#its not a fashion statement it’s a death wish
sc4rl3ttexx · 27 days
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This hole that you put me in wasn’t deep enough.
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iam-cland3stine · 2 months
shaved an under cut last nite 😸
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greenfurblueskin · 2 years
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ghoulishsmilesxox · 2 years
Last year while studying Wuthering Heights for school and simultaneously falling into an MCR obsession I made this list. Enjoy.
Heathcliff’s life as told through MCR songs (sequentially following Lockwood and Nelly’s narration from the beginning of the book to Heathcliff’s death):
The Ghost of You 
I never told you what I do for a living 
The only hope for me is you 
It’s not a fashion statement, it’s a fucking death-wish 
Give Em Hell kid 
The Jetset life is going to kill you  
Thank you for the venom 
Vampires will never hurt you 
Vampire money
Hang ‘em high 
Demolition lovers
I don’t love you 
Kill all your friends 
The sharpest lives 
Cemetery drive 
This is how I disappear 
I’m not okay (I promise) 
To the end 
The end 
Famous last words 
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ezratheunready · 2 years
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dr0wn-s0da · 2 years
me when my chemical romance is playing a live show and plays one of their songs:: MAN THATS FUCKING CRAZY THATS THE BEST THING IVE EVER SEEN
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nexility-sims · 1 year
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have been feeling listless and unmoored re: sims stuff lately, but i got a healthy dose of inspiration from @warwickroyals & @prydainroyals this past week, so i did a little succession / magazine-ish thing :^) obviously beatriz's 2023 death would be commemorated in uspanian vogue !!!!! obviously !!!!
transcribed text below:
Fashion is a Royal (and Family) Affair
That Crown Princess Barbie is a student of Uspanian style isn’t a surprise. For this issue, she recounts the historical episode at the heart of our memorial for the late Queen Beatriz. Pictured above in private photos are: Mother Desideria in 1860; Mother Zuriñe in 1885; Mother Rowena and then-Crown Prince Alfonso in 1926.
THE “BIRDIE” ISSUE OF VOGUE USPANA debuted in 1973. At the time, the magazine was in its infancy. An issue shaped by the queen—and it was, from cover to cover, driven by her desires and presence—ensured longevity. It proved to be a bestseller. Clothes, too, flew off the racks as Uspana’s designers received a boost among popular consumers. A textiles renaissance commenced among women of a certain class who had been looking elsewhere for quality fabric. Then and now, this was the mission of the magazine: loyalty to Uspanian fashion. The Birdie issue was a testament to this, from the sensibilities it imparted to the sourcing of its materials. The queen’s favorite designers, stylists, and photographers filled the issue; it made them iconic, and they would continue to set national trends for decades to come. More importantly, the Birdie issue fit into a larger project underway during Beatriz’s reign. Foreign fashion’s creep into the Uspanian mainstream had started two centuries before Beatriz obtained the Crown, but it reached its cultural apex under the sway of her mother. Uspana’s people had long reviled Queen Rowena’s taste in one breath and wished to emulate it in the second. The two women were not seemingly opposed in a diametric sense. They overlapped under the label of “extravagant,” namely, but Beatriz was forgiven her excess. The Birdie issue, in retrospect, shows why. In an initial meeting with the queen, she told then-editor Lluc Soler that she cared deeply about a “revival” of traditional fashion in the country. Soler replied that traditional fashion was alive and well—“in the mountains, with the grandmothers.” Some in the annals have suggested that this retort led to control of the issue being ceded informally to a team with whom the queen preferred to work. (By 1975, Papan Ibarra had risen from those ranks to become the magazine’s new editor-in-chief, a position she occupied until 1991.) Nonetheless, a certain truth in Soler’s statement formed the foundation of the issue. It did draw heavy inspiration from those grandmothers in the mountains. This included people such as the queen’s own grandmother, Mother Zuriñe, who readily embraced the aesthetics of Yaas and was a master weaver in her own right. The cover reflected the elevated homage orchestrated within. On it, Birdie herself posed in a wool rebozo hand-dyed with cochineal. This garment was a perfect duplicate of the so-called suncloths the queen’s great-grandmother, Mother Desideria, wore on a regular basis in the late nineteenth century. Fittingly, it was also topped with a replica inspired by the time. One of the many jewelry pieces destroyed during the 1880s had been the Shield Flower tiara with its red fire opal set in gold and symbolic allusions to the sacrifice and self-immolation of Uspana’s founding mothers. Queen Beatriz wore tiaras on many occasions, but it was widely known that she preferred to wear the true Uspanian symbol of elite regalia: the jade necklace. For that reason, jade
BIRDIE, 1973 Shield Flower tiara by Xiuhcozcatl for the House of Tecuani. Rebozo by Quilatzli Castañeda. Necklace creator unknown. Fashion editor: Papan Ibarra.
