#its living in my head RENT FREE
cheeriecherrymain · 1 year
viktor brainrot time!
-nobleman viktor who was adopted by a rich couple as a boy, carrying the title but not the bloodline. Thinking he could get away with not meeting traditional expectations, and instead spend his life tinkering and building and inventing
-Viktor, striking up a business partnership with a friend, believing his life to be settled and his fate comfortably sealed.
-Until the untimely demise of his adoptive parents, who, despite their handful of biological children that he calls siblings, have named him the sole heir to their land and fortune.
-Siblings who try to fight him about it in every manner possible in order to take their piece of what they’re owed. Dragging him through every legal system and office they can - everything short of straight up killing him and being done with it.
-Until they finally manage to hit him with an ultimatum: continue his family’s name, as his parents would have expected their heir to do, or forfeit his title and claim of the fortune.
-Viktor, who knows he’ll lose everything he’s worked for if he doesn’t meet those guidelines. So he consults his partner, asks for some names, does a little bit of research.
-Finds a family who could benefit from sharing his title. It’s a business deal, really, to marry one of their daughters. It would be a professional relationship - get married, give his wife whatever she might want, leave her to her own devices, and continue his plan of working to make the world a better place.
-No expectations, no children - he could claim infertility well enough. His wife would have freedom to do as she pleased: hobbies, interests, even take her own lovers, if she so desired. 
-And blah blah some stuff happens, Viktor is a hermit who holes himself up in his lab while you, his new wife, try desperately to befriend him and learn about him. Maybe you do become friends eventually. Maybe you fall in love with him, and it hurts because he’s only ever been interested in his work.
-He’s kind to you, and he gives you things that no other husband would have. You have everything you could ever want - except for his affections.
i dont know where im going with this. Arranged marriage au i guess but add in some viktor with one of those white puffy sleeve shirts, and also so much fucking yearning
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lenny-zesty · 7 months
when i was coming up with name changes for the Murder Hornets AU there were multiple names that i debated on using before eventually settling on what they have now. so i thought hey. imma ramble and share the most interesting beta names or name origins keep reading cuz this shit's prolly long
Undying was the first name I picked for Uzi, it fits with her actual character and was one of the few good NightWing sounding names that started with a U. The only other good one was Umbra. Nightcrawler was in a super similar scenario. Turns out there aren't very many parasitic insects that start with N. There was genuinely only one other name on the list that started with N, and that was Nematode. If I'm gonna name N after a worm, I'm gonna give him a cool worm at least. I was originally going to name Junix after the jewel wasp until I remembered that there's already a canon HiveWing named Jewel. So I picked the next best thing and named her after one of the most effective predators, dragonflies. Toad and Dawn were the easiest characters to name. I couldve called them something like Tadpole and Denali, but giving them names that were so similar to their canon names was really funny to me. Vespa also had a really easy name. Why are there so many possible RainWing names that start with K. Kaffir is a type of lime, I could've gone with names like Konjac, Kudzu, or Kumbu. Something about Kaffir hooked me. Novaclaws was the most difficult character for me to name as of now. NightWings have a shitty naming system that makes them all sound like pretentious edgelords, and again, not many good names start with an N in WoF apparently.
in short, the MH characters either had easy names, one or two viable options, or way too many options
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jesidres · 5 months
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Art Nouveau dress from 1908, Museum of Arts and Crafts in Prague.
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midaskey · 2 months
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And remember... don't lose your head!
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purplesound · 14 days
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apology tour didn't save me it fucking ruined me
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souldagger · 1 year
you know how old scifi is. [quote that will haunt me for years and years] [quote that will haunt me for years and years] [quote t
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haejjoon · 9 months
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4.1 archon quest act 4 got me fucked up ohm hg ooodg
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bookishdaze · 2 months
Ok but Venus by Sleeping At Last immediately makes me think about Noa and Mae. It's a sweet love song, the title is a reference to the Roman goddess of love, but best of all, it has a telescope metaphor to describe the feeling of falling in love, so obviously I think about them!
