#its not a fayz
turquo1s1 · 1 year
Gone OC's???
does anyone in the fandom have ocs?
here are mine so u can all see :3
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this is amelia!! she is best friends with jimmy (the protagonist of my little project) her and jimmy live in the school :3
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this is ana, shes a BITCH (we dont like ana)
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MY BOY JIMMY!!! our protagonist and the best boy, he also lives in the school and is best friends w amelia
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this is michael, he moves into the school later on, he plays guitar :3
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PYRO PYRO PYRO he is a coates kid and i love drawing him sm
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SELINAAAA she is baby, shes another coates kid and is friends with ana!!!!
i have mroe but i dont have art for all of them :3
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the-curious-cat24 · 6 months
Howdy boys!!! 😂😂😂
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inkskxtch · 1 year
Fan art I drew of drake merwin dying in a glue trap
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itsjustafayz · 9 months
Hi! Wanted to make a post advertising a podcast a friend and I made, all about the Gone Series! If you ever want something to listen to or just want to hear 2 guys talk about the Gone Series, give it a listen! We put out episodes weekly, with 13 so far, and are going through each book 3 chapters at a time!
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dianaladrislovebot · 10 months
[caine and sam texting]
caine: please bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste. NONE.
sam: i got spring water
caine: NO!
sam: with EXTRA minerals!
sam: it’s like licking a stalagmite!
sam: mmm cave water
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"A Pearl" by Mitski is soooo post-FAYZ Sastrid
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fusionfanatic · 2 months
Hot take (maybe?): Penny’s torture of cigar was a totally unnecessary inclusion and I think speaks to mg’s habit of emphasising shock value at the expense of good writing.
Most of the analyses and deep dives of Penny’s character that I’ve read discuss one or more of the following scenes: her upbringing pre-FAYZ, her cementing of Caine, her attempted coup of Perdido Beach, her interactions and relationships with other female characters in the series, namely her sisters and Diana, and her infatuation with Drake. People have made links to how Penny’s upbringing, which involves witnessing her sisters being sexually exploited and being emotionally neglected herself as a result of her sisters’ sexual exploitation, has informed her self-image and her understanding of love, sex, and affection throughout her time in the series. People have discussed how her cementing of Caine and her poisoning of her sister demonstrates her inclination to react with violence when she feels her attempts to receive the love and affection (i.e. sexual attraction) she so desperately craves are rejected, a manifestation of her low emotional intelligence and lack of healthy coping mechanisms stemming from the neglect and lack of emotional guidance she experiences pre-FAYZ. People have explored how her interactions and relationships with Diana highlight the toxicity of trying to live up to the unrealistic standards of beauty and desirability imposed upon women by patriarchy and how such standards unjustly pit women against each other in their attempt to meet them. And although her interactions with Drake in the series are limited, I have seen people mention that it illustrates how Penny, in her desperation, is willing to sacrifice her own self worth in the pursuit of receiving any type of attention, to the point where she latches on to the most toxic man in their entire series. What all the discussions of these scenes have in common is that the people who have discussed them have done so in a way that substantively contributes to our wider understanding of what it is that I believe Penny’s character is meant to represent.
Of course, Penny’s torture of cigar is one of, if not, the most popular scene I’ve seen mentioned in Penny analyses and deep dives. I’ve seen people say that Penny’s torture of cigar is among one of the most memorable scenes from the series period. But every time it’s mentioned in a deep dive or an analyses, it is usually some variation of this sentence “Penny is an [insert adjective/s] character, but I also hate that scene where she tortures cigar and, as such, I do not defend her actions.” That’s it. For a scene which is supposedly so memorable, to the point where it’s all people remember about Penny, its inclusion begins and ends with just one sentence. It is relegated to being the obligatory “understanding a character doesn’t mean defending them” disclaimer at the beginning of every analysis and deep dive that I’ve read, a disclaimer which is oftentimes shoehorned in to every discussion and discourse surrounding morally complicated and unpalatable characters because people in fandom spaces have little grasp of nuance (a problem which is of course not exclusive to the gone fandom and one which I actually think this fandom in particular navigates well).