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chewbokachoi · 8 months
It's Not a Fashion Statement It's a (Fucking) Death Wish
Shang Tsung felt a cold rage take its hold. He forced himself to remember the last moment he had, the last image he had of Bi-Han—eyes distant and unblinking, skin paler as snow and blood pooling out and across the floor.
And so Shang Tsung was out for revenge. Revenge not for himself but for another—not that anyone would believe him when he said it wasn’t for himself. Because why would they? Except Shang Tsung knew deep down this was not a normal desire for blood and violence. He was never going to rest until each and every single one of those who were responsible for Bi-Han’s death were on the floor dead.
He wiped his mouth, having bit his lip too hard trying to keep himself from losing control and giving into this foreign rage that was swirling about him.
"A specter you will never be rid of,” he muttered, marching forward toward his first taste of revenge. He could be dramatic and say he died that day with Bi-Han, and he could happily say that he was back from the dead and would never rest until he had taken every last wretched soul with him.
Written to "It's Not a Fashion Statement It's a (Fucking) Death Wish" by MCR
Inspired by @hualianbot's ColdSoul redo of MCR's 'Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge' album cover because it did things to my brain
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sam-keeper · 8 months
Once, youtuber hbomberguy asked a bunch of funny rhetorical questions about the Doctor Who episode Twice Upon A Time. Years later, I watched the episode, rewatched his video, got real mad at how lousy his questions actually were, answered every single one of them, and took time out for a few more questions like "Is Steven Moffat actually a fantastic lesbian feminist ally?" and "what's the deal with the Egyptian statue in LOST?"
Available now on Patreon
Look, this won't even be the last time we get the first question rephrased, so let me just answer the underlying question of "why is there conflict between the Doctor and Testimony when neither wishes to harm the other" here, with the answer in the show, which is dramatically foreshadowed in a short scene, then paid off with the twist reveal. Twice Upon a Time is about the 12th Doctor, the 1st Doctor, and Some Guy (a WW1 soldier) getting arbitrarily thrown together and seemingly menaced by a weird glassy alien technology called Testimony. Testimony has plucked the soldier from the timestream to record his memories directly before the moment of his death, as it claims to do with ALL the dead, throughout history. An accident prevented him from being returned to the moment of his death, and now Testimony hopes to fix that error (necessitating his death). To make matters more distressing for the Doctor, Testimony has seemingly resurrected Bill, who died in shocking fashion in the finale (don't worry, she got better through the power of gay love, but the Doctor doesn't know that). He announces his intention to escape with the possibly ersatz Bill and the soldier, and boasts that if he doesn't like what Testimony is doing he will come back and put a stop to it. The 1st Doctor peevishly asks just who the hell his later iteration thinks he is, to make such grandiose statements. Testimony shows them, in the form of a surround sound clip show. He is the Doctor of War, responsible for innumerable final moments stored within the vast database of the universe's dead. This is, simply, why Testimony treats the Doctor distrustfully and with some hostility, and then embodies itself in Bill in order to follow the Doctor and learn more about him. Testimony's whole perspective on the Doctor is defined by the Doctor at his most violent. It most certainly DOES NOT "know he's a peaceful guy". Probably a lot of its record of him is as the last thing soldiers from both side of the Time War saw before he obliterated them. It also doesn't… really threaten him particularly much? Ultimately it wishes to understand the Doctor better, and so spins up an instance of Bill to study him and see what he does next. The Doctor meanwhile didn't give it much of a chance to explain itself, which is another solid, shorter answer: the Doctor was too busy jumping to conclusions to give it a chance to explain itself. A third, also useful answer, is: because there needs to be a plot for the episode to take place.
