link to learnlayout.com, which I'll link here as well—a website for helping you learn CSS layouts!
And, once you've got the hang of how CSS works but are still feeling unable to code it yourself (no ideas? just not feeling up to it? FUCK MAN DO I UNDERSTAND THAT) Eggramen has free CSS pages you can use, and all you have to do is write the HTML for it!
But I would always focus more on learning HTML first before any CSS—and then learning how to integrate CSS into HTML via inline styling (which those video tutorials do!) before worrying about any external stylesheets or whatever. HTML is the actual building block—CSS just makes it look pretty.
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