I’ve seen people make the argument that Penny’s torture of cigar is meant to highlight the deterioration of her emotionally unintelligent mind up until this point in the series, and the depravity of her imagination (channeled through her powers) as a result. However, if that’s what it supposed to be representing, then I think a scene she has later on in the same book where she demonstrates a new vision to Dekka in order to stop Dekka from pursuing her does a better at highlighting this. Penny creates a horrific vision just for Dekka which she describes as being new, clearly illustrating the depravity of her imagination and the deterioration of her mind up until this point. And it also showcases one of the talking points from earlier, in that it shows Penny’s desperation to seek love and affection at the expense of her own self worth (going to the mineshaft to work with drake and the gaiaphage) and her inclination towards violence when she is denied love and affection (going to enact her revenge on the citizens of PB and Caine by aligning herself with drake and the Gaiaphage following the failure of her coup). On the other hand, if you were to actually analyse Penny’s torture of cigar using the same talking points brought up in discussions of the other aforementioned scenes, you’d realise just how inconsequential Penny’s torture of cigar actually is to understanding who she is as a character.
In fact, the reason I’m writing this at all is because the only contribution Penny’s torture of cigar made to Penny’s character is canonically giving her a foot fetish 💀 way to go mg, sexualising the 12 year old girl that you were using to explore how the sexualisation of young girls can warp their self-esteem and emotional intelligence.
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bracketsoffear · 5 months
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Plague (Michael Grant) "It's been eight months since all the adults disappeared. GONE.
They've survived hunger. They've survived lies. But the stakes keep rising, and the dystopian horror keeps building. Yet despite the simmering unrest left behind by so many battles, power struggles, and angry divides, there is a momentary calm in Perdido Beach.
But enemies in the FAYZ don't just fade away, and in the quiet, deadly things are stirring, mutating, and finding their way free. The Darkness has found its way into the mind of its Nemesis at last and is controlling it through a haze of delirium and confusion. A highly contagious, fatal illness spreads at an alarming rate. Sinister, predatory insects terrorize Perdido Beach. And Sam, Astrid, Diana, and Caine are plagued by a growing doubt that they'll escape - or even survive - life in the FAYZ. With so much turmoil surrounding them, what desperate choices will they make when it comes to saving themselves and those they love?"
The Plague (Albert Camus) "A haunting tale of human resilience and hope in the face of unrelieved horror, Albert Camus' iconic novel about an epidemic ravaging the people of a North African coastal town is a classic of twentieth-century literature.
The townspeople of Oran are in the grip of a deadly plague, which condemns its victims to a swift and horrifying death. Fear, isolation and claustrophobia follow as they are forced into quarantine. Each person responds in their own way to the lethal disease: some resign themselves to fate, some seek blame, and a few, like Dr. Rieux, resist the terror."
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ginaluvr · 5 months
thoughts after rereading lies
this is the weakest book in the series imo simply because the antagonist situation wasn’t set up well. the orsay/nerezza/mary problem was not developed enough for it to be the big endgame moment - while the human crew conflict was actually more engaging
astrid was set up badly in this book. i don’t love how she handled everything , but her catching so much blame while sam walks away unscathed reflects such careless writing. i still empathise with her now. i still like her
the timeline is so confusing! how did we get to 7 months into the FAYZ???
it’s heartwarming and so sad at the same time reading the part about dekka, edilio, howard, orc & jack being the only ones to contain the fire. they worked so hard, they deserve the world
leading on from that, howard’s breakdown and edilio supporting him is probably my favorite scene in this book. trauma changes and bonds people. and howard has never been as above it as people think
i love that astrid thinks dekka would be sam’s ideal type if she wasn’t a lesbian
brianna’s age/the age gap between her and dekka is so lost on me. MG was not great with continuity so i assume that when he made brianna 11 years old in book 1, he hadn’t developed either of their characters enough yet to decide that dekka was in love with her. but from then onwards we can only assume they have a roughly 2 year age gap? that brianna is 12 through the rest of the series and dekka is 14? which isn’t so bad, but regardless, it’s all a bit confusing. brianna is made out to be a lot more confident and smart than a freshly 12 year old, it gives me retconned energy. like maybe MG just decided she was a year older after book 1. idk
dekka ending the human crew and saving the kids all while bleeding because she was shot is crazy, she is so wonderful and such a hero. i love that in this book she really starts to be recognised that way
drake/brittney always just bothers me i’ve never liked this plot line
sanjit and his little family just feel to me personally like a nice breather from all the gloom
the minimal amount of caine being awful and evil to diana in this book only being because they are this close to starving to death…. deep sigh
i like that for the first time, diana is recognised for her goodness on the island. everyone in town thinks she is evil and no deeper than that (for fair reasons i guess) but sanjit sees the goodness in her. and she officially decides she cannot go along with caine’s evil anymore. that’s all she really does in this book but it’s important in its own way i guess
mary’s ending is so tragic and there’s not much more to say about that
i love hunter he is so sweet
dekka may be technically guilty of first degree murder after this book but i forgive her for being a lesbian and being cool
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gone-series-orchid · 6 months
which book do you think is the worst/could have been written better? I re-read Lies a little while ago and. Wow. Definitely could have used some work.