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angstics · 2 months
Is my chemical romance its not a fashion statement its a fucking death wish the greatest song ever
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ne0n-and-garbage · 4 months
the outfit I wore to the dinner tonight was so its not a fashion statement it’s a death wish/thank you for the venom/ give ‘em hell kid coded.
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thedupshadove · 1 year
Thought that came to me out of a clear blue sky…Little Shop of Horrors roleswap au. 
Same setup at the beginning, but it’s Audrey who impulse-buys the Strange and Interesting Plant (which she probably names Seymour the Second), cares for it, and discovers its…unusual dietary needs (maybe instead of bandaids, she covers the wounds on her hands by wearing gloves more often, apparently as a fashion statement. Or maybe she chalks it up to Orin.) Success comes to the shop, with Audrey being the one to get radio interviews and sudden acclaim (boosting her confidence somewhat, but only convincing Seymour even more firmly that he could never ask her out. She was always too beautiful for him, and now with this influx of cash she’s going to end up a lady, so how could somebody like him have any chance? If only he knew…)
Once the plant begins to talk, it convinces her to kill Mushnik first, by highlighting how mean he is to Seymour after that boy’s done nothing but slave for him all his life in exchange for scraps of scraps. She tells herself that she’s going to confront him first, and only if she can’t make him see reason will she use the derringer in her purse, but inevitably… 
I want to preserve the “I can off this guy by staying in the chair” moment, but obviously Mushnik doesn’t use nitrous oxide recreationally…right now I’ve got it down to a choice between a sudden heart attack where Audrey just…doesn’t call an ambulance, or else he’s eating during their conversation (to show how little mind he pays to requests to treat Seymour better), and she conspicuously fails to Heimlich him when he chokes. 
In the aftermath of Mushnik’s death (which of his two assistants did he leave the shop to? I’m not sure yet), Audrey does her best to help Seymour through his tangled emotions, assuaging his guilt at not being as sad as he should be by pointing out that Mushnik was never as nice to him as he should have been, after all. This culminates in an impulsive kiss that breaks the tension between them into an open declaration of love…which Orin just happens to overhear. 
He corners her later that evening, more angry than she’s ever seen him (and we all know that’s saying something), but unfortunately for him he made the mistake of staging his jealous little rage in the flower shop, so when she bats her eyes and calls him “Doctor” and explains that the plant has some spines on the front, so if they make love with her back against it surely that will show him just how sorry she is…well, Suppertime indeed. 
From there things can run pretty much the same as the original, to whichever version of the ending you prefer. Now, let’s talk songs! 
Most of them can be kept pretty much the same, with at most some shuffling around parts and re-writing lyrics. “Suddenly Seymour” can even keep its title phrase, with the lyrics being shifted to be about Audrey convincing Seymour that he’s someone worth paying attention to. The only real sticking point is “Somewhere That’s Green”. Since Audrey, as our new main character, will be getting the likes of “Grow for Me” and “The Meek Shall Inherit”, it seems only fair that Seymour, having been moved to the position of Love Interest, should get the Love Interest Song. But it can’t be as simple as moving some pronouns around–a guy wishing for the woman he’s interested in to be a parody of a 50s housewife has a different vibe from a woman wishing to be one herself. It’s a little too unsympathetic, especially now that Seymour isn’t even the murderer. But then what do we do with it? With Audrey being the one leading the way to financial success, is the song now about Seymour’s secret, socially-deviant desire to become a malewife?