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At first, I thought you were a constellation I made a map of your stars, then I had a revelation You're as beautiful as endless You're the universe I'm helpless in An astronomer at my best When I throw away the measurements
Like a telescope I will pull you so close 'Til no space lies in between And suddenly, I see you Suddenly, I see you
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suntails · 3 months
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strength and nobility
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b1ttersweet-dreams · 5 months
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ok ive decided - fuck it, v4v be upon ye this is my blog i do whatever i want around here additional v2 (& a bit of v1) sketches under cut bc well. favorite character
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elitadream · 5 months
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Reunion time! 😄💕
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rileyclaw · 1 year
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willow... rollerskating.... also rip the boys i guess
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moshaeu · 6 months
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it has been a long eight hundred years
from kyasuu’s where dreams are laid to rest
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las-lus · 11 months
Aziraphale lied Theory
First of all, this theory is not mine, its from @/doubleskk on Twitter and can be found HERE. Go show them some love! It's in Portuguese, so I'll do my best to translate it - blue texts are my personal additions!
This season, we have something very clear in Aziraphale's development arc: is his relationship with LIE. He lied to protect Job's children, and he lied he had performed a miracle to make Nina and Maggie fall in love. That's not counting other little lies, sprinkled throughout the season here and there.
We keep seeing Crowley say "I'm a demon, I lie", but in the big finale, we have Crowley saying the truth - the big truth, the one he has been avoiding for 6 thousand years.
All of this was to set the stage for the biggest lie of all: the lie he had to tell Crowley to fend him off and protect him.
When Metatron goes to buy the coffee, he asks Nina if people ask for death, as the name of her shop is "Give me a coffee, or give me death". What if that name is an allegory for the actual conversation between Metatron and Aziraphale?
Aziraphale may have been threatened. Either Azira goes back to heaven (coffee), or he and Crowley would have their existence erased from the Book of Life (death). So, to protect Crowley, Aziraphale had to invent a lie to make sure he got away. The Book of Life was namedropped a couple of times in the show, a Chekhov's gun that never went off - Neil is too good of a writer for that.
And Aziraphale knew that Crowley would be pissed if he agreed to go back to Heaven after everything that happened, and he knew that Crowley would never accept being an angel again. "But rescuing me makes him so happy" - Aziraphale had to make sure Crowley wouldn't realize he needed saving.
That's why he knew exactly what to say to mess with Crowley.
At 41:14 of episode 6, when Azira starts telling the (alleged) lie to Crowley, he becomes all flustered, moving his hands from side to side and stammering, SAME PATTERN as when he lies to the angels about having done the Nina and Maggie fall in love, in episode 2.
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[This part really works better with 2 videos side by side, which you cannot do on tumblr, so if you want you can check them out here]
The sequence of him talking to Metatron at the table is nothing more than an enactment of his lie. The conversation didn't go like that, Aziraphale made everything up.
And when Crowley declares himself, Aziraphale starts shaking his head in despair: not now, don't tell me that now.
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He also looks out the window as soon as the confession starts, as if he knows Metraton was watching him outside.
Then there's the kiss, Aziraphale falters for a moment, but he has to keep up with the lie and he knows he has to hurt Crowley on purpose. And after Crowley leaves, Aziraphale is MUST recover in seconds, because Metatron is coming back. Also notice that when Metatron comes back, he doesn't ask if Crowley agreed to go back to heaven or not. He just sends a "How did he take it?"
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That is, there was never any choice, and for Metatron Aziraphale was only going to break the news that he was leaving. And Aziraphale had to invent a lie to the inmates to make sure Crowley stayed away from him.
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adpndrgn · 3 months
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give her a spin
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reds-skull · 2 months
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Had the passing thought "what if Gaz had long hair" a few days ago and I just had to draw it
(Actually obsessed with 'hawked Gaz...)
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