that's a good question! honestly, it's been so long since i last reread the books (blasphemy, i know) that i have trouble really remembering any big structural or story-related problems that occurred in any of them. they're all kind of shaggy except for the first book, which i think was the most focused and straightforward of the series.
if i had to pick one, i guess i'd pick fear? not because of anything in particular, but for its lack of memorability. i hardly remember anything of note that happened in fear despite it being the penultimate book of the series, the big build-up to light's endgame, but i hardly remember it aside from a few choice scenes/characters. i think the subplot with cigar happens in fear? and howard dies? i like cigar. and howard's death should have even a bigger deal! orc's whole thing with going to kill drake as revenge for his best friend's murder is so compelling, a great subplot, but i remember it kind of fizzling out. in fact, maybe my perception of fear's as being forgettable is directly due to astrid and orc receding in prominence during it. orc's arc is more or less finished, so that makes sense, but astrid's return to society after living out in the wild felt anticlimactic and manufactured. michael grant had to get back to the status quo, i guess, and have astrid be sam's helpmate and soundboard. which is fine, i guess, but astrid deserved better than being shuttled back into being basically sam's girlfriend (now with less jesus!) just felt like a disappointment. it doesn't help that i'm completely uninterested in sam and astrid as a couple. idk, maybe that has something to do with it? i'm hopelessly biased in this case, lol. so i don't think fear is necessarily a bad book, but it's just kinda meh. too little orc, too little astrid.
that's interesting that you thought lies was the worst! i think a lot of fans see it the same way. i remember, years ago now, rereading lies as an older teenager/young adult (god i don't even remember lol) after first reading it at the age of 13. i disliked it when i was younger, finding it boring, but as an older reader, i found it a lot more interesting. i think the ideas present in lies are really cool; zeroing in on the interpersonal conflicts and political strife of the fayz rather than focusing so heavily on the gaiaphage felt really refreshing. the human crew are cool villains--they're lame, they're bigoted, but they're pathetic in a very human way. i get the sense that mg doesn't particularly like zil, whereas he clearly loves caine and drake (based on their treatment in the books' narratives). that's a good thing! i just wish the human crew's bigotry had soaked into the fayz' social fabric a little more.
maybe i'm conflating the events of hunger and plague with lies, though. i probably am, oops. but i remember enjoying lies because it gives astrid her time to shine--and i love that, honestly i do. that might be my big achilles' heel in this case, lol.
feel free to critique lies more in my inbox, though! i love reading other people's criticisms, especially about gone's female characters and especially astrid. she was done so dirty in the last few books 😭
thank you for the ask! feel free to send more, if you'd like!
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jinxiguess · 1 year
how would you describe the aesthetic of gone’s characters? the clothes/accessories they wear, the vibe they give off, etc? :)
I always pictured both sam and quinn to dress like stereotypical surfer boys, although quinn would definitely dress in brighter clothes that stand out more (also i can never picture him without his fedora idk why)
I think its canon that pre-fayz astrid wore white blouses a lot, which is what i always picture her wearing. I also think she would have a cross necklace (is this canon? maybe i cant remember) and I think she would like to wear hairbands sometimes
I always picture diana wearing darker sort of grunge-ish clothes but i KNOW realistically she wouldnt. I think she would dress in quite bold colours (dark red, black etc) and she would probably wear quite a lot of jewellery - especially necklaces or rings
Caine is literally just peak rich private school boy😭 I think he would dress so pretentiously even outside of coates (maybe like the sort of old money prep type aesthetic?)
Lana def dyed streaks of her hair before the fayz i will die on this hill. I usually picture her dressing in that sort of alternative style that rebellious kids her age wear (that makes me sound SO old help) with a few piercings and bold, dark colours
Brianna dresses like a skater girl i have no explanation for this one she just does
I dont have any clear images for anyone else they all change everytime i think abt them😭
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turquo1s1 · 2 years
Ok so ive been posting ab my future webseries on nearly every platform except tumblr and i love tumblr so im gonna post on here some more!!!