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m0thxy · 11 months
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calla-celtigar · 3 months
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noble duties
a dialogue within @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood, closed starter with @cerellelannister2
The Red Keep was a labyrinth of chaos in the aftermath of King Viserys’ funeral feast. The night had passed in a blur for Calla, a rush of emotions from panic to paranoia and eventually a cold rage that settled low in her heart. Sleep had come fitfully in the time afterward, and when it did come, it was short. As Queen Rhaenyra had retreated from the court for the strength of her health, Calla had come to take on more responsibilities needed by the machinations of the royal court and the normal functions of the Queen’s family. Rhaenyra needed to be with her blood in a time like this. And Calla wanted nothing else than to serve her Queen with her duties.
Prunella had brought her a cup of strong black tea garnished with a small lemon slice a few minutes earlier, the scent wafting to Calla’s nose as she wrote a strongly worded letter. She had finished with one meeting thirty minutes earlier, taking a short break to organize letters that had been left behind the scope of recent events. Calla finished the letter with a harsh stroke and placed the quill back in its ordained place. With a slow movement, she brought the cup to her lips, sipping as she turned her mind to the next part of her day.
Lady Cerelle Lannister had requested a meeting before the death of Viserys, citing a wish for new familiarity regarding her recent role at court. Cerelle Lannister now served Princess Rhaena, a position now more important than ever. Princess Rhaena deserved ladies-in-waiting who served her and fought for her desires. Princess Rhaena had a sense of elegant cunning that Calla respected, finding the similarities between her and her father and stepmother. Calla had scheduled the meeting for the current day, but given recent events, the tone of the meeting would change. With that thought, Calla relaxed the tension lines in her face, tucking loose strands of silver-blonde hair back into the braids that Umma had lovingly made many hours previously. With a quick glance at her reflection, Calla restored her impeccable look, creating the mask of professional elegance that the court knew her by. It was best that they saw that version of her in a time like this.
Calla had heard whispers about Lady Cerelle, a mixture of speculation and compliments. She had seen the young woman in brief public moments, admiring her blue silks and sense of fashion. "Lady Moonstone", Calla had heard Cerelle's title sung like a ballad. It had intrigued Calla’s mind, wondering if the blue fabrics were a statement of her position with her family. She had come to King’s Landing quickly to serve Princess Rhaena, and the words coming to Calla were that the Lannister heir had created a rift with her father that could not be healed. Calla knew what it was like to be the heir. She had been heir apparent to Lord Bartimos and Ser Clement for eight years. Even though she had been a child, the words of responsibility swirled around her and had never left. Lady Cerelle had come to court when she would have to adapt to succeed.
Eventually, Prunella stepped into the personal study of Calla’s chambers, coming to take the still-hot tea.
“My lady, Lady Cerelle is here. She awaits you in the next room.” Calla nodded to her, sweeping from her chair and into the next room with a light expression on her face. Prunella trailed after Calla with her head bowed, setting a platter with a pot of tea for the two of them. She disappeared from the room as Calla strode forward and took a spot in her favorite chair.
“Lady Cerelle, please, sit.” Calla politely waved for Lady Cerelle to take the opposite seat and offered a small smile to the young woman, casting an admiring eye for the rich silks and embroidery there. Lannister gold paid for finery that even Calla envied.
“It is a pleasure to meet you one-on-one. Please enjoy the tea if you wish.” Calla lifted her cup to her lips and took another sip, letting the warm liquid settle in her chest before she spoke.
“Please forgive me for my directness, Lady Cerelle. It is a trying time in Queen Rhaenyra’s household. But what may I assist you with?” Calla turned her dark violet eyes to the Lannister heir, holding a polite but inquisitive look for the young woman sitting before her.
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ratwars · 2 years
***Minors DNI with this post***
Otome best worst boys poll results!
Meet the losers!
Whether it's because they are from less popular, less available, or unlocalized titles, or they just simply weren't best boy material (even for a worst boy) in comparison; these 4 LIs just didn't make the cut.
Here is a not so fun little introduction to these four trashbags and their series, as well as a list of some of their crimes!
Potential spoilers for Princess Closet, Black Wolves Saga, Moshi Kono Sekai ni Kamisama ga Iru to suru Naraba, and Dead Wishes under the cut.
TW/CW Warning:
***I've tagged the post as best as I could, but just in case. The following descriptions include mentions of potentially disturbing and triggering content, including physical abuse, psychological abuse, coercive control, SA, confinement, CSA, death, and dismemberment.
Please take care of yourselves and move along if necessary for your own health 🙏 It shouldn't need to be said but obligatory "I don't condone the actions of these characters, this is fiction and should stay as such" statement as well.***
First up, our biggest loser, garnering approximately 0 votes, Akito from Princess Closet! (Now defunct as a mobile app, but available on Nintendo switch through the Eshop)
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Princess Closet involves the MC being discovered by a fashion designer randomly and being chosen to become a model. This leads her to having to work with a few new men in this endeavor.
Enter Akito, a professional photographer who is here to help the MC do her best!
.....Except not so much. While normal and nice around others, Akito verbally degrades the MC when alone. He strangles her on their first outing together, and isolates her from everyone else when she moves in with him. He controls her food and diet, and eventually buys a human sized bird cage to confine her in.
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A full on abusive and highly volatile yandere, he definitely is the most trash LI in a game that is otherwise rather light.
Second up! Masato from the JP only game for PS Vita Moshi Kono Sekai ni Kamisama ga Iru to suru Naraba (MoshiKami).
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The MC and her childhood friends are pulled into a new universe after writing letters to God and throwing them into the ocean, a lot of complicated things happen from there. If you are looking for a detailed description and review of the game and its route, breadmasterlee dot com has an excellent very detailed one!
Masato is the MCs stepbrother, and during their childhood the MC suffers CSA at the hands of her step-dad, which Masato knows about but sadly for the MC keeps secret. Masato becomes obsessive over the MC during this time. Eventually, him the MC, and one of his friends go to the beach. The friend assaults the MC, and when Masato discovers them he kills his friend then SAs the MC next to the corpse.
While the MC eventually blocks this event out, Masato continues to obsess over her.
His actions eventually pile up to include pulling her hair out of the shower to lick it, collecting her finger nail clippings, jacking it to her while she sleeps in the next room, killing her friends and family, and SAing her next to their dead bodies.
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He got more votes than Akito....peace and love to whoever voted for this horror show, I hope you stay safe and take care of yourself 🙏
Next up, Mejojo Von Garbaldi! This cat is from Black Wolves Saga, available on PS vita and PC. While the game is unlocalized, an English fan patch exists for PC (which I can't provide instructions on because I never could get it to function, all apologies, Google and reddit are your friends!)
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In Black Wolves Saga: Bloody Nightmare our MC is living in a tower due to her illness and weak constitution, until she is accused of being a witch and taken by Mejojo and his brother Auger to their castle.
Mejojo is obsessed with the MC, but seemingly as a stand in for his dead fiance that ran off with another person and was subsequently killed. Mejojo has done a lot of terrible things and is very warped from his past, if you are looking for a well done and detailed description of his route, there is an excellent one by Cherry on visualnovelreviews dot com!
In our MCs journey with Mejojo, he physically tortures and psychologically abuses her. He also is responsible for perpetuating the genocide against the wolves in this universe, and is behind the events that caused the MC to be taken from her home.