So my webseries is based on the webseries Gone by Michael Grant.
Its called:
It follows the original plot! However, the new characters have their own interpersonal drama which goes on behind the scenes. I plan it to be much more slice of life than the original books. (it will also animate some of the og story to keep the plot making sense)
Below are some pictures of the main characters!!
Jimmy is 13 and listens to Lemon Demon and Tally Hall. He is the main main character and who we follow for alot of the show.
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Yes. He shopped at hot topic pre FAYZ
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A delightful little spinny spin.
Amelia is 14 and loves anime and art. She has her own magical girl OC (that totally isnt a self insert of her). Shes amazing and i love her, just a happy amazing person that i REALLY need to draw more
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She also shopped at hot topic but less so
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MICHAEEEL. Michael is 14 and he's very paranoid and rude when you first meet him but maybe he'll warm up eventually.
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An old sketch but it kinda shows what im going for
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final design currently. i rlly gotta draw him more too
currently planning the plot a little better but thats all for now
im so excited to do this project more its definitely a passion project for me and its based around my special interest so dsjfikosf
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the-curious-cat24 · 1 year
I like this event 🥳🎉
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inkskxtch · 2 years
as a charles merriman enjoyer and apologist im tired of pretending creep by radiohead isnt HIS song . especially with his feelings for astrid in mind
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itsjustafayz · 1 year
Episode 2 of My GoneTV Scripts
Let me know what you think! Hope you enjoy :)
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dianaladrislovebot · 6 days
hey yall i was talking to a friend about certain ship dynamics in the series and after the video i posted a few days ago and some of the responses ive got (not particularly bad responses, just interesting thought provoking ones), i wanted to talk about it here too.
there’s a reason there’s a lot of ships i like and don’t like, and i’ve had it pointed out to me that it’s actually bc there’s a power imbalance. see, for example, drake and caine work as a relationship bc they’re both as fucked up and awful as each other and it balances out, but putting drake w people like diana or astrid or sam, people he’s personally victimised and tormented who’ve struggled to fight back, it adds a power imbalance that leaves the relationship being nothing but toxic and abusive unless you take creative fanon liberty and physically change the characters entirely.
it’s also why i don’t particularly like quinn and lana. at the point in the series when they’re together, lana seems to be at her lowest mentally and i wouldn’t say it’s unlikely that she took that out on him. i mean, she pulled a gun on the guy. lana’s the kind of person who’s fierce and opinionated. she’s someone who won’t take people’s shit. quinn’s the kind of guy who does. he’s someone who won’t stand up for himself and call her out on her behaviour, preferring to stay quiet in order to keep the peace. this is where it becomes toxic. it’s exactly why lana and sanjit DO work, bc sanjit refuses to allow her to pull something like that on him, while also forcing her to confront her demons in a healthy way and helps her heal from them, which is something quinn would never have been able to do. he’s simply not strong enough. lana’s too strong for him. too overpowering. it’s a game of the mouse and the lion.
alternatively, this is why i enjoy the (partly hypothetical) dynamic between quinn and caine and it’s why it’s one of my favourite ships in the series. at the point of their forced proximity, caine is at a much lower state than he was when he and quinn first met, having lost a lot by then and almost walking on eggshells. early fayz caine was far too cocky and arrogant but i think by fear he’s toned it down quite a lot. he’s still a prick, but he’s slightly less of a prick. he’s a prick who understands loss. in the first book, he hadn’t experienced that yet, and it’s what ultimately led to his downfall. he was too confident. meanwhile, early fayz quinn as previously mentioned was cowardly and wouldn’t stand up for himself, whereas late fayz quinn does exactly that w the penny plot. caine previously had something he could and did hold over quinn, but by the end it’s turned entirely on its head and it’s quinn who can hold something over caine. this doesn’t leave them overly unbalanced however, bc it simply knocks caine down to his level. it wouldn’t have worked in the first book bc they were both wildly different people in wildly different positions, but by the end of the series they’ve grown significantly, as well as their importance to the town, but can also still learn things from each other, like caine chilling the fuck out and perhaps not being a shit person, while quinn learns how to stand his ground and be stronger. it’s balanced. i think that’s the foundation any relationship needs, and in the series there’s a lot of ships that simply don’t have that.
a ship can have an interesting dynamic and still not realistically work. if there’s no balance, everything falls apart.
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