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Overall, incredibly toxic! If this pretty and cruel cat boy was your choice, I wish you health and safety! 💜
Last but certainly not least....Mateo! Who is from the OEVLN Dead Wishes (available on steam and itch.io).
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Dead Wishes is a horror themed romance with men and women as LI options and multiple story paths. The game opens with your MC being dead broke and about to be evicted, from there they meet various people that determine the next events of their life. For better, or worse...
Mateo is a member of the mafia is head of a gang of homeless youth. Unfortunately for our MC and well, everyone, he is extremely volatile, manipulative, and incredibly sadistic. He "helps" the MC but proceeds to commit all manners physical and mental abuse on them. At one point he jokes about SAing the children in his gang in order to force the MC to comply with his demands. Oh and he eventually amputates the MCs leg and leaves them in a dumpster until they lose their mind...
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His route feels like a giant "how much more screwed up can we make this?" Writing exercise tbh. He is truly a terrifying sadistic yandere! But to someone, he was best, as he got multiple votes. I hope you are doing well and staying hydrated Mateo stans 🙏.
If you've made it this far, thanks for reading my little summaries of the last place LIs in my otome best boys only options are worst boys poll! And if you voted in the poll, thanks for participating!
I was team Yang but he didn't win 😔.
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hausofredhq · 8 months
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For once, the circulation of information brings credits of truth with it: the man who pushed boundaries, created abstract silhouettes from traditional fabrics, and had no fear about deciding what beauty meant — has passed away on January 5th, 2024. It is with great sorrow that we announce this news to his beloved Haus of Red, its sister-writer in Superbia, and all those who live on the streets graced by the great shadow of Mr. Augustin. Or so — that's what the obituary says. Now, there is one less man to ask for clarification on rumours. Now, there is one less obstacle in the way of those who wish to claim the Haus for their own. Now, there is another rung empty on the great ladder for somebody else to climb. And if you thought his funeral wasn't going to be memorable? Think again, darlings. Just as his life had an impact across the world, so will his memorial. Superbia Magazine's Editor-in-Chief, Daria Ahn, has made the following statement: "Today, a light in our world has forever gone out. Frederick Augustin was equal parts mentor as he was creator. He leaves behind a mark that many will not soon forget. We, even at Superbia, will greatly feel his absence." ( but is it really that simple? ) And what do you have to say? Inquiring minds want to know.
Welcome to our first plot drop! We are kicking things off with the death of the fashion mogul, Frederick Augustin. Your threads can be both general ones and/or concern his (un?)timely passing, be around/near his memorial service, etc. If you are involved in the subplot, the death of frederick augustin, consider this your time to start seeing if there really is a mystery behind the unannounced cause.
Now, Frederick was notorious in life. He's going to have a notorious funeral. The following muses will be doing something that will risk their notoriety to rise — or fall. We do hope it's worth it.
Vance Aldridge: drowned his sorrows with a model in a bathroom stall
Alexandra Jeolla: spoke up too soon, too loud, too much
Ezequiel Matias Gúzman: has one of the worst takes ever
Evrim Cemil: couldn't keep her sticky hands to herself
Voss Vanburen: who knows what terrible things he's overheard
Virge Oshita: walked in wearing — well, that. (a horror from the haus's vault)
Miles Morgan: shed a single, golden tear before fleeing mid-prayer
Gabriela Muñoz-Ramírez: arrived late and tripped? what a sham
Ford Gatete & Sheila Donovan: who knows what they said in their grief
We will be coin-flipping to see how these acts affect their notoriety on January 31st. Then, in February, they will be moving on with a new reputation behind them — for better or for worse in this unsteady climate. This is the first time we will be trying out the notoriety system so please be patient with us as we see how it plays out!
If you have any questions, would like your muse to be involved in another way, and so forth, you can ask us admins in the Discord. Otherwise, have a terribly beautiful time, darling. You'll need the good memories to last you.
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